Activity 4 (Blood Banking)
Activity 4 (Blood Banking)
Activity 4 (Blood Banking)
All people have a blood type (A, B, AB, or O). Everyone also has an Rh factor (positive or negative). There
can be a problem if a mother and baby have a different blood type and Rh factor.
HDN happens most often when a Rh-negative mother has a baby with a Rh-positive father. If the baby's Rh
factor is positive, like their father's, this can be an issue if the baby's red blood cells cross to the Rh-
negative mother.
This often happens at birth when the placenta breaks away. But it may also happen any time the mother’s
and baby's blood cells mix. This can occur during a miscarriage or fall. It may also happen during a prenatal
test. These can include amniocentesis or chorionic villus sampling. These tests use a needle to take a
sample of tissue. They may cause bleeding.
The Rh-negative mother’s immune system sees the baby's Rh positive red blood cells as foreign. Your
immune system responds by making antibodies to fight and destroy these foreign cells. Your immune
system stores these antibodies in case these foreign cells come back again. This can happen in a future
pregnancy. You are now Rh sensitized.
Rh sensitization normally isn’t a problem with a first pregnancy. Most problems occur in future pregnancies
with another Rh-positive baby. During that pregnancy, the mother's antibodies cross the placenta to fight
the Rh-positive cells in the baby's body. As the antibodies destroy the cells, the baby gets sick. This is
called erythroblastosis fetalis during pregnancy. Once the baby is born, it’s called HDN.
The following can raise your risk for having a baby with HDN:
Rh negative mother and have a Rh-positive baby but haven’t received treatment.
Rh negative mother and have been sensitized. This can happen in a past pregnancy with a Rh-positive baby.
Due to an injury or test in this pregnancy with a Rh-positive baby.
HDN is about 3 times more common in white babies than in African-American babies.
HDN can cause symptoms similar to those caused by other conditions. To make a diagnosis, the child’s
healthcare provider will look for blood types that cannot work together. Sometimes this diagnosis is made
during pregnancy. It will be based on results from the following tests:
Blood test. Testing is done to look for Rh positive antibodies in your blood.
Ultrasound. This test can show enlarged organs or fluid buildup in your baby.
Amniocentesis. This test is done to check the amount of bilirubin in the amniotic fluid. In this test, a
needle is put into your abdominal and uterine wall. It goes through to the amniotic sac. The needle
takes a sample of amniotic fluid.
Percutaneous umbilical cord blood sampling. This test is also called fetal blood sampling. In this
test, a blood sample is taken from your baby’s umbilical cord. The child’s healthcare provider will
check this blood for antibodies, bilirubin, and anemia.
Testing of your baby's umbilical cord. This can show your baby’s blood group, Rh factor, red blood
cell count, and antibodies.
Testing of the baby's blood for bilirubin levels.
A healthcare provider will check your baby’s blood flow with an ultrasound.
This test puts red blood cells into the baby's circulation. In this test, a needle is placed through the uterus. It
goes into the baby’s abdominal cavity to a vein in the umbilical cord. The baby may need sedative medicine
to keep him or her from moving. There may need to have more than 1 transfusion.
Early delivery
If the baby gets certain complications, they may need to be born early. They may induce labor may once
the baby has mature lungs. This can keep HDN from getting worse.
In this test, the baby is put under a special light. This helps your baby get rid of extra bilirubin.
This test removes the baby’s blood that has a high bilirubin level. It replaces it with fresh blood that has a
normal bilirubin level. This raises the baby’s red blood cell count. It also lowers their bilirubin level. In this
test, the baby will alternate giving and getting small amounts of blood. This will be done through a vein or
artery. The baby may need to have this procedure again if their bilirubin levels stay high.
IVIG is a solution made from blood plasma. It contains antibodies to help the baby's immune system. IVIG
reduces the baby’s breakdown of red blood cells. It may also lower their bilirubin levels.
HDN can be prevented. Almost all women will have a blood test to learn their blood type early in pregnancy.
If you’re Rh negative and have not been sensitized, you’ll get a medicine called Rh immunoglobulin
(RhoGAM). This medicine can stop your antibodies from reacting to your baby’s Rh-positive cells. Many
women get RhoGAM around week 28 of pregnancy.
If your baby is Rh positive, you’ll get a second dose of medicine within 72 hours of giving birth. If your baby
is Rh negative, you won’t need a second dose
1. Metcalf RA, Khan J, Andrews J, Mayock D, Billimoria Z, Pagano MB. Severe ABO Hemolytic Disease of
the Newborn Requiring Exchange Transfusion. J Pediatric Hematology Oncol. 2019 Nov;41(8):632-
634. [PubMed]
2. Noronha SA. Acquired and Congenital Hemolytic Anemia. Pediatric Rev. 2016 Jun;37(6):235-46. [PubMed]
3. Naiman JL. On Dr. Louis K. Diamond's 1932 article and subsequent contributions to erythroblastosis fetalis.
J Pediatric Hematology Oncol. 2001 Nov;23(8):550-3. [PubMed]
4. ACOG Practice Bulletin No. 192: Management of Alloimmunization During Pregnancy. Obstetric
Gynecol. 2018 Mar;131(3): e82-e90. [PubMed]
5. Murray NA, Roberts IA. Haemolytic disease of the newborn. Arch Dis Child Fetal Neonatal Ed.
2007 Mar;92(2): F83- [PMC free article] [PubMed]
6. Delaney M, Matthews DC. Hemolytic disease of the fetus and newborn: managing the mother, fetus, and
newborn. Hematology Am Soc Hematol Educ Program. 51. [PubMed]
7. Practice Bulletin No. 181: Prevention of Rh D Alloimmunization. Obstet Gynecol. 2017 Aug;130(2):
e57- e70. [PubMed]
At the end of activity 4, the student intern must be able to:
1. Describe the etiology and epidemiology of hemolytic disease of the fetus and newborn.
2. Identify the laboratory tests involved in the diagnosis of HDFN during pregnancy.
3. Discuss the different causes and classify the levels of HDFN
4. Discuss the management of hemolytic disease of the fetus and newborn including RhIG
5. Discuss the history of Rh immune globulin and identify its clinical utility, mechanism of action, how it
is used, when it should be given to women at risk of HDFN due to anti-D.
Cognitive Application
1. Create a reference guide on the etiology and epidemiology of hemolytic disease of the fetus and
2. Create a flip chart of the laboratory tests for easy reference involved in the diagnosis of HDFN
during pregnancy.
3. Create a worksheet that illustrate the different causes and levels of HDFN
4. Create a decision table in managing hemolytic disease of the fetus and newborn including RhIG
5. Create a worksheet that enumerate the history of Rh immune globulin and identify its clinical utility,
mechanism of action, how it is used, when it should be given to women at risk of HDFN due to anti-
Psychomotor Application
1. Perform the mother and Infant testing procedures in the correct sequence
2. Perform titration and describe the results titer of anti-D as it pertains to HDFN.
Note: If the task is a hands-on procedure that requires manual Online video-on
dexterity, this shall be performed in the clinical site when face-to- demand (you
face session is allowed, however if a face-to-face session is not tube, etc.)
(yet) feasible, as alternative, watch related valid online videos for
procedure familiarization.
5. Take the summative examination for Activity-3 on the
scheduled dates.
6. Take the oral examination on the assigned “On the Job”
7. Take the comprehensive (shifting) examination on
Activity-3 on the assigned on the scheduled dates
8. Report and consult with your clinical instructor for your
examination results.
Activity 4
Source: Ree IMC, Smits-Wintjens VEHJ, van der Bom JG, van Klink JMM,
Oepkes D, Lopriore E. Neonatal management and outcome in alloimmune
hemolytic disease. Expert Rev Hematol. 2017 Jul;10(7):607-616.
Basu S, Kaur R, Kaur G. Hemolytic disease of the fetus and newborn: Current
trends and perspectives. Asian J Transfus Sci. 2011 Jan;5(1):3-7. [PMC free
de Haas M, Thurik FF, Koelewijn JM, van der Schoot CE. Haemolytic disease of
the fetus and newborn. Vox Sang. 2015 Aug;109(2):99-113.
2. Identify the laboratory
tests involved in the ABO/Rh typing and an antibody screen are recommended for all
diagnosis of HDFN pregnant women to assess the risk of HDFN development, identify
during pregnancy. alloantibodies, and determine the need for anti-D immune globulin
Activity 4
Christensen RD, Agarwal AM, George TI, et al. Acute neonatal bilirubin
encephalopathy in the State of Utah 2009-2018. Blood Cells Mol Dis. 2018;72:10-
Urbaniak SJ , Greiss MA . RhD haemolytic disease of the fetus and the newborn.
Blood Rev. 2000;14:44–61.
Garratty G , Glynn SA , McEntire R . ABO and Rh(D) phenotype frequencies of
different racial/ethnic groups in the United States. Transfusion. 2004;44:703–6.
4. Discuss the
management of Management of Hemolytic disease of the newborn includes:
hemolytic disease of the Phototherapy using blue lights to convert bilirubin to a form
fetus and newborn which makes the body get easier to get rid of
Exchange transfusion removes circulating bilirubin and
including RhIG antibody-coated RBCs, replacing them with RBCs compatible
administration with maternal serum and providing albumin with new bilirubin
binding sites.
RhIg which includes intravenous immunoglobulin
administration to help protect the baby’s red blood cells from
getting destroyed.
Source: Josephson CD, Sloan SR. Pediatric transfusion medicine. In: Hoffman
R, Benz EJ, Silberstein LE, et al, eds. Hematology: Basic Principles and
Practice. 7th ed. Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier; 2018:chap 121.
Activity 4
If you're Rh negative and have not been sensitized, you'll get a medicine
called Rh immunoglobulin (RhoGAM). This medicine can stop your
antibodies from reacting to your baby's Rh-positive cells. Many women
are given RhoGAM around the 28th week of pregnancy.
Activity 4
INSTRUCTION: Read and analyze each case carefully and answer the given questions. Search from
PRINTED OR ONLINE valid related cases to back-up your answers. Follow this template (cut this
page or copy paste) for your answers and submit it according to the instruction of your instructor.
Kaplan M, Wong RJ, Burgis JC, Sibley E, Stevenson DK. Neonatal jaundice and
liver diseases. In: Martin RJ, Fanaroff AA, Walsh MC, eds. Fanaroff and Martin's
Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine. 11th ed. Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier; 2020:chap 91.
Kliegman RM, St. Geme JW, Blum NJ, Shah SS, Tasker RC, Wilson KM. Blood
disorders. In: Kliegman RM, St. Geme JW, Blum NJ, Shah SS, Tasker RC, Wilson
KM, eds. Nelson Textbook of Pediatrics. 21st ed. Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier;
2020:chap 124.
2. The antibody screen is
positive. What is the Diagnosis for HDFN
next plan of action to Anatomy ultrasound - a high-resolution ultrasound to assess
organs for any enlargement. When a fetus is anemic the organs
help diagnose an
can be enlarged.
impending HDFN? Amniocentesis - a medical procedure in which a small amount
of amniotic fluid is extracted and then studied in the lab to
screen for genetic abnormalities
Reference: Hemolytic disease of the fetus & newborn (HDFN): Diagnosis &
treatment. (n.d.). Nationwide Children's Hospital.
3. A one-day old baby with
severe jaundice is Babies with jaundice have a yellow coloring of the skin and eyes. This
undergoing photo happens when there is too much bilirubin in the baby's blood.
therapy. The mother’s
Babies with jaundice will get a blood test to check bilirubin levels.
blood type is O positive Sometimes, a light machine that measures bilirubin in the skin is used.
and this baby is A But if the level is high, a blood test must confirm the result.
positive. What is the
probable cause of the Mild jaundice goes away after 1 or 2 weeks as a baby's body gets rid of
jaundice? the extra bilirubin on its own. For newborns with breastfeeding jaundice,
mothers should breastfeed the baby more often. If the baby is not
getting enough breast milk, the doctor may suggest supplementing with
Activity 4
Kaplan M, Wong RJ, Burgis JC, Sibley E, Stevenson DK. Neonatal jaundice and
liver diseases. In: Martin RJ, Fanaroff AA, Walsh MC, eds. Fanaroff and Martin's
Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine. 11th ed. Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier; 2020:chap 91.
Kliegman RM, St. Geme JW, Blum NJ, Shah SS, Tasker RC, Wilson KM. Blood
disorders. In: Kliegman RM, St. Geme JW, Blum NJ, Shah SS, Tasker RC, Wilson
KM, eds. Nelson Textbook of Pediatrics. 21st ed. Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier;
2020:chap 124.
5. A patient has just
reported to the Anti-Kell is a condition in which the antibodies in a pregnant woman's
laboratory for a pre- blood cross the placenta and destroy her baby's red blood cells,
natal blood work. resulting in severe anemia.
Results were: ABO/Rh
IUT - Intrauterine Transfusion (IUT) is done either by intraperitoneal
type – O Rh positive. transfusion (IPT) or intravenous transfusion (IVT). IVT is preferred over
The antibody screen is IPT. IUTs are only done until 35 weeks. After that, the risk of an IUT is
positive and the greater than the risk from post birth transfusion.
identified antibody is
anti-K. What would be Reference:
the next step to help this P. Collinet et al., Successful treatment of extremely severe fetal anemia due to
Kell alloimmunization (Obstet Gynecol 2002)
young mother to avoid
HDFN? M.E. Caine et al., Kell sensitization in pregnancy (Am J Obstet Gynecol
Activity 4
INSTRUCTION: Perform the following in the clinical site when FEASIBLE or read the procedures
from PRINTED or ONLINE references, and WATCH related VIDEOS for procedure familiarization.
Follow this template (cut this page or copy paste) for your answers and submit it according to the
instruction of your instructor. Use additional page if needed. PLEASE INDICATE THE SOURCE/S OF
Activity 4
Intern’s Performance Evaluation
Learner’s Notes
Date: April 30, 2024
Activity 4
Intern’s Performance Evaluation
Activity 4
Intern’s Performance Evaluation
Activity 4
Intern’s Performance Evaluation
Note: Please submit with this form together with your summative examination.
At the end of lesson 4, the student was Total No. of No. of % Remarks
able to: Items Correct
1. Describe the etiology and
epidemiology of hemolytic disease
of the fetus and newborn.
2. Identify the laboratory tests involved
in the diagnosis of HDFN during
3. Categorize the different causes and
classify the levels of HDFN.
4. Discuss the management of
hemolytic disease of the fetus and
newborn including RhIG
5. Discuss the history of Rh immune
globulin and identify its clinical
utility, mechanism of action, how it
is used, when it should be given to
women at risk of HDFN due to anti-
Over-all Performance
Instructor’s Signature/Date