The Michelson Interferometer: Experiment 7
The Michelson Interferometer: Experiment 7
The Michelson Interferometer: Experiment 7
Set the interferometer base on a lab table with the micrometer knob pointing
toward you. Position the laser alignment bench (short, magnetic optical bench upon
which a laser can be placed) to the left of the base approximately perpendicular to the
interferometer base and place a laser on the bench.
Secure the "movable mirror" in the recessed hole in the interferometer base. Turn
the laser on. Adjust the height of the laser and the direction of the laser so that the laser
beam hits the middle of the mirror and reflects directly back into the laser aperture. The
laser's height can be adjusted using the leveling screws on the laser bench, the beam
direction can be adjusted by simply turning the laser alignment bench.
Mount the adjustable mirror on the interferometer base. Put a component holder
in front of the laser, holder side out. Place another holder opposite the adjustable mirror,
holder side in. Attach a white viewing screen (with millimeter scale) on the component
holder opposite the adjustable mirror.
Position the "beam splitter" at a 45° angle to the laser beam, atop the marks on the
interferometry table. There should now be two sets of bright dots on the viewing screen;
one set comes from the fixed mirror (adjustable mirror) and the other comes from the
movable mirror. Each set of dots includes a bright dot with two or more dimmer dots due
to multiple reflections. Adjust the angle of the beam-splitter until the two sets of dots are
aligned vertically, tighten the thumbscrew to secure the beam-splitter.
Using the thumbscrews on the back of the adjustable mirror, adjust the mirror
until the two sets of dots on the viewing screen coincide exactly. Attach the 18 mm FL
lens to the magnetic backing of the component holder in front of the laser. When
correctly placed, you will see circular fringes on the beam splitter (like in picture on page
1). If you don't see the fringes immediately, just play with the lens position for a while. If
you still don't see them, repeat setup procedure.
Turn the micrometer knob, you'll see the fringes shift. Don't screw the micro-
meter knob all the way in or all the way out.
Completed setup.
Other possible setup problems: While warming up, the laser intensity may vary
causing fringe shifts. If this occurs, it will go away as the laser warms up and becomes
more stable. If the mirror brackets have become bent, it may be impossible to obtain
fringes or the fringes may have significant distortion. You may also see background
fringes due to reflections off other surfaces. These background patterns generally don't
move when the mirror is moved and should have no impact on your measurements.
Vibration of the interferometer base or table can effect your interference pattern.
Counting Fringes
Wavelength Measurement
Turn the micrometer knob one full turn counterclockwise, continue turning until
the zero on the knob is aligned with the index mark. Adjust the position of your viewing
screen so that one of the marks on the millimeter scale is aligned with one of the fringes
in your interference pattern. You'll probably find it easier to count fringes if the reference
mark is one or two fringes out from the center of the pattern.
Rotate the micrometer knob slowly counterclockwise. Count the fringes as they
pass your reference mark. Continue until 30 fringes (or so) have passed your mark. Make
sure you do not count the fringe at the initial position of the micrometer knob as 1, but
the next fringe.) As you finish your count, the fringes should be in the same position with
respect to your reference mark as they were when you started to count. Record the final
reading on the micrometer dial. Ignore the numbers along the micrometer shaft.
The distance d (in µm, micrometers, 10-6 m) that the movable mirror moved
toward the beam-splitter is the reading from the micrometer knob. Record d and N, the
number of fringes that passed. Repeat the experiment two more times.
For each trial, calculate the wavelength of the light, then average your results.
λ = 2d/N
(Q1) In the calculation of λ, why did we multiply d by two?
(Q3) How does your result for ∆n0 compare to the textbook difference between the index
of refractions of air and vacuum?
(Q4) The index of refraction for a gas depends on temperature as well as pressure.
Describe an experiment that would determine the temperature dependence of the index of
refraction for air.