Aliens Are Real
Aliens Are Real
Aliens Are Real
I started off to work as usual that day after the weekend. I was getting
late to work as usual, and my wife Diya had made dosa for breakfast and I
hurried off to work by stuffing it in my mouth. I was searching for my car
keys (I always keep them somewhere and forget it), after a long search I
found inside the sofa. The traffic was very high as usual after a weekend. I
finally reached the lab after a long struggle.
My friend Aditya was a nice fellow who liked to party frequently and
enjoy his life. I also wanted to be like him but due to my parents forcing me I
agreed to marry Diya and I have not regretted that decision for even a
single moment. After reaching his home I and my friends started chit-
chatting suddenly the topic of aliens popped up. I had done a lot of research
on them and started talking endlessly about it. Finally all of us became tired
and went to sleep.
I suddenly got up in the night after hearing some weird noises in the
terrace. I went to check what it was. It looked like somebody were talking a
weird language in the distance. When I went closer to take a look I found
that they were not looking normal. They had a flat face, round eyes and no
I first didn’t believe my eyes but after a few moments I tried talking to
them but they didn’t seem to understand what I was saying to them. Finally
they took out a small machine which was a translator. Even though they
understood what I was saying I couldn’t understand a word. Finally they
showed me a picture which showed something which looked like an engine.
They finally translated that they required Bismuth crystals to power up their
engine. I knew that I could get it from the lab in New Delhi.
(Bismuth Crystal)
When I narrated this incident to my friends they too thought that I was
crazy. Only Aditya seemed to believe me. I almost forgot about that incident
when one fine day Aditya was not to be seen anywhere. I tried to find him
but all my efforts were in vain. One night I could hear the weird sounds
again. But this time only sounds came. When I went to the source of the
sound it looked like a small machine when I touched it a bright light got
projected towards the sky. It read “Aliens are real” and I knew that it was
from my friend Aditya, and I saw a UFO zooming past me.
When I contacted the lab in New Delhi I found that Aditya had
purchased 50(mg) of Bismuth a few days back. This made me wondering
“Are Aliens Real.........?”
50 (mg) bismuth