Diet and Immune Function
Diet and Immune Function
Diet and Immune Function
Diet and
Immune Function
Edited by
Elizabeth A. Miles, Philip Calder and Caroline E. Childs
Printed Edition of the Special Issue Published in Nutrients
Diet and Immune Function
Diet and Immune Function
Caroline E Childs
University of Southampton
Editorial Office
St. Alban-Anlage 66
4052 Basel, Switzerland
This is a reprint of articles from the Special Issue published online in the open access journal Nutrients
(ISSN 2072-6643) from 2018 to 2019 (available at:
special issues/diet-immune)
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Bethan Dalton, Iain C. Campbell, Raymond Chung, Gerome Breen, Ulrike Schmidt and
Hubertus Himmerich
Inflammatory Markers in Anorexia Nervosa: An Exploratory Study
Reprinted from: Nutrients 2018, 10, 1573, doi:10.3390/nu10111573 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Starin McKeen, Wayne Young, Jane Mullaney, Karl Fraser, Warren C. McNabb and
Nicole C. Roy
Infant Complementary Feeding of Prebiotics for the Microbiome and Immunity
Reprinted from: Nutrients 2019, 11, 364, doi:10.3390/nu11020364 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
Vinicius Cruzat, Marcelo Macedo Rogero, Kevin Noel Keane, Rui Curi and
Philip Newsholme
Glutamine: Metabolism and Immune Function, Supplementation and Clinical Translation
Reprinted from: Nutrients 2018, 10, 1564, doi:10.3390/nu10111564 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151
Silvia Maggini, Adeline Pierre and Philip C. Calder
Immune Function and Micronutrient Requirements Change over the Life Course
Reprinted from: Nutrients 2018, 10, 1531, doi:10.3390/nu10101531 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 182
About the Special Issue Editors
Elizabeth A Miles is Lecturer in Nutritional Immunology at the University of Southampton.
She has researched the influences of early nutrition and the maternal diet in pregnancy on offspring
health and development. Her early research demonstrated that the neonatal immune responses of
babies who subsequently developed allergic symptoms were different from babies who did not.
Dr. Miles’ research has also showed that the supplementation of healthy humans with omega-3
polyunsaturated fatty acids results in a dose-dependent increase in omega-3 fatty acids in plasma and
immune cells and decreases ex vivo immune and inflammatory mediator production. Furthermore,
increasing the intake of omega-3 fatty acids in pregnancy in families with an increased risk of allergic
disease results in a decrease in ex vivo production of mediators involved in the allergic response.
Dr Miles has published over 76 peer-reviewed research papers, 4 book chapters and 17 reviews based
on her research interests.
Caroline E Childs is Lecturer in Nutritional Sciences at the University of Southampton. Her research
to date has focused on nutrients such as dietary fatty acids, probiotics and prebiotics and has assessed
the effect of nutrient interventions on outcomes such as tissue composition, immune function,
inflammatory status, immunosenescence and the gut microbiota. In 2010, she was named as one
of the top three young investigators in the category “Lipids and Nutrition” at the International
Society for the Study of Fatty Acids and Lipids conference. Dr Childs is Co-Chair of ILSI Europe’s
Nutrition, Immunity and Inflammation Task Force and a member of the ILSI Europe Expert Group
on Determinants of Immune Competence. Dr Childs is a Nutrition Society Ambassador for the
University of Southampton and Regional Representative for the Association for Nutrition. She is
an editorial board member of The Journal of Nutrition and sits on the Editorial Advisory Board of
Nutrition Bulletin.
Diet and Immune Function
Caroline E. Childs 1 , Philip C. Calder 1,2 and Elizabeth A. Miles 1, *
1 Human Development and Health, Faculty of Medicine, University of Southampton,
Southampton SO16 6YD, UK
2 NIHR Southampton Biomedical Research Centre, University Hospital Southampton NHS Foundation Trust
and University of Southampton, Southampton SO16 6YD, UK
* Correspondence:; Tel.: +44(0)23-8120-6925
Abstract: A well-functioning immune system is critical for survival. The immune system must be
constantly alert, monitoring for signs of invasion or danger. Cells of the immune system must be able
to distinguish self from non-self and furthermore discriminate between non-self molecules which are
harmful (e.g., those from pathogens) and innocuous non-self molecules (e.g., from food). This Special
Issue of Nutrients explores the relationship between diet and nutrients and immune function. In this
preface, we outline the key functions of the immune system, and how it interacts with nutrients
across the life course, highlighting the work included within this Special Issue. This includes the
role of macronutrients, micronutrients, and the gut microbiome in mediating immunological effects.
Nutritional modulation of the immune system has applications within the clinical setting, but can
also have a role in healthy populations, acting to reduce or delay the onset of immune-mediated
chronic diseases. Ongoing research in this field will ultimately lead to a better understanding of
the role of diet and nutrients in immune function and will facilitate the use of bespoke nutrition to
improve human health.
(Treg), which are CD4-bearing T cells vital in maintaining immune tolerance to allow the immune
system to ignore non-harmful non-self (such as food, pollen, and environmental antigens such as
latex). Thus, the role of T cells is coordinating an appropriate immune response following immune
stimulation or challenge.
The other lymphocytes of the adaptive immune system are the B cells, which are responsible for
antibody or immunoglobulin (Ig) production. Like T cells, B cells respond specifically to an antigen.
They can differentiate into short-lived plasma cells, which produce Igs in the short term, or can become
long-lived plasma cells. Igs are pathogen-specific molecules, which help the immune system to recognise
and destroy pathogens. The B cells can differentiate into plasma cells, which produce one of five classes of
Ig (IgM, IgD, IgG, IgA, and IgE). Each class of Ig has a specialised role [3]. IgM is the first Ig expressed
during development, is often found as a multimeric molecule (e.g., pentameric), and can bind an antigen
to identify it for destruction by immune cells. IgD is found in low concentrations in the plasma and the
specialist role of IgD is not yet clear. IgG is the predominant Ig class and can persist for long periods.
It has important roles in antigen labelling, resulting in more effective removal. IgA can be found in the
serum (mostly as a monomer) and at mucosal surfaces (normally as a dimer). At the mucosal surface,
IgA protects against bacteria and or viruses, preventing infection. IgA also has an important role in
neutralising food antigens and helping to maintain immune tolerance to food antigens (preventing the
development of food allergy) [4]. IgE has a role in clearance of extracellular parasites (e.g., helminths) but
when produced inappropriately to innocuous environmental and food antigens, has an important role in
IgE-mediated allergy. B cells go through a process called class switching to set the class of Ig that the
plasma cells derived from them will produce. B cell class switching is controlled by the cytokines present,
particularly IL-4, IL-6, and IFN-γ secreted from Th cells [5].
T and B cells can specialise to become memory cells, which persist permanently or for very long
periods and are able to recognise the antigen if encountered again and elicit a rapid, pathogen-specific
immune response.
The effective deployment of the immune system against pathogens or harmful signals and the
swift resolution of the immune response is required for survival. The fighting of infection is only
one piece of the puzzle. A fulminating immune response is costly in terms of energy expended and
results in damage to the host tissues; thus, rapid and complete resolution of an immune response is
also key. Cytokines play a role in resolution of immune responses. IL-10, which is produced by a range
of immune cells including Tregs, has anti-inflammatory actions including suppressing inflammatory
cytokine production [6].
The instigation of an immune response and the activities of the immune cells results in inflammation
(seen as redness, swelling, and the feeling of heat and pain), which are signs of the damage to the
tissue going on whilst the immune system does its work. This is an expected outcome of an effective
immune response. Increasingly there is concern that modern lifestyle changes have resulted in the
promotion of ongoing, low-grade, whole-body (systemic) inflammation caused by immune and other
cells (e.g., adipocytes, the cells that store lipids in fat tissue) [7]. Such exposures may include diet
quality and quantity [8].
Nutrients 2019, 11, 1933
immune system throughout the life course or in reducing chronic inflammation. For example, the amino
acid arginine is essential for the generation of nitric oxide by macrophages, and the micronutrients
vitamin A and zinc regulate cell division and so are essential for a successful proliferative response
within the immune system.
Undernutrition is well understood to impair immune function, whether as a result of food
shortages or famines in developing countries, or as a result of malnutrition arising from periods
of hospitalisation in developed countries. The extent of impairment that results will depend upon
the severity of the deficiency, whether there are nutrient interactions to consider, the presence of
infection, and the age of the subject [9]. A single nutrient can also exert multiple diverse immunological
effects, such as in the case of vitamin E, where it has a role as both antioxidant, inhibitor of protein
kinase C activity, and potentially interacting with enzymes and transport proteins [10]. For some
micronutrients, excessive intake can also be associated with impaired immune responses. For example,
supplementation with iron can increase morbidity and mortality of those in malaria endemic regions.
As well as nutrition having the potential to effectively treat immune deficiencies related to poor
intake, there is a great deal of research interest in whether specific nutrient interventions can further
enhance immune function in sub-clinical situations, and so prevent the onset of infections or chronic
inflammatory diseases.
Nutrients 2019, 11, 1933
IL-10 [18]. Prebiotics can also enhance barrier function, in addition to their role as substrates for
bacterial metabolism [19]. Santiago-Lopez et al. have investigated the effect of fermented milk on a
murine model of inflammatory bowel disease [18] and demonstrated a reduction in serum IL-17 and
IFN-γ following fermented milk consumption when compared with the control group.
Nutrients 2019, 11, 1933
and other co-morbidities (e.g., obesity, cardiovascular disease, insulin resistance). Interestingly, in a
study in healthy adults, increasing age was found to be a risk factor for chronic systemic inflammation,
independent of other risk factors such as body mass index, blood pressure, and blood lipid profiles [30].
The rising worldwide prevalence of obesity in children and adults is of grave concern. Obesity
and over nutrition are strongly associated with chronic inflammation, metabolic perturbation, and
higher risk for a number of chronic diseases including cardiovascular disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes
mellitus, and chronic liver disease. This metabolism-induced inflammation associated with obesity
is termed metaflammation, and the Western diet is a known risk factor [31,32]. The Western diet is
characterised by a diet high in sugar, trans and saturated fats, but low in complex carbohydrates, fibre,
micronutrients, and other bioactive molecules such as polyphenols and omega 3 polyunsaturated fatty
acids. The mechanisms by which the Western diet predispose individuals to metaflammation are still
under investigation. However, one mechanism which has been reported is the increased uptake of
lipopolysaccharide (LPS, a constituent of gram-negative bacterial cells walls), from microbes in the gut
because of increased gut leakiness. This LPS is sensed by cells of the innate immune system through
toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4). Activation of TLR4 by LPS will induce an inflammatory response by the
immune cells. Certain nutrients, notably long-chain omega 3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, can interfere
with TLR4 activation and, thus, can ameliorate this inflammatory signal. Rogero et al. describe the
relationship between obesity and inflammation and explores the immune pathway for this mechanism
and the anti-inflammatory roles of omega 3 fatty acids in this process [33].
Interestingly, in juxtaposition with the review by Rogero et al. on inflammation in obesity,
Dalton and colleagues report a study into systemic inflammation in individuals with the serious
psychological eating disorder, anorexia nervosa [34]. They show that in a severely undernourished
state, there are indications of systemic inflammation with an increased serum concentration of IL-6
when compared with healthy control participants. IL-6 is a classically inflammatory cytokine produced
by immune and other cells. Whether this inflammation is the result of the impact of undernutrition
or whether the clinical condition is the result of pre-existing inflammation is a matter that remains
to be determined. It has been shown that patients with clinical depression have increased systemic
inflammation suggesting that inflammation may have a bearing on mental health and wellbeing [35].
In contrast with the Western diet, the Mediterranean diet is rich in vegetables, fruit, nuts, legumes,
fish, and ‘healthy’ dietary fats. The Mediterranean diet is associated with a reduced risk of chronic
disease such as cardiovascular disease, cancer, and more recently Alzheimer’s disease [36]. A range of
bioactive compounds found in fruits and vegetables have been reported to offer one explanation for the
protective effect of diets rich in fruits and vegetables (e.g., Mediterranean diet) on the reduction of risk
for developing non-communicable diseases attributed to chronic inflammation (e.g., cardiovascular
disease). One family of molecules, which are known to have a role in regulation of inflammation
are the dietary polyphenols [37]. Yahfoufi et al. explain the mechanisms by which polyphenols
can be immunomodulatory and anti-inflammatory and explore the evidence for the role of dietary
polyphenols in reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease, some neurological diseases, and cancer [38].
Nutrients 2019, 11, 1933
Selenium is a trace element that, like zinc, has critical functional, structural, and enzymatic roles,
in a range of proteins. Poor selenium status is associated with a higher risk for range of chronic diseases
including cancer and cardiovascular disease [43]. In addition to critical roles in many non-immune
tissues within the body, selenium is important for optimal immune function. Avery and Hoffman
explain the role of selenium in immunobiology and the mechanisms by which selenoproteins regulate
immunity. The evidence for the significance of selenium status in infectious diseases including human
immunodeficiency virus infection is reviewed [44].
Glutamine is a nonessential amino acid that provides an important energy source for many cell types
including those involved in immune responses. It also serves as a precursor for nucleotide synthesis,
particularly relevant for rapidly dividing cells such as the immune cells during an immune response.
During infection, the rate of glutamine consumption by immune cells is equivalent or greater than that
for glucose. Glutamine has roles in the functions of a number of immune cells including neutrophils,
macrophages, and lymphocytes [45]. In catabolic conditions (e.g., infection, inflammation, trauma),
glutamine is released into the circulation, an essential process controlled by metabolic organs such as the
liver, gut, and skeletal muscles. Despite this adaptation, a significant depletion of glutamine is seen in the
plasma and tissues in critical illness, which has provided a rationale for the use of in clinical nutrition
supplementation of critically ill patients. How glutamine homeostasis is maintained and when and how
to utilise glutamine in the clinical setting is explored in a review by Cruzat et al. [45].
The vitamin D receptor (VDR) is a nuclear receptor that can directly affect gene expression [46].
The presence of VDR in the majority of immune cells immediately suggests an important role
for this micronutrient in immune cell activities [47]. Furthermore, vitamin D-activating enzyme
1-α-hydroxylase (CYP27B1), which results in the active metabolite 1 α,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3
(1,25(OH)2 D3 ), is expressed in many types of immune cells. Ligation of VDR by 1,25(OH)2 D3 can elicit
the production of antimicrobial proteins and influence cytokine production by immune cells [47,48].
Sassi, Tamone, and d’Amelio have reviewed the evidence for the role of the nutrient vitamin D in the
innate and adaptive immune systems [16].
7. Conclusions
In this Special Issue of Nutrients, the collected works provide a breadth of reviews and research
indicating the key influence of nutrients and nutrition on immune responses in health and disease and
across the life course. Nutrients may impact directly or indirectly upon immune cells causing changes
in their function or may exert effects via changes in the gut microbiome. A better understanding
of the role of nutrients in immune function will facilitate the use of bespoke nutrition to improve
human health.
Author Contributions: Conceptualization, E.A.M.; writing—original draft preparation, E.A.M. and C.E.C.;
writing—review and editing, E.A.M., P.C.C., and C.E.C.
Funding: This article received no external funding.
Acknowledgments: This article received no specific grant from any funding agency, commercial or
not-for-profit sectors.
Conflicts of Interest: C.E.C. is member of the ILSI Europe Expert Group on Determinants of Immune Competence
and Co-Chair of ILSI Europe’s Nutrition, Immunity and Inflammation Task Force. C.E.C. receives research funding
from HOST Therabiomics and honoraria to speak at an event organised by Yakult. P.C.C. has research funding
from Bayer, has received research study products from Christian Hansen, and acts as a consultant/adviser to BASF,
DSM, Cargill, Smartfish and Pfizer. E.A.M. has no conflicts of interest to declare.
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Inflammatory Markers in Anorexia Nervosa:
An Exploratory Study
Bethan Dalton 1, *, Iain C. Campbell 1 , Raymond Chung 2,3 , Gerome Breen 2,3 , Ulrike Schmidt 1,4
and Hubertus Himmerich 1,4
1 Section of Eating Disorders, Department of Psychological Medicine, Institute of Psychiatry,
Psychology & Neuroscience, King’s College London, London SE5 8AF, UK; (I.C.C.); (U.S.); (H.H.)
2 MRC Social, Genetic, and Developmental Psychiatry Centre, Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology &
Neuroscience, King’s College London, London SE5 8AF, UK; (R.C.); (G.B.)
3 National Institute for Health Research Biomedical Research Centre for Mental Health, Institute of Psychiatry,
Psychology & Neuroscience at the Maudsley Hospital and King’s College London, London SE5 8AF, UK
4 South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust, Bethlem Royal Hospital, Monks Orchard Road,
Beckenham, Kent BR3 3BX, UK
* Correspondence:; Tel.: +44-0207-848-0183
Abstract: Inflammation has been suggested to play a pathophysiological role in anorexia nervosa
(AN). In this exploratory cross-sectional study, we measured serum concentrations of 40 inflammatory
markers (including cytokines, chemokines, and adhesion molecules) and brain-derived neurotrophic
factor (BDNF) in people with AN (n = 27) and healthy controls (HCs) (n = 13). Many of these
inflammatory markers had not been previously quantified in people with AN. Eating disorder
(ED) and general psychopathology symptoms were assessed. Body mass index (BMI) and body
composition data were obtained. Interleukin (IL)-6, IL-15, and vascular cell adhesion molecule
(VCAM)-1 concentrations were significantly elevated and concentrations of BDNF, tumor necrosis
factor (TNF)-β, and vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF)-A were significantly lower in AN
participants compared to HCs. Age, BMI, and percentage body fat mass were identified as potential
confounding variables for several of these inflammatory markers. Of particular interest is that most of
the quantified markers were unchanged in people with AN, despite them being severely underweight
with evident body fat loss, and having clinically significant ED symptoms and severe depression and
anxiety symptoms. Future research should examine the replicability of our findings and consider the
effect of additional potential confounding variables, such as smoking and physical activity, on the
relationship between AN and inflammation.
1. Introduction
Anorexia nervosa (AN) is a serious psychiatric disorder characterised by low body weight due to
food restriction and weight-control behaviours, such as excessive exercise and self-induced vomiting,
together with an intense fear of weight gain and disturbed body perception [1]. Altered concentrations
of inflammatory markers, in particular cytokines, have been reported in people with AN [2,3].
Cytokines are cell signalling molecules produced by a range of cells (e.g., microglia, astrocytes) in the
brain and the periphery (e.g., by macrophages and T-lymphocytes) and are essential in coordinating
responses to infection [4]. In addition, changes in the circulating concentrations and production of
cytokines have been associated with a range of disease states, including obesity [5] and diabetes [6],
as well as depression [7], schizophrenia [8], and eating disorders (EDs) [2,3].
Research in AN has primarily focused on pro-inflammatory cytokines, which promote and up-regulate
inflammatory reactions [4]. Recent meta-analyses have concluded that the pro-inflammatory cytokines
tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-α and interleukin (IL)-6, are elevated in people with AN, compared to
healthy individuals (for reviews see: [2,3]). However, few studies have quantified the concentrations
of cytokines in other categories, such as T-helper (TH )-1, TH 2, and anti-inflammatory cytokines (e.g.,
IL-10), the latter of which play an immunomodulatory role by reducing inflammation [9]. An example
of one such cytokine yet to be measured in people with AN is TNF-β, which is produced by TH 1
cells. TNF-β performs a variety of important roles in immune regulation [10,11], but has also been
implicated in the regulation of the commensal gut microbiota [12–14], which appears to be involved
in the pathology of AN [15–17]. Additionally, a number of cytokines implicated in other disorders,
such as depression and obesity, are yet to be measured in AN. One example is IL-17, a TH 17 cytokine
that has been reported to predict treatment response in people with depression [18], and seems to
be involved in the pathophysiology of schizophrenia [19] and the molecular and cellular effects of
antipsychotics [20].
Chemokines are a subcategory of smaller cytokines known to induce chemotaxis, with some
also having a homeostatic function in relation to haematopoiesis, immune surveillance, and adaptive
immune system responses [21,22]. The chemokines RANTES, monocyte chemoattractant protein
(MCP)-1, and fractalkine have been measured in two studies in people with AN [23,24]. Similarly,
adhesion molecules, which mediate the binding of cells in the immune system [25], have been measured
in one study in a sample of people with AN [26]. Circulating concentrations of vascular cell adhesion
molecule (VCAM)-1 have been reported to be elevated in people with AN compared to healthy
participants, but intercellular adhesion molecule (ICAM)-1 did not differ between the groups.
Cytokines and chemokines impact several biological domains implicated in the pathophysiology
of AN, including the modulation of neurotransmitter systems, neuroendocrine functioning, and neural
plasticity [27–31]. For example, in the depression literature, it has been hypothesised that elevated
pro-inflammatory cytokine levels may lead to symptoms of depression, partly via their disruption of
growth factor production, e.g., brain-derived neurotropic factor (BDNF) [32] and vascular endothelial
growth factor (VEGF)-A [33], which has a subsequent effect on adult neurogenesis [28,34]. Disruption
to these biological processes can then lead to alterations in mental state, including affect, learning and
memory, and behaviour (e.g., depressive-like behaviours) [28,35].
A number of factors, including body mass index (BMI), age, medication, and smoking status,
have been reported to influence cytokine concentrations [36]. These may be potential confounding
factors in studies of the role of cytokines in AN, particularly given the low weight seen in AN,
the tendency for research in EDs to focus on adolescents and young adults [2], and research indicating
that people with EDs report higher rates of smoking than healthy controls [37]. Previous studies
have not assessed the potential impact of depression symptoms on cytokine concentrations in AN.
A pro-inflammatory profile has been identified in people with depression [38] and the comorbidity
between AN and unipolar depression is of significant clinical relevance, as approximately 40% of
people receiving treatment for AN also suffer from depression [39]. Therefore, it is unclear as to
whether the alterations observed in cytokine concentrations are due to the AN or symptoms of
comorbid disorders, such as depression.
Few studies have considered a broad range of cytokines and other markers involved in
inflammatory processes and their potential role in the biological profile of AN. Therefore, in this
exploratory cross-sectional study, we measured a variety of inflammatory markers in a sample of AN
participants and healthy controls (HCs) to determine whether these markers are altered in AN. Several
of these inflammatory markers have not been previously quantified in people with AN. A secondary
objective was to test for the effects of potential confounders on concentrations of the inflammatory
Nutrients 2018, 10, 1573
markers, including age and BMI, and explore the effect of current symptom severity on markers of
inflammation in people with AN.
2.2. Measures
2.2.2. Anthropometry
Height and body weight were measured, and from these measurements, BMI (kg/m2 ) was
calculated. Body composition was also measured using a portable and non-invasive Inbody S10
machine (Inbody Co., Ltd., Seoul, Korea) which uses the Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis (BIA)
measurement method. Following the input of height and weight details, this machine provides data
on muscle and fat, bone mineral content, intracellular and extracellular water, protein, and minerals.
The calculations used to do this are based on the assumption that the body is a cylindrical-shaped
conductor. Resistance is low in lean tissue (as it contains the majority of intracellular and extracellular
fluid and is thus a good conductor of electrical current), and fat mass is high in resistance as it is does
not contain any water (and thus does not conduct electrical current). Based on the assumption that
impedance (resistance) is proportional to total body water, predictive equations then determine total
body water, total body fat, and lean tissue mass. Given that adipose tissue has been implicated in the
genesis of cytokines and produces certain pro-inflammatory cytokines (e.g., IL-6), we focused on the
association between inflammatory markers and body fat percentage and did not include other body
composition parameters in our analyses.
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A global score can be calculated, and items can also be categorised and scored into the following four
subscales: restraint, eating concern, weight concern, and shape concern. Related psychopathology
was assessed using the Depression Anxiety Stress Scale 21-Version (DASS-21) [44]. This is a 21-item
questionnaire measuring symptoms of general psychopathology over the previous seven days. As well
as a total score, a score for the three subscales—depression, anxiety, and stress—can be calculated.
Additional measures related to physical activity were also collected and findings are reported
elsewhere [40,41].
Nutrients 2018, 10, 1573
illness duration or ED symptoms, as measured by the EDE-Q, as the independent variable. To test
the effect of general psychopathology on inflammatory marker concentrations, linear regressions
in the AN participants, with the log-transformed inflammatory marker as the dependent variable
and the total DASS-21 score as the independent variable, were conducted. For both sets of analyses,
studentized residuals greater than ±3 standard deviations were deemed to be outliers and were
removed, and assumptions were tested and met.
The level of significance was set at p < 0.05, and as this was an exploratory study, levels of
significance were not adjusted for multiple testing.
3. Results
Demographic, anthropometric, and clinical characteristics of the AN participants and HCs are
presented in Table 1. All participants were female. Mean age did not significantly differ between the
AN and HC groups (U = 144, z = −1.36, p = 0.1735). Seven participants with AN reported being a
current smoker, with an average of 9.14 ± 5.90 cigarettes smoked per day. As expected, AN participants
had lower BMI (t (38) = 7.88, p < 0.001) and percentage body fat (U = −22, z = 3.63, p = 0.0003) scores,
and higher EDE-Q scores (global score: U = 85.5, z = −4.87, p < 0.001) than HCs. The EDE-Q global
score for the AN participants was greater than the commonly used clinical cut-off score of 4 e.g., [46,47].
AN participants also reported greater depression, anxiety, and stress than HCs on the DASS-21 (total
score: U = 92.5, z = −4.67, p <0.001). Proposed cut-off scores [44] suggest that the level of severity that
AN participants reported was severe for depression, anxiety, and stress.
Table 1. Demographic, anthropometric, and clinical characteristics for AN participants and HCs.
SD—standard deviation; BMI—body mass index; AN-R—anorexia nervosa restricting type; AN-BP—anorexia
nervosa binge-eating/purging type; EDE-Q—Eating Disorder Examination—Questionnaire; DASS-21—Depression
Anxiety and Stress Scales-21 Version.
Table 2. Median serum concentrations (pg/mL), with interquartile range (IQR), minimum and maximum values, of inflammatory markers for HCs and
AN participants.
BDNF 13 17,375.24 7862.72 10,526.40 21,884.09 27 12,799.75 5947.87 7792.55 23,003.72 0.0315
TNF-β 13 0.86 0.32 0.43 53.22 27 0.60 0.19 0.16 1.22 0.0041
VEGF-A 13 471.96 220.76 205.98 749.41 27 288.82 155.41 133.70 973.73 0.0338
b. Concentrations significantly higher in AN compared to HCs
IL-6 13 0.38 0.29 0.10 1.11 27 0.49 0.90 0.20 3.35 0.0159
IL-15 13 2.54 0.39 1.91 3.18 27 2.90 0.81 1.57 5.24 0.0090
VCAM-1 13 612,378.30 92,337.87 402,297.20 739,682.80 27 709,059.60 220,832.10 434,057.50 1,069,997.00 0.0448
c. Concentrations not significantly different between groups
bFGF 13 11.01 10.73 2.17 21.13 27 12.13 13.39 1.15 65.25 0.3334
CRP 13 332,422.10 1,497,240.00 38,821.00 4,878,443.00 27 342,975.80 5,408,764.00 39,716.48 37,500,000.00 0.9424
Eotaxin 13 208.55 61.81 136.51 285.80 27 175.47 123.38 101.36 511.08 0.8511
Eotaxin-3 13 20.55 6.48 9.95 112.91 27 15.15 14.22 5.14 60.87 0.1058
Flt-1 13 61.83 11.64 27.93 86.21 27 68.69 28.37 11.99 117.06 0.1224
GM-CSF 13 0.15 0.21 0.02 0.88 22 0.19 0.17 0.01 0.35 0.8779
ICAM-1 13 658,988.00 183,427.10 517,283.10 861,717.20 27 701,224.80 244,044.70 415,274.60 977,044.00 0.1224
IFN-γ 13 3.94 1.64 2.11 6.84 27 4.64 5.72 2.11 64.28 0.1448
IL-1α 13 1.13 1.32 0.41 3.51 27 1.01 0.64 0.44 6.00 0.4105
IL-1β 9 0.20 0.33 0.04 1.86 21 0.19 0.19 0.01 4.07 0.7343
IL-2 6 0.12 0.24 0.03 0.43 13 0.15 0.16 0.01 0.85 0.9301
IL-4 13 0.08 0.07 0.01 0.20 25 0.05 0.05 0.00 5.24 0.1481
IL-5 12 1.09 0.87 0.43 3.45 24 1.29 1.01 0.07 4.39 0.7626
IL-7 13 13.66 6.11 8.76 20.13 27 12.58 6.80 5.82 26.20 0.8966
IL-8 13 33.51 62.10 8.44 503.23 27 23.09 92.94 5.80 388.41 0.4271
IL-10 13 0.18 0.10 0.06 0.41 27 0.28 0.26 0.04 4.40 0.3120
IL-12/IL-23p40 13 117.69 49.83 72.15 250.50 27 92.00 50.59 38.72 220.89 0.0806
IL-12p70 11 0.18 0.09 0.01 0.53 25 0.19 0.25 0.01 1.06 0.7572
IL-13 9 2.95 3.25 1.53 10.34 17 2.44 3.13 0.76 6.35 0.2692
IL-16 13 160.52 58.89 99.73 291.95 27 183.59 194.22 127.93 463.24 0.1702
Table 2. Cont.
MCP-1 13 208.55 126.78 140.94 406.88 27 191.53 77.31 121.51 345.28 0.3480
MCP-4 13 142.79 80.25 54.04 212.93 27 120.65 83.26 53.61 290.55 0.6133
MIP-1α 13 25.01 7.73 16.36 56.15 27 23.02 15.10 15.68 66.68 0.8624
MIP-1β 13 102.15 62.83 34.70 280.41 27 81.06 44.32 41.10 271.72 0.3334
PlGF 13 3.38 1.57 1.91 6.06 27 3.85 1.81 1.71 6.21 0.6754
SAA 13 2,683,488.00 1,218,569.00 318,141.50 13,200,000.00 27 2,681,116.00 9,488,702.00 525,220.00 164,000,000.00 0.8061
TARC 13 365.16 319.52 168.47 690.47 27 370.33 378.45 68.69 7680.34 0.7617
Tie-2 13 5847.41 2784.74 4065.41 8455.58 27 6212.88 3028.74 2440.01 10,077.48 0.7617
TNF-α 13 1.59 0.50 0.91 2.70 27 1.64 1.08 0.61 2.95 0.8966
VEGF-C 13 574.92 119.71 242.97 739.49 27 449.26 243.10 277.52 852.72 0.2919
VEGF-D 13 790.06 358.08 383.69 1126.91 27 757.22 413.20 458.68 1906.49 0.8061
Abbreviations: IQR—interquartile range; min—minimum; max—maximum; AN—anorexia nervosa; HC—healthy controls; BDNF—brain-derived neurotrophic factor; TNF—tumor
necrosis factor; VEGF—vascular endothelial growth factor; IL—interleukin; VCAM-1—vascular cell adhesion molecule-1; bFGF—basic fibroblast growth factor; CRP—C-reactive protein;
Flt-1—Fms-like tyrosine kinase-1; GM-CSF—granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor; ICAM-1—intercellular adhesion molecule-1, IFN-γ—interferon- γ; IP-10—interferon
γ-induced protein-10; MCP—monocyte chemoattractant protein; MIP—macrophage inflammatory protein; PlGF—placental growth factor; SAA—serum amyloid A; TARC—thymus and
activation-regulated chemokine; Tie-2—tyrosine kinase-2.
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4. Discussion
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therapeutic relevance. For example, we could consider the question as to whether antipsychotics,
such as olanzapine, which is approved for the treatment of schizophrenia and alters cytokine
production [65], might help patients with AN [31,66]. This may also be of particular interest in
AN as olanzapine has been shown to alter the gut microbiome, which could additionally contribute to
weight gain [67–70].
The findings of increased IL-6 and VCAM-1 serum concentrations in our sample of people with
AN compared to HCs are of less novelty, but indicate the reliability of our findings, as these results
have also been reported previously.
As described, there are already a number of studies that have consistently identified an association
between AN and the pro-inflammatory cytokine IL-6 [2]. IL-6 is an inducer of the acute-phase response,
which has been shown to have suppressive effects on food intake [71] and inhibit adipogenesis [72].
Our results replicated the findings of increased concentrations of IL-6 in people with AN, as compared
to HCs.
Víctor et al. [26] previously reported increased VCAM-1 serum levels in patients with AN.
VCAM-1 is a cell adhesion molecule with a key role in leukocyte recruitment from blood into tissue
and is thus important for cellular immune response [73]. Because of its wide distribution in human
tissues and organs, VCAM-1 has been implicated in the development of a variety of pathophysiological
states in the brain and in the body periphery, including autoimmune diseases, cardiovascular disease,
and infections [74].
It is unclear why these particular inflammatory markers are altered in people with AN compared
to HCs. However, there are a number of potential factors which may contribute to these alterations,
including stress and neuroendocrine functioning, genetics, the gut microbiota, early life stress,
and negative health behaviours (e.g., disturbed sleep, altered diet, smoking) [75].
Nutrients 2018, 10, 1573
5. Conclusions
This exploratory study measured a broad range of inflammatory markers, many of which had
not been previously assessed in AN. IL-15, VEGF-A, and TNF-β, for the first time, were shown to be
altered in people with AN in comparison to HCs. Previous findings regarding an elevation of IL-6 and
VCAM-1 and a reduction in BDNF in AN participants were replicated. We also considered age, BMI,
and percentage fat mass as potential confounding variables of concentrations of the inflammatory
markers. Our findings suggest that future research should include covariates in analyses of this
relationship to explore whether this may account for some of the group differences in inflammatory
markers observed in the current study. Finally, given that these inflammatory markers function as part
of a complex network, future studies in larger samples should consider developing a composite score
of cytokine concentrations.
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Author Contributions: Conceptualization, G.B., U.S., and H.H.; Data curation, B.D.; Formal analysis, B.D.;
Funding acquisition, I.C.C., G.B., U.S., and H.H.; Investigation, B.D., I.C.C., R.C., and U.S.; Methodology, I.C.C.,
R.C., and U.S.; Project administration, U.S.; Supervision, I.C.C., G.B., U.S., and H.H.; Writing–original draft, B.D.;
Writing—review & editing, B.B., I.C.C., R.C., G.B., U.S., and H.H.
Funding: The ROSANA study was supported by an National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) Programme
Grant for Applied Research (RP-PG-0606-1043). The current study was funded by a studentship awarded to Bethan
Dalton by the Department of Psychological Medicine, King’s College London (KCL) and the Institute of Psychiatry,
Psychology and Neuroscience (IoPPN), KCL. Iain Campbell, Raymond Chung, Gerome Breen, and Ulrike Schmidt
receive salary support from the NIHR Mental Health Biomedical Research Centre at South London and Maudsley
NHS Foundation Trust and KCL. Ulrike Schmidt is supported by an NIHR Senior Investigator Award. The views
expressed are those of the author(s) and not necessarily those of the NHS, the NIHR, or the Department of Health
and Social Care. The APC was funded locally by monies supplied by Hubertus Himmerich.
Acknowledgments: We thank the participants of the ROSANA study and the research team who collected the
data between 2009 and 2013.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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TGF-β2, EGF, and FGF21 Growth Factors Present in
Breast Milk Promote Mesenteric Lymph Node
Lymphocytes Maturation in Suckling Rats
Paulina Torres-Castro 1,2 , Mar Abril-Gil 1,2 , María J. Rodríguez-Lagunas 1,2 , Margarida Castell 1,2 ,
Francisco J. Pérez-Cano 1,2, * and Àngels Franch 1,2
1 Physiology Section, Department of Biochemistry and Physiology, Faculty of Pharmacy and Food Science,
University of Barcelona, 08028 Barcelona, Spain; (P.T.-C.); (M.A.-G.); (M.J.R.-L.); (M.C.); (À.F.)
2 Nutrition and Food Safety Research Institute (INSA·UB), 08921 Santa Coloma de Gramenet, Spain
* Correspondence:; Tel.: +34-934-024-505
Abstract: Breast milk, due to its large number of nutrients and bioactive factors, contributes to
optimal development and immune maturation in early life. In this study, we aimed to assess the
influence of some growth factors present in breast milk, such as transforming growth factor-β2
(TGF-β2), epidermal growth factor (EGF), and fibroblast growth factor 21 (FGF21), on the immune
response development. Newborn Wistar rats were supplemented daily with TGF-β2, EGF, or FGF21,
throughout the suckling period. At day 14 and 21 of life, lymphocytes from mesenteric lymph nodes
(MLNs) were isolated, immunophenotyped, and cultured to evaluate their ability to proliferate
and release cytokines. The main results demonstrated that supplementation with TGF-β2, EGF,
or FGF21 modified the lymphocyte composition in MLNs. At day 14, all supplementations were able
to induce a lower percentage of natural killer (NK) cells with the immature phenotype (CD8+ ), and
they reduced the CD8αα/CD8αβ ratio at day 21. Moreover, the cytokine pattern was modified by
the three treatments, with a down regulation of interleukin (IL)-13 secretion. These results showed
the contribution of these growth factors in the lymphocytes MLNs immune maturation during the
neonatal period.
1. Introduction
At time of birth, the intestine is immature, not only anatomically, but also metabolically and
immunologically [1–3]. Intestinal development is a key process in early life because it includes
important functions related to growth and survival. It is important to develop mechanisms to digest
and absorb nutrients in an efficient way [4]. Moreover, the intestine begins hosting the gut microbiota
and establishing appropriate host immune responses against pathogens [2]. The intestinal maturation
process can be conditioned through synergy of several factors, such as genetics, microbial colonization,
and nutrition [1–3].
Breast milk is the gold standard to feed the newborn because it includes a rich number of
components, which are essential for optimal growth and development [5]. It also contains a high
number of bioactive factors, which participate in the immune maturation process of infants [2,6].
Among these components, immunoglobulins (Igs), cytokines, and growth factors (GFs) have an
important role [7–9]. In this sense, the effects of several GFs present in maternal milk that promote
intestinal maturation have been described, although their impact on immune development is still
unclear [9].
On the one hand, the transforming growth factor-β (TGF-β) family members have multifunctional
actions involved in maintaining intestinal homeostasis, regulating inflammation, and allergy
development [10–12]. TGF-βs act on different types of leukocytes, to control the initiation and
resolution of immune responses through the recruitment, activation, and survival of cells [12,13].
TGF-β2 is the predominant isoform present in human and rat breast milk; it reaches the neonatal
intestine where, at birth, endogenous production is low and increases towards weaning [3,10,12].
In infants, breast milk TGF-βs play an important role in developing immune response and promoting
oral tolerance development [12].
On the other hand, one of the most abundant GFs in breast milk is the epidermal growth factor
(EGF), the concentration of which is 500 times more than other GFs present in breast milk [14].
Its concentration is very high in colostrum and it decreases significantly during suckling, both in
human and rodent milk, suggesting that EGF plays a role in the promotion of early neonatal intestinal
growth [2,15]. In fact, EGF is a key intestinal regulator in protecting intestinal barrier integrity, essential
for the absorption of nutrients and the exclusion of pathogens, in both humans and animals [14,16,17].
EGF is a polyfacetic molecule, which acts by regulating different processes, such as cell growth,
survival, migration, apoptosis, proliferation, and differentiation. In early life, milk EGF seems to be
one of the crucial components involved in the prevention of necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC) [1,14].
EGF and TGF-β together with the immunosuppressive interleukin (IL)-10, also present in breast
milk, are involved in the functional development of the gastrointestinal mucosa, tolerance acquisition,
and inflammation downregulation in damaged intestinal cells [6,7].
In recent years, new components present in breast milk have been discovered. This is the case
of the fibroblast growth factor 21 (FGF21), which belongs to the hormone-like subgroup within the
FGF superfamily, and has been found in rodent and human milk [16]. The FGF21 present in milk,
seems to be involved in local actions in the neonatal intestine. It is a highly active pleiotropic factor,
involved in multiple aspects of metabolism through a variety of mechanisms, where it regulates both
the expression and activity of digestive enzymes, and the synthesis and release of several intestinal
hormone factors [16,18]. All these effects make FGF21 a good candidate to be studied, due to its
possible contribution to neonatal intestinal function.
Overall, because TGF-β2, EGF, and FGF21 are biologically active factors found in breast milk
and are suggested to be involved in neonatal intestine maturation; our hypothesis is that they could
also have an important role in the immune development process in early life. Therefore, the main
objective of the current study was to ascertain whether the effect of a daily supplementation with
these compounds could promote immune response development, during the suckling period in rats.
The effects of the supplementations on mesenteric lymph nodes (MLNs), an inductor site of the gut
associated lymphoid tissue (GALT), were studied specifically during and at the end of the suckling
period, in terms of lymphocyte phenotypic composition and on the immune functionality, such as their
lymphoproliferative and cytokine production abilities.
2.1. Animals
Pregnant Wistar rats (G15) were obtained from Janvier Labs (Le Genest-Saint-Isle, France), and
were individually housed in cages under controlled conditions of temperature and humidity in a
12:12 h light:dark cycle with access to food and water ad libitum. The pregnant rats were monitored
daily and allowed to deliver naturally. The day after birth was reported as day 1. The studies were
performed in accordance with institutional guidelines, for the care and use of laboratory animals, and
were approved by the Ethical Committee for Animal Experimentation (CEEA) at the University of
Barcelona (UB) and Catalonia Government (CEEA-UB Ref. 220/15, UB/DAAM 8521).
Nutrients 2018, 10, 1171
Nutrients 2018, 10, 1171
MO, USA), 1% L-glutamine (Sigma-Aldrich, St. Louis, MO, USA), 1% penicillin streptomicin (PenStrep;
Sigma-Aldrich, St. Louis, MO, USA), and 0.05 mM 2-β-mercaptoethanol (Merck, Darmstadt, Germany).
MLNs lymphocytes were obtained in sterile conditions by passing the tissue through a cell strainer
(40 μm, BD Biosciences, San Diego, CA, USA). The cell suspensions were centrifuged (538 g, 10 min,
4 ◦ C), and the pellet was resuspended with complete RPMI medium. The cell counts and viabilities
were determined using an automated cell counter, after staining the cells with trypan blue (CountessTM ,
Invitrogen, Madrid, Spain), following usual laboratory procedures, as described in Reference [22].
The lymphocytes were immediately used to characterize their phenotype, and to determine their
ability to proliferate and secrete cytokines.
Nutrients 2018, 10, 1171
in combination with the TCRγδ+ cells (obtained from Panel 2) constituted the total of T cells.
B cells (CD45RA+ ) were identified with Panel 4. The mAbs used in this study are detailed in the
Supplementary Materials (Table S1).
Briefly, cells were incubated with a mixture of 10 μL of saturating concentrations of each mouse
anti-rat mAbs in PBS pH 7.2, containing 2% FBS and 0.1% sodium azide (Merck, Darmstadt, Germany),
at 4 ◦ C in darkness for 20 min. For T reg evaluation, an intracellular staining was performed. For that,
cells previously labeled with anti-CD4-PE and anti-CD25-FITC mAbs, were fixed/permeabilized
using a specific buffer kit (eBioscience, San Diego, CA, USA). Then, intracellular staining with
anti-Foxp3-APC mAb was carried out, under the same conditions as extracellular staining. After
washing, all stained cells were fixed with 0.5% paraformaldehyde (Panreac, Barcelona, Spain) and
stored at 4 ◦ C in darkness, until analysis by flow cytometry. For each sample, a positive control
staining using each isotype matched mAbs and a negative control without staining were included.
Analyses were performed in a Gallios™ Cytometer (Beckman Coulter, Miami, FL, USA) in the
CCiT-UB. Data were assessed by FlowJo® version 10 software (Tree Star Inc., Ashland, Covington,
KY, USA). Results were expressed as percentages of positive cells in the lymphocyte population,
selected according to their forward- and side-scatter characteristics (FSC/SSC) using previous studies
protocols [19], or in a selected population. The gating strategy was specific for each panel used, but
overall, markers (e.g., CD8α in Panel 1, αE integrin, and CD62L in Panel 3) were evaluated in specific
gate subsets (e.g., NK, NKT, or T cells in Panel 1, and CD8 or CD4 cells in Panel 3).
3. Results
Nutrients 2018, 10, 1171
All groups increased BMI, SI relative weight, and SI relative length with age (p < 0.05, day 21 vs.
day 14). Regarding the Lee index, only the animals from the REF group and those supplemented with
TGF-β2, showed significant differences associated with age (p < 0.05), but the supplementation with
EGF and FGF21 did not display such a significant age difference.
Although at 14 days there were no differences among the supplemented groups, some differences
could be seen at 21 days (Table 2). At the end of the suckling period, only the EGF supplementation
showed a significant decrease in the percentage of TCRγδ+ cells, compared to the REF group (p < 0.05).
Moreover, the REF and groups supplemented with TGF-β2 and EGF decreased the NK cell proportion,
in comparison to the same group at 14 days (p < 0.05). The animals from the REF and FGF21 groups
increased the percentage of NKT cells with age, and only those from the EGF group were able to
decrease the proportion of TCRγδ+ and B cell percentages at day 21 (p < 0.05 vs. day 14).
The percentage of CD8+ cells and the CD8αα/CD8αβ ratio from MLNs lymphocytes, were
determined as indicators of immune maturation (Figure 1). The proportion of CD8+ cells did not show
significant differences, either associated with age (day 14 vs. day 21) or to any of the supplementations,
compared to the REF group (Figure 1a). However, regarding the results from CD8αα/CD8αβ ratio, the
EGF supplementation induced a significant increase at 14 days (p < 0.05 vs. REF, Figure 1b). At day 21,
in all supplemented groups, the CD8αα/CD8αβ ratio had decreased when they were compared to
their respective group at day 14, but no differences among the interventions and the REF groups were
found (Figure 1b).
Nutrients 2018, 10, 1171
Figure 1. Proportion of CD8+ cells and ratio CD8αα/CD8αβ in mesenteric lymph nodes at 14 and
21 days of life. (a) % CD8+ cells; (b) The ratio CD8αα/CD8αβ was calculated as the quotient of
the percentages of CD8αα cells and CD8αβ cells in CD8+ cells (%). Results are expressed as mean
± standard error of the mean (S.E.M) (n = 9). Statistical differences: * p < 0.05 vs. reference group
(REF group) at same age; Ψ p < 0.05 vs. same group at day 14. TGF-β2: transforming growth factor-β2.
EGF: epidermal growth factor. FGF21: fibroblast growth factor 21.
Further analysis of CD8+ and CD8− subsets revealed some changes associated with the
supplementations (Figure 2).
Regarding the TCRαβ+ subsets (CD8+ and CD8− , respectively, Figure 2a,b), no changes due
to supplementation were found either at 14 or at 21 days, with respect to the REF group. Only, the
supplementation with FGF21 decreased the proportion of TCRαβ+ CD8− (~8%), when values from
day 21 were compared to day 14 (Figure 2a, p < 0.05). The TCRγδ+ CD8− cell percentage (Figure 2c),
increased due to supplementation with EGF and FGF21 at 14 days, with only the latter achieving
statistical significance, but these changes were not observed at the end of the suckling period (day 21).
However, both interventions showed a 50% decrease in the TCRγδ+ CD8− cell proportion associated
with age (p < 0.05, day 21 vs. day 14). Moreover, the TCRγδ+ CD8+ cell proportion in the EGF group
(Figure 2d), was lower than the REF group at day 21 (p < 0.05). In relation to the NKT population (CD8-
and CD8+ subsets), only the NKT CD8− subset showed changes associated with age for all groups
(Figure 2e), but not due to the supplementations.
Nutrients 2018, 10, 1171
7&5αβ &'
7&5αβ + &' ψ
(c) (d)
(e) (f)
ψ ψ
(g) (h)
ψ ψ
Figure 2. Percentages of CD8+ and CD8− lymphocyte subsets in mesenteric lymph nodes at 14 and
21 days of life. (a) TCRαβ+ CD8− ; (b) TCRαβ+ CD8+ ; (c) TCRγδ+ CD8− ; (d) TCRγδ+ CD8+ ; (e) NKT
CD8− ; (f) NKT CD8+ ; (g) NK CD8- ; and (h) NK CD8+ . Results are expressed as mean ± S.E.M (n = 9).
Statistical difference: * p < 0.05 vs. REF group at same age; Ψ p < 0.05 vs. same group at day 14.
However, NKT CD8+ cell proportions were not affected (Figure 2f). Results from the NK cell
population showed that in supplemented groups, there was a decrease in NK CD8- cell proportions
related to age (Figure 2g, p < 0.05, day 21 vs. day 14), and that only supplementation with TGF-β2
induced a significant decrease compared with the REF group at 21 days (Figure 2g, p < 0.05 vs. REF).
The phenotype of the intestinal NK cells based on CD8 expression, could be considered as immature
(NK CD8+ ) or more mature (NK CD8− ). The three supplementations were able to decrease the
proportion of NK cells expressing CD8 at 14 days (Figure 2h), which reached similar values to those
from reference 21-day-old rats. Thus, only the REF group decreased its percentage of NK CD8+ cells at
21 days, with respect to day 14 (Figure 2h).
Nutrients 2018, 10, 1171
The lymphocytes’ commitment to the mucosal compartment were studied by means of the
proportion of cells expressing two adhesion molecules of importance in the intestinal homing; thus, the
total percentage of cells bearing the selectin CD62L and the αE integrin were determined (Figure 3).
Figure 3. Surface expression of αE integrin and CD62L selectin, in mesenteric lymph nodes at 14 and
21 days of life. (a) CD62L/αE integrin surface expression at 14 days, (b) CD62L/αE integrin surface
expression at 21 days, (c) CD62L+ cells (%) and (d) αE+ cells (%). Results are expressed as mean ±
S.E.M (n = 9). Statistical difference: Ψ p > 0.05 vs. same group at day 14.
Figure 3a,b show the molecular pattern of αE/CD62L on day 14 and 21. The CD62L molecule was
expressed on both days in high proportion of cells (~60%). Although the percentage of CD62L+ cells
increased significantly with age in all studied groups (Figure 3a–c, p < 0.05), none of the supplemented
groups induced significant differences, when they were compared to the REF group at the same age.
The αE+ cells were present in a proportion lower than 5% at both studied times (Figure 3b–d) and
were not modified by any GFs administration (Figure 3d).
The percentages of integrin αE+ cells and selectin CD62L+ cells in CD8+ , CD4+ , and B cells were
further studied (Table 3). None of the supplemented groups showed significant differences, compared
to the REF group at the same age. All studied groups increased CD62L+ CD8+ and CD62L+ CD4+
percentages with age (p < 0.05, day 21 vs. day 14). The REF group increased (~15%) αE+ B cells
subset proportion, with respect to the same group at 14 days, whereas all supplemented groups
decreased (~20%) this subset with age (p < 0.05). In addition, the supplementation with EGF and
FGF21, decreased the percentage of αE expression in CD4+ cells with age. Although there was a
tendency to increase with age, the proportion of CD62L+ in B cells in all groups, it was only significant
in the TGF-β2 group (p < 0.05).
At the end of the suckling period, activated CD4 cells (Foxp3− CD25+ CD4+ cells) and Treg cells
(Foxp3+ CD25+ CD4+ cells) were also studied, and no changes were found due to diets (day 21), with
all groups together having a mean percentage of 1.22 ± 0.12 and 3.81 ± 0.11, respectively.
Nutrients 2018, 10, 1171
Table 3. Surface expression of the αE integrin and the CD62L selectin in CD4+ , CD8+ , and B cells in
mesenteric lymph nodes.
14 Days
Reference TGF-β2 EGF FGF21
CD8+ 2.75 ± 0.72 2.92 ± 0.49 2.94 ± 0.52 2.88 ± 0.44
%αE CD4+ 2.81 ± 0.39 3.07 ± 0.45 4.46 ± 0.34 3.80 ± 0.26
B cells 15.98 ± 1.61 18.33 ± 1.39 18.92 ± 2.50 20.32 ± 3.12
CD8+ 65.27 ± 1.56 62.38 ± 3.47 59.25 ± 2.52 59.21 ± 3.55
%CD62L CD4+ 59.55 ± 1.76 55.41 ± 2.36 53.61 ± 1.37 53.65 ± 2.40
B cells 48.43 ± 2.77 46.6 ± 2.05 38.77 ± 2.08 37.29 ± 4.78
21 Days
Reference TGF-β2 EGF FGF21
CD8+ 3.84 ± 0.48 2.98 ± 1.04 3.70 ± 0.48 3.97 ± 0.66
%αE CD4+ 2.83 ± 0.75 2.61 ± 0.52 1.94 ± 0.18 Ψ 2.52 ± 0.30 Ψ
B cells 18.43 ± 1.83 Ψ 13.03 ± 1.55 Ψ 14.95 ± 1.69 Ψ 15.75 ± 1.16 Ψ
CD8+ 71.49 ± 1.38 Ψ 72.10 ± 1.93 Ψ 70.78 ± 2.19 Ψ 72.88 ± 2.37 Ψ
%CD62L CD4+ 66.02 ± 1.74 Ψ 68.24 ± 1.64 Ψ 66.66 ± 0.42 Ψ 66.80 ± 1.22 Ψ
B cells 56.79 ± 2.25 60.92 ± 2.17 Ψ 60.82 ± 3.92 57.61 ± 2.37
Results are expressed as mean ± S.E.M (n = 9). Ψ p < 0.05 vs. day 14 at same group.
Nutrients 2018, 10, 1171
Table 4. Cytokine production by mesenteric lymph node cells after in vitro stimulation.
14 Days
(pg/mL) Reference TGF-β2 EGF FGF21
IL-2 42.71 ± 5.96 39.24 ± 5.66 50.45 ± 6.66 56.72 ± 11.04
IL-4 89.82 ± 13.00 57.14 ± 7.81 82.65 ± 12.47 74.97 ± 12.18
IL-10 879.82 ± 239.40 688.01 ± 145.14 1450.87 ± 296.29 1326.99 ± 217.06
IL-13 25.38 ± 5.64 17.53 ± 3.03 31.91 ± 4.28 26.18 ± 4.03
IL-17A 71.98 ± 26.92 70.22 ± 20.16 60.12 ± 13.61 50.82 ± 9.53
IFN-γ 10323.26 ± 2391.46 8302.75 ± 1964.09 9329.17 ± 1662.87 7882.51 ± 2810.34
TNF-α 8.76 ± 0.98 9.48 ± 0.68 9.19 ± 1.16 7.40 ± 0.25
IL-10/TNF-α 115.00 ± 33.11 79.71 ± 21.80 170.87 ± 43.10 178.05 ± 29.25
IFN-γ/IL-4 110.35 ± 20.65 195.32 ± 61.39 124.85 ± 37.55 103.80 ± 26.93
21 Days
(pg/mL) Reference TGF-β2 EGF FGF21
IL-2 390.57 ± 141.49 Ψ 383.80 ± 89.21 Ψ 244.79 ± 80.37 Ψ 270.16 ± 114.54
IL-4 70.52 ± 10.51 52.21 ± 7.69 48.52 ± 1.91 Ψ 66.60 ± 8.80
IL-10 705.45 ± 63.95 514.70 ± 55.30 508.26 ± 61.43 Ψ 542.36 ± 78.82 Ψ
IL-13 19.51 ± 2.44 12.92 ± 0.74 * 9.91 ± 1.24 *,Ψ 9.83 ± 1.65 *,Ψ
IL-17A 59.97 ± 7.14 46.91 ± 4.03 52.30 ± 10.7022 41.24 ± 11.77
IFN-γ 4231.26 ± 365.41 Ψ 4488.50 ± 416.14 6900.74 ± 1129.78 4595.11 ± 1058.87
TNF-α 6.63 ± 0.11 Ψ 6.55 ± 0.20 Ψ 10.02 ± 0.40 * 5.91 ± 0.38 Ψ
IL-10/TNF-α 106.47 ± 9.73 80.13 ± 9.55 50.48 ± 5.72 *,Ψ 95.64 ± 17.03 Ψ
IFN-γ/IL-4 64.25 ± 9.61 111.99 ± 25.23 147.25 ± 27.9166 81.50 ± 25.37
Results are expressed as mean ± S.E.M (n = 9). * p < 0.05 vs. REF group at same age; Ψ p < 0.05 vs. day 14 at
same group.
4. Discussion
At birth, the immune system is immature, as evidenced by a poor antibody production and low
proliferative response of immune cells. In addition, there are mucosal immune impairments, such
as low intestinal IgA content, reduced number of B lymphocytes in the intestinal mucosa, and few
intestinal T cells [23]. Immune development is driven, among other factors, by components of breast
milk. It is known that growth factors, such as TGF-β2 and EGF, regulate the immune response in early
life and confer protective effects against gut mucosal inflammation by enhancing oral tolerance [1,2,7].
FGF21, which is also present in maternal milk, is a less-studied component and could be involved
in such effects as well [16]. The current study aimed to evaluate whether supplementation with
TGF-β2, EGF, or FGF21 had a role in immune maturation in early life. A rat pup model was used to
evaluate the effect of a daily supplementation with TGF-β2, EGF, or FGF21 during suckling on the
GALT, particularly in the MLNs, which is an inductor site of intestinal immune response. We assessed
the immune maturation by functions, such as lymphoproliferation, cytokine production ability, and
establishing lymphocyte MLNs composition.
Regarding growth, the body weight of pups was not modified due to supplementation with
any of the GFs studied. These results were in line with other investigations, in which rats receiving
either TGF-β2 [10] or EGF [24,25] during the first two weeks of life did not change their body weight.
Likewise, although a study showed that the body weight of FGF21-knockout mice compared to
wild-type 3-month-old mice was not different [26], its physiological role as a weight regulating factor
was discussed [18]. Overall, it seems that the tested GFs, under the conditions we used, did not have a
key role in the growth of neonates.
Intestinal length and weight are useful tools for evaluating the primary impact of a nutrient
on the maturation of the rat small intestine [27]. The GFs supplementation in the current study did
not affect these variables. However, it has been reported that suckling rats receiving intraperitoneal
administration of EGF (100 μg/kg) for only two days, increased stomach and intestinal weights [24];
and that rat pups receiving oral administration of EGF through formula at concentrations exceeding
Nutrients 2018, 10, 1171
the reported concentrations of EGF in rodent milk, enhanced intestinal growth (weight and length) [15].
Thus, in agreement with our results, only high doses of these compounds seem to be able to modify
intestinal growth.
Although no impact on the body and intestinal growth due to any of these GFs was observed,
some effects of TGF-β2, EGF, or FGF21 on immune variables have been shown to be specific; and
therefore, the influence of each GF tested on MLN lymphocyte maturation will be discussed separately.
Transforming growth factor-β (TGF-β) has a wide range of biological activities and among
them, it has an important role in cell proliferation and differentiation. TGF-β acts as a cytokine
having predominantly suppressive effects on the growth of T and B lymphocytes. In this study,
the supplementation of suckling rats with TGF-β2 did not have a significant influence on unspecific
MLNs proliferative cell response. This result contrasted with a report showing that suckling rats
receiving a whey-enriched TGF-β formula, down-regulated the MLNs lymphocyte proliferative
response to specific antigen after being sensitized [28]. On the other hand, we observed that MLNs
cells after TGF-β2 supplementation did not modify the changes in IL-2 and TNF-α secretion associated
with age, but attenuated IL-13 production at day 21 with respect to reference animals. The attenuation
on IL-13 production, a Th2 cytokine linked to allergic processes [29–31], agrees with results showing
that Brown Norway rat pups receiving a formula with TGF-β2 between 4 and 18 days of life shifted the
immune response from a Th2 type towards a Th1 profile [13]. Likewise, it is known that low levels of
IL-13 in colostrum and mature milk are associated with less eczema in early life [32]. Thus, our results
suggested that early TGF-β2 intake could play an important role in the prevention of Th2 mediated
alterations, such as allergy.
In the current study, the TGF-β2 supplementation was already able to modulate MLN lymphocyte
composition in suckling rats. It decreases the proportion of the immature phenotype of the intestinal
NK cells (NK CD8+ ) on day 14 at levels observed later (day 21); which indicated a positive action
on the intestinal immune maturation. This developmental pattern, decreasing CD8 expression in the
NK cell surface with age, has previously described in rat neonatal intraepithelial lymphocytes (IEL)
and MLN cells [19,27]. In line with this, we found that, although no changes in total CD8+ cells were
observed due to TGF-β2 supplementation, a lower CD8αα/CD8αβ ratio at day 21, compared to day
14 appeared. This ratio has been described to be reduced according to age in healthy MLNs cells
from suckling rats [19], thus our results may suggested a promotion of the intestinal immune system
maturation. This contrasts with results in BALB/c mice pups, showing higher CD8+ T cell proportions
when their lactating mothers were treated with mAbs, against TGF-β twice a week from delivery until
weaning [33]. On the other hand, we did not find changes in the MLNs Treg (CD4+ CD25+ Foxp3+ ) cell
proportion. However, some authors have suggested that oral tolerance induced by breastfeeding could
depend on TGF-β signaling from breast milk, which would be able to up-regulate Foxp3+ cells [33].
Regarding the intestinal humoral immune response, it is known that IgA is poorly produced
by the neonate mucosal immune system [1,28], and that TGF-β1 and TGF-β2 from mammalian milk
are able to stimulate the synthesis of mucosal IgA [28,33]. Thus, TGF-β acting in synergy with IL-10,
can promote IgA production and oral tolerance induction [28]. However, our results did not show
significant changes in the intestinal IgA and IgM content of the suckling rats. This lack of effect could
be due to the fact that breast milk contains IgA and IgM, which are transferred to the pups, and then
these milk antibodies in the intestine would mask the pups’ own levels. For this reason, intestinal IgA
and IgM assessment cannot be a good marker of nutritional supplementation at this level.
Epidermal growth factor (EGF) is a peptide that modulates a variety of biological responses, such
as cell proliferation and differentiation [14]. It is known that it has a clear effect on epithelium, where it
accelerates maturation and stimulates cell proliferation [34–36]. However, in the current study, we have
not detected any effect of the EGF supplementation on the proliferative response of MLNs cells in the
suckling pups. There is evidence that EGF prevents and reduces the incidence and severity of NEC
by modulating important transcription factors for cytokine regulation [37], and it is known that the
balance of pro-inflammatory and anti-inflammatory cytokines may play a key role in the development
Nutrients 2018, 10, 1171
of NEC [17]. This effect may be attributable to a down-regulation of pro-inflammatory IL-18 and to
an increase of anti-inflammatory IL-10 at the site of injury [17,37]. Here we found that, 21-day EGF
supplementation increased TNF-α and decreased IL-13 production by MLNs cells. The changes in these
two cytokines, contained in maternal milk [32,38], could be associated with positive effects. Indeed,
decreased IL-13 can be useful in the prevention of allergy, as stated for TGF-β2 [29–31]. Moreover,
EGF supplementation kept the levels of TNF-α on day 21 at the same level as that on day 14, which
could play in favor of its own effects because it is known that EGF receptor (EGF-R) is up-regulated by
TNF-α [39]. Regarding MLNs cell composition, EGF supplementation shares some maturate effects
with TGF-β2, such as the induction of lower levels of NK CD8+ cells and CD8αα/CD8αβ ratio.
Finally, focusing on fibroblast growth factor 21 (FGF21), recent studies showed that its function is
not limited to the regulation of metabolism, but that it is also involved in the protection of multiple
physiological processes, such as oxidation, inflammation, atherosclerosis, and aging processes [40].
A recent study demonstrated that, in the spleen of mice with collagen-induced arthritis (CIA), FGF21
reduces the expression of inflammatory cytokines, such as IL-17, TNF-α, IL-1β, IL-6, IL-8, and MMP3,
whereas IL-10 levels were increased, compared to PBS treated CIA mice [41]. In line with this, we have
not found any significant difference with respect to non-supplemented animals on MLNs inflammatory
cytokines, but the FGF21 supplementation decreased IL-13 at 21 days, as we also found with the other
GFs, suggesting, therefore, its role in preventing allergic events.
It is known that FGF21 is present in breast milk and does not contribute to systemic levels in
mouse neonates, but appears to act locally on the mouse neonatal intestine [16]; and it is unknown
whether this factor plays an important role in the maturation of the immune system. We found that
suckling rats receiving FGF21 promoted maturation of the early life intestinal immune system by
accelerating the decrease in the proportion of NK CD8+ cells and the decrease in the CD8αα/CD8αβ
cell ratio in MLNs, as well as TGF-β2 and EGF. This is the first time that the immunomodulatory effect
of FGF21 has been demonstrated in early life.
5. Conclusions
In conclusion, our study demonstrated that supplementation with TGF-β2, EGF, or FGF21 during
the suckling period had an immunoregulatory effect. Although some specific effects appeared, the
three growth factors were able to modulate similar aspects of MLN cells, such as promoting lymphocyte
maturation, as observed by increasing NK cells with a more mature phenotype (CD8− ) and reducing
IL-13 production, which could be useful in avoiding allergic processes. Further studies should be
carried out to establish the effect of the supplementation of TGF-β2, EGF, or FGF21 on the response of
suckling pups in other parts of the intestinal immune system, such as in the intestinal epithelium or
even at the systemic level.
Nutrients 2018, 10, 1171
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Effect of Milk Fermented with
Lactobacillus fermentum on the Inflammatory
Response in Mice
Lourdes Santiago-López 1 , Adrián Hernández-Mendoza 1 , Verónica Mata-Haro 2 ,
Belinda Vallejo-Córdoba 1 , Abraham Wall-Medrano 3 , Humberto Astiazarán-García 4 ,
María del Carmen Estrada-Montoya 1 and Aarón F. González-Córdova 1, *
1 Laboratorio de Química y Biotecnología de Productos Lácteos, Centro de Investigación en Alimentación y
Desarrollo A. C. (CIAD), Carretera a La Victoria Km. 0.6, Hermosillo, Sonora 83304, Mexico; (L.S.-L.); (A.H.-M.); (B.V.-C.); (M.d.C.E.-M.)
2 Laboratorio de Microbiología e Inmunología, Centro de Investigación en Alimentación y Desarrollo
A. C. (CIAD), Carretera a La Victoria Km. 0.6, Hermosillo, Sonora 83304, Mexico;
3 Departamento de Ciencias Químico-Biológicas, Instituto de Ciencias Biomédicas, Universidad Autónoma de
Ciudad Juárez, Anillo Envolvente del PRONAF y Estocolmo s/n, Ciudad Juárez 32310, Chihuahua, Mexico;
4 Laboratorio de Patología Experimental, Centro de Investigación en Alimentación y Desarrollo A. C. (CIAD),
Carretera a la Victoria Km. 0.6, Hermosillo, Sonora 83304, Mexico;
* Correspondence:; Tel./Fax: +52-662-289-2400
Abstract: Currently, the effect of fermented milk on the T-helper 17 response in inflammatory bowel
diseases (IBDs) is unknown. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the effect of milks
fermented with Lactobacillus fermentum on the Th1/Th17 response in a murine model of mild IBD.
Exopolysaccharide (EPS), lactic acid (LA), and total protein (TP) contents and bacterial concentration
were determined. Male C57Bl/6 mice intragastrically received either raw (FM) or pasteurized (PFM)
fermented milk before and during a dextran sulfate infusion protocol. Blood, spleen, and colon
samples were collected at Weeks 6 and 10. IL-6, IL-10, and TNFα were determined in serum, and IL-17,
IL-23, and IFNγ were determined in intestinal mucosa and serum. The FM groups did not differ in cell
concentration, LA, or TP content (p > 0.05); FM-J28 had the highest EPS content. Spleen weight and
colon length did not differ among the FM groups (p > 0.05). In the FM-J20 and PFM-J20 groups, IL-17
and IFNγ decreased, and the IL-10 concentration was enhanced (p < 0.05) at Week 6. IL-6, TNFα, IL-23,
and IFNγ did not differ in serum and mucosa (p > 0.05), and IL-17 was lowest in FM-J28 and FM-J20.
Therefore, FM appears to potentially play a role in decreasing the Th17 response. However, further
studies are needed to elucidate the FM-mediated anti-inflammatory mechanisms in IBD.
1. Introduction
Inflammatory bowel diseases (IBDs) are characterized by chronic and uncontrolled inflammation
in the intestinal mucosa. Different factors have been evidenced to affect the immune system at
the mucosal level [1]. For example, inflammatory mediators such as cytokines play an important
role in the adaptive immune response at the intestinal mucosal level. The modulation of biological
cellular functions may initiate downstream signaling pathways and mediate cellular proliferation and
differentiation [2]. In particular, Th1 and Th17 cells have been implicated in the development of IBD.
Th1 is characterized by the presence of interferon-γ (IFNγ) and Th17 by the presence of interleukin
(IL)-17, IL-21, and IL-22 [3]. Cytokines such as IL-6, TGF-β, and IL-23 promote the development of Th17
cells in IBD [4]. One study related Th1 and Th17 responses to the pathogenesis of IBD and suggested
that Th1 cells may enhance the production of Th17 cells. In this previous study, a higher concentration
of Th17 vs. Th1 cells was reported in a colitis model with CBirl TCR transgenic mice, which are
immunodominant susceptible to flagellin microbiota [5]. In contrast, another study examining the
cytokine profiles of Th1 and Th17 in a colitis model found that IL-4 and IL-10 levels were enhanced
while IL-17 levels were reduced [6].
In another study, the pathogenic action of IL-23 was demonstrated. In IL-23R-deficient mice,
reduced Reg3b protein expression in intestinal mucosa was shown to directly affect antimicrobial
activity. In addition, IL-23-dependent Reg3b triggers an influx of IL-22, regulating the number of
neutrophils in the lamina propia and restoring IL-22 secretion. This finding is important given the role
of IL-23 in neutralizing the Th17 response in IBD [7].
Moreover, the administration of probiotics was shown to possibly modulate the inflammatory
process through the Th1-Th2-Th17 response. Zheng et al. [8] reported that Bifidobacterium breve and
Lactobacillus rhamnosus reduce Th17 and increase the Th2 cell subset in human peripheral blood
mononuclear cells. In addition, the active components of probiotics were shown to be responsible
for enhancing the numbers of CD4 + FoxP3 + regulatory T cells in mesenteric lymph nodes and
for decreasing the cytokines tumor necrosis factor-α (TNFα), IFNγ, and IL-10 in Peyer’s patches
and the large intestine. In another study, probiotics were shown to play an important role in the
down-regulation of the nuclear factor kappa B (NFkB) pathway in RAW 264.7 cells to prevent TNFα
expression in a lipopolysaccharide-induced model [9].
Several additional studies have documented the regulation of the immune response in IBDs by
administering probiotics [10–14]. However, few studies have documented the effects of fermented
milk on the Th17 response, which regulates various inflammatory processes at the intestinal level.
In one case, Dahi-fermented milk containing a probiotic reduced myeloperoxidase (MPO) activity and
TNFα, IL-6, and IFNγ levels [14]. Meanwhile, milk with fermented Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG reduced
colonic inflammation and injury and stimulated the activation of epidermal growth factor receptor
(EGFR) and protein kinase B (Akt), which may be attributed to the release of p40 and p75 proteins
during fermentation [15].
These latter studies demonstrated the potential role of milk fermented with probiotics on the
inflammatory process. However, the effect of fermented milk on the Th1/Th17 response has not
been reported. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the effect of milk fermented with
Lactobacillus fermentum (J20 and J28) on the Th1/Th17 response in a murine model of inflammation.
Nutrients 2018, 10, 1039
by counts on plates of MRS agar. The LA and TP contents were determined by AOAC techniques
2000. The titratable acidity was expressed as percent LA titrated in 10 mL of fermented milk, using
NaOH (0.1 N) and phenolphtalein as the indicator. TP was quantified by the Kjeldahl method using a
nitrogen-to-protein conversion factor of 6.25.
Nutrients 2018, 10, 1039
Figure 1. Experimental design. FM + DSS, PFM + DSS, and AM experimental groups of mice
received daily treatments from Week 1 to Week 10. Mice received DSS in Week 2, 4, 6, and 9.
*DSS administration period
Nutrients 2018, 10, 1039
Table 1. Cell concentrations, total protein in fermented milk and metabolites derived from the
fermentation process.
Nutrients 2018, 10, 1039
Colon length did not differ significantly among all groups (p > 0.05) nor between Weeks 6 and 10,
which may indicate a low response to the inflammatory process during the study period.
The administration of DSS is known to reproducibly induce mild intestinal inflammation and
the development of ulcers in mice, increasing neutrophil counts in the intestine [24]. In this regard,
the capacity of Th17 cells to secrete IL-17 but not IFNγ or IL-4 has been described; these prior cells
play an important role in the mediation of the inflammation process and tissue destruction [25,26].
Therefore, it is important to know their functions and develop strategies that block their response at
local level, principally in IBDs [27].
The serum cytokine profiles at Week 6 showed a significant increase in IL-17 in the groups
subjected to DSS-induced inflammation with respect to the water group (p < 0.05) (Figure 3A).
Meanwhile, the concentration of IFNγ in the DSS group was enhanced compared to the water group at
Week 6, yet decreased by Week 10 (p < 0.05) (Figure 3B). The concentration of IFN-γ in serum samples
was enhanced at Week 6 for the DSS groups FM-J20 and PFM-J28. These values corresponded with an
enhancement in the Th1 response, as various reports have documented. The inflammation process,
as based on IL-17, was sufficient at Week 6; hence, by Week 10, the organisms were possibly able to
regulate the inflammation process. In our study, for example, the FM-J28 group at Week 6 showed
enhanced IL-17 but not IFN. This is a possible response mechanism to a low concentration of IFNγ.
Finally, IL-22 and IL-23 were not detected.
Figure 2. Effect of dextran sulfate sodium and fermented milk administration on spleen weight (A)
and colon length (B) at Weeks 6 (black) and 10 (grey). Bars with an uppercase letter indicate statistical
differences at Week 6 among treatments, and bars with a lowercase letter indicate statistical differences
at Week 10 according to the Tukey–Kramer test (p < 0.05). The values are the means ± SD (n = 5).
The groups administered with FM-J20 and PFM-J20 showed the lowest concentration of IL-17
(p < 0.05) at Weeks 6 and 10. FM-J20 and PFM-J20 differed in the presence of viable bacterial cells, yet
both FMs were able to decrease the concentration of IL-17, suggesting that different components from
FM are involved in this effect. However, no statistical difference was encountered at Week 10 with
respect to the DSS group (p > 0.05). Furthermore, IL-6 and TNFα did not show statistical differences
among treatments and the control (DSS and water) at Weeks 6 and 10 (p > 0.05) (Figure 3C,D).
However, the concentration of IL-10 cytokine did significantly differ (p < 0.05) (Figure 3E); the
groups administered with PFM-J20 and FM J28 presented the highest concentration at Weeks 6
and 10, respectively.
It was previously reported that the expression of the genes that encode for IL-6, IL-1β, IL-23A,
TGFβ, and STAT3 are involved in the differentiation of Th17 cells in a DSS-induced inflammation
model [28]. Furthermore, studies have demonstrated that Th17 cells require specific cytokines such as
Nutrients 2018, 10, 1039
IL-23, which mediates the expansion of IL-17. On the other hand, low levels of IFNγ and IFNα may
enhance the gene expression of IL-17 and IL-17-producing cells generated by IL-23 stimulation [29].
The findings reported in the present work are in agreement with those of other studies.
For example, the administration of VSL#3 probiotics decreased TNFα and IL-6 and increased IL-10
serum levels in a DSS-induced colitis model of inflammation [10]. However, the concentration of
inflammatory cytokines in our study is minor compared with other studies, which may indicate that
the response following FM intake is lower in our inflammation model. Different compounds derived
from FM are responsible for the anti-inflammatory effect [30,31]. For instance, milk fermented with
Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG (LGG) was found to reduce colonic inflammation and injury and to also
stimulate the activation of EGFR and Akt pathways while suppressing cytokine-induced apoptosis.
This effect was attributed to the soluble proteins p40 and p75 present in milk fermented with LGG [15].
Furthermore, the immunoprotective effect of probiotic Dahi containing Lactobacillus acidophilus LaVK2
and Bifidobacterium bifidum BbVK3 on DSS-induced ulcerative colitis in mice was demonstrated to
significantly reduce TNFα, IL-6, and IFNγ cytokines in colonic tissue [14].
Nutrients 2018, 10, 1039
Figure 3. Effects of DSS and fermented milk administration on: IL-17 (A); and IFNγ (B) in serum samples,
determined by ELISA; and on: IL-6 (C); TNFα (D); and IL-10 (E), determined by flow cytometry at
Weeks 6 and 10. Bars with an uppercase letter indicate statistical differences at Week 6 among treatments,
and bars with a lowercase letter indicate statistical differences at Week 10 (p < 0.05) according to the
Kruskal–Wallis test. The values correspond to medians ± interquartile ranges for n = 5.
Several reports have shown the different mechanisms of action involved in the anti-inflammatory
effect of probiotics, but few studies have demonstrated possible pathways at the cellular level.
Nutrients 2018, 10, 1039
One possible mechanism of action may be related with cell viability or cell wall components, which
can be internalized into M cells, interact with dendritic cells, and then down-regulate the production
of the pro-inflammatory cytokines IL-1β, IL-6, IL-17, TNFα, and IFNγ [32,33]. Furthermore, bioactive
peptides have shown anti-inflammatory activity by down-regulating LPS-induced cytokine production
in monocytes cells via the NF-kB pathway [34].
Moreover, LA may induce different inflammatory responses in LPS-stimulated RAW 264.7 cells.
Some studies have reported its association with metabolic acidosis, which frequently complicates
sepsis and septic shock and may be deleterious for cellular function. In this study, the AM group
showed no statistical difference (p > 0.05) with respect to the control group and FM groups; however,
it is important to carry out further studies on LA and its role in inflammatory processes.
In the determination of cytokines in samples of intestinal mucosal (Figure 4), FM-J20, FM-J28,
and PFM-J28 showed statistical differences (p < 0.05) among treatments with respect to the controls
(DSS and water). However, IFNγ levels were not statistically different (p > 0.05), and IL-23 was not
detected at the mucosal level. These results correspond with those reported in other studies wherein
the presence of IFNγ inhibited IL-17 [5]. IL-23 is important for the expansion, stabilization, and
conditioning of the Th17 response; hence, the IL-23/17 axis may be considered as a hallmark and an
attractive probiotic therapeutic target in IBD [32]. The study by Jadhav et al. [14] showed the lowest
concentrations of TNFα, IL-6, and IFNγ in samples of colonic tissue from mice administered with Dahi
(fermented dairy) + DSS as well as a group administered probiotic + DSS.
This effect has also been observed in mice following the administration of milk fermented with
Bifidobacterium strains. In particular, these mice showed a lower concentration of TNFα in culture
supernatants, while IL-10 increased in the FM group and also reduced the histological score compared
to treatments with saline and unfermented milk [35]. A possible mechanism for the anti-inflammatory
effect may be related to the inhibition or modulation of the expression of several genes such as NF-kB,
RELB, and TNFα, which have been reported as active during inflammation processes [36].
Figure 4. The effect of DSS and fermented milk administration on IL-17 (A) and IFNγ (B) determined
by ELISA of colonic mucosa at Week 10. Different letters show statistical differences (p < 0.05) among
treatments according to the Kruskal–Wallis test. The values are medians ± interquartile ranges (n = 5).
Nutrients 2018, 10, 1039
Histological Analysis
The DSS inflammation process is characterized by histological findings such as edema, infiltration
of inflammatory cells into both the mucosa and submucosa, and destruction of epithelial cells [28].
Our results indicated that neither the administration of DSS or fermented milk affected the structure of
mucosa or submucosa (Figure 5). A low number of inflammatory cells infiltrated (Figure 5B) but did not
result in mucosal injury. Therefore, the histological analysis of samples confirmed that the inflammation
process was not extensive; this finding may suggest that the presence of pro-inflammatory cytokines
did not cause extensive changes. On the other hand, some studies have suggested that invasion of
inflammatory cells into the mucosa produces increased concentrations of inflammatory cytokines such
as TNFα, which then induce the expression of genes associated with inflammation [10]. In addition,
DSS may induce the expression of COX-2, an enzyme responsible for the formation of prostanoids [38]
that has been shown to be specifically induced in epithelial cells under IBD conditions [39].
Figure 5. Histological analysis of cross sections of colon tissue samples stained with hematoxylin–eosin
(10×): (A) water control group; (B) DSS group; (C) AM + DSS group; (D) FM-J20 + DSS group;
(E) PFM-J20 + DSS group; (F) FM-J28 + DSS group; and (G) PFM-J28 + DSS group.
These findings show that FM administration may prevent intestinal inflammation by stabilizing
mucosal immunity through different components or metabolites derived during the fermentation
process [13]. In particular, the present results show that the administration of FM could mediate the
Th1/Th17 response, but more studies are required to determine the possible metabolites involved
and the activation pathways. The interaction of derivative compounds from fermentation, such as
LA and EPS, as well as the presence of bacteria could result in an anti-inflammatory response that
stimulates IL-10 production and inhibits TNFα despite the interaction of TLR2 and TLR4 and activation
of NF-kB. For example, in one previous study, the presence of LA and Lactobacillus casei Shirota culture
supernatants suppressed phosphorylation and degradation of I-kB-α [40].
4. Conclusions
In the present study, several strategies to reduce inflammation in an IBD model employing
milk fermented with Lactobacillus strains were evaluated. The administration of milk fermented
Nutrients 2018, 10, 1039
with Lactobacillus fermentum possibly decreased the inflammatory response at Week 6 because of
the metabolites or cell components present in this product. However, further studies are needed to
determine the modulation of Th1/Th17 by fermented milk. The findings in the present study show the
potential regulatory effect of FM on the inflammatory process, although this effect was minor, possibly
as a result of irregularity in the inflammatory process. Future studies are needed to establish an
adequate model of inflammation that allows the Th17 response to be evaluated considering the other
biomarkers involved in this response, including chemokines, transcription factors, and metabolites
released during fermentation, as well as cell differentiation, which may all be responsible for promoting
an anti-inflammatory response.
Author Contributions: A.F.G.-C., A.H.-M., V.M.-H., B.V.-C., A.W.-M., H.A.-G. and L.S.-L. designed the study.
V.M.-H. and L.S.-L. contributed to the flow cytometer analysis of the samples. L.S.-L. wrote the manuscript.
V.M.-H., A.H.-M. and A.F.G.-C. revised the manuscript. A.W.-M. contributed to the histological analysis. H.A.-G.,
B.V.-C. and M.d.C.E.-M. provided valuable scientific knowledge and advisory throughout the study.
Funding: This study was supported by the Mexican Council of Science and Technology (CONACyT; Mexico City)
research project 240338 CONACyT.
Acknowledgments: The authors would like to thank Alejandro Santos-Espinosa, Alejandro Epigmenio-Chavez,
Lilia María Beltrán-Barrientos, and Miguel Angel Rendón-Rosales for their technical assistance in this study.
The authors would also like to thank the Mexican Council of Science and Technology (CONACyT) for the graduate
scholarship provided to L. Santiago-López. Histological analyses were performed with equipment acquired with
funding from the Comprehensive Institutional Strengthening Program (PIFI) 2007-2008, 2909 5001-004-09
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare that they have no conflicts of interest regarding the publication of
this paper.
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Infant Complementary Feeding of Prebiotics for the
Microbiome and Immunity
Starin McKeen 1,2,3 , Wayne Young 1,2,3 , Jane Mullaney 1,2,3 , Karl Fraser 1,2,3 ,
Warren C. McNabb 2,3 and Nicole C. Roy 1,2,3, *
1 AgResearch, Food Nutrition & Health, Grasslands Research Centre, Private Bag 11008, Palmerston north
4442, New Zealand; (S.M.); (W.Y.); (J.M.); (K.F.)
2 Riddet Institute, Massey University, Private Bag 11222, Palmerston North 4442, New Zealand;
3 High-Value Nutrition National Science Challenge, Auckland, New Zealand
* Correspondence:; Tel.: +64-6-3518-1101
Abstract: Complementary feeding transitions infants from a milk-based diet to solid foods, providing
essential nutrients to the infant and the developing gut microbiome while influencing immune
development. Some of the earliest microbial colonisers readily ferment select oligosaccharides,
influencing the ongoing establishment of the microbiome. Non-digestible oligosaccharides
in prebiotic-supplemented formula and human milk oligosaccharides promote commensal
immune-modulating bacteria such as Bifidobacterium, which decrease in abundance during weaning.
Incorporating complex, bifidogenic, non-digestible carbohydrates during the transition to solid foods
may present an opportunity to feed commensal bacteria and promote balanced concentrations of
beneficial short chain fatty acid concentrations and vitamins that support gut barrier maturation and
immunity throughout the complementary feeding window.
1. Introduction
The strategic introduction of prebiotic compounds during weaning presents an opportunity to
promote infant health and to support development via balanced co-maturation of the gut microbiome
and host. Between 4 and 6 months of age, nutrient demands of growing infants surpass what is
provided by breastmilk or formula alone [1–4]. Complementary foods accompany and gradually
replace breastmilk and formula throughout the weaning period, providing essential nutrients to the
developing digestive system and modulating microbial colonisation [1,5–8]. The young immune
system is influenced by the gut microbiome and supported by metabolites produced during the
microbial fermentation of prebiotic compounds, leading to a tolerance for commensal microbes
and specific responses to pathogens [9–15]. Prebiotic compounds in breastmilk and supplemented
formulas promote commensal immune-modulating bacteria, such as Bifidobacterium, and beneficial
metabolites, such as short chain fatty acids (SCFAs) and vitamins [16–21]. Introducing non-digestible
starches through complementary foods may present an opportunity to promote commensal bacteria
and support microbial production of beneficial metabolites throughout the complementary feeding
window, with lasting effects on health [22–24].
Prior to weaning, the healthy infant gut microbiome is shaped by maternal factors, such as mode
of birth, environment, and first foods: breastmilk and infant formula [10,25–33]. The establishment of
microbial species changes dramatically throughout the first 2–3 years of life before stabilising at an
adult-like composition [7]. While individual variations in taxonomic composition persist, analogous
genes consistently and predictably fill similar functional and metabolic niches as new foods are
introduced and formula or breastfeeding ceases [7]. Commensal species that colonise the immature
gut modulate gene expression of epithelial and immune cells and, in turn, are regulated by adaptive
and innate immune responses in the mucosal immune system [14,26,31,34–42].
Breastmilk and some types of prebiotic-supplemented formulas provide non-digestible
oligosaccharides (NDOs) to the gut microbiome, which exert a strong influence on the microbial
composition and metabolism [43]. The introduction of starchy foods such as cereals, porridges,
and pureed tubers is common practice due to the neutral tastes, smooth textures, and ease of
swallowing as oral coordination develops [44]. The role of these starches in the community dynamics
of the immature and unstable infant microbiome remains unknown.
Based on investigations into human milk oligosaccharides (HMOs) and NDOs, prebiotic whole
foods may support immunity and immune development through a variety of direct and indirect
mechanisms. While poorly characterised compared to oligosaccharides, starches may act as receptor
analogues to pathogens, reducing the quantity of enteric pathogens that reach the gut epithelium and
subsequent infection [45]. Starches also promote populations of bacteria of which some strains directly
interact with immunomodulatory factors in the gut mucosa [46]. These and other commensal bacteria
also ferment starches into metabolites such as SCFAs and vitamins, which have known benefits to gut
barrier integrity, immune-regulation, and immune response [47].
This review summarises the current body of knowledge on the complementary feeding of
prebiotic starches for the microbiome with a focus on the interactions of commensal species, microbial
metabolites, and the development of the gut barrier and immune system.
Nutrients 2019, 11, 364
Figure 1. The percent of nutrient requirements based on the recommended daily intakes (RDIs) [49]
that are met via average daily breastmilk consumption (750 mL from 0–6 months and 800 mL from
7–12 months) [50].
Timing of the introduction of solid foods has been investigated in both low- and high-income
countries. Delaying solids until 6 months of age was previously thought to be associated with
lower body mass index in high-income countries and with lower rates of allergy and decreased
water-borne diarrheal disease in low- and middle-income countries [51,52]. However, recent studies
in larger cohorts have challenged this assertion, proposing that individual oral maturation, nutrient
requirements, and environmental disease burden should determine when to introduce solids [4].
Results from the PIAMA (Prevention and Incidence of Asthma and Mite Allergy) cohort in the
Netherlands suggest that a short duration of breastfeeding (4 months or less) is associated with an
increased risk for being overweight during childhood rather than the early introduction of solid foods,
and the risk is not different between breastfed and formula-fed infants [53]. However, this study does
not report on the types of solid foods that were introduced, the duration of the overlap of breastfeeding
and solid feeding, or the potential mechanisms of metabolic programming.
In addition to nutritional provisions, breastmilk also provides non-nutritive and
immune-modulatory factors that impart significant benefits, even in partial concentrations or
shorter durations [12]. The health promoting properties of breastmilk include varying levels and
types of carbohydrates, non-digestible HMOs, immunoglobulins (IgG, IgM, and isoforms of sIgA),
amino acids, polyunsaturated fatty acids, monoglycerides, leuric acid, linoleic acid, cytokines,
Nutrients 2019, 11, 364
chemokines, soluble receptors, antibacterial proteins/peptides, and intact immune cells that are
governed by maternal Lewis blood type, secretor status, and phase of lactation [54]. HMOs have
received significant attention in infant nutrition for their ability to influence a variety of gut functions:
epithelial integrity, mucosal integrity, susceptibility to pathogenic infection, microbial community
structure, SCFA production, and vitamin synthesis. Over 2000 distinct HMO structures (Figure 2a)
have been identified, with significant variation between individuals and phase of lactation, but a 9:1
ratio of galactooligosaccharides (GOS):fructoligosaccharides (FOS) is typical [55,56]. Infant formulas
are continuing to develop based on an increasing understanding of the roles of each of these factors in
microbiome maturation, brain development, and immunity. Synthetic and plant-derived GOS, FOS
(Figure 2b), inulin, pectin, and β-glucans, either alone or in comparable ratios, are well characterised
and have been primary targets of infant formula additive research and product development [56,57].
Staged and follow-on formulas that vary in composition according to the recommended daily
allowances and the introduction of complementary foods are also increasingly recommended [2].
Figure 2. (a) The core structures of human milk oligosaccharides (HMOs), common modification
pathways, and an example of a complex HMO, connected by β1-3 and β 1-6 linkages that are resistant
to enzymatic cleavage by human-derived enzymes. (b) The structure of galactooligosaccharide (long
chain) and fructooligosaccharide (short chain), which are common prebiotic molecules in supplemented
infant formulas: β1-2, β1-4, and β1-6 linkages are resistant to enzymatic cleavage by human derived
enzymes. (c) A model of dietary starch, characterized by glucose molecules connected by α1-6 linkages
in a complex higher structure, which contributes to incomplete enzymatic cleavage by human enzymes.
Infant digestive systems are uniquely suited to digest macronutrients provided by breastmilk.
The intestinal epithelium of neonates has narrow villi and small crypts (Figure 3), which duplicate
and expand with age, a process which is influenced by components in breastmilk and host-microbe
interactions [58]. The expansion of the epithelial surface during weaning is necessary to accommodate
Nutrients 2019, 11, 364
the increasing nutrient load, but dysregulation of this process can lead to hyperplastic crypts, blunted
villi, inflammatory responses in the mucosa, and subsequent malabsorption of nutrients [59].
The enzymatic dynamics of infant digestion are poorly characterised due to wide variations
between individuals over time and infrequent investigations with replicated results [60]. Lactose, fatty
acids, and proteins are the most abundant macronutrients in milk, which are absorbed and utilised
predominantly in the small intestine [20]. Lipase and trypsin (lipid and protein digestive enzymes) are
present in concentrations comparable to adults and are sufficiently active at the less extreme pH (3.2) of
the infant gut. However, amylase secretion and activity are distinct in infants. Compared to lipid and
protein digestion, the ability to digest carbohydrates is limited to simple carbohydrates such as lactose
and sucrose, rather than complex carbohydrates, until weaning. At weaning, salivary α-amylase and
pancreatic α-amylase are present at reduced concentrations compared to that of adults [61]. However,
glucoamylase (also referred to as amyloglucosidase), a brush border enzyme in the small intestine
capable of cleaving α1,4-glycosidic bonds, is produced at 100–150% of adult concentrations at birth,
which may compensate for the otherwise minimal starch hydrolysis [62,63]. Non-digestible structures
such as HMOs and non-digestible carbohydrates (NDCs) resist complete enzymatic degradation
and pass to the large intestine where they become available as a nutrient source for the enteric
microbiota [64]. Breastfed infants also receive varying amounts of maternal amylase, as well as small
concentrations of up to 50 other digestive enzymes, through breastmilk [65]. During weaning, infants
that continue to consume breastmilk may have increased capacity to digest dietary starches compared
to those receiving formulas, but this and the subsequent interactions with enteric microbes has yet to
be investigated.
Nutrients 2019, 11, 364
Mucus Membrane
At the luminal surface of the enteric epithelium, the mucus layer provides a structural and
functional barrier that provides lubrication and separates the microbiota from epithelial cells while
allowing for the transport of nutrients and metabolites. Mucus is a complex heterogeneous suspension
matrix with high concentrations of high molecular weight glycoproteins called mucins, which are
secreted by goblet cells, and contains antimicrobial peptides, such as defensins [41]. Different types of
mucins have different roles in the lumen: secreted mucins form the mucus layer over the epithelium,
transmembrane mucins appear to be involved in signaling pathways, and some species of bacteria rely
on mucins as an energy source [40].
Several bacterial products, including lipopolysaccharides and flagellin on gram-negative bacteria
and lipoteichoic acids on gram positive bacteria, have been found to upregulate the mucin gene
expression and to stimulate mucin secretion [74]. Some probiotics, such as specific strains of
Bifidobacterium and Lactobacillus, successfully adhere to mucins and reach epithelial surfaces using
non-flagellar appendages called tight adherence pili, which influence immune responses [75,76].
This contributes to differences between the discarded microbiome identified in faecal collections and
the microbiome in the mucosa and at the epithelial surface [77,78]. Probiotic treatment, particularly
with Lactobacillus, has been shown to increase mucin and defensin secretion in murine models and
in vitro cell monolayers [79].
Prebiotics influence the composition of mucus by increasing the concentration of glycans [24],
decreasing the luminal pH, and increasing mucin glycosylation and sulphation [80], which protects
mucins from being degraded by host proteases and bacterial glycosidases (Figure 3) [81]. Mucus,
specifically secreted MUC-2, has also demonstrated immune-regulatory signals by interfering with the
expression of inflammatory cytokines but not tolerogenic cytokines by inhibiting gene transcription
through nuclear factor NF-κB (the nuclear factor kappa-light-chain-enhancer of activated B cells)
in dendritic cells (DCs) [82]. The mucus layer plays a significant role in microbial signaling,
cross-feeding, microbe-host interactions, and enteric immunity but can only be partially simulated in
in vitro experiments.
4. Establishment of the Microbiome and Immune System in the First Year of Life
Microbial community composition during the first year of life is dynamic, unstable, and susceptible
to perturbations [6,83]. The gut is the largest immune organ in the human body, containing
approximately 65% of immunologic tissues and up to 80% of the immunoglobulin-producing tissues
of the body [84]. During gestation, the foetal immune system is downregulated, making neonates
particularly susceptible to infection and aberrant immune responses. The epithelial barrier, mucosa,
and environmental conditions, such as pH, provide the majority of protection against pathogens in
the neonatal period (Figure 3) [85,86]. Healthy immune development in infants is characterised by
a transition from innate type 1 immunity, dominated by non-specific macrophages and neutrophils,
to adaptive type 2 immunity, characterised by specific T cells and B cells, which is fundamental
to the establishment of tolerance: the ability to distinguish between beneficial commensal bacteria
and harmful pathogens, leading to the appropriate scale and duration of responses to actual threats
(Figure 3) [87]. Spatial and temporal interactions between the microbiome, microbial metabolites,
and gut epithelial cells in the lumen, on the surface of epithelial cells, and in the interior components
of the gut-associated lymphoid tissue (GALT), such as DCs, modulate balanced immune development,
immune response, homeostasis, and disease (Figure 3) [88].
Nutrients 2019, 11, 364
Figure 3. A schematic of multiple mechanisms by which prebiotics modulate immune and gut
development. A. Prebiotics bind to pathogens as receptor analogues, preventing adhesion to the
epithelial surface and subsequent infection. B. Prebiotics promote populations of commensal microbes,
which outcompete pathogens for resources D, reducing infections. C. Prebiotics act directly upon the
epithelium promoting the mRNA transcription of proteins involved in barrier integrity. E. Commensal
microbes produce metabolites, such as short chain fatty acids (SCFAs), that decrease the lumen pH
and increase mucus F, increase TJ proteins and crypt and villi development G, and serve as an
energy source for enterocytes that form the epithelium H. In infants, the immature gut is susceptible
to allergy and pathogen translocation I through leaky gut barrier. J. Non-specific immune factors,
such as macrophages and neutrophils attack commensals and pathogens alike in poorly regulated
inflammatory responses. During immune development, dendritic cells K sample commensal microbes,
through Toll-Like Receptor (TLR) recognition, allowing for antigen specific immunoglobin production
L and promoting the differentiation of T and B cells M, resulting in improved tolerance to commensals
and targeted response to pathogens N.
Nutrients 2019, 11, 364
have been implicated in gut homeostasis and inflammatory responses characteristic of food allergies,
intestinal inflammation, and infections when poorly regulated [92]. Insufficient TLR exposure to
commensals, as found through antibiotic-mediated dysbiosis in murine models, is also correlated with
increased susceptibility to viral infections [93]. Infant TLR responses to commensal microbes differ
from responses in adults, demonstrating the impaired production of inflammatory mediators and
heightened production of inflammatory cytokines, such as IL-10 [85,87].
TLRs are susceptible to modulation by dietary starches in in vitro models. Different starch
structures bind differentially to TLRs, activating NF-κB, and activator proteins (AP-1), but the strong
immune-stimulating effects may also be attenuated by starch-exposed intestinal epithelial cells [94].
B2→1 fructans and High Maize 260 mainly stimulate TLR2, whereas Novelose 330 binds to TLR2
and TLR5 [95]. High Maize 260, which has a smaller average particle size of 12.8 μm, smooth surface,
and high degree of molecular order was found to have a stronger regulatory effect on epithelial cells
than Novelose 330, which has a larger average particle size of 46.6 μm and consists of destroyed and
convoluted granules due to the retrogradation process. Despite the attenuating activity, TLRs continue
to produce Th1 cytokines [94]. High-maize 260 is also more effective than inulin and sugar pectin in
reducing chemokine release in response to Sphingomonas paucimobilis infections in vitro [96]. In vivo,
the mucosal matrix is expected to drastically alter the exposure of epithelial cells to starch structures,
limiting the applicability of these findings to in vivo mechanisms.
Nutrients 2019, 11, 364
rich in facultative anaerobes such as E. Coli, but the faecal microbiota becomes more diverse with the
appearance of obligate anaerobes such as Bifidobacterium and Clostridium within the first week [104].
In a cohort of 19 healthy breastfed full-term Japanese infants, the averaged percentage of obligate
anaerobic bacteria in the gut progressed from 32% (1 day), 37% (7 days), 54% (1 month), 70% (3 months),
64% (6 months), to 99% at 3 years of age. Significant individual variations within this homogenous
cohort diminished by 3 years of age [105,106]. This study did not specify the delivery modes of
this cohort, and the consequent possibility of significant differences in the colonisation patterns of
facultative and obligate anaerobes.
The effects of breastmilk and formula feeding on the infant microbiome and immunity are a
popular topic of research. Breastfeeding has been associated with a decreased risk of necrotising
enterocolitis, infections, and diarrhoea in early life and with a lower incidence of inflammatory bowel
disease, type 2 diabetes, and obesity later in life compared to formula-fed infants [107]. Another
meta-analysis found no association between breastmilk consumption and allergy, asthma, high blood
pressure, or high cholesterol [108]. Considering the complexity of the immune-modulating factors
of breastmilk, the identifying characteristics of the microbiome that contribute to these benefits is
challenging. Bifidobacterium has consistently been found to exist in higher abundances in exclusively
breastfed infants, whereas Lactobacillus has been reported to be higher in formula-fed infants in some
studies [102,109], while at other times reported to be higher in breastfed infants [110]. Backhed et al.
associated exclusive breastfeeding with lower phylogenetic diversity dominated by Bifidobacterium
and Lactobacillus and lower relative abundances of Clostridiales and Bacteroides compared to mixed-fed
infants [7]. Some of these differences may persist throughout the weaning phase as breastmilk and
formula feeding continue with supplementation of solid foods.
In an effort to impart similar bifidogenic effects on formula-fed infants, the supplementation
of infant formula with prebiotics, or prebiotics and probiotics, has become common. A 9:1 ratio
of synthetic linear polymers of GOS:FOS is standard, but these prebiotics represent a simplistic
uniform version of the HMO structures found in breastmilk [20]. Abrahamse-Berkeveld et al. (2016)
found that a combination of short chain GOS (scGOS dp of 3–15), long chain FOS (lcFOS dp of 3–6),
and Bifidobacterium breve increased the abundance of Bifidobacterium from 48% to 60% of the total
bacterial species and reduced the percentage of Clostridium lituseburense/C. histolyticum from 2.6% to
2.0%. [46]. In an in vitro study, Leder et al. (1999) found that many different strains of Bifidobacterium
are capable of utilizing scGOS, but of the species analysed, only B. adolescentis can utilise lcFOS,
providing evidence of the selectivity between related commensal strains and prebiotic structures [111].
These investigations into the utilisation of HMOs and prebiotics in formula offer a starting point for
exploring the effects of prebiotics provided by whole complementary foods.
Oligosaccharides also provide additional protection against pathogenic infection by acting as
structural mimics of the pathogen binding sites that coat the surface of intestinal epithelial cells.
Pathogenic bacteria such as E. Coli bind to oligosaccharides in the lumen, reducing the pathogen load
available for adhesion to intestinal epithelial cells. In Caco-2 and human epithelial type 2 (Hep-2) cell
lines, purified GOS reduced adhesion by 70% and 65% respectively. This effect was dose-dependent
and reached a maximum at 16 mg/mL [45]. It is unclear if complex starches, such as resistant starch,
have the same effect.
Nutrients 2019, 11, 364
The community structure and metabolic functions of the infant gut microbiota are strongly
influenced by dietary prebiotics. The bifidogenic nature of breastmilk is well-established and has
been attributed to HMOs [112]. HMO consumption has only been identified in select Bacteroides
(Bifidobacterium) and Lactobacillus species, and different species and subspecies have been found to
utilise different protein-substrate binding and enzymatic mechanisms to metabolise HMOs [113,114].
B. longum subsp. infantis, which is enriched in breastfed infants, express an overabundance
of proteins that transport HMO substrates into the cell, where they are broken up into their
constituent sugars before being metabolised. This limits the sugars that are available to other species
within the microbiota [115]. B. bifidum, however, relies on a set of diverse membrane-associated
extracellular glycosyl hydrolases, lacto-N-biosidase and endo-N-acetylgalactosaminidase [116], which
have comparable enzymatic affinities for HMOs but may release monosaccharides such as lactose,
fucose, and sialic acid into the lumen, which become available to other microbes [117].
Glycosylation patterns on HMOs influence the enzymatic activity that microbes employ. B. breve
has been found to have a preference for sialylated HMOs over neutral HMOs, engaging enzymes that
convert HMOs into multiple intracellular products, but it does not internalise the whole molecule [118].
B. longum has numerous genes for carbohydrate utilisation, including 30 glycosyl hydrolases that
are likely involved in HMO degradation, though adult strains have indicated a preference for plant
polysaccharides [119]. The transcriptomic analysis of B. longum SC596 when shifting from a neutral
HMO substrate to a fucosylated HMO substrate found the gene expression was altered to resemble
the intracellular import strategy of B. infantis, which may provide an example of the facultative gene
expression of infant microbiota in response to dietary factors [20]. A meta-transcriptomic analysis of
faecal samples from a single breastfed baby followed from birth to six months of age, during which
formula, dairy, and solid foods were introduced, found that the carbohydrate fermentation activity of
Bifidobacterium, based on β-galactosidase activity, decreases during weaning while that of the resident
Firmicutes increases, which corresponds with changes in relative abundance of major and minor
species [120].
At approximately 3 months of age, genes implicated in complex carbohydrate utilization are
enriched compared to meconium samples, which favour lactose/galactose and sucrose uptake and
utilisation based on a metagenomic analysis [6]. Just prior to introducing solid foods between 4
and 6 months of age, the gut microbiome derives energy through the degradation of simple sugars,
lactose-specific transport, and carbohydrate uptake, as is expected for a milk-based diet. However,
functional genes involved in plant-polysaccharide metabolism are present prior to the introduction
of complementary weaning foods [6]. By 12 months of age, the infant microbiome is highly enriched
with species and genes active in the degradation of complex sugars and starches [7]. For instance,
Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron, an anaerobic glycan degrading enzyme producer of the Bacteroidetes
phylum, can typically be detected at 12 months of age [6]. An additional study showed that the
increased abundance of Bifidobacterium and decreased abundance of Bacteroides and Clostridium in
breastfed infants compared to formula-fed and mixed-fed infants persists into the weaning phase [121].
Thompson et al. identified differences before and after the introduction of solid foods between
the microbiomes of exclusively breastfed and non-exclusively breastfed infants [122]. Veillonella,
Roseburia, and members of the Lachnospiraceae family appeared with the introduction of solids in
breastfed infants, whereas Streptococcus and Coprobacillus were identified after the introduction of
solids in non-exclusively breastfed infants [122]. Most notable of these findings was the increased
relative abundance of Bifidobacterium after the inclusion of solids in non-exclusively breastfed infants,
compared to a decreased relative abundance of Bifidobacterium after the inclusion of solids in exclusively
breastfed infants, which may reflect differential effects of dietary oligosaccharides and starches during
complementary feeding. Metabolic inferences using a PiCRUST analysis of this limited 16S dataset
showed that only 24 gene clusters encoding enzymes were overrepresented in exclusively breastfed
infants after the introduction of solid foods, including polysaccharide degradation, compared to 230
enzymatic gene clusters overrepresented in the non-exclusively breastfed microbiome, which were
Nutrients 2019, 11, 364
primarily involved in signal transduction regulatory systems [122]. This finding indicates differences
in metabolic plasticity between exclusively breastfed and non-exclusively breastfed infants, though
it is possible that the substantial immune factors in breastmilk have a stronger effect on which gene
clusters are overrepresented in this small cohort.
Human faecal microbiota may develop the capacity to degrade a specific type of starch (Type III
Resistant Starch) at weaning, as demonstrated in an in vitro fermentation study using faecal inoculum
collected from breastfed and formula–fed infants before and during weaning [123]. However, species
with the potential capacity to degrade starch have been found to be present at birth [6]. From a
metagenome perspective, microbial networks of infants at 4 months are drastically different to those at
12 months, but polysaccharide degradation has been found to be more pronounced after the cessation
of breastfeeding, rather than during the introduction of solid foods in breastfed infants [7]. It is
possible that the cessation of HMO substrates decreases the need for the expression of HMO-degrading
genes and reduces the competitive advantage of species selective for HMOs, allowing species with a
preference for polysaccharide substrates to assume a greater ecological niche. However, neither the
in vitro experiment nor the metagenomic analysis consider the nutrient availability and degradation
that occurs in the proximal regions of the large intestine prior to analysis of the faecal microbiome.
Starch degradation in the large intestine is a cooperative process that includes enzymatic starch
degradation into glucose, glycolysis leading to SCFAs and organic acids, and hydrogen production.
Starch binding capacity and enzyme specificity underpin the ability of amylolytic microbes to
metabolise starch structures [124]. The presence and function of cellulosomes, amylosomes, and starch
utilisation system gene clusters have been investigated in keystone species belonging to the Firmicutes
and Bacteroidetes families. Three broad classes of amylases have been identified in amylolytic bacteria
that hydrolyse starch into D-glucose: α-amylase for α-1,4 linkages, type 1 pullalanase for α-1,6
linkages, and amylopullalanases for α-1,4 and α-1,6 linkages [125]. Stable Isotope Probing (RNA-SIP),
which allows for the tracking of 13 C-isotope labelled carbon utilisation through metabolite production,
has identified complex trophic structures that implicate primary starch degraders, such as Ruminococcus
bromii, in downstream carbon utilization by microbes found in the infant gut such as Prevotella,
Bifidobacterium, and Eubacterium rectale [126]. The association of amylolytic enzymes with the cell wall
and the ability to stabilize large molecules for cleavage may indicate the function of a given microbe
within the trophic network [127,128]. For instance, extracellular protein complexes on Bacteroides
thetaiotamicron imports starch molecules for internal degradation, limiting the extracellular release of
mono and di-saccharides, compared to outer membrane protein complexes on Clostridium butyricum
which degrade starches outside of the cell before importing the mono- and disaccharides for subsequent
metabolism into SCFAs [47,129,130]. This variety of enzyme structures and systems points to the
metabolic flexibility, which may be increased during dietary transitions such as weaning, that the
microbiome utilises to maximise energy harvest.
Fermentation profiles vary by substrate structure, which changes throughout enzymatic
degradation. Short oligosaccharide chains, such as scFOS, are more rapidly fermented than long
oligosaccharide chains, such as inulin [131]. The rate of fermentation as measured by the SCFA
production was highest during the first 4 hours in a faecal inoculum provided with scFOS substrate,
whereas long chain inulin produced the most SCFA between 12–24 h [131]. Warren et al. (2018)
expanded upon these findings by comparing digested to non-digested starches from a range of
processed, un-processed, digested, and un-digested starch and resistant starch substrates. This study
found that microbiota are able to ferment amorphous and crystalline starches equally well, perhaps
attributable to the range of amylolytic enzymes found in the microbiome, and found no difference
in the fermentation rates of the digested versus undigested substrates [132]. Both the 16S rRNA
gene amplicon sequencing analysis of the inoculum and the SCFA analysis revealed differentiations
according to time-points depending upon the classification of the starch substrate [132].
Nutrients 2019, 11, 364
4.4. SCFAs
SCFAs are the primary class of microbial metabolites of starch degradation and are implicated in
immune regulation. SCFAs function as an energy source for the host epithelium and other microbes,
affect lipid metabolism, protect against infection, have anti-inflammatory properties, influence the
gut-brain axis, facilitate immune cell metabolic reprogramming, and regulate immune cell transcription
through epigenetic modifications [133]. SCFA production varies throughout the colon because of
substrate availability, population dynamics, and microbial cross-feeding [134]. The fermentation of
starch substrates by the gut microbial community is characterised by high acetate production, followed
by propionate and relatively less butyrate, though ratios are highly variable [132,135]. RNA-SIP
studies show that lactate is a precursor to both acetate and propionate and that acetate is precursor for
butyrate via both the Co-A transferase pathway and the butyrate kinase pathway [136]. For example,
Bifidobacterium adolescentis can degrade resistant starch leading to the byproducts lactate and acetate.
Actetate is, in turn, used by Eubacterium spp., Roseburia spp., and Coprococcus catus, resulting in the
production of butyrate. Faecalibacterium prausnitzii, an abundant butyrate producer in adults, has not
been detected in infants younger than approximately 2 years of age [137]. Figure 4 demonstrates a
simplified ecological network in which multiple species of bacteria commonly identified in infants
perform parts of the metabolic pathways leading to biosynthesis of SCFAs.
Figure 4. A simplified schematic of the biosynthesis of SCFAs by microbial species identified in human
infants. Organic acid metabolites are outlined, and SCFAs are highlighted in black boxes. Species
of bacteria found in the infant gut microbiome that are implicated in the corresponding pathway
are italicised.
SCFAs begin shaping the enteric environment with the introduction of breastmilk and formula.
Exclusive breastfeeding is associated with lower absolute concentrations of all SCFAs, except
lactate [105]. Ratios of SCFAs within total concentrations have been found to be variable: exclusively
breastfed infants are more likely to have higher proportions of acetate, while partially breastfed and
formula-fed infants are more likely to have relatively higher proportions of propionate, and exclusively
formula-fed infants are likely to have relatively higher proportions of butyrate [138]. However,
measuring SCFAs in faecal samples only provides an indicator of the balance between SCFA production
and absorption. Absorption is likely to vary with epithelial barrier integrity and maturity, which is
known to be influenced by other factors in breastmilk [58,139].
SCFAs modulate immune factors through multiple mechanisms. They increase the expression
of antimicrobial peptides excreted by epithelial cells; modulate the production of cytokines and
Nutrients 2019, 11, 364
chemokines; regulate the differentiation, recruitment, and activation of immune cells; and modulate
the differentiation of T lymphocytes [21]. Commonly cited anti-inflammatory properties of SCFAs
can be attributed to their ability to reduce the production and activity of pro-inflammatory cytokines
such as TNF-α and IL-12, often by modulating activity of neutrophils, DCs, and macrophages [140].
Alternatively, SCFAs increase the production of other cytokines, such as IL-18, which has been
implicated in the repair and maintenance of epithelial integrity [141].
Acetate is a minor energy source for gut epithelial cells, a major energy source for muscles
and brain tissue, has anti-inflammatory properties, decreases the pH of the colon, and is used
by cross-feeding species as a co-substrate to produce butyrate [139,142]. Numerous species of
Bifidobacterium readily produce acetate from starchy substrates. Anti-inflammatory properties of acetate
have been linked to the SCFA-dependent modulation of NF-κB in the COLO320DM adenocarcinoma
cell lines, to decreased IL-6 protein release from organ culture, and to decreased LPS-stimulated
TNFα from neutrophils. However, these dose-dependent effects are less pronounced for acetate than
propionate and butyrate [143]. Acetate has also been identified as an important metabolite by which
some subspecies of Bifidobacterium protect against infection, possibly by inhibiting the translocation of
toxins from the gut lumen to the bloodstream [144]. Several in vitro studies suggest that the benefits of
acetate are largely due to the enhanced epithelial integrity, which imparts protection from infection and
inflammation. For instance, B. longum infantis 157F, which is found in breastfed infants and metabolises
glucose to acetate, was found to protect against harmful protein translocation across a Caco-2 epithelial
barrier in an in vitro cell-culture experiment [144].
Propionate has been associated with health benefits most particularly in adults [145]. Similar to
acetate, propionate is a minor energy source for gut epithelial cells, decreases the pH of the colon,
is anti-inflammatory, and has immune modulating properties that in vitro studies of TER in Caco-2
cell lines suggest are linked to beneficial effects on epithelial barrier integrity [146]. Additionally,
propionate decreases liver lipogenesis, serum cholesterol levels, and colorectal carcinogenesis in other
tissues. Insulin sensitivity improvements and increased satiety in adults has also been correlated with
increased propionate levels [139,142,145]. These effects have not been investigated in weaning infants.
Butyrate is the preferred energy source for gut epithelial cells, meaning that little butyrate
reaches systemic circulation. Butyrate also decreases the pH of the colon, promotes epithelial
proliferation, prevents colorectal cancer cell proliferation, reduces oxidative stress, is anti-inflammatory,
and improves gut barrier function by stimulating the production of mucins, antimicrobial peptides,
and TJ proteins [139,142]. Gantois et al. found that butyrate also downregulates the expression
of virulence genes in Salmonella enterica and typhimurium [147]. Butyrate producing bacteria, such
as Eubacterium rectale, Roseburia spp, and Faecalibacterium prausnitzii frequently utilise acetate as a
substrate [148]. The effects of butyrate have been found to be paradoxical where low concentrations
of butyrate (2 mM) promote gut barrier function, characterised by increased TER and decreased
mannitol flux, but high doses (8 mM) may induce cell apoptosis and disrupt the intestinal barrier,
as is characteristic of necrotising enteric colitis [149]. One study identified the benefits of butyrate
to be characteristic of cellular differentiation because of the increased dome formation and alkaline
phosphatase activity [146], whereas another identified cell migration, as is needed for epithelial repair,
as a beneficial mechanism [149]. Both studies found that the effects were dependent on protein
synthesis and gene transcription but not the beta-oxidation or activation of adenosine 3’, 5’-cyclic
monophosphate [146,149].
Most investigations into SCFAs have focused on adult populations. In infants, SCFAs are
considered beneficial, but faecal measurements are inappropriate to use as an indicator of a healthy
microbiome due to its paradoxical effects at high concentrations and the importance of considering the
balance of SCFA utilisation by epithelial cells and absorption into the blood stream.
Nutrients 2019, 11, 364
4.5. Vitamins
Vitamins are an additional class of secondary metabolites produced by the microbiota with effects
on immunity. Commensal bacteria have the capacity to synthesise essential vitamins, particularly from
the B and K groups, the expression of which is distinct in infants compared to adults. The microbiota in
neonates demonstrate the enrichment of genes involved in the production of Vitamin K2, retinol, folate,
pyroxidal (B6), and biotin (B7), which are involved in bone, vision, tooth development, and glucose
conversion are upregulated in the neonatal microbiome. Genes involved in the transport of B12, iron,
hemin, and heme are also enriched in neonates but decline markedly with age, corresponding with
increased nutritional demands for iron between 4 and 6 months of age. Throughout the weaning
months, genes involved in the biosynthesis of thiamine (B1), pantothenate (B5), cobalamin (B12),
and lysine increase [150]. Methionine degradation and leucine and tryptophan biosynthesis increase
to reach levels comparable to mothers by 12 months of age [7].
It has been estimated that B vitamins are produced by 40–65% of human gut microbes, with
some microbes having the capacity to produce all 8 B-vitamins and some demonstrating pathways
that complemented those of other organisms [151]. These estimates were determined by aligning
metagenomes from the human gut microbiome to an annotated genome on the PubSEED platform [151].
Bifidobacteriales contained the most conserved pattern of B1, B3, and B7 in approximately 35% of the
genomes, whereas Bacteroidetes demonstrated biosynthetic pathways of all 8 vitamins present in
51% of the genomes [151]. Prevotellaceaes produce B2, B5, and B7; Lactobacillales either contain no
biosynthetic pathways, or were limited to B2; and Clostridiales produce only B12 [151]. The full folate
biosynthesis (B9) pathway is present in 43% of genomes, which is distributed in nearly all Bacteroidetes
genomes, in most Fusobacteria and Proteobacteria, and in partial pathways occuring in Actinobacteria and
Firmicutes [151]. Vitamin K in one of two forms is reported to be produced by Bacteroides, Enterobacter,
Veillonella, and Eubacterium lentum, though the bioavailability of bacterially-derived Vitamin K has not
been established [152]. How these genes are differentially expressed in the infant microbiome and in
response to specific types of complementary foods has yet to be explored.
The interactions between microbially-derived vitamins and immune cells are varied and poorly
characterised. Of the known pathways, B6 has been found to serve as a cofactor in immunomodulatory
pathways [153], B9 has been implicated in the maintenance of regulatory T cells [154], and B12 has been
found to augment CD8+ T lymphocytes and NK cell activity in deficient patients [35,155]. Interestingly,
the byproducts from vitamin synthesis pathways have also recently been implicated in immune cell
recognition: mucosa-associated invariant T cells, which produce IL-17 and IFN-γ, are activated in
response to microbe-derived products of the riboflavin biosynthetic pathway that are presented by
a monomeric major histocompatibility complex class 1 (MHC-1)-like related molecule (MR1) [156].
These MHC and MHC-like molecules are imperative to discriminate self from non-self, enabling
protective immunity [157].
Nutrients 2019, 11, 364
Author Contributions: Conceptualisation, S.M., W.Y., and N.C.R.; resources, N.C.R. and W.C.M.;
writing—original draft preparation, S.M.; writing—review and editing, W.Y., K.F., J.M., N.C.R., and W.C.M.;
supervision, W.Y., K.F., W.C.M., and N.C.R.; project administration, N.C.R. and W.C.M.; funding acquisition,
Funding: This research received no external funding.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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Vitamin D: Nutrient, Hormone,
and Immunomodulator
Francesca Sassi, Cristina Tamone and Patrizia D’Amelio *
Department of Medical Science, Gerontology and Bone Metabolic Diseases, University of Turin,
10126 Turin, Italy; (F.S.); (C.T.)
* Correspondence:; Tel.: +39-011-6335533
Abstract: The classical functions of vitamin D are to regulate calcium-phosphorus homeostasis and
control bone metabolism. However, vitamin D deficiency has been reported in several chronic
conditions associated with increased inflammation and deregulation of the immune system, such as
diabetes, asthma, and rheumatoid arthritis. These observations, together with experimental studies,
suggest a critical role for vitamin D in the modulation of immune function. This leads to the
hypothesis of a disease-specific alteration of vitamin D metabolism and reinforces the role of
vitamin D in maintaining a healthy immune system. Two key observations validate this important
non-classical action of vitamin D: first, vitamin D receptor (VDR) is expressed by the majority
of immune cells, including B and T lymphocytes, monocytes, macrophages, and dendritic cells;
second, there is an active vitamin D metabolism by immune cells that is able to locally convert
25(OH)D3 into 1,25(OH)2 D3 , its active form. Vitamin D and VDR signaling together have a
suppressive role on autoimmunity and an anti-inflammatory effect, promoting dendritic cell and
regulatory T-cell differentiation and reducing T helper Th 17 cell response and inflammatory cytokines
secretion. This review summarizes experimental data and clinical observations on the potential
immunomodulating properties of vitamin D.
1. Introduction
The role of vitamin D in the regulation of calcium-phosphate homeostasis and in the control of
bone turnover is well known. Vitamin D status significantly affects skeletal health during growth and
in adult age, its deficiency during growth leads to rickets [1], whereas during adult age it is responsible
of osteomalacia and various degree of osteoporo-malacia [2]. Low vitamin D status increases bone
turnover, decreases bone density, and is associated with increased fracture risk. In addition to the
well-known effect on skeletal health in the last two decades evidence has been accumulated on the
pleiotropic effect of vitamin D other than on bone health thanks to the findings that vitamin D receptor
(VDR) and the vitamin D activating enzyme 1-α-hydroxylase (CYP27B1) are expressed in several cells
outside the bone and kidney, such as in the intestine, platelets, pancreas, and prostate [3]. Several cells
involved in the immune function express VDR and CYP27B1, this observation suggests that the active
form of vitamin D, 1,25(OH)2 D3 , is able to control the immune function at different levels. Previous
reviews on the role of vitamin D in the regulation of immune system have been published in recent
years [4,5]. Here we summarize the recent evidence sexploiting authors’ expertise in both experimental
and clinical fields.
2. Vitamin D Metabolism
Vitamin D enters the body trough dietary intake (about 20% of vitamin D3 is assumed with diet)
or is synthetized by the skin (80%) from 7-dihydrocholesterol following UVB exposure. Vitamin D3
becomes biologically active after hydroxylation in the liver by the enzymes cytochrome P450 2R1
(CYP2R1) and cytochrome P450 27 (CYP27A1) becoming 25(OH)D3 . The fully-active metabolite
1,25(OH)2 D3 is hydroxylated in the kidney by the enzyme CYP27B1, parathormone (PTH), and the
fibroblast growth factor 23 (FGF-23) control CYP27B1 synthesis and activity [6]. Synthesis of
1,25(OH)2 D3 is strictly regulated in a renal negative feedback loop: high levels of 1,25(OH)2 D3
and FGF-23 inhibit CYP27B1 and induce the cytochrome P45024A1(CYP24A1), which transforms
1,25(OH)2 D3 into the inactive form 24(OH)D3 [7].
In addition to the kidney, CYP27B1 is expressed by other cell types, including immune cells.
These cells produce 1,25(OH)2 D3 that has autocrine and/or paracrine effects, the high level produced
locally is thought to be responsible for immunomodulation. The regulation of CYP27B1 synthesis in
immune cells is different than the signals regulating kidney production of 1,25(OH)2 D3 . Inflammatory
signals, such as lipopolysaccharide (LPS) and cytokines, induce monocyte and macrophage production
of CYP27B1 [8–10]. These differences in the regulation of 1,25(OH)2 D3 production point to an
autocrine/paracrine effect as immunomodulatory.
3. Vitamin D Status
Vitamin D status is defined by the blood measurement of its hydroxylated form 25(OH)D3 ,
however, there is no common agreement on the threshold levels to identify desirable vitamin D level.
Guidelines from different scientific societies and different countries established 50 nM/L or 75 nM/L
to consider vitamin D sufficiency [11–13], however, it is generally accepted that 25(OH)D3 levels lower
than 50 nM/L are associated with bone metabolism alteration, increased risk of falls, and myopathy in
adults [14–18]. Experts in the field generally agree to maintain 25(OH)D3 between 20 and 125 nM/L in
order to obtain the certain skeletal effects without toxic effects. Recent literature raises the suspicion
that administration of a bolus of vitamin D3 higher than 50,000 UI may result in an increased risk of
falls and fractures [19,20]; moreover, the mortality related to 25(OH)D3 is a “U shaped curve” and
25(OH)D3 levels higher than 150 nM/L are associated with increased mortality [21].
Nutrients 2018, 10, 1656
1,25(OH)2 D3 up-regulates CAMP not only by monocytes/macrophages, but also in other cells
participating in the innate immune system as first-barrier defenses, such as keratinocytes, epithelial,
intestinal, lung and corneal cells, and placenta trophoblasts (see for a comprehensive review Wei and
Christakos, 2015) [4].
Data in humans on infections other than mycobacterial have been generated on urinary and
respiratory infections and on sepsis. A predisposition to urinary tract infection in children with low
vitamin D levels due to the reduced production of CAMP and defensing β2 has been suggested
by association studies [31,32]. Additionally, in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
patients’ levels of CAMP and other antimicrobial peptides were associated with increased risk of acute
exacerbations [33]. Consistent with this datum treatment with 1,25(OH)2 D3 was effective in reducing
respiratory infections in asthma patients thanks to increased CAMP expression and inflammatory
cytokine modulation [34]. Data on the role of vitamin D status and vitamin D supplementation in
sepsis are also available both in pediatric and in adult patients: in pediatric patients a clear role
for 25(OH)D3 and CAMP was not demonstrated [35], whereas in adults lower levels of 25(OH)D3
were found in sepsis [36] and a high-dose of vitamin D3 increases circulating CAMP and reduces
inflammatory cytokines as IL-6 and IL-1β [37].
More recently data on a possible role of vitamin D in increasing resistance to HIV infection
have been published, in particular HIV-exposed seronegative individuals produced more CAMP in
oral-mucosa and peripheral-blood, and have higher CYP24A1 mRNA in vaginal-mucosa; CYP24A1 is
considered an indicator of high levels of 1,25(OH)2 D3 [38]. Low serum vitamin D has been associated
with HIV/AIDS progression and mortality [39].
1,25(OH)2 D3 is able to increase the production of other antimicrobial peptides, such as defensing
β2-4, this ability has been demonstrated both in vitro by monocytes stimulation [40,41] and in vivo in
pediatric patients’ blood [32].
Vitamin D is able to modulate innate immune system, also increasing the phagocytic ability on
immune cells [42,43] and by reinforcing the physical barrier function of epithelial cells. In particular
1,25(OH)2 D3 can enhance corneal [44] and intestinal [45] epithelial barrier function (Figure 1).
Taken together these data point to a role of vitamin D in defending the organism against pathogens
suggesting that vitamin D sufficiency has to be granted in patients affected by acute or chronic
infection. The ability of immune cells to hydroxylate 25(OH)D3 into its active form 1,25(OH)2 D3
suggests administrating vitamin D3 rather than hydroxylated metabolites to patients affected by
infections in order to allow the autocrine/paracrine function of 1,25(OH)2 D3 without overcoming local
hydroxylation and the feedback system.
Nutrients 2018, 10, 1656
epithelial cell apoptosis, boosting tight junction function [51,53]. On the other hand VDR selective
deletion in bowel favors a more severe form of colitis characterized by greater Th1 and Th17 mucosal
infiltration and inflammatory cytokines production [54]. In humans, observational studies suggest that
low levels of 25(OH)D3 are associated with increased risk of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) [55–57]
and that high levels of 25(OH)D3 in these patients protect against Clostridium difficile infection [58].
The experimental data on the role of VDR in developing IBD have been confirmed by the finding of a
significant reduction of VDR expression (about 50%) in the colon epithelium in patients affected by IBD
with respect to healthy controls [51,53]. The reduction in VDR expression by IBD patients may explain
the different effect on GM composition of high oral dosages of vitamin D3 demonstrated in a small
cohort of patients affected by Crohn’s disease with respect to healthy controls [59], however, human
data on the effect of vitamin D supplementation on GM in IBD are still controversial, as other studies
did not confirm these results [60,61]. In the study by Luthold and coll. [61] dietary intake of vitamin D
and 25(OH)D3 were inversely correlated with Coprococcus and Bifidobacterium, however, thanks to their
ability to produce butyrate these bacteria are commonly considered as anti-inflammatory. A possible
explanation of these contradictory results may be the different effect of vitamin D on GM according
to the different gastro-intestinal tracts considered [62]. Recently, a double-blind placebo-controlled
study on patients affected by cystic fibrosis demonstrated that vitamin D insufficiency is associated
with different microbiota not only in the gut, but also in the airways, and that the administration of
50,000 IU of oral vitamin D3 weekly significantly affects microbiota composition [63]. Nevertheless,
the evaluation of clinical outcomes of microbiota change is still open.
Several data point to an effect of vitamin D on microbiota. Conversely, some recent reports suggest
that microbiota, per se, influences vitamin D metabolism mainly through FGF-23; germ-free (GF) mice
have low vitamin D and high FGF-23, whereas their colonization with bacteria results in increased
levels of tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α) and a decrease in FGF-23 with normalization of vitamin D
hydroxylated metabolites. Inhibition of FGF-23 in GF mice restores vitamin D metabolism without
bacterial colonization of the gut [64] (Figure 1).
The role of GM as an active player in the regulation of bone metabolism in humans is being
investigated more and more [46], and the role played by vitamin D is still under debate. Further studies
to clarify their interplay are needed.
Nutrients 2018, 10, 1656
Figure 1. Effects of vitamin D on the innate immune system and gut microbiota. Abbreviations: EC,
enteral cells; GM, gut microbiota.
Nutrients 2018, 10, 1656
(RUNx1) binding to the IL-17 promoter and inducing Forkhead box P3 (FOXP3) [81], and by inhibiting
RAR-related Orphan Receptor Gamma2 (RORγt) which is the transcription factor of IL-17 [84].
More recently our lab showed no effect of the administration of a high bolus of vitamin D3
(300,000 UI) in the modulation of Th subset in patients affected by early rheumatoid arthritis [73],
as well as a study on hemodialysis patients [72].
It has also been suggested that the administration of oral vitamin D3 increases Tregs function
in patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus [85], however, in other diseases, such as early rheumatoid
arthritis, this effect was not confirmed [73].
The overall effect of vitamin D on Th cells differentiation may be mediated by its effect on
dendritic cells, these cells are antigen-presenting cells (APCs), responsible for T cell differentiation
into an effector cell with pro- or anti-inflammatory properties, thus, modulation of APCs is crucial in
initiating and maintaining adaptive immune response and self-tolerance [86]. In vitro differentiation of
dendritic cells in the presence of 1,25(OH)2 D3 induces a “tolerogenic state” characterized by low levels
of inflammatory cytokines, such as IL-12 and TNF-α, with increased levels of the anti-inflammatory
IL-10, these cells induce the differentiation of Treg cells and induce apoptosis in the autoreactive T
cells [87–90] (Figure 2).
Taken together these data are not sufficient to prove a real role for vitamin D in the modulation
of adaptive immune system in humans, thus, the therapeutic use of vitamin D and its metabolites in
patients aiming to ameliorate the adaptive immune system is not sustained by sufficient data.
Figure 2. Effect of vitamin D on the adaptive immune system. Abbreviations: APC, antigen presenting
cell; IFN, interferon; IL, interleukin; Th1, T helper 1 cell; Th2, T helper 2 cell; Th17, T helper 17 cell;
TNF, tumor necrosis factor; Treg, T regulatory cell.
Nutrients 2018, 10, 1656
8. Conclusions
In summary, several studies point to an important role of vitamin D as an immunomodulator,
and strong data demonstrate a role for 1,25(OH)2 D3 in increasing the ability of the innate immune
system to fight against pathogens, whereas data on the effect of 1,25(OH)2 D3 in the modulation of
acquired immune system are more controversial. There is no general consensus on the desired level of
Nutrients 2018, 10, 1656
25(OH)D3 to achieve immunomodulatory effects, thus, there is no current indication for vitamin D3
supplementation in patients with infections and/or autoimmune diseases. Further studies are needed
to clarify the role of vitamin D as immunomodulator in humans.
Author Contributions: All three authors participated in the bibliographic search, discussion and writing of the
manuscript. The manuscript was finalized by P.D.
Funding: This research received no external funding
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare that they have no conflict of interest.
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The Immunomodulatory and Anti-Inflammatory Role
of Polyphenols
Nour Yahfoufi 1 , Nawal Alsadi 1 , Majed Jambi 1 and Chantal Matar 1,2, *
1 Cellular and Molecular Medicine Department, Faculty of Medicine, University of Ottawa,
Ottawa, ON K1H8L1, Canada; (N.Y.); (N.A.); (M.J.)
2 School of Nutrition, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, ON K1H8L1, Canada
* Correspondence:; Tel.: +1-613-562-5406
Abstract: This review offers a systematic understanding about how polyphenols target multiple
inflammatory components and lead to anti-inflammatory mechanisms. It provides a clear
understanding of the molecular mechanisms of action of phenolic compounds. Polyphenols regulate
immunity by interfering with immune cell regulation, proinflammatory cytokines’ synthesis, and
gene expression. They inactivate NF-κB (nuclear factor kappa-light-chain-enhancer of activated
B cells) and modulate mitogen-activated protein Kinase (MAPk) and arachidonic acids pathways.
Polyphenolic compounds inhibit phosphatidylinositide 3-kinases/protein kinase B (PI3K/AkT),
inhibitor of kappa kinase/c-Jun amino-terminal kinases (IKK/JNK), mammalian target of rapamycin
complex 1 (mTORC1) which is a protein complex that controls protein synthesis, and JAK/STAT.
They can suppress toll-like receptor (TLR) and pro-inflammatory genes’ expression. Their antioxidant
activity and ability to inhibit enzymes involved in the production of eicosanoids contribute as well to
their anti-inflammation properties. They inhibit certain enzymes involved in reactive oxygen species
ROS production like xanthine oxidase and NADPH oxidase (NOX) while they upregulate other
endogenous antioxidant enzymes like superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase, and glutathione (GSH)
peroxidase (Px). Furthermore, they inhibit phospholipase A2 (PLA2), cyclooxygenase (COX) and
lipoxygenase (LOX) leading to a reduction in the production of prostaglandins (PGs) and leukotrienes
(LTs) and inflammation antagonism. The effects of these biologically active compounds on the
immune system are associated with extended health benefits for different chronic inflammatory
diseases. Studies of plant extracts and compounds show that polyphenols can play a beneficial role in
the prevention and the progress of chronic diseases related to inflammation such as diabetes, obesity,
neurodegeneration, cancers, and cardiovascular diseases, among other conditions.
1. Introduction
Numerous studies have attributed to polyphenols a broad range of biological activities including
but not limited to anti-inflammatory, immune-modulatory, antioxidant, cardiovascular protective
and anti-cancer actions [1–5]. Polyphenols are ubiquitously made by plants and are present either as
glycosides esters or as free aglycones [6]. More than 8000 structural variants exist in the polyphenol
family. Polyphenols are bioactive compounds found in fruits and vegetables contributing to their color,
flavor, and pharmacological activities [1]. They are classified according to their chemical structures
into flavonoids such as flavones, flavonols, isoflavones, neoflavonoids, chalcones, anthocyanidins, and
proanthocyanidins and nonflavonoids, such as phenolic acids, stilbenoids, and phenolic amides [7].
The majority of these molecules are metabolites of plants, they are made of several aromatic rings
with hydroxyl moieties [8]. Their chemical structures contribute to their classification into different
classes. Considering gastrointestinal digestion, some—but not all—polyphenols are absorbed in
the small intestine, for example, anthocyanins and the majority of remaining polyphenols except
flavonoids are usually stable; these later are unstable in the duodenum. Unabsorbed polyphenols must
be hydrolyzed first by digestive enzymes then glycosides with high lipid contents are absorbed by
epithelial cells [9,10].
In recent years, consumers prefer using natural food ingredients as additives because of their
safety and availability. Applications of phenolic compounds to multiple fresh perishable foods show
that they are worthy to be used as preservatives in foods and can be creditable alternatives to synthetic
food additives. In this sense, polyphenolic compounds start to substitute chemical additives in food.
Different methods like spraying, coating and dipping treatment of food are currently applied in food
technology preceding packaging as effective alternatives [11]. Grape seeds and olive oil polyphenols’
rich extracts can be used as food additives for their anti-oxidant properties [12]. Various polyphenols
like grape polyphenols demonstrate an efficient role as additives in fish and fish products for their
anti-oxidant properties in order to prevent lipid oxidation and quality deterioration of polyunsaturated
fatty acids [13]. In addition polyphenolic compounds like flavonols, p-coumaric, and caffeic acids can
be used as food preservatives for their antimicrobial activity [11].
Back to inflammation, continuous inflammation is known to be a major cause linked to
different human disorders involving cancer, diabetes type II, obesity, arthritis, neurodegenerative
diseases, and cardiovascular diseases [14,15]. Polyphenols derived from botanic origin have shown
anti-inflammatory activity in vitro and in vivo highlighting their beneficial role as therapeutic tools in
multiple acute and chronic disorders [16–20]. Accordingly, many epidemiological and experimental
researches have been studying the anti-inflammatory and immune modulation activities of dietary
polyphenols [15,21]. The ability of these natural compounds to modify the expression of several
pro-inflammatory genes like multiple cytokines, lipoxygenase, nitric oxide synthases cyclooxygenase,
in addition to their anti-oxidant characteristics such as ROS (reactive oxygen species) scavenging
contributes to the regulation of inflammatory signaling [22,23]. This review will discuss the
immunomodulatory effects of dietary polyphenols, their anti-inflammatory abilities, the different
mechanisms and pathways involved in reducing inflammation and their contribution to protect from
different chronic inflammatory diseases with a focus on their anti-cancer activity.
Nutrients 2018, 10, 1618
human endothelial cells MAPK (mitogen-activated protein Kinase), and IKK (inhibitor of kappa
kinase). Moreover, curcumin downregulates NF-κB (nuclear factor kappa-light-chain-enhancer of
activated B cells) and STAT3 (signal transducer and activator of transcription) and reduces the
expression of TLR-2 (toll-like receptor-2) and 4 while, in vivo, it upregulates PPARγ (Peroxisome
proliferator-activated receptor gamma) in male adult rats [30–35]. Caffeic acid phenethyl ester
suppresses TLR4 activation and LPS-mediated NF-κB in macrophages, Quercetin was also shown to
inhibit leukotriens biosynthesis in human polymorphonuclear leukocytes [36,37]. COX2 expression is
also attenuated by ECGC (Epigallocatechin gallate) in colon cancer cell and androgen-independent
PC-3 cells of human prostate cancer, gingerol in and piceatannol (EGCG analog found in Norway
spruces) leading to NFκ B inactivation [30,38–40]. Furthermore, polyphenols, such as Gingerol and
Quercetin can activate the production of adiponectin known for its anti-inflammatory effects [30,39].
Similarily, EGCG blocks NFκ B activation in human epithelial cells and downregulates the expression
of iNOS (inducible nitric oxide synthase), NO (nitric oxide) production in macrophages resulting in its
immunomodulation [38,40,41]. A series of in vitro studies found that other polyphenols like oleanolic
acid, curcumin, kaempferol-3-O-sophoroside, EGCG and lycopene inhibit high mobility group box1
protein, an important chromatin protein that interacts with nucleosomes, transcription factors, and
histones regulating transcription and playing a key role in inflammation [35]. All of these examples
support the anti-inflammatory effects of polyphenols.
Polyphenols’ use is associated with a direct change in the count and differentiation of specific
immune cells. An increase in T helper 1(Th1), natural killer (NK), macrophages and dendritic cells (DCs)
in Peyer’s patches and spleen is associated with oral administration of polyphenols extracted from the
fruit date in male C3H/HeN mice [24]. In humans, the count of regulatory T cells (Treg or suppressor T
cells) characterized by the (CD4 + CD25 + Foxp3+) phenotype and involved in immune tolerance and
autoimmune control can be boosted by polyphenols [42–44]. In vivo, Epigallocatechin-3-gallate, found
in green tea and injected to Laboratory inbred strain (BALB)/c mice, rises the number of functional Treg
in spleens, pancreatic lymph nodes, and mesentheric lymph nodes [45]. Similarly, in vitro treatment of
Jurkat T cells with EGCG or green tea upsurges the expression of Foxp3 and IL10. Baicalin, a flavone,
extracted from Huangqin herb, induces Foxp3 expression in HEK 293 T cells and triggers functional
Treg from splenic CD4 + CD25− T cells [46]. Additionally, flavonoids show an agonistic effect of aryl
hydrocarbon receptor (AhR) and bind xenobiotic-responsive elements in promoter regions of certain
genes, including Foxp3 rising its expression [47].
Th1 and Th17 populations are also affected by polyphenols: EGCG reduces the differentiation of
Th1 and reduces the numbers of Th17 and Th9 cells in specific pathogen-free C57/BL6 female mice [48].
Other polyphenols like Baicalin show a reduction of Th17 differentiation in vitro and a diminution of
IL-17 expression [49].
Macrophages are affected by polyphenols as well. Macrophages are known to be a key
player in the inflammatory response. They initiate inflammation by secreting pro-inflammatory
mediators and cytokines like IL-6 and TNF-α [50]. Polyphenols repress macrophages by inhibiting
cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2), inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS), thus they reduce the production of
TNF-α, interleukine-1-beta (IL-1-β) and IL-6 expression [51]. Chinese propolis [52] containing ferulic
acid and coumaric acid, an extract of Lonicera japónica Thunb) [53] or Kalanchoe gracilis [54] are a good
example in this case as per demonstrated by in vitro studies using RAW 264.7 cells.
Nutrients 2018, 10, 1618
and in vitro studies demonstrate that polyphenols affect macrophages by inhibiting multiple key
regulators of inflammatory response such as the inhibition of TNF-α, IL-1-β, and IL-6 [51].
In humans, consumption of bilberries is associated with a decreased inflammation score in
patients’ blood, reflected by decreasing serum levels of IL-6, IL-12, and high sensitivity C reactive
protein [56]. Moreover, clinical trials have shown the ability of polyphenol-enriched extra virgin olive
oil to reduce IL-6 and C-reactive protein expression in stable coronary heart disease patients [57].
In lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-treated BALB/c mice, a model system of inflammation olive
vegetation water show ability to inhibit the production of tumor necrosis factor-alpha usually
activated by inflammation [58]. Flavonoids, as well, play an important anti-inflammatory effect
by influencing cytokines’ secretion. Several flavonoids are found able to inhibit the expression
of various pro-inflammatory cytokines and chemokines like TNFα, IL-1β, IL-6, IL-8, and MCP-1
(monocyte chemoattractant protein-1) in multiple cell types such as LPS-activated mouse primary
macrophages, activated human mast cell line, activated human astrocytes, human synovial cells, and
human peripheral blood mononuclear cells [59–64]. In murine RAW 264.7 macrophages stimulated by
LPS, Chinese propolis as well as extract of Lonicera japónica Thunb (Caprifoliaceae) or Kalanchoe gracilis
demonstrated inhibitory effects on TNF-α, IL-1-β, and IL-6 [52–54]. Similarly, certain polyphenol
analogs, like curcumin analog EF31, have shown the ability to inhibit the expression and secretion of
TNF-α, IL-1-β, and IL-6 in mouse Raw 264.7 macrophages [65].
Likewise, reduction of the secretion of TNF-α and IL-6 without IL-1β modulation is observed
with extracts of chamomile, meadowsweet, willow bark, and isolated polyphenols such as quercetin
existing in these extracts in THP1 macrophages [66]. Extract of Cydonia oblonga inhibits TNF-α and
Interleukin 8 while it increases IL-10 and IL-6 in THP-1monocytes stimulated with LPS. The reduction
in TNF-α levels limits the acute inflammatory response [67,68]. Other cytokines like IFNγ might also
be inhibited by certain polyphenols. For example, kaempferol reduces the production of IFN-γ in a
dose-dependent manner in spleen cells and T cell lines [69].
Certain polyphenols exert their effects on the balance between pro- and anti-inflammatory
cytokines production such as quercetin and catechins, they enhance IL-10 release while they
inhibit TNFα and IL-1β [59,70]. Extract of Cydonia oblonga also inhibits the effects of TNF-α and
Interleukin 8 (IL-8) while it raises IL-10 in the same type of monocytes [67,68]. Modulation of
inflammatory cytokines is one of many common mechanisms by which polyphenols in general
exert their immunomodulatory effects.
Nutrients 2018, 10, 1618
of IKK, and the processing of NFκ B precursors [73–75]. Thus, the inhibition of NFκB can be of
a great benefit in controlling inflammatory conditions [76]. Several polyphenols modulate NFκ B
activation and reduce inflammation [77,78]. Quercetin blocks the nuclear translocation of p50 and
p65 subunits of NFκ B and represses the expression of pro-inflammatory associated genes, NOS and
COX-2 in RAW264.7 macrophages [79]. It inhibits the phosphorylation of Iκ Bα protein both in vitro
(using macrophages) and in vivo (using dextran sulfate sodium (DSS) rat colitis model) leading to
inactivation of the NFκ B pathway [80]. In human mast cells, quercetin prevents the degradation
of Iκ Bα, as well as the nuclear translocation of p65 resulting in reduction of TNFα, IL-1β, IL-6 and
IL-8 [63]. It can modulate chromatin remodeling, for example it blocks the recruitment of a histone
acetyl transferase called CBP/p300 to the promoters of interferon-inducible protein 10 (IP-10) and
macrophage inflammatory protein-2 (MIP-2) genes in primary murine small intestinal epithelial cell.
As a result, it inhibits the expression of these pro-inflammatory cytokines [81]. Quercetin can block
the activation of IKK, NFκ B, and it reduces the ability of NFκ B to bind DNA in microglia treated
by LPS and IFN-γ in mouse BV-2 microglia [82]. Luteolin, too, blocks NFκ B activation and inhibits
pro-inflammatory genes expression and the cytokines production in murine macrophages RAW 264.7
and mouse alveolar macrophages; it also inhibits IKKs in LPS-induced epithelial and dendritic cells [83].
In addition, in co-cultured intestinal epithelial Caco-2 and macrophage RAW 264.7 cells, luteolin
represses NF-k B activation and TNF-α secretion [84]. Likewise, Genistein represses LPS-induced
activation of NF-k B in monocytes and reduces the inflammation by inhibiting NF-k B activation
upon adenosine monophosphate activated protein kinase stimulation in LPS-stimulated macrophages
RAW 264.7 [83,85]. Galangin, as well, stops the degradation of Ik Bα and the translocation of p65 NF-k
B, repressing the expression of TNF-α, IL-6, IL-1β, and IL-8 in mast cell [86]. EGCG counteracts the
activation of IKK and the degradation of Iκ Bα and inhibits NFκ B in culture respiratory epithelial
cells and in vivo in male Wistar rats [87,88]. Furthermore, EGCG blocks DNA binding of NFκ B which
reduces the expression of IL-12p40 and iNOS in murine peritoneal macrophages [89,90]. Catechin and
epichatechin reduce NFκ B activity in PMA-induced Jurkat T cells. Flavonoids can modulate NFκ B
activation cascade at early phases by affecting IKK activation and regulation of oxidant levels or at late
phases by affecting binding of NF-κ B to DNA in jurkat Tcells [91]. Hydroxytyrosol, and resveratrol
inhibit NFκ B activation, and the expression of VCAM-1 in LPS-stimulated human umbilical vein
endothelial cells [92]. In summary, polyphenols can modulate NFκ B activation cascade at different
steps such as by affecting IKK activation and regulating of the oxidant levels or by affecting binding of
NF-κ B to DNA leading to an important anti-inflammatory effect responsible for their potential value
in treating chronic inflammatory conditions (Figure 1).
Figure 1. Potential points of action of polyphenols within inflammatory cascade. NF-κ B: nuclear factor
kappa-light-chain-enhancer of activated B cells; IKK: IkB-kinase; ERK: extracellular signal-related
kinases; JNK: c-Jun amino-terminal kinases; p38 (or p38-MAPK): p38-mitogen-activated protein kinase;
COX: cyclooxygenase; LOX: lipoxygenase; AA: arachidonic acid; PLA2: phospholipase A2; PGs:
prostaglandins; LTs: leukotriens. For references see the text.
Nutrients 2018, 10, 1618
Nutrients 2018, 10, 1618
other polyphenols, such as kaempferol in culture of LPS-stimulated human whole blood cells [117].
Extra virgin olive oil rich with more than 30 phenolic compounds inhibit 5-LOX in human activated
leukocytes reducing leukotriene B4 and suppresses eicosanoids production by animal and human
cells in vitro [118,119]. Finally, certain polyphenols show structural and functional similarities with
specific anti-inflammatory drugs. A phenolic compound—oleocanthal—demonstrates a natural
anti-inflammatory property and exhibits structural similarities to the ibuprofen (a well-known
anti-inflammatory drug). Oleocanthal—like ibuprofen—inhibits COX-1 and COX-2 activities in a
dose-dependent manner [120].
Transition metal ions, like Fe+2 , Cu2+ , Co2+ , Ti3+ , or Cr5+ , results in OH• formation from
H2 O2 [131,132]. Curcumin is able to chelate transition metal (Cu2+ and Fe2+ ) ions. Alike, EGCG
and quercetin chelate Fe2+ (iron ion) [128]. Polyphenols like apocynin, reservatol, and curcumin
can inhibit NOX (NADPH oxidase) causing a reduction in the generation of O2 • during infections
consecutively in endothelial cells in THP1-monocytes [133–135]. Additionally, polyphenols can
attenuate the mitochondrial ATP synthesis by blocking the mitochondrial respiratory chain and
ATPase. As a result, ROS production is diminished. Curcumin [136], EGCG [137], phenolic acids [138],
capsaicin [139], quercetins [140], anthocyanins [140], and resveratrol analogs [141] inhibit xanthine
oxidase. Thus, they reduce ROS production. Polyphenols affect the activity of cyclooxygenase,
Nutrients 2018, 10, 1618
lipoxygenase, and NOS (nitric oxide synthase) as per found in RAW 264.7 macrophes [142]. These
enzymes are known to metabolize arachidonic acid and their inhibition moderates the production
of key mediators of inflammation (prostaglandins, leukotrienes, and NO . . . ) [142]. Polyphenols
can also restrain LPS-induced iNOS gene expression in cultured macrophages, decreasing oxidative
harm [143]. Finally, they may act by upregulating endogenous antioxidant enzymes. In vivo, curcumin
can stimulate antioxidant enzymes like superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase, and glutathione (GSH)
peroxidase (Px) which lead to ROS detoxification [144]. Likewise, EGCG rises SOD and GSH-Px
activities with augmented amount of cellular glutathione [145]. In conclusion, polyphenols exert
the anti-inflammatory action by different mechanisms: Radical scavenging, metal chelating, NOX
inhibition, tempering the mitochondrial respiratory chain, inhibition of certain enzymes involved in
ROS production, like xanthine oxidase and upregulation of endogenous antioxidant enzymes.
Nutrients 2018, 10, 1618
Nutrients 2018, 10, 1618
phase II enzymes that initiate the formation of polar metabolites which are readily excreted from the
body [195]. Certain dietary polyphenols such as flavonoids reduce cellular formation of ROS which
protects from the oxidation of DNA [193].
In addition to their anti-oxidant properties, pro-oxidant characteristic of polyphenols is important
in treating and preventing cancer. Pro-oxidant activity can be initiated by certain conditions such
as superoxide leakage [196]. The pro-oxidant activities of polyphenols in cancer cells can result in
inducing apoptosis [197], cell cycle arrest [198] and inhibiting the proliferation signaling pathways
(i.e., epidermal growth factor receptor/mitogen activated protein kinase, phosphatidylinositide
3-kinases/protein kinase B, as well as NF-kB) [199]. For example, polyphenols from apple are able
to inhibit the proliferation of human bladder transitional cell carcinoma (TCC, TSGH-8301 cells),
inducing G2/M cell cycle arrest, and promoting apoptosis [200]. In human papilloma virus-18-positive
HeLa cervical cancer cells, green tea polyphenols can induce cell cycle arrest at the subG1 phase and
apoptosis through caspases activation [201]. Flavonoids, such as quercetin, induce apoptosis in many
cancer cells such as leukemic U937 cell [202], prostate cancer cells [203], hepatic cancer cells [204],
among other types. A combination of quercetin with resveratrol and catechin inhibits breast cancer
progression in vitro and in vivo by inducing apoptosis in carcinogenic breast cells [205]. In addition,
polyphenols can reduce cancer metastasis such as quercetin [206,207].
Sufficient studies have reported that NF-κB signaling pathways are closely related to cancer
metastasis. Polyphenols can disrupt the metastatic potential of cancer by inhibiting NF-κB activity [208].
Curcumin is a good example [209–211] of decreasing cancer metastasis in mice by suppressing
NF-κB expression and down-regulating VEGF (vascular endothelial growth factor), COX-2, and
MMP-9 (matrix metallopeptidase-9) expression in tissues of the breast, brain, lung, liver, and
spleen [212,213]. Moreover, the strength of metastasis is associated to the epithelial-to-mesenchymal
transition (EMT) [214]. There is robust evidence that polyphenols compounds can modulate EMT
and its related signaling pathways [215]. For example, EGCG, a flavan-3-ol, induces apoptosis and
significantly reduces colony formation and cell migration in nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC) and
cancer stem cells (CSC) in different cell lines [216]. Luteolin and quercetin reverse the migration and
invasiveness of metastatic cells by reducing the expression of mesenchymal markers and transcriptional
factors on the cell membrane (i.e., twist, snail, and N-cadherin) and upregulating adhesion molecules
such as E-cadherin [217]. Thus, through variable mechanisms, polyphenols broadly downregulate
inflammation origination, progression, and evolution to cancers (Figure 3).
Nutrients 2018, 10, 1618
7. Conclusions
In conclusion, the vast number of published studies proved the immunomodulatory role of
polyphenols in vivo and in vitro. Different underlying regulatory mechanisms are now well elucidated.
These data highlight the promising role of polyphenols in prevention and therapy of diseases with
underlining inflammatory conditions, including cancer, neurodegenerative diseases, obesity, type
II diabetes, and cardiovascular diseases. However, the role of polyphenols in modulating multiple
inflammatory cellular pathways should be further investigated. Many questions remain unanswered
about the usage of polyphenols in clinical setting. The role of the microbiota in degrading these
polyphenols should be further studied. The notion of bioavailability and its impact on biofunctionality
should also be revisited. It is generally believed that polyphenol activity is principally located in the gut
where their immunoprotective and anti-inflammatory activities are initiated and subsequently ensuring
systemic anti-inflammatory effects. Since different polyphenols can have multiple intracellular
targets, additional data is needed to determine the consequences of the interaction or the synergistic
effects between multiple polyphenolic compounds or polyphenols and commonly used medications.
Moreover, further in vivo and meta-analysis studies in humans are necessary to fully reveal the
mechanisms of action of polyphenols in several physiological conditions in order to produce important
insights into their prophylactic and therapeutic uses.
Author Contributions: N.Y. wrote all parts of the paper and prepared all Figures as well as the graphabstract
except cancer and polyphenol paragraph and Figure 3; N.A. wrote cancer and polyphenol paragraph and prepared
Figure 3; M.J. collected some papers and revised the Figures and their design; C.M. revised and guided the work.
Funding: This research received no external funding.
Acknowledgments: Special thanks to uOttawa libraries especially health sciences library and Morisset library
and the department of “Nutrition Sciences”.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
ROS Reactive oxygen species
COX Cyclooxygenase
NOX NADPH oxidase
SOD Superoxide dismutase
GSH Glutathione
Px Peroxidase
PLA2 Phospholipase A2
PGs Prostaglandins
LTs Leukotrienes
MAPK Mitogen-activated protein Kinase
IKK Inhibitor of kappa kinase
NFκB Nuclear factor kappa-light-chain-enhancer of activated B cells
Th1 T helper 1
NK Natural killer
DCs Dendritic cells
ECGC Epigallocatechin gallate
Treg Regulatory T cells
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The Role of Vitamin E in Immunity
Ga Young Lee 1,2 and Sung Nim Han 1,2, *
1 Department of Food and Nutrition, College of Human Ecology, Seoul National University,
Seoul 08826, Korea;
2 Research Institute of Human Ecology, Seoul National University, Seoul 08826, Korea
* Correspondence:; Tel.: +82-2-880-6836
Abstract: Vitamin E is a fat-soluble antioxidant that can protect the polyunsaturated fatty acids
(PUFAs) in the membrane from oxidation, regulate the production of reactive oxygen species (ROS)
and reactive nitrogen species (RNS), and modulate signal transduction. Immunomodulatory effects
of vitamin E have been observed in animal and human models under normal and disease conditions.
With advances in understating of the development, function, and regulation of dendritic cells (DCs),
macrophages, natural killer (NK) cells, T cells, and B cells, recent studies have focused on vitamin E’s
effects on specific immune cells. This review will summarize the immunological changes observed
with vitamin E intervention in animals and humans, and then describe the cell-specific effects of
vitamin E in order to understand the mechanisms of immunomodulation and implications of vitamin
E for immunological diseases.
1.2. Sources
The major dietary sources of vitamin E are vegetable oils. Nuts are good sources of vitamin
E as well [2]. Soybean, sunflower, corn, walnut, cottonseed, palm, and wheat germ oils contain
relatively higher amounts (more than approximately 50 mg vitamin E/100 g oil) of vitamin E than
other oils. The proportions of α-, β-, γ-, and δ-tocopherols vary depending on the oil type. Safflower
and sunflower oils are high in α-tocopherol, soybean and corn oils contain mainly γ-tocopherol,
and cottonseed oil contains similar proportions of α- and γ-tocopherols. Therefore, the types of oils
consumed through the diet affect the dietary intake levels of α-tocopherol. Vitamin E supplements are
quite popular and contribute considerably to vitamin E intake among some populations. Either natural
or synthetic forms of α-tocopherol are used as supplements.
Despite the relatively higher intake of γ-tocopherol from the diet than α-tocopherol, α-tocopherol
is the major form of vitamin E in the circulation because α-tocopherol transfer protein (α-TTP) has the
preferential binding affinity for α-tocopherol. α-TTP is involved in the transfer of α-tocopherol to the
plasma membrane [1].
1.3. Functions
Vitamin E is a major fat-soluble antioxidant that scavenges peroxyl radicals and terminates the
oxidation of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs). In the presence of vitamin E, peroxyl radicals react
with α-tocopherol instead of lipid hydroperoxide, the chain reaction of peroxyl radical production
is stopped, and further oxidation of PUFAs in the membrane is prevented [1]. Tocopheroxyl
radicals—produced from α-tocopherol and peroxyl radicals—are reduced by vitamin C or glutathione,
form tocopherol dimers, undergo further oxidation, or act as prooxidants. The antioxidant activity of
vitamin E may be responsible for the regulation of several enzymes involved in signal transduction
because the activity of signaling enzymes is regulated by the redox state.
Vitamin E inhibits protein kinase C (PKC) activity by increasing PKC-α dephosphorylation
through the activation of protein phosphatase 2A. The inhibition of PKC by vitamin E has been
reported in various cells, and consequently, the inhibition of platelet aggregation; reduced proliferation
of monocytes, macrophages, neutrophils, and vascular smooth muscle cells; and decreased superoxide
production in neutrophils and macrophages have been observed [3,4].
Vitamin E may directly bind to the enzymes involved in the generation of lipid mediators or to
the transport proteins involved in signal transduction. Vitamin E may affect the membrane protein
Nutrients 2018, 10, 1614
interaction and translocation of the enzymes to the plasma membrane and therefore change the activity
of signal transduction enzymes [4].
Table 1. Modulation of immune responses by vitamin E in animal models.
Pregnant cows (n = 24/group) of gestation to day 21 of NA ↑IgG and IgA concentration in sow plasma Wang et al. 2017 [9]
Domestic cats (39 castrated male
225, 450 mg/kg diet for
and 33 intact female) (n = α-tocopherol ↑Lymphocyte proliferation (ConA, PHA) O’ Brien et al. 2015 [10]
28 days
Young and old mice 500 mg/kg diet for 6 ↑Lymphocyte proliferation in old (ConA, PHA)
DL -α-tocotrienol Ren et al. 2010 [11]
(n = 11–13/group) weeks ↑IL-1β production in young
50, 200 mg/kg diet for
Young rats (n = 6/group) ↑Lymphocyte proliferation (ConA, LPS) Bendich et al. 1986 [12]
8–10 weeks
↑Lymphocyte proliferation (ConA, LPS)
500 mg/kg diet for 6 ↑DTH response
Old mice (n = 10/group) DL -α-tocopheryl acetate Meydani et al. 1986 [13]
weeks ↑IL-2 production
↓PGE2 production
↑Lymphocyte proliferation (ConA) in young
Young and old mice (n = 5/group) 500 IU (500 mg) for 9 DL -α-tocopherol acetate ↔Lymphocyte proliferation (ConA) in old Wakikawa et al. 1999 [14]
↑IFN-γ in young under restraint stress
Form of Vitamin E
Subjects Age Amount and Duration of Supplementation Effects on Immune Function References
Young (n = 5) and senior 4.6 ± 0.3 mg/100 mL of vitamin E-enriched
18–25, 35–57 α-tocopherol acetate ↑15LOX2, TNF-α expression Capo et al. 2016 [20]
athletes (n = 5) beverage 5 days/week for 5 weeks
D -α-tocotrienol
↑IL-4 (TT vaccine), IFN-γ (ConA)
D -γ-tocotrienol Mahalingam et al. 2011
Healthy women (n = 108) 400 mg TRF/day for 56 days
Nutrients 2018, 10, 1614
D -δ-tocotrienol
↓IL-6 (LPS)
D -α-tocopherol
Healthy elderly males and
≥65 60, 200, 800 mg/day for 235 days DL -α-tocopherol ↑DTH and antibody titer to hepatitis B with 200, 800 mg Meydani et al. 1997 [27]
females (n = 88)
↑No. of positive DTH reaction with 100 mg
Healthy elderly males and DL -α-tocopheryl ↑dDiameter of induration of DTH reaction in a
65–80 50, 100 mg/day for 6 months Pallast et al. 1999 [28]
females (n = 161) acetate subgroup supplemented with 100 mg
↔IL-2 production
↓IFN-γ production
Healthy young adults
600 mg/day for 3 months40 mg/kg body
(n = 31) and premature 24–31 ↓Chemiluminescence Okano et al. 1990 [29]
weight for 8–14 days
infants (n = 10)
Cigarette smoker (n = 60) 33 ± 4 900 IU/day for 6 weeks ↓Chemiluminescence Richards et al. 1990 [30]
Prevented fish-oil-induced suppression of ConA
Healthy males (n = 40) 24–57 200 mg/day for 4 months all-rac-α-tocopherol Kramer et al. 1991 [31]
↑DTH (maximal diameter) in 100, 200, 400 mg groups
Healthy elderly (n = 40) >65 100, 200, or 400 mg/day for 3 months DL -α-tocopherol Wu et al. 2006 [32]
↑Lymphocyte proliferation (ConA) in 200 mg group
Sedentary young and ↓IL-6 secretion
22–29, 55–74 800 IU (727 mg)/day for 48 days DL -α-tocopherol Cannon et al. 1991 [33]
elderly males (n = 21) ↓Exercise-enhanced IL-1β secretion
ConA, concanavalin A; DTH, delayed type hypersensitivity; IFN-γ, interferon-γ; 15LOX2, 15-lipoxygenase-2; PGE2 , prostaglandin E2 ; PHA, phytohemagglutinin; TRF, tocotrienol-rich
fraction; TT vaccine, tetanous toxoid vaccine.
Table 3. Effects of vitamin E supplementation on infectious diseases in animal models.
Dose and Duration of Form of Vitamin Infection Organism and Results: Effects of Vitamin E
Subjects Age References
Supplementation E Used Route of Infection Supplementation
Mice BALB/c 100 mg/kg for 8 days before MRSA, inoculated onto Higher NK cytotoxicity
6 months δ-, γ-Tocotrienol Pierpaoli et al. 2017 [34]
(n = 3–6/group) MRSA-challenge superficial surgical wounds Higher IL-24 mRNA expression levels
male mice 2, 22–26 500 mg/kg for 4 weeks prior to D -α-tocopheryl Streptococcus pneumoniae,
months infection proinflammatory cytokines (TNF-, IL-6) Bou Ghanem et al. 2015 [35]
C57BL/6 acetate intra-tracheally injected
(n = 6/group) were reduced
3-fold reduction in the number of PMNs
No difference in serum IgG or peripheral
Worm-free lambs 5.3 IU (3.56 mg)/kg BW for H. contortus L3 larvae, route
28–32 weeks D -α-tocopherol mRNA expression of IL-4 or IFN-γ De Wolf et al. 2014 [36]
(n =10/group) 12 weeks NA
Lower PCV, FEC, and worm burden
22 months 500mg/kg diet for 6 weeks (H3N2) by nasal Lower viral titre Hayek et al. 1997 [7]
(n = 4–9) acetate
Mice, C57BL/6 160 IU/L liquid diet for 4, 8, 12, all-rac-α-tocopheryl Murine LP-BM5 leukaemia Restored IL-2 and IFN-γ production by
5 weeks Wang et al. 1994 [38]
(n = 6) 16 weeks acetate retrovirus by IP injection splenocytes following infection
1400 or 2800 mg orally once per Serum from vitamin E-supplemented
Calves, Holstein DL -α-tocopheryl Bovine rhinotracheitis
1d week, 1400 mg injection once calves inhibited the replication of bovine Reddy et al. 1986 [39]
(n = 7) acetate virus, in vitro
per week for 12 weeks rhinotracheitis virus in vitro
Mice, Swiss DL -α-tocopheryl Diplococcus pneumoniae type
4 weeks 180 mg/kg diet for 4 weeks Higher survival Heinzerling et al. 1974a [5]
Webster (n = 10) acetate I by IP injection
25 or 250 mg/kg bw orally for Pseudomonas aeruginosa,
Mice, BALB/C DL -α-tocopheryl
NA 4 days, starting 2 days before subeschar injection to Lower mortality rate Fang et al. 1990 [40]
(n = 25) acetate
burn injury burned mice
Vitamin E
Mice, BALB/C 4000mg/kg diet for 2, 4, or Listeria monocytogenes by IP
3 weeks injectable No difference in resistance Watson & Petro 1982 [41]
(NA) 14 weeks injection
180 mg/kg diet + 6000 IU DL -α-tocopheryl Mycoplasma pulmonis by
Sprague-Dawley 3 weeks Higher resistance to infection Tvedten et al. 1973 [42]
vitamin A/kg diet for 6 weeks acetate aerosol
(n = 6)
1000 IU orally, 300 mg/kg diet DL -α-tocopheryl Chlamydia by intratracheal Faster recovery (higher food intake and
Lambs (n = 10) NA Stephens et al. 1979 [43]
for 23 days acetate inoculation weight gains)
Table 3. Cont.
Dose and Duration of Form of Vitamin Infection Organism and Results: Effects of Vitamin E
Subjects Age References
Supplementation E Used Route of Infection Supplementation
200 mg/pig per day for 59 days Improved weight gain and recovery rate
DL -α-tocopheryl Treponema hyodysenteriae,
Pigs (n = 6) NA before infection and 22 days No beneficial effect on appetite and Teige et al. 1982 [45]
after infection acetate oral
300 mg/kg diet for 6 weeks,
Chicks, broiler DL -α-tocopheryl
1 day starting 3 weeks before first E. coli, post-thoracic air sac Lower mortality Tengerdy & Nockels 1975 [49]
(n = 10) acetate
Chicks, Leghorn 300 mg/kg diet for 4 weeks DL -α-tocopheryl
1 day E. coli by IV injection Lower mortality Likoff et al. 1981 [50]
(n = 22) before infection acetate
Vitamin E;
100, 000 mg/t diet for 10 weeks,
Pigs (n = 10) 6–8 weeks starting 2 weeks before E. coli by IM injection Higher serum Ab titre Ellis & Vorhies 1976 [51]
Minneapolis, MN,
Ab, antibody; FEC, fecal egg count; HSV, Herpes simplex virus; MRSA, IFN-γ, interferon-γ; IM, intramuscular; IV, intravenous; Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus; NK, natural
killer; PCV, packed cell volume; PMN, polymorphonuclear leukocyte, RANTES, regulated on activation, normal T cell expressed and secreted; TNF-α, tumor necrosis factor-α.
Table 4. Effects of vitamin E supplementation on infectious diseases in humans.
Dose and Duration of Form of Vitamin Infection Organism and Route of Results: Effects of Vitamin E
Subjects Age References
Supplementation E Used Infection Supplementation
69% Lower incidence of pneumonia
among subgroups including participants
who smoked 5–19 cigarettes per day at
DL -α-tocopheryl
Male smoker 50–69 50 mg/d for median of 6 years Natural incidence of pneumonia baseline and exercised at leisure time Hemila et al. 2016 [52]
Nutrients 2018, 10, 1614
14% Lower incidence of pneumonia
among subgroups including participants
who smoked ≥20 cigarettes per day at
baseline and did not exercise
30 mg during pregnancy
HIV-infected (multivitamin form with 20 mg Natural incidence of malaria after Lower incidence of presumptive clinical
pregnant 25.4 vitamins B1, 20 mg B2, 25 mg B6, 100 NA having received malaria malaria, but higher risk of any malaria Olofin et al. 2014 [53]
Tanzanian women mg niacin, 50 μg B12, 500 mg C, prophylaxis during pregnancy parasitemia
and 800 μg folic acid)
Reduced glutathione (GSH) and
Patients with glutathione peroxidase, which are
900 IU (604.03 mg for D - or 818.18
HCV-related 54–75 α-tocopherol Natural incidence of cirrhosis significantly lower in cirrhotic patients Marotta et al. 2007 [54]
mg for DL-)/day for 6 months
cirrhosis (p < 0.05), were comparably improved by
vitamin E regimens
945 IU (634.23 mg)/day for 6 months
Patients with No difference in median log plasma Groenbak et al. 2006
18–75 with 500 mg ascorbic acid and 200 μg D -α-tocopherol Natural incidence of HCV
chronic HCV HCV-RNA [55]
of selenium
Fewer numbers of subjects with all and
Nursing home Natural incidence of respiratory upper respiratory infections
>65 200 IU/day for 1 year DL -α-tocopherol Meydani et al. 2004 [56]
residents infections Lower incidence of common cold
No effect on lower respiratory infection
Natural incidence of common cold Lower incidence of common cold
Male smokers 50–69 50 mg/day during 4-year follow-up α-tocopherol Hemila et al. 2002 [57]
episodes Reduction was greatest among older city
dwellers who smoked fewer than 15
cigarettes per day
No overall effect on the incidence of
DL -α-tocopheryl
Male smokers 50–69 years 50 mg/day for median of 6.1 years Natural incidence of pneumonia pneumonia. Hemila et al. 2004 [58]
Lower incidence of pneumonia among
the subjects who had initiated smoking
at a later age (>21)
Natural incidence and severity of
Non-institutionalized α-tocopherol No effect on incidence and severity of
>60 years 200 mg/day for median of 441 days self-reported acute respiratory tract Graat et al. 2002 [59]
individuals acetate acute respiratory tract infections
HCV, hepatitis C virus.
Nutrients 2018, 10, 1614
3.1. Macrophages
Macrophages, important effector cells in the innate immune response, serve as antigen presenting
cells (APC) and regulate NK cells and T cells by producing cytokines, reactive oxygen species (ROS),
reactive nitrogen species (RNS), and prostaglandins. Cytokines produced by T cells and other immune
cells can shift the macrophages into different populations with distinct physiologies [60].
The effects of vitamin E on prostaglandin (PG)E2 production by macrophages from the aged
have been suggested as one of the mechanisms by which vitamin E improves the age-associated
decrease in the T cell-mediated immune response [61]. In a co-culture experiment in which purified
T cells and macrophages from young and old mice were cultured together, T cells from young mice
showed suppressed proliferation and IL-2 secretion when cultured with macrophages from old mice.
When macrophages from old mice were pre-incubated with 10 μg/mL vitamin E for 4 h, co-cultures
of old macrophages and young T cells showed significant improvement in proliferation. Vitamin E
pre-incubation of old macrophages improved proliferation and IL-2 production in co-cultures of old
macrophages and old T cells [62]. Macrophages from old mice produced significantly higher levels of
PGE2 , which was due to higher cyclooxygenase (COX) activity. Macrophages from old mice expressed
higher levels of inducible COX2 protein and mRNA [63]. These increases in PGE2 synthesis and COX
activity were lowered by in vivo vitamin E supplementation [64]. Macrophages isolated from old
mice fed a diet containing 500 ppm vitamin E for 30 days produced lower amounts of PGE2 and
had lower COX activity than those from old mice fed a control diet containing 30 ppm vitamin E,
but the COX2 mRNA levels and protein expression of the control and supplemented groups did not
Nutrients 2018, 10, 1614
differ. Thus, vitamin E’s effect on COX activity seemed to be through post-translational mechanisms
rather than through its effect at transcriptome or translational levels. In a subsequent study, it was
shown that vitamin E reduced COX activity in macrophages from old mice by decreasing peroxynitrite
production [65]. The inhibition of COX activity by vitamin E in old mice disappeared specifically with
the addition of a nitric oxide (NO) donor in the presence of a superoxide to elevate peroxynitrite levels
in the macrophage culture. There is a complex interplay between the nitric oxide synthase (NOS)
and COX pathways and NO increases COX2 activity, which seems to be due to the NO preventing
self-deactivation of COX by the superoxide as NO interacts with the superoxide [66].
In vivo supplementation of vitamin E (1500 IU D -α-tocopheryl acetate/day for 16 weeks)
in allergic asthmatic patients prevented the suppression of alveolar macrophage nuclear factor
(erythroid-derived 2)-like 2 (NRF2) activity after allergen challenge [67]. This study presented the
possibility of vitamin E’s protective role in allergies and asthmas through regulation of macrophage
NRF2 activity, but, further studies are needed to confirm the findings because of the small number of
patients (nine mild non-smoking allergic asthmatics) and the lack of appropriate controls.
Nutrients 2018, 10, 1614
were treated in culture starting from day 2, cells were stimulated on day 5, and then the surface
phenotype was determined on day 6. The expression of human leukocyte antigen(HLA)-DR, CD40
CD80, and CD86 appeared to be increased with lower concentrations of α-tocopherol (<0.05 mM), but
the combination of vitamin E and C prevented DC activation, as the upregulation of surface markers
was not observed. DCs treated with 0.5 mM vitamin E and 10 mM vitamin C showed lower levels
of intracellular ROS and inhibition of the nuclear factor (NF)-κB, PKC, and p38 mitogen-activated
protein kinase (MAPK) pathways. When bone marrow-derived dendritic cells (BMDCs) from Balb/c
mice were treated with 500 μM of α-tocopherol for 2 h, upregulation of phosphorylated inhibitor of κB
(IκB) by lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-stimulation was suppressed. Vitamin E treatment for 24 h resulted
in a reduced number of CD11+ CD86+ cells and ROS-positive cells, lower production of IL-12p70
and TNF-α, and decreased transwell migration of BMDCs. These effects of vitamin E on BMDCs
were partly dependent on Klotho expression. Vitamin E treatment on BMDCs resulted in higher
Klotho transcript and protein levels, and silencing of Klotho by transfection of Klotho siRNA abolished
the inhibitory effects of vitamin E on IL-12p70 production, number of ROS-positive cells, and DC
migration [76]. Klotho is a membrane protein that has been shown to mediate calcium transport into
the cells; regulate intracellular signaling pathways such as p53/p21, cyclin adenosine monophosphate
(cAMP), PKC, and Wnt; and inhibit the NF-κB pathway [77]. Therefore, the upregulation of Klotho
by vitamin E could be one of the mechanisms by which vitamin E modulates NF-κB mediated DC
function and maturation. However, the level of α-tocopherol used for in vitro treatment (500 μM) was
high and, therefore, further research is needed to elucidate the physiological relevance of vitamin E
treatment on the expression of Klotho and its involvement in the modulation of DC function.
In vivo supplementation of α-tocopherol at 150, 250, and 500 mg/kg diet in allergic female mice
reduced the lung CD11b+ DCs and mRNA levels of IL-4, IL-33, thymic stromal lymphopoietin (TSLP),
eotaxin 1 (CCL11), and eotaxin 2 (CCL24) in allergen challenged pups. Furthermore, when BMDCs
from 10-day-old neonates born to a control female were treated with 80 μM α-tocopherol for 24 h,
the number of CD45+ CD11b+ CD11+ DCs and the number of CD45+ CD11b+ CD11c+ Ly6c− MHCII−
DCs were reduced. Maternal supplementation with α-tocopherol was effective in decreasing allergic
responses in offspring from allergic mothers by affecting the development of subsets of DCs that
are critical for allergic responses [78]. On the other hand, γ-tocopherol supplementation exerted an
opposite response in the same model. In vivo supplementation of γ-tocopherol at 250 mg/kg diet in
allergic female mice resulted in a higher number of lung eosinophils, a higher number of lung CD11c+
CD11b+ DCs, and higher levels of lung lavage CCL11 in the offspring [79].
Modulation of the immune response by vitamin E has been observed in animal and human
studies, and DCs play a critical role in bridging innate and adaptive immune systems and initiating
adaptive immune responses. Despite the importance of DCs’ role in adaptive immune responses
and in diseases such as autoimmune diseases, few studies have investigated the DC-specific effect of
vitamin E.
3.4. T Cells
The effects of vitamin E on immune cells have been studied the most with T cells.
The dysregulation of immune function occurs with aging and the most significant changes are observed
in T cells. Age-associated changes in T cells include, but are not limited to, (1) defects in T cell receptor
(TCR) signal transduction such as a decrease in linker for the activation of T cells (LAT) phosphorylation
by zeta chain of T cell receptor associated protein kinase 70 (ZAP-70), (2) decreased intracellular influx
of calcium following stimulation, (3) diminished synapse formation, (4) diminished activation of the
mitogen activated protein kinase (MAP kinase) pathway, (5) decreased nuclear factor of activated
T-cells (NFAT) binding activity, and (6) a shift of the T cell population toward memory T cells [80]. As a
result, diminished production of IL-2 and reduced proliferative capacity of naive T cells are observed
and impaired T cell functions contribute to increased susceptibility to infectious diseases and poor
response to immunization.
Nutrients 2018, 10, 1614
Vitamin E has been shown to increase the cell division and IL-2 producing capacity of naïve T
cells, increase the percentage of T cells capable of forming an effective immune synapse, and reverse
the age-associated defect in the phosphorylation of LAT in T cells from old animals [81–83].
In vitro pre-incubation with 46 μM vitamin E for 4 h increased proliferation and IL-2 production in
T cells purified from old mice stimulated with anti-CD3 and anti-CD28. Increased IL-2 production was
due to both an increase in the number of activation-induced IL-2+ cells and an increase in the level of
IL-2 accumulated per cell. Vitamin E specifically increased the naive T cells’ ability to progress through
the cell division cycle in old mice [81]. The gene expression profile of T cells isolated from young and
old mice fed a diet supplemented with 500 ppm vitamin E for four weeks provided evidence that
vitamin E influences cell cycle-related molecules at the gene expression level. Higher expression of
cell cycle-related genes Ccnb2, Cdc2, and Cdc6 was observed in stimulated T cells from old mice fed
the vitamin E-supplemented diet compared with those fed the control diet, which was not observed
in young mice [84]. Cyclin B2, encoded by Ccnb2, binds to cyclin-dependent kinase 1 (also known
as Cdc2) and regulates the events during both the G2 /M transition and progression through mitosis.
Cdc6 is a key regulator in the early steps of DNA replication, as the binding of Cdc6 to chromatin is
a necessary and universal step in the acquisition of replication competences [85]. These alterations
in the expression of cell cycle-related genes observed with vitamin E might contribute to vitamin E
improving the proliferative ability of old T cells.
Marko et al. [82] showed that pre-incubation of CD4+ T cells isolated from old T cells with 46 μM
vitamin E for 4 h increased the percentage of CD4+ T cells displaying effective immune synapses.
Redistribution of Zap70, LAT, Vav, and phospholipase Cγ (PLCγ) into immune synapse increased
significantly with vitamin E treatment. This change was confirmed with in vivo supplementation
of vitamin E. In old mice fed a diet containing 500 ppm vitamin E for eight weeks, LAT and Vav
showed significantly higher redistribution into the T cell/APC contact area when purified CD4+
T cells were stimulated with murine CD3ε hybridoma. In a subsequent study, it was shown that
vitamin E could reverse the age-associated defect in the phosphorylation of LAT on tyrosine 191 [83].
The phosphorylation of LAT is required for the recruitment of adaptor and effector proteins. Therefore,
it plays a pivotal role in the assembly of microcluster structures in the initiation of T cell activation
signals. This evidence suggests that vitamin E can modulate the early stages of T cell activation.
Vitamin E seems to modulate Th1 and Th2 responses. The polarization of CD4 T cells to T
helper (Th)1 or Th2 cells has implications for the protection against different pathogens (intracellular
vs. extracellular pathogens) and the development of different types of chronic diseases (inflammatory
vs. allergic diseases). PBMCs isolated from allergic donors treated with vitamin E (12.5–50 μM)
showed dose-dependent decreases in IL-4 production [86]. IL-4 mRNA levels in activated PBMCs
were downregulated by 25 μM vitamin E treatment. Jurkat T cells treated with 50 μM vitamin E
exhibited downregulation of IL-4 promoter activity, which might be related to vitamin E blocking the
interaction of transcription factors with PRE-1 and P1. In vivo supplementation of vitamin E enhancing
the Th1 response has been observed in mice infected with influenza virus and in colorectal cancer
patients [6,87]. In colorectal cancer patients, two weeks of supplementation with 750 mg vitamin E
led to an increased frequency of IL-2 producing CD4+ T cells and increased IFN-γ production [87].
In old mice infected with influenza virus, 500 ppm vitamin E supplementation for eight weeks prior
to infection lowered the viral titer in the lung, and this protective effect of vitamin E was associated
with the enhancement of Th1 response. IFN-γ production levels correlated negatively with viral
titer, and old mice fed a vitamin E-supplemented diet produced significantly higher levels of IFN-γ
and IL-2 [6]. The gene expression profile of T cells isolated from young and old mice fed a diet
supplemented with 500 ppm vitamin E for four weeks provided evidence that vitamin E influences the
Th1/Th2 balance at the gene expression level. The increase in IL-4 expression following stimulation
was lower in T cells from old mice fed the vitamin E-supplemented diet compared with those fed the
control diet, and the ratio of IFN-γ and IL-4 expression levels was significantly higher in the vitamin E
group than in the control group [84].
Nutrients 2018, 10, 1614
Vitamin E can affect activation-induced cell death in T cells. In vitro treatment of primary human
T cells with 25 μM vitamin E suppressed CD95L expression and activation-induced cell death [88].
The reduction of CD95L mRNA levels and the proportion of CD95L-positive cells were related to the
suppression of NF-κB and AP-1 binding to the CD95L promoter target site by vitamin E. On the other
hand, α-tocopheryl succinate was shown to trigger apoptosis in Jurkat cells with caspase-activation
involved [89].
3.5. B Cells
Vitamin E supplementation has been reported to enhance humoral responses. Higher antibody
responses have been observed in animals and humans [19,27]. However, it is hard to differentiate
whether vitamin E’s direct effect on B cells or indirect effect through T cells contributes to higher
antibody responses.
4. Conclusions
Vitamin E has been shown to enhance immune responses in animal and human models and
to confer protection against several infectious diseases. Suggested mechanisms involved with these
changes are (1) the reduction of PGE2 production by the inhibition of COX2 activity mediated through
decreasing NO production, (2) the improvement of effective immune synapse formation in naive T
cells and the initiation of T cell activation signals, and (3) the modulation of Th1/Th2 balance. Higher
NK activity and changes in dendritic function such as lower IL-12 production and migration were
observed with vitamin E, but underlying mechanisms need to be further elucidated
Several considerations are warranted for the advancement in our understanding of vitamin E’s
role in immunity. For in vitro studies to support implications for the regulation of immunological
diseases, the physiological relevance of vitamin E levels used for treatment should be considered.
Different forms of vitamin E exert differential effects on immune cells. Cell-specific effects of vitamin
E provide valuable evidence regarding the immunomodulatory mechanisms of vitamin E, but the
interplay between immune cells should not be ignored, because interactions between immune cells are
critical in the regulation of immune function.
Author Contributions: Literature search and manuscript preparation were performed by G.Y.L. and S.N.H.
The manuscript was revised and finalized by S.N.H.
Funding: This work was supported by the Basic Science Research Program through the National Research
Foundation of Korea (NRF) funded by the Ministry of Education (grant number NRF-2018R1D1A1B07049178).
Conflicts of Interest: The author declares no conflicts of interests.
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The Microbiotic Highway to Health— New
Perspective on Food Structure, Gut Microbiota,
and Host Inflammation
Nina Wærling Hansen 1 and Anette Sams 2, *
1 Molecular Endocrinology Unit (KMEB), Department of Endocrinology, Institute of Clinical Research,
University of Southern Denmark, DK-5000 Odense, Denmark;
2 Department of Clinical Experimental Research, Glostrup Research Institute, Copenhagen University
Hospital, Nordstjernevej 42, DK-2600 Glostrup, Denmark
* Correspondence:
Abstract: This review provides evidence that not only the content of nutrients but indeed the
structural organization of nutrients is a major determinant of human health. The gut microbiota
provides nutrients for the host by digesting food structures otherwise indigestible by human enzymes,
thereby simultaneously harvesting energy and delivering nutrients and metabolites for the nutritional
and biological benefit of the host. Microbiota-derived nutrients, metabolites, and antigens promote the
development and function of the host immune system both directly by activating cells of the adaptive
and innate immune system and indirectly by sustaining release of monosaccharides, stimulating
intestinal receptors and secreting gut hormones. Multiple indirect microbiota-dependent biological
responses contribute to glucose homeostasis, which prevents hyperglycemia-induced inflammatory
conditions. The composition and function of the gut microbiota vary between individuals and
whereas dietary habits influence the gut microbiota, the gut microbiota influences both the nutritional
and biological homeostasis of the host. A healthy gut microbiota requires the presence of beneficial
microbiotic species as well as vital food structures to ensure appropriate feeding of the microbiota.
This review focuses on the impact of plant-based food structures, the “fiber-encapsulated nutrient
formulation”, and on the direct and indirect mechanisms by which the gut microbiota participate in
host immune function.
1. Introduction
The gut microbiota is a complex ecosystem residing in the gastro-intestinal (GI) tract and consists
of a diverse microbiotic community living in symbiosis with the host. A diverse microbiota is
considered a major positive regulator of the interdependent metabolic and immune function of the
host. The gut microbiota is shaped alongside the host immune system in a synergistic partnership [1].
Trillions of microorganisms participate in the maturation and regulation of immune function, energy
metabolism, and hormonal balance [2], including regulation of intestinal mucosal barriers, fermentation
of undigested nutrients, and synthesis of short chain fatty acids (SCFA) [3]. Furthermore, the microbiota
releases microbiota-derived antigens [4,5], vitamins [6,7], and other molecules, such as tryptophan
metabolites [8,9], that interact with the host biology.
The dynamic relationship between the microbiotic ecosystem and its host is emphasized by
the joint utilization of consumed nutrients. Diet is a shared substrate between the host and the gut
microbiota and the choice of diet affects host health both directly and indirectly by affecting the
abundance and composition of the microbiotic community [10,11].
The structural organization of complex carbohydrates determines the site of digestion and
absorption in the GI tract [12], and hence the level of cross feeding [13], community organization,
and proliferation of specific microorganisms. Importantly, all plant cell walls consist of complex
carbohydrate structures that are digested selectively by microbiotic enzymes and not by host enzymes.
Thus, complex polysaccharides in plant cell walls function as both substrate for the microbiota and as
a sustained release delivery system of other plant-cell derived nutrients and biomolecules for both
microbiotic and host utilization. The structural properties of the cell wall vary between different plant
cells [14], and in theory determine the specific site of plant cell wall degradation and nutrient release.
Plant-based foods can be placed on a moving scale from whole foods (unrefined) to fully refined
foods, and currently no official distinction based on the degrees of refinement exists. Foods with added
refined nutrients (e.g., sugar, starch or oils) or any food, which has been structurally disrupted on the
macroscopic level are considered refined. The degree of refinement is thus determined by the degree of
macroscopic structural disruption (e.g., intact whole grain vs. ground whole grain vs. sifted flour) and
the degree of refined supplementation. When plant-based food structures are completely disrupted
requiring no microbiotic interaction for digestion we consider the food fully refined.
Microbiota composition varies greatly among different cultures and individuals [15,16],
and specific genera of bacteria are more abundant in healthy individuals as compared to individuals
in different disease states, as shown, for example, for Bifidobacterium and Lactobacillus [17–19], whose
functions include carbohydrate fermentation and vitamin synthesis [6,20,21]. The degradation and
utilization of complex carbohydrates rely on specific microbiotic enzymes secreted from the microbiota
in the lower intestine [22]. The fermentation process yields energy for microbiotic proliferation
and metabolites, e.g. SCFA [23] for regulation of inflammatory responses [24] and gut hormone
secretion [25] in the host. The latter is of great importance for glucose homeostasis and plays a major
role for the metabolic and inflammatory health of the host [26].
Microbiota composition is also closely connected to the integrity of our intestinal mucosal barrier.
Upon microbiota dysbiosis mucosal bacteria can impair epithelial function and cause increased gut
permeability with consequent immune dysregulation, leading to inflammatory disease states [27].
A number of disorders with an inflammatory component including obesity, inflammatory bowel
diseases (IBD), type 2 diabetes (T2D), colorectal cancer, and cardiovascular diseases have been linked
with dysbiosis [28–32]. This association presents the gut microbiota as a potentially modifiable factor
in the etiology of these conditions. It is therefore of great importance for public and individual health
to recognize that microbiota composition may be diversified within days or weeks upon introduction
of unrefined plant-based diets [16].
In clinical trials diets are often classified as low carbohydrate vs. high carbohydrate, and low
fiber vs. high fiber. These trials lack discrimination between refined and unrefined carbohydrates.
Acknowledging the degree of refinement would likely strengthen the reproducibility of diet
intervention studies for reasons discussed in the present review [33–35].
This paper analyzes the interplay between structures of plant-based foods or “fiber-encapsulated
nutrients”, the gut microbiota, and their joint impact on host nutrient bioavailability, immune function,
and metabolic function, and proposes a simple tool to select plant-based foods from a nutritional-
and microbiota-promoting perspective. The review provides a biological explanation of the health
superiority of structurally maintained and unrefined foods compared to nutrient-matched refined
foods, combining classic and current scientific knowledge within nutrition, pharmaceutical science,
microbiology, and plant biology. In addition, we add the perspective of “fiber as nutrient encapsulation”
to the well-established molecular benefits of fiber as microbiotic nutrient (prebiotic). This structural
perspective should be included in the current nutritional guidelines, which focus on nutrient and fiber
content rather than nutrient and fiber structure.
Nutrients 2018, 10, 1590
Nutrients 2018, 10, 1590
Figure 1. Schematic illustration of an animal and a plant cell. The cell wall (mainly complex
carbohydrates), vacuoles (usually starch or lipid storage, depending on cell type), and chloroplasts
are plant-cell specific structures that serve as nutrients for the microbiota, whereas the cellular content
serves as signal molecules for host metabolic and immune regulation as well as nutrients for both
host and microbiota. An intact plant cell is defined as unrefined food whereas the degree of structural
disruption (and the supplementation of additives) defines the degree of refinement.
The most characteristic component found in all plant cell walls is the fiber, cellulose [43], which
consists of a collection of β-1,4-linked glucan chains that interact with each other via hydrogen
bonds to form a crystalline microfibril [44]. In addition to cellulose, the primary plant cell wall
contains two categories of matrix polysaccharides-pectins and hemicelluloses, and several proteins
and glycoproteins, including various enzymes and structural proteins [45].
Intracellular plant compartments and their relative ratio constitute the macro- and micronutrients
in the plant and the dispersion of macronutrients varies from plant to plant, changing during aging
with a larger proportion of protein and lipids during early growth [46]. In addition to macronutrients
and vitamins, the encapsulated plant cells also contain phytonutrients, such as polyphenols (flavonoids
and stilbenes), carotenoids, plant sterols, and poly-unsaturated fatty acids (PUFA), many of which
are used as nutraceutical ingredients and exhibit beneficial effects on metabolic and cardiovascular
parameters [47].
Although monomers from the cell wall degradation process are absorbed via host transporters,
most of the plant-cell wall functions as microbiota substrate [12]. Furthermore, the mixture of
macronutrients, vitamins, and phytonutrients encapsulated within the plant cell membrane have
a two-tier function, with part of their host-health-promoting effects also benefiting the microbiota.
In other words, the microbiota and the host share both host-enzyme-resistant carbohydrates and
fiber-encapsulated macro- and micronutrients.
4. Microbiota Composition
In human adults, five bacterial phyla have been reported to be dominant in the gut microbiota
of healthy individuals: Firmicutes, Bacteroidetes, Actinobacteria, Proteobacteria and Verrucomicrobia [48],
with more than 90% of the species belonging to Firmicutes and Bacteroidetes. Representatives of the
other phyla comprise from 2 to 10% with great interpersonal variation [49]. Changes in the relative
abundance of the two dominant bacterial divisions, Bacteroidetes and Firmicutes, have been associated
with an increased BMI [50]. An overrepresentation of butyrate-producing species, such as Roseburia spp.
and Eubacterium spp. within the Firmicutes phylum affects the metabolic potential of the microbiota,
i.e., the microbiotic capacity to harvest energy from the diet and produce SCFA available for host
consumption [51].
In humans, an abundance and diversity in polysaccharide-fermenting bacteria, such as species
within the Bacteroidetes phylum, are inversely related to obesity and other metabolic disorders
with an inflammatory component [52–55]. Members of Bacteroidetes express very large numbers of
genes that encode microbiotic enzymes and readily can switch between different energy sources
in the gut depending on substrate availability. Within the Bacteroidetes phyla, two genera are
Nutrients 2018, 10, 1590
particularly dominant and mutual antagonistic; Bacteroides and Prevotella [56]. The relative ratio
between these two genera varies, with the Bacteroides-driven type reported as dominant in individuals
with a higher intake of protein and animal fat, and Prevotella more common in individuals who consume
more carbohydrate-rich diets [57,58] These findings represent distinct community composition
types—so-called enterotypes—based on genus composition [59], suggesting that such compositional
differences both reflect dietary intake and determine an individual’s response to different diets [55].
Long-term dietary habits have considerable effect on the gut microbiota as evidence by differences
in microbiotic compositions across geographical and/or cultural-dependent diets [28,57,60]. Microbiota
composition also respond to short-term macronutrient changes; moreover, functional traits linking
enterotypes to diet have been identified [57,58]. Animal and human studies show that an acute dietary
switch results in dramatic shifts in the gut microbiota within the course of 24 h [16]. An animal-based
diet increases the abundance of bile-tolerant genera (Alistipes, Bilophila, and Bacteroides) and decreases
the level of Firmicutes species capable of fermenting dietary plant polysaccharides. Microbiotic activity
mirrors differences between herbivorous and carnivorous mammals, reflecting trade-offs between
carbohydrate and protein fermentation [61]. Analyses of the relative abundance of taxonomic groups
have shown that short-term animal-based diets have a greater impact on microbiotic community
structure compared to plant-based diets [16], suggesting perhaps a default microbiotic setting favoring
plant-based diets.
As mentioned above, bacterial species have varying abilities to degrade fibers from different
sources. The ability to degrade a wider variety of complex carbohydrates therefore forms a more
diverse bacterial community. Moreover, the biodiversity, function, and abundance of a microbiotic
community also depend on cross-feeding among members, which is the process where essential
metabolites synthesized by a subset of the community provide substrate for growth of another/other
bacterial species [62]. These microbiotic interactions create a complex pattern of interconnected
metabolisms and link members of different genera/phyla together in communities.
Biodiversity therefore contributes to the stability and resilience of the bacterial communities.
A high level of resilience ensures renewal and reorganization of the community if a species is
lost, whereas communities with low biodiversity are more susceptible to loss of individual species.
Highly diverse ecosystems most likely contain species with redundant functions, making the loss of
a single species tolerable, because other functionally redundant species can take over [63]. Evidently,
the microbiotic composition and community organization are reflective of dietary habits and affect
host metabolic and immune processes. The distinction between enterotypes with distinct fermentation
kinetics should therefore be considered an environmental factor that contributes to both health
and disease.
Nutrients 2018, 10, 1590
Throughout the GI tract the level of glucose transporters is highly regulated by hexose availability
and insulin levels [70–73]. In addition, the expression of glucose transporters has been shown to be
increased in e.g., obesity and diabetes [74,75] and as a result, certain individuals experience a larger
bioavailability of monosaccharides.
Despite individual differences in host digestive enzyme- and nutrient transporter expression,
a general notion must be highlighted: The density and diversity of the microbiota increases with the
distance from the stomach. The more complex the carbohydrate, the longer the journey until complete
fermentation, and therefore the more likely that carbohydrates are utilized by the microbiota and not
by the host.
Nutrients 2018, 10, 1590
Figure 2. Illustration of interactions between plant cells, microbiota, and the host epithelium. Plant cells
are encapsulated by the fibrous cell wall, which is a microbiota-selective nutrient. The cell wall also
serves as a transport vehicle for the additional plant cell contents as well as a vehicle for nutrients to be
shared between the microbiota and the host upon release from its plant cell structure. The microbiota
secretes glycosidases, peptidases, and lipases, thereby releasing molecular nutrients for transport into
epithelial or bacterial cells.
If plant cells have been refined, this organization does not remain intact, and even if the fibers
reach the microbiota (e.g., fiber supplements), only limited amounts of amino acids and lipids will
reach the microbes.
Some bacterial genera e.g., Bacteroides [92] and Lactobacillus [93] secrete both peptidases and
glycosidases and the more distal fiber-fermenting species Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron also express
dipeptidylpeptidases (DPPs) [94,95]. Interestingly, the DPP4 antagonist vildagliptin, used for the
treatment of T2D, induces a higher relative abundance of Bacteroidetes, a lower abundance of Firmicutes,
and thus a reduced ratio of Firmicutes/Bacteroidetes in rats [96]. This is one among many examples of
anti-diabetic drugs that has recently been shown to induce secondary health promoting actions via the
microbiota [97].
Another pharmaceutical exploration of the microbiota is the study of bacterial peptide transporters
with the aim to identify new antibiotic targets in virulent bacteria. Since blockage of peptide
transporters is a potent antibiotic pathway, specific bacteria are dependent on their endogenous
peptide transporters and on amino acid fuel [98]. In both gram negative and gram positive virulent
bacteria, two distinct vital types of peptide transporters exist, proton-dependent peptide transporters
(PRT or POT) [99] and ATP-binding cassettes (ABC transporters) [100].
As in the case of amino acids, energy dependent fatty acid transporters are also present in both
outer and inner membranes of bacterial strains. Even Lactobacillus expresses amino acid and fatty
Nutrients 2018, 10, 1590
acid transporters [83], which supports the bacterial ability and need to consume fatty acids slowly
released from plant cells during the microbiotic digestion of the plant cell wall. In specific bacteria,
the process requires the outer membrane-bound fatty acid transport protein FadL and the inner
membrane associated fatty acyl CoA synthetase (FACS) [101,102].
The diversity in fiber-coated plant cell structures also serves as delivery system for local acting
biologically active substances, e.g., taste receptor agonist for distal enterocytes and the microbiota [103],
and maturation agents for the immune system [104] which will be discussed below.
Nutrients 2018, 10, 1590
Imbalances in immunological homeostasis can occur due to the loss of habitat-specific species and
symbionts, resulting in an invasion of opportunistic species not normally able to colonize that specific
habitat within the intestinal mucosa. Such a mismatch between species and habitat triggers a potentially
pathogenic host response [130]. The detection of pathogens by the host is achieved through the families
of PRR localized in the intestinal epithelium. PRR recognize conserved molecular structures known as
microbe-associated molecular patterns and induce production of innate effector molecules [131,132].
The most well-known PRR are the toll-like receptors (TLR), RAGE, and the NOD-like receptors
expressed on the intestinal epithelial cells. Activation of TLR by bacterial products promotes epithelial
cell proliferation, secretion of IgA into the gut lumen, and expression of antimicrobial peptides,
thereby establishing a microorganism-induced system of epithelial cell homeostasis and repair in the
intestine [132].
Bacterial translocation, e.g., infiltration of lipopolysaccharide (LPS) through the intestinal barrier,
can promote local and systemic immune responses via PRR. Monocolonization of GF mice by
Escherichia coli is, for example, sufficient to induce macrophage infiltration, and polarization towards
pro-inflammatory phenotype of immune cells in the adipose tissue [133], contributing to a state of
low-grade inflammation in the adipose tissue. Disruption of intestinal barrier integrity by viable
bacteria has been attributed to various intestinal inflammatory diseases such as IBD, celiac disease,
irritable bowel syndrome, and colorectal cancer [32] as well as to diseases in extra-intestinal organs,
such as the liver [134].
The major microbiota-derived SCFA, butyrate, acetate, and propionate are implicated in multiple
anti-inflammatory mechanisms [135]. Besides being used by colonocytes as a source of ATP, SCFA can
act as extracellular signaling molecules that activate cell-surface free fatty acids receptors (FFAR)
(G-protein-coupled receptors (GPCR)) or inhibit histone deacetylases (HDAC) [136]. FFAR are
differentially expressed on adipocytes, immune cells, and enteroendocrine L-cells. Depending on the
location of the receptor and the amount and type of SCFA, the response can have multiple, variable
downstream effects [3]. FFAR, expressed on immune cells, such as macrophages, dendritic cells,
and neutrophils will upon activation by butyrate inhibit the release of pro-inflammatory cytokines, or
stimulate differentiation of T regulatory (Treg) cells [136].
Activation of FFAR2/GPR43 by butyrate on enteroendocrine L-cells of the ileum and colon induces
production and secretion of intestinal peptide YY (PYY), glucagon-like peptide 1 (GLP-1) [25,137].
An abundant production of SCFA can therefore indirectly regulate blood glucose levels via
the insulinotropic effect of GLP-1 and induce satiety by the anorexigenic effect of PYY on the
hypothalamus [138]. In addition, enteroendocrine cells in the duodenum are dependent on
microbe-mediated mechanisms to express cholecystokinin (CKK), a gut peptide hormone responsible
for stimulating fat absorption. GF mice have exhibited a reduced number of these cells with impact on
their fat absorption [139].
SCFA can also act by inhibition of histone deacetylase (HDAC) activity. HDAC is related to
a suppression of malignant transformation and a stimulation of apoptosis of precancerous colonic
cells [140] as well as to the stimulation of epithelial production of retinoic acid (RA) [141]. RA is
involved in many physiological processes, including regulation of IgA [142] and the polarization of
specialized mucosal myeloid cells [143].
Specific phytonutrients entail several immunomodulatory functions. Some are mediated by a shift
in microbiotic composition favoring the abundance of specific bacteria with health promoting effects
or create occupancy resistance to enteric pathogens with pro-inflammatory potential [144]. Others are
receptor-mediated, e.g., genistein, a flavonoid compound present in legumes, which can positively
effect β-cell mass and mitigate T2D in mice [145,146].
In summary, the biodiversity of the microbiotic community is critical for both inter-microbiotic
interactions and host-microbe engagements. In a healthy and proper fed microbiota the inflammatory
and immunoregulatory species are in balance and the diverse bacterial communities act together to
produce metabolites with direct effect on host health.
Nutrients 2018, 10, 1590
Figure 3. Schematic overview of interactions between food, microbiota, and host. Most of a refined diet
bypasses the microbiota, providing a high nutrient bioavailability for the host. In contrast, unrefined,
plant-based food structures provide a lower nutrient bioavailability for the host, using the difference
to develop and maintain a healthy microbiota. The healthy microbiota provides short chain fatty
acids (SCFA), antioxidants, and vitamins for the host along with direct immunomodulatory effects.
The high monosaccharide bioavailability in refined foods introduces a risk of hyperglycemia, which
cause numerous direct and indirect pro-inflammatory actions [26] (not shown in figure).
Nutrients 2018, 10, 1590
growing prevalence of non-communicable diseases, insulin resistance, overweight, and obesity [147],
it is obvious that current nutritional guidelines need to be revisited to re-establish the endogenous
microbiota-induced health promotion. The current nutritional guidelines are mainly based on optimal
molecular nutrient content for host metabolism, while establishment of synergies between food, host,
and microbiotic community are absent.
Nutritional guidelines need to consider both the content and the structure of carbohydrates,
because the microbiotic breakdown of carbohydrates strengthens our microbiotic ally in support of
host health. Furthermore, it should also reflect that consumption of “fiber-formulated nutrients”
is essential to maintain a healthy diverse microbiota to balance our nutritional, immunological,
and metabolic health.
We have developed a simple tool to visualize healthy microbiota-engaging food choices (Figure 4).
This tool divides foods into four categories depending on their carbohydrate content and the degree of
refinement. Healthy, unrefined foods with low relative carbohydrate content (green box) should make
up the plant-based bulk of an adult basic diet. These foods interact with the microbiota. Refined foods
or foods with high relative carbohydrate content (yellow boxes) should be considered carbohydrate or
energy supplementation, while the “comfort” foods in the red box, which are both refined and high in
carbohydrate content, should be used sparingly considering their potentially negative health impact
and their lack of microbiotic health promotion.
Nutrients 2018, 10, 1590
11. Conclusions
The increasing prevalence of non-communicable diseases with an inflammatory component has
led to the understanding of the gut microbiota as an intrinsic regulator of host immune responses.
There is a growing awareness of the role of microbiotic communities, microbiota-derived products,
and more particularly of the link between these components and disease states in humans. The ability
to target immune pathways relies on the understanding of both acute and long-term impacts on the
gut microbiota. The microbiotic communities can adapt to host diet in multiple ways by the interaction
among different bacterial species, loss or proliferation of specific species, and by interaction with the
host. Diet therefore presents itself as a microbiota-modulating factor and hence a health-modulating
factor. A revision of the current nutritional guidelines considering both the molecular content and
molecular structure of nutrients for insulin resistant and insulin sensitive individuals, could be valuable
for the restoration of beneficial bacteria and microbiota diversity, enabling a shift from disease to health
promoting states in the individual as well as in the general population.
Author Contributions: Conceptualization, A.S.; Writing-Original Draft Preparation, N.W.H and A.S;
Writing-Review & Editing, N.W.H. and A.S.; Visualization, N.W.H and A.S.
Funding: This research received no external funding.
Acknowledgments: We are grateful to Anne Stæhr Johansen, PhD, for her editorial assistance.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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Glutamine: Metabolism and Immune Function,
Supplementation and Clinical Translation
Vinicius Cruzat 1,2, *, Marcelo Macedo Rogero 3 , Kevin Noel Keane 1 , Rui Curi 4 and
Philip Newsholme 1, *
1 School of Pharmacy and Biomedical Sciences, Curtin Health Innovation Research Institute, Biosciences,
Curtin University, Perth 6102, Australia;
2 Faculty of Health, Torrens University, Melbourne 3065, Australia
3 Department of Nutrition, Faculty of Public Health, University of São Paulo, Avenida Doutor Arnaldo 715,
São Paulo 01246-904, Brazil;
4 Interdisciplinary Post-Graduate Program in Health Sciences, Cruzeiro do Sul University,
São Paulo 01506-000, Brazil;
* Correspondence: (V.C.); (P.N.)
Abstract: Glutamine is the most abundant and versatile amino acid in the body. In health and
disease, the rate of glutamine consumption by immune cells is similar or greater than glucose.
For instance, in vitro and in vivo studies have determined that glutamine is an essential nutrient
for lymphocyte proliferation and cytokine production, macrophage phagocytic plus secretory
activities, and neutrophil bacterial killing. Glutamine release to the circulation and availability
is mainly controlled by key metabolic organs, such as the gut, liver, and skeletal muscles. During
catabolic/hypercatabolic situations glutamine can become essential for metabolic function, but its
availability may be compromised due to the impairment of homeostasis in the inter-tissue metabolism
of amino acids. For this reason, glutamine is currently part of clinical nutrition supplementation
protocols and/or recommended for immune suppressed individuals. However, in a wide range of
catabolic/hypercatabolic situations (e.g., ill/critically ill, post-trauma, sepsis, exhausted athletes),
it is currently difficult to determine whether glutamine supplementation (oral/enteral or parenteral)
should be recommended based on the amino acid plasma/bloodstream concentration (also known
as glutaminemia). Although the beneficial immune-based effects of glutamine supplementation are
already established, many questions and evidence for positive in vivo outcomes still remain to be
presented. Therefore, this paper provides an integrated review of how glutamine metabolism in key
organs is important to cells of the immune system. We also discuss glutamine metabolism and action,
and important issues related to the effects of glutamine supplementation in catabolic situations.
1. Introduction
At the most basic level, amino acids are the building blocks of proteins in our cells and tissues,
and after water are the second most abundant compound in mammals. Amino acids can be obtained
from endogenous and/or exogenous (i.e., diet) proteins, and their availability is of fundamental
importance for cell survival, maintenance, and proliferation. Mammals, in particular, have developed
biochemical and metabolic pathways to control pathogen infection by increasing amino acid catabolism
to aid immune responses, thus restricting the availability of nitrogen-containing nutrients to invading
microorganisms [1]. This evolutionary mechanism also becomes advantageous for the host to control
its own inflammatory responses to infections.
Among the 20 amino acids detailed in the genetic code, glutamine provides the best example
of the versatility of amino acid metabolism and immune function. Glutamine is the most abundant
and versatile amino acid in the body, and is of fundamental importance to intermediary metabolism,
interorgan nitrogen exchange via ammonia (NH3 ) transport between tissues, and pH homeostasis.
In almost every cell, glutamine can be used as a substrate for nucleotide synthesis (purines, pyrimidines,
and amino sugars), nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADPH), antioxidants, and many
other biosynthetic pathways involved in the maintenance of cellular integrity and function [2–4].
Most cells in the body function with a constant turnover and/or supply of nutrients, however, cells
of the immune system frequently have to function under nutrient restricted microenvironments [1].
Although glucose is a vital metabolite, and the main fuel for a large number of cells in the body,
cells of the immune system, such as lymphocytes, neutrophils, and macrophages, utilize glutamine
at high rates similar to or greater than glucose under catabolic conditions, such as sepsis, recovery
from burns or surgery, and malnutrition, as well as high intensity/volume physical exercise [5,6].
This theory was first experimentally confirmed in the 1980’s by the laboratory of Eric Newsholme
(1935–2011, widely accepted now as the origin of hypotheses and evidence for the concept of
“immunometabolism”) [3,7] in the University of Oxford, and subsequently by many other laboratories
worldwide [4,8,9]. For this reason, glutamine is considered as a “fuel for the immune system”, where a
low blood concentration may impair immune cell function, resulting in poor clinical outcomes and
increased risk of mortality [10].
Currently, glutamine is routinely supplied as a component of clinical nutrition supplementation
for pre-and post-operative patients, and also for many elite athletes to restore immune functions.
Although there is a growing evidence in support of the immune mediating effects of glutamine
supplementation, several questions and specific considerations still remain. Therefore, the aim of the
present study is to provide an integrated review on how glutamine metabolism in key organs, such as
the gut, liver, and skeletal muscles, is important to cells of the immune system. These key organs
control glutamine availability and shed light on important considerations in regards to glutaminemia
(glutamine concentration into the bloodstream). The immune-enhancing properties and related
paradigms of glutamine supplementation in health and disease are also discussed herein.
Nutrients 2018, 10, 1564
primarily glutamine-consuming tissues, such as the intestinal mucosa, leukocytes, and renal tubule
cells, have high glutaminase activity and cofactors capable of degrading glutamine. However, the liver
may become a glutamine-consuming site, and tissues, such as muscle tissue, may present reduced
glutamine synthesis under certain conditions, such as reduced carbohydrate [16] and/or amino
acid [17] intake, high catabolic situations, and/or diseases and stress [5]. Many other factors—mainly
glucocorticoids [18], thyroid hormones [19], growth hormone [20], and insulin [21]—can modulate the
activity performed by glutamine metabolism-regulating enzymes.
Several enzymes are involved in glutamine metabolism; the two main intracellular enzymes
are glutamine synthetase (GS, EC and phosphate-dependent glutaminase (GLS, EC
GS is responsible for triggering the reaction that synthesizes glutamine from ammonium ion (NH4+ ),
and glutamate through ATP consumption, whereas GLS is responsible for glutamine hydrolysis,
which converts it into glutamate and NH4+ again [22,23] (Figure 1). With respect to the intracellular
location, GS is primarily found in the cytosol, whereas GLS (in its active form) is mainly found within
the mitochondria. These locations are compatible with the enzymes’ functions: GS produces glutamine
for the synthesis of cytoplasmic proteins and nucleotides, whereas GLS catalyses glutamine conversion
to glutamate as an important step to the tricarboxylic acid cycle (TCA, also known as the Krebs cycle)
entry at 2-oxoglutarate as an energy source or source of metabolic intermediates [3].
Figure 1. Glutamine synthesis and hydrolysis. Glutamine is mainly synthesized by the enzyme
glutamine synthetase (GS) and hydrolysed by the enzyme, glutaminase (GLS). GS catalyses glutamine
biosynthesis using glutamate and ammonia (NH3 ) as a source. In this reaction, one ATP is consumed.
Glutamate can be donated by many amino acids obtained exogenously (i.e., diet) and/or from
endogenous amino acids’ catabolism. On the other hand, GLS is responsible for glutamine hydrolysis
to glutamate and ammonium ion (NH4 ). Almost all cells in the body express GS and GLS, and their
predominant expression and activity will dictate if the tissue is more likely to produce or consume
glutamine in health and disease.
Nutrients 2018, 10, 1564
Glutamine tissue and blood concentrations are dependent on GS or GLS activities. Endogenous
glutamine synthesis does not meet the human body’s demands in catabolic conditions, such as in
cancer [25], sepsis [4,26], infections [27,28], surgeries [8], traumas [10], as well as during intense and
prolonged physical exercise [29,30]. Glutamine assumes the role of a conditionally essential amino acid
in such deficiency conditions by promoting a concomitant increase in GLS expression and inhibiting
the GS action [14]. However, it is worth emphasizing that, although plasma glutamine concentration
is reduced from its normal concentration (i.e., 500–800 μmol/L) to 300–400 μmol/L, cells depending
on this amino acid, such as immune cells, are in fact poorly influenced in terms of proliferation
and function [6]. On the other hand, the high tissue catabolism leads to reduced glutamine stock
in human tissues, mainly in the muscle and liver (Figure 3). The low glutamine concentration in
human tissues affects the whole body since this amino acid provides nitrogen atoms to the synthesis
of purines, pyrimidines, and amino sugars [31]. If the high glutamine degradation in these tissues
persists, a large number of metabolic pathways and mechanisms that depend on glutamine availability
are affected, resulting in immunosuppression. More recently, studies reported that bacterial infections
Nutrients 2018, 10, 1564
(e.g., Escherichia coli) can alter its metabolism and harness glutamine to suppress the effects of acid
stress and copper toxicity [32]. Hence, bacterial pathogens can adapt and survive by altering core
metabolic pathways important for host-imposed antibacterial strategies.
Figure 3. Glutamine inter-tissue metabolic flux starting in skeletal muscle, liver, and gut continues
in the immune cells. Abbreviations: Glutamine, GLN; glutamate, GLU; aspartate, ASP; arginine,
ARG; leucine, LEU; alanine, ALA; glucose, Gluc; pyruvate, Pyr; pyruvate dehydrogenase; PDC;
pyruvate carboxylase, PC; malate dehydrogenase, MD; glyceraldehyde-3-Phosphate, G3-P; lactate, Lac;
triacylglycerol, TG; ribose 5-phosphate, R5P; alanine aminotransferase, ALT; glutamate dehydrogenase,
GDH; glutamine synthetase, GS; glutaminase, GLS; inducible nitric oxide synthase, iNOS; intracellular
heat shock protein, iHSP; heat Shock Factor 1, HSF-1; heat shock elements, HSEs; sirtuin 1, SIRT1;
hexosamine biosynthetic pathway, HBP; ammonia, NH3 ; glutathione, GSH; oxidized GSH, GSSG;
glutathione S-reductase, GSR; protein kinase B, Akt; AMP-activated protein kinase, AMPK; mTOR
complex 1 and 2, mTORC1/2, extracellular signal-regulated kinases, ERK; c-Jun N-terminal kinases,
JNK; gamma-Aminobutyric acid, GABA.
Nutrients 2018, 10, 1564
The glutamine hydrolysis into glutamate, which is catalysed by GLS, corresponds to the first
reaction resulting from glutamine consumption [36]. Although the gut is the major site of glutamine
consumption, glutamine concentration in the intestinal tissue is low. This is due to the high GLS
activity (3–6 μmol/hour/mg of protein), and also high GLS affinity for the substrate, glutamine.
Interestingly, there is a correlation between the presence of GSL and the use of glutamine by certain
cell types. Almost all GLS found in the intestinal cells is bound to the mitochondrial membrane.
The modulation of GLS activity in the intestinal tissue is important to maintain the tissue integrity
and enable adequate absorption of nutrients, as well as to prevent bacterial translocation into the
bloodstream (i.e., septicaemia) [37]. Prolonged fasting and malnutrition states are associated with
reduced GLS activity; on the other hand, GLS activity increases in the postprandial period, after the
administration of enteral feeding of branched-chain amino acids and/or L-alanyl-L-glutamine [38].
The ATP-ubiquitin-dependent proteolytic pathway associated with proteasome is known to
degrade endogenous short-lived or abnormal proteins/peptides, as well as participating in the
regulation of the inflammatory response. The ATP-ubiquitin-dependent proteolytic pathway could be
important for the turnover of gut mucosal proteins, which are very short lived. Indeed, the nuclear
factor of kappa light polypeptide gene enhancer in B-cells inhibitor (IκB) ubiquitinylation allows the
nuclear factor kappa-light-chain-enhancer of activated B cells’ (NF-κB) translocation in the nucleus,
and thus transcription of proinflammatory genes [17,39,40] (Figure 3). Glutamine stimulates protein
synthesis and reduces ubiquitin-dependent proteolysis in the enterocyte since this amino acid reduces
ubiquitin gene expression. Glutamine can increase the gene expression of the arginine-succinate
synthase enzyme in Caco-2 cells (human colon epithelial-line cell). Glutamine activates the extracellular
signal-regulated kinases (ERKs) and the c-Jun N-terminal kinases (JNK) in the enterocyte, and it leads
to significant increase in c-Jun gene expression and in the activity of the transcription factor known
as activator protein 1 (AP-1) [41,42]. Such glutamine action potentiates the effects of growth factors
on cell proliferation and repair. Heat shock (43 ◦ C) induces intestinal epithelial cell death, which can
be exacerbated due to the lack of glutamine. However, as it happens with muscle tissues, glutamine
supplementation enables a dose-dependent reduction in heat shock-associated cell death. This effect of
glutamine partly results from the amino acid capacity of increasing the gene expression of HSP 70 [37].
Dysregulation of cytokine production plays a major role in the pathogenesis of inflammatory
bowel disease (IBD). The gut mucosa of patients with IBD (Crohn’s disease or ulcerative colitis) has
been reported to produce high amounts of proinflammatory cytokines, such as interleukin (IL-)1β,
IL-6, IL-8, and tumour necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α), in contrast to a less marked increase in the
production of anti-inflammatory cytokines, such as IL-10. For example, Coeffier, et al. [43] verified that
glutamine reduces pro-inflammatory cytokine production by human intestinal mucosa, probably by a
posttranscriptional pathway. Glutamine could be useful to modulate inflammatory conditions with
imbalanced cytokine production.
Nutrients 2018, 10, 1564
Hormones, such as insulin and insulin-like growth factors (IGFs), stimulate glutamine transport
into the intracellular environment, whereas glucocorticoids stimulate glutamine release into the
extracellular space. The transmembrane gradient for glutamine through the skeletal muscle is high,
a fact that restricts amino acid diffusion through the cell membrane. Glutamine is actively transported
into cells through a sodium-dependent channel system, whose outcome is a consumption of ATP.
The glutamine transport through the muscle cell membrane is faster than the transport of all other
amino acids [48]. Interestingly, the constant maintenance of glutamine availability in the intracellular
fluid, as well as the high glutamine concentration gradient across the cell membrane, is supported by
many pathways, such as the transport system affinity for the amino acid, its intracellular turnover
ratio and the extracellular supply, the intra- and extracellular sodium concentrations, and the influence
of other amino acids competing for carrier molecules [49,50].
During the post-absorptive state, approximately 50% of the glutamine synthesis in the skeletal
muscle takes place through glutamate uptake from the bloodstream, a fact that characterizes part of
the glutamine-glutamate cycle. In addition, muscle protein catabolism directly produces glutamine,
although it also leads to BCAAs, glutamate, aspartate, and asparagine release. The carbon skeletons of
these amino acids are used for glutamine de novo synthesis [51,52]. Glutamine and alanine correspond,
respectively, to 48% and 32% of the amino acids released by the skeletal muscle in the post-absorptive
state; the glutamine containing two nitrogen atoms per molecule is the main muscle nitrogen-release
source. The glutamine and alanine exchange rates exceed their abundance in the body, and their
occurrence in the muscle protein corresponds to 10–15%, thus indicating the constant need of glutamine
and alanine de novo synthesis in the skeletal muscle [4]. The glutamine synthesis rate in the skeletal
muscle (approximately 50 mmol/h) is higher than that recorded for any other amino acid. Thus,
glutamine and alanine should result from the interconversion of amino acids within the cell, in a
process that depends on the cell metabolic conditions, which are affected by human nutritional and
hormonal status, as well as by physical exercise [53,54].
One of the first studies about muscle glutamine metabolism in catabolic situations has recorded
that reduced glutamine concentration in the skeletal muscle is associated with the reduced survival
rate of sepsis-state patients. The severe muscle glutamine-concentration decrease in critically-ill
patients (80% reduction, on average, in the normal concentration due to protein degradation) is
accompanied by increased glutamine synthesis and release from the skeletal muscle. It happens
because of the increased messenger RNA (mRNA) and GS enzyme activity in the skeletal muscle
during severe catabolic states. Glucocorticoids may increase the amount of GS mRNA in the muscle
tissue through a glucocorticoid receptor-dependent process that happens in the cytosol. Once the
glucocorticoid is bound to its cytosolic receptor they are translocated to the nucleus, where they
bind to regions containing glucocorticoid-response elements, which induce GS gene transcription,
among others [55,56].
Although the GS activity increases in response to physiological stress, the protein amount may
not increase in parallel to that of the mRNA, thus indicating the activation of post-transcriptional
control mechanisms. Thus, the activity of the aforementioned enzyme appears to be controlled through
the intracellular glutamine concentration by means of a post-transcriptional control mechanism,
which increases the GS enzyme activity when the intracellular glutamine concentration decreases.
However, the GS enzyme is relatively unstable in the presence of glutamine; therefore, the increased
intracellular glutamine concentration leads to faster GS degradation. In addition, glucocorticoids and
intracellular glutamine depletion work synergistically by increasing the GS expression in the skeletal
muscle [57].
In vitro studies conducted with several cell types demonstrated that glutamine can also change the
gene expression of contractile proteins. According to one study, cardiomyocyte growth and maturation
were accompanied by increased mRNA contents in proteins, such as alpha-myosin heavy-chain
(α-MHC) and alpha-actin; both parameters were considered non-pathologic hypertrophy [58].
Other studies highlight the relevant role played by glutamine in mediating the activation of pathways,
Nutrients 2018, 10, 1564
such as the mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR), which is considered an essential tissue size and
mass regulator, either in healthy or ill patients. In fact, the use of amino acids, mainly of leucine,
as anabolic inducers in muscle cells has its action compromised via mTOR when glutamine is not
available [17]. Despite the essential role played by glutamine in regulating the expression of muscle
content-associated genes, there are no in vivo studies supporting the hypothesis that supplementation
applied alone can promote muscle mass increase.
Another significant role played by glutamine is associated with its capacity of modulating
protective and resistance responses to injuries, which are also known as antioxidant and cytoprotective
effects. The high oxidative stress generated in catabolism situations results in several effects that
culminate in pro-apoptotic stimuli through classic pathways, such as that of the NF-κB. Reactive oxygen
species (ROS), both the radical and the non-radical species, react to minerals, to phospholipid
membranes, and to proteins, among other relevant compounds, to cellular homeostasis [59].
Glutamine can modulate the expression of heat shock proteins (HSP). According to a study conducted
with acutely-inflamed mice (subjected to endotoxemia, which is a sepsis model), the increased
glutamine availability in the animals’ tissues helped to keep the HSP expression, mainly in the
70 (the most abundant form), 90, and 27 kDa family. Results concerning skeletal and liver muscles were
recorded at protein and gene expression levels. In addition, other genes were highly responsive to
glutamine, such as the heat shock factor 1 (HSF-1), which is important for HSP synthesis, and enzymes
linked to the antioxidant system (Figure 3). The glutamate resulting from glutamine is an essential
substrate for glutathione synthesis, a fact that changes the expression of genes, such as glutathione
S-reductase (GSR) and glutathione peroxidase 1 (GPx1). The glutamine cytoprotective and antioxidant
properties may be particularly important in high catabolism situations, in which the activity and the
expression of inflammatory pathways mediated by NF-κB are modulated [4,39].
Nutrients 2018, 10, 1564
regulate flux through CP generation. High glutamine levels increase glutamate and NH3 through GLS
activity, with the NH3 reacting with ornithine to form CP. NH3 is also a co-activator of GLS in the
liver [62,63], and since liver GLS is not inhibited by glutamate [61,64], the glutamate produced can
form N-acetylglutamate, which is an activator of both GLS and CPS [65,66]. Consequently, both of
these biochemical mechanisms result in a high flux toward urea formation due to the elevated levels of
NH3 in the mitochondrial (sourced from digestive tract blood and glutamine degradation), the high
affinity of CPS for NH3 , and the increased activity of GLS. However, the ultimate generation of urea
appears to be regulated by the sub-cellular level of glutamine and, consequently, its uptake from the
extracellular environment.
The intra-, inter-, and extracellular transport of glutamine in hepatocytes is central to the
conversion of the NH3 /NH4 + to urea, its subsequent excretion, and blood pH balance due to effects
on HCO3 − . The liver architecture is exquisitely designed such that periportal hepatocytes (near the
portal vein) receiving blood and nutrients from the gut are primarily responsible for urea production
using glutamine as outlined above. However, the distal hepatocytes near the hepatic vein (perivenous),
utilise any remaining NH4 + from the blood, including that bypassing the periportal hepatocytes, for
the re-synthesis and secretion of glutamine into the circulation. In this latter scenario, the NH3 /NH4 +
enters the perivenous hepatocytes and, using glutamate as a substrate, glutamine is generated by
GS. This process scavenges any NH3 /NH4 + escaping the periportal process, while also replenishing
the glutamine that was used by periportal hepatocytes in the generation of urea and disposal of
nitrogen. The different functional regions of the liver were illustrated by the expression status of
glutamine-metabolizing enzymes, such that high levels of GLS were found in the portal region [67,68],
while only 7% of hepatocytes expressed GS, and these were found specifically around the central
hepatic veins [69].
The intercellular or liver compartmentalized cycling of glutamine between these liver regions
is also mediated by specific membrane transporters in periportal and perivenous hepatocytes.
These transport systems also control intra- and extracellular pH by the antiport translocation of
H+ on the entry of Na+ and glutamine. Glutamine from the diet is taken up by periportal hepatocytes
along with two Na+ ions, while one H+ is extruded in the opposite direction from the hepatocyte into
the extracellular space. This process is driven by the concentrations of glutamine and Na+ outside
the cell (i.e., in the blood), and also the intracellular concentration of H+ . In essence, this directional
transport is also regulated by the relative pH difference between the intracellular and extracellular
space, such that periportal hepatic glutamine uptake leads to extracellular acidification and intracellular
alkalization, while glutamine export from perivenous hepatocytes leads to intracellular acidification
and extracellular alkalization [61]. Experiments in perfused rat livers have shown that a slight alkali
increase in extracellular pH (0.4 units) can enhance mitochondrial import of glutamine into hepatocytes,
as H+ is transported externally to possibly reduce extracellular pH and maintain equilibrium.
Mitochondrial glutamine concentration increased to about 15–50 mM, while the extracellular (0.6 mM)
and cytosolic (6 mM) glutamine concentrations remain unchanged in these perfusion models [70,71].
Therefore, the regulation and flux through GLS in periportal hepatocytes are regulated by the
sub-cellular concentration of glutamine, and not just the rate of glutamine entry from extracellular
sources. For perivenous hepatocytes, the synthesis and release of glutamine to the blood is facilitated
by the increased cytoplasmic, and lower extracellular concentration of glutamine, along with the less
acidic intracellular environment, which is countered by the antiport cytosolic influx of H+ [61].
Importantly, glutamine importation and exportation also affect osmotic balance and therefore
influences hepatocyte volume. This has additional consequences for hepatic function, including bile
synthesis and release [72], but also regulates anabolic processes, such as glycogen, lipid, and protein
synthesis [61]. Largely, glutamine uptake enhances hepatocyte cell swelling and hydration [73],
which leads to increased glycogen and fatty acid synthesis [74,75], and reduced proteolysis mediated
by P38 mitogen-activated protein kinases (p38 MAPK) signalling [76]. Other amino acids, such as
glycine and alanine, along with anabolic hormones, such as insulin, promoted hepatocyte swelling,
Nutrients 2018, 10, 1564
leading to increased biosynthetic processes [77], while catabolic hormones, like glucagon, reduced
intracellular glutamine levels induced hepatocyte shrinkage [78]. Consequently, dehydration due
to reduced intracellular glutamine levels is characterized by decreased cell volume, initiation of the
catabolic process, and insulin-resistant conditions, and it was recently shown that hypertonic infusion
can cause glucose dysregulation in humans [79].
The liver is an insulin-sensitive organ and like skeletal muscle, is responsible for glucose disposal
via glycogen synthesis. Development of insulin resistance and subsequent glucotoxic conditions can
progress to chronic disorders, such as non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), characterized by
excessive lipid accumulation, and non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH), characterized by increased
extracellular matrix (ECM) deposition [80,81]. These chronic disorders may lead to further hepatocyte
damage, manifesting as liver cirrhosis and possibly hepatocellular carcinoma. The liver can be
damaged in various ways, including infection (e.g., hepatitis B and C), alcoholism, metabolic disease,
and prolonged unhealthy diets. This damage elicits a pro-inflammatory hepatic environment,
which leads to liver tissue fibrosis, causing impaired hepatic function [80]. Untreated fibrosis ultimately
progresses to cirrhosis, which is mostly irreversible [80]. A key mediator of liver fibrosis is the hepatic
stellate cell (HSC), which is a mesenchymal, fibrogenic cell that resides in the sub-endothelial space
of Disse between the hepatocyte epithelium and the sinusoids. While normally in a quiescent state,
these cells become activated following liver insult, and they respond to cytokines and proliferate
to aid injury repair. However, overactivation or a failure to resolve their activation status (chronic
activation from continued exposure to pro-inflammatory stimuli) can lead to the increased ECM
deposition in the space of Disse that has a negative consequence for hepatocyte function and normal
liver architecture, such as loss of microvilli [80,82]. Kupffer cells, a liver macrophage, are also activated
in these conditions, and together with HSCs promote a pro-inflammatory hepatic environment.
Pro-inflammatory activators of these cells are beyond the scope of this manuscript, but it has been
demonstrated that HSCs require glutamine metabolism to maintain proliferation. It was shown
that activated HSC were dependent on glutamine conversion to ∝-ketoglutarate and non-essential
amino acids for proliferation, and reduction of glutamine significantly impaired HSC activation [82].
In addition, glutamine can be used as a precursor for proline synthesis, which is a key component of
collagen and ECM formation [82].
At present, there is some evidence to indicate that glutamine supplements slow NAFLD [83] or
NASH [84] progression, but most studies have been conducted in rodents. There is no convincing
evidence to indicate that glutamine supplements prevent NAFLD or NASH progression in humans,
which may be due to the complexity of multiple factors contributing to these disorders. The liver is a
remarkable organ and has the ability to regenerate, and some research has indicated that glutamine
supplementation may be advantageous for liver growth and repair after resection, but are again
limited to animal studies [85]. However, others have suggested that raised glutamine levels are
associated with liver failure, and the severity correlated with plasma glutamine [86]. Consequently,
the effects of glutamine on liver function beyond urea synthesis have not been fully explored, and the
administration of exogenous glutamine to those with compromised hepatic function needs to be
considered carefully [86].
Nutrients 2018, 10, 1564
measure the levels in plasma and tissues. Throughout the 1960s, 1970s, and 1980s, Hans Krebs, Philip
Randle (1926–2006), Derek Williamson (1929–1998), and Eric Newsholme (1935–2011) all worked on
metabolic regulation utilizing different research models, from isolated cells in vitro, to human and
in vivo experiments. Although glucose is a vital metabolite, and the main fuel for a large number of
cells in the body, in the early/mid-1980s, Eric Newsholme was able to advance evidence that glutamine
was an important modulator of leukocyte function, such as in lymphocytes [7] and macrophages [88].
One of the authors of this review, Newsholme P et al. (1986; 1987) [88–90], reported for the first
time that macrophages utilize glutamine actively. Pithon-Curi et al., in 1997 [91,92] described for the
first time the consumption of glutamine by neutrophils. The studies by Eric and Philip Newsholme
on glutamine metabolism in lymphocytes and macrophages, respectively, prompted many other
publications, which jumped from an average of two or three publications per year in the late 1960s and
early 1970s to about 50 publications per year in the last 20 years.
During infection and/or high catabolism, the rate of glutamine consumption by all immune
cells is similar or greater than glucose [89,90]. However, the increased demand for glutamine by
immune system cells, along with the increased use of this amino acid by other tissues, such as the
liver, may lead to a glutamine deficit in the human body. In addition, one of the most important
sites of glutamine synthesis, the skeletal muscles, reduce their contribution to maintaining plasma
glutamine concentration (Figure 2). This effect, depending on the situation may significantly contribute
to worsening diseases and infections, and/or increase the risk of subsequent infection, with possible
life-threatening implications [93].
In immune cells, glucose is mainly converted into lactate (glycolysis), whereas glutamine is
converted into glutamate, aspartate, and alanine by undergoing partial oxidation to CO2 , in a
process called glutaminolysis [3] (Figure 3). This unique conversion plays a key role in the effective
functioning of immune system cells. Furthermore, through the pentose phosphate pathway, a metabolic
pathway parallel to the glycolysis pathway, cells can produce ribose-5-phosphate (a five-carbon
sugar), which is a precursor for the pentose sugars seen in the RNA and DNA structure, as well as
glycerol-3-phosphate for phospholipid synthesis [94]. On the other hand, the degradation of glutamine,
and thus formation of NH3 , and aspartate leads to the synthesis of purines and pyrimidines of the DNA
and RNA. The expression of several genes in immune system cells is largely dependent on glutamine
availability [3]. For example, the role glutamine plays in the control of proliferation of immune system
cells occurs through activation of proteins, such as ERK and JNK kinases. Both proteins act on the
activation of transcription factors, such as JNK and AP-1, and it leads to the transcription of cell
proliferation-related genes. For instance, appropriate glutamine concentration leads to the expression
of key lymphocyte cells surface markers, such as CD25, CD45RO, and CD71, and the production of
cytokines, such as interferon-gamma (IFN-γ), TNF-α, and IL-6 [2,31,95,96]. Thus, glutamine acts as an
energy substrate for leukocytes and plays an essential role in cell proliferation, tissue repair process
activity, and intracellular pathways associated with pathogen recognition [97].
4.1. Neutrophils
The primary substrate for neutrophil survival endocytosis and ROS generation is glucose.
However, glucose is not the only energy metabolite source by these cells. Interestingly, when compared
to other leukocytes, such as macrophages and lymphocytes, neutrophils consume glutamine at the
highest rates [98,99]. Much of the glutamine is converted to glutamate, aspartate (via Krebs cycle
activity), and lactate in neutrophils. Under appropriate conditions, CO2 , glutamine, and glutamate
play an important role in the generation of essential compounds for leukocytes’ metabolism and
function, including GSH. Neutrophils use protein structures composed of uncondensed chromatin
and of antimicrobial factors also called neutrophilic extracellular traps (NETs). The action of NETs
requires ROS formation, synthesis of enzymes, such as myeloperoxidase (MPO) and elastase, as well
as components capable of overriding virulence factors and destroying extracellular bacteria [100].
The process involving ROS depends on the activation of the NADPH oxidase 2 (NOX2) complex.
Nutrients 2018, 10, 1564
Based on glutamine, the malate synthesis uses malic enzyme to produce substantial amounts of
NADPH, since it is necessary to form the superoxide anion (O2 − ), which presents antimicrobial activity.
Similarly, macrophages use glutamine for arginine and thus nitric oxide (NO) synthesis through the
action of the inducible NO synthase (iNOS) enzyme, by using NADPH as an energy source. Glutamine
increases superoxide generation through NADPH oxidase in neutrophils. 6-Diazo-5-oxo-L-norleucine
(DON), an inhibitor of phosphate-dependent glutaminase and thus of glutamine metabolism, causes a
significant decrease in superoxide production by neutrophils stimulated with phorbol myristate acetate
(PMA). PMA raises mRNA’s expression of gp91, p22, and p47, major components of the NADPH
oxidase complex. Glutamine increases expressions of these three proteins either in the absence
or in the presence of PMA. Glutamine enhances superoxide production in neutrophils, probably
via the generation of ATP and regulation of the expression of components of the NADPH oxidase
complex [101]. Glutamine plays a role to prevent the changes in NADPH oxidase activity and
superoxide production induced by adrenaline in neutrophils [102].
4.2. Macrophages
Metabolism of glucose and glutamine is profoundly affected during the macrophage
activation process [103,104]. The effects of thioglycollate (an inflammatory stimulus) and Bacillus
Calmette-Guérin—BCG (an activation stimulus) on macrophage glucose and glutamine metabolism
have been studied [105]. Either thioglycollate or BCG enhances activities of hexokinase and citrate
synthase, and also glucose oxidation whereas BCG markedly increases glutamine metabolism.
Lipopolysaccharide (LPS) administration also causes pronounced changes in macrophage metabolism
and function (for a review, see Nagy and Haschemi [106]. Glucose and glutamine metabolism is
also involved in polarizing signals that up-regulate the transcriptional programs required in the
macrophage capacity to perform specialized functions. Protein kinase B (PKB or Akt), mTOR complex
1 (mTORC1), mTORC2, and AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) play a critical role in metabolic
pathways and associated signalling activation [107,108]. For instance, extracellular glutamine may
function as the specific starvation-induced nutrient signal to regulate mTORC1. [17]. Synthesis and
secretion of pro-inflammatory cytokines, such as TNF-α, IL-1, and IL-6, by macrophages are also
regulated by glutamine availability.
Different populations of macrophages have now been identified, such as M1 and M2 [109–111].
The M1 and M2 are in fact two extremes of a still not completely known spectrum of macrophage
activation states [109,111,112]. Reprogramming signalling pathways are involved in the formation
of M1 or M2 phenotype macrophages. The metabolic reprogramming of macrophages include
key changes in glutamine and glucose metabolism [113]. No reports identified the requirement
of fatty acids for human macrophage IL-4 induced polarization [114]. This issue, however, remains
controversial. Interestingly, macrophages reprogram their metabolism and function to polarize for
pro- or anti-inflammatory cells, and this is a consequence of the environmental conditions and
stimuli [115]. Treatment of macrophages with LPS promotes a switch from glucose-dependent
oxidative phosphorylation to aerobic glycolysis—the Warburg effect [116]. Pyruvate kinase M2
regulates the hypoxia-inducible factor 1-alpha (Hif-1α) activity and IL-1β expression, being a key
molecule to induce the Warburg effect in LPS-activated macrophages [117]. Due to this mechanism,
M1 macrophages exhibit a quick increase in ATP formation that is required for the host defence
response [113,118,119]. The TCA cycle of M2 macrophages has no metabolic flux escape whereas
M1 macrophages (treated with LPS) have two points of substrate flux deviation, one occurring
at the isocitrate dehydrogenase step reaction and another one at post succinate formation. As a
result, there is an accumulation of TCA cycle intermediates (e.g., succinate, α-ketoglutarate, citrate,
and itaconate) that regulates LPS macrophage activation [119]. Itaconate has anti-inflammatory
properties through activation of nuclear factor erythroid 2-related factor 2 (Nrf2) via Kelch-like
ECH-associated protein 1 (KEAP1) alkylation [97]. The glutamine seems to be fully required for
IL-4 induction of macrophage alternative activation [120,121]. Liu, et al. [122] reported α-ketoglutarate,
Nutrients 2018, 10, 1564
4.3. Lymphocytes
Lymphocyte activation is associated with specific metabolic pathways to optimize its function.
The integration of multiple extracellular signals affects transcriptional programs and signalling
pathways that determine, in CD4+ T cells, for example, multiple events that include modulation
of energy metabolism, cell proliferation, and cytokine production. Associated bioenergetic processes
are dependent on the activation of AMPK, indicating cross-talk between metabolism and signalling
pathways in immune cell differentiation. Greiner, et al. [124] reported in rat thymocytes that
the use of the anaerobic glycolytic pathway is strongly increased after antigenic stimulation with
Concanavalin (ConA). Eric Newsholme’s group was the first to report the utilization of glutamine
by lymphocytes [125]. Glutamine plays an important role for the function of these cells in
different ways. Pyruvate is a common product of glucose and glutamine metabolism in the cells.
Curi, et al. [126] described that mesenteric lymphocytes have increased pyruvate oxidation through
pyruvate carboxylase when stimulated with ConA, indicating that both glucose and glutamine are
involved in the control of lymphocyte proliferation and function. Mitochondria have been reported to
be able to regulate leukocyte activation. Succinate, fumarate, and citrate, metabolites of the Krebs cycle
and produced through glucose and glutamine metabolism, participate in the control of immunity and
inflammation either in innate and adaptive immune cells [97].
Most glucose molecules are transported via glucose transporter 1 (GLUT1), which is not observed
in non-activated lymphocytes [127]. GLUT1 is an important metabolic marker of lymphocyte activation
as it migrates rapidly to the cell surface after stimulation. Glucose deprivation causes a lower rate
of basal proliferation, as well as increased production of IL-2, TNF-α, INF-γ, and IL-4 by CD4+
T cells [128]. Activation of intracellular signalling by Akt beyond GLUT1 protein levels further
increases glucose uptake and T cell activation. mTOR and AMPK play important and distinct roles
in metabolism and immunity. The stimulation of lymphoid cells leads to increased GLUT1 uptake
of glucose by acting on mTOR protein [129]. This pathway is also involved in the differentiation
of CD4+ T-cell subsets since mTOR-deficient mice have a decrease in differentiation for effector T
lymphocytes [130,131]. In contrast, the AMPK pathway inhibits mTOR by suppressing the signalling of
this protein and promotes activation of mitochondrial oxidative metabolism rather than the glycolytic
pathway [132,133]. Glutamine is required for T and B-lymphocytes’ proliferation process, as well as for
protein synthesis, IL-2 production, and antibody synthesis rates presented by these cells. The evidence
has now accumulated that glutamine metabolism plays a key role in the activation of lymphocytes.
Glutamine is required for human B lymphocyte differentiation to plasma cell and to lymphoblastic
transformation [134].
The cell proliferation process requires both ATP for high-energy expenditure and precursors for
the biosynthesis of complex molecules, such as lipids (cholesterol and triglycerides) and nucleotides
for RNA and DNA synthesis. To perform rapid proliferation activity under the certain stimulus,
lymphocytes switch from oxidative phosphorylation to aerobic glycolysis plus glutaminolysis, and so
markedly increase glucose and glutamine utilization. The metabolic transition in a Th0 lymphocyte is
crucial for the activation of T cells, since glucose metabolism provides intermediates for the biosynthetic
pathways, being a prerequisite for the growth and differentiation of T cells [135]. Glycolysis plays an
important role in effector T cell functions associated with the production of inflammatory cytokines,
Nutrients 2018, 10, 1564
mainly INF-γ and IL-2 [136]. The blockade of glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH)
mRNA by the use of siRNA promotes a reduction of INF-γ in lymphocytes [136]. Therefore, the high
glycolytic activity is closely associated with the differentiation of Th0 to Th1 cells [132]. Inhibition of
the glycolytic pathway blocks this process whereas it promotes differentiation into Treg cells. Increased
glycolysis by proliferating cells is linked to increased uptake of glucose and increased expression and
activity of glycolytic enzymes, whereas glucose utilization in the oxidative phosphorylation pathway
(OXPHOS) is decreased. Therefore, the “metabolic switch” meets the higher energy requirements,
generates metabolic intermediates required for the biosynthesis of macromolecules, and suppresses the
metabolic features of rest lymphocytes. Inadequate nutrient delivery or specific metabolic inhibition
prevents the activation and proliferation of T cells since the inability to use glucose inhibits T cell
differentiation in vitro and in vivo [135,137]. Mitochondrial dynamics are closely associated with
T lymphocyte metabolism and function. Activated effector T cells have punctate mitochondria
and augmented the activity of anabolic pathways whereas memory T lymphocytes exhibit fused
mitochondria and enhanced oxidative phosphorylation activity [138]. HIF1-α plays a central role in
the maturation of dendritic cells and the activation of T cells. This factor controls leukocyte metabolism
reprogramming, through changes in gene expression, and thus immune cell functions [139].
Glycolysis and glutaminolysis are strongly associated to ensure appropriateness for lymphocyte
function. Hexosamine biosynthesis requires glucose and glutamine for the de novo synthesis of
uridine diphosphate N-acetylglucosamine (UDP-GlcNAc). This sugar-nucleotide inhibits receptor
endocytosis and signalling through promoting N-acetylglucosamine branching of Asn (N)-linked
glycans. Araujo, et al. [140] reported that high aerobic glycolysis and glutaminolysis activities in a
co-operative way decrease the UDP-GlcNAc synthesis and N-glycan branching in mouse T cell blasts
due to the low availability of these metabolites for hexosamine synthesis. As a consequence, growth
and pro-inflammatory TH 17 features prevail over anti-inflammatory-induced T regulatory (iTreg)
differentiation. The latter process is promoted by IL-2 receptor-α (CD25) loss through endocytosis.
The authors then postulated that a primary function of concomitant high aerobic glycolysis and
glutaminolysis activities is to limit precursors to N-glycan biosynthesis. This metabolic feature of
T lymphocytes has marked implications in autoimmunity and cancer. Glutamine also serves as a
precursor for the synthesis of putrescine and the polyamines, spermidine and spermine. High levels of
polyamines are reported in tumour cells and in autoreactive B- and T-cells in autoimmune diseases.
Polyamines have been described to play a role in the control of normal immune cell function and have
been associated with autoimmunity and anti-tumour immune cell properties [141].
Nutrients 2018, 10, 1564
intracellular signalling pathways [2]. Glutamine action also involves signalling pathways’ activation
by phosphorylation, such as NF-κB and MAPKs [144]. Thus, the function of glutamine goes beyond
that of a metabolic fuel or protein synthesis precursor. This amino acid is also an important regulator
of leukocyte function, acting on either gene expression or signalling pathways’ activation.
Nutrients 2018, 10, 1564
proteins clustered according to their molecular weight, which have many intracellular functions.
Possibly, the most important function displayed by HSP’s are the action of a molecular chaperone.
This function assists protein transport, prevents protein aggregation during folding, and protects newly
synthesized polypeptide chains against misfolding and protein denaturation [151]. Although several
HSP families have been studied in the last couple of years (e.g., HSP10, HSP25, HSP27; HSP90), the most
famous and well described in the literature is the HSP70 (i.e., HSP72 + HSP73) family [29,151,152].
HSP70 acts as anti-inflammatory protein by virtue of turning NF-κB off and attenuating the production
of inflammatory mediators [153]. Moreover, HSP70 modulate autophagy by regulating the mTOR/Akt
pathway and block signalling pathways associated with protein-degradation [152].
Glutamine found at concentrations similar to those recorded for human plasma leads to a
significant HSP72 gene expression increase in peripheral blood mononuclear cells subjected to LPS
treatment. On the other hand, reduced glutamine concentration results in reduced HSP72 expression
in monocytes; this effect depends on mRNA stability. The preoperative administration of glutamine
can modulate HSP70 expression by reducing the activation levels of the cyclic AMP response element
binding protein (CREB), which is often associated with exacerbated inflammatory responses. This effect
depends on the iNOS activity and leads to an NO production increase. Other studies corroborated the
present results and presented similar mechanisms, as well as effects on the expression of other HSP’s,
such as HSP25, HSP27, and HSP90.
Glutamine plays a crucial role in the modulation of HSP’s expression through the
hexosamine biosynthetic pathway (HBP, Figure 3) [21,94]. In the HBP, glutamine leads to the
production of UDP-GlcNAc and (UDP)-N-acetylgalactosamine (UDP-GalNAc) through the enzyme,
fructose-6-phosphate amidotransferase (GFAT, the first and rate-limiting step of HBP). UDP-GlcNAc
and UDP-GalNAc, in turn, may be attached to serine or threonine hydroxyl moieties in nuclear
and cytoplasmic proteins by the enzymic action of O-linked-N-acetylglucosaminyl (O-GlcNAc)
transferase (a.k.a. OGT) [94]. The main donors for UDP-GlcNAc are glucose, glutamine, and uridine
triphosphate (UTP) from the HBP. Interestingly, both nutrients’ availability and cell stress affect
O-GlcNAc downstream signalling, and, not surprisingly, this mechanism is also altered in several
metabolic diseases, infection, and inflammatory processes [154,155]. O-GlcNAc synthesis leads to the
activation of many transcriptional factors, for instance, Sp1, phosphorylation of Eukaryotic Initiation
Factor 2 (eIF2), and sirtuin-1 (SIRT1) [156]. Both Sp1 and eIF2 are key transcription factors for the
induction of the main thermal shock eukaryotic factor, HSF-1 [157]. Alternatively, SIRT1 enhances
HSF-1 expression and prolongs its activation by binding to the promoters of HS genes, leading to the
HSP’s expression [94,158]. Although the O-GlcNAc/Sp1 pathway is considered the main mechanism
of the HSP’s gene expression and production, glutamine may also act on HBP via p38/MAPK,
leading to the HSP’s expression in cells, such as neutrophils. This response may explain the reduction
in neutrophils’ apoptosis after high-intensity physical exercise [144]. Furthermore, by increasing the
HBP flux, glutamine stimulates the HSP’s expression by blocking the glycogen synthase kinase 3 beta
(GSK-3β), an enzyme that constitutively inhibits HSF-1 activation by phosphorylating the transcription
factor at Ser303 [94,159].
In vitro [21,160] and in vivo [4,39,161–163] studies demonstrate that glutamine availability
maintains cell homeostasis and promotes cell survival against environmental and physiological
stress challenges through an enhanced protection mediated by intracellular HSP (iHSP) levels [94].
Interestingly, under severe infection and/or catabolism, low glutamine availability in the body can
eventually be accompanied by an aberrant iHSP and lead to the HSP’s release to the extracellular
space (eHSP) [4]. eHSP have a wide variety of effects on other cells, including impacting on a cell to
cell interaction and chemotaxis, and in some cases, act as a signal to the immune and inflammatory
responses. On the other hand, eHSP can also function as a stress signalling and pro-inflammatory
molecule by interacting with Toll-like receptors 2 (TLR2) and 4 (TLR4) [164]. This effect can
down-regulate iHSP in many cells, leading to apoptosis [4], and has also been associated with increased
insulin resistance in skeletal muscle cells [165], and β-cell failure in diabetic individuals. Currently, a
Nutrients 2018, 10, 1564
novel and overall index of immunoinflammatory status, the extracellular to intracellular HSP70 ratio
index (H-index), measured in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) [94], has been established.
Table 1. Total protein, glutamine, glutamate, and leucine (g/100g food) content in some animal and
vegetable foods using the gene sequencing method (adapted from [166]).
On the contrary, during major and/or critical illness, sepsis, trauma, and post-surgery
circumstances, patients suffer from chronic weakness and several nutritional limitations (e.g., state of
unconsciousness, gastrointestinal disturbances, and/or chew related problems), which impair
homeostasis, and are associated with poor clinical outcomes. Severe disturbances in amino
acid metabolism and/or intermediary metabolism followed by skeletal muscle proteolysis are
key characteristics of hypermetabolic/hypercatabolic states [167]. During hypercatabolism, some
non-essential amino acids, including glutamine, become conditionally essential. As previously
mentioned, glutamine is critical for cell homeostasis, and cells cannot survive and/or proliferate in an
environment where glutamine is lacking. Therefore, the administration of non-synthetic amino acid
supplements, such as glutamine, has been a research target in in the last many years and is currently
indicated for hypercatabolic and/or ill patients. However, the efficacy of glutamine supplementation
is frequently questioned due to confusing and controversial results [150,168,169].
Glutamine is usually administrated by utilizing its free form (also known as an isolated
amino acid), or bond with another amino acid, also known as the dipeptide form (Figure 4).
Several glutamine dipeptides with potential recovery health benefits have been described, such as
L -glycyl- L-glutamine (Gly-Gln) and L -arginyl- L -glutamine (Arg-Gln); however, the most well-known
is possibly L-alanyl-L-glutamine (Ala-Gln) [170]. Given parenterally, many clinical and experimental
studies and appropriate systematic reviews [168] have concluded that glutamine dipeptides can reduce
the rate of infectious complications [171–174], length of hospital stay [9,175], and mortality of critically
ill patients [10,176,177]. The choice for free glutamine or glutamine dipeptides largely depends on the
patient’s catabolic circumstance and/or the most suitable route of administration (e.g., enteral and
parenteral nutrition). For instance, in patients receiving total parenteral nutrition (TPN), glutamine
dipeptides offer several advantages, such as stability during sterilization, prolonged storage, and high
range of solubility (154 g/L H2 O at 20 ◦ C, 568 g/L H2 O at 20 ◦ C, respectively) when compared to free
glutamine (36 g/L H2 O at 20 ◦ C) [170]. Moreover, free glutamine is usually commercially available as a
crystalline amino acid powder and can be diluted into commercially available TPN solutions, however,
Nutrients 2018, 10, 1564
this procedure requires daily preparations at a controlled temperature (i.e., 4 ◦ C), aseptic conditions
followed by sterilization through specific membrane filtration, and the concentration should not exceed
1–2%. This is particularly important because, at a low concentration, TPN solutions will increase the
patient’s fluid intake to meet the daily glutamine recommendation, however, this cannot be feasible
for fluid restricted patients.
Figure 4. Mechanisms of enteral and parenteral glutamine (GLN) supply. Glutamine is an important
substrate for rapidly dividing cells, such as enterocytes. This is a major site of glutamine consumption
obtained from both exogenous/diet (luminal membrane) and/or endogenous glutamine synthesis
(basolateral membrane). Free glutamine supplementation is mainly metabolized in the gut and poorly
contribute to glutaminemia and tissue stores. On the other hand, glutamine dipeptides (e.g., Ala-Gln,
Gly-Gln, Arg-Gln) escape from the gut metabolization and quickly supply glutamine to the plasma
and target tissues. This effect is mainly attributed to the oligopeptide transporter 1 (Pept-1) located in
the luminal membrane of the enterocytes.
In both oral/enteral or parenteral nutrition, the typical glutamine daily administration (free
and dipeptide forms) may vary from a fixed dose of 20–35 g/24 h to an adjusted dose of <1.0 g
(usually 0.3 g–0.5 g) per kg of body weight [168]. As any other nutrient or medication administrated
directly into the bloodstream when free or dipeptide forms of glutamine are given parenterally,
the increase in plasma glutamine is superior when compared to oral/enteral feeds [178]. However,
it should be noted that although parenteral routes can secure nutrient delivery to target tissues, it is
always an invasive route and may increase the risk of infections per se. It is strongly recommended
that the decision to use parenteral solutions must be based on several nutritional parameters, such as
poor nutritional status, dramatic reduction of body weight and body mass index, low plasma albumin,
and/or severe loss of nitrogen and tissue function.
For individuals with regular enteral feeds at home or hospitals, and also elite athletes
where glutamine supplementation is eventually recommended, oral or enteral routes are always
more physiological. Furthermore, enteral solutions stimulate the intestinal cells to produce other
intermediary amino acid derivatives important for immunological functions, and also compromised
Nutrients 2018, 10, 1564
in hypercatabolic patients, such as arginine and its downstream metabolites (e.g., ornithine and
citrulline) [179]. Experimental studies in animal models and humans have shown an increase
in glutaminemia between ±30 to ±120 min after oral/enteral free glutamine [50] or Ala-Gln
supplementation [50,177]. However, the peak concentration and the area under the curve promoted
by Ala-Gln tend to be superior when compared to free glutamine supply. This effect is largely due
to the expression of the human oligopeptide transporter 1 (Pept-1) located in the luminal microvilli
membrane of the enterocytes [180], and in a lesser extent, through paracellular mechanisms and
cell-penetrating peptides’ translocation [181,182] (Figure 4). Pept-1 is a high capacity, low-affinity
proton-coupled cotransporter of diverse di/tripeptides, which include the glutamine dipeptides.
Pept-1 is considered the main route of protein absorption in mammals’ intestines since the protein
is able to transport about 400 dipeptides and 8000 tripeptides derived from the 20 L-α amino
acids [180]. As a result, free glutamine and/or alanine deriving from enteral Ala-Gln administration
can be released into the bloodstream, thus making the amino acids available to target tissues,
including the liver [183], immune system [39], kidneys [184] and skeletal muscles [53] (Figure 4).
Interestingly, the effects promoted by Ala-Gln are also mediated by the presence of the amino acid,
alanine, in the peptide formulation. Oral free glutamine along with free alanine promoted similar
metabolic, antioxidant, and immunological effects when compared to Ala-Gln supplementation in
in vivo animal models submitted to infection [4,39], and exhaustive aerobic [30,45,53] and resistance
physical exercise [29,162]. Importantly, in all of these experiments, the supplemented groups received
isonitrogenous and isocaloric solutions, i.e., both containing 13.46 g of glutamine/100 mL and 8.20 g
of alanine/100 mL. Although the precise mechanisms are still unknown, it is clear that both amino
acids work in parallel, especially in absorptive cells (Figure 4). For instance, alanine is rapidly
metabolized via alanine aminotransferase to pyruvate, with concomitant production of glutamate
from 2-oxoglutarate, which contribute to antioxidant defence mediated by GSH. Although other free
amino acid combinations need to be tested, these important discoveries may lead to the design of new
formulations for specific hypercatabolic patients.
Oral/enteral or parenteral doses of glutamine supplementation have been tested in hundreds of
studies in both animal models and humans, and if offered as a single nutrient supplementation
(not combined with other additives), can be considered safe. In addition, there is no scientific
evidence demonstrating that glutamine supplementation can suppress and/or inhibit permanently its
endogenous production or de novo synthesis. However, as any other amino acid offered in excessive
doses, it can promote hyperaminoacidemia and result in poor clinical outcomes. It is considered not to
be the best practice to provide glutamine supplementation to patients without a proper evaluation
that is supported by a nutritional assessment and biochemical laboratory tests.
Glutamine metabolism and supplementation in cancer has also raised many concerns among
the scientific community, and deserve some comments. It is well established that cancer cells are
extremely dependent of glutamine metabolism and availability, however, the role played by glutamine
in cancer/tumours cells in vivo is still controversial, and thus the effects of the supplementation.
Cancer cells take advantage of aerobic glycolysis (also known as the Warburg effect), and therefore
glucose to maintain the supraphysiological survival and growth [185,186]. On the other hand, there is
an increasing evidence of the role of oncogenes and tumour suppressors in the regulation of nutrient
metabolism [187]. Aberrant mutations in these genes lead to altered nutrient metabolism, and can
significantly contribute to the development and/or progression of cancer cells [186]. For instance,
glucose, glutamine, lipids, and acetate can be utilized as carbon and energy sources [25]. To increase
the level of complexity, the nutrient sources may vary among different types of cancer and/or tumour
cells and are highly heterogeneous [25,187]. For example, lung cancer cell lines are highly dependent
of glutamine supply in vitro, however, in vivo experiments demonstrate that glucose is the preferred
source of carbons supplied to the Krebs cycle, through the action of pyruvate carboxylase [188],
with little changes in glutamine consumption [187]. Human and mouse gliomas exhibit high
rates of glucose catabolism, and use glucose to synthesize glutamine through glutamate-ammonia
Nutrients 2018, 10, 1564
ligase (GLUL), which in turn promotes nucleotide biosynthesis via the pentose phosphate pathway
independently of circulating glutamine [189,190]. Conversely, prostate cancer cell lines exhibit aberrant
intracellular lipid metabolism [191], and an increased gene expression of glutaminolitic enzymes and
glutamine transporters, thereby stimulating cell growth via glutamine uptake [192].
The variances in cancer cells’ nutrient metabolism suggest that different nutritional approaches
should be taken into consideration. However, studies have also targeted whether a glutamine
exogenous supply may attenuate the side effects promoted by chemotherapy and radiation in cancer
patients [193]. In a systematic review, Sayles, et al. [194] reported that in 11 of 15 studies, oral glutamine
supplementation (dose range: 30 g/day in 3 divided doses, or 7.5–24 g/day) significantly reduced the
grade of mucositis (common in 90% of head/neck cancer patients) [193] and/or attenuated weight loss
in cancer patients. In a double-blind, placebo-controlled, randomized trial, colorectal cancer patients
undergoing chemotherapy were supplemented with 18 g/day of glutamine (five days before and
during the treatment). Glutamine treatment reduced the side-effects induced by chemotherapy, such
as intestinal absorption and permeability, diarrhea, and gut mucositis [195]. As a whole, it is important
to highlight that glutamine supplementation for cancer patients may also fuel certain types of cancer
cells, and have a negative impact on health. However, considering the strong ability of metabolic
switching of cancer cells, glucose and/or lipids can also induce similar effects, and therefore it would
be difficult for a human to survive and maintain immunity and/or immune surveillance without
these nutrients. As mentioned previously, a proper and possibly individualized patient evaluation is
required to determine the suitability of glutamine supplementation.
Low plasma glutamine level (hypoglutaminemia) is usually used as a parameter to indicate
the need for a glutamine exogenous supply. However, the correlation between the concentration of
glutamine in plasma and tissue vary significantly between hypercatabolic patients, and therefore
among studies [150]. For instance, muscle glutamine was dramatically reduced in abdominal surgery
patients, but no changes were detected in plasma [196]. In critically ill patients, however, there is
a profound drop in muscle glutamine, but a variable reduction in plasma [150]. Other important
glutamine sites, such as the gut and the liver, may show a concomitant plasma and tissue glutamine
reduction, or even an inverse relationship during major illness [86,197,198]. These findings are also
in agreement with data obtained in rats [29,45,183] and mice [4,199] submitted to infection and
exhaustive exercise.
The variations between plasma and tissue glutamine concentration are due to the fact that only
a small fraction of the total body free glutamine is in plasma. To add to the confusion, it is known
that cells of the immune system, such as lymphocytes maintained in a low glutamine availability
(similar to low plasma glutamine concentration, e.g., ±400 μM), still proliferate, when compared to
resting values (e.g., 600 μM) [4,7,90]. The rate of macrophages’ phagocytosis and cytokine production
by diverse peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) is also dependent on glutamine availability,
with decreasing rates at ±<600 μM of glutamine [21,200]. Thus, for some catabolic/hypercatabolic
patients, the changes in glutamine concentration, especially in plasma, will not necessarily affect
and suppress immune functions, and possibly no significant changes might be observed in data
obtained from immune parameters and function, and mortality risk predictors, such as APACHE
II or SAPS III. Taken together, hypoglutaminemia can only be interpreted as an independent
variable of mortality and/or poor clinical outcome [10,93,168,169,174,201]. More in-depth studies
are required to explore the specific relationship between dramatic changes in plasma glutamine and
outcomes in critically ill patients. Currently, the decision of glutamine supplementation should be
based in a set of immune-inflammatory parameters allied with appropriate nutritional assessment,
and eventually, risk predictors. In addition, glutamine supplementation studies cannot be judged
on trials where only the very sickest patients (i.e., with two or more organ failures) were eligible for
this nutritional intervention, and in these situations, supraphysiologic doses are not an appropriate
nutritional solution.
Nutrients 2018, 10, 1564
Author Contributions: V.C. conceived the idea, and with the help of M.M.R. organised and designed the
manuscript. V.C., M.M.R., K.N.K. and R.C. wrote the first draft, which was reviewed and revised by P.N. Figures
and Table 1 were designed by V.C. All authors contributed significantly in the manuscript revision and agreed
with the final submitted version.
Funding: We thank the Department of Health Science, Torrens University, and the Curtin School of Pharmacy
and Biomedical Sciences for financial research support and excellent research facilities, respectively.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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Immune Function and Micronutrient Requirements
Change over the Life Course
Silvia Maggini 1, *, Adeline Pierre 1 and Philip C. Calder 2,3
1 Bayer Consumer Care AG, 4002 Basel, Switzerland;
2 Human Development & Health, Faculty of Medicine, University of Southampton,
Southampton SO16 6YD, UK;
3 NIHR Southampton Biomedical Research Centre, University Hospital Southampton NHS Foundation Trust
and University of Southampton, Southampton SO16 6YD, UK
* Correspondence:; Tel.: +41-582-727-516
Abstract: As humans age, the risk and severity of infections vary in line with immune competence
according to how the immune system develops, matures, and declines. Several factors influence
the immune system and its competence, including nutrition. A bidirectional relationship among
nutrition, infection and immunity exists: changes in one component affect the others. For example,
distinct immune features present during each life stage may affect the type, prevalence, and severity
of infections, while poor nutrition can compromise immune function and increase infection risk.
Various micronutrients are essential for immunocompetence, particularly vitamins A, C, D, E, B2, B6,
and B12, folic acid, iron, selenium, and zinc. Micronutrient deficiencies are a recognized global public
health issue, and poor nutritional status predisposes to certain infections. Immune function may be
improved by restoring deficient micronutrients to recommended levels, thereby increasing resistance
to infection and supporting faster recovery when infected. Diet alone may be insufficient and tailored
micronutrient supplementation based on specific age-related needs necessary. This review looks at
immune considerations specific to each life stage, the consequent risk of infection, micronutrient
requirements and deficiencies exhibited over the life course, and the available evidence regarding the
effects of micronutrient supplementation on immune function and infection.
1. Introduction
The immune system, which is integrated into all physiological systems, protects the body against
infections and other external and internal insults by utilizing three distinct layers, depending on the
nature of the threat: physical (e.g., skin, epithelial lining of the gastrointestinal and respiratory tracts)
and biochemical barriers (e.g., secretions, mucus, and gastric acid), numerous different immune cells
(e.g., granulocytes, CD4 or CD8 T and B cells), and antibodies (i.e., immunoglobulins). The first line of
defense is innate immunity, which combines physical and biochemical barriers with a non-specific,
leukocyte-mediated cellular response to defend against pathogens [1]. If the pathogen manages to
avoid these innate defenses, a more complex, adaptive, antigen-specific response is triggered, mediated
by T and B lymphocytes, which produces antibodies to target and destroy the pathogen (Figure 1) [1].
Both systems also protect against native cells that may be harmful, such as cancerous or precancerous
cells [2].
Figure 1. Simple overview of the immune system. The three layers of the immune system (physical
and biochemical barriers; cells such as monocytes, granulocytes, lymphocytes, and B and T cells; and
antibodies or immunoglobulins) work together to protect the body against pathogens, utilizing the
innate and adaptive defense mechanisms. All three layers are involved in the innate and immune
systems. * The innate immune system comprises anatomical and biochemical barriers and an unspecific
cellular response mediated mainly by monocytes, neutrophils, natural killer cells and dendritic cells;
these work together to fight off pathogens before they can start an active infection. ** The adaptive
immune system involves an antigen-specific response mediated by T and B lymphocytes that is
activated by exposure to pathogens; this works with the innate immune system to reduce the severity
of infection. a The complement system can work with both the innate and adaptive immune systems;
b i.e., immunity from serum antibodies produced by plasma cells; c i.e., an immune response that
does not involve antibodies, but responds to any cells that display aberrant major histocompatibility
complex (MHC) markers, such as cells invaded by pathogens.
As humans age, the immune system evolves from the immature and developing immune
responses in infants and children, through to immune function that is potentially optimal in adolescents
and young adults, followed by a gradual decline in immunity (particularly adaptive processes) in older
people [1]. Age-related changes are compounded by certain lifestyle factors (e.g., diet, environmental
factors, and oxidative stress) specific to each life stage that can influence and modify, in some cases
suppressing, immune function. Accordingly, the risk and severity of infections such as the common
cold and influenza (the most common illnesses in humans [3]), pneumonia and diarrheal infections
also vary over a lifetime.
Optimal immune function is dependent on a healthy immune system. In turn, adequate nutrition
is crucial to ensure a good supply of the energy sources, macronutrients and micronutrients required
for the development, maintenance and expression of the immune response [3]. Micronutrients have
vital roles throughout the immune system that are independent of life stage (Table 1), and it has been
determined that those most needed to sustain immunocompetence include vitamins A, C, D, E, B2,
B6 and B12, folic acid, beta carotene, iron, selenium, and zinc [4]. There is a bidirectional interaction
among nutrition, infection and immunity: the immune response is compromised when nutrition
is poor, predisposing individuals to infections, and a poor nutritional state may be exacerbated by
the immune response itself to an infection [5]. It is clear that optimal immunocompetence depends
upon nutritional status [6]. It is recognized that micronutrient deficiencies and suboptimal intakes are
Nutrients 2018, 10, 1531
common worldwide [7], and certain micronutrients may be more likely to be insufficient at different
stages of the life course. This can affect the risk and severity of infection, and in fact an individual’s
nutritional status can predict the clinical course and outcome of certain infections such as diarrhea,
pneumonia and measles [4]. Resistance to infection may be enhanced by adding the deficient nutrient
back into the diet and restoring immune function [4]. However, it is not always possible to achieve
good nutritional status via the diet alone. In developing countries, for example, it may be difficult to
find an adequate and varied supply of food. Even in industrialized nations, where it may be presumed
that healthy, nutritious food is easier to obtain, social, economic, educational, ethnic and cultural
backgrounds influence the diet and may adversely affect an individual’s micronutrient status [8].
This review looks at life-stage-specific immunity, risk of infection and micronutrient requirements,
from the perspective of industrialized countries where possible. The aim is to highlight the role of
tailored supplementation in restoring micronutrients to recommended levels and better supporting
immune needs that are specific to each life stage.
Table 1. Overview of key roles played by select micronutrients in the immune system [4,9–14].
helps protect against infection caused by pathogens [14]
cells and inhibits T cell proliferation [14]
1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 , the active form of vitamin D, regulates
the antimicrobial proteins cathelicidin and defensin, which can
directly kill pathogens, especially bacteria [14]
Helps maintain structural and functional integrity of mucosal cells Necessary for proper functioning of T and B lymphocytes,
in innate barriers (e.g., skin, respiratory tract, etc.) [14] and thus for generation of antibody responses to antigen [14]
Vitamin A
Important for normal functioning of innate immune cells (e.g., NK Involved in development and differentiation of Th1 and Th2 cells
cells, macrophages, neutrophils) [14] and supports Th2 anti-inflammatory response [10]
An important fat-soluble antioxidant [10]
Enhances T cell-mediated functions and lymphocyte
Protects the integrity of cell membranes from damage caused by
Vitamin E proliferation [10]
free radicals [14]
Optimizes and enhances Th1 and suppresses Th2 response [10]
Enhances IL-2 production and NK cell cytotoxic activity [10]
Required in the endogenous synthesis and metabolism of amino
acids, the building blocks of cytokines and antibodies [14]
Helps regulate inflammation [13] Has roles in lymphocyte proliferation, differentiation and
Vitamin B6
Has roles in cytokine production and NK cell activity [13,15] maturation [14]
Maintains Th1 immune response [10]
Has roles in antibody production [13]
Table 1. Cont.
Iron Essential for cell differentiation and growth, component of
of killing bacteria by neutrophils [10]
enzymes critical for functioning of immune cells (e.g.,
Important in the generation of ROS that kill pathogens [14]
ribonucleotide reductase involved in DNA synthesis) [10]
Free-radical scavenger [4]
Antimicrobial properties [14]
Accumulates at sites of inflammation, important for IL-2 Has roles in T cell proliferation [13]
production and response [13,14] Has roles in antibody production and cellular immunity [18]
May play a role in the innate immune response to bacterial
infections [14]
Essential for the function of selenium-dependent enzymes
(selenoproteins) that can act as redox regulators and cellular Involved in T lymphocyte proliferation [4,13]
Selenium antioxidants, potentially counteracting ROS [10,14] Has roles in the humoral system (e.g., immunoglobulin
Selenoproteins are important for the antioxidant host defense production) [13]
system affecting leukocyte and NK cell function [13]
IL, interleukin; NK, natural killer; RNS, reactive nitrogen species; ROS, reactive oxygen species; Th, helper T cell.
Nutrients 2018, 10, 1531
Nutrients 2018, 10, 1531
concentrations (both then decrease with age); lymphocyte and platelet counts are lower in children
compared with infants and steadily decline with age [25]. Closer analysis of lymphocyte subtypes
indicates that the proportion of different lymphocyte subsets changes over time [25]. For example,
the percentage of CD3+ T cells (required for activation of CD4+ and CD8+ T cells) is significantly higher
in children than in infants. However, the proportion of CD4+ T cells is significantly lower in children
than in infants [25]. CD4+ helper T cells recognize peptides presented by major histocompatibility
complex (MHC) II molecules found on antigen-presenting cells, and subsequently secrete cytokines
that facilitate different immune responses according to the source of the antigen [27]. In contrast,
the percentage of CD8+ T cells is significantly higher in children than in infants and steadily increases
over time [25]. CD8+ cytotoxic T cells recognize peptides presented by MHC I molecules found on all
nucleated cells, and secrete cytokines like tumor-necrosis factor alpha or interferon gamma to help to
kill infected or malignant cells [27]. Analysis of B cells indicates that the proportion of CD19+ cells is
highest in infants and children and decreases significantly thereafter [25]. CD19 is an antigen that is
present on all B cells, is involved in signaling, and is a biomarker for B lymphocyte development [28].
Antibody production increases with age from infancy to childhood. For example, adult levels of
IgG (expressed on the surface of mature B cells, and the most prevalent immunoglobulin in serum)
are reached by the age of 11–12 years, with a further increase during puberty, while levels of IgA
(the second most prevalent immunoglobulin in serum, which can activate the complement pathway)
continue to increase past puberty until they reach adult levels; in contrast, adult levels of IgM (the first
immunoglobulin made by the fetus and virgin B cells challenged with antigen) are reached by the age
of four years [29].
Nutrients 2018, 10, 1531
effects of estrogen in women and the humoral immunity suppressing effects of testosterone in men;
however, the full extent of sex on functional immune responses remains unclear [23].
Nutrients 2018, 10, 1531
3. Response to Infection
The nature of the response of the immune system to a pathogen is initially dependent on whether
the innate immune defenses can eliminate the infectious organism. If not, previous experience with
the pathogen will determine how rapidly T and B cells in the adaptive immune system are able to
mount a defense against it, supported by the innate immune system. Certain factors may affect the
response of the immune system to infection.
Nutrients 2018, 10, 1531
pneumonia) are more common in children under five years old than any other age group worldwide,
and risk factors include air pollution and suboptimal breastfeeding [48]. Micronutrient deficiencies
also have immunological consequences in infants and young children, and can increase morbidity and
mortality from many diseases, including pneumonia, diarrheal disease, and measles [4,49]. Infection
and undernutrition have a synergistic relationship, and micronutrient deficiencies cause specific
immune impairments that affect both the innate and adaptive immune systems, such as impaired
phagocyte and lymphocyte activity with zinc deficiency, or compromised development of neutrophils,
macrophages and NK cells with vitamin A deficiency [50].
Nutrients 2018, 10, 1531
Figure 2. Life-style factors affecting immune function during adulthood. The risk of infection is also
influenced by gender, early programming, vaccination history, pathogen exposure, specific health
conditions, and diseases.
Nutrients 2018, 10, 1531
Table 2. Life-stage-specific micronutrient deficiencies in Europe. Reported micronutrient intakes that are below the recommended dietary allowance are shown
in bold. The table also shows the tolerable upper intake levels, the highest level of daily nutrient intake that is likely to pose no risk of adverse health effects in
most people.
Recommended Dietary Allowance [78] Tolerable Upper Intake Levels [78] Reported Mean Micronutrient Intakes, Min–Max [96]
Children a a Children
Select Children
4–8 years Adults Older age 4–6 years: M/F Older age
Nutrients 2018, 10, 1531
900/700 2800/2800
7 300
Vitamin E, 6.3–11.2/5.9–13.3
11 15 15 600 1000 1000 3.3–17.7/4.2–16.1 6.3–13.7/6.7–13.7
mg/day 5.9–14.5/5.6–18.1
15 800
0.6 40
Vitamin B6, 1.2–2.5/1.1–1.9
1.0 1.3 1.7/1.5 60 100 100 1.6–3.5/1.3–2.1 1.2–3.0/1.2–2.9
mg/day 1.2–2.8/1.1–2.7
1.3/1.2 80
Vitamin B12, 3.6–5.5/2.2–5.3
1.8 2.4 2.4 ND ND ND 1.9–9.3/1.0–8.8 3.1–8.2/2.5–7.5
μg/day 3.2–11.8/2.2–11.1
200 400
Folate, μg/day 300 300-400 400 600 1000 1000 203–494/131–392 139–343/121–335
400 800
Table 2. Cont.
Recommended Dietary Allowance [78] Tolerable Upper Intake Levels [78] Reported Mean Micronutrient Intakes, Min–Max [96]
Children a a Children
Select Children
4–8 years Adults Older age 4–6 years: M/F Older age
Micronutrients 4–8 years Adults Older age Adults
9–13 years 19–50 years: 51 to >70 years: b 7–9 years: M/F 51 to >70 years:
9–13 years 19–50 years: 51 to >70 years 19–50 years: M/F
14–18 years: M/F b M/F 10–14 years: M/F M/F
14–18 years
Nutrients 2018, 10, 1531
30 150
Selenium, 27–41/26–58
40 55 55 280 400 400 36–73/31–54 39–62/34–55
μg/day 29–110/28–104
55 400
a Although adequate intake values are provided by the Institute of Medicine for infants (0–12 months) and recommended dietary allowances for children (1–3 years) [78], there are few
data regarding micronutrient deficiencies in this age groups in industrialized countries and these ages have therefore not been included in this table; b values differ in pregnancy and
lactation. F, females; M, males; ND, not determined.
Nutrients 2018, 10, 1531
Nutrients 2018, 10, 1531
vitamin C are unable to counteract the oxidative stress observed in pneumonia [104]. Increased
production of ROS during the immune response to pathogens may decrease vitamin C levels
further [105]. Vitamin D deficiency increases the risk of infection and autoimmune diseases such as
multiple sclerosis and diabetes, probably related to activity of vitamin D receptors, which are found
throughout the immune system [106,107].
Considering the importance of micronutrients in immunity, and the fact that many people of
all ages have single or multiple micronutrient deficiencies that can have detrimental immunological
effects, there is a rationale for micronutrient supplementation to restore concentrations to recommended
levels, especially after an infection, and to support immune function and maintenance. To avoid any
unwanted side effects, it is of course important to ensure that supplementation does not exceed
recommended tolerable upper intake levels (Table 2), the highest level of daily nutrient intake that
is likely to pose no risk of adverse health effects in most people [78]. Although this is theoretically
possible, the reported micronutrient intake data in Table 2 suggest that over-supplementation is
unlikely with most micronutrients, perhaps with the exception of vitamin A in children. It should be
noted that the safety margins in micronutrient supplements ensure that proper consumption does not
result in over-supplementation, and that food supplement labels should be carefully read to avoid
misuse and the potential for over-supplementation.
As no single biomarker exists that accurately reflects the effects of supplementation on the immune
response, clinical outcomes are instead used to determine the effectiveness of supplementation [49,69].
Table 3. Impact of micronutrient deficiency and supplementation on immune responses and the risk of infection.
Increased susceptibility to infections (e.g., diarrhea, RTI, measles,
Not beneficial in pneumonia [14]
malaria) [14,71]
Deficiency rare in humans [49]
Vitamin E Impairs both humoral and cell-mediated aspects of adaptive Older people: reduced RTI [71]
immunity, including B and T cell function [14]
Lymphocytopenia, reduced lymphoid tissue weight, reduced
Vitamin B6 responses to mitogens, general deficiencies in cell-mediated
immunity, lowered antibody responses [49]
Depressed immune responses (e.g., delayed-type hypersensitivity
Vitamin B12
response, T-cell proliferation) [49] *
Depressed immune responses (e.g., delayed-type hypersensitivity
response, T-cell proliferation) [49] *
Restoration of thymulin activity, increased numbers of cytotoxic T cells,
Decreased lymphocyte number and function, particularly T cells, reduced numbers of activated T helper cells (which can contribute to
increased thymic atrophy, altered cytokine production that autoimmunity), increased natural killer cell cytotoxicity, reduced
contributes to oxidative stress and inflammation [14] incidence of infections [14]
Increased bacterial, viral and fungal infections (particularly diarrhea Children: reduction in duration of diarrhea and incidence of pneumonia
and pneumonia) [71] and diarrheal and respiratory morbidity [49] in at-risk children >6 month, but not in children 2–6 month [71];
Increased thymic atrophy and consequent risk of infection [97] reduced duration and severity of common cold symptoms [108];
improved outcomes in pneumonia, malaria and diarrheal symptoms [9]
Table 3. Cont.
Nutrients 2018, 10, 1531
Nutrients 2018, 10, 1531
lymphocytes, and induced a shift from memory T cells to naïve T cells [119]. Multiple micronutrient
supplementation in older people may also reduce antibiotic usage and lead to higher post-vaccination
immune responses [33].
Marginal zinc deficiency is common in older people, as their dietary intakes are generally lower and
plasma zinc concentrations decline with age, possibly connected to impaired absorption, alterations in
cellular uptake, and epigenetic dysregulation of DNA methylation or the methionine/transsulfuration
pathway, for example [14]. Supplementation with low to moderate doses of zinc in healthy older people
can help to restore thymulin activity, increase the numbers of cytotoxic T cells, reduce the number of
activated Th cells (which contribute to autoimmunity) and increase the cytotoxicity of NK cells [14],
immunological benefits that help to reduce the incidence of infections such as common cold, cold sores
and influenza [120], as well as the incidence and morbidity of pneumonia [121]. There are some reports
that an adequate zinc supply could prevent degenerative age-related diseases including infection
and cancer [122]. Sufficient vitamin C is also important in older people, who are at risk of vitamin
C deficiency, especially females [96]. Adequate vitamin C intakes can optimize cell and tissue levels
and help to protect against respiratory and systemic infections (e.g., reduced duration and severity of
pneumonia [71]), while higher levels are required during infection to compensate for the increased
inflammatory response and metabolic demand induced by the pathogen, and thus help to reduce
the duration and severity of symptoms [12]. Supplementation with vitamin E in older people has
been shown to significantly improve NK cytotoxic activity, neutrophil chemotaxis and the phagocytic
response, and enhance mitogen-induced lymphocyte proliferation and IL-2 production [123]. Vitamin E
can also improve T-cell-mediated immunity and increase the production of antibodies in response to
the hepatitis B and tetanus vaccines [124]. The risk of upper respiratory tract infections, especially
common cold, was significantly lower after vitamin E supplementation in nursing home residents,
although there was no apparent effect on lower respiratory tract infections [125]. However, not all
studies have reported beneficial effects on respiratory tract infections with vitamin E supplementation
in older people [14].
6. Conclusions
The immune system undergoes many changes over the life course—developing and maturing
during childhood, potentially achieving peak function in early adulthood, and gradually declining
in most people in older age (Figure 3). Distinct immune features are present during each life stage,
and specific factors differentially affect immune function, with a resulting difference in the type,
prevalence and severity of infections with age. A common factor throughout life is the need for an
adequate supply of micronutrients, which play key roles in supporting immune function. Multiple
micronutrient deficiencies are common throughout the world, with the likelihood increasing with
age. Tailored supplementation based on the specific needs of each age group may help to provide an
adequate basis for optimal immune function. The available clinical data suggest that micronutrient
supplementation can reduce the risk and severity of infection and support a faster recovery. However,
much more research is required into the effects of micronutrient supplementation on immune functions
and on clinical outcomes. Nevertheless, current knowledge regarding the importance of micronutrients
in immunity, the effects of micronutrient deficiencies on the risk and severity of infection, and the
worldwide prevalence of an inadequate micronutrient status form a sound basis for the use of a
targeted multiple micronutrient supplement to support immunity over a person’s lifetime.
Nutrients 2018, 10, 1531
Figure 3. Differences in immunity and nutrition over a lifetime. Ca, calcium; Cu, copper; Fe, iron; I, iodine; Ig, immunoglobulin; Mg, magnesium; NK, natural killer;
RTI, respiratory tract infections; Se, selenium; Th, T helper cell; Zn, zinc.
Nutrients 2018, 10, 1531
Author Contributions: S.M., A.P. and P.C.C. conceived and co-wrote the review, P.C.C. had primary responsibility
for the final content.
Funding: This research received no external funding.
Acknowledgments: A draft of this manuscript was prepared by a professional medical writer (Deborah Nock,
Medical WriteAway, UK; funded by Bayer Consumer Care AG), with subsequent full review and approval by
all authors.
Conflicts of Interest: S.M. and A.P. are employed by Bayer Consumer Care Ltd., a manufacturer of multivitamins.
P.C.C. has received funding, as a Key Opinion Leader, from Bayer Consumer Care Ltd.
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A randomized controlled trial. JAMA 1997, 277, 1380–1386. [CrossRef] [PubMed]
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[CrossRef] [PubMed]
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Selenium, Selenoproteins, and Immunity
Joseph C. Avery and Peter R. Hoffmann *
Department of Cell and Molecular Biology, John A. Burns School of Medicine, University of Hawaii,
651 Ilalo Street, Honolulu, HI 96813, USA;
* Correspondence:; Tel.: +1-808-692-1510; Fax: +808-692-1968
Abstract: Selenium is an essential micronutrient that plays a crucial role in development and a wide
variety of physiological processes including effect immune responses. The immune system relies
on adequate dietary selenium intake and this nutrient exerts its biological effects mostly through
its incorporation into selenoproteins. The selenoproteome contains 25 members in humans that
exhibit a wide variety of functions. The development of high-throughput omic approaches and novel
bioinformatics tools has led to new insights regarding the effects of selenium and selenoproteins
in human immuno-biology. Equally important are the innovative experimental systems that have
emerged to interrogate molecular mechanisms underlying those effects. This review presents a
summary of the current understanding of the role of selenium and selenoproteins in regulating
immune cell functions and how dysregulation of these processes may lead to inflammation or
immune-related diseases.
1. Introduction
Selenium was discovered by the Swedish chemist Jöns Jakob Berzelius in 1817 and was considered
a toxic element for humans and livestock for nearly 150 years [1]. However, in 1957, the benefits
of selenium for humans and other mammals were revealed in landmark studies by Klaus Schwartz
and Calvin Foltz who demonstrated that dietary selenium protected rats against liver necrosis [2].
Since then, the role of selenium as a trace mineral nutrient in human health and the mechanisms by
which it exerts its biological effects have become better understood. Adequate levels of bioavailable
selenium are functionally important for several aspects of human biology including the central nervous
system, the male reproductive biology, the endocrine system, muscle function, the cardiovascular
system, and immunity [3,4]. Many pathological conditions involving the immune system can be
affected by the selenium status in an individual, which can be influenced by several factors such as
the levels and forms of selenium ingested, the conversion of selenium compounds into metabolites,
and genetic characteristics that can impact the use of these metabolites. Selenium deficiency is rare in
the United States and Canada [5], but regions of China, New Zealand, and parts of Europe and Russia
have low levels of selenium in soil and food [6]. The extent to which immune-related diseases are
impacted by differences in selenium intake and how supplementation approaches may be utilized to
mitigate these health issues is not entirely clear. However, the development of new high-throughput
omic approaches and bioinformatics tools have improved our understanding of the effects of selenium
immuno-biology in humans. Additionally, novel experimental systems have provided valuable insight
into mechanisms underlying those effects.
The U.S. recommended dietary allowance for selenium for adults is 55 μg/day and most
individuals achieve this level while several other countries have higher recommended allowances
due to a lower average selenium status in their populations [7]. For example, adults in the U.K.
are recommended to ingest 60 μg/day for adult women and 75 μg/day for lactating women and
adult men [8]. Commonly used measures of a selenium status include plasma and serum selenium
concentrations as well as selenoprotein P levels and glutathione peroxidase activity [9,10]. The average
plasma selenium concentration in the U.S. is 70 ng/mL, which is relatively high with selenium
intake found to be lower in areas within China and Europe, in New Zealand, and in other parts of
the world [11,12]. Dietary selenium is obtained through a wide variety of foods including grains,
vegetables, seafood, meat, dairy products, and nuts [13]. The predominant form of selenium ingested
by humans is selenomethionine. However, other forms of selenium are also present in foods. Selenium
gets metabolized into various small molecular weight seleno-compounds including some that may
exert biological effects through redox reactions that can affect cellular processes like DNA repair and
epigenetics [14,15]. These bioactive metabolites include hydrogen selenide and methylated selenium
compounds like methylseleninic acid, which exerts chemo-preventive effects [16]. Most of the effects
of dietary selenium on immune functions are attributable to the insertion of this element into a
family of proteins called seleno-proteins. What separates selenium from other nutritional elements
is the fact that it is incorporated directly into proteins as the 21st amino acid, selenocysteine (Sec).
The synthesis of selenoproteins within cells requires a dedicated set of protein and tRNA factors
assembled on ribosomes along with the selenoprotein mRNA, which contains unique structural
elements. The coordinated interaction of these elements leads to co-translational insertion of Sec into
the nascent polypeptide when the ribosome encounters a uridine-guanosine-adenosine (UGA) codon,
which is typically used as a stop codon in other mRNAs [17]. Under conditions of low selenium status,
this translational process stalls at the UGA codon and both the mRNA and truncated protein may get
degraded through two separate processes called nonsense-mediated decay (NMD) and destruction via
C-end degrons (DesCEND), respectively [18,19]. Certain mRNA characteristics potentially play a role
in NMD sensitivity such as the location of the Sec codon (UGA) relative to exon–exon junctions [18].
Therefore, the selenium status is directly related to levels of different selenoproteins in different
tissues. Given the combined effects of NMD and DesCEND, there appears to be a hierarchy of
selenoprotein synthesis that results in some family members having a higher priority of expression
under selenium-limiting conditions [20]. In addition, certain tissues like the brain, endocrine tissues,
and testes retain selenium under deficient conditions shed light on the priorities given to different
physiological systems when selenium levels are low.
In humans, 25 selenoproteins have been identified and 24 of those exist as Sec-containing
proteins in rodents [21], which highlights the value of rodent models for determining roles for
members of this protein family in immune responses. Selenoproteins exhibit a wide variety of
tissue distribution and functions [17]. While many members of the selenoprotein family function
as enzymes involved in redox reactions, some are likely not enzymes themselves and functions are
gradually becoming better understood for these non-enzymatic members. The most completely
characterized selenoprotein enzymes related to immune functions include glutathione peroxidases
(GPXs), thioredoxin reductases (TXNRDs), iodothyronine deiodinases (DIOs), methionine-R-sulfoxide
reductase B1 (MSRB1), and selenophosphate synthetase 2 (SPS2). For non-enzymatic selenoproteins,
the best characterized in terms of immune cell function is selenoprotein K (SELENOK). Table 1 lists
selenoproteins and their functions and a more detailed discussion of roles for individual selenoproteins
in different immune cells and tissues is provided below.
Table 1. Summary of Selenoprotein Functions.
uridine-guanosine-guanosine-thymodine (UGGT) and improves protein quality control by
Selenoprotein F SELENOF, Selenoprotein 15, SEP15 correcting misglycosylated/misfolded glycoproteins via the calnexin-calreticulin- endoplasmic
reticulum proten 57 (ERp57) axis and pH-dependent endoplasmic reticulum proten 44 (ERp44
)system [37,38].
Selenoprotein H SELENOH, SELH, C11orf31 Nuclear localization, which is involved in redox sensing and transcription [39,40].
Selenoprotein I SELENOI, SELI, EPT1 Involved in phospholipid biosynthesis [41].
Transmembrane protein localized to the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and involved in calcium
Selenoprotein K SELENOK, SELK
flux in immune cells and ER associated degradation in cell lines [42,43].
Thioredoxin-like ER-resident protein that may be involved in the regulation of body weight and
Selenoprotein M SELENOM, SELM, SEPM
energy metabolism [44].
Transmembrane protein localized to ER. Mutations lead to multiminicore disease and other
Selenoprotein N SELENON, SELN, SEPN1
myopathies [45,46].
Mitochondrial protein that contains a C-X-X-U (where C is cytosine, X is any nucleotide, and U
Selenoprotein O SELENOO, SELO
is uridine) motif suggestive of the redox function [47].
Selenoprotein P SELENOP, SEPP1, SeP, SELP, SEPP Secreted into plasma for selenium transport to tissues [20,48].
Selenoprotein S SELENOS, SELS, SEPS1, VIMP Transmembrane protein found in ER involved in ER associated degradation [49,50].
Oxidoreductase localized to the Golgi complex and ER and manifests a thioredoxin-like fold
Selenoprotein T SELENOT, SELT and is involved in redox regulation and cell anchorage. Complexes with UGGTs to improve
PQC. Deficiency leads to early embryonic lethality [51].
Selenoprotein V SELENOV, SELV Testes-specific expression [21].
Selenoprotein W SELENOW, SELW, SEPW1 Putative antioxidant role, which may be important in muscle growth [52].
Selenophosphate synthetase 2 SEPHS2, SPS2 Involved in synthesis of all selenoproteins including itself [53].
Nutrients 2018, 10, 1203
As mentioned above, nearly all tissues are affected by changes in the selenium status or
selenoprotein expression. While the focus of this review is on the immune system, it is important
to first touch on other physiological systems impacted by the levels of selenium and selenoproteins.
Embryonic lethality arising from deletion of the trsp gene encoding the Sec-tRNA required for
translation [54] demonstrates the essential nature of selenoproteins. In fact, there have been four
individual selenoprotein knockout mice in which gene ablation was shown to result in embryonic
lethality: GPX4, TXNRD1 and 2, and Selenoprotein T (SELENOT) [32,51,55,56]. An essential role
for one of these selenoproteins in the area of development was demonstrated by the recent study,
which showed that GPX4 protects a critical population of interneurons from ferroptotic cell death [29].
In the muscular system, genetic maladies involving selenoproteins include multi-minicore diseases
(MmD) such as rigid spine syndrome (RSS) resulting from mutations in the human gene encoding
Selenoprotein N (SELENON) [57,58] and an associative dysfunction of the ryanodine receptor 1 (RyR1)
receptor [59]. Transgenic overexpression of some selenoproteins potentially regenerates wasted muscle
in mice [60]. Thyroid hormone metabolism is dependent upon the combined actions of the three
selenoproteins known as iodothyronine deiodinases 1-3 (DIO1-3) [61]. Thus, selenium deficiencies
can affect thyroid gland function and the many physiological systems impacted by thyroid hormone
activity. In the hepatic system, selenium is absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract and utilized for
biosynthesis of selenoproteins including Selenoprotein P (SELENOP), which is the primary plasma
selenium transport protein [62]. Several groups have observed that SELENOP inactivation results
in normal hepatic selenium levels while selenium content in other tissues decreases significantly.
This reduces the total GPX and TXNRD pools [63,64]. Consequently, those organs that rely on
SELENOP-mediated selenium delivery become deficient when some tissues are given ‘priority’ over
others for retention of this element since delivery through SELENOP decreases.
The central nervous system is appreciably dependent on an adequate selenium supply and,
as mentioned above, diets that are slightly deficient in selenium do not elicit neurological deficits
due to the preservation of selenium content in the central nervous tissue during dietary selenium
restriction [65]. On the other hand, a targeted reduction in brain selenium reduces SELENOP
bioavailability and causes spontaneous neurological deficits [66], which are reversed by selenium
supplementation [67,68]. Additionally, overexpression of TRX1 has been found to mitigate oxidative
challenges in the brain [69]. GPX1 was the first mammalian selenoprotein to be discovered [70,71]
and has been shown to protect the brain from oxidative insults. Like GPX1, GPX4 protects cortical
neurons from exogenous oxidative stress-inducing agents [72,73]. Importantly, the protein oxidation
product methionine-R-sulfoxide contributes to neurodegenerative diseases and can be repaired
by thioredoxin-dependent selenoenzyme MSRB1, which reduces methionine-R-sulfoxide back to
methionine [36]. Inactivation of MSRB1, however, does not produce neurological deficits [36]. In the
kidney, several studies have identified the expression of DIOs, thioredoxin reductases (TRs), and GPXs,
but their respective roles have not been fully elucidated. Burk et al. demonstrated that glutathione
(GSH) deprivation causes severe pathogenic nephropathy [74] while podocyte-specific ablation of the
trsp gene in diabetic mice did not enhance markers of nephropathic disease. Moreover, murine renal
expression of GPX1 has been reported not to be protective against diabetic nephropathy.
For clinically diagnosed disorders, Keshan disease (KD) is perhaps the most firmly established
selenium deficiency-based pathology. This cardiomyopathy was first described in rural areas
of China due to low selenium content in foods [75]. There is evidence in mouse models that
selenium deficiency promotes the conversion of nonvirulent coxsackievirus B3 strains into a more
virulent strain due to an increased oxidative stress [76], which suggests that this infectious agent
may be a cofactor. Selenoprotein deficiency may also promote osteochondral diseases including
Kashin-Beck disease (KBD). This disease is a poly-pathogenic, degenerative osteochondropathy leading
to chondrocyte necrosis [77] and apoptosis [78–80], which results in growth retardation and secondary
osteoarthrosis [81]. KBD is mainly endemic to Tibet, China, Siberia, and North Korea and is caused in
part by poor selenium levels in soil that usually affects children between the ages of 5 to 15 [81,82].
Nutrients 2018, 10, 1203
In 1998, Moreno-Reyes et al. established the relationship between this osteoarthropathy and selenium
deficiency in rural Tibet [82].
Nutrients 2018, 10, 1203
3. Leukocyte Functions
Adaptive immunity is affected by selenium intake including the activation and functions of T
and B cells. One immunological feature of selenium levels in vivo is the positive effect that higher
selenium has on the proliferation and differentiation of cluster of differentiation(CD)4+ T helper
(Th) cells. There are several reports of the skewing of T cell immunity toward Th1 phenotypes.
For example, our laboratory used a mouse model of viral antigen vaccination to test effects of low
(0.087 ppm), medium (0.25 ppm), and high (1.0 ppm) selenium diets and found that Th1 immunity was
enhanced along with the T cell receptor signal strength [101]. In a separate study, oral administration
of synthetic selenium nanoparticles induced a robust Th1 cytokine pattern after a hepatitis B surface
antigen vaccination in a mouse model [102]. Less information is available regarding the effects of
selenium on cytotoxic CD8+ T cells even though cytotoxic T cells from aged mice (24 months old)
showed enhanced mitogen-induced proliferation when treated with selenium supplementation [103].
Mouse knockout models have shown roles for selenoproteins in antibody production. In particular,
T cell deletion of the trsp gene responsible for the synthesis of all selenoproteins not only affected T cell
maturation and activation but reduced the T cell ‘help’ provided to B cells for secreting antibodies,
which is determined by low levels of serum immunoglobulin [98]. A small study in humans showed a
positive effect on antibody titers against the diphtheria vaccine with selenium supplementation that
correspond to increased lymphocyte counts [104]. In a more recent study involving Selenoprotein F
(SELENOF) knockout mice, elevated levels of immunoglobulins were detected in the sera that were
nonfunctional [38]. The authors of this study concluded that SELENOF functions as a gatekeeper of
immunoglobulins in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER), which supports the redox quality control of
these proteins and likely other proteins.
Innate immune cell functions have also been shown to be impacted by selenium levels.
Macrophages are affected by selenium levels in terms of their inflammatory signaling capacity
and anti-pathogen activities. Activation of macrophages through pathogen-associated molecular
patterns like lipopolysaccharide (LPS) generates an oxidative burst. Additionally, macrophage
activation involves the release of cytokine mediators and arachidonic acid-derived prostaglandins
like prostaglandin E2 (PGE2), thromboxane A2 (TXA2), and prostaglandin D2 (PGD2) as well as its
metabolite 15-Deoxy-Delta-12,14-prostaglandin J2 (15d-PGJ2). It was shown that selenium induces a
phenotypic switch in macrophage activation from a classically activated, pro-inflammatory phenotype
(M1) toward an alternatively activated, anti-inflammatory phenotype (M2) [105]. Regarding the latter
Nutrients 2018, 10, 1203
Nutrients 2018, 10, 1203
effects on the immune system were not determined [127]. However, several researchers have pointed
out that some trace nutrients that may be used as supplements to restore immunity and lung function
may also be exploited by M. tuberculosis to promote growth of the pathogen [128]. This has been
supported by data involving the growth of this bacteria under different selenium concentrations [129].
The beneficial effects of a higher selenium status have been supported for some viral infections
even though there are some studies that do not conclusively demonstrate effective improvements in
anti-viral immunity [130]. Moreover, the antioxidant properties of some selenoproteins have been
suggested to contribute to boosting anti-viral immunity [131]. However, some selenoproteins that
have not been established as antioxidant enzymes like SELENOK can also play key roles in protecting
against viruses [42]. The chronic hepatitis C virus (HCV) has been shown to influence oxidative stress
levels in humans and an association between HCV load and the selenium status has been associated
with a documented selenium status [132]. Oxidative stress can have genomic altering effects on RNA
viruses that can lead to higher virulence of certain viruses themselves and this has been shown to
involve the selenium status in the case of coxsackievirus B3 [133]. Thus, the effects of selenium on
the virus in some cases may compound the influence of this micronutrient on the immune system.
Targeting individuals with low selenium intake or the elderly with a declining selenium status with
selenium supplementation may be an effective public health initiative for increasing vaccine responses
to viruses [134]. There is evidence to support a positive effect on adaptive immune responses to
vaccination against viral pathogens. This causes polio and influenza in populations with a low baseline
selenium status [93,135].
The most compelling data available regarding the role of selenium in anti-viral immunity are
those related to HIV infection, which is a global pandemic that particularly afflicts persons with
inadequate nutrition and directly impairs immunity [136]. Selenium is one micronutrient implicated
in disease progression. Low selenium intake has been associated with HIV prevalence [137,138] and
the status of CD4+ T cell numbers has been correlated with selenium levels in HIV+ patients [139].
There is some evidence that selenium malabsorption or overutilization in Acquired immune deficiency
syndrome (AIDS) patients may affect or be affected by disease progression [140,141]. In particular,
selenium-deficient HIV+ patients tend to present with disrupted hemodynamics such as depressed
selenium plasma and erythrocyte levels, diminished glutathione peroxidase activity, and stunted
cardiac selenium bioavailability. A plasma selenium status is conventionally assessed by SELENOP
levels and GPX activity as well as selenium levels, which respond differently to changes in selenium
consumption [142]. Thus, it is difficult to directly compare studies using different selenium status
readouts [143]. Anti-retroviral therapies may also confound the selenium status [144,145]. However,
some studies have not supported this notion [146]. Additionally, selenium is often combined with other
nutrients for intervention studies, which makes assessment of its impact difficult to distinguish from
other nutritional components. Several cohort studies have illustrated an association between selenium
deficiency and progression to AIDS-related mortality [147]. Remarkably, randomized controlled trials
demonstrated that selenium supplementation minimized hospitalizations and diarrheal morbidity and
improved CD4+ T cell counts [141,148]. Similarly, an inhibitory effect of selenium on HIV in vitro due to
the radical scavenger effects of glutathione peroxidase has been reported [141]. Glutathione peroxidase
and other antioxidant selenoenzymes along with catalase have been implicated in decreasing a viral
activation impact on redox control [141,149]. Thus, the potential benefits of selenium supplementation
for HIV infection likely resides in the redox regulating selenoenzymes and resides less with the
pro-oxidant seleno-metabolites that are found to affect cancer.
Nutrients 2018, 10, 1203
status was not found to be a factor in cancer progression in a number of other studies [153–156].
From the perspective of research in humans, it has proven difficult to separate the direct effects that
selenium has on carcinogenesis from its impact on the growth of established tumors as well as its
influence on cancer immunity. One of the direct anti-cancer effects of selenium is related to the ability
of seleno-compounds to induce oxidative stress and DNA damage accumulation and, consequently,
apoptosis [15]. Other direct effects of selenium on established tumors in humans are less clear and
this is particularly true for those effects that are exerted through the immune system. For example,
there is some evidence from one human study suggesting an inhibitory effect of selenium on the
epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition (EMT) that drives metastasis [157]. This was accompanied by the
capacity of higher levels of selenium to down-regulate expression of genes involved in wound healing
and inflammation, which are both related to EMT. The idea that selenium supplementation may be
used to support the immune system during cancer treatment has been supported by some studies
including those related to childhood leukemia and neutropenia [158,159]. Intervention studies showed
positive effects of selenium on mitigating neutropenia in children suffering from leukemia/lymphomas
as well as solid tumors [160].
There is evidence that GPX4 modulates hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) in both humans and
rodent models. In humans, GPX4 expression in tumors positively correlated with patient survival and
was linked to pathways that regulate cell proliferation, motility, tissue remodeling, and immune
responses with a particular effect on M1 macrophage polarization [161]. Corroborative results
demonstrate that overexpression of GPX4 decreased the growth of human HCC cell lines using
xenotransplantation into immune-deficient non-diabetic (NOD) mice. These findings are consistent
with previous studies showing that inhibition of GPX4 expression by siRNA in HCC cells increased
the formation of Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and IL-8 cytokines [162], which are both
clinically relevant adverse prognostic factors in HCC patients [162,163]. However, since NOD mice do
not include a competent immune system, it is difficult to interpret how the immune relevant data from
the human gene arrays can be related to the rodent studies.
The polarization of tumor-associated macrophages away from tolerogenic phenotypes and toward
anti-tumor M1 macrophages suggested in the above experiments with GPX4 overexpression was also
supported in selenium nanoparticle studies [164]. However, how selenium levels affect macrophage
polarization in the tumor microenvironment in human cancers remains to be determined. As discussed
in a previous review [165], higher levels of selenium can increase NK cell activity by preventing the
non-enzymatic formation of parafibrin that surrounds tumor cells and hinders immune surveillance
and by activating the NK cell population in the tumor microenvironment. The anti-tumoral activity of
NK cells requires the expression of the activating receptor natural killer group 2 member D (NKG2D)
on NK cell surfaces [166]. The selenium metabolite known as methylselenol was found to upregulate
two NKG2D ligands on the surface of tumor cells [167]. However, it was not determined if this led
to increased NK cell killing of tumor cells. This feature is important for the detection of tumor cells
by CD8+ T cells since these cells also express NKG2D. In fact, major histocompatibility-I (MHC-I)
present tumor antigens to CD8+ T cells to activate their cytotoxic activities, which is also affected
by methylselenol in cancer cells. In particular, this selenium metabolite was shown to alter redox
metabolism in melanoma cells and lead to increased levels of MHC-I cell surface antigens [168].
This study showed that the actions of methylselenol mimic IFNγ signaling by also upregulating
members of IFNγ responsive genes. However, one must consider the detrimental effects of inducing
oxidative stress in some tissues such as the gut where this can promote tumorigenesis and tumor
progression [85].
Due to the ability to control experimental conditions, rodent models of selenium and cancer have
provided data that may be easier to interpret. However, unless specifically built into the study design,
it is difficult if not impossible to distinguish between the effects of the bioavailable selenium on the
cancer cells themselves versus the immune cells that are either trying to facilitate tumor progression or
trying to eradicate the cancer cells. The mixed results for rodent cancer studies when tumor growth
Nutrients 2018, 10, 1203
is the primary endpoint for mouse studies highlight this confounding issue. For example, in our
mouse model study of syngeneic mesothelioma tumors that utilized immune competent animals,
we expected that increasing dietary selenium would hinder tumor progression due to enhanced
anti-cancer immunity. However, the tumors progressed at an accelerated rate in mice that were fed
higher selenium diets due to the pro-reducing capacity in the tumor cells themselves [169]. Other rodent
studies focused on melanoma or breast cancer found different results with higher selenium intake
leading to lower tumor growth concurrent with immune enhancing effects [170]. When immune
responses have been analyzed, the predominant effect is an enhancement of Th1 immunity and a
reduction in regulatory T cells (Tregs) and myeloid-derived suppressor cells that suppress anti-tumor
immunity [171,172]. There are many factors to consider when analyzing the results of the rodent
cancer studies including the type of cancer, strain, and immune status of the rodents, dose and form of
selenium used, and endpoints used for analyses. The generation of new xenograft models as well as
humanized rodents will facilitate these studies when the research field moves forward.
Nutrients 2018, 10, 1203
(letters represent the amino acids aspartic acid, histidine, histidine, and cysteine in the catalytic
domain and 6 represents the 6th member of the family) to palmitoylate to the endoplasmic reticulum
(ER) calcium channel protein inositol-1,4,5-trisphosphate receptor (IP3R) [176]. SELENOK itself does
not function as an enzyme but instead binds to DHHC6 to stabilize the acylated intermediate of
this enzyme so that it is not hydrolyzed by water, which does not hydrolyze the thioester bond
between the acyl group and the cysteine residue in DHHC6 before it can transfer the acyl group
to target proteins like IP3R [177]. Other proteins involved in immune functions also depend on
SELENOK/DHHC6 for palmitoylation to carry out their activities including CD36 and Arf-GAP with
SH3 domain, ANK repeat and PH domain-containing protein 2 (ASAP2) [178,179]. Overall, SELENOK
plays an important, non-enzymatic role in regulating immunity by functioning as a cofactor for an
enzyme involved in critical post-translational modifications of proteins.
7. Conclusions
The immune system is one aspect of human health that is impacted by dietary selenium levels and
selenoprotein expression. Under conditions of selenium deficiency, innate and adaptive immune
responses are impaired. The benefits of selenium supplementation to boost immunity against
pathogens, vaccinations, or cancers have been explored and have not provided entirely clear results.
Some of the issues lie in the fact that some pathogens or tumor cells may themselves benefit from higher
levels of selenium. Manipulation of individual selenoproteins may offer a more precise approach
for enhancing the immune system or mitigating chronic inflammation. This approach will require
a comprehensive characterization of the roles for selenoproteins and an unmasking of molecular
mechanisms by which they regulate immune cell functions.
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Human Milk Oligosaccharides and Immune
System Development
Julio Plaza-Díaz 1,2,3 , Luis Fontana 1,2,3 and Angel Gil 1,2,3,4, *
1 Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology II, School of Pharmacy, University of Granada,
18071 Granada, Spain; (J.P.-D.); (L.F.)
2 Institute of Nutrition and Food Technology “José Mataix”, Biomedical Research Center,
Parque Tecnológico Ciencias de la Salud, University of Granada, Armilla, 18100 Granada, Spain
3 Instituto de Investigación Biosanitaria ibs., 18014 Granada, Spain
4 CIBEROBN, Instituto de Salud Carlos III, 28029 Madrid, Spain
* Correspondence:; Tel.: +34-9-5824-6139 or +34-9-5824-1000 (ext. 20307)
Abstract: Maternal milk contains compounds that may affect newborn immunity. Among these
are a group of oligosaccharides that are synthesized in the mammary gland from lactose;
these oligosaccharides have been termed human milk oligosaccharides (HMOs). The amount of
HMOs present in human milk is greater than the amount of protein. In fact, HMOs are the third-most
abundant solid component in maternal milk after lactose and lipids, and are thus considered to
be key components. The importance of HMOs may be explained by their inhibitory effects on the
adhesion of microorganisms to the intestinal mucosa, the growth of pathogens through the production
of bacteriocins and organic acids, and the expression of genes that are involved in inflammation.
This review begins with short descriptions of the basic structures of HMOs and the gut immune
system, continues with the beneficial effects of HMOs shown in cell and animal studies, and it ends
with the observational and randomized controlled trials carried out in humans to date, with particular
emphasis on their effect on immune system development. HMOs seem to protect breastfed infants
against microbial infections. The protective effect has been found to be exerted through cell signaling
and cell-to-cell recognition events, enrichment of the protective gut microbiota, the modulation of
microbial adhesion, and the invasion of the infant intestinal mucosa. In addition, infants fed formula
supplemented with selected HMOs exhibit a pattern of inflammatory cytokines closer to that of
exclusively breastfed infants. Unfortunately, the positive effects found in preclinical studies have
not been substantiated in the few randomized, double-blinded, multicenter, controlled trials that are
available, perhaps partly because these studies focus on aspects other than the immune response
(e.g., growth, tolerance, and stool microbiota).
1. Introduction
Breastfeeding has many beneficial effects in newborns. The relative risks of diarrhea incidence,
diarrhea mortality, pneumonia incidence, and pneumonia mortality are kept to a minimum in
exclusively breastfed infants. These protective effects, although less robust, are also observed in
partially breastfed infants when compared with milk formula-fed infants [1]. However, in addition
to protecting against infection, human milk has both short-term and long-term effects, such as
prevention and protection against allergic reactions; optimal behavioral, cognitive, and gastrointestinal
development; and, may protect against chronic diseases, such as diabetes, obesity, hypertension,
and autoimmune and cardiovascular diseases [2]. The long-term effects of human milk are related to
so-called early programming [3].
Human milk contains many bioactive compounds that may affect immunity (e.g., cytokines,
growth factors, hormones, digestive enzymes, transporters, and antimicrobial factors). The latter
category of antimicrobial factors includes glycans, among which exists a group of oligosaccharides with
different structures that are synthesized from lactose in the mammary gland. These oligosaccharides
have been termed human milk oligosaccharides (HMOs). In addition, human milk contains probiotics,
which reside in the microbiota of the breast tissue and may also have a role in neonate immunity [4,5].
Although HMOs were originally described and referred to as “gynolactose” by Lespagnol and
Polonowski in 1930 [4], they have attracted considerable attention in recent years because of their
biological roles. The HMO fraction (5–15 g/L) that is present in human milk is greater than the protein
fraction (8 g/L). In fact, HMOs are the third-most abundant solid component in maternal milk after
lactose (70 g/L) and lipids (40 g/L), and accordingly, they are considered to be key compounds [4,5].
HMOs have been described to inhibit (i) the adhesion of microorganisms to the intestinal mucosa;
(ii) the growth of pathogens through the production of bacteriocins and organic acids; and (iii) the
expression of genes involved in inflammation [4–6]. Although many studies regarding the composition
of oligosaccharides in human milk have been published, there are few publications about the roles of
these compounds in general and in immunity in particular [5,7]. The aim of this review article was to
fill this gap by surveying the in vitro and in vivo effects of HMOs, focusing mainly on immunity.
(a) Neutral (fucosylated) HMOs are neutral and contain fucose at the terminal position
(e.g., 2 -fucosyllactose (2 -FL) and lactodifucopentaose). They represent 35% to 50% of the
total HMO content.
(b) Neutral N-containing (nonfucosylated) HMOs are neutral, contain N-acetylglucosamine at the
terminal position (e.g., lacto-N-tetraose), and represent 42% to 55% of the total HMO content.
Neutral HMOs account for more than 75% of the total HMOs in human breast milk.
(c) Acid (sialylated) HMOs are acidic and contain sialic acid at the terminal position
(e.g., 2 -sialyllactose). They represent 12% to 14% of the total HMO content.
Nutrients 2018, 10, 1038
The amount and composition of HMOs vary among women. The HMO composition is determined
genetically and mirrors blood group characteristics, which depend on the expression of certain
glycosyltransferases. Four milk groups can be assigned based on the Secretor (Se) and Lewis (Le) blood
group system, which is determined by the activity of two gene loci encoding α1-2-fucosyltransferase
(FUT2, encoded by the Se gene) and α1-3/4-fucosyltransferase (FUT3, encoded by the Le gene) [6–17].
Individuals with an active Se locus are classified as “secretors”. The milk of secretor women is abundant
in 2 -FL, lacto-N-fucopentaose I (LNFP I), and other α1-2-fucosylated HMOs. In contrast, non-secretor
women lack a functional FUT2 enzyme, and their milk does not contain α1-2-fucosylated HMOs.
Individuals with an active Le locus are classified as Le-positive. They express FUT3, which transfers
Fuc with a α1-4 linkage to subterminal GlcNAc on type 1 chains. In contrast, the milk of Le-negative
women lacks these specific α1-4-fucosylated HMOs, e.g., LNFP II [9,10,14]. Therefore, breast milk can
be assigned to one of the four groups based on the expression of FUT2 and FUT3: Le-positive secretors
(Le+Se+), Le-negative secretors (Le-Se+), Le-positive nonsecretors (Le+Se-), and Le-negative nonsecretors
(Le-Se+) (Table 1) [9,10,14]:
This classification, however, is an oversimplification. FUT2 and FUT3 compete for some of the
same substrates [19–21], and the levels of enzyme expression and activity translate into different
profiles throughout the population. Even the milk of Le-negative nonsecretor women who express
neither FUT2 nor FUT3 contains fucosylated HMOs, such as 3FL or LNFP III, suggesting that other Se-
Nutrients 2018, 10, 1038
and Le-independent FUTs may be involved [14,22]. In addition, α1-2-fucosylated HMOs have been
found in the milk of nonsecretor women near the end of lactation, and Newburg et al. suggested that
FUT1 might also participate in HMO fucosylation [22]. In addition, fucosylation in preterm milk is
not as well regulated as in term milk, resulting in higher within and between mother variation in
women delivering preterm vs term. In fact, of particular clinical interest, the α1,2-linked fucosylated
oligosaccharide 2 -fucosyllactose, which is an indicator of secretor status, is not consistently present
across the lactation of several mothers that delivered preterm [23].
The amount and composition of HMOs also vary over the course of lactation. Whereas, colostrum
contains as much as 20–25 g/L of HMOs, as milk production matures, HMO concentrations decline to
5–20 g/L, which still exceeds the concentration of total milk protein [4]. The milk of mothers delivering
preterm infants has higher HMO concentrations than term milk [14], whereas preterm milk contains
lower levels of fucosylated HMOs than term milk [24], and no differences in neutral and acidic HMOs
are found between preterm and term milk [25].
Figure 2. Main lymphocyte populations of the gut-associated lymphoid tissue (GALT). Modified with
permission from [26].
Nutrients 2018, 10, 1038
The antigens that are present in the intestinal lumen are processed and transported into the
Peyer patches via the M cells, which are located among the enterocytes in the epithelium. Once in the
Peyer patches, the antigens interact with antigen-presenting cells (APCs), which are responsible for
presenting those antigens to immature B and T lymphocytes that are residing in both the germinal
centers and interfollicular regions. After their activation by antigens, the immature B and T cells
drain down the lymph nodes and migrate through the thoracic duct to the bloodstream. They may
circulate for a few days and later differentiate into mature effector cells that migrate to the lamina
propria or memory cells, which again travel to the Peyer patches [26,27]. The so-called dendritic cells
that are present in the Peyer patches and the lamina propria have been shown to form pseudopods
and interact directly with antigens that are present in the intestinal lumen, after which they process
the antigens and present them to other underlying cell lineages without the involvement of the
M cells [28,29]. Another population of effector cells consisting of IELs may interact with antigens
entering the gastrointestinal tract without following the course mentioned above. In recent years,
a new type of cells, innate lymphoid cells (ILCs), have been described along with their functions [30].
ILCs are present in the intestine and other mucosae and participate in tissue homeostasis, inflammation,
and autoimmunity, although their main function is the development of the gut barrier.
The potential beneficial effects of HMOs might be related to their capacity to interact with a
number of receptors that are located in intestinal immune cells [31].
Nutrients 2018, 10, 1038
Fucosylated HMOs have been reported to inhibit (i) the binding of several pathogens, such as
Campylobacter jejuni [46], Norwald-like virus [47], and Helicobacter pylori [48], and (ii) the heat-stable
enterotoxin of Escherichia coli [49] to intestinal cells.
The addition of HMOs was tested in T84 cell membranes to establish the inhibition of
enterotoxin-producing Escherichia coli. The administration of HMOs repressed E. coli guanylate cyclase
activity and cyclic GMP production in these cells [50]. Uropathogenic E. coli strains expressing P (Pap)
and P-like (Prs) fimbriae are responsible for infections of the urinary tract. The hemagglutination
that is mediated by these strains was inhibited by HMOs, especially by the sialylated fraction [51].
Fractions of HMOs were evaluated for their ability to inhibit the adhesion of E. coli serotype O119,
Vibrio cholerae, and Salmonella fyris in differentiated Caco-2 cells. The evaluated HMOs inhibited the
adhesion of these pathogens to epithelial cells [52]. Oligosaccharides from milk might block the action
of PA-IIL, a fucose-binding lectin of the human pathogen Pseudomonas aeruginosa, through competition
for the receptor and further binding [53]. In particular, a significant reduction in uropathogenic E. coli
internalization into HMO-pretreated epithelial cells was detected without observing any binding
to these cells [54]. HMOs from pooled human milk significantly reduced enteropathogenic E. coli
strain 2348/69 (serotype O127:H6) attachment to cultured epithelial cells [55]. Likewise, treatment
with HMOs reduced the invasion of human premature intestinal epithelial cells by C. albicans in a
dose-dependent manner [56].
Colonization and invasion require the attachment of trophozoites to the host’s mucosa.
HMOs reduce E. histolytica attachment and cytotoxicity; in fact, pooled HMOs detach E. histolytica
by more than 80%; moreover, HMOs rescue E. histolytica-induced destruction of human intestinal
epithelial HT-29 cells in a dose-dependent manner [57].
Nutrients 2018, 10, 1038
HMOs also directly modulate immune responses. HMOs may act either locally, on cells of the
mucosa-associated lymphoid tissues, or at a systemic level, as 1% of HMOs are absorbed and reach the
systemic circulation [4,72–74].
The transcriptional response of colonic epithelial cells that are treated with HMOs was investigated
in HT-29 cells. The expression of several cytokines (such as IL-1β, IL-8, colony-stimulating factor 2,
IL-17C and platelet factor 4 (PF4)), chemokines (such as CXCL1, CXCL3, CXCL2, CXCL6, CCL5, CCL20,
and CX3CL1), and cell surface receptors (interferon γ receptor 1, IFNGR1), intercellular adhesion
molecule-1 (ICAM-1), intercellular adhesion molecule-2 (ICAM-2), and IL-10 receptor a (IL10RA)
in HT-29 cells was influenced by the administration of HMOs [75]. The aforementioned cytokines,
chemokines, and cell surface receptors are implicated in the development and maturation of the
intestinal immune response [75].
Using a cellular model with intestinal epithelial cells (T84/HCT8/FHs74) and HeLa cells,
He et al. [76] investigated the effects of HMOs from colostrum in fetal human intestinal mucosa
cells. These authors identified networks controlling immune cell communication, intestinal mucosal
immune system differentiation, and homeostasis. HMOs treatment decreased cytokine protein levels,
such as IL-8, IL-6, monocyte chemoattractant protein-1/2 and IL-1β, while increasing the levels of
cytokines that are involved in tissue repair and homeostasis [76].
Gram-negative pathogenic bacteria might activate mucosal inflammation through the binding of
LPS to intestinal toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4) in epithelial intestinal cells (IECs). Under in vitro conditions,
IECs were treated with a strain of enterotoxigenic E. coli to evaluate the inhibitory effect of HMO
treatment on the secretion of IL-8. Both treatments (a mixture of HMOs and 2 -FL alone) successfully
decreased the LPS-dependent stimulation of IL-8 through the attenuation of CD14 induction.
CD14 expression mediates the LPS-TLR4 stimulation of portions of the “macrophage migration
inhibitory factors” inflammatory pathway via suppressors of cytokine signaling 2/signal transducer
and the activator of transcription (STAT) 3/NF-κB [76]. The effects of different oligosaccharide fractions
on leukocyte rolling and adhesion were determined. Two active compounds (3 -sialyl-lactose and
3 -sialyl-3-fucosyl-lactose) exhibit an inhibitory effect on leukocyte rolling and adhesion, decreasing
the incidence of inflammatory diseases due to their anti-inflammatory activities [77].
The administration of HMOs also demonstrated growth inhibition of Streptococcus agalactiae
(group B Streptococcus). This bacteriostatic activity was mediated through the action of a putative
glycosyltransferase that confers resistance to oligosaccharides [78]. The human epithelial cell lines
HEp-2 and HT-29 were infected with C. jejuni 81-176 and were treated with 2 FL to evaluate the degree
of infection and inflammatory response. Treatment with 2 -FL attenuated the majority of C. jejuni
invasion and decreased the release of IL-8 and IL-1b by 80–90% as well as decreasing the level of the
neutrophil chemoattractant macrophage inflammatory protein 2 (MIP-2) [79].
Bacterial strains are not the only pathogens that are inhibited by the action of HMOs. In addition,
some evidence suggests that HMOs act against viruses [6]. In particular, 2 -FL and 3-FL can
structurally mimic histo-blood group antigens and block the binding of norovirus, which can
cause acute gastroenteritis in humans [80]. The effects of 2 FL, 6 -sialyllactose, 3 -sialyllactose and
lacto-N-neotetraose on peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) following respiratory viral
infection were investigated in vitro. The administration of 2 -FL significantly decreased the respiratory
syncytial viral load and cytokines that are associated with disease severity (IL-6, IL-8, MIP-1α) and
inflammation (TNF-α, MCP-1) in airway epithelial cells. Lacto-N-neotetraose and 6 -sialyllactose
treatments decreased the influenza viral load in airway epithelial cells, and only 6 -sialyllactose
decreased CXCL10 and TNF-α in respiratory syncytial virus-infected PBMCs [81]. Particularly,
HMOs containing more than one unit of fucose may exhibit stronger binding capacities when compared
with single fucose HMOs [82].
Nutrients 2018, 10, 1038
Nutrients 2018, 10, 1038
cow’s milk allergy, they are not required to prevent cow’s milk allergy. Therefore, other mechanisms
must be in play [90].
HMOs have multiple immunomodulatory functions that influence child´s health [91]. Kuhn et al.
evaluated the effects of HMO from breast milk on the survival of uninfected children born to
HIV-infected mothers. Higher maternal breast milk concentrations of 2-linked fucosylated HMOs
(2 -FL and lacto-N-fucopentaose I, as well as 3FL and lacto-N-fucopentaose II/III) were significantly
associated with reduced mortality [91].
Breast milk samples were analyzed to determine the levels of 2-linked fucosyloligosaccharides
and their relationship with the incidence of moderate-to-severe diarrhea. The incidence of diarrhea was
lower in infants fed milk containing high levels of total 2-linked fucosyloligosaccharides. Campylobacter,
and calicivirus-induced diarrhea occurred less often in infants whose mother’s milk contained high
levels of 2 -FL and lacto-N-difucohexaose [92].
Nutrients 2018, 10, 1038
multicenter, double-blinded, controlled study involving 131 full-term infants enrolled between 0 and
8 days of age [95]. Infants were randomly allocated to receive either milk-based infant formula not
containing oligosaccharides (n = 42) or milk-based infant formula containing 2 -FL (0.2 g/L) and
scFOS (2 g/L) (n = 46). A group of 43 breastfed infants were also included. The intervention was
performed for 35 days. The primary outcome was the average mean rank stool consistency (MRSC)
from study day 1 to visit 3, calculated from stool records. From study day 1 to visit 3, no difference in
stool consistency was observed. At visit 3, there were no differences between groups in the average
volume of study formula intake, the number of study formula feedings per day, anthropometric data,
or percentage of feedings with spitting up or vomiting. The conclusion of this study was that the
formula containing 2 FL was well tolerated in infants as evidenced by stool consistency, formula intake,
anthropometric data and percent feedings with spitup/vomit similar to that of infants fed a formula
without oligosaccharides or breast milk [95].
The effects of feeding infant formulas supplemented with two human milk-identical oligosaccharides,
2 FL, and lacto-N-neotetraose (LNnT), on infant growth, tolerability, gut microbiota, and medication
use were investigated in a randomized, controlled, multicenter trial in Italy and Belgium [96–98].
One hundred and seventy-five healthy, full-term infants were randomly allocated after birth (between
0–14 days of age) to one of the two formula feeding groups: intact cow’s milk-based whey-predominant
infant formula with the addition of 2 -FL (1.0 g/L) and LNnT (0.5 g/L) (test group, n = 88) or intact
cow’s milk-based whey-predominant infant formula (control group, n = 87). The formulas were given
up to six months of age (exclusive formula feeding up to four months). A group of 38 exclusively
breastfed infants were enrolled at three months as a reference (breastfed group). The primary endpoint
was weight gain through four months of age. The secondary endpoints were anthropometry, stool
characteristics, stool microbiota (at 3 and 12 months of age, obtained using 16S rRNA gene sequencing
and metagenomics), stool metabolic signature (at 3 and 12 months of age, obtained using proton
NMR-based metabolic profiling,), digestive tolerance, and morbidity (reported by parents) through
12 months of age. The weight gain up to four months of age of infants fed formula supplemented with
2 -FL and LNnT was not inferior to the weight gain of infants fed unsupplemented formula. The mean
weight, length, head circumference, and BMI up to 12 months of age of infants fed formulas with or
without 2 -FL and LNnT were close to the WHO Growth Standards and did not differ between the two
groups. Digestive tolerance was similar between the two groups. Infants receiving formula containing
2 -FL and LNnT had significantly fewer parental reports of lower respiratory tract infections (19.3% vs.
34.5%; OR 0.45, 95% CI 0.21–0.95; p = 0.027), particularly bronchitis (10.2% vs. 27.6%; OR 0.30, 95% CI
0.11–0.73; p = 0.004), up to 12 months of age (42% vs. 60.9%; OR 0.47, 95% CI 0.24–0.89; p = 0.016),
and lower medication (antibiotics up to 12 months of age, antipyretics (15.9% vs. 29.9%; OR 0.44; 95%
CI 0.2–0.98; p = 0.032) up to four months of age) than infants fed formula without 2 FL and LNnT [96].
In conclusion, feeding infant formula containing two HMOs (2 FL and LNnT) during the first six
months of age are safe, well-tolerated, and supports age-appropriate growth [81]. Also, the observed
effects on reduced morbidity and medication use in infants up to 12 months of age, when feeding
formula with HMOs, suggest that 2 FL and LNnT may provide immune benefits [81].
In a second work, these authors reported the effects of 2 -FL and LNnT on the infant gut
microbiota [97]. The microbiota composition of infants that were fed formula containing 2 -FL and
LNnT was significantly different from that of infants fed nonsupplemented formula (p < 0.001) at
the genus level and closer to that of breastfed infants at three months of age. Three main bacterial
genera (Bifidobacterium, Escherichia, and Peptostreptococcaceae) showed significant differences in infants
fed formula with or without 2 ‘FL and LNnT at three months of age: greater abundance of beneficial
Bifidobacterium (p < 0.01); and, lower abundance of potentially pathogenic Escherichia (p < 0.01) as well
as of unclassified Peptostreptococcaceae (p < 0.05) were observed in infants fed formula containing 2 -FL
and LNnT as compared to infants fed nonsupplemented formula. These values were closer to the levels
that were observed in breastfed infants. The biochemical composition of the stools was explored by the
quantitative profiling of major metabolites to gain additional information on the compositional aspects.
Nutrients 2018, 10, 1038
The stool contents of some amino acids (phenylalanine, tyrosine, isoleucine), some SCFAs (propionate,
butyrate), and some organic acids (lactate) in infants fed formula with 2 -FL and LNnT tended to be
closer to those that were observed in breastfed infants than those in infants fed nonsupplemented
formula [97]. This study shows that a formula supplemented with 2 FL and LNnT shifts stool microbiota
and metabolic signatures of infants born at term closer to that of breastfed infants [97].
Finally, in a third work, the same authors found that, at three months, the microbiota composition
in the test group appeared closer to that of the breastfed group than to that of the control group
according to alpha (within group) and beta (between groups) diversity analyses of the microbiota
and the distribution of microbiota community types (A, B, and C). Supplementation with both HMOs
decreased the number of infants with formula-specific C-community (fecal community type/FCT C)
and increased those with the breastfed-specific B-community (FCT B). Cumulative antibiotic use up to
12 months was associated with the FCT distribution at three months. Infants with FCT B at 3 months
were less likely to be treated with antibiotics (OR 0.4 (95% CI, 0.17–0.93; p = 0.033)), while infants
with FCT C were more likely to be treated with antibiotics during the first 12 months (OR 3.3 (95% CI,
1.54–7.02; p = 0.0025)). The microbiota community type at three months was not associated with other
parent-reported infection-related morbidities [98]. This study confirms the microbiota results of the
previous one [97] and shows that infants with a breastfed specific microbiota community type (FCT B)
are less likely to need antibiotics.
Nutrients 2018, 10, 1038
HMO-supplemented formulas but not to generate actual evidence of the potential preventive effects of
HMOs against infectious diseases. Therefore, new RCT studies in infants with the appropriate power
should be designed to ascertain the roles of HMOs in the prevention of diarrhea, pneumonia, and other
respiratory diseases.
Author Contributions: All three authors participated in the bibliographic search, discussion and writing of
the manuscript.
Funding: This research received no external funding.
Acknowledgments: Julio Plaza-Diaz and Angel Gil are part of University of Granada, Plan Propio de Investigación
2016, Excellence actions: Units of Excellence; Unit of Excellence on Exercise and Health (UCEES).
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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Zinc and Sepsis
Wiebke Alker 1,2 and Hajo Haase 1,2, *
1 Department of Food Chemistry and Toxicology, Berlin Institute of Technology, 13355 Berlin, Germany;
2 TraceAge—DFG Research Unit on Interactions of Essential Trace Elements in Healthy and Diseased Elderly,
Potsdam-Berlin-Jena, Germany
* Correspondence:; Tel.: +49-30-314-727-01
1. Introduction
Zinc is of fundamental importance for the immune system and is involved in different pathologies.
In recent years, indications have appeared that zinc homeostasis might be an important factor
during sepsis. The following review focuses on the alterations of zinc homeostasis during sepsis
and possible physiological functions of this process. It further discusses potential risks and benefits of
zinc supplementation as well as a possible approach for using serum zinc as a biomarker for sepsis.
1.1. Sepsis
The term “sepsis” in relation to a disease has already been used by Hippocrates, but to this day it
remains a challenge to compile a definition comprising its complexity [1]. This results from the fact
that sepsis is rather a syndrome than an illness, showing a not yet fully elucidated pathobiology, and
with uniform diagnostic tests still lacking [2]. Sepsis is responsible for about 6 million deaths per year,
making it a critical illness and one of the major causes of mortality worldwide [3,4]. Its epidemiological
burden is assumed to be much higher in low- and middle-income countries and the mortality rate is
affected by the global national income [3,5].
There is an urgent need for an easily understandable definition in order to establish public
awareness, as well as for improved and uniform diagnostic guidelines for an early recognition of
sepsis [2,3]. In the past, different task forces have approached these issues [6,7]. A recent consensus
defined sepsis as a “life-threatening organ dysfunction caused by a dysregulated host-response to
infection” (Sepsis-3) [2]. To diagnose organ dysfunction in the clinical setting, Singer et al. recommend
the Sequential Organ Failure Assessment (SOFA) score. It includes parameters to evaluate the functions
of respiration, the liver, the cardiovascular system, the central nervous system, the kidneys, and
coagulation. An elevation of the total SOFA score of 2 points or more indicates organ dysfunction [2,8].
Sepsis is initiated by an infection [2]. The pathogen triggers an immune response, comprising
pro-inflammatory mechanisms to defeat the pathogen and regenerate the affected tissue, as well
as subsequent anti-inflammatory mechanisms to counteract the pro-inflammatory actions in order
to limit collateral damage in healthy tissue [9,10]. A dysregulation of this immune response, as
it appears during sepsis, leads to an over-reaction of the immune system, which can affect both
mechanisms described. Hyper-inflammation in the form of a systemic inflammatory response
syndrome (SIRS) can lead to a damage of the host’s own tissue. Immune-suppression, also known
as compensatory anti-inflammatory response syndrome (CARS), leaves the host more vulnerable
to secondary infections [2,11,12]. A wealth of literature is provided about sepsis and its symptoms,
diagnostics, and possible medical treatment approaches (e.g., [10,11,13,14]), to which the reader is
referred for more detailed information on these aspects of sepsis.
1.2. Zinc
Zinc is an essential trace element [15,16]. In the body it functions, for example, as a co-factor for a
high number of enzymes or as a structural element for a variety of proteins [17]. Zinc deficiency can
result in growth retardation, dermatitis, and hypogonadism, or symptoms such as delayed wound
healing, thymic atrophy or lymphopenia, and high incidence of infection; the latter points are due
to its particular importance for the immune system [18–20]. Consequently, zinc deficiency results
in multiple immunological changes, including what seems to be a shift toward a predominantly
innate immune response when the availability of zinc is limited [21]. One particularly important
effect of zinc is a modulation of the production of inflammatory cytokines [22]. Moreover, zinc is
crucial for the functioning of virtually all immune cells. For example, the differentiation of immature
T-cells depends on zinc, because thymulin, a hormone involved in T-cell differentiation, depends
on zinc as a co-factor [23,24]. In addition, the maturation of T-cells is influenced by their zinc
status. On the one hand a deficiency results in altered ratios of Th1- and Th2-cells, an increased
apoptosis-rate of immature T-cells, and consequently a decrease in T-cells in total [21,25–27]. On the
other hand, zinc supplementation has also been shown to promote regulatory T-cell development
and to suppress the maturation of Th17-cells, therefore having an inhibitory effect on Th17-mediated
autoimmune-diseases [28–30].
On the molecular level, some functions of zinc have been linked to its role as a second messenger
in immune cells. It has been shown that alterations in the intracellular free zinc-concentration function
as a “zinc signal”. Such a change in the intracellular free zinc concentration is induced by the binding
of various ligands to their respective receptors, such as lipopolysaccharide (LPS) to Toll-like receptor
4 (TLR-4), or the corresponding antigens to immunoglobulin E when it is present on the high-affinity
immunoglobulin E-receptor (FcεRI). Different kinds of immune cells vary in their expression of
receptors that utilize zinc; consequently zinc signals mediate diverse events, for example, formation
of pro-inflammatory cytokines by monocytes [31], presentation of major histocompatibility complex
(MHC) class II molecules at the surface of dendritic cells [32], formation of neutrophil extracellular
traps by neutrophil granulocytes [33], or proliferation of T-cells [34].
The essentiality of zinc for the immune system has been known since the 1960s and the
corresponding mechanistic knowledge has been expanding ever since. Its importance for the immune
system is based on various different mechanisms, each in its own way essential to ensure the
functionality of the immune system and the accurate processes of immune response, especially for
inflammatory processes. As a complete summary would exceed the scope of this article, the reader
is referred to recent review articles on the subject of zinc and immunity for more comprehensive
information [35,36] as well as to a recent review on the protective role of zinc during sepsis [37].
Nutrients 2018, 10, 976
Nutrients 2018, 10, 976
as to whether differences in gene expression in pediatric septic shock survivors and non-survivors
can be observed. Regarding zinc homeostasis, two isoforms of MT have been identified that showed
an increased expression in non-survivors compared to survivors. In addition, non-survivors had a
significantly lower serum zinc concentration compared to survivors. Considering the zinc-binding
properties of MT, Wong and colleagues interpret these results to indirectly imply that increased MT
expression in non survivors might affect zinc homeostasis and thereby serum zinc concentration [53].
Taken together, different approaches imply a contribution of zinc and its altered homeostasis to
the pathobiology of sepsis.
Figure 1. Possible functions of zinc in sepsis. During the APR of sepsis zinc is redistributed from serum
to liver. This process results in decreased serum zinc concentration and increased liver zinc. The altered
zinc concentrations seem to serve different functions and to be a part of the host’s defense against
pathogens. APR: acute phase reaction; IL: interleukin; TNF: tumor necrosis factor; MT: metallothionein;
APP: acute phase proteins.
Research on zinc homeostasis in the context of sepsis delivered a variety of explanations for the
beneficial effects of a redistribution of zinc. The respective studies are discussed below.
One of the main effects of the redistribution of zinc is an accumulation of zinc in the liver.
Hence, it seems as is if a higher liver zinc level might benefit the host during infection. Among other
things, the APR is not only characterized by the previously mentioned redistribution of zinc, but also
by production of acute phase proteins (APP) and the release of cytokines [56,57]. Zinc serves as an
Nutrients 2018, 10, 976
important structural element for many proteins and is required by enzymes involved in transcription
and translation. Therefore, the higher synthesis rate of APP in the liver could cause an increased
requirement for zinc during APR [56–58]. With respect to cytokine production a knockout (k.o.) of
ZIP14 in mice, a transporter important for the regulation of zinc homeostasis in hepatocytes, showed
lower mRNA expression of TNF-α, IL-6, IL-1β, and IL-10 in the liver compared to wild-type (w.t.)
mice after induction of sepsis in a murine model. Simultaneously, plasma levels of TNF-α, IL-6,
and IL-10 were significantly higher in k.o. than in w.t. mice. The results indicate a disadvantage of
the ZIP14 k.o. mice during sepsis based on increased markers of inflammation and an influence of
zinc, transported by ZIP14, on the production of cytokines during APR. However this observation is
surprising, because a decrease in mRNA expression would be expected to result in lower cytokine
levels. Possible explanations would be elevated cytokine expression elsewhere in the body, or an
impact on mechanisms mediating the expression of antagonists of the pro-inflammatory cytokines [50].
Other studies suggest that the altered zinc supply during endotoxemia has a major influence
on energy production in the liver. Injection of LPS caused an increase in hepatic zinc and MT in w.t.
mice, whereas zinc levels stayed unchanged in MT k.o. mice. At the same time the liver glucose of the
former stayed unchanged while the levels in MT k.o. mice decreased significantly. These results imply
a lack of hepatic gluconeogenesis in the MT KO mice and a role for MT, and most likely also for zinc,
in maintaining glycaemia after induction of an infection [59].
A protective role of zinc for the liver has also been suggested. Using murine models it was shown
that after injection of endotoxin, zinc-deficient nutrition resulted in enhanced lipid peroxidation in
the liver compared to the zinc adequate group [60]. Another study showed that zinc pre-treatment of
mice resulted in an increased intracellular availability of zinc in liver cells and was accompanied
by decreased accumulation of superoxide and necrotic cell death in the liver after injection of
LPS [61]. Both experimental observations support a protective role of zinc in the liver during infection.
Interestingly, after injection of endotoxin, Sakagouchi et al. saw an increase in MT only in the zinc
adequate group, but not in zinc-deficient animals, and therefore suggested a relation between zinc
concentration, endotoxin-induced MT and lipid peroxidation [60]. In contrast, Zhou et al. observed the
protective effects of zinc pre-treatment on liver cells in w.t. mice as well as MT k.o. mice, leading them
to propose an effect of zinc independent of MT [61]. These results are not necessarily contradictory,
but could imply that the protective effect of zinc on the liver could work in more than one way.
Further studies on this topic would be useful, since organ dysfunction is one of the hallmarks of
sepsis and a better understanding of its mechanisms is the basis of a possible prevention. In summary,
studies show multiple and diverse functions of zinc in the liver during the onset of sepsis, suggesting
a physiological basis for the accumulation of zinc.
The redistribution of zinc and accumulation in the liver is accompanied by a decrease in serum
zinc concentration. With regard to the host’s defense against pathogens, this effect might have some
benefits as well. One protective mechanism of the host is referred to as nutritional immunity. Pathogens,
just like all living organisms, require transition metals for their survival. The host’s strategy is to restrict
the pathogens’ access to essential transition metals, for example by lowering their concentrations in
the serum or secretion of metal ion binding proteins. This process is not limited to zinc but has been
described for other micronutrients, such as iron or manganese [62].
A decrease in the serum zinc concentration has also been shown to influence the respective
number and maturation of immune cells. Therefore, the alteration of serum zinc during the APR might
function as a signal. Using a murine model of zinc deficiency, a downregulation of lymphopoiesis
and upregulation of myelopoiesis was found [19,21,27,63]. In line with this observation, a decrease
of intracellular zinc occurred as a result of homeostatic changes during monocytic differentiation of
HL60 cells. Moreover, experiments simulating zinc deficiency showed that lower zinc levels promoted
the development of HL-60 cells along the myeloid lineage into functionally mature macrophages [64].
The immune cells that benefit from a decline of serum zinc are part of the innate immune system.
They represent the first line of host defense and provide a faster response than the cells of the adaptive
Nutrients 2018, 10, 976
immune system. Fraker and King proposed the hypothesis of a “reprogramming of the immune
system” during zinc deficiency in the form of a shift from adaptive immunity to predominantly innate
immunity [65]. Here, limited resources would be directed toward an immediate defense on the expense
of long-term protection. In the context of sepsis, the reduction of serum zinc as a promoting signal for
the innate immune system might be an attempt to focus the defense mechanisms toward a fast innate
immune reaction in the face of a potentially overwhelming infection.
The various aspects by which zinc homeostasis seems to be involved in the body’s defense
against pathogens suggest that the redistribution of zinc in the course of sepsis could serve multiple
physiological purposes. However, further research will be required to evaluate the physiological
significance of the different processes, thereby widening our understanding of the zinc-dependent
endogenous defense mechanisms. This knowledge is required to develop medical approaches in order
to support the host’s body and its defense during sepsis.
3. Zinc Supplementation
The correlation between low serum zinc concentrations and a higher mortality rate or chance of
recurrence raises the question, if supplementation of zinc might be a treatment option to improve the
outcomes of sepsis. Table 1 gives an overview of zinc supplementation studies in the context of sepsis in
humans. In these studies zinc supplementation took place after the onset of sepsis. Some of them show
a beneficial effect of zinc in form of a lower mortality rate and a better neurological development of
neonates [78–80]. However, it was also observed that supplementation did not result in any significant
differences between the zinc group and the control group [81] or even showed a harmful effect [82].
Nutrients 2018, 10, 976
The published animal studies mostly examined the effects of prophylactic zinc supplementation
(Table 2). In several of them the supplementation of zinc prior to induction of sepsis showed beneficial
effects, such as improved survival, lower serum concentrations of pro-inflammatory cytokines, lower
bacterial burden or improved pulmonary function compared to the control-group [50,83–85]. However,
for the animal studies the results are also not consistent and a missing effect of zinc supplementation is
reported [86] as well as a harmful outcome in a case where zinc was applied during the acute phase [87].
The negative results of zinc supplementation may be explained by the fact that the reduction of zinc
levels during sepsis may occur for a reason, such as the above-mentioned physiological functions.
High doses of zinc were shown to have a pro-inflammatory effect [88] and might therefore aggravate
inflammation, or zinc supplementation could potentially interfere with nutritional immunity, one of
the endogenous defense mechanisms based on a shortage of zinc in the serum [62].
Another important factor is the bioavailability of serum zinc. Albumin is the major zinc-buffering
protein [89] as well as a negative APP [56,90]. Its concentration decreases during sepsis, leading to a
decreased zinc-binding capacity of the serum [42]. As a consequence, supplementing sepsis patients
until the “normal” total serum zinc concentration is restored would result in a supraphysiological
concentration of free, and thereby bioavailable, zinc in these patients.
Correcting zinc deficiency prior to sepsis is certainly beneficial, but difficult to realize, as in
most cases sepsis cannot be predicted. Moderate supplementation during sepsis might, in some
cases, turn out to be helpful, as well. This may be particularly so in patients with pre-existing zinc
deficiency that is so pronounced that the liver cannot accumulate sufficient amounts to exert the
abovementioned protective effects of zinc. However, as the reduction of serum zinc seems to be a
necessary physiological process, in these cases extreme care needs to be taken in order not to exceed
the zinc-binding capacity of the serum to avoid negative effects, such as counteracting nutritional
immunity or aggravating inflammation.
The endogenous processes, which are supposed to be affected by the supplementation of zinc,
are quite complex and fine-tuned. As illustrated by the divergence of the study results, effective zinc
supplementation has to be just as elaborate with regard to timing as well as dosage in order to achieve
optimal results.
Table 1. Zinc supplementation studies in septic patients.
Observation Time
Study Population Intervention/Zn-Supply Results (Zinc Group vs. Control Group) Reference
Zinc group *:
Antibiotic treatment, dose of
Nutrients 2018, 10, 976
tests BW Zn2+ per day) abnormalities is 70% less) at one month of age
Control group: • Similar duration of hospitalization
Antibiotic treatment
Zinc group *:
Antibiotic treatment, dose of • Significant increase in serum zinc
3 mg/kg BW zinc sulfate concentrations
Neonates with clinical
monohydrate twice a day for Measurement of blood • Significantly lower mortality rate (6.6%
manifestations of sepsis
10 days samples from BL and compared to 17.3%) [80]
who exhibited two
(corresponding to 2.1 mg/kg after 10 days • Better neurodevelopment (significantly better
positive screening tests
BW Zn2+ per day) Mental Development Quotient) at 12 month of
Control group: age
Antibiotic treatment
Table 1. Cont.
Observation Time
Study Population Intervention/Zn-Supply Results (Zinc Group vs. Control Group) Reference
Zinc group *:
Antibiotic treatment, dose of
Nutrients 2018, 10, 976
on day 3 [82]
or catheter sepsis Zn2+ per day) temperatures from
• No difference in serum IL-6 and ceruloplasmin
Control group: patients’ bedside charts
Total parental nutrition, 0 mg from day 1, 2, 3
zinc sulfate for 3 days
* In all studies, zinc supplementation was started after the onset of sepsis.
Table 2. Zinc supplementation studies in animal models of sepsis. LPS: lipopolysaccharide.
Animals Sepsis Model Intervention/Zn-Supply Results (Zinc Group vs. Control Group) Reference
Zinc group:
Injection of 10 mg/kg BW zinc
• Significantly improved survival following sepsis at 72
gluconate every 24 h for
Nutrients 2018, 10, 976
h after induction
3 days prior to induction of
Intraperitoneal (i. p.) • Significantly lower myeloperoxidase activity in lung
sepsis, injection continued
fecal slurry injection; tissue (at 24 h)
every 24 h after induction of
Male mice sacrifice of mice at 24 h • Significantly lower bacterial burden in blood and
peritonitis [84]
(C57BL/6) to conduct assays or spleen (at 24 h)
(corresponding to 1.4 mg/kg
observed 72 h for • Significantly lower serum keratinocyte
BW Zn2+ per day)
survival study chemoattractant concentration (at 24 h)
Control group:
• No significant difference between serum concentration
Injection of equal volume of
of IL6, IL-1β, IL-10
saline at the same time points
as for the zinc group
• Significantly lower IL-6 mRNA expression in
Zinc group: • Significantly lower TNF-α mRNA expression in
High-zinc diet (180 mg/kg) hepatic leukocytes
for 7 days prior to induction • Significantly lower S100A9 mRNA expression in white
Cecal ligation and
Male and female mice of sepsis blood cells
puncture; sacrifice of [50]
(C57BL/6) Control group: • Significantly lower serum concentrations of TNF-α,
mice at 24 h
Zinc-adequate diet (30 mg/kg) S100A8 and S100A9
for 7 days prior to induction • Significantly lower serum concentration of plasma
of sepsis alanine aminotransferase
• Significantly lower bacterial burden in blood
and spleen
Zinc group:
Injection of 10 mg/kg BW zinc • Significantly improved survival of following sepsis at
I. p. cecal-slurry gluconate once a day for 72 h after induction
injection and 3 days prior to induction of • Significantly lower myeloperoxidase activity in lung
Male and female juvenile measurement of blood sepsis tissue (at 12 h)
mice samples at 6 h and 12 h; (corresponding to 1.4 mg/kg • Significantly lower bacterial burden in peritoneal fluid [83]
(C57BL/6) mice were sacrificed at 6 BW Zn2+ per day) (at 12 h)
h or 12 h or observed for Control group: • Significantly lower serum concentrations of IL-2 (at 6
72 h for survival study Injection of equal volume of h, 12 h), IL-6 (at 6 h, 12 h), IL-1β (at 6 h), and
saline for 3 days prior to keratinocyte-derived chemokines (at 12 h)
induction of sepsis
Table 2. Cont.
Animals Sepsis Model Intervention/Zn-Supply Results (Zinc Group vs. Control Group) Reference
Zinc group:
Intravenous infusion of • Increased arterial and venous oxygen pressure
Infusion of 25 mg/kg BW
LPS and measurement of (reaching significance at 45 min or 210 min)
Nutrients 2018, 10, 976
(Deutsche Landrasse) infusion of LPS; pigs
BW Zn2+ per day) • Increase in mean hemoglobin (reaching significance at
were sacrificed at 60 min
Control group: 30 min)
and organs removed for
Infusion of saline 2 h prior to • Increase in IL-6 and TNF-α plasma concentrations
infusion of LPS (reaching significance at 0 min or 45 min)
• Significant higher weights of lungs, width of alveolar
septae and rate of paracentral liver necrosis
Zinc group:
Intravenous infusion of Infusion of LPS at 0 h, 5 h and
LPS and measurement of 12 h, infusion of 25 mg/kg BW
• Trend to higher arterial and venous oxygen pressure
parameters for a zinc-bis-(DL-hydrogenaspartate)
• Trend to higher arterial and venous oxygen saturation
duration of 1020 min, (corresponding to 5 mg/kg
Female farm pigs • No significant differences in intrapulmonary shunt
with infusion of zinc BW Zn2+ per day) [86]
(Deutsche Landrasse) • No significant differences in EVLW
from 600 to 720 min; pigs at 10 h during sepsis
• Different courses in IL-6 and TNF-α plasma
were sacrificed at the end Control group:
concentrations, at the end almost similar levels
of the study period and a Infusion of LPS at 0 h, 5 h and
necropsy carried out 12 h, infusion of saline at 10 h
during sepsis
Nutrients 2018, 10, 976
Nutrients 2018, 10, 976
5. Conclusions
Zinc is an essential trace element and has been shown to be crucial for ensuring an adequate
immune response. In the context of sepsis the host’s zinc homeostasis is altered. Various study results
imply some of the alterations to be part of the host’s defense mechanism against pathogens (Figure 1).
There are indications that a patient’s zinc supply and serum zinc concentration is associated with
severity, outcome, and recurrence of sepsis. Zinc seems to have potential to be used as a biomarker
or even as a starting point for a therapeutic approach. Further research is required to broaden the
understanding of zinc homeostasis during sepsis and the underlying mechanisms as well as to evaluate
the possible clinical applicability of this knowledge.
Funding: This work was funded by a grant from Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (HA 4318/4-1) within
the TraceAge—DFG Research Unit on Interactions of essential trace elements in healthy and diseased elderly,
Potsdam-Berlin-Jena, FOR 2558/1.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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Immunomodulatory Protein Hydrolysates and
Their Application
Mensiena B. G. Kiewiet *, Marijke M. Faas and Paul de Vos
Immunoendocrinology, Division of Medical Biology, Department of Pathology and Medical Biology,
University Medical Center Groningen, University of Groningen, Hanzeplein 1, 9700 RB Groningen,
The Netherlands; (M.M.F.); (P.d.V.)
* Correspondence:; Tel.: +31-50-361-0109
1. Introduction
Protein hydrolysates are commonly used as an alternative protein source in commercial products.
They consist of a mixture of different proteins and peptides which is formed by the hydrolysis
of intact proteins. During this process, peptide bonds of intact proteins are broken (Figure 1A),
which results in the formation of a range of peptides of different sizes. Depending on their properties,
protein hydrolysates are applied in different products. Mildly hydrolyzed proteins are, for example,
used in clinical and sport nutrition to support digestibility, while extensively hydrolyzed proteins are
used in infant formulas as a hypo-allergenic alternative for intact cow’s milk proteins (Figure 1B).
Furthermore, protein hydrolysates are recognized as a potent source of bioactive peptides.
Different peptides with, for example, anti-thrombotic, anti-hypertensive, anti-microbial, anti-cancer,
anti-oxidative, and many immunomodulatory effects have been identified [1]. Consuming protein
hydrolysates containing these peptides might be helpful in the management of many western
diseases [2,3]. Since many of these diseases are immune-related, immunomodulatory products have
gained special attention from both academical and industrial researchers for the management and
amelioration of, for example, inflammatory bowel diseases, allergies, and diabetes [4,5].
Figure 1. The process of protein hydrolysis and its products. (A) chemical reaction of protein hydrolysis;
(B) different hydrolysates serve different purposes.
Nutrients 2018, 10, 904
protein hydrolysates from the same protein source also have remarkably different immunomodulating
properties. Phagocytosis modulation was source dependent as well. Most protein hydrolysates were
found to increase macrophage phagocytosis capacity in vitro, for example, soy, egg, wheat, and casein
hydrolysates had such an effect [9,12,16,17]. However, a rice protein hydrolysate was found to inhibit
the phagocytic activity of RAW264.7 macrophages [18].
These early in vitro experiments investigating the immune effects of protein hydrolysates have
led to many more in vitro and in vivo studies on the effects of protein hydrolysates on immunity.
In the sections below, these in vivo studies are reviewed (an overview of the studies is given in Table 1).
In this part, a distinction was made between local intestinal immune effects and systemic effects.
All effects discussed below are also visualized in Figure 2. To start with, protein hydrolysates have an
effect on the epithelial cells aligning the gut and by that induce crosstalk between the epithelial cells
and immune cells [5].
Figure 2. Overview of immune effects induced by protein hydrolysates on the (A) intestinal epithelial
cells; (B) intestinal immune cells; (C) mesenteric lymph nodes; (D) systemic immune system.
Table 1. Overview of hydrolysates and their immune effects.
Increase of the IL-6 secretion by small intestinal epithelial
Egg yolk digests Pepsin cells, increase in IgA+ cells, orchestrating the Th1/Th2 mouse [24]
Increase of secretory immunoglobulin A in the gut.
Pepsin hydrolysate increased the splenic NK cell
cytotoxicity, macrophage phagocytosis and level of serum
Common carp egg hydrolysate Pepsin, alcalase immunoglobulin A (IgA). S-IgA in the gut was significantly mouse [25]
enhanced by pepsin and alcalase hydrolysates. Trypsin
hydrolysate increased the percentages of CD4+ and CD8+
cells in the spleen.
Increased number of IgA+ cells in the small intestine lamina
Yellow field pea hydrolysate Thermolysin propria, accompanied by an increase in the number of IL-4+ , mouse [26]
IL-10+ , and IFNγ + cells.
Enhanced phagocytic activity of peritoneal macrophages,
increased number of IgA+ cells, and increased IL-4, IL-6,
Fermented pacific whiting protein Yeast mouse [27]
IL-10, IFNγ, and TNFα levels in the small intestine lamina
Shark protein hydrolysate PeptibalTM Trypsin and Increase of small intestinal immunoglobulin A-producing
mouse [28]
(innoVactiv Inc) chymotrypsin cells and intestinal IL-6, TNFα, TGFβ, and IL-10
Table 1. Cont.
in MLN.
Decrease of inflammatory injury, as assessed by lower
extension of necrosis and damage score, myeloperoxidase, Rat (TNBS induced
bovine glycomacropeptide NA [33]
alkaline phosphatase, inducible nitric oxide synthase, IL- 1β, colitis)
TNFα, and IL-17.
Attenuated DSS-induced clinical symptoms, including
weight loss, mucosal and submucosal inflammation, crypt
distortion, and colon muscle thickening, and decreased
Pig (DSS induced
Egg white hydrolysate Aminopeptidase intestinal permeability and increased mucin gene [34]
expression, reduced intestinal expression of
pro-inflammatory cytokines TNFα, IL-6, IL-1β, IFNγ, IL-8,
and IL-17.
Increased number of IL-12+ CD11b+ in spleens, increased
Rhizopus oryzae neutral
Soybean protein hydrolysate cytotoxic activity of spleen cells, increased Igh-4, Aqp8, Mouse [35]
protease preparation
Dmbt1, Slpi, and Mx1 in Peyer’s patch cells.
Increased Breg and Treg in the spleen, increased IgA+ B-cells
Partially hydrolyzed whey protein NA in the MLN, increased Th1, activated Treg and activated Mouse [36]
Th17 cells in the Peyer’s patches
Table 1. Cont.
the MLN.
Reduced acute allergic skin response and mast cell
Partial whey hydrolysate NA degranulation after whey challenge, increased Foxp3+ Mouse [38]
regulatory T-cell numbers in the MLN.
oyster peptide-based enteral Bromelain, pepsin, Enhanced spleen lymphocyte proliferation and of NK
Mouse [39]
nutrition formula trypsin cell activity
Casein hydrolysate Trypsin Phagocytosing capacity of phagocytic cells was increased Mouse [17]
Improved the level of hemolysin in serum, and enhanced
phagocytosis of macrophages. In ovalbumin-sensitized
mice, the milk protein hydrolysates reduced IgE levels,
Milk protein hydrolysate ICR mouse [40]
reduced IL-4 in serum, reduced the release of histamine and
bicarbonate in peritoneal mast cells, and enhanced TGFβ
Enhanced lymphocyte proliferation capacity increased
number of plaque-forming cells, increased NK cell activity,
Chum salmon oligopeptide preparation Complex protease increased percentage of CD4+ T helper (Th) cells in spleen ICR mouse [41]
and secretion of Th1 (IL-2, IFNγ) and Th2 (IL-5, IL-6) type
cell cytokines.
Increased weight of the spleen and thymus and enhanced
Tuna cooking drip hydrolysate Enzyme A and B the proliferation of splenocytes. Increased production of Mouse [42]
IL-10 and IL-2. Increased serum IgG1 and IgG2a levels.
Soy protein hydrolysate Pepsin Increased serum IgA and IgG levels Rat [7]
Theroase, bioprase, Total lymphocyte and granulocyte numbers were altered,
Soy protein hydrolysate Human [43]
Sumizyme FP and the numbers of CD11b+ cells and CD56+ cells increased.
Wheat gluten hydrolysate NA NK cell activity increased significantly Human [44]
Fish protein hydrolysate (Amizate) NA No effects observed Human [45]
Nutrients 2018, 10, 904
Nutrients 2018, 10, 904
Anti-inflammatory properties are another often observed feature of protein hydrolysates. This is a
characteristic mainly attributed to the hydrolysates of bovine milk. To study these effects, experimental
models with colitis and ileitis have been used. In all cases, oral pretreatment of the animals with casein
hydrolysate or a casein glycomacropeptide reduced damage to the intestine, leading to a decrease in
weight loss [30–33]. They also observed a decrease in the pro-inflammatory cytokines IL-1β, IL-17,
TNFα, and IFNγ, while in one study, an increase of the regulatory cytokine IL-10 was observed [31].
Similar outcomes were observed when egg white peptides were administered to pigs with dextran
sodium sulphate (DSS) induced colitis [34].
The effects of protein hydrolysates in the Peyer’s patches (PP), which are part of the gut-associated
lymphoid tissue, have been studied to a lesser extent but are essential as this tissue is the central
immune sampling and signaling site in the gut. Egusa et al. studied the effects of a specific soybean
protein digest in the PP [35]. After five weeks of feeding mice a soybean hydrolysate enriched diet,
the genome wide gene expression of PP derived cells was examined. They found that several genes
related to innate immunity and host defense were upregulated. They observed the upregulation of
Igh-4 and Aqp8, which enhance phagocytosis, and of Dmbt1, Slpi, and Mx1, which are anti-bacterial
and anti-viral components [52–54]. When looking at adaptive responses in the PP, we found in our
own study that sensitization with a partially hydrolyzed whey protein prevented the increase of Th1,
Th17, and regulatory T cells (Treg) in the PP after a challenge with intact whey [36].
Nutrients 2018, 10, 904
Similar to results after direct in vitro stimulation of splenocytes, oral administration of protein
hydrolysate derived from oyster, tuna cooking drip, salmon, and multiple common carp egg
hydrolysates increased ex vivo splenocyte proliferation [25,39,41,42]. Some of these studies looked
into the cell types present in the spleens of these animals in more detail. Alcalase common carp egg
hydrolysate was found to increase CD4+ and CD8+ cells in the spleen [25], while salmon hydrolysate
only increased CD4+ [41]. These cells were expected to be both Th1 and Th2 cells, since both Th1 (IL-2,
IFNγ) and Th2 (IL-4, IL-5) cytokines were detected in the blood of these animals. These effects might
differ between protein hydrolysates, since a tuna cooking drip hydrolysate was found to increase IL-2
and IL-10 [42], and sensitization with a partial whey hydrolysate increased Treg in the spleen [36].
Together with an increase in Treg, an increase in regulatory B cells (Breg) was observed in the
spleen after whey hydrolysate administration [36]. Breg are increasingly recognized to be important in
regulatory immune responses and induce the differentiation of T cells into Treg [59]. Another study
also found an increase in IL-10 producing Breg when inducing oral tolerance using intact casein in
casein-allergic mice [60]. Here, casein might be digested in the intestine of the mice, after which the
newly formed bioactive peptide(s) derived from casein increased Breg. An adoptive transfer of these
Breg could even prevent the onset of allergy in recipients [60], demonstrating the importance of this
cell type in tolerance induction.
Other evidence that hydrolysate consumption affects B cell responses is the observation of
increased antibody levels observed in the blood. A soy protein hydrolysate was found to induce IgG
and IgA in the blood of rats [7], while the common carp egg hydrolysate increased IgA in mice [25].
Therefore, it is likely that protein hydrolysates not only affect B cell differentiation, but also induce
class-switching and antibody production.
Only a few studies investigated the effects of protein hydrolysates on immune parameters in the
blood of humans. The effect of a single dose of soybean hydrolysate was studied in a small group of
volunteers, and it was found to change leukocyte numbers and increase granulocytes. More specifically,
it significantly increased CD11b+ (macrophages and/or dendritic cells) and CD56+ cells (NK cells)
in blood [43]. When nine subjects were fed a wheat hydrolysate for six days, an increase in NK
cell activity was observed [44]. A larger group of undernourished Indian children was given a fish
hydrolysate for 120 days. After this period, the CD4/CD8 ratio and antibody levels were measured,
but no significant differences were detected [45]. These studies show that protein hydrolysates
have immunomodulatory effects in humans, which are similar to some of the previously mentioned
in vitro and in vivo effects, although the protein hydrolysates used are different. However, in these
studies, only a few immunological parameters were measured, and/or only included a small group of
volunteers, which makes it difficult to draw firm conclusions. Well-designed, extensive human studies
are lacking at the moment, but are needed to better understand the effects of protein hydrolysates
in humans.
Nutrients 2018, 10, 904
peptides in the hydrolysate based on their physicochemical properties, mainly size, hydrophobicity,
or a combination thereof. Techniques which are often used to characterize peptide composition are,
for example sodium, dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE), size exclusion
chromatography, and High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) [63]. All these techniques
are used to obtain a molecular weight distribution, which gives an overall indication of the hydrolysate
composition based on size. One can focus on a specific fraction of the protein hydrolysates by choosing
the most appropriate technique and optimizing the settings used.
HPLC, especially Reverse Phase-HPLC, has, for a long time, been found to be useful in separating
peptides from protein hydrolysates based on their size and hydrophobicity [64]. When this method
is coupled to a mass spectrometer (MS), it is also possible to determine the amino acid sequence of
the detected peptides [65]. In this way, a very detailed characterization of the hydrolysate can be
obtained, which can be used to identify structure-effector relationships between, for example, immune
effects and specific peptides in a hydrolysate. However, protein hydrolysates consist of thousands of
different peptides, which will all be detected by HPLC-MS when a complete hydrolysate is analyzed.
Therefore, studies aiming for the identification of bioactive peptides often compare the bioactivity
of size-based fractions of the hydrolysate first [66,67], after which the bioactive fraction alone can be
further analyzed using HPLC-MS. Ultimately, the peptides present in the bioactive fraction should be
tested individually for bioactivity in order to obtain the peptide responsible for the observed effect [65].
Using this and similar methods has led to the discovery of a range of bioactive peptides from
protein mixtures, as reviewed by Sanchez et al., and Lafarga et al., [1,68]. However, most of the identified
bioactive peptides possess anti-hypertensive, anti-microbial, or anti-oxidative effects, but peptides with
immunomodulatory properties have not widely been identified yet. Comparing the characteristics of the
immunomodulatory peptides that have been identified generated new knowledge about which peptide
properties are associated with immune effects. It is known that immunomodulatory peptides are mostly
two to 20 amino acids long and hydrophobic [61]. Chalamaiah et al., concluded by listing known
peptides with immunomodulatory effects that glycine (Gly), valine (Val), leucine (Leu), proline (Pro),
phenylalanine (Phe), negatively charged amino acid glutamic acid (Glu), and aromatic amino acid
tyrosine (Tyr) were most frequently present in peptides with immune effects [69].
Recently, we also found that larger fractions in whey and soy protein hydrolysates can have
immunomodulatory effects. These fractions have a size of over 1000 kDa and were composed of
aggregates which are formed during the hydrolysis process [66]. In this process, the proteins are
heated, which is a known cause of protein denaturation and aggregation [70]. By performing PAGE
under different conditions, it was found that these aggregates were formed due to electrostatic forces
and disulfide bridges between single proteins and induce responses in human dendritic cells. The fact
that these aggregates were found in both a whey and soy hydrolysate suggests that aggregate formation
is not protein source specific and might be present in a wide range of different protein hydrolysates.
Nutrients 2018, 10, 904
Figure 3. Overview of mechanisms described in the literature via which peptides can exert
immunomodulatory effects in the cell. Peptides can (A) directly stimulate receptors; (B) be taken
up in the cell via a peptide transporter and interfere with inflammatory signaling pathways; or (C) be
taken up into the cell via endocytosis and inhibit inflammatory signaling pathways.
9. Receptor Binding
One of the most studied receptor types in immune signaling is Toll-like receptors (TLRs). This is a
family of pathogen recognition receptors. They are not only expressed by most immune cells [71,72],
but also by epithelial cells [73]. Multiple protein hydrolysates were found to affect TLRs, but the
effects were very hydrolysate dependent. By studying a range of cow’s milk hydrolysates in a TLR
reporter cell platform, we previously found that especially mildly hydrolyzed whey hydrolysates were
able to activate multiple TLRs, including TLR2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, and 9 [74]. This activation does lead to
the production of TNFα, IL-10, and IL-8 in human peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs).
The protein source of the hydrolysates was crucial for its final effects, as it was observed that
casein hydrolysates only inhibited TLR activation. Which TLRs were inhibited also differed per
hydrolysate, but TLR5 and 9 were the most profoundly inhibited. Other studies focused mainly on
TLR2 and 4. Tobita et al., described that a casein phosphopeptide was able to induce proliferation
and IL-6 production in CD19+ cells from mice after stimulation in vitro. This effect was gone after the
administration of an anti-TLR4 antibody, suggesting that the effects were induced via TLR4 [75].
A primary culture of murine intestinal epithelial cells was also thought to secrete IL-6 via the
stimulation of both TLR2 and TLR4 when the mice were fed with yellow pea hydrolysate [26] and shark
protein hydrolysate [28]. A pressurized whey hydrolysate was able to suppress lipopolysaccharide
(LPS) induced IL-8 production in respiratory epithelial cell lines, likely via binding to TLR4 [76].
There is evidence that other transmembrane receptors are also involved in immune effects by
protein hydrolysates. Tsuruki et al., described that a peptide derived from the soybean β-conglycinin
A’ subunit, which stimulated phagocytosis in human neutrophils, showed a low affinity for the
N-formyl-methionyl-leucyl-phenylalanine (fMLP) receptor [77]. The phagocytosis stimulating effect
Nutrients 2018, 10, 904
disappeared when this receptor was blocked. The authors discuss that its low affinity for the fMLP
receptor allows it to stimulate the immune response in a safe way, without causing inflammation.
Peptides derived from many different food protein sources are known to bind opioid receptors [78].
Although endogenous opioid peptides have a main function as neurotransmitters, they are also known to
modulate innate and acquired immune responses [79]. Opioid receptor signaling can, for example, skew T
cell differentiation, increase antibody production in B cells, and affect phagocytosis in macrophages [80–82].
These effects have also been described in immune cells after hydrolysate administration. Therefore,
it cannot be excluded that protein hydrolysates also modulate the immune system via opioid receptors.
11. Endocytosis
Once immunomodulatory peptides are taken up in epithelial or immune cells, they can exert their
effects by interfering with signaling pathways. However, not all peptides and protein can be internalized
via the PepT1 transporter, since this transporter is specific for di- and tripeptides. Larger food derived
peptides, which are too large for the PepT1 transporter, can also be taken up into the cell by fluid phase
endocytosis (Figure 3C), which is a non-specific form of vesicle mediated internalization. In this type of
endocytosis, hydrophobic interactions between the peptide and the cell membrane are involved in the
internalization of the peptide [89]. Differences in physicochemical properties of peptides, including size,
hydrophobicity, and charge determine the kinetics of uptake of individual peptides.
The involvement of this type of peptide uptake in immunomodulation by peptides was confirmed
by Regazzo et al., [90]. They showed that a relatively large, hydrophobic casein peptide which
showed multiple stimulating effects in immune cells, could be taken up in a layer of Caco2 cells via
endocytosis. They did not see a difference in casein peptide uptake when they used an inhibitor for
Nutrients 2018, 10, 904
the PepT1 transporter or cytochalasin D to open the tight junctions (and increase the paracellular
route), but found a significant inhibitory effect on peptide uptake after treatment with wortmannin,
which inhibits endocytosis [90]. When the peptide is translocated over the epithelial cells via this
mechanism, it may affect immune cell functioning in the lamina propria or in the blood.
A study investigating the well-characterized soy peptide lunasin showed that endocytosis is
also used by immune cells to take up immunomodulatory peptides [91]. Lunasin is a 43-amino
acid peptide which was shown to interact with the αVβ3 integrin, which led to inhibiting αVβ3
integrin-mediated pro-inflammatory markers and to downregulation of the Akt-mediated NF-κB
pathway. By using different inhibitors, it was found that lunasin was mainly taken up by endocytic
mechanisms that involve integrin signaling, clathrin-coated structures, and macropinosomes [91].
Interestingly, this lunasin uptake was increased under inflammatory conditions.
Nutrients 2018, 10, 904
Figure 4. Summary of the application possibilities of protein hydrolysates. These hydrolysates are
currently being used in sport nutrition, clinical nutrition, and infant formula, mainly because of their
good digestibility and hypoallergenicity. Recent research indicates that specific protein hydrolysates
could optimize the current products in multiple ways. Also, there is evidence that new protein
hydrolysate products could be beneficial for specific target groups.
Figure 5. Overview of T helper cell subsets and their interactions and their relation to specific diseases.
Nutrients 2018, 10, 904
Nutrients 2018, 10, 904
due to stress are increased pro-inflammatory cytokines, more Th2-related cytokines, and changes in
leukocyte number and distribution [123–126]. As described above, specific protein hydrolysates are able
to counteract these effects. Therefore, functional food containing protein hydrolysates may contribute to
healthy immunity in people experiencing significant stress levels.
15. Conclusions
A wide range of protein hydrolysates have immunomodulatory capacities. However, before
protein hydrolysates can serve as functional foods, physicochemical approaches to identify the protein
sequence(s) are needed to be able to design effective protein hydrolysates. Also, specific target groups
have to be identified. In this way, specific protein hydrolysates can be designed to ameliorate, delay,
or prevent the onset of a wide variety of Western immune-related conditions.
Author Contributions: Writing-Original Draft Preparation, M.B.G.K.; Writing-Review & Editing, M.M.F.
and P.d.V.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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Obesity, Inflammation, Toll-Like Receptor 4 and
Fatty Acids
Marcelo Macedo Rogero 1,2, * and Philip C. Calder 3,4
1 Nutritional Genomics and Inflammation Laboratory, Department of Nutrition, School of Public Health,
University of São Paulo, 01246-904 São Paulo, Brazil
2 Food Research Center (FoRC), CEPID-FAPESP, Research Innovation and Dissemination Centers São Paulo
Research Foundation, São Paulo 05468-140, Brazil
3 Human Development and Health Academic Unit, Faculty of Medicine, University of Southampton,
Southampton SO16 6YD, UK;
4 National Institute for Health Research Southampton Biomedical Research Centre, University Hospital
Southampton National Health Service Foundation Trust and University of Southampton, Southampton
SO16 6YD, UK
* Correspondence:; Tel.: +55-11-3061-7850
Abstract: Obesity leads to an inflammatory condition that is directly involved in the etiology of
cardiovascular diseases, type 2 diabetes mellitus, and certain types of cancer. The classic inflammatory
response is an acute reaction to infections or to tissue injuries, and it tends to move towards
resolution and homeostasis. However, the inflammatory process that was observed in individuals
affected by obesity and metabolic syndrome differs from the classical inflammatory response in
certain respects. This inflammatory process manifests itself systemically and it is characterized by a
chronic low-intensity reaction. The toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4) signaling pathway is acknowledged as
one of the main triggers of the obesity-induced inflammatory response. The aim of the present review
is to describe the role that is played by the TLR4 signaling pathway in the inflammatory response
and its modulation by saturated and omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids. Studies indicate that
saturated fatty acids can induce inflammation by activating the TLR4 signaling pathway. Conversely,
omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, such as eicosapentaenoic acid and docosahexaenoic acid,
exert anti-inflammatory actions through the attenuation of the activation of the TLR4 signaling
pathway by either lipopolysaccharides or saturated fatty acids.
1. Obesity
Obesity is a multifactorial and polygenic condition that has become a very concerning public
health issue that is affecting both developed and developing countries [1–3]. Overweight individuals
(defined as body mass index (BMI) ≥ 25 kg/m2 ) account for approximately 30% of the global
population, i.e., 2.1 billion people, of whom more than 600,000 are classified as obese (defined as
BMI ≥ 30 kg/m2 ) [4]. The analysis conducted by the Global Burden of Disease Study 2013 showed
that the overweight prevalence increased to 27.5% of adults and 47.1% of children in the past three
decades [5]. The prevalence of obesity is currently higher in developed countries; nevertheless,
approximately two-thirds of the obese population lives in developing countries [6]. Based on the
current scenario, it is estimated that up to 50% of the global population will be classified as overweight
or obese by 2030 [7]. Approximately 35% of adult individuals and 17% of children and adolescents
(2 to 19 years old) are considered to be obese (defined by values above the 95th percentile of the BMI
curve of these age groups) in the United States. It is estimated that approximately 300,000 people die
due to obesity in the United States (U.S.) every year, which is the second highest cause of preventable
death [8].
Cardiovascular diseases, type 2 diabetes (DM2), non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, and cancer
stand out among the main health issues that are responsible for morbidity related to the obesity [9].
Obesity treatment and the treatment of its associated complications in developing countries has led
to significant cost increases in healthcare. Costs that are linked to DM2, in particular, stand out,
since 20–30% of overweight people present with a DM2 diagnosis, while 85% of diabetic patients are
overweight or obese [10]. Calle et al. [11] conducted a prospective study of more than one million
men and women and found that the lowest mortality rates, for all causes, in both men and women,
occur in individuals with BMIs that are between 23.5 and 24.9 and 22.00 and 23.4 kg/m2 , respectively.
Another study including 900,000 adult individuals found that BMIs that were above 25 kg/m2 were
associated with a 30% increase in general mortality rate per each 5 kg/m2 increase [12].
Obesity results from the interactions of different factors, including genetic, metabolic, behavioral,
and environmental ones. Accordingly, the dramatic increase in obesity prevalence rates suggests
that behavioral and environmental components are the main factors that are responsible for obesity,
with an emphasis on eating habits and exercise. With regard to eating, modern societies converge to an
eating pattern called the Western diet, which is characterized by the intake of foods with high energy
densities. Such densities derive from the high contents of fat and carbohydrate, especially sugars, that
are found in these food types, a fact that contributes to obesity development [13,14].
The profile of fatty acids that are present in a diet may also be relevant to obesity. It is
worth highlighting that, according to anthropological and epidemiological studies, humans from
the Paleolithic Era—40,000 years ago—consumed a ratio of omega-6 (ω-6) to omega-3 (ω-3)
polyunsaturated fatty acids of approximately 1, mainly due to a high intake of marine and vegetable
sources of ω-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs). However, there was a significant increase in
the intake of lipids, trans fatty acids, and ω-6 PUFAs after the Industrial Revolution, as well as a
small increase in the intake of ω-3 fatty acids; meanwhile, intakes of vitamins C and E decreased.
Such changes are particularly relevant if one takes into account the participation of these nutrients
in the inflammatory response, which is linked to the physiopathology of different non-transmissible
chronic diseases, such as obesity, DM2, cardiovascular diseases, hypertension, and cancer [15–17].
Nutrients 2018, 10, 432
Nutrients 2018, 10, 432
plasma triglyceride concentration and promotes insulin resistance [42]. Also, in humans, BAT activity
was found to be inversely related to BMI and fat mass [43]. Furthermore, visceral adipose tissue
inflammation may also be linked to the lower BAT volume, since TNF-α has been shown to induce
brown adipocyte apoptosis and to hamper BAT differentiation [44].
Obesity is a relevant causal factor in the etiology of insulin-action resistance. Thus,
obese patients present with reduced insulin action in the skeletal muscle due to lower
phosphorylation of the tyrosine residues of the insulin receptor substrate (IRS)-1 and the reduced
phosphatidylinositol-4,5-bisphosphate 3-kinase (PI3K) activity in this tissue. Such an outcome can
cause a further reduction in insulin-induced glucose transport into the muscle tissue [45].
Figure 1. Interaction between M1 and M2 macrophages and adipocytes. Abbreviations: IL, interleukin;
MCP, monocyte chemotactic protein; NEFAs, non-esterified fatty acids; TNF, tumor necrosis factor.
Nutrients 2018, 10, 432
greatly integrated [50]. The excessive intake of obesity-associated nutrients can be detected by innate
recognition receptors, and this results in the activation of pro-inflammatory signaling pathways as
well as in stress responses in many parts of the body. This causes low-intensity chronic inflammation,
defined by Hotamisligil et al. [30] as metabolic inflammation or as meta-inflammation, which is
different from the classic inflammatory response. Moreover, the genesis of this inflammation is closely
related to lifestyle and mainly to the quality of diet and exercise [51].
Meta-inflammation development is associated with a wide and integrated network of intracellular
signal pathways, among which inhibitor of nuclear factor kappa-B kinase subunit beta (IKK-β) and
c-Jun N-terminal kinase 1 (JNK-1) stand out. These proteins induce the synthesis of inflammatory
mediators in different cell types. IKK-β and JNK-1 activation results in activating the transcription
factors nuclear factor kappa B (NF-κB) and the activating protein (AP)-1, which translocate to the
cell nucleus and activate the transcription of many genes encoding the proteins that are involved
in inflammation, including TNF-α and COX-2. This process allows for the continuity of the
inflammatory reaction, which is associated with conditions, such as atherogenesis and insulin-action
resistance [52,53].
This systemic inflammatory response mainly originates from adipose tissue, which produces
a wide variety of pro-inflammatory cytokines and chemokines, called adipokines [23]. However,
currently, it is known that there are other tissues involved in meta-inflammation, such as the liver [54],
pancreas [55], hypothalamus [56,57], and skeletal muscle [58]. It seems likely that the chronic low-grade
inflammation that develops in adipose tissue with obesity is “transferred” to these other tissues through
the appearance of active inflammatory mediators in the bloodstream.
In the context of inflammation and obesity, the role of gut microbiota in the development of
metabolic disease should be noted. Studies have shown that certain bacteria populations produce
enzymes that increase the efficiency of nutrient digestion, leading to an improved nutrient supply to
the host, therefore, contributing to increased energy storage in the adipose tissue. The resulting increase
in body adiposity can trigger the development of insulin resistance. There is also evidence that the gut
microbiome can modulate that genes that are involved in energy storage and expenditure [59–62].
In 2004, Backhed et al. [61] reported that conventionally reared mice had a 42% increase in body fat
and a 47% increases in periepididymal adipose tissue when compared to germ-free mice. Furthermore,
transfer of the microbiota from the bowel of the conventional mouse to the gut of the germ-free
mouse resulted in a 57% increase in body fat in two weeks, although feed consumption decreased.
This result highlights the important role that the intestinal microbiota plays in energy homeostasis
and its potential involvement in the etiology of obesity. Germ-free mice are resistant to diet -induced
adiposity, which is associated with increased activity of AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) in liver
and muscle and increased expression of adipose factor that is induced by fasting (Fiaf) in the small
intestine [62]. On the other hand, the inoculation of the microbiota of conventional mice fed with this
diet into germ-free animals results in an increase in adiposity [59].
It should also be noted that the dysbiosis that is associated with consuming a high-fat diet has
been shown to increase intestinal permeability, which results in a greater translocation of LPS from
the intestinal lumen to the blood circulation. This metabolic endotoxemia is associated with increased
body fat, glucose intolerance, and increased expression of proinflammatory mediators and macrophage
infiltration in white adipose tissue [60].
Nutrients 2018, 10, 432
Innate immune system receptors that are capable of recognizing PAMPs are called pattern
recognition receptors, and these induce the expression of pro-inflammatory cytokines—for example,
TNF-α and IL-1β—as well as activating the host’s antimicrobial defense mechanisms, such as the
synthesis of reactive oxygen and nitrogen species, including hydrogen peroxide and nitric oxide (NO),
respectively [66,67]. PAMP recognition can induce cluster of differentiation 80 (CD80) and cluster of
differentiation 86 (CD86) costimulatory molecules on the surface of cells, presenting antigens, as well
as inducing small antigenic peptides that are linked to major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class
II molecules in cell membranes that present antigens to CD4+ T lymphocytes so activating adaptive
immune responses [68].
The innate immune system recognizes PAMPs through toll-like receptors (TLRs) that are a family
of transmembrane proteins that are responsible for playing an essential role in the innate immune
system [69]. The main function of the TLR protein lies in controlling inflammatory and immunological
responses. TLRs can recognize a whole variety of microbial PAMPs. Eleven different TLRs have been
identified in humans and thirteen among all mammals [70]. TLRs belong to the IL-1 receptor (IL-1R)
superfamily, which have a significant homology in their cytoplasmic regions, such as in the Toll/IL-1R
(TIR) domain. The TIR domain is needed for the interaction and recruiting of many adaptive molecules
that are involved in the activation of signaling pathways [67].
TLRs are expressed in different cell compartments and are recognized by many PAMPs deriving
from viruses, pathogenic bacteria, fungi, and protozoa. TLR1, TLR2, TLR4, TLR5, TLR6, and TLR11
are expressed in the cellular membrane, whereas TLR3, TLR7, TLR8 and TLR9 are expressed in
intracellular compartments, such as the endosome and the endoplasmic reticulum. Based on the amino
acid sequence and on the genomic structure, TLRs can be divided into five subfamilies: TLR2, TLR3,
TLR4, TLR5, and TLR9. The subfamily TLR2 comprises TLR1, TLR2, TLR6, and TLR10, whereas the
subfamily TLR9 encompasses TLR7, TLR8, and TLR9 [71–73].
TLR4 was the first TLR reported in humans; it is expressed in innate immune cells, including
monocytes, macrophages, and dendritic cells, as well as in other cell types, like adipocytes, enterocytes,
and muscle cells. As indicated above, LPS is the primary agonist for TLR4 [74]. LPS is an integral
structural component that is found in the external membrane of Gram-negative bacteria as well as
representing one of the most powerful microbial inflammation indicators. It is a complex glycolipid
composed of one hydrophilic polysaccharide and one hydrophobic domain called lipid A [75].
There is some evidence that saturated fatty acids can also bind to TLR4 and activate TLR4-mediated
signaling pathways [76,77]. Also, there are other endogens ligands for TLR4, like heat shock protein
(Hsp) 60, Hsp 70, type III repeat extra domain A of fibronectin, oligosaccharides of hyaluronic acid,
polysaccharide fragments of heparan sulfate, and fibrinogen [78]. In the context of obesity, the increase
in the plasma fibrinogen levels, which represents a positive acute phase protein, acts as a factor that
is involved in the activation of the TLR4 pathway, and, consequently, in the amplification of the
inflammatory response [79].
The interaction between LPS and TLR4 induces the synthesis of pro-inflammatory cytokines, such
as TNF-α, IL-1β, IL-6, IL-8, and IL-12, which, in turn, work as endogenous inflammatory mediators
by interacting with receptors found in different target cells. In addition to cytokines, macrophages
release a whole variety of biological mediators in response to LPS, including platelet activation factor,
prostaglandins, enzymes, and reactive oxygen and nitrogen species, such as superoxide anion and
nitric oxide (NO). The synthesis of these pro-inflammatory mediators by monocytes and macrophages
is designed to inhibit the growth and the dissemination of pathogens and to eliminate them either
directly or through induction of adaptive immune responses [63,80].
LPS initially binds to the LPS-binding protein (LBP), which is found in the blood or in extracellular
spaces. This protein promotes LPS binding to the CD14 molecule, which, in turn, is moored to the
lipid bilayer by means of a glycophosphatidylinositol group that is found in most cells, except for
endothelial ones. CD14 can also exist as a soluble protein, and, in this case, can lead LPS to the
cell surface. The CD14 molecule is not found in transmembrane and intracellular domains; thus,
Nutrients 2018, 10, 432
it cannot trigger signal transduction processes on its own. When LPS binds to CD14, LBP dissociates
itself and the LPS-CD14 complex physically associates with TLR4. Such a receptor needs an additional
molecule, the so-called extracellular accessory protein (MD2), which binds to the TLR4 extracellular
complex in order to recognize LPS [71].
Following ligand binding, TLRs dimerize and undergo conformational changes that are required
for the subsequent recruitment of cytosolic TIR domain-containing adaptor molecules, including the
cytoplasmic adapter protein MyD88. The association between TLR4 and MyD88 gathers proteins
from the IL-1 receptor associated kinase (IRAK) family. Two members (IRAK4 and IRAK1) are
phosphorylated in sequence, and this disrupts them from the receptor complex and promotes their
association with TNF receptor associated factor 6 (TRAF6). TRAF6 then activates mitogen activated
protein kinase (MAPK) proteins. These kinases can activate the AP-1 transcription factor [81].
The transcription factor NF-κB, which is found in a dimeric form in the cytoplasm of
non-stimulated cells, is inactive when it is associated with κB inhibitors (IκB) (Figure 2). The family of
IκB proteins includes IκBα, IκBβ, IκBε, and Bcl-3, as well as the carboxy-terminal regions of NF-κB1
(p105) and NF-κB2 (p100). The IκB proteins bind to different NF-κB dimers, although they have
different affinities and specificities; therefore, besides the different NF-κB dimers that are found in a
specific cell type, there are a large number of combinations of the IκB and the NF-κB dimers [82,83].
Figure 2. Toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4) induced signaling activates the transcription factor NFκB.
LBP: LPS-binding protein; LPS: lipopolysaccharides; IRAK: IL-1 receptor associated kinase; TRAF6:
TNF receptor associated factor 6; MAPK: mitogen activated protein kinase; IKK: inhibitor of nuclear
factor kappa-B kinase; iNOs: inducible nitric oxide synthase.
Via MAPK, TRAF6 activates the IκB kinase complex (IKK), which is composed of two catalytic
subunits (IKKα and IKKβ) and one regulatory subunit (IKKγ), and has the capacity to induce
IκB phosphorylation. This phosphorylation results in IκB dissociation from the NF-κB complex
and its subsequent polyubiquitination, which, in turn, leads to IkB degradation (mediated by the
26S proteasome) [73,81]. This process allows for the NF-κB dimer to translocate into the nucleus and
to activate the transcription of many κB-dependent genes, such as the genes of pro-inflammatory
cytokines, including TNF-α, IL-1β, IL-6, COX-2, and inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) (Figure 2).
NF-κB also stimulates the synthesis of IκB. Accordingly, the newly synthesized IκB binds to NF-κB
and suppresses its activity, providing a feedback inhibition mechanism [74,81]. There are five members
of the family of NF-κB transcription factors in mammals: NF-κB1 (p105/p50), NF-κB2 (p100/p52),
RelA (p65), RelB, and c-Rel, which can dimerize to form homodimers and heterodimers that, in turn,
Nutrients 2018, 10, 432
are associated with specific transcriptional responses to different stimuli. NF-κB1and NF-κB2 do
not contain transcriptional activation domains and their homodimers work as repressors. On the
other hand, Rel-A, Rel-B, and c-Rel drive the transcriptional activation domain, and, except for Rel-B,
are capable of forming homodimers and heterodimers along with other members of this family
of proteins. Consequently, the balance between different NF-κB homodimers and heterodimers
regulates the transcriptional activity level. It is worth highlighting that these proteins are expressed
in a specific cell and tissue pattern, which leads to an additional level of regulation. NF-κB1 (p50)
and RelA, for example, are broadly expressed, and, therefore, the p50/RelA heterodimer is the most
common NF-κB-binding activity inducer [82,83].
Human monocytes express TLR1, TLR2, TLR4, TLR5, TLR6, TLR8, and TLR9; but TLR2 and TLR4
are the receptors that are most commonly expressed in these cells. The expression of TLR2 and TLR4 in
the plasma membrane of monocytes has been confirmed by flow cytometry; TLR2 and TLR4-binding
(by peptidoglycan and LPS, respectively) generates pro-inflammatory cytokine secretion in these cells.
Moreover, TLR2 and TLR4 activation recruits monocytes and forms foam cells in murine models of
atherosclerosis [30,84].
Studies that were conducted in vitro with cell cultures showed the negative effects of
pro-inflammatory cytokines deriving from TLR4 signal pathway activation on glucose uptake and
on the metabolism of fatty acids [33,85,86]. TLR4 gene deletion in mice has a protective effect against
adipose tissue inflammation and against the resistance to insulin action that is induced by the intake of
a high fat diet, a fact that points towards the causal role played by TLR4 in metabolic changes driven
by over-eating and obesity [87,88].
Humans with type I diabetes exhibit a greater expression of TLR2 and TLR4 in the cellular
membrane in monocytes, as well as greater MyD88 protein content and IRAK phosphorylation in
monocytes in the peripheral blood than in control groups [89]. Individuals with DM2 show increased
cellular membrane levels of TLR2 and TLR4 in blood monocytes, as well as a higher concentration of
IL-1β, IL-6, IL-8, and TNF-α in serum than in controls [90]. Similarly, TLR2, TLR4, and MyD88 are
more highly expressed in blood mononuclear cells and in the abdominal subcutaneous white adipose
tissue in obese and diabetic individuals than in patients with normal weight [63,80]. Also, overweight
and obese people showed increased expression of TLR2 and TLR4 on peripheral blood mononuclear
cells and in adipose tissue in comparison with lean people; the expression levels of TLR2 and TLR4
increased significantly with increasing body mass index [91].
Furthermore, insulin-action resistance in obese individuals can increase the expression of TLR4,
which depends on the designated PU.1 transcription factor, which, in turn, regulates the gene
expression that is related to the activation and the differentiation of myeloid cells, including the
TLR2, TLR4, and TLR9 receptors [92,93]. Insulin has a suppressive effect on the expression of TLR4 and
on the activity of the PU.1 transcription factor; however, the suppressive effect of the hormone would
be expected to be reduced due to the insulin-action resistance related to obesity. Such a reduction
would increase the expression of TLR4 in peripheral blood monocytes [94]. In view of this, it seems
that the increase of the inflammatory response favors the occurrence of resistance to the action of the
insulin, through the activation of the IKK-β and JNK kinases that reduce the activation of IRS-1 in
the insulin signaling pathway. Conversely, the presence of insulin resistance favors the expression of
TLR4, suggesting that insulin resistance promotes inflammation.
As described earlier, the TLR4 pathway increases the expression of pro-inflammatory cytokines,
such as TNF-α, IL-1, and IL-6, by activating the transcription factors NF-κB and AP-1. These cytokines,
in turn, increase the hepatic synthesis of CRP, which is the classic positive acute phase reactant and
the most studied and accepted inflammatory biomarker. CRP is often used in clinical practice due to
its high stability (mean half-life of 19 hours) and its rapid production in response to inflammatory
stimuli [95,96]. It is important to note that other inflammatory biomarkers, such as IL-6, TNF-α,
the intercellular adhesion molecule (ICAM)-1, P-selectin, E-selectin, the monocyte chemotactic protein
Nutrients 2018, 10, 432
(MCP)-1, fibrinogen, and soluble CD40, have been characterized as predictors of cardiovascular disease,
regardless of other cardiovascular risk factors [19,26].
Dietary lipids can cause changes in the expression patterns of TLRs [97]. Ingestion of a high
calorie (910 kcal), high lipid (51 g), and high carbohydrate (88 g) meal by normal weight individuals
caused significant changes in TLR in the post-prandial period, with TLR2 and TLR4 increasing in blood
mononuclear cells. This reinforces the potential importance of postprandial inflammation for obesity,
DM2, and cardiovascular disease physiopathology [98,99]. A high-fat meal also leads to increased
NF-κB activation in the post-prandial period, as well as increased leucocyte activation, as assessed by
the surface expression of CD11a, CD11b, and CD62L [100], and metabolic endotoxemia (i.e., increased
plasma LPS levels) [101].
Nutrients 2018, 10, 432
insulin signaling pathways by inducing IRS-1 phosphorylation at serine residue position 307 [111].
This process reduces its interactions with the insulin receptor, and, consequently, diminishes the
insulin-induced signal transduction. Moreover, saturated fatty acids induce insulin-action resistance
due to the antagonistic action of the peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-gamma coactivator
(PGC)-1 alpha. Such a process induces the expression of mitochondrial genes that are involved with
oxidative phosphorylation and with glucose capture, which is mediated by insulin [112,113].
Nutrients 2018, 10, 432
The ingestion of alpha-linolenic acid can also modulate the inflammatory response in humans.
For example, Caughey et al. [132] observed a significant reduction of TNF-α, IL-1β, TXB2 , and PGE2
production by LPS-stimulated mononuclear cell cultures that were obtained from healthy subjects who
consumed approximately 14 g/day alpha-linolenic acid for four weeks as compared to baseline and to
a control group. The effect of α-linolenic acid may have been mediated through its conversion to EPA.
With regard to the molecular effects of EPA and DHA on inflammatory-response modulation,
studies have shown that these fatty acids inhibit the expression of inflammatory genes, such as COX-2,
iNOS, and IL-1 in macrophages [103,108]. In contrast to the stimulating effect of saturated fatty acids
on TLR2 and TLR4 activation, EPA and DHA are capable of mitigating the activation of the NF-κB
transcription factor pathway that is induced by various agonists [103,133,134]. Thus, DHA reduces
NF-κB pathway activation and the expression of cytokines and COX-2 induced by TLR agonists,
such as lipopeptides (TLR2) and LPS (TLR4) in macrophages [89]. In addition, there is reduced gene
expression of COX-2 that is induced by LPS in monocytes from the peripheral blood of individuals
who use fish oil supplements [103,108]. The synthesis of the cytokines IL-1, IL-2, and TNF-α was also
mitigated after stimulation with LPS in vitro by mononuclear cells from the peripheral blood from
individuals that were supplemented with 18 g of fish oil per day for six weeks [135].
In addition, EPA and DHA present another mechanism to modulate the inflammatory response
by binding to G-protein coupled receptor 120 (GPR120), which is also known as free fatty acid
receptor 4 (FFA4). GPR120 activation induced by EPA or DHA leads to β-arrestin 2 recruitment to
the plasma membrane, where this protein binds to GPR120. Subsequently, the GPR120/β-arrestin
2 complex is internalized into the cytoplasmic compartment, where this complex binds to the
TAK1-binding protein (TAB1). This process impairs the association between TAB1 and the kinase
activated by the growth factor beta (TAK1), and, consequently, results in reduced TAK1 activation
and in reduced activity of the IKK-β/NF-κB and JNK/AP-1 signaling pathways. Accordingly,
the TAB1/TAK1 binding is a convergence point of stimuli that are induced by the TLR4 signaling
pathway and of the TNF receptor (TNFR). The mitigation of TAK-1 activation by DHA leads to the
reduced expression of genes with pro-inflammatory actions, such as TNF-α and IL-6 [136,137].
Other mechanisms that are related to the EPA and DHA effects concern their capacities to
bind to peroxisome proliferator activated receptors (PPARs), including the isoforms PPAR-alpha,
PPAR-gamma, and PPAR-beta/delta. PPARs are a group of nuclear receptors that are coded for by
different genes. PPAR isoforms form heterodimers with the retinoid X receptor (RXR) and bind to
peroxisome proliferator response elements (PPRE) in the region that is responsible for promoting the
target genes that are involved in lipid metabolism and in the inflammatory response; subsequently,
they modulate the expression of these genes [138]. PPAR-alpha and PPAR-gamma activations reduce
the expression of genes that code for proteins presenting pro-inflammatory actions through inhibition
of NF-κB activation. It is worth emphasizing that EPA and DHA directly interact with PPARs, and,
therefore, modulate the expression of genes that are involved in lipid metabolism and the inflammatory
response [139]. Furthermore, the anti-inflammatory effects of EPA and DHA on this signaling pathway
can occur due to diminished nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADPH) oxidase activity,
which leads to lower TLR4 recruitment for lipid rafts and TLR4 dimerization [102]. Moreover, the
lower NADPH oxidase activity also decreases the production of reactive oxygen species, which, in turn,
are necessary to activate the TLR4 signaling pathway. Another possible mechanism of action of the
ω-3 fatty acids concerns the capacity of incorporating DHA into the plasma membrane, which can
lead to reduced TLR4 translocation for lipid rafts formation. This decreases TLR4 pathway activation,
and, consequently, decreases NF-κB activation [102,140,141].
Figure 3 shows the main molecular mechanisms related to the effects of saturated and omega-3
fatty acids on the TLR4 pathway.
Nutrients 2018, 10, 432
Figure 3. Molecular mechanism of the effects of saturated (16:0) and omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty
acids (EPA, DHA) on the TLR4 and NFkB pathways. The arrows → indicate activation and the
arrows indicate inhibition. Abbreviations: TNFα, Tumor necrosis factor; TNFR1, Tumor necrosis
factor receptor 1; LPS, Lipopolysaccharides; 16:0, palmitic acid; TLR4, Toll-like receptor 4; GPR120,
G-protein coupled receptor 120; EPA, eicosapentaenoic acid; DHA, Docosahexaenoic acid; IRS-1, Insulin
receptor substrate 1; Ser-P, phosphorylated serine residues; PPARγ, Peroxisome proliferator-activated
receptor gamma; JNK, c-Jun N-terminal kinases; IKK β, inhibitor of nuclear factor kappa-B kinase
subunit beta; IkB, NFKB Inhibitor; P, phosphate; AP-1, Activator protein 1.
5. Conclusions
The inflammatory process that occurs in obese people differs from the classical inflammatory
response in certain respects. This inflammatory process manifests itself systemically and is
characterized by a chronic low-intensity reaction. In this context, the TLR4 signaling pathway has
been recognized as one of the main triggers in increasing the obesity-induced inflammatory response.
This pathway responds to the increased exposure to saturated fatty acids and to LPS. Both of these
are relevant in the context of obesity, with saturated fatty acids arising from within the adipose
tissue triglyceride stores and the LPS arising from increased intestinal permeability perhaps due
to an altered gut microbiota. Adipose tissue driven inflammation increases insulin resistance, both
locally and systemically, so contributing to the co-morbidities of obesity, like DM2. Studies indicate
that omega-3 fatty acids, namely EPA and DHA, have an anti-inflammatory effect, which involves
attenuating the activation of the TLR4 signaling pathway. This has relevant implications for
reducing meta-inflammation, and, consequently, resistance to insulin action and the risk of DM2
and cardiovascular disease in obese individuals. The omega-3 fatty acids can oppose the action of both
classic TLR agonists (e.g., LPS) and saturated fatty acids in this regard.
Acknowledgments: The authors would like to thank The São Paulo Research Foundation and the Brazilian
National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq) for the financial support.
Author Contributions: Literature searching and initial manuscript preparation were performed by M.M.R.
The manuscript was revised and finalized by P.C.C. and M.M.R.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare that they have no conflict of interest.
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