Lesson Plan Deped 2022
Lesson Plan Deped 2022
Lesson Plan Deped 2022
At the end of the lesson, the pupils will be able to:
a. define what is a verb;
b. identify the verbs being used in a sentence and being showed in a flashcards;
c. create sentences using verbs.
“Everybody stand for the prayer. In the (The pupils will stand and pray)
1. Opening Prayer name of the Father, the Son and the Holy
Spirit, Amen.
2. Greetings “Good morning children! How are you “Good morning too teacher!”
today? Have you eaten your breakfast “We’re fine teacher”
3. Checking of Attendance “Before anything else, let me check your “Yes Teacher”
attendance. Say present if your name is
being called.”
4. Classroom Rules “Before you take your seats please pick up “Yes Teacher” (The pupils will pick
the pieces of paper under your chairs, up the trash and arranged their chairs)
make your row straight, and have your
chairs properly aligned.”
“Thank you Teacher”
“Thank you, you may now take your
5. Checking of Assignment Did I give you an assignment yesterday? “Yes Teacher”
“Pass your papers forward by column” (The pupils will pass their papers
ACTIVITIES Before we proceed to our new lesson, what “About nouns teacher”
1. Recap of the Past Lesson did we learn yesterday?
Very good. It is all about Nouns. What can A noun is a name of person, place,
you remember class about nouns? things, and events.
4. Lesson Proper Alright class, what are the things that we (The pupils will answer shake their
did a while back? What did we do? Can hands, stand up, sit down, stamp their
you give one? feet and clap their hands)
A verb is a word that describes action. We (The pupils will listen attentively)
shake our hands, we stamp our feet, we
stand up are some of the examples of a
1. Enrichment Activity (The class will have an activity entitled (The pupils are participating in the
“Pass it On”. As the song is playing, the activity)
pupils will pass the ball, then when it
stops, the pupil handling a ball will recite
two action words.)