Chapter 10 The Environment and Development
Chapter 10 The Environment and Development
Chapter 10 The Environment and Development
The topic “environment and development” is so broad that it could easily cover any number of sub-topics, such as cultural
ecology and human ecology, political ecology, or developing world. Separately, environment is defined here as the entirety
of the physical world consisting of the world’s land masses, oceans, and atmosphere. Development is defined as the
process of growth and change in human social, political, and economic systems. The two terms have traditionally
intersected in developing areas where one or more natural resources have been utilized to promote economic growth. This
intersection has been extended in the recent literature to include not only the impact of development on environment but
also human perceptions of environment in the development process and the role of non-human actors in development.
“Developing areas” are defined as those places where economic and/or social development has been slower, hindered, or
in some way less than average. This need not refer to country or continental units of space, nor need it be restricted to the
“global south” or “Third World.” Those terms often connote a homogeneity that research has shown to be problematic.