Xaviers Institute of Business Management Studies: Case 1: Motivating Through Total Reward
Xaviers Institute of Business Management Studies: Case 1: Motivating Through Total Reward
Xaviers Institute of Business Management Studies: Case 1: Motivating Through Total Reward
ANS:- Herzberg and the 'two factors'. Herzberg's theory showed that certain motivation flews
needed to be in place first. These were called Wed 'hygiene' Wtors, for example, a clean work
place and good bade pay. Only once these were in place could other factors be brought in to
motivate workers. RBS uses a number of factors to motivate its people. These include
recognition for a job well done, promotion and other rewards
2. Describe the differences between the theories of Taylor and Maslow.
ANS:- Taylor and 'scientific management’. This theory said that every job could be measured
by the amount of work done or the number of pieces made (this is known as the 'piece rate').
Workers would work harder because they would earn more.
* Maslow and the hierarchy of needs’. This theory showed that workers had to have their basic
needs, such as feeling safe and secure, met first. Only then could they move on to be motivated
by other things. However, RBS believes that meeting these higher needs, for example, by
recognizing achievement, will motivate employees and help the company to grow. It has put in
place a number of benefits to meet these needs.
3. How does RBS’ Total Reward package fulfill Maslow’s higher levels of
ANS:- Consistent with the theory of Maslow, RBS has adopted a program that is aimed at
adequately fulfilling the varying needs influencing employee motivations this is called Total
Reward package A human resources and management strategy that goes beyond the usual
salary payment scheme
The monetary compensation alone cannot sufficiently fulfill the vary needs of the human
RBS has decided to employ the principle off total of Total reward so as to allow its employees to
allow to enjoy an array of personally rewarding benefits The Company offers Flexible working
ANS:- The Basic premise underlying the practice of Total reward Package lies in the idea that a
motivated workforce yields beneficial results for the company, in principle, a company puts a
substantial amount of investment to empower its employees in the hope of they would in turn
perform efficiently for the sake of the company continued growth and progress . In many ways
putting Total Reward Package into a practicable use for RBS has proven to be rewarding not
only for the employees but also for the company itself.
ANS:- It has developed a strong reputation within the cereal market. This
reputation is based upon the faith and confidence of consumers. They are “market
leaders,” which is synonymous with premium brand.
Premium and luxury brands are brand systems characterized by performance
leadership in their segment and by an outstanding, product-specific basic and
additional benefit. Premium und luxury brands can assert higher prices for their
products and services than brands with similar tangible functions.
It then uses the strength of its brands to help it reach them. Ensures that each
brand has a unique place in the minds of its customers
Objectives are the various steps that are set in a larger front to achieve that aim
that has been set by the person or the group of people. People have either
personal or personal Objectives or even both. They are often more than in
number than the number of Aims.
Parameters of
Aims Objectives
Placement in Aims comes first in the Objectives come after the set of the
achievement process. Aims.
To develop character,
Recruitment of job seekers, teaching
Examples encourage, To provide people
different techniques to people, etc.
with knowledge, etc.
ANS:- The company communicates to their customers about the need for healthy
living through a variety of advertisements. They even have created cartoon
characters that can be found on packaging of their products, which share the
message to eat properly.
Kellogg’s external communication is done in a variety of ways, but does not reach
a very broad audience. The company uses the back of their cereal boxes to
communicate to individuals that a balanced lifestyle is important to sustainable
living. Kellogg also has pamphlets and leaflets available on their website which
outlines their suggestions for becoming more healthy and active. The company
could reach new consumers by creating television ads on a variety of networks,
offering samples to consumers, and openly sponsoring many more school
breakfast programs. Their current branding methods only reach the consumers
that are already using their products. By expanding to a larger audience the
company would be able to generate a sense of value in new customers resulting
in more commitment to the Kellogg brand.
ANS:-A Kaizen action is one designed to bring about improvement. Often this
involves teams meeting to see where problems might lie. Lots of these small steps
can lead to big improvements. A good example is Leyland's introduction of robots
in its paint process.
ANS:-It has earned over a period of time in relation to its rivals. The role that
Kaizen plays is that by implementing the theories of Kaizen Leyland has introduced
a new way of building arobotic paint spray booth but the way in which Kaizen
differentiated itself is that it opened this production line for the summer months
after careful planning in the previous semester of the year. This progressive step of
opening a new line of production is meant to boost sales production capacity from
18000 to 25000 units. In conclusion it can be noted that introducing the robotic
arm chassis can boost the efficiency in small progressions for Leyland under the
concept of Kaizen
Leyland trucks is expecting to increase its market share to 20% by following the
major two strategy, which includes:
Continuous Improvement
Increase production capacity by 40% from 18,000 to 25,000 units As part of
continuous improvement kaizen is introducing a robotic paint spray booth for the
1. What do you understand by the term, 'thinking outside the box'? Give an example of
how this can be applied to engineers working for RWE npower.
ANS: - Among the most well-worn phrases in the business world is “thinking outside the
box”. It is supposed to mean thinking creatively, freely, and off the beaten path. It’s the
networks garners significant attention. For now, it’s the kind of stuff that machines can’t
do that well.
2. How does encouraging thinking outside the box help RWE npower to make improvements in
the way in which it operates?
3. Explain how encouraging engineers at RWE npower to think outside the box has led to
increased motivation for these employees.
4. Recommend wavy in which another organization of your choice might improve its
employees to think in creative ways about work. Results through encouraging its employees to
think in creative ways about work-related problems.