Questions: Vocabulary

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Unit 7

7A  Questions

7 OVERVIEW Introduction
The goal of this lesson is for Ss to ask and answer questions about
a place. To help them achieve this, they will revise forming wh-
questions and vocabulary in the context of places.
7A  Questions
Goal  |  ask and answer about a place Warm-up
Grammar  |  wh- questions
Before Ss look at their books, show some images of different
Vocabulary  | places
scenes from both the city and the countryside, from different
GSE learning objective
countries or around the Ss’ country. Ask Ss to talk in pairs, taking
Can ask and answer simple questions in areas of immediate
need or on very familiar topics
turns to describe what they see. Encourage Ss to use There’s /
There are and It’s + adjective in their descriptions.
7B A good day After a few minutes, ask Ss for their ideas. Tell them today’s
Goal  |  talk about good days lesson is about places.
Grammar  |  was /were, there was /were
Vocabulary  |  months, dates
GSE learning objectives Vocabulary
Can make simple references to the past using was /were
7C How was it?
1a Refer Ss to the photos and ask them to match them with the
Goal  |  ask and answer about past events
Grammar  |  was /were (questions), there was /were (questions) words in the box. For weaker classes, put Ss in pairs to work. Give
Vocabulary  |  adjectives them a few moments, then go through the answers as a class.
GSE learning objectives
Can ask very basic questions with was/were Answers: A the sea  B north  C west  D east  E south 
F a mountain  G an island  H a lake  I a hill  J a river 
7D English in action K a field  L the sky  M clouds  N trees  O flowers
Goal  |  buy travel tickets
GSE learning objectives
Can buy tickets on public transport using basic fixed expressions Teaching tip
Introductory tasks like this are designed to activate Ss’ existing
Roadmap video
knowledge of the subject matter and to increase awareness of
Go online for the Roadmap video.
the vocabulary they will need in the lesson. Weaker classes
Check and reflect benefit from having a structure provided to make sentences
Review exercises and communicative activities to review the before they start. In this case it could be I can see … or
grammar and vocabulary from the unit. There’s a … /There are … .

VOCABULARY BANK b 7.1  Ask Ss to listen, then repeat the words.

2 This exercise checks understanding of the vocabulary.
7C Adjectives (2)
Complete an example as a class, then give Ss a few minutes
to write the words in the correct boxes, then compare in pairs.
Stronger Ss, who finish quickly, can add more words to each box.
7A Develop your writing Go through the answers.
Goal  |  write directions
Focus  |  using sequence adverbs Answers:
GSE learning objective water land plants air directions
Can write very short, basic directions
the sea a hill trees the sky north
7B Develop your listening a river a mountain flowers clouds east
Goal  |  understand a short conversation about events a lake a field south
Focus  |  understanding present and past an island west
GSE learning objective
Can understand simple, everyday conversations if conducted
slowly and clearly Optional extra activity

7C Develop your reading Give Ss a few minutes to look at the book and try and remember
Goal  |  understand short texts what they can see. They then close their books and write down as
Focus  |  finding dates, times and place names many words as they can remember. When they have finished, ask
GSE learning objective them to swap their lists in pairs. Ss give each other one point for
Can understand short written notices, signs and instructions each word remembered and two points if the spelling is correct.
with visual support This activity aids memory and retrieval.


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3 Ss should underline the correct words. Ask them to compare Fatma: And who do you go with? 
Unit 7

answers, then ask individuals to read out the correct sentences. Dan: Sometimes with my friends, sometimes with my wife.
Fatma: Great! And how much is a train ticket from London? 
For weaker classes, ask Ss to work in pairs.
Dan: Ah, quite expensive! Sometimes tickets are £100! But there is
also a bus – we often take that.
Answers: 1 clouds, sky  2 south  3 river, lake  Fatma: Good to know! 
4 flowers, mountains  5 hill  6 north

4 Ask Ss to complete the gaps, so that the sentences are true Grammar
about their town. When they finish, put them in pairs to say what
they wrote. In multilingual classes, put Ss with a partner from Wh- questions
another country. 6 Tell Ss they are going to focus on some grammar. Ask them to
look at the grammar box and complete it, using Ex 5b to help them.
Optional extra activity Ask Ss to look at the examples on the right, then use these to
Ss work in small groups of three or four to prepare a poster or complete the rules on the left. They should work alone, then check
map about their town. They work together; all contribute and in pairs. Go through the answers.
make notes. When they finish, they take turns to present their
Answers: 1 things  2 way  3 days, months and times 
poster or map to other small groups or to the class. This task is
4 people  5 places  6 prices  7 the number of things
great for multilingual groups, but works equally well when Ss
all come from the same place. The posters can later be used as
7a 7.3  Ask Ss to read the questions, then listen to them and
classroom artwork.
draw an arrow to show whether the voice goes up or down. Do the
first one together as an example, then Ss can continue alone. Play
Teaching tip the recording more than once if necessary. Ask pairs to compare
Personalisation is an important step in language learning answers, then go through the answers as a class and deal with
as associative memory is powerful. Asking Ss to talk about further questions. Share the information in the Pronunciation
somewhere they know also helps them see the value of the checkpoint if you think your Ss will find it helpful.
language being studied and it is immediately useful as it is
meaningful. If Ss live somewhere that does not have many Answers: 1 ▼  2 ▲  3 ▼  4 ▲  5 ▲
of the geographical features from the vocabulary set, either
provide images that do or teach additional vocabulary items Pronunciation checkpoint
that they might need. Ss sometimes wrongly assume that questions always rise. As
shown in the exercise, questions that start with a question
Further practice word tend to fall at the end, on the final stressed word, while
Photocopiable activities: 7A Vocabulary, p197 questions that start with an auxiliary tend to rise.

b Ask Ss to listen again and repeat chorally.

Optional extra activity
5a 7.2 Tell Ss they are going to hear a conversation between
Put Ss in pairs to ask the questions and give their own answers.
Dan and Fatma about a holiday she is planning. They will listen to
the recording to answer the question.
8a Ask Ss to work individually and to make the questions using
Answer: In the north of England the prompts given. Tell them to refer back to the grammar table
for help regarding the sentence structure. When Ss have finished,
b Before playing the recording again, ask Ss to read the ask them to check each other’s work in pairs, then go through the
questions (1–8) and the answers (a–h) in order to familiarise answers as a class.
themselves with what they need to listen out for in order to
Answers: 1 What is the name of the place? 
match the questions and answers. After listening, ask them to
2 Where is it?  3 When do you usually go there? 
compare and help each other, then play the recording again if
4 What do you usually do there? 
needed. Go through the answers as a class.
5 How much is a train ticket from here? 
Answers: 1 d  2 c  3 b  4 f  5 h  6 a  7 e  8 g 6 How many cafés are there?  7 Is it a quiet place?

b Once Ss have the questions in the correct form, get them to

Audioscript 7.2
ask each other in pairs about the place they are thinking of.
Dan: OK, so there’s this place … and I love it. It’s the Lake District.  Monitor the class, checking for correct sentence structure and
Fatma:  Sorry, what’s the name of the place?  pronunciation.
Dan: The Lake District. 
Fatma: Hmm. How do you spell that?  9 Put Ss in pairs to write the questions as in the example. Allow
Dan:  L-A-K-E D-I-S-T-R-I-C-T plenty of time for this. With weaker classes, go through the
Fatma: Ah, OK. Where is it? question words needed for each before they start. Monitor and
Dan: In the north of England.  help. When Ss finish, go through the answers and correct them.
Fatma: And what do you like about it? 
Dan: Well, there are mountains and lakes. It’s very beautiful and quiet. Answers: 1 Where are your parents from?
Fatma: Lovely! How many lakes are there?
2 Who do you go with?  3 Where (in the country) is it? 
Dan: Um, sixteen, I think. 
Fatma: Sixteen? Wow! When do you usually go there? 
4 When do you visit?  5 How many lakes are there? 
Dan: In June or July. 6 How much is a ticket?  7 How do you spell that?


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Unit 7
GRAMMAR BANK 7A  pp.128–129
Stronger classes could read the notes at home. Otherwise,
7B  A good day
check the notes with Ss. In each exercise, elicit the first
answer, or look at the example as a class. Ss work alone to
complete the exercises, then check their answers in pairs. Introduction
In feedback, elicit Ss’ answers and drill the questions. Ss can The goal of this lesson is for Ss to talk about good days. To help
refer to the notes to help them. them achieve this, they will study past forms (there) was and
Answers: (there) were and vocabulary of months and dates.
1 1 What’s  2 How many  3 Who  4 How much 
5 How often  6 Where  7 How  8 When’s  9 How old Warm-up
2 1 e  2 h  3 i  4 c  5 a  6 b  7 d  8 f  9 g Ask Ss to write the days of the week. Check as a class. Ask Ss to tell
each other which day of the week is their favourite and which they
Further practice don’t like, and why. Have brief feedback to see if there are shared
Photocopiable activities: 7A Grammar 1, p195; ideas. Tell Ss this is today’s topic and ask them to turn to Ex 1.
7A Grammar 2, p196

Reading and listening

Speaking 1a Ask Ss to read the text, then match photos 1–5 with
Prepare paragraphs A–E. Give them plenty of time to do this. Ss at this
10a Ask Ss to think about another nice place that they like to level may feel daunted by reading texts. They may want to
visit in their country and to make some notes on it. Help them with read the text aloud. Explain that they don’t need to do this, but
any vocabulary they might need and make sure that they have should hunt for the answers, underlining when they find them.
written about enough aspects of the place to be able to answer Focus attention on the task and reassure them that they can
several questions. do it without understanding every word. To encourage focused
reading, give a timeframe of two to three minutes. To increase
b Ss ask and answer each other questions in pairs. Give them
confidence, ask pairs to compare before feedback.
enough time to do this. Monitor and check for sentence structure
and punctuation.
Answers: 1 E  2 C  3 B  4 D  5 A
Optional alternative activity
b 7.4  Tell Ss they will now listen and read at the same time.
Ask Ss to choose just five of the questions to ask and answer.
They should underline where the text differs from what they hear.
This is better for weaker classes or when you are short of time.
Go through the answers with the class.

Speak Answers:
11 Put Ss in small groups, so individual Ss can tell the rest of the 1 He says they’ve got a big TV (not a big sofa).
group about their partner’s place. Monitor and make notes for 2 He says he is 21 (not 31).
feedback later on their language use. . 3 He says the hotel was near the sea (not a lake).
4 He says they were at a Thai restaurant (not Spanish).
Reflection on learning 5 He says he works for a food company (not a video games
Write the following questions on the board: company).
What vocabulary can you remember from the lesson?
Make a list. Audioscript 7. 4
Does your voice go up or down when you ask a question with Narrator:  David’s year
a question word? David: These were my five very good days this year:
The 12th of February was the first day in our new flat. It’s
Put Ss in pairs to discuss the questions. When they have
great. We’ve got a new table and chairs, and a big TV.
finished, ask if anyone wants to share their ideas with the
The 5th of April was my birthday. I was 21 this year. There was
class, but don’t force them to if they’d rather not. a party with great music – it was amazing!
The 7th of August was the first day of our holiday. We usually
Homework ideas go to a big city, but this year was different. Our hotel was near
the sea, and there were mountains and fields. There weren’t
Ex 10b: Write a few sentences about the place to visit in your any cars or buses. It was really quiet.
country. On the 14th of October in the evening we were at the Thai
Grammar bank: 7A Ex 1–2, pp.128–129 restaurant near Liverpool Street. Mike, Junko, Wes and Trin
were there. The food wasn’t cheap, … but it was really good
Workbook: Ex 1–7, p40
The 8th of December was my first day at my new job. I work
App: grammar and vocabulary practice for a food company in London and I often travel to other
countries. It’s a really good job.
Fast route: continue to Lesson 7B
Extended route: go to p104 for Develop your writing


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Vocabulary Grammar
Unit 7

Months and dates was and were

2a 7.5 Play the recording, so that Ss can listen and repeat 6 Explain that Ss will now use the text from Ex 1a to study some
chorally the months. Play the recording more than once if necessary. grammar. Ask Ss to read through the grammar box, then refer them
b Get Ss to rewrite the sentences, so that they are true for to the text to help them complete the missing words. Ask them to
them. Ask them to work in pairs and read their sentences to each try and work out any of the missing words that aren’t in the text.
other. Once they have done that, get a few of the Ss to read their Go through the answers. Ask Ss if we are talking about past or
sentences out to the class. present (past).
3a 7.6  Refer Ss to the ordinal numbers in the box. Point out
that they are not in the correct order. Ask Ss to write the ordinal Answers: 1 was  2 wasn’t  3 were  4 weren’t  5 was 
numbers next to the corresponding cardinal numbers. Monitor and 6 wasn’t  7 were  8 weren’t
check Ss are completing the activity correctly. Play the recording,
so that Ss can listen and check, then go through the answers as 7a 7.8  Ask Ss to read the sentences and listen to the

a class. recording, focusing on the pronunciation of the words in blue.

Share the information in the Pronunciation checkpoint below if
Answers: a first  b second  c third  d fourth  e fifth  you think it’s useful.
f eleventh  g twelfth  h thirteenth  i fourteenth  j fifteenth  b Ask Ss to listen again and repeat, focusing on the rhythm of
k twentieth  l twenty-first  m twenty-second  the sentences.
n twenty-third  o twenty-fourth  p thirtieth  q thirty-first
Pronunciation checkpoint
Vocabulary checkpoint Contractions are common in spoken and written English.
Ask Ss to tell you today’s date and write it on the board. Draw When we use full forms in spoken English, we usually use
attention to the ordinal format, ending with -th and point out them for emphasis (and we would usually emphasise the
irregulars (1st – 3rd). Explain that with numbers that end in not, e.g. The food was NOT cheap.).
y, we change the y to i before adding th and with numbers
ending with ve – five and twelve, we change the ve to an f 8 Write the first sentence on the board and ask Ss to choose the
before we add the th. Drill some dates chorally. Point out that correct option to complete it (was). Ask why (birthday party is
we can say April (the) eighteenth or the eighteenth of April, singular). Ss then work alone to underline the correct alternatives
although we don’t write these extra words. for the other sentences. Check answers with the whole class.
Ask Ss to read the whole sentence aloud in feedback, so that you
can work on pronouncing the weak forms of was and were.
Optional extra activity
Ask Ss to work in pairs, pointing and saying the ordinal numbers to Answers: 1 was  2 was  3 was  4 were  5 weren’t 
each other. 6 were  7 were  8 was

b Ask Ss to listen again and repeat chorally. Drill Ss further 9a This exercise allows Ss personalised practice. Complete the
individually if you feel they need it. first sentence on the board for yourself, making it clear that it
4 Look at the example as a class. Remind Ss that the ’s after should be true about you (so there is no fixed correct answer).
brother is possessive, not a contraction of the verb be. Ask Ss to Ask Ss to work alone to complete the sentences for themselves.
write sentences about the birthdays of people in their family. b Ask pairs to read their sentences to each other and tick where
Monitor, correct and help. Ask pairs to tell each other their they have the same answers. In feedback see which pairs have the
sentences. highest number of same answers.
5a Draw Ss attention to the first sentence and explain that all the
other sentences will relate to this date. Ask them to work alone to GRAMMAR BANK 7B  pp.128–129
complete the gaps in the remaining sentences, using the words in Stronger classes could read the notes at home. Otherwise,
the box. When Ss have finished, ask them to check the answers in check the notes with Ss. In each exercise, elicit the first
pairs, then go through them as a class. answer, or look at the example as a class. Ss work alone to
complete the exercises, then check their answers in pairs.
Answers: 1 Today  2 Yesterday  3 Last  4 weekend  In feedback, elicit Ss’ answers and drill the questions. Ss can
5 week refer to the notes to help them.

b 7.7 Play the recording, so that Ss can listen and check the Answers:
answers, then ask them to repeat the sentences chorally. 1   1 I was at the cinema last night.
  2 You weren’t at home last Sunday.
Further practice   3 My parents were on holiday last week.
  4 You were late for work yesterday.
Photocopiable activities: 7B Vocabulary, p200
  5 Yesterday wasn’t a good day.
  6 Penpak wasn’t at work last month.
  7 There weren’t any taxis.
  8 There was good food at the restaurant.
  9 Last week, I was on holiday in Italy.
10 There weren’t any films on TV last night.
11 The food was really expensive.
12 Yesterday, there was a big party in my office.


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Unit 7
GRAMMAR BANK 7B  pp.128–129
7C  How was it?
2   1 I was at work last week.
  2 You were late yesterday.
  3 My birthday was on Saturday last year.
  4 They weren’t at home last night. The goal of this lesson is for Ss to ask and answer questions about
  5 Harry and Louise were in Thailand in March. past events. To help them achieve this, they will study questions
  6 Marek’s party was in March last year. with was/were and a variety of adjectives.
  7 There were no cakes in the café yesterday.
  8 There wasn’t a train every day in January. Warm-up
  9 We were on holiday in July.
Show an image or assemble a tray with common items that Ss will
10 Sara and I were at a party last night.
know the name of. Show it for one minute and tell Ss to look and
11 There wasn’t a birthday in our family last month.
try and remember. Cover the image or tray and ask pairs to count
12 There were no good films at the cinema last year.
how many items they can remember. Write the sentence starters
There was … There were … on the board for support.
Optional extra activity
Ask Ss to write three sentences using was /were/wasn’t/weren’t.
Two should be true and one false. They read their sentences to Vocabulary
each other and their partner says which one is not true. Adjectives
Further practice
1 Ask Ss to look at adjectives 1–8 and match them with their
opposites (a–h).
Photocopiable activities: 7B Grammar 1, p198;
7B Grammar 2, p199 Answers: 1 c  2 h  3 a  4 f  5 b  6 g  7 e  8 d

2 7.12  Ask Ss to listen and repeat chorally. Pay closer attention

Speaking to problem sounds (for example, /j/ in young, /ɔː/ in short) and
Prepare drill individually.
10 Tell Ss they are going to talk about their good days from the
Optional extra activity
last year. Refer them to the table and ask Ss to make notes, not
complete sentences. Allow plenty of time for this and refer Ss back Ask Ss to cover the words and repeat again without looking. Ask Ss
to Ex 1a for ideas. Monitor and help with vocabulary if needed. to work in pairs and take turns to say adjectives for their partner to
say the opposites.
11a Put Ss in pairs to tell each other about their good days. 3 This is an opportunity for Ss to practise the vocabulary from
Advise Ss to draw a table to make notes about what their partner Ex 1. Complete the first sentence together as an example, then
tells them. They should listen carefully and make notes. ask Ss to continue. With weaker classes, give two options to
b Put Ss in new pairs to report what they heard from their old choose from for each. When they finish, ask Ss to compare, then
partner. Point out that there is no change in the verb as the past go through the answers as a class.
form is the same for I/he/she. Monitor and listen. When Ss finish,
give some correction and feedback. Answers: 1 cold  2 high  3 old  4 slow  5 difficult  6 dark 
7 happy  8 short
Optional extra activity
Ss pair with a new partner to tell them about their good days. Optional extra activity
For extra listening and pronunciation practice for all groups, put
Ss in pairs. Ss take turns to read their sentence up to the gapped
Reflection on learning
word and their partner tries to fill the gap. This can also be done in
Write the following questions on the board: groups or as a class.
What was the vocabulary today? Write a list of five new words.
What is the past simple of is and are? 4 As a class, look at the example, which states the opposite of
Put Ss in pairs to discuss the questions. When they have sentence 1 from Ex 3 and uses the opposite adjective to cold (hot).
finished, ask if anyone wants to share their ideas with the Ask Ss to rewrite the rest of the sentences in the same way.
class, but don’t force them to if they’d rather not.
Possible answers:
Homework ideas 1 In August, I have lunch in the park. It’s hot.
2 A: Has that building got a lift? 
Ex 11a: Write sentences about your good days.
B: No! The building is very low.
Grammar bank: 7B Ex 1–2, pp.128–129 3 It’s her second birthday today. She’s young.
Workbook: Ex 1–7, p41 4 Take the bus. It’s fast. It arrives at eight thirty. Don’t take the
App: grammar and vocabulary practice train. It arrives at nine.
5 This book is easy. The words are short.
Fast route: continue to Lesson 7C 6 There are hundreds of lights here. It’s really light at night.
Extended route: go to p105 for Develop your listening 7 My daughter has got homework this week. She’s really sad.
8 That coat is really long. Is it your father’s coat?


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b Ask Ss to listen again and to choose the correct alternative.
Unit 7


Then play the recording again for Ss to listen and check. Go
Adjectives (2) through the answers.
These optional exercises build on the lexical set in the
vocabulary section. Answers:
1  Ss complete the sentences by rearranging the jumbled 1 a computers  b long 
letters, then check in pairs. Check answers as a class. 2 a high  b cold 
3 a busy  b old
Answers: 1 tired  2 nice  3 sad  4 famous  5 bored 
6 clever  7 favourite  8 interesting  9 old  10 slow 
Optional alternative activity
11 fast  12 difficult
If Ss in weaker classes struggle to fill the gaps in the
Optional alternative activity conversation, write the missing words on the board in jumbled
order, for them to choose from, then play the recording again.
Stronger classes can complete Ex 1 at home.

Further practice
Photocopiable activities: 7C Vocabulary, p203
was /were questions
6 Ask Ss to look at the grammar box and choose the correct
Listening options. Ask them to compare in pairs and say the sentences
as they do so. Go through the answers as a class. Ask Ss what
5a 7.13  Look at the photos as a class and talk about what happens when we make a question with was/were compared to a
they show. Tell Ss they will listen to conversations in each place sentence (the subject and verb change places).
and they should write the letter of the picture (A–C) for each one.
Play the recording, pausing after each conversation for pairs to Answers: 1 Was  2 wasn’t  3 were  4 was  5 was  6 Were
discuss. Go through the answers.
7a 7.14  Explain that Ss should read and listen for the
Answers: 1 B  2 A  3 C highlighted was or were in each question and answer. Play each
conversation and ask Ss to notice the pronunciation of was and
Audioscript 7. 13 were. Ask Ss if the pronunciation is always the same. Give the
1 information in the Pronunciation checkpoint if you think it will
Cassie: How was work? help Ss.
Janet: It was OK. b Ask Ss to listen and repeat chorally. If your class is large, have
Cassie: Was there a meeting today? rows or tables repeat to check.
Janet: Yes, about the new computers.
Cassie: Was it a good meeting?
Janet: No, it wasn’t. It was long. Pronunciation checkpoint
Cassie: Were there cakes? In Ex 7, Ss learn that the words was and wasn’t have strong
Janet: Yes, there were. and weak forms:
2 Strong forms:  was /wɒz/ were /wɜː(r)/
Lukas: How was the mountain?
Weak forms:  was /wəz/ were /wə(r)/
Lola: It was OK.
Lukas: Was it difficult? In most cases, we use the weak form of these words as they
Lola: Yes, it was. It was really high. do not carry meaning, However, when the word appears
Lukas: Were you cold? at the end of a sentence, as it does in short answers, the
Lola: Yes, we were! strong form is used. We also use the strong form when we
3 are stressing the word for emphasis. When were is followed
Risa: How was the train journey? by a word that begins with a vowel, there is an intruding
Alex: It was bad. /r/ sound, There is an example of this in the second
Risa: Was it busy?
conversation: They were (/wər/) about £50.
Alex: Yes, it was. And it was slow.
Risa: Why?
Alex: The train was really old. Optional extra activity
Ask pairs to practise reading the conversations aloud. When they
Teaching tip finish, ask a few pairs of Ss to read across the class.
Having an initial task with minimal writing encourages Ss to
focus on the skill being practised – listening. Some Ss want to 8 Ask Ss to choose the correct options, working alone, then
start on the written task from the beginning. Discourage this checking in pairs. Check the answers. Ask pairs to read the
by asking them to cover this section of their book. It is better if corrected conversations.
Ss listen first for the main idea (gist), then for detail.
Answers: 1 was  2 was  3 Was  4 was  5 was  6 were 
7 Was  8 wasn’t


M01_Roadmap_TB_A1_27726.indd 75 01/09/2020 18:32

9a Refer Ss back to the grammar box. Ask them to write the Speak

Unit 7
questions, using the word prompts. Monitor and help as necessary. 11 Put Ss in pairs. Read the example conversation with a stronger
When they finish, put Ss in pairs to check, then go through the student. Ask pairs to use their notes to ask and answer their
answers as a class. Ask Ss if the intonation should rise or fall at the questions from Ex 10b. When they finish, ask a few pairs to report
end (rise) and drill accordingly. on something interesting they learned about their partner.

Teaching tip
1 Was your last test easy or difficult?
Ss can sometimes feel wary of speaking in English as they may
2 Were you at home on Saturday night?
make a lot of mistakes. Encourage contributions and praise to
3 Where were you at 10.00 p.m. last night?
help Ss develop confidence. With emerging language, if you
4 Was there a swimming pool at your school?
know what Ss want to say, reformulate it for them, then drill
5 Was it cold this morning?
the phrase and write it up for them to copy.
6 What was your favourite class at school?

b Ask a strong pair to model the question and answer, then put Ss Reflection on learning
in pairs to ask and give their own answers. Monitor and listen.
Write the following questions on the board:
What was good about today’s lesson?
GRAMMAR BANK 7C  pp.128–129 How many pairs of opposite adjectives can you remember?
Stronger classes could read the notes at home. Otherwise, Make a list.
check the notes with Ss. In each exercise, look at the
Put Ss in pairs to discuss the questions. When they have
example as a class. Ss work alone to complete the exercise,
finished, ask if anyone wants to share their ideas with the
then check their answers in pairs. In feedback, elicit Ss’
class, but don’t force them to if they’d rather not.
answers. Ss can refer to the notes to help them.

Answers: Homework ideas

1   1 Was the class difficult?
Ex 10a: Write sentences about your day/weekend/holiday.
  2 How old were you on your last birthday?
  3 How much were the train tickets? Grammar bank: 7C Ex 1–2, pp.128–129
  4 Were you in the kitchen last night? Workbook: Ex 1–5, p42
  5 Where were you last weekend? App: grammar and vocabulary practice
  6 How many students were there at your school?
  7 Was there a party last Saturday?
  8 What time was your English class yesterday? Fast route: continue to Lesson 7D
  9 How much was the TV in your living room? Extended route: go to p106 for Develop your reading
10 Who were you with yesterday?
2 1 Was your brother happy? Yes, he was.
2 Was your train OK last night? No, it wasn’t.
3 Were your friends at your birthday party? Yes, they were.
4 Was your sister a good student? No, she wasn’t.
5 Was there a restaurant at the hotel? Yes, there was.
6 Were there many people at the meeting?
No, there weren’t.
7D  English in action
7 Was your teacher at school yesterday? Yes, he/she was.
8 Was there a good market in your town?
No, there wasn’t. Introduction
The goal of this lesson is for Ss to buy travel tickets. To help them
Further practice achieve this, they will study vocabulary connected to the topic and
revise times of day in a digital format.
Photocopiable activities: 7C Grammar 1, p201;
7C Grammar 2, p202
Show, or draw, a simple map of the UK and ask Ss to identify the
Speaking countries (or tell them). Provide the place names: Bath, Oxford,
Prepare Cardiff, Swansea, Heathrow, London. These can be on cards if your
10a Refer Ss to the table and tell them it’s about past events. class is small – give a card to each pair of Ss and ask them to place
Ask them to make notes for each section. If the class is in the it on the map. With a larger class, have the names written at the
morning, their notes can be about yesterday or another day that side and give Ss clues with south, north, east or west about where
week. Monitor and support as needed. they are, e.g. Oxford is to the west of London. Explain that today’s
lesson is about travel.
b Look at the example questions and ask Ss to suggest more.
Add these to the board.
Teaching tip
Ss may be studying English to help with their work, others may
be learning English as part of their studies, others for future
travel. You could suggest Ss keep a notebook with useful
phrases for different situations most relevant to them.


M01_Roadmap_TB_A1_27726.indd 76 01/09/2020 18:32

Unit 7

Culture note Answers:

The rail system in the UK is the oldest in the world, with almost Customer
16,000 km of track. Train travel in the UK is expensive and 5 A ticket (for the fast train) to (Bath), please.
sometimes it’s cheaper to fly than travel by train. Many people 1 What time is the next (train) to (Bath), please?
buy tickets far in advance and use railcards to reduce the cost 3 What time does it arrive in (Bath)?
of tickets. 8 Which platform is the (fast) train to (Bath), please?
6 Is that a single or a return?
1 Ask Ss where they would see the information board (in a train
2 The next train leaves at (nine twenty).
station). Teach and drill the words platform, arrive and leave.
4 It arrives at (twelve fifteen).
Ask Ss what information the board shows (it tells us when and
9 It leaves from platform (7).
where trains arrive or leave). Ask them to work in pairs to share
7 That’s (£68.20), please.
information from the board.

b 7.16  Ask Ss to listen and repeat the phrases after the

Possible answers:
The information board gives information on times and platforms.
The train to Cardiff leaves at 9:13 from platform 3. Optional extra activity
The train to Oxford leaves at 9:17 from platform 2.
The first train to Bath leaves at 9:20 from platform 7. Prepare strips of paper with the Useful phrases on them. Give
The first train to Heathrow leaves at 9:25 from platform 5. one to each student. With large classes, the sentences can be
The second train to Bath leaves at 9:30 from platform 7. repeated. Play the recording again and ask Ss to stand up when
The train to Swansea leaves at 9:45 from platform 1. they hear their sentence. Once you have done this, get Ss in a
The second train to Heathrow leaves at 9:53 from platform 5. line, holding their sentence in front of them. They should listen
carefully and get themselves in order.
2a 7.15  Tell Ss they will hear Jeff buying a train ticket. They
should find the train he wants on the information board in Ex 1. Audioscript 7.16
Play the recording, ask Ss to check answers in pairs, then check
as a class. Customer
A ticket (for the fast train) to (Bath), please.
What time is the next train to (Bath), please?
Answer: 5 The (fast) train to Bath at 9:30. What time does it arrive in (Bath)?
Which platform is the (fast) train to (Bath), please?
Audioscript 7.15 How much is a ticket to Bath, please?

Jeff: Excuse me. What time is the next train to Bath, please? Assistant
Assistant: The next train leaves at 9.20. It’s a slow train. Is that a single or a return?
Jeff: What time does it arrive in Bath? The next train leaves at (9.20).
Assistant: It arrives at 12.15. The fast train leaves at 9.30 and arrives at It arrives at (12.15).
10.55. It leaves from platform (7).
Jeff: OK. A ticket for the fast train to Bath, please. That’s (£68.20), please.
Assistant: Is that a single or a return?
Jeff: A return, please. 4a 7.17  Read the instructions aloud, referring Ss to the
Assistant: OK. That’s £68.20, please.
information board in Ex 1, prices in Ex 2b and the Heathrow poster
Jeff: Thank you. Which platform is the fast train to Bath, please?
Assistant: It leaves from platform 7. and Useful phrases in the box. Ask them to write a conversation
Jeff: Thank you. in pairs, using the prompts in brackets to help them. Allow plenty
of time for this and monitor and help. Elicit Ss’ ideas, then play the
recording for Ss to listen and compare their conversation with the
b Look at the tickets as a class and check Ss understand single
one they hear. Finally, go through the answers as a class.
(one way) and return (there and back). Say the prices. Point out
how we say a hundred and … with numbers over 100. Ask Ss to
Possible answer:
listen again and choose the right ticket. Play the recording one
Helena: Excuse me. What time is the next train to Heathrow,
more time if necessary. Check the answer as a class.
Assistant: The next train leaves at 9:25. It’s a slow train.
Answer: A
Helena: What time does it arrive at Heathrow?
Assistant: It arrives at 10:25. The fast train leaves at 9:53 and
3a Look at the Useful phrases box as a class and check Ss
arrives at 10:15.
understand them. Explain that Ss are going to listen again to the
Helena: OK. A ticket for the fast train to Heathrow, please.
recording from Ex 2a and number the phrases in the box as they
Assistant: Is that a single or a return?
hear them. Point out that they will first hear the customer phrases
Helena: A single, please.
and then the assistant ones; they are not in a conversation. Play
Assistant: OK. That’s £15, please.
the recording, ask pairs to listen and compare, then check the
Helena: Thank you. Which platform is the fast train to
answers as a class.
Heathrow, please?
Assistant: It leaves from platform 5.
Helena: Thank you.

b Ask Ss to practise the conversation in pairs, taking turns at

both roles. When they finish, ask one or two confident pairs to
repeat the conversation for the class. Give feedback on common
pronunciation errors.


M01_Roadmap_TB_A1_27726.indd 77 01/09/2020 18:32

Audioscript 7.17

Unit 7
Helena: Excuse me. What time is the next train to Heathrow, please? 7 Check and reflect
Assistant: The next train leaves at 9:25. It’s a slow train.
Helena: What time does it arrive at Heathrow?
Assistant: It arrives at 10:25. The fast train leaves at 9:53 and arrives at
Helena: OK. A ticket for the fast train to Heathrow, please. Ss revise and practise the language of Unit 7. The notes below
Assistant: Is that a single or a return? provide some ideas for exploiting the activities in class, but you
Helena: A single, please. may want to set the exercises for homework or use them as a
Assistant: OK. That’s £15, please.
diagnostic or progress test.
Helena: Thank you. Which platform is the fast train to Heathrow,
please? 1a Ask Ss to look at the compass and complete the words. Elicit
Assistant: It leaves from platform 5.
the first word as an example, then ask Ss to continue alone. Ss
Helena: Thank you.
check in pairs before you go through the answers with the class.

5 Tell Ss they are going to roleplay buying a ticket. Put Ss in pairs Answers: north, south, east, west
and name them A and B. Ask Ss to turn to the relevant pages
and read their role cards carefully, making a few notes on which b Ss read the sentences and choose the correct options. Ask Ss to
phrases they could use. When they finish planning, ask a few compare answers, then go through the answers as a class.
general questions to check that they know their roles: Who is A?
(Ss put up their hand) Who speaks first? (the customer) Where are Answers: 1 cloud, sky  2 lake, fields  3 an island, the sea 
you? Where are you going? 4 mountains
When Ss have completed the roleplay, give feedback on what they
did well or not so well, then ask them to change roles and allow 2a Ss work in pairs to write the words in order to make questions.
some time to read the information before they repeat the activity. Go through the answers.

Optional alternative activity Answers:

With weaker classes, put Ss in A/A and B/B pairs, looking at the 1 What does a taxi driver do?
same information. Ask them to read and ask each other about the 2 Where is the White House?
information that they have. First, elicit the questions needed and 3 Who was Pelé?
write them on the board, then go over how to say times and prices. 4 When is Valentine’s Day?
Allow plenty of time for this. When Ss are comfortable with their 5 How many days are there in August?
information, pair them A/B to complete the roleplay. 6 How many rooms has the Taj Mahal got?

b Ss work in pairs to match the questions from 2a with the

Teaching tip answers a–f. Go through the answers.
This is an information gap activity, where Ss don’t know exactly
what their partner will say. This reflects real-life interaction and Answers: 1 e  2 c  3 f  4 d  5 b  6 a
requires close listening. Tell Ss not to show each other their role
cards; they must listen to each other. Checking that everyone 3a Ss work alone to complete the months in the correct order,
knows their role and deciding on who speaks first are helpful then compare in pairs. Go through the answers.
classroom management ideas that enable the activity to begin
smoothly. Answers: 1 January  2 February  3 March  4 April  5 May 
6 June  7 July  8 August  9 September  10 October 
11 November  12 December
Reflection on learning
Write the following questions on the board: b Ss write the dates as words. Go through the answers.
How many words about train travel can you remember?
Make a list. Answers: 1 second  2 eleventh  3 twenty-third 
What did you like in today’s lesson? 4 nineteenth  5 thirtieth  6 twelfth  7 eighth 
Put Ss in pairs to discuss the questions. When they have 8 twenty-seventh   9 fifth  10 thirty-first
finished, ask a few Ss to share their ideas with the class, but
don’t force them to if they’d rather not. Optional extra activity
Ask Ss to work in pairs. They take turns to choose an ordinal
Homework ideas number and ask their partner about the month, e.g. What’s the
Workbook: Ex 1–2, p43 eighth month?

Roadmap video c Ss read the words in the box, then complete the gaps with the
Go online for the Roadmap video and worksheet. correct option. Go through the answers as a class.

Answers: 1 yesterday  2 last  3 today  4 weekend


M01_Roadmap_TB_A1_27726.indd 78 01/09/2020 18:32

4 Ask Ss to read the text and complete the gaps with was, were, pairs. When they finish, say the sentences as a class. Ask Ss which
Unit 7

wasn’t or weren’t. Elicit the answer to the first one as an example, sequence adverbs have a fixed position (first, finally) and elicit
then ask Ss to continue alone. Ask Ss to compare in pairs, then go that the others are interchangeable.
through the answers with the class.
Pronunciation checkpoint
Answers: 1 was  2 were  3 was  4 weren’t  5 was  Point out that the sequence adverbs are followed by a
6 wasn’t  7 were  8 was  9 was comma. When we speak, there is a slight pause and,
because something will follow, there is a rising tone. Get Ss
5 Ss read the sentences and choose the correct option from each to practise this as they say the directions.
pair of alternatives. Go through the answers as a class.

Answers: 1 fast  2 an old  3 easy  4 cold  5 long  6 high  Answers: First , leave the hotel.  Then , turn left.
7 dark  8 hot  9 happy Next , walk next to the river.  After that , go past the field.
Finally , turn right. 
6a Ss write the words in order to make questions. Check answers
as a class and drill as needed. 3 Ask Ss to complete the sentences with sequence adverbs, using
the Focus box to help them. Give them a few minutes working
Answers: alone, then put them in pairs to discuss and compare. After a few
1 Were you at home last night? minutes, elicit answers and in feedback write the correct answers
2 What was your first teacher’s name? on the board, so that Ss can see them.
3 Was your phone expensive?
4 Where were you at 8.00 a.m.? Answers: 1 First  2 Then/Next/After that 
5 Was there a difficult question in class? 3 Then/Next/After that  4 Then/Next/After that  5 Finally
6 How many students were there in class last week?
4 Ask Ss to rewrite the words in the correct order to make
b Ss ask each other and answer in pairs. directions. Go through the answers as a class, asking individuals to
read each sentence aloud and drilling as needed.
Ask Ss to rate each statement alone, then compare in pairs. Answers:
Encourage them to ask any questions they still have about any of 1 First, take a bus to the station.
the areas covered in Unit 7. 2 Then, take a train to Liverpool.
3 After that, take a taxi to Pier Head.
4 Next, take a boat to Douglas.
5 Finally, walk to the hotel.

Optional extra activity

7A  Develop your writing Ask Ss to underline the capital letters in the sentences and
remember punctuation rules for when they are used.

Introduction Prepare
The goal of this lesson is for Ss to write directions. To help them 5 Tell Ss they are going to prepare to write some directions. Refer
achieve this, they will practise finding routes and using sequence them to the map and ask them to find the hotel and the train
adverbs to order sentences. station, then to draw a route between them. Ss can work in pairs
to help each other. Monitor and help as needed.
Warm-up Write
Show Ss images of the following and ask them to identify them: 6a Ask Ss to use the route they drew on the map to write their
a river, a hotel, a field, a shop, a bank, a boat, the sea, a café. You directions. Ask Ss to work alone to write their directions. Remind
could show them on the board or circulate smaller images for pairs them to use sequence adverbs. Monitor and check they are
to handle. Ask pairs to discuss what they see, then share their completing the task correctly.
ideas with the class. Drill vocabulary as needed. Tell Ss that today’s b Ask Ss to exchange directions and check each other’s work.
lesson is about describing a route from one place to another.
Possible answers:
1 Focus attention on the pictures and discuss what they show.
1 First, go out of the hotel.
Ask Ss to use the pictures to put sentences a–e in the correct
2 Then, turn right.
order. Ask Ss which direction is first (d), then ask them to continue
3 Next, turn left.
in pairs. Check the answers.
4 After that, go past the supermarket.
5 Finally, go straight on. The station is on the right.
Answers: 1 d  2 c  3 e  4 a  5 b

2 Ask Ss what helped them put the sentences in order. They may Optional extra activity
answer the pictures. Refer them to the sentences and ask them Put Ss in pairs. Ss write or say directions to a mystery location on
if anything else helped. If necessary, point out the first words in the map. Their partner follows the directions and tells them where
each sentence and tell Ss these are called sequence adverbs and they arrived.
they help to show the order of things. Ask Ss to read the Focus
box and circle the sequence adverbs (or sequencers) in Ex 1 in Homework ideas
Workbook: Ex 1–5, pp.45

M01_Roadmap_TB_A1_27726.indd 79 01/09/2020 18:32

5 7.10  Play the recording for Ss to listen. Pause the recording

Unit 7
7B  Develop your listening after each sentence, if necessary, so that Ss have enough time
to write the missing words. Play the recording more than once if
needed. Elicit the answers as a class.

Introduction Answers: 1 ’s, every month  2 Yesterday, was 

The goal of this lesson is for Ss to understand short conversations 3 Is, every year  4 was, last month  5 Is, every week 
about events. To help them achieve this, they will practise 6 was, yesterday  7 Last week, was  8 is, always
listening for the present and past.
Audioscript 7.10
Warm-up 1 There’s a family lunch every month.
Draw a timeline on the board with the present and the past. 2 Yesterday, there was a big meeting in the office.
3 Is there a party in the office every year?
Ask Ss to work in pairs and write all the words they know to
4 There was a street party in my town last month.
describe something happening in the present and something
5 Is there a meeting every week?
that happened in the past. Give them one minute to do this. Elicit 6 There was a birthday party for John yesterday.
answers. Tell Ss today’s lesson is about understanding present 7 Last week, I was at a meeting with Tanya.
and past. 8 Sophie’s birthday is in March. There’s always a big party.

1 Refer Ss to the photos and ask them to match them with the
words. Ask them to work individually, then they can compare 6a 7.11  Tell Ss that they are going to hear two people talking

answers in pairs. and they need to identify which of the two situations they are
listening to. Ask them to read the two possible answers first. Play
Answers: A a party  B a meeting  C a meal the recording and ask Ss to listen and choose the correct answer.

2 7.9  Tell Ss they will hear four different people talking and Answer: b
they need to listen and choose what they are talking about from
the three options. Play the recording more than once if necessary. b Play the recording again for Ss and ask them to listen and tick
Elicit the answers from the class. whether the actions being discussed usually happen or have
already happened in the past.
Answers: 1 a  2 c  3 b  4 a
Usually happens: 3, 6 
Audioscript 7.9
Was in the past: 1, 2, 4, 5
A: My husband was fifty last year. There was a big party at our house.
Audioscript 7.11
His friends from work were there. It was really nice.
2 A: How was the work party yesterday?
B: There was a family meal last week. It was really good. All the family B: It was OK, but the weather was bad.
were there. I was so happy. A: Oh no, sorry about that.
B: Meh, it’s OK. How was your family party at the weekend?
A: Good. It was my dad’s birthday, and we usually go for a meal in a
A: There’s a meeting every week on Friday. It’s in the blue meeting room.
restaurant. This year the party was at home, so it wasn’t so
4 expensive! Oh, how was the office meeting?
B: We usually have a small party at my parents’ house for my B: Last week?
mum’s birthday. A: Yes.
B: It was OK. Tony doesn’t usually come to the meeting, but he was
there last week.
3 Look at the Focus box as a class and ask Ss to read it through.
A: Oh, good. Would you like another coffee?
Play each section of the recording in turn for Ss to listen again B: No, I’m OK.
and decide which of the speakers are describing something in
the past.
Optional extra activity
Answers: 1, 2 Print out the audioscript and put Ss in pairs. Ask them to read
the conversation. Monitor and make notes on pronunciation for
4 Go through the first sentence with the class and ask Ss what feedback.
the missing words are. Make sure that Ss understand what they
need to do. Explain that they need to work out what the missing Homework ideas
word is before they write in the letter. Weaker classes can
Workbook: Ex 1–4, p43
work in pairs. Give Ss enough time to do this task as it can be a
little challenging.

Answers: 1 B,T  2 T,B  3 B,T  4 B,T  5 B,T  6 B,T  7 T,B 

8 B,T


M01_Roadmap_TB_A1_27726.indd 80 01/09/2020 18:32

4a Refer Ss to the messages. Ask them to underline dates, circle
Unit 7

7C  Develop your reading times and box place names. Do an example of each as a class, then
ask Ss to continue alone. They can check in pairs, then go through
the answers with the class.

Introduction Answers:
The goal of this lesson is for Ss to read and understand short • Mountain walk
texts. To help them achieve this, they will practise identifying Come with us and walk up the mountain on Sun 9th October.
dates, times and place names in notices and signs. Meet in the Mountain Café at 8 o’clock.
•  Horse riding
Warm-up Learn to ride a horse at River Park on 8/10/21. We are open
from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Show a poster for a local event such as a film or show. It doesn’t
• International food market
need to be in English. Ask Ss what it is and what information is
Eat food from all over the world. South Park, Sat 1st Oct.
important (e.g. where/when it is; how much it costs, etc). Tell Ss
today’s lesson is about reading informational texts to find these
• Photo show
See beautiful photos of rivers, lakes and hills in India by
R Greenwood. City Hotel, 15/10/21 from 10 to 6.   
Teaching tip
Some Ss forget about their existing reading skills when they Optional extra activity
come to a new language. They worry about unknown words
and don’t focus on what’s important. Reminding them of how Ask fast-finishing Ss to work in pairs to identify the different
we read for information and what we naturally do in our first functions of capital letters in the texts.
language encourages them to activate and apply the skills to a
new language. b Ask Ss to read the texts again and answer the questions. They
don’t need to write full sentences. Allow pairs to compare answers
1 Ask Ss to look at the photos A–C and say what they see. They before you go through them as a class.
then read texts 1–3 and match them with the correct photos.
Answers: 1 11 a.m.  2 City Hotel  3 1st October 
Give them one minute, then ask them to check in pairs. Conduct
4 Mountain Café

Answers: 1 C  2 A  3 B Optional extra activity

For extra speaking practice, put Ss in pairs to ask and answer the
2a Read the Focus box with the class and ask Ss to think about questions in Ex 4b. For extra writing practice, Ss can write their
the answer to the question. Allow plenty of time, then ask pairs to own questions about the texts in 4a and ask each other.
compare. When they finish, elicit the answer.
Homework ideas
Answer: Look for a capital letter. Workbook: Ex 1–4, p44

b Refer Ss to the table and explain that they should complete

it with details from the texts in Ex 1. Complete the first one as a
class. Point out that Ss are only looking for key information and
they need to read quickly. Ask Ss to continue alone, underlining
the information and transferring it to the table. When they finish,
ask Ss to compare answers in pairs. Check answers as a class.

Event Date Time Place name
1 Dance show 6th June 14.00 to City High School
2 Cooking class 08/07/21 3 p.m. Red River Restaurant

3 Football game Sun 9th June 1 o’clock Milltown sports park

3 Ask Ss to look at the first item in the table (Chocolate Café).

Explain that they should tick the category it belongs to: date, time
or place name. Elicit the answer as an example. Ask Ss to work
alone to tick the boxes for the remaining items in the table, then
ask them to compare in pairs before you elicit the answers.

Answers: 1 place name  2 date  3 place name  4 time 

5 place name  6 time


M01_Roadmap_TB_A1_27726.indd 81 01/09/2020 18:32

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