NUH - Hello Baby

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for N e w P

Khoo Teck Puat – National University Children's Medical Institute

Introduction 4

Your Baby's First 24 to 48 Hours in NUH 5

• Screening Tests For Your Newborn Baby 6

• Universal Newborn Hearing Screening 9

• Congenital Hypothyroidism Screening 10

• Glucose-6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase (G6PD)
Deficiency Screening
• Hepatitis B Vaccine 13

• Bacille Calmette-Guerin (BCG) Vaccine 15

• Vitamin K Injection 17

• Feeding and Nutrition 18

Post Discharge Care 20

• Jaundice 21

• Normal Situations That May Worry You 23

- Spit-ups 23

- Infant Colic 24

- Infrequent Stools 26

- Umbilical Cord Care 27

- Fever in Young Infants 28

Useful Contacts 30

Introduction to Well Newborn Care in the Postnatal Wards

Dear Parents,
Congratulations on the birth of your baby! We would like to inform you about ‘routine
newborn care’ provided by our team of doctors and nurses in the next few days.
Your obstetrician has referred your baby for our care with some information about your
pregnancy and birth. We will examine your baby and speak with you during our morning
ward rounds. Your baby’s cord blood results: Glucose-6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase
(G6PD) deficiency screening and congenital hypothyroidism screening will be shared
with you. Your baby would have received one injection of Vitamin K after birth in the
delivery room. Subsequently, your baby will have his hearing screening and newborn
Our nurse will request your verbal consent for your baby’s vaccinations (BCG on the left
arm and Hepatitis B on the thigh). We recommend an additional blood test to screen
your baby for inborn errors of metabolism (IEM) and other conditions. Further details
about these tests and vaccinations are found in this booklet.
We will also examine your baby for jaundice. We use a handheld device as a screening
tool and may take blood from baby’s heel to confirm the jaundice level. If your baby
develops significant jaundice, he will undergo phototherapy (treatment for jaundice)
for about 24 hours and have additional blood tests done. Phototherapy can be done
in your room or in the nursery.
We recommend that your baby room-in with you during your entire stay. You will be
helped to breastfeed your baby and learn his feeding cues. You will also learn to change
his diapers and care for him. Our nurses and doctors will check with you about your
baby’s feeding. You may record his feeding and urine/motion output into a feeding
log. Additional information on breastfeeding and caring for your baby is available in a
separate postnatal booklet that you are given.
As you prepare to go home, we can help to schedule your baby’s appointments to
continue his care with us. Your baby’s first appointment is recommended at 2 or 3
days after discharge for a follow up check on jaundice, feeding and general wellbeing.
At discharge, our nurse will provide you with your baby’s health booklet and his
appointment card. His next vaccination will be the second dose of Hepatitis B vaccine
at 1 month of age.
Please feel free to approach our doctors or nurses on any issues concerning your baby.
Thank you.
A/Prof Zubair Amin, Head & Senior Consultant and
Dr Yvonne Ng, Senior Consultant and Clinical Director
Department of Neonatology, Khoo Teck Puat – National University Children's
Medical Institute

Your baby’s

First 24
24 to
to 48
48 Hours

in NUH

Screening Tests For
Your Newborn Baby

To ensure that your baby gets the best start

in life and stays healthy, your baby can be
screened for more than 40 rare medical
disorders. Although most babies with these
disorders look healthy at birth, they may be
at risk of having serious health problems later
in life. These may include learning difficulties,
recurrent sickness and even death if their
disorder is not detected and treated early.

Early Detection Allows Early Treatment

These disorders are rare and they affect about 1 in 3,000 births in Singapore.
By testing your baby during his first few days of life, such disorders can be
treated early, often before any sign or symptom surfaces.

The disorders in the

newborn screening include:
• Inborn Errors of Metabolism
• Cystic Fibrosis
• Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia
• Severe Combined Immune Deficiency (SCID)
• Galactosemia
• Biotinidase Deficiency

Inborn Errors of Metabolism
When the body cannot successfully breakdown (metabolise) some substances in food/milk
such as fats, protein or sugar, they can accumulate and become toxic to the body. This can
cause serious health problems.

The newborn screening looks for more than 30 metabolic related disorders in the
following categories:
Organic Acid Disorders Fatty Acid Oxidation Disorders Amino Acid Disorders

Cystic Fibrosis
This is a genetic condition that leads to accumulation of thick mucus in different organs
leading to severe chest infections and poor growth.

Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia

This is a disorder of hormone production that may affect baby’s metabolism, response to
infection, ability to regulate salt levels and sex characteristics.

Severe Combined Immune Deficiency (SCID)

This condition results in extremely poor immunity and the child can develop severe

Babies with galactosemia are unable to process lactose containing milk feeds and
ingestion of such milk may lead to liver failure.

Biotinidase Deficiency
This is a metabolic disorder whereby the body is unable to recycle biotin leading to a
deficiency. This can result in complications such as seizures, developmental delay and low
muscle tone. Babies can also have skin and hair abnormalities.

It is important to note that although these are all serious medical conditions,
early diagnosis and treatment can lead to a better outcome.

A Small Test with Big Benefits

In order to perform the screening tests, a small blood sample is
needed from your baby. A few drops of blood are collected on
special filter paper by pricking the heel. The sample is sent to the
National Expanded Newborn Screening Laboratory for analysis.

Blood samples can be taken from your baby at any time

between one day (24 hours) and seven days old. The best time
for collection is between one to three days old (24 to 72 hours). days

High Risk or Low Risk Results
When the sample has been analysed and results are available, one of the
following will occur:

Your baby’s result is Negative for all the disorders

More than 99 per cent of the babies fall into this category. It means that
your baby is at very low risk of having these disorders. The result will be
filed into your baby’s medical record. On very rare occasions, a disorder
may not be picked up on the metabolic screen.

A repeat sample is required

A second sample is needed for about one in 1,000 babies. It is usually
needed because the first sample showed borderline results, which
means it was not possible to tell whether or not a problem exists. You
will be contacted to arrange for another sample to be taken.

Your baby’s result is Positive for one of the conditions

Having a positive result does not necessarily mean that your baby
has a disorder. It only means that further testing is needed. You
will be contacted to make arrangements for a metabolic physician
to review and investigate. If a diagnosis is made, your baby will
be given appropriate treatment. It is important to know that most
babies in Singapore are screened negative. Rare but life-threatening
complications of the disorders can usually be prevented with early
diagnosis and treatment.

Get In Touch
For more information about the metabolic screen in Singapore, please ask your

Alternatively, you can contact our doctors at:

A/Prof Denise Goh Dr Chin Hui-Lin

Your baby will be screened as a part of routine newborn care. Please note that you
have the right to refuse the metabolic screen. If this is your wish, please speak to your
healthcare provider.

Content in this section is used with written permission from KK Women’s and Children’s Hospital.

Universal Newborn Hearing Screening

Why does my baby need

to have a hearing screening?
Babies who are born with hearing impairment are
at risk of delays in speech, language, intellectual,
social and emotional development. Early detection
of hearing loss, preferably by 6 months of age,
followed by the appropriate treatment will minimise
the harmful effects on your baby’s development.
Without a screening test, hearing impairment may
not be detected until much later.

When and how will my baby’s hearing be screened?

This screening test takes place within the first few days after birth before your baby’s
discharge from hospital. It is performed by a trained staff and takes about 15 to 30
minutes. The screening test is safe and will not hurt your baby in any way. The staff will
inform you of the result.
The instrument used will either be an otoacoustic emission (OAE) analyser or an
automated auditory brainstem response (AABR) analyser or both. For the OAE, a small ear
probe is placed at the opening of your baby’s ears. The instrument makes clicking sounds
and the probe listens to the responses (echoes) from your baby’s ears. For the AABR,
three jelly tab sensors are placed on your baby’s head. A soft earphone delivering clicking
sounds will evoke responses from your baby which will be recorded by the instrument.

What does it mean if my baby passes the screening?

This means that your baby’s hearing function is normal at the time of testing. However, if
you have any family history of hearing loss or have a child who was previously diagnosed
with hearing loss, please inform us.
In some babies, hearing impairment may develop gradually as a result of recurrent
ear infections, genetic factors or chronic illnesses. Hence, you need to be vigilant and
continue to monitor the behavioural responses of your child’s hearing ability according to
the checklist provided in the health booklet. If you suspect that your baby has a hearing
problem, please consult a doctor.

What if my baby does not pass the screening?

This does not necessarily mean that your baby has a hearing impairment though further
investigation will be needed. If your baby does not pass the repeat screening, a referral
will be made to an ENT (Ear, Nose and Throat) doctor who may do further tests.
It is very important to attend these appointments so that any hearing impairment can be
diagnosed early and suitable treatment provided. 9
Congenital Hypothyroidism Screening

What is congenital hypothyroidism?

It is when the body does not produce enough
thyroid hormones due to the absence or abnormal
function of the thyroid gland from the time of birth.
The thyroid gland is an endocrine organ which
produces thyroxine hormone crucial for normal
growth and development.

Why does my baby need to have the screening?

Signs of congenital hypothyroidism are very non-specific, subtle and difficult to detect.
Congenital hypothyroidism must be detected early so that your baby can be started
on replacement thyroxine soon after birth. A delay in treatment may lead to mental
and physical retardation in the baby. With adequate treatment, a baby with congenital
hypothyroidism can have normal growth and development.
A baby whose parents are well or do not have any family members with congenital
hypothyroidism can still be affected. If your family member has a history of thyroid disease,
please inform the doctors as your baby may require a repeat testing.

When and how will my baby be screened?

Congenital hypothyroidism screening is a standard newborn screening test in
Singapore. Cord blood is collected after birth for testing. The results of your baby’s
congenital hypothyroidism screening will be shared with you and a copy attached to
his health booklet.

What does it mean if my baby passes the screening?

This means that your baby does not to have congenital hypothyroidism. However, if baby
develops any symptoms or signs suggestive of low thyroid hormones (e.g., prolonged
jaundice, delayed development and growth), he needs to be reevaluated by a doctor.

What if my baby does not pass the screening?

About 1 in 3,000 babies will have very abnormal values that may indicate congenital
hypothyroidism. The doctor will advise you on further steps in management.

Glucose-6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase
(G6PD) Deficiency Screening
What is G6PD deficiency?
This is a hereditary condition where the
baby lacks the G6PD enzyme. This enzyme
is required to maintain the shape and health
of the red blood cells. The baby can develop
severe jaundice (yellowing of the eyes and
skin) which can be harmful to the brain.
Fortunately, this is preventable if assessment
and treatment for jaundice is provided
after birth.

Why does my baby need to have the screening?

Babies with G6PD deficiency can develop early and severe jaundice. Exposure to
naphthalene (mothballs), fava beans and certain medicines can cause red blood cells to
break down, leading to anaemia and jaundice.
The G6PD gene is located on the X-chromosome, so mothers may be carriers and may
pass on the gene to their children. G6PD deficiency is more likely to affect males. Children
whose parents are well or do not have any family members affected by this deficiency can
be affected by it. Please inform us if you (i.e., the mother) have brothers or nephews who
are affected or have older children who are G6PD deficient.

When and how will my baby be screened?

Cord blood collected at birth is tested. If cord blood is unavailable, baby will have his
blood taken after birth for testing.

What if my baby is G6PD-deficient?
About 2 in 100 baby boys in Singapore have G6PD deficiency. Newborns with G6PD
deficiency will need to be monitored for jaundice for at least 72 hours in hospital. Our
doctors will educate you on this condition including monitoring for jaundice, life-long
avoidance of certain substances and drugs and follow up care after discharge. Most
children grow up and live normally with this condition if they did not have severe jaundice
as a baby.

These are precautions that must be taken for the rest of your child’s life:


Inform the doctor, nurse Do not use Do not apply henna Your child cannot consume fava
or dentist that your child mothballs in your (a dye preparation beans and some medications
has G6PD deficiency at home. derived from plant, and herbs. Please refer to the list
every visit. also known as provided. Breastfeeding mothers
Mehendi) on your should not take fava beans and the
child’s skin. listed medications or herbs while

What are the medications or herbs to be

avoided should my child have G6PD deficiency?
Please consult your doctor for information on other medicines. Do not buy any
medicine for your child without consulting a doctor first.
These medicines will cause your child’s red blood cells to break down:

Antipyretics (for treating fever) Others

- Aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid) - Nalidixic acid
- Phenacetin (acetophentidin) - Phenylhydrazine
- Acetanilid - Probenecid
- Antipyrine - Vitamin K3
- Aminopyrine - Dimercaprol
Antimalarials (for preventing malaria) - Methylene blue
- Aminosalicyclic acid
- Primaquine - Pamaquine - Quinidine
- Pentaquine - Quinine - Chinese medicines containing
- Chloroquine berberine (e.g. Rhizoma coptidis 黃連,
Cortex phellodendri 黄栢)
Antibiotics (for treating infection) - Flos lonicerae (金银花)
- Nitrofurantoin - Furazolidone - Flos chimonanthi praecocis (腊梅花)
- Nitro-furazone - Sulfisoxazole - Calculus Bovis (牛黄)
- Sulfanilamide - Margaritas (pearl powder)
- Sulfamethoxazole
- Sulfamethoxy pyridine

Hepatitis B Vaccine

What Is Hepatitis B?
Hepatitis B is a serious disease caused by the Hepatitis
B Virus (HBV) that affects the liver. HBV can cause:
Acute (short-term) illness
This can lead to a loss of appetite, diarrhoea and
vomiting, tiredness, jaundice (yellow skin or eyes), and
pain in muscles, joints and stomach. These symptoms
are more common in adults. Death can occur in
severe cases.
Chronic (long term) infection
Some people go on to develop chronic Hepatitis B
infection. This can be very serious and may lead to
permanent liver damage (cirrhosis), liver cancer and
death. Chronic infection is more common when the
infection is acquired by a baby.
Although there are no visible symptoms of Hepatitis
B infection in newborns and children, the disease
process continues to progress and can cause serious
consequences later in life.

How does Hepatitis B spread?

Hepatitis B is spread through contact with the blood or other body fluids of an infected
person. Infected individuals can spread the disease to others even if they do not appear
to be sick.
A person can become infected through:

Contact with an infected mother’s blood

and body fluids at the time of birth. Contact with blood and body fluids
Thus, the newborn is at risk of getting through breaks in the skin (bites,
infected with Hepatitis B from his cuts or sores)
mother who has Hepatitis B infection

Contact with objects with blood

Having unprotected sex with an
or body fluids on them such as
infected person
toothbrushes or razors

Sharing needles when injecting drugs 13

Why should my baby receive the Hepatitis B vaccine?
Hepatitis B vaccine can prevent your baby from getting a Hepatitis B infection and its
serious effects, including liver cancer and cirrhosis. The Hepatitis B vaccine is made from
a part of the Hepatitis B virus and cannot cause Hepatitis B infection. The vaccine will give
long-term protection against Hepatitis B infection.

When should my baby be vaccinated against Hepatitis B?

The Ministry of Health (MOH) in Singapore recommends that the first dose of Hepatitis B
vaccine is given to newborns after birth. Children should complete 3 doses of the vaccine
by 6 months of age.
If the mother is infected with Hepatitis B virus, i.e. a Hepatitis B carrier, the baby should
receive the first Hepatitis B vaccine and Hepatitis B immunoglobulin (HBIG). HBIG works
best when it is given within 12 hours of birth. Your baby must complete the primary
vaccine course – three doses of Hepatitis B vaccine; first dose at birth, second dose at
1 month and third dose at 5 to 6 months. Upon completion, he should be tested for
Hepatitis B immunity 3 months after the last dose of vaccine. The mother with Hepatitis B
infection can breastfeed her baby as long as the baby has received the Hepatitis B vaccine
and HBIG.

Are there any risks involved?

Hepatitis B vaccine is a very safe vaccine. Your baby may experience temporary mild
soreness at the injection site or low-grade fever.

Bacille Calmette-Guerin (BCG) Vaccine

What is Tuberculosis (TB)?

TB is a disease caused by a germ (Mycobacterium
tuberculosis) which is spread through the air when
a contagious person coughs. TB usually affects the
lungs but it can also affect other body parts such as
the brain, kidneys or spine.

What is BCG vaccine?

The BCG vaccine is a weakened strain of
Mycobacterium tuberculosis that protects against
serious forms of TB. It is a recommended
vaccine in Singapore.

Why should my baby be vaccinated?

The TB incidence rate is 38.4 per 100,000 population in Singapore (Communicable
Diseases Surveillance in Singapore 2015, MOH, Singapore 2016). Singapore is surrounded
by countries with a higher prevalence of TB. Globally, there is a rise in drug-resistant TB
which is extremely difficult to treat with conventional antibiotics. MOH upholds the World
Health Organization’s (WHO) recommendation to give a single dose of BCG vaccine to
babies after birth in countries where TB is prevalent.
BCG vaccination at birth has been shown to be highly effective in preventing the serious
forms of childhood TB such as TB meningitis and disseminated TB which can potentially
be fatal. Overall protection of BCG vaccine in preventing such serious forms of TB is 75 to
86% (Up to date 2017).

Who should not be vaccinated?

A baby with known or suspected immunodeficiency should not receive the BCG
vaccine. Please inform us if you have another child or a close family member with
immunodeficiency disorders.

How is the vaccine given?

The BCG vaccine is given by an injection in the skin (intradermal) on the left upper arm.
Your baby will receive the BCG vaccine before being discharged from hospital.

What is the expected reaction?
Your baby may experience redness and/or a small lump at the injection site within 2
to 4 weeks after the vaccination. This is followed by a small ulcer (an open sore which
may ooze). The ulcer is usually around 1cm in diameter and may last for a few weeks
before healing to a small flat scar, usually by 3 months.

How do I care for the injection site?

Keep the area clean and dry. Carefully pat the area dry after bathing your baby. A
temporary dry dressing with gauze may be used if the area starts to ooze. Change the
dressing daily. There is no need to apply antibiotic creams. If lymph nodes near the
injection area become very swollen and painful or if there is a large abscess, bring your
baby to the hospital immediately.

You may visit these sites for more information:

Centres For Disease Control and Prevention (United States)

Ministry of Health Singapore

Vitamin K Injection

Why is Vitamin K important?

Vitamin K helps the body to form clots
and stop bleeding. It usually comes from
the food we consume and is also made
by the bacteria that live in our large
intestines. Babies are born with very low
stores of vitamin K because very little
vitamin K passes from the mother through
the placenta to the baby. As breast milk
contains relatively low amounts of vitamin
K, exclusively-breastfed babies do not
get enough vitamin K from breast milk
alone. All these factors can lead to serious
bleeding problems if babies are not given
the vitamin K injection at birth.
The vitamin K injection is the most effective
method of supplementation to prevent
vitamin K deficiency bleeding. There is no
side effect other than transient discomfort
during injection.

Why does my baby need the Vitamin K injection?

The vitamin K injection for babies is recommended to prevent the rare but
sometimes fatal condition of vitamin K deficiency bleeding. This practice is
the standard of care in Singapore. It is also a WHO recommendation. Vitamin
K is given as a single injection in the baby's thigh soon after birth in the
delivery room.

Can my baby receive the medicine by mouth instead of by injection?

Administering vitamin K orally is not a proven way of preventing vitamin K deficiency
bleeding. If you choose not to have the vitamin K injection for your baby and prefer it
to be given orally, your baby would remain at an increased risk of vitamin K deficiency
bleeding, including bleeding in the brain for up to 3 months.

Feeding & Nutrition
NUH is the first Singapore hospital to be awarded the Baby Friendly Hospital Initiative
(BFHI) accreditation in 2013. We support every mother in breastfeeding her baby from
birth and have implemented the ‘10 Steps to Successful Breastfeeding’. We adhere to the
International Code of Marketing of Breast Milk Substitutes. During your antenatal visits
to NUH, you would have learnt about benefits and management of breastfeeding. We
encourage you to have early skin-to-skin contact with your baby and breastfeed him soon
after birth.

Why is breastfeeding
best for my baby?
Breast milk is nutritionally complete for
your baby. It is a rich source of antibodies
and immune factors that protect your baby
against common infections such as lung
infection, middle ear infection and diarrhoea.
Breastfed babies are less likely to become
obese children and adults. They may be less
likely to develop chronic illnesses such as
asthma, allergies, childhood leukaemia
and diabetes.

How often should I breastfeed my baby?

24 hours

Mother’s first milk Some mothers may have

(colostrum) is produced engorgement before milk
only in small amounts in the production, while milk flows easily
first 24 hours after birth without engorgement for others

End of the week 2-3 days

after delivery after delivery

Mature breast milk production Milk production will occur

happens by the end of the week at about second or third
after delivery and averages day after delivery
around 600ml per day

In the hospital, you will be guided to feed your baby based on his early feeding
cues instead of a scheduled timing. Babies usually breastfeed about 8 to 10 times
a day. We encourage you to room in with your baby.

Your baby will pass dark, sticky meconium for the first 1 to 2 days before his stools change
to soft brownish or greenish stools and finally yellow stools by day 4 to 5 of life. Your baby
will pass lots of clear urine after your milk comes in. Keep a diary of feeding, urine and
stool changes. You may also wish to take photos of your baby's stools to help you keep
track. Other signs that breastfeeding is going on well are that baby latches and suckles
contentedly and you do not experience breast or nipple pain.

What challenges can I expect?

As breast milk naturally takes 2 to 3 days to come in, do not expect your baby to consume
a large volume of milk in the first few days. If you feel that you have insufficient breast milk
or if your baby is unsettled, unusually sleepy or latches with difficulty, inform us.

If you have concerns that you may not be able to exclusively breastfeed due to your
medical condition or past experiences, do inform us. Our nurses will advise you on how to
prepare and feed formula milk if your baby requires supplementation for medical reasons.

For further assistance, you may contact the NUH breastfeeding helpline at 9722 0376
(Mon – Fri, 8am – 8pm).

The NUH guide - Breastfeeding for You and Your Baby - is
available as a physical flipchart at your bedside. The UNICEF
baby friendly website also provides reliable information on
breastfeeding and formula feeding for parents

Post Discharge


What is Jaundice?
Jaundice is the presence of a chemical
called bilirubin in the blood caused by a
breakdown of red blood cells. Most babies
develop jaundice in the first few days after
birth as their still-developing liver is unable
to remove bilirubin efficiently. Jaundice
usually goes away by the end of the
second week of life.

How to tell if my baby is jaundiced?

In jaundiced babies the skin appears yellow. However,
jaundice may be harder to see in babies with darker skin.
Jaundice appears first in the face and then progresses
to the chest, abdomen, arms and legs as the bilirubin
level increases. The whites of the eyes will also be yellow.
In addition, jaundice in the palms and soles generally
indicates severe jaundice.

When should my baby be checked?

It is important for your baby to be seen by a doctor when he is between 3 and 5 days
old because this is usually when a baby’s bilirubin level is at its highest. We can perform
a quick non-invasive skin-test for jaundice and/or a blood test to confirm your baby's
jaundice level.

Which babies require more attention?
All babies should be seen for jaundice check between days 3 and 5 of life. If your baby
has any of the following conditions, he is at higher risk of becoming jaundiced:

A high bilirubin level before Born premature (more than 2 Jaundice had occurred
leaving the hospital or had weeks before the expected in the first 24 to 48 hours
received phototherapy due date) after birth

G6PD deficiency A lot of bruising or bleeding Poor feeding and excessive

under the scalp weight loss

A parent or sibling who had

high bilirubin levels and
received phototherapy

What should I do if my baby has jaundice?

It is important for your baby to attend the follow-up visit on day 3 to 5 of life at NUH or at
a polyclinic and to continue with follow-up visits as determined by the doctor.
If your baby’s jaundice level is high, the doctor will advise that your baby be admitted to
the hospital for phototherapy. He will be placed undressed under visible blue light, which
breaks down bilirubin into harmless substances to be passed out in urine and stools.
Jaundice can be dangerous if the bilirubin reaches very high levels. Severe jaundice may
cause irreversible brain damage and hearing loss.

Normal Situations That
May Worry You
Spitting up or regurgitation usually happens after a feed when a baby brings up a small
amount of stomach contents such as fresh or curdled milk. About half of all babies spit up
during their first three months. Vomiting is a more forceful expulsion of larger quantities
of stomach contents. It can indicate a severe degree of reflux or more serious conditions
(obstruction of the intestines or an infection).

Why do spit-ups happen?

Muscles between the oesophagus and the stomach act like a valve and prevent stomach
contents from coming back up into the oesophagus. In babies, this mechanism takes time
to develop and until then, spit-ups are common. Premature babies have weaker muscles
and are more prone to spit-ups. Spit-ups also worsen if your baby’s stomach becomes very
full or when he strains.

Will spit-ups affect the nutrition and growth of my baby?

Normal spit-ups do not affect your baby's well-being. Parents usually overestimate the
size of the spit-ups as it spreads over the linen or clothing. If your baby is not disturbed
by this and is growing well (your doctor can confirm that during the periodic checks), you
need not worry. Most babies stop spitting up by about 6 months of age.

How do I recognise a more serious problem that needs attention?

Spit-ups may not be normal if:
• Spit-ups is green or contains blood
• A significant increase in spit-ups
• Spit-ups associated with other symptoms like fever, diarrhoea, blood in
stools and bloating of tummy
• Your baby appears to be fussy, arching his back and neck and reduces milk intake by
more than 50%
• Your baby has slow weight gain

What can I do to reduce spit-ups in my baby?
A. Volume of feeds
Feed to satisfy the baby; do not overfeed or have a target volume in mind for your baby to finish. If
your baby is prone to spit-ups, small but frequent volume feeds may help.

B. Positioning
Feed in a slightly upright position. Keep your baby upright for at least 20 to 30 minutes after
feeding. Avoid activities that put pressure on your baby’s stomach, for instance, active play or
massaging, soon after feeds. Your baby should always sleep on his back. You may elevate the head
end of the bed slightly (about 30 degrees from level ground).

C. Burping
Burp your baby to expel air and reduce stomach pressure. It can be done in between or after feeds.

D. Medical treatment
Some babies with severe reflux are treated with medication. Your baby’s doctor will advise you on
other feeding techniques as well.

Infant Colic
This is often suspected by parents of babies during periods of fussing and crying which
are otherwise normal infant behaviour.

How do I know if my baby has colic?

Your baby may have colic if you notice these behaviour:
a) Inconsolable crying – Your baby has intense periods of crying and appears to be in pain.
b) A pattern to the crying episodes – These episodes occur at a certain time of the day,
usually in late evenings. These crying spells may last for many minutes in between calm
c) Your baby is well otherwise – Growing well and not sick.

Why does my baby have colic?

The exact cause of colic is unknown. Some believe that it is a response to pain which
comes from hypersensitivity of the intestines to stretch. How a baby and parents process
pain, crying or anxiety differ and this may explain why some babies have colic while others
do not.

Will repeated episodes of colic affect my baby in the long run?
Colic is self-resolving. Most babies stop being colicky by 3 months. Colic does not
have any permanent consequences or complications. It does not affect your baby’s

re there medications to treat colic?

There are no proven medications to stop colic. However, there are many over-the-counter
medications that claim to be effective in treating colic. You may wish to discuss with your
baby’s doctor before using any over-the-counter medications.

How can I help my baby?

Here are some practical tips:

Try to identify the reason for crying. Is your baby hungry? Is he too hot
Identify or cold? Does he require a diaper change? Does he need some human
interaction or change in position? Is he feeling unwell?

Small frequent feeds with intermittent burping may help. Sometimes

babies fuss over a particular nipple, bottle or milk flow or even the
Feed taste of the formula. It is worthwhile trying to trouble shoot and see if
changing these helps your baby.

You can try carrying your baby, gently rocking, playing music, singing
Comfort to your baby or giving him or her a gentle tummy massage.

If you find that you are getting exhausted in taking care of your baby
or if you are stressed or feeling angry, please accept the help of other
Cope family members to allow you respite from caring for your baby. Never
shake or rock your baby vigorously.

Infrequent Stools
Many parents often become distressed over their baby’s infrequent stooling while the baby
may not seem to be bothered about it at all. While infrequent stooling is common, infant
constipation is not. It helps to know the variations in stooling pattern in infancy.

What is the normal stooling pattern in a baby?

Your baby’s stooling pattern is unique and cannot be compared to another baby. However, the
following recognisable changes in stooling have been noticed to occur in a baby’s early life.
A baby usually passes 2 to 5 dark tarry stools per day called meconium in the first 2 to 3 days of
life, followed by transitional stools which are watery and changes from green to yellow in colour.
Beyond the first week up to the second month of life, breastfed babies have frequent soft,
seedy, bright yellow stools. Stool frequency usually decreases to 2 to 3 times per day of pasty
(consistency of peanut butter or toothpaste) yellow, green, brown stools. After the second
month, variations in stooling include passing motion after every feed (it is not diarrhoea) to
passing large motion once in 5 to 7 days (this is not constipation). These situations do not cause
your baby any discomfort.
Once your baby has started on solids, there is more variation in stool colour, smell, frequency
and consistency.

My baby shows discomfort while passing motion. Is this normal?

It is normal for babies to strain, go red in the face, lift up their thighs onto their tummy or even
make throaty noises during the passing of motion. Their tummy muscles are not as strong as
those of older children and they will have to adopt other maneuvers to open their bowel. This
should not be taken as a sign of constipation.

When should I suspect that my baby has constipation?

Although it is rare, constipation may be suspected if your baby demonstrates the following:
a) Hard pellet-like stools or formed stools with furrows and cracks on them
b) A change in stool consistency (harder) or frequency (less frequent)
c) Blood-streaked firm stools
d) Infrequent stools which cause the abdomen to bloat. Your baby may feed less or even spit up
more and these symptoms disappear the day your baby passes motion.

When should my baby see a doctor?

You may consult your baby's doctor if you're worried about your baby's stooling behaviour.
Information about your baby’s stooling behaviour since birth, diet and a description of stools
including photos may help. The doctor will examine your baby and may order relevant tests to
investigate further.

Umbilical Cord Care
The umbilical cord stump typically will dry and fall off within 2 weeks after birth. There may
be a little blood when the stump falls off. Meantime, treat the area gently.
Contact your baby's doctor if there is a lot of foul-smelling discharge or the skin becomes
red and swollen. These may be signs of an infection.

How do I care for my baby's umbilical cord?

✓ DO: ✘ DO NOT:
Fold down the diaper Pull on the stump before
so that the stump is it is fully detached as it
exposed to air may cause bleeding

Observe for redness,

bleeding or foul- Use medicated oil or
smelling discharge powder on your baby's
Use moist cotton swabs
to clean the stump and
use a fresh cotton swab
for each swipe. Keep
the stump clean and dry
at all times

Continue to clean the

base after the stump
falls off until the skin
heals over

Fever in Young Infants

What is fever?
Fever is an elevation in body temperature above normal. Because of the normal variation
in body temperature (36.5°C to 37.5°C) and the different ways body temperature is
measured, there is no single value that is defined as fever. However, the following values
are generally accepted as fever in an infant:

Rectal Axillary (armpit)

temperature temperature
38°C 37.5°C
(100.4°F) (99.5°F)

What causes fever?

There are many causes of fever in infants and young children:

Infection is an important cause of fever in infants. Although

most fevers are due to minor viral infections, fever may also be a
symptom of more serious bacterial infections such as pneumonia,
urinary tract infection, septicaemia (infection of the blood) or
meningitis (infection of the brain and its coverings).

Newborns may develop low grade fever (37.5°C to 38.5°C) if they

become dehydrated because of inadequate feeding. They would
have lost excessive weight since birth with a decreased amount of
urine and stools.

Bundling (overwrapping) can increase the temperature slightly.

However, a temperature of 38.5°C or greater is unlikely to be
related to bundling.

How do I measure my baby’s temperature?
Digital thermometers, which are widely available, are preferred for measuring your baby's
temperature. Glass thermometers containing mercury are not recommended for children
because of the risk of breakage and mercury ingestion.
The site of measurement depends on several factors. Rectal temperature is the most
accurate but may be distressing for a baby especially if measurements need to be taken
repeatedly. Axillary temperature (in the armpit) is a suitable alternative for an infant.
You should keep the tip of the thermometer in the armpit for a sufficiently long time by
holding the baby's elbow against the side of his chest. Temperatures measured in the ear
or on the forehead are less accurate.

Rectal temperature is Temperatures measured in the ear or on

Axillary temperature (in
the most accurate but the forehead are less accurate.
the armpit) is a suitable
may be distressing for
alternative for an infant.
a baby

When should I consult a doctor if my baby has a fever?

Infants less than 3 months old with a temperature of 38°C or above, regardless of how well
they appear, should be evaluated as soon as possible in the hospital. These infants should
not receive fever medications until you have consulted a doctor.
If your baby has a fever and any of the following signs, it may suggest a more serious
illness. Go to the Children’s Emergency immediately if your baby:
• Has breathing difficulties
• Refuses to drink or is too ill to drink
• Appears blue or pale
• Appears inactive and is difficult to rouse
• Has abnormal movements of the eyes, limbs or face
• Has frequent forceful vomiting

About the Khoo Teck Puat – National University Children's Medical Institute
The KTP-NUCMI is the paediatric arm of the National University Hospital and comprises
the Departments of Paediatrics, Paediatric Surgery and Neonatology. We provide
comprehensive and specialised medical and surgical services for newborns, children
and adolescents, and are the only public hospital in Singapore that offers paediatric
kidney and liver transplant programmes. Through a generous gift from the estate of
Khoo Teck Puat, we have set up an integrated outpatient facility with medical, diagnostic
and rehabilitation services.

Useful Contacts
NUH Children's Emergency
General Enquiry:
(65) 6772 2555

Khoo Teck Puat – National University Children’s Medical Institute (NUHkids)

Operating Hours:
8.30am – 5.30pm (Mon to Fri); Email:
8.30am – 12.30pm (Sat)

General Enquiry: (65) 6772 5736

Appointment Line: (65) 6772 2002 Website:

Fax: (65) 6776 2102

Breastfeeding Helpline: 9722 0376

(Mon to Fri, 8am - 8pm)

Educational disclaimer: The information provided in this publication is meant purely

for educational purposes and may not be used as a substitute for medical diagnosis or
treatment. You should seek the advice of your doctor or a qualified healthcare provider
before starting any treatment or if you have any questions related to your health, physical
fitness or medical condition.

Information is correct at the time of printing (February 2020) and subject to revision
without prior notice.

National University Hospital
5 Lower Kent Ridge Road, Singapore 119074
Tel: (65) 6779 5555

Company Registration No. 198500843R

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced

without permission in writing from the National University Hospital.

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