Body Movement Movement Is Any Change in The Body Position in Space Which May Be Stationary or Dynamic. It Is A Way of
Body Movement Movement Is Any Change in The Body Position in Space Which May Be Stationary or Dynamic. It Is A Way of
Body Movement Movement Is Any Change in The Body Position in Space Which May Be Stationary or Dynamic. It Is A Way of
Body Movement
Movement is any change in the body position in space which may be stationary or dynamic. It is a way of
expressing, exploring and interpreting oneself to develop one’s own capabilities.
1. BODY AWARENESS refers to how you understand the different parts of the body in relation to the other parts
2. BASIC SKILL refers to specific movements that each of the body part can do at any level. These include the
a. Axial or Non-Locomotor Movements. The movements done on stationary place or around its own axis.
b. Locomotor movements, the transfer of the body position from one place to another which includes
Walking is the transfer of body weight from one foot to the other
Running a fast walk or an increase speed in walking.
Jump is a spring or push off on one foot or both feet.
Leaping is a spring on one foot and landing on the other foot.
Galloping is a combination of a step and a cut
Skip is a combination of a step and a hop twice in a measure.
Slide is a glide where the foot is in full contact with the floor.
b. Qualities
• Force – light or heavy, strong or weak
• Flow - Suspended (bound flow) stops at the end of the movement or a part of the movement
- Sustained (free flow) link smoothly movements or part of movements
- Expressive flow maybe happy or sad, angry or gay, smooth or rough
- Imitative flow may imitate person, animal or things
Dance Fundamentals
Arms Positions
Feet Positions
1. BILAO is the movements of the hands turning the palm alternately up and down while held in front at waist
level, elbows close to waist.
2. HAYON-HAYON is a hand movement that sways the forearm alternately front and back at waist level. As the
right arm is placed in front the left is placed behind.
3. KUMINTANG is hand movement that circles the wrist either inward or outward. The Ilocano Kumintang is
usually done outward with a loosely closed fist.
4. ARMS IN LATERAL POSITION sways both arms from side to side with the wrist leading, passing in front at chest
or waist level.
5. MASIWAK is an outward kumintang with two backward snaps from the wrist.
1. BRUSH. Hitting the floor with the ball or heel of the free foot in any direction.