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Installation and Start-Up Instructions

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EVERVU™ Touch Screen Display for


with PIC II or PIC III Controls

Installation and Start-Up Instructions

Part No: 33CNTVIEW

CONTENTS included for all chillers. The display may also be retrofitted to
competitor’s chillers when the 32 Series retrofit panels are
SAFETY CONSIDERATIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 applied.
INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
PACKAGE CONTENTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Terms and abbreviations used in this manual include:
CHILLER SOFTWARE VERSION CCN (Carrier — Carrier’s proprietary communications
REQUIREMENTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1,2 Comfort Network) protocol
INSTALLATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-4 CCN bus — 3-wire RS-485 network for CCN elements
Equipment Needed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 CCN element — Unique addressing scheme for devices
Step 1 — Identify Power Supply . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 on a CCN network
Step 2 — Assemble Swing Arm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Network Manager — ComfortVIEW software system for
Step 3 — Attach Arm to Tube Sheet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 managing network devices
Step 4 — Mount Display Screen on Arm Workspace — ComfortVIEW software for managing
Mounting Bracket . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Manager viewspaces and trends within
workspaces for graphical representation
Step 5 — Connect Cable Between Display and of a system
ICVC (International Chiller Visual Control) . . . . . . 4
START-UP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-10 PACKAGE CONTENTS
Start Touch Screen System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Start Carrier Network Manager . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 • Touch screen display screen with quick connect mount
Configure ComfortVIEW™ Software on Touch • Swing arm for mounting (assembly required; see Swing
Screen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Arm Assembly Instructions)
• RS-232 to RS-485 converter from B&B Electronics
SAFETY CONSIDERATIONS • ComfortVIEW software key (USB) (already installed in
back side of display screen)
When installing this accessory, observe precautions in the • Several bags containing bolts and Allen style wrenches
literature and on any labels attached to the equipment, and all • Touch computer power supply
other safety precautions that may apply. • 6-ft or 25-ft Beldon power cable (25-ft cable will be
• Follow all safety codes. available for order)
• Use care in handling and installing this accessory. • 25-ft coiled communication cable with RJ-14 connectors
• Swing Arm Assembly Instructions
Electrical shock can cause personal injury and death. Shut MENTS
off all power to this equipment during installation. There The chiller software in the International Chiller Visual Con-
may be more than one disconnect switch. Tag all discon- trol (ICVC) controller must match a version of chiller software
nect locations to alert others not to restore power until work for which the EverVu workspace screens have been developed.
is completed. The EverVu display is supplied with databases to support the
chiller software versions listed in Table 1.
INTRODUCTION Table 1 — Chiller Software Version Requirements
Carrier's new EverVu™ touch screen display allows a facil-
ity manager to monitor a chiller from a 15-in. color touch UNIT
screen display. The EverVu display screens allow easy naviga- VERSION
tion to determine data and chiller trends such as a chiller per- 19XR 19XR Version 09 Chiller CESR-131294-09
formance trend, chilled water trend, condenser water trend and 19XRV 19XRV Version 04 Chiller CESR-131350-04
power trend. The EverVu touch screen display is available for 23XRV 23XRV Version 02 Chiller CESR-131293-02
Evergreen 19XR, 19XRV and 23XRV chillers and 32 Series
19DK Version 01 Chiller
chiller retrofit packages. The display is provided with Comfort- 32DK
(Build 0.016)
VIEW™ software preloaded. 32XR 32XR Version 01 Chiller CESR-131435-01
Retrofit Compatibility — The EverVu™ display can
be retrofitted to any existing Carrier Comfort Network® (CCN)
compatible chiller, though default screen sets may not be

Manufacturer reserves the right to discontinue, or change at any time, specifications or designs without notice and without incurring obligations.
Catalog No. 04-53190018-01 Printed in U.S.A. Form 19/23-2SI Pg 1 6-11 Replaces: 19/23-1SI
If the chiller software is an earlier version than is supported the fork terminals to the input of the oil heater circuit
by the EverVu display, the chiller software will need to be up- breaker as follows:
graded to match the version of EverVu database that will be a. 1C-22 to RED fork terminal (WHITE wire)
cloned during the installation of the display. b. 1C-23 to BLUE fork terminal (BLACK wire).
If the chiller software is a later version than is supported by 12. For safety reasons, do not remove LOCK OUT and TAG
the EverVu display, a new EverVu database will need to be
OUT until completing Step 5 — Connect Cable Between
downloaded and imported into the EverVu display. Contact a Display and ICVC (International Chiller Visual Control).
Carrier Service office for assistance in importing the databases.
Step 2 — Assemble Swing Arm — Refer to sepa-
INSTALLATION rate Swing Arm Assembly Instructions provided in package.
Equipment Needed Step 3 — Attach Arm to Tube Sheet
• 3/ in. hex screwdriver
16 1. Identify the tube sheet on the evaporator (19XR,XRV) or
• 1/ -20-1 in. hex bolts
4 condenser (23XRV) where the display is to be mounted.
• Voltmeter Insert the bolt into the center hole of the tube sheet
mounting bracket.
Step 1 — Identify Power Supply NOTE: Do not remove the white plastic piece inside
POWER REQUIREMENTS — The EverVu™ panel is pro- the mounting bracket. This serves to insulate the metal
vided with a 25-ft Beldon power cable and plug for connection between the tube sheet and mounting bracket.
to a 120-v receptacle. If 120-v receptacle is available, proceed 2. Attach the 1/4 -20-1 in. hex bolts halfway through in the
to Step 2. If 120-v receptacle is not available, power may be base of the mounting bracket. Do not tighten com-
obtained directly from the chiller power panel by following the pletely.
instruction below.
3. Align the arm mounting bracket to the tube sheet and
Connecting Power Cable to Chiller Power Panel — The tighten hex bolts using a 3/16 hex screwdriver. See Fig. 1.
following instructions are for connecting the power cable of the
display panel directly to the 110-v supply at the chiller power
panel. If the power cable of the display can be connected to a BOLTS
120-v receptacle, this step is not necessary; proceed to Step 2.

Electrical shock can cause personal injury and death. Shut
off all power to this equipment during installation. There
may be more than one disconnect switch. Tag all discon-
nect locations to alert others not to restore power until work
is completed.
1. Identify the oil heater contactor (1C) in the chiller power
2. Using a voltmeter, check the voltage across Terminals a19-1891
22 and 23. The voltage should be 110 v 10%. If the ARM BASE

voltage is not within this range, STOP immediately Fig. 1 — Attach Arm to Tube Sheet
and consult an appropriate electrical specialist.
3. Using a voltmeter, verify that Terminal 23 in oil heater Step 4 — Mount Display Screen on Arm
contractor is neutral. If not, STOP immediately and Mounting Bracket — Locate the EverVu display panel.
consult an appropriate electrical specialist. Do not remove the plastic covering until you are ready to start
4. After verifying voltages in Steps 2 and 3, turn off up the touch screen. The display screen is shipped with the
chiller power and verify that the oil heater contractor is quick connect mount attached to the back of the screen. See
deenergized and no voltage is present at the input Fig. 2.
Terminals 22 and 23. DISPLAY MOUNT

5. LOCK OUT and TAG OUT power supply to the chill-

er power panel.
6. Remove the plug of the display panel power cord with a
wire cutter.
7. Strip approximately 6 in. of insulation off power cable
8. Using two fork connectors (red and blue), crimp accord-
ing to the following color code:
a. WHITE wire to RED connector
b. BLACK wire to BLUE connector.
9. Strip the insulation off the green grounding wire.
10. Remove the electrical knockout from the panel and
add a strain relief connection, if necessary. a19-1890
11. Pulls the wires through strain relief and connect the
green grounding wire to the grounding lug. Connect Fig. 2 — Display Panel with Mount Attached

1. Slide the screen display onto the mounting bracket.
(location shown in Fig. 3).


MAX 3.5"
Fig. 3 — Display Screen Mounting Location VERTICAL
2. Two hooks secure the display screen to the mounting
bracket. Hold the display screen until verifying that the
display screen is supported by the hooks on the mounting
bracket before releasing. See Fig. 4. 7.1"

IMPORTANT: To prevent damage to display screen,

do not mount the display on the arm until arm is com-
pletely attached to the tube sheet. a19-1894

MOUNTING Fig. 5 — Display Arm Dimensions




Fig. 4 — Bolt Display Screen to Arm

3. The display height is adjustable within a 15.9 in. range.

Arm dimensions are shown in Fig. 5. a19-
4. Using a hex screwdriver, secure the arm from pulling out 1891
of the mount by tightening the hex screw on the side of
the mount. The display screen can now be positioned to
desired height. To adjust tension on the up and down Fig. 6 — Adjust Arm Tension
movement of the arm, tighten the hex screw on the top of
the arm mount (Fig. 6).

Step 5 — Connect Cable Between Display and with drain (ground) wire. The cable selected must be identical
ICVC (International Chiller Visual Control) to the communication bus wire used for the entire network. See
Table 2 for recommended cable.
1. Remove the knockout from the control panel box.
2. Pass the 25-ft coiled RS-485 cable, through the knock- Table 2 — Recommended Cables
out. Approximately 16 to 20 in. of cable should be insert-
ed into the control box.
Alpha 2413 or 5463
3. Connect one end of the RS-485 cable to the J8/SERVICE American A22503
port of the ICVC.
Beiden 8772
4. Connect the other end of the cable to the RJ14 connector Columbia 02525
in the B&B Electronics converter provided with the dis-
play. The converter should then be attached to the 9-pin NOTE: Conductors and drain wire must be at least 20 AWG (Ameri-
can Wire Gage), stranded, and tinned copper. Individual conductors
serial port on the display. If chiller is connected to a CCN must be insulated with PVC, PVC/nylon, vinyl, Teflon*, or polyethyl-
network, see note below. ene. An aluminum/polyester 100% foil shield and an outer jacket of
5. The ComfortVIEW™ software key is already installed in PVC, PVC/nylon, chrome vinyl or Teflon with aluminum operating
temperature range of –20 C to 60 C is required.
the back side of the display. The software key will allow
preloaded software to run automatically when the display
screen is booted up. START-UP
6. After connecting both cable ends, connect the power cord Start Touch Screen System — Once the ICVC and
to the power brick and connect to the EverVu™ panel. display screen are powered up, the Touch Screen display will
Pull the cord through the side of the back cover and attach boot up to a default graphical chiller for a Version 04XRV. The
to the display. CCN database for this display is defaulted to database only, so
7. If touch screen power cord was connected directly to the there will be no communications.
chiller power panel rather than an AC outlet, remove An expandable keyboard (Fig. 7) is viewable after boot up.
LOCK OUT and TAG OUT. The keyboard is used for inputting data into any menu screen
8. Turn on power to the display screen (lower right side) and or prompt that is the active.
to the ICVC. The keyboard can be minimized to an icon again by press-
Before going to the job site to perform the installation, you ing the large rectangular icon on the left side of the expandable
will need to know the chiller ICVC version. Some older ver- keyboard.
sions need to be updated to work with the touch panel. Contact
a Carrier Service office for assistance in downloading a new
version, if required.
The keyboard can be viewed at any time by pressing the
NOTE: Besides being connected to the display, the chiller keyboard icon at the top right side of any active screen or
may be on a CCN network in the building. If this is the case, prompt.
make sure the correct wiring is utilized and coordinate with
the Carrier controls technician on the site. The refresh rate
of the touch screen display may need to be extended,
depending on the other devices on the network. The expandable keyboard can be moved to different posi-
COMMUNICATION BUS WIRE SPECIFICATIONS — tions on the screen be touching any of the blue areas between
The communication bus wiring is field-supplied and field- the keys and moving it to desired position on screen.
installed. Bus wiring consists of shielded three-conductor cable

Fig. 7 — Expandable Keyboard

*Registered trademark of DuPont.

Start Carrier Network Manager More CCN databases are planned for release to support older
1. Minimize the expandable keyboard. software versions and future software releases.
2. Select (tap) the Windows Start icon in the lower left cor- If at any time, Carrier Network Manager issues the operator
ner of the screen. message, “Your Access Level will not allow you to perform
this function” or if there is a problem during the configuration
3. Select “All Programs.” procedure, it may be necessary to log out of ComfortVIEW
4. Select “ComfortVIEW.” and log in again.
5. Select “Carrier Network Manager” (Fig. 8). To login, use the local administrative account and password.
The username is “sa” and the password is “carrier”, both in
lowercase (Fig. 10). The username and password are entered
using the expandable keyboard. The keyboard can be displayed
by tapping the small keypad icon.

Fig. 8 — Start Carrier Network Manager Fig. 10 — Login Prompt a19-1901

Configure ComfortVIEW™ Software on Touch It will be necessary to upload your specific chiller into the
Screen — For ease of use, a default CCN database called Local Chiller CCN database to be able to communicate with
“Local Chillers” was created and set up for communications your chiller.
through COM 1 port of the display. An example of the display 1. Double tap on “Local Chillers.”
showing the default CCN databases and the Local Chiller data-
base is shown in Fig. 9. 2. Double tap on “”Local Chillers - My chiller.”
3. Carrier Network Manager is started with “Local Chillers -
My chiller” is displayed, as shown in Fig. 11.


Fig. 11 — “Local Chillers - My chiller” Screen

Fig. 9 — Default and Local Chillers Database 4. Select the “+” icon at the top of the “Local Chillers - My
chiller” screen.
The other CCN databases listed in Fig. 9 are provided as 5. “CCN Element Definition” screen is displayed. Enter
templates of chiller versions. Each CCN database contains one “Element name” (for this example we are using “My
chiller database in Network Manager and associated workspac- 19XR”) and “Element description” using onscreen key-
es in Workspace Manager. These files are provided to allow the board, then press “OK” (Fig. 12). Enter “Bus” and “Ele-
cloning of these workspaces for your specific chiller. ment” numbers.
NOTE: Default numbers are 0 for Bus and 1 for Element.


a19- Fig. 14 — Start Workspace Manager

Fig. 12 — CCN Element Definition
14. From chiller display page, select “File” tab at the top of
the screen, then select “Open WorkSPACE” (Fig. 15).
6. “Upload element?” prompt screen is displayed. Press
“Yes” to upload.
7. “Uploading element” screen is displayed. Wait for upload
to complete.
8. After uploading your chiller into the Local Chiller CCN
database (Fig. 13), press “OK” to the prompt. The tree
can be expanded for your chiller to select point and con-
figuration screens to verify communication. If preferred,
the configuration of an existing chiller database can be
used by performing the copy function rather than the up-
load function while adding your chiller to the Local Chill-
er CCN.

Fig. 15 — Select Open Workspace

15. From the “Open WorkSPACE” screen, open the default

workspace for the chiller that is the same version as your
local chiller (Fig. 16). It is important to use the same type
Fig. 13 — Local Chiller Successfully Added and version number of your chiller or the cloning tool
will not clone all the workspaces and viewspaces. Other-
9. Once your chiller has been added, it is possible to clone wise, an error response will be generated indicating the
all of your workspaces and viewspaces for your local chiller versions do not match.
chiller from one of the existing chiller databases. In order Chiller software version can be found on ICVC, under
to do this, start Workspace Manager (Fig. 14) as follows. “ICVC CONFIGURATION” or from the touch screen
10. Select (tap) the Windows Start icon in the lower left cor- using Carrier Network Manager under “Device Con-
ner of the screen. figuration,” then “Controller ID.”
11. Select “All Programs.”
12. Select “ComfortVIEW.”
13. Select “WorkSPACE Manager.”

16. Select the appropriate chiller type and version and press 19. From chiller display page, select “File” tab at the top of
“OK.” the screen, then select “Save Current WorkSPACE as”
(Fig. 19).


Fig. 16 — Open Workspace

Fig. 19 — Select “Save Current WorkSPACE as”

17. After the default workspace of the chiller version to be
cloned is opened, select the “Run” tab at the top of the
screen, then “Enter design mode” (Fig. 17). 20. The “Save Current WorkSPACE As” prompt box is dis-
played. Input the filename of your local chiller default
screen. Then press the “Clone” button (Fig. 20).

Fig. 17 — Select Design Mode a19-1908

18. The prompt “Reload current WorkSPACE for design?” Fig. 20 — Save Workspace Name
will be received. Press the “Yes” button. (Fig. 18).
21. The “Clone WorkSPACE” prompt is received. Enter the
new workspace name of the default workspace for your
local chiller. Enter using the onscreen expandable key-
board. Then press “OK” (Fig. 21).

Fig. 18 — Reload Prompt a19-1909

Fig. 21 — Enter New Workspace Name


22. The system will prompt to select the area and CCN ele- 23. A confirmation screen will be displayed of the clone to be
ment screens to clone. Select the area “Local Chiller” and made. Press the “Close” button” (Fig. 23).
element that was just added in Network Manager. Then
press “OK” (Fig. 22).

Fig. 23 — Confirmation Prompt

24. The cloning tool will now search for all linked workspac-
es and viewspaces. A pop up screen with the names of the
Fig. 22 — Select Element Definition first 8 linked workspaces found will be displayed. The
workspace names can be customized here and the area
and element to be cloned can be selected.
25. Select the same local chiller (“Local Chillers - My chill-
er”) and your chiller (for this example, “My 19XR”) for
all 8 workspaces.
26. Select element names for all 8 workspaces.
27. After entering the information press “Proceed” (Fig. 24).
28. A confirmation will be received for each workspace that
is cloned; press “Close” for each one.

Fig. 24 — Multiple Clone Screen a19-1915

29. A second enhanced clone screen will open with the next 8 36. Select the filename of the workspace to display and press
screens to be cloned. Again, the names can be customized “OK” (Fig. 27).
and the area and element of the chiller these workspaces
to be cloned must be selected.
30. Select the same local chiller and your chiller for all 8
31. Select element names for all 8 workspaces.
32. After entering the information press “Proceed” (Fig. 24).
33. A confirmation will be received for each workspace that
is cloned; press “Close” for each one.
34. The Run mode can now be selected for the workspace
just created (Fig. 25). Select the “Run” tab, then “Enter
run mode.”

Fig. 27 — Select Workspace

37. These new screens created for your local chiller should
now all be able to communicate with your chiller and
show the data selected.
38. As a last step, log out as administrator and log in as the lo-
Fig. 25 — Enter Run Mode cal default operator. The user name for the local default
operator is “Carrier” and the password field is left blank.
39. The old default screen will open first in Workspace Man-
35. From chiller display page, select the “File” tab, then se- ager. Select and open the new default workspace created
lect “Open WorkSPACE” (Fig. 26). while cloning.
40. Under the “Run” tab at the top of the screen, select the
“Enter design mode.” Answer “Yes” to open the dis-
played screen for design (Fig. 28).

Fig. 28 — Enter Design Mode

Fig. 26 — Open Workspace
41. Then, under the “Configure” tab, select "Set default
workSPACE" (Fig. 29).
42. The default screen for the local operator is now set. Note
that if you are still logged in as administrator, this will set
the default screen for the administrator and not the local
operator account. The local operator account is the only
one that is set to start on boot of the computer.

43. As a final verification, power down, then power up and The EverVu™ touch screen display provides 17 indepen-
the default screen for the local operator should be dis- dent user screens for most of the default graphical representa-
played after boot up. tions. Navigation from screen to screen is accomplished by
double tapping the buttons that are not highlighted in blue on
the display. The blue highlight is used on a button to identify
the screen currently being displayed. The following screens are
• Default 19XR, viewspace with links
• Compressor, viewspace with links
• Heat exchanger, viewspace with links
• Main Status, viewspace with links
• Integrated Starter (19XR) or VFD (19XRV), viewspace
with links
• Power, viewspace with links
• Startup, viewspace with links
• Lead lag, viewspace with links
• Capacity, viewspace with links
• Surge Prevention, viewspace with links
• Chilled Water, trend and viewspace with links
Fig. 29 — Configure as Default Workspace • Condenser water, trend and viewspace with links
• Power, trend and viewspace with links
• Chiller performance, trend and viewspace with links
• Setpoints, viewspace with links
• Alarms, viewspace with links
• All 4 trends and viewspace with links

Copyright 2011 Carrier Corporation

Manufacturer reserves the right to discontinue, or change at any time, specifications or designs without notice and without incurring obligations.
Catalog No. 04-53190018-01 Printed in U.S.A. Form 19/23-2SI Pg 12 6-11 Replaces: 19/23-1SI

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