Cascade Control System 1

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Cascade Control for Improved Disturbance Rejection

Two popular control strategies for improved disturbance rejection performance are
cascade control and feed forward with feedback trim.

Improved performance comes at a price. Both strategies require that additional

instrumentation be purchased, installed and maintained. Both also require additional
engineering time for strategy design, tuning and implementation.

The cascade architecture offers alluring additional benefits such as the ability to
address multiple disturbances to our process and to improve set point response

In contrast, the feed forward with feedback trim architecture is designed to address a
single measured disturbance and does not impact set point response performance in
any fashion (explored in a future article).

The Inner Secondary Loop

The dashed line in the block diagram below circles a feedback control loop like we have
discussed in dozens of articles on The only difference is that the
words “inner secondary” have been added to the block descriptions. The variable labels
also have a “2” after them.

SP2 = inner secondary set point
CO2 = inner secondary controller output signal
PV2 = inner secondary measured process variable signal

D2 = inner disturbance variable (often not measured or available as a signal)
FCE = final control element such as a valve, variable speed pump or compressor, etc.

The Nested Cascade Architecture

To construct a cascade architecture, we literally nest the secondary control loop inside a
primary loop as shown in the block diagram below .

Note that outer primary PV1 is our process variable of interest in this implementation.
PV1 is the variable we would be measuring and controlling if we had chosen a
traditional single loop architecture instead of a cascade.

Because we are willing to invest the additional effort and expense to improve the
performance response of PV1, it is reasonable to assume that it is a variable important
to process safety and/or profitability. Otherwise, it does not make sense to add the
complexity of a cascade structure.

Naming Conventions
Like many things in the PID control world, vendor documentation is not consistent. The
most common naming conventions we see for cascade (also called nested) loops are:

secondary and primary

inner and outer

slave and master
In an attempt at clarity, we are somewhat repetitive in this article by using labels like
“inner secondary” and “outer primary.”

Two PVs, Two Controllers, One Valve

Notice from the block diagrams that the cascade architecture has:

two controllers (an inner secondary and outer primary controller)

two measured process variable sensors (an inner PV2 and outer PV1)

only one final control element (FCE) such as a valve, pump or compressor.

How can we have two controllers but only one FCE? Because as shown in the diagram
above, the controller output signal from the outer primary controller, CO1, becomes the
set point of the inner secondary controller, SP2.

The outer loop literally commands the inner loop by adjusting its set point. Functionally,
the controllers are wired such that SP2 = CO1 (thus, the master and slave terminology
referenced above).

This is actually good news from an implementation viewpoint. If we can install and
maintain an inner secondary sensor at reasonable cost, and if we are using
a PLC orDCS where adding a controller is largely a software selection, then the task of
constructing a cascade control structure may be reasonably straightforward.

Early Warning is Basis for Success

As shown below, an essential element for success in a cascade design is the
measurement and control of an “early warning” process variable.
In the cascade architecture, inner secondary PV2 serves as this early warning process
variable. Given this, essential design characteristics for selecting PV2 include that:

it be measurable with a sensor,

the same FCE (e.g., valve) used to manipulate PV1 also manipulates PV2,

the same disturbances that are of concern for PV1 also disrupt PV2, and

PV2 responds before PV1 to disturbances of concern and to FCE manipulations.

Since PV2 sees the disruption first, it provides our “early warning” that a disturbance
has occurred and is heading toward PV1. The inner secondary controller can begin
corrective action immediately. And since PV2 responds first to final control element
(e.g., valve) manipulations, disturbance rejection can be well underway even before
primary variable PV1 has been substantially impacted by the disturbance.

With such a cascade architecture, the control of the outer primary process variable PV1
benefits from the corrective actions applied to the upstream early warning measurement

Disturbance Must Impact Early Warning Variable PV2

As shown below even with a cascade structure, there will likely be disturbances that
impact PV1 but do not impact early warning variable PV2.
The inner secondary controller offers no “early action” benefit for these outer
disturbances. They are ultimately addressed by the outer primary controller as the
disturbance moves PV1 from set point.

On a positive note, a proper cascade can improve rejection performance for any of a
host of disturbances that directly impact PV2 before disrupting PV1.

An Illustrative Example
To illustrate the construction and value of a cascade architecture, consider the liquid
level control process shown below. This is a variation on our gravity drained tanks, so
hopefully, the behavior of the process below follows intuitively from our previous
As shown above, the tank is essentially a barrel with a hole punched in the bottom.
Liquid enters through a feed valve at the top of the tank. The exit flow is liquid draining
freely by the force of gravity out through the hole in the tank bottom.

The control objective is to maintain liquid level at set point (SP) in spite of unmeasured
disturbances. Given this objective, our measured process variable (PV) is liquid level in
the tank. We measure level with a sensor and transmit the signal to a level controller
(the LC inside the circle in the diagram).

After comparing set point to measurement, the level controller (LC) computes and
transmits a controller output (CO) signal to the feed valve. As the feed valve opens and
closes, the liquid feed rate entering the top of the tank increases and decreases to raise
and lower the liquid level in the tank.

This “measure, compute and act” procedure repeats every loop sample time, T, as the
controller works to maintain tank level at set point.

The Disturbance
The disturbance of concern is the pressure in the main liquid header. As shown in the
diagram above, the header supplies the liquid that feeds our tank. It also supplies liquid
to several other lines flowing to different process units in the plant.
Whenever the flow rate of one of these other lines changes, the header pressure can be
impacted. If several line valves from the main header open at about the same time, for
example, the header pressure will drop until its own control system corrects the
imbalance. If one of the line valves shuts in an emergency action, the header pressure
will momentarily spike.

As the plant moves through the cycles and fluctuations of daily production, the header
pressure rises and falls in an unpredictable fashion. And every time the header pressure
changes, the feed rate to our tank is impacted.

Problem with Single Loop Control

The single loop architecture in the diagram above attempts to achieve our control
objective by adjusting valve position in the liquid feed line. If the measured level is
higher than set point, the controller signals the valve to close by an appropriate
percentage with the expectation that this will decrease feed flow rate accordingly.

But feed flow rate is a function of two variables:

feed valve position, and

the header pressure pushing the liquid through the valve (a disturbance).

To explore this, we conduct some thought experiments:

Thought Experiment #1: Assume that the main header pressure is perfectly constant
over time. As the feed valve opens and closes, the feed flow rate and thus tank level
increases and decreases in a predictable fashion. In this case, a single loop structure
provides acceptable level control performance.

Thought Experiment #2: Assume that our feed valve is set in a fixed position and the
header pressure starts rising. Just like squeezing harder on a spray bottle, the valve
position can remain constant yet the rising pressure will cause the flow rate through the
fixed valve opening to increase.

Thought Experiment #3: Now assume that the header pressure starts to rise at the
same moment that the controller determines that the liquid level in our tank is too high.
The controller can be closing the feed valve, but because header pressure is rising, the
flow rate through the valve can actually be increasing.

As presented in Thought Experiment #3, The changing header pressure (a disturbance)

can cause a contradictory outcome that can confound the controller and degrade control

A Cascade Control Solution

For high performance disturbance rejection, it is not valve position, but rather, feed flow
rate that must be adjusted to control liquid level.
Because header pressure changes, increasing feed flow rate by a precise amount can
sometimes mean opening the valve a lot, opening it a little, and because of the
changing header pressure, perhaps even closing the valve a bit.

Below is a classic level-to-flow cascade architecture. As shown, an inner secondary

sensor measures the feed flow rate. An inner secondary controller receives this flow
measurement and adjusts the feed flow valve.

With this cascade structure, if liquid level is too high, the primary level controller now
calls for a decreased liquid feed flow rate rather than simply a decrease in valve
opening. The flow controller then decides whether this means opening or closing the
valve and by how much.

Note in the diagram that, true to a cascade, the level controller output signal (CO1)
becomes the set point for the flow controller (SP2).

Header pressure disturbances are quickly detected and addressed by the secondary
flow controller. This minimizes any disruption caused by changing header pressure to
the benefit of our primary level control process.
The Level-to-Flow Cascade Block Diagram
As shown in the block diagram below , our level-to-flow cascade fits into our block
diagram structure. As required, there are:

Two controllers – the outer primary level controller (LC) and inner
secondary feed flow controller (FC)
Two measured process variable sensors – the outer primary liquid level
(PV1) and inner secondary feed flow rate (PV2)
One final control element (FCE) – the valve in the liquid feed stream

As required for a successful design, the inner secondary flow control loop is nested
inside the primary outer level control loop. That is:

The feed flow rate (PV2) responds before the tank level (PV1) when
the header pressure disturbs the process or when the feed valve
The output of the primary controller, CO1, is wired such that it becomes
the set point of the secondary controller, SP2.
Ultimately, level measurement, PV1, is our process variable of primary
concern. Protecting PV1 from header pressure disturbances is the goal
of the cascade.

Design and Tuning

The inner secondary and outer primary controllers are from the PID family of algorithms.
We have explored the design and tuning of these controllers in numerous articles, so as
we will see, implementing a cascade builds on many familiar tasks.

There are a number of issues to consider when selecting and tuning the controllers for a
cascade. We explore next an implementation recipe for cascade control.

When improved disturbance rejection performance is our goal, one benefit of a cascade
control (nested loops) architecture over a feed forward strategy is that implementing
a cascade builds upon our existing skills.

The cascade block diagram is presented in the graphic below and discussed in detail in
this article. As shown, a cascade has two controllers. Implementation is a familiar task
because the procedure is essentially to employ our controller design and tuning
recipe twice in sequence.

The cascade architecture variables listed in the block diagram include:

CO2 = inner secondary controller output signal to the FCE
PV2 = the early warning inner secondary process variable
SP2 = CO1 = inner secondary set point equals the outer primary controller output
PV1 = outer primary process variable
SP1 = outer primary set point
D2 = disturbances that impact the early warning PV2 before they impact PV1
FCE = final control element (e.g., a valve) is continuously adjustable between on/open
and off/closed, and that impacts PV2 before it impacts PV1
Two Bump Tests Required
Two bump tests are required to generate the dynamic process response data needed to
design and tune the two controllers in a cascade implementation.

• First the Inner Secondary Controller

A reliable procedure begins with the outer primary controller in manual
mode (open loop) as we apply the design and tuning recipe to the inner
secondary controller.

Thus, with our process steady at (or as near as practical to) its design level of
operation (DLO), we generate dynamic CO2 to PV2 process response data with
either amanual mode (open loop) bump test or a more sophisticated SP driven
(closed loop)bump test.

The objective for the inner secondary controller is timely rejection of

disturbances D2 based on the measurement of an “early warning” secondary
process variable PV2. Good disturbance rejection performance is therefore of
fundamental importance for the inner secondary controller.

Yet as shown in the block diagram above and detailed in this article, the output signal of
the outer primary controller becomes a continually updated set point for the inner
secondary controller (SP2 = CO1). Since we expect the inner secondary controller to
respond crisply to these rapidly changing set point commands, it must also be tuned to
provide good SP tracking performance.

In the perfect world, we would balance disturbance rejection and set point tracking
capability for the inner secondary controller. But we cannot shift our attention to the
outer primary controller until we have tested and approved the inner secondary
controller performance.

In production processes with streams comprised of gases, liquids, powders, slurries and
melts, disturbances are often unmeasured and beyond our ability to manipulate at will.
So while we desire to balance disturbance rejection and set point tracking performance
for the inner secondary controller, in practice, SP tracking tests tend to provide the most
direct route to validating inner secondary controller performance.

• Then the Outer Primary Controller

Once implemented, the inner secondary controller literally becomes part of
the “process” from the outer primary controller’s view.

As a result, any alteration to the inner secondary controller (e.g., tuning parameter
adjustments, algorithm modifications, sample time changes) can change the process
gain, Kp, time constant, Tp, and/or dead time, Өp, of the outer loop CO1 to PV1
dynamic response behavior. This, in turn, impacts the design and tuning of the outer
primary controller.
Thus, we must design, tune, test, accept and then “lock down” the inner secondary
controller, leaving it in automatic mode with a fixed configuration. Only then, with our
process steady and at (or very near) its DLO, can we proceed with the second bump
test to complete the design and tuning of the outer primary controller.

Software Provides Benefit

Given that the outer primary controller design and tuning is based on the specifics of the
inner secondary loop, a guess and test approach to a cascaded implementation can
prove remarkably wasteful, time consuming and expensive.

In production operations, a commercial software package that automates the controller

design and tuning tasks will pay for itself as early as a first cascade tuning project

Minimum Criteria for Success

A successful cascade implementation requires that early warning process variable PV2
respond before outer primary PV1 both to disturbances of concern (D2) and to final
control element (FCE) manipulations (e.g., a valve).

Responding first to disturbances means that the inner secondary D2 to PV2 dead
time,Өp, must be smaller than the overall D2 to PV1 dead time, or:

Өp (D2 −› PV2) < Өp (D2 −› PV1)

Responding first to FCE manipulations means that the inner secondary CO2 to PV2
dead time must be smaller than the overall CO2 to PV1 dead time, or:

Өp (CO2 −› PV2) < Өp (CO2 −› PV1)

If these minimum criteria are met, then a cascade control architecture can
show benefit in improving disturbance rejection.

P-Only vs. PI for Inner Secondary Controller

A subtle design issue relates to the choice of control algorithm for the inner
secondary controller. While perhaps not intuitive, an inner secondary P-Only
controller will provide better performance than a PI controller in many
cascade implementations.

• Defining Performance
We focus all assessment of control performance on outer primary process
variable PV1. Performance is “improved” if the cascade structure can more
quickly and efficiently minimize the impact of disturbances D2 on PV1. Given
the nature of the cascade structure, it is assumed that D2 first disrupts PV2
as it travels to PV1.
Since PV2 was selected because of its value as an early warning variable,
our interest in PV2 control performance extends only to its ability to provide
protection to outer primary process variable PV1. We are otherwise
unconcerned if PV2 displays offset, shows a large response overshoot, or
any other performance characteristic that might be considered undesirable in a
traditional measured PV.

• Is the Inner Loop “Fast” Relative to the Overall Process?

A cascade architecture with a P-Only controller on the inner secondary loop
will provide improved disturbance rejection performance over that
achievable with a traditional single loop controller if the minimum criteria for
success as discussed above are met.

A PI controller on the inner loop may provide even better performance than
P-Only, but only if the dynamic character of the inner secondary loop is
“fast” relative to that of the overall process.

If the inner secondary loop dynamic character is not sufficiently fast, then a
PI controller on the inner loop, even if properly designed and tuned, will not
perform as well as P-Only. It is even possible that a PI controller could
degrade performance to an extent that the cascade architecture performs
worse than a traditional (non-cascade) single loop controller.

• Why PI controllers Need a “Fast” Inner Loop

At every sample time T, the outer primary controller computes a controller
output signal that is fed as a new set point to the inner secondary controller
(CO1 = SP2). The inner secondary controller continually makes CO2 moves
as it works to keep PV2 equal to the ever-changing SP2.

The cascade will fail if the inner loop cannot keep pace with the rapid-fire
stream of SP2 commands. If the inner secondary controller “falls behind” (or
more specifically, if the CO2 actions induce dynamics in the inner loop that
do not settle quickly relative to the dynamic behavior of the overall process),
the benefit of the early warning PV2 measurement is lost.

A P-Only controller can provide energetic control action when tracking set
points and rejecting disturbances. Its very simplicity can be a useful
attribute in a cascade implementation because a P-Only controller quickly
completes its response actions to any control error (E2 = SP2 – PV2). While
P-Only controllers display offsetwhen operation moves from the DLO, this is
not considered a performance problem for inner secondary PV2.

With two tuning parameters, a PI controller has a greater ability to track set
points and reject disturbances. However, this added sophistication yields a
controller with a greater tendency to “roll” or oscillate. And the ability to
eliminate offset, normally considered a positive attribute for PI controllers,
can require a longer series of control actions that extends how quickly a loop

Thus, a PI controller generally needs more time (a faster inner loop) to

exploit its enhanced capability relative to that of a P-Only controller. If the
dynamic nature of a particular cascade does not provide this time, then an
inner-loop P-Only controller is the proper choice.
A cascade control architecture for the stirred jacketed reactor

Our control objective for the jacketed stirred reactor process is to minimize the impact
on reactor operation when the temperature of the liquid entering the cooling jacket
changes. We have previously explored the modes of operation and dynamic CO-to-PV
behavior of the reactor. We also have established the performance of a single loop PI
controller and a PID with CO Filter controller in this disturbance rejection application.

Here we consider a cascade architecture as a means for improving the disturbance

rejection performance in the jacketed stirred reactor.

The Single Loop Jacketed Stirred Reactor

As shown in the process graphic below (click for large view), the reactor exit stream
temperature is controlled by adjusting the flow rate of cooling liquid through an outer
shell (or cooling jacket) surrounding the main vessel.

As labeled above for the single loop case:

CO = signal to valve that adjusts cooling jacket liquid flow rate (controller output, %)
PV = reactor exit stream temperature (measured process variable, oC)
SP = desired reactor exit stream temperature (set point, oC)
D = temperature of cooling liquid entering the jacket (major disturbance, oC)
The control objective is to maintain the reactor exit stream temperature (PV) at set point
(SP) in spite of unmeasured changes in the temperature of cooling liquid entering the
jacket (D).

We measure exit stream temperature with a sensor and transmit the signal to a
temperature controller (the TC inside the circle in the diagram). After comparing SP to
PV, the temperature controller computes and transmits a CO signal to the cooling jacket
liquid flow valve.

As the valve opens and closes, the flow rate of liquid through the jacket increases and
decreases. Like holding a hot frying pan under a water faucet, higher flow rates of
cooling liquid remove more heat. Thus, a higher flow rate of cooling liquid through the
jacket cools the reactor vessel, lowering the reactor exit stream temperature.

Problems with Single Loop Control

The single loop architecture in the diagram above attempts to achieve our control
objective by adjusting the flow rate of cooling liquid through the jacket.

If the measured temperature is higher than set point, the controller signals the valve to
increase cooling liquid flow by an appropriate percentage with the expectation that this
will decrease reactor exit stream temperature accordingly.

A concern discussed in detail in this article is that the temperature of the cooling liquid
entering the jacket (D) can change, sometimes rather quickly. This can disrupt reactor
operation as reflected in the measured reactor exit stream temperature PV.

So reactor exit stream temperature PV is a function of two variables:

cooling liquid flow rate, and

the temperature of the cooling liquid entering the cooling jacket (D).

To explore this, we conduct some thought experiments:

Thought Experiment #1: Assume that the temperature of the cooling liquid entering the
jacket (D) is constant over time. If the cooling liquid flow rate increases by a certain
amount, the reactor exit stream temperature will decrease in a predictable fashion
(and vice versa). Thus, a single loop structure should provide good temperature control

Thought Experiment #2: Assume that the temperature of cooling liquid entering the
jacket (D) starts rising over time. A warmer cooling liquid can carry away less heat from
the vessel. If the cooling liquid flow rate is constant through the jacket, the reactor will
experience less cooling and the exit stream temperature will increase.
Thought Experiment #3: Now assume that the temperature of cooling liquid entering the
jacket (D) starts to rise at the same moment that the reactor exit stream temperature
moves above set point. The controller will signal for a cooling liquid flow rate increase,
yet because the cooling liquid temperature is rising, the heat removed from the reactor
vessel can actually decrease. Until further corrective action is taken, the reactor exit
stream temperature can increase.
As presented in Thought Experiment #3, the changing temperature of cooling liquid entering the
jacket (a disturbance) can cause a contradictory outcome that can confound the controller and
degrade control performance.

Cascade Control Improves Disturbance Rejection

As we established in our study of the cascade control architecture, an essential element for
success in a cascade (nested loops) design is the measurement and control of an “early
warning” process variable, PV2, as illustrated in the block diagram below

Since disruptions impact PV2 first, it provides our “early warning” that a disturbance is heading
toward our outer primary process variable, PV1. The inner secondary controller can begin
corrective action immediately. And since PV2 responds first to valve manipulations, disturbance
rejection can begin before PV1 has been visibly impacted.

A Reactor Cascade Control Architecture

The thought experiments above highlight that it is problematic to control exit stream
temperature by adjusting the cooling liquid flow rate.

An approach with potential for “tighter” control is to adjust the temperature of the cooling
jacket itself. This provides a clear process relationship in that, if we seek a higher
reactor exit stream temperature, we know we want a higher cooling jacket temperature.
If we seek a lower reactor exit stream temperature, we want a lower cooling jacket

Because the temperature of cooling liquid entering the jacket changes, increasing
cooling jacket temperature by a precise amount may mean decreasing the flow rate of
cooling liquid a lot, decreasing it a little, and perhaps even increasing the flow rate a bit.

A “cheap and easy” proxy for the cooling jacket temperature is the temperature of
cooling liquid exiting at the jacket outlet. Hence, we choose this as our inner secondary
process variable, PV2, as we work toward the construction of a nested cascade control

Adding a temperature sensor that measures PV2 provides us the early warning that
changes in D, the temperature of cooling liquid entering the jacket, are about to impact
the reactor exit stream temperature, PV1.

The addition of a second temperature controller (TC2) completes construction of a

jacketed reactor control cascade as shown in the graphic below (click for a large view).
Now, our inner secondary control loop measures the temperature of cooling liquid
exiting at the jacket outlet (PV2) and sends a signal (CO2) to the valve adjusting cooling
jacket flow rate. The valve increases or decreases the flow rate of cooling liquid if the
jacket temperature needs to fall or rise, respectively.

Our outer loop maintains reactor exit stream temperature (our process variable of
primary interest and concern) as PV1. Note in the graphic above that the controller
output of our primary controller, CO1, becomes the set point of our inner secondary
controller, SP2.

If PV1 needs to rise, the primary controller signals a higher set point for the jacket
temperature (CO1 = SP2). The inner secondary controller then decides if this means
opening or closing the valve and by how much.

Thus, variations in the temperature of cooling liquid entering the jacket (D) are
addressed quickly and directly by the inner secondary loop to the benefit of PV1.

The cascade architecture variables are identified on the above graphic and listed below:
PV2 = cooling jacket outlet temperature is our “early warning” process variable (oC)
CO2 = controller output to valve that adjusts cooling jacket liquid flow rate (%)
SP2 = CO1 = desired cooling jacket outlet temperature (oC)
PV1 = reactor exit stream temperature (oC)
SP1 = desired reactor exit stream temperature (oC)
D = temperature of cooling liquid entering the jacket (oC)

The inner secondary PV2 (cooling jacket outlet temperature) is a proper early warning
process variable because:

PV2 is measurable with a temperature sensor.

The same valve used to manipulate PV1 also manipulates PV2.

The same disturbance that is of concern for PV1 also disrupts PV2.

PV2 responds before PV1 to the disturbance of concern and to valve


Reactor Cascade Block Diagram

The jacketed stirred reactor block diagram for this nested cascade architecture is shown
As expected for a nested cascade, this architecture has:

two controllers (an inner secondary and outer primary controller)

two measured process variable sensors (an inner PV2 and outer PV1)

only one valve (to adjust cooling liquid flow rate)

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