English Tenses
English Tenses
English Tenses
(?) do/does + S + V1
(?) are/is/am + S + O
b) Digunakan saat :
- Simple present tense digunakan untuk menyatakan sebuah aktivitas yang sering
terjadi (present) / meyatakan sebuah kebiasaan (habit). Time expressionnya ;
everyday, sometimes, ever, never, often, seldom, 3 times a day, one time a month,
Ex : I never late go to school.
Rina plays video game with her little brother.
Are they always clean the room together?
- Simple present tense digunakan untuk menyatakan sebuah fakta yang selalu benar.
Ex : The sun rises from the east and sets from the west.
Out planet moves round the sun.
Lion eats meat.
- Simple present tense digunakan untuk menyatakan rencana atau jadwal di masa
depan yang jangka waktunya dekat dari sekarang (timetables). Time
expressionnya ; tomorrow, next week, this night.
Ex : The train leaves at 8.15.
They return tonight.
The ceremony starts at nine.
- Simple present tense digunakan untuk menyatakan perasaan (feeling), indera
(sense), pikiran (mental state), atau kepemilikan ( possession).
Ex : She loves dancing. (feeling)
I see tears in your eyes. (sense)
We agree with the speaker’s opinion. (mental state)
My brother owns a new house. (posses)
b) Digunakan saat :
- Menyatakan aktivitas yang terjadi sekarang/ sedang dilakukan. Time expression
nya ; now, right now, at the moment.
Ex : I am studying English now.
She is drinking coffee.
They are doing homework at the moment.
- Untuk menyatakan kegiatan sementara yang terjadi sekarang/ hari ini, tetapi tidak
terjadi tepat saat seseorang itu berbicara. Time expression nya ; today, this week,
these days.
Ex : She can’t go out today. She is preparing for an exam.
What I’m doing these days is reading a book.
Are they going to the gym this week?
- Untuk menyatakan rencana di masa depan dan harus diberikan keteranagan waktu
(soon, tomorrow, on Monday, next week), jika tidak, hal itu tidak akan jelas jika
kita berbicara tentang masa depan.
Ex : I’m coming soon.
We are leaving on Monday.
She is starting next week.
- Untuk menyatakan sesuatu yang menjengkelkan dan terjadi berulang kali.
Ex : Why is the wild dog always barking at me?
I’m getting sick of you that always asking the same question.
He is always smoking in the living room!
I am always forgetting my keys.
c) Note
Umumnya present continuous hanya terjadi pada action verb (kata kerja tindakan) dan
tidak pada state verb ( kata kerja yang menunjukkan kondisi/ keadaan).
Ex state verb : -senses (feel, hear, smell, taste)
-liking/ disliking (like, love,hate, fear, detest, want, wish)
-mental states (agree, believe, forget, know, remember, suppose, think)
-permanent states (be, have, contain, owe, own, possess)
-appearance (seem, appear, look, sound)
Jika beberapa dari state verbs digunakan pada present continuous, maka akan
memiliki arti yang berbeda (menjadi action verbs).
Ex :
I think he is my best friend. (mental state) – I’m thinking of giving him a present. (mental
I see what you mean. (know) – I am seeing a doctor because I am ill. (visit)
The flower smelss beautiful. (scent) – The dog is smelling the sausage. (sniff)
This wine taste sour. (it has a sour taste) – She is tasting the soup if it is warm enough.