2009-06 - 4E Adventure - L7 - Heart of The Forbidden Forge
2009-06 - 4E Adventure - L7 - Heart of The Forbidden Forge
2009-06 - 4E Adventure - L7 - Heart of The Forbidden Forge
of the
By Luke Johnson
An adventure for 7th-level characters
illustrations by Matt Cavotta, Francis Tsai and Empty
Room Studio [David Hammond, and Frank Wall]
cartography by Sean Macdonald
TM & © 2009 Wizards of the Coast LLC All rights reserved.
June 20 09 | D u n g e o n 16 7
Heart of the Forbidden Forge
The Kech Shaarat goblins have numerous schemes The forge’s importance was not lost on other a deal with Jelia: For triple the normal fee, the goblins
to unite the Dhakaani clans under the Bladebearer forces. Shortly before the Mourning ended the Last would help her find the forge, set it up and running,
banner. One such plan focused on beating the Word- War, a group of irregular special forces, thought and then relinquish control of it to Breland. In return,
bearer goblins to an artifact called the Ashen Crown. to be a freelance mercenary team in service to Jelia promised to share her secrets with the group’s arti-
A group of adventurers defeated the goblins in this the Karrnathi government, collapsed the forge’s ficers. Jelia realized that her new allies were dangerous,
quest, but other missions are moving forward. One entrance, trapping everyone inside. Haestus and the but she felt that she could handle them. In her haste,
involves the capture of a destroyed creation forge and other artificers died slowly. she failed to do enough legwork to discover Valsath and
the forbidden creature within it. The Bladebearers The Karrnathi irregulars were journeying through her cohorts are far from neutral. They’re Bladebearers
have an unlikely ally in this goal: an eladrin artificer Cyre with news of their success when the Mourning working under the cover of a mercenary company.
working for the Brelish government. struck. Nobody saw them ever again. In the chaos that The mission started out promising. The entrance
“Heart of the Forbidden Forge” is a Dungeons & surrounded the ensuing events, the creation forge on to the forge complex was beyond recovery, so Jelia
Dragons® adventure for five 7th-level characters in Darguun’s border was all but forgotten. Even though and her new goblin allies blew a hole in a nearby cliff.
the Eberron® campaign setting. If the PCs have been House Cannith knows of the forge, its actual location This new cave allowed access to a small complex of
through the events in Seekers of the Ashen Crown, this was secreted in documents held within Cyre. Or so natural caverns that connect to the forge.
adventure can be easily slotted after the events of that the house officials think. Once inside, Jelia and the Bladebearers discovered
one have concluded. Characters do not need to have Several months ago, Jelia, an eladrin artificer prototype constructs and Haestus d’Cannith, now
been involved with Seekers of the Ashen Crown™ to play working for the Citadel of Breland, discovered a men- a forgewraith. Since Jelia and Valsath planned to
through “Heart of the Forbidden Forge.” The adven- tion of the forge while going through old documents restart the forge, Haestus agreed to work with them.
ture works fine for other PCs as well, and it can be from the Last War. She also found captured docu- Everything was going well, until Jelia and Valsath
adapted easily to another campaign setting. ments indicating that the Cannith artificers had been arrived at the heart of the complex. Here they found
working on something that could have turned the the creation forge, and next to it stood the hulking,
Background tide of the Last War: infiltrator warforged units and motionless form of the prototype dragon.
an autonomous heavy assault construct in the shape Several days of sweat and toil allowed Jelia to
During the Last War, a creation forge near Darguun, of a dragon. These documents, unseen since the Day activate the dragon. When the dragon stirred, the cre-
on the border of what is now the Mournland, was of Mourning, indicated that the forge had even pro- ation forge also came to life. Machinery whirred and
important in the experiments that led to the creation duced working prototypes. gears turned, although the forge was clearly damaged.
of the warforged race. In the past, it produced many If she told her patrons about her discovery, they “I am Calmachia,” said the dragon, “and my heart and
prototypes that led the way for the creation of modern would send a team from the Citadel, and Jelia would this forge are one. And you are mine now.” It turns
warforged. Later, it continued experiments in this gain little for her momentous discovery. She wanted out that before she went into torpor, the dragon had
vein. Then, the forge’s overseer, Haestus d’Cannith, the credit; she wanted to help her country in a more linked the forge to herself.
was also interested in necromancy and how he could substantial way. She decided that she didn’t need the Calmachia promptly set to work creating smaller
combine this art with Cannith’s artifice to create Citadel to capture the forge for Breland. dragonlike constructs—her “children.” Valsath
other sorts of beings. Haestus and his people kept But she knew she couldn’t do it on her own, and quickly turned on Jelia, keeping the artificer and her
working on prototype warforged and constructs. They her partner and apprentice Marus wasn’t enough sup- apprentice alive for further use. The hobgoblin com-
extended their experiments largely without oversight port. She needed a neutral third party—warriors who mander figures that Calmachia and her progeny can
from house officials. wouldn’t betray her to her superiors until her plan was help the Bladebearers slay their enemies and prove
complete. Thus, she hired reputable hobgoblin merce- their strength to the other Dhakaani clans.
naries in Darguun. One of their leaders, Valsath, struck
June 20 09 | D u n g e o n 16 7
Heart of the Forbidden Forge
Adventure Synopsis Major Quest: Locate the forge and prevent the Hook: Cannith Family
Bladebearers from gaining access to its secrets. Secrets
Through any of a variety of hooks, the PCs learn of Minor Quest: Find out the identity of the eladrin
Although most people have forgotten the existence of
the creation forge that was once buried and aban- artificer, and prevent her from working with the
the creation forge, House Cannith hasn’t. The house
doned, but no longer. Investigating, they fight their Bladebearers further.
just hasn’t yet gotten around to sending a recovery
way through goblins, constructs, and undead, contend team. At least one house faction learns that someone
with old traps, and finally meet Valsath and the true Hook: Missing Agent has blown their way into the forge. Eager to prevent
power behind the forge, Calmachia. They can also Characters who completed Seekers of the Ashen Crown
enemy acquisition of house secrets, a Cannith repre-
free Jelia and her aide from the clutches of the dra- have probably worked with the Citadel and have a
sentative calls on the PCs to investigate and “ensure
conic construct and the Bladebearers. favorable relationship with the agency. Such PCs are
that House Cannith’s property is uncompromised.”
also likely to have favorable relations with a goblin
If one of the PCs is a house scion, this becomes duty
faction in Darguun, making them ideal candidates
Starting the for this job. Regardless, through a government con-
rather than a job.
Major Quest: Secure the Cannith facility for
tact, the PCs learn the Citadel is concerned because
Adventure an elite agent, an artificer named Jelia, is missing.
future use, keeping its secrets and dealing with any
The adventure begins when the PCs arrive at the cre- threats within it.
She was recently working on a case involving war
ation forge on the border of the Mournland. Getting Minor Quest: Keep any advancements (such as
research in Old Cyre, and her last report indicates
here should be quick, though if you (and the players) Calmachia) as functional as possible while neutraliz-
that she went to Darguun in the company of goblin
want, you can throw an encounter at the PCs during ing dangers within the forge.
mercs. The Citadel suspects Jelia’s mission might
the journey. The PCs might be coming to the forge have gone badly, and it sends the PCs to find Jelia
based on one or more of the following hooks. and bring her back alive—or to bring back whatever
she was after. The characters eventually track her to
Hook: Wordbearer the forge. The PCs have a single major quest that is level 7. Com-
Warning Major Quest: Locate Jelia and rescue her from the pleting it offers a reward of 1,500 XP, divided among
If the PCs have a relationship with the Kech Volaar goblins if necessary. Bring her back to the Citadel. the party members. They might have a number of
(Wordbearer goblins)—which they do if they have Minor Quest: Find out what Jelia was working quests, especially if you combine one or more hooks.
completed Seekers of the Ashen Crown—a concerned on, and secure it for Breland—or secure Breland In this case, the PCs choose the major quest to com-
goblin approaches them. The Wordbearers have against it. plete, and can try to complete other major quests as if
identified Valsath’s “mercenary” company as a group they were minor. For instance, it’s impossible to com-
of Bladebearer operatives. They also know that this plete the major quest for the Citadel and completely
company is now working for an eladrin artificer. They succeed for House Cannith, and vice versa. However,
don’t know Jelia’s true identity or purpose, but they do each minor quest you deem completed is worth 300
know that the artificer and her hirelings have gone XP, divided among the party members.
to the forge. The Wordbearers lost a scouting party
sent to investigate, and they can give the PCs enough
information to locate the forge.
June 20 09 | D u n g e o n 16 7
Heart of the Forbidden Forge
{{end Sidebar}}
Treasure Features of
The Forge Complex
Characters who successfully complete this adventure the Lower Level
The creation forge complex consists of three areas: a The forge complex’s lower level consists of areas
should earn enough experience to advance from
few natural caverns that connect with the main area, F14–F18. They have an industrial and arcane feel:
level 7 to about a quarter of the way between 8th
the facility’s upper level, and the facility’s lower level. surfaces (walls, floors, and ceilings) are covered with
and 9th. That means you should assign all ten level 7
parcels, and possibly one level 8 parcel, to locations steel plates, and arcane devices appear throughout
in this adventure. The encounters have notes about
Features of the area. The following features apply to this area
locating parcels in them. Here’s a summary, with NPC
the Natural Caverns unless otherwise indicated.
The natural caverns consist of areas F1‑F3. They con- Illumination: Dim light. A pale red luminescence
encounters noted to allow you the option of assigning
sist of brown stone with rough walls. The following suffuses the upper level. It has no obvious source.
the NPC a magic item he or she can use that is still
features apply to them unless otherwise indicated. Ceiling: The ceilings are 20 feet high.
valuable to the PCs.
Illumination: Dark. Walls: The steel walls are difficult to climb, but
Encounter 1: One parcel.
Ceiling: The ceiling is 15 feet high. the seams between the metal plates provide minor
Encounter 4: One parcel.
Walls: The rough stone requires a DC 15 Athlet- hand and footholds (DC 25 Athletics check to climb).
Encounter 6: One parcel.
ics check to climb. Doors: The doors are steel. Each side of such a
Encounter 7: One parcel (NPC).
Encounter 9: One parcel. door has a wheel in the center and is locked. Spinning
Area 12: One parcel.
Features of the wheel (a standard action) unlocks it.
Encounter 13: One parcel.
the Upper Level
Encounter 15: One parcel (NPC).
The forge complex’s upper level consists of areas 1. Entry
F4–F13. They are composed of smooth white marble Not long ago, several Kech Volaar scouts ran afoul
Encounter 16: One parcel (NPC).
with gray-green flecks and veins. The following fea- of the forge’s denizens. Several Bladebearers stand
Encounter 17: Two parcels.
tures apply to them unless otherwise indicated. guard here.
Research Notes Illumination: Dim light. A pale orange lumi-
nescence suffuses the upper level. It has no obvious As the PCs approach the cave, read:
If you like, the characters might find Haestus
d’Cannith’s notes in various forge areas. These are source. The hillside is covered with scree, thorny bushes, and large
curiosities that describe Haestus’s unethical work, Ceiling: The ceilings are 15 feet high. rocks that look like they tumbled down from above. A tall
necromantic dabblings, and questionable practices, Walls: The smooth stone requires a DC 25 Athlet- cliff rises above it, and soon you notice a cave in the cliff. A
as well as his sources—perhaps ancient artifacts from ics check to climb. great deal of debris lies near the entrance. It looks like the
Xen’drik. They can be valuable to the right buyer, Doors: The doors are copper-sheathed wood. They hole was knocked open by explosive means.
serving as a form of treasure. Further, these papers open easily and are unlocked. Tactical Encounter: 1. Entry Guards (page 13).
might serve as hooks for future adventures by iden-
tifying other sites and treasures. Since these notes
are just color and treasure unless you use them as
hooks, you should craft their contents after familiar-
izing yourself with this adventure.
June 20 09 | D u n g e o n 16 7
Heart of the Forbidden Forge
June 20 09 | D u n g e o n 16 7
Heart of the Forbidden Forge
4. Prototype Lab
Mindless models for warforged prototypes dwell in
these chambers. Unlike normal warforged, these
creatures rely on an arcane generator to function.
Tactical Encounter: 4. Prototype Lab (page 15).
5. Collapsed Passages
This hallway and the one to the east are collapsed.
The forge complex used to be much larger, but a good
portion of it collapsed in the attack several years ago.
June 20 09 | D u n g e o n 16 7
Heart of the Forbidden Forge
6. Living Quarters When the PCs can see into the room, read: the goblins, but he has mixed feelings toward Jelia—
The door opens into a small chamber. A desk stands near admiration mixed with blame. He desperately wants
The Bladebearers have appropriated this chamber to
one wall, and sitting at it is a male—a half-elf with red hair to go back to Breland, clear his name, and put this
use as living quarters. They also discovered a secret
and a weary expression. Looking a bit battered, he wears in fiasco behind him.
trapdoor, which bypasses the traps in area 8.
Tactical Encounter: 6. Living Quarters (page 17). an outfit an explorer might wear. He’s writing and drawing
in a tattered book with a quill pen.
7. Construct Lab Perception Check
In life, Haestus d’Cannith experimented by combin- DC 14: The half-elf has nothing resembling a
ing necromancy with alchemy and artifice. These weapon or implement. He appears to be unarmed.
rooms were his primary laboratory in that regard. To approach without attracting Marus’s atten-
Tactical Encounter: 7. Construct Lab (page 19). tion, the PCs must succeed on DC 16 Stealth
8. Security Gauntlet
This wide hallway slopes down to area F14. Its hall- When Marus becomes aware of the PCs, read:
way is trapped heavily. Jelia detected the traps when The half-elf looks up with an alarmed expression that turns
she and the Bladebearers originally moved into the into a smile when he sees you. “Oh,” he says. “Oh, thank the
complex; since they found a better way to the lower Host.” He shuts his book, closes his eyes, and sighs.
level (in area F6), she left the traps active.
Perception Check
Tactical Encounter: 8. Security Gauntlet (page 21).
DC 16: He places his thumb on a sigil on the book cover.
9. Ruined Foyer The symbol glows dimly. (DC 19 Arcana to note the arcane
nature of this sigil.)
This chamber was once the primary entrance to the
forge complex. Insight Check
Tactical Encounter: 9. Ruined Entrance (page 23). DC 14: His relief seems genuine.
June 20 09 | D u n g e o n 16 7
Heart of the Forbidden Forge
Use this section to aid in interactions with Marus. ✦ Whom can we trust?: (DC 14 Diplomacy) “I’m Perception DC 22: The runes and crystals of an old
Give out information without requiring checks if you sure Jelia is being forced to cooperate. We wouldn’t be in trap are embedded in a grove in the walls here. Someone
think the players’ roleplaying is especially appropri- this mess if she hadn’t been so . . . careless. Still, she might or something marred the runes and removed some of the
ate. At the very least, the PCs gain check bonuses (+2) help you if you can prove you’re here to help.” crystals, probably disarming the trap.
if they are forthcoming and reveal intentions in line
with Marus’s hopes. Further, the players might come More about Marus 12. Storage
up with other ways to gain information from Marus— Marus is too terrified to help the PCs fight. If he’s This long room served as a storage area for construct
the skills and DCs indicated below are just guidelines. attacked, he has statistics similar to Dakai’s (page 19). part specimens.
If a check fails, Marus expresses distrust and hesita- He tries to surrender quickly or flee, rather than fight- When the PCs can see into the room, read:
tion (DC 10 Insight to discern), but no hostility. ing, but he defends himself if he must.
You look into a long room. Shelves contain artificial limbs,
✦ Who are you?: (DC 8 Diplomacy) “My name is The book Marus has is a journal in which he is
heads, torsos, and other parts of incomplete constructs—
Marus, and I am an agent for the Brelish Crown—an assis- writing notes for his report to his Citadel superiors.
humanoid and otherwise.
tant to another agent here.” It can impart much of the information Marus knows.
✦ Who is this other agent?: (DC 8 Diplomacy) The sigil on the book obscures its actual contents Treasure: One parcel.
“Her name is Jelia. She is the senior agent on this mission.” with seemingly personal and sappy diary entries (DC
✦ What is the mission?: (DC 14 Diplomacy) 27 Perception check to see the real Citadel report 13. Catwalk
“Jelia planned to reactivate the forge for Breland. She entries; DC 21 Arcana check to break the sigil). A catwalk crosses a lake of molten metal. The PCs
wanted to play the hero, so we went without Brelish support. Marus also has thieves’ tools hidden on his person encounter Haestus d’Cannith (again) here.
Instead, she hired these godsforsaken goblins.” (DC 15 Perception check). Tactical Encounter: 13. Catwalk (page 25).
✦ What are you doing here?: (DC 8 Diplomacy)
“Valsath, the goblin leader, turned on us. She and hers are
11. Hallway 14. Creation Forge
Bladebearers, which means as soon as Jelia and I are of no This hallway once held a trap. Two Bladebearers ran Controls
use, we’ll be dead. They keep me locked in here so she won’t afoul of it, then Jelia disarmed it. This is the primary control area for the forge in area
turn on them. You have to get us out of here.” 17. The entry is locked (Valsath has the key).
When the PCs can see into the hallway, read:
✦ What’s going on here?: (DC 14 Diplomacy) Skill Challenge: Disabling the Forge (page 27).
You look into a long hallway. About halfway down, two
“Valsath and Jelia found something deep in the forge.
You’ve seen those drake homunculi? I think it must be the
blackened bodies—one large, the other small—lie contorted 15. Arcane Workshop
on the floor. This large chamber was a primary work area for the
key to creating them. This place holds a creation forge, as
well as something else intelligent and capable of running Arcana or Heal DC 20: Intense lightning killed forge. Here large pieces of arcane machinery were
the forge.” these creatures. assembled and constructs were repaired. Valsath has
✦ A creature runs the forge?: (DC 14 Diplomacy) Nature DC 12: The small body is that of a goblin, taken a liking to this place.
“Something like that. Jelia and Valsath call whatever it is while the large is that of a bugbear. Tactical Encounter: 15. Arcane Workshop
‘Calmachia.’ They appear to be taking steps to aid this Calm- (page 28).
achia. More of those drakes have been created in the past
weeks, and the process appears to be speeding up.”
June 20 09 | D u n g e o n 16 7
Heart of the Forbidden Forge
Defeating Calmachia causes the forge to shut down.
Someone might start the forge working again, but that
someone probably shouldn’t be the PCs.
If the characters allow it, Marus and Jelia can act
as supporting characters on the trip back to Breland.
Either might become a contact for PCs who treated
them well.
If the PCs bring Jelia back to Breland for justice,
the ramifications of her foolish actions should be
tempered to fit the needs of your campaign. She
endangered Breland’s national security with her
activities. However, if the Citadel can secure the
creation forge and use it as leverage with House Can-
nith, Jelia’s mission might be considered a risky but
profitable success. Further, if the PCs vouch for Jelia,
their words carry significant weight in the artificer’s
defense. For its part, House Cannith might hold
Breland’s possession of the forge, however temporary,
against the characters.
In the case that the PCs serve House Cannith, the
16. Storage 17. Wyrm Forge house is grateful for the location of the forge and its
This room is a storage area for parts and tools the Although the entire facility is often referred to as “the contents. House members move quickly to reestablish
forge workers once used. Jelia has been spending a lot creation forge,” this room contains the forge. It is here the facility. This can have lasting ramifications on the
of time in this room lately to find parts to meet Calm- that warforged, constructs, and Calmachia walked campaign when House Cannith starts tinkering with
achia’s demands and to escape the hobgoblins and from the fires of their creation into life. the arcane discoveries inside the forge.
their draconian mistress. Tactical Encounter: 17. Wyrm Forge (page 32). The PCs have thwarted the Bladebearers and
Tactical Encounter: 16. Jelia’s Refuge (page 30). aided the cause of the Wordbearers—at least twice
now if the characters played through Seekers of the
Ashen Crown. The Bladebearer leadership might take
more of an interest in these pesky adventurers. That
interest is unlikely to be good for the PCs.
June 20 09 | D u n g e o n 16 7
Heart of the Forbidden Forge
1: Entry Guards The fleshcarver moves into melee quickly so that Hobgoblin Fleshcarver (F) Level 6 Elite Controller
he can use glaive f lurry. He resorts to ranged attacks Medium natural humanoid XP 500
Encounter Level 6 (1,275 XP) only when he cannot reach a target for melee or when Initiative +7 Senses Perception +4; low-light vision
Fleshcarver’s Trap aura 2; each enemy that starts its turn
defensive dart triggers. within the aura takes 5 damage the first time it moves
Setup Hobgoblins with phalanx soldier try to fight along- during that turn.
2 Bladebearer hobgoblins (B) side at least one ally. The warriors attack to aid their HP 146; Bloodied 73
AC 20 (22 with phalanx soldier); Fortitude 18, Reflex 19,
1 hobgoblin f leshcarver (F) stronger allies with flanking and the like.
Will 18
5 Valsath’s warriors (W) All the creatures know about the blood rock. The Saving Throws +2
fleshcarver and Bladebearer hobgoblins fight to the Speed 6
Plenty of boulders and undergrowth dot the hillside Action Points 1
death. If all three of them fall, any remaining warriors
leading up to the cave, so the characters can approach m Glaive (standard; at-will) ✦ Weapon
surrender. Reach 2; +11 vs. AC; 2d4 + 4 damage.
stealthily if they like. The goblins aren’t particularly
R Toxic Dart (standard; at-will) ✦ Poison, Weapon
alert, so their passive Perception checks oppose what- Ranged 6/12; +11 vs. AC; 1d6 + 4 poison damage, and
5 Valsath’s Warriors (W) Level 7 Minion Soldier
ever Stealth checks the PCs care to make. Medium natural humanoid, hobgoblin XP 75 each the target is slowed (save ends). If the target was already
If the hobgoblins notice the characters’ approach, the Initiative +8 Senses Perception +5; low-light vision slowed, it is instead immobilized (save ends).
HP 1: a missed attack never damages a minion. R Defensive Dart (immediate reaction, when the
hobgoblins hide, making Stealth checks. Place a hob-
AC 23 (25 with phalanx soldier); Fortitude 20, Reflex 19, hobgoblin fleshcarver is hit by an enemy’s melee attack;
goblin’s miniature only if the PCs notice the creature. Will 18 recharge ⚄ ⚅ )
Speed 6 The fleshcarver shifts 2 squares and uses toxic dart against
When the characters see into the area, read:
m Longsword (standard; at-will) ✦ Weapon the triggering enemy.
A large natural cavern extends into the cliff. Several torches +12 vs. AC; 5 damage, and the target is marked until the C Glaive Flurry (standard; at-will) ✦ Weapon
end of the hobgoblin’s next turn. Close burst 2; targets enemies; +11 vs. AC; 3d4 + 4
are placed on poles wedged into debris around the room.
r Longbow (standard; at-will) ✦ Weapon damage, and the hobgoblin fleshcarver slides the target 2
Several boulders—8 or 9 feet tall—stand here and there. +11 vs. AC; 5 damage. squares. The target must end the slide within 3 squares of
Passages lead off from the cavern. Hobgoblin Resilience (immediate reaction, when the the fleshcarver.
hobgoblin becomes subject to an effect; encounter) Hobgoblin Resilience (immediate reaction, when the
Perception The hobgoblin makes a saving throw against the hobgoblin fleshcarver becomes subject to an effect;
(Opposing Stealth Checks): A slight sound or motion triggering effect. encounter)
Phalanx Soldier The fleshcarver rolls a saving throw against the
draws your eye to a shadow. An armored hobgoblin lurks triggering effect.
The hobgoblin gains a +2 bonus to AC while at least one
there. hobgoblin ally is adjacent to it. Phalanx Soldier
DC 15: A couple of large, reddish-brown patches stain Alignment Evil Languages Common, Goblin A hobgoblin fleshcarver gains a +2 bonus to AC while at
Skills Athletics +9, History +5 least one hobgoblin ally is adjacent to it.
the floor.
Str 19 (+7) Dex 16 (+6) Wis 14 (+5) Alignment Evil Languages Common, Goblin
(DC 15 Arcana or Religion to discern this is blood rock.) Con 15 (+5) Int 11 (+3) Cha 10 (+3) Str 14 (+5) Dex 19 (+7) Wis 12 (+4)
Equipment scale armor, light shield, longsword, longbow Con 17 (+6) Int 12 (+4) Cha 16 (+6)
Tactics and 10 arrows Equipment chain armor, glaive, 10 poisoned darts
June 20 09 | D u n g e o n 16 7
Heart of the Forbidden Forge
2 Bladebearer Hobgoblins (B) Level 5 Skirmisher Questioning Prisoners: A prisoner doesn’t talk Features of the Area
Medium natural humanoid XP 200 each willingly and lies if questioned (DC 14 Insight to
Initiative +8 Senses Perception +5; low-light vision
Illumination: Bright light from torches.
discern). A prisoner can be tricked, cajoled, or threat-
HP 62; Bloodied 31 Boulders: The boulders are blocking terrain.
AC 19; Fortitude 18, Reflex 17, Will 16
ened (Bluff, Diplomacy, or Intimidate) into telling
Debris: Debris from the excavation, as well as
Speed 6; see also Dhakaani footwork the truth. Even then, the goblin answers only specific
loose rocks, scree, and accumulated trash, are piled
m Scimitar (standard; at-will) ✦ Weapon questions and otherwise avoids straight answers.
+10 vs. AC; 1d8 + 6 damage (crit 1d8 + 14). up in various parts of the chamber. This is difficult
✦ Who is your leader? (DC 14) Valsath is the leader.
M Scimitar Advantage (standard; requires combat advantage terrain, as marked on the map.
against the target; requires a scimitar; at-will) The prisoner trusts Valsath and can describe her. Val-
Blood Rock: The areas marked on the map are
The Bladebearer hobgoblin makes two scimitar attacks. sath has been deep in the forge for a long time now.
Bladebearer Finesse (free; usable only while charging; at-will)
blood rock. A creature standing in a square of blood
✦ Who else is here? (DC 14) Jelia, a “weakling
The Bladebearer hobgoblin doesn’t provoke opportunity rock can score a critical hit on a natural die roll of 19
attacks when leaving the initial square of its charge.
eladrin artificer,” brought the goblins here. She works
or 20.
Dhakaani Footwork (free, when the Bladebearer hobgoblin for Breland and is deep in the forge, perhaps with Val-
Treasure: One parcel.
hits with a melee attack; at-will) sath. Dakai, a hobgoblin artificer, is working in a lab
The Bladebearer hobgoblin shifts 1 square.
with golems (area 7). He has numerous guards. Some
Hobgoblin Resilience (immediate reaction, when the
hobgoblin becomes subject to an effect; encounter) of the golems might work.
The hobgoblin warrior makes a saving throw against the ✦ What other dangers? (DC 14) The prisoner knows
triggering effect. of the glyph (area 3) and the prototype warforged
Alignment Evil Languages Common, Goblin
Skills Athletics +12, Stealth +11
(area 4). A successful DC 19 Insight check reveals the
Str 20 (+7) Dex 18 (+6) Wis 16 (+5) goblin is withholding information, and a subsequent
Con 14 (+4) Int 10 (+2) Cha 12 (+3) DC 14 Bluff, Diplomacy, or Intimidate check causes
Equipment leather armor, 2 scimitars
the creature to reveal that other guards are camping
in a nearby room (area 6).
Developments ✦ What are you doing here? (DC 16) Valsath found
Hallways: If the PCs search the area, they might something deep in the forge, and she plans to seize
discover that the hall to the east hasn’t been used for control of the place when the time is right.
foot traffic for weeks (DC 23 Perception). ✦ Are you Bladebearers? (DC 19) The PC receives a
Searching the Hobgoblins: If the PCs search +2 bonus to this check if he or she shows knowledge
closely, such as by removing a bracer or something of the Bladebearers or the scars on the goblins’ fore-
similar from a hobgoblin, they notice the symbol of arms. The goblin confirms the tribal affiliation of the
an ornate blade branded on the hobgoblins. This is goblins here. However, a failure indicates the prisoner
the Bladebearer symbol (DC 15 History or Nature lies, saying the goblins were Bladebearer slaves that
to identify). escaped and formed a mercenary crew.
June 20 09 | D u n g e o n 16 7
Heart of the Forbidden Forge
4. Prototype Lab If the PCs enter or attack, read: 4 Decrepit Warforged (D) Level 6 Minion Brute
Medium natural humanoid (living construct) XP 63 each
As you enter, the eyes of the inert constructs glow with the
Initiative +5 Senses Perception +3
Encounter Level 8 (1,752 XP) same purple color as the crystal at the top of the strange HP 1; a missed attack never damages a minion.
device. They lurch to life. AC 18; Fortitude 20, Reflex 18, Will 16
Setup Speed 5
3 berserk warforged prototypes (B) Tactics m Slam (standard; at-will)
+9 vs. AC; 6 damage; on a critical hit, the target is also
4 decrepit warforged (D) The warforged prototypes surge into melee. They knocked prone.
1 infiltrator warforged prototype (I) fight until destroyed or are convinced to cease their Alignment Unaligned Languages Common
1 arcane generator (G) attacks (see Developments).
Str 18 (+7) Dex 14 (+5) Wis 10 (+3)
Con 16 (+6) Int 4 (+0) Cha 4 (+0)
The “warforged” here are experiments with differing
3 Berserk Warforged Prototypes (B) Level 7 Brute
body forms for possible implementation with actual Infiltrator Warforged Level 7 Skirmisher
Medium natural humanoid (living construct) XP 300 each
Prototype (I)
military warforged models during the Last War. As Initiative +5 Senses Perception +3
Medium natural humanoid (living construct) XP 300
such, none of them have true sentience. Instead, the HP 98; Bloodied 49
Initiative +9 Senses Perception +3
AC 19; Fortitude 20, Reflex 18, Will 16
arcane generator at the center of the room powers HP 80; Bloodied 40
Saving Throws +2 against ongoing damage
AC 19 (21 against opportunity attacks); Fortitude 19, Reflex
them and allows them to move. It also acts as a cen- Speed 6
20, Will 17
tral intelligence and awareness for the constructs. m Sweeping Slam (standard; at-will)
Saving Throws +2 against ongoing damage
+10 vs. AC; 1d8 + 6 damage, plus 4 damage to another
Jelia tampered with the generator, disabling its safety Speed 6
enemy adjacent to the prototype. On a critical hit, the m Slam (standard; at-will)
protocols. Now, it activates and attacks any who enter target is also knocked prone.
+12 vs. AC; 1d8 + 4 damage, and the infiltrator warforged
besides her or her allies. M Wild Charge (standard; recharges after the berserk warforged
prototype shifts 1 square.
prototype hits two or more targets with a savage sweep) M Infiltrator Feint (minor; recharges after the infiltrator
When the PCs can see into the chamber, read: The prototype charges, gains a +3 bonus to AC during the
warforged prototype hits with mimic’s slam.)
charge, and makes the following attack in place of a melee
At the end of the natural tunnel, a hole is smashed in the +10 vs. Reflex; the infiltrator prototype gains combat
basic attack: +11 vs. AC; 2d8 + 9 damage, and the target is
advantage against the target.
wall. Beyond it is a room finely wrought of white stone with knocked prone. M Mimic’s Slam (standard; recharge ⚃ ⚄ ⚅ ) ✦ Fear
C Savage Sweep (standard; recharge ⚄ ⚅)
gray-green veins and flecks. A large arcane contraption of The infiltrator warforged prototype mimics the target or
Close burst 1; +10 vs. AC; 1d8 + 6 damage (crit 1d8 + 14).
metal and stone stands in the center of the room. It is about one of the target’s allies in some way; +11 vs. AC; 2d8 + 4
Miss: 4 damage.
damage, and the target takes a –2 penalty to attack rolls
7 feet high; levers project from it, runes shine on its surface, Arcane Empowerment
until the end of infiltrator warforged prototype’s next turn.
and a large purple crystal glows at its apex. While the arcane generator functions, whenever a berserk
Arcane Empowerment
warforged prototype hits with a melee attack, it gains 4
Standing about the room are humanoid creatures like While the arcane generator functions, whenever an
temporary hit points.
warforged. Some are incomplete or worn with time, while infiltrator warforged prototype hits with a melee attack, it
Alignment Unaligned Languages Common
gains 3 temporary hit points.
others have fared better. Most of those are wide-framed Str 20 (+8) Dex 15 (+5) Wis 10 (+3)
Combat Advantage
models that resemble the burliest human. One appears to Con 18 (+7) Int 4 (+0) Cha 4 (+0)
An infiltrator warforged prototype deals 1d8 extra damage
have a sheathe of flesh that has been cut or torn away in on melee attacks against any target granting combat
advantage to it.
places, revealing inner workings that are thinner than those
Alignment Unaligned Languages Common
of a normal warforged. Str 14 (+5) Dex 18 (+7) Wis 10 (+3)
Con 16 (+6) Int 4 (+0) Cha 12 (+4)
June 20 09 | D u n g e o n 16 7
Heart of the Forbidden Forge
June 20 09 | D u n g e o n 16 7
Heart of the Forbidden Forge
6. Living Quarters 3 Bladebearer Hobgoblins (H) Level 5 Skirmisher Bladebearer Strangler (B) Level 8 Lurker
Medium natural humanoid XP 200 each Medium natural humanoid, bugbear XP 350
Initiative +8 Senses Perception +5; low-light vision Initiative +12 Senses Perception +7; low-light vision
Encounter Level 6 (1,400 XP)
HP 62; Bloodied 31 HP 88; Bloodied 44
AC 19; Fortitude 18, Reflex 17, Will 16 AC 22; Fortitude 21, Reflex 20, Will 19; see also body shield
Setup Speed 6; see also Dhakaani footwork and strangler’s cover
3 Bladebearer hobgoblins (H) m Scimitar (standard; at-will) ✦ Weapon Speed 7
+10 vs. AC; 1d8 + 6 damage (crit 1d8 + 14). m Battleaxe (standard; at-will) ✦ Weapon
1 Bladebearer strangler (B)
M Scimitar Advantage (standard; requires combat advantage +13 vs. AC; 1d12 + 6 damage.
6 Valsath’s warriors (W) against the target; requires a scimitar; at-will) M Strangle (standard; requires combat advantage and
The Bladebearer hobgoblin makes two scimitar attacks. a garrote; at-will) ✦ Weapon
Goblins rest here between guard shifts. One war- Bladebearer Finesse (free; usable only while charging; at-will) Can be used as part of a charge; +11 vs. Reflex; 1d10 + 5
rior keeps a lax watch from the room’s corner while The Bladebearer hobgoblin doesn’t provoke opportunity damage, and the target is grabbed (–4 penalty to escape).
the others here are sleeping. Sneaking up on them attacks when leaving the initial square of its charge. Sustain Standard: When it sustains this power, the bugbear
Dhakaani Footwork (free, when the Bladebearer hobgoblin deals the target 1d10 + 5 damage and sustains the grab.
requires only DC 13 Stealth checks, but the guard hits with a melee attack; at-will) Body Shield (immediate interrupt, when targeted by a melee or
notices any light. If he becomes aware of the approach The Bladebearer hobgoblin shifts 1 square. a ranged attack; recharge ⚃ ⚄ ⚅)
of other creatures, he quietly wakes his allies, who Hobgoblin Resilience (immediate reaction, when the The Bladebearer strangler makes the creature it is
hobgoblin becomes subject to an effect; encounter) grabbing the triggering attack’s target. The Bladebearer
pretend to sleep. The bugbear sleeps on a ledge off the
The hobgoblin warrior makes a saving throw against the strangler can’t use this power against a creature it is
floor because she doesn’t trust the hobgoblins to keep triggering effect. grabbing.
her safe. If the guard wakes her, she hides, increasing Alignment Evil Languages Common, Goblin Strangler’s Alacrity (free, when a creature the Bladebearer
the Perception DC below to 25. Skills Athletics +12, Stealth +11 strangler has grabbed drops to 0 or fewer hit points;
Str 20 (+7) Dex 18 (+6) Wis 16 (+5) encounter)
When the PCs can see the room, read: Con 14 (+4) Int 10 (+2) Cha 12 (+3) The Bladebearer strangler can make a charge attack.
Equipment leather armor, 2 scimitars Combat Advantage
Furs, blankets, and other bedding cover the floor of this The Bladebearer strangler deals 1d6 extra damage against
chamber, which has a ledge around it and a high ceiling. Tactics any creature granting combat advantage to it.
Strangler’s Cover
Clothing, boots, fresh torches, and other personal items
The warriors engage the PCs directly if possible. A While the Bladebearer strangler is grabbing a creature,
are also scattered about, but an element of organization is that creature’s allies consider the grabbed creature to be
couple of them might climb the ledge and fire arrows
apparent. The creatures that dwell here are not savages. an enemy for determining cover.
from there. They work together to provide combat
Several hobgoblins sleep on some of the bedrolls, their Alignment Evil Languages Common, Goblin
advantage for their allies and to gain the benefit of Skills Acrobatics +13, Intimidate +11, Stealth +15
weapons at hand. One lounges in the corner, sharpening
phalanx soldier. Str 20 (+9) Dex 18 (+8) Wis 16 (+7)
his sword. Con 16 (+7) Int 10 (+4) Cha 10 (+4)
Bladebearer hobgoblins also engage directly, but
Equipment leather armor, battleaxe, wire garrote
Perception they try to approach from a vector that can allow
DC 20 (or 25): A bugbear is asleep on the far ledge. them combat advantage or allow them to shift into a to leap from the ledge to charge and grab someone.
If the PCs sneak up successfully, they surprise the flanking position after a successful attack. They use She then works to kill that enemy before moving on to
sleeping goblins. If the goblins are aware, they might Bladebearer finesse to charge wounded enemies in another target.
surprise the approaching PCs, allowing them to at least hopes of taking those foes out quickly. Pulling Out Bedrolls: For some swashbuckling
stand before the battle starts. In this latter case, the Lurking on the ledge to sneak up on an opponent, fun, the warriors might try to pull bedrolls from
guard on watch charges during the surprise round. the Bladebearer strangler selects a target carefully under a PC’s feet to knock the character prone. Doing
from among those who like to stay out of melee. Since so is a standard action; +10 vs. Reflex; 1d6 damage,
the bugbear is trained in Acrobatics, she isn’t afraid and the target is knocked prone.
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Heart of the Forbidden Forge
6 Valsath’s Warriors (W) Level 7 Minion Soldier ✦ Where did the drake constructs come from? (DC 14)
Medium natural humanoid, hobgoblin XP 75 each Jelia, Dakai, and Valsath brought them from deeper
Initiative +8 Senses Perception +5; low-light vision
in the forge.
HP 1: a missed attack never damages a minion.
AC 23 (25 with phalanx soldier); Fortitude 20, Reflex 19, ✦ Who is Haestus? (DC 14) Valsath convinced the
Will 18 ghost she’d reactivate the forge, so he helps the gob-
Speed 6 lins. He has power over the spirits of the dead in this
m Longsword (standard; at-will) ✦ Weapon
+12 vs. AC; 5 damage, and the target is marked until the
place, but apparently not their souls.
end of the hobgoblin’s next turn. ✦ Where does this trapdoor lead? (DC 19) The goblin
r Longbow (standard; at-will) ✦ Weapon doesn’t truly know where the passage under the door
+11 vs. AC; 5 damage.
leads, but it does know it leads past the trap gauntlet
Hobgoblin Resilience (immediate reaction, when the
hobgoblin becomes subject to an effect; encounter) in area 8. If it isn’t convinced to tell the truth, it lies,
The hobgoblin rolls a saving throw against the saying Valsath and Jelia know. They didn’t allow the
triggering effect. others to see where the passage goes.
Phalanx Soldier
The hobgoblin gains a +2 bonus to AC while at least one
hobgoblin ally is adjacent to it. Features of the Area
Alignment Evil Languages Common, Goblin Ledge: This ledge is 10 feet from the floor, and the
Skills Athletics +9, History +5
walls leading to it are rougher than others in the com-
Str 19 (+7) Dex 16 (+6) Wis 14 (+5)
Con 15 (+5) Int 11 (+3) Cha 10 (+3) plex (DC 20 Athletics to climb). A couple of ladders
Equipment scale armor, light shield, longsword, longbow (DC 0 Athletics to climb; DC 15 Acrobatics or Athlet-
and 10 arrows ics to climb at normal speed) lead up to the ledge.
Secret Trapdoor: A DC 21 Perception check
Development reveals the trapdoor. It is locked (DC 21 Thievery to
Escape: If the battle here goes badly, one of the open; Valsath and Jelia each have a key). Opening the
creatures here might try to escape. If one does so, it door reveals a 10-foot-deep shaft with metal rungs
runs toward the security gauntlet in area 8 and avoids hammered into its side. The shaft ends in a narrow,
the pressure plates. sloping tunnel that leads to area 13.
Questioning Prisoners: Any captured goblins Gear: In a couple of areas, the stacked gear is
act as those in area 1 did. The PCs might know to enough to hinder movement, causing difficult terrain.
ask about more subjects (using Bluff, Diplomacy, or Also, the PCs can find any useful gear mundane here
Intimidation). that you’d like them to have. Food and water are part
✦ How did you move beyond the warforged near the of the assortment.
entrance? (DC 14) Jelia and Dakai reactivated the Treasure: One parcel.
generator there, making it so the warforged within
ignored the goblins and their allies. They attack
anyone else they don’t recognize.
June 20 09 | D u n g e o n 16 7
Heart of the Forbidden Forge
7. Construct Lab When the PCs can see into the lab area, read: Decrepit Flesh Golem (G)
Large natural animate (construct)
Level 8 Elite Brute
XP 700
Four hulking forms loom in this macabre room. Each Initiative +4 Senses Perception +5; darkvision
Encounter Level 7 (1,600 XP) is vaguely humanoid but constructed of mismatched HP 210; Bloodied 105
AC 20; Fortitude 23, Reflex 18, Will 19
humanoid parts sewn together with metallic thread and
Setup other metal parts. Tools hang on the walls, and shelves hold
Saving Throws +2
Speed 5; can’t shift
Dakai (D) various containers. Action Points 1
1 decrepit f lesh golem (G) m Slam (standard; at-will)
1 forge drake (F) Dakai (D) Level 7 Controller (Leader) Reach 2; +11 vs. AC; 2d8 + 5 damage, and the target is
Small natural humanoid, goblin XP 300 pushed 2 squares.
4 Valsath’s warriors (W)
Initiative +3 Senses Perception +5; low-light vision M Berserk Attack (immediate reaction, when damaged by an
HP 80; Bloodied 40 attack; at-will)
Initially, the PCs see only the hobgoblin warriors,
AC 22; Fortitude 21, Reflex 22, Will 20 The flesh golem makes a slam attack against a random
who are acting as guards. These guards know that Speed 6; see also goblin tactics enemy within its reach.
they have little chance against a well-armed party. m Mace (standard; at-will) ✦ Arcane, Weapon M Golem Rampage (standard; recharge ⚅)
They challenge the PCs, but stall with conversation +12 vs. AC; 1d8 + 4 damage, and the next of Dakai’s allies The decrepit flesh golem moves its speed and can move
to attack the target gains +2 to its attack roll. through enemies’ spaces. When it enters a creature’s space,
as one warrior “idly” taps his longsword against the
r Rod Arc (standard; at-will) ✦ Arcane, Implement, Lightning the golem makes a slam attack against that creature.
north door to alert Dakai about intruders. A success- Dakai ignores the target’s cover; ranged 10; +10 vs. Reflex; Alignment Unaligned Languages —
ful Insight check (DC 14) reveals that the hobgoblins 1d8 + 4 lightning damage, and the target takes –3 to its Str 20 (+9) Dex 7 (+2) Wis 8 (+3)
next damage roll. Con 15 (+6) Int 3 (+0) Cha 3 (+0)
are stalling.
A Shard Orb (standard; recharge ⚃ ⚄ ⚅) ✦ Arcane, Force,
When the PCs can see into this chamber, read: Implement, Zone Forge Drake (F) Level 7 Skirmisher
Area burst 1 within 10; targets enemies; +10 vs. Fortitude; Medium natural animate (construct, homunculus) XP 300
The door opens into a round room with doors on the north, 1d10 + 4 force damage, and the target is knocked prone. Initiative +9 Senses Perception +5; low-light vision
HP 79; Bloodied 39
west, and south walls. A rune is inlaid into the floor, and Effect: The burst creates a zone that lasts until the end of
Dakai’s next turn. An enemy who ends its turn in this zone AC 21; Fortitude 19, Reflex 20, Will 18
four hobgoblins stand near the door to the north. They seem Speed 6, fly 4 (clumsy)
takes 1d10 + 4 force damage.
shocked by your arrival. C Resistive Formula (minor; encounter) ✦ Arcane, Healing m Claws (standard; at-will)
Close burst 5; allies in the burst gain +1 to AC and can end +12 vs. AC; 2d6 + 4 damage.
Arcana Check this bonus as a free action to gain 5 temporary hit points.
M Shifting Bite (standard; at-will)
DC 17: The rune on the ground courses with eldritch Goblin Tactics (immediate reaction, when missed by a melee +12 vs. AC; 2d4 + 3 damage. The forge drake can shift 1
attack) square before or after the attack.
energy. Standing on it empowers arcane attacks. M Guard Creature (immediate reaction, when an enemy
Dakai shifts 1 square.
DC 21: The character knows the specifics of the rune (see attacks a creature guarded by the forge drake; at-will)
Alignment Evil Languages Common, Goblin
“Features of the Area,” below). Skills Arcana +12, Bluff +9, Stealth +5, Thievery +10 The forge drake shifts 2 squares toward or around
the triggering creature. If the drake is adjacent to the
Dakai, an artificer, has reanimated one of the Str 10 (+3) Dex 10 (+3) Wis 14 (+5)
Con 16 (+6) Int 18 (+7) Cha 13 (+4) triggering creature after shifting, it can make a claw attack
constructs, but time has not been kind to it. If a against that creature.
Equipment leather armor, mace, rod
hobgoblin warrior raps on the door or a fight starts, C Force Breath (standard; encounter) ✦ Force
Dakai and his creatures take 1 round to prepare, Close blast 3; +10 vs. Reflex; 3d6 + 4 force damage, and
target is pushed 2 squares and knocked prone.
then join the fray.
Alignment Unaligned Languages —
Str 16 (+6) Dex 19 (+7) Wis 14 (+5)
Con 15 (+5) Int 4 (+0) Cha 4 (+0)
Description: This winged drake is made of shining steel.
June 20 09 | D u n g e o n 16 7
Heart of the Forbidden Forge
4 Valsath’s Warriors (W) Level 7 Minion Soldier Features of the Area ✦ What is this drake construct? (DC 14) The forge
Medium natural humanoid, hobgoblin XP 75 each drake, and others like it, comes from deeper in the
Initiative +8 Senses Perception +5; low-light vision Inert Golems: The inert golems are blocking
terrain. However, an adjacent character can use a forge, where Valsath and Jelia found a very power-
HP 1; a missed attack never damages a minion.
AC 23 (25 with phalanx soldier); Fortitude 20, Reflex 19, standard action to push over an inert golem (DC ful weapon called “the Calmachia.” Dakai hasn’t
Will 18
15 Athletics). The golem falls, allowing the pushing met Calmachia, but he suspects the “weapon” is an
Speed 6
creature to make an attack with the golem as the intelligent construct, and he fears that this being has
m Longsword (standard; at-will) ✦ Weapon
+12 vs. AC; 5 damage, and the target is marked until the origin: close blast 2; +9 vs. Reflex; 2d8 damage, and influence over Valsath.
end of the hobgoblin’s next turn.
the target is knocked prone and grabbed. A grabbed
r Longbow (standard; at-will) ✦ Weapon
+11 vs. AC; 5 damage. creature can escape (DC 19), but cannot stand until it
Hobgoblin Resilience (immediate reaction, when the does so. The fallen golem becomes difficult terrain.
hobgoblin becomes subject to an effect; encounter) Rune: The rune is a font of power. A creature
The hobgoblin makes a saving throw against the triggering
standing on the rune gains a +2 bonus to damage rolls
Phalanx Soldier with attacks that have the arcane keyword.
The hobgoblin gains a +2 bonus to AC while at least one Treasure: One parcel.
hobgoblin ally is adjacent to it.
Alignment Evil Languages Common, Goblin
Skills Athletics +9, History +5
Str 19 (+7) Dex 16 (+6) Wis 14 (+5) If captured, Dakai knows much of what the goblins
Con 15 (+5) Int 11 (+3) Cha 10 (+3) in area 1 and 6 knew. He tries to avoid answering
Equipment scale armor, light shield, longsword, longbow
questions or lies with Bluff, but in doing so he might
and 10 arrows
contradict facts the PCs already know. For instance,
Tactics he doesn’t admit to being a Bladebearer until the PCs
force him to, somehow. This means you might have to
If the PCs attack, one hobgoblin warrior bangs on the
edit the facts below until the PCs somehow discover
door to the lab area in desperation (a minor action).
the whole story.
The warriors then fight alongside one another to gain
✦ What are the plans for the forge? (DC 19) Valsath
the benefit of phalanx soldier.
plans to use the weapons and constructs in the forge
Dakai stays inside the lab and fights from there,
for the glory of the Bladebearers. With these weapons,
launching rod arc and shard orb at the PCs, since both
the Bladebearers could rise to power more quickly.
allow the artificer to ignore a measure of cover. The
✦ What about the eladrin, Jelia? (DC 14) Jelia hired
goblin is eager to put his constructs to the test, and he
the goblin mercenaries to help her uncover the forge,
fights as long as they are still functional. If the golem
but she didn’t know the goblins were Bladebearers.
and the forge drake fall, Dakai can be made to sur-
Valsath turned the tables on Jelia, who is now stuck
render with a successful DC 20 Intimidate check.
here. The hobgoblin leader will probably kill the
The golem and forge drake rush into combat. Both
eladrin when the time is right.
work to protect Dakai, who is the drake’s guarded
creature. These constructs fight until destroyed.
June 20 09 | D u n g e o n 16 7
Heart of the Forbidden Forge
June 20 09 | D u n g e o n 16 7
Heart of the Forbidden Forge
If the characters trigger the traps, the noise likely
alerts the creatures in area 13.
June 20 09 | D u n g e o n 16 7
Heart of the Forbidden Forge
9. Ruined Foyer takes a minute to detect magic, a successful DC 21 ✦ This is your forge?: (DC 8 Diplomacy) “Yes, I am
Arcana check reveals that no magic remains in these lord over those who died here. The others have the living forge
Encounter Level 7 (1,550 XP) nozzles. back up and running. Perhaps you’ll see, but I doubt it.”
After a PC moves into the room, read: Insight (DC 19): Available only after Haestus men-
Setup tions “the others” above. Haestus’s claim that this is
1 bone worm (B) An apparition rises through the floor. It is a translucent
human male dressed in the finery of House Cannith. At his his forge isn’t entirely true. Clearly, he has some loy-
2 tomb mote swarms (M)
heart burns a spectral blue flame. His eyes, mouth, and hair alty to or is beholden to the others he has mentioned.
1 ghostly f lame jets trap
share a similar fire. ✦ Others?: (DC 16 Diplomacy, or DC 12 Bluff/
Here in the forge’s original entry point, the former “Look who else has come! What are you people doing Diplomacy if the PC mentions Jelia or the hobgoblins)
overseer and many of his underlings died. His connec- here in my forge?” “Valsath is a cunning leader for a hobgoblin. Her alliance
tion to the place makes him aware of intruders who with Calmachia and me will prove fruitful for her people; I
enter it. He can then manifest within if he so chooses. Talking to Haestus have no doubt. I’m not sure I trust that eladrin female. She
No monsters are apparent when the PCs enter. Haestus appears before the PCs mainly to taunt them serves another agenda, I suspect.”
and to gain information he can pass on to his allies. ✦ Calmachia?: (DC 19 Diplomacy, or DC 16
When the PCs can see into the room, read:
He talks and asks questions as long as the PCs are Bluff/Diplomacy if the PC mentions the forge drakes)
The door opens into a large, octagonal room that must once “Ah, yes. She is the heart of the forge and mother of the
have been magnificent. The large symbol set into the floor forge drakes. One day, perhaps, her children will be more
The PCs can learn the following information from
still looks impressive, but the southern wall is completely like her. The world will know her soon enough, and they
Haestus, who is arrogant, a little crazy, and confident
shattered. Rubble is scattered everywhere, and some of the will know the name of her father—Haestus d’Cannith.”
they have little chance of breaching the forge’s lower
room’s southern section is blackened as if by an explosion.
level. Feel free to reward roleplaying with check When the conversation ends, read:
A large number of clearly humanoid bones are also strewn
bonuses. You can also just give out some information,
about the area. Haestus cackles. “Perhaps I’ll see you again, but I hope
rather than requiring a skill check.
not.” His eyes flash, and pieces of bone around the room
History Check ✦ Who are you?: (DC 8 Diplomacy) “I am Haestus
tremble. “Witness, now, my power over the dead things of
DC 10: The symbol is that of House Cannith. d’Cannith, the overseer of this place. You might already
this forge!” He sinks into the floor, and as he does, bones
Perception Check have seen some of my work. The golems? The warforged
dart through the rubble, meeting each other and knitting
DC 19: Numerous tiny nozzles project from a groove in prototypes?”
together. A spectral blue flame lingers in the spot where he
the room’s walls, at least a dozen on a side. ✦ What are you?: (DC 19 Diplomacy) “I am some-
was. It pulses, filling the nozzles on the walls with a pale
Arcana Check thing between living and dead, and greater than either. My
glow, then goes out.
DC 19 (success on the Perception check power in life allowed my spirit to remain kindled even in
required): They look like the sort of nozzles that spew death. I am a soul alight with the forge’s fire.” Development
magical fire. If they activated, everything in the room would Arcana or Religion (DC 15): Haestus is a forge- Haestus leaves and warns Valsath that she might
be burned beyond recognition. wraith, an undead creature with fiery powers. A PC expect company, then returns to area 13. If the PCs
This foyer once contained a deadly security device can know more per Monster Knowledge Checks, somehow keep Haestus here, he fights until he can
that could fill the entire chamber with fire. It hasn’t Player’s Handbook, page 180). escape (see page 26). Once Haestus vanishes or the
been functional since the end of the Last War. If a PC PCs attack him, the monsters appear, and they and
the trap roll initiative.
June 20 09 | D u n g e o n 16 7
Heart of the Forbidden Forge
When this happens, read: 2 Tomb Mote Swarms (M) Level 7 Brute Countermeasures
Medium natural beast (swarm, undead) XP 300 each ✦ A creature can direct radiant damage against the trap,
Whole bones knit to form a sinuous form like a centipede Initiative +8 Senses Perception +6; darkvision targeting any nozzles on the walls (AC 22, other defenses
with ribs for legs. A human skull caps the monstrosity. Bits Swarm Attack (Necrotic) aura 1; each enemy that starts 20). If the trap takes 8 or more points of radiant damage, it
its turn within the aura takes 5 necrotic damage plus 3 attacks the last creature to deal it radiant instead of making
of broken bone, teeth, and ash gather in tiny humanoid
extra necrotic damage per tomb mote swarm adjacent its normal attack: ranged 10; +12 vs. Will; 2d6 + 5 necrotic
shapes that mass in swarms to attack. to the enemy. damage, and ongoing 5 psychic and necrotic damage (save
HP 87; Bloodied 43 ends).
Tactics AC 14; Fortitude 14, Reflex 15, Will 10 ✦ Arcana or Religion (DC 21); standard action; a creature can
Immune disease, poison; Resist half damage from melee and attempt the check from anywhere in the trap’s encounter
The monsters initially move to attack the closest area. A total of four successes disables the trap. Any failure
ranged attacks, 10 necrotic; Vulnerable 10 against close
creatures, while the trap launches spectral flame at and area attacks by 5 or more allows the trap to attack as an immediate
clustered PCs. The bone worm senses and favors as a Speed 6 reaction.
m Swarm of Bones (standard; at-will) ✦ Necrotic
target any creature taking ongoing necrotic damage.
A tomb mote swarm is attracted to areas where it can
+10 vs. Reflex; 1d6 + 1 necrotic damage, and ongoing 5
necrotic damage (save ends). A creature already taking
Features of the Area
keep more than one enemy in its aura and still be ongoing 5 necrotic damage instead takes ongoing 10 Rubble: This is difficult terrain.
adjacent to an enemy adjacent to the other swarm. necrotic damage (save ends). Cannith Seal: While a dragonmarked character
Alignment Unaligned Languages —
The monsters here fight until destroyed. stands on this symbol, he or she feels a surge of power
Str 12 (+4) Dex 20 (+8) Wis 16 (+6)
Con 17 (+6) Int 4 (+0) Cha 14 (+5) and gains a +2 bonus to saving throws during this
Bone Worm (B) Level 7 Elite Skirmisher encounter.
Medium natural animate (undead) XP 600
Ghostly Flame Jets Level 8 Blaster
Initiative +10 Senses Perception +6; darkvision
Trap XP 350
HP 158; Bloodied 79
AC 21; Fortitude 18, Reflex 21, Will 19 Ghostly light pulses in the ancient nozzles, and phantom flame
Immune disease, poison; Resist 10 necrotic silently explodes into existence.
Saving Throws +2 Trap: When the trap is triggered, the flame pulses and attacks
Speed 7, climb 4; see also bite and skittering rake each round on its initiative.
Action Points 1 Religion
m Rake (standard; at-will) ✦ Necrotic ✦ DC 21: The character knows the nature of the ghostly flame
The bone worm shifts up to 2 squares before or after jets, including the countermeasures.
the attack; +12 vs. AC; 1d8 + 5 damage, and ongoing 5 Initiative +9
necrotic damage (save ends). Trigger
M Skittering Rake (standard; recharge ⚃ ⚄ ⚅ ) ✦ Necrotic When a non-undead creature enters area of the ghostly
The bone worm shifts up to 7 squares and can make two flame jets, the trap rolls initiative.
rake attacks during this move. Attack
Combat Advantage ✦ Necrotic Standard Action Area burst 1 within 10
A bone worm deals +1d8 necrotic damage to creatures it Targets: Each non-undead creature in burst.
has combat advantage against. Attack: +11 vs. Reflex
Necrotic Advantage Hit: 1d6 + 3 fire damage plus 1d6 + 3 necrotic damage, and
A bone worm gains combat advantage against any creature ongoing 5 fire and necrotic damage (save ends).
taking ongoing necrotic damage. Miss: Half damage.
Alignment Unaligned Languages — Effect: Undead creatures in the burst gain 5 temporary hit
Str 15 (+5) Dex 20 (+8) Wis 16 (+6) points.
Con 15 (+5) Int 2 (–1) Cha 2 (–1)
June 20 09 | D u n g e o n 16 7
Heart of the Forbidden Forge
13. Catwalk 2 Forge Drakes (D) Level 7 Skirmisher Haestus (H) Level 8 Elite Controller
Medium natural animate (construct, homunculus) X P 300 each Medium shadow humanoid (undead), foregwraith XP 700
Initiative +9 Senses Perception +5; low-light vision Initiative +5 Senses Perception +9; darkvision
Encounter Level 9 (2,050 XP)
HP 79; Bloodied 39 HP 123; Bloodied 61; see also bloodied wrath
AC 21; Fortitude 19, Reflex 20, Will 18 AC 20; Fortitude 19, Reflex 20, Will 21
Setup Speed 6, fly 4 (clumsy) Immune disease, nonmagical fire, poison; Resist 5 fire,
2 forge drakes (D) m Claws (standard; at-will) insubstantial; Vulnerable 5 radiant
+12 vs. AC; 2d6 + 4 damage. Saving Throws +2
6 forge wisp wraiths (under lava) M Shifting Bite (standard; at-will) Speed fly 6 (hover); phasing
Haestus (H) +12 vs. AC; 2d4 + 3 damage. The forge drake can shift 1 Action Points 1
1 catwalk deadfall and mesh trap (T) square before or after the attack. m Pain Hammer (standard; at-will) ✦ Fire, Necrotic
M Guard Creature (immediate reaction, when an enemy +12 vs. Fortitude; 1d6 + 5 fire and necrotic damage, and
If the PCs made little noise moving down the hall, attacks a creature guarded by the forge drake; at-will) the target is pushed 2 squares and knocked prone.
they might take the creatures here by surprise. If not, The forge drake shifts 2 squares toward or around r Soulburn (standard; at-will) ✦ Fire, Necrotic
the triggering creature. If the drake is adjacent to the Ranged 10; +12 vs. Reflex; 1d6 + 5 fire and necrotic
Haestus moves out of sight under the lava when they
triggering creature after shifting, it can make a claw attack damage, and the target slides 2 squares and takes a –2
arrive. Whatever the case, the forge wisp wraiths are against that creature. penalty to all defenses until the end of Haestus’s next turn.
out of sight in the lava when the PCs arrive. C Force Breath (standard; encounter) ✦ Force M/R Double Attack (standard; at-will)
When the forge was operational, the trap here Close blast 3; +10 vs. Reflex; 3d6 + 4 force damage, and Haestus makes two basic attacks.
target is pushed 2 squares and knocked prone. R Forge Strike (standard; recharge ⚃ ⚄ ⚅ ) ✦ Fire
was locked in a closed position unless the facility was
Alignment Unaligned Languages — Ranged 10; +12 vs. Fortitude; 2d10 + 5 fire damage, and
under attack. Jelia and Valsath leave the trap active, Str 16 (+6) Dex 19 (+7) Wis 14 (+5) ongoing 10 fire damage (save ends), and the target is
since their lackeys rarely come here and know of the Con 15 (+5) Int 4 (+0) Cha 4 (+0) knocked prone. Each time a target takes ongoing damage
from this attack, the forgewraith gains 5 temporary hit
trap’s safety mechanism.
6 Forge Wisp Wraiths Level 7 Minion Brute points.
When the PCs can see into this room, read: Medium shadow humanoid (undead) XP 75 each C Forge’s Wrath (standard; recharge ⚄ ⚅ ) ✦ Illusion,
Initiative +4 Senses Perception +3 Psychic, Teleportation
The marble of the passageway gives way to steel-covered HP 1; a missed attack never damages a minion. Close burst 2; +11 vs. Will; 2d6 + 5 psychic damage, and
walls and the flicker of fire from below. The hallway opens AC 19; Fortitude 20, Reflex 18, Will 19 the target believes it is surrounded by fire; if the target
onto a steel catwalk, which narrows to a 10-foot-wide Immune disease, fire, necrotic, poison; Resist insubstantial leaves its space, it takes 2d6 + 5 psychic damage (save
Speed fly 6 (hover), phasing ends). While the target remains in its space, all other
bridge as it crosses to the other side. Thirty feet below, m Kindling Touch (standard; at-will) ✦ Fire, Necrotic targets have concealment against the target. Miss: Half
molten metal churns. A fine mesh is stretched across the +8 vs. Fortitude; 2 necrotic damage, and ongoing 5 fire damage. Effect: Haestus can teleport to any square in the
room about 10 feet above the chasm, and on it rests charred damage (save ends). area of effect.
C Explosive End (when reduced to 0 hp) ✦ Fire Bloodied Wrath (when first bloodied; encounter) ✦ Illusion,
humanoid remains.
Close burst 1; +7 vs. Reflex; ongoing 5 fire damage Psychic, Teleportation
On the far side of the catwalk is a pair of winged drakes (save ends). Forge’s wrath recharges, and Haestus uses it immediately.
made of steel. Their luminous eyes flair at your arrival. Alignment Chaotic evil Languages — Alignment Evil Languages Common, Draconic
Skills Stealth +9 Skills Arcana +13, Intimidate +14, Stealth +10
Str 4 (+0) Dex 13 (+4) Wis 10 (+3) Str 10 (+4) Dex 12 (+5) Wis 10 (+4)
Con 17 (+6) Int 4 (+0) Cha 15 (+5) Con 16 (+7) Int 18 (+8) Cha 20 (+9)
June 20 09 | D u n g e o n 16 7
Heart of the Forbidden Forge
Catwalk Deadfall and Mesh (T) Level 7 Warder he tries to do so when he can unleash forge’s wrath
Trap XP 300 and forge strike during the same turn—or when he can
The catwalk falls open.
try to knock multiple targets off the catwalk. Haestus
Trap: A 2-square-by-2-square section of floor flips downward, is unafraid of melee, but he tries to remain free of
dumping creatures toward the molten metal.
Perception attackers so he can use his powerful ranged attacks.
✦ DC 21: The creature notices the door. Forge wisp wraiths emerge from the molten metal
✦ DC 21 (requires the creature to know the door is there): A to harry the PCs.
character adjacent to the door’s western side discovers its
All the creatures here fight until destroyed.
hidden locking mechanism.
The trap attacks when a nonflying creature enters one of its Features of the Area
western squares. Illumination: Bright light from the molten metal.
Immediate Reaction Melee Rails: The catwalk and balconies have rails, which
Target: The creature that triggered the trap. give any creature forced over an edge a +2 bonus to
Attack: +11 vs. Reflex the saving throw to avoid falling.
Hit: The target falls 30 feet onto the safety mesh, taking 2d10
Safety Mesh: The safety mesh is inches above a sea
damage, and falls prone.
Miss: The target grabs the edge of the opening or a rail near it of molten metal. A creature that starts its turn on the
(DC 10 Athletics to climb toward a safe square). mesh takes 5 fire damage. The charred humanoid form
Effect: The false floor opens and the pit is no longer hidden. A on the mesh was a hobgoblin who fell to his death.
creature that starts its turn on the safety mesh takes 5 fire
Treasure: When the PCs defeat Haestus, a single
Countermeasures corporeal object clatters to the catwalk as he dissipates.
✦ Thievery (DC 17); standard action; an adjacent character His personal House Cannith signet ring is left behind.
triggers the trap.
House Cannith is likely to give one treasure parcel,
✦ Thievery (DC 21); standard action; an adjacent character
works to disable the trap. From the eastern side, this even a magic item, for the return of this item—as long
requires two successful checks to jam the door closed. From as the PCs reveal its origin. The characters can gain
the western side, this requires one successful check to lock a smaller monetary treasure parcel from a jeweler or
the trap with its hidden locking mechanism.
fence, but doing so might offend House Cannith.
Tactics Development
The creatures here make use of their ability to fly
Roleplaying Haestus: Haestus taunts and mocks
to outmaneuver the PCs. Haestus uses his ability to
the PCs while the battle progresses. He uses what was
hover to remain out of the PCs’ reach when he doesn’t
said in his earlier meeting with the PCs as a starting
want to use a close or melee attack.
point for interactions in this room. The undead arti-
Forge drakes prefer to land before attacking. They
ficer also makes it very clear that any undead here
both consider Haestus to be their guarded creature.
exist due to his influence. He is supremely arrogant,
Haestus waits until PCs are on the catwalk. He
and he lingers long enough to be shocked if the PCs
readies an action if necessary, then emerges to start
destroy him.
off with forge’s wrath. When he uses an action point,
June 20 09 | D u n g e o n 16 7
Heart of the Forbidden Forge
June 20 09 | D u n g e o n 16 7
Heart of the Forbidden Forge
The goblins prefer to wait until some PCs are on the Medium natural humanoid XP 250
Encounter Level 8 (1,900 XP)
floor, then they attack. However, the bugbear war- Initiative +4 Senses Perception +5; low-light vision
HP 72; Bloodied 36
dancers climb up to assault those who remain on the
Setup catwalk. If they can, they push PCs off the catwalk
AC 20; Fortitude 18, Reflex 18, Will 19
Speed 5
2 bugbear wardancers (B)
to the floor. Some of the warriors might also take up m Longsword (standard; at-will) ✦ Weapon
1 hobgoblin dirge singer (D) +11 vs. AC; 1d8 + 6 damage.
positions on the catwalk to fire their longbows.
Valsath (V) M Grave Cry (standard; requires a longsword; at-will) ✦
Valsath, the wardancers, and the dirge singer
6 Valsath’s warriors (W) Weapon
remain mobile while the warriors tie up the PCs. The +11 vs. AC; 1d8 + 6 damage, and the target takes a –1
Valsath is likely to have been warned, so she and her dirge singer aids this mobility with battle chant and penalty to all defenses against attacks by the dirge singer’s
compatriots are expecting company. Due to the dim allies until the end of the dirge singer’s next turn.
fateful keening. While Valsath or the dirge singer is
C Battle Chant (standard; recharge ⚄ ⚅ )
illumination, the PCs might not see their enemies conscious, the rest of the goblins fight to the death. Close burst 5; two allies within the burst shift 5 squares
immediately. Unless the characters are trying to be and make a melee basic attack as a free action. If an attack
stealthy, opening the door and entering this room 2 Bugbear Wardancers (B) Level 6 Skirmisher hits, the target of the attack is marked by the ally until the
Medium natural humanoid XP 250 each end of the dirge singer’s next turn.
alerts Valsath and her guards to the PCs’ presence. Initiative +9 Senses Perception +5; low-light vision C Fateful Keening (standard; encounter) ✦ Thunder
Don’t place an enemy’s miniature until the PCs HP 70; Bloodied 35 Close blast 3; targets enemies; +10 vs. Fortitude; 2d6
see the creature. Some of the guards are out of line of AC 20; Fortitude 18, Reflex 19, Will 18 thunder damage, and the dirge singer pushes the target 2
Speed 7 squares. Effect: The dirge singer slides each ally in the blast
sight. m Flail Dance (standard; at-will) ✦ Weapon 1 square.
When the PCs can see into the room, read: +9 vs. Fortitude; 2d6 + 4 damage, the target is pushed 2 Hobgoblin Resilience (immediate reaction, when the
squares and knocked prone, and the bugbear wardancer hobgoblin becomes subject to an effect; encounter)
The door opens onto a metal catwalk. About 20 feet above shifts 1 square. The hobgoblin makes a saving throw against the triggering
you is the ceiling, and 30 feet below you is the floor of a C Flail Barrier (standard; recharge ⚄ ⚅ ) ✦ Weapon effect.
Close burst 2; targets enemies; no attack roll; 5 damage, Alignment Unaligned Languages Common, Goblin
vast room of industrial and arcane complexity. Huge, bulky
and the bugbear wardancer takes half damage from Skills Diplomacy +12, History +11, Insight +10
devices of incomprehensible purpose abound. Yawning pits weapon attacks until the end of its next turn. Str 12 (+4) Dex 12 (+4) Wis 14 (+5)
open in the steel floor. Chains dangle from above, some C Flail Assault (standard; encounter) ✦ Weapon Con 16 (+6) Int 16 (+6) Cha 19 (+7)
looping on the ground. Some of these items evince signs of Close burst 2; +9 vs. Reflex; 2d6 damage, and the target is Equipment chainmail, longsword
pushed 2 squares and knocked prone.
life: chains ratchet upward, a device hums, and a crystal Combat Advantage
sparks fitfully. A bugbear wardancer deals 1d6 extra damage against any
creature granting combat advantage to it.
Passive Perception Alignment Evil Languages Common, Goblin
DC 18: Movement alerts you to lurking creatures. Str 16 (+6) Dex 19 (+7) Wis 14 (+5)
Con 14 (+5) Int 11 (+3) Cha 16 (+6)
Equipment hide armor, heavy flail
June 20 09 | D u n g e o n 16 7
Heart of the Forbidden Forge
Valsath (V) Level 8 Elite Skirmisher 6 Valsath’s Warriors (W) Level 7 Minion Soldier Pits: These pits were once used to dispose of
Medium natural humanoid, hobgoblin XP 700 Medium natural humanoid, hobgoblin XP 75 each
refuse. They are 20 feet deep (DC 20 Athletics to
Initiative +9 Senses Perception +8; low-light vision Initiative +8 Senses Perception +5; low-light vision
HP 178; Bloodied 89; see also bloodblade dance. HP 1: a missed attack never damages a minion. climb).
AC 23; Fortitude 21, Reflex 19, Will 20 AC 23 (25 with phalanx soldier); Fortitude 20, Reflex 19, Steel Drums: These drums are low (4-foot) obsta-
Saving Throws +2 Will 18 cles that hold old alchemical reagents and hinder
Speed 6; see also Dhakaani footwork Speed 6
m Longsword (standard; at-will) ✦ Weapon
ground movement. A creature can hop atop one as
Action Points 1
m Scimitar (standard; at-will) ✦ Weapon +12 vs. AC; 5 damage, and the target is marked until the part of a move action with a successful DC 10 Ath-
+12 vs. AC; 1d8 + 7 damage (crit 1d8 + 15), the target is end of the hobgoblin’s next turn. letics check, treating the square as difficult terrain.
marked until the end of Valsath’s next turn. r Longbow (standard; at-will) ✦ Weapon
A creature can instead use an entire move action to
M Scimitar Rend (standard; requires combat advantage against +11 vs. AC; 5 damage.
the target; requires a scimitar; recharge ⚃ ⚄ ⚅ ) ✦ Weapon Hobgoblin Resilience (immediate reaction, when the clamber atop one without a check. Otherwise, a steel
+12 vs. AC; 1d8 + 7 damage (crit 2d8 + 22), and ongoing hobgoblin becomes subject to an effect; encounter) drum blocks movement into its square.
10 damage and the target takes –2 to AC (save ends both). The hobgoblin makes a saving throw against the Treasure: One parcel.
M Bladebearer Riposte (immediate reaction, when hit or missed triggering effect.
by a melee attack; at-will) ✦ Weapon Phalanx Soldier
Valsath shifts 1 square and makes a melee basic attack The hobgoblin gains a +2 bonus to AC while at least one
against the triggering target. See also bloodblade dance. hobgoblin ally is adjacent to it.
Bladebearer Finesse (free; usable only while charging; at-will) Alignment Evil Languages Common, Goblin
Valsath doesn’t provoke opportunity attacks when leaving Skills Athletics +9, History +5
the initial square of her charge. Str 19 (+7) Dex 16 (+6) Wis 14 (+5)
Bloodblade Dance (while bloodied) Con 15 (+5) Int 11 (+3) Cha 10 (+3)
The use of Bladebearer riposte becomes a free action 2/round. Equipment scale armor, light shield, longsword, longbow
Dhakaani Footwork (free, when Valsath hits with a melee and 10 arrows
attack; at-will)
Valsath shifts 1 square. Features of the Area
Hobgoblin Resilience (immediate reaction, when Valsath
becomes subject to an effect; encounter) Arcane Machinery: The bulky and largely non-
Valsath rolls a saving throw against the effect. functional arcane machinery is blocking terrain. Each
Alignment Evil Languages Common, Goblin piece of machinery is about 10 feet high.
Skills Athletics +14, Intimidate +10, History +12
Catwalk: The catwalk is 15 feet above the floor,
Str 20 (+9) Dex 17 (+7) Wis 18 (+8)
Con 17 (+7) Int 12 (+5) Cha 12 (+5) with ladders (DC 0 Athletics to climb; DC 15 Acro-
Equipment plate armor, light shield, scimitar, key to secret batics or Athletics to climb at normal speed) to the
trapdoor in area 6, key to area 10, key to area 14 floor. Rails here give any creature forced over an edge
a +2 bonus to the saving throw to avoid falling.
Development Chains: Leaping among the chains hanging from
Battle Sounds Carry: Jelia, in area 16, likely
the ceiling requires DC 15 Athletics or Acrobatics
hears combat in this room, but she does not come to
checks, allowing a character to essentially fly around
aid the Bladebearers.
the room at half speed (+10 to the DC to move at full
Prisoners: These goblins know everything,
speed). While among the chains, a creature grants
although they avoid revealing anything in Valsath’s
combat advantage to foes, but also has cover.
presence. She breaks only under intimidation (DC 20
Noise: The noises in this room impose a –4 pen-
Intimidation check).
alty to Perception checks.
June 20 09 | D u n g e o n 16 7
Heart of the Forbidden Forge
June 20 09 | D u n g e o n 16 7
Heart of the Forbidden Forge
Jelia (J) Level 8 Elite Controller (Leader) Jelia’s Iron Cobra (I) Level 6 Skirmisher Features of the Area
Medium fey humanoid, eladrin XP 700 Medium natural animate (construct, homunculus) XP 250
Initiative +6 Senses Perception +6; low-light vision Initiative +7 Senses Perception +9; darkvision Cabinets: Cabinets stretch to the ceiling, like
HP 176; Bloodied 88 HP 75; Bloodied 37 walls.
AC 22; Fortitude 19, Reflex 21, Will 20 AC 20; Fortitude 20, Reflex 18, Will 17 Junk: In some places, the junk is difficult terrain.
Saving Throws +2; +5 against charm effects Immune disease, poison
Treasure: One parcel. If Jelia has this parcel, she
Speed 6; see also construct space and fey step Speed 7; see also slithering shift
Action Points 1 m Bite (standard; at-will) ✦ Poison gives it to PCs who succeed on the skill challenge.
m Longsword (standard; at-will) ✦ Weapon +11 vs. AC; 1d8 + 3 damage, and ongoing 5 poison damage
+13 vs. AC; 1d8 + 5 damage, and the next among Jelia (save ends).
and her allies to hit the target gains a +3 bonus to the R Poison the Mind (standard; recharge ⚃ ⚄ ⚅ )
damage roll. Ranged 10; affects only creatures taking ongoing poison
c Eldritch Discharge (standard; at-will) ✦ Force damage; +8 vs. Will; the target is dazed and slowed (save
Close burst 10; Jelia or one ally (primary target) gains ends both); see also guard creature.
a +1 bonus to AC until the end of Jelia’s next turn. An Guard Creature
enemy adjacent to the primary target is attacked; +12 vs. Jelia’s iron cobra can use its poison the mind power against
Fortitude; 1d8 + 5 force damage, and the enemy is pushed any creature that has attacked Jelia since the end of the
1 square away from the primary target. iron cobra’s last turn, even if the power hasn’t recharged
m/c Artificer’s Expertise (standard; at-will) and even if the target isn’t taking ongoing poison damage.
Jelia makes two basic attacks. Slithering Shift (move; at-will)
C Resistive Formula (minor; encounter) ✦ Arcane, Healing The iron cobra shifts 3 squares as a move action.
Close burst 5; allies in the burst gain +1 to AC and can end Alignment Unaligned Languages —
this bonus as a free action to gain 10 temporary hit points. Skills Stealth +10
C Staggering Motes (standard; recharge ⚃ ⚄ ⚅ ) ✦ Force Str 17 (+6) Dex 15 (+5) Wis 13 (+4)
Close blast 5; targets enemies; +11 vs. Fortitude; 2d10 + 5 Con 19 (+7) Int 5 (+0) Cha 12 (+4)
force damage, and the target slides 2 squares. It also slides
2 squares each time an attack hits it (save ends).
Construct Space (immediate interrupt, when hit by an attack;
encounter) ✦ Teleportation The homunculi move among the PCs, keeping them-
Jelia switches spaces with a construct or living selves between the characters and Jelia. Jelia is their
construct within 5 squares. That creature becomes
guarded creature. The iron cobra uses poison the mind
the attack’s target.
Fey Step (move; recharges when first bloodied) ✦ Teleportation to keep determined attackers away form Jelia.
Jelia teleports 5 squares. Jelia prefers to attack from a short distance, aug-
Alignment Unaligned Languages Common, Elven, menting her homunculi with eldritch discharge or
Skills Arcana +16, History +16, Thievery +12 using staggering motes. She uses her teleportation
Str 10 (+4) Dex 14 (+6) Wis 14 (+6) powers to keep her distance from the PCs or to posi-
Con 16 (+7) Int 20 (+9) Cha 18 (+8) tion herself behind her homunculi.
Equipment leather armor, longsword, rod, key to secret
The constructs fight until destroyed, or until Jelia
trapdoor in area 6
orders them to stand down. When reduced to 40 or
fewer hit points, Jelia can be persuaded to surrender
(DC 20 Bluff, Diplomacy, or Intimidate). If she does,
she might subsequently help the PCs.
June 20 09 | D u n g e o n 16 7
Heart of the Forbidden Forge
17. Wyrm Forge “Who enters my forge unbidden?” says the dragon in a Bluff or Diplomacy (DC 23): The PCs can convince
voice that vibrates your innards and tickles your mind. Calmachia that they have no problem with her plans.
Encounter Level 10 (2,600 XP) or 9 (2,000) She agrees to let them leave if they agree to do so
Talking to Calmachia peacefully. Jelia’s release can be part of the bargain.
Setup When Calmachia sees the PCs, she is taken aback.
Calmachia (C) Level 9 Solo Controller
Calmachia (C) She doesn’t attack immediately, but is hostile and
Large natural dragon (living construct) XP 2,000
Calmachia’s Forge suspicious. A successful DC 20 Diplomacy check can Initiative +4 Senses Perception +5; darkvision
Calmachia dwells here. She has not yet left the forge convince her to parley beyond an initial exchange. HP 400; Bloodied 200
Otherwise, the draconic construct attacks. When AC 23; Fortitude 23, Reflex 20, Will 21
complex; indeed, she hasn’t even left this chamber, Saving Throws +5 (+7 against ongoing damage)
because she sees no reason to do so. She works on the Calmachia chooses not to answer a query, she sug- Speed 6, fly 8 (hover)
forge, hoping to create children superior to the forge gests the PCs are unworthy of the answer or are Action Points 2
merely biding their time. m Bite (standard; at-will)
drakes she has brought into being. Reach 2, +15 vs. AC; 2d8 + 6 damage, and the target
✦ What are you?: (DC 14 Diplomacy) “I am Calm-
If the forge is operational, read: is grabbed.
achia. I am the forge. The forge is me. But your question is m Claw (standard; at-will)
Heat and loud sound pour through the open door. Beyond is more mundane than this profound truth. I am a construct Reach 2; +15 vs. AC; 1d10 + 6 damage, and the target
a vast arcane workshop that appears to be performing all its with sentience beyond your comprehension.” slides 2 squares.
M Double Attack (standard; at-will)
functions by itself—gears whirl, levers move up and down, Arcana or Nature (DC 15): This dragon has traits Calmachia makes two claw attacks.
and lightning arcs between rods. Across from the door, an like those of a warforged. It is a living construct. A PC M Fling (minor; at-will)
enormous glass hatch reveals red fire on the other side. can intuit more by using Monster Knowledge Checks, Targets a creature Calmachia has grabbed; +13 vs.
Fortitude; 1d8 + 6 damage, and the target is pushed 6
Player’s Handbook, page 180).
If the forge is shut down, read: squares and knocked prone. Miss: The target is pushed
✦ What are you doing here? (DC 19 Diplomacy) 2 squares.
Beyond the door is a vast arcane workshop that is dead “I am creating my children. When I perfect the process, C Arcing Backlash (immediate reaction, when hit by an
except for an ambient red light. Gears are still, levers are I will create others like me, and I will be their queen. I attack; at-will) ✦ Lightning
Close burst 10; targets only the attacker; +13 vs. Reflex;
frozen between positions, and rods that might conduct energy already rule the others here, whom you have likely slain.” 1d8 + 5 lightning damage, and the enemy is pushed 2
stand quiet and dark. Across from the door, an enormous Insight (DC 15): Calmachia’s wrath rises at this squares and knocked prone.
glass hatch reveals a blackened hearth where no fire lives. point. She attacks unless the PCs sense this and C Breath Weapon (standard; recharge ⚃ ⚄ ⚅ ) ✦ Force
Close blast 5; +13 vs. Reflex; 2d6 + 5 force damage, and
appease her with a successful DC 21 Bluff, Diplo-
If the forge is working, Calmachia is engrossed in her the target is slowed (save ends) and pushed 3 squares.
macy, or Intimidate check. C Bloodied Breath (free, when first bloodied; encounter) ✦
plans and might not notice the PCs immediately. If the
✦ What about the others? (DC 14 Diplomacy) Force
PCs shut down the forge, Calmachia hides behind the Calmachia’s breath weapon recharges, and she uses it
“Yes, the eladrin and the goblins. They make excellent
forge, preparing an ambush. She is out of line of sight. immediately.
servants.” C Commanding Voice (standard; encounter) ✦ Charm
When the PCs see Calmachia, read: ✦ What are your plans? (DC 21 Diplomacy) Close burst 3; targets enemies; +11 vs. Will; the target is
As supple as a serpent, a dragon emerges from near the “I shall go into Darguun to enlist the Bladebearers, and dominated until the end of Calmachia’s next turn. Miss:
The target is dazed until the end of Calmachia’s next turn.
forge. It has flesh made of wood strands, stone plates, and I shall make them great. With others like me, I shall rule
Alignment Unaligned Languages Common, Draconic
metal scales. Its teeth are like steel daggers, and its eyes flash over these goblins. Then, according to their history, we shall Skills Arcana +13, Intimidate +14
with blue light. A hint of lightning dances on its steely scales. reforge the Dhakaani Empire form this shattered land.” Str 23 (+10) Dex 10 (+4) Wis 12 (+5)
Con 20 (+9) Int 18 (+8) Cha 20 (+9)
June 20 09 | D u n g e o n 16 7
Heart of the Forbidden Forge
June 20 09 | D u n g e o n 16 7
Heart of the Forbidden Forge
June 20 09 | D u n g e o n 16 7