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Z. Lavan
Illinois Institute of Technology
R. K. Collier, Jr.
Collier Engineering Services
G. Meckler
Gershon Meckler Associates, P.C.
July 1992
Prepared by the
Oak Ridge, Tennessee 37831-6285
managed by
for the
under Contract No. DE-AC05-840R21400
This report has been reproduced directly from the best available copy.
Available to DOE and DOE contractors from the Office of Scientific and Techni-
cal Information, P.O. Box 62, Oak Ridge, TN 37831; prices available from (615)
576-8401, FTS 626-8401.
Available to the public from the National Technical Information Service, U.S.
Department of Commerce, 5285 Port Royal Rd., Springfield, VA 22161.
Z. Lavan
Illinois Institute of Technology
R. K. Collier, Jr.
Collier Engineering Services
G. Meckler
Gershon Meckler Associates, P.C.
Prepared by the
Oak Ridge, Tennessee 37831-6285
managed by
for the
under Contract No. DE-AC05-840R21400
El Potential annual energy reduction due to the use of desiccant-based air conditioning .. xi
E2 Typical open-cycle solid desiccant system ................................... xii
E3 Typical open-cycle liquid desiccant system ................................. xiii
E4 Desiccant system configurations and technology implications ..................... xv
E5 Principal cost elements of installed desiccant systems .......................... xix
A1.1 Outlet air conditions in process and reactivation air streams leaving a silica gel
desiccant dehumidifier ................................................ 85
A1.2 Brunauer isotherms of types 1 and 3 compared to a linear sorption isotherm ....... 87
A1.3 Brunauer isotherms type 2 ............................................. 87
A1.4 Brunauer type 4 isotherm .............................................. 88
A1.5 Brunauer type 5 isotherm .............................................. 88
A1.5 Adsorption isotherms of typical desiccants ................................. 88
A1.7 Ideal isotherm for desiccant cooling applications ................... .......... 88
A1.8 Type 1M isotherm, including the effects of heat of adsorption .................. 90
A1.9 Simulated isotherms for various types of desiccants ........................... 93
A2.1 Model comparisons for type 1M isotherm .................................. 98
A2.2 Model comparisons for linear isotherm .................................... 99
A2.3 Model behavior for various time steps - MOSHMX ......................... 100
LIST OF FIGURES (continued)
A2.4 Model behavior for various time steps - Enerscope .......................... 100
A2.5 Comparison of adsorption process outlet humidities ......................... 101
A2.6 Comparison of reactivation outlet humidities .............................. 102
A2.7 Comparison of adsorption outlet himidities ................................ 103
A2.8 Comparison of reactivation outlet humidities ............................ .. 103
A2.9 MOSHMX adsorption process outlet humidities (constant time step vs two
time step) ......................................................... 104
A2.10 MOSHMX adsorption reactivation outlet humidities (constant time step vs two
time step) ......................................................... 104
7.1 Desiccant HVAC systems office space potential market 10-year application ........ 58
7.2 Supermarket desiccant/cogeneration unit - potential 20 year applications (30,000 ft 2
average store size) ................................................... 60
7.3 Small commercial building desiccant heating/cooling unit-potenital 10 year applications
(2,000 ft2 average store size) ............................................ 60
7.4 Buiding characteristics, design conditions, peak loads, and site utility rates .......... 75
8.1 Estimated electrical energy used for residential cooling ........................ 78
8.2 Estimated desiccant cooling system energy impact (in quads) for residential sector
with COP of conventional cooling system assumed to be 2.0 .................... 78
8.3 Estimated desiccant cooling system energy impact (in quads) for residential sector
with COP of conventional cooling system assumed to be 3.0 .................... 79
8.4 Estimaed electrical energy used for commercial cooling ....................... 80
8.5 Estimated desiccant cooling system energy impact (in quads) for commercial sector
with COP of conventional cooling system assumed to be 2.0 .................... 81
8.6 Estimated desiccant cooling system energy impact (in quads) for commercial sector
with COP of conventional cooling system assumed to be 3.0 .................... 81
Traditional vapor compression cooling systems use electrical power to cool and dehumidify air. In
contrast, desiccant systems use thermal energy to accomplish the same effect. When properly applied,
desiccant systems can save energy compared to traditional systems, and can provide other benefits as
well. For example, desiccant systems can:
* Control the humidity of air independently of its temperature, and they can control
humidity at very low levels.
* Balance a large air conditioning energy requirement between several fuel sources-the
desiccant system controls humidity using thermal energy and a vapor-compression
system controls building temperature.
* Avoid the high humidity which creates indoor air quality problems.
* Avoid wasting energy used to replace materials damaged by water, moisture corrosion
and mildew.
Residential Buildings..................................................................... System COP
COP= I COP= 1.3 COP= 1.7 1.0 1.3 1.7
Electric Gas Net Electric Cas Net Electrc Gas Net
NorthEast -O.015 0.013 -0.002' -0.018 0.009 -0.009! -0.021 0.007 -0.014j
North Central -0.030 0.026 *0.004 -0.036 0.018 -0.018 -0.040 0.013 -0.027 .005
South -0.134 0.113 -0.0211 -0.159 0.082 -0.077j -0.179 0.057 0.122
West -0.018 0.016 -0.002 -0.022 0.011 -0.011 0.025 0.008 -0.017
Total -0.197 0.168 -0.0291 -0.235 0.120 -0.115S -0.265 0.085 -0.1801 .010
Commercial Buildings................................................................... - 5
COP= COP =1.3 COP =1.7
North Central -0.038 0.032 -0.0061 -0.045 0.023 -0.022 -0.050 0.016 -0.034
South -0.045 0.038 -0.0071 -0.054 0.028 -0.026 -0.061 0.019 -0.0421
North West -0.001 0.001 --- -0.001 0.001 -- -0.001 -- -0.001
Far West -0.008 0.007 -0.0011 0.010 0.005 -0.005 -0.011 0.004 -0.007
Total -0.I09 0.092 -0.0171 -0.112 0.067 -0.045 -0.145 0.046 0.099 Potential Reduction
in National Energy
* "Electric' column represents the reduction in primary inputs to produce electric energy for cooling. (Quads)
* "Gas" column represents the net change in gas consumption, including both:
1. Increased consumption for desiccant reactivation
2. Decreaseddemand for primary gas inputs to produce electric energy
Figure El Potential annual energy reduction due to the use of desiccant-based air conditioning
Until recently, the efficiency of desiccant cooling systems was below break-even. The energy invested
in running the system was more than the air cooling effect at typical comfort conditions. Low
efficiency limited the use of desiccant systems to narrow markets where the benefits described above
outweigh the energy premium. However, technological advances show promise of improved
coefficients of performance (COPs). These advances can reduce national energy consumption
A desiccant is a solid or liquid which dries air by attracting water molecules onto the desiccant
surface. The dry air is then cooled by direct or indirect evaporation and sent to the air conditioned
After the desiccant becomes saturated, it is heated to release the moisture it attracted from the air.
This is called "reactivating" the desiccant. Many materials can collect and release moisture from air
in this manner. For example, even nylon can collect up to 7% of its dry weight in moisture. However,
materials used commercially as desiccants have a large capacity for moisture (between 30 and 1200%
of their dry weight). Also, desiccant materials can be reactivated (dried) at temperatures low enough
to allow economical operation (between 120° and 250°F).
In solid desiccant systems, air is circulated through a bed of absorptive material like silica gel or
zeolite. As the moist air passes through the bed, it gives up water vapor to the desiccant. Then the
saturated desiccant is heated. This releases moisture to a different air stream, drying the desiccant
so it can be used once again. Typically, the desiccant is loaded into a rotating tray or impregnated
into a honeycomb-form wheel, which rotates slowly between the dry air stream (process) and the
heated air stream (reactivation). This constant reactivation allows the equipment to provide a
continuous stream of dry air to the air conditioned space.
Wheel Reactivation
1. Humid air enters the roating bed of dry desiccant 4. A small air stream is heated and passed
though the desiccant bed to raise its
2. As air passes through the bed, the desiccant attracts temperature.
moisture from the air. 6. Heated desiccant gives off its collected
moisture to the small warm air stream
coming from the heater.
3. Air leaves the desiccant bed warm and dry. Cooling 6. The moist reactivation air stream is vented to
is accomplished by separate components downstream the weather, carrying excess humidity away
of the desiccant bed. of the desiccant bed. the weather, carrying excess humidity away
from the building being air conditioned.
Figure E2 Typical open-cycle solid desiccant system
Liquid Desiccant Systems
In liquid desiccant systems, humid air is passed through a cooling coil, or through a contact surface
like cooling tower packing, which has been wetted with liquid desiccant. The desiccant absorbs
moisture from the air, which makes the liquid solution more dilute. The dilute desiccant is sent
through a heater and sprayed into a small reactivation air stream. The reactivation air carries away
water vapor given off by the warm desiccant, so the re-concentrated solution can be used for drying
air once again.
(Process Air)
( Dry Air / /
(!)\ . | _'(Reactivation
/ S</ Air)
rl S f ' 1@-3 TT^ e Desiccant
I Humid Air he a l e r
O (D
1. Warm, humid air enters the desiccant 5. A heater raises the temperature of the dilute
system at the base of a packed tower. desiccant solution.
2. Liquid desiccant is sprayed over the packing material. 6. A small purge air stream removes moisture
As air passes across the wetted bed, it gives up heat and from the heated liquid desiccant.
moisture to the liquid desiccant.
7. The reconcentrated liquid desiccant collects at
3. Air leaves the desiccant system cool and dry. the bottom of the regenerator. The liquid is
4A ~~~~~
. -~~~~ ,,~.,~
.. .,
4- The liquid desiccant collects as a dilute solution
. ~ recirculated back to the conditioner so it can
o e o oer o
at the base of the packed tower. Then it circulates
to the regenerator to be reconcentrated.
In both liquid and solid desiccant units, the desiccant material itself is quite stabile, allowing tens of
millions of cycles (several years operation) before the desiccant must be replaced.
1. Thermal energy is available and inexpensive, or when electrical energy is limited or costly.
For example, use desiccant systems where electrical demand is high and available capacity
is low, or where waste heat is available.
2. The moisture component of the air conditioning load is high compared to the sensible heat
load. For example, air conditioning systems for supermarkets have a very low heat load
since the display cases also cool the store. The remaining load is mostly moisture.
3. Low humidity control levels are advantageous. For example, steel warehouses can be
dehumidified rather than heated during the winter, saving energy and avoiding rust, but
the dehumidification system must be operate at a low temperature and a low humidity
control level.
4. An air conditioning system must operate without high relative humidity in duct work and
without condensed water in drain pans. For example, air distribution systems in buildings
can harbor fungi which create indoor air quality problems. Desiccant systems keep the air
dry in the ductwork, preventing microbial growth.
Historic Overview
Desiccant systems have been used in the United States since the early 1930's, primarily for industrial
applications where there is an economic benefit to close-tolerance humidity control at low levels.
For 60 years, desiccant systems have been successful where there is a great deal of money, or a large
capital asset at risk, and where the cost of the desiccant equipment is low by comparison. For
example, micro-electronic circuits are produced in rooms which cost hundreds of thousands of dollars
per day to operate. If the process is interrupted because of high humidity, the lost production pays
for a desiccant system installation within a matter of hours.
In other examples, the brewing industry has used desiccant systems in fermentation cellars,
maintaining humidity low enough to prevent sanitation problems. The pharmaceutical industry has
traditionally used low-humidity environments to avoid product contamination, extend shelf-life and
eliminate manufacturing problems. The marine industry has used desiccant equipment to avoid
condensation and corrosion in ship cargoes, and the military has used the equipment to preserve
armaments and equipment in storage.
Comfort-conditioning applications for desiccants have benefits associated with humidity control which
are more difficult to quantify than benefits associated with industrial applications. Consequently,
installations in commercial buildings have not been common until the last ten years.
Early desiccant applications in comfort control involved semi-process installations such as medical
buildings, which profit from the air cleaning and sterilization effects of liquid desiccant systems. But
in general, comfort-related applications have been dominated by vapor-compression cooling
technology because to date, it has enjoyed some basic advantages over desiccants in operating
efficiency. By way of comparison, vapor-compression air conditioning systems may operate with
coefficients of performance (COP's) of 2.5 to 3.5 in the comfort range, where typical COP's for
desiccant systems have been below 1.0.
Since 1985, however, desiccant systems have become more widely applied in comfort-related
installations such as supermarkets. This is because of advances in the basic technology, and changes
in the cost difference between electrical power and thermal energy.
In the future, desiccant systems are likely to expand their range of applications. Trends which suggest
this conclusion include:
Technology options for desiccant systems fall into one of two broad categories:
1. Desiccant-only systems
2. Systems which combine desiccant components with vapor compression cooling elements
Systems which rely on desiccants for all cooling and dehumidification can use the advantage of using
low-temperature, inexpensive energy. However, such systems tend to be large compared to
conventional cooling because they use larger air flows and smaller temperature differences to cool
a given space. Also, desiccant-only systems rely on indirect or direct evaporative cooling for sensible
temperature control, and the resulting water-side maintenance issues can be an installation and
operational disadvantage.
Fr_ _
i. ,,..
..- Conditioned
Air - ..
Building Option I All esiccant
~i~~~~~ ~~Fresh
i~ I~ Lowest operating cost
!Air L
+ Ample ventilation
------ M6WW~~---/* _+ Least energy consumption
- Expensive first cost
<~/ ^--- \-i Large equipment & large ductwork
Exhaust \ - Requires water (evaporative cooling)
Ideal desiccant reactivated at low
!________________ Heat exchanger efficiency is critical
Small ~~S~~~~mall
~Air Conditioned Builg
Aironditioned Option 2 - Combined System
Conventional + Lowest installed cost
Cooler + Small equipment & ductwork
+ Simple to maintain (no water)
<~~~'::-"^*~ ~- Somewhat more energy
Fresh Air \ i--- - CFC's still in use
~'/- __ Cooling-desiccant integration required
,/l · Ideal desiccant has deep-drying capacity
Small / * Cooling system must be adapted to
Desiccant R high temperature differences
System Return Air
Systems which combine desiccants with conventional cooling are lower in first cost than desiccant-only
systems because they use smaller equipment and smaller air flows to cool a given space. However,
they use more high-cost energy than desiccant-only systems.
To date, the lower installed cost and perceived lower maintenance of combined systems has given
them an advantage in the commercial market place.
Technology Status
In the last ten years, significant progress has been made in five basic components of desiccant
technology. These include:
1. Desiccant-air contactors
2. Reactivation energy sources
3. Cooling sources
4. Reactivation energy storage (peak-shifting)
5. Desiccant materials
Desiccant contactors
In desiccant systems, the component which presents the desiccant to the air stream (the desiccant
contactor) is one of the most critical elements of the system, and the one which most influences the
net energy consumption of the system.
Ideally, the desiccant contactor would have an infinitely large surface area for desiccant-air
interaction, but infinitely low mass, so no excess material must be heated and cooled along with the
desiccant. Further, the contact media must be very durable, as it is repeatedly wetted and dried as
the desiccant moves through the sorption-desorption cycle.
In rotating tray-type dry desiccant systems, manufacturers have recently developed segmented-bed
designs for the rotating trays which support the granular desiccant. Partitions inside the desiccant bed
reduce air leakage, which in turn allows the process and reactivation air streams to be arranged for
counter flow heat and mass transfer. This counter flow arrangement has reduced the energy
consumed by rotating tray units by 50%, a major improvement in the technology. Segmented-bed
designs are now energy-competitive with honeycomb-form rotary units.
In liquid systems, the state-of-the-art contactor consists of a corrugated extended surface much like
the contact media in a cooling tower. Recent R&D activities have centered on adding low-energy
internal cooling to the contact surface. In this arrangement, liquid desiccant is sprayed onto one side
of a plate-type air-to-air-heat exchanger, where it absorbs moisture from the process air. On the
second side of the heat exchanger, a water spray cools the surface, removing the heat of absorption
from the desiccant flowing across the opposite side of the air-to-air heat exchanger. This device,
called a "three-way heat exchanger" shows great promise for raising the COP of liquid systems above
The largest energy expenditure in a desiccant system is the heat used to reactivate the saturated
desiccant. Considerable effort has been invested to reduce both the amount and the cost of this
energy, centering mainly on the use of waste heat normally available within building air conditioning
In systems, which use desiccants as a component in a larger vapor-compression cooling system, waste
heat from refrigerant condensers is used for desiccant reactivation. In addition to providing low-cost
reactivation heat, the extra heat exchange surface in the refrigeration condenser has a beneficial
effect on the COP of the cooling system.
Manufacturers have also introduced desiccant systems which include cogeneration components as well
as vapor-compression cooling systems. In these designs, waste heat from the electrical generator
provides low-cost reactivation energy.
The advances in desiccant contactors for rotating honeycomb-form dry desiccant systems have allowed
significant reductions in reactivation energy when natural gas is used as a heat source. Unlike lithium
chloride, silica gel is not sensitive to the products of combustion of natural gas. Where lithium
chloride rotors need to use indirect gas heaters, silica gel rotors can use direct-fired burners, allowing
a 20 to 30% increase in energy utilization.
Finally, "Staged reactivation" is being used by many manufacturers to reduce the size of the desiccant
unit while also using low-cost heat sources for reactivation. Low-temperature waste heat can be used
by itself for reactivation, but it forces the use larger, more costly desiccant hardware. Essentially, the
surface is increased to compensate for the smaller driving force of the low-temperature heat.
Manufacturers have recognized and minimized this problem by developing two-stage reactivation
circuits. Low-temperature heat is used to pre-heat the desiccant, and a much smaller amount of
high-temperature heat is used to dry the desiccant more deeply. These two stages of reactivation
provide the necessary capacity to allow the use of smaller, lower cost equipment.
Sensible cooling accounts for the second largest energy expenditure in a desiccant system. Heat must
be removed from the desiccant and from the air.
In both liquid and solid systems, manufacturers have focused efforts on ways to cool the process air
by moving its heat to the reactivation circuit. This reduces both the cost of cooling and the cost of
reactivation heat.
In solid systems, air-to-air heat exchangers are now used to cool the warm air leaving the process
section of the unit and pre-heat the air entering reactivation. Either heat pipes or plate-type heat
exchangers are used for this purpose. Such an arrangement reduces cooling requirements by more
than 30% and reduces reactivation energy requirements by more than 20% in typical
comfort-conditioning applications.
In liquid systems, the warm desiccant leaving the regenerator is cooled by the dilute desiccant coming
from the conditioner by a shell-and-tube or plate-frame liquid heat exchanger. As in solid systems,
such an "intercooler" reduces energy in both cooling and desiccant reactivation.
Additionally, the three-way heat exchanger described earlier as a means of improving a liquid
desiccant contactor also improves the economics of cooling a liquid desiccant system. As a result,
manufacturers and research institutions have devoted considerable resources to lowering the cost and
improving the reliability of this component for liquid systems.
Energy storage
As in traditional cooling systems, the peak load determines the capacity and cost of the system.
However, the peak load is only experienced for 2% of the hours in the year. The system may need
50% reserve capacity to be able to cool a building on a peak load day.
In order to reduce the size of the desiccant system and therefore reduce both initial cost and
operating cost, research has been focused on reactivating desiccant during off-peak hours and storing
it for use during peak periods.
In a liquid system, this is easily accomplished by adding desiccant storage tanks to the system. These
hold concentrated desiccant for use during peak periods. The more difficult challenge is economic.
Presently, the cost of the additional desiccant together with the controls, tanks and piping is larger
than the cost of a system with enough basic capacity to meet the peak load.
In a solid system, the great bulk of dry desiccant required for storage makes such a strategy
However, considerable basic research has been invested in determining the sorption capacity and
dynamics of building structures themselves. Gypsum, carpeting and fabrics can all attract and hold
water vapor. In the future, it may be possible to take advantage of this effect by drying the building
slightly when reactivation energy is available at low cost. This effectively uses the entire hygroscopic
building mass as a means of storing energy.
This promising concept is currently limited by existing, older-generation building energy simulation
programs, which cannot account for the sorption-desorption effect of building components on system
energy consumption.
Desiccant materials
The behavior of all desiccant system components is profoundly influenced by the operating
characteristics of the desiccant materials they contain. Recognizing this fact, research institutions and
manufacturers have focused on material science to develop desiccants which are especially suited to
air conditioning applications.
These efforts have had two primary goals; to develop desiccants which:
1. Use less energy for reactivation and therefore need less energy for cooling
2. Are more stable and fault-tolerant and therefore require less maintenance
Research supported by the Gas Research Institute has identified the sorption characteristics which
are best suited to minimizing the costs of desiccant air conditioning systems in typical residential and
commercial buildings. These characteristics are described by the term "Type 1M" desiccant behavior.
The name originates from a classification system for desiccant characteristics suggested by Stephen
Brunauer in 1945. The system classifies material behavior according to the shape of its sorption
isotherm. Materials with type 1 behavior adsorb moisture very rapidly above a certain relative
humidity, and desorb moisture readily when the surrounding air falls below that threshold relative
Most Type 1 materials adsorb moisture readily at relative humidities below 5%. However, the ideal
desiccant for air conditioning applications would adsorb and desorb moisture across a narrow
threshold between 35 and 55% relative humidity. Therefore, the material is described as having 'Type
1 - Modified" behavior, or more briefly, "Type 1M".
While some progress has been made by manufacturers, as yet there is no Type 1M desiccant material
available commercially. A durable, low-cost Type 1M material will make significant improvements in
desiccant system cost and energy consumption.
Research project alternatives can be judged according to a simple standard; To what extent and how
quickly will they contribute to realizing energy savings through the adoption of desiccant air
conditioning in buildings?
The most productive research will focus on improving the cost-benefit ratio of desiccant equipment.
At present, the costs of such systems are often too high to be balanced by a "Two-year Payback"; the
criterion commonly employed by building owners as they judge the attractiveness of new technology.
This ratio can be improved by research which lowers the costs of desiccant technology, and by
projects which increase its benefits.
Reducing costs
The largest costs associated with desiccant technology are its installation and its distribution. R&D
projects can contribute to reducing these costs:
The results of tens of millions of dollars in desiccant research are not widely distributed to
equipment manufacturers. In fact, most manufacturers of air conditioning equipment are not
even aware of the scope and results of these efforts. Projects to broadly disseminate the results
of research will likely be even more productive than projects to further advance the technology
While many buildings could currently benefit from desiccant technology, the designer/user base
is generally neither aware of the potential benefits nor familiar enough with the technology to
make an informed assessment concerning them. Projects to develop tools to assess the
technology and to explain its costs and benefits clearly will reduce the largest cost of desiccants;
its distribution and installation. Designer/user ignorance is the largest component of the current
cost of desiccant equipment.
Increasing benefits
The energy conservation benefit of desiccant technology can also be improved through research and
Desiccant systems use heat productively and require sensible cooling. Vapor compression cooling
systems provide waste heat and provide economical sensible cooling. Projects to improve the
integration of desiccant sub-systems into conventional building air conditioning systems will
improve the benefits supplied by both technologies.
State-of-the-art desiccant systems often have coefficients of performance below 1.0. To increase
the benefits offered by this technology, its operating efficiency must be improved.This can be
accomplished by research projects to develop: materials with Type 1M behavior, components
to cool air in the system more efficiently, better methods of controlling system operation and
lower cost reactivation methods.
Other important benefits of desiccant system include improvements in indoor air quality. Desiccants
provide the low humidity needed to eliminate the growth of microorganisms in duct work, building
structures and in furnishings. The materials can also be used to adsorb many volatile organic
compounds (VOCs) from indoor environments. Research and development can help enhance these
end user benefits:
Dry air is known to reduce the growth of microorganisms both in the air and in humid materials.
However, the nature and quantitative aspects of this phenomenon are not well understood.
Research in this area can have substantial public health and worker productivity benefits which
may exceed the energy benefits of desiccant systems.
Desiccant materials can collect more than just water vapor from air. In industry, desiccants are
widely used to perform separations from complex mixtures of organic and inorganic compounds.
Research projects to quantify the pollutant-removal effects and establish a strong theoretical
basis for understanding these phenomena will substantially increase the benefit of desiccant
components in building air conditioning systems.
3. Improve useful life of buildings, materials and products through dry air technology.
Buildings and products suffer from the effects of excess humidity. The American Hotel and
Motel Association estimates that 8,000 of the 45,000 hospitality structures in the US spend over
$68 million each year due to mold and mildew damage brought on by excess moisture. The
National Association of Corrosion Engineers estimates that metallic corrosion costs the US
economy over $220 billion a year. Farm crop losses due to excess moisture exceed $300 billion
annually. All of these costly problems can be significantly reduced by the use of dry air
technology. Research projects which quantify the actual benefits and establish engineering
guidelines for the use of dry air will provide significant benefits for the national economy.
Desiccant technology has the potential to make major contributions to energy conservation, improve
indoor air quality and to reduce the cost of moisture damage to buildings and products. However,
state-of-the-art materials, components and systems are not widely understood or in use in the building
industry. Well-coordinated research and development efforts of industry, government and research
institutions will be needed to fully realize the benefits of this established, but under-utilized
The authors would like to thank Mr. P. D. Fairchild for his close supervision and many useful
discussions of this project. The authors deeply appreciate Messrs. J. Ryan and E. Kweller of the
Department of Energy for their constant support and encouragement throughout this project. The
Authors appreciate Mr. G. Hadder's providing data for the energy impact study. The authors would
like to thank Mr. L. Harriman of Mason-Grant Co. for his technical editing work on this report.
Finally, the authors appreciate the preparation of this report by Ms. D. Penland.
Desiccant systems are heat-actuated cooling and dehumidification technology. With the recent
advances in this technology, desiccant systems can now achieve a primary energy coefficient of
performance (COP) between 1.3 and 1.5, with potential to go to 1.7 and higher. It is becoming one
of the most promising alternatives to conventional cooling systems.
Two important and well-known advantages of desiccant cooling systems are that they are CFC free
and they can reduce the electricity peak load. Another important but lesser-known advantage of
desiccant technology is its potential for energy conservation. The energy impact study in this report
indicated that a possible 13% energy saving in residential cooling and 8% in commercial cooling is
possible. Great energy saving potential also exists in the industrial sector if industrial waste heat can
be used for desiccant regeneration.
The latest study on desiccant-integrated building heating, ventilating, and air conditioning (HVAC)
systems indicated that the initial cost for the conventional cooling equipment was greatly reduced by
using desiccant technology because of downsized compressors, fans, and ductworks. This cost
reduction was more than enough to offset the cost of desiccant equipment. Besides, the system
operation cost was also reduced. All these indicate that desiccant systems are also cost effective.
This study provides an updated state-of-the-art assessment for desiccant technology in the field of
desiccant materials, systems, computer models, and theoretical analyses. From this information the
technology options were derived and the future research and development needs were identified.
A historic overview lists what has already been done and who is doing what. This information will
help us to project the future of this technology.
Because desiccant technology has already been applied in the commercial building sector with very
encouraging results, it is expected that future market breakthroughs will probably start in this sector.
A market analysis for the commercial building application is therefore included.
While this report shows that a great amount of work has already been accomplished, it also indicates
that much more work is needed before this economically promising and environmentally safe
technology can reach its full potential.
Desiccant heating and cooling is based on the physical process by which water vapor is collected and
released (sorbed and desorbed) by desiccant materials, which can be either liquids or solids.
Evaporation of the water provides the cooling effect and its condensation produces the heating effect.
The desorption process, and therefore the desiccant cycyle, is driven by heat. When desiccant
materials are hot, they give up moisture. The control, capacity, efficiency, and economics of DCD
systems largely depend on the management of thermal energy within the system. DCD systems can
be operated on either open or closed cycles. The main difference is that open cycles operate at close
to atmospheric pressure, while closed cycles are usually operated at either higher or lower than the
atmospheric pressure.
EX1tAUST9 - 9 R.
Figure 1.1 shows an open-cycle DCD system with 100% fresh air. This is the most common DCD
system. The ambient air, point 1, flows through a desiccant dehumidifier and becomes hot and dry,
point 2. This air then flows through a sensible heat exchanger to be cooled down, point 3. The dry,
cooler air then flows through an evaporative cooler to be cooled toward its wet bulb temperature and
is delivered to the house, point 4. The exhaust air from the house at point 5 flows through the
evaporator to be cooled to point 6, and then flows through the sensible heat exchanger to exchange
heat with processed air. The exhaust air from the heat exchanger, point 7, flows through a heat
source to elevate its temperature to point 8. This hot exhaust air is used to regenerate the desiccant
dehumidifier. Figure 1.2 shows the same state point on a psychrometric chart. The system is
operated in the recirculating mode if indoor air is used at point 1.
Such regenerative drying of air by desiccants has extensive commercial and industrial applications.
For open-cycle systems, the processed air temperature usually is limited to 10°C (50°F) or higher
because water is involved in the cooling process. For closed-cycle systems (see the Technical Option
Section) no such limit is imposed because ordinary refrigerants can be used. It is possible to operate
a closed-cycle system for refrigeration.
There are many advantages of DCD systems; some are related to the environment, some to energy
conservation, and some to reduced equipment initial cost and operating cost. These advantages are
discussed below.
* No CFC refrigerants are used. Because the majority of DCD systems will be open-cycle
systems, water and air are the only fluids used. DCD systems are an environmentally acceptable
alternative to vapor compression cooling systems.
* Figures 1.1 and 1.2 show that DCD systems are heat-actuated cooling devices, which only need
a small amount of parasitic electric power for system operation. DCD systems will therefore
reduce the consumption of electricity. This is significant because it reduces the peak load as
* DCD can be operated with low-temperature heat. If waste heat is available to regenerate
desiccant material, the efficiency of such a system will be very high. If no prime fuel is used in
regenerating desiccant material, besides saving energy, DCD also reduces the emission of carbon
dioxide to the atmosphere.
* When a DCD system is integrated into a conventional cooling system to remove latent load, it
enables the conventional system to handle sensible load only. This removal of latent load will
reduce the size of compressors, fans, ductwork, etc., and thus will reduce the initial equipment
cost - usually more than enough cost reduction to offset the cost of desiccant equipment.
* With additional material, such as activated carbon, added on to desiccant dehumidifiers, they
can also absorb undesirable odor and particles, and thus improve indoor air quality.
* Because DCD operation (open cycle) is near atmospheric pressure, construction, and
maintenance are simplified.
* DCD systems use a minimum number of moving parts which also reduces the operating and
maintenance costs.
* DCD systems are very effective for conditioning spaces with high latent load when 100% fresh
air is required, and for humidity-sensitive applications.
* For closed-cycle systems, high system COP can be achieved when the concept of heat
regeneration is used and sharp thermal waves are sustained.
* For liquid DCD, energy storage is convenient since energy is stored as chemical rather than
thermal energy.
The potential limitations of all desiccant systems are a relatively high installed cost and the lack of
a large, nation-wide base of qualified service personnel.
For liquid DCD systems, the desiccant used is sometimes corrosive and can damage systems or
ancillary components. Solid systems can suffer desiccant attrition or clogging, and the cost of rotating
desiccant wheels can, like the cost of replacing a refrigeration compressor, be comparatively
Recent DCD developments include two-stage systems for office buildings, closed-cycle systems for
refrigeration or energy storage, a heat-wave-catching operating strategy, plastic polymer desiccants,
a newer approach in making desiccant wheels, etc. All these advances in DCD indicate that desiccant
technology is well on its way to becoming an economically viable cooling alternative to conventional
vapor compression systems.
Much work has been accomplished in the DCD field in the past. This section briefly survey the
commercial history of the technology and then describes more recent research-oriented developments.
Desiccant air conditioning technology developed in the United States before the advent of vapor-
compression cooling. The Kathabar liquid desiccant system, introduced in 1910, was the first air
conditioning use of a technology that had previously been used largely in chemical process and
petroleum refining operations. During the 1930's, the Niagara Blower Company began using a
desiccant solution (Triethylene Glycol) as a means of removing frost from evaporator coils in
refrigeration systems. The system had dehumidification as well as defrosting capabilities, and
continues in use today.
Parallel to the development of liquid systems, solid desiccant systems were put into use by the
Lectrodryer Company in the form of large, dual-tower and other static-bed designs. During the
middle 1930's, Lectrodryer, along with a division of the Bryant Heater Company (now named
BRY-AIR) and Cargocaire Engineering Corporation (now named Munters Cargocaire), manufactured
various types of fixed-bed desiccant systems, principally for applications in industry.
In 1940, however, an article in the Cleveland Press (Jan. 22, 1940, "Today's Business - Bryant's New
Product") [1] indicates that manufacturers of desiccant equipment retained an interest in
comfort-conditioning markets. During the 1950's, Kathabar successfully applied their liquid desiccant
system to hospital ventilation systems. This application takes advantage of the bacteriocidal
characteristics of lithium chloride to scrub the air free of microorganisms in addition to removing
excess humidity and delivering air at a controlled temperature.
During the 1950's, manufacturers of solid desiccant systems turned to rotating-bed designs, because
of their considerable thermal and cost advantages over fixed-bed designs in ambient-pressure
applications. In addition to designs developed at Bryant Company, the Airflow Company introduced
a line of counterflow, segmented-bed machines which made major improvements in the operating
economics of dry desiccant systems.
In 1960, Munters Cargocaire Corporation introduced a dry desiccant dehumidifier based on the
patents of Neil Pennington [2], an American inventor, and Carl Munters [3], the Swedish inventor
of the absorption refrigeration system. The basic design concept, which uses a honeycomb-form
wheel impregnated with desiccant, remains the state-of-the-art in dry desiccant systems.
In liquid systems, further improvements were made to the Kathabar system during the 1970's,
reducing the mass and pressure drop of the contact media for the desiccant. Recent R&D projects
in liquid systems have concentrated on reducing the cost and increasing the effectiveness of heat
exchange components which remove the heat of absorption from the liquid desiccant.
In solid systems, considerable research has been invested in developing rotating granular-bed units
which do not leak air from process to reactivation. These efforts culminated in the introduction of
a multiple vertical bed design by BRY-AIR in the early 1980's. In rotating honeycomb-form desiccant
wheels, research by manufacturers has concentrated on reducing the cost and increasing the longevity
of the wheel structure. While cost remains an issue, durability has been improved by the use of silica
gel as a desiccant, replacing lithium chloride, which can over-absorb moisture in many applications.
In addition to developments on the mechanical side of dry desiccant technology, research has been
invested in developing desiccant materials tailored specifically to comfort-conditioning applications.
These materials are expected to enter the market during 1991 and 1992, and may change the
operating economics of dry desiccant systems in a fundamental and positive way.
Concurrent with these commercial developments, research by government and private institutions has
been proceeding on many forms and different aspects of desiccant systems. These efforts are
described in sections 2.2 and 2.3.
In connection with desiccant dry air conditioning, a rotary exchanger has been described by
Pennington [2] and Dunkle [4]. Bullock and Threlkeld [5] numerically solved the silica-gel adiabatic
adsorption problem. Their approach gives satisfactory results only if the entire bed is in equilibrium
with the inlet fluid at the end of each cycle. Bank, Close, Maclaine-cross and Dunkle have published
a series of papers [6-10] to analyze the performance of a silica-gel dehumidifier. They uncoupled the
coupled mass and energy balance equations. The uncoupled equations have the form of the heat
transfer equations that were solved by Nusselt [11]. They then compared the analytical solutions with
the numerical results and claimed that the difference was within an acceptable range. Lunde
published a series of papers [12-14] dealing with a rotary silica-gel dehumidifier. Using a computer
simulation to predict the cyclic performance of the unit, he predicted a coefficient of performance
(COP) of around 0.6. Nelson used Bank's assumptions to uncoupled the coupled mass and energy
balance equations [15]. In his investigation, numerical models of the basic open-cycle machine
components were developed. His analysis showed that real system performance was significantly
lower than ideal performance. Roy and Gidaspow theoretically analyzed a cross-cooled desiccant
dehumidifier problem [16,17]. Green's functions and the integral equation technique were used to
solve a set of coupled, nonlinear partial differential equations. Their results show that a cross-cooled
dehumidifier should work very well. Mathiprakasam studied the theoretical performance of silica-gel
sheet desiccant cooling systems with the assumption that a moisture gradient existed across the
thickness of silica-gel sheets representing mass transfer resistance [18]. Worek and Lavan [19] and
Mei and Lavan [20] applied the same assumption to numerically calculate a cross-cooled desiccant
dehumidifier performance and then experimentally prove the theory. In their experiment, silica-gel
sheets were formed with a teflon web. A two-ton solar-powered desiccant cooling system using
cross-cooled dehumidifiers has been designed, built, and tested by Monnier [21]. The system consists
of two fixed beds. Grolmes and Epstein suggested that the addition of inert heat capacity to the
desiccant would improve system performance [22].
Rousseau has developed a solar desiccant dehumidifier [23]. The desiccant bed was a silica-gel
granular packed drum. His system had a 1.35-ton capacity with a COP of 0.6. Schlepp built a
desiccant wheel model with silica gel bonded on a pressure- sensitive tape [24]. The wheel was used
to validate the theoretical calculations. Pesaran and Mills derived a heat and mass transfer model
in a packed bed of desiccant particles [25]. The model accounted for surface diffusion within the
particles. Pesaran and Zangrando established a test facility for desiccant materials [26]. Both
adsorption and desorption experiments using isothermal conditions could be performed with their
facility. Schlepp et al. designed a facility for cyclic testing of desiccant dehumidifiers [27]. The
Institute of Gas Technology (IGT) built a molecular sieve desiccant wheel [28]. The unit performed
well except that the regeneration temperature was high. Munters Cargocaire has successfully
developed commercial desiccant systems for supermarket HVAC [29]. In 1984, American Solar King
Company introduced and marketed solid desiccant (lithium chloride) cooling systems for domestic use.
Bry-Air, Inc., has manufactured air drying products for industrial applications for many years 130].
Niagara Blower Company has used an ethylene glycol solution for no-frost refrigeration units and air
conditioners with successful results [31]. Cohen et al. reported the study of desiccant-based
space-conditioning systems for supermarket applications [32]. Cohen et al. had experimentally
compared different types of desiccant wheels [33]. Bartz et al. studied integrated gas-fired desiccant
dehumidification and vapor compression cooling systems [34]. LaRoche Chemical is presently
developing desiccant wheels under a Gas Research Institute (GRI) contract. These wheels will
incorporate modified desiccants to yield optimum performance, and it is expected that low-cost wheel
production will be achieved.
Scalabrin and Scaltriti theoretically compared dehumidification using an air-to-air heat pump system
with that using a liquid desiccant system [35]. They concluded that the desiccant system could save
1.0 to 1.75 kW/kg of water removed. Calton described using a lithium-chloride desiccant cooling
system for a supermarket with positive results [36]. Burns et al. analyzed hybrid desiccant cooling
systems in supermarket applications [37]. They concluded that substantial savings in air conditioning
cost were possible. Collier [38] and Collier et al. [39] reintroduced the concept of stage regeneration,
in which air from the sensible heat exchanger is used for the first fraction of the dehumidifier wheel,
and hot air is used for the remaining fraction. This concept was first patented by Glav [40], but was
not put to use until recently.
These systems combine desiccant dehumidifiers with conventional chillers. The chiller can be a vapor
compression type or an absorption type. The dehumidifier provides the latent cooling load, and the
chiller provides the sensible cooling load. In all cases, at least part of the heat required to regenerate
the: desiccant is obtained from the chiller. This results in reduced energy consumption, smaller
equipment and duct size, reduced volume of circulated cold air, and reduced mildew problems since
drier air is circulated. In addition, independent control of temperature and humidity is possible.
Curren gave several examples of possible integration of desiccant systems with conventional chillers
[41]. Maclaine-cross proposed using a desiccant system with a gas-engine-driven chiller [42].
Relatively high-grade waste heat from the gas engine can be used for desiccant regeneration.
M. Meckler discussed the integrated desiccant cold air distribution systems for commercial buildings
[43]. He concluded that the costs of initial HVAC equipment and energy consumption could be
reduced. G. Meckler proposed a two-stage desiccant dehumidification system integrated into a
commercial building HVAC system, which would significantly increase the system's thermal COP and
lower the initial equipment cost [44,45].
24. Closed-Cycle Desiccant Systems
Tchernev and Emerson designed, constructed, and tested a regenerative closed-cycle desiccant
(zeolite) cooling system [46]. They claimed to have a seasonal cooling COP of 1.2 and a heating COP
of 1.8, yet the initial equipment cost was comparable to that of electric heat pumps. Shelton et al.
analyzed the square wave of the solid-vapor adsorption heat pump [47]. Their calculation indicated
a heating COP of 1.75 with an ammonia/zeolite adsorption pair. Meunier studied closed-cycle DCD
systems in France [48].
Two liquid desiccant cooling/dehumidification systems are being marketed commercially in the United
States. One is the "Hygrol" system manufactured by the Niagara Blower Company [31], and the other
is the Kathabar System [49] manufactured by Midland-Ross Corporation. The Niagara system consists
of a conditioner (absorber) and a concentration (regenerator) section. The desiccant solution,
triethylene glycol, is sprayed into the absorber, and the solution is cooled by water that is externally
refrigerated. The humidity of the processed air that passes through the absorber is controlled by the
liquid concentration, and the dry bulb temperature is controlled by a cooling coil that is cooled by
externally refrigerated water. The weak solution leaving the absorber is sprayed into an air stream
in the regenerator while a heating coil enhances the evaporation of water. The Kathabar system uses
"Kathene," which is a solution of water and lithium chloride. The system is similar to that of the
Hygrol system. These two commercial liquid desiccant systems have been available for some time.
It should be recalled that they use an external refrigeration source to provide cold water for the
conditioner. Kakabaev et al. experimentally investigated the concept of an open regenerator that
consists of a liquid film flowing over a slanted, blackened surface [50,51]. Robison built a liquid
desiccant system with well-water for sensible load and triethylene glycol solution for latent load [52].
Lof studied several variations of liquid desiccant cooling system arrangements [53,54]. An intensive
research program studying the heat and mass transfer from binary falling films is ongoing at Arizona
State University [55]. The studies are both experimental and analytical, and they encompass open
as well as glazed films. The effect of the presence of nonabsorbable gas is also considered.
1. G.D. Guler, "Air Conditioning System," U.S. Patent 2,328,974, September 7, 1943.
2. N.A. Pennington, "Humidity Changer for Air Conditioning," U.S. patent No. 2,700,537, January,
3. Carl G. Munters, "Air Conditioning System," U.S. Patent 2,926,502. March 1, 1960.
4. R.C. Dunkle, "A Method of Solar Air Conditioning," Inst. Engr. Australia Mech. and Chem.
Eng. Trans. 1, 73-78 (1965).
5. P.J. Bullock and J.L. Threlkeld, "Dehumidification of Moist Air by Adiabatic Absorption,"
ASHRAE Trans. 72, (Pt) 1, 301-313 (1966).
6. R.V. Dunkle and D.J. Norris, "General Analysis of Regenerative Evaporative Cooling Systems,"
Proceeding, 12th Int. Congress of Refrigeration, Madrid, Spain, Aug. 30 - Sept. 6, 1967.
7. P.J. Banks, "Coupled Equilibrium Heat and Single Adsorbate Transfer in Fluid Flow Through
a Porous Medium - I. Characteristic Potentials and Specific Capacity Ratio," Chem Engineering
Science, 27, 1143-1155 (1972).
8. P.J. Banks and D.J. Close, "Coupled Equilibrium Heat and Single Adsorbate Transfer in Fluid
Flow Through a Porous Medium -II. Predictions for a Silica Gel Air-Drier Using Characteristic
Chart," Chemical Eng. Science, 27, 1157-1169 (1972).
9. P.J. Banks, D.J. Close, and I.L. Maclaine-cross, "Coupled Heat and Mass Transfer in Fluid Flow
Through Porous Media - An Analogy with Heat Transfer," 4th Int. Heat Transfer Conf., V. VII, T.
3.1, Elsevier Publishing Co., Amsterdam, Holland, 1970.
10. I.L. Maclaine-cross and P.J. Bank, "Coupled Heat and Mass Transfer in Regenerators-Prediction
Using an Analogy with Heat Transfer," Int. J. Heat and Mass Transfer, 15, 1225-1241 (1972).
11. W. Nusselt, "Die Theorie des Winderhitzers," Z. Ver. Deut. Ing., 71, 85-91 (1927).
12. P. Lunde and F. Kester, "Chemical and Physical Gas Adsorption in Finite Multimolecular
Layers," Chem. Eng. Science, 30, 1497-1505 (1975).
13. P. Lunde, "Solar Powered Desiccant Air Conditioning System," CEM 4171-526 report, Center
for the Environment and Man, Hartford, Conn., April 1975.
14. P. Lunde, Preliminary Design of a Solar-Powered Desiccant Air Conditioning System Using
Silica-Gel, CEM 4186-555 Report, Center for the Environment and Man, Hartford, Conn., Oct. 1976.
15. J.S. Nelson, "An Investigation of Solar Powered Open Cycle Air Conditioners," M.S. Thesis,
University of Wisconsin, Madison, 1976.
16. D. Ray and D. Gidaspow, "A Cross-Flow Regenerator - A Green's Matrix Representation,"
Chem. Eng. Science, 29, 779-793 (1974).
17. D. Roy and D. Gidaspow, "Non-Linear Coupled Heat and Mass Exchanger in a Cross-Flow
Regenerator," Chem. Eng. Science, 29, 2101-2114 (1974).
18. B. Mathiprakasam, "Performance Prediction of Silica Gel Desiccant Cooling system," Ph.D.
thesis, Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago, 1980.
19. W.M. Worek and Z. Lavan, "Performance of a Cross-Cooled Desiccant Dehumidifier Prototype,"
ASME J. of Solar Energy Eng. 104, (3), 187-196 (1982).
20. Mei, V.C., and Lavan, Z., "Performance of Cross-Cooled Desiccant Dehumidifiers," ASME J.
Solar Energy Eng. 105, (3), 300-304 (1983).
21. J.B. Monnier, "Cooled-Bed Solar Powered Desiccant Cooling: Field-Testing and Second Law
Analysis," Ph.D. Thesis, Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago, 1981.
22. M.A. Grolmes and M. Epstein, Desiccant CoolingSystem Performance:A Simple Approach, Final
Report for the Gas Research Institute under Contract 5081-343-0477, 1981.
23. J. Rousseau, Development of a Solar Desiccant Dehumidifier -Phase II, Final Summary Report,
DOE/CS/31591-T8, U.S. Dept. of Energy, Washington, D.C., Nov. 1982.
25. A.A. Pesaran, and A.F. Mills, Modeling of Solid-Side Mass Transfer in Desiccant Particle Beds,
SERI/TP-252-2170, Solar Energy Research Inst., Golden, Colo., February 1984.
26. A.A Pesaran and F. Zangrando, Experiments on Sorption Hysteresis of Desiccant Materials,
SERI/TP-252-2382, Solar Energy Research Inst., Golden, Colo. August 1984.
27. D. Schlepp, K. Schultz, and F. Zangrando, Facility Design for Cyclic Testing of Advanced Solid
DesiccantDehumidifiers, SERI-TP-252-2464, Solar Energy Research Inst., Golden, Colo., Aug. 1984.
28. W.F. Rush, L.R. Staats, L.R. Wright, and J. Wurm, "The Operation and Performance of a
Solar-MEC Absorption Unit," Proceeding, 3rd Inter-University Energy Conference, Springfield, ILL.,
April 1, 1976.
29. Engineering Bulletin No. TB75 and No. 3313, Cargocaire Engineering Corp., Amesbury, Mass.
30. MVB series product catalog and engineering data, Bry-Air, Inc., Sunbury, Ohio (1986).
31. Research Bulletin RB-11-14-88, Bulletins 162A, 179, and Application Bulletin 2107, Niagara
Blower Co., Buffalo, N.Y. 1989.
32. B.M. Cohen, D.L. Manley, R. Arora, and A.H. Levine, Field Development of a Desiccant - Based
Space - Conditioning System for Supermarket Applications, GRI 84/0111, Gas Research Institute,
33. B. Cohen, R. Wysk, and R. Slosbery, Advanced Desiccant CoolingSystem Development Desiccant
Wheel Sample Performance Testing, GRI-89/0036.1, Gas Research Institute, Chicago.
35. G. Scalabrin and G. Scaltriti, "A New Energy Saving Process for Air Dehumidification: Analysis
and Applications," ASHRAE Trans. 91, pt. 1A, 426-441 (1985).
36,. D.S. Calton, "Application of a Desiccant Cooling System to Supermarket," ASHRAE Trans. 95,
(pt. 1B), 441-446 (1985).
37. P.R. Burs, J.W. Mitchell, and W.A. Beckman, "Hybrid Desiccant Cooling Systems in
Supermarket Applications," ASHRAE Trans. 95, (pt. 1B), 457-468 (1985).
38. R.K. Collier, "Desiccant Properties and Their Effect of Cooling System Performance," ASHRAE
Trans. 95, paper No. CH-89-11-1 (1989).
39. R.K. Collier, D. Novosel, and W.M. Worek, "Performance Analysis of Open-Cycle Desiccant
Cooling Systems," ASHRAE Trans. 96, paper No. AT-90-19-2 (1990).
40. B.O. Glav, "Air Conditioning Apparatus," U.S. patent 3,251,402, May 1966.
41. H.M. Curran, Hybrid Refrigeration/SorptionSolar Cooling Systems, DOE ICS-30202, 1972.
42. I.L. Maclaine-cross, "Proposal for a Hybrid Desiccant Air conditioning System," Proceedings of
the symposium on Desiccant Cooling Applications, ASHRAE Winter Annual Meeting, Dallas, 1988.
43. M. Meckler, "Integrated Desiccant Cold Air Distribution System," ASHRAE Trans. 95, (pt. 2),
paper No. VA-89-21-1 (1989).
45. G. Meckler, "Use of Desiccant to Produce Cold air in Gas-Energized Cold Air HVAC System,"
ASHRAE Trans. 96, (pt. 1), paper No. AT-90-19-1 (1990).
46. D.I. Tchernev and D.T. Emerson, "High-Efficiency Regenerative Zeolite Heat Pump," ASHRAE
Trans. 94, (pt. 2), 2024-2032 (1988).
47. S.V. Shelton, W.J. Wepfer, and D.J. Miles, "Ramp Wave Analysis of the Solid/Vapor Heat
Pump," Journal of Energy Resources Technology, 112 (No. 1), 69-78 (1990).
49. Kathabar Systems, Somerset Technologies, Inc. Bulletin KSC-175 and Data Sheet KTC-751,
Brunswick, N.J.
50. A. Kakabaev, and M. Golaev, "Glazed Flat Surface as a Solution Regenerator for Use in an
Absorption Cooling System," Geliotekhnika, 7 (No. 4), 44-49 (1971).
51. A. Kakabaev, A. Klandurdyev, O. Klyshchaeva, and N. Kurbanov, "A Large Scale Solar Air
Conditioning Pilot Plant and Its Test Results," International Chem. Eng. 16 (No. 1), 60-64 (1976).
52. H.I. Robison, "Operational Experience with Liquid Desiccant Heating and Cooling Systems,"
Proceedings of the 18th Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference, Vol. 4, 1983.
53. G.O.G. Lof, G. Cler, and T. Brisbane, "Performance of a Solar Desiccant Cooling System,"
Proceedings of the ASME-JSME-JSES Solar Energy Conference, Honolulu, 1986.
54. G.O.G. Lof and J. Appleyard, "Preliminary Performance of Simplified Advanced Solar Desiccant
Cooling System Employing Air-to-Water Exchanger Coil and Partial Air Recirculation," Proceedings
of the Tenth Annual ASME Solar Energy Conference, Denver, 1988.
55. B.D. Wood and T.A Ameel, "Heat and Mass Transfer in Laminar Wavy Falling Film Absorption
with the Presence of Low Concentrations of Non-Absorbable Gases," ASME-JSME-JSES
International Solar Energy Conference, Reno, March 17-22 (1990).
Among the current technology options, there are various types of desiccants and many different kinds
of systems which employ those desiccants to cool and/or dehumidify air. This chapter discusses these
options, and suggests further sources of information for more detailed investigation.
Practically all materials have some affinity for water vapor. This technically makes them desiccants.
However, there are certain properties of commercially viable desiccant materials that separate them
from the others. These properties are:
Many of the materials that are able to attract water vapor do not remain stable during the sorption
process. If the structure of the material is altered by the sorption process, chances are that its
sorption properties will not remain stable with cycling. Many of the clay materials fall into this
category. Viable commercial materials obviously must be able to cycle water in and out of the
material many times reversibly.
The term "large weight fractions" can be misleading. Lithium chloride, for example, can absorb up
to many times its weight in water, while a molecular sieve can adsorb only about 25% of its weight.
This does not necessarily make lithium chloride a better desiccant material. Other factors come into
play when making that judgement. The term "large" is relative to the amount of water common
materials will hold.
Almost any material will hold what is called a monolayer of water. A monolayer is a surface layer
that is one molecule thick. If the amount of surface area per unit of volume for the material is not
large, then the amount of water captured will be on the order of 1 to 2%. This water capacity is not
considered adequate to make the desiccant a viable material.
Many times, the purpose of the desiccant is to separate water vapor from other constituents. In these
cases, the selectivity of the desiccant will be an important consideration. From our previous example,
although lithium chloride will hold much more water per unit mass than molecular sieve, the sieve
material will be much more selective in the species that are adsorbed than will the lithium chloride.
A great many common materials have the ability to attract and hold large quantities of water vapor.
Wool and paper are two materials that possess great affinities for water vapor, but only at vapor
pressure close to the air saturation pressure. For many applications, the affinity for water vapor must
take place at much lower vapor pressures in order to meet the needs of the application.
3.2 Classes of Desiccants
There are many ways to classify desiccant materials. One obvious way is liquid vs solid. Another way
that is not so obvious is by the sorption mechanism. Absorption refers to the process by which water
is bonded within the molecular structure of the material. Adsorption refers to the process by which
water is bonded to the surface of the material. Although it is mostly correct to assume that all liquid
desiccant reactions are absorption and that all solid desiccant reactions are adsorption, there is one
major exception. Hydrates of many metal salts are solid, yet they desiccate by absorption.
Within the general class of solid desiccants there are several subclasses of materials:
1. Silicas
2. Aluminas
3. Zeolites
4. Hydratable salts
5. Mixtures
6. Liquid Desiccants
7. Polymers
Activated carbons have purposely been left off this list of typical materials. Although activated
carbons will adsorb water at vapor pressures less than saturation pressure, the surface is actually
hydrophobic (repels water). Because of the very high surface-to-volume ratio, the pores of activated
carbon will fill with water because of capillary forces. However, carbon is excluded from this list
because it will preferentially adsorb practically every other chemical species before it absorbs water.
This is why activated carbons make such excellent water filters. Isotherms depicted for activated
carbon and water were measured with "pure" material. After any significant atmospheric exposure,
carbon's capacity for water will be seriously degraded, eventually loosing any significant capacity.
32.1. Silicas
The silica materials are commonly referred to as "gels". They have been manufactured to obtain very
high surface-to-volume ratios and have been surface-treated to produce an affinity for water. Such
gels are formed by condensing soluble silicates from solutions of water or other solvents. They have
the advantage of being relatively low in cost and easily customizable in terms of pore size and pore
3.2. Aluminas
Aluminas are also referred to as "gels" for the same reasons as the silicates. They are chemically
aluminum oxides and hydrides and are manufactured in much the same ways as silica gel. Generally
speaking, the aluminas do not possess the ultimate sorption capacity of the silicas, but they are
refractory in nature and are therefore able to withstand higher-temperature environments without
3.23. Zeolites
Zeolites fall into two categories, natural and synthetic. The natural zeolites are minerals that are
mined in much the same manner as salt. The sediment beds of ancient bodies of water are the most
common locations for these deposits. Synthetic zeolites are, as the name implies, manufactured
materials. The characteristics that relate the natural and the synthetic materials are their chemical
and structural similarities.
Zeolites are aluminosilicate materials. Their crystalline structure is cage-like; the cage structure forms
the sites for preferential water sorption. It is this cage-like structure that also forms the basis for the
other designation of zeolites, which is the term "sieve." So-called molecular sieves are synthetic
zeolites that have been engineered to possess a specific dimension of the cage. When this dimension
is controlled, certain molecules will fit inside and others will be too large. This results in the effective
separation of gaseous species.
Hydratable salts are a special class of solid desiccants. Generally metal halides, these materials
typically experience a transition between solid and liquid phases. Salts that have soluble hydrates are
called congruent salts. If the desired desiccant material is a solid, then an incongruent salt would be
desired. Hydratable salts, existing as solids, are commonly used in applications where a water vapor
pressure that is lower than is possible using liquid is desired. The salt will transit between the
anhydrous state and the multiple hydrates state. Lithium chloride is the most common hydratable salt
material used. Other hydratable salts are aluminum and copper sulfate, calcium chloride, and lithium
3-25. Mixtures
Using mixtures of desiccants is another common method of developing desiccant materials that have
the desired sorption properties. For example, some desiccants have large total uptakes for moisture,
but are not able to achieve very low humidity levels. Other materials may have marginal moisture
uptake, but are capable of achieving extremely low humidity levels. For example, lithium chloride
has an unparalleled capacity for moisture absorption at high relative humidities, but below 10% rh,
its moisture absorption is negligible. Combining that desiccant with silica gel, which has a larger
capacity at low humidities, can provide adequate moisture capacity throughout a wide range of
operating conditions. For best performance, desiccant mixtures are selected such that both desiccants
can be reactivated at similar temperatures.
For the few office buildings with HVAC systems that are integrated with desiccant cooling
technology, liquid lithium chloride was used almost exclusively as the desiccant material. Somerset
Technologies, Inc., has a series of dehumidification products with lithium chloride solution as the
desiccant. Their catalog provides a detailed description of lithium chloride solution properties [1].
Calcium chloride brine and sodium chloride brine can also be used as liquid desiccants or even be
considered as secondary coolants [2]. Ethylene glycol solutions have been used by Niagara Blower Co.
for many years on commercial refrigeration for no-frost units. They were used on air conditioners,
as well [3]. Test results indicated that the antibacterial effectiveness of glycol solutions is excellent.
To consider plastic polymers as advanced desiccant materials, the same general criteria as for any
desiccant material must be satisfied. They must have a favorable performance/cost ratio, provide
satisfactory performance, and have cost-effective lifetimes. Czanderna [4] made the following
assessment of the currently available polymer desiccants:
* Polymers have the potential for being modified so that sorption isotherms of both the desired
shape and heats of adsorption of about 2508 kJ/kg are obtained.
* Polymers have the potential for sorbing water from 5% to more than 80% of their own weight.
* Polymers have the potential for being readily fabricated into shapes required for desiccant
* Polymer structures have the potential for being synthesized to provide high diffusivities of water
vapor through the material.
* Polymers have the potential for being fully regenerated at temperatures below 176°F.
* Polymers have the potential for maintaining long-term stability through thousands of
sorption-desorption cycles.
* Commercial polymers are available at less than $2.00/lb, comparable to the cost of commercial
grade silica-gel.
Accordingly, polymeric materials could not only serve as both the desiccant and the support structure
in a desiccant wheel, but also could be replaced easily and inexpensively. Czanderna listed the
isotherm data for 22 potential polymeric desiccant materials [4].
Recently, much research and development work has focused on searching for, manufacturing, and
testing "Type 1M" desiccants. Type 1M refers to the shape of the desiccant sorption isotherm, which
compares the weight of water absorbed by the desiccant to the relative humidity of the surrounding
air. For a full discussion of the importance of isotherm shape in relation to desiccant system
performance, see Appendix I. Polymers, porous glass, nano-composite materials, double-metal
hydroxides, etc., have been identified as the potential Type 1M desiccants [5].
3.4. Desiccant Cooling and Dehumidification (DCD) Systems
There are two basic types of desiccant systems, described as either "open" or "closed". These
descriptions refer to whether the desiccant comes into direct contact with the air being cooled or
dehumidified (open), or whether it does not (closed).
In an open-cycle DCD system, the latent load is met by removing moisture from the air via sorption
by a desiccant dehumidifier. The dehumidifier may be operated adiabatically, or it can be designed
so that the desiccant matrix is being cooled while the process air is being dehumidified. Sensible
cooling is met by incorporating direct or indirect evaporative coolers following the desiccant unit in
the dry air stream.
While beds of granular desiccant are occasionally used in such systems, the more common central
component of these systems is the desiccant wheel. Ideally, it should meet the following criteria:
* The wheel matrix should not be carcinogenic or combustible.It should be durable to the extent
that it can endure typical commercial/residential HVAC operating conditions - unattended
operation for a minimum of five years of continuous operation.Ideally, the wheel media and
desiccant should be washable without degradation of performance.
* The desiccant should be stable over 262,000 sorption/desorption cycles (five years operation at
6 rph) and have good uptake and isotherm characteristics.
* The desiccant should be bonded well to the matrix so that no desiccant powder shall enter the
dwelling area.
* The airflow channels should be uniform and of optimal size to minimize pressure drop and
subsequent fan energy consumption.
* The resistance to heat and mass transport inside the solid desiccant and its supporting structure
should be minimized.
* There should be minimum leakage between the adsorption and desorption streams both inside
the wheel structure and at the seals which separate the process from the reactivation air stream
at the faces of the wheel.
In addition, the effectiveness of the heat exchanger which transfers sensible heat from process to
reactivation air must be very high (0.83 or better).
There are two types of closed systems where the desiccant does not contact the dehumidified air
stream directly; those in which the desiccant is regenerated continuously and others where the
desiccant is regenerated intermittently. Intermittent regeneration is suited to applications where the
moisture/cooling load is either very low or intermittent, or where the energy source for regeneration
is itself intermittent, such as solar heat.
The principal of an intermittent single effect adsorption closed-cycle can be easily understood when
represented in a 'T,TS" diagram such as Figure 3.1.
w2280(g/K 20 30 20
. 30
T is the sorbent temperature and TS is the saturation temperature corresponding to the pressure of
the gas phase. In such a diagram, the isosteres (lines of constant sorbate mass fraction) are
approximately straight lines. Figure 3.1 is the diagram for the pair Zeolite 13X-water on which a
cooling cycle is represented by the points a-b-c-d-a. This cycle consists of two operating modes, the
regeneration mode and the adsorption mode.
Regeneration Mode.
At the end of adsorption (point a), the adsorbent is at its minimum temperature Tad and the
adsorbate gas is at pressure Pev of the evaporator. As the adsorbent is heated up, desorption
starts and the pressure of the gas phase increases. When the condenser pressure Pco is reached
(point b), condensation of the desorbed species begins and desorption continues until the
adsorbent is at its maximum temperature Tre (point c).
* Adsorption Mode.
When the adsorbent is cooled, adsorption starts and the pressure of the adsorbate gas decreases.
When the pressure reaches the value Pev, evaporation starts (point d). This phase of cooling
production continues until the adsorbent is at its minimum temperature, Tad (point a).
Such systems are called intermittent because the desired cooling or heating effect is produced during
one of these two modes only.
A twin-reactor adsorption system can have significantly increased performance over that of the single,
intermittent regeneration system. Twin reactor systems recover the heat generated during the
adsorption phase and the sensible heat stored in the sorbent container as means to increase the COP.
Such systems were developed in the U.S. by Tchernev [6] and by Shelton [7]. Tchernev's system,
shown in Figure 3.2, is explained here. It consists of two solid desiccant containers, a boiler, a
bi-directional pump, and two liquid-to-air heat exchangers. The liquid can be oil or any other suitable
and safe liquid. The cooling and heating effects are achieved by the evaporation and condensation
of the refrigerant on the walls of the desiccant containers. The two desiccant containers act
alternately as an evaporator and condenser. Each of the containers has an interior desiccant-fluid
heat exchanger, located at the center (see details in Figures 3.2 and 3.3), and coils that are integrated
into the external walls. The energy is provided to the system in the form of heat by the boiler. The
bi-directional pump is used to circulate the fluid in a closed loop from the boiler through the
desiccant-fluid heat exchangers and the fluid-air heat exchangers. The fluid-air heat exchangers are
used to cool the fluid to the outdoor or cold sink temperatures before the fluid enters the container
where adsorption takes place.
CrZE~ open
84 e i lC2
. osP& cl b$
Figure 3.2 Regenerative adsorption system Figure 33 Regenerative phase - the walls of
when valves are in position 1, container 1 the container act as a condenser
is desorbing and container 2 is adsorbing
In order to ensure efficient performance, care should be given to the following points:
* The heat wave should have a sharp front: heat transfer in the radial direction should be much
faster than in the longitudinal direction.
* The choice of the adsorbent/adsorbate pair should be appropriate for the particular application.
* The design should ensure fast heat and mass transfer (fast approach to adsorption equilibrium).
In liquid desiccant systems, the air is dehumidified by being brought into contact with a strong
solution of liquid desiccant. When the solution is weakened by absorption of moisture, it is directed
to the regeneration vessel where heat drives out the moisture and the strengthened solution is
returned to the dehumidifier. To provide sensible cooling in addition to dehumidification, either an
externally refrigerated cold liquid is provided to the dehumidifier, or moisture is added to the air
exiting the dehumidifier in order to lower its temperature by adiabatic saturation before it enters the
space to be conditioned. The main advantages of these systems are that energy can be stored in the
form of chemical energy (closed-cycle) rather than thermal energy, and that the geometry of the
components is simple.
There are three basic configurations of a liquid desiccant dehumidifier vessel. It can be a spray
chamber, a packed tower, or a sprayed coil arrangement. In a spray chamber, the liquid desiccant
is atomized into the air stream using high pressure nozzles. In a packed tower, a liquid film flows
downward over the surface of the packing while air is passed in the opposite direction through the
packing. The dry air exiting the spray chamber or the packed tower is then cooled by a sensible heat
exchanger to remove the heat of sorption. In contrast, a sprayed coil dehumidifier combines
dehumidification and sensible cooling in a single piece of equipment. The liquid desiccant is sprayed
over finned coils that carry water supplied by a cooling tower or other means.
The regeneration process can also utilize a spray chamber, a packed tower, or a sprayed coil
arrangement analogous to the corresponding components in the dehumidifier. In all cases, heat must
be provided for regeneration. In addition, regeneration can be accomplished by exposing a
falling-liquid solution film to solar radiation and ambient. A transparent cover may be placed over
the liquid film to form a rectangular channel for airflow. This increases the liquid temperature, but
the air humidity in the channel is higher than that of ambient air.
The selection of a suitable liquid desiccant is of paramount importance. The following guidelines
should be considered when choosing liquid desiccants:
* They should have suitable water vapor pressures for absorption and desorption throughout the
expected range of operating conditions of the process air stream.
* They should have good heat and mass transfer properties and low viscosity.
* The desiccant vapor pressure should be low to prevent loss during regeneration.
Closed-cycle liquid desiccant systems are more commonly known as absorption chillers. In such
systems, the liquid desiccant, generally lithium bromide, performs a role similar to that of a
compressor in a conventional vapor compression refrigeration system.
Concentrated liquid desiccant inside a closed system attracts vapor from water, which evaporates
inside closed tubes just as a conventional halocarbon refrigerant evaporates inside a vapor
compression system. The evaporating water removes heat from a liquid, which is circulated to cooling
coils, chilling the air which moves throughout the building.
Inside the closed system, heat is used to drive moisture out of the desiccant into a condenser, where
the water vapor condenses back to a liquid, and returns to the evaporator to absorb more heat from
the circulating liquid.
In recent years, there have been many advances in absorption chilling both in terms of technical
improvements and reductions in the size and cost of such systems. A complete discussion of these
advances and the basic technology is outside the scope of this report. Basic information on absorption
cooling can be found in Chapter 13 of the 1988 ASHRAE Handbook of HVAC Equipment.
1. Catalog for "Kathbar" products, Somerset Technologies, Inc., New Brunswick, N.J.
3. Niagara no frost refrigeration unit catalog and research bulletin, Niagara Blower Co., Buffalo,
5. D. Kosar and D. Novosel, Summary of Desiccant Cooling Program, Gas Research Institute,
Chicago, Jan. 1990.
6. Tchernev, D.I., and Emerson, D.T., "High-Efficiency regenerative Zeolite Heat Pump,"
ASHRAE Trans. 94 (pt. 2), 2024-2032, (1988).
7. S.V. Shelton, "Solid Adsorbent Heat Pump System," U.S. patent 4,610,148, Sept. 1986.
8. Harriman, Lewis G. Inl, The Dehumidification Handbook Munters Cargocaire, 79 Monroe St.
Amesbury, MA 01913. 1990.
This section describes the recent research and development activities in desiccant dehumidification
and cooling technology. It is based on currently available information from a literature search and
from personal contacts to organizations and institutes. The main purposes of this section are to find
out who is doing what and what has already been done so that a better picture of current work can
be formed.
DOE has supported research work at Solar Energy Research Institute (SERI), Oak Ridge National
laboratory (ORNL), Florida Solar Energy Center, and other organizations, such as AD. Little.
GRI is the main funding source, other than DOE, for desiccant technology research and
development. GRI mentioned that funding for desiccant dehumidification and cooling will be
approximately $4.0 million each year between 1987 and 1991 [1]. In their 1990 Summary of Desiccant
Cooling Program [2], they mentioned the following activities.
* Kathabar. Development of Kathabar humidity pump, a 5,000 scfm make-up air module for
general low rise commercial buildings. Field experiments are completed; lower cost component
development has been initiated.
* McDonald's. Field evaluation of 5-ton desiccant dehumidifiers as make-up air units integrated
with existing air conditioners for restaurants. The project was completed, and restaurant
package development was initiated with the American Gas Association (AGA).
* Meckler Energy Group. Liquid-desiccant storage system utilizing prime-mover waste heat
(engine chiller or cogenerator). It is currently undergoing application assessment and system
· Tecogen.
* Enerscope.
* Eaton Corp. Develop Type 1M desiccant based on ionic gel polymers. Study of polymers as
liquid desiccants has been initiated.
* LaRoche Chemicals. Develop Type 1M desiccant based on hydratable salts and capable of
direct, gas-fired regeneration. Phases I and II completed. Development of advanced desiccant
matrix initiated.
* Michigan Technical University. Develop Type 1M desiccant based on porous glass. On-going
* Semco. Develop a low-cost solid desiccant dehumidifier design and cost-effective manufacturing
techniques. Work has just been initiated.
* 3M. Determine feasibility of using substrates made with fibrous web materials to cage desiccant
particles. Project completed.
* University of Missouri at Columbia. Develop data base of contaminant removal capabilities of
liquid and solid desiccants. Phase I (literature search) will be completed by the third quarter
of 1990.
* Gard. Incorporated desiccant system models in DOE 2.1 building energy analysis code. New
version D was released at the end of 1989.
* Florida Solar Energy Center. Develop more realistic latent and sensible building load.
Research version released 1989.
SERI has developed several desiccant wheels. They have desiccant equipment testing facilities for
the following functions [3-6]:
SERI's test facilities have been intensively utilized for evaluating both in-house materials and
materials developed by other companies. SERI has also studied the commercially available polymers
as advanced desiccant materials.
At UIC, work is being conducted to design and develop advanced, gas-fired desiccant systems that
have performance superior to conventional systems, and which can compete economically with
conventional cooling technologies. The UIC numerical simulation program is a versatile model that
contains routines for a solid desiccant wheel, a constant-effectiveness heat exchanger, a regenerative
heat exchanger and both direct and indirect evaporative coolers. A periodic dynamic test facility also
was developed at the university of Illinois at Chicago to test single and multilayered desiccant sections
under varying conditions encountered in the field. Experimental testing of the new desiccant
materials, as they are developed, is being done in the dynamic sorption channel. These results are
used to determine the heat and mass transfer resistances within the materials and are used to
compare with results obtained from mathematical modeling studies.
IGT has been developing the Solar MEC (Munters Environmental Control) unit for several years.
Recently they built and tested a desiccant wheel made of nonflammable cellulose matrices containing
52% (by weight) 13 X molecular sieve. They found that for optimal performance there is a specific
temperature regeneration profile that depends on system loading. The amount of heat, as well as the
position at which the heat is introduced, are of paramount importance. This information was
obtained using four separate electric heaters for regeneration. IGT feels that commercial units will
be more cost-effective than small domestic units. They are therefore now working on a unit with
25-ton cooling capacity.
4.1.6. Florida Solar Energy Center
This group has performed advanced desiccant material assessment and computer code development
for desiccant dehumidifiers [7,8,9]. Other activities include research on desiccant-enhanced nocturnal
radiation, passive dehumidification, and an enthalpy storage system.
They have developed, with IGT, silica gel sheets held in a teflon web (see ref. [10] for detailed
description of making silica gel sheets). Based on this development, several cross-cooled fixed-bed
desiccant dehumidifiers were built and tested in their laboratory and in a solar house. They have also
developed desiccant material testing facilities.
Under the sponsorship of GRI, they have studied liquid desiccant hybrid systems [11-12].
GIT has analyzed solid desiccant-vapor refrigerant heat pumps. They used a wave-catching technique
to enhance the system performance [13]. Under the sponsorship of the Southern Co., they have also
performed a technology survey for desiccant cooling systems [14].
Under the cosponsorship of GRI and ASHRAE, they are to develop a data base of the capabilities
of solid and liquid desiccants for indoor air quality control.
ORNL has sponsored several projects involving desiccant-integrated heat-actuated heat pumps [15]
and desiccant-integrated engine-driven heat pumps (such as the work ORNL contracted SERI to do
on a waste heat powered desiccant-integrated cooling system). These projects studied the application
of waste heat for desiccant regeneration.
Working with support from GRI, this company developed and introduced the first successful rooftop
desiccant air conditioning system for commercial buildings. Current R&D activities include
development of a silica gel desiccant wheel, and the design and field testing of a prototype
desiccant-based ventilation air pre-treatment system incorporating advanced components. The system
is designed to dry the make-up air, which in turn removes excess moisture from the building structure
and furnishings, which prevents the mold and mildew damage and musty odors that frequently cause
problems in buildings. The American Hotel and Motel Association's Executive Engineer's Committee
estimates these problems cost the hotel industry alone over $82 million each year [16].
4.2.2 The Meckler Group, Encino, California
Development of commercial desiccant-integrated HVAC systems [17]. Designing and evaluating the
practical application and economic viability of a liquid desiccant storage system.
Development of two-stage desiccant system integrated into conventional HVAC systems for
commercial buildings for cost effective HVAC systems [18].
This company has developed a two-wheel, rooftop, desiccant-based air conditioning system designed
primarily for supermarket installations. A unique aspect of this system is an internal cogeneration set,
which provides power to the store in addition to heat for desiccant reactivation.
GCnair manufactures desiccant dehumidifiers used primarily for drying plastic resins, an application
which comprises the largest single market for desiccant equipment in terms of the number of units
installed each year. In 1989, the company introduced a significantly improved version of the classic
multiple-tower, rotating bed design. In the improved design, the desiccant material has been formed
into a monolithic structure to reduce air channelling and desiccant settling. It also includes a
state-of-the-art radiant gas burner, which improves reactivation heating efficiency and improves
temperature uniformity throughout the bed.
43.1. Europe
The following European organizations are involved in desiccant dehumidification technology research
& development. Details of most of their activities are not well known.
43.1.1. Sweden
A.B. Carl Munters, a member of the Munters-Incentive Division of AREA, is the largest
manufacturer of ambient-pressure desiccant dehumidifiers in the world. The company has an active
R&D program, most of which remains proprietary. In general, activities have centered around
improvements in dry desiccant wheel structures. Additional work has been accomplished on design
and prototype testing of combined systems which use heat rejected from vapor compression cooling
to reactivate the desiccant.
A new division of the company, Munters ZEOL, has developed several forms of hydrophobic zeolites
for use in pollution control applications. When loaded into a honeycomb-form wheel, these zeolites
selectively remove organic contaminants from the process air, concentrating them in the smaller
reactivation air stream. This means the equipment for disposing of the contaminants, such as fume
incinerators or solvent condensers, can be much smaller and less costly. Such selective adsorbers have
considerable promise for improving indoor air quality of commercial and residential buildings as well
as industrial exhaust systems.
Munters Ltd., the U.K. subsidiary of the Munters-Incentive Division of AREA, has developed a series
of modular desiccant system components which allow construction of commercial-grade, combined
cooling, humidification and desiccant wheel dehumidification systems in air flow ranges from 2 to
20M3/sec. The importance of this development is less technical than commercial. By designing the
components to meet ISO standards 7807 and 9000 part I, the engineering community is free to apply
desiccant systems to other than industrial buildings throughout Europe.
43.13. Germany
The Technical University of Munich and RUHRGAS are conducting research on a closed-cycle
zeolite/water heat pump. The Scheidel Company, also of Munich, currently markets a line of
closed-cycle zeolite/water heat pumps with cooling capacities from 58 to 582 KW (16 to 165 tons).
KaliChemi of Hannover, a manufacturer of desiccant materials, is also conducting research on both
closed-cycle and open-cycle desiccant air conditioning systems. France
- Fixed bed adsorption cycles using two sorbent-sorbate pairs were studied. Zeolite-water
and activated carbon-methanol. The latter is capable of producing a temperature of -20° C
Also, a three-adsorber cycle combining a high-temperature two-adsorber Zeolite-water
cycle and a low-temperature intermittent activated carbon methanol cycle was studied. This
yielded a COP of 1.0 for air conditioning.
The zeolite-water pair has the capability of a large temperature lift (around 70°C), whereas
the activated carbon-methanol pair can provide only a small temperature lift (around
30°C). The three container system yielded cogeneration of chilled water (2°C) and hot
water (70°C) with cooling and heating COPs of 1.2 and 1.1, respectively. Cogeneration of
refrigeration (-10°C) and hot water (70°C) provides cooling and heating COPs of 0.65 and
0.9. Douss et al [19-21] summarized recent work at CNRS.
* Perpignan
Chemisorption systems using ammoniacates were studied for various applications such as
cooling at -27°C and heating at 175°C from waste heat at 120°C. The work done in
Europe was mainly fundamental, such as that of Spinner [22] and Dantzer [23].
43.15. Italy
Istituto per la Tecnica del Freddo, C.N.R., Padova. Lithium chloride water solution integrated into
a heat pump cycle.
4.3.2. Japan
Basic research and feasibility studies of desiccant cooling systems have been carried out at universities,
government institutes, and private companies. Desiccant systems are difficult to commercialize as
long as the prices of fuels are low. Matsuki and Saito have discussed desiccant cooling research and
development in Japan [24].
Seibu Giken Co. and Kumanoto University have recently developed a silica-gel/zeolite desiccant
wheel. The experimental data indicated that the new wheel performs much better than silica-gel
alone. Daikin Industries manufactures wheels with silica gel or lithium chloride as desiccant materials.
Nichias Corp. manufactures desiccant wheels with silica gel, lithium chloride, and molecular sieve as
desiccants. Sharp makes lithium chloride wheels. Toyobo makes activated-carbon desiccant wheels.
Berner International, the Japanese subsidiary of the Munters-Incentive Division of AREA, has
developed dry desiccant dehumidifiers reactivated with kerosene for agricultural applications and
third-word countries where neither electrical energy nor natural gas is available to reactivate desiccant
4.33. Taiwan
Very little basic research is going on in Taiwan. There are at least three universities, however, that
have publications on desiccant dehumidification technology. Their effort is focused more on product
The Energy and Resource Laboratory (ERL, under Industrial Technology Research Institute) has
developed two desiccant wheels. One was based on SERI's Mylar tape approach. A more advanced
approach was successfully developed for the second wheel. Silica gel was chemically formed on the
ceramic stems. This approach, even though similar to the one developed at Seibu Giken Co. of
Japan, was developed independently by ERL researchers. ERL is ready to transfer the technology
to local manufacturing companies. The proceedings of a recent desiccant technology workshop held
in Taipei (seven papers, in Chinese) discussed in detail the development of desiccant technology in
Taiwan [25].
4.3.4. India
BRY-AIR India, a licensee of BRY-AIR of Sunbury, Ohio, has developed a small rotating granular
bed dehumidifier which has heat pipes installed between the process-leaving and reactivation
air-entering air streams. By transferring the heat from process to reactivation the heat pipe reduces
the post-cooling requirement for the process air as well as the energy required for desiccant
1. D. Kosar and D. Novosel, Outline of Gas Research Institute's Desiccant Cooling Program, Gas
Research Institute, Chicago, March 1987.
2. D. Kosar and D. Novosel, Summary of Desiccant Cooling Program, Gas Research Institute,
Chicago, January 1990.
4. A.A. Pesaran and A.F. Mills, Modeling of Solid-Side Mass Transfer in Desiccant ParticleBeds,
SERI/TP-252-2170, Solar Energy Research Inst., Golden, Colo., Feb. 1984.
6. D. Schlepp, K. Schultz, and F. Zangrando, Facility Design for cyclic Testing of Advanced Solid
Desiccant Dehumidifiers, SERI-TP-252-2464, Solar Energy Research Inst., Golden, Colo., Aug. 1984.
7. R.K. Collier, Jr., Advanced Desiccant Materials Assessment -- Phase II, GRI-88/0125, Gas
Research Institute, Chicago, 1988
8. R.K. Collier, Jr., D. Novosel, and W.M. Worek, "Performance Analysis of Open-Cycle Desiccant
Cooling Systems," ASHRAE Trans. 96 (pt. 1), 1990.
9. R.K. Collier, Jr., Computer Models of Desiccant Process, unpublished report to Oak Ridge
National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tn. Aug. 1990.
10. Z. Lavan, D. Gidaspow, and M. Onischak, U.S. patent 4,341,539, June 1982.
11. W.H. Wilkinson, D.K Landstrom, and D. Novosel, "DOBLSORB -- A Universal Desiccant
Hybrid Approach," ASHRAE Trans. 94 (pt. 1), 563-574 (1988).
12. W.H. Wilkinson, "Liquid Desiccant Hybrids -- Complexity Made Simple," ASHRAE Trans. 94
(pt. 2), 2010-2023 (1988).
13. S.V. Shelton, W.J. Wepfer, and D.J. Miles, "Ramp Wave Analysis of the Solid/Vapor Heat
Pump," J. of Energy Resources Technology, 112 (No. 1), 69-78 (1990).
14. S.M. Jeter and E.E. Chant, "Desiccant Cooling Technology," prepared for the Southern Co. End
Use Committee, by the Department of Energy and Mechanical Engineering, Georgia Institute of
Technology, Atlanta, Ga. Aug. 1988.
15. R.H. Turner, J.D. Kleiser, R.F. Chen, N. Domingo, and F. Chen, "Assessment of Thermally
Activated Heat Pumps with Desiccant Cooling," ASHRAE Trans. 94 (pt. 1) (1988).
16. Mold and Mildew in Hotels and Motels, Report of the Executive Engineer's Committee of The
American Hotel & Motel Association, Washington, DC. 1991.
17. M. Meckler, "Integrated Desiccant Cold Air Distribution System," ASHRAE Trans. 95 (pt. 2),
18. G. Meckler, "Use of Desiccant to Produce Cold air in Gas-Energized Cold air HVAC System,"
ASHRAE Trans. 96 (pt. 1), (1990).
19. N. Douss, F.E. Meunier, and L.M. Sun, "Predictive Model and Experimental Results for a
Two-Adsorber Solid Adsorption Heat Pump," Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 27, 310-316 (1988).
20. N. Douss, K. Abdallah, P.H. Grenier, J.J. Guilleminot, J. Gurgel, L.M. Sun, H. Sahnoune, and
F. Meunier, "Dynamic Study of Solid Adsorption Heat Pumps: Experiments and Numerical
Simulation, Economic analysis for Development", CNRS, France, Feb. 1989.
21. N. Douss and F. Meunier, "Experimental Study of Cascading Adsorption Cycles," Chem. Eng.
Sc., 44 (No. 2), 225-235 (1989).
23. E. Dantzer, and A. Orgaz et Guillot in "Pompes a Chaleur Chimiques de Hautes Performances,"
Perpignan, Lavoisier Editeur (1988).
24. K. Matsuki and Y. Saito, "Desiccant Cooling R & D in Japan," ASHRAE Trans. 94 (pt. 1),
537-551 (1988).
25. Proceeding of the Solid Adsorption Dehumidification Air Conditioning Technology Workshop,
Thermal Science Group, Energy and Resource Laboratory, Industrial Technology Research Institute,
Hsin-Chu, Taiwan, R.O.C., 1989.
State-of-the-art desiccant cooling and dehumidification technology has been loosely discussed in the
last three sections. This section provides an in-depth summary of the latest developments. The
summary is subdivided into systems, components, desiccant materials, and models.
5.1. Systems
Almost all desiccant dehumidification for commercial and industrial applications uses open-cycle
systems. Open-cycle systems can be subdivided into ventilation mode and recirculation mode. The
ventilation mode uses 100% ambient air, which is suitable for those areas where large amounts of
fresh air are essential, such as hospitals. In the open-cycle systems, either solid or liquid desiccants
can be used. For solid desiccants, no corrosive fluid will be involved in system operation. Liquid
desiccants, on the other hand, are easy to pump to the desired locations.
Figure 5.1 shows the schematic of a single-stage desiccant-integrated system for supermarkets [1].
Ref. [1] indicated that considerable energy savings can be achieved with this type of hybrid system.
AIR .- , ,*--
EXHA -i_
Figure 5.2 shows the design of a two-stage desiccant-integrated HVAC system [2]. The first desiccant
wheel is called the enthalpy exchanger; it handles 30% to 50% of the building's dehumidification with
an external heat source for regeneration. This wheel absorbs both heat and moisture from the
incoming airstream and transfers them to the drier exhaust airstream. Because the latent load is
reduced, the second wheel needs to handle only 50% to 70% of dehumidification, and requires 30%
to 50% less external heat for wheel regeneration. The COP of the two-wheel system is 1.2 to 1.5 at
design conditions. The desiccant used in the first stage can be silica gel or molecular sieve. The
desiccant for the second-stage wheel can be silica gel, molecular sieve, or lithium chloride, or a
combination of two of them.
T | 4-|
-1A B RE : A X
s upe ra wh,t5B-So whleI\ i(4n'F r tesecn COLD AIR)
_T , 58 ,'e*"
58'FKA1 n_-
A two-wheel desiccant system has another performance advantage over a one-wheel system, in
addition to its higher thermal efficiency: rain or very humid outdoor conditions do not cause
supersaturation in the second wheel, while in a one-wheel system, such saturation can significantly
impair performance and require regeneration heat to be at a much higher temperature. Reference
[2] also discusses the two-stage gas energized, heat-pipe assisted, desiccant cold-air unit for small
commercial buildings such as fast-food restaurants, and the two-stage gas-energized desiccant and
cogeneration unit for supermarkets.
A closed-cycle system can be operated at an elevated pressure or in partial vacuum. It can achieve
a cooling temperature low enough for refrigeration. Figure 5.3 shows a closed-cycle system with
zeolite as the desiccant [3,4]. As shown in Figure 5.3, the zeolite is divided into at least two separate
sealed containers so that one of the containers is always in the desorption part of the cycle while the
other part is in the adsorption cycle. In the regeneration process (Figure 5.4), oil from the boiler is
pumped into the zeolite tank to steam the moisture out. When the vapor contacts the cold wall, it
condenses and drains down to the container at the bottom. For the adsorption process (Figure 5.5),
the oil flow direction is reversed. The condensed moisture is pumped to the top of the tank and
flows down along the tank wall. When zeolite starts adsorbing moisture, it creates low pressure in the
tank and thus lowers the condensate temperature because part of the condensate is evaporated. This
system has been theoretically analyzed [4]. Tchernev [3] claimed that in a 10 month operation period,
a prototype unit achieved a cooling COP of 1.2 and a heating COP of 1.8.
C1 op C1 closed
ro lle opon p e ll
of the container
act as a conader oil from continporator
B1-~ T ~t7~ ~JIf U4 _ I oil to
i I
g i u r e out
o5Rni all orom F
le J
n m
6 t~t_
to boiler
; 1
_ ^L:v
Figure 5.4 Regeneration phase: the walls Figure 55 Adsorption phase: the walls of the
of the container act as a condenser container act as an evaporator
Figure 5.6 shows the schematic of a basic closed-cycle system developed by Shelton et al. [5].
Ammonia/zeolite was used as the adsorption pair. The basic concept is simple, with no moving parts
other than controls. When the system was actually built and tested, the cooling COP was about 0.4.
The researchers thought a great amount of heat was wasted, which resulted in the low COP. A
modified cycle, as shown in Figure 5.7, was conceived to utilize the heat more efficiently. Their
analysis indicated that the modified cycle could have a heating COP of 1.75 and a cooling COP of
0.75 for their base case study [5]. They also claimed that their system efficiency was not sensitive to
the cycle's heat input and output temperatures. Other adsorption pairs have also been mentioned
in the literature, such as zeolite/water, activated-carbon-methanol, activated-carbon-ethanol, and
silica-gel-water [3,6-9]. Meunier has analyzed various combinations of cascading solid/adsorbent
systems [10].
condenser evapor
space space
heating cooling
'~ heating t
adsorbent __ adsorbent
2 S { -- ^ M bed 1
Figure 5.6 Basic solid/vapor adsorption system*
condenser valve evaporator
; refrigerant
_- check valves E J
fluid cooler
*Source: Shelton, S.V., and Wepfer, WJ. "Ramp Wave Analysis of the Solid/Vapor Heat Pump," J. Energy Res. Technol.
112(1), 69-78, 1990.
5.2 Components
The most important component of a desiccant cooling system is the desiccant beds. Its structural
configuration, thermal capacity and sorption characteristics largely control the operating economics
of the desiccant device. Ideally, the bed should have infinitely low mass and infinitely high surface
area. Low mass minimizes the amount of energy wasted in heating and cooling the desiccant, and
high surface area maximizes the interaction between desiccant and the surrounding air. Develop-
ments in desiccant technology have been centered in the search for lower-cost, higher-efficiency, more
durable desiccant bed configurations.
In solid desiccant systems, there are three basic bed configurations; static granular beds, rotating
granular beds and rotating structured media. Static granular beds are arranged as their name
suggests; tanks filled with granular solid desiccant dry air and are then regenerated by a second air
stream. Rotating granular beds move the desiccant between the process and reactivation air streams
continuously. Rotating structured media resembles corrugated cardboard rolled into a drum, so air
can pass lengthwise down the flutes, which are lined with desiccant. Like the rotating granular bed,
the structured media revolves continuously between process and reactivation air streams. Harriman
[11] describes these different types of beds and their advantages and disadvantages in depth.
Structured media-type beds were introduced in the U.S. by Munters Cargocaire in the early 1960's.
They have considerable performance advantages over other types of bed configurations. Their
disadvantages are high cost and limited durability. Since some of the original patents protecting this
design have now expired, other organizations are working on reducing the cost and improving the
durability of such desiccant beds.
1. The AiResearch design has five major components: two evaporative coolers, a rotary thermal
regenerator, a solar heater, and a rotary desiccant drum packed with silica gel [13]. See reference
[13] for detailed information on the system.
* Advantages: A packed drum provides a large surface area per unit volume and a high fraction
of desiccant in the dehumidifier matrix.
* Disadvantages: High air-pressure drop and high solid-side mass transfer resistance. Using large
desiccant particles will decrease pressure drop but will increase the solid-side mass transfer
2. The Institute of Gas Technology (IGT) Solar-MEC design is a centrally supported wheel made
of a corrugated fiber material impregnated with molecular sieve particles [14].
* Advantages: The corrugated wheel is very compact; it has a high ratio of surface area per unit
volume, which in turn produces a relatively high heat transfer NTU (number of transfer unit).
It has low pressure drop and high specific cooling capacity.
* Disadvantages: Data on the mass transfer characteristics of the dehumidifier are not available.
Judging from high NTU yet low COP, the mass transfer resistance must be very high. The unit
also needs a high regeneration temperature (above 400°F), to be effective.
3. The Illinois Institute of Technology (IIT) cross-cooled desiccant dehumidifier has two fixed
desiccant beds. Silica-gel sheets were attached to the channel walls of the beds. The two beds work
intermittently: one dehumidifies the process air and the other is regenerated by heated air [15].
o Disadvantages: The system needs two bulky desiccant beds. Control of the IIT system is very
complicated. Heat and mass transfer NTUs are relatively small.
4. The University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA) design used fine grains of silica gel (average
size: 0.12 and 0.25 mm) that were bonded to one side of 0.76-mm-thick Lexan plastic sheets using
a thin layer of silicone rubber adhesive to produce a sandpaper-like surface. The coated sheets were
stacked, and spacers were used to form parallel-walled, laminar flow channels [16,17].
* Advantages: The UCLA unit has a low pressure drop and a high heat transfer rate. Mass
transfer resistance is reduced because of the small desiccant particles used.
* Disadvantages: Thick plastic sheets were used. The unit also has a structural problem.
5. The Solar Energy Research Institute (SERI) wheel design combines the UCLA concept of a
sandpaper-like coating of silica gel and the heat exchanger construction concept developed by Dunkle
[18]. It winds of a continuous thin polyester ribbon coated with silica gel onto a wheel.
* Advantages: It has a high ratio of Stanton number to friction factor (0.49) and a low solid-side
resistance to mass transfer. It is relatively compact yet has a small pressure drop.
* Disadvantages: The plastic ribbon expands when it is heated and thus loses its structural rigidity.
Recently there have been other designs. Two of them are described below.
6. The Seibu Zeolite Ceramic Desiccant Rotor (Japan): The wheel consists of silica-gel/zeolite
composite sheets. Seibu claimed that their design improved the wheel performance in the
low-humidity range. However, the wheel is very expensive [19].
7. The Energy & Resource Laboratory desiccant wheel design (Taiwan): Ceramic paper was used
on the wheel. The paper was then burned, leaving only ceramic lines. Water glass was then used
to chemically form silica gel on the ceramic line structure. The wheel has a high silica gel to wheel
structural ratio, a low pressure drop, and a relatively compact size. The test results indicated a
single-stage COP of close to 1.0. The wheel-making process is quite complicated and could be
expensive [20].
8. Cohen et al. have experimentally compared desiccant wheels from various manufacturers [21].
A total of twelve wheels with four desiccants - silica gel, lithium chloride, molecular sieve, and
activated carbon - were tested for their moisture removal performance.
9. SEMCO, under GRI contract [22], is currently developing a low cost solid-desiccant rotary
dehumidifier and heat exchanger.
In liquid desiccant systems, there are two basic types of desiccant beds; those with internal cooling
and those where the desiccant is simply sprayed onto an extended surface which resembles cooling
tower packing material.
Kathabar division of Somerset Technologies manufactures units of both types with lithium chloride
as the primary desiccant. In recent years the company has made improvements in the packing
material; reducing it's mass, increasing the surface area and reducing resistance to air flow.
Niagara Blower Co. uses triethylene glycol as a liquid desiccant. It is continuously sprayed on the
evaporator coil to create a no-frost unit and to clean the process air. The weakened desiccant
solution is then pumped out and regenerated [23].
Recently, desiccants with optimum properties for air conditioning applications have been produced
or tested or are undergoing development [24]. LaRoche Chemicals has developed a Type 1M
desiccant that is based on hydratable salts and is capable of direct, gas-fired regeneration. They are
currently developing an advanced desiccant matrix. Eaton Corp. is developing a Type 1M desiccant
based on ionic gel polymers. They have initiated the study of polymers as liquid desiccants. Michigan
Technical University is developing a Type 1M desiccant based on porous glass. Pennsylvania State
University is studying the capabilities of nano-composite materials to perform as effective desiccants.
They have identified Type 1M composites. The University of Pittsburgh is studying the capabilities
of layered double-metal hydroxides to perform as effective desiccants. They have also identified type
1M materials.
As desiccant systems have been the subject of considerable research in recent years, there are a
number of computer models which have been built to help investigators better understand the
dynamic operation of desiccant systems.These models fall into four basic categories:
* Finite-difference solutions to the differential equations governing heat and mass transfer in a
desiccant bed
* Finite-element solutions, and
* Analogy methods
* Commercial equipment performance approximations
Of the finite-difference approaches, the three most widely used computer codes are:
In addition, a number of Ph.D. theses have been done on heat and mass transfer in desiccant
structures. Computer models are usually developed as part of the work [28]. Most of these computer
models fall into the finite-difference category. The vast majority of these models are not supported
and cannot be recreated without great difficulty.
Only one finite-element solution is currently being used; the Florida Solar Energy Center (FSEC)
computer model FEMALP [29]. This model is used primarily for predicting moisture transport
throughout building structures, furnishings and HVAC systems rather than for predicting performance
of desiccant equipment.
Of the analogy methods, there are two that are presently being used. These are:
The method used by Maclaine-cross and Banks is a heat exchanger analogy solution to the entire
desiccation process. The Enerscope model is a heat and mass exchanger analogy to the individual
water/desiccant processes within the desiccant matrix.
Equipment performance approximations are used primarily to model the performance of desiccant
equipment in commercial building HVAC systems, analyzing their energy use over the course of one
years operation. During 1991, two of the primary microcomputer-based building energy modeling
programs were revised to incorporate desiccant equipment modeling:
Both of these programs use similar algorithms. For solid desiccant equipment, performance
characteristics are based on a state-of-the-art rotating desiccant wheel dehumidifier as configured for
commercial buildings. The performance model assumes a commercially-available composite desiccant
matrix, consisting of lithium chloride and silica gel. The liquid desiccant equipment model is based
on a sprayed-media dehumidifier using lithium chloride as the desiccant.
These first three general classes of computer models can further be divided by the manner in which
moisture transport within the desiccant particle is treated. There are currently two approaches to the
problem of mass transport within the desiccant particle. They are the Lewis Number analogy and the
solution of diffusion equations within the desiccant.
The Lewis Number analogy lumps the mass transport resistance within the desiccant particle with the
mass transport resistance between the air and the desiccant. This single mass transport resistance is
used computationally as if all the resistance exists within the gas phase. The Maclaine-cross, UIC,
and Enerscope models all use this approach.
Solving the diffusion equations within the desiccant is the most rigorous approach to the problem.
Both the IIT and the FSEC computer models use this approach. The advantages and disadvantages
of each approach are:
* Solution of diffusion equations is more rigorous, but data for internal diffusion constants are
difficult to obtain. This limits the accuracy of the results. This method requires large amounts
of computer time.
* Lewis Number analogy can yield accurate results if the resistance factor is changed for changing
conditions. It is difficult to determine the correct resistance factor a priori, but it requires only
moderate amounts of computer time.
* Most practical applications of desiccants require that the internal mass transport resistance of
the desiccant be small. Therefore, the need for an accurate representation of this phenomenon
is minimal for those cases. There may be new applications, however, for which this conclusion
is not true. They must be judged case-by-case.
A number of comparisons have been performed among many of these different computer models.
Generally speaking, all of the models agree extremely well when only gas-side mass transfer resistance
is involved. Disagreement is encountered only when the mass transfer resistance inside the desiccant
particles is significant. Trying to determine which model is most accurate is very difficult because of
the sparsity of reliable experimental data and the uncertainty of internal mass diffusion parameters.
Whenever the internal mass transfer is negligible, all of the models will yield excellent agreement with
available experimental data. Whenever the internal mass transfer is not negligible, all of the models
will require some manipulation to match existing experimental data.
A detailed description of these models, together with a comparison of their results is included in this
report as Appendix II.
1. D.L. Manley, K.L. Bowlen, and B.M. Cohen, "Evaluation of Gas-Fired Desiccant-Based Space
Conditioning for Supermarkets," ASHRAE Trans. 91 (pt. 1B), 447-456 (1985).
2. G. Meckler, Assessment of Opportunities for Introducing Desiccant HVAC Systems into the
Commercial Building Market. Unpublished report to ORNL, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak
Ridge, Tenn. July 1990.
3. D.I. Tchernev, and D.T. Emerson, "High-Efficiency Regenerative Zeolite Heat Pump,"
ASHRAE Trans. 94 (pt. 2), 2024-2032, 1988.
5. S.V. Shelton, W.J. Wepfer, and D.J. Miles, "Ramp Wave Analysis of the Solid/Vapor Heat
Pump," J. Energy Res. Technol., 112(1), 69-78, 1990.
7. R. Boussehain and M.L. Feidt, Proc. Journees Internationales sur les Transferts
Heliothermiques, Rabat, 1985.
9. A. Adell, Rev. Phys. Appl., 19, 1005-1011, 1984.
10. F. Meunier, "Theoretical Performances of solid Adsorbent Cascading Cycles using the
Zeolite-water and Active Carbon-Methanol Pairs: Four Case Studies," Heat Recovery Systems, 6 (No.
6), 491-498, 1986.
11. Harriman, Lewis G. III, The DehumidificationHandbook - Munters Cargocaire, 79 Monroe St.
Amesbury, MA 01913. 1990.
12. Barlow, R.S., An Assessment of Dehumidifier Geometries for Desiccant Cooling Systems,
SERI/TR-252-1529, Solar Energy Research Institute, Golden, Colo. June 1983.
13. J. Rousseau, Development of a Solar Desiccant Dehumidifier. Phase II. Final Summary Report,
DOE/CS/31591-T8, Washington, DC, Nov. 1982.
14. J. Wurm et al., Solar-MEC Development Program. Semi-Annual Progress Report, IGT
COO-4495-23. Prepared for the U.S. Dept. of Energy, Washington DC, Nov. 1979.
15. J.B. Monnier, W.M. Worek, and Z. Lavan, Performance of a Cross-Cooled Solar Powered
Desiccant Cooling System, IIT Report No. DES-81-1. Prepared for the U.S. Dept. of Energy, Jan.
16. S. Kim, "Development of a Laminar Flow Desiccant Bed for solar Air Conditioning Application,"
Master Thesis, Dept. of Mech. Eng., UCLA, 1981.
17. P. Biswas, "An Experimental Study of the Performance of a Laminar Flow Silica Gel Desiccant
Packing Suitable for Solar Air Conditioning application," Master Thesis, Dept. of Mech. Eng., UCLA,
18. R.V. Dunkle, P.J. Banks, I.L. Maclaine-cross, "Wound Parallel Plate Exchangers for
Air-Conditioning Applications," Compact Heat Exchangers - History, Technological Advancement and
Mechanical Design Problems. American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) HTD-Vol. 10;
65-71, Nov. 1980.
19. Private conversation with P. Lee of Energy and Resource Laboratory at 1989 ASME WAM at
San Francisco, CA
20. H. Lee, S. Lee, and Y. Cheng, "The Characteristics Analysis of a Desiccant Dehumidification
Wheel Made by Energy and Mining Research Organization," Symposium Volume paper No. 3,
Workshop on Solid Adsorption Dehumidification Air-Conditioning Technology, June, 1989, Taipei,
21. B. Cohen, R. Wysk, and R. Slosbery, Advanced Desiccant Cooling system Development:
Desiccant Wheel Sample Performance Testing, GRI-89/0036.1, GRI, Chicago, March 1989.
22. GRI contract 5089-295-1791 to SEMCO for the development of low cost solid desiccant rotary
dehumidifier and heat exchanger. GRI, Chicago, 1989.
23. Research Bulletin RB-11-14-88 and Product Bulletin 162A, Niagara Blower Company, Buffalo,
N.Y. 1988.
24. D. Kosar and D. Novosel, Summary of Desiccant Cooling Program, GRI, Chicago, Jan. 1990.
25. I.L. Maclaine-cross, "A Theory of Combined Heat and Mass Transfer in Regenerators",. Ph.D.
Thesis, Monash University, Australia, 1974.
26. D. Charoensupaya and W.M. Worek, "Parametric Study of an Open Cycle Adiabatic Solid
Desiccant Cooling System", The International J. of Energy, 13 (No. 9), 739-747, 1988.
27. Y.J. Ko, "Advanced Desiccant Cooling System with Staged Regeneration Including Solid Side
Resistance", Ph.D. Thesis, Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago, Illinois, 1989.
28. J. Jurinak, "Open-Cycle Solid Desiccant Cooling - Component Models and System Simulations",
Ph.D. Thesis, University of Wisconsin, Madison, 1982.
29. A. Kerestecioglu, "The Detailed Mathematical Prediction of Simultaneous Heat and Mass
Transfer in Cavities," Ph.D. Thesis, Florida Institute of Technology, Melbourne, Florida, 1986.
30. I.L. Maclaine-cross and P.J. Banks, "Coupled Heat and Mass Transfer in Regenerators -
Prediction Using an Analogy with Heat Transfer", International J. of Heat and Mass Transfer, 15,
1225-1242, 1972.
31. R.K. Collier, Advanced Desiccant Material Assessment, Phase II, Final Report, GRI-88/0125,
GRI, Chicago, 1988.
Recent advances in state-of-the-art desiccant cooling are very encouraging. To those who are most
knowledgeable in the field, it now appears that desiccant cooling systems can be cost effective as
compared with conventional cooling systems in many applications. The problems with CFC fluids may
further enhance the competitiveness of desiccant-based systems.
There is, however, a major obstacle preventing building owners from realizing the benefits of
desiccant systems: the lack of effective technological aids to transfer knowledge of desiccant systems
from laboratories and research reports to practicing architect and mechanical engineers.
There have been encouraging advances in the state of the art. Recent examples are described below.
* Optimum desiccant properties, 1M type, have been identified for air conditioning applications.
* Several types of stable desiccants with the desired properties are being produced and tested.
* Indoor air quality has been considered in desiccant cooling systems [2].
* The principle of heat regeneration based on capture of the thermal wave has been recognized
* Two- and three-container prototypes of regenerative systems have been produced and tested
* Heat and mass transport from binary falling films of liquid desiccant solution have been studied
6.1.4. Integrated Systems
o Methods of integrating desiccant dehumidification with conventional cooling systems [8] and/or
cogeneration systems [9,10] have been designed.
* Several large-scale systems have been built and are successfully operating [11].
* Over 135 units introduced by Cargocaire Engineering Corp. have already been sold to
supermarket chains through the SuperAire®,and increased penetration is planned by Cargocaire
Recent advances in state-of-the-art desiccant systems should be the foundation for a vigorous research
and development program aimed at establishing sorption systems and desiccant cooling as a mature
and cost-effective alternative. Some suggested areas for future research and development are
discussed in this section.
In the last five years, funds in excess of $20 million has been expended by government, industry and
institutions to research desiccant systems, and components. Very few resources have been devoted
to transferring knowledge from research laboratories to practicing professionals. An organized
approach to the problem of tech transfer is necessary to avoid the classic problem of wasted research
investments. Two means of improving technology transfer are discussed below.
In order to assess the costs and benefits of new technology, the engineering community relies
on building energy models such as DOE 2.1e and TRACE. Unfortunately, neither of these
programs was originally designed to accept new types of equipment and new system design
concepts. In the case of desiccant technology, a substantial benefit is the improved humidity
control and its effect on moisture problems in buildings. While extensive modeling of moisture
behavior in buildings has been accomplished at considerable cost by GRI and FSEC, none of
the research can be used in building energy programs because their basic structures are
inadequate to the task.
For new technology to be useful, detailed information must be available, visible and affordable
to the engineering community. Such is not yet the case with desiccant technology. A modest
investment in publishing the full text, graphics and bibliographies from desiccant research on
CD-ROM in ISO 9660 format would allow those who can best benefit from the research to
access it quickly and economically.
* Determination of desired optimum desiccant properties for respective applications, i.e., isotherm
shape, heat of sorption, diffusivity, etc.
6.2.3. Systems
* Develop easy-to-use modular simulation models with different desiccant materials that can fit
into conventional heating and cooling computer programs.
* Derive the general design guidelines for desiccant integrated HVAC systems, because most
design engineers are not familiar with desiccant systems.
* Determine optimal operating strategies at various conditions and means of implementing the
* Investigate design and performance of systems undergoing chemisorption for low-temperature
refrigeration purposes.
6.24. Components
* Develop both regular and compact wheels with high desiccant fractions (over 80%) which do
not deliquesce or generate dust.
e Develop high-performance sensible heat exchangers with effectiveness of 0.90 or better for both
regular and compact sizes.
* Design the airflow channels in wheels to yield the optimum ratio of heat and mass transfer over
pressure drop.
1. SEMCO, under GRI contract 5089-295-1870, to develop low-cost rotary solid desiccant
dehumidifier and heat exchanger. GRI, Chicago, 1989.
2. M. Meckler, "Integrated Desiccant Cold Air Distribution system," ASHRAE Trans. 95 (pt. 2),
3. S.V. Shelton, W.J. Wepfer, and D.J. Miles, "Ramp Wave Analysis of the Solid/Vapor Heat
Pump," J. of Energy Resource Technology, 112 (No. 1), 69-78, 1990.
4. D.I. Tchernev, and D.T. Emerson, "High Efficiency Regenerative Zeolite Heat Pump,"
ASHRAE Trans. 94 (pt. 2), 2024-2032, 1988.
5. B.D. Wood, and G.A. Buck, "Natural Convection Heat and Mass Transfer from Falling Films
in Vertical Channels," presented at ASME-JSME-JSES International Solar Energy Conference, Reno,
Nevada, March 17-22, 1990.
6. B.D. Wood and H.M. Habib, "Effect of a Small Quantity of a Non-Absorbable Gas on the Heat
and Mass Transfer for the Entrance Region of a Falling Film Absorber and Effect of the Mass
Transfer for a Falling Film Absorber in Presence of a Non-Absorbable Gas," presented at
ASME-JSME-JSES International Solar Energy Conference, Reno, Nevada, March 17-22, 1990.
7. B.D. Wood, and T.A. Ameel, "Heat and Mass Transfer in Laminar Wavy Falling Film
Absorption with the Presence of Low Concentrations of Non-Absorbable Gases," presented
ASME-JSME-JSES International Solar Energy Conference, Reno, Nevada, March 17-22, 1990.
9. G. Meckler, "Two Stage Gas Energized Desiccant/Cogeneration Unit for Supermarkets," U.S.
patents 4,577,471 and 4,723,417.
12. D. Kosar, and D. Novosel, Summary of Desiccant Cooling Program, Gas Research Institute,
Chicago. Jan. 1990.
7.1.. Introduction
In recent decades there has been a small but viable, relatively stable market for desiccants in the
military and industrial sectors. The approximate size of the annual desiccant market, based on
information from knowledgeable sources in the industry, is $50 to $60 million. Desiccant
dehumidification has been used in niche markets or specialty markets for which there was usually no
practical alternative process to get the same result. Examples include moisture control for
* oxygen production,
* multi-compound separation,
* gas purification,
* breweries, and
An emerging opportunity for pollution control lies in the selective absorption of certain kinds of gas
pollutants in industrial environments.
These specialty markets have not depended on energy efficiency or competitive pricing. There has
been no mass market. Except for certain components, the equipment has been made-to-order for
specific projects and clients.
Desiccant equipment manufacturers are not geared to mass marketing or creating new markets. They
have always responded to perceived needs defined by a customer. They are interested in the prospect
of expanding their market significantly into commercial HVAC systems. They lack the resources and
confidence, however, in their ability to mount a successful national marketing effort to the HVAC
building industry. The principal impetus for introducing desiccant HVAC systems into the commercial
building market will not come from the existing desiccant equipment manufacturers.
7.12 Existing HVAC Market
At least 95% of the air conditioning equipment in today's mass construction market is geared to
electrically driven vapor- compression refrigerated-air systems. A large group of manufacturers of
these components is led by Trane and Carrier.
These manufacturers communicate constantly with HVAC consulting engineers and design/building
contractors. When it becomes evident to the manufacturers that these specifiers are interested in
desiccant systems, they can be expected to respond to the new market. They have not yet seen
evidence of such interest, in our opinion, because of the following impediments:
* Consulting engineers and design/building contractors are not familiar with and do not have ready
access to techniques for using desiccants efficiently in commercial building HVAC systems.
* Consulting engineers and design/building contractors rarely have the luxury-the time and
opportunity-to do development work. In any case, they are rarely in a position to independently
assume the added legal vulnerability that innovative work carries with it.
* Consulting engineers, building owners, and utilities need reassurance and education about the
performance and cost-effectiveness of desiccant HVAC systems. A highly effective first step
would be to make available for inspection in their community a desiccant system operating in
a large government building. As explained subsequently, in large buildings, well-integrated
desiccant HVAC systems are competitive in terms of first cost and also significantly reduce the
ongoing energy costs. Demonstration and discussion about this performance within local
communities is the most effective way to break through barriers and motivate designers and
owners to want to learn more.
* Architects in most projects lead the design team and retain the consulting engineers. Architects
resist mechanical innovation unless the owner is clearly interested in having a new approach
evaluated. If government buildings lead the way and other owners begin to express interest in
desiccant systems, architects and engineers will be responsive.
* In smaller facilities, although the life-cycle cost of desiccant systems is lower than that of
conventional systems, the initial cost is higher. Utility subsidies may bridge the first-cost gap
once the utilities observe desiccant performance in operating systems. Eventually, mass
production of packaged units for small buildings can be expected to lower costs. A rise in
electric utility costs would also favor desiccant units.
Gershon Meckler Associates, P.C. (GMAPC), has designed desiccant HVAC systems that are
operating in large- and medium-size office buildings, a museum, and a hospital medical center. Their
experience in designing, installing, and observing operating desiccant HVAC systems since the 1970s
clearly indicates that desiccant equipment can be a reliable, practical component of HVAC systems
and can significantly reduce an HVAC system's requirement for utility electricity.
GMAPC has developed application techniques and has patented a series of desiccant HVAC system
combinations. The application techniques involve new ways of integrating existing components and
materials to improve the economics of desiccant HVAC systems in several ways.
We now see a number of factors converging that are creating a more favorable environment for the
introduction of desiccant HVAC systems into commercial buildings. (More about this in the next
section.) Government activities of several kinds could do a great deal to encourage this process.
The beneficial effects of incorporating desiccant dehumidification into commercial building HVAC
systems are as follows:
* In large buildings, it reduces the consumption of utility electricity for HVAC by more than 50%,
and the daytime peak demand for electricity by 65% to 70%. Dehumidification/latent-cooling
typically represents 20% to 40% of a building's total air conditioning load. In a desiccant
HVAC system this portion of the load is shifted off the vapor compression refrigeration system
and is handled by a moisture-absorbing/adsorbing desiccant. A gas-energized chiller/heater
provides heat for desiccant regeneration and chilled water for sensible cooling.
* It reduces the use of refrigerants and chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) by 20% to 30% in large
buildings. It also reduces the environmentally harmful gases emitted by power plants by
reducing air conditioning's need for utility electricity.
* For small commercial buildings, it eliminates entirely the use of CFCs and the consumption of
utility electricity for air conditioning (except for fans and pumps) by eliminating vapor
compression refrigeration from the air conditioning process. This is possible and practical when
ventilation air is dried very deeply using a desiccant and then is evaporatively cooled to the
supply temperature. (Given currently available components and desiccant materials, our
experience indicates that an efficiently arranged two-stage process is necessary to dry deeply
enough for adequate evaporative cooling yet remain practical in terms of the heat required for
desiccant regeneration.)
* For building owners, it reduces energy operating costs significantly where peak electric utility
demand charges are high and natural gas is available.
* For electric utilities, reduces peak demand and thus can cumulatively reduce the pressures on
utilities' generating capacity.
* For gas utilities, it opens up a new opportunity for gas use in the summer-the annual low point
for gas use.
* It represents a more rational, efficient use of national energy resources shifting the load from
the annual electric utility peak to the annual gas utility valley (summer) and to renewable (solar)
or recovered sources.
Special-purpose industrial applications generally have been configured to use high-temperature heat
(process steam) to regenerate the desiccant. The regeneration process has not been perceived as
thermally efficient and there has been little reason or impetus to think of desiccants in the context
of commercial building HVAC systems.
Several factors are converging to create a more favorable environment for the introduction of
desiccants into HVAC systems. The most important is the strong pressure on many electric utilities
to stem the growth of peak day demand. The result in many areas has been the imposition of high
demand charges (geared to a user's peak demand), the development of other utility incentives to curb
day demand or to shift it off-peak, and the appearance of new interest on the part of building owners,
major developers, and consulting engineers in finding practical alternatives to conventional HVAC
systems that reduce energy operating costs.
The primary beneficiary of this new interest thus far has been thermal storage (for example ice
thermal storage), in which utility electricity is consumed off-peak to produce stored thermal energy
that is then used during daytime operating hours. This solution is responsive to the needs of electric
utilities and to the desires of users to reduce peak demand charges. However, it is not responsive
to another of the factors converging to create a more favorable environment for wider use of
desiccants: environmental concerns and the concurrent likelihood of increased regulation that will
restrict use of CFCs as well as harmful gases emitted by power plants. Desiccants do not contain
CFCs. Further, heat for desiccant regeneration can come entirely or primarily from sources other
than utility electricity. In addition, as already indicated, for small commercial establishments a
desiccant integrated with evaporative cooling can provide sensible cooling (temperature control) as
well as latent cooling (dehumidification). There is no doubt, in our opinion, that desiccant HVAC
systems have the potential to very significantly reduce the use of CFCs and utility electricity for air
conditioning and would achieve that result if widely applied.
An additional factor favorable to desiccant dehumidification is the large availability of gas for summer
cooling and of special gas price rates for gas cooling.
73. Conditions Needed to Encourage the Spread in Use of Desiccant HVAC Systems
The factors just cited are creating a more favorable environment for the introduction of desiccant
HVAC systems, but alone they are not sufficient to propel many architects or engineers to install
them. In our view, the following conditions are needed:
Availability of guidance and techniques for reducing the first cost of desiccant HVAC systems.
Much of our work has involved the integration of desiccant dehumidification in such a way that
first cost savings in the air distribution system cover the cost of desiccant equipment for large
buildings. In medium-size buildings, efficient integration techniques plus a utility incentive grant
could eliminate any first-cost penalty for desiccant equipment.
Performance documentation and confirmation by a source such as the Department of Energy,
and measures to encourage government facilities' people and their architects and engineers to
objectively evaluate desiccant technology for their large building projects. For this, the following
DOE activities would be extremely helpful:
- Study and document desiccant system performance in existing large office building
- At the conceptual design stage for large government buildings, advocate and finance
comparative HVAC system studies to encourage the particular government agency and its
designers to evaluate desiccant technology.
- If the study supports a desiccant HVAC system, provide the necessary sponsorship to
implement the design and installation of the desiccant system.
- Monitor and document the performance of desiccant HVAC systems in these government
Availability of utility incentives such as equipment subsidies for the introduction of desiccant
equipment. While these are not necessary for large buildings of 150,000 ft2 and larger, they are
needed to offset extra first costs for smaller office buildings, where the payback from energy
savings may take five to seven years. An equipment subsidy is also needed to offset extra first
costs for desiccant installations in small commercial establishments (e.g., fast food restaurants
and shopping mall stores). In these buildings, even with an efficiently integrated two-stage unit
that provides both sensible and latent cooling-such as the rooftop unit that GMAPC has
developed-the payback from energy savings will take three to four years.
Utility advocates or potential advocates of desiccant cooling, such as gas utilities and many
combined gas/electric utilities, would provide such assistance if they were educated about
desiccants and assured about equipment reliability. (With desiccant systems installed, gas
utilities sell more gas during their off-season, making more efficient use of their total resources,
and gas/electric utilities can shift load from the annual electric peak to the annual gas nadir.)
Giving government leverage assistance to these desiccant advocates to enable them to provide
equipment subsidies would ease and speed the introduction of desiccant HVAC systems.
Availability of solar incentives such as tax credits for the installation of solar collection systems.
Solar energy is an excellent, practical heat source for desiccant regeneration, as has been proven
to our satisfaction in two operating installations that GMAPC designed (the Monroe County
Courthouse/Government Center, Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania; and the Veterans Administration
Medical Center Addition, Washington, D.C.). However, it is unlikely that combined desiccant-
solar HVAC systems will be installed to any extent until desiccants become more familiar and
accepted as part of HVAC systems, and then only if solar tax credits or similar assistance is
e The development of desiccant materials that absorb more and are also inherently more efficient
(require less heat for regeneration). Looking beyond the use of currently available components
and materials, to helpful research and development, this would, in our opinion, significantly
advance the practicality of desiccant HVAC systems for commercial applications.
A desiccant material with both a capacity to absorb close to 100 grains of moisture per pound
of air processed (approximately double the current capacity) and a regeneration COP
approaching 1.0 would have a strong impact on cost-effectiveness.
The COP of desiccant regeneration generally has been 0.4 or 0.5, in its past industrial
configurations. The two-stage arrangement with heat recovery that we have developed for
HVAC applications increases the thermal COP to 1.0 on average. Further advances in inherent
efficiency would be extremely helpful in every application.
Desiccant HVAC systems can provide excellent environmental control and consume significantly less
utility energy than conventional HVAC systems in large and medium-large office buildings, small
commercial buildings such as strip-mall stores and fast-food restaurants, and supermarkets.
Office building application requires (1) efficient integration of the desiccant subsystem, (2)
regeneration heat source(s), and (3) sensible cooling. When designed efficiently, in large buildings
desiccant HVAC systems are competitive with conventional HVAC systems in terms of first cost.
Prepackaged desiccant rooftop units are appropriate for small commercial buildings and supermarkets
if utilities provide an equipment subsidy. The units for small commercial buildings can incorporate
desiccant dehumidification and evaporative cooling to provide all of the required air conditioning-
both latent and sensible cooling.
A two-stage desiccant unit that GMAPC has developed for supermarkets maintains a space's relative
humidity (RH) at 35% to 40% instead of the usual 50% to 55% RH. As a result, the supermarket's
conditioned air is dry enough to absorb most of the moisture generated in the store as well as the
moisture entering with the outside (ventilation) air.
The energy impacts in a typical supermarket are that condensation around frozen food cases is 80%
less, and the two-stage desiccant system requires 30% to 45% less energy for refrigeration than the
conventional system. The desiccant unit incorporates a cogenerator that provides regeneration heat
cost-effectively by simultaneously generating electricity for store use.
75. Market Potential
GMAPC has assessed the potential for desiccant HVAC system applications in large and medium-
large office buildings over a ten-year period. In these buildings, the first cost of well-integrated
desiccant HVAC systems approximates the first cost of conventional all-air HVAC systems-without
the aid of equipment subsidies from utilities. GMAPC has concluded that strong demonstration,
educational, and marketing efforts are required to build confidence and transfer design skills to
HVAC designers. Given such efforts, a reasonable projection of total potential ten-year application
of desiccant HVAC systems in large and medium-large office buildings is 60 million ft2 : 333 projects
averaging 180,000 ft 2 each. This represents almost 7% of the total ten-year office space market that
GMAPC has projected.
Table 7.1 shows the basis for the estimate of the total office space market as well as a regional
breakdown of potential applications. The regional breakdown of applications relates to the size of
the respective markets, but is also based on a primary effort in the three east coast regions; secondary
efforts in the Pacific, east north central, and west south central regions; and no effort in the west
north central, east south central, and mountain regions (see Figure 7.1).
The rapid spread of desiccant units for supermarkets and small commercial buildings such as fast-food
restaurants does not require an extensive educational program of design assistance, as is the case for
large buildings. However, these units do require an equipment subsidy from the utility in order to
be competitive in terms of first cost. The payback from energy-cost savings is approximately three
to four years for the small commercial building unit and two years for the supermarket unit.
Therefore, at least in the case of small commercial buildings such as fast-food restaurants and strip-
mall stores, it is reasonable to assume that in most communities these will follow the introduction and
demonstration of desiccant performance in large office buildings. In addition, the rapid spread in use
of supermarket and small-commercial desiccant units requires the following:
* assistance from advocate utilities in securing demonstration projects within chains and within
communities, and
Tables 7.2 and 7.3 show the total number of applications GMAPC has concluded are possible over
a 10-year period, given vigorous marketing, the availability of equipment subsidies, and thermally
efficient prepackaged units such as those developed by GMAPC.
Table 7.1 Desiccant HVAC Systems Office Space Potential Market
10-Year Applications
(Large Office Buildings - Average 180,000 ft2)
1. Potential applications shown above represent close to 7% of the total construction market. Given strong
demonstration, educational, and marketing efforts, this is a conservative projection.
2. These projections include only large buildings, where the first cost of well-integrated desiccant HVAC
systems approximates the first cost of conventional all-air HVAC systems-without the aid of utility
3. Applications can expand greatly, to medium-size buildings as well as retrofit projects, when desiccant
system performance and design techniques become known and one of the following applies: (a)
equipment subsidies are readily available, (b) CFC reduction is required, or (c) a reduction in peak-hour
consumption of utility electricity is required.
1 Pacific
2 Mountain
3 West North Central
4 West South Central
5 East North Central
6 East South Central
7 Middle Atlantic
8 South Atlantic
9 New England
In supermarkets, as shown in Table 7.2, the GMAPC estimate of potential 10-year applications
exceeds 1,600 projects totaling more than 50 million ft2 . The estimated 10-year potential for small
commercial buildings such as fast-food restaurants and strip-mall stores, shown in Table 7.3, is
approximately 52,600 applications totaling 105.3 million ft 2.
Table 72 Supermarket Desiccant/Cogeneration Unit
- Potential 10 Year Applications -
(30,000 ft2 Average Store Size)
7.6. Cost Effective Design Techniques
To be competitive with conventional air conditioning systems in large and medium-large commercial
buildings, desiccant systems must be integrated into the HVAC system in new ways that reduce first
cost as well as energy operating cost.
Commercial building HVAC systems consist of two basic parts: a central plant and a distribution
system. In small buildings, the central plant is the major cost; in large buildings, the major cost is the
distribution system.
The central plant of a desiccant HVAC system is more expensive than that of a conventional HVAC
system. In large buildings, however, a major reduction in the size and cost of the distribution system
is possible when a desiccant is used instead of a conventional all-air system. This reduction covers
the extra cost of the desiccant central-plant equipment.
The cost-effectiveness of desiccant HVAC systems that GMAPC has developed and applied in large
and medium-large buildings is based on the following cost-saving techniques:
* Low-flow primary air. Distribute a very small quantity of desiccant dried primary air to reduce
the size and cost of the primary ductwork and air handler as well as the fan energy required for
air distribution. The size of the primary ducts and air handler can be reduced by 70% to 85%
compared with a conventional electric VAV all-air system when the quantity of air distributed
is 0.1 to 0.4 cfm/ft 2. This quantity, dried to 33 to 40 gr/lb (grains of moisture per pound of dry
air), provides 100% of a facility's dehumidification requirement. (It is not practical to dry the
air this deeply in a conventional vapor-compression refrigeration HVAC system.)
The dry air is distributed to terminals at a variable volume, determined by the humidity
condition, to minimize fan energy. The temperature of the desiccant-dried air is approximately
Alternatively, the small quantity of desiccant-dried primary air can be distributed to mixing-box
terminals at 40°F, thus providing a portion of sensible cooling as well as 100% of latent cooling.
The air temperature can be dropped to 40°F in a way that minimizes the use of refrigeration
by drying the air more deeply, after-cooling with 50°F chilled water, and then cooling
evaporatively with nonrefrigerated water.
For comparison, the figures include a schematic diagram and psychrometric process for three
HVAC systems: a conventional all-air VAV system with vapor compression refrigeration
(Figures 7.2 and 7.3), a two-stage solid desiccant HVAC system that includes evaporative cooling
and distributes 40°F primary air (Figures 7.4 and 7.5), and a single-stage liquid desiccant HVAC
system that distributes dry (not cold) primary air (Figures 7.6 and 7.7). These three HVAC
systems are compared in detail in the section entitled 7.7, "Impact on Energy Consumption and
Energy Cost."
' TU(55F AIR)
u n _ u
Figure 7.2 Conventional all-air VAV system with clectrically-driven vapor compression refrigeration
Cershon Meckler Associates. P.C.
Consulting Engineers
:5 ~ 7e -~ 80
Key: 150
5_i~---- 6 7
- iI
30 c 41 19\= I. _ ^ \_ ^ , _i^ I! = O
30 40 50 60 0 80 90 100
PRIMARY <- - |~ 7^ ,__
P-1A.B 4 AHU
En ul __ 55-5i8r | D PLENUM (40r COLD AIR)
Figure 7.4 Two-stage desiccant-water gas cooling system with cold (40°) primary air
Gershon Meckler Associates. P.C.
r- r- |9|1C Consulting Engineers
*~"^ l -O'U_'-n6 U 7 3 I -
Key: 80
1. Outside air entering enthalpy wheel. 91'FDB. 76'FWB. / --- --- 150
2. Outside air leaving enthalpy wheel, 81'FDB. 68gr. /_
3. Space condition. 75'FDB. 60TFWB. 407.RH. /----
4. Primary air leaving supply fan, 83'FDB. 68gr. - __
5. Primary air leaving precooling coil. 55FDB. 58gr.
6. Primary air leaving desiccont wheel, 83'FDB. 14gr.
7. Primary air leaving oflercooling coil. 55'FDB. 40cDWB. 70/ 1 C)_I " " 2
8. Primary air leaving air washer, 40F, saturated.
9. Plenum air. 77'FDB. 52gr. 100 o
10. Plenum air leaving terminal unit /
cooling coil. 64FDB. 52gr. .
11. Supply air to space (mixture), 60/ ' _
61'FDB. 50gr. - --- a
, i
30 40 50 60 0 80 90 100
30 40 50 60 0 50 90 100
Desiccant regeneration at 130°F to 200°F. For efficient regeneration, incorporate one of the
following, as appropriate:
heat pumped from an absorption machine that is gas-powered directly or indirectly (direct-
fired or run by cogenerated heat),
a combination of heat recovered from the regenerator exhaust and heat from a small heat
pump dedicated to regeneration, or
- Cogenerated heat
Integrated fire-sprinkler piping to distribute water to and remove heat from terminals. Save the
cost of a separate piping network by distributing water for sensible cooling (chilled water for
coils or condenser water for unitary heat pumps) from the central plant to terminals via the
sprinkler piping. Such dual use of sprinkler piping has been permitted by the National Fire
Protection Association code since 1978 (NFPA 13).
Appropriate terminals to mix and cool primary and secondary air. Utilize mixing-box terminals
that incorporate either a chilled water coil or unitary heat pump. Terminals receive a variable
volume of desiccant-dried primary air (0.1 to 0.4 cfm/ft 2), determined by space conditions. (The
minimum quantity is established by the ventilation-air requirement.) Terminals mix the dry air
with a proportionate quantity of room air, cool the air as required, and distribute the mixed air
at a constant volume. These terminals combine the benefits of a variable-air-volume (VAV)
supply of primary air with the benefits of constant-volume (CV) distribution to occupied spaces:
- VAV primary air minimizes the fan energy required for air distribution.
- CV supply to occupied spaces maintains uniform air circulation for both comfort and
_ HX
s: 4OPIP
TAN . | fFRb 1
G p-3 ' ^^-i ^^r ^INDUCED
P-3 1 t - T
- ***--1'» z ~SPACES
-- '-:___~~~_ ~75 FDB/40% RH
s--' 80O
I--------- /= - 150
1. Outside air entering supply fan. 91'FDB. 76'FWB.
2. Outside air entering desiccont dehumidifier. 94'FOB. 112gr.
3. Primary air leoving dehumidifier. 80'FDB. 36gr.
4. Mixture of primary and plenum air. 77.5'FD8, 49gr. 2 n-
5. Room condition. 75FDB, 407.RH, 52gr. 70 ____
6. Plenum condition (recirculoted air), 77'FDB. 52gr. >
7. Air leaving terminal cooling coil. 63FDB. 49gr. 100 o
(supply air to space)
60/y~~~~~~~~~~ v^~~~~
I~LI 1^.-
30~1 i i I I T . .I - AL
1. 1 +
30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Some UHPs can be in cooling mode while others are heating or are off. Where there are
different tenants, diverse activities, or differing hours in a building, UHPs permit separate
cooling without activating a central chiller.
Terminal UHPs are joined by a closed water loop that is maintained at 70°F to 90°F. UHPs
draw heat from or reject heat to the water loop. When the temperature of the water loop
exceeds 80°F to 90°F, heat is rejected via the cooling tower. When the temperature drops
below 70°F, the water loop draws heat from the hot thermal storage tank. With a terminal
unitary heat pump system, there is no need for both hot and chilled water piping.
- Utilize cellular floor raceways (in place of separate ducts) to distribute the dry primary air.
This is a very efficient option when primary air is a small quantity of desiccant-
dehumidified (not chilled) air. The vertical space required for the floor ceiling sandwich
is reduced, and the first-cost saving from eliminated ductwork is considerable.
- Circulate the water used for sensible cooling through luminaries to remove lighting heat.
Because of the high temperature level of the heat from lights, the cooling water does not
require refrigeration. This technique reduces the sensible cooling load that must be
handled at terminals. It is an efficient option for facilities such as shopping centers and
industrial clean-rooms, where heat from light is a major component of the total cooling
7.6.2. Small Commercial Buildings
The most practical, cost-efficient way to use desiccant dehumidification in small commercial
establishments such as fast-food restaurants and strip-mall stores is to use a prepackaged air-
conditioning unit that provides both heating and cooling. To provide air conditioning in such
establishments without using vapor compression refrigeration with its CFCs, and to provide it at a
significantly lower energy cost than that of a conventional vapor compression refrigeration unit,
GMAPC has developed gas energized desiccant cold-air and heating units that incorporate
evaporative cooling.
As shown schematically in Figure 7.8, the unit developed for fast-food restaurants, like a conventional
refrigeration unit, conditions and supplies 100% outdoor air to the occupied space, to meet the
ventilation requirement for people as well as for the kitchen exhaust hoods. The desiccant unit uses
two stages of desiccant dehumidification, to dry the outside air deeply enough to achieve a sensible
temperature of 55°F when the dry air passes through an evaporative air washer.
The unit includes two desiccant wheels that rotate continuously through two separate airstreams: the
ventilation airstream, from which moisture is adsorbed by the silica-gel desiccant wheel, and the
regeneration airstream, to which moisture is rejected from the wheel. Following second-stage
dehumidification, the ventilation air is cooled by the evaporative air washer to the supply condition
of 55°F, 60 gr/lb.
As shown in Figure 7.8, regeneration occurs in parallel in the two stages. The outside-air
regeneration airstream is first cooled in an evaporative air washer to enable it to absorb heat
transferred from the dehumidification process by the heat recovery wheel. The regeneration
airstream is then heated in series by (1) a heat-pipe heat exchanger that transfers heat from air
exiting the regenerator and (2) a direct-fired gas heater. The heated air then regenerates
(concentrates) the desiccant by picking up moisture as it passes through the regeneration side of the
desiccant wheel. The thermal COP of this two-stage desiccant unit is 0.89 at design conditions.
In an analysis comparing energy use and cost of the desiccant unit with that of a conventional vapor
compression air-to-air heat pump system in a typical 2,000 ft2 fast-food restaurant in Brooklyn, New
York, results are as follows: Annual electric energy use by the desiccant unit is 60% less than that
of the vapor compression unit; annual energy cost for the gas energized desiccant cold-air unit, based
on Brooklyn utility rates, is 40% less than that of the conventional unit.
In the two-stage desiccant/cogeneration unit developed for supermarkets, as shown in Figure 7.9, a
desiccant-impregnated enthalpy exchange wheel transfers both heat and moisture from the incoming
outside air to the building exhaust air. Building return air is added to the partially dehumidified
outside air before second-stage dehumidification. This configuration efficiently maintains the lower
humidity desired in the supermarket (35% RH).
In retrofit supermarket systems, the dehumidified air is supplied to the preexisting central air handler
for sensible cooling; in new construction this configuration is changed by incorporating the vapor
compression chiller or direct expansion refrigeration system into the dehumidification unit. In both
retrofit and new construction, the dehumidified, sensibly cooled air is distributed at a constant volume
through low-pressure ductwork to air outlets.
In the supermarket unit, integrated gas-energized cogeneration simultaneously provides the heat
required for desiccant regeneration and electricity for store use.
Desiccant HVAC systems reduce electric utility energy consumption in the following ways:
* They shift the dehumidification load from the refrigeration system to the desiccant system.
* They permit sensible cooling to be done at a more energy-efficient, elevated temperature level
(55°F instead of 42°F). This is possible because there is no longer a requirement to chill deeply
in order to condense out moisture.
- Provides 100. of Building Sensible and Latent Cooling
- US Potent No. 4,723.417 and Potents Pending
- System COP - 0.5 to 0.9 KITCHEN 4000 CFM
- 1007 Outside Air System EXHAUST OUTSIDE AIR
- Improved Indoor Air Ouolity A I wR
- Positive Ventilation\ .
- Make-up air for kitchen ewhaust
- Heat Recovery for Winter Ventilotion ^
- Options include: EX ST SUPPLY AIR
- Substitute hot woter regenerotion coils (served by HOODS
building H.W. boiler) for gas heaters in unit GAS IN
- Add Solar Collectors for Regeneration Heat 393 MBH SUMMER TYPICAL FAST FOOD RESTAURANT
- Multi-2one capobility 320 MBH WINTER (2000 SF)
Figure 7.8 Two-stage gas energizer desiccant cold-air unit for small commercial buildings such as fast-food restaurants
- US Potent Nos. 4.577.471 4.723.417
.3000 CFM
and Patents Pending OUTSIDE AIR EXHAUST
- Lowered Store Humidity
- Reduced Frost on Freezer Coses/
Reduced Product LossesDY [FOOOS-ISI
- Improved Freezer Compressor Efficiency/ UNIT AHU
Reduced Defrost Cycles
- Improved Shopper Comfort V V v
- Improved Cooling Efficiency for Evisting AHU Equipment J SUPPLY AIR
- Reduced Electrical Demand Charges r
1800 MBH SUPERMARKET (30.000 SF)
In addition, in large office buildings using the GMAPC desiccant system configuration (described
subsequently), there is a major reduction in air-distribution fan energy. The larger the building, the
greater the reduction in fan energy (compared with a conventional all-air HVAC system).
In light of these energy factors, and based on GMAPC's experience over the last two decades,
including innumerable comparative system energy analyses ( sample results of which are provided in
the next section), we conclude that desiccant HVAC systems permit the following reductions in
electric utility energy consumption:
This section presents the results of a specific energy-use and energy-cost analysis (already mentioned
in Section 7.6.1) that compared three HVAC systems: a conventional all-air VAV system and two
desiccant systems.
The building studied is a 159,000 ft 2, six-story office building in northern New Jersey. The building
characteristics, design
conditions, peak loads, and site utility rates are given in Table 7.4.
System 1. Conventional 55°F all-air VAV system with electric utility powered vapor
compression refrigeration and VAV terminal boxes (Figures 7.2 and 7.3). This has been the
principal system used in commercial office buildings. Terminals incorporate electric heating coils
for winter operation. In contrast with the desiccant system process, this system cools and
dehumidifies simultaneously by chilling deeply to remove moisture by condensation.
* System 2. Two-stage solid-desiccant air/water system distributes cold primary air (40°F) at a
variable volume (VAV) to fan-induction coil terminals (Figures 7.4 and 7.5). Primary air
provides 100% of the required dehumidification and a portion of sensible cooling. System 2
includes a gas engine driven chiller-heater and an evaporative air washer. The first-stage
enthalpy wheel partially cools and dehumidifies incoming outside air. The air is then precooled
to 55°F, dehumidified in the second wheel, aftercooled to 55°F (to remove the heat released
by the sorption process), and then saturated with nonrefrigerated water to drop the temperature
to 40°F. A small quantity of 40°F primary air is distributed to fan-induction coil terminals
(FICU), which mix it with recirculated air. Terminal coils circulate 53°F to 58°F chilled water
as required to sensibly cool recirculated air. Mixed air is supplied to the occupied space at a
constant volume. The engine-driven chiller/heater provides both 50°F chilled water for
precooling and aftercooling and heat for desiccant regeneration. Boiler provides backup heat
for regeneration.
* System 3. One-stage liquid desiccant air/water system distributes a small quantity of dry (not
cold) primary air at a constant volume to FICU terminals - or to the plenum (Figures 7.6 and
7.7). As in System 2, primary air provides 100% of the required dehumidification. Outside
ventilation air is dried in the dehumidifier by a spray of cool desiccant. In this system, chilled
water is not used to remove the heat of sorption released in the desiccant dehumidification
chamber. Instead, evaporatively cooled exhaust air serves as a heat sink to draw the heat from
the liquid desiccant by way of a heat exchanger.
In this dry-air system, all sensible cooling is done at FICU terminals, which mix dry primary air
with recirculated air and cool the mixed air with 53°F to 58°F chilled water. A gas-driven
chiller/heater provides the chilled water as well as heat for desiccant regeneration. A boiler
provides backup regeneration heat.
The three systems were compared in terms of air quantities circulated, peak electric demand
(refrigeration, fans, and pump), electric and gas energy input, and annual energy costs (demand,
electric use, and gas). Results of the study are summarized in Table 7.4. Principal results are as
* The desiccant systems reduce the peak refrigeration load by 20% to 30%.
* The desiccant systems, using gas-driven refrigeration equipment, reduce total peak electric
demand by 65% to 70%.
* The desiccant systems reduce peak fan demand by 35%. Although secondary (terminal) fan
demand is greater in the desiccant systems, the primary air distribution and fan energy is so
much less that there is a significant net reduction in total fan demand compared with the
conventional all-air system.
* The desiccant systems reduce total electricity use by 55% and substitute gas for a portion of that
unused energy.
* Regarding annual energy cost, the desiccant systems reduce both electric demand charges and
electric energy use charges by 52% to 54%, add a gas charge, and end up with a total annual
energy cost that is 24% to 27% less ($1.05/ft 2 and $1.09/ft 2 compared with $1.44/ft 2 for the
conventional electricity driven all-air system).
7.9. Conclusion
Desiccant HVAC systems have the potential to make a major national contribution to the reduction
of both CFCs and utility electricity used for air conditioning in commercial buildings. They also
provide a practical way to increase the productivity of solar collection systems by using solar heat
during the summer to energize part of the air conditioning load (to regenerate a desiccant that
provides dehumidification).
Several operating examples exist in large buildings. They were designed from existing components
and materials, are practical to operate, and reduce the use of CFCs and electric utility consumption
and costs significantly compared with conventional HVAC systems. They are even cost-effective in
first-cost terms in large buildings when efficiently integrated into the overall HVAC system. In
smaller buildings the life-cycle cost is lower for desiccant systems, but an equipment subsidy is
required to equalize the initial cost.
Desiccant HVAC systems will become more cost-effective for all commercial facilities if the inherent
thermal efficiency of the desiccant regeneration process can be increased, i.e., if desiccant materials
can be developed that simultaneously absorb more moisture and require less heat for regeneration.
However, starting now and using existing technology, significant advances can be made in introducing
desiccant HVAC systems into large commercial buildings.
Major impediments are the lack of familiarity with and confidence in the use of desiccants in HVAC
systems on the part of building owners and their designers, the lack of knowledge about or ready
access to the design techniques required to integrate the systems cost-effectively in large buildings,
and the reticence of system designers to assume the added legal vulnerability that goes with
innovative work.
Department of Energy strategies could have a major impact on educating HVAC designers and
building owners, overcoming impediments to the introduction of these systems, and bringing desiccant
systems into the HVAC design portfolio for commercial buildings decades sooner than would
otherwise occur. The resulting benefits would be significant: a reduction in the CFCs and utility
electricity used for air conditioning in commercial buildings, a shift of air conditioning load from
utility electricity to gas and renewable energy sources, and a practical way to use solar energy year-
round and thus significantly increase the cost-effectiveness of solar collection system
Table 7.4 Building Characteristics, Design Conditions, Peak Loads, and Site Utility Rates
Table 7.4 (continued)
Internal loads
- Number of people 100 ft 2 per person
- Sensible heat per person 250 Btu/h
- Latent heat per person 245 Btu/h
- Average occupancy 90%
- Lighting load 2 W/ft2
- Equipment load 1.5 W/ft 2
8.1. Introduction
Two important and well-known advantages of desiccant cooling systems are that they are CFC free
and they can reduce the electricity peak load. Another important but lesser known advantage of
desiccant technology is its potential for energy conservation.
Desiccant systems are heat-actuated cooling technology with some electricity to power the motors.
With the recent advances in desiccant technology, desiccant systems can now achieve a primary
energy COP between 1.3 to 1.5, with potential to go to 1.7 and higher. It is becoming one of the
most promising alternatives to conventional cooling systems. In this section, the energy impact studies
are mainly focused on residential and commercial sectors. The energy-saving potential for the
industrial sector is also discussed.
Comparisons of the primary energy consumption of desiccant cooling systems and conventional
cooling systems are based on the following assumptions:
* The COPs of conventional cooling systems are between 2.0 and 3.0, which was suggested by
Blue et al. [1].
* The energy consumption of commercial and residential cooling is as taken from published data
* For comparison, the desiccant system COPs are 1.0, 1.3, and 1.7.
A total of 0.4 quads of electrical energy is used on residential cooling, which is more than 1.2 quads
of primary energy consumption. An energy impact study that compares the desiccant and
conventional cooling systems can indicate under what conditions desiccant cooling systems can be
competitive with conventional systems, and most importantly, how much energy, if any, can be saved.
Table 8.1 shows the estimated electrical energy used for residential cooling in different regions in the
U.S. Not surprisingly, the south has the highest cooling load.
Table 81 Estimated electrical energy used for residential cooling
Tables 8.2 and 8.3 show the energy impact of desiccant cooling systems if 30% of the conventional
systems, with COPs of 2.0 and 3.0, respectively, are replaced by desiccant cooling systems.
Table 82 Estimated desiccant cooling system energy impact (in quads) for residential sector
with COP of conventional cooling system assumed to be 2.0
Table 83 Estimated desiccant cooling system energy impact (in quads) for residential sector
with COP of conventional cooling system assumed to be 3.0.
Table 8.2 shows the energy saving potential of the desiccant system if the conventional electrical
system COP is 2.0. The desiccant system primary energy COP of 1.0 can now be easily achieved.
Even at this relatively low COP, desiccant systems can reduce the primary energy consumption by
0.012 quads, which represents savings of 1.0%. When desiccant system COP increases to 1.3 and then
1.7, the energy savings increases to 7.7% and 13.0%, respectively.
When the conventional electrical cooling system COP is 3.0, however, the desiccant system will have
a net increase of primary energy consumption when the system primary energy COP is 1.0 or 1.3.
When the COP increases to 1.7, however, a 4.4% energy savings is achieved.
Because the existing conventional residential cooling systems usually have COPs of around 2.0, the
desiccant systems can be very competitive as far as thermal efficiency is concerned. The reasons
desiccant technology is not penetrating the residential market are that desiccant units are too bulky
in size and their controls are probably too complicated.
A total of 0.368 quads of electrical energy is used for commercial cooling, which translates into 1.102
quads of primary energy consumption, as shown in Table 8.4. However, for commercial applications,
the desiccant system is more likely to be an integrated part of the whole HVAC system for latent load
only. There is no direct competition with the existing commercial systems in most cases. The
following comparison is, therefore, for reference only. More appropriately, the 30% market
penetration can be interpreted as 30% of latent cooling load that is handled by the desiccant systems.
Table 84 Estimated electrical energy used for commercial cooling
Tables 8.5 and 8.6 show the energy impact of desiccant cooling systems if 30% of the conventional
systems, with COPs of 2.0 and 3.0, respectively, are replaced by desiccant cooling systems.
Table 85 Estimated desiccant cooling system energy impact (in quads) for commercial sector
with COP of conventional cooling system assumed to be 20
Table 86 Estimated desiccant cooling system energy impact (in quads) for commercial sector
with COP of conventional cooling system assumed to be 3.0
As these tables have shown, the energy savings is only 8% maximum for desiccant systems. There
are some hidden savings, however. There is always a reduction of electricity usage, which means that
the operating cost of desiccant systems will be lower because of the price difference between
electricity and gas. Also, the equipment for conventional systems can be downsized because the
latent load is now handled by the desiccant system. Because there is no direct competition with
conventional HVAC systems, and the technology in this sector is relatively mature, future desiccant
market growth will probably be in the commercial sector first.
Desiccant systems can be excellent energy savers for industrial dehumidification and cooling, however,
if waste heat can be used. In 1980, the waste heat streams from industry are estimated to total about
6.7 quads, of which approximately 5 quads are at temperatures of 500°F or below. This temperature
is ideal for desiccant regeneration. Impressive energy savings would result if desiccant systems were
coupled with this waste heat.
In addition, large energy savings can be accomplished by using desiccant technology to:
e Prevent deterioration of buildings from mold and mildew damage (Energy is expended to
manufacture replacement materials)[6],
e Prevent deterioration of stored farm crops and metal products (Energy is invested to increase
production to offset storage losses, which can exceed 10 to 20% in many cases)[7],
* Reduce energy expended to heat warehouses and storage areas in winter for humidity control
(European manufacturers and storage warehouses frequently reduce temperature in storage
areas to 45°F, using desiccant dehumidifiers to assure humidity control at a small fraction of the
energy cost of heating to 60 or 65°F)[8], and
o Reduce energy expenditure to cool refrigerated warehouses by using a desiccant unit to remove
latent load in the vapor phase more efficiently than it can be removed by periodic defrost cycles
8.5. Conclusion
Besides being environmentally safe and able to reduce the electricity peak load, the energy impact
studies of desiccant systems on residential and commercial markets indicated that energy savings of
up to 13% for the residential sector and up to 8% for the commercial sector are possible. For the
industrial sector, the great energy saving potential is in the coupling of waste heat with desiccant
systems. Some hidden cost savings should be mentioned, such as the reduction of operating cost and
the downsizing of conventional HVAC equipment.
1. J.L. Blue et al. Building Energy Use Data Book, ORNL-5552, 2nd ed. Oak Ridge National
Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tn., December 1979.
2. W. Fulkerson, D.B. Reister, and J.T. Miller, Energy R&D: What Could Make a Difference?
ORNL-6541/V2/P1, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tn., December 1989, p. 30.
Appendix I - Optimizing Solid Desiccant Material Properties
A1.1. Introduction
There is a wide variety of existing solid desiccant materials. Many more are under development. To
determine which of these materials is likely to be useful for a given application, it is helpful to
understand the influence of material properties on the performance of the desiccant system.
Desiccant materials which may be ideal for deep-drying industrial applications may have limited
usefulness for humidity control and cooling apparatus which operates in the human comfort zone.
* Maximize moisture removal given the constraints of the next two goals,
* Use the smallest amount (and lowest cost) of thermal energy to regenerate the desiccant, and
* Use the least-cost method of cooling to remove the sensible heat which results from the
dehumidification process.
This appendix addresses these issues, discussing the effects of different desiccant sorption-desorption
characteristics on system efficiency.
The effect that desiccant material properties have on the overall system performance of desiccant
dehumidification systems can best be seen by examining psychrometrically the processes that occur
within the dehumidifier. For both the dehumidification and the regeneration processes, there are two
fundamental wavefronts that occur. The first and faster wave is primarily a thermal front that is most
affected by the total amount of thermal heat capacity associated with the dehumidifier. The second
and slower wave is the main concentration wavefront with strong associated thermal effects.
0.00 -
10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0 50.0 60.0 7 0.0 80.0 90.0 100.0
Figure Al.1 Outlet air conditions in process and reactivation air streams
leaving a silica gel desiccant dehumidifier
The outlet air conditions associated with these two waves are shown on the psychrometric chart in
Figure Al.1. The locus of points show the time-dependent outlet air conditions for both the
dehumidification and the regeneration processes. A constant elapsed time exists between each point
For the dehumidification process, the first wave is represented by the locus of points between the
regeneration condition and a position of minimum absolute humidity. The outlet air remains at or
near this condition for some time, and then experiences the gradual breakthrough of the main
concentration wave, which creates a locus of points that connects this minimum absolute humidity
point with the inlet air conditions. This point on the psychrometric chart has been called the MZ
point or middle zone condition that exists between the two passing wavefronts.
A condition identical to that of the dehumidification process also exists for the regeneration process.
The first and fastest wavefront creates a locus of points that begins at the dehumidifier inlet
conditions and progresses quickly to a point of maximum outlet humidity. The air remains at this
condition for a period of time and then experiences breakthrough of the main concentration front
with the outlet conditions gradually approaching the inlet regeneration air conditions and progresses
quickly to a point of maximum outlet humidity. The air remains at this condition for a period of time
and then experiences breakthrough of the main concentration front, with the outlet conditions
gradually approaching the inlet regeneration air conditions.
It is important to notice that the system performance is based on the average outlet air conditions
that represent the time or position-averaged effects of both the first and second waves associated with
the heat and mass transfer within the desiccant matrix. As will be shown later, the most
thermodynamically advantageous conditions for optimal cycle operation are the two MZ points
associated with both the dehumidification and regeneration processes.
On the dehumidification side, the position of the average outlet air condition on the psychrometric
chart is critical to determining the ultimate performance of the system. The lower its absolute
humidity, the higher the dehumidification capacity of the system. The higher its temperature, the
higher the preheat temperature of the regeneration air will be. This reduces the amount of external
thermal energy required to regenerate the desiccant and subsequently increases the thermal COP.
The effect of the first wave is to increase both the average outlet humidity and the average outlet
temperature. The effect of the second wave is to increase average outlet humidity and to decrease
the average outlet temperature. In order to achieve the maximum possible performance, it is
therefore necessary to avoid any significant breakthrough of the second wavefront and to increase
the speed of the first wavefront. Then the average outlet air condition will be as close to the MZ
point (the thermodynamic optimum) as possible.
On the regeneration side a similar situation exists, though the ramifications of the average outlet air
conditions for system performance are not so widely appreciated. The average outlet air condition
for the regeneration process hypothetically represents the minimum thermodynamic availability that
is consistent with the Clausius-Clapeyron limits of the cycle. The air condition consistent with this
hypothesis is the MZ point for regeneration, again indicating that avoiding breakthrough of the
concentration wavefront is paramount for attaining maximum efficiency.
The preceding discussion has attempted to show that the primary function of the desiccant material
in an energy-efficient dehumidification process should be to produce the sharpest possible
concentration wavefronts for both the dehumidification and the regeneration processes. Just how
sharp these wavefronts should be will be determined by the maximum allowable thickness of the
desiccant matrix.
Difficulties with weight, manufacturability and pressure drop all limit the maximum possible length
of the desiccant bed. Another important aspect is the geometry used to deploy the desiccant within
the matrix. For example, a packed bed of spherical or nearly spherical desiccant particles would
probably be the cheapest configuration to manufacture. However, because of the limit on the
allowable pressure drop within the system, this configuration can be only two inches or so long. On
the other hand, laminar-flow channel geometries with desiccant-laden walls could be up to two feet
long without suffering from excessive pressure losses and the concomitant loss in energy efficiency
ratio (EER). These designs suffer more from manufacturing limitations than from a pressure-drop
limit. Manufacturing appears to limit bed length to eight or ten inches. These constraints dictate
the degree of wavefront steepness required to meet the desired goal.
The sorption properties of desiccants generally determines which materials are used. These sorption
properties are usually depicted by a graph called an isotherm. Isotherms are generally plots of
fractional loading (weight of water per unit weight desiccant) vs degree of saturation (i.e., relative
humidity). Sorption isotherms have been categorized by Brunauer and his coworkers depending upon
the sorption mechanisms that exist. The sorption mechanisms are defined as types 1 through 5.
These generic Brunauer types are shown in Figures A1.2 through A1.5. Some commercially available
materials are shown in Figure A1.6. Generally speaking, molecular sieves are considered type 1
materials, silica gels are considered type 2 materials, and wool is considered a type 3 material.
Hydratable salts vary between type 2 and type 3.
1.00 1.00
z. z
0.8 0 y/ f0.80
o /Type I (.moderol) / /
0.60 0.60
0.400 0.40
Type (e3freme)
0.00 , l. 0.00
0.00 0.10 0.20 0.0 0.40 0 .0 0.5 0O.. 0.0 O1.0
0 1. 0. .00 0.10 0
0. .0.0 .2 0 0..70 0 0.90 0 1.00
Figure A1.2 Brunauer isotherms of types Figure A13 Brunauer type 2 isotherm
1 and 3 compared to a linear sorption
1.00 1.00
0.80 C.80
I a
o.,o. 0.40 /
0.20 0
o 0
4 0 .,0
0.20 0.20
0.00 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50 0.60 0.70 0.i 0.0.0 1.00 0.00 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50 0.60 0.70 0.80 0.A0 1.00
Figure A1. Brunauer type 4 isotherm Figure A1.5 Brunauer type 5 isotherm
0.80 0.80
z 0.60 0,60
0 0..i,.d Shape
0.20 + Dop.d AC6'wttld Cotban 0.20
0 Smk. c.1
A Activat.d Imn-a. (N-152)
0.00 0.00.
0.00 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50 0.60 0.70 0.80 0.80 1.00 0.0 0.0 0.30 0.40 0.50 0.60 0.70 0.80 0.90 1.00
Figure A1.6 Adsorption isotherms of Figure A1.7 Ideal isotherm for desiccant
typical desiccants
typical d.iccants cooling applications
cooling applications
temperature dependence of the isotherm shape and the adsorption energy are not independent of
one another. That is, any isotherm shape with any adsorption energy can be hypothesized at any
given temperature. However, for any other temperature, the shape of the isotherm will be uniquely
determined by the heat of adsorption at that temperature and loading. The physics that ties these
properties together is defined by the Clausius-Clapeyron relationship, which is a consequence of the
Second Law of Thermodynamics.
The nature of the adsorption process dictates that the heat of adsorption is not constant over the
entire range of desiccant loadings. The very first molecules that attach themselves to the surface of
a desiccant are bonded by the strongest forces available to the system. These molecules will,
therefore, have the highest adsorption energies (strongest bonds) associated with them. As the
available sites for bonding fill, i.e., the desiccant loading increases, the less energetic sites become
occupied. As the desiccant approaches saturation conditions, the binding energies approach simple
condensation. The heats of adsorption will then be highest at zero water loading and lowest (i.e.,
heat of condensation for water) at the maximum water loading. The rate at which this energy
changes with water loading will vary depending upon the material.
The effect that the adsorption energy has on the shape of the isotherm is shown in Figure A1.7. The
reference isotherm shape is at 80° F. The reference material has a maximum heat of adsorption equal
to 1.5 times the heat of vaporization/condensation of water. The other isotherms show the resultant
behavior for the same material only at 175°F. In one case, the adsorption energy quickly decreases
from the maximum to the minimum value. Notice that the effect of the adsorption energy is to
reduce the degree of type 1 behavior of the isotherm as the temperature increases. This is a
universal consequence of the Second Law of Thermodynamics. The isotherm shapes of desiccant
materials with adsorption energies higher than the heat of condensation for water become more like
those of a type 3 material as the temperature increases. On the other hand, as the temperature
decreases, the isotherm shapes become more like those of type 1.
Most of the common desiccant materials have relatively low heats of adsorption that decay rapidly
with loading. Their behavior would be similar to that shown by the curve in Figure A1.7 that is
labeled "fast convergence." Notice that the isotherm shape did not change significantly with tempera-
ture.. This is why the temperature dependence is generally not acknowledged on most isotherms.
The desiccant material properties that most influence the ability to achieve the efficient cyclical
dehumidification of air are:
* Isotherm shape
* Adsorption energy
* Maximum uptake
* Chemical and physical stability.
The desiccant isotherm shape is the single most important factor in determining the wavefront shapes
within the desiccant matrix. One isotherm shape that will result in the steep wavefronts needed
within the 3.8 to 3.10-in. length of the dehumidifier matrix is shown in Figure A1.8. This isotherm
is characterized by the constant separation factor equation:
SC = FC/(R + FC - R*FC),
1.00 -
'0.0 j '
The separation factor used for the isotherm in Figure A1.8 is 0.1. It represents a compromise
between the concentration wavefront behaviors of the dehumidification and the regeneration
Separation factors less than 0.1 steepen wavefronts during the dehumidification process, but broaden
wavefronts during the regeneration process. For separation factors greater than 0.1 the opposite
effect results: wavefronts are broadened during the dehumidification process, but steepened during
the regeneration process.
Regeneration temperature plays an important role in determining the compromise isotherm shape.
High regeneration temperatures steepen the regeneration wavefronts as the value of the separation
factor decreases and broaden the dehumidification wavefronts as the value of the separation factor
increases. On the other hand, low regeneration temperatures broaden the regeneration wavefronts
as the value of the separation factor decreases and steepen the dehumidification wavefronts as the
value of the separation factor increases.
It is important to understand that the so-called "linear" isotherm (R= 1) does not produce symmetrical
wavefronts between dehumidification and regeneration because the process is adiabatic and the
The effect that regeneration temperature has on the performance of the system is very important in
determining the proper isotherm shape for the desiccant. The dehumidification potential of the
system increases with increasing regeneration temperature. There is a "point of diminishing returns,"
however, because the moisture in the air goes to zero asymptotically.
The net result is that we desire the highest possible regeneration temperature that is consistent with
efficient heat transfer to the regeneration air stream and the chemical and physical stability of the
desiccant matrix. The higher this regeneration temperature, the lower the value of the separation
factor that yields optimal system performance.
The second most important property of the desiccant is the adsorption energy. There are two aspects
of adsorption energy that are important:
The effect of high adsorption energies is generally bad from both a system standpoint and a wavefront
standpoint. From a system standpoint, high adsorption energies decrease the outlet humidity for a
given regeneration temperature. From a wavefront standpoint, high adsorption energies decrease the
effective value of the separation factor for low temperatures and increase it for high temperatures.
The result of high absorption energy is that both the dehumidification and the regeneration
wavefronts are broadened. The regeneration wavefront is most affected when the adsorption energy
quickly decreases with loading. The dehumidification wavefront is most affected when the adsorption
energy slowly decreases with loading. Generally speaking, the optimal value of the separation factor
will decrease (become more like that of type 1) as the adsorption energy increases. Even though the
system performance is decreasing, the decrease can be minimized by altering the isotherm shape
slightly. Also, it is best to have the adsorption energy decrease as quickly as possible with loading.
This will allow regeneration wavefronts to be steepened by increasing regeneration temperature.
The type 1 isotherm depicted in Fig. A1.8 is not the only possible isotherm shape that could produce
the sheep wavefronts needed. Many applications of desiccant dehumidification will rarely expose the
desiccant to relative humidities over 60%, and when they do, the exposure may be for a short period
of time, so the loss in system efficiency caused by an inappropriate isotherm shape would not seriously
affect the seasonal performance. A type 2 or type 4 isotherm might then be appropriate as long as
the second derivative of the isotherm is sufficiently negative over the range of relative humidities
most encountered by the system. The word "sufficiently" should be emphasized here. The
dehumidification wavefronts will quickly broaden if the second derivative is not sufficiently negative.
It can be definitely stated that type 3, type 5, and linear isotherms will not satisfy the design
conditions imposed.
This desiccant property has historically been considered one of the most important ones. This
attitude was probably a carry-over from the large, static packed column applications where differences
in the maximum uptake of the desiccant material could save hundreds or even thousands of dollars
in material costs. The amount of desiccant in a rotating system is negligible by comparison.
The differences in wave speed (or breakthrough time) caused by differences in the uptake of the
desiccant are handled by merely changing the rotational speed of the desiccant matrix. There are
absolutely no inherent advantages in the concentration wavefront behavior associated with the slower
wave speeds of desiccants with large maximum uptakes.
There can be a problem, however, with the thermal wavefront associated with the heat capacity of
the system. For a given amount of heat capacity, the speed and magnitude of the first thermal
wavefront will be almost independent of the maximum uptake of the desiccant. However, the speed
and magnitude of the main concentration wave will be strongly affected by the maximum uptake of
the desiccant. The result is that the outlet air conditions associated with the first wave make up a
larger fraction of the total cycle's outlet air conditions as the maximum uptake of the desiccant
This causes the average outlet air conditions of the cycle to be further removed from the MZ
conditions, with the concomitant reduction in system performance. Merely increasing the amount of
desiccant per unit volume of matrix is not a solution, because the amount of heat capacity will also
increase. This increase in heat capacity will slow the first wave, keeping its percentage of the total
cycle time nearly the same.
Computer simulations have shown that the degradation in cooling system performance associated with
the heat capacity of bulk desiccant materials (about 0.2 Btu/lbmPF) and a desiccant maximum uptake
of 0.4 Ibm water/lbm is very small.
However, for the same uptake, increasing the heat capacity to 2 Btu/lbm/F causes a severe
performance loss. Not all of the heat capacity in a desiccant matrix is associated with the desiccant
material itself. Many designs require a support structure to hold the desiccant in place. The heat
capacity of this support structure adds to the heat capacity of the desiccant to result in sometimes
very large overall heat capacities compared with that of the bulk desiccant material alone. It is
possible, therefore, that a dehumidifier matrix made up entirely of self-supporting desiccant material
with a relatively low maximum uptake would yield higher system performance than a desiccant with
a relatively large uptake that required a significant supporting structure for deployment.
It is intuitively obvious that chemical and physical stability are properties that any desiccant should
possess. There are, however, two important aspects to this stability that deserve special attention:
Many desiccants rely on molecular sieve structures that are not stable at high temperatures. The
requirements for desiccant dehumidification cycles dictate that desiccant sorption properties should
be stable at temperatures between 300°F and 400°F. Some desiccants are "fouled" by the presence
of certain molecules that have a greater affinity for the active sites than water vapor does. Others
change chemical composition in the presence of certain compounds that change the desiccants' water
of certain molecules that have a greater affinity for the active sites than water vapor does. Others
change chemical composition in the presence of certain compounds that change the desiccants' water
sorption characteristics. Contaminants and pollutants are in the air used for processing, as are
byproducts from the combustion of natural gas (oxides of carbon, nitrogen, and sulfur; particulates,
etc.). Exposure to these substances must not inhibit or change the water sorption characteristics of
the desiccant material.
It is not apparent whether any of the commercially available desiccant materials were developed for
the specific purpose of providing dehumidification for buildings. In most present-day applications,
the necessity of achieving efficient regeneration as well as achieving deep drying of the air has not
been considered. The requirement for attaining the very sharp adsorption wavefronts associated with
the molecular sieves, along with the more efficient regeneration characteristics of the silica-gels,
makes this application truly unique commercially. It is not surprising, therefore, that none of the
commercially available desiccants match the properties needed.
The simulated isotherms of various commercial and laboratory-developed desiccants are shown in
Figure A1.9. The trend is to see linear or nearly linear (type 2) isotherms or extreme type 1
isotherms. The extreme type 1 isotherms almost always are associated with very high adsorption
energies. This is because the type 1 behavior is often obtained by using ionic dopants. These
dopants form a limited number of very favorable, high-energy adsorption sites. After these sites are
filled, the less energetic parent-material sites are filled, with a concomitant change in the isotherm
0.4 .... ,
. 0.3
_. ---
_ _
o0 0.2 -
Appendix I - Description and Comparison of Desiccant Computer Models
This appendix describes and compares three thermodynamic models of desiccant equipment that are
available outside of manufacturing companies.Each program is described individually, then
comparisons are made between the programs when run with similar operating assumptions.
This model uses a finite difference approach to the solution of the combined heat and mass transfer
equations. Enthalpies are replaced with known temperature dependencies, and the equations are
made nondimensional in axial position and rotational time. The resultant second order equations are
similar in form to the set of equations used to solve rotary heat exchanger problems. There are
several novel techniques employed to develop a computer code that strives for numerical stability
while achieving rapid convergence. This computer code has gained acceptance, in large part, because
the University of Wisconsin has adopted it for much of their work in the desiccant cooling area.
A2.1.2 Enerscope
This model is based philosophically on the computer code DESSIM developed at the SERI by Barlow
[A2.1]. The code divides the desiccant matrix into a number of sections that each operate in series
with a fixed quantity of air. The key to the program is the use of heat and mass exchanger equations
(based on log mean temperature difference analogies) that predict the quantity of heat and mass
transfer between the fixed quantity of air and the particular bed section being analyzed. It relies on
characterizing the heat transfer process with a Nusselt number, the mass transfer process with a
Sherwood number, and a relationship existing between the two processes with a Lewis number.
There are several important differences between the computer model developed by Enerscope and
the original DESSIM model from SERI. The most significant of these differences include:
* The Enerscope model uses parallel-flow rather than counter-flow equations for the heat and
mass exchanger analogies.
* The Enerscope model uses vapor pressure driving potentials in the mass exchanger rather than
concentration potentials.
* The Enerscope model adds an iterative loop on the mass transfer process that converges to
resultant vapor pressures that are consistent with the mass exchanger affectivities. This change
allows the model to account for the temperature dependence of the mass transfer.
The resultant model is much more numerically stable and representative of physical reality than is the
DESSIM model.
A second model was developed that combined the previously described model with the MOSHMX
finite-difference model described earlier. The original DESSIM program was written to be able to
analyze new concepts, both physically and thermodynamically. For this reason, it was developed with
an extremely user-friendly interface. Changes to the model were straightforward because of the
"building-block" nature of the program.
The MOSHMX program, on the other hand, is not nearly as straightforward to use. The major
drawback of using the MOSHMX program is that one must examine a very detailed Ph.D. thesis to
understand and use it. In addition, the code is structured to simulate only those geometries and
desiccants investigated by its author. To model other geometries and desiccants, modifications would
be required. The second Enerscope model combines the "building block" nature of the original
program with the finite-difference algorithms from MOSHMX that model the heat and mass transfer
within nodes.
Both programs assume that the resistance to mass transfer can be approximated by the heat transfer
resistance times the nondimensional Lewis number. This technique, in essence, lumps the film
resistance and the internal mass transfer resistance into a single parameter that is controlled by the
equilibrium concentrations of water between the air stream and the desiccant. This procedure has
been criticized, especially when the internal resistance is large. Previous work at SERI [A2.2], UCLA
[A2.3], and Exxon [A2.4] has resulted in the following conclusions:
* For packed-bed geometries in which the internal resistance can be large, using different Lewis
numbers between regeneration and dehumidification yields good agreement with experiments.
* For desiccant systems that use silica gel, particle sizes less than 0.25 mm in diameter can be
adequately modeled with a Lewis number of approximately 1.
The University of Illinois at Chicago has two desiccant system simulation programs: VENT1 and UIC
The VENT1 desiccant system simulation program was developed in 1986/1987. In VENT1, an explicit
finite-difference method was used to solve the governing equations. Because of the nature of explicit
numerical method, very fine step sizes in both time and space had to be used to make the program
converge and to be stable. For this reason, the VENT1 program is slow and was abandoned in 1988.
To replace VENT1, a new desiccant simulation program was developed at UIC, UIC Implicit, which
overcomes many of VENT1's shortcomings. The UIC Implicit program was made operational in 1988
and has been used since 1988 by researchers at UIC to simulate the performance of desiccant systems
In UIC Implicit, advanced numerical techniques have been used to make the program faster and
more accurate. Some of techniques are:
* Use of an implicit finite-difference method with second order accuracy to solve the governing
By the nature of the implicit numerical method, UIC implicit is numerically stable. This enables more
rapid calculation using larger step sizes. A run on a PC, which takes VENT1 383 seconds and
requires only 6 seconds with UIC Implicit, as is shown in Table A2.1
The accuracy of UIC Implicit has been validated using two methods:
1. Compared to VENT1 and Enerscope, the results of all three programs agree well as seen in
Table A2.1 and Figures A2.1 and A2.2;
2. Compared to the experimental results, the results of UIC Implicit simulation showed good
agreement with single blow experiment as seen in Figure A2.3.
For last three years, UIC Implicit has been being intensively used for GRI sponsored projects in the
area of desiccant materials development and the design of advanced solid desiccant cooling systems.
The equations that govern the dynamics of sorption in a channel with adsorbent walls are derived
with the following assumptions.
* The axial heat conduction and mass diffusion in the channel are small compared with the
convective heat and mass transfer, thus are neglected.
* The axial conduction and diffusion within the solid are neglected.
* The heat and mass transfer in the channel are approximated by constant transfer coefficients
that can be calculated from Nusselt and Sherwood number correlations.
* Equilibrium exists at every point of the solid-fluid interface, because the kinetics of surface
adsorption are fast and may be neglected.
During the adsorption process, moisture is transferred from the process air stream to the external
surface of the desiccant. The moisture then diffuses through the pores of the desiccant and is
simultaneously adsorbed on the pore surfaces. The diffusion of water molecules in the desiccant is
expressed by considering both gas-phase diffusion and surface diffusion. The gas-phase diffusion and
surface diffusion are parallel processes.
The heat and mass transfer processes within the desiccant material are governed by coupled nonlinear
differential equations that must be solved subject to the appropriate initial and boundary conditions,
together with the equilibrium relation of the desiccant and the heat of sorption. These equations are
solved numerically using a finite-difference method in which central differences are used for space
derivatives. The formulation is implicit, and an iterative scheme is used for the nonlinear terms to
obtain more accurate results. The control volume approach is used at the boundary conditions for
both heat and mass balances. The system of finite-difference equations is solved simultaneously using
the Gauss elimination method.
The solutions to the governing equations for the process air stream, which are of first order and are
related to the diffusion equations within the desiccant, are obtained by using the forward
finite-difference scheme. The numerical solutions are checked by integral heat and mass balances
that are obtained by Simpson's integration method.
This computer code, called FEMALP, is a finite-element approach to the problem of heat and mass
transfer in solids. It is the most general of all the computer codes now actively used. It is capable
of dealing with the following problems:
* one-, two-, or three-dimensional capabilities,
* steady-state and/or transient modes,
* thermal radiation capabilities,
* variable material properties, and
* variable boundary conditions.
At present, the FEMALP routines have been integrated into the building energy analysis program,
FSEC 1.1. They are used to predict moisture transport within the building structure. FSEC
1.1 is supported by GRI. At this time, the FEMALP algorithms have not been adopted for the
solution of specific desiccant problems.
Figure A2.1 compares the single-blow outlet humidity curves of a Type 1M desiccant for the
Enerscope and the MOSHMX models. Both algorithms show excellent agreement as far as minimum
>- 0.012
W 0.008 /
outlet humidity and wavefront timing are concerned. The area of disagreement is the exact shape
of the breakthrough curve. Notice the increased steepening of the wavefront with the Enerscope
model as the number of bed sections increases. With the MOSHMX model, the same breakthrough
curve is predicted regardless of the number of bed sections chosen. This demonstrates quite
graphically the reasons for employing a finite-difference approach.
Figure A2.2 shows the same comparisons as Figure A2.1 except that the desiccant material has a
linear isotherm. Exactly the same conclusions can be drawn from Figure A2.1. In this case, however,
the differences are not as noticeable as with the type 1M desiccant. Notice the seemingly unstable
behavior of the outlet humidity during breakthrough of the initial wavefront. Although this unstable
behavior is not discernable from the graphic illustration, it is a predicted output of the MOSHMX
model. This phenomenon is examined further in Figure A2.3. The time-frame of the results from
Figure A2.2 has been expanded in order to see the results more closely. What is seen is the classic
example of overshoot exhibited by under-damped dynamic systems. As is shown, this condition is
remedied by decreasing the time-step used for the simulation. Figure A2.4 shows the same
conditions, only modeled with the Enerscope program. Notice how much more stable the initial
behavior of the system is when the analogy algorithms are used rather than finite difference.
0.016 -
>- 0.012
Uj 0.008
0.000 .
0.00 0.50 .00 1.50 2.00 2.50 3.00
TIME (min)
This increase in stability is the reason that analogy-based algorithms continue to be used even though
the finite-difference approaches are much more "elegant" and efficient. If they are properly written,
the analogy-based algorithms seem to have much more numerical stability than do the finite
difference approaches. This can be extremely useful when modeling different desiccant material
properties and mechanical configurations.
w 0.008
0.000 - l.I..l
000.0 050 1.00 1.50 2.00 2.50 3.00 3.50
TIME (min)
>- 0~~~.012 - 0 2.00 SECOND TIME STEP
>- 0.012
I -
w 0.008
A22. Comparison of Computer Models
The performance of a typical open-cycle desiccant cooling system was compared using the UIC
computer program, VENT1, and both versions of the Enerscope model. All the models used the
same set of basic assumptions:
* All heat and mass transfer is one-dimensional in the direction perpendicular to air flow.
* Mass transfer resistance in the fluid film is directly proportional to the film-side heat transfer
resistance. This proportionality constant is the Lewis Number.
* Heat transfer resistance within all solid materials is negligible (Biot number is small).
* Mass transfer resistance within the desiccant material is lumped with the film-side mass transfer
resistance by manipulation of the Lewis Number.
Both MOSHMX and VENT1 are based on the differential conservation equations for energy and
mass. Both use finite-difference approaches to solve these equations. The Enerscope model uses
heat and mass exchange analogies to solve the energy and mass conservation problems.
The VENT1 program reviewed did not include the isotherm dependence on adsorption energy as
required by the thermodynamics. It also required that a constant adsorption energy be input for all
desiccant loadings. Initial comparisons are shown in Figures A2.5 and A2.6. An adsorption energy
0.0140 -
C 0.0120
< 0.0100
= 0.0060
:C 0.0040
0.0000 I 1 11 1 l i1 1 l i T- i
0.00 1.00 2.00 3.00 '1.00 5.00 6.00 7.00 8.00 9.00
Figure A25 Comparison of adsorption process outlet humidities
of 2700 kJ/kg was chosen as the initial value in the VENT1 program. Figure A2.5 shows the
desiccant outlet humidity as a function of time for the adsorption process. Figure A2.6 shows the
same parameters for the regeneration process. Two problems become apparent when examining these
two figures. One is the lack of agreement between the two programs, and the other is the instability
of the VENT1 routine that occurs only during regeneration. Figures A2.7 and A2.8 show the same
comparisons, only the adsorption energy is changed to 2300 kJ/kg. Notice that the agreement
between MOSHMX and VENT1 is now quite good for both the adsorption and the regeneration
processes. In addition, the instability exhibited by the VENT1 program in Figure A2.6 is missing in
Figure A2.8. No changes were made in the various step sizes used to configure the program. Only
the adsorption energy was changed.
5- 0.0250
0.0200 X %'
0.0050 .mT-r..Tr,,,
.-,-r'" -T-T -rrrr,,
. .
rm, -r.rTrr-T-I
0.00 1 00 2.00 3 .00 4..0 0.00 6 0 700 3.00 9.00
Figure A2.6 Comparison of reactivation outlet humidities
Further examination of Figures A2.1 through A2.8 shows that a slight amount of "overshoot" occurs
with the MOSHMX program, that is, the humidity ratio changes rapidly during the initial stages of
the cycle. Rather than smoothly progressing to the characteristic wave shape, it "overshoots" this
wave and then returns much like an underdamped second-order mechanical system. The VENT1
results in Figure 5.12 also show this behavior.
Figures A2.9 and A2.10 show the effect of incorporating two time steps into the solution matrix. The
first minute of the cycle incorporates a smaller time step than do the remaining seven minutes.
Notice that the "overshoot" conditions exhibited in the previous figures are now missing. The reason
for incorporating two time steps is to insure numerical stability during the initial phase of the cycle
while reducing the total computer time required. The smaller time steps are used where the solution
is most unstable, and the larger time steps are used where the solution is most stable.
< 0.0100
_ I
2 0.0060
0.OO0000- -n
0.0000 , w-r i ,.. ...... ',' ........
fr-l-TmTrT ....I .I... ,--rr-rThrr-rTn1
. . r.0. .......
, I .. .........1
0.00 1.00 2.00 3.00 4 .005.00 . 7.00 8.00 9.00
Figure A2.7 Comparison of adsorption outlet humidities
0.0300- .
0 0.0250
0.0050 I I IIIII.........
I.... .,, r,-, ,TI'rrTTTTTrr ........ . . II
, . ..... ,-rr
0.00 1.00 2.00 3.00 14.00 5.00 6.00 7.00 8.00 9.00
Figure A2.8 Comparison of reactivation outlet humidities
0 0.000oo
EE 0.0080
" 0.0060
I 0.0040
I- 0.0250
- 0.0200
D 0.0150
0.0050 0 , -......,,,,,,.r
.. r.T , I.. I,
" , 1 ..........
I..... ....I.".
0.00 1.00 2.00 5.00 .00 5.00 6.00 7.00 8.00 9.00
Figure A2.10 MOSHMX adsorption reactivation outlet humidities
(constant time step vs. two time step)
The amount of computer time used by competing models is an important criterion of evaluation.
Unfortunately, the measurement of computer time, or run-time, for each model is not easy to
determine. This is because the run-time for each code depends upon the size of the time and
desiccant-bed steps chosen for the simulation. The limiting factors in reducing run-time by reducing
the number of time and desiccant bed steps (making each individual step larger) are the accuracy and
the numerical stability of the solution. Another factor affecting the run-time comparisons between
models is the so-called convergence criterion that is, defining the error that will be tolerated before
considering the problem solved.
Comparisons of the predicted performance of a candidate desiccant cooling machine are shown in
Table A2.1. Listed are the cooling capacity, COP, and run-time associated with each model. The
VENT1 program could not incorporate two time steps.
Notice that for a single time step, the agreement among programs for cooling capacity and thermal
COP is fairly good. Comparing these results with those shown in Figures A2.5 through A2.10
indicates that agreement on the minimum absolute humidity achieved by the cycle is more important
than agreement on the shape of the breakthrough curve. This is because when a type 1M isotherm
is modeled, the cycle outlet conditions are dominated by the "middle zone" region between
wavefronts. For a more linear isotherm, such as silica gel, in which the outlet humidity is influenced
more by the shape of the breakthrough curve, the comparisons may be different.
Another difference between VENT1 and the others is the way in which cooling capacity is calculated.
VENT1 calculates cooling capacity based on the difference between the enthalpy leaving the sensible
heat exchanger and the room air enthalpy. The other models use the enthalpy leaving a second
humidifier and the room air enthalpy. The difference is that adiabatic humidification is a constant
wet-bulb temperature process rather than a constant enthalpy process. The magnitude of this
discrepancy was not quantified.
The computer run-times of the two Enerscope models are about the same and yield similar results
of system performance. As mentioned earlier, VENT1 takes considerably longer due to the more
stringent convergence criterion. A new implicit UIC model (see Table A.21), however, has cut the
computer time substantially. A very interesting point to notice is the speed of the MOSHMX code
when very large steps are taken. A total run time of 6 sec is remarkable for a full finite difference
formulation of a desiccant bed simulation. Experience in the past, however, has been that relying on
these models to remain stable as conditions change can be a risky proposition. The baseline step
sizes chosen were developed from experience working with the MOSHMX algorithms.
Table A2.2 Comparison of Dehumidifier Performance Predictions - UIC and IIT Models
Exit temperature, °C 54.98 55.71
Exit humidity ratio, 0.01766 0.01765
Inlet adsorption air temperature = 35°C
Inlet adsorption air humidity ratio = 0.0142
Inlet desorption air temperature = 65°C
Inlet desorption air humidity ratio = 0
The IIT combined-resistances model is compared with the film resistance model used by UIC. The
results of this comparison are shown in Table A2.2. The IIT model was also compared with the
MOSHMX model of Maclaine-cross and the nonlinear analogy model of Maclaine-cross and Banks
in Table A2.3. As can be seen, the results are in good agreement. The MOSHMX model predictions
for a complete desiccant cooling system are listed in Table A2.4 and are again compared to the IIT
system model. These results also appear to be in good agreement. Because solid-side resistances are
considered in the IIT model, and because both heat transfer and mass transfer Biot numbers cannot
be set to zero, very small values of heat transfer Biot number and mass transfer Biot number were
used in the comparison to represent the film resistance model
Table A23 Comparison of Dehumidifier Performance Predictions -
UIC, MOSHMX, and Nonlinear Analogy Models
Inlet adsorption air temperature = 35°C
Inlet adsorption air humidity ratio = 0.0142
Inlet desorption air temperature = 85°C
Inlet desorption air humidity ratio = 0.0142
Exit temperature, °C 61.0 62.2
Exit humidity ratio, 0.0050 0.0049
Exit temperature, °C 52.1 49.8
Exit humidity ratio, 0.0230 0.0230
References for Appendix I
1. R.S. Barlow, Analysis of the Adsorption Process and of Desiccant Cooling Systems - A
Pseudo-Steady-State Model for Coupled Heat and Mass Transfer, SERI/TR631-1330, Solar Energy
Research Institute, Golden, Colo. 1982.
2. C. Kutscher and R.S. Barlow, Dynamic Performance of a Packed Bed Dehumidifier: Experimental
Results from the SERI Desiccant Test Loop, SERI/TR-253-1429, Solar Energy Research Inst. 1982.
3. S. Kim, P. Biswas, and A. F. Mills, "A compact, low pressure drop desiccant bed for solar air
conditioning applications: bench scale tests," ASME J. of Solar Energy Engineering, 107, 120-127,
80. A. A. Frank, Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Room 111, Everson
Hall, University of California at Davis, Davis, CA 95618
81. P. Gandhidasan, Professor, Mechanical Engineering Department, King Fahd
University of Petroleum and Minerals, Dhahran 31216, SAUDIA ARABIA
82. R. V. Gemmer, Senior Project Manager, Combustion, Gas Research Institute, 8600
West Bryn Mawr Avenue, Chicago, IL 60631
83. L. G. Harriman, Mason-Grant Company, P. 0. Box 6547, Portsmouth, NH 03802-
84. R. J. Hassett, Program Manager, Building Equipment Division, Office of Building
Equipment Research, Department of Energy, CE-422, 5H-048/FORSTAL, 1000
Independence Avenue, SW, Washington, DC 20585
85. A. Hirsch, Vice President, Environmental Sciences and Director, Washington
Operations, Midwest Research Institute, 5109 Leesburg Pike, Suite 414, Falls Church,
VA 22041
86. H. M. Ingram, Director, Udall Center for Studies in Public Policy, The University of
Arizona, 803/811 East First Street, Tucson, AZ 85719
87-98. E. R. Kweller, Program Manager, Building Equipment Division, Office of Building
Equipment Research, Department of Energy, CE-422, SH-048/FORSTAL, 1000
Independence Avenue, SW, Washington, DC 20585
99. C. S. Laurent, Munter Cargocaire, 79 Monroe Street, P. 0. Box 640, Amesbury, MA
100-104. Z. Lavan, Professor Emeritus, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Illinois
Institute of Technology, 3110 South State Street, Chicago, IL 60616
105. A. Lowenstein, President, AIL Research, Inc., 18 Cameron Court, Princeton, NJ
106. C. D. MacCracken, President, Calmac Manufacturing Corporation, 101 West Sheffield
Avenue, P. 0. Box 710, Englewood, NJ 07631
107. J. Marsala, Senior Project Manager, Desiccant and Absorption Technologies, Gas
Research Institute, 8600 West Bryn Mawr Avenue, Chicago, IL 60631
108-117. G. Meckler, Gershon Meckler Associates, P.C., 590 Herndon Parkway, Suite 100,
Herndon, VA 22070
118. J. W. Mitchell, Professor, Solar Energy Laboratory, The University of Wisconsin at
Madison, Madison, WI 53706
119. J. P. Murphy, Director of Education and Training, Oasis Energy Systems, 4425 North
High Street, Columbus, OH 43214
120. G. H. Myers, Director, Gas Research Institute, 8600 West Bryn Mawr Avenue,
Chicago, IL 60631
121. N. L. Nagda, GEOMET Technologies, Inc., 20251 Century Boulevard, Germantown,
MD 20874-1192
122. D. Novosel, Project Manager, Gas Cooling, Gas Research Institute, 8600 West Bryn
Mawr Avenue, Chicago, IL 60631
123-132. Office of Scientific and Technical Information, P.O. Box 62, Oak Ridge, TN 37831
133. R. A O'Neal, Niagara Mohawk Power Co., 300 Erie Boulevard West, Syracuse, NY
134. J. L. Peterson, Professor, Center for Energy Studies, The University of Texas at
Austin, Balcones Research Center, 10100 Burnet Road, Austin, TX 78758
135. C. A. Redman, Battelle Pacific Northwest Laboratory, Battelle Blvd., Richland, WA
136. J. D. Ryan, Director, Building Equipment Division, Office of Building Energy
Research and Conservation Renewable Energy, Department of Energy, CE-422,
5H-048/FORSTAL, 1000 Independence Avenue SW, Washington, DC 20585
137. Y. Saito, Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Osaka Institute of
Technology, 5-16-1, Omiya, Asahi-ku, Osaka 535, JAPAN
138. J. B. Shrago, Director, Office of Technology Transfer, 405 Kirkland Hall, Vanderbilt
University, Nashville, TN 37240
139. S. V. Shelton, Associate Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Georgia
Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA 30332-0405
140. H. Singh, Professor, Architectural Engineering, School of Engineering, North Carolina
A & T University, Greensboro, NC 27411
141. T. Statt, Program Manager, Building Equipment Division, Office of Building
Equipment Research, Department of Energy, CE-422, 5H-048/FORSTAL, 1000
Independence Avenue, SW, Washington, DC 20585
142. R. Sullivan, Program Manager, Advanced Propulsion Division, Department of Energy,
CE-322, 5G-046/FORSTAL, 1000 Independence Avenue, SW, Washington, DC
143. D. L. Tchernev, The Zeopower Company, 75 Middlesex Avenue, Natick, MA 01760
144. A. K. Trehan, GEOMET Technologies, Inc., 20251 Century Boulevard, Germantown,
MD 20874-1192
145. R. H. Turner, Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of
Nevada at Reno, Reno, NV 89557-0030
146. W. J. Wepfer, Associate Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Georgia
Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA 30332-0405
147. W. H. Wilkinson, Senior Research Scientist, Battelle Columbus Division, Battelle
Corporation, Columbus, OH 43201
148. M. Williams, Professor, Department of Economics, Northern Illinois University,
DeKalb, IL 60115