Goals: Listening and Vocabulary

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10 OVERVIEW Introduction
The goal of this lesson is for Ss to talk about dreams and wishes.
To help them achieve this, they will study would like/love to and
collocations for plans and ambitions.
10A Goals
Goal  |  ask and answer about dreams and wishes Warm-up
Grammar  |  would like /love to
Write the following cues on the board or display images: home,
Vocabulary  |  collocations
family, work, studies, food. Ask Ss to work in pairs and talk about
GSE learning objective
their habits and what they like and dislike about their life in some
Can ask what somebody would like to do using simple phrases
or all of these areas. Give an example yourself to start them off.
10B Party time Food: I like eating in restaurants, but I don’t like cooking.
Goal  |  talk about plans for a class party
Grammar  |  be going to
Vocabulary  |  party vocabulary Listening and vocabulary
GSE learning objective
Can talk about plans for the near future in a simple way Collocations
1 Ask Ss to look at the photos and talk about the question in
10C My plans pairs. Ask a few pairs for their ideas and write useful vocabulary on
Goal  |  ask and answer about plans for the year the board.
Grammar  |  be going to: questions
Vocabulary  |  seasons, time expressions
Suggested answers:  A at a café/restaurant  B in a park 
GSE learning objective
C in the mountains (countryside)  D at a café  E in a shop
Can ask and answer questions about basic plans and intentions

10D English in action 2a 10.1  Tell Ss they will hear ten people talking. Five of them
Goal  |  make and respond to invitations are in the photos. They should listen and match each photo with
GSE learning objective one of the speakers (1–10). Only five numbers will be used. Play
Can make and respond to invitations using basic fixed the recording, then put Ss in pairs to discuss their answers. If they
expressions need to listen again, play the recording again. Go through the
Roadmap video answers as a class.
Go online for the Roadmap video.
Answers: A = 3 Matthew  B = 6 Maria  C = 9 Stella 
Check and reflect D = 2 Andy  E = 1 Natalie
Review exercises and communicative activities to review the
grammar and vocabulary from the unit. b Refer Ss to the text and play the recording a second time for
them to listen and read. Pause after each gap for Ss to complete
VOCABULARY BANK the phrase. Allow them to check in pairs, then play the recording
again. Go through the answers and write them on the board.
10A Collocations
Answers: 1 a business  2 a club  3 new friends  4 jobs 
DEVELOP YOUR SKILLS 5 my family  6 sport  7 children  8 some things  9 a house 
10A Develop your reading 10 a big city
Goal  |  understand a short article
Focus  |  understanding paragraphs Audioscript 10.1
GSE learning objective 1 Natalie
Can understand familiar phrases in a simple text Natalie: I’d like to start a business. I like making clothes and I’d love to
open a shop and sell them to people.
10B Develop your listening
2 Andy
Goal  |  understand a conversation about plans
Andy: I love reading, so I’d like to join a club and talk to people about
Focus  |  checking information and showing understanding
books. My friends don’t like reading!
GSE learning objective
Can understand simple, everyday conversations if conducted 3 Matthew
slowly and clearly Matthew:  I moved to a new city last month, so I’d like to make some new
friends. I love talking to friends!
10C Develop your writing 4 Lars
Goal  |  write a short message for an online discussion Lars: I’d love to change jobs. My job is very difficult, and my
Focus  |  using subject and object pronouns manager is never happy. I don’t like working there.
GSE learning objective 5 Denise
Can write short, simple notes, emails and postings to friends Denise: My office is far from our flat. I leave home at 7 in the morning
and arrive home at 9 in the evening. I’d like to spend more
time with my family, because I never see them from Monday
to Friday.


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6  Maria

Unit 10
Maria: I always eat unhealthy food and I never exercise. I’d like to try VOCABULARY BANK 10A  p145
a new sport and get healthy. Collocations
7 Brad These optional exercises build on the lexical set in the
Brad: We’d love to have children, but our flat is very small, so we’re vocabulary section.
going to buy a house. 1  Ss complete the diagram to make collocations, then check
8 Justine in pairs. Check answers as a class.
Justine: Our new flat is very small, so we need to sell some things.
Maybe our old books? Answers:
9 Stella move: to a big city; to a small town; to another country
Stella: I hate living in the city. I’d love to build a house near a lake and build: a computer, a house 
walk in the mountains every day! make: bread, clothes
10 Hilal spend time: with my kids, with my friends, with my grandparents
Hilal: I live in a small village and I hate it. There isn’t a cinema and change: jobs, cars 
there are no restaurants. I’d love to move to a big city. join: a club, a band

2  Ss discuss in pairs which sentences are or aren’t true for

Teaching tip them. In feedback, nominate a few Ss to share their answers
Ss can struggle with listening, especially at lower levels. It’s with the class.
important to provide support by encouraging them to compare
answers after listening and playing the recording again. Optional alternative activity
Reassure Ss that it is not a test, and they are still developing
Stronger classes can complete Ex 1 at home, then discuss Ex 2 in
skills even if they don’t get the answer correct. If Ss still
the next class.
struggle to hear the missing information, write it on the board
in jumbled order for them to choose the correct answers. When Further practice
they have finished, elicit the answers and write them on the
board, in the correct order. If any Ss missed answers, you can Photocopiable activities: 10A Vocabulary, p224
play the recording again and they may now hear them.

c 10.2 Ask Ss to listen again and repeat the phrases chorally.
Drill any phrases that they struggle with individually. would like /love to
5 Focus attention on the grammar box and missing words. Explain
Optional extra activity that we use I’d like /love to to talk about things we want to do now
With stronger classes, ask Ss to take turns reading out the whole or in the future. Refer Ss to Ex 2b for help. Ask Ss to complete the
statements to their partner. gaps, compare answers, then go through the answers as a class.

3a Share the information in the Vocabulary checkpoint

10.3  Answers: 1 would/’d  2 to  3 would/’d  4 to 
below if you think Ss will find it helpful. Ask Ss to use the 5 would not/wouldn’t  6 to  7 Would  8 to  9 would  10 to 
highlighted verbs from Ex 2b to complete the gaps, making new 11 would  12 to
phrases. They should work alone at first, then compare in pairs.
Play the recording for Ss to listen and check answers. Discuss any Grammar checkpoint
answers that Ss want to. Ss may get this structure confused with like/love + -ing.
I like/love/don’t like + -ing expresses our feelings of like/
Vocabulary checkpoint dislike about different activities and I’d like to expresses a
Explain that the highlighted expressions in the text in desire to do something.
Ex 2b are verb and noun collocations. Point out that the
verbs from Ex 2b can be used with other endings to make 6a 10.4  Ask Ss to read the sentences, then listen and tick the
different collocations, e.g. you can change jobs or change one they hear. Play the recording again for Ss to listen and check
your hair ; you can start a business or start a new job and the answers.
you could try a new sport or try new food.
Answers: 1 a  2 a  3 b  4 b
Answers: 1 change  2 try  3 make  4 sell  5 join 
b Ask Ss to listen again and repeat. Drill Ss individually if necessary.
6 spend  7 have  8 start  9 move  10 build
Audioscript 10.4
b Ask Ss to listen again and repeat the phrases chorally. Drill
1 I like being a nurse.
individually as needed. 2 What would you like to do at the weekend?
4 Ask Ss to write five sentences about themselves, using the 3 We’d love to live in the city.
phrases from Exs 2 and 3. 4 I like living near the sea.

Optional extra activity

Optional extra activity
As an extension, Ss write three more sentences about
Ask Ss to work in pairs. Student A reads aloud sentence a or b
themselves, but one should be false. They read their sentences
from Ex 6a. Student B must identify which one it is. Then they
to a partner who should guess the false one. Model this activity
change roles.
yourself first, for the class to guess the false sentence.


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7 10.5  Explain that Ss should read the conversation and Speak
Unit 10

choose the correct options. Point out that they need to look at the 10a Look at the example conversation together. Ask Ss to
context to determine the correct answers. Ss work alone, referring move around and ask the questions to their classmates. When a
to the grammar box, then check in pairs. Play the recording for classmate responds Yes, they write the student’s name and ask a
them to listen and confirm their ideas. Check answers with the follow-up question. They should use their imagination to think of
whole class. interesting and positive answers, but they don’t necessarily have
to be realistic! As Ss do the activity, monitor how they use the
Answers: 1 would  2 I’d like  3 love  4 to have  5 would  target language.
6 make  7 I love  8 to do  9 I love  10 I’d like  11 would you 
b Ask Ss to report back a few of the interesting answers
12 to go  13 I love  14 to go
they heard.

Optional extra activity

Teaching tip
For consolidation, ask Ss to read the corrected conversations in During a speaking activity where Ss need to complete several
pairs, taking turns with each role. steps, it’s worth asking questions to check their understanding
of the task before they start, e.g. Do you speak to only one
8a Ask Ss to complete the sentences so that they are true for person? (No, different people). Do you write the answers?
them. Monitor and help if necessary. (No, just the name). Once they have started, your role is
b Ask Ss to work in pairs, taking turns to tell each other their to ensure everybody is active and has a partner, as well as
sentences. When they finish, ask a few pairs to share their monitoring their language use, so it’s best to avoid answering
sentences with the class. Ss’ questions when they want to include you in the activity.

Optional extra activity

Reflection on learning
With stronger classes, ask Ss to think of reasons with because
Write the following questions on the board:
for their sentences from Ex 8a. Ask the listening Ss to ask follow-
up why questions where possible, e.g. I’d like to travel around the Would you like to use English in your working life? How?
world by boat. Why? Because I love travelling. How many verb and noun collocations can you remember from
today’s lesson? Write a list.
Put Ss in pairs to discuss the questions. When they have
GRAMMAR BANK 10A  pp.134–135 finished, ask if anyone wants to share their ideas with the
Stronger classes could read the notes at home. Otherwise, class, but don’t force them to if they’d rather not.
check the notes with Ss. In each exercise, elicit the first
answer, or look at the example as a class. Ss work alone to Homework ideas
complete the exercises, then check their answers in pairs. In
feedback, elicit Ss’ answers and drill if needed. Ss can refer to Ex 8–10b: Write two or three sentences about what you’d like to
the notes to help them. do in the future regarding home, family or studies.
Grammar bank: 10A Ex 1–2, pp.134–135
Answers: Workbook: Ex 1–6, p58
1 1 1 I’d like to be a doctor one day. App: grammar and vocabulary practice
2 We’d love to see you at the weekend.
3 I wouldn’t like to live in another country.
4 Would you like to travel round the world one day? Fast route: continue to Lesson 10B
5 I like my job so I wouldn’t like to change it. Extended route: go to p113 for Develop your reading
6 My sister would like to be a dancer.
7 John would like to work for a travel company.
8 Anne and Maxine would like to travel after university.
2 1 would … like to listen to
2 Would … like to go out
3 would … like to do
4 would … like to visit 10B  Party time
5 Would … like to watch
6 Would … like to spend
Further practice
The goal of this lesson is for Ss to talk about plans for a class
Photocopiable activities: 10A Grammar 1, p222; party. To help them achieve this, they will study be going to and
10A Grammar 2, p223 vocabulary related to a party.

Speaking Warm-up
Ask Ss to discuss in pairs the last party that they went to. What did
they do there? Were there any organised activities and was there
9a Tell Ss they are going to talk about their future goals. Ask any food? When they finish, elicit the answers they have and write
them to tick one or more of the ideas (1–4) they’d like to do. They them randomly on the board. Tell Ss today’s topic is planning a
don’t need to write their name. class party.
b Ss should work alone and write four more ideas on lines 5–8,
using the examples 1–4 to help them. Monitor and ensure they
are doing this correctly.


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Vocabulary Audioscript 10.8

Unit 10
Party Charlie: Hey guys? Guys?? We’re going to have a party next week
after the last lesson! It’s going to be at Leo’s house. We’re
1a Refer Ss to photos 1–5 and ask pairs of Ss to discuss which of
going to have snacks and drinks, and Leo’s going to make
these activities they often do at parties. For weaker classes, you sandwiches. Oh and Leyla’s going to sing songs! Yeah, Leyla?
may want to discuss this as a class. Student 1:  No! I’m not going to sing songs!
b Ask Ss to look at photos 6–10 and to discuss in pairs which Charlie: OK! So … she isn’t going to sing songs and she isn’t going to
they like. Monitor and help with any pronunciation or unknown listen to music!
Student 1: Oh, yes I am!
Charlie: Great. We can all listen to music … dance … play games.
Sound OK? Guys? Any questions?
Optional extra activity
Ss cover the words and phrases and repeat them looking at the
b Play the recording again, pausing after each sentence so that Ss
pictures only.
have enough time to write their answers. Play the recording more
than once if necessary.
2a 10.6  Ask Ss to listen and repeat chorally. They can read the
words as they do this.
Answers: 1 have  2 make  3 sing  4 listen to
b Ask Ss to work in pairs to list more party activities and food and
drink. They can include those that they discussed when they were c Play the recording again and ask Ss to listen for any other
doing the warm-up. Give them a few minutes to do this. Monitor sentences with be going to. Elicit the answers and have feedback
and help with any spelling of words that they haven’t encountered as a class.
in English before.
Answers: It’s going to be at Leo’s house, We’re going to have
Teaching tip snacks and drinks, Leyla’s going to sing songs!
Sometimes it’s a good idea to set specific time limits for
tasks. Some Ss enjoy working against the clock as it’s fun and
introduces an element of competition, especially when they
work in teams. be going to
5 Ask Ss to find going to in the sentences and ask them what time
Optional alternative activity it refers to (future). Refer Ss to the grammar box and ask them to
complete the gaps with the correct forms, using the examples in
With weaker classes or classes with literacy needs, give out the
Ex 4b, then go through the answers. Do this together as a class
words on cards or write them randomly on the board. Ask Ss to
with weaker classes.
work in groups of three or four to decide if they are activities or
food and drink and what they might be. Answers: 1 ’m not  2 ’re  3 aren’t  4 ’s  5 isn’t
Further practice
6a 10.9  Play the recording and tell Ss to listen to how going to
Photocopiable activities: 10B Vocabulary, p227 is pronounced in fast speech. Pause the recording as needed.

Pronunciation checkpoint
The form going to can be pronounced as gonna /gənə/ when
3 Tell Ss that they will listen to a conversation between
10.7  spoken fast. This is not a widely accepted written form. When
Charlie and Leo. Ask them to quickly read through the items so spoken more slowly, the main stress is on going and the main
that they know what they need to listen out for. verb, the to is weak and is pronounced /tə/

Answers: 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9 b Ask Ss to listen again and repeat.

7 Refer Ss to the grammar box and ask them to make sentences
Audioscript 10.7 using the verb in brackets in going to form. Ask Ss to work alone,
Leo:  Charlie, It’s our last class next week. Shall we have a party? then check in pairs. Go through the answers as a class and drill
Charlie:  Umm, OK. When? as needed.
Leo: After the class?
Charlie: Sure. Where shall we have it? Answers: 1 is/’s going to eat  2 are/’re going to buy 
Leo: In the classroom? Or in a restaurant or a bar? 3 is/’s going to sing  4 am/’m going to cycle 
Charlie: Hmm – restaurants are expensive. Maybe in someone’s house?
5 are/’re going to arrive  6 am/’m going to make 
Your house?
Leo: OK, I like that, yes, my house. We can listen to music and dance
7 is not/isn’t going to come  8 is not/isn’t going to play
and play games, yeah? And Leyla can sing songs, maybe.
Charlie: OK … and let’s have some small snacks and drinks? 8a Ask Ss to make their own sentences. They can be positive or
Leo: And I can make sandwiches. negative. Monitor, correcting and helping.
Charlie: Great. I can tell all the students in the class. b Ask a student to say one of their sentences. Introduce the
response Me too. Put Ss in pairs to say their sentences to each
4a 10.8 Ask Ss to listen to the recording and to decide when other, with their partner giving the response Me too, if their
Charlie uses be going to? Make sure Ss know the difference sentence is the same. When they finish, ask a few pairs to report
between the two options before they listen. how many of their sentences were the same.

Answer: 1


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Unit 10

GRAMMAR BANK 10B  pp.134–135

Stronger classes could read the notes at home. Otherwise,
10C  My plans
check the notes with Ss. In each exercise, elicit the first
answer, or look at the example as a class. Ss work alone to
complete the exercises, then check their answers in pairs. Introduction
In feedback, elicit Ss’ answers and deal with any questions. The goal of this lesson is for Ss to ask and answer questions
Ss can refer to the notes to help them. about plans for the year. To help them achieve this, they will study
Answers: questions with be going to and future time expressions.
1 1 I’m  2 aren’t  3 You’re  4 are going  5 isn’t  6 to move 
7 I’m not  8 aren’t Warm-up
2 1 I’m going to cycle to work tomorrow. Ask Ss to talk in pairs about their last holiday. With weaker
2 Mum isn’t going to buy a new car. classes, put the following prompts on the board for them to ask
3 We’re going to go to the beach next weekend. each other, Where did you go on your last holiday? Where did
4 My friends are going to start a business next year. you stay? Did you enjoy it? Where would you like to go next? In
5 We aren’t going to go to the film club. feedback, ask Ss if they have planned their next holiday and tell
6 I’m not going to look for a new job. them today’s lesson is about plans for the year.
7 Mike’s going to make a dessert.
8 You aren’t going to be at home on Saturday.
Further practice
Seasons, time expressions
Photocopiable activities: 10B Grammar 1, p225; 1a Ask Ss to match the photos with the seasons. Elicit the
10B Grammar 2, p226 answers as a class. You could generate a class discussion about
which seasons are the Ss’ favourite.

Speaking Culture notes

Prepare In the UK there are four seasons of roughly equal length, with
9 Put Ss in pairs. Explain that they need to make a plan for a class distinct characteristics. Winter is cold and wet, and sometimes
party. Tell them to use their imagination. Monitor and help with there is snow. Spring is mild, though early spring is often cold.
vocabulary as needed. Summer is warm with some hot days and autumn is cool. In Ss’
own countries there may be more or less variation between
Optional alternative activity seasons, depending on location and altitude. Ss may need
Divide different themed parties among the class, with different the terms rainy /dry season to describe their countries and to
pairs or small groups creating their plans for different types of discuss how many seasons there are.
party. When they have prepared, get each pair or group to present
their plan. Answers: A winter  B spring  C autumn  D summer 

Speak b 10.13  Play the recording and ask Ss to listen and repeat.
10 Ask pairs to take turns to present their plans for their party. Audioscript 10.13
When they have all finished, ask Ss to vote on which sounds like
the best party plan, pointing out that they can’t vote for their spring
own. When they finish, give some feedback, including praise and summer
correction. winter

Reflection on learning c Ask Ss to work in pairs to discuss when the different seasons
Write the following questions on the board: are in their countries and to mark them on the calendar. Elicit the
What did you like most in today’s lesson? answers from the class.
How are you going to remember what we studied today in 2 Ask Ss to look at the calendar and fill in the gaps. Help with any
class? unknown vocabulary. Once they have completed the task, they can
Put Ss in pairs to discuss the questions. When they have check their work in pairs. Elicit the answers as a class.
finished, ask if anyone wants to share their ideas with the
class, but don’t force them to if they’d rather not. Answers:
1 travel to Osaka
Homework ideas 2 seven
3 take Jake to summer school
Ex 9–10: Write a few more sentences about your party plan. 4 three
Grammar bank: 10B Ex 1–2, pp.134–135 5 Olga’s mother
Workbook: Ex 1–5, p59 6 December
App: grammar and vocabulary practice
3a Ask Ss to refer to Ex 2 to complete the task. Go through the
Fast route: continue to Lesson 10C example first, explaining that we use the preposition in before the
Extended route: go to p114 for Develop your listening season. For weaker classes, you may want to do the next one, too.


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b 10.14  Play the recording and get Ss to listen and check b Ask Ss to listen again and repeat. Pause the recording after

Unit 10
their answers. Ask them to repeat the full sentences after the each sentence to give them enough time to do so.
Answers: 1 in, in  2 in, In  3 next, Next  4 on, on  5 for, for 1 What are you going to do in the summer?
2 When are you going to go?
4 Ask Ss to complete the sentences so that they are true for 3 Where are you going to stay?
them. Give them some time to do this, monitoring and helping 4 How are you going to travel?
with any vocabulary they might need. Once they have completed 5 What are you going to do every day?
the task, ask them to discuss their arrangements in pairs. Then
ask some Ss to read out a sentence to the rest of the class. 9 Explain to Ss that they need to insert the missing word in each
sentence. Ask them to complete the task individually, then check
Further practice their work in pairs. Give them enough time to do this. Monitor and
Photocopiable activities: 10C Vocabulary, p230 make notes on any mistakes, especially particularly common ones,
for feedback later. Check answers as a class and have whole-class
5 10.15  Explain that Ss will listen to a recording of Risa and
Answers: 1 going to finish …  2 Where are you … 
Jason talking about their plans. Refer Ss to the questions and ask 3 Is Jane going …  4 What are you …  5 students going to … 
them to tick the correct answers as they listen. Play the recording, 6 When are we …  7 going to go …  8 Are Pam and John …
ask pairs to compare, then go through the answers.
10a Tell Ss they’re going to practise making questions with
Answers: 1 c  2 a going to. Complete the first one together, then ask Ss to continue
alone. Monitor to help and correct. Go through the answers as a
class, then drill if you think Ss need it.
Audioscript 10.15
Jason:  Are you going to go on holiday next year? Answers:
Risa: Yes, we are. We’re going to go to New Zealand. 1 What are you going to do in the autumn?
Jason: Wow! When are you going to go?
2 Where are you going to go next weekend?
Risa: In August. We’re going to stay there for three weeks.
Jason: Great. What are you going to do there? 3 Are you going to study on Sunday?
Risa: My friend lives in Auckland, so we’re going to visit him. Then 4 When are you going to go on holiday?
we’re going to see the mountains and lakes from The Lord of the 5 Who are you going to have dinner with on Saturday?
Rings films. 6 Are you going to take a trip next month?
Jason: Oh wow! I’d love to go there.
Risa: How about you? Are you going to go on holiday? b Put Ss in pairs to ask and answer the questions in Ex 10a. When
Jason: No, I’m not.
they finish, ask a few pairs to report on their partner’s plans.
Risa: Are your parents going to visit you again?
Jason: Yes, they are. They’re going to visit me next week.
Risa: Where are you going to take them? GRAMMAR BANK 10C  pp.134–135
Jason: We’re going to go on a boat trip and have dinner in a nice Stronger classes could read the notes at home. Otherwise,
restaurant. check the notes with Ss. In each exercise, look at the
example as a class. Ss work alone to complete the exercise,
6 Ask Ss to match the questions and answers from Ex 5. Then then check their answers in pairs. In feedback, elicit Ss’
play the recording again for Ss to check their answers. answers and drill as needed. Ss can refer to the notes to
help them.
Answers: 1 d  2 c  3 b  4 a
1 1 to  2 not  3 isn’t  4 going  5 are  6 to  7 are
Grammar 2 1 What are you going to do after work tonight?
2 Are your friends going to visit you next weekend?
be going to (questions)
3 Where is your son going to stay on his holiday?
7 Ask Ss to complete the grammar box, using Ex 6 to help them. 4 Is your manager going to be at this shop next year?
Go through the answers and discuss how we make a question
5 When is Marek going to change jobs?
with be going to (the subject and verb change places).
6 Are you going to study English next year?
7 Is the party going to be at Sam’s house next weekend?
Answers: 1 Are  2 I’m not  3 Are  4 are  5 are  6 to
8 Is your sister going to learn to drive?
3 1 g  2 e  3 h  4 f  5 b  6 d  7 c  8 a
8a 10.16  Ask Ss to listen and underline the linked sounds.
Ask Ss to compare before eliciting answers. Point out the main
stresses in each question. Further practice
Photocopiable activities: 10C Grammar 1, p228;
Optional alternative activity 10C Grammar 2, p229
With weaker classes, Ss can do this exercise as a ‘Listen and
notice’, in which case provide Ss with the underlined words and
ask them to listen.


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Speaking b 10.17  Tell Ss they will hear three conversations and they
Unit 10

should match each one with the correct photo, writing the
Prepare number beside the photo as they listen. Play the recording and
11 Ask Ss to make notes on what they plan to do over the year. check Ss’ answers.
Explain that they just need to make notes which will act as prompts
as opposed to them having to read whole sentences. Monitor and Answers: 1 C  2 B  3 A
support with vocabulary as needed. There are no fixed answers.
Weaker classes may need to write whole sentences. c Refer Ss to the questions. Ask them to listen again and write
the answers. Play the recording, then ask Ss to compare their
Speak answers in pairs, then check as a class.
12a Refer Ss to the calendar on the relevant page. Put Ss in pairs
to ask and answer about their plans, using their notes as prompts. Answers:
They need to ask each other about three different activities so 1 to the Green Café
that they can complete the calendar. Remind Ss to listen to each 2 He’s going to go to his friend’s house (for dinner).
other. Monitor and listen to how Ss are using the language from 3 at 6.30
today’s lesson.
b Once they have completed the speaking activity, Ss show each Audioscript 10.17
other the calendar to see if it has been completed correctly.
Conversation 1
Mark:  Julie, Frank, Laurence and I are going to have lunch together at
Reflection on learning the Green Café on Saturday. Would you like to come with us?
Write the following questions on the board: Mina: Sorry, I can’t, because I work on Saturdays.
Mark: OK, no problem. Another time.
What did you enjoy about today’s lesson?
Mina: Yeah.
What can you ask other people about their plans?
Conversation 2
Put Ss in pairs to discuss the questions. When they have Richelle: Oh, Kenny. We’re going to have a dinner party at my house on
finished, ask if anyone wants to share their ideas with the Sunday. Would you like to come?
class, but don’t force them to if they’d rather not. Kenny: I’d love to, thanks.
Richelle: Great! It isn’t going to be a big party – just six of us.
Kenny: OK, what time?
Homework ideas
Richelle: Oh, sorry, is seven thirty OK?
Grammar bank: 10C Ex 1–3, pp.134–135 Kenny: Yeah, that’s great. Thank you.
Workbook: Ex 1–6, p60 Conversation 3
App: grammar and vocabulary practice Sue:  Hey, Mel. How are you?
Mel: Good, thanks.
Sue: Listen, there’s a good film on at the cinema on Thursday.
Fast route: continue to Lesson 10D It starts at seven. Would you like to come with me?
Extended route: go to p115 for Develop your writing Mel: Yeah, that would be great. Can I ask Claire to come, too?
Sue: Yes, of course.
Mel: Great! What time shall we meet?
Sue: At six thirty? We can get a coffee before we go in.
Mel: OK.

2a Refer Ss to the Useful phrases box. Tell Ss they will listen again
to the three conversations and they should write the number (1–3)
10D  English in action beside each phrase as they listen. Point out that two phrases are
not used. Play the recording, ask Ss to compare in pairs, then play
the recording again. Go through the answers with the class.
The goal of this lesson is for Ss to make and respond to invitations. Answers:
To help them do this, they will learn useful expressions for inviting, Would you like to come?  2
accepting and declining politely. Would you like to come with me?  3
Would you like to come with us?  1
I’d love to, thanks.  2
Warm-up That would be great.  3
Ask Ss to discuss their plans for the weekend. Ask them if they are Sorry, I can’t, because I work on Saturdays.  1
going to do these activities alone or with others. Tell them that
today’s lesson is about inviting people to do things with you. b 10.18  Play the recording. Ask Ss to listen and repeat each
phrase chorally. Pause after each line as necessary.
1a Ask Ss to look at the photos and discuss the questions in pairs.
Discuss Ss’ answers as a class. Optional extra activity
To help with pronunciation, ask Ss to mark the stressed words in
each phrase as they listen, then check answers. Drill the stressed
A at the cinema 
words and phrases.
B at someone’s house 
C at a café


M01_Roadmap_TB_A1_27726.indd 111 01/09/2020 18:34

3a 10.19  Ask Ss to complete the conversation with phrases

Unit 10
from the Useful phrases box, then play the recording for them to 10  Check and reflect
check. Go through the answers as a class.

Answers: 1 Would you like to come  2 I can’t, because 

3 Would you  4 like  5 would be
Ss revise and practise the language of Unit 10. The notes below
Audioscript 10.19 provide some ideas for exploiting the activities in class, but you
may want to set the exercises for homework or use them as a
Anna: Hi, Laurence. How are you?
diagnostic or progress test.
Laurence:  I’m good, thanks. And you?
Anna: Fine, thanks. Listen, we’re going to have a small party on
1 Ask Ss to work alone to complete the sentences with the
Friday night. Would you like to come?
Laurence: Sorry, I can’t, because I’m going to have dinner with some
correct form of the verbs in the box, then check in pairs. Check
friends. answers with the whole class.
Anna: Oh, OK.
Laurence: But I’m going to have lunch at the new café on Sunday. Would Answers: 1 change  2 sold  3 make  4 joined  5 started 
you and Greg like to join me? 6 have  7 build/have  8 move
Anna: Thanks. That would be great. What time shall we meet?
Laurence: Let’s meet at 12. 2a Ask Ss to choose the correct options in the conversation.
Anna: OK. See you then.
Complete an example as a class, then ask Ss to work alone. Ask Ss
Laurence: See you then.
to check in pairs before going through the answers as a class.

b Ask Ss to practise the conversation in pairs, taking turns at Answers: 1 see  2 like  3 Would you  4 I’d  5 would 
both roles. 6 wouldn’t  7 next  8 to talk
4a Ask Ss to think about their weekend plans and commitments.
b Ask Ss to choose an activity that is good to do with other b Ask Ss to work in pairs. They take turns to ask and answer
people (not reading a book!) to do at the weekend. They can make questions with Would you like to and the phrases in the box. Ask
a note in their notebook of the activity and the best time and a few Ss to share answers with the class.
place to do it. 3 Ss work alone to rearrange the letters to make party words and
c Ask Ss to get up and move around, asking others to join them in collocations. They should check in pairs before going through the
their activity and accepting invitations where they can. answers as a class.
When they finish, ask Ss to report back on what they’re going to do
and with how many people. Answers: 1 play games  2 listen to music  3 dance 
4 sandwiches  5 talk to friends  6 snacks  7 drinks 
Optional alternative activity 8 a dessert  9 sing songs  10 salad  11 fruit
Ask Ss to draw a diary page in their notebook and write the plans
they have, as well as the activity they chose and the time and 4 Ss complete the sentences with the correct form of be going to.
date. Then, when they make plans with other Ss, they add them. Point out that the verb be may be positive or negative and they
Ss can report back to the class about what they’re going to do this should look at the meaning of the sentence to decide. They can
weekend. work in pairs, then check answers as a class.

Answers: 1 ‘m going to  2 are going to  3 ’m going to 

Reflection on learning 4 ’re going to  5 ’m not going to  6 ’re not/aren’t going to
Write the following questions on the board:
What were the most useful phrases in today’s lesson? 5 Ask Ss to look at the sentences. Explain that some of them
Would you feel confident to invite someone or to accept an contain mistakes. Ss work alone to tick the correct sentences, then
invitation in English? check in pairs to correct those that are wrong. Go through the
answers as a class.
Put Ss in pairs to discuss the questions. When they have
finished, ask a few Ss to share their ideas with the class, but
Answers: 1 in May  2 ✓  3 Next year  4 On 25th September 
don’t force them to if they’d rather not.
5 ✓  6 ✓  7 In July  8 ✓  9 ✓  10 What are you going to do

Homework ideas 6a Ss use the prompts to make questions with be going to. They
Reflection on learning: write your answers. work alone, then check in pairs before going through the answers
Workbook: Ex 1–2, p61 as a class.
App: grammar and vocabulary practice
Roadmap video 1 When is Emma going to start her new business?
2 Where are you going to have lunch today?
Go online for the Roadmap video and worksheet.
3 What time is this train going to arrive?
4 Who’s/Who is Tim going to visit next month?
5 Is Fred going to change his job?
6 Are we going to take a taxi next week?
7 Are you going to finish early on Friday?
8 Where are you going to buy your new phone?

b Ask Ss to ask and answer in pairs. When they finish, discuss as

a class how many Ss are going to do each thing.

M01_Roadmap_TB_A1_27726.indd 112 01/09/2020 18:34

c Ask Ss to ask and answer the questions with a new partner.
Unit 10

When they finish, ask a few Ss to report on their partner’s plans. 10A  Develop your reading
Ask Ss to rate each statement alone, then compare in pairs.
Encourage them to ask any questions they still have about any of Introduction
the areas covered in Unit 10. The goal of this lesson is for Ss to read and understand a short article.
To help them achieve this, they will study the structure of a paragraph,
paying attention to the topics covered and how they are presented.

10 Communication review Write two of your ambitions on the board, e.g. I’d like to write a book;
I’d love to learn to sing. Introduce the word goal and explain that
Points race this means something you want to do in the future. Underline the
(Units 9–10 review) phrase I’d like and I’d love and ask Ss to write two goals for themselves.
Point out that they can be personal, related to work or family, etc.
Ss revise and practise the language of Units 9 and 10 in a Give them a few minutes and monitor to help with vocabulary. When
communicative game. This can be done after the Check and they are ready, put Ss in pairs and ask them to tell their partner. Tell
reflect page as a fun way to revise the language of Units 9 and 10. Ss that in today’s lesson they will be reading about people’s goals.
Organise Ss into groups made up of two pairs (or groups of three if
necessary). Pairs take turns to choose a square to complete. The Teaching tip
other team decides whether the answer is acceptable, checking Getting Ss to make a personal connection with the subject
with you if they are unsure. Circulate so that you are available to matter of the lesson makes them keen to engage with it.
answer questions and adjudicate.

Alternative activities
1 Ask Ss to look at photos A–C and tell you what they see.
Ask them to read texts 1–3 and match the writer’s goals with the
For a more challenging alternative, pairs nominate squares for the photos. Give them one to two minutes, then ask them to check in
other pair to answer. pairs. Go through the answers with the class.
For a non-competitive version, put Ss into pairs and tell them to
work through the squares together in order. Then check as a class. Answers: 1 C  2 A  3 B

2 Ask Ss to read the Focus box carefully and give a topic label
to the third paragraph. Allow plenty of time, then ask pairs to
 1 behind
compare. When they finish, elicit the answer. With weaker
 2 e.g. My friends live in the UK. I call them every month.
classes, provide a few topic labels to choose from.
 3 him, her, it, us, them
 4 e.g. My mum’s name is Rita. I live with her. My friend Billy
Answer: family
calls me every week. I see him in the summer.
 5 to
3 Refer Ss to the text and explain that they should match
 6 e.g. I enjoy taking photos.
topics 1–3 with three of the options a–f. Look at the first goal as a
 7 e.g. I like reading newspapers. I like going to markets. I like
class. Point out that they should look for key information and they
playing cards.
need to choose a topic that represents everything in the goal. Ask
 8 e.g. Do you like listening to the radio? Yes, I do. What do you
Ss to continue alone. When they finish, ask Ss to compare answers
like doing on Saturdays? I enjoy watching TV.
in pairs. Check answers as a class.
 9 remember
10 e.g. I took notes in the history lecture. Answers: 1 f  2 a  3 d
11 take, pass, fail
12 e.g. Why do you live here? Because my family lives here. 4a Ask Ss to read the text and circle the key words that tell them
Why do you study English? Because I enjoy it. the topic of the paragraph. Ask what kind of grammar words they
13 spend will circle (nouns/main verbs). Give Ss a few minutes to work alone,
14 e.g. I would like to join a club. then ask them to compare in pairs before you elicit the answers.
15 e.g. I would like to spend more time with my family. I would In feedback, remind Ss that the topic (first) sentence usually tells
like to work at a big company. I would love to visit Africa. us what a paragraph is about. Ask Ss if this is true here (yes).
16 e.g. Would you like to work in a different country? Yes, I
would. Where would you like to visit? I’d love to visit Brazil. Answers: 1 start, new sport  2 move, new house 
17 songs 3 start, online business
18 e.g. I’ll bring the drinks and you can buy some snacks.
19 e.g. I’m going to study English. I’m going to go to the cinema. b Refer Ss to the questions. Ask them to locate the paragraph
I’m going to visit my grandmother. that answers them, then find the answers. Do the first one as a
20 e.g. What are you going to do next month? I’m going to come class, then ask Ss to continue alone, before checking in pairs. Go
to class. Are you going to change jobs next month? No, I’m not. through the answers with the class.
21 In
22 e.g. I’ve cooked the chicken. Next, I’m going to chop the carrots. Answers: 1 a house  2 on a website  3 swimming
23 e.g. I’m going to go to the park. I’m going to go to the cinema.
24 A: Shall we go to the market tomorrow? Homework ideas
B: Hmm, I went there last week. Shall we go to the cinema?
Workbook: Ex 1–4, p62

M01_Roadmap_TB_A1_27726.indd 113 01/09/2020 18:34

b Ask Ss to listen as you play the recording again. They should

Unit 10
10B  Develop your listening write the phrases used in conversations 1–4 to show that the
speakers understand or are checking information. Ask Ss to check
their answers in pairs before going through them as a class.

Introduction Answers:
The goal of this lesson is for Ss to understand short conversations 1 Right.  
about plans. To help them achieve this, they will practise phrases 2 At 7.30? 
for checking information and showing understanding. 3 Sorry, did you say Dan? 
4 Pizza, OK.
Audioscript 10.11
Draw a question mark on the board and ask Ss to identify it. Ask
Ss to work in pairs and write all the question words they know in 1
one minute. Elicit the answers. Tell Ss today’s lesson is about using A: We’re going to meet at the restaurant.
B: Right.
question words to help you better understand listening.
1 Refer Ss to the photos and ask Ss to work in pairs to discuss A: We’re going to meet at 7.30.
which places are good for parties and why. Monitor and offer B: At 7.30?
support. Once they have discussed for a few minutes, have a A: Yes.
whole-class discussion. 3
2a 10.10  Tell Ss they need to listen for where the party is A: I’m going to come with Dan.
going to be. B: Sorry, did you say Dan?
Answer: West Park A: Charles, you’re going to get some pizza.
B: Pizza, OK.
b Play the recording again and ask Ss to listen and number the
phrases (a–e) in the order they hear them. Play the recording 5 10.12  Play the recording and ask Ss to listen and write the
more than once, if necessary. Go through the answers as a class. information Alex gives Jack about the party. Ss should check in
pairs, then elicit the answers from the class.
Answers: a 1  b 4  c 2  d 3  e 5
Answers: 1 The One Club  2 10.00  3 Dan
c Play the recording again, possibly pausing the recording after
each phrase so that Ss have a moment to think about their answer. Audioscript 10.12
Ask Ss to check their answers in pairs before going through them
Alex:  Jack, are you going to come to the party?
as a class.
Jack: Hmm … Maybe … Where is it?
Alex: At the One Club.
Answers: a 2  b 1  c 2  d 1  e 2 Jack: The One Club?
Alex: Yes – you know it. We’re going to meet at the One Club at 10.00 …
Audioscript 10.10 Jack: Uh huh.
Alex: … and I’m going to meet Dan there and –
Michael:  OK, guys. Guys? So, my party is going to be on the 25th. Jack: Sorry, did you say Dan?
We’re going to – Alex: Yes.
Ellie: Sorry, was that the 25th, Michael? Jack: I don’t like Dan …
Michael: Yes, that’s right. We’re going to meet at West Park and Gavin is Alex: Dan is nice!
going to bring …
Ellie: West Park? Not North Park?
Michael: Yes, West Park. Is that OK? Optional extra activity
Ellie: OK, West Park, yes.
Print out the audioscript and put Ss in pairs to listen to each other
Michael: Great. And Gavin is going to bring snacks. Is that OK? Ellie?
Ellie: Sorry, did you say Gavin is going to bring snacks – or are you as they roleplay the conversation. When they finish, they can
going to bring snacks? change roles.
Michael: You never listen, Ellie …
Homework ideas

3 Look at the Focus box as a class and ask Ss to read it through. Workbook: Ex 1–5, p61
Then ask Ss to put the phrases in the box in the correct category.
Answer the questions as a class.

Answers: 1 The 25th?  2 Great!  3 Right.

4a 10.11  Ask Ss to listen and choose the correct option. Play

the recording for Ss to underline. Ss can compare in pairs before
you go through the answers as a class. Play the recording again if
there is any doubt.

Answers: 1 show understanding  2 check  3 check 

4 show understanding


M01_Roadmap_TB_A1_27726.indd 114 01/09/2020 18:34

6 Ask Ss to read the text and complete it with the missing
Unit 10

10C  Develop your writing pronouns. With weaker classes, ask them to identify the subject
with one colour, and the object with another. Give them a few
minutes working alone, then put them in pairs to discuss and
compare. After a few minutes, elicit answers and in feedback
write the correct answers on the board. Ss can read the completed
The goal of this lesson is for Ss to write a short message for an checked text to each other in pairs.
online discussion. To help them achieve this, they will practise
identifying subject and object pronouns and use them to avoid Answers: 1 We  2 us  3 She  4 They  5 them
repeating names.
Optional alternative activity
Warm-up With weaker classes, look at the text together before Ss begin.
Put Ss in pairs to talk about their plans for the weekend. Give Focus on each gap in turn and ask Ss whether the missing pronoun
an example yourself first and write the questions on the board: will represent a subject or an object. Ss then complete the text in
Where are you going to go? What are you going to do? Who are pairs before you go through the answers as a class.
you going to see?
When they finish, ask a few pairs to report back. Tell Ss that Prepare
today’s lesson is about writing about weekend plans in an online 7 Tell Ss they are going to write about their own weekend plans.
forum. Refer them to the table and ask them to complete it with notes
1 Focus attention on the photos and discuss where the people (not sentences) about their plans. Change the days as appropriate
are. Ask Ss which one they’d like to do more. if the weekend falls on different days in the Ss’ country. Monitor
and help as needed.
A at a restaurant 
B in a library 
8a Ask Ss to use the notes they made to write their message.
Remind them to use going to. They can use the texts from Exs 2
C at home
and 6 and the examples in the Focus box to help them. Ask Ss to
2 Ask Ss to read the messages and answer the questions. Point work alone to write. Monitor and check they are completing the
out that the questions start with who, and elicit that they are task correctly.
looking for names. Give Ss a minute or two, ask them to compare in b Ask Ss to exchange texts and check each other’s work.
pairs, then check the answers as a class.
Optional extra activity
Answers: 1 Raquel  2 Josh  3 Victor With classes that need extra speaking practice, put Ss in pairs to
tell each other about their weekend plans. Ss then report back to
3 Ask Ss to read the Focus box and complete the sentences another pair.
with the missing pronouns. Give them a few minutes to work
alone, then put them in pairs to discuss and compare. After a few Homework ideas
minutes, elicit answers and in feedback write the correct answers Workbook: Ex 1–8, p63
on the board so that Ss can see them.

Answers: 1 She  2 They  3 it

4 Ask Ss to read the sentences and choose the correct pronoun

from the options given. Ss work alone, then check in pairs. Go
through the answers as a class, asking individuals to read each
pair of sentences aloud.

Answers: 1 We  2 They  3 she loves  4 He lives

Optional extra activity

Ask Ss to write a further sentence for each activity (1–4) in the

5 Ask Ss to read the sentences and complete them with the

missing pronouns. Look at the first one together and elicit the
answer (him). Some Ss may want to answer us. Point out that took
applies to my brother only, and not I. Ask Ss to continue alone, then
put them in pairs to discuss and compare. After a few minutes,
elicit answers and write the correct answers on the board so that
Ss can see them.

Answers: 1 him  2 her  3 them  4 me


M01_Roadmap_TB_A1_27726.indd 115 01/09/2020 18:34

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