GED 106 PURCOM Midterms Reviewer Invitation To Edit
GED 106 PURCOM Midterms Reviewer Invitation To Edit
GED 106 PURCOM Midterms Reviewer Invitation To Edit
1. You may not agree with everything or everyone CMC is VERNACULAR- means it uses language
you encounter on social media networks, but treat that is common to people regardless of age, social
each person with dignity and respect. The Golden class, gender, or race.
Rule of treating others how you want to be treated Examples:
is a good practice.
Acronyms (Lol, yolo, fomo, bae)
2. Do not turn to social media as a way to harass, Initialisms (atm, rotfl, brb, btw, hbd, idk, jk,
demean, or bully someone else. Sitting in front of a af, nvm, tmi, tldr, ftw, g!)
computer screen does not give you license to Emoticons/ Emojis
embarrass, intimidate, or spread hurtful rumors
Expressive Punctuations o
about others.
Hello? VS Hello?!? , No. VS No? VS No!!!
3. Regardless of your privacy settings, keep in mind
CMC is INTERPERSONAL- It is relationship-
that anything can possibly be seen by anyone at
focused rather than subject-oriented. This can be
any time, even by that person that you did not want
explained by the number of Group Chats (GCs) a
to see it. Pause before you post, think before you
person has, and the number of individuals and GCs
a person engages simultaneously.
The interpersonal nature of CMC is characterized 1. To inform
by the following: 2. To persuade
3. To prevent misunderstanding
Turn-taking 4. To present a point of view or reduce barriers
Topic development
Back-channels Steps in Communication Planning:
Repairs 1. Research and analyze current situation.
CMC is SPONTANEOUS- It is usually unplanned, 2. Establish goals and objectives (short and
unstructured, and sometimes impulsive. This long term).
spontaneity also gave rise to Net Neologisms 3. Identify the target audience (what they
through Lexical Creativity such as: know, what influences them, communication
impediments, etc.).
B4n 4. Conceptualize on key messages
F2f 5. Strategize on communication styles and
Terms such as trolls, meme, hashtag, and platform(s)
meh. 6. Evaluate and anticipate.
CMC is DIALOGICAL- It carries expectation of 1. Keep it simple. Avoiding including too much
continuous exchange. This is why most media information in a graphic or in one slide. The
platforms have a “Reply” or “Comment” option, message should be immediate and clear. By
while some have a “Leave a comment” button, to keeping the visual material simple, you also
ensure continuous interaction. maintain maximum personal contact with your
The English language in the New Media is:
2. Emphasize only on key ideas. When you call
a) Brief attention to ideas with a graphic presentation, make
b) Multimodal sure the graphic clearly illustrates your essential
c) Ideological points and the important supporting data.
BREVITY. How much people put premium on 3. Show what you can’t say. The best use of
length and on the time it would take for them to visual media is to reveal material you can’t easily
read an article describe orally or with written text. Graphics,
MULTIMODALITY. This refers to the layering of photos, charts, and illustrations can accomplish this
different digital media. objective.
IDEOLOGICALLY- MOTIVATED. New media is 4. Keep the number of images you present
inherently ideological, especially in terms of their manageable. Too many images will tire your
political-economies of access and control. audience (so will too much text). Eight to ten
images should be the maximum number for most
Communication Planning 5. Combine variety with coherence. If you use
Communication Planning Process- involves several images, vary the design to make them
defining the types of information you will deliver, interesting, but keep them aesthetically consistent.
who are the intended recipients of that information, 6. Use large lettering. Use large text font sizes
the format for communicating it, and the timing of with minimal use of serifs so the audience can read
its release and distribution. the text easily. In addition, do not flood your
The key goal is to make sure everybody gets the presentation with text.
right message at the right time. It serves various