As - As Idioms
As - As Idioms
As - As Idioms
Idioms Meaning
as American as apple pie truly American, typically
as bald as a billiard ball, as bald as a coot, as bald as an egg absolutely bald
as black as coal, as black as soot, as black as a skillet, as black 1. very dirty (about hands, face,
as a sweep, as black as the ace of spades, as black as a stack of clothes); 2. completely black
black cats
as black as pitch, as black as midnight, as black as night, as very dark (about a house, room,
black as hell, as black as the Pit, as black as ink street, night)
as black as jet, as black as a crow, as black as a raven completely black, jet-black
as black as sin, as black as thunder, as black as thundercloud very gloomy
(not) as black as he is painted (not) as bad as he / she is
as blind as a bat, as blind as a mole completely blind (jokingly
about a person with poor
as bold as brass impudent, cheeky
as bold as a lion, as brave as a lion very brave
as bright as a button, as bright as a new penny, as bright as a very clean, very neatly dressed,
new pin dressed up
as bright as day full of light
as bright as silver shiny
as brittle as glass fragile
as brown as a berry tanned
as busy as a bee, as busy as a beaver very busy
as calm as a millpond very calm
as changeable as the weather, as changeable as a weathercock, changeable, volatile
as changeable as the moon
as cheap as dirt very cheap
as cheerful as a lark, as happy as a lark very cheerful
as clean as a pin, as clean as a new pin very clean (about people,
things, places)
as clean as a whistle very neatly, quickly, without a
as clear as a bell clear, distinct, loud
as clear as crystal clear, transparent, obvious
(about water, situations)
as clear as (the) day, as clear as the sun at noonday, as clear as absolutely clear, obvious
the nose on your face, as clear as that two and two make four
as clear as mud 1. absolutely clear; 2.
absolutely unclear
as clever as a cartload of monkeys, as clever as a wagonload of very clever
as cold as charity, as cold as a stone, as cold as ice very cold, heartless,
as cool as a cucumber calm, cool-headed (in the face
of danger or difficulty)
as crazy as a loon, as crazy as a coot, as crazy as a bedbug absolutely crazy, insane, nutty
as crooked as a corkscrew, as crooked as a dog's hind leg crooked, dishonest
as cross as a bear, as cross as a bear with a sore head, as cross very annoyed, angry, in a very
as two sticks bad mood
as cunning as a fox clever, cunning, crafty
as dark as night, as dark as pitch very dark (house, room, street)
as dead as a doornail, as dead as Julius Caesar, as dead as a dead; finished (literally and
herring, as dead as mutton, as dead as a dodo figuratively)
as deaf as a post, as deaf as a stone completely deaf
as different as chalk from cheese very different (about people,
as drunk as a lord, as drunk as a fiddler, as drunk as a skunk completely drunk, dead drunk
as dry as a bone, as dry as dust completely dry
as dry as a stick completely dry; thirsty
as dull as ditchwater extremely dull
as dumb as a fish, as dumb as an oyster, as dumb as a statue, as silent, mute
dumb as a stone
as dumb as a rock, as dumb as a box of rocks, as dumb as a very stupid, very dim-witted
as easy as ABC, as easy as pie, as easy as falling off a log, as very easy
easy as kissing your hand, as easy as anything
as fast as a hare extremely fast
as fast as one's legs can carry extremely fast
as fat as a pig very fat
as fat as butter plump
as fierce as a tiger fierce, violent, intensely eager
as firm as a rock firm, stable, resolute
as fit as a fiddle very healthy, feeling very well,
physically fit, in excellent
as flat as a board, as flat as a pancake completely flat
as free as a bird, as free as the air absolutely free
as fresh as a daisy, as fresh as a rose, as fresh as paint fresh and healthy in
appearance, lively, energetic
as gentle as a lamb very gentle, mild
as good as a play very interesting, amusing
as good as gold very well-behaved (especially
about a child)
as good as it gets the best, excellent
as good as new in good condition
as good as one's word trustworthy, reliable
as graceful as a swan very graceful
as grave as a judge very serious
as greedy as a wolf, as greedy as a dog, as greedy as a pig greedy, gluttonous, ravenous
as green as grass 1. bright green; 2.
as gruff as a bear ill-tempered, unsociable
as handsome as a young Greek god very handsome
as happy as a king, as happy as a lark, as happy as the day is very happy
long, as happy as a sandboy, as happy as a dog with two tails,
as happy as a clam at high tide
as harmless as a dove, as harmless as a kitten harmless, inoffensive, gentle
as hard as a stone, as hard as iron, as hard as nails very firm, harsh, severe, tough
as heavy as lead very heavy
as helpless as a babe, as helpless as a baby, as helpless as a completely helpless
as high as a kite very drunk and/or very excited
as hoarse as a crow with hoarse voice
as honest as the day, as honest as the day is long honest, trustworthy
as honest a man as ever lived, as honest a man as ever broke a very honest, trustworthy
bread person
as hot as fire, as hot as hell very hot
as hot as pepper very spicy
as hungry as a hunter, as hungry as a wolf, as hungry as a bear very hungry, ravenous
as innocent as a lamb, as innocent as a dove, as innocent as a 1. very naive; 2. not guilty of
babe unborn, as innocent as a child unborn, as innocent as a anything
new-born babe
as jolly as a sandboy joyful, cheerful
as keen as mustard very eager, enthusiastic
as large as life live, in person, as he / she is
as lean as a rake, as thin as a rake very thin, very lean
as light as a feather, as light as thistledown, as light as air very light
as like as chalk and cheese, as like as an apple to an oyster absolutely different
as like as two peas in a pod, as like as two peas, as like as two very much alike in appearance
beans (about people or things)
as like someone as if he / she were spit out of his mouth looks like an exact copy of
some other person
as likely as not probably, very likely
as long as your arm very long
as loud as thunder very loud, thunderous
as mad as a hatter, as mad as a March hare absolutely crazy
as mad as a wet hen, as mad as a hornet very angry
as meek as a lamb humble, submissive, gentle,
as merry as a cricket lively, joyful, cheerful
as mild as a dove, as mild as a lamb, as mild as milk, as mild gentle, soft
as May
as mute as a fish, as mute as an oyster, as mute as a statue, as silent, mute
mute as a stone
as naked as a jaybird, as naked as I was born, as naked as my completely naked
mother bore me
as nervous as a cat very nervous
as nutty as a fruitcake completely crazy, insane,
extremely eccentric
as obstinate as a mule, as stubborn as a mule very stubborn
as often as not quite often
as old as the hills, as old as Adam, as old as Methuselah very old, ancient
as pale as a ghost, as pale as death, as pale as ashes very pale, usually because of
illness, fright
as patient as an ox, as patient as Job very patient
as plain as a pikestaff, as plain as day, as plain as the sun, as obvious, clearly seen
plain as the nose on your face
as playful as a kitten playful, mischievous
as pleased as Punch, as pleased as a dog with two tails highly pleased, delighted
as plump as a partridge plump
as poor as a church mouse, as poor as a rat, as poor as Job, as extremely poor
poor as Lazarus
as pretty as a picture very pretty (about a girl)
as proud as a peacock, as vain as a peacock very proud, vain, self-important
as proud as Lucifer very proud, arrogant, haughty
as pure as a lily, as pure as snow, as pure as (the) driven snow pure, innocent
as quick as lightning, as quick as a flash (about movement, very quick, with lightning
actions, mental abilities) speed
as quiet as a mouse, as still as a mouse very quiet
as red as a cherry, as red as a rose rosy, ruddy; bright red
as red as a beetroot, as red as a lobster, as red as a turkey-cock red (about color); red with
shame, anger, tension
as red as blood, as red as fire red, deep red, bright red
as regular as clockwork very regular
as rich as Croesus very rich
as right as rain, as right as nails, as right as a trivet in good condition, healthy
as round as a ball, as round as a barrel round
as safe as houses, as safe as the Bank of England safe, reliable
as scarce as hen's teeth, as scarce as ice water in hell scarce, rare, almost non-
as scared as a rabbit very scared
as sharp as a needle very sharp, piercing, shrewd
as sharp as a razor very sharp
as sick as a dog very sick
as silent as the dead, as silent as the grave, as silent as the stars completely silent
as silly as a goose, as silly as a sheep very silly, very foolish
as slippery as an eel very slippery, tricky, crafty, sly
as slippery as ice very slippery (about surface)
as slow as a snail, as slow as a wet week, as slow as molasses very slow
in January
as sly as a fox cunning, tricky, sly, crafty
as smooth as butter, as smooth as oil, as smooth as silk, as very smooth
smooth as glass
as snug as a bug in a rug very cozy, snug, comfortable
as sober as a judge completely sober; very solemn,
formal, serious
as soft as butter, as soft as down, as soft as silk, as soft as very soft to the touch; boneless,
velvet, as soft as clay, as soft as wax feeble
as sound as a bell very healthy, in very good
health, physically fit
as sour as vinegar very sour
as steady as a rock firm, stable, resolute
as sticky as jam very sticky
as stiff as a poker, as stiff as a ramrod, as stiff as a board, as very stiff, inflexible
stiff as a pikestaff
as still as a mouse, as quiet as a mouse very quiet
as still as death, as still as the grave completely still, silent
as straight as a die direct, honest
as straight as an arrow direct
as straight as a poker, as straight as a ramrod straight, erect (about a person's
bearing, posture)
as strong as a horse, as strong as a bull, as strong as an ox very strong
as stubborn as a mule, as obstinate as a mule, as stubborn as a very stubborn
as sure as death, as sure as death and taxes, as sure as fate, as certainly, for sure, inevitably,
sure as a gun, as sure as eggs is eggs undoubtedly
as sweet as honey, as sweet as sugar, as sweet as a nut very sweet
as tall as a steeple, as tall as a maypole very tall
as thick as blackberries a lot of, in abundance
as thick as pea soup thick, dense
as thick as thieves very close (about friends)
as thick as two planks, as thick as two short planks very stupid, very dim-witted
as thin as a lath, as thin as a rail, as thin as thread paper very thin, very lean
as timid as a deer timid, easily scared
as timid as a hare, as timid as a rabbit timid, cowardly
as timid as a mouse very timid, shy, quiet
as tough as leather tough, hardened
as tough as nails tough, strong-willed
as tricky as a monkey clever, crafty, tricky
as true as steel, as true as flint faithful, devoted, loyal
as ugly as a scarecrow, as ugly as sin, as ugly as a toad ugly, disgusting, repulsive
as vain as a peacock, as proud as a peacock very proud of oneself, vain,
as warm as toast warm, cozy
as watchful as a hawk very watchful, vigilant
as weak as a kitten, as weak as a baby very weak, feeble
as weak as water, as weak as a cat very weak, feeble; weak-
willed, faint-hearted
as wet as a drowned rat soaking wet, wet to the skin
as white as a ghost, as white as a sheet very pale, usually because of
illness, fright
as white as snow, as white as chalk, as white as milk very clean white, pure white
as wide as the poles apart completely different
as wise as Solomon, as wise as an owl very wise
as yielding as wax soft, pliant, submissive
Idioms of comparison with the word LIKE are divided into two lists here.
Idioms in the first list are often used after the verb BE, but depending on the
context, they may be used with other verbs (e.g., behave, feel, look, run).
Idioms in the second list are generally used with certain verbs.
List 1
like a bat out of hell –
like a bear with a sore head like a bolt from the blue; like a bolt out of a
clear sky
like a breeze -
like a bull in a china shop -
like a cat on hot bricks; like a cat on a hot tin roof -
like a clock; like clockwork -
like a dog in the manger -
like a dog with two tails -
like a drowned rat -
like a fish out of water -
like a full moon -
like a hog on ice -
like a house on fire -
like a lamb -
like a needle in a bundle of hay; like a needle in a haystack -
like an oven –
like anything -
like a rat in a hole -
like a red rag to a bull -
like a shot -
like a streak of lightning; like lightning, like a flash
like a thief in the night -
like a ton of bricks; like a cartload of bricks
like a two-year-old –
like a weathercock in the wind –
like a whirlwind -
like crazy; like mad –
like hell
like herrings in a barrel -
like hotcakes -
like pigs in clover -
like the wind -
like water off a duck's back -
List 2