Project Implementation Management Monitoring and Evaluation (PIMME) Checklist
Project Implementation Management Monitoring and Evaluation (PIMME) Checklist
Project Implementation Management Monitoring and Evaluation (PIMME) Checklist
F I have no idea.
❑ PIMME Checklist
Committed Philippine
Government Agency (2 pts)
❑ Do project staff have the competence to integrate GAD in the ❑ Reviews CVs of project
2. Technically management team, conduct
competent staff or ❑ Does the project require presence of men and women in the project FGDs, review TORs and staff
consultants implementation team? complement of the project and
❑ Does the project require its monitoring and evaluation team to have discuss gender balance in the
(2 pts) project team
technical competence for GAD evaluation?
2. Project database ❑ Does sex-disaggregated data been collected on the project’s Review documentation of project
including sex- impacts on women and men in connection with welfare, access database and reports generated by the
disaggregated and gender- to resources and benefits, awareness or consciousness, database and check project GAD
participation, and control?; on men and women’s participation database against the data being reported
related information
and used at the national level
(2 pts) in decision-making?
❑ Has women’s welfare and status been improved as a result of Ask a sample of woman beneficiaries re their
3. Gender equality and the project? assessment of changes in their welfare and
women’s empowerment ❑ Has the project helped in developing the capacity of the status; relevant agency officials and GAD focal
targets (4 pts) implementing agency for implementing gender-sensitive persons re project effect on their capacity to
implement gender-sensitive projects
4. Project addresses ❑ Has the project addressed gender issues arising from its
implementation? Interview project manager
gender issues arising from
❑ Has the project responded to gender issues that were and staff, including GAD focal
or during its
identified during the project implementation or M&E? persons and consultants
implementation (2 pts)
5. Participatory ❑ Does the project involve or consult woman and man implementors Project documentation of M&E visits
during the project monitoring and evaluation? Does it involve woman for people met and consulted; review
monitoring and and man beneficiaries? M&E reports; and hold an FGD with
evaluation process ❑ Have women and men been involved in or consulted on the a sample of woman and man
(2 pts) assessment of the gender impacts of the project? beneficiaries
Assessing a sample Project Completion Report
Program Title Small Enterprise Technology
Upgrading Program (SETUP)
3.2 Has the agency included the project’s GAD efforts in its GAD No mention of DOST’s
plans? (possible scores: 0, 0.5, 1.0) GAD Plan
Response (col. 2) Score of Comments
Element and Guide Question (col. 1) the item or
No Partly Yes
(Box 16) element
(2a) Yes (2c)
(col. 3)
Element 4.0 GAD implementation processes and procedures (max score: 2; for each item, 0.5) 0
4.1 Do project implementation documents incorporate a discussion of None mentioned in
GAD concerns? IF APPLICABLE: Are subproject proposals required to the document
have explicit GAD objectives and to have been supported by gender
analysis? (possible scores: 0, 0.25, 0.50)
4.2 Does the project have an operational GAD strategy? No operational GAD
Alternately, has the project been effective in integrating GAD into strategy mentioned
the development activity? (possible scores: 0, 0.25, 0.50)
4.3 Does the project have a budget for activities that will build No mention of budget
capacities for doing GAD tasks (gender analysis, monitoring, etc.) for activities to build
(possible scores: 0, 0.25, 0.50) capacities for doing
GAD tasks
4.4 Does the project involve women and men in various phases of
subprojects? (possible scores: 0, 0.25, 0.50)
Total = 20 points
Interpretation of GAD Scores using the DESIGN CHECKLIST
Corresponding Actual
Expenditure for the Year of the
HGDG Interpretation
Description Program that may be Attributed to
the Agency GAD Expenditure
Promising GAD a “conditional pass”, pending
prospects identification of gender issue/s
(conditional pass) and the strategies and activities
4.0 – 7.9 to address these, and inclusion Formula:
HGDG Score ÷ 20 x 100% x
of the collection of sex-
disaggregated data in the Program/Project Actual
monitoring and evaluation plan Expenditure
Gender sensitive Completion report passing the
8.0 – 14.9
GAD test
15.0 –
Fully gender-
Proponent to be commended
Proponent to be commended
A Sample Computation:
Project Expenditure : 1.8M
HGDG PIMME Score: 5.0
Project Attributable Cost:
20.0 5.0/20 x100% x 1.8M = Php 450,000
How to get the Attributable Budget
x 100 = % of annual program expenditure
Total PIMME Points attributable to GAD
Gender Issue and/or GAD GAD Result Statement/GAD Relevant Agency GAD Activity Output Performance Indicators GAD Budget Responsible Unit
Cause of Gender Issue Source of Budget
Mandate Objectives MFO/PAP and Targets
(2) (8)
(1) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (9)
Prepared by: Approved by: Date: