Topic 4 Cable Size and Wiring Method
Topic 4 Cable Size and Wiring Method
Topic 4 Cable Size and Wiring Method
│ Topic 4 │
© VTC 2015 1
1. Selection of Cables
2. Cable Installation Methods
3. Cable Sizing
1. Selection of Cable
(a) Considerations in Selection of Cables
(b) Conductor Materials
(c) Cable Insulation
(d) Cable Selection and Installation
(e) Common Type of Cables
(a) Considerations in Selection of cables
Technically, there are at least 11 factors for selection of
1.Purpose and application
2.Ambient condition and environment
3.Voltage drop
4.Short-circuit capacity
5.Current Carrying Capacity
6.Insulation material (cable Type)
7.Conductor material
8.Method of installation (CoP 2015 Appendix 7)
9.Thermal insulation
10.Type of protective device
11.Minimum size requirement
(b) Conductor materials
Copper & Aluminium
are commonly used
Aluminium is seldom
used as the LV cable
conductor. But
local electricity
suppliers still prefer
to use aluminium
cables because of
lower material cost.
(c) Cable Insulation
(i) Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC)
Thermoplastic in nature
Most commonly used in
buildings as they are cheaper,
clean and easy to handle.
Not suitable to be used below
00C or exposed under sunlight
To be used at maximum
ambient temperature not
more than 650C
(c) Cable Insulation
(ii) Cross-linked Polyethylene (XLPE)
Thermosetting in nature
To be used at maximum ambient
temperature not more than 850C
Higher conductor continuous temperature
rating (900C for XLPE, 700C for PVC)
Higher short-circuit temperature rating
(2500C for XLPE, 1600C for PVC)
Higher current carrying capacity (compared
with PVC cable of the same conductor size)
Higher cost than PVC cable of same size
(d) Cable Selection & Installation
Must comply with relevant Standards &
Statutory Regulations
Take into account of the environmental
conditions such as
Ambient temperature
Weather, moisture, chemical etc.
e.g. the ends of Mineral-Insulated cables shall be
suitably sealed.
Consider the possible mechanical stresses on
the cable
(e) Common types of cable
(i) PVC-insulated, non-sheathed,
single-core, copper cable (PVC 1/C
cu. Cable聚氯乙稀單支單膠)
Relevant standard (CoP2015 13D):
(<35mm2 BS 6004, 300/500V,
>35mm2, BS 6346, 600/1000V)
Must be installed above ground and
in conduit or trunking or similar
enclosures where mechanical
protection is provided (except it is
used as protective conductors)
Must not be installed under water or
embedded in plaster
(e) Common types of cable
(ii) PVC-insulated, sheathed, non-
armoured, single-core or multi-core,
copper cables (PVC/PVC 1/C or multi-
core cu. Cable 單支/多芯-孖膠)
• Relevant standard (CoP2015 13D)
(<35mm2 BS 6004, 300/500V,
>35mm2, BS 6346, 600/1000V)
• installed on cable trays or cable
ladder; or as surface wiring by the
support of buckle clips or cable
cleats where mechanical damage is
unlikely to occur
• installed on ground if provided
with additional mechanical
protection such as conduits or pipes
(e) Common types of cable
(iii) PVC-insulated, steel-wire armoured,
PVC-sheathed, single or multiple core
copper cables 裝甲電纜
(PVC/SWA/PVC 1/C or multi-core cu.
(**aluminium-wire armoured for single-
core cables)
Relevant standard: BS6346, 600/1000V)
Suitable to be installed both indoor or
Cables with PVC pipes covering can be
installed in ground without additional
mechanical protection
(e) Common types of cable
(iv) XLPE-insulated, steel-wire armoured, PVC-sheathed
(XLPE/SWA/PVC) multi-core, copper cables
(aluminium-wire armoured for single-core cables)
relevant standard: BS5467 or BS6742, 600/1000V
application is similar to that of PVC/SWA/PVC cu. Cable
(v) XLPE-insulated non-sheathed or PVC sheathed cables,
single-core or multi-core, copper cable 交聯聚乙稀絕緣電纜
(XLPE or XLPE/PVC 1/C or multi-core cu. cable)
relevant standard: BS7211, 450/750V
application is similar to that of PVC, or PVC/PVC single or
multi-core cu. Main or sub main cable
(e) Common types of cable
Comply the test of BS 6387
Application : Essential power system, fire system
It maintains circuit integrity during a fire.
When burnt, it produces very low levels of smoke and
virtually no acidic gases. Thus safeguarding human life and
protect equipment.
(e) Common types of cable
(vii) Low Smoke Armoured Cable (LSOH)
BS6724 Thermosetting Insulated, armoured Cables for
Voltage of 600/1000V and 1900/3300V
When burnt, it produces very low levels of smoke and
virtually no acidic gases. Thus safeguarding human life
and protect equipment
2. Cable Installation Methods
(a) Surface Wiring
(b) CoP 2015 Appendix 7 – Typical Methods
of Cable Installations
(c) Conduit System
(d) Trunking System
(f) Cable Tray and Cable ladder
(g) Busbar Trunking System
(a) Surface Wiring
(a) Surface Wiring
Supports for surface mounted cables
(c) Conduits System
(c) Conduits System
Spacing of supports for conduits
(c) Conduits System
Cable factor and conduit factor (< 3 m)
(c) Conduits System
Cable factor and conduit factor (> 3 m)
(c) Conduits System
Cable Capacities in Conduit
Refer to Tables 14(2) to 14(3) of CoP 2015
Different cable factors for solid or stranded
cables ?
Short run ( 3m and no bend) or long run (>3m
or with bends) ?
Total Cable Factor Conduit Factor ?
(c) Conduits System
How many 2.5 mm2 1-C PVC cables can be enclosed in a
20 mm diameter conduit which 10m long incorporating 2
bends? Solution
From Table 14(3)(b)
The maximum factor of the 20mm conduit is 141
From Table 14(3)(a)
The factor of a 2.5 mm2 cable is 30
The no. of cables that can be accommodated is 4
(141/30 = 4.7, choose the nearest small value)
Cable factor and conduit factor (> 3 m)
(d) Trunking System
Construction and
installation requirements
refers to Code 14C (Steel)
and Code 14D (PVC) of
Electrical continuity
should be made by
connecting copper tape
across the two adjacent
Spacing of support refers
to Table 25(2) of COP
(d) Trunking System
(d) Trunking System
Cable Capacity for Trunking
(i) Method 1: Refer to Tables 14(4) of CoP
Total Cable Factor Trunking Factor
(d) Trunking System
(i) What is the max. number of 10 mm2 1-C pvc cables
that can be accommodated in a 100mm x 50mm
(ii) What if a space factor of 0.45 is applied? (Assuming
that the overall diameter of the 10mm2 copper cable
is 6.2mm)
(i) From Table 14(4)(b)
The maximum factor of the 100mm x 50mm trunking is
From Table 14(4)(a)
The factor of a 10 mm2 cable is 36.3
The no. of cables that can be accommodated is 57
(2091/36.3 = 57.6, choose the nearest small value)
(d) Trunking System
Solution (cont’d)
(d) Trunking System
Other Trunking Systems
There are other trunking systems also of PVC
and Steel construction, e.g. 2- and 3-
compartment trunkings for telephone /
computer data / power cables:-
Flush floor trunkings
Underfloor trunkings
Skirting trunkings
(e) Cable Tray and Cable Ladder
Cable tray
it is suitable for the mounting
of large sheathed cables other
than those accommodated in
a trunking
Cable ladder
Suitable for mounting very
large sheathed cables or used
at situations where large span
of support is required
(f) Busbar trunking system
For the distribution of heavy
electrical loads over a long
distance or where plenty of tap-off
points are required.
Factory pre-fabricated
3. Sizing of Cable
(a) Factor Affection Cable Current Carrying
Capacity (CCC)
(b) Procedures of Sizing a Cable
(c) Other Considerations
(d) Cables in Parallel
(e) Example
(a) Factors affecting CCC of a Cable
(b) Procedures of Sizing of cable conductors (Code 13A)
(b) Procedures of Sizing of cable conductors (Code 13A)
(b) Procedures of Sizing of cable conductors (Code 13A)
4. Use the following formula to determine the suitable
tabulated current-carrying capacity (It) and size of a
Ca C g Ci C p
I Z I t (Ca Cg Ci C p )
Ib I n I Z
(b) Procedures of Sizing of cable conductors (Code 13A)
(b) Procedures of Sizing of cable conductors (Code 13A)
Ci - thermal insulation factor
For a cable installed in thermally insulated wall or above a
thermally insulated ceiling, the cable being in contact with a
thermally conductive surface on one side:
use installation Method 1 or 2 in Appendix 7 and set Ci = 1
(e) Example of sizing cable conductors
Cable size calculation:
As Ib = 124.2A and In > Ib
According to the available rating of MCCB,
In = 125A is selected
Correction factors:
- Ambient temperature 35℃ , PVC cable; from table A5(1) : Ca = 0.94;
- Tray installation (touching) with 3 other circuits (total = 4 circuits);
Grouping factor: from table A5(3) : Cg = 0.77
- MCCB is used; Cp = 1
- No information provided for Ci
Tabulated ccc (It) ≧ In / ( Ca x Cg x Cp)
≧ 125/ (0.94 x 0.77 x 1) =172.7A
From Table A6(4), (cable tray installation method; 4/c cable),
It=207A (≧ 172.7) is determined; and 70mm2 4/C PVC/SWA/PVC copper
cable is selected.
Cable Voltage Drop
Cable Voltage Drop
When conductor size is 16 mm2 or less, reactive drop can
be ignored, only the resistive component (mV/A/m) values
are tabulated in the tables of Appendix 6.
Cable Voltage Drop
Voltage drop = z x L x Ib
Cable Voltage Drop
All cables have impedance, and when current
flows in a cable, this will cause a voltage drop.
If the impedance of the cable is known, then
the voltage drop can be calculated as follows:
Vs = Vn0° + I- * Z
= Vn + (Icos - jIsin)(R + jX)
= (Vn + IRcos + IXsin) +
j(IXcos - IRsin)
Cable Voltage Drop
Cable Voltage Drop
(b) Procedures of Sizing of cable conductors (Code 13A)
Other Considerations
May use Table 13(1) of CoP Table 13(1) to determine the
minimum size of Cables for General Installations under the
conditions of as state in CoP 13A(4) (>35 ℃,No grouping, No
semi-enclosed fuse, no thermal insulation)
(c) Other Considerations
(c) Other Considerations