IM Abbreviations, Texting & Emoticons - BarCharts
IM Abbreviations, Texting & Emoticons - BarCharts
IM Abbreviations, Texting & Emoticons - BarCharts
IM Abbreviations,
Texting & Emoticons
<3 Heart BI Buddy icon IDK I don’t know QLS Reply
02 Your (or my) two cents BICBW But I could be wrong IIRC If I recall correctly QT Cutie
worth BIL Boss is listening IK I know R&R Rest and relaxation
121 One-to-one BL Buddy list IM Instant message RBAY Right back at you
14AA41 One for all and all for one BMG Be my guest IMS I am sorry RBTL Read between the lines
143 I(1) love(4) you(3) BRB Be right back IOW In other words ROFL Rolling on the
182 I hate you BTA But then again ITYS I told you so floor laughing
381 3 words, 8 letters, 1 BTW By the way J/C Just checking RUO Are you okay?
meaning (I love you)
C/S Change of subject J/W Just wondering S2U Same to you
^5 High five
CAAC Cool as a cucumber JIC Just in case SB Stand by
2moro Tomorrow
CFN Ciao for now JK Just kidding SN Screen name
2nite Tonight
CID Consider it done JTLYK Just to let you know SYL See you later
4ever Forever
CUL, CUL8R See you later K Okay SYS See you soon
9 Parent is watching
CYA See ya KHYF Know how you feel TAFN That’s all for now
99 Parent is no longer
watching D/L Download KIS Keep it simple TAW Teachers are watching
A3 Anyplace, anywhere, DAMHIKT Don’t ask me KIT Keep in touch TBH To be honest
anytime how I know that L8R Later THX Thanks
A? Eh? DBD Don’t be dumb LDR Long distance rela- TIA Thanks in advance
A/S/L Age/sex/location DQMOT Don’t quote me on this tionship TMI Too much information
AAK Asleep at the E123 Easy as one, two, three LFTI Looking forward to it TTFN Ta-ta for now
keyboard LMAO Laughing my a** off
EM Excuse me TTYL Talk to you later
AAR8 At any rate LOL Laugh out loud
F2F Face-to-face TY Thank you
AAYF As always, M4C Meet for coffee
FAWC For anyone who cares U Up Are you up?
your friend
FF Friends forever MBN Must be nice U2 You too
ADAD Another day, another
FWIW For what it’s worth MSG Message VBG Very big grin
FYI For your information N-A-Y-L In a while VM Voicemail
AFAIC As far as I’m concerned
G1 Good one NALOPKT Not a lot of W8 Wait
AFAIK As far as I know
people know
AFK Away from keyboard G2G Got to go that WAD Without a doubt
AIM AOL Instant Messenger G4I Go for it NBD No big deal WB Welcome back
AKA Also known as GF Girlfriend NM Nothing much WE Whatever
AM Away message GL Good luck NP No problem WFM Works for me
ASAP As soon as possible GMTA Great minds think alike NW No way WK Week
ATM At the moment GR8 Great OAO Over and out WKD Weekend
ATW Around the Web GRA Go right ahead OATUS On a totally unrelated WRK Work
B4 Before GTGB Got to go, bye subject WTG Way to go
B4N, BFN Bye for now H&K Hugs and kisses OIC Oh I see WU What’s up?
B4YKI Before you know it h/o Hold on OMG Oh my God X-I-10 Exciting
BAK Back at the keyboard HAND Have a nice day OMW On my way XLNT Excellent
BAU Business as usual HT Hi there OTOH On the other hand Y Why?
BBL Be back later HTH Hope this helps OTP On the phone YBS You’ll be sorry
BBS Be back soon I 1-D-R I wonder P&C Private and confidential YT You there?
BC Because IAC In any case P911 Parent alert YW You’re welcome
BCNU Be seeing you IAE In any event PLS, PLZ Please zerg To gang up on
BFN Boyfriend IAT I am tired POS Parents over shoulder someone
BG Big grin IC I see QL Quit laughing ZZZ Sleeping, bored, tired
GENERAL Emoticons AOL®
AFFIRMING, SUPPORTING :-)8 smiling with bow- :-C just totally Smiley: Meaning:
tie unbelieving
(::()::) Band-Aid; offering
d:-) smiling with cap 8-O “Oh my God!”
help or support
:] Gleep, a friendly &:-) smiling with curls ;-) sardonic Crying
midget who wants 8-) smiling with incredulity
to befriend you glasses :O shocked Ecstatic
:^D “Great! I like it!” {:-) smiling with hair :-/ skeptical
^5 high five (:-) smiling with :-o “Uh-oh!” OR
^ thumbs up helmet surprise Foot in mouth
:-o “Wow!” :-( ) smiling with :> What?
mouth open Frowning
8-] “Wow, ma-a-an!” :@ What?
C|:-) smiling with top
ANGRY, SARCASTIC hat :Q What? Innocent
:-|| angry [:-) smiling with TEASING, MISCHIEVOUS
walkman :*) clowning Kissing
:-> bitingly sarcastic
>:-< furious :) smiling without a ;-> devilish wink
Money mouth
:-@ screaming :-T keeping a straight
;-) so happy, I’m face Smiling
:-V shouting crying
;-) winking; just
:-, smirk HUGS & KISSES Sticking out
:-r sticking tongue :-X a big wet kiss ‘-) winking; just
out kidding Surprised
:-{} blowing a kiss
((name)) hug
|-I asleep
[] hugs :( ) can’t stop talking
%-) brain-dead :- I “Hmmm…” Winking
(( )):** hugs and kisses
<:-I dunce :-, “Hmmm”
:-x kiss, kiss
(:I egghead
: * kisses :-S incoherent
:-6 exhausted; wiped :-# “My lips are
out sealed”
=:-) hose head
O :-) angelic; being an
:-” pursing lips
:~/ mixed up
Smiley: Meaning:
:-o appalled :-Y a quiet aside
:-] smiling
x-( Angry
:-* bitter :-W speaking with
blockhead forked tongue ;^) Big nose wink
\-o bored
:-[ unsmiling :-& tongue-tied B-) Cool
blockhead :^) broken nose
:-\ undecided +/’\ Cowbell
|-O yawning *\o/* cheerleader
FLIRTING <|-) Chinese
:-|| angry :’( Cry
:-* kiss (>”)> dancing
:-< cheated }:-) Devil
@}-\--,-- a rose :-| determined
:’-( crying =( Equal sad
;-) twinkle { } face-to-face
:’-( crying and really =) Equal smile
:-I indifferent sad
;) twinkle, without
nose >o> offended :( Frown
:-( frowning; boo hoo
:-| grim
:’-) crying with joy ..V,(^_^) peace \_/ “My glass is empty”
<3 Heart/love
\~/ full glass; my (/.\) shouldn’t have :-[ pouting :(|) It’s a monkey!
glass is full said that
:-C really bummed :-( Nose sad
-) hee, hee :0->-<|: skateboarding
:[ really down :-) Nose smile
:-> hey, hey @_’-’ snail
:-< really sad \m/ Rock out
-D ho, ho :-P tongue hanging
out in anticipation :-c really unhappy :-o Shocked
:-D laughing
SURPRISED, :-( sad :-/ Slant
:-) smiling; agreeing INCREDULOUS, SKEPTICAL :-(0) shouting :) Smile
:-)= smiling with a 8-| eyes wide with &-| tearful :P Tongue
beard surprise
:-c unhappy >.< Wince
#:-) smiling with a fur |-{ “Good grief!”
hat (Charlie Brown) >:-( very angry ;) Wink
MSN® Smileys (P) or (p) Camera (Y) or (y) Thumbs up
Smiley: Type: Meaning:
(@) Cat face (um) Umbrella
(A) or (a) Angel
(O) or (o) Clock :-[ or :[ Vampire bat
:-@ or :@ Angry
(C) or (c) Coffee cup (W) or
Wilted rose
8o| Baring teeth
(co) Computer
:-S or :s Confused
(&) Dog face YAHOO!®
:’( Crying Smiley: Type: Meaning:
(E) or (e) Email
(6) Devil O:-) Angel
(~) Film strip
:-| or :| Disappointed X( Angry
(G) or (g) Gift with a bow
:-# Don’t tell anyone =D> Applause
(X) or (x) Girl
:-$ or :$ Embarrassed ~X( At wits’ end
Island with a
(ip) Batting
8-) Eye-rolling palm tree ;;)
(H) or (h) Hot ({) Left hug
:D Big grin
:^) I don’t know (I) or (i) Light bulb
>:D< Big hug
8-| Nerd (li) Lightning
:”> Blushing
:-D or :d Open-mouthed (D) or (d) Martini glass
=(( Broken heart
:-( or :( Sad (mp) Mobile phone
:-c Call me
^o) Sarcastic (mo) Money :O) Clown
(U) or (u) Broken heart (N) or (n) Thumbs down :^o Liar
YAHOO!® (continued)
Smiley: Type: Meaning: 8-| Rolling eyes :-? Thinking
L-) Loser Rolling on the
=)) :-q Thumbs down
:x Lovestruck
:-bd Thumbs up
:( Sad
:-SS Nail biting
:-t Time out
:-& Sick
:-B Nerd
:P Tongue
:-< Sigh
[-( No talking
:-w Waiting
8-} Silly
:)] On the phone
:-h Wave
I-) Sleepy
<:-P Party
#:-S Whew!
:> Smug
>:P Phbbbbt
;) Winking
:| Straight face
:ar! Pirate
:-O Surprise :-S Worried
/:) Raised eyebrows
=; Talk to the hand (:| Yawn
\m/ Rock on!
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NOTE TO STUDENT: This QuickStudy ® guide AOL Messenger® is a registered trademark of America Online, Inc.
Digsby® is a registered trademark of dotSyntax, LLC. Facebook® is a
© 2009 barcharts i nc. Boca Raton, FL. 0509 registered trademark of Facebook, Inc. in the United States and other
ISBN-13: 978-142320959-1 countries. Google Talk™ is a trademark of Google, Inc. ICQ™ is a trademark of ICQ,
LLC. Jabber® is a registered trademark of Jabber, Inc. Mac® and Mac OS X® are
ISBN-10: 142320959-1
Customer Hotline # trademarks of Apple, Inc., registered in the United States and other countries. Meebo®
is a registered trademark of Meebo, Inc. MSN Messenger® is a registered trademark
1.800.230.9522 of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and other countries. MySpace® is a
registered trademark of MySpace, Inc. Trillian® is a registered trademark of Cerulean
Studios. Yahoo! Messenger® is a registered trademark of Yahoo!, Inc. This guide is
free downloads & intended for informational purposes only. Due to its condensed format, it cannot pos-
hundreds of titles at sibly cover every aspect of instant messenging, texting and emoticons. BarCharts, Inc., its writers, editors and designers are not responsible or liable for the use or misuse of
the information contained in this guide.