No. 53
1991- 1992
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No. 53
Within the framework of the Baltic Marine Environment Protection Commission - Helsinki
Commission- bibliographic material has been collected and distributed to the Contracting Parties
to the Helsinki Convention since 1975. All Contracting Patties have annually compiled bibliographies
of their own national material according to the agreed instructions.
Up to year 1990 the Baltic Marine Environment Bibliography was disttibutcd in microfiche form.
In 1990 the Helsinki Commission decided to give up producing bibliographic data on microfiches
and agreed to start publishing the bibliographic information periodically in the Baltic Sea
Environment Proceedings, however, only in a limited numher of copies.
This publication is the second Baltic Marine Environment Bibliography in ptinted fonn prepared
by the consultant of the Commission, the Information Service of the Technical Research Centre of
Finland, who is also responsible for compiling of the information received from the Contracting
Parties. The first printed Baltic Marine Environment Bibliography, 1986 - 1990, was published in
the Baltic Sea Environment Proceedings No. 43 in 1992.
ISSN 0357-2994
Espoo- VIT Offsctpaino 1993
The bibliography covers information on the Baltic Sea, i. c. all marine areas from the Gulfs of Guidelines for the application of the ISBDs to the description of component
Finland and Bothnia in the east and north to the Belt Sea and the Kattegat in the west. It contains parts /!FLA.- London: !FLA Universal Bibliographic Control and International
references to reports, including "grey literature", journal articles, books, conference proceedings, MARC Programme : Blitish Library Bibliographic Services, 1988
dissertations, etc. The subject coverage includes all aspects on the marine environment of the Baltic
Sea, for example ecology, fauna and flora, fisheries, hydrography, pollution, environmental impact, lSBD (M): International Standard Bibliographic Description for Monographic Publications.-
research, planning and administrative measures. Rev. ed. London, IFLA Universal Bibliogrdphic Control and International
MARC Programme : Blitish Library Bibliographic Services, !987
The references are augmented by classification codes and keywords. The classification and
indexing system adopted for the bibliography is developed by the Aquatic Sciences and Fishelies
System, ASFA, of the Food and Agliculturc Organization of the United Nations.
()versviimningoch kusterosion pligrundJ-_ Title of an article, report, paper etc. in original
av klimatfiiriindring'! = Flooding and] language
--·-··English translationofthe document title, if originally
coast erosion ,by a changing climate? I wriuen in some other language
I _
Johansson, T. Vatten, JSSN 0042-2886 L-Author(s)
. ) .
J Journal title, JSSN-number, volume, pub!. year,
VoL 48(1992).1. -I P· 51-55.- (summary Ill number, pages, language of the summary
English) (se)-----------·· Two digit code for the country which has submitted
the original information*)
Keywords: coastal erosion, climatic~
changes, sea level changes, greenhouse
Occurrence and dynamics of poly-
chlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and Title of the article
dibenzofurans and other combustion
related organic pollutants in the aquatic
environment of the Baltic I Broman, D. & -Author(s)
Niif, C. & Zebi.ihr, Y. Chlorinated dioxins
and related compounds 1991 : proceedings
of the eleventh international symposium
held at Research Triangle Park, NC, U.S.A. Source publication (conference proceedings)
23-27 September 1991 : part 1: eds. T.
Damstra, L. Birnbaum, M.J. Charles, C.
Corton, W. Greenlee, G. Lucier. - [sJ.] :
[s.n.J, 1992. Chemosphere,ISSN0045-6535 ,c~-· Title of the journal where the source monograph
· is published, ISSN-number, volume, pub/. year,
25 ( 1992 ), 1-2.- Pp. 125-128.- (summary in_ number, pages, language of the summary
English) (se) Two digit code for the country which has
submiued the original information *)
Keywords: chlorine compounds, pollutants,
suspended particulate matter, water
pollution, chlorinated hydrocarbons,
chlorinated dibenzodioxins, chlorinated
dibenzofurans, dioxins, furans, PAH
Activities of the Commission 1990 : including the ISBN 91-620-4031-6 (se)
twelfth meeting of the Commission held in Helsin- Keywords: pulp wastes, chlorine compounds, indus-
ki 19-22 February 1991 - Helsinki : Baltic Marine trial wastes, forest industry, bioaccumulation, envi-
Environment Protection Commission. Helsinki rorunental effects, pollutants
Commission, 1991. - 74 p. Baltic Sea environment
proceedings, ISSN 0357-2994; 37 (fi) Hav och kust = Sea and coast I Sjoberg, B. -
Keywords: pollution monitoring, international co- Stockholm : Sveriges nationalatlas fOrlag, 1992. -
operation, international agreements, annual reports, 128 p. : ill., graphs, maps Sveriges nationalatlas. -
pollution control, environmental protection, Helcom ISBN 91-7024-890-7 & 91-87760-13-4 (se)
Keywords: coastal waters, coasts, hydrology, ocea-
Activities of the Commission 1991 : including the nography, biology, marine resources, hydrography,
13th meeting of the Commission held in Helsinki, pollution, Sweden
3-7 February, 1992- Helsinki: Baltic Marine Envi-
ronment Protection Commission. Helsinki Com- Intercalibrations and intercomparisons of
mission, 1992. - 72 p. Baltic Sea environment pro- measurement methods for airborne pollutants -
ceedings, ISSN 0357-2994; 42 (fi) Helsinki : Baltic Marine Environment Protection
Keywords: inte"ll1ational cooperation, international Commission. Helsinki Commission, 1992. - 92 p.
agreements, annual reports, pollution control, envi- Baltic Sea environment proceedings, ISSN 0357-
ronmental protection 2994; 41.- (summary in English) (fi)
Keywords: international cooperation, environmental
Baltic marine environment bibliography 1986- protection, pollution control, intercalibration, fallout
1990- Helsinki :Baltic Marine Environment Protec-
tion Commission. Helsinki Commission, 1992.- 377 Large-scale environmental effects and ecological
p. Baltic Sea environment proceedings, ISSN 0357- processes in the Baltic Sea : research programme
2994 ; 43 (fi) for the period 1990-1995 and background docu-
Keywords: bibliographies, water pollution, pollution ments I Wulff, F. - Solna : Statens naturvArdsverk,
monitoring, environmental protection 1991. - 225 p. Rapport I N aturvardsverket, JSSN
0282-7298; 3849.- ISBN 91-620-3849-4 (se)
Baltic Sea joint comprehensive environmental ac- Keywords: research programmes, water pollution,
tion programme (preliminary version) Diplomatic air pollution, runoff, nutrients (mineral), coastal wa-
Conference on the Protection of the Marine Environ- ters, chemical pollutants, food webs, sediment-water
ment of the Baltic Sea Area, Helsinki, Finland, 9 exchanges, dispersion, data collections, Baltic
April 1992 : conference document no. 513, agenda Proper, Gulf of Bothnia
item 5. - [s.l.] : [s.n.], 1992. - (summary in English)
(fi) Marina konventioner = Marine conventions -
Keywords: pollution monitoring, international co- Solna : Statens naturvArdsverk, 1992. - 8 p. Natur-
operation, international agreements, environmental vardsverket informerar.- ISBN 91-620-9428-9 (se)
protection Keywords: international agreements, international
Biological Intercalibration Workshop I Jacobsson,
L. & Evans, S. - Helsinki : Baltic Marine Environ- Miten Pohjanlahden kay? =What will happen to
ment Protection Commission. Helsinki Commission, the Gulf of Hothnia?- [s.l.], 1991.- 96 p.- ISBN
1991.- 152 p. Baltic Sea environment proceedings, 951-47-5219-8 (Also published in Swedish as 'Vad
JSSN 0357-2994; 38.- (summary in English) (fi) bander med Botmiska viken') (fi)
Keywords: international cooperation, intercalibra- Keywords: natural resources, man-induced effects
tion, biological data, phytoplankton, zooplankton,
primary production, zoobenthos, oxygen, hydrogen Presentation of database BALTIC I Sjaqvist, A.
sulphide, chlorophylls 17th Conference of the Baltic Oceanographers,
Norrkoping 1990 : proceedings. - Norrkoping :
Environmental fate and effects of bleached pulp Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute,
mill effluents: proceedings of a SEPA Conference 1991 (2 p.) (se)
held at Grand Hotel Saltsjobaden, Stockholm, Keywords: information retrieval, bibliographies,
Sweden 19-21 November 1991 I SOdergren, A. - data collections
Solna : Statens naturv~rdsverk , 1992. - 394 p. Rap-
port I Naturvardsverket, ISSN 0282-7298; 4031. -
Part 1: I General aspects Part 1: 2 The physical environment 5
Proceedings of the Second Marine Geological Keywords: geology, sediments, eutrophication, pol-
Conference- The Baltic, held in Rostock, October
21-26, 1991/ Lemke, W. & Lange, D. & Endler, R.,
lutants, algae, bacteria, fish, pollution control, Baltic 2 THE PHYSICAL ENVIRONMENT
Sea Area
1992. - 170 p. Meereswissenschaftliche Berichte,
ISSN 0939-396X; 4 (de) Ostersjon idag och imorgon = The Baltic today Balti basseini fosforiidid : bibliografia = Phos- gional planning, industrial wastes, environmental
Keywords: marine geology, mineralogy, sedimento- and tomorrow I Engstrom, W. & Norrgren, L. - phorities of the Baltic basin : bibliography -Tal- surveys, resource development, Bothnian Sea
logy, geochemistry, geophysics, conferences Uppsala: Sverigeslantbruksuniversitet, 1992.-72 p. linn : Tallinna Tehnikaulikool. Anorgaanilise tehno-
SLU info rapporter, !SSN 1!01-3761; 179.- ISBN loogia laboratoorium, 1992.- 232 p.- (Summary in Haven runt Sverige 1991 : rapport fran SMHI,
Tribnte to Mats Waern - the nestor of modern 91-576-4646-5 (Symposium (Uppsala: 1992)) (se) English and Russian) ( ee) oceanografiska laboratoriet : inklusive PMK -
Swedish phycology I Wallentinus, I. & Pedersen, M. Keywords: conferences, pollution, environmental ef- Keywords: phosphorite, bibliographies, Baltic basin utsjoprogrammet = The conditions of the seas
& Snoeijs, P. J. M. Phycological studies of Nordic fects, Baltic Sea bibliography, Estonia around Sweden: report from the activities in 1991
coastal waters : a festschrift dedicated to Prof. Mats : including the national Swedish programme for
Wacrn on his 80th birthday, ISBN 91-7210-078-8: Changes of hydrogeological conditions in Estonia monitoring of environmental quality - open sea
Complement to the Bibliography 1986-1990 under influences of technogenous factory I Savit- programme I Andersson, L. & Carlberg, S. R. &
cds. I. Wallentinus, P. Snoeijs. - Uppsala : Svcnska
vaxtgeografiska sallskapet, 1992. Acta phytogeo- Activities of the Commission 1986 : report of the skaja, L.- [s.l.] :Geological Survey of Estonia, 1991. Edler, L. & Fogelqvist, E. & Fonselius, S. & Fyrberg,
graphicaSuecica,ISSN0084-5914; 78.- Pp. 5-9 (se) activities of the Baltic Marine Environment Pro- -51 p. Bulletin I Geological Survey of Estonia ; 1I1. L. A. & Larsson, M. & Palmen, H. & Sjoberg, B. &
Keywords: algologists, biographies, marine scien- tection Commission during 1986 including the ·-(Summary in English) (ee) Zagradkin, D.- Nonkoping: Sveriges meteorologis-
tists eight meeting of the Commission held in Helsinki Keywords: water supply, deposition features, ground ka och hydrologiska institut, 1992. -56 p. :graphs,
24-27 February 1987 - Helsinki : Baltic Marine water, geological surveys, man-induced effects, maps, tables SMHI reports. Oceanography, ISSN
Vad hiinder med Bottniska viken'? = What will Environment Protection Commission. Helsinki waterbearing rocks, aquifer, sources of water pollu- 0283-1 1!2 ; 14. - (summary in English) (Also pub-
happen to the GulfofBothnia? - [s.l.], 1991.-96 tion -. lished as: Rapport I Naturvftrdsverket; 4065) (se)
Commission, 1987. - 48 p. Baltic Sea environment
p.- ISBN 951-47-5207-4 (Also published in Finnish proceedings, ISSN 0357-2994 ; 23. - (Summary in Keywords: hydrography, environmental monitming,
as 'Miten Pohjanlahdcn kiiy?') (fi) English) (fi) Cycle of investigations to improve the efficiency pollution monitoring, chemical oceanography,
Keywords: natural resources, man-induced effects, Keywords: environmental protection, intcmational and reliability of activated sludge process in sew- plankton, zoobenlhos, petroleum hydrocarbons, tem-
nature conservation, intcmational cooperation, Gulf agreements, pollution control, conferences, radio- :Jge treatment plants I MOlder, H. -Tallinn: Tallinn perature, dissolved oxygen, nitrogen, phosphorus,
of Bothnia active contamination, pesticides, agricultural pollu- Technical University, F. Civil Engineering, 1992. - silicates, humus, Gulf of Bothnia, Baltic Proper, The
tion, urban runoff, wastewater treatment 32 p.- (Summary in English) (Diss.) (ee) Sound, Kattegat, Skagerrak
Vad hiinder med Skiirgardshavet? = What will Keywords: waste water, modelling, aeration, waste-
happen to the Archipelago Sea? /Blomquist, E. A. "Alkor" und "Reincke" - zwei neuP. Forschungs- water treatment, phosphorus, nitrogen, sewage treat- Instruction in environmental problems in Esto-
- [s.l.]: [s.n.], 1992.- 112 p.- ISBN 952-9512-05-8 schiffe fuer die 'Heitraege der Bundesrepublik ment, biochemical method, activated sludge, air-gas nian oil shale industry : a new approach to the
(fi) Deutschland zur Meeresforschung in der Nord- analysis, Estonia phenolic wastewater treatment I Pikkov, L. &
Keywords: natural resources, man-induced effects, und Ostsee = "Alkor" and "Heincke": Two new Munter, R. & Kallas, J. & Palosaari, S. Proceedings
nature conservation, international cooperation, research vessels forming part of the FRG's con- Denitrification and phosporus removal of waste of ENTREE '92, Karlsruhe, Germany, Nov. 9-13,
Archipelago Sea tribution to research in the North Sea and the waters in Tallinn I Molder, H. & Paro, P. Report at 1992.- Pp. 125-132.- (Summary in English) (ee)
Baltic Sea I Bungenstock, H. & Fritsch, M. & Do- the Hansa Environment Conference, Helsinki, May Keywords: ozonation, adsorption, oil shale, indus-
Arsrapport 19?1 =Annual report 1991 -Helsinki, binsky, H. & Knauer, G. & Hoffman, K. Schiff 28-30,1991.- (Summary in English) (ee) tries, phenols, waste water, biooxydation, Northeas-
1991.- 112 p. Arsrapport I Kommittenfor Bottniska HafeniSeewirtschaft, ISSN 0938-1643 Vol. Keywords: wastewater treatment, sewage treatment, tem Estonia
viken, !SSN 0358-5891; 19.- ISBN 951-47-6098-0. 42(1990):8.- Pp. 23-30 (de) biogenous elements, anaerobic-aerobic purification,
- (summary in English) (Incl. 83 ref.) (fi) Keywords: research vessels, ship technology, ocea- '1\lllinn, municipal wastes, Estonia Jogede vee kvaliteedi jiilgimissusteemist ja selle
Keywords: water pollution, monitoring, interna- nography, North Sea, Baltic Sea, RV Alkor, RV tiiiustamisest =On the monitoring system of river
tional cooperation, bibliographic infonnation, Gulf Hcincke Environmental standards for discharges of pollu- water quality and its improvement I Loigu, E. &
ofBothnia tants generated in production processes with re- Velner, H. Peipsijiirve seisund.- Tartu, 1991.- Pp.
Environmental situation and project identifica- gard to directions of water use I Saarekiinno, J. 35-41.- (Summary in English) (ee)
Ostersjon - en kulturhistorisk betraktelse = The tion -Leningrad and the Leningrad region - [s.l.] 'fi'ans. ofTallinn Technical University, 1992, 730.- Keywords: surface water, monitoring systems, water
Baltic- a cultural historical discourse I Bjorksten, : [s.n.], 1990. - 68 p. + app - (summary in English) Pp. 44-51.- (Summary in English) (ec) quality, Lake Peipsi, Estonia
I. Ostersjon idag och imorgon: cds. W. Engstrom, L. (Jaakko Poyry, ref. M2019) (fi) Keywords: aquatic environment, water quality, stan-
Norrgren. - Uppsala : Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet, Keywords: environmental pollution, indusuial dardization, industrial wastes, state standard, indus- Kartliiggningsrapport : undersokning av kon-
1992. SLU info rapporter, !SSN 1!01-3761 ; 179.- wastes, pollution surveys, intemalional cooperation, trial nonn, Estonia sekvenser fiir havsmiljiin av en fast forbindelse
Pp. 11-15 (se) environmental protection, Leningrad, Gulf of Fin- over Oresund = Survey report : investigation of
Keywords: historical account, Baltic Sea, cultural land !iiivlckusten, underlag fiir oversiktsplan : sam- the impacts on the marin.~ environment caused by
history manfattning av ett utvecklingsarbete =The coast a fixed link across the Oresund I Birklund, J. &
Study of environmental protection- Poland- [s.l.] of Giivle, basis of a general plan : summary of a Povlsen, E. & Riber, H. & Horstedt, J. & Dahl, S. b.
Ostersjon - ett hav i foriindring = The Baltic - a : [s.n.], 1990. - 40 p. + app. - (summary in English) tkvclopment work - Gavle : Gavleborgs Ian. Lans- : Oresundskonsortiet, 1992.- iii, 71leaves: graphs,
changing sea - Stockholm : Naturvetenskapli- (fi) styrclsen, 1991.- 2 vols. : 83 p. + ca 200 p. and leav. maps, tables Miljokonsekvensbeskrivning for ore-
gaforskningsrftdet, 1992.- 141 p.: ill., graphs, maps, Keywords: environmental pollution, industrial II apport I Uinsstyrelsen i Giivleborgs liin ; I (Two sundsforbindelsen I Underlagsrapport; 3 =Environ-
tables Naturvetenskapligaforskningsradets arsbok; wastes, intemational cooperation, pollution surveys, unnumbered volumes, the second containing appen- mental impact assessmentfor the fixed link across the
1992.- ISBN 91-546-0336-6 (SE) environmental protection, Poland dices (bilagor)) (se) 6resund I Sub-report; 3.- (summary in English) (se)
Keywords: coastal waters, coasts, water quality, re- Keywords: bridges, planning, construction, sedi-
ments, oxygen depletion, zoobenlhos, phytobenlhos,
Part !: 2 The physical environment Part I: 2 The physical environment 7
pollutants, heavy metals, water quality, The Sound, lished as: Rapport I NaturvArdsverket; 3934) (se) 3934-2. - (summaries in English, Swedish) (Also FL., Vol. I. - Bartow, FL : Florida Institute of Phos-
()rcsund Keywords: environmental monitoring, pollution published as: SMHI reports. Oceanography, ISSN phate Research, 1990.- Pp. 267-279.- (Summary in
monitoring, hydrography, cruise stations, chemical 0283-1112; 13) (se) English) (ee)
On the state of natural environment in Estonia 1 oceanography, plankton, zoobenthos, petroleum hy- Keywords: environmental monitoring, pollution Keywords: sulphur dioxide, air pollution, pollution
Punning, J. M. Estonia: nature, mart artd cultural drocarbons, temperature, dissolved oxygen, ni- monitoring, hydrography, cmise stations, chemical control, phosphogypsum, reductive decomposition,
heritage PACT, ISSN 0257-8727; 37.- Pp. 133-142. trogen, phosphoms, silicates, humus, Gulf of Both- oceanography, plankton, zoobenthos, petroleum hy- fluidized bed calcium oxide
-(Summary in English) (ce) nia, Baltic Proper, The Sound, Kattegat, Skagerrak drocarbons, temperature, dissolved oxygen, ni-
Keywords: geography, industries, agriculture, pollu- trogen, phosphoms, silicates, hmnus, Gulf of Both- Vaaveldioksiidi puudmisest Narva soojuselektri-
tion, Estonia Soderzanie tjazeloh metallov v makrofltuh i don- nia, Baltic Proper, The Sound, Kattegat, Skagerrak jaamades = The catching of the sulphur dioxide in
noll otlozeniah maloh rek Estonii = Heavy metal Narva thermal power plants I Kuusik, R. Tehnika
Optimization of activated sludge system working content in macrophytes and sediments of small ja Tootmine, 1990, 9.- Pp. 21-22,32.- (Summary in
in anaerobic-aerobic conditions I Blonskaja, V. & Estonian rivers I Blinova, I. & Hansen, V. Tallinna Complement to the Bibliography 1986-1990 English) (ee)
MOlder, H. & Salis, !. Trans. of Tallinn Techn. Tehnikaulikooli Toimetised, 1992, 730.- Pp. 25-29. Keywords: oil shale, fly ash, air pollution, pollution
University, !992, 730. - Pp. 3-8. - (Summary in -(Summary in English) (ee) Thermal processing of phosphogypsum I Kuusik, control, acid rain, desulphurization, dry method, Es-
English) (ee) Keywords: sediments, heavy metals, sediment pollu- R. & Veidermaa, M. Proceedings of the Third Inter- tonia
Keywords: nitrogen, phosphoms, wastewater treat- tion, rivers, macrophytes, Estonia national Symposium on Phosphogypsum, Orlando,
ment, biochemical purification, optimum parame-
ters, Estonia Survey report: investigation of the impacts on the
marine environment caused by a fixed link across
Osnovo verojatnostnoi modeli nagruzki zagrjazn- the Oresund I Birkiund, J. & Povlseu, E. & Riber,
jajustsih vestsestv v ustevoh usastkah rek =Basis H. & Horstedt, J. & Dahl, S. 6.- [s.l.] : 6resundskon-
for a pollutant load probabilistic model in the sortiet, 1992. - 64 leaves : graphs, maps, tables -
river outlet I Lode, E. Tallinna Tehnikaulikoo/i (summary in English) (Environmen.\al impact assess-
Toimetised, 1992. - Pp. 30-34. - (Summary in Eng- ment for the fixed link across the Oresund ; sub-re-
lish) (ee) port nr 3. English translation of Kartlaggningsrap-
Keywords: river discharge, pollutants, variability, port) (se)
river outlet, models, Estonia Keywords: bridges, planning, constmction, sedi-
ments, oxygen depletion, zoobenthos, phytobenthos,
Peipsi-Pihkva jarve reostuskoormuse ja saas- J?.Ollutants, heavy metals, water quality, The Sound,
teainete bilanss = The balance of polluting sub- Oresund
stances and pollution load of Lake Pcipus I Loigu,
E. & Pamapuu, M. & Hansen, V. Peipsi jiirve sei- Treatment technology of wastewater containing
sund.- Tartu, 1991.- Pp. 6-14.- (Summary in Eng- phenols and phenolic compounds I Kallas, J. &
lish) (ee) Pikkov, L. & Viiroja, A. & Kamenev, S. & Joarand,
Keywords: phosphoms, nitrogen, nutrients (mine- H. & Tali, E. & Munter, R. & Poolsaari, S.- Lappeen-
ral), eutrophication, pollution data, Lake Peipsi, Es- ranta : Lappeenranta University of Technology,
tonia, non-point pollution 1992.-39 p. Research paper I Lappeenranta Univer-
sity ofTechnology, 0356-8210; 26.- ISBN 951-763-
Peipsi-Pihkva jarve vesikonna jogede seisund ja 754-3.- (Summary in English) (ee)
vee kvaliteedi pikaajalised muutused = State of Keywords: ozonation, adsorption, oil shale, indus-
the rivers in the water catchment area Lake Peipsi tries, phenols, waste water, aerobic/anaerobic bio-
and long-term changes in their water quality I oxydation, hydrogen peroxide oxidation, Estonia
Loigu, E. & Leisk, U. & Hansen, V. Peipsi jiirve
seisund.- Tartu, 1991. - Pp. 25-34. -(Summary in Typpi ja fosforiyhdisteiden yhteispoisto yhdys-
English) (ee) kuntien jatevesistii = Joint removal of nitrogen
Keywords: catclunent area, river discharge, eutro- and phosphorus compounds from community
phication, nutrients (mineral), fish, pollution data, waste water I Blonskaja, V. & MOlder, H. & Salis, I.
Lake Peipsi, Estonia Vesitalous, ISSN 0505-3838, 1992, 5. - Pp. 6-9. -
(Summary in English) (ee)
Program fiir miljiikvalitetsiivervakning .. PMK : Keywords: nitrogen, phosphorus, anoxia, waste-
utsjiiprogrammet : rapport fran verksamheten water treaUnent, biological method, anoxic zone,
under 1990 = National Swedish programme for Estonia
monitoring of environmental quality : open sea
programme : report from the activities in 1990 I Utsjiiprogrammet 1990 = Open sea programme
Andersson, L. & Carlberg, S. R. & Fogelqvist, E. & 1990 I Andersson, L. & Carlberg, S. R. & Fogelqvist,
Fonselius, S. & Fyrberg, L. A. & Palmen, H. & E. & Fonselius, S. & Fyrberg, L.A. & Palmen, H. &
Thelen, E.-G. & Zagradk:in, D. & Yhlen, B., 1991.- Thelen, E.-G. & Zagradkin, D. & Yhlen, B.- Solna:
48 p. SMHI reports. Oceanography,ISSN 0283-1112 Statens naturvArdsverk, 1991. -51 p. Rapport INa-
; 13. -(summaries in English, Swedish) (Also pub- turwlrdsverket, 0282-7298; 3934.- ISBN 91-620-
Part 1: 3.3 Botany Part 1: 3.3 Botany 9
Contribution to the seaweed flora of Sweden: new dedicated to Prof. Mats Waern on his 80th birthday,
3 BIOLOGY or ol herwise interesting records from the west ISBN 91-7210-078-8: eds. I. Wallentinus, P. Snoeijs.
mas!/ Karlsson, J. & Kuylenstierna, M. & Aberg, P. - Uppsala : Svenska vaxtgeografiska sallskapet,
Phycological studies of Nordic coastal waters : a 1992. Acta phytogeographica Suecica, ISSN 0084-
3.1 Biology: General f(~stschrif't dedicated to Prof. Mats Waern on his 80th
birthday, ISBN 91-7210-078-8: eds. I. Wallentinus,
5914:78.- Pp. 112-116 (se)
Keywords: algae, phytobenthos, vegetation, Katt.e-
P. Snocijs.- Uppsala: Svenska vaxtgeografiska sall- gat
Age determination of European harbour seal, 91-7210-078-8: eds. I. Wallentinus,P. Snoeijs.-Upp- skapct, 1992. Acta phytogeographica Suecica, ISSN
Phoca vitulina L. I Dietz, R. & Heide J rgensen, sala : Svenska viixtgeografiska siillskapet, 1992. Acta 0084-5914; 78.- Pp. 49-63.- (summary in English) Phycological studies of Nordic coastal waters : a
M.-P. & Harkoncn, T. & Teilrnann, J. & Valentin, N. phytogeographica Suecica, ISSN 0084-5914; 78.- (se) festschrift dedicated to Prof. Mats Waern on his
Sarsia, !SSN 0036-4827 Vol. 76(1991):1-2. - Pp. Pp. 11-23.- (summary in English) (se) Keywords: algae, phytoplankton, rare species, flora, 80th birthday I Wallentinus, I. & Snoeijs, P. J. M.-
17-21.- (summary in English) (se) Keywords: algae, cooling water, temperature effects, geographical distribution, Rhodophyta, Bant,>iophy- Uppsala: Svenska vaxtgeografiska sallskapet, 1992.
Keywords: aquatic mammals, Phoca vitulina, age Enteromorpha, Cladophora, Ceramium, taxonomy, ccac, Chromophyt.a, Fucophyceae, Chlorophyta, - 144 p. : ill., graphs, tables Acta phytogeographica
determination, methodology, Kattegat, Skagerrak, ecology, Bothnian Sea, Forsmark Ulntrichales, Skagerrak, Kattegat Suecica,!SSN0084-5914 ;78.- ISBN91-7210-078-8
seals & 91-7210-478-3 (se)
Effects of different fixation methods on histologi- Effl>ets of ferry traffic on tqe metal content of Keywords: algae, geographical distribution, coastal
Ecology and taxonomy of Enteromorpha species cal structures of brackishwater Mytilus edulis I Fucus vesiculosus in the Aland archipelago, waters, Festschrift, Kattegat, Skagerrak
in the vicinity of the Forsmark nuclear power Pekkarinen, M. Bivalve studies in Finland, 1991, I. norllwrn Baltic Sea /Rtinnberg, 0. & Ostman, T. &
plant (Bothnian Sea) I Snoeijs, P. J. M. Phycological - Pp. 41-52.- (summary in English) (fi) Adjcrs, K. Acta phytogeographica suecica, !SSN Phytoplankton species composition and distribu-
studies of Nordic coastal waters : a festschrift dedi- Keywords: histology, fixation, methodology, Myti- 0084-59!4 VoL.78(1992).- Pp. 95-99.- (summary tion in the southern Baltic Sea in 1979-1983 I
cated to Prof. Mats Waernon his 80th birthday, ISBN lus edulis in English) (fi) Wiktor, J. & Kruk-Dowgiallo, L. Studia i materialy
K<:ywords: algal settlements, metals, environmental oceanologiczne. Marine biology, !SSN 0208-421X
effects, bioaccumulation, wave effects, exposed Vol. 60(1992):8.- Pp. 5- 17.- (summary in English)
habitats, Fucus vesiculosus, Aland Islands (13 ref., 4 fig., 3 tab!.) (pi)
3.2 Microbiology Keywords: sea water, phytoplankton, eutrophication,
Floristic aspects pf the coastal inlet Inre Verk- Southern Baltic, Pomeranian Bay, Gulf of Gdansk,
Assessment of the effects of pollution in the Polish harbor seals (Phoca vitulina L.)/Gibele, J.&Meier, vikcn, northern Aland I Mathiesen, H. & Math- Gdansk Deep
Coastal Area of the Baltic Sea, 1984-1989,6: sani- J. & Binder, A. & Flossdorf, J. & Poveda, J. B. & ksen, L. Phycological studies of Nordic coastal wa-
tary conditions I Sobol, Z. & Szumilas, T. Studia i Schmidt, R. & Kircilhoff, H. Jnternacional joumal ters : a festschrift dedicated to Prof. Mats Waern on Planktonic diatoms: an ecological review /Willen,
materialy oceanologiczne. Marine pollution, !SSN of systematic bacteriology, !SSN 0020-7713 Vol. 41( his 80th birthday, ISBN 91-7210-078-8: eds. I. Wal- E. Archiv fiir Hydrobiologie. Supplementband. Algo-
0208-421X Vol. 61(1992):2.- Pp. 149- 165.- (sum- 1991):1.- Pp. 39-44.- (summary in English)(de) lentinus, P. Snoeijs.- Uppsala: Svenska vaxtgeogra- logical studies, !SSN 0342-1120 Vol. 62( 1991).- Pp.
mary in English) (6 ref., 7 fig., 5 tab!.) (pl) Keywords: new species, serological taxonomy, liska siillskapet, 1992. Acta phytogeographica Sue- 69-106. - (summary in English) (se)
Keywords: marine pollution, wastes, bacteria, epidemics, Mycoplasma phocarhinis, Mycoplasma dw.JSSN0084-5914; 78.- Pp. 101-110.- (summary Keywords: phytoplankton, algae, diatoms, Diatomo-
Pomeranian Bay, Gulf of Gdansk, Puck Bay phocacerebrale, Phoca vitulina, Mycoplasma, mor- in English) (se) phyceae, literature reviews, silicates, nitrogen, phos-
tality, bacterial diseases, organism morphology, Keywords: flora, algae, aquatic plants, vegetation, phorus, growth regulators, biotic factors
Mycoplasma phocarhinis sp. nov. and Mycoplas- marine organisms, Notth Sea, Baltic Sea coastal waters, phytoplankton, Aland
ma phocacerebrale sp. nov., two new species from Primary production of macroalgae in relation to
lnvcntering av paviixtalger utmed norra Botten- spectral range and sublittoral light conditions in
havskusten (Vasternorrlandsliin med omgivande the Tvarminne archipelago, northern Baltic Sea
!ldar): rapport tilllansstyrelsen i Viisternorrland 1 Leskinen, E. & Makinen, A. & Fortelius, W. &
3.3 Botany Mapping of macro-algae along the coast of the
Bothnian Sea : report to the County Administra-
Lindstrom, M. & Salemaa, H. Acta phytogeographi-
ca suecica, !SSN 0084-5914 Vol. 78(1992).- Pp. 85
liv<.' Board of Viisternorrland I Rosemarin, A. - Kil - 93. - (summary in English) (fi)
Assessment of the effects of pollution in the Polish Chorda tomentosa Lyngbye in Finnish coastal Svcnska Miljtiforskargruppen, 1992. - 71 p. : Keywords: algal settlements, light intensity, primary
Coastal Area of the Baltic Sea, 1984-1989,8: vege- waters I Hallfors, G. & Heikkonen, K. Acta phyto- paphs, maps (se) production, experimental research, controlled condi-
tation I Plinski, M. Studia i materialy oceanologicz- geographica suecica, ISSN 0084-5914 Vol. 78(1992 Keywords: algae, phytobenthos, coastal waters, Cla- tions, photosynthesis, Fucus vesiculosus, Cladopho-
ne. Marine pollution, !SSN 0208-421X Vol. ). - Pp. 79 - 84. -(summary in English) (fi) tlnphora, Fucus, Bothnian Sea ra glomerata, Pilayella littoralis
61(1992):2. -Pp. 181-190.- (summary in English) Keywords: algae, coastal waters, salinity, nutrients
(15 ref., 2 fig.) (pi) (mineral), algal settlements, seasonal variations, eco- Koliclla spiralis Kuosa (Chlorophyceae, Ulotri- Studies on the Fucus vesiculosus community in
Keywords: marine pollution, eutrophication, phyto- logical zonation, 010rda tomentosa, Tvarminne, rhalcs) : Baltic Sea phytoplankton identification the Baltic Sea I Kautsky, H. & Kautsky, L. &
plankton, phytobenthos, Puck Bay, Gulf of Gdansk Gulf of Finland Nhect no. 4 I Kuosa, H. & Ha!lfors, G. Annates Kautsky, N. & Kautsky, U. & Lindblad, C. Phyco-
/lotanici Fennici, ISSN 0003-3847 Vol. 27(1991). - logical studies of Nordic coastal waters: a festschrift
Chlorophyll-a concentration and distribution in Comparative ecophysiology of Baltic and Atlantic l'p. 353-354 (fi) dedicated to Prof. Mats Waem on his 80th birthday,
the southern Baltic in the years 1979-1983/ Nako- Fucus vesiculosus I Back, S. & Collins, J. C. & Keywords: identification keys, phytoplankton, taxo- ISBN 91-7210-078-8: eds. L Wallentinus, P. Snoeijs.
nieczny, J. & Renk, H. & Wiktor, K. Oceanologia, Russel, G. Marine ecology progress series, !SSN nomy, species, Koliella spiralis, Chlorophyce11e - Uppsala : Svenska vaxtgeografiska sa!lskapet,
ISSN 0078-3234, 1991, 30.- Pp. 77-91.- (summary 0!71-8630 Vol. 84(1992):1.- Pp. 71-82 (de) !992. Acta phytogeographica Suecica, !SSN 0084-
in English) (8 fig., 3 tab!., p. 89-91 ref.) (pi) Keywords: salinity effects, ecophysiology, photo- Mnrilw algae south of the island Vejro, the Samsii 5914; 78.- Pp. 33-48.- (summary in English) (se)
Keywords: matine poliution, sea water, chlorophylls, synthesis, Fucus vesiculosus, Phaeophyta, Atlantic ilrt'-1, Denmark I Nielsen, R. & Dahl, K. Phycologi- Keywords: aquatic communities, phytobenthos, pulp
eutrophication, Southern Baltic cal studies of Nordic coastal waters : a festschrift wastes, pollution effects, tin compounds, Fucus ve-
10 Part 1: 3.5 Invertebrate biology: Mollusca Part 1: 3.6 Invertebrate biology: Crustacea II
siculosus, energy flow, biological production, eco- colonization, Rhabdogloea minuta, Pannus spumo- llistological notes on Mytilus edulis and Macoma Keywords: histology, digestive tract, histochemistry,
logy, reproduction sus, Microcystis flos-aquae, Schleswig-Holstein, ball.hica I Pckkarincn, M. Bivalve studies in Finland, Macoma balthica
Schlei Fjord, mucilage 1991, 1. - Pp. 68-85.- (summary in English) (incl. 80
Taxonomy and ecology of Catacombas obtusa ref) (II) Notes on the general conditions of Mytilus edulis
Comb. nov. I Snoeijs, P. J. M. & Hallfors, G. & Vattenviixt i Ostersjon- ett liv i konflikt =Aquatic Keywords: histology, digestive tract, gills, kidneys, L. off the southwestern coast of Finland I
Leskincn, E. Diatom research Vol. 6(1991):1.- Pp. P,lant in the Baltic - a life in conflict I Kautsky, L. Myti1us cdulis, Macoma balthica Pekkarinen, M. Bivalve studies in Finland, 1991, 1 .
155-164 (se) Ostersjon- ett hav i f6randting, ISBN 91-546-0336- - Pp. 20-40.- (summary in English) (incl. 74 ref.) (fi)
Keywords: Bacillariophyceae, algae, Synedra taba- 6.- Stockholm: Naturvetenskapliga forskningsrMet, Histological notes on the digestive tract of Maco- Keywords: condition factor, histopathology, histo-
lata, Diatomophyceae, Catacombas obtusa, taxo- 1992. Naturvetenskapligaforskningsrildets ilrsbok; ma balthica (Bivalvia; Tellinidae) I Pekkarinen, M. chemistry, spawning, cysts, hetmaphrodistism, para-
nomy, ecology, cooling water, Bothnian Sea, Fors- 1992.- Pp. 77-89 (SE) Jiivalve studies in Finland, 1991, 1. - Pp. 53-67. - sites, Mytilus edulis, Gulf of Finland, Tvanninne
mark, diatoms Keywords: aquatic plants, sea grass, coastal waters, (summary in English) (incl. 42 ref.) (fi)
disttibution, physiology, bioaccumulation, Baltic
Transfer of two epipsammic diatom species to the Sea Area
genus Martyana I Snoeijs, P. J. M. & Hallfors, G. &
Lcskincn, E. Diatom research Vol. 6( 1991):1.- Pp.
Vegetation och flora i Skiirgardsmiljiistiftelsens
omrilde =Vegetation and flora in an archipelago
3.6 Invertebrate biology: Crustacea
Keywords: Diatomophyccae, algae, taxonomy, eco- area I Bonn, T. NordenskiOid-samfundets tidskrift
logy, Fragilaria virescens, Martyana, Bacillariophy- Vol. 51(1992).- Pp. 35-60 (fi) Abundance and distribution ofeuphausiids (krill) Physiological role of branchial carbonic anhy-
ccae, Opephora schulzii, Gulf of Finland, Skagerrak, Keywords: plant populations, environmental survey, in Skagerrak and Kattegat in February 1984- drase in the shore crab Carcinus maenas I
diatoms, Bothnian Sea Gulf of Finland l">n I Ulmestrand, L & Hagstrom, 0.- Copenhagen Boettcher, K. & Siebers, D. & Becker, W. &
: ICES, 1992. C.M. I International Council for the Petrausch, G. Marine biology, ISSN 0025-3162 Vol.
Two new chroococcal cyanophytes from a brack- Viixtplanktonflora = Phytoplankton flora I Fxp/oration of the Sea; 19921L:16.- (summary in 110(1991):3.- Pp. 343-352.- (Summary in English)
ish environment, (Schlei-Fjord) Germany I Tikkanen, T. & Willen, T. - Solna : Statens natur- English) (se) (Bibliogr.: 33 ref.) (de)
Hickel, B. Archiv filr Hydrobiologie, ISSN 0003- vArdsverk, 1992. - 280 p. : ill. Naturvardsverket Keywords: marine crustaceans, Meganyctiphanes Keywords: chlorides, sodium, excretion, carbon di-
9136 Vol. 92 (1991).- Pp. 97-104.- (Summary in informerar.- ISBN 91-620-1115-4 (se) norwcgica, Thysanoessa, community composition, oxide, gills, enzymatic activity, ion transport, animal
English) (Ref. to also as Algol. Stud. 64) (de) Keywords: phytoplankton, fresh water, brackish ahnndance, geographical distribution, Kattegat, physiology, marine ctustaceans, Carcinus maenas,
Keywords: new species, ultrastructure, new genera, water, botany, identification keys, species, taxonomy Skagcrrak Kiel Bight, carbonic anhydrase
brackishwater environment, ecological associations,
Distribution of mysid shrimps (Mysidacea) in the Physiology of sulfide detoxification in the isopod
Bay of Mecklenburg (western Baltic Sea) I Viili- Saduria (Mesidotea) entomon I Vismann, B.
pakka, P. Taxonomy, Biology and Ecology of(Baltic) Marine ecology progress series, ISSN 0171-8630
3.4 Invertebrate biology: General Mysids: (Mysidacea: Crustacea) :International Ex-
pal Conference, Sept. 1991, Hiddensee, Germany,
Vol. 76(1991):3.- Pp. 283-293.- (Summary in Eng-
lish) (Bibliogr.: 61 ref.) (de)
IS/3N 3-86009-087-9: eds. Kuehn, J., Jones, M.B. Keywords: sulphides, detoxification, oxidation, iron,
()vervakning av mjukbottenfauna Iangs Sveriges ()vervakning av mjukbottenfauna liings SverigP-s tmd Moffat, A .. - Rostock: Rostock University, 1992. hepatopancreas, hypoxia, animal metabolism, Isopc-
viistkust 1990 = Monitoring of soft-bottom fauna viistkust 1991 = Monitoring of soft-bottom fauna Pp. 61-72. - ( Summary in English) (fi) da, Sadutia entomon, Gulf of Gdansk
along the west coast of Sweden 1990 I Tunberg, B. along the west coast of Sweden 19911 Tunberg, B. Keywords: relict species, seasonal disttibution,
- Solna: Statens naturvlrdsverk, 1991.- 93 p. Rap- - Solna : Statens naturvlrdsverk, 1992. - 93 p. : dominant species, migrations Production of the benthic amphipods Ponto-
port I Naturvardsverket, ISSN 0282-7298 ; 3936. - graphs, tables Rapport I Naturvardsverket, ISSN poreia affinis and P. femorata in a Baltic archipe-
ISBN 91-620-3936-9.- (summary in English) (se) 0282-7298 ; 4066. - ISBN 91-620-4066-9. - (sum- Nurse cells and the origin spermatidic filaments lago I Sarvala, J. & Uitto, A. Ophelia, /SSN 0078-
Keywords: abundance, biomass, community compo- mary in English) (se) in Mysidacea (Peracardia, Crustacea) I Salemaa, 5326 Vol. 34(1991):2.- Pp. 71 - 90.- (summary in
sition, zoobenthos, environmental monitoring, Keywords: abundance, biomass, community compo- II. '/{mmomy, Biology and Ecology of (Baltic) My- English) (fi)
Skagerrak, Kattega sition, zoobenthos, environmental monitoring, sids (Mysidacea: Crustacea) :International Expert Keywords: zoobenthos, secondary production, abun-
Skagerrak, Kattegat Confierence, Sept. 1991, Hiddensee, Germany, ISBN dance, biomass, long-tenn changes, Pontoporeia af-
i 86009-087-9: eds. Kilhn,J., Jones, B.M. and Mof- finis, Pontopcreia femorata, Gulf of Finland, Tvar-
/ill, A .. - Rostock: Rostock University, 1992. - Pp. minne
.ll\44.- (Summary in English) (fi)
3.5 Invertebrate biology: Mollusca l<eywords: relict species, spenn, morphology, repro- Spectral sensitivity and light tolerance of mysid
species in the Baltic area I Lindstr!lm, M. Taxo-
duel ion, ultrastructure
nomy, Biology and Ecology of(Baltic) Mysids (My-
Coccidian hyperparasite in bucephalid trematode Effects of different fixation methods on histologi- Ostracode fauna from deeper parts of the Pom- sidacea: Crustacea) : International Expert Con-
sporocyst in brackish water (Baltic Sea) Mytilus cal structnres of brackishwater Mytilus edulis I meranian innercoastal waters of the Baltic Sea = ference, Sept. /991, Hiddensee, Germany, ISBN 3-
edulis I Pekkarinen, M. Journal of invertebrate pa- Pekkarinen, M. Bivalve studies in Finland, 1991, 1. llh~ Ostracodenfanna der tieferen Teile der Ost- 86009-087-9: eds. Kuehn, J., Jones, B.M. and Mof-
thology,ISSN 0022-2011, 1991, 57.- Pp. 292-293 (fi) - Pp. 41-52.- (summary in English) (fi) s•·•··"Boden-gewaesser Vorpommerna I Frenzel, P. fat, A .. - Rostock: Rostock University, 1992.- Pp.
Keywords: parasites, parasitic diseases, Mytilus Keywords: histology, fixation, methodology, Myti- Mcyniana, ISSN 0076-7689 Vol. 43(1991).- Pp. 151- 120-126. - (Summary in English) (ISBN 3-86009-
edulis, Prosorchyncus saguamatus, Trematoda, Spo- lus edulis 175. "(Summary in German) (Bibliogr. 32 ref.) (de) 087-9) (fi)
rozoa, Buchephalidae, Coccidia Keywords: check lists, environmental factors, sedi- Keywords: relict species, light stimuli, behavioural
ment sampling, animal morphology, Ostracoda, Cy- responses, biological damage, Mysis relicta, Gulf of
prideis torosa, crustaceans Finland, Tvanninne
12 Part I: 3.7 Vertebrate biology: Pisces Part I: 3.7 Vertebrate biology: Pisces 13
Studies on the status of eurytemora affinis Keywords: abundance, benthos, distribution records, (Jumges in the growth rate of southern Baltic (fi)
(Poppe, 1880) (Copepoda, Calanoida) 1 Busch, A. salinity, spatial variations, oxygen deficiency, mysis, lwrring in relation to hydrographic conditions Keywords: mathematical models, fish larvae, fish
& Brenning, U. Crustaceana Vol. 62(1992):1.. Pp. mysis mixta, mysis relicta and stock density in 1981-1990 I Wyszynski, M. - eggs, hydrodynamics, Gadus morhua
13-38.- (summary in English) (de) Copenhagen: ICES, 1991.-26 p. (de)
Keywords: taxonomy, animal morphology, body re- 0 vozmozhnosti prognozirovaniya uslovij otkor- Keywords: climatic changes, fishery oceanography, Estimation of Baltic cod eggs and larvae drift in
gions, salinity tolerance, habitat, biogeography, es- ma ryb mizidami v Vostochnoj i Yugo-Vostochnoj growth, water mixing, abundance, Clupea harengus the southern Baltic in July-August 1991 by a two-
tuarine organisms, coastal waters, comparative Baltike = Predictions about the development of layer, two dimensional linear flow model; sensitiv-
studies, Eurytemora affinis, Eurytemora hirundo, Mysidacea as natural food basis for fishes in the Comparison of the fecundity of herring (Ciupea ity tests and verification of the model I Aro, E. &
Eurytemora hirundoides, North Sea, Baltic Sea eastern and southeastern Baltic 1Shvet~ova, G. M. harcngus L.) in various areas of the northern Myrberg, K. & Salli, A. & Bagge, 0. & Bay, J. -
& Jula, E. A. Fischerei-Forschung, !SSN 0428-4984 Hallie Sea I Parmanne, R. & Kuittinen, E. Finnish [Copenhagen] :ICES, 1992.- 16 p.- (summary in
Two Baltic species of the Mysis Relicta species Vol. 28(1990):2.- Pp. 47-49.- (Summary in Russian) fisheries research, ISSN 030!-908X Vol. 12(1991).- English) (fi)
group I VainoW, R. Taxonomy, Biology and Ecology (de) Pp. 157-164.- (summary in English) (fi) Keywords: hydrodynamics, mathematical models,
of (Baltic) Mysids: (Mysidacea: Crustacea): Inter- Keywords: abundance, regression analysis, tempera- Keywords: fish eggs, size, fecundity, geographical fish eggs, fish larvae, Gadus morhua
national Expert Conference. Sept. 1991, Hiddensee ture effects, population dynamics, marine crusta- <list ribution, C!upea harengus, Northem Baltic
Germany, ISBN 3-86009-087-9: eds. Kuehn, J.: ceans, biomass, zoobenthos, Mysis mixta Fisken och havet =The fish and the sea I Hansson,
Jones, M.B. and Moffat, A .. - Rostock : Rostock Comparison of the karyology of eel pout (Zoarces S. Ostersjon - ett hav i forandring, ISBN 91-546-
University, 1992. - Pp. 33-37. - (Summmy in Eng- Zur Verbreitung, Biologic und Okologie von My- vivipams) from the White Sea and the Baltic Sea 0336-6.- Stockholm: Naturvetcnskapliga forskning-
lish)(fi) sidacea (Crustacea, Malacostraca) in der Meck- I Klinghardt, M. Fischerei-Forschung, !SSN 0428- srMet, 1992. Naturvetenskapliga forskningsrildets
Keywords: Mysis relicta, relict species, taxonomy lenburger Bucht und in den kiistenfernen Ge- ·1'!84 Vol. 29(1991):3. · Pp. 96-97 (de) arsbok; 1992. · Pp. 101-109 (SE)
bieten der eigentlichen Ostsee = The distribution Kc·ywords: taxonomy, geographical distribution, ka- Keywords: fish, fisheries, brackishwatcr environ-
biology and e~ology of Mysidacea (Crustacea: ryotypcs, kidneys, population genetics, stock identi- ment, contaminants, algal blooms, Baltic Sea Area
Complement to the Bibliography 1986-1990 Malacostraca) m the Mecklenburg Bight and in llcation, Zoarces viviparus, White Sea
the coastal area of Baltic Proper (1985-1988) 1 Food and feeding of cod in the Skagerrak and the
Distribution and abundance ofMysis populations Viilipakka, P. - Rostock : Universitat Rostock, 1990. Effcd of physiological conditions and amoltifica- Kattegat in 1991 I Dorman, J. & Johnsson, B. &
in the Baltic Sea I Salemaa, H. & Vuorinen, I. & · 172 p. (Diss. thesis) (fi) 1ion status at smolt release on subsequent catches Larsson, P.-O.· Copenhagen: ICES, 1992.- 18 p.:
Valipakka, P. Annates zoologice Fennici, !SSN 0003- Keywords: ecology, population structure, ecological of adult salmon I Viitanen, E. & SOderholm-Tana, graphs, tables C.M. I International Council for the
455X Vol. 27(1990). - Pp. 253-257. - (Summary in distribution, biological properties, mysidacea, neo- I .. & Soivio, A. & Forsman, L. & Muona, M. Aqua- Exploration of the Sea; 19921G:70. -(summary in
English)(fi) mysis, praunus, mysis, Mecklenburg Bight nllture, !SSN 0044-8486 Vol. 97(1991).- Pp. 231 - English) (se)
?.57. - (summary in English) (fi) Keywords: fish, Gadus morhua, food organisms,
Keywords: smolts, body conditions, stocking (organ- Skagerrak, Kattegat
isms), tagging, migrations, fish physiology, biologi-
3.7 Vertebrate biology: Pisces cal stress, Salmo salar, Neva River, Gulf of Finland,
Kymi River, catch rate
Geographical distribution, size composition and
maturity stages of plaice Pleuronectes platessa
(L.) during spawning season in the Skagerrak and
Application of a bioenergetics model to Eurasian condition factor, archipelagoes, dominant species, EITccts of some external factors on the predicta- Kattegat I Ulmestrand, M. - Lysekil : Havsfiskela-
perch (Perea fluviaiilis L.) I Kar~s. P. & Thoresson, Northwestem Aland, Northern Baltic hilily and production capacity of Baltic salmon boratoriet, 1992. - 16 leaves : graphs M eddelande
G. Journal of fish biology, ISSN 0022-1112 Vol. slocks I Kuikka, S. - [Copenhagen] : ICES, 1991. - fran Havsftskelaboratoriet, Lysekil, JSSN 0374-8030
41(1992). · Pp. 217-230. -(summary in English) (se) Changes in length at age in Baltic herring, studied 19 p. - (summary in English) (fi) ; 325.- (summaiies in English, Swedish) (se)
Keywords: fish, Perea fluviatilis, bioenergetics, by back-calculation from scales I Sj6strand, B. - Keywords: fish stocks, stock assessment, growth, Keywords: fish, Pleuronectes platessa, geographical
growth, food consumption, Bothnian Sea Copenhagen :ICES, 1992 .. 14 p. : graphs, tables recruitment, survival, smolts, Salmo salar distiibution, size distribution, sexual maturity, re-
C.M. I International Council for the Exploration of cruitment, Skagcrrak, Kattegat
Assessment of the effects of pollution in the Polish the Sea; 1992/J:21.- (summary in English) (se) Egg buoyancy of Baltic cod (Gadus morhua) and
Coastal Area of the Baltic Sea, 1984-1989, 10: Keywords: fish, Clupea harengus, age determina- lis implications for cod stock fluctuations in the Handbok for kustundersiikningar : metodbe-
fishery I Sk6ra, K. Studia i materialy oceanologicz- tion, scales, length Bailie I Nissling, A. & Westin, L. Marine biology, skrivningar i fiskeribiologi = Handbook of coastal
ne. Marine pollution, ISSN 0208-42IX Vol. I <J91, 111. - Pp. 33-35. - (summary in English) (se) studies : methodological descriptions in fishery
61(1992):2.- Pp. 205 · 220.- (summary in English) Changes in the growth of herring in the northern Keywords: fish eggs, Gadus morhua, buoyancy, biology I Thoresson, G. - brcgrund : Fiskeriverket.
(12 ref., 8 fig.) (pi) Baltic Sea I Parmanne, P. - [Copenhagen] : ICES, slocks, pelagic eggs Kustlaboratoriet, 1992. · 33 p. Kustrapport I Fis-
Keywords: marine pollution, biodegradation, Puck 1992.- 19 p.- (summary in English) (fi) keriverket. Kustlaboratoriet; I (se)
Bay Keywords: stock assessment, condition factor, age E~tg mortality and hatching rate of Baltic cod Keywords: methodology, fishery biology, age deter-
composition, growth, long-term records, C!upea ((;adus morhua) in different salinities I Nissling, mination, abundance, growth, reproduction, hydro-
Base-line inventering av fisksamhiillens samman- harengus, Northem Baltic i\. & Westin, L. Marine biology, ISSN 0025-3162, graphy, meteorology
siitt'ling liings en skiirgardsgradient pa nordviis- 1()<Jl, Ill.- Pp. 29-32.- (summary in English)(se)
tra Aland = A base-line study on the fish com- Changes in the growth rate of Baltic herring: why Keywords: fish eggs, mortality• causes, salinity, Inverkan av fodrets energi- och proteinhalt pii
IJlllnities along an archipelago gradient on NW some specimens are starved in the northern Baltic brackish water, Gadus morhua, Baltic Proper proteinomsiittningen hos torsk (Gadus morhua)
Aland, N Baltic Sea I Wistbacka, S. - Turku : Abo I Aro, E. & Kotilainen, P. & Flinkman, J.. [Copen- och atlantlax (Salmo salar) = The effect of food
Academy (University), 1992. - 30 p. + app. For- hagen] : ICES, 1992. - 22 p. - (summary in English) Estimation of Baltic cod eggs and larvae drift by energy level and protein content on protein meta-
skningsrapporter fran Huso biologiska station, !SSN (fi) 1wo-layer flow model with variable winds I Aro, E. bolism of skeletal muscle in cod and Atlantic sal-
0787-5460; 82.- ISBN 951-650-067-6 .. (summary Keywords: stock assessment, growth, age groups, .'1! Myrberg, K. & Salli, A. & Snnichsen, T.- [Copen- mon IDecken, A. vonder Havbrugog milj: havbrugs
in English) (fi) condition factor, long-term records, Clupea haren- hagen] :ICES, 1991.- 10 p.- (summary in English) p~virkning af det omgivende milj, ISBN 87-7303-
Keywords: fish, community composition, feeding, gus, Gulf of Bothnia, Gulf of Finland, Northem
Baltic Proper
14 Part I: 3.7 Vertebrate biology: Pisces Part I: 3.8 Vertebrate biology: Aves 15
545-9: cds. E. Hoffmann, R. Persson, E. Gaard, G. S. northern Baltic Sea I Urho, L. Sarsia, ISSN 0036- Keywords: methodology, fish, animal diseases, ref., 2 tab!.) (pi)
Jonsson. - Kbenhavn : Nordisk MinisterrM, 1991. 4827 Vol. 77(1992). - Pp. I - 10. - (summary in sam piing, statistical analysis Keywords: marine pollution, heavy metals, mercury,
Nord; 10.- Pp. 270-271.- (summary in English) (se) English) (fi) birds, muscles, liver, kidneys
Keywords: fish culture, feed, fish, proteins, muscles, Keywords: fish larvae, spawning grounds, migra- Oxytetnu:ydine and oxolinic acid as antibacteri-
glycogen, Gadus morhua, Salmo salar tions, nursery grounds, larval development, Clupea als in uquandture : analysis, harmacokinerics
harengus, Osmerus eperlanus, Northern Baltic, mor- aJ!d t.•nvironmental impacts/Bjorklund, H.- Turku Complement to the Bibliography 1986-1990
Is it possible to predict the recruitment of herring phology • Alx> 1\kadcmi, 1991.-43 p. Acta academiae aboen-
in the Bothnian Sea? I Pannanne, R. - [Copen- sis. /1, mathematica et physica, ISSN 0001-5105 ; Fish reproduction and the impact of acidification
hagen] : International Council for the Exploration of Mortality and growth of rainbow trout (Oncor- '>1(/9'11), 6.- ISBN 951-9498-91-5.- (summary in in the Kyronjoki River estuary in the Baltic Sea 1
the Sea, 1991.- 12 p.- (summary in English) (fi) hynchus mykiss) early life phases in exposure to lioglish) (Ph. D. thesis for the Abo Akadcmi, Turku, Urho, L. & Hilden, M. & Hudd, R. Environmental
Keywords: stock assessment, environmental condi- bleached kraft mill effluent (BKME) I Vuorinen, !'inland) (11) biology of fishes, ISSN 0378-1909 Vol. 27(1990).-
tions, prediction, recruitment, population number, M. & Vuorinen, P. J. Finnish fisheries research, ISSN Keywords: fish culture, fish diseases, population Pp. 273 - 283. - (summary in English) (fi)
Clupea harent,'US, Bothnian Sea 0301-908XVoi. 12(1991).- Pp. 111-123.- (summary density, biological stress, infectious diseases, dmgs, Keywords: nursery grounds, recruitment, reproduc-
in English) (fi) S:!lmo gairdneri tion, environmental effects, river discharge, acidifi-
Kokemaenjoen ja sen edustan merialueen kalata- Keywords: embryonic development, industrial cation, estuaries, larvae, juveniles, Bothnian Sea,
loudellinen tarkkailu : kirjanpitokalastus 1989- wastes, mortality, experimental research, Oncorhyn- Seawater adaptability in Baltic salmon (Salmo River Kyriinjoki
90ja haukien elohopeapitoisuudet 1991 =Manda- chus mykiss salar): a bimodal smoltification pattern in pre-
tory monitoring of the catch per units efforts in viousl.v mature males I Berglund, I. & Schmitz, M. Importance of estuaries for the reproduction of
1989-90 and the mercury contents of pikes in 1991 Mortality of Baltic herring (Clupea harengus L.) 11:. Lundqvist, H. Canadian journal of fisheries and freshwater fish in the Gulf of Bothnia I Lehtonen,
in the River Kokemiienjoki and in the adjacent eggs caused by spawning substratum algae 1 '"fllillic sciences, ISSN 0:706-652X Vol. 49(1992):6. H. & Hudd, R. Management of freshwater fisheries
sea area on the west coast of Finland 1Piiroinen, Aneer, G. Proceedings of the lith symposium of the l'p 1097-1106.- (summary in English) (sc) :proceedings of a symposium organized by the Eu-
0. - Tampcre : Kokemaenjocn vcsisWn vesicnsuo- Baltic Marine Biologists, Szczecin, 11-16 September Krywords: fish, Salmo salar, sea water, osmotic ropean Inland Fisheries Advisory Commission,
jeluyhdistys r.y., 1992. - 25 p. + app. Julkaisu 1 1989: ed. T. Radziejewska.- [s.l.]: [s.n.], 1991. Acta '"lnplations, fish physiology Goteborg, Sweden, 31 May - 3 June 1988, ISBN
Kokemaenjoen vesiston vesiensuojeluyhdistys r.y., ichthyologica et piscatoria; 21, suppl .. - Pp. 327-344 90-220-1014-7: eds. W. L. T. van Densen, B. Stein-
ISSN 0781-8645; 225 (fi) (sc) 1\tggings of small cod at the south coast of Sweden metz, R. H. Huges. - [s.l.] : Pudoc. Wageningen,
Keywords: pollution monitoring, waste water, indus- Keywords: fish eggs, Clupea harengus, mortality ! J"lu1sson, B. & Larsson, P.-O. &Modin, J.- Copen- 1988.- Pp. 82- 89.- (summary in English) (fi)
trial wastes, fishery statistics, catch/effort, mercury, causes, algae, Chromophyta, Fucophyccae, Pilayella IJaJ.'/'11 : ICES, 1991. - 8 p. - (summary in English) Keywords: freshwater fish, reproduction, spawning
Esox lucius, Kokcmaenjoki River, Bothnian Sea littoralis, Ectocarpus siliculosus, Rhodomela confer- (;~t:) grounds, estuaries, enviroomental cffecl~. Gulf of
voides l<t•ywords: tagging, migratioos, fish, Gadus morhua, Bothnia
Methods for sampling and observation of shallow I! all ic Proper
water fish I Anecr, G. & Blomqvist, E. M. & Hall- Natural range of some physiological parameters Morphological variation of herring in the north-
back, H. & Mattila, J. & Nellbring, S. & Sk6ra, K. & in perch (Perea fluviatilis) from unpolluted wa- Y'.H.wartosc rteci w watrobie, nerkachi miesniach ern Baltic Sea I Pannanne, P. Proceeding of the
Urho, L. - Lysekil : Havsfiskelaboratorict, 1992. - 33 ters I Monfelt, C. & Hiirdig, J. & Grahn, 0. Environ- piersiowych nurzyka podbielalego (Uria aalgae International Herring Symposium, Anchorage, AK,
p. : ill. Publication I The Baltic Marine Biologists, mental fate and effects of bleached pulp mill effluents Pont.) 1.imujacego w Zatoce Gdanskiej =Mercury October 23-25, 1990. -Fairbanks, AK : University
ISSN 0282-8839; 13 (se) : proceedings of a SEPA Conference held at Grand rontmt in liver, kidneys and pectoral muscles of of Alaska Fairbanks, 1990.- Pp. 427-443.- (sum-
Keywords: methodology, fish, coastal waters, samp- Hotel Saltsjobaden, Stockholm, Sweden 19-21 No- ( Uria a algae Pont.) wintering in the Gulf of mary in English) (fi)
ling vember 1991: ed. A. SOdergren. - SoIna : Statens t ;dunsk I Falandysz, J. Studia i materialy oceanolo- Keywords: stock identification, meristic counts, Clu-
naturv~rdsverk, 1992. Rapport I Naturvdrdsverket, gli me. Chemia morza, ISSN 0208-421X Vol. pea harengus, Northern Baltic, morphology
Mindre kant om strornmingen - var mest kiinda ISSN 0282-7298 ; 4031. - Pp. 329 - 336. - (Summary hl(l992):9.- Pp. 5-11.- (Summary in English) (10
fiskart (?) = Less known about the Baltic herring in English) (ISBN 91-620-4031-6) (se)
- our best known fish species (?)I Aneer, G. Fauna Keywords: fish, fish physiology, blood cells, enzy-
och flora, ISSN 0014-8903 Vol. 87(1992):1. - Pp. matic activity, Perea fluviatilis, lakes, Baltic proper
16-27 (se)
Keywords: fish, Clupea harengus, spawning, mor- Non-spawning burbot on the northern coast of the
3.8 Vertebrate biology: Aves
tality causes, algae Bothnian Bay I Pulliainen, E. & Korhonen, K. &
Kankaanranta, L. & Miiki, K. Ambio, ISSN 0044- Food of juvenile common eiders (Somateria mol- 91-620-4102-9 (se)
Model' ehmbrional'nogo perioda razhvitiya tres- 7447 Vol. 21(1992):2.- Pp. 170- 175.- (summary in liN,ima) in areas of high and low salinity /Nystrom, Keywords: Haliaetus albicilla, population number,
ki Baltijskogo morya = A model for embryonal English) (fi) I< U &. Pchrsson, 0. & Broman, D. The auk, ISSN reproduction, coasl~. birds, Baltic Proper, Gulf of
period in the Baltic cod life history I Bulgakova, T. Keywords: sexual maturity, sterility, pathology, fish OOIM·Ii038 Vol. 108(1991). - Pp. 250-256. - (sum- Bothnia
I. & Grauman, G. B. Fischerei-Forschung, ISSN diseases, chemical pollutants, Lata Iota, Bothnian !ll:!ry in English) (se)
0428-4984 Vol. 29(1991):2.- Pp. 61-67.- (Summary Bay Krywords: !Ceding behaviour, marine birds, brack- Havsiirn i Sverige : populationsundersiikningar :
in Russian) (de) i•ihwalcr molluscs, Somateria mqllissima, Mytilus rapport fran verksamheten 1990 = White-tailed
Keywords: sexual reproduction, spawning grounds, Notes on sampling design, statistical analysis and 1.•dulis, rood organisms, salinity, archipelagoes, Bal- eagle in Sweden : population studies : annual
temperature effects, salinity effects, natural mor- interpretation offish disease prevalence data sub- l h Proper, Skagcrrak report 1990 I Helander, B. - Solna : Statens natur-
tality, fish eggs, mathematical models, dissolved mitted to ICES I Vethaak, A. D. & Carr, M. & vArdsverk, 1991.- 25 p. Rapport/ Naturvdrdsverket,
oxygen, Gadus morhua Wilson, S. & Mellergaard, S. & Thulin, J. & Pawlak, !lavsi)m i Sverige : populationsundersiikningar ISSN 0282-7298 ; 3932. - ISBN 91-620-3932-6. -
J.- Copenhagen: ICES, 1991.- 12 p. C.M. !Inter- I 'J~II White-tailed eagle in Sweden : population (summary in Swedish) (se)
Morphological and ecological differences in the national Council for the Exploration of the Sea ; til !Idles 1991 I Helander, B. - Solna : Statens natur- Keywords: Haliaetus albicilla, population number,
development of smelt and herring larvae in the 1991JE:9. - (summary in English) (se) villil:>vnk, 1992.- 28 p.: graphs, tables Rapport! reproduction, coasts, birds, Baltic Proper, Gulf of
N<~!llrvilrd\·verket, ISSN 0282-7298; 4102. -ISBN Bothnia
16 Part 1: 3.9 Vertebrate biology: Mammalia Part I: 3.9 Vertebrate biology: Mammalia 17
common seal at the Baltic Sea coast of Sweden Phoca hispida, Halichoerus grypus, histology, patho-
3.9 Vertebrate biology: Mammalia 19'1() 1 llelandcr, B. - Solna : Statens naturvArdsverk,
19'1 1. - <12 p. Rapport I Naturvardsverket,ISSN 0282-
logy, seals
n•!S; .1938.- ISBN 91-620-3938-5.- (summary in PCB and PCB methyl sulfones in selected groups
Age determination of European harbour seal, compounds, halogen compounds, metals, animal dis- Swedish) (sc) of seals from Swedish waters I Haraguchi, K. &
Phoca vitulina L. I Dietz, R. & Heide Jrgensen, eases, seals, Skagerrak, Kattegat, Baltic Proper, Gulf Keywords: aquatic mammals, population number, Athanasiadou, M. & Bergman, A. & Hovander, L. &
M.-P. & Harkonen, T. & Teilmann, J. & Valentin, N. ofBothnia llalit:hocrus grypus, Phoca vitulina, seals, Gulf of Jensen, S. Ambio, !SSN 0044-7447 Vol. 21(1992):8.
Sarsia, ISSN 0036-4827 Vol. 76(1991):1-2. - Pp. llolhnia, Baltic Proper - Pp. 546-549.- (summary in English) (se)
17-21.- (summary in English) (se) Detection of tris(chlorophenyl) methane and Keywords: aquatic mammals, Halichoerus grypus,
Keywords: aquatic mammals, Phoca vitulina, age tris( 4-chlorophenyl) methanol in ringed seal K11uhbsiil i Ostersjon : fiiltstudier av reproduk- Phoca hispida, Phoca vitulina, PCB, chlorine com-
determination, methodology, Kattegat, Skagerrak, (Phoca hispida) from the Baltic Sea I Zook, D. R. liOll odt iiverlevnad ett ar efter siildiiden = Har- pounds, metabolites, pollutants, seals, Skagerrak,
seals & Buser, H.-R. & Bergqvist, P.-A. & Rappe, C. & bour seal in the Baltic Sea : field studies of repro- Kattegat, Baltic Proper, Gulf of Bothnia, aromatic
Olsson, M. Ambio,ISSN 0044-7447Vol. 21(1992):8. du,•tlon and survival one year after the seal death compounds
Anisakid nematodes in the harbour seal Phoca - Pp. 557-560.- (summary in English) (se) I II dander, E. - Solna: Statens naturv~rdsverk, 1991.
vitulina from the Kattegat-Skagerrak and the Keywords: aquatic mammals, chlorine compounds, en 2l p. Rapport I Naturvardsverket, ISSN 0282- Populationsundersiikningar pa knubbsiil och gra-
Baltic I Lunneryd, S.-G. Ophelia, ISSN 0078-5326 pollutants, Phoca hispida, aromatics, seals, tris(chlo- 7,"!8; 3894.- ISBN 91-620-3894-X.- (summary in siil i Kattegat-Skagerrak samt vikaresiil i Botten-
Vol. 34(1991):2.- Pp. 105-115.- (summary in Eng- rophenyl)methane, tris(4-chlorophenyl)methanol Swc<lsih) (sc) viken : rapport fran verksamheten 1989 = Popu-
lish) (se) J(,:ywords: marine mammals, reproduction, survival, lation surveys on harbour seal and grey seal in the
Keywords: aquatic mammals, Phoca vitulina, para- Estimating abundance of ringed seals in the Both- I'IHJ<::I vitulina, population number, Baltic Proper, Kattegat-Skagerrak, and ringed seal in the Both-
sites, parasitic diseases, animal diseases, seals, Kat- nian Bay I Harkonen, T. & Lunneryd, S. G. Ambio, !--irals nian Bay : annual report 1989 I Harkonen, T. -
legal, Skagerrak, Baltic Proper ISSN 0044-7447 Vol. 21(1992):8. - Pp. 497-503. - Solna: Statens naturvArdsverk, 1991.-25 p. Rapport
(summary in English) (se) 1.1:vl:ls of polychlorinated camphenes (toxa- 1 Naturvardsverket, ISSN 0282-7298; 3853.- ISBN
Assessment of the effects of pollution in the Polish Keywords: aquatic mammals, Phoca hispida, popu-- piHml'), ehlordane compounds and polybromi- 91-620-3853-2.- (summary in Swedish) (se)
Coastal Area of the Baltic Sea, 1984-1989 I Sk6ra, lation number, abundance, geographical distribution, IHII"<< !liphcnyl etlters in seals from Swedish wa- Keywords: aquatic mammals, Phoca vitulina, Hali-
K. 11 : sea mammals. Studia i materialy oceanolo- seals, Bothnian Bay wrs 1 Andersson, 0. & Wartanian, A. Ambio, ISSN choerus grypus, Phoca hispida, population number,
giczne. Marine pollution, ISSN 0208-42JX Vol. IIIJ.I4 7-147 Vol. 21 (1992):8. - Pp. 550-552. - (sum- reproduction, mortality, seals, Skagerrak, Kattegat,
61(1992):2.- Pp. 222-226.- (summary in English) Fiirekomst av kiikskador hos knubbsiil Phoca vi- '"'"Y in r;nglish) (se) Bothnian Bay
(9 ref., 1 fig., 1 tab!.) (pl) tulina fran perioden 1835-1988 = Occurrence of 1\cywords: aquatic mammals, Halichoerus grypus,
Keywords: marine pollution, marine mammals, Puck jaw deformations in harbour seal Phoca vitulina I'IHH'il hispida, Phoca vitulina, chlorine compounds, Populationsundersiikningar pi! knubbsal och gra-
Bay, Gulf of Gdansk from the period 1835-1988 I Mortensen, P. & Big- lll!lngcn compounds, pollutants, pesticides, seals, siil i Kattegatt-Skagerrak och vikaresiil i Botten-
nert, A. & Olsson, M. & Bergman, A. & Hansen, H. Kallcgat, Skagcrrak, toxaphene, chlordane, flame re- viken :rapport fran verksamheten 1990 =Studies
Concentrations of PCDDs and PCDFs in seals J. & Harkonen, T. - Solna : Statens naturvArdsverk, ! ilfdanls of populations of common seal and grey seal in the
from Swedish waters I Bergek, S. & Bergqvist, P. -A. 1991. - 17 p. Rapport I Naturvardsverket,!SSN 0282- Kattegat-Skagerrak and ringed seal in the Both-
& Hjelt, M. & Olsson, M. & Rappe, C. & Roos, A. 7298; 3987. -ISBN 91-620-3987-3 (se) I ,onn--h,rm effects of epizootic in harbor seals in nian Bay : annual report for 1990 I Hark(inen, T.
&Zook, C. Ambio, ISSN0044-7447Vol. 21(1992):8. Keywords: aquatic mammals, Phoca vitulina, long- 1hi' Kaltegat-Skagerrak and adjacent areas I & Lunneryd, S. G. - Solna : Statens naturvArdsverk,
- Pp. 553-556.- (summary in English) (se) term records, skull, animal diseases, seals I !ride Jl>rgcnscn, M. P. & Harkonen, T. & Aberg, P. 1991.-24 p. Rapport I Naturvardsverket,!SSN0282-
Keywords: aquatic mammals, chlorine compounds, Amhio, /SSN 0044-7447 Vol. 21 (1992):8. - Pp. 511- 7298; 3947.- ISBN 91-620-3947-4 (se)
pollutants, seals, Kattegat, Skagerrak, dioxins, Grasiil och knubbsiil : inventering vid svenska . , 11, (sunnnary in English) (sc) Keywords: aquatic mammals, population number,
dibenzofurans, polychlorinated dibenzodioxins, Ostersjiikusten: rapport fran verksamheten 1991 Keywords: aquatic mammals, animal diseases, Halichoerus grypus, Phoca vitulina, Pusa hispida,
polychlorinated dibenzofurans = Grey seal and common seal at the Baltic Sea 1'1\oca vitulina, population dynamics, seals, Kattcgat, seals, Bothnian Bay, Kattegat, Skagerrak
coast of Sweden : annual report 1991 I Helander, ''J, "1'--''rrak, Baltic Proper, Belt Sea
Concentrations of sDDT and PCB in seals from B. - Solna : Statens naturvArdsvcrk , 1992. - 48 p. : Present state and future of Baltic seals in the Gulf
Swedish and Scottish waters I Blomkvist, G. & graphs, maps, tables Rapport I N aturvard1verket, M••lal t'onccntrations in seals from Swedish wa- of Finland I Helle, E. & Stenman, 0. Memoranda
Roos, A. & Jensen, S. & Bignert, A. & Olsson, M. !SSN 0282-7298; 4083.- ISBN 91-620-4083-9 (sc) IN' I Frank, A. & Galgan, V. & Roos, A. & Olsson, societatis pro fauna et flora Fennica, ISSN 0373-
Ambio, ISSN 0044-7447 Vol. 21(1992):8.- Pp. 539- Keywords: aquatic mammals, population number, rvl .>;c l'etersson, L. R. & Bignert, A. Ambio, ISSN 6873 Vol. 67(1991). - Pp. 21 - 25. - (summary in
545. - (summary in English) (se) Halichoerus grypus, Phoca vitulina, seals, Gulf of iJ0-1/.7--147 Vol. 21(1992):8. - Pp. 529-538. -(sum- English) (fi)
Keywords: aquatic mammals, Halichoerus grypus, Bothnia, Baltic Proper illiliY in English) (sc) Keywords: aquatic mammals, pollution monitoring,
Phoca hispida, Phoca vitulina, DDT, PCB, pollu- Keywords: aquatic mammals, metals, heavy metals, reproduction, long-term changes, chemical pollu-
tants, chlorine compounds, pesticides, seals, Skager- Harbor seal (Phoca vitulina) on the Swedish Bal- I blidl<>nus grypus, Phoca hispida, Phoca vitulina, tants, population structure, Phoca hispida, Hali-
rak, Kattegat, Baltic Proper, Gulf of Bothnia, Scot- tic Coast : population trends and reproduction I pniiiJiiDn, seals, Skagerrak, Kattegat, Baltic Proper, choerus grypus, Gulf of Finland, seals
land Helander, B. & Bignert, A. Ambio, ISSN 0044-7447 1 in II of llolhnia
Vol. 21(1992):8.- Pp. 504-510.- (summary in Eng- Prevalence of skull lesions in harbor seals (Phoca
Contaminants and diseases in seals from Swedish lish) (se) l';ilholol!kal findings indicative of distemper in vitulina) in Swedish and Danish museum collec-
waters 1 Olsson, M. & Andersson, 6. & Bergman, Keywords: aquatic mammals, abundance, popula- Vmopc;m sc:~ls I Bergman, A. & Ja1plid, B. & tions : 1835-1988 I Mortensen, P. & Bergman, A. &
A. & Blomqvist, G. & Frank, A. & Rappe, C. Ambio, tion number, reproduction, temporal variations, :vvo.'\JSson, B.-M. Veterinary microbiology, ISSN Bignert, A. & Hansen, H. J. & Harkonen, T. &
!SSN 0044-7447 Vol. 21(1992):8. - Pp. 561-562. - long-term changes, seals, Baltic Proper Ol!li 11!5 Vol. 27(1991).- Pp. 331-341.- (summary Olsson, M. Ambio, ISSN 0044-7447Vol. 21(1992):8.
(summary in English) (se) !nl'nglish) (sc) - Pp. 520-524. -(summary in English) (se)
Keywords: aquatic mammals, Halichoerus grypus, Inventeringar av grasiil och knubbsiil vid svenska 1'--<'ywords: aquatic mammals, animal diseases, Keywords: aquatic mammals, Phoca vitulina, skull,
Phoca hispida, Phoca vitulina, pollutants, chlorine Ostersjiikusten 1990 = Surveys of grey seal and
18 Part I: 3.9 Vertebrate biology: Mammalia Part I: 4.2 Autecology 19
4.2 Autecology
10 .Jahre Forschung znr Physiologic von J'llutz- 29(1991):3.- Pp. 9-14 (Bib!.: 25 ref.) (de)
Hschcn in Rostock = 20 years research in fish Keywords: fish physiology, brackishwater fish, his-
physiology at the University ofRostock I Spanhof, torical account, aquaculture development, environ-
I. Fischrei-Forschung, !SSN 0428-498 Vol. mental effects, Germany, Rostock
20 Part I: 4.2 Autecology Part I: 4.2 Autecology 21
Changes in the growth rate of southern Baltic cal stress, Salmo salar, Neva River, Gulf of Finland, Keywords: nutrients (mineral), sediments, phos- Kortelainen, I. & Rousku, T. Actes du 9e Colloque
herring in relation to hydrographic conditions Kymi River, catch rate phates, river beds, sediment pollution, eutrophica- International D'Oceanographie Mectiale, 22-24 Oc-
and stock density in 1981-1990 I Wyszynski, M. - tion, Estonia tobre 1990, Nice, France.- [s.l.]: [s.n.], 1991. Revue
Copenhagen: ICES, 1991.-26 p. (de) Effects of cannibalism and alternative prey on International d' oceanographie medicale, ISSN
Keywords: climatic changes, fishery oceanography, population dynamics of Sad uri a entomon (Isopo- Primary production of macroalgae in relation to 0035-3493; tomes 1011104.- Pp. 47-52 (fi)
growth, water mixing, abundance, Clupea harengus da) I Leonardsson, K. Ecology Vol. 72(1991):4.- Pp. sp•~dral range and sublittoral light conditions in Keywords: toxicity, oil spills, oil pollution, disper-
1273-1285.- (summary in English) (se) Ihe Tvarminne archipelago, northern Baltic Sea sants, sublethal effects, lethal effects, Nitocra
Comparative ultrastructure of the cuticle of some Keywords: food organisms, size distribution, canni- I Lcskinen, E. & Makinen, A. & Fortelius, W. & spinipes
pelagic, nektobenthic and benthic malacostracan balism, predation, population dynamics, brackish- Lindstr(im, M. & Salemaa, H. Acta phytogeographi-
crustaceans I Puetz, K. & Buchholz, F. Marine biol- water crustaceans m suecica, ISSN 0084-5914 Vol. 78(1992).- Pp. 85 Tracking studies on migrating silver eels in the
ogy, ISSN 0025-3162 Vol. 110(1991):1.- Pp. 49-58 'i.l. - (summary in English) (fi) central Baltic I Tesch, F- W. & Westerberg, H. &
(Bibliogr.: 50 ref.) (de) Effects of ferry traffic on the metal content of Keywords: algal settlements, light intensity, primary Karlsson, L. Meeresforschung I Reports on Marine
Keywords: ultrastructure, cuticles, dry weight, bio- Fucus vesiculosus in the Aland a.rchipelago, production, experimental research, controlled condi- Research, ISSN 0341-6836 Vol. 33(1991):2-3.- Pp.
chemical composition, comparative studies, correla- northern Baltic Sea /Rilnnberg, 0. & Ostman, T. & tions, photosynthesis, Fucus vesiculosus, Cladopho- 183-196.- (Summary in German) (de)
tion analysis, vertical distribution, marine crusta- Adjers, K. Acta phytogeographica suecica, !SSN ra glomerata, Pilayella littoralis Keywords: spawning migrations, sonic tags, thermo-
ceans, pelagic environment, benthic environment, 0084-5914 Vol. 78(1992).- Pp. 95-99.- (summa1y cline, Anguilla anguilla
Malacostraca, Kiel Bight in English) (fi) Review of growth rate of the Baltic flounder (Pia-
Keywords: algal settlements, metals, environmental tichlhys flesus L.) derived from otolith measure- Untersuchungen zur raum-zeitlichen Verteilung
Dinamika absolyutnogo zhapasa v sentyabre i go- effects, bioaccumulation, wave effects, exposed nwnls I Draganik, B. & Kuczynski, J.- Copenhagen der Heringslarvennahrung von April bis Juni
dovaya produktsiya Mysis mixta =Absolute stock habitats, Fucus vesiculosus, Aland Islands :·ICES, 1991. -)2 p .• (Summary in French) (de) 1988 im suedlichen Greifswalder Bodden= Inves-
dynamics of Mysis mixta (Lilljeborg) in Septem- K<,:ywords: otolith reading, length-weight relation- tigations on space-temporal patterns of herring
ber and annual production in the eastern Baltic I Food and feeding of cod in the Skagerrak and the ships, Platichthys flesus, Gulf of Gdansk larvaes diet in the Southern Greifswalder Bodden
Shvetsova, G. M. & Shvetsov, F. G. Fischerei-For- Kattegat in 1991 I Dorman, J. & Johnsson, B. & (Baltic Sea) from April to June in 1988/Postel, A.
schung, ISSN 0428-4984 Vol. 29(1991):2.- Pp. 75- Larsson, P.-O.- Copenhagen: ICES, 1992.- 18 p.: SaHhalt, fiiroreningar och livet i Ostersjiin = Sa- & Postel, L. & Hantke, E. Fischerei-Forschung,
77. - (Summary in German) (de) graphs, tables C M. I International Council for the linily, pollutants and life in the Baltic Sea I Kaut- ISSN 0428-4984 Vol. 29(1991):2.- Pp. 43-56 (de)
Keywords: population dynamics, biomass, tempera- Exploration of the Sea; 19921G:70. - (summary in ::ky, N. & Tedengren, M. 6stersj6n- ett hav i filrand- Keywords: ichthyoplankton surveys, food organ-
ture effects, annual variations, Mysis mixta English) (se) riug , ISBN 91-546-0336-6. - Stockholm : Natur- isms, food availability, growth, temperature effects,
Keywords: fish, Gadus morhua, food organisms, vetcnskapliga forskningsrMet, 1992. Naturveten- population dynamics, zooplankton, Clupea haren-
Distribution of mysid shrimps (Mysidacea) in the Skagerrak, Kattegat .\kapligaforskningsrddets arsbok; 1992.- Pp. 91- gus, Eurytemora, Acartia, Temora, Podon, Evadne,
Bay of Mecklenburg (western Baltic Sea) I Vitli- llXl (SE) Daphnia, Keratella, Greifswalder Bodden
pakka, P. Taxonomy, Biology and Ecology of(Baltic) Investigations on cod stomachs in the Western Keywords: biological stress, brackishwater environ-
Mysids: (Mysidacea: Crustacea) :International Ex- Baltic, 1981-1989/Weber, W. &Damm, U.- Copen- ment, Mytilus, Gammarus, Theodoxus, Fucus, sa- Veraenderungen der Ernaehrung benthophager
pert Conference, Sept. 1991, Hiddensee, Germany, hagen: ICES, 1991.- 17 p. (de) linity, pollution effects, Baltic Sea Area Fische (Biei, karpfen und Kaulbarsch) als Resul-
ISBN 3-86009-087-9: eds. Kuehn, J., Jones, M.B. Keywords: stomach content, predation, Clupea tat eines grossraeumigen Besatzexperimentes mit
and Moffat, A .. - Rostock: Rostock University, 1992. harengus, Sprattus sprattus, Gadus morhua S<!asonal growth of the benthic amphipods Ponto- Karpfen = Changes in the food composition of
- Pp. 61-72. - (Summary in English) (fi) porda affinis and P. femorata in a Baltic archipe- benthophagous fishes as an result of stocking ex-
Keywords: relict species, seasonal distribution, Migration behaviour of the amphipod Ponto- lago in relation to environmental factors I Uitto, periments with carp I Debus, L. Fischerei-For-
dominant species, migrations poreia affinis Lindstrom/ Lindstrilm, M., 1992. - A. & Sarvala, J. Marine biology, ISSN 0025-3162 schung,ISSN0428-4984Vol. 29(1991):4. -Pp. 66-71
18 p. W. & A. de Nottbeck Found.Sci.Rep., !SSN Vol. 111(1991):2. - Pp. 237 - 246. - (summary in (de)
Ecophysiological strategies in Baltic Sea inverte- 0358-6758; 7.- ISBN 951-95341-6-4.- (Summary English) (fi) Keywords: feeding, predation, food consumption,
brates I Kautsky, N. & Tedengrcn, M. Proceedings in English) (fi) Keywords: zoobenthos, growth, seasonal variations, growth, stocking (organisms), stock assessment,
of the 12th Baltic Marine Biologists Symposium, Keywords: indicator species, behavioural responses, i<'eding, Pontoporeia affinis, Pontoporcia femorata, food availability, diets, Abramis brama, Cyprinus
Helsingor, Denmark, 25-30 August 1991, ISBN 87- migrations, light stimuli, experimental research, Uulf of Finland, Tvarminne carpio, Acerina cemua, Mecklenburg-Vorpommem,
85215-25-2: eds. E. BjOrnestad, L. Hagerman, K. Tvarminne, Gulf of Finland Saaler Bodden, zoobenthos
Jensen. - Fredensborg : Olsen & Olsen, 1992. - Pp. Sp!!ctral sensitivity and light tolerance of mysid
91-96 ( SE) Migration pattern of two salmon stocks in the SJH,des in the Baltic area I Lindstr6m, M. Taxo- Vertical migration of Gonyaulax catenata and
Keywords: marine molluscs, freshwater molluscs, Baltic Sea I Kallio-Nyberg, I. & Ikonen, E. ICES ilomy, Biology and Ecology of (Baltic) Mysids (My- Mesodinium rubrum I Passow, U. Marine biology,
salinity tolerance, brackishwater environment, biol- journal of marine science, ISSN 1054-3139 Vol. sidanw: Crustacea) : International Expert Con- ISSN 0025-3162 Vol. 110(1991):3.- Pp. 455-463.-
ogical stress, physiology, pollution effects, crusta- 49(1992).- Pp. 191 - 198.- (summary in English) (fi) ft:rcnce, Sept. 1991, Hiddensee, Germany, ISBN 3- (Summary in English) (Bibliogr.: 3 ref.) (de)
ceans Keywords: fish stocks, feeding migrations, stocking /1(>()()9,.087-9: eds. Kuehn, J., Jones, B.M. and Mof- Keywords: vertical migrations, light effects, nitrates,
(organisms), tagging, Salmo salar, Bothnian Sea, /<.11, A .. - Rostock : Rostock University, 1992. - Pp. nitrites, nutrients (mineral), diumal variations, Go-
Effect of physiological conditions and amoltifica- Gulf of Finland 120 126. - (Summary in English) (ISBN 3-86009- nyaulax catenata, Mesodinium rubrum
tion status at smolt release on subsequent catches 0W/9) (fi) '
of adult salmon I Virtanen, E. & SOderholm-Tana, Obmen fosfora mezdu vodoi donnomi otlozenia- Keywords: relict species, >light stimuli, behavioural
L. & Soivio, A. & Forsman, L. & Muona, M. Aqua- mi v maloh rekah Estonii = Exchange of phos- n;sponses, biological damage, Mysis relicta, Gulf of Complement to the Bibliography 1986-1990
culture, !SSN 0044-8486 Vol. 97(1991).- Pp. 231 - phate between water and bottom sediments in Finland, Tvarminne '
257.- (summary in English) (fi) small rivers of Estonia I Hansen, V. Tallinna Tehni- Allometriya rosta baltijskogo shprota = Allo-
Keywords: smolts, body conditions, stocking (organ- kaulikooli Toimetised, 1992, 730.- Pp. 9-15.- (Sum- Toxicity of oil dispersants to a harpacticoid cope- metry of Baltic sprat growth I Aps, R. A. & Gent-
isms), tagging, migrations, fish physiology, biologi- mary in English) (ee) pod Nitocra spinipes Boeck in brackish water I zen, B. & Shirokov, S. V. & Ustinova, L.A. Fische-
22 Part 1: 4.2 Autecology Part I: 4.3 Population studies 23
rei-Forschung. !SSN 0428-4984 Vol. 28(1990):2. - shape, morphometry, Foulier analysis, Sprattus
Pp. 28-31 ( Bibliogr.: 23 ref.) (de) sprattus 4.3 Population studies
Keywords: growth, otolith reading, exploratory fish-
ing, clupeoid fishelies, Sprattus sprattus Kharakteristika pitaniya koryushki (Osmerus
eperlanus L.) i bel'dyugi (Zoarces viviparus L.) v Abundance and distribution ofeuphausiids (krill) hagen] : International Council for the Exploration of
Changes in growth of Western Baltic herring Rizhskom zalive = Feeding of smelt, (Osmerus in Skagerrak and Kattegat in February 1984- the Sea, 1991.- 12 p.- (summary in English) (fi)
from 1982 to 1989 I Neudecker, T. - Copenhagen : eperlanus L.) and eel pout, (Zoarces viviparus L.) 1'.192 I Ulmestrand, L. & Hagstrom, 0.- Copenhagen Keywords: stock assessment, environmental condi-
ICES, 1990.- 9 pp. (Only available from the author) in the Gulf of Riga I Urtans, E. J. Fischerei-For- · ICES, 1992. C.M. !International Council for the tions, prediction, recruitment, population number,
(de) schung, !SSN 0428-4984 Vol. 28(1990):2.- Pp. 34-38 !<.•pi oration of the Sea; 1992!L:16.- (summary in Clupea harengus, Bothnian Sea
Keywords: otolith reading, length-weight relation- (de) 1.\nglish) (se)
ships, temperature effects, growth, Clupea harengus Keywords: feeding behaviour, correlation analysis, Keywords: marine crustaceans, Meganyctiphanes Model' ehmbrional 'nogo perioda razhvitiya tres-
food organisms, food availability, vertical distlibu- uorwegica, Thysanoessa, community composition, ki Baltijskogo morya = A model for embryonal
Die Guester (Blicca bjoerkna L.) a us Kuestenge- tion, hydrography, Osmerus eperlanus, Zoarces vivi- abundance, geographical distlibution, Kattegat, period in the Baltic cod life history I Bulgakova, T.
waessern der suedlichen Ostsee (DDR), parus, Gulf of Riga Skagcrrak I. & Grauman, G. B. Fischerei-Forschung, ISSN
fischereiliche und biologische Aspekte = The sil- 0428-4984 Vol. 29(1991):2.- Pp. 61-67.- (Summary
ver bream (BUcca bjoerkna L.) from coastal wa- New attempt to calculate consumption rates for Allozymes and morphometric characters of three in Russian) (de)
ters of the southern Baltic (GDR), fishery and cod (Gadus morhua L.) in the Western Baltic I sJ>t~dcs of Mytilus in the northern and southern Keywords: sexual reproduction, spawning grounds,
biological aspects I Winkler, H. M. & Bast Schulz, N.- Copenhagen: ICES, 1990.-19 p. (Only ll!'mispheres I McDonald, J. H. & Seed, R. & Kohn, temperature effects, salinity effects, natural mor-
H.D.O.G. & Konopka, S. Wissenschqftliche available from the author) (de) !U<. Marine biology, ISSN 0025-3162 Vol. tality, fish eggs, mathematical models, dissolved
Zeitschrift der Universitdt Rostock, Naturwissens- Keywords: food consumption, stomach content, Ill( 1991):3.- Pp. 323-333 (Incl. bibliogr.: 64 ref.) oxygen, Gadus morhua
ide) ··
chaftliche Reihe.ISSN 0863-1204 Vol. 39(1990):3.- methodology, Gadus morhua
Pp. 16-22.- (Summary in Russian) (Bibliogr.: 26 ref.) I< cywords: population genetics, electrophoresis, Morphological and ecological differences in the
(de) 0 vozmozhnosti prognozirovaniya uslovij otkor- l!ioemymes, genetic dlift, biopolymorphism, marine development of smelt and herring larvae in the
Keywords: length-weight relationships, fishery biol- ma ryb mizidami v Vostochnoj i Yugo-Vostochnoj Clllslaceans, Mytilus edulis, Mytilus galloprovin- northern Baltic Sea I Urho, L. Sarsia, ISSN 0036-
ogy, age composition, Blicca bjocrkna, Darss-Zingst Baltike = Predictions about the development of eialis, Mytilus trossulus, Northern Hemisphere 4827 Vol. 77(1992). - Pp. 1 - 10. - (summary in
I h.:eans, Southern Hemisphere Oceans English)(fi)
estuary Mysidacea as natural food basis for fishes in the
eastern and southeastern Baltic I Shvetsova, G. M. Keywords: fish larvae, spawning grounds, migra-
Distribution and abundance ofMysis populations & Jula, E. A. Fischerei-Forschung, !SSN 0428-4984 Oinamika absolyutnogo zhapasa v sentyabre i go- tions, nursery grounds, larval development, Clupea
in the Baltic Sea I Salemaa, H. & Vuolinen, I. & Vol. 28(1990):2.- Pp. 47-49.- (Summary in Russian) dovaya produktsiya Mysis mixta =Absolute stock harengus, Osmerus eperlanus, Northern Baltic, mor-
Valipakka, P. Annates zoologice Fennici, !SSN 0003- (de) dynamics of Mysis mixta (Lilljeborg) in Septem- phology
455X Vol. 27(1990). - Pp. 253-257. - (Summary in Keywords: abundance, regression analysis, tempera- ber and annual production in the eastern Baltic I
English)(fi) ture effects, population dynamics, maline crusta- Shvetsova, G. M. & Shvetsov, F. G. Fischerei-For- Osobennosti formirovaniya nerestovogo stada
Keywords: abundance, benthos, distribution records, ceans, biomass, zoo benthos, Mysis mixta schung, ISSN 0428-4984 Vol. 29(1991):2. - Pp. 75- vostochnobaltijskoj treski v 1976-1989 gg =
salinity, spatial valiations, oxygen deficiency, mysis, 1/.- (Summary in German) (de) Spawning stock building in the eastern Baltic cod
mysis mixta, mysis relicta Rost shprota vostochnoi Baltike = Sprat growth Kt:ywords: population dynamics, biomass, tempera- in 1976-1989 I Baranova, T. D. Fischerei-For-
in the eastern Baltic I Ustinova, L. A. Fischerei- lUre effects, annual valiations, Mysis mixta schung, ISSN 0428-4984 Vol. 29(1991): 2. - Pp.
Effect of H2S on heterotrophic substrate uptake, Forschung, !SSN 0428-4984 Vol. 28(1990):2.- Pp. 68-74.- (Summary in German) (de)
extracellular enzyme activity and growth of 24-27.- (Summary in Russian) (de) llavsiirn i Sverige : populationsundersiikningar Keywords: population dynamics, spawning popula-
brackish water bacteria I Hoppe, H.G. & Gocke, Keywords: growth, otolith reading, abundance, ex- I 11'1 I =White-tailed eagle in Sweden : population tions, population structure, sexual maturity, age com-
K. & Kuparinen, J. Marine ecology. Progress series, ploratory fishing, clupeoid fishelies, stock assess- studies 1991 I Helander, B. - Solna : Statens natur- position, growth, Gadus morhua
ISSN 0171-8630 Vol. 64(1990). - Pp. 157-167. - ment, Sprattus sprattus viln!sverk, 1992. - 28 p. : graphs, tables Rapport 1
(Summary in English) (fi) Narurvardsverket, ISSN 0282-7298; 4102. -ISBN Populationsundersokningar pa knubbsal och gra-
Keywords: bactelia, heterotrophy, growth, enzy- Stomach evacuation rates of cod and herring es- <JI 620-4102-9 (se) sal i Kattegat-Skagerrak samt vikaresal i Botten-
matic activity, anoxic conditions, hydrogen sulphide timated from ship-board tank experiments and Keywords: Haliaetus albicilla, population number, viken : rapport fran verksamheten 1989 = Popu-
field data I Temming, A. & Koster, F. W. - Copen- rqmxluction, coasts, birds, Baltic Proper, Gulf of lation surveys on harbour seal and grey seal in the
Growth of the juvenile Baltic sprat I Ustinova, L. hagen: ICES, 1990.- 17 p.- (Summary in English) Botlmia Kattegat-Skagerrak, and ringed seal in the Both-
A.- Copenhagen: ICES, 1990.- 14p. (Only available (Only available from the author) (de) nian Bay : annual report 1989 1 Harkonen, T. -
from the author) (de) Keywords: stomach content, digestion, statistical llavsiirn i Sverige: populationsundersokningar: Solna : Statens naturvftrdsverk, 1991. - 25 p. Rapport
Keywords: growth, juveniles, length-weight rela- analysis, Gadus morhua, Clupea harengus rapport fran verksamheten 1990 = White-tailed I Naturvardsverket, ISSN 0282-7298; 3853.- ISBN
tionships, Sprattus sprattus t•aglc in Sweden : population studies : annual 91-620-3853-2.- (summary in Swedish) (se)
Tank experiments on board: A useful tool for the n'port 1990 I Helander, B. - Solna : Statens natur- Keywords: aquatic mammals, Phoca vitulina, Hali-
Izmenchivost' formy otolitov baltnijskogo shpro- estimation of stomach evacuation rates? I Koster, v11rdsverk, 1991.- 25 p. Rapport I Naturvardsverket, choerus grypus, Phoca hispida, population number,
ta = Variability of the Baltic sprat otolith shape I F. W. & Schober, W. & Korves, A. & Schneider, R. - !SSN 0282-7298 ; 3932. - ISBN '91-620-3932-6. - reproduction, mortality, seals, Skagerrak, Kattegat,
Aps, R. A. & Paat, A. A. & Uder, J-OF. & Ustinova, Copenhagen : ICES, 1990. - 14 p. - (Summary in (.,ummary in Swedish) (se) Bothnian Bay
L. A. Fischerei-Forschung, ISSN 0428-4984 Vol. English) (Only available from the author) (de) Keywords: Haliaetus albicilla, population number,
28(1990):2.- Pp. 32-33.- (Summary in Russian) (de) Keywords: stomach content, digestion, biological reproduction, coasts, birds, Baltic Proper, Gulf of Size, age and sex composition of perch (Perea
Keywords: otolith reading, electron microscopy, stress, Clupea harengus, Sprattus sprattus, Gadus lloihnia fluviatilis) catches in different types of trap nets I
morhua Is it possible to predict the recruitment of herring Bohling, P. & Lehtonen, H. Finnish fisheries re-
in the Bothnian Sea? I Parmanne, R. - [Copen- search,ISSN 0301-908XVol. 12(1991).- Pp. 35-43.
Part I: 4.4.1 Plankton 25
24 Part I: 4.3 Population studies
- (summary in English) (fi) turvardsverket, !SSN 0282-7298; 3933.- ISBN 91- 4.4 Aquatic communities
Keywords: population structure, age composition, 620-3933-4.- (summary in English) (se)
size distribution, sex ratio, sampling, catching meth- Keywords: abundance, biomass, community compo-
ods, trap nets, Perea fluviatilis, Southwest Finland sition, zoobenthos, monitoring, coastal waters, Both- 4.4.1 Plankton
nian Sea
Sjiifagelfaunan i ett nordviistaliindskt skiirgards-
omrMe - en baskartcring utfiird sommarcn 1991 = Overvakning av mjukbottenfauna i Bottniska vi- Alf)hlomningar i O~tersjon =Algal blooms in the closed coastal seas (Mediterranean, Baltic) 1
The seabirds ofNW Aland- a baseline study 1991 I kens kustomraden 1991 = The environmental Halik I lliillfors, G. OstersjCln idagoch imorgon: eds. Kim or, B. Environmental management and appropri-
Lindholm, H. & Bonsdorff, E. - Turku : Abo Acade- monitoring programme in Sweden : annual re- W Engstrom, L. Norrgren. - Uppsala : Sveriges ate use of enclosed coastal seas - EMECS '90: eds.
I untbruksuniversitet, 1992. SLU info rapporter, !SSN T. Goda ... eta!. Marine pollution bulletin, !SSN 0025-
my (University), 1992.- 14 p. + app. Forskningsrap- port on benthic macrofauna monitoring in the
!IIi! 376!; 179.- Pp. 28-30 (fi) 326X; 23 . - Pp. 171 - 174. - (summary in English)
porter fdm Huso biologiska station, !SSN 0787-5460 Gulf of Bothnia 1991 I Leonardsson, K. - Solna :
; 83.- ISBN 951-650-068-4.- (summary in English) Statens naturvArdsverk, 1992. - 64 p. : graphs, tables Keywords: algal blooms, phytoplankton, Baltic Sea (de)
(fi) Rapport I Naturvdrdsverket, !SSN 0282-7298; 4057. Atf:a Keywords: inland seas, plankton, algal blooms, nu-
Keywords: aquatic birds, community composition, -ISBN 91-620-4057-X.- (summary in English) (se) trients (mineral), eutrophication, pollution monitor-
population structure, environmental effects, zonal Keywords: abundance, biomass, community compo- Annual qcle of particle size fractions and phyto- ing, Prorocentrum minimum, Chrysochromulina
distribution, Northwestern Aland sition, zoobenthos, monitoring, coastal waters, Both- plunklon biomass in the northern Baltic proper 1 polylepis, MED, community composition, man-in-
nian Sea, Bothnian Bay Kuhm, M. & Kaasik, E. & Leeben, A. Marine eco- duced effects, fish kill, pollution effects, pollution
Spatial size variation in adult females of Saduria logy. Progress series, !SSN 0171-8630 Vol. detection, population dynamics, Mediterranean Sea,
entomon (Crustacea, Isopoda) : a comparison (>9(1991):1-2. -Pp.117-124(de) Baltic Sea
between field observations and predictions of a Keywords: phytoplankton, biomass, chlorophylls,
Complement to the Bibliography 1986-1990 pari icle size, correlation, seasonality, surface water Chlorophyll"a concentration and distribution in
life-history model I Leonardsson, K. Ophelia, !SSN
0078-5326 Vol. 34( 1991):2. - Pp. 91-104. -(sum- Zur Trennung von "eigentlichem Ostseedorsch" the southern Baltic in the years 1979-19831 Nako-
mary in English) (se) Gadus morhua callarias L. und "Beltseedorsch" Annual study ofbacterioplankton community dy- nieczny, J. & Renk, H. & Wiktor, K. Oceanologia,
Keywords: Saduria entomon, size distribution, verti- Gadus morhua morhua L. mittels Diskriminanz- n:Hnics I Wikner, J. & Hagstrom, A. Limnology and !SSN 0078-3234, 1991, 30.- Pp. 77-91.- (summary
Ch t<anography, !SSN 0024-3590 Vol. 36(1991):7. - in English) (8 fig., 3 tab!., p. 89-91 ref.) (pi)
cal distribution, predation, temperature, food availa- analyse = On the identification of cod as "proper
Jip. 1313-1324. - (summary in English) (se) Keywords: marine pollution, sea water, chlorophylls,
bility, brackishwatcr crustaceans Baltic cod" Gadus morhua callarias L. and "Belt
Sea cod" Gadus morhua morhua L. by means of Keywords: bacteria, nannoplankton, growth, graz- eutrophication, Southern Baltic
Variations in year-class strength of different discriminant analysis I Berner, M. & Miiller, H. ing, aquatic communities, abundance, estuaries,
perch (Perea fluviatilis) populations in the Baltic Fischerei-Forschung, !SSN 0428-4984 Vol. 28(1990 Bothnian Sea Qen hogrc brackvattenvegetationen i nordviistra
Sea with special reference to temperature and ):3.- Pp. 46-49.- (Summary in Russian) (de) Aland 1991, samt en jiimfiirelse med liiget 1963
pollution I BClhling, P. & Hudd, R. & Lehtonen, H. Keywords: animal morphology, genetic drift, popu- Assessment of the effects of pollution in the Polish och 1?65 = Phytobenthos on the archipelago of
& Kar~s. P. & Neuman, E. & Thoresson, T. Canadian lation dynamics, stock identification, gadoid fish- Coastal Area of the Baltic Sea, 1984-1989,8: vege- NW Aland 1991 compared to 1963 and 1965 I
journal offisheries and aquatic science, !SSN 0706- eries, Gadus morhua tal ion I Plinski, M. Studia i materialy oceanologicz- Haldin, D. - Turku : Abo Academy (University),
652X Vol. 48(1991). - Pp. 1181 - 1187. -(summaries nc. Marine pollution, !SSN 0208-42/X Vol. 1992.- 13 p. + app. Forskningsrapporter fran Huso
in English, French) (fi) Zur Verbreitung, Biologic und Okologie von My- hI ( 1992):2. - Pp. 181 - 190. - (summary in English) biologiska station, !SSN 0787-5460 ; 8!. - ISBN
Keywords: natural populations, population structure, sidacea (Crustacea, Malacostraca) in der Meck- ( 15 ref., 2 fig.) (pi) 951-650-066-8. - (summary in English) (fi)
age composition, recruitment, temperature effects, lenburger Buehl und in den kiistenfernen Ge- Keywords: marine pollution, eutrophication, phyto- Keywords: zonal disttibution, phytobenthos, long-
coastal waters, pollution effetcs, man-induced ef- bieten der eigentlichen Ostsee = The distribution, plankton, phytobenthos, Puck Bay, Gulf of Gdansk term records, eutrophication, condition factor, abun-
fects, Perea fluviatilis, Finland, Sweden biology and ecology of Mysidacea (Crustacea, dance
Assl~ssment of the effects of pollution in the Polish
Malacostraca) in the Mecklenburg Bight and in
Overvakning av mjukbottenfauna i Bottniska vi- the coastal area of Baltic Proper (1985-1988) I Coastal Area of the Baltic Sea, 1984-1989 IWiktor, Dinamika absolyutnogo zhapasa v sentyabre i go-
kens kustomriiden 1990 = The environmental Viilipakka, P. - Rostock: Universitat Rostock, 1990. I<. 9 : fauna. Studia i materialy oceanologiczne. dovaya produktsiya Mysis mixta =Absolute stock
monitoring programme in Sweden : annual re- - 172 p. (Diss. thesis) (fi) Marine pollution, !SSN 0208-42/X Vol. 61(1992):2. dynamics of Mysis mixta (Lilljeborg) in Septem-
port on benthic macrofauna monitoring in the Keywords: ecology, population structure, ecological · . Pp. 191 - 203. -(summary in English) (17 ref., 1 ber and annual production in the eastern Baltic I
Gulf of Bothnia 1990 I Leonardsson, L. - Solna : distribution, biological properties, mysidacea, neo- lig., 2tabl.) (pi) Shvetsova, G. M. & ShveL~ov, F. G. Fischerei-For-
Statens naturvArdsverk, 1991. - 66 p. Rapport INa- mysis, praunus, mysis, Mecklenburg Bight Keywords: marine pollution, sea water, zooplankton, schung, !SSN 0428-4984 Vol. 29(1991):2.- Pp. 75-
wobenthos, Gulf of Gdansk, Puck Bay 77.- (Summary in German) (de)
Keywords: population dynamics, biomass, tempera-
Haderioplankton in the open Baltic Sea I Hei- ture effects, annual variations, Mysis mixta
niincn, A. - Helsinki : Finnish Institute of Marine
Research, 1992.- 30 p., 6 app. Finnish Marine Re- Distribution of the microbial population in the
,,earch,!SSN 0357-1076; 260.- ISBN95!-47-6355- Gulf of Finland and in the Baltic proper I Kiinnis,
6, - (Summary in English) (fi) ' K. & Gocke, K. & Hoppe, H-G. & Lochte, K. &
Keywords: bacterioplankton, bacterial production, Meyer-Rei!, L-A. Kieler Meeresforschungen Sonder
numbers, biomass, cell volumes, nutrients heft Vol. 8(1991). - Pp. 42-45 (de)
Keywords: distribution, biological surveys, abun-
Changes and stress signs in plankton communities dance, environmental factors, microorganisms, eu-
as a result of man-induced perturbations in en- photic zone, bacteria, Gulf of Finland
26 Part I: 4.4.1 Plankton Part I: 4.4.1 Plankton 27
Dynamics of planktivory in a coastal area of the perature, dissolved oxygen, nitrogen, phosphorus, l'iroalgae in Danish coastal waters during sum- Keywords: satellite sensing, algal blooms, phyto-
northern Baltic Sea IRudstam, L. G. & Hansson, S. silicates, humus, Gulf of Bothnia, Baltic Proper, The nwr stmlification I Soendergaard, M. & Jensen, L. plankton, Chrysochromulina polylepis, poisonous
& Johansson, S. & Larsson, U. Marine ecology. Sound, Kattegat, Skagerrak M. & Aertebjerg, G. Marine ecology. Progress organisms, Skagerrak, Kattegat
Progress series, ISSN 0171-0630 Vol. 80(1992):2-3. saics,ISSN0171-8630Vol. 79(1991):1-2. -Pp. 139-
- Pp. 159-173.- (summary in English) (se) Hydrodynamical control of phytoplankton suc- W>. ··(Summary in English) (Bibliogr.: 53 ref.) (de) Species-specific sedimentation and sinking veloc-
Keywords: zooplankton, fish, predation, food organ- cession during the vernal light-limited phase in Keywords: biomass, abundance, autotrophy, domi- ities of diatoms I Passow, U. Marine biology, ISSN
isms, biological production, plankton feeders, Baltic the Baltic Sea I Nommann, S. & Kaasik, E. Marine 1111111 species, nutrients (mineral), community compo- 0025-3162 Vol. 108(1991):3.- Pp. 449-455.- (Sum-
Proper ecology. Progress series, ISSN 0171-8630 Vol. sil ion, marine environment, nannoplankton, chloro- mary in English) (Incl. bibliogr.: 43 ref.) (de)
84(1992):3.- Pp. 279-292 (de) phylls, thermal stratification, phytoplankton, Syne- Keywords: sedimentation, algal blooms, dominant
Ecological studies on nitrogen fixing blue-green Keywords: ecological succession, phytoplankton, chococcus, Denmark, summer, picoalgae species, sinking, settling rate, chlorophylls, biomass,
algae and on nutrient limitation of phytoplankton algal blooms, geographical distribution, salinity ef- organism aggregations, Bacillariophyceae,
in the Baltic Sea I Wallstrom, K. - Uppsala: Uppsala fects, temperature effects, spatial variations, check l'koplanktonic algae in the northern Baltic Sea : Chaetoceros, Thalassiosira levanderi, Dinophyta,
University, 1991. - 23 p. Comprehensive summaries lists, Thalassiosira levanderi, Achnanthes taeniata, st•asomil dynamics and flagellate grazing I Kuosa, Mesodinium rubrum, Denmark
ofUppsala dissertations from the Faculty ofScience, Skeletonema costatum II. Marine ecology. Progress series, ISSN 0171-0630
ISSN 0282-7468 ; 337. - ISBN 91-554-2776-6. - Vol. 73(1991):2-3. - Pp. 269-276. - (Summary in Structuring of a postspring phytoplankton com-
(summary in English) (Thesis (PhD), summary) (se) Intensivovervakning av kustvatten i Asko-Land- l'nJ!,Iish) ( Bibliogr.: 47 ref.) (de) munity by manipulation of trophic interactions I
Keywords: algae, nitrogen fixation, diatomophy- sortsomriidet 1990 = Intensive monitoring of Keywords: grazing, seasonality, nannoplankton, Olsson, P. & Grancli, E. & Carlsson, P. & Abreu, P.
ceae, phytoplankton, Aphanizomenon flos-aquae, coastal waters in the Asko-Landsort area 1990 I ecological succession, thermal stratification, primary Journal of experimental marine biology and ecology,
Nodularia spumigena, biomass, phosphorus, ni- Larsson, U. & Sjosten, A. - Solna : Statens natur- jHoduction, nitrates, growth, carbon cycle, Cyano- ISSN 0022-0981 Vol. 158(1992).- Pp. 249-266 (SE)
trogen, limiting factors, Baltic Proper, Bothnian Sea vfirdsverk, 1991. - 38 p. Rapport I Naturvardsverket, phyl:l, Flagellata, Tv~rminne Keywords: phytoplankton, aquatic communities, tro-
ISSN 0282-7298; 3960.- ISBN 91-620-3960-1 (se) phic relations, zooplankton, marine molluscs, graz-
Effects of nutrient enrichment on planktic blue- Keywords: monitoring, hydrography, temperature, Pro~ram fiir miljokvalitetsiivervakning - PMK : ing, Falsterbo Canal, Baltic Proper
green algae in the Baltic Sea I Wallstrom, K. & oxygen, salinity, nitrogen, phosphorus, silicates, lif.~)iiprogrammet : rapport fran verksamheten
Johansson, S. & Larsson, U. Phycological studies of phytoplankton, chlorophylls, primary production, llil<kr 1990 = National Swedish programme for Taxonomy and ecology of Catacombas obtusa
Nordic coastal waters: a festschriftdedicated to Prof. sediment-water exchanges, Baltic Proper monitoring of environmental quality : open sea Comb. nov. I Snoeijs, P. J. M. & Hallfors, G. &
Mats Waem on his 80th birthday, ISBN 91-7210- programme : report from the activities in 1990 I Leskinen, E. Diatom research Vol. 6(1991):1.- Pp.
078-8: eds. I. Wallcntinus, P. Snoeijs. - Uppsala : Intensivovervakning av pelagialen vid Land- 1\ ndersson, L. & Carlberg, S. R. & Fogelqvist, E. & 155-164 (se)
Svenska vaxtgeografiska sallskapet, 1992. Acta phy- sortsdjupet 1990 = Intensive pelagial monitoring hmsclius, S. & Fyrberg, L. A. & Palmen, H. & Keywords: Bacillariophyceae, algae, Synedra taba-
togeographica Suecica, ISSN 0084-5914; 78.- Pp. at the Landsort DeP.p 1990 I Larsson, U. & Nell- ·rlldcn, E.-G. & Zagradkin, D. & Yhlcn, B., 1991. - lata, Diatomophyceae, Catacombas obtusa, taxo-
25-31 (se) bring, S.- Solna: Statens natu1v~rdsverk, 1991.- ca. •IH p. SMHI reports. Oceanography,ISSN 0283-1112 nomy, ecology, cooling water, Bothnian Sea, For-
Keywords: phytoplankton, Cyanophyta, Aphani- 80 p. Rapport I Naturvardsverket, ISSN 0282-7298; , 1.1. - (summaries in English, Swedish) (Also pub- smark, diatoms
zomenon flos-aquae, Nodularia spumigena, phos- 3989. -ISBN 91-620-3989-X.- (summary in Swed- lished as: Rapport I NaturvArdsverket; 3934) (sc)
phorus, nitrogen, nutrients (mineral), Baltic Proper ish) (se) Keywords: environmental monitoring, pollution Transfer of two epipsammic diatom species to the
Keywords: hydrography, nitrogen, phosphorus, phy- m<\nitoring, hydrography, cruise stations, chemical genus Martyana I Snocijs, P. J. M. & Hallfors, G. &
Factors controlling phyto- and bacterioplankton toplankton, zooplankton, sedimentation, monitoring, oceanography, plankton, zoobenthos, petroleum hy- Leskinen, E. Diatom research Vol. 6( 1991):1.- Pp.
in late spring on a salinity gradient in the northern Baltic Proper, Landsort Deep drocarlxms, temperature, dissolved oxygen, ni- 165- 173 (se)
BalticiLignell, R. & Kaitala, S. & Kuosa, H. Marine lrogcn, phosphorus, silicates, humus, Gulf of Both- Keywords: Diatomophyceac, algae, taxonomy, eco-
ecology. Progress series, ISSN 0171-0630 Vol. Loricate choanoflagellates of the Southern Ocean nia, Baltic Proper, The Sound, Kattegat, Skagerrak logy, Fragilaria virescens, Martyana, Bacillariophy-
84(1992): 2.- Pp. 121-131 (de) with new observations on cell division in Bkosta ceae, Opephora schulzii, Gulf of Finland, Skagerrak,
Keywords: food webs, phytoplankton, salinity data, spinifera (Throndsen, 1970) from Antarctica and Ht•nulating factors for coastal zooplankton com- diatoms, Bothnian Sea
carbon 14, dominant species Saroeca attenuata Thomsen, 1979, from the Baltic numily structure in the northern Baltic proper I
Sea I Abildhauge Thomsen, H. & Larsen, J. Polar Juhansson, S. - Stockholm : Stockholm University. Utsjoprogrammet 1990 = Open sea programme
Haven runt Sverige 1991 : rapport friin SMHI, Biology, ISSN 0722-4060 Vol. 12(1992):1.- Pp. 53- I \cpartmcnt of Zoology, 1992.- 30 p., annexes (35, 1990 I Andersson, L. & Carlberg, S. R. & Fogclqvist,
oceanografiska laboratoriet : inklnsive PMK - 63. -(Summary in English) (Bibliogr.: 25 ref.) (de) fl, 5, 18, 15, 16, 12 p.) - ISBN 91-87272-28-8. - E. & Fonselius, S. & Fyrberg, L.A. & Palmcn, H. &
utsjoprogrammet = The conditions of the seas Keywords: cell division, nannoplankton, Saroeca at- (summary in English) (Thesis (doctoral), summary, Thelen, E.-G. & Zagradkin, D. & Yhlcn, B.- Solna:
around Sweden: report from the activities in 1991 tenuata, plankton surveys, Bicosta spinifera, Antarc- I paper.; p. 23-29: references) (se) Statens naturv~rdsverk, 1991.- 51 p. Rapport INa-
: including the national Swedish programme for tica, Baltic Sea K•:ywords: zooplankton, community composition, turvardsverket, 0282-7298; 3934. -ISBN 91-620-
monitoring of environmental quality - open sea Acartia, Eurytemora affinis, coastal waters, salinity 3934-2. - (summaries in English, Swedish) (Also
programme I Andersson, L. & Carlberg, S. R. & Phytoplankton species composition and distribu- dkcts, temperature effects, eutrophication, biologi- published as: SMHI reports. Oceanography, ISSN
Edler, L. & Fogelqvist, E. & Fonselius, S. & Fyrberg, tion in the southern Baltic Sea in 1979-1983 I •.'al production, food preferences, Copepoda, Baltic 0283-1112; 13) (se)
L. A. & Larsson, M. & Palmen, H. & Sjoberg, B. & Wiktor, J. & Kruk-Dowgiallo, L. Studia i materialy !'roper, Himmcrfjarden Keywords: environmental monitoring, pollution
Zagradkin, D.- Norrkoping: Sveriges meteorologis- oceanologiczne. Marine biology, ISSN 0208-421X monitoring, hydrography, cruise stations, chemical
ka och hydrologiska institut, 1992. - 56 p. : graphs, Vol. 60(1992):8.- Pp. 5- 17.- (summary in English) Hcmote sensing and the vertical distribution of oceanography, plankton, zoo benthos, petroleum hy-
maps, tables SMHI reports. Oceanography, ISSN (13 ref., 4 fig., 3 tabl.) (p1) Ow Chrysochromulina polylepis bloom in the drocarbons, temperature, dissolved oxygen, ni-
0283-1112 ; 14. - (summary in English) (Also pub- Keywords: sea water, phytoplankton, eutrophication, Slwg<~rrak in 1988 I Lindell, T. & Sorensen, K. & trogen, phosphorus, silicates, humus, Gulf of Both-
lished as: Rapport I Naturvfirdsverket; 4065) (se) Southern Baltic, Pomeranian Bay, Gulf of Gdansk, Larsen, G. & Nisell, J.- Uppsala: Centre for'Image nia, Baltic Proper, The Sound, Kattegat, Skagerrak
Keywords: hydrography, environmental monitoring, Gdansk Deep 1\nalysis, 1991.- 36 p. Rapport I Centrum for bi/da-
pollution monitoring, chemical oceanography, na/ys, /SSN 1100-6641 ; 5. - (summary in English)
plankton, zoobenthos, petroleum hydrocarbons, tem- (sc)
28 Part I: 4.4.2 Benthos Part I: 4.4.2 Benthos 29
....... ·-·-···------·-------------------
Zooplankton entrainment at Swedish nuclear Role of pelagic protozoans in the northern Baltic 0084 5914 ; 78. - Pp. 65-77. - (swnmary in English) specific relationships, bacteria, Priapulida, Halicryp-
power plants I Kar~s. P. Marine pollution bulletin, Sea : an experimental approach I Kivi, K. Proceed- (SC) tus spinolosus, Kiel Bight, Schleswig- Holstein
ISSN 0025-326X Vol. 24(1992):1.- Pp. 27-32.- ings of the 4th International Workshop on the Keywords: algae, colonization, breakwaters, Katte-
(summary in English) (sc) Measurement of Microbial Activities in the Carbon lc<~l,
Laholm Bay Floristic aspects 9f the coastal inlet Inre Verk·
Keywords: nuclear power plants, cooling water, Cycle in Aquatic Ecosystems Ergebnisse der Limno- viken, northern Aland I Mathiesen, H. & Math-
chlorination, zooplankton, community composition, logie I Advances in Limnology,ISSN 007 f-II28; 34. <'onn!ntration and discrimination factors for Cd, iesen, L. Phycological studies of Nordic coastal wa-
abundance, mmtality, Bothnian Sea, Baltic Proper, - Pp. 291 (Summary only) (de) l'h, Zn :md Cu in benthos of Pnck Bay, Baltic Sea ters : a fes!schrift dedicated to Prof. Mats Waern on
The Sound, Kattcgat Keywords: pelagic environment, ecological succes- I S!t:fcr, P. & Szefer, K. Science of the total environ- his 80th birthday, ISBN 91-7210-078-8: eds.l. Wal-
sion, phytoplankton, phosphorus, nitrogen, eutrophi- m,:nt, ISSN 0048-9697, 1991, 105.- Pp. 127-133.- lentinus, P. Snoeijs. - Uppsala : Svenska vaxtgeogra-
cation, cilia, Flagellata, Mesodinium rubrum !Summary in English) (29 ref., 4 tab!.) (pi) fiska siillskapet, 1992. Acta phytogeographica Sue-
Complement to the Bibliography 1986-1990 Keywords: marine pollution, heavy metals, sedi- cica,!SSN0084-59!4; 78.- Pp. 101-110.- (summary
Rotifers of the genus Synchaeta : an important uicnls, benthos, molluscs, Puck Bay, Mytilus edulis in English) (se)
Cyanobacterial blooms and nitrogen fixation in component of the zooplankton in the coastal wa- Keywords: flora, algae, aquatic plants, vegetation,
coastal waters of the Arkona Sea, 1974-1986 I ters of the southern Baltic I Arndt, H. & SchrBder, Erology and taxonomy of Enteromorpha species coastal waters, phytoplankton, Aland
Hiibcl, H. & Hiibel, M. Limnologica, ISSN 0075- c. & Schneset, W. Limnologica,ISSN 0075-95II Vol. in the vicinity of the Forsmark nuclear power
95JI Vol. 20(1989):1.- Pp. 37 (Summary only) (de) 21(1990):1.- Pp. 233-235.- (Summary in English) plant (Bothnian Sea) I Snoeijs, P. J. M. Phycological Haven runt Sverige 1991 : rapport fran SMHI,
Keywords: algal blooms, nitrogen fixation, annual (Bibliogr.: 22 ref.) (de) qudks of Nordic coastal waters: a festschrift dedi- oceanografiska laboratoriet : inklusive PMK -
variations, long-term changes, temperature effects, Keywords: zooplankton, abundance, food organ- tilled 10 Prof. Mats Wacrn on his 80th birthday, ISBN utsjoprogrammet = The conditions of the seas
Cyanophyta, Arkona Sea isms, Synchacta, Darss-Zingst Estuary iJ. I 72 I 0·078-8: eds. I. Wallentinus, P. Snoeijs.- Upp- around Sweden: report from the activities in 1991
'"il": Svenska vaxtgc6grafiska sallskapet, 1992. Acta : including the national Swedish programme for
r•hl'/OJ;t?Ographica Sua·ica, ISSN 0084·5914 ; 78. - monitoring of environmental quality - open sea
l'p. II 23. - (summary in English) (sc) programme I Andersson, L. & Carlberg, S. R. &
4.4.2 Benthos J(,:ywords: algae, cooling water, temperature effects, Edler, L. & Fogelqvist, E. & Fonsclius, S. & Fyrberg,
Jiltlnomorpha, Cladophora, Ceramium, taxonomy, L.A. & Larsson, M. & Palmcn, H. & Sjtiberg, B. &
Assessment of the effects of pollution in the Polish ill., graphs, tables Miljokonsekvensbeskrivning for r•cnlt,gy, Bothnian Sea, Forsmark Zagradkin, D.- Norrk6ping: Sverigcs mcteorologis-
Coastal Area of the Baltic Sea, 1984-1989,8: vege- aresundsforbindelsen I Underlagsrapport; 5 =En- ka och hydrologiska institut, 1992. - 56 p. : graphs,
tation I Plinski, M. Studia i materialy oceanologicz- vironmental impact assessment for the fixed link Ell't.•t·l. monitoring in pulp mill areas using benthic maps, tables SMHI reports. Oceanography, ISSN
ne. Marine pollution, ISSN 0208-42/X Vol. across the Oresund I Sub-report; 5. -(summary in IIHilTO· and meiofauna I Sundelin, B. Environmcn- 0283-1112 ; 14. - (summary in English) (Also pub-
61 (1992):2. - Pp. 181 - 190. - (summary in English) English) (se) li!l falc and effects of bleached pulp mill effluents : lished as: Rapport I Naturv~rdsvcrket; 4065) (se)
(15 ref., 2 fig.) (pi) Keywords: bridges, planning, zoobentho~. com- (l!ll!:eedings of a SEPA Conference held at Grand Keywords: hydrography, environmental monitoring,
Keywords: marine pollution, eutrophication, phyto- munity composition, biomass, The Sound, Oresund llolel Saltsjtibaden, Stockholm, Sweden 19-21 No- pollution monitoring, chemical oceanography,
plankton, phytobenthos, Puck Bay, Gulf of Gdansk vember 1991: ed. A. Stidergrcn. - Solna : Statens plankton, zoobenthos, petroleum hydrocarbons, tcm·
Bottenvegetation och blilmusslor i omrildet fran lli\lurv5rdsvcrk, 1992. Rapport I Naturvardsverket, perature, dissolved oxygen, nitrogen, phosphorus,
Assessment of the effects of pollution in the Polish Lommabukten till Falsterbo : fiiltnndersokningar !SSN 0282-7298; 4031.- Pp. 371 - 380.- (Summary silicates, humus, Gulf of Botlmia, Baltic Proper, The
Coastal Area of the Baltic Sea, 1984-1989 IWiktor, februari-mars 1992 : teknisk bakgrundsrapport '" Euglish) (ISBN 91-620-4031-6) (se) Sound, Kattegat, Skagcrrak
K. 9 : fauna. Studia i materialy oceanologiczne. nr. 01 : undersokning av konsekvenser fOr havs- Keywords: pulp wastes, forest industry, zoobenthos,
Marine pollution, !SSN 0208-42/X Vol. 61(1992):2. miljon av en fast forbindelse over Oresnnd = Phy- ;mimal diseases, abundance, Macoma balthica, Pon- Hypoxia, salinity and temperature as structuring
- Pp. 191 - 203. -(summary in English) (17 ref., I tobenthos and mussels from Lommabukten to lnporeia affinis, Bothnian Sea, brackishwater crusta- factors for marine benthic communities in an eu-
fig., 2 tab!.) (pi) Falsterbo : investigation of the impacts on the ~ -cans trophicatedarea I Rosenberg, R. & Loo, L.-0. &
Keywords: marine pollution, sea water, zooplankton, marine environment caused by a fixed link across Moller, P. Overvakning av bottcnfauna, fisk och
zoobenthos, Gulf of Gdansk, Puck Bay the Oresund I Birklund, J. : 6resundskonsortiet, Fffcds of nutrient enrichment on microalgal kraftdjur i sodra Kattegatt : slutrapport. - Solna :
1992.- ii, 55 leaves in various pagings: ill., graphs, rommunity composition in a coastal shallow- Statens naturv~rdsvcrk, 1992. Rapport I Naturvards-
Biologiczne aspekty eksploatacji kruszyw z Law- tables Miljokonsekvensbeskrivning for oresundsfor- wnh'r sediment system : an experimental study I verket, ISSN 0282-7298; 4055.- Pp. 4- 12.- (sum-
icy Slupskiej = Biological aspects of aggregate bindelsen I Underlagsrapport; 4 = Environme!ftal SundiJiick, K. & Snoeijs, P. J. M. Botanica marina, mary in English) (ISBN 91-620-4055-3) (se)
mining from the Slnpsk Bank I Okolotowicz, G. impact assessment for the fixed link across the Ore- ISSN 0066-8055 Vol. 34(1991):4. - Pp. 341-358. - Keywords: oxygen deficiency, salinity, temperature,
Inzynieria morska, ISSN Of 38-0540 Vol. 12(1991):3. sund I Sub-report ; 4. - ( summary in English) (se) tsummary in English) (se) eutrophication, zoobcnthos, community composi-
- Pp. 94- 96. - (summary in English) (3 ref., 1 fig., Keywords: bridges, planning, phytobenthos, marine Kt.:ywords: community composition, abundance, Di- tion, Kattegat, Laholm Bay
1 tab!.) (pi) molluscs, algae, community composition, biomass, ;Jinmophyccac, sediments, phosphorus, nitrogen,
Keywords: exploitation, mineral resources, benthos, Zostera marina, The Sound, 6rcsund nlgae, sand Influence of sublittoral microphytobenthos on the
Slupsk Furrow oxygen and nntrient flux between sediment and
Colonization and succession of macroalgae on a Epizoic bacterial growth on a benthic macro-in- water: a laboratory continuous-flow study I Sund·
Bottenfauna : teknisk bakgrundsrapport nr 02 : breakwater in Laholm Bay, an entrophicated n:rlcbrate Halicryptus spinulosus (Priapulida) I back, K. & Enoksson, V. & Graneli, W. & Pettersson,
undersokning av konsekv.enser for havsmiljon av brackish water area (SW Sweden) I Wennberg, T. Jlllt:l'!.cnka, K. V. & Reichardt, W. & Gocke, K. & K. Marine ecology .. Progress series, ISSN 0171-
en fast forbindelse over Oresund = Zoobenthos : Phycological studies of Nordic coastal waters : a I loppc, H-G. & Lochte, K. & Meyer-Rei!, L-A. 8630 Vol. 74(1991):213.- Pp. 263-279.- (summary
investigation of the impacts on the envi- fcstschrift dedicated to Prof. Mats Waern on his 80th /Ocltr Meeresforschungen Sonderheft Vol. 8(.1991). in English) (se)
ronment caused by a fixed link across the Qresund birthday, ISBN 91-7210-078-8: eds. I. Wallcntinus, Pp. !07-111 (de) Keywords: sediment-water exchanges, algae, ni-
I Birklund, J. & Bender, K. & Weile, K. : Orcsund- P. Snoeijs. - Uppsala: Svenska vaxtgeografiska sall- Keywords: epizoites, bioturbation, anoxic sedi- trogen, phosphorus, silicates, phytobenthos, oxygen,
skonsortiet, 1992. - ii, 75 leaves in various pagings : skapet, 1992. Acta phytogeographica Suecica, !SSN iia·nls, sulphide deposits, electron microscopy, inter- Kattegat, Laholm Bay
Part 1: 4.4.2 Benthos 31
30 Part 1: 4.4.2 Benthos
zo1w in the Asko - Lacka • Hartsii • Enskiir species, benthic environment, indicator species,
Interphase and trophic relationships of metals in pagings: ill., graphs, tables Miljokonsekvensbeskriv- urthlpdago I Kautsky, H. & Cederwall, H. & zonal distribution, P01i, Bothnian Sea
a southern Baltic ecosystem I Szefer, P. Science of ning for oresundsforbindelsen I Underlagsrapport ; .h>llerg, M. - Stockholm : Stockholms universitet.
the total environment, ISSN 0048-9697, 1991, 101. 4 :supplement I = Environme.ntal impact assessment lnstitutioncn fOr systemekologi, 1991. - 47 p. : Porin edustan merialueen pohj aeliiimistii vuosina
- Pp. 201-215.- (Summary in English) (p. 213-215 for the fixed link across the Oresund I Sub-report; 4 graphs, maps, tables Technical report I lnstitutionen 1989 ja 1990 : Kemira Oy Vuorikemian tehtaat =
ref., tab!. 4) (pi) : supplement I (Cover title: Bottenvegetation och tiir systemekologi, Stockholms universitet; 8 (se) Mandatory monitoring of the effects of titanium
Keywords: marine pollution, trace metals, sedi- bl~usslor i omrMet fr~n Lommabukten till Falster- Keywords: phytobenthos, archipelagoes, zooben- dioxide factory waste waters on the benthic mac-
ments, bottom, Southem Baltic bo) (SE) JiJns, algae, aquatic communities, benthos, environ- rofauna in the sea area off Pori on the west coast
Keywords: bridges, planning, phytobenthos, algae, !iWntal protection, Baltic Proper of Finland in 1989 and 1990 I Saarikari, V. -Tam-
Kartering och iivervakning av viistkustens grun- community composition, biomass, aquatic plants, perc : Kokemiienjocn vesis!On vesiensuojeluyhdistys
da hardbottensamhiillen 1989-1992 =Survey and Zostera, The Sound, bresund Marine algae south of the island Vejrii, the Samsii r.y., 1992. - 26 p. + app. Julkaisu I Kokemiienjoen
monitoring of shallow littoral communities along Hfea, Denmark /Nielsen, R. & Dahl, K. Phycologi- vesistOn vesiensuojeluyhdistys r.y., !SSN 0781-8645
the west coast of Sweden 1989-1992 I Andersson, Long-term changes in soft bottom macrofauna in ,·nJ studies of Nordic coastal waters : a festschrift ; 253 A (fi)
J. & 1\mberg, B. - Solna : Statens naturv~rdsverk, the Gulf of Bothnia : a sign of eutrophication I dedicated to Prof. Mats Waern on his 80th birthday, Keywords: pollution monitoring, waste water, indus-
1992.- 61 p. :graphs, tables Rapport I Naturwlrds- Cederwall, H. & Blomqvist, M. Proceedings of the ISBN 9 I -7210-078-8: eds. I. Wallentinus, P. Snoeijs. trial wastes, titanium compounds, benthos, growth,
verket, !SSN 0282-7298 ; 4056. - ISBN 91-620- II th symposium of the Baltic Marine Biologists, Uppsala : Svenska vaxtgcografiska sallskapct, dominant species, benthic environment, Macoma
4056-1 (se) Szczecin, 11-16 September 1989: eds. T. Radziejew- 1'!1!2.. Acta phytogeographica Suecica, !SSN 0084 .. balthica, Pori, Bothnian Sea
Keywords: coastal waters, aquatic communities, ska Acta ichthyologica et piscatorta, !SSN 0137- '•'.1/4: 78. -Pp.ll2-116(se)
zoobenthos, phytobenthos, vertical distribution, Kat- 1592; 21, suppl..- Pp. 39-40 (Abstract only) (se) I( <cywords: algae, phytobenthos, vegetation, Katte- Production of the benthic amphipods Ponto-
tegat, Skagerrak Keywords: biomass, benthos, macrofauna, Bothnian f(:il poreia affinis and P. femorata in a Baltic archipe-
Sea, Bothnian Bay lago I Sarvala, J. & Uitto, A. Ophelia, ISSN 0078-
Kartliiggningsrapport : undersiikning av kon- Mdofauna of an experimental soft bottom ecosys- 5326 Vol. 34(1991):2.- Pp. 71 · 90. ·(summary in
sekvenser for havsmiljon av en fast fiirbindelse U!ngtidsforiindringar i Aliindska skiirgardsvat- i<·m : effects of macrofauna and cadmium expo- English) (fi)
iiver ()resund = Survey report : investigation of ten • en jiimforelse av bottenfaunan 1972-90 = sui"<< I Sundelin, B. & Elmgren, R. Marine ecology. Keywords: zoobenthos, secondary production, abun-
the impacts on the marine environment caused by Long-term variations in the archipelago waters of l'mgress series, ISSN 0171-8630 Vol. 70(1991):3.- dance, biomass, long-term changes, Pontoporeia af-
a fixed link across the Oresund I Birklund, J. & Aland· a comparison of the zoobenthos 1972-90 I l'p. 245-255. -(summary in English) (se) finis, Pontoporeia femorata, Gulf of Finland, Tviir-
Povlsen, E. & Riber, H. & Horstedt, J. & Dahl, S. b. Bonsdorff, E. & Aarnio, K. & Lindell, A. & Sand- Keywords: cadmium, zoobenthos, meiobenthos, minnc
: 6resundskons01tiet, 1992 ... iii, 7lleaves: graphs, berg, E. Memoranda societatis pro fauna et flora l'ontoporcia affinis, microcosmos, experimental eco-
maps, tables Miljokonsekvensbeskrivning for ore- Fennica, ISSN 0373-6873 Vol. 68(1992).- Pp. 1 · 9. '<YSicms, Baltic Proper Prog1·am fiir miljokvalitetsovervakning · PMK :
sundsforbindelsen I Underlagsrapport; 3 =Environ- -(summary in English) (fi) utsjiiprogrammet : rapport fran verksamheten
mental impact assessment/or the fixed link across the Keywords: pollution monitming, zoo benthos, long- Oulnn cdustan merialuecn pohjaelainselvitys v. under 1990 = National Swedish programme for
Oresundl Sub-report; 3. ·(summary in English) (se) term changes, abundance, biomass, coastal zone, I 'I'll cc Benthos in the sea area off Oulu I Kaup- monitoring of environmental quality : open sea
Keywords: bridges, planning, construction, sedi- community composition, Aland Islands pincn, V.- [s.l.]: [s.n.], 1991.-21 p. + app. programme : report from the activities in 1990 I
ments, oxygen depletion, zoobenthos, phytobenthos, !mimeographed repon) (fi) Andersson, L. & Carlberg, S. R. & Fogclqvist, E. &
pollutants, heavy metals, water quality, The Sound, Macrobenthic fauna and oxygen deficiency in the l<cywords: pollution monitoring, benthos, long-term Fonselius, S. & Fyrberg, L. A. & Palmen, H. &
Oresund Gulf of Finland I Andersirr, A.-B. & Sandler, H. n·,·ords, eutrophication, fish culture, dominant Thelen, E.-G. & Zagradkin, D. & Yhlen, B., 1991.-
Memoranda societatis pro fauna et flora Fennica, 'i"":ics, abundance, Oulu, Bothnian Bay 48 p. SMH1 reports. Oceanography, ISSN 0283-1112
Kokemiienjoen ja sen edustan merialueen !SSN 0373-6873 Vol. 67(1991).- Pp. 3-10.- (Sum- ; 13. · (summaries in English, Swedish) (Also pub-
pohjaeliiintarkkailu v. 1988 = Mandatory moni- mary in English) ( fi) Phycological studies of Nordic coastal waters : a lished as: Rappon I Naturvftrdsverkct; 3934) (sc)
toring of the benthic macrofauna in the River Keywords: monitoring, long-term changes, benthos, f.-sf•whrift dedicated to Prof. Mats Wacrn on his Keywords: environmental monitoring, pollution
Kokemiienjoki and in the adjacent sea area on the oxygen, Gulf of Finland HOih hirthday I Wallcntinus, I. & Snoeijs, P. J. M. · monitoring, hydrography, cruise stations, chemical
west coast of Finland in 1988 I Mankki, J. - Tampere llppsala : Svenska vaxtgeografiska sallskapet, 1992. oceanography, plankton, zoo benthos, petroleum hy-
: Kokemaenjoen vesistiin vcsiensuojeluyhdistys r.y., Marin inventering av de vegetationskliidda bott- I <H p. : ill., graphs, tables Acta phytogeographica drocarbons, temperature, dissolved oxygen, ni-
1992. · 30 p. Julkaisu I Kokemiienjoen vesiston vesi- narna i Ranea och Kalix skiirgard, Norrbottens Slu'rh·a, ISSN 0084-5914 ; 78.- ISBN 91-7210-078- trogen, phosphorus, silicates, humus, Gulf of Both-
ensuojeluyhdistys r.y., ISSN 0781-8645 ; 254 (fi) Ian: enjiimfiirelse: augusti 1991 =Marine survey H & 91-7210-478-3 (se) nia, Baltic Proper, The Sound, Kattegat, Skagerrak
Keywords: pollution monitoring, waste water, indus- oft he phytal zone of the Ranea and Kalix Archipe- Kc.ywords: algae, geographical distribution, coastal
trial wastes, benthos, indicator species, dominant lagoes, Norrbotten County : a comparison : Au· ''':llers, Festschrift, Kattegat, SkagerTak Seasonal growth of the benthic amphipods Ponto-
species, eutrophication, Kokemaenjoki River, Both- gust 1991 I Foberg, M. & Kautsky, H. - Luleft : poreia affinis and P. femorata in a Baltic archipe·
nian Sea Norrbottens Jan. Lansstyrelsen, 1992.- 61leaves in l'odn cdustan merialueen pohjaeliiimistii vuonna lago in relation to environmental factors I Uitto,
various pagings : graphs, tables Rapportserie I I 'I 'I I : Kcmira Oy Vuorikemian tehtaat =Manda- A. & Sarvala, J. Marine biology, ISSN 0025-3162
Kompletterande undersokning av bottenvegeta- Utnsstyrelsen i Norrbottens !lin, ISSN 0283-9636; tory monitoring of the effects of titanium dioxide Vol. 111(1991):2. - Pp. 237 - 246. - (summary in
tionen fran Lommabukten till Falsterbo : 1992:8 (se) factory waste waters on the benthic macrofauna English) (fi)
fiiltundersokningar augusti-september 1992 : te- Keywords: archipelagoes, phytobenthos, com- In the sea area off Pori on the west coast of Finland Keywords: zoobenthos, growth, seasonal variations,
knisk bakgrundsrapport nr 07 : undersiikning munity composition, biomass, Bothnian Bay in 1'191 I Saarikari, V. -Tampere: Kokemacnjocn feeding, Pontoporeia affinis, Pontoporeia femorata,
och konsekvenser for havsmiljon av en fast fiir- V<'SisWn vcsiensuojcluyhdistys r.y., 1992. - 41 p. + Gulf of Finland, Tvarminne
bindelse over Oresund = Supplementary investi- Marin inventering av djupare mjukbotten och de npp . .lulkaisu I Kokemiienjoen vesiston vesiensuo-
gations of the benthic vegetation in the area from grunda vegetationstiickta bottnarna (fytoben- /duvhdistys r.y., 1SSN 0781-8645 ; 253 B (fi) Seasonal variation in bacterial activity in the
the Lomma Bay to Falsterbo, Sweden : field talen) i Asko-Lacka-Hartso-Enskar skargard, Kcvwords: pollution monitoring, waste water, indus- near-bottom water layer of Kiel Bight (western
studies August-September 1992 /Horsted, J. - [s.l.] Sodermanlands Ian = Marine monitoring of the ! I LiJ wastes, titanium compounds, benthos, dominant Baltic Sea) I Giesenhagcn, H. C. & Hoppe, H-G. &
: bresundskonsortiet, 1992. - 38 leaves in various deeper soft-bottom and the shallow phytobenthic
32 Part I: 4.4.2 Benthos Part!: 4.4.3 Other aquatic communities 33
Gocke, K. & Hoppe, H-G. & Lochte, K. & Meyer- Ovtrvakning av mjukbottenfauna langs Sveriges I Naturvclrdsverket; 401.5. -ISBN 91-620-4015-4.-
Utsjoprogrammet 1990 = Open sea programme
vl!,!knst 1990 =Monitoring of soft-bottom fauna (summary in English) (se)
Rei!, L-A. Kieler Meeresforschungen Sonderheft 1990 I Andersson, L. & Carlberg, S. R. & Fogelqvist,
Vol. 8(1991). - Pp. 14-19. -(Summary in English) E. & Fonselius, S. & Fyrherg, L.A. & Palmen, H. & along the west coast of Sweden 1990 ITunberg, B. Keywords: monitoring, zoobenthos, archipelagoes,
(de) Soina : St:ttens naturvArdsvcrk, 1991.- 93 p. Rap·· Baltic Proper, Blekinge
Thelen, E.-G. & Zagradkin, D. & Yhlen, B.- Solna:
Keywords: seasonal variations, biogeochemistry, port I Naturvardsverket, ISSN 0282-7298 ; 3936. -
Statens naturvArdsverk, 1991.- 51 p. Rapport 1 Na-
I.Slli~ 9 I 620-3936-9. ··(summary in English) (se) Complement to the Bibliography 1986-1990
pycnocline, oxygen depletion, environmental fac- turvardsverket, 0282-7298; 3934. -ISBN 91-620-
tors, bacteria, Kiel Bight Keywords: abundance, biomass, community compo-
3934-2. - (summaries in English, Swedish) (Also
' 11 ion, zoo benthos, environmental monitoring, Historische Benthosdaten aus Nord- und Ostsee
published as: SMHI reports. Oceanography, ISSN
\t agcrrak, Kattegat in den Jahren 1902-1912 =Historical benthos data
Short- and long-term changes in the benthic com- 0283-1112; 13)(se)
munity of the deeper parts of Kiel Bay (western Keywords: environmental monitoring, pollution from North Sea and Baltic Sea from 1902-1912,
Baltic) due to oxygen depletion and eutrophica- flvervakning av mjukbottenfauna langs Sveriges 1990.- 189 p. Mitteilungen I Zoologischen Museum
monitoring, hydrography, cruise stations, chemical
tion I Weigelt, M. Meeresforschung I Report on oceanography, plankton, zoobenthos, petroleum hy- viosth.nst 1991 =Monitoring of soft-boUom fauna der Universitaet Kiel (Supplement) ; 3 (de)
Marine Research, ISSN 0341-6836 Vol. 33(1991):2- drocarbons, temperature, dissolved oxygen, ni- ;,tong: the west coast of Sweden 19911 Tunberg, B. Keywords: biological collections, zoobenthos, North
3.- Pp. 197-224. -(Summary in Getman) (Bibliogr.: .'-;oJna : Statens nalurvArdsverk, 1992. - 93 p. : Sea
trogen, phosphorus, silicates, humus, Gulf of Both-
101 ref.) (de) nia, Baltic Proper, The Sound, Kattegat, Skagerrak !""phs, tables Rapport I Naturvardsverket, JSSN
Keywords: eutrophication, oxygen depletion, ben- il/.'!27298; 4066. -ISBN 91-620-4066-9. -(sum- Quantitative distribution of plant and animal
lll:try in English) (sc) communities of the phytobenthic zone in the Hal··
thic environment, ecological succession, halocline, Zanieczyszczenie osadow dennych Poludniowego
zoo benthos, Kiel Bight Baltyku metalami ciezkimi = Contamination by Keywords: abundance, biomass, community compo-- tic Sea I Kautsky, H. - Stockholm : University of
d!lo!l. zoobenthos, environmental monitoring, Stockholm. Askii laboratmy, 1989. - 80 p. : ill.,
heavy metals of bottom sediments of the southern
,\); ;11~nrak, Kattcgat graphs Contributions from the Askd laboratory ; 35.
Studies on the Fucus vesiculosus community in Baltic I Walkusz-Miotk, J. & Pempkowiak, J. 3rd
the Baltic Sea I Kautsky, H. & Kautsky, L. & Kaut- Scientific ·· Technical Conference "Environmental ··ISBN 91-85326-27-5.- (summary in English) (se)
sky, N. & Kautsky, U. & Lindblad, C. Phycological Ovcrvakning av mjukbottenfaona vid Sveriges Keywords: algae, zoobenthos, phytobent.hos, bio-
Protection", Ustron-.Taszowiec, 14 Oct. !992. - Pp.
studies of Nordic coastal waters :a festschrift dedi- 165-171.- (Summaty in English) (12 ref., 3 fig., I vvdkust 1990 = The national Swedish environ- mass, community composition, geographical dis-
cated to Prof. Mats Waern on his 80th birthday, ISBN tab!.) (pi) mental monitoring programme (FMK) : soft-bot- tribution, Bothnian Bay, Bothnian Sea, Baltic Proper
91-7210-078-8: eds. I. Wallentinus, P. Snoeijs.- Up- Keywords: marine pollution, heavy metals, sedi- tom macrofauna monitoring off the south coast of
psala : Svenska vaxtgcografiska sallskapet, 1992. ments, sediment pollution, bottom t;weden : annual report 1990 I Persson, L.--E. Smabatshamnars piiverkan pa b<Jt!enfauna och
:;olna : Statens naturvardsvcrk, 1991.-48 p. Rapport flora : en b<Jtten under siikning av fyra sma-
Acta phytogeographica Suecica, ISSN 0084-5914 ;
f Naturvardsverket, ISSN 0282-7298; 3937. -ISBN batshamnar i Stockholms liin = The impact of
78. - Pp. 33-48. - (summary in English) (se) Overvakning av mjukbottenfauna i Bottniska vi-
Keywords: aquatic communities, phytobenthos, pulp ''I 620 3937-7. -(summary in English) (se) pleasure boat harb<mrs on bottom fauna and flora
kens kustomn!den 1990 = The environmental
wastes, pollution effects, tin compounds, Fucus ve- l"rywords: monitoring, zoobenthos, archipelagoes, : a study of the bottoms at four harbours for
monitoring programme in Sweden : annual re-
H:illic Proper, Blckingc pleasure boats in the Stockholm Connty I Herb-
siculosus, energy flow, biological production, eco- port on benthic macrofauna monitoring in the
logy, reproduction Gulf of Bothnia 1990 I Leonardsson, L. - Solna : inger, M. & Rygne, H,- Stockholm : Stockholms
Overvakning av mjukbotlcnfauna vid Sverl.ges ian. Liinsstyrelsen, 1990. - 56 p. : ill, Rapport 1
Statcns naturvArdsverk, 1991. - 66 p. Rapport 1 Na-
Survey report: investigation of the impacts on the turvardsverket, ISSN 0282-7298; 3933. -ISBN 91- Nydkust 1991 = The national Swedish environ·· Lansstyrelsen i Stockholms liin ; 1990:6 (SE)
mar!ne environment caused by a fixed link across 620-3933-4.- (summary in English) (se) mental monitoring programme (PMK) : soft-b<Jt- Keywords: zoobenthos, phytobenthos, environmen-
the Oresund I Birklund, J. & Povlsen, E. & Riber, lum macrofauna monitoring off the south coast of tal impact, marinas, boats, harbours, archipelagoes,
Keywords: abundance, biomass, community compo-
H. & Horstedt, J. & Dahl, S. 6.- [s.l.]: Oresundskon- Sweden : annual report 1991 I Persson, L.-E. - pollution effects
sition, zoobenthos, monitoring, coastal waters, Both-
sortiet, 1992. - 64 leaves : graphs, maps, tables - nian Sea
c.;" Ina: Statens naturvArdsverk, 1992.-44 p. Rapport
(summary in English) (Environrnen.\al impact assess-
ment for the fixed link across the Oresund ; sub-re- Overvakning av mjukbottenfauna i Bottniska vi-
port nr 3. English translation of Kartlaggningsrap-
port) (se)
kens kustomraden 1991 = The environmentai 4.4.3 Other aquatic communities
monitoring programme in Sweden : annual re-
Keywords: bridges, planning, construction, sedi- port on benthic macrofauna monitoring in the
ments, oxygen depletion, zoobenthos, phytobenthos, Gulf of Bothnia 1991 I Leonardsson, K. - Solna : Base-line inventering av fisksamhiillens samman- februari-mars 1992 : teknisk bakgrundsrapport
pollutants, heavy metals, water quality, The Sound, Statens naturvArdsverk, 1992. - 64 p. : graphs, tables siiHning liings en skargardsgradient pa nord- nr. 01 : undersiikniug av konsekvenser fiir havs-
Oresund Rapport I Naturvardsverket, ISSN 0282-7298; 4057. viis! ra Aland= A base-line study on the fish com- miljiin av en fast fiirbindelse 6ver ()resund = Phy··
-ISBN 91-620-4057-X.- (summary in English) (se) lpunifies along an archip<~lago gradient on NW tobenthos and mussels from Lommabukten to
Temporal and spatial variability of zoobenthic Keywords: abundance, hi om ass, community compo- Aland, N Baltic Sea I Wistbacka, S. - Turku : Abo Falsterbo : investigation of the impacts on the
communities in archipelago waters of the north- sition, zoobenthos, monitoring, coastal waters, Both- Ar:adcmy (University), 1992. - 30 p. + app. For- marine environment caused by a fixed link across
ern Baltic Sea - consequences of eutrophication? nian Sea, Bothnian Bay ,Jningsrapporter fran Hustj biologiska station, ISSN the Oresund I Birklund, J. : Orcsundskonsortiet,
I Bonsdorff, E. & Aarnio, K. & Sandberg, E. Inter- !1/87 5460; 82.- ISBN 951-650-067-6.- (summary 1992. - ii, 55 leaves in various pagings: ill., graphs,
in English) (fi) tables MiljDkonsekvensbeskrivning.fijr Dresund.lfDr-
nationale Revue der gesamten Hydrobiologie, ISSN Overvakning av mjukbottenfauna i SV Botten-
0020-9309 Vol. 76(1991):3.- Pp. 433-449.- (sum- havel 1990 och 1991 =Monitoring of soft-bottom Keywords: fish, community composition, feeding, bzndelsen I Underlagsrapport ; 4 = Environmental
mary in English) (fi) fauna in the south-western Bothnian Sea 1Mo, K. condition factor, archipelagoes, dominant species, impact assessment for the fixed link across the Ore-
Keywords: pollution effects, eutrophication, zoo ben- - Solna : Statens naturvArdsverk, 1992. - 87 p. : i~nrthwestem Aland, Nmthem Baltic sund I Sub-report; 4.- (summary in English) (se)
thos, long-term changes, community composition, graphs, tables Rapport I Naturvardsverket, ISSN ' Keywords: bridges, planning, phytobenthos, marine
spatial variations, temPQral variations, Macoma bal- 0282-7298; 4059.- ISBN 91-620-4059-6 (se) Bolf.cnvegetation och bl!imusslor i omrildet frau molluscs, algae, community _composition, biomass,
thica, Northern Baltic, Aland Islands Keywords: zoobenthos, monitoring, Bothnian Sea, l ,ommabukten till Falsterbo : fiiltundersiikningar Zostera marina, The Sound, Oresund
Aland archipelago
34 Part 1: 4.5 Productivity, ecosystems, species Part 1: 4.5 Productivity, ecosystems, species 35
interactions interactions
Effects of fish farming on natural Baltic fish com- In situ experiments on interrelationships between & ( iDckc, K. & Hoppe, H-G. & Locllle, K. & Meyer- Copepoda, Centropages hamatus, F1agellata, Pro-·
munitiesiHenriksson, S.-H. Marine aquaculture and six brackish macrophyte species I Kautsky, L. lid!, LA. Kieler Meeresforschungen Sonderheft rocentmm minimum, Acaltia tonsa, Kiel Bight
environment, ISBN 95I-47-5076-4: ed. by T. Ma- Aquatic botany, ISSN 0304-3770 Vol. 39(1991 ). - Pp. Vol. H(l'.l91).- Pp. 8-13 (de)
kinen. - Helsinki : Valtion painatuskeskus, 1991. 159-172.- (summary in English) (se) K<'ywords: annual variations, population dynamics, Current trends in hydrographic and chemical
Nord,lSSN0903-7004; 22.- Pp. 85-104.- (summary Keywords: aquatic plants, growth, roots, species in- ·aJrlace mixed layer, microorganisms, bacteria, Kicl parameters and eutrophication in the Baltic Sea I
in English) (fi) teraction, Baltic Proper llwlll Nehring, D. & Matthiius. W. lnternationale Revue
Keywords: fish culture, water pollution, environ- der gesamten Hydrobiologie, ISSN 0020-9309 Vol.
mental effects, fisheries, feeding, species composi- Myllrande liv i Bottniska vikens is = Swarming Had<•rial numbers, biomass and productivity in 76(1991):3.- Pp. 297-316 ( Bibliogr.: 41 ref.) (de)
tion, stocks, Archipelago Sea, Northern Baltic life in the Bothnian Bay ice I Andersson-Nordstrom !ht Baltic Sea ; a crnise study I Heiniincn, A. P. Keywords: eutrophication, phosphates, nitrates,
A. & Nornnan, B. Ostersjon- ett hav i fOriindring, Marine ecology. Progress series, ISSN 0171 .. 8630 long-term changes, <moxie conditions, hydrography
Effects of fishfarming on the macrobenthos of ISBN 91-546-0336-6.- Stockholm: Naturvetenska- Vol. /0(1991):3.- Pp. 283-290 (de)
different bottom types ILauren-Maiitta, C. & Gran- pliga forskningsrildet, 1992. Naturvetensk.apligafor- Kcywords: biological production, cmise reports, Denitrification in the central Baltic : evidence for
lid, M. & Henriksson, S.-H. Marine aquaculture and skningsrddets drsbok; 1992.- Pp. 71-76 (SE) McJ'Iurn, abundance, biomass, aphotic zone, eutro- H sub(2)S-oxidationas motor of denitrification at
environment, ISBN 951-47-5076-4: ed. by T. Ma- Keywords: ice, algae, bacteria, Bothnian Bay phication, physicochemical properties, bacteria the oxic-anoxic interface I Brettar, I. & Rhein-
kinen. - Helsinki : Valtion painatuskeskus, 1991. hcimer, G. Marine ecology. Progress series, ISBN
Nord, ISSN 0903-7004; 22.- Pp. 57-83.- (summary Pulp mill effluent on species distribution and re- Hacl.crioplankton in the open Baltic Sea I Hci- 0171-8630 Vol. 77( 1991):2-3.- Pp. 157-169 (de)
in English) (fi) cruitment in Baltic coastal fish I Sandstrom, 0. & ,;inc.n, A. - Helsinki : Finnish Institute of Marine Keywords: denitrification, hydrogen sulphide, redox
Keywords: fish culture, water pollution, environ- Kar~s, P. & Neuman, E. Finnish fisheries research, Hc"l'.arch, 1992.- 30 p., 6 app. Finnish Marine Re- reactions, anoxic conditions, vertical profiles, physi-
mental effects, zoobenthos, species composition, ISSN 0301-908X, 1991, 12. - Pp. 101-110. -(sum- ·'""" h, ISSN 0357-/076; 260. -ISBN 951-47-6355- cochemical properties, Gotland Deep
Archipelago Sea, Northern Baltic mary in English) ( se) '" (Summary in English) (fi)
Keywords: fish, pulp wastes, forest industry, coastal V cywords: baderioplankton, bacterial production, Denitrifikatinn in der Wassersaeuleder zentra!en
Fisk enoch have!= The fish and the sea I Hansson, waters, community composition, abundance, Perea iiJJ<, biomass, cell volumes, nutrients Ostsee : Regulationsfaktoren und mikrobiologi ..
S. 6stersjon - ett hav i fOrandring, ISBN 91-546- fluviatilis, Rutilus rutilus, Baltic Proper, Bothnian sche Aspekte = Denitrilkation in the water col-
0336-6.- Stockholm: Natutvetenskapligaforskning- Sea Hnlthic energy dynamics in a southem Baltic umn of the central Baltic : regulatory factors and
srMet, 1992. Naturvetensk.apliga forskningsradets t·rosyslem I Yap, H. T. Marine biology, ISSN 0025- microbiological aspects I Brettar, I. - Kiel : Chris-
drsbok; 1992.- Pp. 101-109 (SE) Sjiifagelfannan i ett nordvastalandskt skargards- i I o2 Vol. I 08(1991):3.- Pp. 477-484 (Incl. bibliogr.: tian-Albrcc!Jts-Universitat, 1991. - 146 p. Berichte
Keywords: fish, fisheries, brackishwater environ- omrade- en baskartering utfiird sommaren 1991 '.(,ref'.) (de) aus dem 1nstitutfur Meereskunde an der Christian-
ment, contaminants, algal blooms, Baltic Sea Area = The seabirds of NW Aland - a baseline study Keywords: energy budget, oxygen consumption, Albrechts-Univ. Kiel, ISSN 0341-8561 ; 208.- (Sum-
1991 I Lindholm, H. & Bonsdorff, E. - Turku : Abo phylobcnthos, zoobenthos, seasonal variations, bio- mary in German) (Diss. (Dr. rer. nat.). 130 ref.) (de)
Importance of exposure and habitat structure for Academy (University), 1992.- 14 p. + app. Fors- Jll:Jss, aerobic respiration, chemical oxygen demand, Keywords: denitrification, mixed layer, microorgan-
the population density of 0-group plaice, l'leuro- kningsrapporter fran Huso biologisk.a station, !SSN 11ilrogcn, phosphorus, f(lod availability, algal isms, Shewanella putrefaciens, Thiobacillus denitri-
nectes platessa L., in coastal nursery areas I Pihl, 0787-5460; 83.- ISBN 951-650-068-4.- (summary !>looms, Darss-Zingst Estuary ficans
L. & Veer, H. W. van der Netherland1 journal of sea in English) (fi)
research, !SSN 0077-7579 Vol. 29(1992):1-3. - Pp. Keywords: aquatic birds, community composition, t 'haracterization of brackish coastal waters of Do pigments reflect the turnover of plant material
145-152.- (summary in English) (se) population structure, environmental effects, zonal ilil'fcrcnt trophic levels by means of phytoplank- in food chain studies? :analysis of plant pigments
Keywords: fish, population density, food availability, distribution, Northwestern Aland ton biomass and primary production I Wasmund, in the i11testine of Saduria (Mesidotea) entomon I
exposure tolerance, coastal waters, Pleuroncctes pla- N. &. Kcll, V. Internationale Revue der gesamten Abele-Oschger, D. & Szaniawska, A. & Thccdc, H.
tessa, Kattegat, SkageiTak ill'!lrobiologie, ISSN 0020-9309 Vol. 76(1991):3. - Marine ecology. Progress series, 1SSN 0171 .. 8630
l'p . .ll1 1.. 370 (Bibliogr.: 31 ref.) (de) Vol. 81(1992): 1. ·· Pp. 43-49. -(summary in English)
1\t:ywords: phytoplankton, biomass, eutrophication, (ge)
>oastal zone, classification systems, trophic levels, Keywords: pigments, f(Jocl chains, feeding experi-
4.5 Productivity, ecosystems, species interactions 111dicator species, pollution indicators ments, food composition, scavengers, Saduria cnto-
mon, lsopocla, Poland, Puck Bay
i 'occidian hyperparasite in bncephalid trematode
Akkumulation von Helminthen-l'arasiten in Aal- Keywords: aquatic mammals, Phoca vitulina, para- 'flOrocyst in brackish water (Baltic Sea) Mytilus Dynamics of planktivory in a coastal area of the
muttern - Zoarces viviparus (L.) (Teleostei) der sites, parasitic diseases, animal diseases, seals, Kat- i'd ulis I Pekkarinen, M. Journal of invertebrate pa- northern Baltic Sea IRudstam, L. G. & Hansson, S.
SW Ostsee =Accumulation of helminth parasites tegat, SkageiTak, Baltic Proper rho/ogy, ISSN 0022-2011, 1991,57.- Pp. 292-293 (fi) & Johansson, S. & Larsson, U. Marine ecology.
in Zoarces viviparns (L.) (Teleostei) of the SW Keywords: parasites, parasitic diseases, Mytilus Progress series, !SSN 0171-0630 Vol. 80(1992):2-3.
Baltic I Zander, C. D. Seevoegel,ISSN0722-294 Vol. Annual changes in some bacteriological parame- cdulis, Prosorchyncus saguamatus, Trematoda, Spo- - Pp. 159-173.- (summary in English) (se)
12(1991):4.- Pp. 70-73 (de) ters of a eutrophic estuary in the southern Baltic J<>ma, Buchephalidac, Coccidia Keywords: zooplankton, fish, predation, food organ-
Keywords: parasitism, abundance, endoparasites, Sea I lost, G. & Gocke, K. & Hoppe, H-G. & Lochte,
isms, biological production, plankton feeders, Baltic
Zoarces viviparus, Podocotyle atomon, Hysterothy- K. & Meyer-Rei!, L-A. Kieler Meeresforschungen l 'on lent of eopepod faecal pellets in relation to Proper
lacium acutum, Luebeck Bight Sonderheft Vol. 8(1991).- Pp. 34-41 (de) lhod supply in Kiel Bight and •its effect on se-
Keywords: population density, eutrophication, sea- dinwntation rate I Voss, M. Marine ecology. Pro- Effects of cannibalism and alternative prey on
Anisakid nematodes in the harbour seal l'hoca sonality, temperature effects, estuarine chemistry, xn:ss series, ISSN 0171-0630 Vol. 75(1991):2-3.- population dynamics of Saduria entomon (Isopo-
vitulina from the Kattegat-Skagerrak and the bacteria i'p. 217-225 (Bibliogr.: 36 ref.) (de) da) I Leonardsson, K. Ecology Vol. 72(1991):4. - Pp.
Baltic I Lunncryd, S.-G. Ophelia, ISSN 0078-5326 Keywords: faecal pellets, marine crustaceans, nutri- 1273-1285.- (summary in English) (se)
Vol. 34(1991):2.- Pp. 105-115.- (summary in Eng- Annual variation of bacterial number, production 1ive value, ingestion, phytoplankton, sedimentation, Keywords: food organisms, size distribution, canni-
lish) (se) and activity in Central Kiel Bight I Kirstein, K-0.
36 Part I: 4.5 Productivity, ecosystems, species Part I: 4.5 Productivity, ecosystems, species 37
interactions interactions
balism, predation, population dynamics, brackish- brackishwater ecology, fouling, aquaculture, fouling Moniloring pollution effects by diatom com- (de)
water crustaceans organisms, introduced species, Baltic Sea, Black Sea lnunily composition : a comparison of sampling Keywords: eutrophication, narmoplankton, biomass,
md hods I Snoeijs, P. J. M. Archiv fur Hydrobiologie, food webs, microorganisms, trophodynamic cycle,
Food of juvenile common eiders (Somateria mol- Investigations on cod stomachs in the Western ISSN 0003-9136 Vol. 121(1991):4.- Pp. 497-510.- Protozoa, Flagellata, Ciliophora
lissima) in areas of high and low salinity /Nystrom, Baltic, 1981-1989 /Weber, W. & Damm, U.- Copen- 1'<IHnrnary in English) (se)
K. G. & Pchrsson, 0. & Broman, D. The auk, ISSN hagen: ICES, 1991.- 17 p. (de) Keywords: algae, Diatomophyceac, cooling water, Oxytetracycline and oxolinic acid as antibacteri-
0004-8038 Vol. 108(1991 ). - Pp. 250-256. - (sum- Keywords: stomach content, predation, Clupca qJfliilratc preferences, temperature effects, Bothnian als in aquaculture : analysis, harmacokinerics
mary in English) (sc) harengus, Sprattus sprattus, Gadus morhua >;ca, l'orsmark and environmental impacts I Bjorklund, H.- Turku
Keywords: feeding behaviour, marine birds, brack- :Abo Akademi, 1991.-43 p.Actaacademiae aboen-
ishwatcr molluscs, Somatcria mollissima, Mytilus Kleinfischparasiten der Ostseefoerde Schlei und Mortality of Baltic herring (Ciupea harengus L.) sis. B, mathematica et physica, lSSN 0001-5105 ;
cdulis, food organisms, salinity, archipelagoes, Bal- ihre Einbindung in die Nahrungskette =Parasites !'~!!' caused by spawning substratum algae I 51(1991), 6.- ISBN 951-9498-91-5.- (summary in
tic Proper, Skagerrak of small-sized fishes from the Baltic fjord Schlei 1\iKcr, G. Proceedings of the 11th symposium of the English) (Ph. D. thesis for the Abo Akademi, Turku,
and their insertion into the food chain I Zander, C. Hall it: Mmine Biologists, Szczecin, 11-16 September Finland) (fi)
In situ experiments on interrelationships between D. & Westphal, D. Seevoegel, /SSN 0722-2947 Vol. i'li\9: cd. T. Radzicjewska.- [s.l.] : [s.n.], 1991. Acta Keywords: fish culture, fish diseases, population
six brackish macrophyte species/Kautsky, L. Aqu- 12(1991):1.- Pp. 4-8.- (Summa1y in Gcnnan) (de) '' hthyologica et piscatoria; 21, suppl .. - Pp. 327-344 density, biological stress, infectious diseases, drugs,
atic botany, ISSN 0304-3770 Vol. 39(1991). - Pp. Keywords: parasitic diseases, food chains, fjords, U>C) Salmo gairdneri
159-172.- (summary in English) (sc) Gastcrostcus aculcatus, Pungitius pungitius, Poma- Kc· ywords: fish eggs, Clupea harcngus, monality
Keywords: aquatic plants, growth, roots, species in- toschistus microps, Pomatoschistus minutus, Zoar- <~IJiq:s, algae, Chromophyta, Fucophyccac, Pilayella Pathological findings indicative of distemper in
teraction, Baltic Proper ces viviparus, Rutilus rutilus, Abramis brama, Schlcs 111 INa I is, Ectocarpus siliculosus, Rhodomcla confer- European seals I Bergman, A. & Jarplid, B. &
Influence of carbon availability on denitrification wig-Holstein, Schlci R iiUides Svensson, B.-M. Veterinary microbiology, ISSN
in the central Baltic Sea I Brettar, I. & Rheinheimer, 0378-1135 Vol. 27(1991). - Pp. 331-341.- (summary
G. Limnology and oceanography, ISSN 0024-3590 Long-term effects of epizootic in harbor seals in M,V<'oplasma phocarhinis sp. nov. and Mycoplas- in English) (sc)
Vol. 37(1992):6. - Pp. 1146-1163. - (Summa1y in the Kattegat-Skagerrak and adjacent areas I nw phocacerehrale sp. nov., two new species from Keywords: aquatic mammals, animal diseases,
English) (de) Heide-Jorgensen, M. P. & Hiirkooen, T. & Aberg, P. lwrhor seals (Phoca vitulina L.) I Gibele, J. & Phoca hispida, Halichoerus g1ypus, histology, patho-
Keywords: denitrification, nitrogen cycle, physico- Ambio, ISSN 0044-7447 Vol. 21(1992):8.- Pp. 511- Meier, J. & Binder, A. & Flossdorf, J. & Povcda, J. logy, seals
chemical properties, carbon/nitrogen ratio, mixed 516.- (summary in English) (se) II & Schmidt, R. & Kirchhoff, H. International
layer, nutrients (mineral), Gotland Deep Keywords: aquatic m<unmals, animal diseases, 11 111tna/ <>!systematic bacteriology, ISSN 0020-7713 Picoplanktonic algae in the northern Baltic Sea :
Phoca vitulina, population dynamics, seals, Kattegat, VPI, 4 I ( 1991): I.- Pp. 39-44.- (summaty in English) seasonal dynamics and flagellate grazing I Kuosa,
lntensiviivervakning av kustvatten i Askii-Land- Skage1rak, Baltic Proper, Belt Sea Hk) H. Marine ecology. Progress series, /SSN 0171-0630
sortsomnldet 1990 = Intensive monitoring of Keywords: new species, serological taxonomy, Vol. 73(1991):2-3. - Pp. 269-276. - (Summary in
coastal waters in the Askii-Landsort area 1990 I Methane production in lakes of different trophic epidemics, Mycoplasma phocarhinis, Mycoplasma English) ( Bibliogr.: 47 ref.) (de)
Larsson, U. & Sjosten, A. - Solna : Statcns natur- state I Casper, P. Microbial ecology of pelagic envi- plmcaccrcbrale, Phoca vitulina, Mycoplasma, mor- Keywords: grazing, seasonality, nannoplankton,
vArdsverk, 1991.- 38 p. Rapport I Naturwlrdsverket, ronments, ISBN3-510-47038-9: eds. P. K. Bjomsen, iilllly, bacterial diseases, organism morphology, ecological succession, thennal stratification, primary
ISSN 0282-7298; 3960.- ISBN 91-620-3960-1 (se) B. Riemann. - Stuttgart : Schweizcrbart'sche Ver- nL1rim: organisms~ North Sea~ Baltic Sea production, nitrates, growth, carbon cycle, Cyano-
Keywords: monitoring, hydrography, temperature, lagsbuchhandlung, 1992. Ergebnisse der Limnologie phyta, Flagellata, Tviirrninne
oxygen, salinity, nitrogen, phosphorus, silicates, I Advances in Limnology, ISSN 0071-1128; 37.- Pp. Non,spawning bnrbot on the northern coast of the
phytoplankton, chlorophylls, primary production, 149-154.- (Summary in English) (de) Hoi hnian Bay I Pulliaincn, E. & Korhonen, K. & Predation by the isopod Saduria entomon on the
sediment-water exchanges, Baltic Proper Keywords: biological production, trophic levels, Ka!li<aanranta, L. & Miiki, K. Ambio, ISSN 0044- amphipods Monoporeia affinis and Pontoporeia
methane, oligotrophic lakes, eutrophic lakes, min- : 1·1/Vol. 21(1992):2. - Pp. 170- 175. -(summary in femorata : experiments on prey vulnerability I
Intensiviivervakning av pelagialen i sydiistra Kat- eralization, seasonal variations, spatial variations, l11glish) (ii) Hill, C. & Elmgren, R. Oecologia, /SSN 0029 .. 3549
tegatt 1989-90 = Intensive pelagial monitoring in sulphates, biochemistry, Mecklenburg-Vorpom- Keywords: sexual maturity, sterility, pathology, fish Vol. 91(1992).- Pp. 153-156 (SE)
the southeasten Kattegat 1989-90 /Edler, L.- Solna mern, Lake Stechlin di;cascs, chemical pollutants, Lota Iota, Bothnian Keywords: predation, Saduria cntomon, Pontoporcia
: Statens naturvArdsverk, 1991. - 60 p. Rapport I Bay affinis, Pontoporcia femorata, food preferences, ceo-
Naturvardsverket, ISSN 0282-7298 ; 3972. - ISBN Microbial food web dynamics in tideless eutro- logy, crustaceans, Baltic Proper
91-620-3972-5.- (summary in Swedish) (Erroneous phic estuaries of the Baltic Sea I Schiewer, U. & Noh'S on sampling design, statistical analysis and
ISBN in publication: 91-620-3972-2) (se) Schumann, R. & Jost, G. & Sievert, C. & Gocke, K. lt!lt'rprctation of fish disease prevalence data sub- Primiirproduktion i ett aliindskt skargardsom-
Keywords: hydrography, monitoring, salinity, tem- & Hoppe, H-G. & Lochte, K. & Meyer-Rei!, L-A. ml!lcd to ICES I Vethaak, A. D. & Carr, M. & r~de =Primary production in an archipelago gra-
perature, optical properties, oxygen, phosphorus, ni- Kieler Meeresforschungen Sonderheft Vol. 8(1991). Wilson, S. & Mellergaard, S. & Thulin, J. & Pawlak, drent on the Aland Islands I Backlund, C. - Turku :
trogen, silicates, phytoplankton, primary production, - Pp. 20-28.- (Summary in English) (de) I Copenhagen: ICES, 1991.- 12 p. C.M. I Inter- Abo Akademy (University), 1992. - 12 p. + app.
chlorophylls, Kattcgat Keywords: food webs, microorganisms, detritus 1/•ifiona/ Council for the Exploration of the Sea ; Forskningsrapporter fran Huso biologiska station,
feeders, carbon cycle, eutrophication, bacteria i'Nl/E:9.- (summary in English) (se) ISSN 0787-5460 ; 80. - ISBN 951-650-065-X. -
Introduced species - recource of threat in brack- K•'Ywords: methodology, fish, animal diseases, (summary in English) (fi)
ish-water seas? : examples from the Baltic and Microbial food web in eutrophic shallow estuaries '''"''piing, statistical analysis Keywords: primary production, environmental
Black Sea I Leppakoski, E. Environmental manage- of the Baltic Sea I Schiewer, U. & Jost, G./nterna- monitoring, international cooperation, indicators,
ment and appropriate use of enclosed coastal seas - tionale Revue der gesamten Hydrobiologie, ISSN 01! llw importance of planktonic protozoans in water _pollution, dominant species, ecological zona-
EMECS '90: eds. T. Goda et a!. Marine pollution 0020-9309 Vol. 76(1991):3. - Pp. 339-350. -(Sum- lhe <:utrophication process of the Baltic Sea 1 tion, Aland Islands, Northcm Baltic
bulletin, ISSN 0025-326X ; 23. - Pp. 219-223. - mary in English) ( Bibliogr.: 24 ref.) (de) 1\mdl, 11./ntemationale Revue der gesamten Hydro-
(summary in English) (fi) Keywords: food webs, eutrophication, heterotrophy, l!ioloiiiC, ISSN 0020-9309 Vol. 76(1991):3. - Pp. SKAGEX :some preliminary results I Danielsscn,
Keywords: environmental impact, inland seas, estuaries, carbon cycle, microorganisms, Germany \i\I 19(J . -(Summary in English) (Bibliogr.: 48 ref.) D. S. & Davidsson, L. & Edler, L. & Fogelqvist, E.
38 Part I: 4.5 Productivity, ecosystems, species Part I: 4.5 Productivity, ecosystems, species 39
interactions interactions
& Fonsclius, S. & Foyn, L. & Hernroth, L. & Olsson, Pp. 33- 84.- (summary in English) (p. 78-84 ref., 17 . ISSN 0368-0770: ISBN 3-510-54032-8) (de) nici, ISSN: 0003-455X Vol. 27(1990).- Pp. 245 (Pos-
I. & Svendsen, E. -Copenhagen : ICES, 1991. - 35 fig., 20 tab!.) (pi) i<.cywords: nannoplankton, biomass, dissolved inor- ter abstract) (fi)
p. C. M. !International Council for the Exploration Keywords: marine pollution, sea water, wastes, Puck ganic matter, radioactive labelling, bacteria, algae, Keywords: parasites, crustacea, pontoporeia, mysis,
of the Sea; 1991, C:2.- (summary in English) (se) Bay Tvilnninnc, Gulf of Finland echinorhynchus
Keywords: water circulation, hydrography, ammon-
ia, nitrites, nitrification, chlorophylls, secondary pro- Untersuchungen zu Lebenszyklus (Krebse- 1<1wrgy requirement of some brackish water in- Results of ecological enclosure with pelagic com"
duction, Kattegat, Skagerrak Fische - marine Saenger) und Gefrierresistenz vrrld>nttes I Oenzen, J-A. von & Scharf, E-M. munities of the Arkona Sea (Baltic Sea) I Schulz,
anisakider Nematoden in Nord- und Ostsee = limno/ogica, ISSN 0075-9511 Vol. 20(1989): I. - Pp. S. & Breucl, G. & l!misch, A. Limnologica, ISSN
Spatial size variation in adult females of Saduria Investigations concerning the life cycle (crusta- !\\(Summary only) (de) 0075-9511 Vol. 20(1989):1.- Pp. 89-94.- (Summary
entomon (Crustacea, Isopoda) : a comparison ceans- fish- marine mammals) and freezing toler- 1\ eywords: oxygen consumption, respiration, es- in English) (de)
between field observations and predictions of a ance of anisakine nematodes in the North Sea and (Wllioc organisms, salinity effecL~, oxygen depletion, Keywords: nutrients (mineral), zooplankton, enclo-
life-history model I Leonardsson, K. Ophelia, ISSN the Baltic Sea I Lick, R. R. - Kiel : Christian-Al- illlinric factors, zoobenfhos, energy flow, Invencbra- sures, primary production, ammonia, Bacillariophy-
0078-5326 Vol. 34( 1991):2. - Pp. 91-104. -(sum- brechts-Universitiit, 1991.- 195 p. Berichte aus dem Ut ceae, Skeletonema costatum, Arkona Sea, seasonal
mary in English) (se) lnstitutfiir Meereskunde an der Christian-Albrechts- variations
Keywords: Saduria entomon, size distribution, verti- Universittit Kiel,ISSN 0341-8561 ; 218.- (Summary l<,krnal morphology of the parasitic copepod
cal distribution, predation, temperature, food availa- in Gennan) (Bibliogr.: 26 papers ref. Diss. (Dr. rer. !lnlohomolochus confusus (Stock) I Hoglund, J. & Role ofnanoflagellates in the food web of a brack-
bility, brackishwater crustaceans nat.)) (de) lhulin, .J. Zoologica scripta Vol. 17(1988):4. - Pp. ish water environment (western Baltic) = Die
Keywords: endoparasites, life cycle, fishery industry, \I I J/9. - (summary in English) (se) Rolle der Nanoflagellaten im Nahrungsnetz eines
Synoptic survey on bacterial numbers, biomass hosts, PseudoteiTanova, Anisakis, Contracaecum, h··ywords: fish, parasites, Gadus morhua, marine Brackwassergebietes (Westliche Ostsee) I Galvao,
and activity along the middle line of the Baltic Sea Hysterofhylacium, Anguillicola, Nematoda, North ci.ll'il:lccans, animal morphology., Skagerrak, Katte- H. M.- Kiel: Christian-Albrechts-Universitiit, 1990.
I Gocke K & Rheinheimer G & Gocke, K. & Hoppe, Sea -95 p. Berichte aus dem Institutfiir Meereskunde an
H-G. & Lochte, K. & Meyer-Rei!, L-A. Kieler Mee- der Christian-Albrechts-Universitdt Kiel; 201. - (
resforschungen Sonderheft Vol. 8(1991). - Pp. 1-7 Untersuchungen zum Befall von Heringen mit importance of pelagic and benthic microfauna in Summary in Geiman) (Bibliogr.: 72 ref.) (de)
(de) Ichthyophonus = Herring infection with Ich- a •hallow-water community of the Darss-Zingst Keywords: nannoplankton, eutrophic waters, long-
Keywords: environmental factors, biomass, regional thyophonus in 1991 I Lang, T. I nformationenfiir die Vrduary, southern Baltic, during mesocosm ex- tei1n changes, seasonality, heterotrophy, food chains,
variations, hydrography, salinity gradienl~, chloro- Fischwirtschaft, !SSN 0020-0344 Vol. 39(1992):2. - !iHiments I Arndt, H. & Schiewer, U. & Jost, G. & Dictyocha speculum, Kiel Fjord
phylls, venical distribution, bacteria Pp. 79-89. -(summary in English) (de) \V,r,mmHl, N. & Walter, Th. & Heerkloss, R. & Arlt,
Keywords: fungal diseases, total mortality, length- I; iii. Arndt, E. A. Limnologica,ISSN 0075-9511 Vol. Role of pelagic protozoans in the northern Baltic
Siisongvariationer i hydrografi, naringsamnen weight relationships, Clupea harengus, Ichthyopho- 'Iii I '.IX'!): I . - Pp. 101-106. - (Summary in English) Sea : an experimental approach I Kivi, K. Proceed-
och klorofyll a i ett aliindskt skargardsomrilde = nus, Nonh Sea, Baltic Sea Area r llihliogr.: 24 ref.) (de) ings of the 4fh International Workshop on the
Seasonal variations in hydrograph;); and nutrients l<eywords: microorganisms, biomass, animal mcta- Measurement of Microbial Activities in fhe Carbon
in an archipelago gradient on the Aland Islands I hnli•;m, pelagic environment, benthic environment, Cycle in Aquatic Ecosystems Ergebnisse der Limno-
Adjers, K. & Backlund, C. - Turku : Abo Academy Complement to the Bibliography 1986-1990 <'!h Insures, shallow water, Darss-Zingst Estuary logie I Advances in Limnology, ISSN 0071-1128; 34.
(University), 1992.-25 p. + app. Forskningsrappor- - Pp. 291 (Summary only) (de)
ter jh2n Huso Biologiska Station, ISSN 0787-5460; Carbon flux dynamics in a shallow eutrophic es- Mt'l hanogenesis in different parts of a brackish Keywords: pelagic environment, ecological succes-
79. - ISBN 951-650-064-1. - (summary in English) tuary I Schiewer, U. & Arndt, H. & Jost, G. & l!'li I cn>cosystem I Heyer, J. & Berger, U. & Suckow, sion, phytoplankton, phosphOius, nitrogen, eutrophi-
(fi) Heerkloss, R. & Wasmund, N. Limnologica, ISSN I! l.imnologica,ISSN0075-9511 Vol. 20(1989):1.- cation, cilia, Flagellata, Mesodinlum rubmm
Keywords: primary production, nutrients (mineral), 0075-9511 Vol. 20(1989):1.- Pp. 95-100 (Bibliogr.: l'p 115 139. -(Summary in English) (de)
hydrography, zonal distribution, fish culture, water 26 ref.) (de) Kr•ywnrds: mcfhanogenesis, sediment chemistry, an- Seasonal distribution and production of' phyto-
pollution, indicators, ecological zonation, Aland Is- Keywords: nutrients (mineral), carbon cycle, eutro- t\!' •obinsis, brackishwater environment, sulphatcs, plankton in the southern KattegatiRichardson, K.
lands, Norfhcm Baltic phic waters, community composition, enclosures, mkmllinlogical analysis, eutrophication, minerali- & Christoffersen, A. -Copenhagen: ICES, 1990.-
estuaries, Kirr Bight J;;!i<m. vcnical distribution, organic matter, bacteria, 30 p. - (Summary in English) (Only available from
Trend analysis of biological parameters in the Hiiq_,,t:n J fhe author) (de)
Baltic (1976-1988) I Schulz, S. & Kaiser, W. & Correlation between microbial activity and taxo- Keywords: phytoplankton, chlorophylls, pycnocline,
Breuel, G. lnternationale Revue der gesamten nomic structure in the water column of the Cen- ~1ahrungsuntersuchungen an bentophagen Nutz- primary production, algal blooms, Kattcgat
Hydrobiologie, !SSN 0020-9309 Vol. 76(1991):3. - tral Baltic I Hoefle, M. G. & Brettar, I. Ergeb. lhdwn unter Beruecksichtigung des Nahrung-
Pp. 351-359.- (Summary in English) (de) Limnol.l Adv. Limnol., 1990,34.- Pp. 237 (Summary 'iilflMdWies = Investigations in benthivorous fish Secondary production of Calanoids (Copepoda,
Keywords: marine pollution, eutrophication, biotic only) (de) ;;!ld Ihdr benthic food regarding the possibility of Crustacea) in brackish waters of the southern
factors, phytoplankton, chlorophylls, biomass, pri- Keywords: primary production, nitrification, min- 'ulllJH'Iil ion I Debus, L. & Winkler, H. M. Fische- Baltic I Hecrkloss, R. & Brenning, U. & Ring, M.
mary production, abiotic factors, water transparency, eralization, biodegradation, sulphate reduction, u 1 Forschung, ISSN 0428-4984 Vol. 28(1990):2. - Limnologica, ISSN 0075-9511 Vol. 20(1989):1.- Pp.
variability, long-term changes, Mecklenburg Vor- chemotaxonomy, RNA, genotypes, oxygen con- l'p SS 57.- (Summary in Russian) (de) 65-69.- (Summary in English) (de)
pommern sumption, carbon fixation, dominant species, bac- h. <'Vwnrds: food organisms, competition, freshwater Keywords: zooplankton, estuarine organisms, sec-
teria, Pseudomonas, Shewanella, Gotland Deep ! hil, int roduccd species, insect !anne, zoo benthos, ondary production, biomass, Eurytemora, Acania
Trends of long-term alterations of the Puck Bay lninspt:ciflc relationships, Cyprinus carpio, Abram is
ecosystem/ Ciszewski, P. & Ciszewska, K. & Kruk- Development of bacterioplankton during winter i'l<iiiia, Lota Iota, Saaler Bodden Zur Struktur und Dynamik autotropher Ultra-
Dowgiallo, L. & Osowiecki, A. & Rybicka, D. & and early spring at the entrance to the Gulf of plankton-Gemeinschaften in marincn Warm-
Wiktor, J. & Wolska-Pys, M. & Zmudzinski, L. & Finland, Baltic Sea I Kuparinen, J. Proceedings I I Hi Ihe acanthocephalan infection in some glacial wasser-Oekosystemen = To the structure and dy-
Trokowicz, D. Studia i materialy oceanologiczne. International Association ofTheoretical andApp lied idkl uustaceans in Finland I Aura, R-L. & Val- namics of autotrophic ultraplankton com-
Marine biology, ISSN 0208-421X Vol. 60(1992):8.- Limnology Vol. 23( 1988):4.- Pp. 1869-1878 (31 ref. !i•llf'<i, T.r:. & Anders in, A-B.Annales Zoologici Fen- munities in different marine warm-water ecosys-
40 Part I: 4.6.1 General Part I: 4.6.1 General 41
terns I Jochem, F., 1990. - 220 p. Berichte aus dem Keywords: phytoplankton, primary production, tro- Krywords: water pollution, waste water, water ern Finland; 66 (fi)
I nstitut fiir M eereskunde an der Christian-Albrechts- phic levels, seasonal variations, Dictyocha specu- qu:dity, eutrophication, hydrography, benthos, sedi- Keywords: pollution monitoring, waste water, water
Universittit Kiel; 193 (Bibliogr.: 193 ref.) (de) lum, Kiel Bight, Arabian Sea llwlll analysis, fish, fishing, long-term records, Kas- quality, nuclear power plants, thermal pollution, hy-
k ilwn, Bothnian Sea drography, nutrients (mineral), primary production,
Olkiluoto, Southwest Coast of Finland
K"'nin cdustan velvoitetarkkailu v. 1990 = Man-
4.6 Pollution of the aquatic environment dulory monitoring off Kemi in1990- [s.l.], 1991. On the state of natural environment in Estonia 1
•1'\ p. + app. (Mimeograohed report; Pohjois- Punning, J. M. Estonia: nature, man and cultural
\llnmen vesitutkimustoimisto for the City of Kemi, heritage PACT, 1SSN 0257-8727; 37.- Pp. 133-142.
4.6.1 General Vci!siluoto oy and Kemi oy) (fi) -(Summary in English) (ee)
Knywords: water pollution, pollution monitoring, Keywords: geography, industries, agriculture, pollu-
'Ni!lcr quality, industrial wastes, domestic wastes, tion, Estonia
Airborne pollution load to the Baltic Sea 1986- biology I Thoresson, G. - Oregrund : Fiskeriverket.
1990- Helsinki :Baltic Marine Environment Protec- !!Ires! industry, Bothnian Bay, Kemi
Kustlaboratoriet, 1992. - 33 p. Kustrapport 1 Fis-
tion Commission. Helsinki Commission, 1991.- 162 keriverket. Ku~tlaboratoriet; 1 (se) l'ohjanlahden meriympiiristiin suojelu, Oulun
p. Baltic Sea environment proceedings, ISSN 0357- Keywords: methodology, fishery biology, age deter- Knivajoen alaosan kalastuskirjanpito v. 1990 = vesistiitutkimuspiiiviit 9.-10.4.1991 = Protection
2994 ; 39. - (Summary in English) (fi) mination, abundance, growth, reproduction, hydro- Fish statistics at the River Kuivajoki and its es- of the Gulf of Bothnia, Seminar in Oulu 9-10 Apr.
Keywords: air pollution, atmospheric precipitations, graphy, meteorology lllaries, Bothnian Bay, in1990 ITaskila, E.- [s.l.]: 1991 I Alasaarela, E. - Helsinki : National Board of
monitoring, nitrogen, trace metals, statistics I,,.,[, 1991.- 8 p. + app. (mimeographer report) (fi) Waters and the Environment, 1991. - I 06 p. Vesi- ja
Hangon merialueen ja Bengtsarin vesien yhteis- 1\cywords: pollution monitoring, river discharge, ympiiristiJ/wllituksen monistesarja = Mimeo-
Denitrifikation in der Wassersaeuleder zentralen I idi<.·ry statistics, waste waler, stock assessment, Kui- graphed series of the National Board of Waters and
tarkkailun yhteenveto vuodelta 1990 = Manda-
Ostsee : Regulationsfaktoren und mikrobiologi- tory monitoring in the sea area off Hanko and v;;jnki River, Bothnian Bay the Environment, ISSN 0783-3288 ; 295. - ISBN
sche Aspekte = Denitrification in the water col- Bengtsiir in 1990 I Holmberg, R. - Helsinki : Liinsi- 951-47-4116-1 (fi)
umn of the central Baltic : regulatory factors and Uudenmaan vcsija ymparist6 r.y., 1991.-21 p. + app. Kustundersiikningar 1991 : Husum, Domsjii, Keywords: brackishwater pollution, pollution moni-
microbiological aspects I Brettar, I. - Kiel : Chris- Tutkimusjulkaisu I Liinsi-Uudenmaan vesi ja ympiir- KLamfors = Coastal monitoring 1991 : Husum, toring, pollution effects, fishery management, hydro-
tian-Albrechts-UniversiUit, 1991. - 146 p. Berichte Hom~jii, Kramfors I Eriksson, U. & Johansson, R. dynamics, environmental protection, Gulf ofBothnia
ist6 r.y. ; 99 (fi)
aus dem Institutfiir Meereskunde an der Christian- Keywords: water pollution, pollution monitoring, Siockhohn : K-Konsult, 1991. - 32 p. : graphs,
Albrechts-Univ. Kiel, ISSN 0341-8561; 208.- (Sum- water quality, waste water, industrial wastes, domes- maps, tables (se) l'yhtiiii - Kotka - Hamina merialueen tarkkailu-
mary in German) (Diss. (Dr. rer. nat.). 130 ref.) (de) tic wastes, periphyton, Gulf of Finland, Hanko Keywords: coastal waters, environmental monitor- tutkimus v. 1989 = Limnological studies in the sea
Keywords: denitrification, mixed layer, microorgan- ing, pulp wastes, water pollution, zoobenthos, Both- area between Pyhtiiii, Kotka and Hamina in 1989
isms, Shcwanella putrefaciens, Thiobacillus denitri- Interim report on the state of the coastal waters tdan Sea I Anttila-Huhtinen, M.- Kouvola: Kymijoen vesien-
ficans of the Baltic Sea - Helsinki : Baltic Marine Environ- suojcluyhdistys r.y., 1991. - 29 p.+app. Kymijoen
ment Protection Commission. Helsinki Commission, Mlhm l'ohjanlahden kay? = What will happen to vesiensuojeluyhdistys ry:n tiedonantoja = Publica-
Giivlekusten, underlag fiir iiversiktsplan : sam- 1991. - 96 p. Baltic Sea environment proceedings, the Gulf of Bothnia?- [s.l.], 1991.- 96 p.- ISBN tion by the Water Protection Association of the River
manfattning av ett utvecklingsarbete =The coast 1SSN 0357-2994; 40.- (Summary in English) (fi) '!'>I 47-5219-8 (Also published in Swedish as 'Vad Kymijoki, ISSN 0780-5241; 31 (fi)
of Giivle, basis of a general plan : summary of a Keywords: pollution, eutrophication, pollution IJ!imlcr med Bottniska viken') (fi) Keywords: pollution monitoring, waste water, water
development work- Giivle: Giivleborgs Jan. Uins- monitoring, metals, organic compounds Keywords: natural resources, man-induced effects quality, river water, eutrophication, hydrography, nu-
styrelsen, 1991.- 2 vols. : 83 p. + ca 200 p. and leav. trients (mineral), Gulf of Finland, east
Rapport I Uinsstyrelsen i Giivleborgs liin ; 1 (Two Kartliiggningsrapport : undersokning av kon- Mustionjoen, Fiskarsinjoen, Pohjanpitiijiin-
unnumbered volumes, the second containing appen- sekve11ser fiir havsmiljiin av en fast fiirbindelse luh!h!n ja Tammisaaren merialueen yhteistark- Pyhtiiii - Kotka - Hamina merialueen tarkkailu-
dices (bilagor)) (se) over Oresund = Survey report : investigation of kailun yhteenveto vuodelta 1991 = Mandatory tutkimus v 1990 = Limnological studies in the sea
Keywords: coastal waters, coasts, water quality, re- the impacts on the marine environment caused by monitoring of the River Mustionjoki, the Pojo area between Pyhtiiii, Kotka and Hamina in 1990
gional plarming, industrial wastes, environmental a fixed link across the Oresund 1 Birklund, J. & Hay and Tanunisaari archipelago in 1990 I I Partanen, P. - Kouvola : Kymijoen vesiensuo-
smveys, resource development, Bothnian Sea Po,vlsen, E. & Riber, H. & Horstedt, J. & Dahl, S. 6. Vahtera, H. & Jokinen, 0. - Lohja : Liinsi-Uuden- jeluyhdistys r.y., 1991. - 37 p.+app. Kymijoen vesi-
: Oresundskonsortiet, 1992. -iii, 71leaves: graphs, ma:m vesi ja ymparistO r.y., 1992. - 23 p. + app. ensuojeluyhdistys ry:n tiedonantoja = Publication
Halikonlahden tarkkailututldmus vuonna 1990 = maps, tables Milj6konsekvensbeskrivning for 6re- lulkaisu I Uinsi-Uudenmaan vesi ja ympiirist6 r.y., by the Water Protection Association of the River
Investigations in Halikonlahti in 1990 I Lehtonen, sundsf6rbindelsen I U nderlagsrapport; 3 =Environ- !SSN 0789-9084 ; 14. -(summaries in English, Fin- Kymijoki, ISSN 0780-5241 ; 32 (fi)
K. - Turku : Lounais-Suomen vesiensuojeluyhdistys rrtental impact assessmentfor the fixed link across the nish, Swedish) (fi) Keywords: pollution monitoring, water quality,
r.y., 1991. - 29 p. Tutkimusselosteita I Lounais- Oresund I Sub-report; 3.- (summary in English) (se) Keywords: pollution monitoring, waste water, indus- waste water, hydrography, nutrients (mineral), river
Suomen vesiensuojeluyhdistys r.y. =Mimeographed Keywords: bridges, planning, construction, sedi- 1rial wastes, water quality, eutrophication, ecological water, Gulf of Finland, east
report I Water Protection Association of Southwest- ments, oxygen depletion, zoobenthos, phytobenthos, wnation, Tammisaari, Pojo Bay, Gulf of Finland
ern Finland; 68 (fi) [XJllutants, heavy metals, water quality, The Sound, Raahen edustan merialueen kalatalondellinen
Keywords: pollution monitoring, waste water, water Oresund Olkiluodon liihivesien fysikaalis-kemiallinen ja velvoitetarkkailu v. 1990 = Fisheries in the sea
quality, hydrography, nutrients (mineral), primary hiologinen tarkkailututkimus '\'uonna 1990 = area offRaahe in 1990- [s.l.], 1991.-26 p. + app.
production, Southwest Coast of Finland, Salo Kaskisten edustan merialueen velvoitetarkkailu Physico-chemical and biological monitoring in (Mimeographed report; Pohjois-Suomen vesitutki-
1990 = Mandatory monitoring of the sea area off the sea area off Olkiluoto in 1990 I Jumppanen, K. mustoimisto for the City of Raahe and Raahe Steel
Handbok fiir kustundersokningar : metodbe- Kaskinen, Bothnian Sea, 1990 I Raina, P. & Kanto- Turku : Lounais-Suomen vesiensuojeluyhdistys Works) (fi)
skrivningar i fiskeribiologi = Handbook of coastal la, L. & Kauppinen, V. & Viitanen, P. - [s.l.] : [s.n.], r.y., 1991. - 31 p. Tutkimusselosteita I Lounais- Keywords: water pollution, pollution monitoring,
studies : methodological descriptions in fishery 1991.-70 p. + app. (mimeographed report) (fi) Suomen vesiensuojeluyhdistys r.y. =Mimeographed waste water, industrial wastes, domestic wastes, fish-
uport I Water Protection Association of Southwest-
cry data, catch/effort, statistics, zoobenthos, Both- Trend analysis of nutrient concentrations in Bal- Arsrapport 19?1 =Annual report 1991 -Helsinki, UppsaJa: Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet, 1992.-72 p.
nian Bay, Raahe, Raahe Steel Works tic Sea rivers I GrimvaJl, A. & StAlnacke, P. & 1991.- 112 p. Arsrapport I Kommittenfor Bottniska SLU info rapporter, !SSN 1101-3761; 179. ·ISBN
Sundblad, K. & Niemirycz, E. J. & Pitkanen, H. & viken, !SSN 0358-5891; 19. -ISBN 951-47-6098-0. 91-576-4646-5 (Symposium (UppsaJa: 1992)) (se)
Raahen edustan velvoitetarkkailu 1990 =Manda- Brulm, A. Environment, energy and natural resource - (summary in English) (Incl. 83 ref.) (fi) Keywords: conferences, pollution, environmental ef-
tory monitoring in the sea area off Raahe in 1990 management in the BaJtic region, ISBN 87-7303- Keywords: water pollution, monitoring, interna- fects, Baltic Sea
- [s.l.], 1991. - 34 p. + app. (Mimeographed report; 644-6: eds. J. Fenger, K. HaJsnres, H. Larsen, H. tionaJ cooperation, bibliographic information, Gulf
Pohjois-Suomen vesitutkimustoimisto for Raahe Schroll, V. Vidal. - Copenhagen : Nordic Council of ofBothnia
Steel Works) (fi) Ministers, 1991. Nord, !SSN 0903-7004 ; 48. - Pp. Complement to the Bibliography 1986-1990
Keywords: water pollution, pollution monitoring, 333-344. - (summary in English) (se) Ostersjiin - ett hav i fiirandring = The Baltic - a
water quality, waste water, industrial wastes, domes- Keywords: river discharge, nitrogen, phosphorus, changing sea - Stockholm : Naturvetenskapliga First Baltic Sea pollution load compilation - Hel-
tic wastes, sediment pollution, Bothnian Bay, Raahe, statistical anaJysis, Denmark, Finland, Poland, forskningsrAdct, 1992. - 141 p. : ill., graphs, maps, sinki : Baltic Marine Environment Protection Com-
Raahe Steel Works Sweden, pollutant load tables Naturvetenskapligajorskningsrddets arsbok; mission. Helsinki Commission, 1987. - 56 p. Baltic
1992. -ISBN 91-546-0336-6 (SE) Sea environment proceedings, !SSN 0357-2994; 20.
Sediment och bottenfaunaundersiikning i Sunds- Undersiikningar i Stockholms skiirgard 1991 : Keywords: geology, sediments, eutrophication, pol- -(Summary in English) (fl)
vallsbukten 1991 =Study of sediment and bottom text· och figurdel, punktsammanstiillning = lutants, algae, bacteria, fish, pollution control, Baltic Keywords: marine pollution, pollution monitoring,
fauna in the Sundsvall Bight in 1991 - Umel : Studies in the Stockholm archipelago 1991 : text Sea Area data collections
Miljillaboratoriet, 1991.- 45 leaves in various pag- and figures, summary of results from stations I
ings : graphs, maps, tables (Study made for the Lannergren, C. & Vamhed, B.- Stockholm :Stock- ()stersjiin - ett hotat hav = The Baltic - a threat- Stoffeintrag in Nord-und Ostsee ueber die Atmos-
County Administrative Board ofVastemorrland) (se) holm Vatten. VattcnvArdsbyrAn, 1992. - 182 p. in ened sea I Bonsdorff, E. & Blomqvist, E. M. Skiir- phere = Atmospheric input into the Baltic and
Keywords: zoobenthos, sediments, environmental various pagings : graphs, tables (Report code: RR gard, !SSN 0356-9381 Vol. 13(1991):1-2.- Pp. 3-4 North Sea I Grassl, H. & Eppel, D. & Petersen, G.
monitming, coastal waters, hydrogen sulphide, Both- 92036) (se) (fi) . & Schneider, B. & Weber, H. & Gandrass, J., 1989.
nian Sea Keywords: archipelagoes, water quality, nitrogen, Keywords: water pollution, eutrophication, ecosys- - 169 p. GKSS; E8, !SSN 0344-9629 (Incl. 78 ref.)
phosphorus, phytoplankton, chlorophylls, zoobcn- tem disturbance (de)
Stockhohns innerskiirgard : fiiroreningsbelast- thos, ships, sediments Keywords: marine pollution, ocean-atmosphere sys-
ning och recipientkontroll =The Stockholm inner ()stersjiin idag och imorgon = The Baltic today tem, transport processes, trace metals, air pollution,
archipelago : pollutant load and monitoring of Vad bander med Bottniska viken? = What will and tomorrow I Engstr6m, W. & Norrgren, L. - atmospheric precipitations, North Sea, Kiel Bight
receiving waters I Kautsky, L. & Rygne, H. & Herb- happen to the Gulf ofBothnia? - [s.l.], 1991.-96
inger, M. - Stockholm : Stockholms universitet. Bo- p.- ISBN 951-47-5207-4 (Also published in Finnish
taniska institutionen, 1991.- 33 p. :ill., graphs, maps as 'Miten Pohjanlahden kay?') (fi)
(se) Keywords: natural resources, man-induced effects, 4.6.2 Methods and instruments
Keywords: pollution effects, eutrophication, boating, nature conservation, international cooperation, Gulf
heavy metals, phosphorus, nitrogen, archipelagoes, ofBothnia
phytobenthos, fauna Assessment of the effects of pollution in the Polish proceedings of a SEPA Conference held at Grand
Vad bander med Skargardshavet? = What will Coastal Area of the Baltic Sea, 1984-1989, 7: pri- Hotel Sall>j6baden, Stockholm, Sweden 19-21 No-
Survey report: investigation of the impacts on the happen to the Archipelago Sea? /Blomquist, E. A. mary production and the concentration ofchloro- vember 1991: ed. A. S&!ergrcn. - So1na : Statcns
marine environment caused by a fixed link across - [s.l.]: [s.n.], 1992.- 112 p. · ISBN952-9512-05-8 phyll-a/Renk, H. Studia i materialy oceanologiczne. naturvardsvcrk, 1992. Rapport I Naturvdrdsverket,
the Oresund I Birklund, J. & Povlsen, E. & Riber, (fi) Marine Pollution, !SSN 0208-421X Vol. 61(1992):2. !SSN 0282· 7298 ; 4031. - Pp. 244 - 247. - (Summary
H. & Horstedt, J. & Dahl, S. 6.- [s.l.]: dresundskon- Keywords: natural resources, man-induced effects, Pp. 167 - 180. - (summary in English) (25 ref., 5 in English) (ISBN 91-620-4031-6) (se)
sortiet, 1992. - 64 leaves : graphs, maps, tables - nature conservation, international cooperation, llg., 2 tab!.) (pi) Keywords: test organisms, tests, pollution effects,
(summary in English) (Environmental impact assess- Archipelago Sea Ktywords: marine pollution, chlorophylls, ex- pulp wastes
ment for the fixed link across the Oresund ; sub-re- perimental research, Gdansk Deep, Gulf of Gdansk,
port nr 3. English translation of Kartlaggningsrap- Vuorikemian ymparistiinsuojeluohjehna = Vuo- !'trek Bay Biological Intercalibration Workshop I Jacobsson,
port) (se) rikemia's environmental protection programme I L. & Evans, S. - Helsinki : Baltic Marine Environ·
Keywords: bridges, planning, construction, sedi- Lammi, P. Kemia- Kemi, !SSN 0355-1628 Vol. 18 llrstiimning av akut toxicitet i brack vatten av ment Protection Commission. Helsinki Commission,
ments, oxygen depletion, zoobcnthos, phytobenthos, (1991):4.- Pp. 322-325.- (summary in English) (fi) lu:miska produkter och avloppsvatten for liija 199!.- 152 p. Baltic Sea environment proceedings,
J?.Ollutants, heavy metals, water quality, The Sound, Keywords: titanium compounds, industrial wastes, IAlhurnus alburnus) : statistisk metod= Determi- !SSN 0357-2994; 38.- (summary in English) (fi)
Oresund water pollution, environmental protection, pollution HI!fion of acute toxicity in brackish water of Keywords: international cooperation, intercalibra-
control d11:mical products and sewage water for bleak tion, biological data, phytoplankton, zooplankton,
Tonlion edustan velvoitetarkkailu v. 1990 : I. ve- (Aihurnus alburnus) :statistical method- Solna: primary production, zoobcnthos, oxygen, hydrogen
sistiitarkkailu, II. kalataloustarkkailu = Manda- Angermaniilvens mynning: bott~nfauna och sedi- 'iiHI<:ns naturvArdsverk, 1992.- 15 p. Rapport INa- sulphide, chlorophylls
tory monitoring in the sea area off Tornio in 1990 ment 1991 = The estuary of the Angermanalven : !wvdrdsverket; 3994.- ISBN 91-620-3994-6 (se)
- [s.l.], 1991.- 55 p. + app. (Mimeographed report; bottom fauna and sediment 1991 - UppsaJa : Vat- l(cywords: toxicity tests, fish, Albumus aJburnus, Detection of alkylated polychlorodibenzofurans
Pohjois-Suomen vesitutkimustomisto for Outokum- tentest AB, 1991.-38 p. :graphs, maps, tables (Study wcrhodology, brackish water polluti,on and alkylated polychlorodibenzo-p-dioxins by
pu polarit oy) (fi) made for Samvcrkansgruppen fOrnedre Angerman- tandem mass spectrometry for the analysis of
Keywords: water pollution, pollution monitoring, alven and the County Administrative Board of Vas- iHoiogical effects of bleached pulp mill effluents : crustacean samples I Lundgren, K. & Rappe, C. &
waste water, industrial wastes, domestic wastes, ternorrland) (se) !tJWHrds ecologically relevant test methods/ Qilek, Buser, H.-R. Chlorinated dioxins and related com-
water quality, fishery data, river water, Bothnian Bay Keywords: zoobenthos, coastal waters, sediments, &. Kautsky, N. & Tedengren, M. Environmental pounds :proceedings of the tenth International Sym-
estuaries, environmental monitoring, Bothnian Sea and effects of bleached pulp mill effluents : posium held at Bayreuth, Gennany, 10-14 September
44 Part I: 4.6.2 Methods and instruments Part I: 4.6.3 Characteristics, behaviour and fate 45
1990: eds. U. Ahlborg, R. E. Clement, J. Duinker, H. Isolation and determination methods for haloge- Protozoans as a component of biological monitor- Keywords: zinc, lead, bioassays, growth, species
Fiedler, 0. Hutzinger, B. Janssin, F. W. Kutz, C. nated polycyclic aromatic compounds I Haglund, ing of the Baltic Sea I Boikova, E. Limnologica, diversity, population density, pollution indicators,
Rapper, S. Safe, A. F. Yanders Chemosphere, ISSN P. - Solna : Statens naturvftrdsverk, 1991. - 39 p. ISSN 0075-9511 Vol. 20(1989):1. - Pp. 119-125.- cilia
0045-6535 ; 23(1991), 11-12. - Pp. 1591-1604. - Rapport 1Naturvardsverket, !SSN 0282-7298; 3905. (Summary in English) (Bibliogr.: 26 ref.) (de)
(summary in English) (se) - ISBN 91-620-3905-6. - (summary in English)
Keywords: analytical techniques, chemical analysis, (Thesis (doctoraJ), summary, bound together with 6
chlorine compounds, marine crustaceans, poly- papers )(se)
chlorinated dihenzodioxins, polychlorinated dihen- Keywords: chemical anaJysis, methodology, haloge- 4.6.3 Characteristics, behaviour and fate
zofurans, dioxins, furans, Kattegat, Skagerrak nated hydrocarbons, PCB, aromatic hydrocarbons,
fish, Clupea harengus, analytical techniques, poly- Ackumulering av miljiigifter i niiringsviiven = Ac- nants to the Baltic I Larsson, P. 6stersjtin - ett hav i
Ecological approaches to wastewater treatment in chlorinated naphthalenes, Bothnian Bay cumulation of contaminants in the food web I forandring, ISBN 91-546-0336-6.- Stockholm: Na-
potato processing I Merisaar, M. Ecological Engin- Wallgren, H. 6stersjtin idag och imorgon: eds. W. turvetenskapliga forskningsrAdet, 1992. Naturveten-
eeringfor Wastewater Treatment: proceedmgs of the Recycling of nutrients from potato processing Engstrom, L. Norrgren. - UppsaJa : Sveriges lant- skapligaforskningsradets arsbok; 1992 (SE)
International Conference, March 24-28, /991, Sten- wastewater I Merisaar, M. Proceedings of the bmksuniversitet, 1992. SLU info rapporter, ISSN Keywords: air pollution, organic compounds,
sund Folk College, Sweden. - Pp. 308-311. -(Sum- Second Workshop on Anaerobic Treatment of Mu- 1101-3761; 179.- Pp. 34-36 (se) chlorine compounds, Baltic Sea Area
mary in English) (ee) nicipal Solid Waste and Sludge for Energy roduction Keywords: PCB, DDT, food webs, bioaccumulation
Keywords: waste water, nitrogen, wastewater treat- and Recycling of Nutrients. - Joensuu : Joensuun Bakgrundsha.lter och punktkiillor av klorerade
ment, selfpurification, Estonia yliopisto, 1992. K arjalan tutkimuslaitoksen julkaisu- Airborne pollution load to the Baltic Sea 1986- miljiigifter i Ostersjiin = Background levels and
ja 1 Joensuun yliopisto, ISSN 0358-7347; /05.- Pp. 1990 - Helsinki : Baltic Marine Environment Protec- point sources of chlorin.atcd contaminants in the
Ecologically relevant method for testing the tox- 101-105. - (Summary in English) (ee) tilm Commissiop. Helsinki Commission, 1991. - 162 Baltic Sea I Rappe, C. Ostersjtin idag och imorgon:
icity of hydrophobic compounds on the blue Keywords: carbon cycle, biomass, wastewater treat- p. Baltic Sea environment proceedings, ISSN 0357- eds. W. Engstrtim, L. Norrgrcn. - Uppsala : Sveriges
mussel Mytilus edulis L. I Gilek, M. & Kautsky, N. ment, nutrient cycles, nutrients (mineral), sewage 2994 ; 39. - (Summary in English) (fi) lantbruksuniversitet, 1992. SLU info rapporter, /SSN
Proceedings of the 12th Baltic Marine Biologists treatment, anaerobic, Estonia Keywords: air pollution, atmospheric precipitations, ll01-3761; 179.- Pp. 19-22 (se)
Symposium, Helsingor, Denmark, 25-30 August monitoring, nitrogen, trace metals, statistics Keywords: chlorine compounds, PCB, fish, poly-
1991, ISBN 87-85215-25-2: eds. E. BjiJmestad, L. Sample selection and preparation procedures for chlorinated dihenzodioxins, polychlorinated diben-
Hagerman, K. Jensen. - Fredensborg : Olsen & analyses of metals and organohalogen compounds Analysis of bromo-, chloro- and mixed zofurans, dioxins, furans
Olsen, 1992.- Pp. 61-66 (se) in Swedish seals I Roos, A. & Blomkvist, G. & hromo/chloro-dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzofu-
Keywords: brackishwater molluscs, toxicity tests, Jensen, S. & Olsson, M. & Bergman, A. & Harkoncn, nms in salmon, osprey and human milk I Wiberg, Belastning av fosfor och kviive, fran fiskodlingar
bioaccumulation, filter feeders, methodology, Mytt- T. Ambio, !SSN 0044-7447 Vol. 21(1992):8. - Pp. K. & Rappe, C. & Haglund, P. Chemosphere, ISSN i Norden, pa omgivande havsomn'lden = Load of
lus edulis, Anguilla anguilla, hydrophobic com- 525-528.- (summary in English) (se) 01!45-6535 Vol. 24(1992):10. - Pp. 1431-1439. - phosphorus and nitrogen from Nordic fish farm-
pounds Keywords: aquatic mammaJs, Halichoerus grypus, (,;ummary in English) (se) ing on surrounding sea areas I Enell, M. & Acke-
Phoca hispida, Phoca vitulina, samples, seals, Keywords: chlorine compounds, bromine com- fors, H. Havbrug og miljti: havbrugs pAvirkning af
Enantioselective determination of chlordane Skagen·ak, Baltic Proper, Kattegat, Gulf of Bothnia pmmlls, SaJmo salar, fish, Pandion haliaetus, pollu- det omgivende miljo, ISBN 87-7303-545-9: eds. E.
components using chiral high-resolution gas chro- t;mts, birds, chlorinated dibenzodioxins, brominated Hoffmann, R. Persson, E. Gaard, G. S. Jonsson. -
matography-mass spectrometry with application Sog. Korngrossen-Effekt-analysiert am Beispiel dihenzodioxins, chlorinated dihenzofurans, bromi- Ktihenhavn: Nordisk MinisterrAd, 1991. Nord, !SSN
to environmental samples I Buser, H.-R. & Muller, der polycyclischen aromatischen Kohlenwasser- ilaled llibenzofurans, dioxins, furans 0903-7004; 10.- Pp. 83-101, 272.- (summary in
M. D. & Rappe, C. Environmental science and stoffen in Kiistensedimenten = The so-called English) (se)
technology, ISSN 0013-936X Vol. 26(1992):8.- Pp. grain-size effect-analysis using the example of Analysis of some polyhalogenated organic pollu- Keywords: fish culture, phosphorus, nitrogen, feed,
1533-1540.- (summary in English) (se) polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in coastal sedi- lants in sediment and sewage sludge I Nylund, K. marine pollution, pollutant load
Keywords: pesticides, anaJytical techniques, fish, ments. 1Hellmann, H. Deutsche Gewiisserkundliche lit Asplund, L. & Jansson, B. & Jonsson, P. & Litzcn,
aquatic mammals, aquatic birds, Clupea harengus, Mitteilungen, !SSN 0012-0235 Vol. 35(1991):2.- Pp. f< & Sellstrtim, U. Chemosphere, ISSN 0045-6535 Belastningsmodeller fiir niirsalter fOr bediimning
Salmo salar, Halichoerus grypus, chlordane, Balttc 46- 52. - (summmies in German, English) (de) av fiskodlingars miljopaverkan i marin miljo =
'''' 24(1992):12.- Pp. 1721-1730.- (summary in
Sea, Antarctica, seaJs, penguins Keywords: aromatic hydrocarbons, coastal zone, ll!glish) (se) N ntrient loading models for assessment of envi-
sediment anaJysis, grain size, sediment pollution, Keywords: sediments, halogen compounds, sludge, ronmental effects of marine fish farms I Wallin, M.
Handbok for kustundersokningar : recipient- North Sea, Baltic Sea, Germany, Elhe River i">llutanls, PCB, DDT, BaJtic Proper, polybromi- & H~kanson, L. Havbrug og miljti: havbrugs pAvirk-
kontroll = Handbook of coastal studies : 111onitor- ilHied diphcnyl ethers, polychlorinated naphthalenes ning af det omgivende miljo, ISBN 87-7303-545-9:
ing of receiving waters I Thoresson, G. - Oregrund cds. E. Hoffmann, R. Persson, E. Gaard, G. S. Jons-
: Fiskeriverket. Kustlaboratoriet, 1992. - 88 p. : ill. Complement to the Bibliography 1986-1990 Annual changes in some bacteriological parame- son.- Ktibenhavn: Nordisk MinisterrAd, 1991. Nord,
Kustrapport 1 Fiskeriverket. Kustlaboratoriet, ISSN !Pn; of a eutrophic estuary in the southern Baltic JSSN 0903-7004; 10.- Pp. 136-155.- (summary in
1102-5670; 1992:4 (se) Intercomparison of sediment sampling tech- NNI I .lost, G. & Gocke, K. & Hoppe, H-G. & Lochte, English) (sc)
Keywords: methodology, zoohenthos, fish, coastal niques by means of radionuclide and heavy metal h & Meyer-Rei!, L-A. Kieler Meeresforschungen Keywords: fish culture, coastal morphology, dyna-
waters, nuclear power plants, pollution effects analysis I Nies, H. & Albrecht, H. & Rechenberg, V. \i!f!derluft Vol. 8(1991).- Pp. 34-41 (de) mics, eutrophication, nitrogen, phosphorus, water
& Goroney, I. & Dahlgaard, H. & Weiss, D. & h.r,ywords: population density, eutrophication, sca- exchange, models, environmental impact, pollutant
Importance of inherent properties of coastal areas Bliigmann, L. Deutsche hydrographische Zeitschrift, 'if!l\illity, temperature effects, estuarine chemistry, load
1 Wallin, M. & H~kanson, L. Marine pollution bul- 0012-0308 Vol. 43(1990):1.- Pp. 27-53 (de) tiH.I'lrria
letin, 1SSN 0025-326X Vol. 22(1991):8. - Pp. 381- Keywords: sediment sampling, methodology, radioi- Biologisk recipientkontroll vid Oskarshamnsver-
388 (se) sotopes, heavy metals, chemicaJ analysis, sediment '\!lwlsfiirsdeposition av miljogifter till 6stersjiin ket : arsrapport fOr 1991 =Biological monitoring
Keywords: methodology, coastal waters, eutrophica- pollution AI nwspheric deposition of organic contami- of receiving waters at the Oskarshamn nuclear
tion, pollutant load, ecometrics
46 Part 1: 4.6.3 Characteristics, behaviour and fate Part 1: 4.6.3 Characteristics, behaviour and fate 47
power plant : annual report for 1991 I Andersson, -219.- (Summary in English) (ISBN 91-620-4031- Keywords: aquatic mammals, Halichoerus grypus, ISSN 0282-7468 ; 353. - ISBN 91-554-2836-3. -
J.- bregrund: Fiskerivcrkct. Kustlaboratoriet, 1992. 6) (se) Phoca hispida, Phoca vitulina, pollutant~. chlorine (summary in English) (Thesis (PhD), summary,
- 14 p. Kustrapport I Fiskeriverket. Kustlaboratoriet, Keywords: pulp wastes, chlorine compounds, or- compounds, halogen compounds, metals, animal dis- bound together with 7 papers; previously by !he same
ISSN !102-5670; 1992:3 (sc) ganic acids, fish, bioaccumulation, sediments, Botll- eases, seals, Skagerrak, Kattegat, Baltic Proper, Gulf author: Nutrient loading models for coastal waters)
Keywords: fish, zoobenthos, animal diseases, nu- nian Sea, Myoxocepbalus quadricomis, Perea fluvi- ofBolhnia (se)
clear power plants, monitoring, Baltic Proper atilis Keywords: aquaculture, fish culture, coastal waters,
Current trends in hydrographic and chemical morphometry, eutrophication, nutrients (mineral),
Bladder-wrack (Fucus vesiculosus L) as an indi- Chlorinated triacylglycerols in fish lipids? ; chro- parameters and eutrophication in the Baltic Sea I Baltic Proper, Turku Archipelago, pollutant load,
cator for radionuclides in the environment of matographic and mass spectrometric studies of Nehring, D. & Matth~us. W. lnternan·onale Revue ecometrics
Swedish nuclear power plants I Neumann, G. & model compounds I Sundin, P. & Larsson, P. & der gesamten Hydrobiologie, ISSN 0020-9309 Vol.
Notter, M. & Dahlgaard, H. - Solna : Statcns natur- Wesen, C. & Odham, G. Biological mass spectro- 76(1991):3.- Pp. 297-316 ( Bibliogr.: 41 ref.) (de) Effects of bleached pulp mill effluents on popula-
vArdsverk, 1991.- 35 p. Rapport I Naturw'irdsverket, metry, ISSN 1052-9306, 1992, 21.- Pp. 633-641.- Keywords: eutrophication, phosphates, nitrates, tion genetics in the bivalve Macoma balthica (L.)
ISSN 0282-7298; 3931.- ISBN 91-620-3931-8.- (summary in English) (se) long-term changes, anoxic conditions, hydrography in the Bothnian Sea I Leonardsson, K. & Nilsson, J.
(summary in English) (sc) Keywords: fish, fatty acids, chlorine compounds, Environmental fate and effects of bleached pulp mill
Keywords: nuclear power plants, radioactive pollu- methodology, analytical techniques Detection of tris(chlorophenyl) methane and effluents : proceedings of a SEPA Conference held at
tants, algae, Fucus vesiculosus, bioaccumulation, in- tris(4-chlorophenyl) methanol in ringed seal Grand Hotel Saltsjobaden, Stockholm, Sweden 19-
dicator species, Baltic Proper, Kattegat, Sweden Coastal waters I GrimAs, U. The Chernobylfallout (Phoca hispida) from the Baltic Sea I Zook, D. R. 21 November 1991: ed. A. SOdergren. - Solna :
in Sweden : results from a research programme on & Buser, H.-R. & Bergqvist, P.-A. & Rappe, C. & Statens naturv~rdsverk, 1992. Rapport I Naturvards-
Blekingekustens Vattenvardsfiirbund ; samord- environmental radiology, ISBN 91-630-0721-5. - Olsson, M.Ambio, ISSN0044-7447 Vol. 21(1992):8. verket,!SSN0282-7298 ;4031.- Pp. 310-313 (ISBN
nad kustvattenkontroll i Blekinge liin: arsrapport Stockholm : Swedish Radiation Protection Institute, , Pp. 557-560.- (summary in English) (se) 91-620-4031-6) (se)
1991 = Coordinated coastal water monitoring in 1991. - Pp. 129-142. - (summary in English)(se) Keywords: aquatic mammals, chlorine compounds, Keywords: genetics, brackishwater molluscs, Maco-
the Blekinge County : annual report 1991 I Pers- Keywords: radioactive pollutants, fallout, coastal JXlllutants, Phoca hispida, aromatics, seals, tris(chlo- ma ballhica, pulp wastes, chlorine compounds, sedi-
son, L.-E. & Engkvist, R. & Tobiasson, S. -Kalmar waters, food chains, sediments, bioaccurnulation, rophcnyl)methane, tris(4-chlorophcny!)methanol ments, Bothnian Sea
: Hogskolan i Kalmar. Institutionen fOr naturveten- Bothnian Sea, Baltic Proper, The Sound, Kattegat,
skap, 1992. - 39 p. : graphs, tables Rapport I Institu- Chemobyl Development of Nordic salmonid production in Ekometrisk analys - en metod att ta fram belast-
tionenfor naturvetenskap, Hogskolan i Kalmar; 2 aquaculture and nutrient discharges into ad- ningsmodeller for niirsalter/eutrofiering i kust-
(sc) Comparative studies on adrenocorticolytic DDT- jacent sea areas I Enell, M. & Ackefors, H. Aqua- omracten = Ecometric analysis • a method to es-
Keywords: pollution monitoring, hydrography, metabolites I Brandt, I. & Jonsson, C.-J. & Lund, <.:ulture Europe Vol. 16(1992):4.- Pp. 6-11 (se) tablish load diagrams for nutrients/eutrophica-
zoobenlhos, phytobenlhos, nitrogen, phosphorus, B.-0. Ambio, ISSN 0044-7447 Vol. 21(1992):8.- Pp. Keywords: aquaculture, feed, nitrogen, phosphorus, tion in coastal areas I HAkanson, L. & Wallin, M.
coastal waters, nuttients (mineral), Baltic Proper 602-605.- (summary in English) (se) llsh culture, water pollution, pollutant load Havbrug og miljo : havbrugs pilvirkning af det om-
Keywords: comparative studies, DOE, DDT, meta- givende miljo, ISBN 87-7303-545-9: eds. E.
Cadmium and zinc in Mytilus edulis L. from the bolites, seals Distribution and metabolism of polycyclic aro- Hoffmann, R. Persson, E. Gaard, G. S. Jonsson. -
Bothnian Sea and the northern Baltic Proper I matic hydrocarbons (PAHs) injected into eggs of Kobenhavn: Nordisk MinisterrM, 1991. Nord; 10.
Broman, D. & Lindqvist, L. & Lundbergh, I. Envi- Concentrations of PCDDs and PCDFs in seals chicken (Gallus domesticus) and common eider - Pp. 102-119,273.- (summary in English) (se)
ronmental pollution, ISSN 0269-7491 Vol. from Swedish waters/ Bergek, S. & Bergqvist, P.-A. duck (Somateria mollissima) I Naf, C. & Broman, Keywords: fish culture, nutrient~ (mineral), eutro-
74(1991):3.- Pp. 227-244.- (summary in English) & Hjelt, M. & Olsson, M. & Rappe, C. & Roos, A. 1>. & Brunstr(im, B. Environmental toxicology and phication, models, environmental impact, coastal
(se) & Zook, C. Ambia, ISSN0044-7447Vol. 21(1992):8. .-hemistry, ISSN 0730-7268 Vol. 11(1992):11.- Pp. waters, pollutant load
Keywords: heavy metals, cadmium, zinc, Mytilus - Pp. 553-556.- (summary in English) (se) 1653-1660.- (summary in English) (se)
edulis, brackishwater molluscs, pollution, Baltic Keywords: aquatic mammals, chlorine compounds, Keywords: aromatic hydrocarbons, aquatic birds, Enantioselective determination of chlordane
Proper, Bothnian Sea pollutants, seals, Kattegat, Skagerrak, dioxins, pollutant~. bird eggs, metabolism, Somateria mol- components using chiral high-resolution gas chro-
dibenzofurans, polychlorinated dibenzodioxins, lissima, Gallus domesticus, bioaccumulation, PAH, matography-mass spectrometry with application
Characteristic of environment degradation pro- polychlorinated dibenzofurans Baltic Proper to environmental samples I Buser, H.-R. & Muller,
cesses in the Puck Bay and main directions of M. D. & Rappe, C. Environmental science and
ecological investigations aiming at recultivation of Concentrations of DDT and PCB in seals from llislribution, fate and persistence of organo- technology, ISSN 0013-936X Vol. 26(1992):8. - Pp.
the Bay I Dubrawski, R. Bulletin of the Maritime Swedish and Scottish waters I Blomkvist, G. & chlorine compounds formed during production of 1533-1540.- (summary in English) (se)
Institute in Gdansk Vol. 19(1992):2.- Pp. 85-109.- Roos, A. & Jensen, S. & Bignert, A. & Olsson, M. bleached pulp I Neilson, A. H. & Allard, A.-S. & Keywords: pesticides, analytical techniques, fish,
(Summary in English) (29 ref., 1 tab!.) (pi) Ambia, ISSN 0044-7447 Vol. 21(1992):8.- Pp. 539- llynning, P. A. & Rem berger, M. Toxicological and aquatic mammals, aquatic birds, Clupea harengus,
Keywords: marine pollution, eutrophication, anthro- 545.- (summary in English) (se) mvironmental chemistry, ISSN 0277-2248 Vol. Salmo salar, Halichoerus grypus, chlordane, Baltic
pogenic factors, Puck Bay Keywords: aquatic mammals, Halichoerus grypus, 10(1991): 1-2.- Pp. 3-41. -(summary in English) (se) Sea, Antarctica, seals, penguins
Phoca hispida, Phoca vitulina, DDT, PCB, pollu- Keywords: chlorine compounds, transpott, accumu-
Chlorinated carboxylic acids are major chloro- tants, chlorine compounds, pesticides, seals, Skager- l!uion, bioaccumulation, persistence, biodegrada- Environmental fate and effects of bleached pulp
organic compounds in fish exposed to pulp bleach rak, Kattegat, Baltic Proper, Gulf of Bolhnia, Scot- llon, literature reviews, pulp wastes, chlorination, mill effluents :proceedings of a SEPA Conference
liquors I Wesen, C. & Martinsen, K. & Carlberg, G. land forest industry, bleaching held at Grand Hotel Saltsjobaden, Stockholm,
E. & Mu, H. Environmental fate and effects of Sweden 19-21 November 1991 I SOdergren, A. -
bleached pulp mill effluents :proceedings of a SEPA Contaminants and diseases in seals from Swedish l•:eometric analysis of factors regulating eutrophi- Solna : Statens naturvArdsverk , 1992. - 394 p. Rap-
Conference held at Grand Hotel Saltsjobaden, Stock- waters I Olsson, M. & Andersson, b. & Bergman, rnlion effects in coastal waters : a case study of port I Naturvardsverket, ISSN 0282-7298; 4031.-
holm, Sweden 19-21 November 1991: ed. A. SOder- A. & Blomqvist, G. & Frank, A. & Rappe, C. Ambia, murine fish farms I Wallin, M. - Uppsala : Uppsala ISBN 91-620-4031-6 (se)
gren.- Solna: Statens naturvArdsverk, 1992. Rapport ISSN 0044-7447 Vol. 21(1992):8. - Pp. 561-562. - University, 1991.-44 p. Comprehensive summaries Keywords: pulp wastes, chlorine compounds, indus-
I Naturvardsverket,!SSN 0282-7298; 4031.- Pp. 207 (summary in English) (se) n{ 1/ppsala dissertations from the Faculty ofScience,
48 Part I: 4.6.3 Characteristics, behaviour and fate Part I: 4.6.3 Characteristics, behaviour and fate 49
trial wastes, forest industry, bioaccumulation, envi- nols, fish, bile, chlorinated guaiacols, chlorinated monitoring, sedimentation, temperature, zoo plank- ters I Andersson, 6. & Wartanian, A. Ambia, ISSN
ronmental effects, pollutants catcchols, Baltic proper, Gulf of Bothnia ton, phytoplankton, water pollution, Baltic Proper, 0044-7447 Vol. 21(1992):8. - Pp. 550-552. - (sum-
Himmerfjarden mary in English) (se)
Eutrofieringsberiikningar : konsekvensberiik- Havbrug og miljii : havbrugs pavirkning af det Keywords: aquatic mammals, Halichoerus grypus,
ning fOr plankton och bottenvegetation : teknisk omgivende miljii = Marine fish farming and the Identification of chlorinated fatty acids in fish Phoca hispida, Phoca vitulina, chlorine compounds,
bakgrundsrapport nr. 04 : undersiikning av kon- environment/Hoffmann, E. & Persson, R. & Gaard, lipids by partitioning studies and by gas chroma- halogen compounds, pollutants, pesticides, seals,
sekve1.1ser fiir havsmiljiin av en fast fiirbindelse E. & Jonsson, G. S.- Kobcnhavn: Nordisk Minister- tography with Hall electrolytic conductivity de- Kattegat, Skagcrrak, toxaphene, chlordane, flame re-
over Oresund =Eutrophication calculations: cal- rM, 1991.-291 p. Nord; 10.- ISBN91-7996-318-8 tection I Wcsen, C. & Mu, H. & Lund Kvemheim, tardants
culation of impacts on plankton and bottom vege- & 87-7303-545-9.- (summary in English) (sc) A. & Larsson, P. Journal of chromatography, ISSN
tation: investigation of the impacts on the marine Keywords: aquaculture, fish culture, water pollution, 0021-9673, 1992,625.- Pp. 257-269 (se) Metal concentrations in seals from Swedish wa-
environment caused by a fixed link across the phosphorus, nitrogen, eutrophication, sediments, Keywords: fish, fatty acids, chlorine compounds, ters I Frank, A. & Galgan, V. & Roos, A. & Olsson,
Oresund I Bach, H. K. : 6resundskonsortiet, 1992. coastal waters, regional planning, antibiotics, envi- Anguilla anguilla, Platichthys flcsus, pulp wastes, M. & Petcrsson, L. R. & Bigncrt, A. Ambia, ISSN
- ii, 109 leaves in various pagings : graphs, maps, ronmental impact forest industry, Skagerrak, Baltic Proper, Hanll Bight 0044-7447 Vol. 21(1992):8.- Pp. 529-538.- (sum-
tables Miljokonsekvensbeskrivningfor oresundsfor- mary in English) (se)
bindelsen I Underlagsrapport; 7 = Environmet~tal Havet lever - men farligt : svenska forskare om Impacts of the Chernobyl fallout in the Baltic Sea Keywords: aquatic mammals, metals, heavy metals,
impact assessment for the fixed link across the Ore- eutrofieringen av vilra hav = The sea lives - but ecosystem I Evans, S. The Chernobyl fallout in Halichoerus grypus, Phoca hispida, Phoca vitulina,
sund I Sub-report; 7. -(summary in English) (sc) dangerously : Swedish scientists on the eutrophi- Sweden : results from a research programme on pollution, seals, Skagerrak, Kattcgat, Baltic Proper,
Keywords: bridges, planning, construction, eutro- cation of our seas- Solna : Statens naturvArdsverk, mvironment radiology, ISBN 91-630-0721-5. - Gulf of Bothnia
phication, environmental impact, algae, phytoplank- 1991.- 71 p. Naturvardsverket injormerar.- ISBN Stockholm : Swedish Radiation Protection Institute,
ton, primary. production, dredging, phytobcnthos, 91-620-1104-9 (se) 1991.- Pp. 109-127.- (summary in English) (sc) Me(.aller i djurplankton och arsenik i havsvatten
The Sound, Orcsund Keywords: eutrophication, pollution control, envi- Keywords: radioactive pollutant<;, caesium isotopes, i Ostersjiiomn'ldet 1975-1987 = Metals in
ronmental effect>, phosphorus, nitrogen sediments, algae, Fucus vesiculosus, fish, zoobcn- zooplankton and arsenic in sea water, in the Baltic
Eutrophication calculations : calculation of im- thos, Baltic Sea Area Sea area 1975-1987 I Lithncr, G. & Holm, K. &
pacts on plankton and bottom vegetation : inves- Himmerfjiirdsundersiikningen: rapport till Larsson, M-B. & Holmgren, K. - Solna : Statens
tigation of the impacts on the marh.w environment SYVAB : forskningsrapport 1988-9 = The Him- Influence of oil-shale industry to the state of wet- naturvArdsvcrk, 1991. - 32 p. Rapport I Naturvards-
caused by a fixed link across the Oresund I Bach, mer(jiirden study : research report 1988-9 I Lars- land ecosystems in the northeastern Estonia I Jlo- verket, 1SSN 0282-7298 ; 3895. - ISBN 91-620-
H. K.- [s.l.] : 6resundskonsortict, 1992.- 122lcavcs son, U. & Sjiistcn, A. & Johansson, S.- Stockholm: mcts, M. Environmental Toxicology and Health : 3895-8. - (summaries in English, Swedish) ( sc)
in various pagings : graphs, maps, tables Environ- Stockholms univcrsitct. Institutionen for systemcko- li<portfrom meeting in Stockholm, 1991.- Pp. 137- Keywords: arsenic, heavy metals, mercury, cad-
mental impact assessment for the fixed link across the logi, 1991. - 167 p. : graphs, tables Technical report 138. -(Summary in English) (cc) mium, lead, zinc, copper, nickel, cromium, iron,
i)resund I sub-report ; 7 (English translation of Eu- I lnstitutionenfor sysremekologi, Stockholms univer- Keywords: ecological balance, oil shale, wetlands, plankton, zooplankton, sea water, temporal vari-
trofieringsberiikningar : konsekvensberiikning fOr sitet; 7 (se) ecosystems, industries, Northern Estonia ations, long-term changes, pollutants, Gulf of Both-
plankton och bottenvegetation) (se) Keywords: wastewater treatment, eutrophication, nia, Baltic Proper, The Sound, Kattegat
Keywords: bridges, planning, construction, eutro- zoobenthos, plankton, hydrography, coastal waters, I nlerrelations between plutonium and some tran-
phication, environmental impact, algae, phytoplank- monitoring, sedimentation, temperature, zooplank- kilion elements in Gulf of Bothnian sediments I Metaller i svenska havsomraden : underlagsrap-
ton, primary production, dredging, phytobcnthos, ton, phytoplankton, water pollution, Baltic Proper, Ostlund, P. Ambia, 1SSN 0044-7447 Vol. 20(1991): port till Hav '90 : aktionsprogram mot havsfiir-
The Sound, 6resund Himmcrfjarden I,··· Pp. 38-42.- (summary in English) (se) oreningar = Metals in Swedish marine areas -
Keywords: sediments, transition elements, pluto- Solna: Statcns naturvArdsvcrk, 1991.- 86 p. Rapport
Eutrophication of the Baltic Sea I Forsberg, C. - Himmerfjiirdsundersiikningen: rapport till ilium isotopes, fallout, radioactive pollutants, metals, I Naturvardsverket,1SSN 0282-7298; 3696.- ISBN
Uppsala : Uppsala University, 1991. - 32 p. The SYVAB : forskningsrapport 1990 = The Him- Oulf ofBothnia 91-620-3696-3.- (summary in English) (se)
Baltic Sea environment; session 3.- ISBN 91-506- merfjiirden study: research report 1990 /Larsson, Keywords: metals, industrial wastes, bioaccumula-
0878-9.- (summary in English) (se) U. & Sjosten, A. -Stockholm : Stockholms univer- Levds of alkylated polychlorodibenzofurans in tion, sediments, marine pollution, algae, 11sh,
Keywords: nitrogen, phosphorus, eutrophication, sitet. Institutionen fOr systcmekologi, 1991. - 105 crustacean and fish samples I Lundgren, K. & zooplankton, pollutant load, Gulf of Bothnia, Baltic
pollution control, marine pollution, Baltic Sea Area, leaves: graphs, tables Technical report I lnstitutionen i<appc, C. & Buser, H.-R. Environmental fate and Proper, The Sound, Kattegat, Skagcrrak
Kattcgat for systemekologi, Stockholms universitet; 9 (se) clkcts of bleached pulp mill effluents: proceedings
Keywords: wastewater treatment, eutrophication, ol a SEPA Conference held at Grand Hotel Salts- Miljiigifter och sedimentfiirhallanden i norra
Fish bile as a monitoring instrument for phenolics zoobcnthos, plankton, hydrography, coastal waters, Ji\iladcn, Stockholm, Sweden 19-21 November 1991: Bottniska viken = Pollutants and sediments in the
and other substances related to bleached kraft monitoring, sedimentation, temperature, zooplank- ;;d, A. Slldcrgren. - Solna : Statens naturvArdsverk, northern part of the Gulf of Bothnia I Jonsson, B.
mill effluent and a study of chlorphenolic meta- ton, phytoplankton, water pollution, Baltic Proper, 1'.1'12. Rapport I Naturvardsverket, ISSN 0282-7298 & Blomkvist, D. - Luld : Norrbottens Jan. Uinssty-
bolic transformation products in a periphyton Himmerfj~rden ·10!1.- Pp. 121 - 130. - (Summary in English) relsen, 1992.- 56 p. Rapportserie I Uinsstyrelsen i
community I SMerstriim, M. & Wachtmcistcr, C. A. !ISBN 91-620-4031-6) (se) Norrbotten.\·liin,1SSN 0283-9636; 5 (se)
Environmental fate and effects of bleached pulp mill Himmerfjiirdsundersiikningen: rapport till Keywords: chlorine compounds, marine crusta- Keywords: marine pollution, sediments, metals,
effluents :proceedings of a SEPA Conference held at SYVAB : forskningsrapport 1991 = The Him- ,.,·ans, fish, pulp wastes, polychlorinated dibenzofu- heavy metals, cadmium, copper, arsenic, lead, mer-
Grand Hotel Saltsjiibaden, Stockholm, Sweden 19- merfjiirden study: research report 1991 /Larsson, fi>lls, polychlorinated dibenzodioxins, furans, diox- cury, chlorine compounds, DDT, PCB, archipela-
21 November 1991: ed. A. SOdergren. - Solna : U. & Sjllsten, A. - Stockholm : Stockholms univer- Ins. Bothnian Sea, Iggesund, Kattegat, V~rii, Skager- goes, Gulf of Bothnia
Statens naturvArdsverk, 1992. Rapport I Naturvards- sitet. lnstitutionen for systcmckologi, 1992. - 91 i:tk, Grebbcstad, Perea fluviatilis
verket, ISSN 0282-7298 ; 4031. - Pp. 203 - 206. - leaves :graphs, tables Technical report I Institutionen Morphometry and sedimentation as regulating
(Summary in English) (ISBN 91-620-4031-6) (se) for systemekologi, Stockholms universitet; 10 (se) L1•vds of polychlorinated camphenes (toxa- factors for nutrient recycling and trophic state in
Keywords: pulp wastes, chlorine compounds, phe- Keywords: wastewater treatment, eutrophication, plwne), chlordane compounds and polybromi- coastal waters I Wallin, M. & Hilkanson, L. Sedi-
zoobenthos, plankton, hydrography, coastal waters, !li!lctl diphenyl ethers in seals from Swedish wa- ment/water interactions : proceedings of the fifth
50 Part I: 4.6.3 Characteristics, behaviour and fate Part I: 4.6.3 Characteristics, behaviour and fate 51
international symposium . - [s.l.) : [s.n.), 1992. Hy- 40(1991):3.- Pp. 177-178.- (Summary in English) - Pp. 546-549.- (summary in English) (se) Keywords: phytobenthos, pulp wastes, forest indus-
drobiologia, ISSN 0018-8I58; 2351236.- Pp. 33-45. (ee) Keywords: aquatic mammals, Halichoerus grypus, try, community composition, pollution effects, Baltic
-(summary in English) (se) Keywords: algae, degradation, aromatic hydrocar- Phoca hispida, Phoca vitulina, PCB, chlorine com- proper, Bothnian Sea
Keywords: morphometry, coastal waters, nutrient bons, selective inhibition, PAH, Estonia pounds, metabolites, pollutants, seals, Skagerrak,
cycles, eutrophication, sedimentation, resuspension, Kattegat, Baltic Proper, Gulf of Botlmia, aromatic Remote sensing and the vertical distribution of
Baltic Proper Obstsie zakonomernosti nakoplenia PAU i HOP v compounds the Chrysochromulina polylepis bloom in the
gidrobiontah Baltiiskogo morja = Accumulation Skagerrak in 19881 Lindell, T. & Sorensen, K. &
Nitrogen loading from forested catchment in Fin- of PAH and organochlorine pesticides in biota of Peipsi-Pihkva jarve reostuskoormuse ja saas- Larsen, G. & Nisell, J. - Uppsala : Centre for Image
land and Sweden : trends and analysis of concen- the Baltic Sea I Veldre, I. Vtaraja vsesojuznaja konf teainete bilanss = The balance of polluting sub- Analysis, 1991.- 36 p. Rapport I Centrum for bilda-
tration data 1 Lepisto, A. & Sundblad, K. & St:\1- po robohozjaistv. toksikol. posvjachch. 100- letiju stances and pollution load of Lake Peipus I Loigu, nalys, ISSN 1100-6641 ; 5. -(summary in English)
nacke, P. & Andersson, L. Environment, energy and probleme katsestva vodo v Rossii Sankt-Peterburg, E. & Parnapuu, M. & Hansen, V. Peipsi jiirve sei- (se)
natural resource management in the Baltic region, Nov. 1991, Teziso dokl. Vol. 1. - Pp. 82-83. - (Sum- sund.- Tartu, 1991.- Pp. 6-14.- (Summary in Eng- Keywords: satellite sensing, algal blooms, phyto-
ISBN 87-7303-644-7: eds. J. Fenger, K. Halsmes, H. mary in English) (ec) lish) (ce) plankton, Chrysochromulina polylepis, poisonous
Larsen, H. Schroll, V. Vidal. - Copenhagen : Nordic Keywords: sediments, fish, algae, chlorinated hydro- Keywords: phosphorus, nitrogen, nutticnts (mine- organisms, Skagerrak, Kattcgat
Council of Ministers, 1991. Nord, ISSN 0903-7004; carbons, water pollution, aromatic hydrocarbons, ral), eutrophication, pollution data, Lake Peipsi, Es-
48.- Pp. 273- 283. -(summary in English) (se) benzo(a)pyrcne, PAH, organochlorine pesticides, tonia, non-point pollution Rozmies7.czenie i potencjalne zrodla pochodzenia
Keywords: catchment area, nitrogen, runoff, fore- Estonia plutonum w ekosystemie Morza Baltyckiego =
stry, Sweden, Finland, pollutant load Peipsi-Pihkva jarve vesikonna jogede seisund ja Distribution and potential sources of plutonium
Occurrence and dynamics of polychlorinated vee kvaliteedi pikaajalised muutused = State of in the Baltic ecosystem I Skarzec, B. Studia i ma-
Nutrient discharges from aquaculture operations dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzofurans and other I he rivers in the wate~ catchment area Lake Peipsi terialy oceanologiczne. Chemia morza, ISSN 0208-
in Nordic countries into adjacent sea areas lEn ell, combustion related organic pollutants in the aqu- and long-term·changes in their water quality I 421X Vol. 62(1992). - Pp. 87-100. - (Summary in
M. & Ackefors, H.- Copenhagen: ICES, 1991.- 17 atic environment of the Baltic I Broman, D & Naf, Loigu, E. & Leisk, U. & Hansen, V. Peipsi jiirve English) ( p. 97-100 ref., 1 fig., 2 tab!.) (pl)
p. C. M. I International Council for the Exploration C. & Zcbiihr, Y. Chlorinated dioxins and related sdsund. - Tartu, 1991. - Pp. 25-34. -(Summary in Keywords: marine pollution, sea water, chemical
of the Sea; 1991, F:56.- (summary in English) (se) compounds 1991 : proceedings of the eleventh inter- English) (ce) clements, plutonium, sedimenls, biota
Keywords: aquaculture, fish culture, nutrients (mine- national symposium held at Research Triangle Park, Keywords: catchment area, river discharge, eutro-
ral), phosphorus, nitrogen, feed composition, pollu- NC, U.S.A. 23-27 September 1991 :part 1: eds. T. phication, nutrients (mineral), fish, pollution data, Samordnad kustvattcnkontroll i Kalmar lan: ars-
tant load, Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, Damstra, L. Birnbaum, M.J. Charles, C. Cotton, W. I .ake Pcipsi, Estonia rapport 1991 = Coordinated coastal water moni-
Sweden Greenlee, G. Lucier. - [s.l.) : [s.n.), 1992. Chemos- toring in the Kalmar County: annual report 1991
phere, ISSN 0045-6535 ; 25(1992), 1-2.- Pp. 125- Polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxin and polychlori- I Tobiasson, S. & Engkvist, R. & Nilsson, J. &
Nutrient loading models for coastal waters I Wal- 128.- (summary in EHglish) (se) llated dibenzofuran levels and patterns in fish and Persson, L.-E. -Kalmar: Hogskolan i Kalmar. Ins-
lin, M. - Uppsala : Uppsala University. Department Keywords: chlorine compounds, pollutants, sus- fish-eating wildlife in the Baltic Sea I Wit, C. de & titutionen for naturvetcnskap, 1992. - 72 p. : graphs,
of Physical Geograph, 1991.- 38 p. UNCI rapport, pended patticulate matter, water pollution, chlori- Jansson, B. & Bcrgek, S. & Hjclt, M. & Rappe, C. & tables Rapport I Institutionen for naturvetenskap,
ISSN 0375-8109; 80.- ISBN91-506-0859-2.- (sum- nated hydrocarbons, chlorinated dibenzodioxins, Olsson, M. & Andersson, 0. Chlorinated dioxins and Hogskolan i Kalmar; 7 (se)
mary in English) (Thesis (PhD), summary, bound chlorinated dibenzofnrans, dioxins, furans, PAH n:latcd compounds 1991 : proceedings of t11e Keywords: coastal waters, pollution monitoring, me-
together with 5 papers; also by the same author: eleventh international symposium held at Research tals, zoobenthos, phytobenthos, nitrogen, phospho-
Ecomctric analysis of factors regulating eutrophica- Outline of ecometric analysis to establish load Triangle Park, NC, U.S.A. 23-27 September 1991 : rus, Baltic Proper
tion effects in coastal waters : a case study of marine diagrams for nutrients/eutrophication I HAkan- part. I IT. Damstra, L. Birnbaum, M.J. Charles, C.
fish farms) (se) son, L. & Wallin, M. Environmetrics, JSSN 1180- r 'orion, W. Greenlee, G. Lucier (eds.).- [s.l.): [s.n.], Seals and seal protection : summary and com-
Keywords: coastal waters, nutrients (mineral), ni- 4009 Vol. 2(1991):1. - Pp. 49-68. - (summary in i'i92. Chemosphere, ISSN 0045-6535 ; 25(1992), ments I Olsson, M. & Karlsson, B. & Ahnland, E.
trogen, phosphorus, eutrophication, pollution ef- English) (se) I 2.- Pp. 185-188.- (summary in English) (se) Ambia, ISSN 0044-7447 Vol. 21(1992):8.- Pp. 606
fects, models, fish culture, pollutant load Keywords: nutrients (mineral), coastal zone, models, i<cywords: chlorine compounds, pollutants, aquatic (sc)
eutrophication, ecometrics, pollutant load, Baltic birds, bioaccumulation, Clupea harcngus, Esox lu- Keywords: aquatic mammals, pollutants, animal dis-
Nutrient loading models for estimating the envi- Proper, Archipelago Sea •ius, Gadus morhua, Corcgonus, Uria aalge, Ha- cases, reproduction, chlorine compounds, seals
ronmental effects of marine fish farms I Wallin, M. !iilctus albicilla, Pandion haliaetus, Halichocms gry-
& H!tkanson, L. Marine aquaculture and environ- PAH in the water medium of the Estonian SSR pus, Plloca vitulina, Pusa hispida, Lola lola, fish, Seasonal variation of radionuclides in Fucus ve-
ment, ISBN 951-47-5076-4: ed. T. Makinen.- Hel- and their monitoring IVeldre, A. & Itra, A. Polynu- l!a.llic Proper, Gulf of Bothnia, birds, seals, dioxins, siculosus L. from the ()resund, southern Sweden
sinki : Valtion painatuskeskus, 1991. Nord, ISSN clear Aromatic Hydrocarbons : Measurements, !umns, chlorinated dibenzodioxins, chlorinated I Garlson, L. & Erlandsson, B. Environmental pollu-
0903-7004; 1991, 22.- Pp. 39-55 (se) Means and Metabolism: lith International Sympo- !I! IH'.Ill'.ofurans tion,ISSN 0269-7491 Vol. 73(1991 ): I. - Pp. 53-70. -
Keywords: fish culture, coastal morphology, dyna- sium, Gaithersburg,MD, Oct. 23-25, 1987.- Colum- (summary in English) (se)
mics, eutrophication, nitrogen, phosphorus, water bus, OH : Battelle Press, 1991. - Pp. 939-948. - ( l}!JUnfitative changes of phytobenthic plant and Keywords: radioactive pollutants, Fucus vcsiculo-
exchange, models, environmental impact, pollutant Summary in English) (ee) HHimal communities due to bleached pulp mill sus, seasonal variations, nuclear power plants, cobalt
load Keywords: sediments, algae, fish, chlorinated hydro- r·f!humfs in the Baltic Sea I Kautsky, H. Environ- isotopes, manganese isotopes, caesium isotopes, po-
carbons, sediment pollution, water pollution, aro- !!WI.rlill 1)\le and effects of bleached pulp mill effluents tassium isotopes, indicator species, The Sound
0 vlijanii nekotoroh ingibitorov fermentov na matic hydrocarbons, PAH, benzo(a)pyrene, Estonia t•mccctlings of a SEPA Conference held at Grand
okislenie kantserogennoh poliarenov v prisuzstvii Holcl Saltsjobaden, Stockholm, Sweden 19-21 No- Some biotic and abiotic aspects of the environ-
vodorosleii = About the action of same inhibitors PCB and PCB methyl sulfones in selected groups V~.·mlx:r 1991: ed. A. Sodergren. - Solna : Statens mental chemistry of PAHs (polycyclic aromatic
of enzymes on the oxidation of carcinogenic of seals from Swedish waters I Haraguchi, K. & ru1!Hrvilrdsvcrk, 1992. Rapport I Naturvardsverket, hydrocarbons) and PCDDIFs (polychlorinated
polyarenes in the presence of algae I Irha, N. Athanasiadou, M. & Bergman, A. & Hovandcr, L. & 0282-7298; 4031.- Pp. 270-282.- (Summary dibenzodioxins and dibenzofurans) I Naf, C. -
Izvestija Akademii Nauk Estonii Himija Vol. Jensen, S. Ambio, ISSN 0044-7447 Vol. 21(1992):8. 111 Fnglish) (ISBN 91-620-4031-6) (se) Stockholm: University of Stockholm. Department of
52 Part I: 4.6.3 Characteristics, behaviour and fate Part I: 4.6.4 Effects on organisms 53
Zoology, 1991. - 66 p. - ISBN 91-87272-24-5. - Ministers, 1991. Nord, !SSN 0903-7004 ; 48. - Pp. dioxins, polychlorinated furans, Baltic Proper, Aland Dioxins and furans in seal blubber 1 Olsson, M. &
(summary in English) (Thesis (PhD), summary, 333-344.- (summary in English) (se) Sea Bignert, A. & Bergqvist, P.-A. & Bergek, S. & Rappe,
bound together with 7 papers) (se) Keywords: river discharge, nitrogen, phosphorus, C. & Wit, C. de & Jansson, B. -Copenhagen: ICES,
Keywords: chlorine compounds, chlorinated hydro- statistical analysis, Denmark, Finland, Poland, Variations of the Cs-137 levels in Fucus from the 1988.- 6leaves C.M. I International Council for the
carbons, aromatic hydrocarbons, bioaccumulation, Sweden, pollutant load Swedish westcoast during a 25 year period I Matts- Exploration of the Sea; 19881E37, Ref N (se)
biodegradation, suspended particulate matter, se- son, S. & Erlandsson, B. The Chernobyl fallout in Keywords: aquatic mammals, fats, chlorine com-
dimentation, air pollution, polychlorinated aromatic Trends of long-term alterations of the Puck Bay Sweden : results from a research programme on pounds, pollutants, dioxins, furans, polychlorinated
hydrocarbons, polychlorinated dibenzodioxins, ecosystem I Ciszewski, P. & Ciszewska, K. & Kruk- environmental radiology, ISBN 91-630-0721-5. - dioxins, pol ychlorinatcd furans, seals
polychlorinated dibenzofurans, dioxins, furans, Dowgiallo, L. & Osowiecki, A. & Rybicka, D. & Stockholm : Swedish Radiation Protection Institute,
PAH, Baltic Proper Wiktor, J. & Wolska-Pys, M. & Zmudzinski, L. & 1991. - Pp. 143-149. -(summary in English) (se) Metal distribution in sediments of the Baltic Sea
Trokowicz, D. Studia i materialy oceanologiczne. Keywords: radioactive pollutants, caesium isotopes, I Briigmann, L. & Lange, D. Limnologica, ISSN
Spridningen av organiska tennfiireningar och Marine biology, ISSN 0208-421X Vol. 60(1992):8.- indicator species, Fucus vesiculosus, temporal vari- 0075-9511 Vol. 20(1989): I.- Pp. 15-28.- (Summary
koppar i Stockholms skargard och Malaren 1989 Pp. 33- 84.- (summary in English) (p. 78-84 ref., 17 ations, Kattegat, Chemobyl in English) (de)
= Distribution of organotin compounds and cop- fig., 20 tab!.) (pl) Keywords: trace metals, vertical profiles, sediment
per in the Stockholm archipelago and Lake Mii- Keywords: marine pollution, sea water, wastes, Puck ()stersjiins giidning och iivergiidning = Fertiliza- pollution, pore water, organic carbon, nitrogen, phos-
laren 1989 I Holm, G. & Linden, 0. - Stockholm : Bay tion and eutrophication of the Baltic Sea I Elm- phorus
Instituter fiir vatten- och luftvJrdsforskning, 1991. - grcn, R. & Larsson, U. 6stersjiin - ett hav i fiirand-
13,7 p.IVLrapport. B; 1039.- (summary in English) Undersiikning av kvicksilverhalten hos giidda i ring, ISBN 91-546-0336-6. - Stockholm : Natur- On the variations of some chemical criteria in the
(se) sjiiarna och utmed kusten i Kalmar Ian = Study vetenskapliga forskningsrMet, 1992. Naturveten- Unterwarnow : an estuary of the western Baltic
Keywords: organometallic compounds, tin com- of the mercury content in pike in the lakes and skapligaforskningsrMets i:lrsbok; 1992.- Pp. 53-61 Sea in 1977-1986 I Bachor, A. Umnologica, ISSN
(SE) ..
pounds, copper, metals, antifouling substances, along the coast of the County of Kalmar I Len- 0075-9511 Vol. 20(1989):1.- Pp. 29-32.- (Summary
water pollution, sediments, fish, archipelagoes nartsson, T.- Kalmar: Kalmarliins luftvJrdsforbund, Keywords: eutrophication, nutrient~ (mineral), phos- in English) (de)
1992.- 174 p.: tables (se) phorus, nitrogen, wastes, Baltic Sea area Keywords: biochemical oxygen demand, salinity
Sravnitelnaja otsenka nakoplenija bens(a)pirena Keywords: mercury, metals, heavy metals, coastal data, agricultural runoff, nitrates, estuarine chem-
nekotorom vodorosljami Baltiskogo morja = waters, lakes, fish, Esox lucius, Baltic Proper istry, brackishwater pollution, Unterwamow Estuary
Comparative estimate of benz(a)pyrene accumu- c:omplement to the Yearbook 1986-1990
lation by some algae in the Baltic Sea I Veldrc, I. & Uptake of heavy metals by macrophytes : a com- Three years observations of the levels of some
Kukk, H. & Trapido, M. Algologia, ISSN 0392-9116 parison between field samples and controlled ex- Contaminants in fish and shellfish products 1 radionuclides in the Baltic Sea after the Cherno-
Vol. 2(1992):1.- Pp. 74-77.- (Summary in English) periments I Greger, M. & Kaul~ky, L. Proceedings Ackefors, H. & Hilge, V. & Linden, 0. Aquaculture byl accident : seminar on radionuclides in the
(ee) of the 12th Baltic Marine Biologists Symposium, Europe '89: business joins science: eds. N. DePauw, Baltic Sea, 29 May 1989, Rostock-Warnemuende,
Keywords: algae, pollution detection, chlorinated Helsingor, Denmark, 25-30 August 1991, ISBN 87- R. Billard. - Bredene : European Aquaculture So- German Democratic Republic- [s.l.]: [s.n.], 1989.
hydrocarbons, benzo(a)pyrene, Estonia 85215-25-2: eds. E. Bjornestad, L. Hagerman, K. ciety, 1990. Special publication I EuropeanAquacul- - 155 p. Baltic Sea environment proceedings, 1SSN
Jensen (eds.).- Fredensborg: Olsen & Olsen, 1992. rure Society; 12.- (summary in English) (se) 0357-2994; 31.- (Summary in English) (fi)
Sundsvallsbukten som recipient 1988-1990 =The - Pp. 67-69 (SE) Keywords: fish, shellfish, heavy metals, petroleum Keywords: marine pollution, radioactive contamina-
Sundsvall Bight as a receptor of pollution 1988 - Keywords: heavy metals, zinc, copper, bioaccumu- hydrocarbons, chlorine compounds, radioactive con- tion, radioisotopes, pollution monitoring, conferen-
1990- UmcJ: MiljCHaboratoriet, 1991.- ca. !50 leav. lation, aquatic plants, methodology tamination, algal blooms, microorganisms, food con- ces, USSR, Chemobyl
(se) lamination
Keywords: monitoring, river discharge, nitrogen, Use of ecometric analysis to establish load diag-
phosphorus, zoobenthos, sediments, bacteria, Both- rams for nutrients in coastal areas I HJkanson, L.
nian Sea, PAH & Wallin, M. Marine aquaculture and environment,
ISBN 951-47-5076-4: ed. T. Makinen. -Helsinki : 4.6.4 Effects on organisms
Trend analysis of biological parameters in the Valtion painatuskeskus, 1991. Nord, 1SSN 0903-
Baltic (1976-1988) I Schulz, S. & Kaiser, W. & 7004; 1991,22.- Pp. 9-23.- (summary in English) Aromatiska kolvatens toxicitet fiir fagelembryon (mineral), eutrophication, phosphorus, nitrogen, sili-
Breuel, G. lnternationale Revue der gesamten (se) The toxicity of aromatic hydrocarbons in bird cates, river discharge, Pomeranian Bay, Gulf of
Hydrobiologie, !SSN 0020-9309 Vol. 76(1991):3. - Keywords: fish culture, nutrients (mineral), eutro- nnhryos I Brunstrom, B. 6stersjon idag och imor- Gdansk
Pp. 351-359.- (Summary in English) (de) phication, models, environmental impact, coastal l.ttm: cds. W. Engstrom, L. Norrgren. - Uppsala :
Keywords: marine pollution, eutrophication, biotic waters, pollutant load .'iveriges lantbruksuniversitet, 1992 . SLU info rap- Assessment of the effects of pollution in the Polish
factors, phytoplankton, chlorophylls, biomass, pri- tii>rft•r, ISSN 1101-3761 ; 179.- Pp. 37-39 (se) Coastal Area of the Baltic Sea, 1984-1989,6: sani-
mary production, abiotic factors, water transparency, Using ratios of stable nitrogen isotopes to estimate 1'\<.'ywords: animal diseases, chlmine compounds, tary conditions I Sobol, Z. & Szumilas, T. Studia i
va1iability, long-term changes, Mecklenburg Vor- bioaccumulation and flux of polychlorinated birds materialy oceanologiczne. Marine pollution, 1SSN
pommem dibenzo-p-dioxins (PCDDs) and dibenzofurans 0208-421X Vol. 61(1992):2.- Pp. 149- 165.- (sum-
(PCDFs) in two food chains from the northern ,h;wssment of the effects of pollution in the Polish mary in English) (6 ref., 7 fig., 5 tab!.) (pl)
Trend analysis of nutrient concentrations in Bal- Baltic I Broman, D. & Naf, C. & Rolff, C. & Zebiihr, l ·•wstul Area of the Baltic Sea, 1iJ84-1989, 4: nu- Keywords: marine pollution, wastes, bacteria,
tic Sea rivers I Grimvall, A. & StJlnacke, P. & Y. & Fry, B. & Hobbie, J. Environmental toxicology lrli'nls I Trwsinska, A. Studia i materialy oceanolo- Pomeranian Bay, Gulf of Gdansk, Puck Bay
Sundblad, K. & Niemirycz, E. J. & Pitkanen, H. & and chemistry, ISSN 0730-7268 Vol. 11(1992):3. - me. Marine pollution, ISSN 0208-421X Vol.
Bruhn, A. Environment, energy and natural resource Pp. 331-345.- (summary in English) (se) 1(1')'!2):2.- Pp. 107-130.- (summary in English) Assessment of the effects of pollution in the Polish
management in the Baltic region, ISBN 87-7303- Keywords: food chains, chlorine compounds, pollu- < i I rei., 2 fig., 9 tab!.) (pl) Coastal Area of the Baltic Sea, 1984-1989,7: pri-
644-6: eds. J. Fenger, K. Halsn:es, H. Larsen, H. tants, plankton, marine molluscs, fish, aquatic birds, li;•ywords: marine pollution, sea water, nutrients mary production and the concentration of chloro-
Schroll, V. Vidal. - Copenhagen : Nordic Council of bioaccumulation, dioxins, furans, polychlorinated
54 Part I: 4.6.4 Effects on organisms Part 1: 4.6.4 Effects on organisms 55
phyll-a/Renk, H. Studia i materialy oceanologiczne. Biochemical blood parameters in pregnant mink istics, fish, Coregonus lavaretus, Anguilla anguilla, bruksuniversitet, 1992. SLU info rapporter, ISSN
Marine Pollution, ISSN 0208-421X Vol. 61(1992):2. fed PCB and fractions of PCB I Edqvist, L.-E. & Esox lucius, Perea fiuviatilis Il01-3761; 179.- Pp. 51-53 (se)
- Pp. 167 - 180. - (summary in English) (25 ref., 5 Madej, A. & Forsberg, M. Ambia, ISSN 0044-7447 Keywords: public health, nucleic acids, pollution
fig., 2 tab!.) (pi) Vol. 21(1992):8.- Pp. 577-581.- (summary in Eng- Chlorophyll-a concentration and distribution in effects, humans
Keywords: marine pollution, chlorophylls, ex- lish) (se) the southern Baltic in the years 1979-1983 I Nako-
perimental research, Gdansk Deep, Gulf of Gdansk, Keywords: Mustcla vison, blood, biochemistry, nieczny, J. & Renk, H. & Wiktor, K. Oceanologia, Ecological studies on nitrogen fixing blue-green
Puck Bay physiology, PCB, chlmine compounds, pollution ef- ISSN 0078-3234, 1991,30.- Pp. 77-91.- (summary algae and on nutrient limitation of phytoplankton
fects, mammals in English) (8 fig., 3 tab!., p. 89-91 ref.) (pi) in the Baltic Sea I Wallstriim, K.- Uppsala: Uppsala
Assessment of the effects of pollution in the Polish Keywords: marine pollution, sea water, chlorophylls, University, 1991.- 23 p. Comprehensive summaries
Coastal Area of the Baltic Sea, 1984-1989,8: vege- Bleached pulp mill effects on Baltic coastal fish eutrophication, Southern Baltic ofUppsala dissertations from the Faculty ofScience,
tation I Plinski, M. Studia i materialy oceanologicz- populations/ Sandstrilm, 0. & Neuman, E. & KarAs, ISSN 0282-7468 ; 337. - ISBN 91-554-2776-6. -
ne. Marine pollution, 1SSN 0208-421X Vol. P. Environmental fate and effects of bleached pulp Colonization of sediments from a pollution gra- (summary in English) (Thesis (PhD), summary) (se)
61(1992):2.- Pp. 181- 190.- (summary in English) mill effluents : proceedings of a SEPA Conference dient outside a bleached pulp mill I Berggren, M. Keywords: algae, nitrogen fixation, diatomophy-
(15 ref., 2 fig.) (pi) held at Grand Hotel Saltsjilbaden, Stockholm, & Ekelund, R. & Granmo, A. Environmental fate and ceac, phytoplankton, Aphanizomcnon flos-aquae,
Keywords: marine pollution, eutrophication, phyto- Sweden 19-21 November 1991: ed. A. Sildcrgren.- effects of bleached pulp mill effluenL~ : proceedings Nodularia spumigena, biomass, phosphorus, ni-
plankton, phytobenthos, Puck Bay, Gulf of Gdansk Solna : Statens naturvArdsverk, 1992. Rapport INa- of a SEPA Conference held at Grand Hotel Salts- trogen, limiting factors, Baltic Proper, Bothnian Sea
turvardsverket, ISSN 0282-7298; 4031. - Pp. 370. - jiibaden, Stockholm, Sweden 19-21 November 1991:
Assessment of the effects of pollution in the Polish (Summary in English) (ISBN 91-620-4031-6) ( se) cd. A. S<idergren. - Solna : Statens naturvArdsverk, Effect monitoring in pulp mill areas using benthic
Coastal Area of the Baltic Sea, 1984-1989, 9 : Keywords: pulp wastes, fish, community composi- 1992. Rapport I Naturvardsverket, ISSN 0282-7298 macro- and meiofauna I Sundclin, B. Environmen-
fauna. I Wiktor, K. Studia i materialy oceanologicz- tion, physiology, Bothnian Sea, Baltic proper ; 4031. - Pp. 223 - :?28. - (Summary in English) tal fate and effect~ of bleached pulp mill effluents :
ne. Marine pollution, ISSN 0208-421X Vol. (ISBN 91-620-4031-6) (se) proceedings of a SEPA Conference held at Grand
61(1992):2.- Pp. 191-203.- (summary in English) Blekingekustens Vattenvi!rdsfOrbund : samord- Keywords: colonization, pulp wastes, zoobenthos, Hotel Salt~jiibaden, Stockholm, Sweden 19-21 No-
(17 ref., 1 fig., 2 tab!.) (pi) nad kustvattenkontroll i Blekinge liin: arsrapport sediments, forest industry, Bothnian Sea, Bleaching vember 1991: ed. A. SOdergren. - So Ina : Statens
Keywords: marine pollution, sea water, zooplankton, 1991 = Coordinated coastal water monitoring in naturvArdsverk, 1992. Rapport I Naturvard1verket,
zoobenthos, Gulf of Gdansk, Puck Bay the Blekinge County : annual report 1991 I Pers- Complexing properties of humic substances to- ISSN 0282-7298; 4031.- Pp. 371 - 380.- (Summary
son, L.-E. & Engkvist, R. & Tobiasson, S. - Kalmar wards cadmium and their influence on accumula- in English) (ISBN 91-620-4031-6) (se)
Assessment of the effects of pollution in the Polish : Hilgskolan i Kalmar. Institutionen filr naturveten- tion of cadmium by Mytilus edulis I Kozuch, J. & Keywords: pulp wastes, forest industry, zoobenthos,
Coastal Area of the Baltic Sea, 1984-1989, 10: skap, 1992.-39 p.: graphs, tables Rapport I lnstitu- Pempkowiak, J. & Grzybowski, W. Biuletyn Mar- animal diseases, abundance, Macoma balthica, Pon-
fishery I Sk6ra, K Studia i materialy oceanologiczne. tionenfor naturvetenskap, Hijgskolan i Kalmar; 2 skiego Instytutu Rybackiego, !SSN 0209-0708, 1992, toporeia affinis, Bothnian Sea, brackishwatcr crusta-
Marine pollution, ISSN 0208-421X Vol. 61(1992):2. (se) I (125).- Pp. 15-18.- (Summary in English) (8 ref., ceans
- Pp. 205 - 220. - (summary in English) (12 ref., 8 Keywords: pollution monitoring, hydrography, I fig., 1 tab!.) (pi)
fig.) (pi) zoobenthos, phytobenthos, nitrogen, phosphorus, Keywords: maiine pollution, sea water, sediments, Effects of bleached pulp mill effluents on verte-
Keywords: marine pollution, biodegradation, Puck coastal waters, nutrients (mineral), Baltic Proper heavy metals, cadmium, comrolled conditions, My- bral defects in four horn sculpin (Myoxocephalus
Bay tilus edulis quadricornis L.) in the Gulf of Bothnia I Bengts-
Changes and stress signs in plankton communities son, A. Archiv ftir Hydrobiologie, ISSN 0003-9136
Assessment of the effects of pollution in the Polish as a result of man-induced perturbations in en- Concentration and discrimination factors for Cd, Vol. 121 (1991):3. - Pp. 373-384. - (summary in Eng-
Coastal Area of the Baltic Sea, 1984-1989, 11: sea closed coastal seas (Mediterranean, Baltic) I Ph, Zn and Cu in benthos of Puck Bay, Baltic Sea lish) (se)
mammals. f Sk6ra, K. Studia i materialy oceanolo- Kim or, B. Environmental management and appropri- I Szefer, P. & Szefer, K. Science of the total environ- Keywords: fish, Myoxocephalus quadricomis, fish
giczne. Marine pollution, ISSN 0208-421X Vol. ate use of enclosed coastal seas - EMECS '90: eds. mcnt, ISSN 0048-9697, 1991, 105.- Pp. 127-133.- diseases, vertebrae, skeleton, pulp wastes, pollution
61(1992):2.- Pp. 222-226.- (summary in English) T. God a ... et al. Marine pollution bulletin, ISSN 0025- !Summary in English) (29 ref., 4 tab!.) (pi) effects, Gulf of Bothnia
(9 ref., 1 fig., 1 tab!.) (pi) 326X ; 23 . - Pp. 171 - 174. - (summary in English) Keywords: marine pollution, heavy metals, sedi-
Keywords: marine pollution, marine mammals, Puck (de) ments, benthos, molluscs, Puck Bay, Mytilus edulis Effects of contaminated sediments on the burrow-
Bay, Gulf of Gdansk Keywords: inland seas, plankton, algal blooms, nu- ing behaviour of two sediment-living bivalves I
trients (mineral), eutrophication, pollution monitor- ven hi\gre brackvattenvegetationen i nordvastra Granmo, A. & Ekelund, R. & Berggren, M. & Bur-
Biochemical and physiological effects of pulp mill ing, Prorocentrum minimum, Chrysochromulina Aland 1991, samt en jiimforelse med laget 1963 m<m, C. Environmental fate and effects of bleached
effluents on fish /Filrlin, L. & Andersson, T. & Balk, polylepis, MED, community composition, man-in- oeh 1?65 = Phytobenthos on the archipelago of pulp mill effluents : proceedings of a SEPA Con-
L. & Larsson, A. Environmental fate and effects of duced effects, fish kill, pollution effects, pollution NW Aland 1991 compared to 1963 and 1965 I ference held at Grand Hotel Saltsjilbaden, Stock-
bleached pulp mill effluents :proceedings of a SEPA detection, population dynamics, Mediterranean Sea, llaldin, D. - Turku : Abo Academy (University), holm, Sweden 19-21 November 1991: ed. A. Silder-
Conference held at Grand Hotel Saltsjilbaden, Stock- Baltic Sea 19'!2.- 13 p. + app. Forskningsrapporter fran Huso gren.- Solna: Statens naturvArdsverk, 1992. Rapport
holm, Sweden 19-21 November 1991: ed. A. SOder- hiologiska station, !SSN 0787-5460 ; 81. - ISBN IN aturvardsverket, ISSN 0282-7298 ; 4031. - Pp. 257
gren.- Solna: Statcns naturvArdsverk, 1992. Rapport Changes of structure and stock in exploited fish '!''I -650-066-8. - (summary in English) (fi) -260.- (Summary in English) (ISBN 91-620-4031-
I Naturvardsverket,ISSN0282-7298 ;4031.- Pp. 235 communities in estuaries of the southern Baltic Keywords: zonal distribution, phytobenthos, long- 6) (se)
-243.- (Summary in English) (ISBN 91-620-4031- Coast (Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany) I lrnn records, eutrophication, condition factor, abun- Keywords: sediments, pulp wastes, pollution effects,
6) (sc) Winkler, H. M. Internationale Revue der gesamten dance brackishwatermolluscs, Macoma balthica, Abra niti-
Keywords: pulp wastes, fish, enzymatic activity, Hydrobiologie, ISSN 0020-9300 Vol. 76(1991):3.- da, behavioural responses
Perea fluviatilis, fish physiology, forest industry, pol- Pp. 413-422 (Bibliogr.: 32 ref.) (de) llNA-addukter i befolkningar kring Ostersjiin =
lution effects, Gulf of Bothnia, Baltic proper Keywords: population dynamics, eutrophication, I! NA adducts in_populations around the Baltic Sea Effects of ferry traffic on the metal content of
commercial species, pollution effects, fish catch stat- /llemminki, K. Ostersjon idag och imorgon: eds. W. Fucus vesiculosus in the Aland ~rchipelago,
Lngstriim, L. Norrgren. - Uppsala : Svetiges !ant- northern Baltic Sea I Rilnnberg, 0. & Ostman, T. &
56 Part I: 4.6.4 Effects on organisms Part 1: 4.6.4 Effects on organisms 57
Adjers, K. Acta phytogeographica suecica, !SSN pounds, vitamin A, physiology, pollution effects, effects of bleached pulp mill effluents : proceedings Evaluation of Baltic herring and icelandic cod
0084-5914 Vol. 78(1992).- Pp. 95-99.- (summary mammals of a SEPA Conference held at Grand Hotel Salts- liver oil for embryo toxicity, using the Japanese
in English) (fi) jobaden, Stockholm, Sweden 19-21 November 1991: mediaka (Oryzias latipes) embryo larval assay 1
Keywords: algal settlcmcnL<;, metals, environmental Environmental effects of bleached pulp mill ef- ed. A. SOdergren. - Solna : Statens naturvArdsverk , Cooper, K. R. & Liu, H. & Bergqvist, P.-A. & Rappe,
effects, bioaccumulation, wave effects, exposed fluents discharged into the Baltic Sea 1 Sodergren, 1992. Rapport I Naturvardsverket, !SSN 0282-7298 C. Environmental toxicology and chemistry, 1SSN
habitats, Fucus vcsiculosus, Aland Islands A. & Adolfsson-Erici, M. & BengL~son, B.-E. & ; 4031. - Pp. 314 - 328. - (Summary in English) 0730-7268 Vol. 10(1991):6.- Pp. 707-714.- (sum-
Jonsson, P. & Lagergren, S. & Rahm, L. & Wulff, F. (ISBN 91-620-4031-6) (se) mary in English) (se)
Effects of nutrient enrichment on microalgal Environmental fate and effects of bleached pulp mill Keywords: fish diseases, pulp wastes, Perea fluvi- Keywords: Clupea harengus, Gadus morhua, em-
community composition in a coastal shallow- effluents: proceedings of a SEPA Conference held at atilis, Esox lucius, environmental effects, forest in- bryos, fish oils, toxicity, chlorine compounds, tish,
water sediment system : an experimental study I Grand Hotel Saltsjiibaden, Stockholm, Sweden 19- dustry, gills, fins, skeleton, Gulf of Bothnia, Baltic pollution effects, polychlorinated dibenzofurans,
Sundbiick, K. & Snoeijs, P. J. M. Botanica marina, 21 November 1991: ed. A. Sodergren. - Solna : proper polychlorinated dioxins, dioxins, dibenzofurans,
1SSN 0066-80.55 Vol. 34(1991):4. - Pp. 341-358. - Statens natmvArdsverk, 1992. Rapport INaturvards- Gulf of Bothnia
(summary in English) (se) verket,!SSN0282-7298 ;4031.- Pp. 199 .. 202 (ISBN Eutrofieringsheriikningar: konsekvensheriik-
Keywords: community composition, abundance, Di- 91-620-4031-6) (se) ning for plankton och bottenvegetation : teknisk Extracts from settling particulate matter col-
atomophyccae, sediments, phosphorus, nitrogen, Keywords: pulp wastes, forest industry, brackish- bakgrundsrapport nr. 04 : undersiikning av kon- lected in the Stockholm archipelago waters : em-
algae, sand water molluscs, fish, algae, BoUmian Sea, Baltic sekve11ser fiir havsmiljon av en fast forbindelse bryolethality, immunotoxicity and EROD-induc-
proper iiver Oresund =Eutrophication calculations: cal- ing potency of fractions containing alipha-
Effects of nutrient enrichment on planktic blue- culation of impacts on plankton and bottom vege- tics/monoaromatics, diaromatics or polyaroma-
green algae in the Baltic Sea I Wallstrom, K. & Environmental fate and effects of bleached pulp tation: investigation of the impacts on the marine tics I Brunstrom, B. & Broman, D. & Denckcr, L. &
Johansson, S. & Larsson, U. Phycological studies of mill effluents: proceedings of a SEPA Conference environment caused by· a fixed link across the Naf, C. & Veilens, E. & Zcbiihr, Y. Environmental
Nordic coastal waters: a festschriftdedicated to Prof. held at Grand Hotel Saltsjiibaden, Stockholm, Oresund I Bach, H. K. : Orcsundskonsortiet, 1992. toxicology and chemistry, 1SSN 0730-7268 Vol.
Mats Waem on his 80th birthday, ISBN 91-7210- Sweden 19-21 November 1991 I Siidergrcn, A ... - ii, 109 leaves in various pagings : graphs, maps, 11(1992):10.- Pp. 1441-1449.- (summary in Eng-
078-8: eds. I. Wallcntinus, P. Snocijs. - Uppsala : Solna : Statcns naturvArdsverk , 1992. - 394 p. Rap- tables Mifjijkonsekvensbeskrivningfor oresundsfor- lish) (se)
Svenska vaxtgcografiska sallskapct, 1992. Acta phy- port I Naturvardsverket, 1SSN 0282-7298; 4031.- bindelsen I Underlagsrapport; 7 =Environmental Keywords: particulate organic matter, particle set-
togeographica Suecica, 1SSN 0084-.5914; 78. - Pp. ISBN 91-620-4031-6 (se) impact assessment for the fixed link across the Ore- tling, pollutants, PCB, aromatic hydrocarbons,
25-31 (se) Keywords: pulp wastes, chlorine compounds, indus- sand I Sub-report; 7.- (summary in English) (se) chlorine compounds, toxicity, embryos, pollution ef-
Keywords: phytoplankton, Cyanophyta, Aphani- trial wastes, forest industry, bioaccumulation, envi- Keywords: bridges, planning, construction, eutro- fects, archipelagoes, immunotoxicity, Stockholm
zomenon flos-aquae, Nodularia spumigena, phos- ronmental effects, pollutants phication, environmental impact, algae, phytoplank- archipelago, polychlorinated dioxins, polychlmi-
phorus, nitrogen, nutrients (mineral), Baltic Proper ton, primary, production, dredging, phytobenthos, nated dibcnzofurans, hydrocarbons
Environmental impact of two Swedish bleached The Sound, Orcsund
Effects of PCB and different fractions of PCB on kraft pulp mills as determined by field surveys I Fish diseases and pnlp mill effluents : epidemio-
the reproduction of the mink (Mustela vison) I Gralm, 0. & Tana, J. & Monfclt, C. & Hardig, J. & Eutrofieringseffekters inverkan pa fisk och logical and histological studies I Lindesjoo, E. -
Kihlstrom, J. E. & Olsson, M. & Jensen, S. & Johans- Lehtinen, K.-J. Environmental fate and effects of epibentiska kraftdjur i siidra Kattegatt =Impact Uppsala: Uppsala University, 1992.- 39 p., appen-
son, A. & Ahlbom, J. & Bergman, A. Ambio, 1SSN bleached pulp mill efl1uents: proceedings of a SEPA of eutrophication effects on fish and epihenthic dices(8, 20, 30, 7, 19 p.) Comprehensive summaries
0044-7447 Vol. 21( 1992):8.- Pp. 563-569.- (sum- Conference held at Grand Hotel SalL<>jiibaden, Stock- crustaceans in the southern Kattegat I Pih!, L. & ofUppsala dissertations from the Faculty ofScience,
mary in English) (se) holm, Sweden 19-21 November 1991: ed. A. SOder- lsaksson, I. &, Wennhage, H. & Baden, S. P. & !SSN 0282-7468 ; 330. - ISBN 91-554-2765-0. -
Keywords: Mustela vison, pollution effects, repro- gren.- Solna: Statens naturvArdsverk, 1992.. Rapport Frohlund, K. Overvakning av bottenfauna, fisk och (summary in English) (Thesis (doctoral), summary,
duction, PCB, chlorine compounds, mammals I Naturvard1verket, !SSN 0282-7298 ;4031.- Pp. 248 kraftdjur i sodra Kattegatt: slutrapport. - Solna : 5 papers) ( sc)
- 256. - (Summary in English) (ISBN 91-620-4031- Statens naturvi\rdsvcrk, 1992. Rapport I Naturvards- Keywords: animal diseases, fish diseases, skeleton,
Effects of pollutants on vertebrae and spinal col- 6) (se) verket, ISSN 0282-7298 ; 4055. - Pp. 13 - 28. - fins, pulp wastes, industrial wastes, pollution effects,
umns in the fourhorn sculpin (Myoxocephalus Keywords: pulp wastes, forest industry, pollution (summary in English) (ISBN 91-620-4055-3) (se) Gulf of Bothnia, New Zealand
quadricornis L.) in the Gulf of Bothnia I Bengts- effects, fish, Perea fluviatilis, fresh water, brackish Keywords: eutrophication, fish, marine crustaceans,
son, A. - UmeA : University of UmeA, 1991. - 18 p. - water, fish physiology, Baltic proper, Viincm benthos, environmental effects, Kattcgat, Laholm Fish recruitment around a petrochemical centre
ISBN 91-7174-622-6. - (summary in English) Bay in the North Sea I Jacobsson, A. & Neuman, E.
(Thesis (PhD), summary, bound together with 8 Environmental monitoring at the Forsmark nu- Marine pollution bulletin, 1SSN 0025-326X Vol.
paper) (se) clear power plant : cooling water effects I Sand- Eutrophication calculations : calculation of im- 22(1991):6. - Pp. 269-272. -(summary in English)
Keywords: fish, Myoxoccphalus quadricomis, pulp strom, 0.- Solna: Statcns naturvArdsverk, 1991.- 37 pacts on plankton and bottom vegetation : inves- (se)
wastes, water pollution, metals, chlorination, fish p. Rapport I Naturvardsverket, !SSN 0282-7298 ; tigation of the impacts on the marine environment Keywords: fish, Pleuronectes platessa, Zoarces vivi-
diseases, vertebrae, skeleton, Gulf of Bothnia, smel- 3868.- ISBN 91-620-3868-0.- (summary in English) raused by a fixed link across the Oresund I Bach, parus, industrial wastes, size distribution, breeding,
ter industries (Also published in Swedish: Rapport 1 NaturvArds- II. K.- [s.l.]: Oresundskonsortict, 1992.- 122leavcs Skagerrak, Kattegat, Stenungsund
vcrkct; 3867) (sc) in various pagings : graphs, maps, tables Environ-
Effects of technical PCB preparations and frac- Keywords: nuclear power plants, cooling water, tiler- oumtal impact assessmentfor the fixed link across the Halikonlahden ja Sarkisalon lahivesien tark-
tions thereof on vitamin A levels in the mink (Mus- mal pollution, zooplankton, zoobenthos, aquatic Oresund I sub-report ; 7 (English translation of Eu- kailututkimus vuonna 1991 = Mandatory moni-
tela vison) I Hi\kansson, H. & Manzoor, E. & plants, fish, parasitic diseases, radioecology, radioac- lmficringsberakningar : konsekvensberakning fOr toring at Halikonlahti and near Sarkisalo in 1991
Ahlborg, U. G. Ambio, 1SSN 0044-7447 Vol. tive pollutants, environmental monitoring, Bothnian plankton och bottenvcgctation) (se) /Lehtonen, K.- Turku: Lounais-Suomen vesiensuo-
21(1992):8.- Pp. 588-590.- (summary in English) Sea, Forsmark, Aland Archipelago, Finbo Keywords:· bridges, planning, construction, eutro- jcluyhdistys r.y., 1992.- 2 p. + app. Tutkimusselos-
(sc) phication, envirorunenta! impact, algae, phytoplank- teital Lounais-Suomen vesiensuojeluyhdistys r.y.; 76
Keywords: Mus tela vison, PCB, chlorine com- Epidemiological studies of fish in bleached pulp ton, primary. production, dredging, phytobenthos, (fi)
mill effluents/Lindesjoo, E. Environmental fate and The Sound, Orcsund Keywords: pollution monitoring, waste water, water
5X Part I: 4.6.4 Effects on organisms Part 1: 4.6.4 Effects on organisms 59
quality, eutrophication, hydrography, nutrients kriiftdjur i siidra Kattegatt : slutrapport. - Solna : Influence of eutrophication on the distribution of
(mineral), primary production, Salo, Southwest Statens naturv§rdsverk, 1992. Rapport I Naturw1rds- Kokemaenjoen ja sen edustan merialueen
phytobenthic plant and animal communities 1 pohjaeliiintarkkailu v. 1988 = Mandatory moni-
Coast of Finland verket, !SSN 0282-7298; 4055.- Pp. 4 · 12.- (sum- Kautsky, H.lnternationale Revue der gesamten Hy-
mary in English) (ISBN 91-620-4055-3) (se) toring of the benthic macrofauna in the River
drobiologie, !SSN 0020-9300 Vol. 76(1991):3.- Pp. Kokemaenjoki and in the adjacent sea area on the
Halikonlahden tarkkailututkimus vuonna 1990 = Keywords: oxygen deficiency, salinity, temperature, 423-432 (Bibliogr.: 38 ref.) (de)
Investigations in Halikonlahti in 1990 I Lehtonen, eutrophication, zoobenthos, community composi- west coast of Finland in 1988 /Mankki, J.- Tamperc
Keywords: eutrophication, phytobenthos, agricultu- : Kokemaenjoen vesistiin vesiensuojeluyhdistys r.y.,
K. - Turku : Lounais-Suomen vesiensuojeluyhdistys tion, Kattegat, Lal10lm Bay ral runoff, pollution effects, community composi-
r.y., 1991. - 29 p. Tutkimusselosteita I Lounais- 1992.- 30 p. Julkaisu I Kokemaenjoen vesiston vesi-
tion, zoobenthos, Fucus vesiculosus ensuojeluyhdistys r.y., !SSN 0781-8645; 254 (fi)
Suomen vesiensuojeluyhdistys r.y. = Mimeographed Impact of pulp-mill effluents on phytobenthic
report I Water Protection Association of Southwest- communities in the Baltic Sea /Kautsky, li.Ambio, Keywords: pollution monitoring, waste water, indus-
Interphase and trophic relationships of metals in trial wastes, benthos, indicator species, dominant
ern Finland; 68 (fi) !SSN 0044-7447 Vol. 21(1992):4. - Pp. 308-313. - a southern Baltic ecosystem I Szefer, P. Science of
Keywords: pollution monitoring, waste water, water (summary in English) (se) species, eutrophication, Kokemaenjoki River, Both-
the total environment, !SSN 0048-9697, 1991, 101. nian Sea
quality, hydrography, nutrients (mineral), primary Keywords: pulp wastes, forest industry, phytobcn- - Pp. 201-215.- (Summary in English) (p. 213-215
production, Southwest Coast of Finland, Salo thos, pollution effects, community composition, ref., tabl. 4) (pl)
Fucus vesiculosus, Bothnian Sea, Iggesund, Norr- Long-term changes in macrozoobenthos of the
Keywords: marine pollution, trace metals, sedi- Gdansk Deep I Zmudzinski, L. & Osowiccki, A.
Himmerfjardsundersiikningen: rapport till sundet ments, bottom, Southern Baltic
SYVAB : forskningsrapport 1988-9 = The Him- lnternationale Revue der gesamten Hydrobiologie,
merfjiirden study : research report 1988-9 I Lars- In vivo and in vitro toxicity of fractionated fish ISSN 0020-9309 Vol. 76(1991):3. - Pp. 465-471.-
Kemira Oy Vuorikemian tehtaiden kalataloudel- (Summary in English) ( Bibliogr.: 15 ref.) (de)
son, U. & Sjosten, A. & Johansson, S.- Stockholm: lipids, with particular regard to their content of linen velvoitetarkkailu vv. 1985-1990 = Manda-
Stockholms universitet. Institutionen fOr systemeko- chlorinated organic compounds I Hilkansson, H. & Keywords: long-term changes, zoobenthos, pollu-
lory monitoring of the professional and non-pro- tion effects, oxygen depletion, community composi-
logi, 1991. - 167 p. :graphs, tables Technical report Sundin, P. & Anderssin, T. & Brunstrom, B. & fessional fishing and catch per unit efforts in the l!on, Harmothoc sarsi, Gdansk Deep
I lnstitutionenfor systemekologi, Stockholms univer- Dencker, L. & Engwall,M. & Ewald, G. &Gilek,M. sea area off Pori on the west coast of Finland in
sitet; 7 (sc) & Holm, G. & J-Ionkasalo, S. Pharmacology and 1985-90 I Hakaste, T. & Piiroincn, 0. - Tampere :
Keywords: wastewater treatment, eutrophication, toxicology Vol. 69(1991).- Pp. 459-471.- (summary Long-term changes in the biocoenosis of the Gulf
Kokernaenjoen vesistiin vcsiensuojeluyhdistys r.y., of Gdansk I Wiktor, K. & Plinski, M. Oceanologia,
zoobenthos, plankton, hydrography, coastal waters, in English) (se) 1991. Julkaisu I Kokemaenjoen vesiston vesiensuo- lSSN 0078-3234, 1992, 32.- Pp. 69-79.- ( Summa1y
monitoring, sedimentation, temperature, zooplank- Keywords: lipids, fish, Anguilla anguilla, Salmo fcluyhdt~~tys r.y., !SSN 0781-8645 ; 249 (fi) in English) (14 ref., 1 fig., 3 tabl.) (pi)
ton, phytoplankton, water pollution, Baltic Proper, salar, chlorine compounds, halogen compounds, tox- Keywords: pollution monitoring, waste water, indus-
Himmerfjarden icity, Bothnian Sea, SkageiTak, North Atlantic Keywords: marine pollution, sea water, eutrophica-
trial wastes, fishery statistics, catch/effort, long-term tion, biocoenosis, Gulf of Gdansk, Puck Bay
records, commercial fishing, Pori, Bothnian Sea
Hinunerfjiirdsundersiikningen: rapport till Induction of cytochrome P-450-dependent
SYVAB : forskningsrapport 1990 = The Him- enzyme activities in female mink (Mustela vison) Langtidsfiirandringar i Aliindska skiirgardsvat-
Kokemiienjoen alajuoksun yhteistarkkailu : se- ten - en jamfiirelse av bottenfaunan 1972-90 =
merfjarden study: research report 1990 /Larsson, and their kits by technical PCB preparations and dimentin metallipitoisuudet Kokemiienjoessa,
U. & Sjcisten, A. -Stockholm : Stockholms univer- fractions thereof I Brunstrom, B. Ambio, ISSN J;,ong-term variations in the archipelago waters of
Pihlavanlahdella ja Ahlaisten saaristossa 1991 = Aland- a comparison of the zoobenthos 1972-901
sitet. Institutionen fCir systcmekologi, 1991. - 105 0044-7447 Vol. 21(1992):8. - Pp. 585-587.- (sum- Mandatory monitoring of the estuary of the River
leaves: graphs, tables Technical report!lnstitutionen mary in English) (se) Bonsdorff, E. & Am·nio, K. & Lindell, A. & Sand-
Kokemaenjoki in 1991 : concentration of metals berg, E. Memoranda societatis pro fauna et flora
for systemekologi, Stockholms universitet; 9 (se) Keywords: Mustela vison, juveniles, PCB, chlorine In the sediments I Piiroinen, 0. - Tampere : Koke-
Keywords: wastewater treatment, eutrophication, compounds, enzymes, physiology, pollution effects, Fennica, !SSN 0373-6873 Vol. 68(1992).- Pp. I -9.
llliicnjoen vesistiin vesiensuojeluyhdistys r.y., 1992. - (summary in English) (fi)
zoobenthos, plankton, hydrography, coastal waters, mammals 24 p. Julkaisu I Kokemaenjoen vesiston vesiensuo-
monitoring, sedimentation, temperature, zooplank- Keywords: pollution monitoring, zoo benthos, long-
iduyhdistys r.y., 1SSN 0781-8645 ; 261 (fi) term changes, abundance, biomass, coastal zone,
ton, phytoplankton, water pollution, Baltic Proper, Influence of commercial polychlorinated biphe- Keywords: pollution monitming, waste water, indus-
nyls and fractions thereof on liver histology in community composition, Aland Islands
Himmerfjarden trial wastes, river discharge, estumies, long-term rec-
female mink (Mustela vison) I Bergman, A. & ords, heavy metals, sediments, Kokemaenjoki River
Himmerfjardsundersiikningen: rapport till Backlin, B.-M. & Jarplid, B. & Grimelius, L. & !•nri, Bothnian Sea ' Marine aquaculture and environment 1Makinen,
SYVAB : forskningsrapport 1991 = The Him- Wilander, E. Ambio, !SSN 0044-7447 Vol. T.- Helsinki: Valtion painatuskeskus, 1991.- 126 p.
merfjarden study : research report 1991 I Larsson, 21(1992):8.- Pp. 591-595. -(summary in English) Nord, !SSN 0903-7004; 22.- ISBN 951-47-5076-4
Kokcmaenjoen ja sen edustan merialueen kalata- & 01-7996-348-X & 87-7303-582-3. -(summary in
U. & Sjosten, A. -Stockholm : Stockholms univer- (se) !oudcllinen tarkkailu : kirjanpitokalastus 1989-
Keywords: Mustela vison, PCB, chlorine com- E~glish) (Contains aiticles from a Nordic co-coper-
sitet. Institutionen fOr systemekologi, 1992. - 91 90ja haukien elohopeapitoisuudet 1991 =Manda-
leaves : graphs, tables Technical report I I nstitutionen pounds, pollution effects, liver, histology, animal al!ve proJeCt sponsored by the Nordic Council of
!iH·y monitoring of the catch per units efforts in Ministers in 1987-1990) (fi)
for systemekologi, Stockholms universitet; 10 (se) organs, mammals i'lll9-90 and the mercury contents of pikes in 1991
Keywords: wastewater treatment, eutrophication, Keywords: aquaculture, fish culture, environmental
H• llw River Kokemaenjoki and in the adjacent effects, intemational cooperation, Nordic Council of
zoobenthos, plankton, hydrography, coastal waters, Influence of complexing properties of dissolved 4t'll area on the west coast of Finland 1Piiroincn, Ministers
monitoring, sedimentation, temperature, zooplank- marine humic substances on accumulation of cad- I l ·nunpere : Kokemaenjoen vesistiin vesiensuo-
ton, phytoplankton, water pollution, Baltic Proper, mium by Baltic mussle Mytilus edulis I Kozuch, J. ld!lyildistys r.y., 1992. - 25 p. + app. Julkaisu 1
Himmerfjarden & Grzybowski, W. & Pempkowiak, J. Pollutants in Marine environment of the Baltic Sea : investiga-
1-,okmtiienjoen vesiston vesiensuojeluyhdistys r.y., tion of the impacts on the marine environment
Environment, 1, 1991.- Olsztyn: Katedra Chemii !'>C'N 0781-8645 ; 225 (fi)
Hypoxia, salinity and temperature as structuring Akademii Rolniczo-Technicznej, 1991.- Pp. 75-76. caused by a fixed link (KM 4,2, Model II) across
hxywords: pollution monitoring, waste water, indus- the Oresund I Dahl, S. 0 . .ljc Horsted, J. & Bjerre, F.
factors for marine benthic communities in an eu- - ( Summary in English) (6 ref., 2 fig.) (pl) ll!Hl wastes, fishery statistics, catch/effort, mercmy, & Petersen, H. M.- [s.l.] : OrcsundskonsOitiet, 1992.
trophicated area I Rosenberg, R. & Loo, L.-0. & Keywords: marine pollution, sea water, heavy me- lucius, Kokemaenjoki River, Bothnian Sea
Moller, P. bvervakning av bottenfauna, fisk och tals, cadmium, organic compounds, Mytilus edulis - 44 leaves :ill., graphs, tables (Environmental im-
pact assessment for the fixed link across the Oresund
60 Part 1: 4.6.4 Effects on organisms Part I: 4.6.4 Effects on organisms 61
; sub-report nr 1. Originally published in Danish: 0301 -908X Vol. 12(1991).- Pp. 111-123.- (summary kowiak, J. & Szcfer, P. Biuletyn Morskiego lnstytutu Keywords: phytoplankton, algae, diatoms, Diatomo-
6stcrs6ens vandmiljil) (sc) in English) (f1) Rybackiego, ISSN 0209-0708, 1992, 1 (125). - Pp. phyceae, literature reviews, silicates, nitrogen, phos-
Keywords: bridges, planning, eonstmction, hydro- Keywords: embryonic development, industrial 29-32.- (Summary in English) (9 ref., 4 tab!.) (pi) phorus, growtl1 regulators, biotic factors
graphy, water exchange, eutrophication, marine or- wastes, mortality, experimental research, Oncorhyn- Keywords: marine pollution, anthropogenic factors,
ganisms, salinity, The Sound, Oresund, Baltic Proper chus mykiss heavy metals, marine organisms, f1sh, Macoma bal- l'ohjanlahden siikaloukkujen lajivalikoivuuden
thica, Mytilus edulis, Cardium glaucum, Gadus mor- kehittiiminen = Reduction of salmon by catch in
Meiofauna of an experimental soft bottom ecosys- Non-spawning burbot on the northern coast of the hua, Clupea harengus, Pleuronectidac, molluscs, whitefish trap nets in the Gulf of Bothnia I Toi-
tem : effects of macrofauna and cadmium expo- Bothnian Bay I Pulliainen, E. & Korhonen, K. & Southern Baltic vonen, A. L. & Hudd, R. & Svanback, G. - Helsinki
sure I Sundelin, B. & Elmgren, R. Marine ecology. Kankaanranta, L. & Miiki, K. Ambia, ISSN 0044- : Riista- ja kalatalouden tutkimuslaitos, 1992.-46 p.
Progress series, JSSN 0171-8630 Vol. 70(1991):3.- 7447 Vol. 21(1992):2.- Pp. 170- 175.- (summary in Oulun edustan velvoitetarkkailu 1990 = Manda- Kalatutkimuksia I Rii.~ta- ja kalatalouden tutkimus-
Pp. 245-255. -(summary in English) (se) English) (f1) tory monitoring of the sea area off Oulu, Bothnian laitos,JSSN 0787-8478; 51.- (summary in Swedish)
Keywords: cadmium, zoobenthos, meiobenthos, Keywords: sexual maturity, sterility, pathology, fish Bay, in 1990 I Virta, P.- [s.l.]: [s.n.], 1991.-43 p. + (f1)
Pontoporeia affinis, microcosmos, experimental eco- diseases, chemical pollutants, Lota Iota, Bothnian app. (f1) Keywords: fisheries, trap nets, by catch, gear selec-
systems, Baltic Proper Bay Keywords: pollution monitoring, waste water, water tivity, gear construction, Coregonns lavaretus, Salmo
quality, nutrients (mineral), phytoplankton, domi- salar, Pori, Botlmian Sea
Metal contents and spread of fish farming sludge Nutrient load from marine aquaculture I Ma- nant species, biomass, Oulu, Bothnian Bay, industrial
in southwestern Finland I Uotila, J. Marine aqua- kinen, T. Marine aquaculture and environment, ISBN water
culture and environment, ISBN 951-47-5076-4: cd. 951-47-5076-4: ed. T. Makinen.- Helsinki: Valtion Porin edustan merialueen pohjaeliiimistii vuonna
by T. Makinen. - Helsinki : Valtion painatuskcskus, painatuskeskus, 1991. Nord, ISSN 0903-7004; 22.- PCB and PCB methyl sulfones in mink treated 1991 : Kemira Oy Vnorikemian tehtaat =Manda-
1991. Nord, ISSN 0903-7004; 22.- Pp. 121-126.- Pp. I - 8. - (Summary in English) (fi) with PCB and various PCB fractions I Bergman, tory monitoring of the effects of titanium dioxide
(summary in English) (f1) Keywords: aquaculture, water pollution, nutrients A. & Athanasiadou, M. & Bergek, S. & Haraguchi, factory waste waters on the benthic macrofauna
Keywords: aquaculture, water pollution, environ- (mineral), environmental cfTects K. & Jensen, S. & Klasson Wehler, E. Ambia, ISSN in the sea area off Pori on the west coast of Finland
mental effects, heavy metals, sediments, sediment 01!44-7447 Vol. 21(1992):8. - Pp. 570-576.- (sum- in 1991 I Saarikati, V. - Tampere : Kokemi!enjoen
pollution, Archipelago Sea, NOithcm Baltic Olkiluodon liihivesien fysikaalis-kemiallinen ja mary in English) (se) vesis!On vesiensuojeluyhdistys r.y., 1992. - 41 p. +
biologinen tarkkailututkimus vuonna 1990 = Keywords: Mustela vison, PCB, chlorine com- app. Julkaisu I Kokemaenjoen vesiston vesiensuo-
Molekyliira mekanismer vid organisk miljiiWr- Physico-chemical and biological monitoring in pounds, metabolites, bioaccumulation , mammals jeluyhdistys r.y., ISSN 1!781-8645; 253 B (11)
giftning =Molecular mechanisms to organic envi- the sea area off Olkiluoto in 1990 I Jlllllppanen, K. Keywords: pollution monitoring, waste water, indus-
ronmental toxicity I Hansson, H. & Hoglund, 0. & - Turku : Lounais-Suomen vesiensuojeluyhdistys PCB methyl sui phone: comparison of tissue levels trial wastes, titanium compounds, bentl10s, dominant
Sjolund, C. & Strand, C. & Backlin, B.-M. & Eng- r.y., 1991. - 31 p. Tutkimusselosteita I Lounais- in Baltic grey seals and a Yusho patient I Haragu- species, bentl1ic environment, indicator species,
strom, W. 6stcrsjon idag och imorgon: eds. W. Eng- Suomen vesiensuojeiuyhdistys r.y. =Mimeographed ehi, K. & Masuda, Y. & Bergman, A. & Olsson, M. zonal distribution, Pori, Bothnian Sea
strom, L. Norrgren.- Uppsala: Sverigcs lantbmksu- report I Water Protection Association of Southwest- Fukuoka acta medica, JSSN 0016-254X Vol.
nivcrsitct, 1992. SLU info rapporter, ISSN JIOI- ern Finland; 66 (fi) S2(1991):5.- Pp. 269-273.- (summary in English) Porin edustan merialueen pohjaeliiimistii vuosina
3761 ; 179.- Pp. 48-50 (se) Keywords: pollution monitoring, waste water, water (se) 1989 ja 1990 : Kemira Oy Vuorikemian tehtaat =
Keywords: PCB, chlorine compounds, molecular bi- quality, nuclear power plants, thennal pollution, hy- Keywords: aquatic mammals, Halichoerus grypus, Mandatory monitoring of the effects of titanium
ology drography, nutrients (mineral), primary production, human diseases, PCB, DDE, metabolites, seals, dioxide factory waste waters on the benthic mac-
Olkiluoto, Southwest Coast of Finland rnethyl sulphones rofauna in the sea area off Pori on the west coast
Monitoring pollution effects by diatom com- of Finland in 1989 and 1990 I Saarikari, V. - Tam-
munity composition : a comparison of sampling Organiska miljiigifter - miljoovervakning och Physiology of sulfide detoxification in the isopod perc: Kokemaenjoen vesis!On vesiensuojcluyhdistys
methods I Snoeijs, P. J. M. Archiv jar Hydrobiologie, ekotoxikologiska metoder = Organic contami- Saduria (Mesidotea) entomon I Vismann, B. r.y., 1992.- 26 p. + app. Julkaisu I Kokemaenjoen
JSSN 0003-9136 Vol. 121(1991):4.- Pp. 497-510.- nants - environmental monitoring and ecotoxico- Marine ecology progress series, ISSN O'i7 1-8630 vesiston vesiensuojeluyhdistys r.y., ISSN 0781-8645
(summary in English) (se) logical methods Ostersjon idag och imorgon: eds. Vol. 76(1991):3.- Pp. 283-293.- (Summary in Eng- ; 253 A (fi)
Keywords: algae, Diatomophyceae, cooling water, W. Engstrom, L. Norrgren. - Uppsala : Sveriges lish) (Bibliogr.: 61 ref.) (de) Keywords: pollution monitoring, waste water, indus-
substrate preferences, temperature effects, Botlmian lantbruksuniversitet, 1992. SLU info rapporter, ISSN Keywords: sulphides, detoxification, oxidation, iron, trial wastes, titanium compounds, benthos, growth,
Sea, Forsmark 1101-3761; 179.- Pp. 57-60 (se) IJ<'patopancreas, hypoxia, animal metabolism, Isopo- dominant species, benthic environment, Macoma
Keywords: chlorine compounds, PCB, DDT, pollu- da, Saduria entomon, Gulf of Gdansk balthica, Pori, Bothnian Sea
Morphological aspects on the reproductive or- tion monitoring, toxicity
gans in female mink (Mustela vison) exposed to Phytoplankton species composition and distribu- Pozostalosci pestycydow polichlorowych i poli-
polychlorinated biphenyls and fractions thereof I Organskador hos siilar fran svenska kustom- tion in the southern Baltic Sea in 1979-1983 I chlorowanych bifenyli w tkance miesniowej sledzi
Biicklin, B.-M. & Bergman, A. Ambia, JSSN 0044- raden = Organ diseases in seals from Swedish Wiktor, J. & Kmk-Dowgiallo, L. Studia i materialy z Zatoki Gdanskiej = Residues of organochlorine
7447 Vol. 21(1992):8.- Pp. 596-601.- (summary in coastal areas I Bergman, A. & Backlin, B.-M. 6s- '"'eanologiczne. Marine biology, ISSN 0208-42JX pesticides and polychlorinated biphenyls in mus-
English) (se) tersjon idag och imorgon: eds. W. Engstrom, L. Norr- Vol. 60(1992):8.- Pp. 5- 17.- (summary in English) cles of herring from the Gulf of Gdansk I Falan-
Keywords: Mustela vison, PCB, pollution effects, gren.- Uppsala: Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet, 1992. 111 ref., 4 f1g., 3 tabl.) (pi) dysz, J. & Osmialowski, K. Studia i materialy ocea-
chlorine compounds, animal reproductive organs, SLU info rapporter, ISSN 1101-3761 ; 179. - Pp. Keywords: sea water, phytoplankton, eutrophication, nologiczne. Chemia morza, ISSN 0208-42JX Vol.
females, ovaries, mammals 40-42 (se) Smll.llcrn Baltic, Pomeranian Bay, Gulf of Gdansk, 62(1992):9.- Pp. 27-37.- (Summary in English) (13
Keywords: aquatic mammals, pollution effects, ani- 1 idansk Deep ref., 4 tab!.) (pi)
Mortality and growth of rainbow trout (Oncor- mal diseases, pathology, seals Keywords: marine pollution, pesticides, f1sh, mus-
hynchus mykiss) early life phases in exposure to !•lank tonic diatoms: an ecological review /Willen, cles, Gulf of Gdansk
bleached kraft mill effluent (BKME) I Vuorinen, Origin, sources and concentrations of selected I . Archiv jar Hydrobiologie. Supplementband. Algo-
M. & Vuorinen, P. J. Finnish fisheries research, ISSN heavy metals in the southern Baltic biota I Pemp- !nxica/ studies, JSSN 0342-1120 Vol. 62( 1991).- Pp. Present state and future of Baltic seals in the Gulf
il'l 106.- (summary in English) (se) of Finland I Helle, E. & Stenman, 0. Memoranda
62 Part I: 4.6.4 Effects on organisms Part I: 4.6.4 Effects on organisms 63
societatis pro fauna et flora Fennica, ISSN 0373- (summary in English) (Supplement 3 to annual repoit Salthalt, fiiroreningar och livet i Ostersjiin = Sa- Keywords: fish, Esox lucius, skeleton, skull, pollu-
6873 Vol. 67(1991). - Pp. 21 - 25. - (summary in STUK-A 74) (fi) linity, pollutants and life in the Baltic Sea I Kaut- tion effect<;, pulp wastes, forest industry, industrial
English) (fi) Keywords: environmental monitoring, radioactive sky, N. & Tedengren, M. 6stersjon- ett hav i fOrand- wastes, Bothnian Bay, Bothnian Sea
Keywords: aquatic mammals, pollution monitoring, wastes, river discharge, indicator species, fish, an- ring , ISBN 91-546-0336-6. - Stockholm : Natur-
reproduction, long-tenn changes, chemical pollu- nual reports, lakes, Chernobyl vetenskapliga forskningsrMet, 1992. Naturveten- Studies on the Fncus vesiculosus community in
tants, population structure, Phoca hispida, Hali- skapligaforskningsrildets arsbok; 1992.- Pp. 91- the Baltic Sea I Kautsky, H. & KauL<>ky, L. & Kant-
choerus grypus, Gulf of Finland, seals Ranman merialueen tarkkailntutkimns vuonna JOO(se) sky, N. & Kautsky, U. & Lindblad, C. Phycological
1991 =Mandatory monitoring of the sea area off Keywords: biological stress, brackishwater environ- studies of Nordic coastal waters : a festschrtft dedi-
Present state of the Baltic Sea ecosystem I Zmud- Rauma, Bothnian Sea, in 1991 I Jumppanen, K. - ment, Mytilus, Gammarus, Theodoxus, Fucus, sa- cated to Prof. Mats Waem on his 80th birthday, ISBN
zinski, L. Biuletyn Morskiego lnstytutu Rybackiego, Turku : Lounais-Suomen vesiensuojeluyhdistys, linity, pollution effecL~, Baltic Sea Area 91-7210-078-8: eds. I. Wallentinus, P. Snoeijs. -Up-
ISSN 0209-0708 Vol. 125(1992): 1. - Pp. 53-62. - 1992. - 42 p. + app. Tutkimusselosteita I Lounais- psala : Svenska vaxtgeografiska silllskapet, 1992.
(Summary in English) (20 ref., 12 fig., 2 tab!.) (pl) Suomen vesiensuojeluyhdistys r.y. ; 73 (fi) Samordnad kustvattenkontroll i Kalmar ian: ars- Acta phytogeographica Suecica, ISSN 0084-5914 ;
Keywords: marine pollution, sea water, eutrophica- Keywords: pollution monitoring, waste water, water rapport 1991 = Coordinated coastal water moni- 78. - Pp. 33-48. - (summary in English) (se)
tion, nitrogen, phosphorus quality, hydrography, nutrients (mineral), primary toring in the Kalmar County: annual report 1991 Keywords: aquatic communities, phytobenthos, pulp
production, Rauma, Bothnian Sea I Tobiasson, S. & Engkvist, R. & Nilsson, J. & wastes, pollution effects, tin compounds, Fucus ve-
Primarproduktion i ett aliindskt skiirgiirdsom- Persson, L.-E.- Kalmar: Hogskolan i Kalmar. Ins- siculosus, energy Dow, biological production, eco-
rade =Primary production in an archipelago gra- Recovery of the Baltic seal populations from a litutionen fOr natmvetenskap, 1992.- 72 p. :graphs, logy, reproduction
dient on the Aland Islands I Backlund, C. - Turku : reproductive depression I Helle, E. Ninth Biennal tables Rapport I Institutionen for naturvetenskap,
Abo Akademy (University), 1992. - 12 p. + app. Conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals, Jli!gskolan i Kalmar; 7 (se) Siiiarna i <'l.$tersjiin = Seals in the Baltic Sea I
Forskningsrapporter fran Huso biologiska station, December 5-9, 1991, Chicago, IL. - [s.l.] : [s.n.], K <~ywords: coastal waters; pollution monitoring, me- Olsson, M. Ostersjon - ctt hav i fOrandring, ISBN
ISSN 0787-5460 ; 80. - ISBN 951-650-065-X. - 1991. - Pp. 32. - (summary in English) (Abstract l ais, zoo benthos, phytobenthos, nitrogen, phospho- 91-546-0336-6. - Stockholm : Naturvetenskapliga
(summary in English) (fi) only) (fi) rus, Baltic Proper forskningsrAdet, 1992. Naturvetenskapliga
Keywords: primary production, environmental Keywords: aquatic mammals, chemical pollutants, forskskningsriidets arsbok; 1992.- Pp. 111-123 (se)
monitoring, international cooperation, indicators, pathology, long-tetm changes, pollution monitoring, Sr•als and seal protection : a presentation of a Keywords: matine mammals, animal diseases, PCB,
water pollution, dominant species, ecological zona- reproduction, recruitment, Phoca hispida, Hali- Swedish research project I Olsson, M. & Karlsson, pollution effects, Baltic Sea Area, seals
tion, Aland Islands, Northern Baltic choerus grypus, N011hem Baltic, seals B. & Ahnland, E. Ambio, ISSN 0044-7447 Vol. 21(
1992):8.- Pp. 494-496.- (summary in English) (se) Sasongvariationer i hydrografi, naringsiimnen
Proceedings of the 17th Conference of the Baltic Reproductive and histopathological effects of Keywords: aquatic mammals, research programmes, och klorofyll a i ett alandskt skiirgardsomrade =
Oceanographers, Norrkiiping, 1990 - Norrkoping long-term experimental exposure to bis(tribu· population characteristics, pathology, toxicants, Seasonal variations in hydrograph:); and nutrients
:Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute, tyltin)oxide (TBTO) on the three-spined stickle- physiology, seals in an archipelago gradient on the Aland Islands I
1991. - ca. 650 p. in variuos pagings ( se) back, Gasterosteus acuieatus Linnaeus I Holm, G. Adjers, K. & Backlund, C. - Turku : Abo Academy
Keywords: hydrography, oceanography, water pollu- & Norrgren, L. & Linden, 0. Journal offish biology, Seasonal variation in the biomass of zooplankton (University), 1992.-25 p. + app. Forskningsrappor-
tion, water circulation, conferences !SSN 0022-Jll2 Vol. 38(1991). - Pp. 373-386. - ( lu two shallow coastal water inlets differing in ter fran Huso Biologiska Station, ISSN 0787-5460;
summary in English) (se) lheir stage of eutrophication I Heerkloss, R. & 79.- ISBN 951-650-064-1.- (summary in English)
Pulp mill effluent on species distribution and re- Keywords: tin compounds, organometallic com- '·\rlmesc, W. & Adamkiewicz-Chojnacka, B.lnterna- (fi)
cruitment in Baltic coastal fish I Sandstrom, 0. & pounds, fish, Gasterosteus aculeatus, reproduction, Nnnale Revue der gesamten Hydrobiologie, ISSN Keywords: primary production, nutrients (mineral),
KarAs, P. & Neuman, E. Finnish fisheries research, histopathology, toxicity 0020-9309 Vol. 76(1991):3.- Pp. 397-404.- (Sum- hydrography, zonal distribution, fish culture, water
ISSN 0301-908X, 1991, 12.- Pp. 101-110.- (sum- mary in English) (de) pollution, indicators, ecological zonation, Aland Is-
mary in English) ( se) Reproduktion, iiverlevnad och metaller hos tang- 1\rywords: zooplankton, biomass, eutrophication, lands, Northern Baltic
Keywords: fish, pulp wastes, forest industry, coastal lake i gransvattnen mellan Norge och Sverige = jrolltJtion effects, seasonal variations, Rotifera,
waters, community composition, abundance, Perea Reproduction, fry survival and metals of eelpout lJ;uss-Zingst Estuary, Vistula Lagoon Temporal and spatial variability of zoobenthic
fluviatilis, Rutilus rutilus, Baltic Proper, Bothnian in the border waters between Norway and Sweden communities in archipelago waters of the north-
Sea I Grim~s, U. & Jacobsson, A.- So1na: Statens natur- lir:r.limcntin ja pohjaelaimien titaani- ja vana- ern Baltic Sea - consequences of eutrophication?
v~rdsverk, 1991.- 8 p. Rapport I Naturvardsverket; tllluil)itoisuudet Porin edustan merialueella 1989- I Bonsdorff, E. & Aarnio, K. & Sandberg, E. lnter-
Pyhtaa - Kotka - Hamina merialueen tarkkailu- 3920.- ISBN 91-620-3920-2 (se) l '.1'10 '"Concentrations of titanium and vanadium nationale Revue der gesamten Hydrobiologie, JSSN
tutkimus v. 1989 = Limnological studies in the sea Keywords: fish, Zoarces viviparus, fish larvae, re- In benthos and sediments off Pori in 1989-1990 I 0020-9309 Vol. 76(1991):3.- Pp. 433-449.- (sum-
area between Pyhtiia, Kotka and Hamina in 1989 production, heavy metals, mercury, Skagerrak, The !'illlikainen, M.- Tampere: Kokemaenjoen vesistOn mary in English) (fi)
I Anttila-Huhtinen, M.- Kouvo1a: Kymijoen vesien- Sound Hi•ri<.'nsuojeluyhdistys r.y., 1991. - 14 p. + app. Keywords: pollution effects, eutrophication, zoo ben-
suoje1uyhdistys r.y., 1991. - 29 p.+app. Kymijoen liilkaisu I Kokoemiienjoen vesisti!n vesiensuo- thos, long-tenn changes, community composition,
vesiensuojeluyhdistys ry:n tiedonantoja = Publica- Reproduktionsstiirningar hos fisk i Ostersjiiom- trliivhdistys r.y. (fi) spatial valiations, temporal variations, Macoma bal-
tion by the Water Protection Association of the River riidet : studier av vilda popnlationer och forsk- j;;v.ywords: pollution monitming, benthos, sedi- thica, Northem Baltic, Aland Islands
Kymijoki, JSSN 0780-5241 ; 31 (fi) ningsutveckling = Reproductive disturbances of lHl;-TIL'~. litanium, vanadium, industrial wastes, Pori,
Keywords: pollution monitoring, waste water, water fish in the Baltic Sea Area : studies of wild popu- Hr.nhn!an Sea Temporal trends of organochlorine concentra-
quality, river water, eutrophication, hydrography, nu- lations and future research INorrgren, L. 6stersj6n tions in cod-liver oil from the southern Baltic
trients (mineral), Gulf of Finland, east idag och imorgon: eds. W. Engstrom, L. Norrgren. - iHrdr•tal deformity of northern pike (Esox lucius) proper, 1971-1989 I Kannan, K. & Falandysz, J. &
Uppsa1a : Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet, 1992. SLU fr'hlltd to pulp mill effluents I Lindesjoo,• E. & Yamashita, N & Tanabe, S. & Tatasukawa, R. Marine
Radioactivity of surface water and freshwater fish info rapporter.ISSN 1101-3761; 179.- Pp. 31-33 (se) ll\qlill, .J. Canadian journal offisheries and aquatic pollution bulletin, ISSN 0025 .. 326X Vol. 24(1992):7.
in Finland in 1987 I Saxen, R. - Helsinki : Finnish Keywords: fish, reproduction, research programmes, , ISSN 0706-652X Vol. 49(1992): 1. - Pp. - Pp. 358-363.- (summary in English) (de)
Centre for Radiation and Nuclear Safety, 1991 - pollutants rM 1//.- (summary in English) (se) Keywords: marine pollution, bioaccumulation,
64 Part I: 4.6.4 Effects on organisms Part I: 4.6.4 Effects on organisms 65
Gadus, chemical pollutants, pesticides, PCB, DDT, nian Bay, in 1990 I Taskila, E. - [s.l.] : [s.n.], 1991. Vattenmiljon vid Forsmarks kraftstation : sam- 6resund impact assessment : investigation of the
chlorinated hydrocarbons, pollution monitoring, - 22 p. + app. (mimeo.) (fi) manfattning av de forsta tio driftslirens recipient- impacts on the marine .~nvironment caused by a
Gadidae, Baltic Proper Keywords: pollution monitoring, fish, fishery statis- kontroll = Environmental monitoring at the For- fixed link across the Oresund I Birklund, J. &
tics, fish culture, Crustaceans, Oulu, Bothnian Bay smark nuclear power plant : cooling water effects Povlsen, E. & Riber, H. & Dahl, S. 6. - [s.l.] :
Tendencies in the herring population develop- I Sandstrom, 0. - Solna : Statcns naturv~rdsverk, Oresundskonsmtiet, 1992. - xxvii, 130 leaves :
ment of the Baltic Sea I Rechlin, 0. K. W. lnterna- Tiinglaken som indikator pa effekter av giftiga 1991.-42 p. Rapport! Naturvardsverket, !SSN0282- graphs, maps, tables - (summary in English) (Envi-
tionale Revue der gesamten Hydrobiologie, JSSN iimnen = The eel pout as indicator of toxicant ef- 7298; 3867.- ISBN 91-620-3867-2.- (summary in ronmental impact assessment for the fixed link across
0020-9309 Vol. 76(1991):3.- Pp. 405-412.- (Sum- fects I Jacobsson, A. & Neuman, E. & Olsson, M. - Swedish) (Also published in English: Rapport INa- the 6rcsund ; sub-report nr 2. English translation of
mary in English) ( Bibliogr.: 20 ref.) (de) 6regrund : Fiskeriverkct. Kustlaboratoriet, 1992. - turv~rdsverket; 3868) (se) 6resund, konsckvensviirdcring) (sc)
Keywords: biomass, eutrophication, spawning sea- 23 p. Kustrapport I Fiskeriverket. Kustlaboratoriet, Keywords: nuclear power plants, cooling water, ther- Keywords: bridges, planning, constmction, dredg-
sons, yield predictions, population structure, pollu- ISSN JJ02-5670; 1992;2 (se) mal pollution, zooplankton, zoobenthos, aquatic ing, environmental impact, man-induced effects,
tion effects, Clupea harengus membras Keywords: fish, toxicants, indicator species, Zoarces plants, fish, parasitic diseases, radioecology, radioac- sediments, pollutants, nitrogen, phosphorus, heavy
vivipams, coastal waters, water pollution, reproduc- tive pollutants, environmental monitoring, Bothnian metals, zoobenthos, fish, phytoplankton, The Sound,
Toxicity of 4-nonylphenol to aquatic organisms tion Sea, Forsmark, Aland Archipelago, Finbo 6resund
and potential for bioaccumulation/ Granmo, A. &
Ekelund, R. & Berggren, M. & Mai,'TlUsson, K. Sem- Uran i jego izotopy w biocenozie morskiej = Vuosiyhteenveto Kokoemaenjoen ja Porin edus- Oresund : konsekvensviirdering : undersokning
inar on nonylphenolcthoxylates (NPE) and nonyl- Uranium and its isotopes in marine biocenosis I tan merialueen yhteistarkkailusta vuodclta 1990 av konsekvenser for havsmiljon av en fast forbin-
phenol (NP), Grand Hotel, Saltsjiibadebn, Sweden, Szefer, P. Studia i materialy oceanologiczne. Chemia = Annual report on the pollution load and water delse over Oresund = 6resund impact assessment
February 6-8, 1991 : proceedings, ISBN 91-620- morza,ISSN 0208-42IXVol. 62(1992):9. -Pp. 39-85. quality of the River Kokemiienjoki and the ad- : investigation of the impacts on the marine envi-
3907-5. - Solna : Statcns naturv~rdsverk, 1991. Rap- -(Summary in English) (p. 82-85 ref., 11 fig., 8 tab!.) jacent area off Pori on the west coast of Finland ronment caused by a fixed link across the Oresund
port I Naturvardsverket, JSSN 0282-7298 ; 3907. - (pl) in 1990 I Oravainen, R. -Tam perc : Kokemiienjocn I Birklund, J. & Povlscn, E. & Riber, H. & Dahl, S.
Pp. 53-75.- (summary in English) (se) Keywords: maiine pollution, sea water, chemical vesisltin vcsicnsuojcluyhdistys r.y., 1991. - 31 p. + 6. : 6resundskonsortiet, 1992. - xlii, 160 leaves :
Keywords: toxicity, bioaccumulation, marine mol- clements, uranium, uranium isotopes, pollution ef- app . .Tulkaisu I Kokemiienjoen vests/On vesiensuo- graphs, maps, tables Miljokonsekvensbeskrivning
luscs, marine crustaceans, fish, Mytilus edulis, Cran- fects, marine organisms, Southcm Baltic, Gulf of jeluyhdistys r.y., JSSN 0781-8645; 248 (fi) fDr oresund.ljorbindelsen I Underlagsrapport; 2 =
gon crangon, Gasterostcus aculeatus, nonylphenol Gdansk Keywords: pollution monitoring, waste water, indus- Environmental impact assessment for the fixed link
trial wastes, water quality, eutrophication, seasonal across the 6resund I Sub-report ; 2. - (summary in
Toxicity of oil dispersants to a harpacticoid cope- Urinary excretion of cortisol and oestrone sulfate variations, nutrients (mineral), Poii, Bothnian Sea English) (se)
pod Nitocra spinipes Boeck in brackish water I in pregnant mink fed PCB and fractions of PCB I Keywords: bridges, planning, construction, dredg-
Kmtclainen, I. & Rousku, T. Actes du 9e Colloquc Madej, A. & Forsberg, M. & Edqvist, L.-E. Ambio, Zawartosc metali w miesniach sledzi z Zatoki ing, environmental impact, man-induced effects,
Intemational D'Oceanographic MCdiale, 22-24 Oc- !SSN 0044-7447 Vol. 21(1992):8. - Pp. 582-584. · Gdanskiej = Metal content of muscles of herring sediments, pollutants, nitrogen, phosphorus, heavy
tobre 1990, Nice, France. -[s.l.]: [s.n.], 1991. Revue (summary in English) (se) taken from the Gulf of Gdansk I Falandysz, J. metals, zoobcnthos, fish, phytoplankton, The Sound,
International d' oceanographic medicate, ISSN Keywords: Mustela vison, PCB, pollution effects, Studia i materialy oceanologiczne. Chemia morza, 6resund
0035-3493; tomes /011104.- Pp. 47-52 (fi) chlorine compounds, reproduction, physiology, hor- JSSN 0208-421X Vol. 62(1992):9. - Pp. 19-26. -
Keywords: toxicity, oil spills, oil pollution, disper- mones, mammals (Summary in English) (15 ref., 3 tab!.) (pl) (}stersjOn - ett kiinsligt hav =The Baltic:. a sensi-
sants, sublethal effect>, lethal effects, Nitocra Keywords: marine pollution, heavy metals, fish, tive sea I Kautsky, N. & Tedengrcn, M. Ostersjon
spinipes Uudenkaupungin merialueen kuormitus ja tila muscles, Gulf of Gdansk idag och imorgon: eds. W. Engstrom, L. Norrgren. -
vuonna 1991 = Mandatory monitoring of the sea Uppsala : Svcriges lantbruksunivcrsitct, 1992. SLU
Toxicology : the environmental impact of pollu- area off Uusikaupunki, Bothnian Sea, in 1991 I Zawartosc rteci w miesniach i w watrobie storni info rapporter,JSSN 1101-3761; 179,- Pp. 23-27 (sc)
tants I Kihlstrom, J. E. - Uppsala : Uppsala Univer- Jumppancn, K. - Turku : Lounais-Suomen vesien- (Platichthys flesus) zlowionych w czesci zachod- Keywords: marine pollution, pollution tolerance,
sity, 1992. - 30 p. The Baltic Sea environment ; suojeluyhdistys r.y., 1992. - 49 s. + app. Tutkimusse- niej Zatoki Gdanskiej = The content of mercury pollution effects, brackish water organisms
session 6. - ISBN 91-506-0902-6. - (summary in losteita I Lounais-Suomen vesiensuojeluyhdistys r.y. in muscles and liver of flounder (Platichthys fle-
English) (se) ; 74 (fi) sus) caught in the western part of the Gulf of Ostersjons giidning och iivergodning = Fertiliza-
Keywords: chemical pollutants, toxicity, metals, Keywords: pollution monitoring, waste water, water (;dansk I Falandysz, J. Studia i materialy oceanolo- tion and eutrophicatio!) of the Baltic Sea I Elm-
chlorine compounds, pollution control, pollution ef- quality, hydrography, nutrients (mineral), primary giczne. Chemia morza, JSSN 0208-421X Vol. grcn, R. & Larsson, U. Ostersjon - ett hav i fiiriind-
fects production, Uusikaupunki, Bothnian Sea
(12(1992):9.- Pp. 13-18.- (Summary in English) (9 ring, ISBN 91-546-0336-6. - Stockholm : Natur-
ref., 1 tab!.) (pi) vetenskapliga forskningsrAdet, 1992. Naturveten-
Turun ymparistiinmerialueen tarkkailututkimus Variations in year-class strength of different
Keywords: marine pollution, heavy metals, mercury, skapligaforskningsradets arsbok; 1992.- Pp. 53-61
vuonna 1990 = Mandatory monitoring of the sea perch (Perea fluviatilis) populations in the Baltic
fish, muscles, liver, Gulf of Gdansk (SE)
area off Turku in 1990 I Jumppanen, K. - Turku : Sea with special reference to temperature and Keywords: eutrophication, nutrients (mineral), phos-
Lounais-Suomen vesiensuojeluyhdistys r.y., 1991. - pollution/ Bohling, P. & Hudd, R. & Lehtonen, H. phorus, nitrogen, wastes, Baltic Sea Area
/,ooplankton entrainment at Swedish nuclear
53 p. + app. Tutkimusselosteita I Lounais-Suomen & Kar~s. P. & Neuman, E. & Thoresson, T. Canadian power plants I Kar~s. P. Marine pollution bulletin,
vesiensuojeluyhdistys r.y. ; 72 (fi) journal offisheries and aquatic science, ISSN 0706- ISSN 0025-326X Vol. 24(1992):1.,- Pp. 27-32.- ( Ostersjiins vattenmiljo : undcrsiikningar av kon-
Keywords: pollution monitoring, waste water, water 652XVol. 48(1991).- Pp. 1181- 1187.- (summaries ~;ummary in English) (se) sekvenserna for havsmiljiin av en fast forbindelse
quality, hydrography, nutrients (mineral), eutrophi- in English, French ) (fi)
Keywords: nuclear power planL~. cooling water, over ()resund (KM 4.2, Modell II) = The marine
cation, Turku, Southwest coast of Finland Keywords: natural populations, population structure,
d1lorination, zooplankton, community compos,ition, environment of the Baltic Sea: investigation of the
age composition, recruitment, temperature effects, nbundance, mortality, Bothnian Sea, Baltic Proper, impacts on the marine environment cau~ed by a
Tyrniiviinjoen, Angesleviinjoen ja Temmesjoen coastal waters, pollution effctcs, man-induced ef-
i'lw Sound, Kattegat fixed link (KM 4.2, Model II) across the Oresund
sekii Liminganlahden kalastustiedustelu v,1990 = fects, Perea fluviatilis, Finland, Sweden
f Dahl, S. b. & Horsted, J. & Bjerrc, F. & Petersen,
Fishery statistics at the sea area off Oulu, Both- H. M. : 6resundskonsortiet, 1992.-42 leaves: ill.,
~--cc;:.-,c~,'-fi":'"''f'·~- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
discharge, industrial wastes, domestic wastes, ni- Silakan troolipyynnin kehittyminen Porin edus- Russian) (de)
graphs, tables Miljokonsekvensbeskrivning for ore-
sund.lforbindelsen I Underlagsrapport; 1 =Environ- trogen, phosphorus, biocoenosis, Gulf of Gdansk tan merialueella syksyllii 1976-85 ja silakoiden Keywords: biocoenosis, zoobcnthos, quantitative
rn.ental impact assessment for the fixed link across the kasvu, kuntokerroin ja poikasten miiiirii Sel- distribution, pollution effects, marine pollution
Oresundl Sub-report ; 1 (0 riginally published in Kalastajien havaintoja pyydyksissii tapahtuneis- kiimerellii = Development of the Baltic herring
Danish: Ostersbcns vandmiljb) (se) ta kalakuolemista Selkiimerellii = Observation of trawl fishery off Pori in the autumnsof1976-1985 Stickstoff, Phosphor, Plankton und Sauer-
Keywords: bridges, planning, construction, hydro- fishermen on fish deaths in fishing gear in the and the growth, condition factor and larval abun- stoffmangel in der Deutschen Bucht und in der
graphy, water exchange, eutrophication, maline or- Bothnian Sea in 1980s I Lehtonen, H. & Jarvinen, dance of Baltic herring in the Bothnian Sea I Kieler Bucht : Abschlussbericht ueber das Teil-
ganisms, salinity, The Sound, Oresund, Baltic Proper A. Kalatutkimuk.sia I Riista- ja kalatalouden tutki- Parmarme, R. & Salmi, J. Kalatutkimuksia I Riista- vorhaben 9 "Koordination" im Rahmen des Pro-
muslaitos, JSSN 0787-8478, 1990, 6.- Pp. 37-47 (fi) ja kalatalouden tutkimuslaitos, JSSN 0787-8478, jektes Eutrophierung der Nord- nnd Ostsee =
()vervakning av bottenfauna, fisk och kraftdjur i Keywords: waste water, industrial wastes, environ- 1990, 6. - Pp. 25 - 35 (fi) Nitrogen, phosphorus, plankton and oxygen defi-
sodra Kattegatt : slutrapport = Monitoring of mental effects, fishery statistics, fish kill, fishing Keywords: trawling, growth, condition factor, lar- ciency in German Bight and Kiel Bay: final report
benthic fauna, fish and crustaceans in the south- gear, long-tenn records, Pori, Bothnian Sea vae, long-term changes, Clupea harengus, Poli, on the project "Eutrophication of the North Sea
ern Kattegat : final report I Rosenberg, R. & Loo, Kalojen sumpntuskokeet Porin ednstalla 1985 = Bothnian Sea and the Baltic Sea" I Gerlach, S. A. - Berlin :Erich
L. -0. & Moller, P. & Pihl, L. & Isaksson, I. & Fish cage experiments off Pori in 1985 I Jarvinen, Schmidt Verlag, 1990. - 379 p. Berichte I Umwelt-
Wcnnhagc, H. & Baden, S. P. & Frohlund, K.- Solna A. & Lehtonen, H. & Bylund, G. Kalatutkimuksia I Silakoiden vaellukset selkiimerellii keviiiillii 1982 bundesamt; 4.- ISBN 3-503-03113-8;.- (Summary
: Statens naturv&rdsverk, 1992. - 28 p. : diagrams, Riista- ja kalatalouden tutkimuslaitos, JSSN 0787- suoritettujeu merkin!Ojen = Migration of Baltic in German) (Bibliogr.: 245 ref., 130 fig., 19 tab.) (de)
maps, tables Rapport I Naturvardsverket, JSSN 0282- 8478, 1990, 6.- Pp. 59-73 (fi) herring in the Bothnian Sea revealed by tagging Keywords: oxygen depletion, eutrophication, ni-
7298; 4055.- ISBN 91-620-4055-3 (se) Keywords: industrial wastes, environmental effects, experiments in spring 1982 IParmanne, R. & Salmi, trogen, phosphorus, phytoplankton, biomass, Ger-
Keywords: monitoring, zoobenthos, fish, marine cultured organisms, cages, cage culture, Oncorhyn- .1. Kalatutkimuksia I Riista- ja kalatalouden tutkimus- man Bight, Kicl Bay
crustaceans, eutrophication, oxygen deficiency, sa- chus mykiss, Poli, Bothnian Sea laitos, JSSN 0787-8478, 1990, 6. - Pp. 11 - 24. -
(summaries in Swedish, English) (fi) Vuorikemian tehtaiden jiitevesien kalatalondel-
linity, Kattegat, Laholm Bay
Kharakteristika neresta ryb v pridrezhnoj zone Keywords: fish, tagging, migrations, environmental lisista vaikutuksista Porin edustan merialueella =
litovskogo poderezh'ya Baltijskogo morya= Fish effects, industrial wastes, commercial fishing, Clu- Effect of effluent from the Vuorikemia titanium
spawning in the Lithuanian coastal zone of the pca harengus, Pori, Bothnian Sea dioxide factory on fish stocks and fisheries off Pori
Complement to the Bibliography 1986-1990 I Lehtonen, H. Kalatutkimuksia I Riista- ja kalata-
Baltic Sea I Grauman, G. B. & Lisheva, K. M.
Arsenate tolerance in periphyton and phyto- Fischerei-Forschung, JSSN 0428-4984 Vol. Sm:1batshamnars paverkan pa bottenfanna och louden tutkimuslaitos, JSSN 0787-8478, 1990, 6. -
plankton I Wiingbcrg, S.-A.- Gotcborg: Giiteborgs 28(1990):2.- Pp. 44-46 (de) !lora : en bottenundersiikning av fyra smabiits- Pp. 1 - 10. - (summaries in Swedish, English) (fi)
universitct. Botaniska institutionen. Avdelningcn Wr Keywords: abnormalities, population dynamics, pol- hamnar i Stockholms Ian =The impact of pleasure Keywords: pollution monitoring, waste water, indus-
fysiologisk botanik, 1989. - 8, 31 p. - ISBN 91- lution effects, embryos, marine pollution, mor- hoat harbours on bottom fauna and flora: a study trial wastes, environmental effects, stock assessment,
86022-40-7.- (summary in English) (Thesis (docto- phogenesis, fish, Clupea harengus, Sprattus sprattus, nflhc bottoms at four harbours for pleasure boats fishery statistics, fish eggs, fish diseases, mortality,
ral). Summaty, 5 papers) (se) Gobi us, Ammodytes malinus, Lithuania In the Stockholm County I Herbinger, M. & Rygne, Pori, Botlmian Sea
Keywords: algae, phytoplankton, pcriphyton, tox- IL ·- Stockholm : Stockholms Jan. Uinsstyrelsen,
icity, arsenic compounds, arsenates, expelimcntal Organochlorines in Baltic seals in the 1980s I I'NO. - 56 p. : ill. Rapport I Uinsstyrelsen i Stock- Vuorikemian tehtaiden jiitevesien vaikutuksista
ecosystems Stenman, 0. & Tissari, A. - Copenhagen : ICES, l!oims liin; 1990:6 (SE) silakan alkionkehitykseen ja poikasten elinky-
1990.- 8 pp- (Summary in English) (Incl. bibliogr.: Keywords: zoobenthos, phytobcnthos, environmen- kyyn = Effects of effluent from the Vuorikemia
32 ref. Only available from the author) (de) 1<11 impact, marinas, boaL.;;, harbours, archipelagoes, titanium dioxide factory on the embryonal devel-
Fish reproduction and the impact of acidification
in the Kyronjoki River estuary in the Baltic Sea I Keywords: chlorinated hydrocarbons, bioaccumula- pollulion effects opment and larval fitness of Baltic herring 1 Ou-
Urho, L. & Hilden, M. & Budd, R. Environmental tion, Pusa hispida, Halichoerus grypus lasvirta, P. & Rissanen, J. Kalatutkimuk.sia I Riista-
biology of fishes, !SSN 0378-1909 Vol. 27(1990).- Novremennoe sostoyanie makrodentofauny Vos- ja kalatalouden tutkimuslaitos, JSSN 0787-8478,
Pp. 273 - 283. - (summary in English) (fi) PCBs und Organochlor-Pestizide in Mnscheln, iodmoj Baltiki u 1986-1988 =Well-being ofmac- 1990, 6.- Pp. 75- 108 (fi)
Keywords: nursery grounds, recruitment, reproduc- Krebstieren und geraeucherten Sprotten = PCBs mhcnthic fauna of eastern Baltic in 1986-1988 I Keywords: industlial wastes, environmental effects,
tion, environmental effects, river discharge, acidifi- and organochlorine pesticides in mussels, crusta- -'\pollov, A. B. Fischerei-Forschung, JSSN 0428- fish eggs, nursery grounds, survival, cages, Clupea
cation, estuaries, larvae, juveniles, Bothnian Sea, ceans and smoked sprats I Manthey, M. F!MA -IWI-l Vol. 28(1990):2. - Pp. 50-54. - (Summary in harengus, Pori, Bothnian Sea
River Kyrbnjoki Schriftenr. Vol. 19(1989).- Pp. 39-48 (de)
Keywords: PCB, DDE, DDT, public health, pro-
Impact of an oil spill on herring stock I Urho, L. cessed fishery products, Sprattus sprattus, Mytilus
Proceedings of the International Herring Sympo-
sium, Anchorage, AK, October 23-25, 1990.- Fair-
edulis, Crangon crangon, Pandalus borealis, Nmth
Sea, Europe, Korea, Rep
4.6.5 Prevention and control
banks, AK : University of Alaska Fairbanks, 1990. -
Pp. 569 - 582. - (summary in English) (fi) Siian madin sumputuskokeet Porin edustalla t\f!ivitics of the Commission 1991: including the Administracyjne aspekty ekologicznej ochrony
Keywords: oil spills, population characteristics, lar- 1985 =Cage incubation experiments with white- ! lih meeting of the Commission held in Helsinki, Baltykn = Administrative aspects of ecological
vae, pollution effects, larval development, abnor- fish eggs off Pori in 1985 I Jarvinen, A. &Lehtonen, F<!bruary, 1992- Helsinki: Baltic Maline Envi- protection of the Baltic Sea I Sawicki, J. lnzynieria
malities, Clupea harcngus, Gulf of Finland, Antonio H. Kalatutkimuksia I Riista- ja kalatalouden tutki- Willlle'llt Protection Commission: Helsinki Com- morska, JSSN 0138-0540 Vol. 12(1991):4.- Pp. 139
Gram sci muslaitos, !SSN 0787-8478, 1990, 6.- Pp. 49- 58 mhrrinn, 1992.- 72 p. Baltic Sea environment pro- - 140. - (summary in English) (2 fig.) (pi)
(fi) '~''''lings, JSSN 0357-2994; 42 (fi) Keywords: sea water, environmental protection,
Important ecological features of the Polish coastal Keywords: industrial wastes, environmental effects, !\.,rywords: international cooperation, international liver discharge, Vistula River, Odra River
zone of the Baltic Sea I Plinski, M. Limnologica, fish eggs, experimental research, survival, cages, -'!!j!t'l'lnents, annual reports, pollution control, cnvi-
ISSN 0075-9511 Vol. 20(1989):1.- Pp. 39-45 (de) cage culture, Coregonus lavaretus, Pori, Bothnian tbnHH/.nlal protection Belastningsmodeller for niirsaltutsliipp i kustvat-
Keywords: marine pollution, pollution effects, river Sea ten : speciellt fiskodlingars miljopiiverkan = Nu-
68 Part 1: 4.6.5 Prevention and control Part 1: 4.6.5 Prevention and control 69
trient loading models for coastal waters : espe- Environmental priority action programme for Ministry of the Environment of Finland, 1991. - 25 Keywords: water pollution, air pollution, waste treat-
cially for the assessment of enviromental effects Leningrad, Leningrad region, Karelia and Esto- p. (Project supervisior: Timo Markkanen; mimeo- ment, economic feasibility, sulphur, aluminium, Gulf
of marine fish farms I Wallin, M. & H~kanson, L. nia. Pre-feasibility study no. 9 : reduction of the graphed report) (fi) of Finland
& Persson, J. - Kbenhavn : Nordisk MinisterrM, environmental effects of Kostamuksha combine - Keywords: water pollution, waste water, wastewater
1992. - 196 p. Nordiske seminar- og arbeidsrappor- Helsinki : Ministry of the Environment of Finland, treatment, industrial wastes, legal aspects, economic Environmental priority action programme for
ter; 502. -ISBN 87-7303-664-1 & 91-7996-422-2. 1991.- 14 p. (Project supervisior: Timo Markkanen feasibility, Gulf of Finland, Tallinn Leningrad, Leningrad region, Karelia and Esto-
-(summary in English) (se) ; mimeographed report) (fi) nia. Pre-feasibility study no. 6 : Development of
Keywords: nutrients (mineral), phosphorus, ni- Keywords: air pollution, sulphur, waste treaunent, Environmental priority action programme for farmning waste management in the Leningrad region
trogen, fish culture, coastal waters, mathematical economic feasibility, Gulf of Finland Leningrad, Leningrad region, Karelia and Esto- - Helsinki : Ministry of the Environment of Finland,
models, modelling, water pollution, pollutant load nia. Pre-feasibility study no. 15 : reduction of the 1991.-33 p. (Project supervisior: Timo Markkanen;
environmental effects in Kohtla-J~rve district and mimeographed report) (fi)
Can we implement a cost efficient nitrogen reduc- Environmental priority action programme for Eesti Tsement - Helsinki : Ministry of the Environ- Keywords: agriculturalmnoff, fertilizers, water pol-
tion to the Laholm Bay? I Andrcasson-Gren, A.-M. Leningrad, Leningrad region, Karelia and Esto- ment of Finland, 1991. - 57 p. (Project supervisior: lution, waste treatment, economic feasibility, Gulf of
& Fleischer, S. & Stibe, L. Ambia, !SSN 0044-7447 nia. Pre-feasibility study no. 10 : reduction of the Timo Markkanen; mimeographed report) (fi) Finland, Leningrad
Vol. 20(1991):2.- Pp. 94 (se) environmental effects of the town Petrozavosk- Hel- Keywords: water pollution, waste water, industrial
Keywords: pollution control, nitrogen, economics, sinki : Ministry of the Environment of Finland, 1991. wastes, air pollution, waste treatment, legal aspects, Environmental priority action programme for
transport, marine pollution, Kattcgat, Laholm Bay - 28 p. (Project supetvisior: Timo Markkanen; mi- economic feasibility, Gulf of Finland, Estonia Leningrad, Leningrad region, Karelia and Esto-
meographed report) (fi) nia. Pre-feasibility study no. 5 : Hazardous waste
Characterization of brackish coastal waters of Keywords: water pollution, air pollution, waste treat- Environmental priority action programme for management in Leningrad- Helsinki: Ministry of the
different trophic levels by means of phytoplank- ment, economic feasibility, Gulf of Finland Leningrad, Leningrad region, Karelia and Esto- Environment of Finland, 1991.- 32 p. (Project super-
ton biomass and primary production I Wasmund, nia. Pre-feasibility study no. 16 : reduction of the visior: Timo Markkancn; mimeographed report) (fi)
N. & Kell, V. Internationale Revue der gesamten Environmental priority action programme for cnvrionmental effects of Kchra and Tallinn pulp and Keywords: toxicants, hazardous materials, waste
Hydrobiologie, !SSN 0020-9309 Vol. 76(1991):3. - Leningrad, Leningrad region, Karelia and Esto- paper mills- Helsinki : Ministry of the Environment treatment, oil pollution, economic feasibility, Gulf of
Pp. 361-370 (Bibliogr.: 31 ref.) (de) nia. Pre-feasibility study no. 11 : reduction of the of Finland, 1991.- 23 p. (Project supervisior: Timo Finland, Leningrad
Keywords: phytoplankton, biomass, eutrophication, environmental effccLo; of the Segezha pulp and paper Markkanen; mimeographed report) (fi)
coastal zone, classification systems, trophic levels, mill and Nadvoitsy aluminium factory - Helsinki : Keywords: air pollution, waste water, waste treat- Environmental priority action programme for
indicator species, pollution indicators Ministty of the Envirorunent of Finland, 1991.- 61 rnent, forest industry, legal aspects, economic feasi- Leningrad, Leningrad Region, Karelia and Esto-
p. (Project supervisior: Timo Markkanen; mimeo- bility, Gulf of Finland, Tallinn nia. Pre-feasibility study no. 4 : Connection of the
Costs for nitrogen source reduction in a eutrophi- graphed report) (fi) direct discharging sewers to the collectors of the
cated bay in Sweden I Andrcasson-Gren, l.-M. Keywords: water pollution, forest industry, alumi- Environmental priority action programme for treatment plants in Leningrad - Helsinki : Ministry of
Linking the natural environment and the economy : nium, waste treatment, air pollution, economic fea- Leningrad, Leningrad region, Karelia and Esto- the Environment of Finland, 1991. - 32 p. (Project
essays from the eco-eco group, ISBN 0-7923-1227- sibility, Gulf of Finland, chemical industries nia : synthesis report - Helsinki : Ministry of the supervisior: Timo Markkanen; mimeographed re-
9: eds. C. Folke, T. Kaberg. - Dordrecht : Kluwer, l'nvironment of Finland, 1991. - 191 p. (project port) (fi)
1991. Ecology, economy and environment ; 1. - Pp. Environmental priority action programme for supcrvisior: Timo Markkanen; mimeographed re- Keywords: water pollution, wastewater treatment,
173-188. - (summary in English) (se) Leningrad, Leningrad region, Karelia and Est()- port) (fi) economic feasibility, Gulf of Finland, Leningrad
Keywords: nitrogen, pollution control, economy, ag- nia. Pre-feasibility study no. 12 : reduction of the Keywords: water pollution, air pollution, pollution
riculture, sewage treatment, traffic, Laholm Bay, environmental effects of Pitkyaranta pulp and paper control, waste treatment, economic feasibility, inter- Environmental priority action programme for
Kattegat mill - Helsinki : Ministry of the Environment of national cooperation, Helcom, Gulf of Finland, Len- Leningrad, Leningrad Region, Karelia and Esto-
Finland, 1991. - 23 p. (Project supervisior: Timo ingrad, Estonia nia. Pre-feasibility study no. 3 : Pretreatment of
Economy and law : environmental protection in Markkanen; miemographed report) (fi) heavy metal containing waste water in Leningrad. -
the Baltic region I Andreasson-Gren, l.-M. & Mi- Keywords: water pollution, air pollution, waste treat- Environmental priority action programme for Helsinki : Ministry of the Environment of Finland,
chanek, G. & Ebbesson, J. - Uppsala : Uppsala ment, forest industry, economic feasibility, Gulf of I .mingrad, Leningrad region, Karelia and Esto- 1991.-40 p. (Porject supervisior: Timo Markkanen;
University, 1992.-40 p. The Baltic Sea environment Finland nia. Pre-feasibility study no. 8 : Reduction of the mimeographed report) (fi)
; session 7. -ISBN 91-506-0904-1. -(summary in environmental effects of Svetogorsk pulp and paper Keywords: water pollution, wastewater treatment,
English) (se) Environmental priority action programme for mill - Helsinki : Ministry of the Enviromnent of heavy metals, industrial wastes, economic feasibility,
Keywords: environmental legislation, intemational Leningrad, Leningrad region, Karelia and Esto- i'inland, 1991. - 16 p. (Project supervisor: Timo Gulf of Finland, Leningrad
law, environmental protection, costs, legal aspects, nia. Pre-feasibility study no. 13 : reduction of the Markkanen; mimeographed report) (fi)
marine pollution, international agreements environmental effects of the power plants in Narva- Keywords: air pollution, sulphur, forest industry, Environmental priority action programme for
Helsinki : Ministry of the Environment of Finland, water pollution, waste treaunent, economic feasi- Leningrad, Leningrad Region, Karelia and Esto-
Effekter av forsurning och kalkning pa Oster- 1991. - 31 p. (Project supervisior: Timo Markkanen; bility, Gulf of Finland nia. Pre-feasibility study no. 1 : Implementation of
sjons lax och havsiiring = Effects of acidification mimeographed report) (fi) the phosphoms removal at waste water treatment
and liming on t~e Baltic salmon and brown trout Keywords: air pollution, fossil fueled power plants, .Environmental priority action programme for plants of the city of Leningrad - Helsinki : Ministry
1Appelberg, M. Ostersjon idag och imorgon: eds. W. waste treatment, economic feasibility, Gulf of Fin- l . t·ningrad, Leningrad region, Karelia an Estonia. of the Environment of Finland, 1991.-26 p. (Project
Engstrom, L. Norrgren. - Uppsala : Svcriges lant- land, Narva !'rc ICasibility study no. 7 : Reduction of the cnviron- supervisior: Timo Markkanen; mimeographed re-
bmksuniversitet, 1992. SLU info rapporter, ISSN nwnlal effects of Syasstroy pulp and paper mill and port) (fi)
1101-3761 ; 179.- Pp. 65-69 (se) Environmental priority action programme for Volkhov aluminium factory - Helsinki : Ministry of Keywords: water pollution, domestic wastes, econ-
Keywords: rivers, catchment area, pollution control, Leningrad, Leningrad region, Karelia and Esto- ilw Environment of Finland, 1991. - 28 p. (Project omic feasibility, phosphorus, wastewater treatment,
acid rain, Salmo salar, Salmo tmtta nia. Pre-feasibility study no. 14 : reduction of the 'HIJJervisior: Timo Markkanen; mimeographed re- Gulf of Finland, Leningrad
waste water load of the city of Tallinn - Helsinki : 1"1rl) (fi)
Part 1: 4.6.5 Prevention and control 71
Part I: 4.6.5 Prevention and control
Oulun edustan merialueen pohjaeliiinselvitys v. Potential ways to diminish the environmental im- quality,. hydrography, nutrienl~ (mineral), primary
Keywords: pollution monitoring, water quality, fish
1991 = Benthos in the sea area off Oulu I Kaup- pact of ',?ariculture on the Baltic Sea 1Ruohoncn, production, Rauma, Bothnian Sea
culture, nutrients (mineral), sediment analysis, ben- pincn, V. - [s.l.] : [s.n.J, 1991. - 21 p. + app. ( K. & Makmcn, T. Finnish fisheries research, ISSN
thos, Oulu, Bothnian Bay 0301-908X Vol. 12(1991).- Pp. 91-100.- (summary Report on the results of the ICES/IOCIOSPAR-
mimeographed report) (fi)
Keywords: pollution monitoring, benthos, long-tenn m English) (fi) COM Inte~comparison Exercise on the Analysis
Monitoring ofradionuclides in the environs of the records, eutrophication, fish culture, dominant Kcyv.:o;ds: aqua~ulture, ~nvironmcntal impact, cu- of Chlorob•phenyl Congeners in Marine Media .
Finnish nuclear power stations in 1988 I Klemola, l!ophicauon, nutnents (mmcral), Finland Step 1,, an~ the int,erco~parison Study of the
species, abundance, Oulu, Bothnian Bay
S. & nus, E. & Sjoblom, K.-L. & Arvela, H. & Determmation of CBs m Baltic herring oil -
Blomqvist, L. - Helsinki : Finnish Centre for Radia- Oulun cdustan velvoitetarkkailu 1990 = Manda- P~iori.ties for the restoration of the Baltic Sea : a Copenhagen : ICES, 1992. Cooperative research
tion and Nuclear Safety, 1991.- 70 p.- ISBN 951- tory monitoring of the sea area offOulu, Bothnian sc•entJfic perspective I Wulff F. & Niemi A report I International Council for the Exploration of
47-4677-5. - (summary in English) (Supplement to Bay, in 1990 I Virta, P. - [s.l.] : [s.n.], 1991. - 43 p. + Ambio, ISSN 0044-7447 Vol. 21ci992):2.- Pp. j93: the Sea, !SSN 1017-6195; 183 (de)
annual report STUK-A89) (fi) 194 (sc) Keywords: PCB, intercalibration, gas chromato-
Keywords: environmental monitming, radioactive app. (fi) Keywords: Pollution control, International policy graph~, mtematwnal cooperation, fish oils, pollution
Keywords: pollution monitoring, waste water, water
wastes, fallout, indicator species, sediment>, nuclear quality, nutrients (mineral), phytoplankton, domi- dctectJon, C1upea harcngus, workshops
power plant,, annual repo1ts, Chemobyl nant species, biomass, Oulu, Bothnian Bay, industrial Raahen edusta : velvoitetarkkailu 1990 =Manda-
to~y ~.~onitoring of the sea area off Raahe 1990 1 R.estoration of wetlands as a means of reducing
Mustionjoen alajuoksun, Pohjanpitiijanlahdenja water Hiikka, M.- [s.l.]: [s.n.], 1991.- 34 p. + app. (fi) mtrogen transport to costal waters 1 Fleischer, S.
Tammisaaren liihivesicn kalataloudcllinen tark- Keywords: pollution monitoring, waste water, indus- & Leonardson, L. Ambio, ISSN 0044-7447 Vol 20
Pohjanlahden meriymparistiin suojelu, Oulun
kailu 1990-91 =Fish and fisheries in the Pojo Bay tnal v:astes, water quality, eutrophication, Raahe (1991):6.- Pp. 271-272 (se) ·
vesisWtutkimuspiiivat 9.-10.4.1991 = Protection
and in the Tammisaari archipelago 1990-91 I of the Gulf of Bothnia, Seminar in Oulu 9-10 Apr. Bothman Bay . · ' Keywords: wetlands, marine pollution, nitrogen, pol-
Holmberg, R. - Lohja : Uinsi-Uudenmaan vesi ja lutiOn control, Kallcgat, wetlands reclamation
1991 I Alasaarcla, E. - Helsinki : National Board of
ympitristO r.y., 1992.-25 p. + app. Julkaisu I Uinsi- Waters and the Environment, 1991. - 106 p. Vesi- ja Raahen edustan merialueen kalataloudellinen
Uudenmaan vesijaympdrist6 r.y., ISSN 0789-9084; ympdristohallituksen monistesarja = Mimeo- velvoitetarkkail.u v. 1990 = Fisheries in the sea Rewaloryzacja Zatoki Puckiej = Revalorization
10.- (summary in English) (fi) graphed series of the National Board of Waters and area offRaahe m1990- [s.l.], 1991.-26 p. + app. of Puck Bay I Ciszewski, P. Budownictwo okretowe
Keywords: pollution monitoring, waste water, water (Mim~owaphed repo1t; Pohjois-Suomen vcsitutki- l GospodarkaMorska, /SSN 0007-3008 Vol. 36(1991
the Environment, ISSN 0783-3288 ; 295. - ISBN
quality, fish, human food, taste tests, fishery statis- mustmmisto for the City of Raahe and Raahc Steel ).2. - Pp. 16-19. - (Summary 111 English) (2 tab!.) (pi)
tics, fouling, Tammisaari, Gulf of Finland 951-47-4116-1 (fi)
Keywords: brackishwatcr pollution, pollution moni- Works) (fi) Keywords: n:arinc pollution, heavy metals, scdi-
toring, pollution effecL,, fishery management, hydro- Keywords: :vatcr ~ollution, pollution monitoring, mB ents, biOlogical pollutants, pollution control, Puck
Mustionjoen, Fiskarsinjoen, Pohjanpitiijiin- dynamics, environmental protection, Gulf ofBothnia waste water, mdustnal wastes, domestic wastes, fish- ay
lahdcn ja Tammisaaren merialueen yhteistark- e~y data, catch/effort, statistics, zoobenthos, Both-
kailun yhteenveto vuodelta 1991 = Mandatory Porin edustan merialueen pohjaeliiimistii vuonna man Bay, Raahc, Raahe Steel Works Ruop~au.smass?jen liijittiimisen vaikutukset sila-
monitoring of the River Mustionjoki, the Pojo 1991 : Kemira Oy Vuorikemian tehtaat =Manda- kan. hsaantym1seen Uudenkaupungin edustan
Bay and Tammisaari archipelago in 1990 I tory monitoring of the effects of titanium dioxide Raah~n edust~n merialueen kalataloudellinen menalueella 1990 ja 1991 =The effect of dumping
Vahtcra, H. & Jokinen, 0. - Lohja : Uinsi-Uuden- factory waste waters on the benthic macrofauna velvmtetarkka•lu v. 1990 = Fish and fisheries in of dr~dg~d material on the reproduction of Baltic
maan vcsi ja ymparislii r.y., 1992. - 23 p. + app. in the sea area off Pori on the west coast of Finland the se~ area off Raahc, Bothnian Bay, in 1990 1 hearmg m the sea area off Uusikaupunki 1 Hiin-
Julkaisu I Uinsi-Uudenmaan vesi ja ympdristo r.y., in 1991 1 Saarikari, V. - Tamperc : Kokcmaenjocn Kauppmen, V. - [s.l.] : [s.l.], 1991. - 26 p. + app. nmcn, J. & Kurkilahti, M. - Turku : Turun yliopisto,
ISSN 0789-9084 ; 14. -(summaries in English, Fin-
vesisLOn vesicnsuojeluyhdistys r.y., 1992. - 41 p. + (mimeographed report) ( fi) 1991. - 34 p. + app. Momste I Turun yliopiston
nish, Swedish) (fi) app. Julkaisu I Kokemdenjoen vesiston vesiensuo- Keywords: pollution monitoring, waste water, indus- s~anstomeren tutkimuslaitos ; 252. - (summary in
Keywords: pollution monitoring, waste water, indus- tnal v.:astes, water quality, fishery statistics, Raahe Fmmsh) (fi)
jeluyhdistys r.y., ISSN 0781-8645; 253 B (fi)
trial wastes, water quality, eutrophication, ecological Keywords: pollution monitoring, waste water, indus- Bothman Bay ' Keywords: dredging, fish, water quality, nurse1y
zonation, Tammisaari, Pojo Bay, Gulf of FinJand trial wastes, titanium compounds, benfhos, dominant grounds, fish eggs, mortality, environmental effects
species, benthic environment, indicator species, Raahen edustan velvoitetarkkailu 1990 =Manda- Clupea harengus, Uusikaupunki, Bothnian Sea '
Obligationskontrollen 1990 : I. recipientkontroll, tory monitoring in the sea area off Raahe in 1990
zonal distribution, Pori, Bothnian Sea
II. fiskeriekonomisk kontroll = Mandatory moni- - [s.l.], 1991. - 34 p. + app. (Mimeographed report; Riiddningsplan for Ostersjiins miljii = Rescue
toring of the sea area off Tornio, Bothnian Bay, in Porin edustan merialueen pohjaeHiimistO vuosina PohJOIS-Suomcn vcsitutkimustoimisto for Raahe J>.lan fo.~ the Baltic Sea environment 1Svenson, G.
1990 I Kauppinen, V. & Rantala, L. - [s.l.] : [s.n.], Steel Works) (fi) OstersJon- ett hav 1 forandring, ISBN 91-546-0336-
1989 ja 1990 : Kemira Oy Vuorikemian tehtaat =
1991 (mimeographed report) (fi) Mandatory monitoring of the effects of titanium Keywords; water pollution, pollution monitming, 6.- Stockholm: Naturvctcnskapliga forskningsrMct,
Keywords: pollution monitoring, waste water, indus- 'Yater qualiLy, :vaste water, industrial wastes, domes- 1992. Naturvetenskapligaforskningsrddets drsbok ·
dioxide factory waste waters on the benthic mac-
trial wastes, water quality, river discharge, benthos, rofauna in the sea area off Pori on the west coast tic wastes, sediment pollution, Bothnian Bay, Raahe 1992.- Pp. 125-130 (SE) '
fishery statistics, fish diseases, cages, Tomio, Both- Raahc Steel Works ' Keywords: pollution control, international agree-
of Finland in 1989 and 1990 I Saarikari, V. -Tam-
nian Bay perc: Kokemaenjocn vcsistiin vesiensuojeluyhdistys ments, Baltic Sea Area
r.y., 1992. - 26 p. + app. Julkaisu I Kokemdenjoen Rauman merialueen tarkkailututkimus vuonna
Oulun edustan kalataloustarkkailu v.1990 =Fish vesiston vesiensuojeluyhdistys r.y., !SSN 0781-8645 1991 = Mandatory monitoring of the sea area off S~di.~en~in ja pohjaeliiimien titaani- ja vana-
and Fisheries in the sea area off Oulu, Bothnian Rauma, Bothnian Sea, in 1991 1 Jumppanen, K. - dumpitOisuudet Porin edustan merialueella 1989-
Bay, in 1990 I Kauppincn, V. - [s.l.] : [s.n.], 1991. - ; 253 A (fi) Turku : Lounais-Suomcn vcsicnsuojeluyhdistys, 1990 = Concentrations of titanium and vanadium
Keywords: pollution monitoring, waste water, indus-
17 p. + app. (mimeographed report) (fi) trial wastes, titanium compounds, benfhos, growth, 1992. - 42 p. + app. Tutkimusselosteita 1 L6unaii- in benthos and sediments off Pori in 1989-1990 1
Keywords: pollution monitoring, waste water, indus- dominant species, benthic environment, Maeoma Suomen vesiensuojeluyhdistys r.y. ; 73 (fi) · PaUlkame!'l, M. - Tampere : Kokemaenjoen vesistiin
trial wastes, water quality, fishery statistics, Oulu, Keywords: pollution monitoring, waste water, water VeSICnSUOjeluyhdistys. r.y., 1991. - 14 p. + app.
balthica, Pori, Bothnian Sea
Bothnian Bay lulkatsu I Kokoemaen;oen vesiston vesiensuo-
74 Part I: 4.6.5 Prevention and control Part I: 4.7 Environmental changes, conservation, public 75
jeluyhdistys r.y. (fi) Pikkov, L. & Viiroja, A. & Kamenev, S. & Joarand, Keywords: pollution control, policies, strategy of Complement to the Bibliography 1986-1990
Keywords: pollution monitoring, benthos, sedi- H. & Tali, E. & Munter, R. & Poolsaari, S.- Lappeen- water protection, teaching material, Estonia
ments, titanium, vanadium, industrial wastes, Pon, ranta : Lappcenranta University of Technology, Activities of the Commission 1986 : report of the
1992.-39 p. Research paper I Lappeenranta Univer- Vuorikemian ympiiristiinsuojeluohjelma = Vuo- activities of the Baltic Marine Environment Pro-
Bothnian Sea
sity ofTechnology, 0356-8210; 26. -ISBN 951-763- rikemia 's environmental protection programme I tection Commission during 1986 including the
Skyddet av den marina miljon i Bottenhavet = 754-3. - (Summary in English) (ee) Lammi, P. Kemia- Kemi, JSSN 0355-1628 Vol. 18 eight meeting of the Commission held in Helsinki
The protection of the marine environment in the Keywords: ozonation, adsorption, oil shale, indus- (1991):4.- Pp. 322-325. -(summary in English) (fi) 24-27 February 1987 - Helsinki : Baltic Marine
Bothnian Sea I Cederliif, M. & Ekholm, P. & Hiik- tries, phenols, waste water, aerobic/anaerobic bio- Keywords: titanium compounds, industrial wastes, Environment Protection Commission. Helsinki
kilii, K. & Storberg, K-E. & Valpasvuo-Jaatinen, P. oxydalion, hydrogen peroxide oxidation, Estonia water pollution, environmental protection, pollution Commission, 1987. - 48 p. Baltic Sea environment
& Vinanen, T. & Vuoristo, H. - Helsinki :National control proceedings, ISSN 0357-2994 ; 23. - (Summary in
Board of Waters and the Enviromnent, 1991.- 121 p. English) (fi)
Vesi- ja ymparistohallituk.sen monistesarja = Mi- Turun ymparistiin mcrialueen tarkkailututkimus Vuosiyhteenveto Kokemiienjoen ja Porin edustan Keywords: environmental protection, international
meograph series of the National Board of Waters and vuonna 1990 = Mandatory monitoring of the sea merialueen yhteistarkkailusta vuodelta 1991 = agrecmenL~. pollution control, conferences, radioac-
the Environment, ISSN 0783-3288 ; 320. - ISBN area off Turko in 1990 I Jumppanen, K. - Turku : Mandatory monitoring of the sea area of the River tive contamination, pesticides, agricultmal pollution,
951-47-4683-X. -(summaries in Swedish, Finnish, Lounais-Suomen vesiensuojeluyhdistys r.y., 1991.- Kokoemiienjoki and the City of Pori, Bothnian urban runoff, wastewater treatment
English) (fi) 53 p. + app. Tutkimusselosteita I Lou.nais-Suomen Sea, in 1991 : annual report I Oravainen, P. -
Keywords: environmental protection, water pollu- vesiensuoje/uyhdistys r.y. ; 72 (fi) Tampere : Kokemaenjoen vcsiston vesiensuo- Denitriflkation in marinen Kuestensedimenten
tion, loading, brackish water environment, Bothnian Keywords: pollution monitoring, waste water, water jeluyhdistys r.y., 1992.- 22 p. Julkaisu I Kokemaen- (Kieler Bucht, Ostsee) =Denitrification in coastal
quality, hydrography, nutrients (mineral), eutrophi- joen vesisMn vesiensuojeluyhdistys r.y., ISSN 0781- marine sediments (Kiel Bight, Baltic Sea) I
Sea Kaehler, P. - Kicl : Christian-Aibrechts-UnivcrsiUit,
cation, Turku, Southwest coast of Finland 8645 ; 264 (fl)
Suomenlahden tilaja sen kehitys =Condition and Keywords: pollution monitoring, waste water, indus- 1990.- 89 p. Berichte aus dem lnstitutfur Meeres-
development of the Gulf of Finland I Kangas, P. & Tyrnaviinjoen, Angesleviinj(K!n ja Temmesjoen l!ial wastes, water quality, eutrophication, river dis- kunde an der Christian-Albrechts-Univ. Kiel, ISSN
Pilldinen, H. Vesi- ja ymparistohallituksen moniste- sekii Liminganlahden kalastustiedustelu v.1990 = charge, Pori, Kokemiicnjoki River, Bothnian Sea 0341-8561; 199.- (Summary in German) (de)
sarja '=Mimeograph series of the National Board of Fishery statistics at the sea area off Oulu, Both- Keywords: dcnittification, clastics, mud, sediment
Waters and the Environment, ISSN 0783-3288, 1991, nian Bay, in 1990 I Taskila, E.- [s.l.]: [s.n.], 1991. Vuosiyhteenveto Kokoemaenjoen ja Porin edus- sampling, seasonal variations, eutrophication, bio-
299. - Pp. 27-33 (fi) - 22 p. + app. (mimeo.) (fi) tan merialueen yhteistarkkailusta vuodelta 1990 mass, Kiel Bight
Keywords: water pollution, nutrients (mineral), tox- Keywords: pollution monitoring, fish, fishc_ry statis- = Annual report on the pollution load and water
icants, eutrophication, Gulf of Finland, brackish- tics, fish culture, Crustaceans, Oulu, Botluuan Bay quality of the River Kokemaenjoki and the ad- Zur Entsorgungssituation a us der Sicht von Ree-
water condition jacent area off Pori on the west coast of Finland dereien :insbesondere im Hinblick auf die Schiff
Uudenkaupungin merialneen kalataloudellinen in 1990 I Oravainen, R. -Tam perc : Kokemiienjoen entsorgung in anderen Staaten = Waste disposal
System of ecological protection of the Bel Penin- velvoitetarkkailu 1991 : poikastuotantoselvi- vesisWn vesicnsuojcluyhdistys r.y., 1991.- 31 p. + from the point of view of shipping companies, in
sula and the Puck Bay I Jednoral, T. Bulletin of the tykset ja pyydysten limoittumiskokeet = Manda- app. Julkaisu I Kokemaenjoen vesiston vesiensuo- particular with regard to the situation aboard I
Maritime Institute in Gdansk Vol. 19(1992): 2. - Pp. tory monitoring of the fisheries in the sea area off jeluyhdistys r.y., JSSN 0781-8645; 248 (fi) GolcheJt, H-J. Schiff HafeniSeewirtschaft, ISSN
111-130.- (Summary in English) (I fig.) (pl) Uusikaupunki in 1991 : production of larvae and Keywords: pollution monitoring, waste water, indus- 0938-1643 Vol. 42(1990):12.- Pp. 12-19.- (Sum-
Keywords: marine pollution, ecology, repoit lit- fouling of fishing gear I Kurkilahti, M. & Hanninen, trial wastes, water quality, eutrophication, seasonal mary in English) (de)
erature, Puck Bay, Peninsula of Hcl J. - Turku : Thrun yliopisto, 1992. - 37 p. + app. variations, nutrienL~ (mineral), Pori, Bothnian Sea Keywords: merchant ships, marine pollution, har-
Monistettu raportii I Turun yliopiston saaristomeren bours, waste disposal, N011h Sea
Tornion edustan velvoitetarkkailu v. 1990 : I. ve- tutkimuslaitos ; 256 (fi)
sistotarkkailu, II. kalataloustarkkailu = Manda- Keywords: pollution monitoring, fish, fishable stock,
tory monitoring in the sea area offTornio in 1990 industrial wastes, fish larvae, fishmg gear, foulmg,
- [s.l.J, 1991.- 55 p. + app. (Mimeographed repon; Oupea harengus, Coregonus lavaretus, Uusikaupun-
Pohjois-Suomen vesitutkimustomisto for Outokum- ki, Bothnian Sea 4. 7 Environmental changes, conservation, public
pu polarit oy) (fi)
Uudenkaupungin merialueen kuormitus ja tila
Keywords: water pollution, pollution monitoring,
waste water, industrial wastes, domestic wastes, vuonna 1991 = Mandatory monitoring of the sea health
water quality, fishery data, river water, Bothnian Bay area off Uusikaupunki, Bothnian Sea, in 1991 I
Jumppanen, K. - Turku : Lounais-Suomen vesien- Activities of the Commission 1990 : including the Conference on the Protection of the Marine Environ-
Tonlion edustan velvoitetarkkailu v. 1990 : Vesis- suojeluyhdistys r.y., 1992.-49 s. + app. Tutkimusse- twelfth meeting of the Commission held in Helsin- ment of the Baltic Sea Area, Helsinki, Finland, 9
tiitarkkailu, Kalataloustarkkailu = Mandatory losteita I Lounais-Suomen vesiensuojeluyhdistys r.y. ki 19-22 February 1991 -Helsinki :Baltic Marine April 1992 ; conference document no. 513, agenda
monitoring of the sea area off Tornio, Bothnian ; 74 (fi) Environment Protection Commission. Helsinki item 5.- [s.l.]: [s.n.], !992.- (summary in English)
Bay, in 1990 1Rantala, L. & Kauppinen, V. - [s.l.] : Keywords: pollution monitoring, waste water, water Commission, 1991.- 74 p. Baltic Sea environment (fi)
[s.n.J, 1991 . -55 p. + app. (mimeographed repon) quality, hydrography, nutrients (mineral), primary Keywords: pollution monitoring, international co-
proceedings, ISSN 0357-2994; 37 (fi)
(fi) production, Uusikaupunki, Bothnian Sea Keywords: pollution monitoring, international co- operation, intcmational agreements, environmental
Keywords: pollution monitoring, waste water, indus- operation, intemational agreements, annual reports, protection
trial wastes, river discharge, water quality, fish, fish Vodooxrahnaja strategija i podhodo normiro- pollution control, environmental protection, Halcom
eggs, monality, benthos, fishery statistics vaniju = The strategy of water protection and Changes in the ionic composition of Lake Vorts-
ways of standardizing I Uiiine, A. -Tallinn : [s.n.], Baltic Sea joint comprehensive environmental ac- jaerv (Estonian Republic) /Nogcs, P. Umnologica,
Treatment technology of wastewater containing 1992. - 76 p. - (Summary in English) (ee) tion programme (preliminary version) Diplomatic ISSN 0075-9511 Vol. 22(1992):2.- Pp. 115-120 (de)
phenols and phenolic compounds I Kallas, J. &
76 Part I: 4.7 Environmental changes, conservation, public Part I: 4. 7 Environmental changes, conservation, public
health 77
Keywords: eutrophication, ion accumulation, Esto- ish) (Bibliogr.: 51 ref.) (de) trients (mineral), metals, anoxic conditions, eutro-
nia, Vortsjaerv L Keywords: pycnocline, oxygen depletion, eutrophi- phication, sedimentation, Kiel Bight Tendencies in the herring population develop-
cation, Kiel Bight ment of the Baltic Sea /Rechlin, 0. K. W.Interna-
Changes of structure and stock in exploited fish tionale Revue der gesamten llydrobiologie, JSSN
Olyckor och haverier i anslutning till fiirbindelsen
communities in estuaries of the southern Baltic Influence of eutrophication on the distribution of 0020-9309 Vol. 76(1991):3.- Pp. 405-412.- (Sum-
;; Accidents in conjunction with the link - [s.l.] : mary in English) ( Bibliogr.: 20 ref.) (de)
Coast (Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany) I phytobenthic plant and animal communities I Oresundskonsortiet, 1992. - 61 leaves in various
Winkler, H. M. Internationale Revue der gesamten Kautsky, H. Internationale Revue der gesamten lly- Keywords: biomass, eutrophication, spawning sea-
pagings: graphs, tables Miljokonsekvensbeskrivning
Jlydrobiologie, ISSN 0020-9300 Vol. 76(1991):3. - drobiologie, ISSN 0020-9300 Vol. 76(1991):3.- Pp. sons, yield predictions, population structure, poilu-
for oresundsforbindelsen I Underlagsrapport; 3 = non effects, Clupea harengus membras
Pp. 413-422 (Bibliogr.: 32 ref.) (de) 423-432 (Bibliogr.: 38 ref.) (de) Environmef!tal impact assessment for the fixed link
Keywords: population dynamics, eutrophication, Keywords: eutrophication, phytobcnthos, agricultu- across the Oresund I Sub-report; 30. - (summary in
commercial species, pollution effects, fish catch stat- ral runoff, pollution effects, community composi- English) (se) Untersuchungen zu Lebenszyklus (Krebse •
istics, fish, Coregonus lavaretus, Anguilla anguilla, tion, zoobcnthos, Fucus vesiculosus Fische • marine Saenger) und Gefrierresistenz
Keywords: bridges, planning, construction, ship-
Esox lucius, Perea fluviatilis anisakider Nematoden in Nord- und Ostsee =
pmg, hazardous materials, vehicles, environmental
Introduced species - rl>eource of threat in brack- Investigations concerning the life cycle (crusta-
impact, accidents, collisions, The Sound, 6resund
Colonization of sediments from a pollution gra- ish-water seas? : examples from the Baltic and railways, traffic ' ceans- fish- marine mammals) and freezing toler-
dient outside a bleached pulp mill I Berggren, M. Black Sea I Lcppakoski, E. Environmental manage- ance of anisakine nematodes in the North Sea and
& Ekelund, R. & Granmo, A. Environmental fate and ment and appropriate use of enclosed coastal seas - the Baltic Sea I Lick, R. R. - Kiel : Christian-Al-
On eutrophication problems in the Baltic Sea :
brechts-Universitat, 1991. - 195 p. Berichte aus dem
effects of bleached pulp mill effluents : proceedings EMECS '90: eds. T. Goda et a!. Marine pollution causes and effects I Schulz, S. & Nehring, D. -
of a SEPA Conference held at Grand Hotel Salts- bulletin, ISSN 0025-326X ; 23. - Pp. 219-223. - lnstitutfur Meereskunde an derChristian-Albrechts-
Copenhagen : ICES, 1991. - 20 p. - (Summary in
jobaden, Stockholm, Sweden 19-21 November 1991: (summary in English) (fi) English) (de) · UniversitatKiel,~SSN0341-8561; 218.- (Summary
m Gennan) (Bibhogr.: 26 papers ref. Diss. (Dr. rer.
ed. A. SOdergren. - Solna : Statens naturvArdsvcrk, Keywords: environmental impact, inland seas, Keywords: eutrophication, dissolved oxygen, sa- nat.)) (de)
1992. Rapport I Naturvardsverket, ISSN 0282-7298 brackish water ecology, fouling, aquaculture, fouling hmty data, temperature data, nutrients (mineral),
; 4031. - Pp. 223 - 228. - (Summary in English) organisms, introduced species, Baltic Sea, Black Sea long-term changes Keywords: en do parasites, life cycle, fishery industry,
hosL~, Pseudoterranova, Anisakis, Contracaecum,
(ISBN 91-620-4031-6) (se)
Keywords: colonization, pulp wastes, zoobcnthos, Kustniira cffekter till fiiljd av en iiresundsbro : Hysterothylaeium, Anguillicola, Nematoda, North
PCB methyl sulphone: comparison of tissue levels Sea
scdimenL~, forest industry, Bothnian Sea, Bleaching inverkan av stronnnar och sandtransport =Near- in Baltic grey seals and a Yusho patient 1Haragu-
shore impact of a bridge over the Sound : in- chi, K. & Masuda, Y & Bergman, A. & Olsson, M.
Conspicuous decline of Fucus in Kiel Bay (west- fluence on currents and sand transport I Persson, yass som indikator pa stranderosion liings far led
Fukuoka acta medica, 1SSN 0016-254X Vol.
ern Baltic): what are the causes? I Vogt, H. & J.- Giiteborg: Chalmers University ofTeclmology. 1Stoekholms skiirgard = Reed as indicator of
82(1991):5. - Pp. 269-273. - (summary in English)
Schramm, W. Marine ecology. Progress series, ISSN DeparunentofHydraulics, 1991.- 8!leav.Examens- (se) shore erosion along a shipping lane in the Stock-
0171-8630 Vol. 69(1991):1-2.- Pp. 189-194 (de) arbete I Chalmers tekniska 10gskola. lnstitutionen holm archipelago/Heden, M. & Sannel, B.- Stock-
Keywords: aquatic mammals, Halichoerus grypus,
Keywords: ecosystem disturbance, biomass, popula- for vattenbyggnad; 3. -(summary in Swedish) (se) holm : Stockholms Hill. Uinsstyrelsen, 1992. - 39
human diseases, PCB, DDE, metabolites, seals,
tion suucture, eutrophication, light intensity, phy- Keywords: coastal waters, water currents, sand, sedi- methyl sui phones leaves : ill., graphs Rapport I Lansstyrelsen i Stock-
tobenthos, fishing gear, sedimentation, Fucus, Kiel ment transport, bridg~s. consuuction, The Sound holms ian, ISSN IJ00-4533 ; 9. - (summaries in
English, Swedish) (se)
Bight Protection of the marine environment of the Bal-
Mathematisch-physikalische Aspekte der Unter- Keywords: archipelagoes, navigational channels,
tic Sea : an example on multilateral co-operation
DNA-addukter i befolkningar kring Ostersjon = passenger ships, coastal erosion, aquatic plants,
suchungen des lnstituts fuer Hochseefischerei I Kohonen, J. T. Environmental management and Phragmites australis, indicator species, wave forces,
DNAadducts inpopulationsaround the Baltic Sea und Fischverarbeitung Rostock im Zusammen- appropriate use of enclosed coastal seas - EMECS Stockholm archipelago
1Hemminki, K. Ostersjon idag och imorgon: eds. W. hang mit dem KKW "Bruno Leuschner" in Greif- '90: eds. T. Goda et al. Marine pollution bulletin,
Engstrom, L. Norrgren. - Uppsala : Sveriges lant- swald = Mathematical-physical aspects of the ex- 1SSN0025-326X; 23.- Pp. 541-544.- (summary in
bruksuniversitet, 1992. SLU info rapporter, ISSN ploration by the Institut fuer Hochsee-Fischerei English) (fi) Arsrapport 1991 =Annual report 1991 -Helsinki,
1101-3761; 179.- Pp. 51-53 (se) und Fischverarbeitung Rostock in connection 1991.- 112 p. Arsrapport I Kommittenfor Bottniska
Keywords: environmental protection, pollution con-
viken, ISSN 0358-5891; 19.- ISBN 951-47-6098-0.
Keywords: public health, nucleic acids, pollution with the nuclear reactor KKW "Bruno Leuschner trol, ~ater pollution, environmental legislation, in- -(summary in English) (Incl. 83 ref.) (fl)
effects, humans " in Greifswald I Oebcrst, R. & Hantke, H. Fische- ternatiOnal cooperation, pollution convention legis-
rei-Forschung, 1SSN 0428-4984 Vol. 29(1991):2 lation, Helcom ' Keywords: water pollution, monitoring, interna-
Ecological economic principles for aquaculture (spec. iss.).- Pp. 35-42.- (Summary in German) (de) tional cooperation, bibliographic information, Gulf
of Bothnia
development I Folke, C. & Kautsky, N. Nutritional Keywords: hydrodynamics, thermal pollution, tem- Ruoppausmassoj enliij ittamisen vaikutukset ve-
strategies and aquaculture waste: eds. C. B. Cowey, perature effects, power plants, environmental im- sistiiiin ja kalatalouteen pohjoisella Airistolla :
C. Y. Cho.- Guelph: University of Guelph, 1991.- pact, Greifswalder Bodden raportti v. 1990 tehdyistii tutkimuksista = The
Pp. 207-222.- (summary in English) (se) effect of dumping of dredged material on the sea Complement to the Bibliography 1986-1990
Keywords: aquaculture economics, feed, energy Metallmobilitaet in marinen Sedimenten und Eu- area and the fisheries in the Airisto Sound in 1990
Contaminants in fish and shellfish products 1
budget, environmental impact, sustainable develop- trophierung der Kieler Buehl= Metal mobility in I Friman, H. & Makinen, A. & Wright, J. - Turku : Ackefors, H. & Hilge, V. & Linden, 0. Aquaculture
ment marine sediments and eutrophication of Kiel Turun yliopisto, 1991. - 43 p. +' app. Monistettu
Europe '89: business joins science: eds. N. DePauw,
Bight /Lapp, B.- Kiel: Christian-Albrechts-Univer- raportti I Turun yliopiston saaristomeren tutkimus-
Increasing oxygen deficiency in Kiel Bay (western sitlit, 1991. - 81 p. Berichte aus dem lnstitut fur laitos; 254.- (summary in Finnish) (fi) R. Billard. - Bredene : European Aquaculture So-
Baltic) : a paradigm of progressing coastal eutro- Meereskunde an der Christian-Albrechts-Universi- Ciety, 1990. Special publication I European Aquacul-
Keywords: dredging, fish, water quality, ecosystem
tat Kiel, ISSN 0341-8561 ; 211.- (Summary in Ger- ture Society; 12. - (summary in English) (se)
phication /Babcnerd, B. Meeresforschung I Reports disturbance, sediment movement, heavy metals, en-
Keywords: fish, shellfish, heavy metals, petroleum
on Marine Research, /SSN 0341-6836 Vol. man) (Bibliogr.: 187 ref.) (de) vironmental effects, Mytilus edulis, Macoma balthi-
33(1991):2-3.- Pp. 121-140.- (Summary in Span- Keywords: sediment analysis, organic carbon, nu- ca, Clupea harengus, Airisto, Archipelago Sea hydrocarbons, chlorine compounds, radioactive con-
Part I: 5.1 Practical aspects of fisheries 79
78 Part I: 4.7 Environmental changes, conservation, public
tamination, algal blooms, microorganisms, food con- (Summary in French) (Only available from the
author) (de) .
tamination Keywords: spawning grounds, embryomc develop-
ment, environmental impact, Clupea harengus
Der Einf1uss der Grundschleppnetzfischerei auf
Naehrsalz-Freisetzung aus dem Sediment und 5.1 Practical aspects of fisheries
Makrofauna der Kieler Bucht (west!. Ostsee) = Sedimentologische Auswirkungen. der Grund-
The impact of otter-trawl fishery on nutrien~ re- fischerei in der Kieler Bucht (westhche O~tsee). =
Sedimentological effects of trawl fishery m K1el Changes in the growth rate of southern Baltic Fiskodling i Kalmar liin : utveckling 1980 - 1990,
lease from the sediment and macrofauna ofK1eler
Bucht (western Baltic) I Krost, P., 1990. - 167 p. Bay (western Baltic)/ Werner, F. ~ Hoffmrum,
& Bernhard, M. & Mtlkert, D. & V1kgren, K. Mey-
?· herring in relation to hydrographic conditions
and stock density in 1981-1990 I Wyszynski, M. -
miljiiriktlinjer till 1999 = Fish cnltnre in the
County of Kalmar : development 1980 - 1990,
Berichte aus dem Institut jar Meereskunde an der Copenhagen: ICES, 1991.- 26 p. (de) environmental guidelines until 1999 I Bliicher, C.
Christian-Albrechts-·Universitdt Kiel; 200.- (Sum- niana, !SSN 0076-7689 Vol. 42(1990).- Pp. 123-151.
Keywords: climatic changes, fishery oceanography, - Kalmar : Kalmar !an. Uinsstyrelsen, 1992. - 12
mary in German) (Incl. bibliogr.; 182 ref.) (de) - (Summary in German) (de)
Keywords: bottom trawling, ecosystem disturbance, growth, water mixing, abundance, Clupea harengus leaves Ldnsstyrelsen i Kalmar tan informerar : med-
Keywords: bottom trawls, environmental 1mpact, delande; 1992, 7 (se)
ecosystem disturbance, zoo benthos, sediment mix- sedimentology, Kicl Bight
Doubtful improvement of the selectivity of her- Keywords: fish culture, coastal waters, water pollu-
ing, nutrient cycles, Kicl Bight ring midwater trawls by means of square mesh tion, phosphorus, pollution control, Sweden, Baltic
Smilbatshamnars pilverkan pi! bottenfauna och
flora : en bottenundersiikning av fyra smabats- codends and constructional modifications of dia- Proper
Ecological changes in a formerly meromictic coas- mond mesh codends I Dahm, E. - Copenhagen :
tal lake 1 Bonsdorff, E. & Storbcrg, K-E. Lunnologt- hanmar i Stockholms liin =The impact of pleasure
boat harbours on bottom fauna and flora :a study ICES, 1991.- 8 p. (de) Kaskisten edustan velvoitetarkkailu v. 1991 : ve-
ca, JSSN 0075-95!1 Vol. 20(1990):2.- Pp. 279-284 Keywords: mesh selectivity, mid water trawls, mor- sistiitarkkailu, kalastuskitjanpito =Mandatory moni-
(Special issue: Nordic Limnology. Bibliogr.: 30 ref.) of the bottoms at four harbours for pleasure boats
in the Stockholm County I Hcrbinger, M. & Rygnc, tality, Clupea hiirengus toring of the sea area off Kaskinen, Bothnian Sea
(de) . H. - Stockholm : Stockholms Hin. Uinsstyrelsen, !991 I Raina, P.- [s.l.]: [s.n.], 1992.- 13 p. + app. (
Keywords: coastal engineering, environmentalun- Effects of rigid grating on the selection and survi- mimeo.) (ft)
pact, meromictic lakes, biota, canals, Vastra 1990. - 56 p. : ill. Rapport I Ldnsstyrelsen 1 Stock-
val of Baltic herring - preliminary results I Keywords: pollution monitoring, waste water, indus-
Kyrksundct L, Aland /wlms ldn ; 1990:6 (SE)
Keywords: zoobcnthos, phytobenthos, cn~ironmen Suuroncn, P.- (Copenhagen]: ICES, 1991.-21 p.- trial wastes, water quality, fish, fishery statistics,
tal impact, marinas, boats, harbours, archipelagoes, ( summary in English) (fi) Kaskinen, Bothnian Sea
On herring reproduction in the northeastern Bal- Keywords: survival, trawl nets, gear selectivity, pe-
tic 1 Raid, T. - Copenhagen : ICES, 1990. - 24 p. - pollution effects lagic fisheries, Clupea harengus, Archipelago Sea Pohjanlahden siikaloukknjen lajivalikoivuuden
kehittiiminen = Reduction of salmon by catch in
Experimental fishery with salmon drift nets of whitefish trap nets in the Gulf of Bothnia I Toi-
different mesh sizes in the Baltic in the autnmn vonen, A. L. & Hudd, R. & Svanback, G. - Helsinki
1990 I Karlsson, L. & Eriksson, C. - Copenhagen : : Riista- ja kalataloudcn tutkimuslaitos, 1992.-46 p.
ICES, 1991.-21 p. (ICES-CM-1991/M:13) (de) Kalatutkimuksia I Riista- ja kalatalouden tutkimus-
Keywords: experimental fishing, gillnets, mesh se- laitos, ISSN 0787-8478; 51.- (summary in Swedish)
lectivity, Salmo salar (fi)
Keywords: fisheries, trap nets, by catch, gear selec-
Experiments with a square mesh window in the tivity, gear construction, Coregonus lavaretus, Salmo
top panel of a Nephrops trawl I Ulmestrand, M. & salar, Pori, Bothnian Sea
Larsson, P.-O.- Copenhagen: ICES, 1991.-4 p.- (
summary in English) (se) Size, age and sex composition of perch (Perea
Keywords: marine crustaceans, Nephrops norvcgi- f1uviatilis) catches in different types of trap nets I
cus, trawl nets, by catch, fishing gear, Kattegat, Bi:ihling, P. & Lehtonen, H. Finnish fisheries re-
Skagerrak search,ISSN 0301-908X Vol. 12(1991).- Pp. 35-43.
-(summary in English) (fi)
Fangtechnische Entwicklungsarbeiten znr Ein- Keywords: population structure, age composition,
fuehrnng von Technologievarianten der Snnrre- size distribution, sex ratio, sampling, catching meth-
wadenfischerei in der See- und Kuestenfischerei ods, trap nets, Perea fluviatilis, Southwest Finland
Mecklenburg-Vorpommerns = Technical devel-
opments to the introduction of technological vari- Some results on herring selectivity in diamond
ants of seining fishery in the inshore- and coast- and hexagonal mesh pelagic trawls I Suuronen, P.
fishery in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern /Richter, U. & Jarvik, A. & Millar, R. B.- [Copenhagen] :ICES,
& Lorenzen, U. Fischerei-Forschung, ISSN 0428- 1991.- 18 p.- (summary in English) (fi)
4984 Vol. 29(1991):1. - Pp. 50-73. -(Summary in Keywords: pelagic fisheries, trawl nets, mesh selec-
German) (de) tivity, fishing gear, gear selectivity, Clupea harcngus,
Keywords: gear research, sein nets, fishing nets, gear Gulf of Finland
selectivity, exploratory fishing, Mecklenburg-Vor-
pommern Square and diamond mesh trawl cod end selection
on Nephrops norvegicus (L.), with the curve-fit
method isothonic regression I Larsvik, M. & Ul-
Part 1: 5.2 Aquaculture 81
Part I: 5.1 Practical aspects of fisheries
Nutrient loading models for estimating the envi- Complement to the Bibliography 1986-1990
omrMen = Ecometric analysis- a method to establish 1991. Nord ; 10 . - Pp. 270-271. · (summary in ronmental effects of marine fish farms/Wallin, M.
load diagrams for nutrients/eutrophication in coastal English) (se) & HAkanson, L. Maline aquaculture and environ- Attempts of using the discriminant function based
areas/Hiikanson, L. & Wallin, M. Havbrugogmilji:\ Keywords: fish culture, feed, fish, proteins, muscles, ment, ISBN 951-47-5076-4: ed. T. Makinen.. Hel- on scale structure of Baltic salmon to distinquish
: havbrugs pAvirkning af det omgivende miljo, ISBN glycogen, Gadus morhua, Salmo salar sinki : Valtion painatuskeskus, 1991. Nord, JSSN between the wild and hatchery-reared smolts f
87-7303-545-9: eds. E. Hoffmann, R. Persson, E. 0903-7004, 1991,22.- Pp. 39-55 (se) Borzecka, I. & Ikoncn, E. & Torvi, I.- [Copenhagen]
Gaard, G. S . .Jonsson.- Kobenhavn : Nordisk Minis- Large-scale trial on the extensive management of Keywords: fish c~lture .. coastal morphology, dyna- :ICES, 1990. · 8 p. · (summary in English) (fi)
terrM, 1991. Nord; 10.- Pp. 102-119,273.- (sum- a hypertrophic brackish water at the southern mics, eutrophication, mtrogen, phosphorus, water Keywords: cultured organisms, fish culture, rearing,
Baltic Coast with mirror carp (Cyprinus carpio exchange, models, environmental impact, pollutant scale readmg, smalls, age, Salmo salar, wild fish
mary in English) (se) L.) I Schildhauer, B. & Heise, R. & Schildhauer, V.
Keywords: fish culture, nutrients (mineral), eutro- load
phication, models, environmental impact, coastal & Mieski, B. Fischerei-Forschung, JSSN0428-4984 Dioxins and furans in seal blubber 1Olsson, M. &
Vol. 29(1991):3. - Pp. 103-110. · ( Summary in Oulun edustan merialueen pohjaelainselvitys v. Btgnert, A. &Bergqvist, P.-A. &Bergek, S. &Rappe,
waters, pollutant load
Geiman) (de) 1991 = Benthos in the sea area off Oulu I Kaup- C. & Wit, C. de & Jansson, B.- Copenhagen: ICES,
Keywords: fish culture, brackishwatcr fish, stocking
Fiskodling : anmiilan eller tillstand? = Fish cul- Pt?en, V. • [s.l.] : [s.n.], 1991. - 21 p. + app. ( 1988. · 6leaves C.M. I International Council for the
ture : notification or licensing? - Solna : Statcns (organisms), tagging, Cyprinus carpio, Mecklen-
mimeographed report) (fi) Exploration of the Sea; 19881E37, Ref N (se)
naturvArdsvcrk, 1992. - 7 p. + appendices Natur- burg-Vorpommcm, Sealer Bodden Keywords: pollution monitoring, benthos, long-term Keywords: aquatic mammals, fats, chlorine com-
vardsverket informerar. - ISBN 91-620-9431-9 (sc) records, eutrophication, fish culture, dominant pounds, pollutants, dioxins, furans, polychlorinated
Keywords: aquaculture regulations, fish culture, li- Marine aquaculture and environment I Makinen, species, abundance, Oulu, Bothnian Bay dioxins, polychlorinated furans, seals
censing, pollution control, pollution legislation
T. -Helsinki : Valtion painatuskeskus, 1991. · 126 p.
Nord, ISSN 0903-7004; 22.- ISBN 951-47-5076-4 Oxytetracycline and oxolinic acid as antibacteri- Lokaliserings- och etableringsmetodik fiir fiskod-
Fiskodling i kassar : checklista for inspektion/be- & 01-7996-348-X & 87-7303-582-3.- (summary in als in aquaculture : analysis, harmacokinerics ling = Methodology for locating and establishing
siktning = Fish culture in cages : check list for English) (Contains articles from a Nordic co-opera- and environmental impacts/ Bjork.Jund, H.- Turku fish farms I Alanara, A. - UmcA : Sveriges lant-
inspection- Solna : Statens naturvArdsverk, 1991 . ·· tive project sponsored by the Nordic Council of :Abo Akademi, 1991.-43 p. Acta academiae aboen- bruksuniversitct. Institutionen fOr vattenbruk, 1988.
23 p. Rapport I Naturvardsverket, ISSN 0282-7298; Ministers in 1987-1990) (fi) sis. B, mathematica et physica, ISSN 0001-5105 ; · 50 leaves Kompendium I Swedish University of
Keywords: aquaculture, fish culture, environmental 51(1991), 6.- ISBN 951-9498-91-5.- (summary in Agricultural Sciences, Department of Aquaculture,
3893.- ISBN 91-620-3893-1 (se)
Keywords: fish culture, cage culture, inspection, effects, international cooperation, Nordic Council of English) (Ph. D. thesis for the Abo Akademi, Turku, JSSN Jl01-9158 ; 1 (se)
management, pollution control, aquaculture, super- Ministers Fmland) (fi) Keywords: aquaculture regulations, fish culture,
vision Key:vords: fish culture, fish diseases, population coastal waters, lakes, planning, legal aspects, site
Matti Kansten, Jorma Pernun, Kalevi selection, environmental effects
denslly, bwlogical stress, mfectious diseases, drugs,
Havbrug og miljii : havbrugs pavirkning af det Raappanen sekii Pentti Paloniemen kalankasva-
Salmo ga1rdneri
omgivende miljii ~ Marine fish farming and the tuslaitosten velvoitetarkkailu 1990 = Mandatory Netzkaefigtraeger Typ "Barth" fuer die Lachs-
environment/Hoffmann, E. & Persson, R. &Gaard, monitoring of the sea area around three fish cages Potential ways to diminish the environmental im- forellenzucht in den offenen Seegewaessern der
E. & Jonsson, G. S.- Kobenhavn: Nordisk Minister- off Oulu, Bothnian Bay, in 1990 I Hokka, M. & pact of mariculture on the Baltic Sea 1Ruohonen, DDR = The "Barth" net cage carrier system for
rM, 1991.- 291 p. Nord; 10. -ISBN 91-7996-318-8 Riiina, P.- [s.l.]: [s.n.], 1991.- 8 p. + app. (mimeo- K. & Makinen, T. Finnish fisheries research, 1SSN raising sea trout in the GDR 's open sea waters 1
& 87-7303-545-9.- (summary in English) (sc) graphed report) ( fi) 0301-908X Vol. 12(1991).- Pp. 91-100.- (summmy Posselt, U. Fischerei-Forschung, JSSN 0428-4984
Keywords: pollution monitoring, water quality, fish in English) (fi) Vol. 28(1990):2.- Pp. 58-62.- (Summary in Russian)
Keywords: aquaculture, fish culture, water pollution,
phosphmus, nitrogen, eutrophication, sediments, culture, nutrienL~ (mineral), sediment analysis, ben- Keywords: aquaculture, environmental impact, eu- (de)
coastal waters, regional planning, antibiotics, envi- thos, Oulu, Bothnian Bay troplucation, nutnenL~ (mmeral), Finland Keywords: cage culture, prototypes, mooring sys-
ronmental impact tems, fish culture, Salmonidae, Barth net cage ear-
Metal contents and spread of fish farming sludge
Use of ecometric analysis to establish load diag- ners
in southwestern Finland I Uotila, J. Marine aqua-
Introduced species · recource of threat in brack· rams for nutrients in coastal areas I HAkanson, L.
culture and environment, ISBN 951-47-5076-4: ed.
ish-water seas? : examples from the Baltic and & Wallin, M. Marine aquaculture and environment, Narsaltsbelas!ning i kustvatten : bestamning av
by T. Makinen. - Helsinki : Valtion painatuskeskus,
Black Sea I Leppakoski, E. Environmental manage- ISBN 951-47-5076-4: ed. T. Makinen .. Helsinki : kustmorfologtska nyckelparametrar = Nutrient
1991. Nord, JSSN 0903-7004 ; 22.- Pp. 121-126.- Valtion painatuskeskus, 1991. Nord, ISSN 0903- load in coastal waters : determination of key par-
ment and appropriate use of enclosed coastal seas ·
EMECS '90: eds. T. Goda et al. Marine pollution (summary in English) (fi) 7004; 1991,22. · Pp. 9-23.- ( summa1y in English) ameters in coastal morphology 1 Jonsson, B. -
Keywords: aquaculture, water pollution, environ- (se) Umeft : Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet. Institutionen
bulletin, JSSN 0025-326X ; 23. - Pp. 219-223. -
mental effects, heavy metals, sediments, sediment Keywords: fish culture, nutrients (mineral), eutro- fOr vattenbruk, 1988. - 27 leaves Kompendium 1
(summary in English) (fi)
Keywords: environmcnta.J impact, inland seas, pollution, Archipelago Sea, Northern Baltic phicatiOn, models, environmental impact, coastal Swedish University ofAgricultural Sciences, Depart-
brackishwater ecology, fouling, aquaculture, fouling waters, pollutant load ment of Aquaculture, ISSN Jl01-9158; 3 (se)
organisms, introduced species, Baltic Sea, Black Sea Nutrient discharges from aquaculture operations Keywords: coastal waters, nutrients (mineral), water
in Nordic countries into adjacent sea areas I Enell,
exchange, models, fish culture, aquaculture, coastal
Inverkan av fodrets energi- och proteinhalt pa M. & Ackefors, H.- Copenhagen: ICES, 1991.- 17
morphology, pollutant load
proteinomsattningen hos torsk (Gadus morhua)
p. C. M. I International Council for the Exploration
of the Sea; 1991, F;56.- (summary in English) (se)
och atlantlax (Salmo salar) = The effect of food
energy level and protein content on protein meta- Keywords: aquaculture, fish culture, nutrients (mine-
bolism of skeletal muscle in cod and Atlantic sal- ral), phosphorus, nitrogen, feed composition, pollu-
tant load, Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway,
mon I Decken, A. von der Havbrug og miljii : hav-
brugs p~virkning af det omgivende miljo, ISBN 87- Sweden
7303-545-9: eds. E. Hoffmann, R. Persson, E. Gaard,
G. S. Jonsson. - Kobenhavn : Nordisk MinisterrM,
\%1,'i\'ff#,~,~.· · · - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Part I: 5.3 Fishable stocks Part I: 5.3 Fishable stocks 85
Uudenmaan vesijaympiiristo r.y., ISSN 0789-9084; cry data, catch/effort, statistics, zoobenthos, Both- Ruoppausmassojen Iiijittamisen vaikutukset sila-
Kokemaenjoen ja sen edustan merialueen kalata- nian Bay, Raahe, Raahe Steel Works kan lisaantymiseen Uudenkaupungin cdustan
loudellinen tarkkailu : kirjanpitokalastus 1989- 10.- (summary in English) (fi)
Keywords: pollution monitoring, waste water, wa:er merialueella 1990 ja 1991 =The effect of dumping
90ja haukien elohopeapitoisuudet 19?1 = Mand~ quality, fish, human food, taste tests, fishery statis- Raahen edustan merialueen kalataloudellinen of dredged material on the reproduction of Baltic
tory monitoring of the catch per umts efforts m velvoitetarkkailu v. 1990 = Fish and fisheries in hearing in the sea area off Uusikaupunki I Han-
tics, fouling, Tmnmisaari, Gulf of Fmland
1989-90 and the mercury contents of pikes in 1991 the sea area off Raahe, Bothnian Bay, in 1990 I ninen, J. & Kurkilahti, M.- Turku: Turun yliopisto,
in the River Kokemaenjoki an~ in the adjacent Kauppinen, V. - [s.l.] : [s.l.], 1991. - 26 p. + app. 1991. - 34 p. + app. Moniste I Turun yliopiston
Obligationskontrollen 1990 :I. recipientkontrol!,
sea area on the west coast of Fmland I Pnromen, II. fiskeriekonomisk kontroll = Manda~ory mo~I (mimeographed report) ( fi) saaristomeren tutkimuslaitos ; 252. - (summary in
0. _ Tampere : Kokemaenjoen vesisliin vesiensuo- toring of the sea area offTornio, Both man Bay, m Keywords: pollution monitoring, waste water, indus- Finnish) (fi)
jeluyhdistys r.y., 1992,. - 25 p. + app. J~;lkazsu I 1990 1 Kauppinen, V. & Rantala, L. - [s.l.] : [s.n.], trial wastes, water quality, fishery statistics, Raahe, Keywords: dredging, fish, water quality, nursery
Kokemiienjoen veszston vesLensuo;eluyhdzstys r.y., Bothnian Bay grounds, fish eggs, mortality, environmental effects,
1991 (mimeographed report) (fi) .
ISSN 0781-8645 ; 225 (fi) . Keywords: pollution monitoring, waste water, mdus- Clupea harengus, Uusikaupunki, Bothnian Sea
Keywords: pollution monitoring, wastewater, mdus- Rearing experiments with cod : comparison bet-
trial wastes, water quality, river discharge, .benthos,
tiial wastes, fishery statistics, catch/effo'!, mercury, ween Baltic cod and Skagerrak coastal cod I Pic- Ruoppausmassojen liijittamisen vaikutuksd
fishery statistics, fish diseases, cages, Tornto, Both-
Esox lucius, Kokemaenjoki River, Bothman Sea kava, J. & Larsson, P.-O.- Copenhagen: ICES, 1992. vesistiiiin ja kalatalouteen pohjoisella Airistolla :
nian Bay
- 8 p. C.M. I International Council for the Explora- raportti v. 1990 tehdyistii tutkimuksista = The
Kuivajoen alaosan kalastnskir,ja~pit? v. l?90 = On growth of the Baltic herring in the Gulf of tion of the Sea; 19921F:12.- (summary in English) effect of dumping of dredged material on the sea
Fish statistics at the River KmvaJoki and tts es- (se) area and the fisheries in the Airisto Sound in 1990
Finland 1 Raid, T. & Lankov, A. - Copenhagen :
tuaries, Bothnian Bay, in 1990 ITaskila, E.- [s.l.]: Keywords: fish, Gadus morhua, rearing, stocks I Friman, H. & Makinen, A. & Wright, J. - Turku :
ICES, 1991.- 18 p.- (Summary in En~lish)(de)
[s.n.J, 1991. - 8 p. + app. (mimeogra~hcr report) (;I) Keywords: growth, biomass, food availability, Clu- Tumn yliopisto, 1991. - 43 p. + app. Monisteuu
Keywords: pollution momtonng, nver discharge, Report oftaggings on the salmon stock in the river raportti I Turun yliopiston saaristomeren tutkimus-
fishery statistics, waste water, stock assessment, Km- pea harengus, Finland Gulf
Tornionjoki, Finland I Ahvonen, A. & Pmuki, V. & laitos ; 254. - (summary in Finnish) (fi)
vajoki River, Bothnian Bay Oulun edustan kalataloustarkkailu v. 1990 = F.ish Janatuinen, J.- [Copenhagen): International Council Keywords: dredging, fish, water quality, ecosystem
and Fisheries in the sea area off Oulu, Bothman for the Exploration of the Sea, 1991. - 23 p. -(sum- disturbance, sediment movement, heavy metals, en-
Merialueen ammattikalastuksen ja kalan .!alos- mary in English) ( fi) vironmental effects, Mytilus edulis, Macoma balthi-
Bay, in 1990 I Kauppinen, V.- [s.l.): [s.n.], 1991.-
tuksen kapasiteetti Suomessa = The capac~ty ?f Keywords: stock assessment, stocks, population ca, Clupea harengus, Airisto, Archipelago Sea
marine professional fishing and fish processmg m 17 p. + app. (minwographed report) (fi) . . .
Keywords: pollution momtonng, waste water, mdus- stmcture, sex ratio, river water, Salmo salar, Tornion-
Finland 1Hilden, M. & Mickwitz, P. & Paanm;en, T. joki River, Botlmian Sea, tagging experiments Single species or multispecies short term TAC
trial wastes, water quality, fishery statiStiCS, Oulu,
& Partanen, H. & Setalli, J. & Siiderkultalahll, P. & advice- does it matter I Hilden, M.- [Copenhagen)
Vihervuori, A. - Helsinki : Riista- ja kalatalo~den Bothnian Bay
Report on the Acoustic Survey in ICES sub.div. :ICES, 1991.- 10 p.- (summary in English) (fi)
tutkimuslaitos, 1991.-72 p. Kalatutkimukszal Rusta- 22 and 24 in November 1990 I Neudecker, T. &
Pohjanlahden siikaloukkujen lajivalikoivuud~n Keywords: stock assessment, biomass, recruiUnent,
jakalatalouden tutkimuslaitos, ISSN 0787-8478; 29. Stahr, K-J. & Gotze, E.- Copenhagen: ICES, 1991. spawning populations, multispecies fisheries, Clu-
kehittaminen = Reduction of salmon by ~atch I!l
- (summary in Swedish) (fi) whitefish trap nets in the Gulf of Bothma I T01~ - 18 p.- (Summary in English) (de) pea harengus, Sprattus sprattus
Keywords: fisheries, fishery products, fishermen vonen, A. L. & Hudd, R. & Svanback, G. - Helsinki Keywords: echo smvcys, international cooperation,
statistics, fishing vessels statisllcs, processed fishery : Riista- ja kalatalouden tutkimuslaitos, 1992. -46 p. abundance, length-weight relationships, Clupea Swedish compensatory programme for salmon in
products Kalatutkimuksia 1 Riista- ja kalataloude.n tutkzm_us- harengus, Sprattus sprattus the Baltic : an action plan with biological and
laitos,ISSN 0787-8478; 51.- (summary m Swedtsh) economic implications I Ackefors, H. & Johansson,
Methods for sampling and observation of shallow Resurs 92: sammanstallning over fiskbestandens N. & Wahlberg, B. The ecology and management
water fish 1Aneer, G. & Blomqvist, E. M. & Hall- (fi)
Keywords: fisheries, trap nets, by catch, gear selec- tillstand i vara omgivande hav baserad pa upp- aspects of extensive mariculture : a symposium held
back, H. & Mattila, J. & Nell bring, S. & Sk6ra, K. & tivity, gear construction, Coregonus lavaretus, Salmo skattningar gjorda inom Internationella Havsfor- in Nantes, 20-23 June 1989.- Copenhagen: Interna-
Urho, L.- Lysekil: Havsfiskelaboratonet, 1992.: 33 skningsrMet (ICES)= Resource 92: fish stock con- tional Council for the Exploration of the Sea, 1991.
p. :ill. Publication I The Baltic Manne Bwlogzsts, salar, Pori, Bothnian Sea
ditions in the seas surrounding Sweden, based on ICES marine science symposia; 192.- Pp. 109-119.
ISSN 0282-8839; I3 (se) Probabilistic assessment of tac based fi.sheries assessments made by ICES I Sjostrand, B. - Lysekil -(summaries in English, French) (se)
Keywords: methodology, fish, coastal waters, samp- management of Baltic salmon stocks I Kmkka, S. : Havsfiskeloratoriet, 1991.-31 p. Informationfrlin Keywords: fishery management, Salmo salar, rea-
ling & Varis, 0.- [Copenhagen): ICES, 1991.- 19 p.- ( Havsfiskelaboratoriet, Lysekil, ISSN 1100-4517 ; 2 ring, ranching, living resources
summary in English) (fi) . (se)
Migration pattern of two salmon stocks in the Keywords: stock assessment, ~ultured organisms, Keywords: fish catch statistics, stocks, Clupea haren- Swedish compensatory programme for salmon in
Baltic Sea 1 Kallio-Nyberg, I. & Ikonen, E. ICES gus, Sprattus sprattus, Scomber scombms, Gadus the Baltic : an action plan with biological and
rearing, recruitment, mathematical models, Salmo
journal of marine science, ISSN 1054-3139 Vol. morhua, Merlangius merlangius, Mclanogrammus economic implications I Ackefors, H. & Johansson,
49(1992).-Pp.191-198.-(summaryinEnglish)~fi) salar, wild fish
aeglefinus, Pleuronectes platessa, Solea solea, N. & Wahlberg, B. The ecology and management
Keywords: fish stocks, feeding migrations, ~tockmg Raahen edustan merialueen kalataloudellinen shrimp fisheries, Nephrops norvegicus, Sweden aspects of extensive maricullure : a symposium held
(organisms), tagging, Salmo salar, Bothman Sea, velvoitetarkkailu v. 1990 = Fisheries in the sea in Nantes, 20-23 June 1989: ed. S. J. Lockwood. -
Gulf of Finland area off Raahe in 1990- [s.l.), 1991.- 26 p. ~ ap~. Review of growth rate of the Baltic flounder (Pla- Copenhagen : International Council for the Explora-
(Mimeographed report; Pohjois-Suomen vesitutki- tichthys flesus L.) derived from otolith measure- tion of the Sea, 1991. ICES marine science symposia
Mustionjoen alajuoksun, Pohjanpitaja~lahdenja mustoimisto for the City of Raahe and Raahe Steel ments I Draganik, B. & Kuczynski, J.- Copenhagen ; 192.- Pp. 109-119.- (summary in English) (se)
Tammisaaren lahivesien kalataloudellmen tark- :ICES, 1991.-22 p.- (Summary in French) (de) Keywords: fish, stocking (organisms), ranching,
kailu 1990-91 = Fish and fisheries in the Pojo Bay Works) (fi) . .
Keywords: water pollution, pollutio_n momtonng, Keywords: otolith reading, length-weight relation- Salmo salar, smolts, Baltic Sea
and in the Tammisaari archipelago 1990-9_1 . I waste water, industrial wastes, domestic wastes, fish- ships, Platichthys flesus, Gulf of Gdansk
Holmberg, R. - Lohja : Liinsi-Uudenmaan ve~I Ja
ymptiristO r.y., 1992. - 25 p. + app. Julkazsu I Uinsz-
Part I: 5.3 Fishable stocks Pan I: 5.3 Fishable stocks 89
Who took the fish? - fishing for salmon in the ICES, 1990.- 9 pp. (Only available from the author) 1988.- Pp. 82- 89.- (summary in English) (fi)
Taggings of small cod at the south coast of Sweden (de) Keywords: freshwater fish, reproduction, spawning
I Johnsson, B. & Larsson, P.-O. &Modin, J.- Copen- 1980s in Finland I Hilden, M. & SOderkultalahti, P.
& Bondestam, 0.- [Copenhagen]: ICES, 1991.- 11 Keywords: otolith reading, length-weight relation- grounds, estuaries, environmental effecL~. Gulf of
hagen : ICES, !991. - 8 p. - (summary in English) ships, temperature effects, growth, Clupea harengus Bothnia
(se) p. - (summary in English) (fi)
Keywords: tagging, migrations, fish, Gadus morhua, Keywords: fishery statistics, catch statistics, com-
mercial fishing, fishing gear, Salmo salar Cod migration in the Southern Baltic /Netzel, J.- Kalastajien havaintoja pyydyksissii tapahtuneis-
Baltic Proper Copenhagen : ICES, 1990. - 9 pp. (Only available ta kalakuolemista Selkamerellii =Observation of
from the author) (de) fishermen on fish deaths in fishing gear in the
Tornion edustan velvoitetarkkailu v. 1990: Vesis- Keywords: tagging, spawning populations, Gadus Bothnian Sea in 1980s I Lehtonen, H. & Jarvinen,
tiitarkkailu, Kalataloustarkkailu = Mandatory Complement to the Bibliography 1986-1990
morhua A. Kalatutkimuksia I Riista- ja kalatalouden tutki-
monitoring of the sea area off TorrJio, Bothnian mus/aitos, ISSN 0787-8478, 1990, 6.- Pp. 37-47 (fi)
Bay, in 1990 I Rantala, L. & Kauppinen, V. - [s.l.] : Acoustic estimates of the herring and the sprat
stocks in the Baltic proper October 1989 I Hag- Die Guester (Biicca bjoerkna L.) aus Kuestenge- Keywords: waste water, industrial wastes, environ-
[s.n.], 1991 . -55 p. + app. (mimeographed report) waessern der suedlichen Ostsee (DDR), fischerei- mental effects, fishery statistics, fish kill, fishing
strom, 0. & Palmcn, L-E. & HAkansson, N. & Kast-
(fi) liche und biologische Aspekte = The silver bream gear, long-term records, Pori, Bothnian Sea
Keywords: pollution monitoring, waste water, indus- ner, D. & Rothbart, H. & Grygiel, W. & Wyszynski,
M.- Copenhagen: ICES, 1990. - 27 p. -(Summary (Biicca bjoerkna L.) from coastal waters of the
Uial wastes, river discharge, water quality, fish, fish southern Baltic (GDR), fishery and biological as- Kalojen sumputuskokeet Porin edustalla 1985 =
eggs, mortality, benthos, fishery statistics in English) (Only available from the author) (de)
Keywords: echo surveys, target strength, interna- pects I Winkler, H. M. & Bast H.D.O.G. & Konopka, Fish cage experiments off Pori in 1985 I Jarvinen,
tional cooperation, age composition, Clupea haren- S. Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift der Universitiit Ros- A. & Lehtonen, H. & Bylund, G. Kalatutkimuksia 1
Turunja Naantalin edustan merialueen ammatti- tock, Naturwissenschaftliche Reihe, ISSN 0863-1204 Riista- ja kalatalouden tutkimuslaitos, ISSN 0787-
ja kirjanpitokalastus vuonna 1989 =Fishery gus, Sprattus sprattus
Vol. 39(1990):3.- Pp. 16-22.- (Summary in Russian) 8478, 1990, 6. - Pp. 59 - 73 (fi)
istics from the sea area offThrku and Naantah in (Bibliogr.: 26 ref.) (de) Keywords: industrial wastes, environmental effects,
1989 I Katajamaki, A. - Turku : Lounais-Suomen Allometric growth of the Baltic sprat otoliths I
Aps, R. & Ustinova, L. A. & Gentzen, B. - Copen- Keywords: length-weight relationships, fishery biol- cultured organisms, cages, cage culture, Oncorhyn-
vesicnsuojeluyhdistys r.y., 1992.-29 p. + app. Tutki- ogy, age composition, Blicca bjoerkna, Darss-Zingst
hagen: ICES, 1990.- 16 p.- (Summary in English) chus mykiss, Pori, Bothnian Sea
musselosteita I Lounais-Suomen vesiensuojeluyhdis- estuary
tys r.y. ; 75 (fi) (Only available from the author) (de)
Keywords: otolith reading, growth, Sprattus sprattus Landings per unit of effort of cod, plaice, flounder,
Keywords: fishery statistics, catch statistics, com- Fish reproduction and the impact of acidification dab, turbot and brill in the Western Baltic 1963-89
mercial fishing, long-term records, dominant in the Kyriinjoki River estuary in the Baltic Sea I as estimated from the Bagenkop Fleet I Steffensen,
species, Turku, Naantali, Bothnian Sea Allometriya rosta baltijskogo shprota = Allo-
metry of Baltic sprat growth I Aps, R. A. & Gent- Urho, L. & Hilden, M. & Hudd, R. Environmental E. & Bagge, 0.- Copenhagen: ICES, 1990.-25 p.
zen, B. & Shirokov, S. Y. & Ustinova, L. A. Fische- biology of fishes, ISSN 0378-1909 Vol. 27(1990).- - (Summary in English) (Only available from the
Uudenkaupungin merialueen kalataloudellinen Pp. 273 - 283. - (summary in English) (fi) author) (de)
velvoitetarkkailu 1991 : poikastuotantoselvi- rei-Forschung, ISSN 0428-4984 Vol. 28(1990):2. -
Pp. 28-31 ( Bibliogr.: 23 ref.) (de) Keywords: nursery grounds, recruitment, reproduc- Keywords: catch/effort, landing statistics, Gadus
tykset ja pyydysten limoittumiskokeet = Manda- tion, environmental effects, river discharge, acidifi- morhua, Plcuroneetes platcssa, Limanda limanda,
tory monitoring of the fisheries in the sea area off Keywords: growth, otolith reading, exploratory fish-
ing, clupeoid fisheries, Sprattus sprattus cation, estuaries, larvae, juveniles, Botimian Sea, Platichthys fiesus, Scophthalmus maximus, Scoph-
Uusikaupunki in 1991 : production of larvae and River Kyronjoki thalmus rom bus
fouling of fishing gear I Kurkilahti, M. & Hiinninen,
J. - Turku : Turun yliopisto, 1992. - 37 p. + app. Analytic hierarcy process as a tool for analysing
preceptions of the salmon management problem Growth of the juvenile Baltic sprat I Ustinova, L. Maturation dynamics of Baltic sprat I Shirokov, S.
Monistettu raportti I Turun yliopiston saaristomeren A.- Copenhagen: ICES, 1990.- 14p. (Only available V.- Copenhagen: ICES, 1990. -lOp.- (Summary in
tutkimuslaitos ; 256 (fi) in Finland I Hilden, M. & Kuikka, S.- [Copenhagen]
:ICES, 1990.- 9 p.- (summary in English) (fi) from the author) (de) English) (Only available from the author) (de)
Keywords: pollution monitoring, fish, fishable stock, Keywords: growth, juveniles, length-weight rela-
Keywords: stock assessment, commercial fishing, Keywords: sexual maturity, temperature data, Sprat-
indusUial wastes, fish larvae, fishing gear, fouling, tionships, Sprattus sprattus tus sprattus
Clupea harengus, Coregonus lavaretus, Uusikaupun- fishery resources, resource management, Salmo salar
ki, Bothnian Sea Impact of an oil spill on herring stock I Urho, L. Model of embryonic period of development in
Application of image analysis system in sprat oto-
lith stndies I Aps, R. & Paat, A. A. & Uder, Y-0. & Proceedings of the International Herring Sympo- Baltic Sea cod I Bulgakova, T. I. & Grauman, G. B.
Variation of growth rate, tag-recovery and tem- sium, Anchorage, AK, October 23-25, 1990.- Fair- -Copenhagen: ICES, 1990. - 21 p.- (Summary in
poral distribution of tag-recoveries in Baltic sal- Feldman, V. & Gusar, A. & Getmantsev, V. & Usti-
nova, L.A.- Copenhagen: ICES, 1990.-12 p. (Only banks, AK : University of Alaska Fairbanks, 1990. - French) (Only available from the author) (de)
mon tagging experiments I Salminen, M.- [Copen- Pp. 569 - 582. - (summary in English) (fi)
available from the author) (de) Keywords: embryonic development, survival, envi-
hagen] :ICES, 1991.- 22 p.- (summary in English) Keywords: oil spills, population characteristics, lar-
Keywords: otolith reading, stock identification, ronmental conditions, dissolved oxygen, computer
(fi) vae, pollution effects, larval development, abnor- programmes, Gadus morhua
Keywords: tagging, growth, smolts, age, size, survi- Sprattus sprattus, North Sea, MED, Black Sea
malities, Clupea harcngus, Gulf of Finland, Antonio
val, cultured organisms, rearing, Salmo salar Gram sci Morphological variation of herring in the north-
Attempts of using the discriminant function based
on scale structure of Baltic salmon to distinquish ern Baltic Sea I Parmanne, P. Proceedings of the
Vertical distribution of cod and sprat eggs and Importance of estuaries for the reproduction of International Herring Symposium, Anchorage, AK,
larvae in the Bornholm Basin (Baltic Sea) 1987- between the wild and hatchery-reared smolts I
Borzecka. I. & Ikonen, E. & Torvi, I.- [Copenhagen] freshwater fish in the Gulf of Bothnia 1Lehtonen, October 23-25, 1990.- Fairbanks, AK: University
1990 I Wieland, K. & Zuzarte, F. - Copenhagen : H. & Hudd, R. Management offreshwater fisheries of Alaska Fairbanks, 1990. - Pp. 427- 443. -(sum-
ICES, 1991.- I2 p. -(Summary in English) (de) : ICES, 1990. - 8 p. - (summary in English) (fi)
Keywords: ichthyoplankton surveys, vertical dis- Keywords: cultured organisms, fish cultu~e, rearing, :proceedings of a symposium organized by the Eu- mary in English) (fi)
scale reading, smolts, age, Salmo salar, w1ld fish ropean Inland Fisheries Advisory Commi6sion, Keywords: stock identification, meristic counL~. Clu-
tribution, Gadus morhua, Sprattus sprattus, Born- Goteborg, Sweden, 31 May - 3 June 1988. ISBN pea harengus, Nmthem Baltic, morphology
holm Basin 90-220-1014-7: eds. W L. T van Densen, B. Stein-
Changes in growth of Western Baltic herring
from 1982 to 1989 I Neudecker, T. - Copenhagen : metz, R. H. Huges. - [s.l.] : Pudoc. Wageningen,
90 Part 1: 5.3 Fishable stocks Part 1: 5.4 Aquatic products: utilization, marketing 91
and economics
New attempt to calculate consumption rates for H. Kalatutkimuksia I Riista- ja kalatalouden tutki- Tank experiments on board: A useful tool for the dioxide factory on fish stocks and fisheries off Pori
cod (Gadus morhua L.) in the Western Baltic I mrdaitos, /SSN 0787-8478, 1990, 6.- Pp. 49- 58 estimation of stomach evacuation rates? I Koster, I Lehtonen, H. Kalatutkimuksia I Riista- ja kalata-
Schulz, N.- Copenhagen: ICES, 1990.-19 p. (Only (fi) F. W. & Schober, W. & Korves, A. & Schneider, R. - louden tutkimuslaitos, ISSN 0787-8478, 1990, 6. -
Keywords: industrial wastes, envirorunental effects, Copenhagen : ICES, 1990. - 14 p. - (Summary in Pp. 1 - 10. - (summaries in Swedish, English) (fi)
available from the author) (de)
Keywords: food consumption, stomach content, fish eggs, experimental research, survival, cages, English) (Only available from the author) (de) Keywords: pollution monitoring, waste water, indus-
methodology, Gadus morhua cage culture, Coregonus lavaretus, Pori, Botlmian Keywords: stomach content, digestion, biological trial wastes, environmental effects, stock assessment,
Sea stress, Clupea harengus, Sprattus sprattus, Gadus fishery statistics, fish eggs, fish diseases, mmtality,
On herring reproduction in the northeastern Bal- morhua Pori, Bothnian Sea
tic I Raid, T. - Copenhagen : ICES, 1990. - 24 p. - Silakan troolipyynnin kehittyminen Porin edus-
(Summary in French) (Only available from the tan merialueella syksyllii 1976-85 ja silakoiden Trends in Polish sprat landings and sprat biologi- Vuorikemian tehtaiden jatevesien vaikutuksista
kasvu, kuntokerroin ja poikasten miiiirii Sel- cal characteristics in the Southern Baltic in the silakan alkionkehitykseen ja poikasten elinky-
author) (de)
Keywords: spawning grounds, embryonic develop- kamerellii = Development of the Baltic herring 1981-1986 period I Grygiel, W. - Copenhagen : kyyn = Effects of effluent from the Vuorikemia
ment, environmental impact, Clupea harengus trawl fishery off Pori in the autumns of1976-1985 ICES, 1990. - 24 p. - (Summary in English) (Only titanium dioxide factory on the embryonal devel-
and the growth, condition factor and larval abun- available from the author) (de) opment and larval fitness of Baltic herring I Ou-
On the separation of catch projections for a stock dance of Baltic herring in the Bothnian Sea I Keywords: landing statistics, catch/effort, length- lasvirta, P. & Rissanen, J. Kalatutkimuksia I Riista-
with seasonal fisheries in different areas: Herring Parmanne, R. & Salmi, J. Kalatutkimuksia I Riista- weight relationships, Sprattus sprattus, Clupea ja kalatalouden tutkimuslaitos, JSSN 0787-8478,
assessment unit division lila and Western Baltic ja kalatalouden tutkimuslaitos, ISSN 0787-8478, harengus 1990, 6.- Pp. 75- 108 (fi)
Sea I Rechlin, 0. - Copenhagen : ICES, 1990. - 6 p. 1990, 6.- Pp. 25- 35 (fi) Keywords: industrial wastes, environmental effects,
- (Summary in English) (Only available from the Keywords: trawling, growth, condition factor, lar- Vliyanie faktorov sredy na raspredelenie i rost fish eggs, nursery grounds, survival, cages, Clupea
vae, long-term changes, Clupea harengus, Pori, lichinok sel 'di v raznykh = The influence of envi- harengus, Pori, Bothnian Sea
author) (de)
Keywords: fishing mortality, fish catch statistics, Bothnian Sea ronmental faciors on the distribution and growth
yield predictions, Clupea harengus of herring larvae in the Gulf of Riga areas 1 Zur Trennung von "eigentlichem Ostseedorsch"
Silakoiden vaellukset selkiimerellii keviiiillii 1982 Trauberga, E. F. & Line, R. Y. Fischerei-Forschung, Gadus morhua callarias L. und "Beltseedorsch"
Ovarian maturation and batch fecundity in Baltic suoritettujen merkintiijen = Migration of Baltic ISSN 0428-4984 Vol. 28(1990):2. - Pp. 19-23. - ( Gadus morhua morhua L. mittels Diskriminan-
sprat from the Bornholm Basin, 1988 I Milllcr, A. herring in the Bothnian Sea revealed by tagging Summary in Russian) (Bibliogr.: 23 ref.) (de) zanalyse =On the identification of cod as "proper
& Muhsin, K. & Koster, F. - Copenhagen : ICES, experiments in spring 1982 IParmanne, R. & Salmi, Keywords: abundance, fish larvae, spawning Baltic cod" Gadus morhua callarias L. and "Belt
1990. - 7 p. - (Summary in English) (Only available J. Kalatutkimuksia I Riista- ja kalatalouden tutkimus- grounds, environmental factors, population dyna- Sea cod" Gadus morhua morhua L. by means of
from the author) (de) laitos, JSSN 0787-8478, 1990, 6. - Pp. 11 - 24. - mics, clupeoid fisheries, Clupea harcngus, Gulf of discriminant analysis I Bemer, M. & Miillcr, H.
Keywords: fecundity, length-weight relationships, (summaries in Swedish, English) (fi) Riga Fischerei-Forschung, ISSN 0428-4984 Vol. 28(1990
spawning seasons, Sprauus sprattus, Bomholm Keywords: fish, tagging, migrations, environmental ):3.- Pp. 46-49.- (Summary in Russian) (de)
effects, industrial wastes, commercial fishing, Clu- Vuorikemian tehtaiden jiitevesien kalataloudel- Keywords: animal morphology, genetic d1ift, popu-
pea harengus, Pori, Bothnian Sea lisista vaikutuksista Porin edustan merialueella = lation dynamics, stock identification, gadoid fish-
Preliminary hydroacoustic assessment of cod Effect of effluent from the Vuorikemia titanium cries, Gadus morhua
spawning stock in the Eastern Baltic in 1989 I Some aspects of straight-nosed pipefishes' (Nero-
Pliksh, M. A. & Gradalev, E. & Kholopov, N. - phis ophidion L.) biology in Gdansk Bay 1M argon-
ski, P. - Copenhagen : ICES, 1990. - 15 p. (Only
Copenhagen : ICES, 1990. - 15 p. - (Summary in
French) (Only available from the author) (de) available from the author) (de) 5.4 Aquatic products: utilization, marketing and
Keywords: echo surveys, spawning populations, Keywords: length-weight relationships, sex ratio, .
Gadus morhua fins, age composition, Nerophis ophidion, Gulf of
Report on the Acoustic Survey in ICES sub.div.
22, 23 and 24 in November 1989 I Stiihr, K-J. & Stomach evacuation rates of cod and herring es- Ecological economic principles for aquaculture Merialucen ammattikalastuksen ja kalan jalos-
Neudecker, T.- Copenhagen: ICES, 1990.-21 p.- timated from ship-board tank experiments and development I Folke, C. & Kautsky, N. Nutritional tuksen kapasiteetti Suomessa = The capacity of
( Summary in English) (Only available from the field data I Temming, A. & Koster, F. W. - Copen- strategies and aquaculture waste: eds. C. B. Cowey, marine professional fishing and fish processing in
author) (de) hagen: ICES, 1990.- 17 p.- (Summary in English) C. Y. Cho. -Guelph : University of Guelph, 1991. - Finland I Hilden, M. & Mickwitz, P. & Paananen, T.
Keywords: echo surveys, abundance, length-weight (Only available from the author) (de) Pp. 207-222. -(summary in English) (se) & Partanen, H. & SetaHi, J. & Soderkultalahti, P. &
relationships, Clupea harengus, Sprattus sprattus Keywords: stomach content, digestion, statistical Keywords: aquaculture economics, feed, energy Vihervuori, A. - Helsinki : Riista- ja kalatalouden
analysis, Gadus morhua, Clupea harengus budget, environmental impact, sustainable develop- tutkimuslaitos, 1991.-72 p. Kalatutkimuksial RiL~ta
Rost shprota vostochnoi Baltike = Sprat growth ment ja kalatalouden tutkimuslaitos, ISSN 0787-8478; 29.
in the eastern Baltic I Ustinova, L. A. Fischerei- Structural changes in the Finnish trawl fishery in - (summaiy in Swedish) (fi)
Forschung, JSSN 0428-4984 Vol. 28(1990):2. - Pp. the 1980s and the identification of fishing Marine ecosystem support to fisheries and fish Keywords: fisheries, fishery products, fishermen
24-27.- (Summary in Russian) (de) strategies I Hilden, M. & Kultalahti, P. - [Copen- trade I Hammer, M. Linking the natural cnvirorunent statistics, fishing vessels statist.ics, processed fishery
Keywords: growth, otolith reading, abundance, ex- hagen] : ICES, 1990. - 8 p. - (summary in English) and the economy : essays from the eco-eco group, products
ploratory fishing, clupeoid fisheries, stock assess- (fi) ISBN 0-7923-1227-9: eds. C. Folke, T. K~berg. -
Keywords: catch statistics, catching methods, trawl- Dordrecht : Kluwer, 1991. Ecology, economy and Rohprotein (N x 6,25)- und wirklicher Proteinge-
ment, Sprattus sprattus
ing, long-term changes, fishery statistics, Clupea environment; I. - Pp. 189-209. - (summary in Eng- halt von Seefischfilet = Raw protein (N x 6,25)-
Siian miidin sumputuskokeet Porin edustalla harengus lish) (se) and real protein content of the sea fish filet I
1985 = Cage incubation experiments with whitef- Keywords: economy, fisheries, marine resources, Ohlenschlagcr, J. Informationen fiir die Fischwirt-
ish eggs off Pori in 1985 I Jarvinen, A. & Lehtonen, trade schaft, ISSN 0020-0344 Vol. 39(1992):2.- Pp. 89-93.
-(Summary in English) (de)
Keywords: proteins, fish fillets, nitrogen, chemical Complement to the Bibliography 1986-1990
Analytic hierarcy process as a tool for analysing
Untersuchungen zur Isolierung, Charakterisie- preceptions of the salmon management problem
rung and Applikation von proteolytischen in Finland 1Hilden, M. & Kuikka, S. - [Copenhagen]
Enzymen der Fischeingeweide =Studies on isola- :ICES, 1990.- 9 p.- (summary in English) (fi)
tion, characterization and application of prote- Keywords: stock assessment, commercial fishing,
olytic enzymes from fish waste I Schober, B. & fishery resources, resource management, Salmo salar
Jansen, G. & Behnke, U. Fischerei-Forschung, ISSN
0428-4984 Vol. 29(1991):2.- Pp. 89-96.- (Summary PCBs und Organochlor-Pestizide in Muscheln,
in German) (de) Krebstieren und geraeucherten Sprotten = PCBs
Keywords: processing fishery products, fish wastes, and organochlorine pesticides in mussels, crusta-
enzymes, storage effects, temperature effects, Clu- ceans and smoked sprats I Manthey, M. FIMA
pea harengus, Gadus morhua, Rutilus ruti1us, Ab- Schriftenr. Vol. 19(1989).- Pp. 39-48 (de)
ramis brarna, Perea fluviatilis, Cyprinus carpio,
Salmo gairdneri, Hypophthalmichthys
Keywords: PCB, DDE, DDT, public health, pro-
cessed fishery products, Sprattus sprattus, Mytilus
edulis, Crangon crangon, Pandalus borealis, Nmth
Sea, Europe, Korea, Rep
Administracyjne aspekty ekologicznej ochrony 1991 (2 p.) (se)
Baltyku = Administrative aspects of ecological Keywords: information retrieval, bibliographies,
protection of the Baltic Sea I Sawicki, J< Inzynieria data collections
morska, ISSN 0138-0540 Vol. 12(1991):4.- Pp. 139
- 140.- (summary in English) (2 fig.) (p1) Proceedings of the 17th Conf<~n·nn• ol' I he Baltic
Keywords: sea water, environmental protection, Oceanographers, Norrkiiping, I 'J<IO Norrkliping
river discharge, Vistula River, Odra River :Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute,
1991.- ca. 650 p. in variuos pagings (publication data
Baltic region in history I Runblom, H. & TydCn, M. missing) ( se)
& Carlback-Isotalo, H. - Uppsala: Uppsala Univer- Keywords: hydrography, oceanography, wain pollu-
sity, 1991. - 33 p. The Baltic Sea environment ; tion, water circulation, conferences
session 4.- ISBN 91-506-0888-6 (se)
Keywords: international cooperation, human popu- Uklady dyspersyjne w morzu = Disp(;r"' s.vslem
lation in the sea :lecture book for the students 1<;,Hgul,
H. - [s.l.] : Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersylctu
Hav och kust = Sea and coast I Sjoberg, B. - Szczecinskicgo, 1991.- 248 p.- (Summary in l'ug
Stockholm : Sveriges nationalatlas fOrlag, 1992. - !ish) (62 ref., 61 fig., 16 tab!.) (pi)
128 p. : ill., graphs, maps Sveriges nationalatlas. - Keywords: sea water, physical properties, dispersion
ISBN 91-7024-890-7 & 91-87760-13-4 (se)
Keywords: coastal waters, coasts, hydrology, ocea- ()stersjiins fiiroreningshistoria- en iiversikt ='I'he
nography, biology, marine resources, hydrography, pollution history of the Baltic - an overview I
pollution, Sweden Kihlstriim, J. E. Ostersjiin idag och imorgon: eds. W.
Engstrom, L. Norrgren. - Uppsala : Svcrigcs lant-
Large-scale environmental effects and ecological bruksuniversitet, 1992. SLU info rapporter, ISSN
processes in the Baltic Sea : research programme 1101-3761; 179.- Pp. 16-18 (sc)
for the period 1990-1995 and background docu- Keywords: histmical account, marine pollution, Bal-
ments I Wulff, F. - Solna : Statens naturvArdsverk, tic Sea
1991. - 225 p. Rapport I Naturvardsverket, ISSN
0282-7298; 3849.- ISBN 91-620-3849-4 (se)
Keywords: research programmes, water pollution, Complement to the Bibliography 1986-1990
air pollution, runoff, nutrients (mineral), coastal wa-
ters, chemical pollutants, food webs, sediment-water Activities of the Commission 1986 : report of the
exchanges, dispersion, data collections, Baltic activities of the Baltic Marine Environment Pro-
Proper, Gulf of Bothnia tection Commission dnring 1986 including the
eight meeting of the Commission held in Helsinki
Marina konventioner = Marine conventions 24-27 February 1987 - Helsinki : Baltic Marine
Solna : Statens naturvArdsverk, 1992. - 8 p. Natur- Environment Protection Commission. Helsinki
vardsverket informerar.- ISBN 91-620-9428-9 (se) Commission, 1987. -48 p. Baltic Sea environment
Keywords: international agreements, international proceedings, ISSN 0357-2994 ; 23. - ( Summary in
organizations English) (fi)
Keywords: environmental protection, international
Presentation of database BALTIC I Sjoqvist, A. agreements, pollution control, conferences, radioac-
17th Conference of the Baltic Oceanographers, tive contamination, pesticides, agricultural pollution,
Norr/Wping 1990 : proceedings. - Norrkoping : urban runoff, wastewater treatment
Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute,
96 Part II: 2 Policy, legislation and sociology
Part II: 3.1 Descriptive oceanography and limnology 97
Have! bildas och lever vidare : Ostersjiins fysiska Oceanographical measurements along the Swed- programme : report from the activities in 1990 I
geografi = A sea is formed and it lives on : the ish coast in 1990 performed by the Swedish coast Statens naturvftrdsverk, 1991.- 51 p. Rapport 1 Na-
Andersson, L. & Carlberg, S. R. & Fogelqvist, E. & turvardsverket, 0282-7298; 3934. -ISBN 91-620-
physical geography of the Baltic Sea I Nornnan, J. guard 1 Juhlin, B. - Solna : Statcns naturv~rdsverk, Fonselius, S. & Fyrbcrg, L. A. & Palmen, H. &
0. bstersjcin - ett hav i feiriindring, ISBN 91-546- 1991. - 122 p. Rapport I Naturvardsverket, ISSN 3934-2. - (summaries in English, Swedish) (Also
Thelen, E.-G. & Zagradkin, D. & Yhlen, B., 1991. - published as: SMHI reports. Oceanography, ISSN
0336-6.- Stockholm: Natmvetenskapliga forsknings 0282-7298; 3935.- ISBN 91-620-3935-0 (figures, 48 p. SMHI reports. Oceanography,JSSN 0283-1112
rAdet, 1992. Naturvetensk.apliga jorskningsrlidets tables; also published as: SMHI oceanografi; 49) (se) 0283-1112; 13) (se)
; 13. -(summaries in English, Swedish) (Also pub- Keywords: environmental monitoring, pollution
!irsbok; 1992.- Pp. 21-28 (SE) Keywords: hydrography, monitoring, cruise stations, lished as: Rapport I NaturvArdsverket; 3934) (se)
Keywords: sea level changes, resuspended sedi- temperature, salinity, oxygen, phosphorus, nitrogen, monitoring, hydrography, cruise stations, chemical
Keywords: environmental monitoring, pollution oceanography, plankton, zoobenthos, petroleum hy-
menL,, geological history, geography, Baltic Sea optical properties, Gulf of Bothnia, Baltic Proper, monitoring, hydrography, cruise stations, chemical
Area Kattegat, Skagerrak drocarbons, temperature, dissolved oxygen, ni-
oceanography, plankton, zoobenthos, petroleum hy- trogen, phosphorus, silicates, humus, Gulf of Both-
drocarbons, temperature, dissolved oxygen, ni- nia, Baltic Proper, The Sound, Kattegat, Skagerrak
Intensivcivervakning av ett kustvattenomrade i Oceanografiska observationer runt svenska trogen, phosphorus, silicates, humus, Gulf of Both-
norra Bottenhavet 1990 =Intensive monitoring of knsten med kustbevakningens fartyg 1991 = nia, Baltic Proper, The Sound, Kattegat, Skagerrak
a coastal water area in the northern Bothnian Sea Oceanographical measurements along the Swe-
1990 I Wikner, J. & Andersson-Nordstrom, A. & dish west coast in 1991 performed by the Swedish Russian cartography of the Baltic Sea (18th -19th
Complement to the Bibliography 1986-1990
Homfeldt, E.-L. & Stangcnberg, C.-H. & Blomqvist, coast guard 1 Juhlin, B. - Norrktiping : Sveriges centuries) I Utin, G. N.International Hydrographic
C. & Nornnan, B. & Lundberg, E. & Hagstrom, A.·· metcorologiska och hydrologiska institut, 1992. - 42 Review, ISSN 0020-6946 Vol. 69(1992):2.- Pp. 7-11
Experimental satellite monitoring of the Baltic
Solna : Statens natmv~rdsverk, 1992. - 30 p. : tables s. :graphs SMHI oceanografi, ISSN 0283-7714; 51 Sea in the 1980's1Bychkova, A. I. & Viktorov, S. V.
(de) & Demina, M. D. & Lobanov, V. Yu. & Losinsky, V.
Rapport I Naturvlirdsverket,ISSN 0282-7298; 4113. (Also published as: Rapport I Naturvftrdsverket ; Keywords: historical account, cartography, Russia
-ISBN 91-620-4113-4 (sc) 4058) (se) N. & Smimov, V. G. & MolyaniL>ky, V. M. & Sukha-
Keywords: monitoring, hydrography, temperature, Keywords: hydrography, monitoring, cruise stations, cheva, L. L.- Copenhagen: ICES, 1990.- 19 p. (Only
Stroemungsdaten ans der westlichen Ostsee : available from the author) (de)
salinity, oxygen, phosphorus, nitrogen, chlorophylls, temperature, salinity, oxygen, phosphmus, nitrogen, Messergebnisse aus dem Zeitraum 1982 bis 1986
phytoplankton, sedimentation, primary production, optical properties, Gulf of Bothnia, Baltic Proper, Keywords: satellite sensing, temperature data, algal
sowie historische Beobachtungen vom Feuer- blooms, suspended particulate matter
coastal waters, Bothnian Sea Kattegat, Skagerrak schiff "Fehmarnbelt" = Current data from the
western Baltic Sea : results of the period 1982 to Langzeittrends und Veraenderungen ozeanolo-
Intensiviiver vakning av pelagialen vid Lands- Oceanografiska observationer runt svenska 1986 and historical observations at the lightvessel
ortsdjupet 1990 = Intensive pelagial monitoring kustcn mcd kustbevakningens fartyg 1991 = gischer Parameter waehrend der gegenwaertigen
"Felnnarnbelt" I Lange, W. & Mittelstadt, E. & Stagnationsperiode im Tiefenwasser der zen-
at the Landsort Deep 1990 I Larsson, U. & Nell- Oceanographical measurements along the Swe- Klein, H., 1991.- 129 p. Deutsche Hydrographische
bring, S. - Solna : Statcns naturvJrdsverk, 1991. -ca. dish coast in1991 performed by the Swedish coast tralen Ostsee = Long-term trends and variations
Zeitschrift Ergaenzungsheft, ISSN 0070-4172 ; 24 of oceanological parameters during the current
80 p. Rapport I Naturv!irdsverket, ISSN 0282-7298; guard I Juhlin, B. & Fogclqvis!, E. - Solna: Statens (Incl.: 63 fig.) (de)
3989.- ISBN 91-620-3989-X.- (summary in Swed- naturv~rdsverk, i 992. - 46 p. : graphs Rapport I stagnation period in the central Baltic deep water
Keywords: current measurement, surface currenL,, I Matthaus, W. Fischerei-Forschung, ISSN 0428-
ish) (se) Naturv!irdsverket, ISSN 0282-7298 ; 4058. - ISBN recording equipment, lightships, water temperature,
Keywords: hydrography, nitrogen, phosphoms, phy- 91-620-4058-8 (Also published as: SMHI oceano- 4984 Vol. 28(1990):3. - Pp. 25-34. - ( Summary in
salinity data, wind pressure, seasonal variations Russian) (Incl. bibliogr.: 61 ref.) (de)
toplankton, zooplankton, sedimentation, monitoring, graft; 51) (se) . . . .
Baltic Proper, Landsort Deep Keywords: hydrography, momtonng, crurse stations, Keywords: saline intrusion, hydrographic data, dis-
Utsjiiprogrannnet 1990 = Open sea programme solved oxygen, salinity data, temperature data, stag-
temperature, salinity, oxygen, phosphorus, mtrogen, 1990 I Andersson, L. & Carlberg, S. R. & Fogelqvist,
Model of the deep water flow into the Baltic Sea I optical properties, Gulf of Bothnia, Baltic Proper, nant water, deep water, chemical oceanography,
E. & Fonsclius, S. & Fyrberg, L. A. & Palmen, H. & long-term changes
Gidhagen, L. & HAkansson, B. Te/lus. A, ISSN 0280- Kattegat, Skagerrak Thelen, E.-G. & Zagradkin, D. & Yhlen, B.- Solna:
6495 Vol. 44(1992):5.- Pp. 414-424.- (summary in
English) (se) POLEX '91 I Seasonal Cruise. 2 May 1991 to 5
Keywords: water currents, bottom currents, mathe- June 1991. RIV A. v. Humboldt I BrUgmann, L. &
matical models, inflow, Baltic Proper, Bomholm
Micbelchen, N. & Nehring, D. - Rostock-Wame-
muende: Institute of Marine Research, 1991. - 12 p.
3.1.1 Ice
Cruise Rep. I Institute of Marine Research; 87 (de)
Oceanografiska observationer runt svenska Keywords: expeditions, hydrographic data, dynami- Jaatalven kestoaika ja kiintojiian paksuustilasto- Keywords: ice winters, ice thickness, winter naviga-
cal oceanography ja Suomen merialueilla 1961- 1990 =Duration of tion, statistics, Finland
kusten med kustbevakningens fartyg 1990 =
Oceanographical measurements along the Swe- the ice season and statistics of fast ice thickness
dish coast in 1990 performed by the Swedish coast Preliminary studies on light attenuation in water along the Finnish coast 1961-1990 I Seina, A. &
guard 1Juhlin, B. - Norrkoping : Sveriges meteoro- from the mouth of Swina I Pawlak, B. & Mika, A. Peltola, J. -Helsinki : Merentutkimuslaitos, 1991. -
46 s. Finnish Marine Research, ISSN 0357-1076 ;
Complement to the Bibliography 1986-1990
logiska och hydrologiska institut, 1991.-47 p. SMHI Studia i materialy oceanologiczne. Marine physics,
258.- ISBN 951-47-4536-1.- (Summary in English) Modelling the ice/water boundary layer IOmstedt,
oceanograft, ISSN 0283-7714; 49 (figures; also pub- ISSN 0208-421X Vol. 59(1991):6. - Pp. 197- 207.- (fi)
lished as: Rapport I Naturvftrdsverket; 3935) (se) (summary in English) (2 ref., 4 fig.) (pl) A. - Norrkoping : Sveriges meteorologiska och hy-
Keywords: hydrography, monitoring, cmise stations, Keywords: marine pollution, sea water, light attenu- Keywords: sea ice, ice winters, ice thickness, statis- drologiska institut, 1990.- 10 p. SMHI FoU-notiser
tics, Finland ; 62.- (summary in English) (se)
temperature, salinity, oxygen, phosphorus, nitrogen, ation, Pomeranian Bay, Mouth of Swina
optical properties, Gulf of Bothnia, Baltic Proper, Keywords: icc, water circulation
Jaiitalvet 1986-1990 Suomen merialueilla, = Ice
Kattegat, Skagerrak Program for miljiikvalitetsiivervakning - PMK :
utsjiiprogrammet : rapport fran verksamheten winters 1986-1990 along the Finnish coast I Seina, Observations of free ice drift and currents in the
A. & Kalliosaari, S.- Helsinki: Merentutkimuslaitos, Bay ofBothniaiLepparanta, M. Nordic Perspective
Oceanografiska observationer runt svenska under 1990 = National Swedish programme for
1991. - 68 p. Finnish Marine Research, ISSN 03.57- on Oceanography (Acta Regiae Societatis Scientia-
kusten med kustbevakningens fartyg 1990 = monitoring of environmental quality : open sea
1076; 259. - (Summary in Finnish and English) (fi) rum et Litterarum Gothoburgensis Geophysica, ISSN
Part II: 3.2 Dynamical oceanography and limnology 101
100 Part II: 3.2 Dynamical oceanography and limnology
sociation for Hydraulic Research, IAHR 1991, I.- Pp. 15-36.- (summary in English) (fi) -(summary in English) (sc)
0072-4815 ; 3 ). - Pp. 84-98 (fi) Keywords: hydrology, historical account, Baltic Sea Keywords: sea level variations, icc cover, winter,
Keywords: icc drift, currents, sea icc, icc dynamics, area Baltic Sea Area
Bothnian Bay Validation and demonstration of ERS-1 SAR in
ice sea mapping in the Baltic Sea (Pipor/Finland)
: research plan I Lcpparanta, M. & Rauste, Y. & Marine environment of the Baltic Sea: investiga- Seegangsmessungen in der Deulsdwn Hucht im
Occurrence and size of ice ridges in the Baltic Sea tion of the impacts on the marine environment Jahre 1990 = Water wave measun~mcnts in the
1 Lcpparanta, M. & Lewis, J.E. & Granberg, H.B. Hallikaincn, M. & Simila, M. & Vainio, J. - Helsmki
: Finnish Institute of Marine Research, 1990. - 28 p. caus.ed by a fixed link (KM 4.2, Model II) across German Bight in the year 1990 - llamiJurg : Bun-
JAHR 90 : proceedings of the lOth Internatwnal the Oresnnd I Dahl, S. 0. & Horstcd, J. & Bjerre, F. dcsamt Seeschiffalut Hydrographic, 1'191. - 73 p.
Symposium on Ice, August 20-23, 1990, Espoo, Fm- Internal Report I Finnish Institute of Marine Re-
search ; 6 (Mimeographed series) (fi) & Petersen, H. M.- [s.l.]: 6rcsundskonsortiet, 1992. Meereskundliche Beobachtungen und Ergebnisse I
land.- [s.l.], 1990.- Pp. 314-323.- (Summary m - 44 leaves : ill., graphs, tables (Environmental im- Bundesamt Seeschiffahrt Hydrographic, ISSN 0433-
Keywords: sea icc, remote sensing, satellite sensing,
English) (fi) . . pact assessment for the fixed link across the 6resund 7670; 71 (de)
Keywords: sea icc, icc ridges, ICC properties, lasers, research programmes, ERS- I, synthetic aperture
; sub-report nr I. Originally published in Danish: Keywords: water waves, hydrographic surveys,
laser profiling, PRAM III system, Intcmauonal As- radar, SAR, PIPOR
6sters(Jens vandmilj(J) (sc) wave measurement, Gennan Bight
Keywords: bridges, planning, construction, hydro-
graphy, water exchange, eutr9phication, marine or- Simulating the climatological flow field of the
ganisms, salinity, The Sound, Oresund, Baltic Proper northern Baltic Sea by a two-layer model I
3.2 Dynamical oceanography and limnology Model of Baltic thermocline turbulence patches,
Myrberg, K. - Copenhagen : ICES, I 991. - 12 p. ·
(Summary in English) (de)Keywords: current me-
dednced from experimental investigations I ters, climatic changes, vortices, models, wind fields,
Analys av klimatologiska och hydrografiska data Hydrografiska undersiikningar i ()resund : ma~ Prandke, H. & Stips, A. Continental shelf research, ocean circulation, Gulf of Bothnia
fiir Ystadsbukten =Analysis of climatological and ningar och modellberakningar = Hydrograpluc /SSN 0278-4343 Vol. 12(1992):5/6.- Pp. 643-659.-
hydrographical data for the Y stad Bight /Larsson, studies in the Sound : measurements and model (Summary in English) (de) SKAGEX: some preliminary results/Danielsscn,
M. & Hansson, H.- Lund: Lunds tekmska h(Jgskola, calculations -[s.l.] : Orcsundskonsortiet, 1992.- 182 Keywords: thermocline, turbulence, pycnocline, D. S. & Davidsson, L. & Edler, L. & Fogelqvist, E.
Lunds univcrsitet. Institutionen Wr teknisk vattenrc- leaves in various pagings : ill., graphs MiljDkon- mathematical models, dynamical oceanography & Fonselius, S. & Foyn, L. & Hcmroth, L. & Olsson,
sursHira, 1992. - 70 p. : graphs, tables Rapport I sekvensbeskrivning for oresund1jorbindelsen I I. & Svendsen, E. -Copenhagen : ICES, 1991. - 35
Institutionenfor teknisk vattenresursliira, Lunds Underlagsra.pport; 10: bilagedel = Environmer:tal Nitrogen and phosphorus exchange in the contact p. C. M. I International Council for the Exploration
tekniska hOgskola, Lunds universitet; 3159 (sc) impact assessment for the fixed link across the Ore- zone between sea and the atmosphere/Falkowska, of the Sea; 1991, C:2.- (summary in English) (se)
Keywords: coasts, wave effects, :vind wayc gener- sund 1 Sub-report; 10: appendices (se) L. & Bolalck, J. Oceanologia, JSSN 0078-3234, Keywords: water circulation, hydrography, ammon-
ation, mass transport, coastal erosron, Ball!c Proper Keywords: bridges, planning, consuuction, hydro- I 991, 30. - Pp. 47 - 56. - (summary in English) (22 ia, nitrites, nitrification, chlorophylls, secondary pro-
graphy, ?,later cun·ent8, water motion, sediments, The ref., 3 tab!.) (pi) duction, Kattegat, SkagerTak
Analyse der Wasserstandsentwicklung un.d Tide- Sound, Oresund Keywords: marine pollution, aerosols, chemical ele-
dynamik in der Deutschen Bucht =Analysis of sea ments, surface films, nitrogen, phosphorus, Gdansk Stroemnngsdaten aus der westlichen Ostsee :
level development and tidal dynamics in the Ger- Hydrografiska undersokningar i ~resund .: tu~ Deep, Pnck Bay Messergebnisse a us dem Zeitraum 1982 bis 1986
man Bight /Jensen, J. & Mligge, H.-E. & SchOnfeld, biditetsmiitningar = Hydrograplucal studJCs m sowie historische Beobachtungen vom Feuer-
W. Kueste,ISSN0452-7739, 1992,53.- Pp. 211-275. the Sonnd : turbidity measurements,! PeJrup, M. Proceedings of the 17th Conference of the Baltic schiff "Felunarnbelt" = Current data from the
-(Summary in Gcnnand and English) (de) . . & Jensen, A. & Westling, G. - [s.l.] : Orcsundskon- Oceanographers, Norrkiiping, 1990 - Norrkoping western Baltic Sea : results of the period 1982 to
Keywords: sea level changes, sea level vanatwns, sortiet, 1992. - 29 leaves : ill., graphs Miljokon- :Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute, 1986 and historical observations at the lightvessel
tidal dynamics, tidal analysis, German Bight sekvensbeskrivning for oresundlfDrbindelsen I 1991.- ca. 650 p. in variuos pagings (publication data "Fehmarnbelt" I Lange, W. & Mittelstadt, E. &
Underlagsrapport ; 10 : supplement 1 = Environ- missing) ( se) Klein, H., 1991.- 129 p. Deutsche Hydrographische
Dynamics of the western Baltic I Fennel, W. & mental impact assessmentfor the fixed link across the Keywords: hydrography, oceanography, water pollu- Zeitschrift Ergaenzungsheft, JSSN 0070-4172 ; 24
Stunn, M. Journal of marine systems, JSSN 0924- 6resundl Sub-report; 10: supplement 1.- (summary tion, water circulation, conferences (Incl.: 63 fig.) (de)
7963 Vol. 3(1992): 1-2. - Pp. 183-205. -(summary in in English) (se) . Keywords: cunent measurement, surface cmTcnts,
English) (de) Keywords: bridges, planning, h~drography•. sedi- Rossby radii and phase speeds in the Baltic Sea I recording equipment, lightships, water temperature,
Keywords: ocean currents, wind-driven circulation, ments, turbidity, r~.suspended sediments, crurse re- Fennel, W. & Seifert, T. & Kayser, B. Continental salinity data, wind pressure, seasonal variations
upwelling, barotropic instability, baroclinic motion ports, The Sound, Orcsund shelf research, JSSN 0278-4343 Vol. 11(1991) :1.-
Pp. 23- 36. -(summary in English) (de) Temperaturgradientspektren-lokaler Turbnlenz-
Hydrografiska undersiikningar i Oresund : mii~ Influence of sublittoral microphytobenthos on the Keywords: phase velocity, seasonal variations, ross- strukturen in Sprungschichten der Ostsee = Tem-
ningar och modellberakningar = Hydrographic oxygen and nutrient flnx between sediment and by parameter, Baltic Sea Area perature gradient spectra in isolated turbulence
studies in the Sound : measurements and model water :a laboratory continuous-flow study I Sund- patches in Baltic pycnoclines I Stips, A. & Prandke,
calculations- [s.l.] : 6resundskonsortiet, I 992. - I 65 back, K. & Enoksson, V. & Graneli, W. & Pettersson, Sea level conditions associated with major Baltic H. Beitriige zur Meereskunde, JSSN 0067-5148,
leaves :ill., graphs, tables Miljokonsekvensbeskriv- K. Marine ecology.. Progress series, JSSN 0171- inflows I Franck, H. & Matthaus, W. Beitrage zur 1992, 63.- Pp. 105-115.- (Summary in German and
ning for oresundsforbindelsen I Underlagsrapport ; 8630 Vol. 74(1991):2/3.- Pp. 263-279.- (summary Meereskunde, JSSN 0067-5148, 1992, 63.- Pp. 65- English) (de)
10 =Environmental impact assessment for the fixed in English) (se) . 90.- (Summary in English) (de) ' Keywords: pycnocline, density gradients, tempera-
link across the Oresund I Sub-report; 10.- (summary Keywords: sediment-water exchanges, algae, m- Keywords: inflow, salinity, sea level changes, sea ture profiles, mixed layer depth, thermocline, spectra
in English) (se) trogen, phosphorus, silicates, phytobenthos, oxygen, level variations
Keywords: bridges, planning, construction, hydro- Kattegat, Laholm Bay Uklady dyspersyjne w morzu = Disperse system
graphy, water currents, water motion, sediments, en- Sea level variations during ice-covered periods in in the sea : lecture book for the students I Gurgul,
vironmental impact, The Sound, Oresund Long hydrological series in the Baltic Sea area I the Baltic Sea I Omstedt, A. & Nyberg, L. Geophy- H. - [s.l.] : Wydawnictwo Naukowc Uniwcrsytetu
Lemmela, R. Vannet i Norden, JSSN 0348-5684, sica, JSSN 0367-4231 Vol. 27(1991): 1-2.- Pp. 41-61. Szczecinskiego, 1991.- 248 p.- (Summary in Eng-
...,.?fi?-·- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Part II: 3.3 Chemistry and geochemistry Part II: 3.3 Chemistry and geochemistry 105
Computations of oxygen fluxes through the sea Distribution of different forms of phosphorus in river water, marshes, organic matter, chemical equili-
Masuda and H. Shimizu I Elderfield, H. Earth atui some surficial sediments of the Baltic Sea I Car-
surface and the net production of organic matter brium, brackish water, models, Gulf of Bothnia
planetary science letters, ISSN OOJ2-821X Vol.
111(1992):2-4.- Pp. 557-561 . -(summary m Eng- with application to the Baltic and adjacent seas I man, R. & Jonsson, P. Chemical geology, ISSN 0168-
Stigebrandt, A. Limnology and oceanography, ISSN 9622 Vol. 90(1991). - Pp. 91-I06. - (summary in Geochemistry of coastal Baltic sediments : pro-
lish) (de) . . 0024-3590 Vol. 36 (1991):3. - Pp. 444-454.- (sum- English) (se) cesses and sampling procedures I Blomqvist, S. -
Keywords: cerium isotopes, neodymmm 1sotopes, Keywords: phosphoms, sediments, Baltic Proper
mary in English) (se) Stockholm : Stockholm University, 1992. - 41 p.
strontium isotopes, ferromanganese nodules, sea
Keywords: air-water exchanges, dissolved oxygen, Meddelanden fran Stockholms universitets institu-
water, rare emths, geochemical cycle, Pacific, Atlan- Distribution of plutonium in selected components
gas exchange, biological production, organic matter, tion for geologi och geokemi,JSSN 0101-1599; 285.
tic, Baltic Sea Area, Barents Sea Baltic Proper, Gulf of Bothnia, Kattegat, Skagerrak of the Baltic ecosystem within the Polish Econ- - ISBN 91-7146-812-9. - (summary in English)
omic Zone I Skwarzec, B. & Bojanowski, R. Journal (Thesis (doctoral). Summary bound together with 11
Characteristic of environment degradation pro- of environmental radioactivity, ISSN 0265-931X Vol.
Concentration and discrimination factors for Cd, papers) (se)
cesses in the Puck Bay and main directions of 15(1992).- Pp. 249-263 . - (Summa1y in English) (18
Pb Zn and Cu in benthos of Puck Bay, Baltic Sea Keywords: sampling, sediments, heavy metals, se-
ecological investigations aiming at recultivati~~ of
the Bay I Dubrawski, R. Bulletin of the Manttme 1S~efer, P. & Szefer, K. Science of the total environ- ref., 1 fig., 6 tab!.) (pi) dimentation, resuspension, Baltic Proper
ment, ISSN 0048-9697, 1991, 105.- Pp. 127-133.- Keywords: marine pollution, sea water, sediments,
Institute in Gdansk Vol. 19(1992):2.- Pp. 85-109.- chemical elements, plutonium, accidents, nuclear
(Summary in English) (29 ref., 4 tab!.) (pl) . Heavy metal decrease in the sediments of a Baltic
(Summary in English) (29 ref., 1 tab!.) (pl)
Keywords: maline pollution, heavy metals, sedi- power plant~. Chemobyl bay following tertiary sewage treatment I Blom-
Keywords: marine pollution, eutrophication, anthro-
ments, benthos, molluscs, Puck Bay, Mytilus edulis qvist, S. & Larsson, U. & Borg, H. Marine pollution
pogenic factors, Puck Bay Effect of the type of spilled oil on light attenuation bulletin, ISSN 0025-326XVo\. 24(1992):5.- Pp. 258-
Contamination of the southern Baltic surface by artificial oceanic water I Pawlak, B. Studia i 266 (se)
Chemistry of suspended particles in the southern materialy ocea_nologiczn.e. Marine physics, ISSN
Baltic Sea 1 Ingri, J. & U:ifvcndahl, R. & Bostrom, sediments with heavy metals I Walkusz, J. & Keywords: sediments, heavy metals, copper, iron,
Roman, S. & Pempkowiak, J. Biuletyn Morskiego 0208-421X Vol. 59(1991):6.- Pp. 209-222.- (sum- zinc, sewage treatment, coastal waters, wastewater
K. Marine chemistry, ISSN 0304-4203 Vol. 32 mary in English) (4 ref., 9 fig., 3 tab\.) (pl)
Instytutu Rybackiego, ISSN 0209-0708 Vol. treatment, Baltic Proper, Himmerfjarden
(1991):1.- Pp. 73-87.- (summary in English) (se) Keywords: sea water, marine pollution, light attenu-
Keywords: suspended pmticulate matter,_ dissolved 125(1992): 1.- Pp. 33-37.- (Summary in English) (12
ref., 3 fig., 2 tab\.) (pi) .. ation, oil pollution, experimental research Heavy metals in some Estonian lake sediments 1
inorganic matter, sea water, metals, alummmm, ba-
Keywords: marine pollution, heavy metals, radiOISO- Lepane, V. & Ott, R. & Varvas, M. Environmental
rium, iron, manganese, silicates, titm1ium, phospho-
topes, sediments, bottom, Gdansk Deep, Arkona Electrochemical oxidation of sulphides in tannery Contamination :5th International Conference, Mor-
IUS, Aland Sea, Baltic Proper, Belt Sea, Kattegat
Deep waste water IPetrovskaja, T. & Rajalo, G. Proceed- ges, Switzerland, Sept. 1992.- Pp. 084-086.- (Sum-
ings of the Academy ofSciences of the Estonian SSR. mary in English) (ee)
Chlorinated triacylglycerols in fish lipids? : chro- Chemistry Vol. 41(1992):4.- Pp. 194-199. -(Sum-
Current trends in hydrographic and chemical Keywords: heavy metals, scdimental pollution, spec-
matographic and mass spectrometric studies of
parameters and eutrophication in the Baltic Sea I mary in English) (ee) troscopic techniques, lake sediments, atomic absorp-
model compounds I Sundin, P. & Larsson, P. & Keywords: sulphides, wastewater treatment, tannery
Nehring, D. & MattMus. W. Internationale Revue tion spectrometry, Estonia
Wescn, C. & Odham, G. Biological mass spectro-
der gesamten Hydrobiologie, ISSN 0020-9309 Vol. wastes, wastewater purification, electrochemical ox-
metry, ISSN 1052-9306, 1992, 21.- Pp. 633-641.-
76(1991):3.- Pp. 297-316 ( Bibliogr.: 41 ref.) (de) idation, Estonia Hydrocarbons in the water of Bay of Gdansk 1
(summary in English) (se) Dubrawski, R. Bulletin of the Maritime Institute in
Keywords: fish, fatty acids, chlorine compounds, Keywords: eutrophication, phosphates, nitrates,
long-tenn changes, anoxic conditions, hydrography Emissions of marine biogenic sulphur to the at- Gdansk Vol. 19(1 992): 1. - Pp. 105-124.- (Summary
methodology, analytical techniques mosphere of northern Enrope I Leek, C. & Rodhe, in English) (9 ref., 2 fig., 7 tab\.) (pl)
Denitrifikation in der Wassersaeuleder zentralen H. Journal of atmospheric chemistry, 1SSN 0167- Keywords: marine pollution, sea water, hydrocar-
Comparison of carbon addition through. the. halo- 7764 Vol. 12(1991):1.- Pp. 63- 86.- (summary in
Ostsee : Regulationsfaktoren und mikrobiolo- bons, anthropogenic factors, Gulf of Gdansk, Puck
cline and deep-water oxygen consumpllonm the English) (se)
gische Aspekte =Denitrification in the water col- Bay
Kattegat 1 Graneli, W. Proceedings of the sympo- Keywords: sulphur compounds, air-water ex-
sium Sediment traps in manne research and momtor- umn of the central Baltic : regulatory factors and
ing, Kristineberg Marine Biological Station, Fiske- microbiological aspects I Brettar, I. - Kiel : Chris- changes, atmospheric chemistry, Gulf of Bothnia, Hydrographical and hydrochemical measure-
tian-Albrechts-Universitiit, 1991. - 146 p. Berichte Kattegat, Skagerrak, North Sea, dimethyl sulphide, ments and phytoplankton connts in the estuary of
backskil, Sweden, 21-25 November 1990, ISBN
aus dem Institut fur M eereskunde an der Christian- methyl mercaptan, carbon disulphide, dimethyl dis- River Gota iilv, Sweden, 1988-19901 Selmer, J.-S.
952-90-2844-X: eds. P. Wassmal11l,A.-S. Heiskanen,
Albrechts-Univ. Kiel, ISSN 0341-8561 ; 208.- (Sum- ulphide & Rydberg, L. - G6teborg : Goteborgs universitet.
0. Lindahl.- Hanko : Tvannil11le Zoological Station,
mary in Gennan) (Diss. (Dr. rer. nat.). 130 ref.) (de) Oceanografiska institutionen, 1992.- 18leaves Roda
1991. Sediment trap studies in the Nordic countries;
Keywords: denitrification, mixed layer, ~mcroor~an Environmental implications of metal distribution serien I Goteborgs universitet. Oceanografiska in-
2.- Pp. 216-221 (se) isms, Shewanella putrefaciens, Thwbae11lus demtn- in Baltic Sea sediments I Hallberg, R. 0. Ambia, stitutionen, ISSN 0280-6932; 16 (sc)
Keywords: oxygen consumption, sediments, particu-
ficans ISSN 0044-7447 Vol. 20(1991):7.- Pp. 309-316.- Keywords: hydrography, nutrients (mineral), ni-
late organic carbon, Kattegat (summary in English) (se) trogen, phosphoms, rivers, phytoplankton, sea water,
Desorption of cesium -137 and 134 from different Keywords: sediments, metals, heavy metals, long- river water, water pollution, archipelagoes, Kattegat,
Complexing properties of humic substances to-
sediments of the southern Baltic I Knapinska- tenn changes, Baltic Sea Area GOta River
wards cadmium and their influence on accumula-
Skiba, D. & Bojanowski, R. Biuletyn Morskiego
tion of cadmium by Mytilus edulis I Kozuch, J. &
Instytutu Rybackiego, ISSN 0209-0708, 1992, 1 Equilibrium speciation models fdr Hg, Cd, and Pb Influence of carbon availability on denitrification
Pempkowiak, J. & GrLybowski, W. Biuletyn Mar-
(125).- Pp. 11-14.- (Summary in English)(9 ref., 4 in the Gulf of Bothnia and its catchment area 1 in the central Baltic Sea IBrettar, I. & Rheinhcimer,
skiego Instytutu Rybackiego, ISSN 0209-0708, 1992, Gunneriusson, L. & Sjoberg, S. Nordic hydrology,
1 (125).- Pp. 15-18.- (Summary in English) (8 ref., tab\.) (pl) G. Limnology and oceanography, ISSN 0024-3590
Keywords: marine pollution, radioisotopes, . sedi- ISSN 0029-1277 Vol. 22(1991): 1.- Pp. 67-80. -'(sum- Vol. 37(1992):6. - Pp. 1146-1163.- (Summary in
1 fig., 1 tab!.) (pl) . . ments, desorption, experimental research, sed1ment mary in English) (se) English) (de)
Keywords: marine polluuon, sea water, sed1ment~.
pollution, bottom, Southern Baltic Keywords: heavy metals, lead, cadmium, mercury, Keywords: denitrification, nitrogen cycle, physico-
heavy metals, cadmium, controlled condltlons, My-
til us edulis
. ?W!ji!!,--------.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ------------------
106 Part II: 3.3 Chemistry and geochemistry Part !I: 3.3 Chemistry and geochemistry 107
chemical properties, carbon/nitrogen ratio, mixed Keywords: cruise reporL~. long-term records, alka- lations ?f effects on oxygen conditions in the ~eywords: sediments, fish, algae, chlorinated hydro-
layer, nutrients (mineral), GoUand Deep linity, calcium, sea water, literature data, Baltic Sea Sou.nd: mvestigation of the impacts on the marine carbons, water polluuon, aromatic hydrocarbons,
Area ~nv1ronment caused by a fixed link across the benzo(a)pyrcne, PAH, organochlorine pesticides
Influence of complexing properties of dissolved Qresund I Malmgren-Hanscn, A. & Larsen H · Estoma '
marine humic substances on accumulation of cad- Investigations on the transfer of chemical sub- Orcsundskonsortict, 1992.- iii, 83 leaves in v~rio~~
mium by Baltic mussle Mytilus edulis I Kozuch, J. stances at the water-sediment interface in the pag1~gs :graphs, tables Miljokonsekvensbeskrivning Ochrona I.norza przed. zanieczyzsczeniami powo-
& Grzybowski, W. & Pempkowiak, J. Pollutants in Puck Bay I Bolalek, J. & Falkowska, L. & Jankow- f~r oresundsforbindelsen I Underlagsrapport; 8 = dowanymi przez stalk! = Protection of sea against
Environment, 1, 1991.- Olsztyn: Katedra Chemii ska, H. & Vershinin, A. Oceanologia, ISSN 0078- Envzronmel).taltmpact assessment for the fixed link pollution of ships I Kubacka, M. Budownictwo
Akademii Rolniczo-Technicznej, 1991.- Pp. 75-76. 3234, 1991, 30. - Pp. 105 - 123. - (summary in across the Oresund I Sub-report; 8 (se) okretowe i Gospodarka Morska, ISSN 0007-3008
- (Summary in English) (6 ref., 2 fig.) (pi) English) (19 ref., 9 fig., 1 tab!.) (pi) Keywords: bridges, plarming, construction, oxygen, Vol. 36(1991): 10. - Pp. 29- 30. -(summary in Eng-
Keywords: ma1inc pollution, sea water, nitrogen, cutrophi~ation, environmental impact, dredging, The lish) (I fig.) (pl)
Keywords: marine pollution, sea water, heavy me-
phosphorus, silicates, sediments, bottom water, Puck Sound, Oresund Keywo:ds: wat~r pollution, environmental protec-
tals, cadmium, organic compounds, Mytilus edulis
Bay tion, 01! pollution, man-induced effects Gulf of
Influence of crude oil spills on the sea surface on ~on~toring of radionuclides in the environs oft he Gdansk '
ultrasound scattering I Pogorzelski, S. Oceanolo- Large-scale changes of contaminants in Baltic Sea Fmmsh nuclear power stations in 19881 Klemola
gia, JSSN 0078-3234, 1991, 31.- Pp. 107- 118.- sediments during the twentieth century I Jonsson, S. & Il~s, E. & Sjoblom, K.-L. & Arvela, H. &. On the carbonate systems in the Baltic and Wed-
(summary in English) (23 ref., 3 fig., 2 tab!.) (p1) P. - Uppsala : Uppsala univcrsitct, 1992. - 52 p. Blomqvist, L. - Helsinki : Finnish Centre for Rac!ia- dell Seas : inventories and influences by man 1
Keywords: marine pollution, oil pollution, sound (summary), !50 p. (appendices) : graphs, tables tion and Nuclear Safety, 1991. - 70 p.- ISBN 951- Ohlson, M. - G(lteborg : University of Giitcborg ·
scattering, remote control, statistical distribution Comprehensive summaries of Uppsala dissertations 47-4677-5. - (summary in English) (Supplement to Chalmers University of Technology, 1991.- 32 p.:
from the Faculty of Science, ISSN 0282-7468; 407. ·annual reportSTUK-A89) (fi) ISBN 91-7032-616-9. - (summary in English)
Intensivovervakning av kustvatten i Askii-Lands- - ISBN 91-554-2997-1. - (summary in English) Keywords: environmental monitoring, radioactive (Thesis (doctoral); summary, bound together with 6
ortsonm!det 1990 =Intensive monitoring of coas- (Thesis (Doctoral). Summary bound together with 10 wastes, fallout, mdicator species, sediments, nuclear papers) (se)
tal waters in the Asko-Landsort area 1990 I Lars- papers) (sc) power plants, annual reports, Chcmobyl K~ywords: .?arbonatcs, carbon dioxide, alkalinity,
son, U. & Sjiistcn, A. - Solna : Statcns natUivftrds- Keywords: sediments, heavy metals, nitrogen, phos- aCid ram, b1 ackish water, sea water, river discharge,
verk, 1991.- 38 p. Rapport I Naturvilrd>verket, ISSN phorus, organic matter, pulp wastes, chlorine com- Nitrogen and phosphorus exchange in the contact chemical properties, Baltic Sea
0282-7298; 3960.- ISBN 91-620-3960-1 (se) pounds, sediment pollution, Gulf of Bothnia, Baltic zone between sea and the atmosphere 1Falkowska,
Keywords: monitoring, hydrography, temperature, Proper, Kattegat, Skagerrak L. & Bolalck, J. Oceanologia, ISSN 0078-3234, Origin, sources and concentrations of selected
oxygen, salinity, nitrogen, phosphorus, silicates, 1991, 30.- Pp. 47-56.- (summary in English) (22 hea~y metals in the southern Baltic biota 1Pcmp-
phytoplankton, chlorophylls, primary production, Long-term trends and variations in hydrographic ref., 3 tab!.) (pi) kow~ak, J. & Szefer, P. BtUletyn Morskiego Instytutu
sediment-water exchanges, Baltic Proper parameters during the present stagnation period Keywords: marine pollution, aerosols, chemical ele- Rybackiego, ISSN 0209-0708, 1992, 1 (125). - Pp.
in the deep water of the Central Baltic I Matthaus, ments, surface films, nitrogen, phosphorus, Gdansk 29-32.- (Summary in En~Iish) (9 ref., 4 tab!.) (pl)
Jntensivovervakning av pelagialen i sydiistra Kat- W. Hydrobiological Variability in the ICES Area, Deep, Puck Bay Keywords: mannc pollution, anthropogenic factors
tegatt 1989-90 =Intensive pelagial monitoring in 1980-1989: eds. R.R. Dickson, P. Malkki, G. Radach, heavy metals, marine organisms, fish, Macoma bal~
the southeasten Kattegat 1989-90 /Edler, L.- Solna R. Saetrc, M.P. Sisscnwinc. - Copenhagen : ICES, Non-parametric trend test of Baltic Sea data 1 lhica, Mylllus edulis, Cardium glaucum, Gadus mor-
: Statens naturvftrdsverk, 1991. - 60 p. Rapport I 1992. ICES marine science symposia, !SSN 0906- Sanden, P. & Rahm, L. & Wulff, F. Environmetrics hua, Clupea harengus, Pleuronectidac molluscs
Naturvilrdsverket, JSSN 0282-7298 ; 3972. - ISBN 060X ; 195. - Pp. 486. - (Summary in English) ISSN 1180-4009 Vol. 2(1991):3. - Pp. 263-278 ~ Southern Baltic ' '
(Abstract only) (de) (summary in English) (se) ·
91-620-3972-5.- (summary in Swedish) (Erroneous
ISBN in publication: 91-620-3972-2) (se) Keywords: deep water, hydrography, salinity data, Keywords: silicates, long-tem1 changes, water Oxygen-~8 va~iations in the Baltic Sea 1 Punning,
Keywords: hydrography, monitming, salinity, tem- dissolved oxygen, temperature data, hydrogen sul- chemical composition, Baltic Sea Area ' l M. & Va1kmac, R. & Mackivi, S. Nuclear geophy-
perature, optical properties, oxygen, phosphorus, ni- phide, stagnant water szcs, ISSN 0969-8086 Vol. 5(1991):4.- Pp. 529-539.
trogen, silicates, phytoplankton, primary production, 0 .vlija,nii nekotoroh ingibitorov fermentov na -(Summary 111 English) (cc)
chlorophylls, Kattcgat M.etaller i djurplankton och arsenik i havsvatten okisleme ~_antserogennoh poliarenov v prisuzstvii Keywords: oxygen isotopes, hydrology, meteoro-
i Ostersjooradet 1975-1987 =Metals in zooplank- vodorosleu = About the action of same inhibitors logy, water masses, Baltic Sea Area, Estonia
Interphase and trophic relationships of metals in ton and arsenic in sea water, in the Baltic Sea area of enzymes on the oxidation of carcinogenic
a southern Baltic ecosystem I Szefcr, P. Science of 1975-1987 /Lithner, G. & Holm, K. &Larsson,M-B. polyarenes in the presence of algae 1 Irha, N. PAH in the water medium of the Estonian SSR
the total environment, ISSN 0048-9697, 1991, 101. & Holmgren, K. - Solna : Statens naturvArdsverk, Izvestua Akademii Nauk Estonii Himija Vol. and their monitoring /Veldrc, A. & Itra, A. Polynu-
- Pp. 201-215.- (Summary in English) (p. 213-215 1991.-32 p. Rapport I Naturvilrdsverket, JSSN0282- 40(199!):3. - Pp. 177-178.- (Summary in English) clear Aromatic Hydrocarbons : Measurements
ref., tab!. 4) (pi) 7298; 3895.- ISBN 91-620-3895-8.- (summaries in (ec) Means and Metabolism: 11th International Sympo~
Keywords: marine pollution, trace metals, sedi- English, Swedish) ( se) Keywords: algae, d~gradation, aromatic hydrocar- stum, Gazthersburg,MD, Oct. 23-25, 1987.- Colum-
ments, bottom, Southern Baltic Keywords: arsenic, heavy metals, mercury, cad- bons, selective mhibitiOn, PAH, Estonia bus, OH: Battelle Press, 1991.- Pp. 939-948 -
mium, lead, zinc, copper, nickel, cromium, iron, (Summary in English) (ce) ·
Investigations of alkalinity and calcium in the plankton, zooplankton, sea water, temporal vari- (~bstsi~ zakonomernosti nakoplenia PAU i HOP v ~cywords: sediments, algae, fish, chlorinated hydro-
Baltic Sea I Ohlson, M. - Giiteborg : Chalmers ations, long-term changes, pollutants, Gulf of Both- gidrobwntah Baltiiskogo morja = Accumulation cart;ons, sediment pollutiOn, water pollution, aro-
University of Technology and University of Giitc- nia, Baltic Proper, The Sound, Kattegat of PAH _and organochlorine pesticides in biota of matic hydrocarbons, PAH, benzo(a)pyrene, Estonia
borg. Department of Analytical and Marine Chem- the Baltic Sea /Veldrc, I. Vtaraja vsesojuznaja konf.
istry, I 991. - 27 leaves Report on the chemistry of M9dellberiikning av effekten pa syreforhallanden po robohoz;mstv. toksikol. posvjachch. 10()- letiju P?l!lts.uklil.i~te areenide dunaamikast Eesti polev-
seawater I Chalmers University of Technology and i Oresund : teknisk bakgrundsrapport nr. 05 : probleme katsestva vodo v Rossii Sankt-Peterburg kiviraJOOill JOgedes = Polycyclic arenes in the ri-
University of Goteborg. Department of Analytical undersokning av konsekvenser for havsmiljon av Nov. 1991, T~ziso dokl. Vol. 1.- Pp. 82-83.- (Sum~ vers of the oil shale region of Estonia 1Veldre, r. &
en fast fOrbindelse over Oresund = Model calcu- mary 111 English) (ce) Sergejev, B. & Trapido, M. Problems ofContempor-
and Marine Chemistry; 38 (se)
108 Part II: 3.3 Chemistry and geochemistry Part II: 3.3 Chemistry and geochemistry 109
ary Ecology: the 5th Estonia Ecological Conference, Pempkowiak, J. Pollutants in Environment, 1,1991. ISSN 0349-2176; 74.- ISBN91-7158-521-4.- (sum- fate and effecL~ of bleached pulp mill ci'Jlucnts :
Tartu, Apri/24-26, 1991.- Pp. 187-188.- (Summary - Olsztyn: Katedra Chemii Akademii Rolnicz-Tech- mary in English) (se) proceedings of a SEPA Conference hcltl at Grand
in English) (ee) nicznej, 1991.- Pp. 69-72.- (Summary m English) Keywords: sediments, pollutants, coastal waters, Hotel Saltsjiibaden, Stockholm, Sweden 19-21 No-
Keywords: rivers, sediments, chlorinated h~drocar (12 ref., 3 f1g., 2 tab!.) (p1) heavy metals, petroleum hydrocarbons, phosphorus, vember 1991: ed. A. SOdergren. - Solna : Statcns
bons, sediment pollution, river water, pollutiOn data, Keywords: marine pollution, heavy metals, sediment chlorine compounds, Skagerrak, Kattegat naturv~rdsverk, 1992. Rapport I Naturvdrdsw:rkct,
benzo(a)pyrcnc, polycyclic arcnes, water plants, Es- pollution, sediments, Gdansk Deep, Bornholm Deep, ISSN0282-7298 ;4031.- Pp. 18-23.- (Summary in
tonia Arkona Deep SKAGEX :some preliminary results I Daniels sen, English) (ISBN 91-620-4031-6) (se)
D. S. & Davidsson, L. & Edler, L. & Fogelqvist, E. Keywords: pulp wastes, chlorine compounds, chemi-
Pozostalosci pestycydow polichlorowych i poli- Regression models of phosphorus concentration & Fonselius, S. & Hiyn, L. & Hernroth, L. & Olsson, cal reactions, chlorophenols, chlorinated phenols,
chlorowanych bifenyli w tkance miesniowej sledzi in the Baltic Sea I Yurkovskis, A. Beitriige zur I. & Svendsen, E. -Copenhagen : ICES, 1991. - 35 chlorinated guaiacols
z Zatoki Gdanskiej = Residues of organochlorine Meereskunde, 1SSN 0067-5148, 1992, 63.- Pp. 117- p. C. M. I International Council for the Exploration
pesticides and polychlorinated biphenyls in mus- 129.- (Summary in English) (de) of the Sea; 1991, C:2.- (summary in English) (se) Total alkalinity, total carbonate, pH and calcium
cles of herring from the Gulf of Gdansk I Falan- Keywords: phosphorus, modelling, methodology, Keywords: water circulation, hydrography, ammon- in the Baltic Sea, November 1986, November 1987
dysz, J. & Osmialowski, K. Studio i materialy ocea- water pollution ia, nitrites, nitrification, chlorophylls, secondary pro- and May-June 1989 I Ohlson, M. - Giltcborg :
nologiczne. Chemia morza, 1SSN 0208-421X Vol. duction, Kattcgat, Skagerrak Chalmers University of Technology and University
62(1992):9.- Pp. 27-37.- (Summary in English) (13 Release of radiocaesium from the southern Baltic of Giiteborg. Department of Analytical and Marine
ref., 4 tab!.) (pl) sediments I Knapinska-Skiba, D. & Bojanowski, R. Some aspects of a bndget for total carbonate in the Chemistry, 1991.- 14leaves Report on the chemistly
Keywords: marine pollution, pesticides, f1sh, mus- 18th Conference of the Baltic Oceanographers, St. Baltic Sea I Ohlson, H. 17th Conference of the Baltic of seawater I Chalmers University ofTechnology and
cles, Gulf of Gdansk Petersburg, 23 Nov 1992.- Pp. 1-6.- (Summary in Oceanographers, Norrkoping, 1990: proceedings.- University of Goteborg. Department of Analytical
English) (10 ref., I f1g., 3 tab!.) (pi) Norrkoping : Swedish Meteorological and Hydro- and Marine Chemisuy; 37 (se)
Preliminary studies on light attenuation in water Keywords: marine pollution, sea water, sediments, logical Institute, 1991 (7 p.) (se) Keywords: cruise reports, alkalinity, carbonates, pH,
from the mouth of Swina I Pawlak, B. & Mika, A. caesium isotopes, bottom, Southern Baltic Keywords: carbonates, carbon dioxide, air-water ex- calcium, sea water, Gulf of Bothnia, Baltic Proper,
Studia i materialy oceanologiczne. Marine physics, changes, sedimentation, Kattegat, Baltic Proper, Kattegat
1SSN 0208-421X Vol. 59(1991):6.- Pp. 197-207.- Rewaloryzacja Zatoki Puckiej = Revalorization Gulf of Bothnia
(summary in English) (2 ref., 4 f1g.) (pi) of Puck Bay I Ciszewski, P. Budownictwo okretowe Turnover of river-transpo~ted iron, phosphorus
Keywords: marine pollution, sea water, light attenu- i Gospodarka Morska, 1SSN 0007-3008 Vol. Sravnitelnaja otsenka nakoplenija bens(a)pirena and organic carbon in the Ore estuary, northern
ation, Pomeranian Bay, Mouth of Swina 36(1991 ):2.- Pp. 16-19.- (Summary in English) (2 nekotorom vodorosljami Baltiskogo morja = Sweden I Forsgren, G. & Jansson, M. Sedi-
tab!.) (pl) Comparative estimate of benz(a)pyrene accumu- ment/water interactions : proceedings of the Fifth
Present state of the Baltic Sea ecosystem I Zmud- Keywords: marine pollution, heavy metals, sedi- lation by some algae in the Baltic Sea I Veldre, I. & international symposium Hydrobiologia, 1SSN
zinski, L. Biuletyn Morskiego 1nstytutu Rybackiego, ments, biological poliutants, pollution control, Puck Kukk, H. & Trapido, M. Algologia, JSSN 0392-9116 0018-8158; 2351236.- Pp. 585-596.- (summary in
1SSN 0209-0708 Vol. 125(1992):1. - Pp. 53-62. - Bay Vol. 2(1992):1.- Pp. 74-77.- (Summary in English) English) (se)
(Summary in English) (20 ref., 12 f1g., 2 tahl.) (~I) (ec) Keywords: fluvial transport, estuaries, sedimenta-
Keywords: marine pollution, sea water, eutrophrca- Rozmieszczenie i potencjalne zrodla pochodzenia Keywords: algae, pollution detection, chlorinated tion, suspended particulate matter, iron, phosphorus,
tion, nitrogen, phosphorus plutonum w ekosystemie Morza Baltyckieg_o = hydrocarbons, bcnzo(a)pyrenc, Estonia organic carbon, Bothnian Sea
Distribution and potential sources of plutomum
Processes that determine the pH of seawater I in the Baltic ecosystem I Skar.-:ec, B. Studia i ma- Statistical extrapolation of nutrient concentra- Uran i jego izotopy w biocenozie morskiej =
Dyrssen, D. Vatten, 1SSN 0042-2886 Vol. terialy oceanologiczne. Chemia morza, 1SSN 0208- tions in the Baltic Sea I Nordgaard, A. & Hjort, U. Uranium and its isotopes in marine biocenosis 1
48(1992):3.- Pp. 246-250 (sc) 421X Vol. 62(1992). - Pp. 87-100. - (Summary in - Linkiiping : Linkoping University. Department of Szefer, P. Studia i materialy oceanologiczne. Chemia
Keywords: sea water, pH, carbonates, silicates, river English) ( p. 97-100 ref., 1 ng., 2 tab!.) (pi) Mathematics, 1992. - 61 p. : graphs, tables Report 1 morza,JSSN0208-421XVol. 62(1992):9. -Pp. 39-85.
water, alkalinity Keywords: marine pollution, sea water, chemical Department ofMathematics, Universitet i Lin/Wping, -(Summary in English) (p. 82-85 ref., II f1g., 8 tab!.)
elements, plutonium, sediments, biota Tekniska hOgskolan; 32 (se) (pi)
Przyburtowy system do usuwania rozlewow ole- Keywords: nitrogen, nitrates, phosphorus, silicates, Keywords: marine pollution, sea water, chemical
jowych z powierzchni wody = Overboard system Seasonal variations of the temperature of the mathematical models, statistical models, Baltic elements, uranium, uranium isotopes, pollution ef-
for removal of oil pollution from the water surface npper sea layer polluted with petroleum substan- Proper, Gulf of Bothnia fects, marine organisms, Southern Baltic, Gulf of
1 Malaczynski, M. Budownictwo okretowe i Gospo- ces 1 Karbowniezek-Gratkowska, G. Studia i ma- Gdansk
darka Morska, ISSN 0007-3008 Vol. 36(1991):2. - terialy oceanologiczne. Marine physics, 1SSN 0208- Sulphur-mercury (II) system in natural waters 1
Pp. 19-22.- (Summary in English) (9 f1g.) (pi) 421X Vol. 59(1991):6.- Pp. 55- 77. -(summary in Dyrssen, D. & Wed borg, M. Mercury as an environ- Warunki srodowiskowe Polskiej strefy polud-
Keywords: marine pollution, oil pollution, oil remo- English) (19 ref., 13 fig., 4 tab!.) .<PI) . mental pollutant : refereed papers from the Interna- niowego Baltyku w 1990r. = Environmental con-
val, oil spills Keywords: marine pollution, ml pollution, upper tional Conference held in Gavle, Sweden, June 11- ditions in the Polish zone of the Southern Baltic
ocean, temperature 13, 1990: eel. 0. Lindqvist Water, air and soil pollu- 1990- [s.l.] : [s.n.], 1991.- 247 p. Mater. Oddzialu
Quantitative sampling of soft-bottom sediments: tion, /SSN 0019-6979; 56.- Pp. 507- 519.- (sum- Morsk. 1nst. Meterorologii i Gospodarki Wodnej. -
problems and solutions I Blomqvist, S. Marine Sedimentnndersokningar liings Bohusknsten mary in English) (se) (summary in English) (f1g. tab!.) (pi)
ecology. Progress series, ISSN 0171-8630 Vol. 72( 1990 : Goteborgs och Bohus liins kustvattenkont- Keywords: chemical equilibrium, sea water, mercury Keywords: marine pollution, report literature, annual
1991):3.- Pp. 295-304.- (summary in English) (se) roll = Sedimentological investigations of the compounds, sulphur compounds reports, meteorological data, hydrographic data,
Keywords: sampling, seafloor sampling, literature Bohns Coast 1990 : the coastal water monitoring nver discharge, Southern Baltic, Vistula River, at-
reviews, zoobenthos, soft bottom program of the Goteborg and Bohus County I Synthetic and analytical studies on dimers and mospheric pollution
Cato, I. - Uppsala : Sveriges geologiska underso- oligomers, oxidatively formed from chloro-
Recent enrichment of the Baltic surface sediments kning, 1992. - 79 p. : graphs, tables Rapporter och phenolic components of BKME I Carlquist Ar- Warunki srodowiskowe Polskiej strefy polud-
with heavy metals I Walkusz, J. & Roman, J. & meddelanden I Sveriges geologiska undersokning, noldsson, K. & Wachtmeister, C. A. Environmental niowego Baltyku w 1991 r = Environmental con-
Part II: 3.4 Marine meteorology and climatology 1ll
llO Part II: 3.3 Chemistry and geochemistry
Zawartosc metali w miesniach sledzi z Zatoki Vcldre, I. Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Saturated and olefinic hydrocarhmt' In n~(,ent
ditions in the Polish zone of the southern Baltic - Sciences Vol. 39(1990):2.- Pp. 135-140.- (Summary sedhne~ts from the Baltic Sea 1 l'ihlaja, K. &
Gdynia , 1992. - 257 p. Mater. Oddzialu Morsk. Gdanskiej = Metal content of muscles of herring
taken from the Gulf of Gdansk I Falandysz, J. in English) (ee) Malmski, E. & Poutanen, E.-L. Orgalli<' f:l'ol'iwm-
lnstytut Meteorologii i Gospodarki Wodnej.- (Sum- Keywords: water pollution, sediments, chlorinated istry, ISSN 0146-6380 Vol. 15(1990);\, Pp, 121-
mary in English) (fig., tab!.) (pi) Studia i materialy oceanologiczne. Chemia morza,
ISSN 0208-421X Vol. 62(1992):9. - Pp. 19-26. - hydrocarbons, benzo(a)pyrene, Matsalu Bay, Esto- 333. - (Summary in English) (fi)
Keywords: marine pollution, report literature, annual ma Keywords: sediments, saturated hydn,caiiH\ns,
reports, meteorological data, hydrographic data, (Summary in English) (15 ref., 3 tabl.) (pl)
Keywords: marine pollution, heavy metals, fish, olefinic hydrocarbons, geochemistry ·
river discharge, atmospheric pollution, Southern
Baltic, Vistula River muscles, Gulf of Gdansk
Part II: 35 Geology and geophysics Part II: 35 Geology and geophysics IIi
Complement to the Bibliography 1986-1990 Heavy metals in some Estonian lake sediments I phates, river beds, sediment pollulion. l'IHinph!cil
a changing climate? I Johansson, T. Vatten, ISSN Lepane, V. & Ott, R. & Varvas, M. Environmental tion, Estonia
0042-2886 Vol. 48(1992):1.- Pp. 51-55.- (summary Contamination: 5th International Conference, Mor-
Beobachtungen auf den deutschen Messationen
in English) (se) der Nord- und Ostsee im Jahre 1989 = Observa- ges, Switzerland, Sept. 1992.- Pp. 084-086.- (Sum- On the relationship between the mhwniliiMlnli
Keywords: coastal erosion, climatic changes, sea mary in English) (ee) constitution of the old coastal dun('S In l JIIHnHilil
tions from the German monitoring stations in the
level changes, greenhouse effect, Kattegat and the seashore dynamics in the pHs I I Owhclh, V
North Sea and the Baltic in the year 1989 I Zabel, Keywords: heavy metals, sedimental pollution, spec-
0. & Kohnke, D. & Machoczek, D. & Sy, A., 1990. troscopic techniques, lake sediments, atomic absorp- Jungquartaere Landsclzaftsraeumc, 1.\/.IN 1 .141i
()versvamning och kusterosion vid 1yliisand : tion spectrometry, Estonia 5420-X: ed. by Billwitz, K.. -Berlin : Springer. I
- 147 p. Meereskundliche Beobachtungen undErgeb-
miijliga konsekvenser ay vaxthus~ffekten = In!'ln- -Pp. 182-184 (de)
nisse, JSSN 0433-7670; 69 (Mainly numerical data)
dation and coastal eroswn at 1)losand : possible Holozaner Kiistenausgleich im siidlichen Ost-
(de) . Keywords: dunes, coastal landfonns, ntlrH'''''"ii"
consequences of the greenhouse effect Vatten, ISSN
Keywords: hydrographic surveys, _meteorolog•~al seegebiet bei besonderer Beriicksichtigung der geological history, waves on beaches
0042-2886 Vol.48( 1992):1.- Pp. 56-70.- (summary Boddenausgleichskiiste Vorpommerns = Ho-
observations, automated recordmg, mstrument plat-
in English) (se) locene coast simplification in the southern Baltic Ostseekiiste in Mecklenburg-Vorp1mmwn1 fhi'
Keywords: coastal erosion, climatic changes, sea fonns, North Sea
area, in particular consideration of the mature Baltic Sea Coast of Mecklenburg-VorpOtllliWI ll 1
level changes, greenhouse effect, flooding, Kattegat Bodden shoreline of Western Pomerania I Kliewe, Wiemer, R & Gurwell, B. R. Wasser /Jod,·n, IS:,N
H. & Janke, W. Petermanns Geographische Mittei- 0034-0951 Vol. 43(1991):1. - Pp. 13 - !11 ('•1111!
lung, ISSN 0031-6629 Vol. !35(1991): 1.- Pp. 1 - 15. maries in Gennan, English) (de)
3.5 Geology and geophysics -(summaries in English, Russian) (de)
Keywords: shore protection, sea level, sediments,
Keywords: geomorphology, coastal zone, Mcddi•il
burg-Vorpommern, Gcnnany
stratigraphy, holocene, coastal morphology, Meck-
Analys av risker fiir piisegling av bron =Analysis
Gulf of Bothnia" by H. Amakawa, J. Ingri, A. lenburg-Vorpommern, Gennany Physical geography of the Baltic I HAkanso11, I
Masuda and H. Shimizu I Elderficld, H. Earth and Uppsala : Uppsala University, 1991. - 35 p. lht
of the risk of a vessel colliding with the bridge -
planetary science letters, ISSN 0012-82JX Vol. Hydrografiska undersiikningar i Oresund : tur- Baltic Sea environment ; session I. - ISBN <)I ''•I H•
[s.l.] : 6resundskonsortiet, 1992. - iii, 227 leaves in
111(1992):2-4.- Pp. 557-561 . - (swnmary in Eng- biditetsmatningar = Hydrographical studies in 0876-2 (se)
various pagings : ill., graphs, tables_ Miljokon-
sekvensbeskrivning for oresund.1jDrbmdelsen I lish) (de) . . the Sound : turbidity measurements) Pejrup, M. Keywords: geography, water circulation, wain '"'
Keywords: cerium isotopes, neodymmm ISOtopes, & Jensen, A. & Westring, G. - [s.l.] : Oresundskon- change, coastal morphology, bottom topography,
U nderlagsrapport ; 32 = Environmental i'!lpact as-
strontium isotopes, feiTomanganese nodules, sea sortiet, I 992. - 29 leaves : ill., graphs Miljokon- oxygen depletion, drainage areas, Baltic Sea area
sessment for the fixed link across the Oresund I
water, rare earths, geochemical cycle, Pacific, Atlan- sekvensbeskrivning for oresundsforbindelsen I
Sub-report; 32.- (summary in English) (se) .
Keywords: bridges, planning, ~onstrucuon, shi~ tic, Baltic Sea area, Barents Sea Underlagsrapport ; 10 : supplement I = Environ- Pockmark developments along a deep nuslal
ping, collisions, environmental Impact, nsks, acci- rrtental impact assessmentfor the fixed link across the structure in the northern Stockholm Archipclugo,
Change in the distribution pattern of diatoms Oresundl Sub-report; 10: supplement I.- (summary Baltic Sea I Soderberg, P. & Floden, T. BeitriiMe w1
dents, The Sound, Oresund above and below the halocline in bottom sedi- in English) (se) Meereskunde, ISSN 0067-5148 Vol. 62(1991). l'p.
ments of the central Arkona Basin, southern Bal- Keywords: bridges, plarming, hydrography, sedi- 79- 102.- (summaries in Gennan, English, Russian)
Box-model illustration of the bottom endmember
tic 1 Thulin, B. Sediment/water interactions : pro- ments, turbidity, resuspended sediments, cruise re- (29 refs.) (de)
sampling problem in primary sedimentation flux
ceedings of the Fifth international symposium.- [s.l.] ports, The Sound, Oresund Keywords: pockmarks, Stockholm Archipelago, lee
estimation 1Floderus, S. Proceedings of the sympo-
: [s.n.], 1992. Hydrobiologia, /SSN 0018-8158 ; tonic structures, biogenic gas, gas migration
sium Sediment traps in marine research and monitor-
2351236. - Pp. 471-478.- (summary in English) (se) Natiirliche und anthropogene Gestaltung der
ing, Kristineberg Marine Biological Station, Fiske-
Keywords: sedimenL~. halocline, Diatoms, Diatomo- Ostseekiiste Schleswig-Holsteins = Natural and Polutsukliliste areenide dunaamikast Eesti poll!v-
backskil, Sweden, 21-25 November 1990, ISBN
952-90-2844-X: eds. P. Wassmann, A.-S. Heiskanen, phyceae, Baltic Proper anthropological changes of the Baltic Sea Coast of kivirajooni jogedes = Polycyclic arenes in the ri-
0. Lindahl.- Hanko : Tva1minne Zoological Station, Schleswig-Holstein I Steer, H. Wasser Boden Vol. vers of the oil shale region of Estonia I Veldre, I. &
Das Binnenufer (Boddenufer) der Schaabe- 43(!991):1.- Pp. 6- 10.- (summaries in Gennan, Sergejev, B. & Trapido, M. Problems ofContempor·
1991. Sediment trap studies in the Nordic countires
Nehrung (Nordruegen) = The landward bank of English) (de) ary Ecology: the 5th Estonia Ecological Conference,
; 2. - Pp. 222-234. - (summary in English) (se) the Schaabe spit on north Rugen I Gellert, J. F.
Keywords: sedimentation, methodology, particulate Keywords: coastal erosion, sediment transport, wave Tartu, Apri/24-26, 1991. - Pp. 187-188. -(Summary
Jungquartaere Landschaftsraeume, !Sf!N 3-540- energy, cliffs, coastal zone, Schleswig-Holstein, Ger- in English) (ee)
organic carbon 54240-X: ed. by Billwitz, K .. - Berlin: Spnnger, 1992. many Keywords: rivers, sediments, chlorinated hydrocar-
Cadmium and zinc in Mytilus edulis L. from the -Pp. 194-199(de) bons, sediment pollution, river water, pollution data,
Keywords: banks (topography), coastal landfonns, New sediment trap system I Larsson, U. & Blomq- bcnzo(a)pyrene, polycyclic arenes, water plants, Es·
Bothnian Sea and the northern Baltic Proper I
Broman, D. & Lindqvist, L. & Lundbergh, I. Envi- Schaabe spit vist, S. & Abrahamsson, B.Marine ecology. Progress tonia
ronmental pollution, ISSN 0269-7491 Vol. series, ISSN 0171-8630 Vol. 31(!992):1986. - Pp.
Geochemistry of coastal Baltic sediments.: pro- 205-207.- (summary in English) (se) Proceedings of the Second Marine Geological
74(1991):3.- Pp. 227-244.- (summary in English)
cesses and sampling procedures I Blmnqvtst, S. - Keywords: sedimentation, methodology, samplers Conference- The Baltic, held in Rostock, October
(se) . . Stockholm : Stockholm University, 1992. - 41 p. 21-26, 1991 I Lemke, W. & Lange, D. & Endler, R.,
Keywords: heavy metals, cadmium, zmc, Mytrl~s Meddelanden fran Stockholms universitets institu- Obmen fosfora mezdu vodoi donnomi otlozenia- 1992. - 170 p. Meereswissensclzaftliche Berichtc,
edulis, brackishwater molluscs, pollution, Baltic
tion for geologi och geokemi,ISSN 0101-1599; 285. mi v maloh rekah Estonii = Exchange of phos- ISSN 0939-396X; 4 (de)
Proper, Bothnian Sea - ISBN 91-7146-812-9. - (summary in English) phate between water and bottom sediments in Keywords: marine geology, mineralogy, sedimento-
(Thesis (doctoral). Summary bound together with 11 small rivers of Estonia I Hansen, V. Tallinna•Tehni- logy, geochemistry, geophysics, conferences
Ce-Nd-Sr isotope systematics of seawater: com-
papers) (se) kaulikoo/i Toimetised, 1992, 730. - Pp. 9-15. - (Sum-
ment on "Isotopic compositions of Ce, Nd. and Sr Keywords: sampling, sediments, heavy metals, se-
in ferromanganese nodules from the Pacific and mary in English) (ee) Seasonal distribution and production of phyto-
Atlantic oceans, the Baltic and Barents Seas, and
dimentation, resuspensron, Baluc Proper Keywords: nutrients (mineral), sedimenL~. phos- plankton in the southern Kattegat I Richardson, K.
114 Part II: 3.5 Geology anf geophysics Part II: 3.5 Geology and geophysics llS
& Christoffersen, A. Marine ecology progress series, drobiologia, ISSN 0018-8158; 235!236.- Pp. 71-83. Sedimentologische Auswirkungen der Grund- niana, ISSN 0076-7689 Vol. 42(1990).- Pp. 123-151
ISSN 0171-8630 Vol. 78(1991):3.- Pp. 217-227.- -(summary in English) (se) fischerei in der Kieler Bucht (westliche Ostsee) = - ( Summary in German) (de) ·
(Summary in English) (de) Keywords: estuaries, wave effects, resuspended Sedimentological effects of trawl fishery in Kiel Keywords: bottom trawling, ecosystem disturbance
Keywords: seasonal variations, phytoplankton, chlo- sediments, suspended particulate matter, sediment Bay (western Baltic) I Wemer, F. & Hoffmann, G. sedimentology, Kiel Bight '
rophylls, ptimary production, vertical disltibution, transpott, Bothnian Sea & Bemhard, M. & Milkert, D. & Vikgren, K. Mey-
pycnocline, salinity profiles, Kattegat
Ostersjiins geologiska utveckling =The g~ological
Sedi111entation of river-transported particles in development of the Baltic SeaiFlodCn, T. Ostersjon
the Ore estuary, northern Sweden I Malmgren, L. - ett hav i fiirandring, ISBN 91-546-0336-6. - Stock-
& Brydsten, L. Sediment/water interactions : pro- holm : Naturvetenskapliga forskningsrMet, 1992.
ceedings of the Fifth international symposium.- [s.l.] Naturvetenskapligajorskningsrddets arsbok; 1992.
: [s.n.], 1992. Hydrobiologia, /SSN 0018-8158 ; - Pp. 9-20 (SE)
235!236.- Pp. 59-69.- (summary in English) (se) Keywords: geology, sediments, Baltic Sea Area
Keywords: estuaties, fluvial transpott, rivers, sus-
pended particulate matter, sedimentation, Bothnian Ostersjiins miljiihistoria avspeglas i bottnarna =
Sea The environmental history of the Baltic Sea is
reflected by the bottoms I Jonsson. P. Ostersjcin- ell
Sedimentgefiige in Klastika : ihre Bedeutung fiir hav i fiirandting, ISBN 91-546-0336-6. -Stockholm;
die physisch-geographische Prozessforschung im Naturvetenskapliga forskningsrMet, 1992. Natur-
Kiistengebiet der siidlichen Ostsee =Sedimentary vetenskapligajorskningsrddets arsbok; 1992.- Pp.
structures in clastic rocks : their importance for 41-51 (SE)
physical-geographical research in the coastal area Keywords: sediments, eutrophication, long-tenn
of the southern Baltic Sea I Niedenneyer, R.-0. & changes, pollutants, Baltic Sea area
Ruchholz, K. Jungquartaere Landschaftsraeume,
ISBN 3-540-54240-X: ed. by Billwitz, K .. - Berlin :
Springer, 1992.- Pp. 173-181 (de) Complement to the Bibliography 1986-1990
Keywords: clastics, sediment structure, coastal zone,
Southern Baltic Actualistic model of mud deposit and diagenesis
for the western Baltic Sea I Niedenncyer, R-0. &
Soderzanie tjazeloh metallov v makrofituh i don- Lange, D. Limnologica, ISSN 0075-9511 Vol.
noh otlozeniah maloh rek Estonii = Heavy metal 20( 1989):1.- Pp. 9-14 (de)
content in macrophytes and sediments of small Keywords: mud, sedimentation, diagenesis, modell-
Estonian rivers I Blinova, I. & Hansen, V. Tallinna ing
Tehnikaulikooli Toimetised, 1992,730.- Pp. 25-29.
-(Summary in English) (ee) Device for rapid sectioning of soft bottom sedi-
Keywords: sediments, heavy metals, sediment pollu- ment cores I Blomqvist, S. & Abrahamsson, B.
tion, rivers, macrophytes, Estonia Schweizerische Zeitschrift fur Hydrologie Vol.
49( 1987):3. - Pp. 393-396. -(summary in English)
Verlandungsufer an den inneren Kiistengewas- (se)
sern Mecklenburg-Vorpommerns-landschafts- Keywords: methodology, sediment sampling, labor-
iikologische Zustandskennzeichnung und Typi- atory equipment
sierung im Hinblick auf Kiinftige Nutzungsinte-
ressen =The filled-up shores at the Mecklenburg- Geo111orphological development of the bottoms
Western Pomerania inner coastal waters-charac- off Osterlen, southernmost Sweden I Erlingsson,
terization of the landscape ecology state and type U.- Uppsala: Uppsala universitet. Naturgeografiska
classification with regard to future interests in institutionen, 1990.- 136 p. :ill., graphs, maps, tables
land use I Slobodda, S. Petermanns Geographische UNGI rapport I Uppsala Universitet. Naturgeogra-
Mitteilung, /SSN 0031-6229 Vol. 135(1991):1.- Pp. jiska institutionen, /SSN 0375-8109 ; 76. - ISBN
17- 27.- (summaries in English, Russian) (51 ref.) 91-506-0800-2 (Thesis (doctoral)) (SE)
(de) Keywords: sediment transport, resuspended sedi-
Keywords: coastal zone, coastal zone management, ments, bottom topography, coastal waters, seafloor
sedimentation, wave energy, ecology, brackish mapping, Baltic Proper
water, nuttients (mineral), Mecklenburg-Vorpom-
mem, Germany Improved sampling of soft bottom sediments by
combined box and piston coring I Blomqvist, S. &
Wave-induced sediment resuspension in the Ore Bostrom, K. Sedimentology Vol. 34(1987).- Pp. 715-
estuary, northern Sweden I Brydsten, L. Sedi- 719. -(summary in English) (se)
ment/watcr interactions : proceedings of the Fifth Keywords: sediment samplers, samplers, methodo-
intemational symposium. - [s.l.] : [s.n.], 1992. Hy- logy
Part II: 4.2 Offshore and coastal structures Part II: 4.2 Offshore and coastal structures 117
fluence on currents and sand transport I Persson, Survey report: investigation of the impacts on the
J. - Gtiteborg : Chalmers University of Technology. marine environment caused by a fixed link across ()stersjons vattenmiljo : undersokningar av kon-
ganisms, salinity, The Sound, bresund, Bailie p 11 , 1x:r
Department of Hydraulics, 1991. - 81leav. Examen- the Oresund I BirkJund, J. & Povlsen, E. & Riber, ~ekve11serna fOr havsmiljon av en fast fiirbindelse
sarbete I Chalmers tekniska h6gs/wla. lnstitutionen H. & Horstcdt, J. & Dahl, S. b.- [s.l.]: bresundskon- ove~ Oresund (KM 4.2, Modell II) = The marine
fbr vattenbyggnad; 3.- (summary in Swedish) (se) sortiet, 1992. - 64 leaves : graphs, maps, tables - ~nvrronment of the Baltic Sea: investigation of the
nnpacts on the marine environment caused by a Complement to the Bibliography 1<Ji\(, 1'l'l()
Keywords: coastal waters, water currents, sand, sedi- (summary in English) (Environmental impact assess-
fixed link (KM 4.2, Model II) across the ()resund
ment transport, bridges, consttuction, The Sound ment for the fixed link across the bresund ; sub-re- Propeller erosion and protection mel hod.> u:~:tl in
port nr 3. English translation of Kartlaggningsrap- I Dahl, S, 0. & Horsted, J. & Bjerre, F. & Petersen, ferry terminals in the port of Stockholm 1 llngh,
Kiistensuchitzbauwerke an der Ostseekiiste von port) (se) H. M. : Oresundskonsortlet, 1992. - 42 leaves : ill.,
graphs:. tables Miljo/wnsekvensbeskrivning for ore- H. & Magnusson, N. -.Stockholm: Tckniska hilgslw
Mecklenburg-Vorpommern = Coast protection Keywords: bridges, planning, construction, sedi- !an r Stockholm. Instrtutronen ftir vattcnhygp.n:HI &
structure at the Baltic Sea Coast ofMecklenburg- ments, oxygen depletion, zoobenthos, phytobenthos, sundsforbmdelsenl Underlagsrapport; 1 =Environ-
(Royal Institute of Technology. Hydraulic FngiJ}('n
VorpommerniWeiss, D. Wasser Boden, ISSN 0034- pollutants, heavy metals, water quality, The Sound, r7Jentaltmpact assessment for the fixed link across the
Ore.~·undl Sub-report ; 1 (0 riginally published in
mg), 1989.- 9leaves: dragrams Trita-VIJI tn 11/,·tin ·
0951 Vol. 43(1991):1.- Pp. 17-26.- (summaJies in Orcsund 145.- (summary in English) (Reprint from Bullclir;
German, English) (de) Damsh: Osterstiens vandmiljo) (se)
Keywords: bridges, planning, construction, hydro- of the Pennanent International Association ol N:tvi
Keywords: shore protection, coastal structures, coas- Oresund impact assessment : investigation of the gatron Congresses 58(1987), 112-120) (sc)
tal engineciing, coastal zone, Mecklenburg- Vorpom- impacts on the marine .environment caused by a graphy, water exchange, eutrophication, marine or-
Keywords: Harbours, Propellers, Bottom emsion,
mcm, Gennany fixed link across the Oresund I Birklund, J. & Passenger shrps
Povlsen, E. & Riber, H. & Dahl, S. b. - [s.l.] :
Marine environment of the Baltic Sea: investiga- bresundskonsortict, 1992. - xxvii, 130 leaves :
tion of the impacts on the marine environment graphs, maps, tables - (summary in English) (Envi-
caus.ed by a fixed link (KM 4.2, Model II) across ronmental impact assessment for the fixed link across
the Oresund I Dahl, S. 0. & Horstcd, J. & Bjcrre, F. the bresund ; sub-report nr 2. English translation of
& Petersen, H. M.- [s.l.]: bresundskonsmtict, 1992. bresund, konsekvensvardering) (se)
- 44 leaves : ill., graphs, tables (Environme11tal im- Keywords: bridges, planning, consnuction, dredg-
pact assessment for the fixed link across the Oresund ing, environmental impact, man-induced effects,
:.sub-report nr 1. Oiiginally published in Danish: sediments, pollutants, nitrogen, phosphorus, heavy
Ostersticns vandmiljti) (se) metals, zoobcnthos, fish, phytoplankton, The Sound,
Keywords: bridges, planning, construction, hydro- bresund
graphy, water exchange, eutrophication, maiine or-
ganisms, salinity, The Sound, brcsund, Baltic Proper Oresund : konsekvensvardering : undersokniilg
av konsekvense1· fiir havsmiljon av en fast fOrbin-
Miljo[<:onsekvensbeskrivning fiir fast fiirbindelse delse over ()resund = Oresund impact assessment
iiver Oresund = Environmental impact assess- : investigation of the impacts on the mar~ne envi-
ment for the fixed link across the Oresund- [s.l.] ronment caused by a fixed link across the Oresund
: bresundskonsortiet, 1992. - 164 p. : ill., graphs, I Birklund, J. & Povlsen, E. & Riber, H. & Dahl, S.
maps, tables (se) b. : brcsundskonsortiet, 1992. - xlii, 160 leaves :
Keywords: traffic management, air pollution, envi- graphs, maps, tables Miljbkonsekvensbeskrivning
ronmental impact, noise (sound), geology, natural fbr bresundsfijrbindelsen I Underlagsrapport; 2 =
resources, bJidges, accidents, construction, The Environmental impact assessment for the fixed link
Sound, Baltic Proper across the 6resund I Sub-report ; 2. - (summary in
English) (se)
Miljiikonsekvensbeskrivning for Oresundsfiir- Keywords: bridges, planning, construction, dredg-
bindelsen : kapitelll :version 2 =Environmental ing, environmental impact, man-induced effects,
h;npact assessment for the fixed link ac,ross the sediments, pollutants, nitrogen, phosphorus, heavy
Oresund :chapter 11 : version 2- [s.l.] : Oresund- metaJs, zoobcnthos, fish, phytoplankton, The Sound,
skonsortiet, 1992. - 21 leaves : graphs, tables bresund
(Changes of MiljiikonsekvensbeskJivning fOr fast
fOrbindelse over Oresund) (se) Oresundsfiirbindelsens inflytande pa is-
Keywords: air pollution, bridges, passenger ships, skruvningsfiirhallandena tangs Sveriges kust =
traffic management, The Sound The effect of ice- [s.l.] : bresundskonsortlet, 1992.
- 69 leaves in vaiious pagings : ill., graphs, maps,
Mottagningsanordningar for fartygsavfall i hamn tables M iljb/wnsekvensbeskrivning for bresundsfbr-
= Harbour facilities for reception of wastes from bindelsen I Underlagsrapport ; 3 = Environmental
ships - Solna : Statens naturv~rdsverk, 1992. - 76 p. impact assessment for the fixed link across the Ore-
Rapport IN aturvardsverket,!SSN 0282-7298 ; 4050. sund I Sub-report; 33 (se)
-ISBN 91-620-4050-2.- (summary in English) (se) Keywords: bJidges, planning, construction, ice diift,
Keywords: harbours, wastes, sewage disposal, ha- ice jams, The Sound, bresund
zardous materials, ships, pollution control
Part II: 5.2.1 General Part II: 5.2.1 General 121
pollution, radioactive contamination, working envi- STUK-A74) (fi) mary in English) (se)
qvist, S. & Larsson, U. & Borg, H. Marine pollution Keywords: environmental monitoring, radioactive Keywords: research programmes, marine l''lliJ!i<JiL
bulletin,ISSN 0025-326X Vol. 24(1992):5.- Pp. 258- ronment, Sweden
wastes, river discharge, indicator species, fish, an- transport, sedimentation, pollution effects,
266 (sc) . Ljusnan-Voxnans vattenvardsfiirbund 1991 = nual reports, lakes, Chemobyl environment, Kattegat, Skagcrrak
Keywords: sediments, heavy metals, copper, Iron,
The water management association of Ljusnan -
zinc, sewage treatment, coastal waters, wastewater Samordnad vattendragskontroll i Norrbottens Studies on environmental radioactivity in Fhlii!!Hl
Voxnan: annual report for 1991- [s.l.] & Sandame
treatment, Baltic Proper, Himmerfjardcn : Ljusnan-Voxnans vattenvi\rdsfiirbund, 1991.- 157 liin : vattenkvalitet och iimnestransport 1965-90, in 1987: annual report /Suomela, M. & BlonHJVhL
p. : graphs, tables (se) samt fiirslag till iindring av kontrollprogram = L. & Rahola, T. & Rantavaara, A. -Helsinki : FiJHdhli
Heavy metals in some Estonian lake sediments I Coordinated monitoring of watercourses in the Center for Radiation and Nuclear Safety, I 991 .. lf•
Keywords: water quality, river discharge, nutrients
Lepane, Y. & Ott, R. & Varvas, M. Environmental
(mineral), pollutanL~. rivers, pollutant load, Bothnian Norrbotten County : water quality and nutrient p.- ISBN 951-47-1385-0.- (summary in English) ( iiJ
Contamination :5th International Conference, Mor- transport 1965-90, and proposed changes of Keywords: radioactive contamination, annual ,,.
ges, Switzerland, Sept. /992.- Pp. 084-086.- (Sum- Sea
monitoringprogramme/Liifgrcn, S.- Luld: Norr- ports, environmental monitoring, Chcmobyl, atm'"'
mary in English) (ee) Metaller i svenska havsomraden : underlagsrap- bottcns liin. Uinsstyrelscn, 1992. - 90 p. : graphs, pheric fallout
Keywords: heavy metals, scdimental pollution, spec- port till Hav '90 : aktionsprogram mot havsfii· maps, tables Rapportserie I Liinsstyre/sen i Norrbot-
troscopic techniques, lake sediments, atomic absorp- tens liin; 1992:2 (SE) Sundsvallsbukten som recipient 1988- 1990 =Tht•
roreningar = Metals in Swedish marine areas -
tion spectrometry, Estonia Solna: Statens naturvi\rdsverk, 1991.- 86 p. Rapport Keywords: environmental monitoring, water quality, Sundsvall Bight as a receptor of pollution 1981! ..
1 Naturw'irdsverket, !SSN 0282-7298; 3696.- ISBN phosphorus, nitrogen, fluvial transport, rivers, pH, 1990- Umeft: Miljiilaboratoriet, I 991.- ca. 150 lcav.
Intercalibrations and intercomparisons of Bothnian Bay (se)
91-620-3696-3.- (summary in English) (se)
measurement methods for airborne pollutants - Keywords: monitoring, river discharge, nitrogen,
Keywords: metals, industrial wastes, bioaecumula-
Helsinki : Baltic Marine Environment Protection Soderzanie tjazelol) metallov v makrofituh i don- phosphorus, zoobenthos, sediments, bacteria, Both
tion sediments, marine pollution, algae, fish,
Commission. Helsinki Commission, 1992. - 92 p. nob otlozeniah maloh rek Estonii = Heavy metal man Sea, PAH
zooplankton, pollutant load, Gulf of Bothnia, Baltic
Baltic Sea environment proceedings, !SSN 0357- content in macrophytes and sediments of small
Proper, The Sound, Kattegat, Skagerrak
2994; 41.- (summary in English) (fi) Estonian rivers I Blinova, I. & Hansen, Y. Tallinna Transport av niirsalter : en undersiikning av 11
Keywords: intemational cooperation .. environmental Metallhalten i recipienten utanfiir skogsindus- Tehnikaulikooli Toimetised, 1992,730.- Pp. 25-29. vattendrag i Karlskrona kommun under 1990 ,,
protection, pollution control, mtcrcahbratwn, fallout -(Summary in English) (ee) Transport of nutrients: a study of 11 watercours-
trier : en iivcrsikt = The metal concentration in
the receiving water of forest industries : a survey Keywords: sediments, heavy metals, sediment pollu- es in the Karlskrona district 1990 - Karlskrona :
Interim report on the state of the coastal waters tion, nvcrs, macrophytes, Estonia Karlskrona kommun, 1991. - 46 p. : ill., graphs,
- Solna : Statens naturvi\rdsverk, 1992. - 20 p. :
of the Baltic Sea- Helsinki :Baltic Marine Environ- maps, tables (sc)
graphs, maps Rapport I Naturw'ird1verket, !SSN
ment Protection Commission. Helsinki Commission, Spridningen av organiska tennfiireningar och Keywords: fluvial transport, rivers, nutrients (mine
0282-7298; 4030.- ISBN 91-620-4030-8 (se)
1991. - 96 p. Baltic Sea environment proceedings,
Keywords: pulp wastes, forest i~dustry, industrial koppar i Stockholms skiirgard och Miilaren 1989 ral), nitrogen, phosphorus, water pollution, pollution
!SSN 0357-2994; 40.- (Summary in English) (fi) = Di.stribution of organotin compounds and cop- monitoring, Baltic Proper, Blekinge, pollutant load
wastes, waste water, metals, cadmmm, Gulf of Both-
Keywords: pollution, eutrophication, pollution per 111 the Stockholm archipelago and Lake Mii-
monitoring, metals, organic compounds nia, Baltic Proper
laren 1989 I Holm, G. & Linden, 0. - Stockholm : Transport av niirsalter : en undersiikning av ll
Monitoring of radionuclides in the environs of the Institutct Wr vatten- och luftvi\rdsforskning, 1991.- vattendrag i Karlskrona kommun under 1991
.Jogede vee kvaliteedi jiilgi!llis~usteemist ja ~elle 13,7 p.!VLrapport. B; 1039.- (summary in English) Transport of nutrients; a study of 11 walen·ouf's
Finnish nuclear power stations in 1988 I Klemola,
tiiiustamisest =On the momtormg system ofnver (se) es in the Karlskrona district 1991 - Karlskmnn
S. & Ilus, E. & Sjoblom, K.-L. & Arvcla, H. &
water quality and its improvement I Loigu, E. & Keywords: organometallic compounds, tin com- Karlskrona kommun, 1992. - 45 p. : ill., gr:\f>IP'.
Blomqvist, L. - Helsinki : Finnish Centre for Radia-
Velner, H. Peipsijiirve seisund.- Tartu, 1991.- Pp. pounds, copper, metals, antifouling substances, maps, tables (se)
tion and Nuclear Safety, 1991.- 70 p.- ISBN 951-
35-41.- (Summary in English) (cc) 47-4677-5. - (summary in English) (Supplement to water pollution, sediments, fish, archipelagoes Keywords: fluvial transport, rivers, nutrients (millt·
Keywords: surface water, monitoring systems, water ral), nitrogen, phosphorus, water pollution, pollntlml
annual report STUK-A89) (fi)
quality, Lake Pcipsi, Estonia Keywords: environmental monitoring, radioactive Sravnitelnaja otsenka nakoplenija bens(a)pirena monitoring, Baltic Proper, Blckingc, pollutant lil:id
wastes, fallout, indicator species, sediments, nuclear nekotorom vodorosljami Baltiskogo morja =
Kiirnkraftindustrins aktivitetsutsliipp - yrkesex- Comparative estimate of benz(a)pyrene acc~mu Undersiikningar i Stockholms skiirg:lrd I')') I
poneringar 1989 = Nuclear power industry's power plants, annual reports, Chemobyl
lation by some algae in the Baltic Sea 1Veldre, I. & text- och figurdel, punktsammansliillniJIM
emissions of activity -exposure of workers 1989 - Kukk, H. & Trapido, M. Algologia, !SSN 0392-9116 Studies in the Stockholm archipelago l ')')! : h'''
PAH in the water medium of the Estonian SSR
Solna: Statens strMskyddsinstitut, 1991. - 31leav. Vol. 2(1992): 1. - Pp. 74-77. - (Summary in English) and figures, summary of results from slalimt' 1
and their monitoring I Veldrc, A. & Itra, A. Polynu-
SS!-rapport, !SSN 0282-4434 ; 05. - (summary in (ee) Uinnergrcn, C. & Vamhed, B.- Stockholm . Stm I
clear Aromatic Hydrocarbons : Measurements,
Swedish) (Tables) (sc) Means and Metabolism: lith International Sympo- Keywords: algae, pollution detection, chlorinated holm Vatten. Vattenvil.rdsbyrAn, 1992. IlL' p 111
Keywords: nuclear power plants, water pollution, air hydrocarbons, benzo(a)pyrene, Estonia various pagings : graphs, tables (Rcporl cc11k: l'it
sium, Gaithersburg, MD, Oct. 23-25, 1987.- Colum-
pollution, radioactive contamination, working envi- 92036) (sc)
bus, OH: Battelle Press, 1991.- Pp. 939-948.-
ronment, Sweden (Summary in English) (ee) Storskaliga processer och miljiieffekter i Skager- Keywords: archipelagoes, water quality, nlliPJU'IL
Keywords: sediments, algae, fish, chlorinated hydro- rak-Kattegatt : forskningsprogram for perioden phosphorus, phytoplankton, chlorophylh, lll!>lwo
Kiirnkraftindustrins aktivitetsutslapp - yrkesex- 1990-1995 = Large-scale environmental effects thos, ships, sediments ·
carbons, sediment pollution, water pollution, aro-
poneringar 1991 = Nuclear power industry's and ecological processes in Skagerrak-Kattegat :
matic hydrocarbons, PAH, benzo(a)pyrenc, Estoma
emissions of activity- exposure of workers 1991 - research programme for the period 1990-1995 1 ~nt~rsuchung und Bewertung des Stoffd11!1 "II"'
Stockholm : Statens stri\lskyddsinstitut, 1992. - 30 p. Rosenberg, R. & Cato, I. & Fiirlin, L. & Rodhe, J. & 111die Atmosphaere im Rahmen vou PA IH 'Ol\'l
Radioactivity of surface water and freshwater fish
:graphs, tables SS!-rapport,!SSN 0282-4434; 92-15 Thuren, A. & Grip, K. - Solna : Statens naturvi\rds- (Nordsee) und HELCOM (Oslsc!~) : 'IH!htdrlll
in Finland in 1987 I Saxen, R. - Helsinki : Finnish
(SE) Centre for Radiation and Nuclear Safety, 1991 - verk, 1991. -79p. Rapport/ Naturw1rdsverket,!SSN Eintrag von organischen Spurcnslofft'ti lnvF~II
Keywords: nuclear power plants, water pollution, air 0282-7298; 3922.- ISBN 91-620-3922-9. -(sum- galion and assessment within J>AR('OM INmlh
(summary in English) (Supplement 3to annual report
Part II: 5.2.4 Prevention and control 127
126 Part II: 5.2.3 Monitoring and surveillance
Sea) and HELCOM (Baltic Sea) of atmospheric feb. 1986 = Transport of nutrients : a study of 11 5.2.4 Prevention and control
input : the atmospheric input of organic trace watercourses in the Karlskrona district, March
substances I Wodarg, D. & Reinhardt, K. H., 1992. 1985 - February 1986 - Karlskrona : Karlskrona
~ycle ~f i~~estigatio.ns to improve the efficiency environmental effects of the town Petrozavosk- Hel-
- 118 p. GKSS, !SSN 0344-9629; E/85.- (Summary kommun, 1986.- 37leaves.: ill., graphs, tables (se)
and rehab1hty of activated sludge process in sew- sinki: Ministry of the Environment of Finland, 1991.
Keywords: fluvial transport, rivers, nut!ients (mine-
in Gennan and English) (de) age treatment plants I M(i!der, H.- Tallinn: Tallinn - 28 p. (Project supervisior: Timo Markkanen; mi-
Keywords: air pollution, chlo!ine compounds, pollu- ral), nitrogen, phosphorus, water pollution, pollution
Technical University, F. Civil Enginee!ing, 1992. - meographed report) (fi)
monito!ing, Baltic Proper, Blekinge, pollutant load
tants, water pollution, benzene 32 p.- (Summary in English) (Diss.) (ce) Keywords: water pollution, air pollution, waste treat-
Keywords: waste water, modelling, aeration, waste- ment, economic feasibility, Gulf of Finland
Utveckling av syre-, kvave- och fosforhalter i Transport av narsalter : en undersiikning av 11
water trcaunent, phosphorus, nitrogen, sewage treat-
Giiteborgs och Bohus lans kustvatten = Changes vattendrag i Karlskrona kommun under 1987 =
Transport of nutrients : a study of 11 watercours- ment, biochemical method, activated sludge, air-gas Environmental priority action programme for
in oxygen, nitrogen and phosphorus concentra- analysis, Estonia Leningrad, Leningrad region, Karelia and Esto-
tions in the coastal waters of the Giiteborg and es in the Karlskrona district 1987 - Karlskrona :
nia pre-feasibility study no. 11 : reduction of the
Bohus County I Oberg, A. - Giiteborg : Gotcborgs Karlskrona kommun, 1988.- 48 leaves. :ill., graphs,
Denitrification and phosporns removal of waste environmental effects of the Segezha pulp and paper
och Bohus !an. Uinsstyrclscn, 1992. - 56 p. : graphs maps, tables (se) waters in Tallinn I Molder, H. & Paro, P. Report at m1Uand Nadvoitsy aluminium factory - Helsinki :
Mi!jovardsrapport I Uinsstyrelsen, Goteborgs och Keywords: fluvial transport, rivers, nutrients (mine-
the Hansa Environment Conference, Helsinki, May M1rustry of the Environment of Finland, 1991.-61
Bohz~> ldn, !SSN JI02-56JI; 11 (se)
ral), nitrogen, phosphorus, water pollution, pollution
28-30,1991.- (Summary in English) (ee) p. (Project supervisior: Timo Markkanen; mimeo-
Keywords: coastal waters, oxygen, phosphorus, ni- monitoring, Baltic Proper, Blekinge, pollutant load
Keywords: wastewater treatment, sewage treatment, graphed report) (fi)
trogen, eutrophication, environmental monitoring, bwgenous elements, anaerobic-aerobic purification, Keywords: water pollution, forest industry, alumi-
Transport av narsalter : en undersiikning av 11
Kattcgat, Skagerrak Tallinn, municipal wastes, Estonia ':'u.n:, waste treaunent, air pollution, economic fea-
vattendrag i Karlskrona kommun under 1988 =
Sibility, Gulf of Finland, chemical industries
Vattenplan : Nykiipings kommun = Water plan : Transport of nutrients: a study of 11 watercours-
Economy and law : environmental protection in
es in the Karlskrona district 1988 - Karlskrona :
Nykoping district - Nykoping : Nykopings kom- the Baltic region I Andreasson-Gren, 1.-M. & Mi- Env!ronmental priority action programme for
mun. Miljokontoret, 1991.-225 p. (sc) Karlskrona kommun, 1989. - 38 p. : ill., graphs,
chanek,. G. & Ebbesson, J. - Uppsala : Uppsala Lenmgrad, Leningrad region, Karelia and Esto-
Keywords: liver discharge, water pollution, nitrogen, maps, tables (se) Umvers1ty, 1992.-40 p. The Baltic Sea environment nia Pre-feasibility study no. 12 : reduction of the
phosphorus, heavy metals, pollution control, pollu- Keywords: fluvial transport, livers, nutrients (mine-
; session 7. -ISBN 91-506-0904-1. -(summary in environmental effects of Pitkyaranta pulp and paper
ral), nitrogen, phosphoms, water pollution, pollution
tant load, Baltic Proper English) (se) mill - Hclsmki : Mimstry of the Environment of
monitoring, Baltic Proper, Blekinge, pollutant load
Keywords: envirorunental legislation, international Finland, 1991. - 23 p. (Project supervisior: Timo
law, environmental protection, costs, legal aspects, Markkanen; miemographed report) (fi)
Transport av narsalter : en undersiikning av 11
Complement to the Bibliography 1986-1990 vattendrag i Karlskrona kommun under 1989 =
ma!ine pollution, international agreements Keywords: water pollution, air pollution, waste treat-
ment, forest industry, economic feasibility Gulf of
First Baltic Sea pollution load compilation- Hel- Transport of nutrients: a study of 11 watercours- Finland '
Electrochemical oxidation of sulphides in tannery
sinki : Baltic Marine Environment Protection Com- es in the Karlskrona district 1989 - Karlskrona :
Karlskrona kommun, 1990. - 43 p. : ill., graphs, waste water I Petrovskaja, T. & Rajala, G. Proceed-
mission. Helsinki Commission, 1987.- 56 p. Baltic ings of the Academy ofSciences of the Estonian SSR. Environmental priority action programme for
Sea environment proceedings, !SSN 0357-2994; 20. maps, tables (se) Chemistry Vol. 41(1992):4.- Pp. 194-199.- (Sum- Leningrad, Leningrad region, Karelia and Esto-
Keywords: fluvial transport, rivers, nuuients (mine-
- (Summary in English) (fi) mary in English) (ce) nia pre-feasibility study no. 13 : reduction of the
Keywords: ma!ine pollution, pollution monito!ing, ral), nitrogen, phosphorus, water pollution, pollution
Keywords: sulphides, wastewater treatment, ta1mery environmental effects of the power plants in Narva-
monitoring, Baltic Proper, Blekinge, pollutant load
data collections wastes, wastewater pmification, electrochemical ox- Helsinki : Ministry of the Environment of Finland,
idation, Estonia 1991.- 31 p. (Project supervisior: Timo Markkancn;
Raspredelenie bens(a)pirena v ekosisteme Matsa- Utslapp av radionuklider till vattenrecipient fran
mimeographed rep01t) (fi)
luskogo saliva= Distribution ofbenzo(a)pyrene in svenska karnkraftverk och fran Studsvik AB =
Environmental policy and cooperation in the Bal- Keywords: air pollution, fossil Jilelcd power plants,
the ecosystem of Matsalu Bay I Trapido, M. & Radionuclide emissions to receiving waters from
tic. region I Bergstrom, G. - Uppsala : Uppsala waste treatment, economic feasibility, Gulf of Fin-
Vcldre, I. Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Swedish nuclear power plants and from Studsvik
umversitet, 1992.- 36 p. The Baltic Sea environment land, Narva
Sciences VoL 39(1990):2.- Pp. 135-140.- (Summary AB 1Melin, J. & Bondesson, A. & Elbe, M. - Stock-
; 8.- ISBN 91-506-0921-1 (se)
holm : Statens stdlskyddsinstitut, 1990. - 13 p., 2
in English) (ee) Ke~words: international cooperation, olicics, organ- Environmental priority action programme for
Keywords: water pollution, sediments, chlo!inated leaves : tables SSI-rapport, !SSN 0282-4434 ; 90-08
IZatiOns, environmental protection Leningrad, Leningrad region, Karelia and Esto-
hydrocarbons, benzo(a)pyrene, Matsalu Bay, Esto- (SE) nia pre-feasibility study no. 14 : reduction of the
Keywords: nuclear power plants, radioactive pollu-
nia Environmental priority action programme for waste water load of the city of Tallinn - Helsinki :
tants, water pollution Leningrad, Leningrad region, Karelia and Esto- Ministry of the Environment of Finland, 1991. - 25
Transport av narsalter : en undersiikning av 11 nia pre-feasibility study no. 9 : reduction of the p. (Project supervisior: Timo Markkancn; mimeo-
vattendrag i Karlskrona kommun mars 1985 - environmental effects of Kostamuksha combine - graphed repo1t) (fi)
Helsinki : Ministry of the Environment of Finland, Keywords: water pollution, waste water, wastewater
1991.- 14 p. (Project supervisio~: Timo Markkancn treatment, indust!ial wastes, legal aspects, economic
; mimeographed report) (fi) feasibility, Gulf of Finland, Tallinn
Keywords: air pollution, sulphur, waste treatment,
economic feasibility, Gulf of Finland . Environmental priority action programme for
Environmental priority action program;ne for Leningrad, Leningrad region, Karelia and Esto-
Leningrad, Leningrad region, Karelia and Esto- nia pre-feasibility study no. 15 : reduction of the
nia pre-feasibility study no. 10 : reduction of the environmental effects in Kohtla-Jarvc dist!ict and
Part II: 5.2.4 Prevention and control Part II: 5.2.4 Prevention and control 129
Keywords: agricultural runoff, fertilizers, water pol- Influence of crude oil spills on the sea surface on tens naturvfirdsverk, 19'12. )1 p Nof11"'f'l I Natur-
Eesti Tsement - Helsinki : Ministty of the Envir?n- lution, waste treatment, economic feasibility, Gulf of ultrasound scattering I Pogorzelski, S. Oceanolo- vardsverket,ISSN 0282-72911, !')'!! JSHN 91-620-
ment of Finland, 1991.- 57 p. (Project supemswr: gia, ISSN 0078-3234, 1991, 31. - Pp. 107 - 118. - 3993-8 (se)
Timo Markkanen; mimeographed report) (fi) . Finland, Leningrad
(summary in English) (23 ref., 3 fig., 2 tab!.) (pl) Keywords: air pollution, boats, ship,, iWwage, JX>IIu-
Keywords: water pollution, waste water, mdustnal Environmental priority action pro~ramme for Keywords: marine pollution, oil pollution, sound tion control, marine pollution, niglil inil
wastes, air pollution, waste treatment, legal aspects, Leningrad, Leningrad region, Kareha and E~to scattering, remote control, statistical distribution
economic feasibility, Gulf of Fmland, Estoma nia pre-feasibility study no. 5 .: Haza~dous waste Mottagningsanordningar f()r farfyMmll'f\1!1 IIJJ.Hnn
management in Leningrad- Helsmk1: M1mstty of the Inte en droppe : handlingsplan for miljovardsat- =Harbour facilities for reception of wau!l'li from
Environmental priority action programme for Environment of Finland, 1991.- 32 p. (ProJect super- garder inom Gtiteborgs oljehamnar =Not a drop ships- Solna: Statens naturvfirdsverk. J1NJ /1, p
Leningrad, Leningrad region, Karelia and Esto- visior: Timo Markkanen; mimeographed report) (fi) : action plan for environmental measures within Rapport I Naturvardsverket, !SSN 0282 /298, ·10 'iii
nia pre-feasibility study no. 16 : reducuon of the Keywords: toxicants, hazardo';ls mate~als, waste the oil harbours of Goteborg I Ahlborn, J. - GOte- -ISBN 91-620-4050-2.- (summary in English)
env1ionmental effecLs of Kehra and Tallmnpulp and treatment, oil pollution, econom1c feas1b1hty, Gulf of borg : GOteborgs och Bohus !an. Lansstyrelsen, 1992. Keywords: harbours, wastes, sewage disppsi\1, lm
paper mills _ Helsinki : Ministry of the E~v.1ronment - 39 p. : ill., graphs Miljovardsrapport I Uinsstyrel- zardous materials, ships, pollution control
of Finland, 1991. - 23 p. (Project superv1s10r: T1mo Finland, Leningrad
sen, GO/eborgs och Bohus liin, ISSN II02-56II ;
Markkanen; mimeographed report) (fi) Environmental priority action programme for 1992:3 (SE) National plan for the Swedish marine mvh'orr
Keywords: air pollution, waste water, waste treat- Leningrad, Leningrad Region, Karelia and Esto- Keywords: pollution control, petroleum hydrocar- ment- Solna: Statens naturvftrdsverk, 1991, , ca I r,(i
ment forest industry, legal aspects, economic feasi- nia pre-feasibility study no. 4 : Connecuon of the bons, water pollution, harbours, oil and gas industry, p. Rapport I Naturvardsverket, ISSN 0282,72'!11 :
bility, Gulf of Finland, Tallinn direct discharging sewers to the collectors of the Kattegat 3880.- ISBN 91-620-3880-X. -(summary in Eng
trcaunent plants in Leningrad - Helsmk1 : Mm1stry of !ish) (Also published in Swedish: Rapport/ Natur
Environmental priority a~tion pro~ramme_ for the Environment of Finland, 1991: - 32 p. (ProJect Integrated managemeni of the Baltic Sea I Fenn, vftrdsverket; 3879) (se)
Leningrad, Leningrad regHm, Kareha at~d Esto- supervisior: Timo Markkanen; mimeographed re- R. Environmental management and appropriate usc Keywords: industrial wastes, sewage treatment, river
nia : synthesis report - Helsmk1 : M1mstty ofthe of enclosed coastal seas- EMECS '90 : proceedings outflow, air pollution, water pollution, fish culiure,
Environment of Finland, 1991. -. 191 p. (proJeCt port) (fi)
Keywords: water pollution, v.:astewater treatment, of International Conference on the Environmental dredge spoil, agricultural runoff, waste disposal, fos,
supervisior: Timo Markkanen; mimeographed re- economic feasibility, Gulf of F1nJand, Lemngrad Management of Enclosed Seas '90, held in Kobe, sil fuels, heavy metals, pollution control, national
po~~ . . Hyogo Prefecture, Japan, 3-6 August, 1990 Marine planning, pollutant load, chlorinated organic matter,
Keywords: water pollution, air ~ollut10n: polluuon Environmental priority action pro~ramme for pollution bulletin, ISSN 0025-326X; 23. - Pp. 533- Gulf of Bothnia, Baltic Proper, The Sound, Kattegat,
control, waste treatment, econom1c feas1b1hty, mtel- Leningrad, Leningrad Region, Kareha and Esto- 540 (se) Skagerrak, Sweden, vehicle emissions
national cooperation, Helcom, Gulf of Fmland, Len- nia pre-feasibility study no. 3 : Pretreatmentofhea:vy Keywords: marine pollution, nuttients (mineral),
ingrad, Estonia metal containing waste water m Lemngrad.- Helsm- policies National plan for the Swedish marine environ-
ki: Ministry of the Environment ofFmland, 1991.- ment : annex A-K- Solna : Statens naturvftrdsverk,
Environmental priority action pro~ramme for 40 p. (Pmject supervisior: Timo Markkanen; mimeo- K vaveretention och denitrifikation i jord- 1991.- ca. 430 p. Rapport I Naturvardsverket, ISSN
Leningrad, Leningrad region, Kareha and Esto- brukslandskapets rinnande vatten = Nitrogen 0282-7298 ; 3881. - ISBN 91-620-3881-8 (tables)
nia pre-feasibility study no. 8 : ReductiOn of the graphed report) (fi)
Keywords: water pollution, wastewater tre~unent, retention and denitrification in agricultural (se)
environmental effects of Svetogorsk pulp and paper heavy metals, industrial wastes, econom1c feas1b1ltty, streams I Jansson, M. & Leonardson, L. & Hen- Keywords: industrial wastes, sewage treatment,
mill _ Helsinki : Ministry of the Env1ronment of riksson, J. - Solna : Statens naturvftrdsverk, 1991. forest industry, pollution control, mining, water pol-
Gulf of Finland, Leningrad
Finland, 1991. - 16 p. (Project supervtsor: Tnno Rapport INaturvardsverket, ISSN 0282-7298 ; 390 I. lution, air pollution, industrial production, nutrients
Markkanen; mimeographed report) (fl) . Environmental priority action pro~ramme for -ISBN 91-620-3901-6.- (summary in English) (sc) (mineral), heavy metals, pollutant load, metallurgical
Keywords: air pollution, sulphur, forest mdustry, Leningrad Leningrad Region, Kareha and Esto- Keywords: nitrogen, denitrification, rivers, inland industry, chemical industries, GulfofBothnia, Baltic
water pollution, waste treatment, economiC feasi- nia pre-fea~ibility study no. 1 :Implementation of the waters, pollution control, pollutant load, The Sound, Proper, The Sound, Kattegat, Skagcrrak, Chlorinated
bility, Gulf of Finland phosphorus removal at waste water treatment plants RMn organic matter, oxygen dependence
of the city of Leningrad - Helsmk1 : Muustty of the
Environmental priority action programme f~r Environment of Finland, 1991.-26 p. (ProJeCt super- Miljoplan for Sveriges del av Ostersjon och Vas- Nitrogen to marine areas, on the application of a
Leningrad, Leningrad region, Karelia an Estoma visior: Timo Markkanen; mimeographed report) (fi) terhavet = National plan for the Swedish marine critical load concept I Hessen, D. & Yadstcin, 0. &
pre-feasibility study no. 7 : Reductwn of the environ- Keywords: water pollution, domesttc wastes, econ- environment- Solna: Statens naturvftrdsverk, 1991. Magnusson, J. Critical loads for nitrogen : a work-
mental effects of Syasstroy pulp and !Japer m1ll and omic feasibility, phosphorus, wastewater treatment, -ca. !50 p. Rapport I Naturvardsverket, ISSN 0282- shop report, ISBN 92-9120-121-9; eds. P. Grennfelt,
Volkhov aluminium factory - Helsmk1 : M1mstry of 7298; 3879.- ISBN 91-620-3879-6.- (summary in E. Thiime!Of. - Copenhagen : Nordic Council of
Gulf of Finland, Leningrad
the Environment of Finland, 199L- 28 p. (ProJeCt Swedish) (Also published in English: Rapport INa- Ministers, 1992. Nord, ISSN 0903-7004; 1992,41.-
supervisior: Timo Markkanen; m1meographed re- Environmental priority action pro~ramme for turvftrdsverket; 3880) (se) Pp. 201-237 (se)
port) (fi) . . . Leningrad, Leningrad region, Kareha .and Esto- Keywords: industrial wastes, sewage treatment, river Keywords: marine pollution, nitrogen, models, pol-
Keywords: water pollutiOn, atr pollutiOn, waste treat- nia pre-feasibility study no. 2: Construction of sub- outflow, air pollution, water pollution, fish culture, lution control, pollutant load
ment, economic feas1b1ltty, sulphur, alummmm, Gulf urban waste water treatment plants m Lemngrad - dredge spoil, agricultural runoff, waste disposal, fos-
of Finland Helsinki : Ministry of the Environment of F1nland, sil fuels, heavy metals, pollution control, national Ochrona morza przed zanieczyzsczeniami powo-
1991. - 26 p. (Project supervisior: Timo Markkanen; planning, pollutant load, Chlorinated organic matter, dowanymi przez statki =Protection of sea against
Environmental priority action pro~ramme for Gulf of Bothnia, Baltic Proper, The Sound, Kattegat, pollution of ships I Kubacka, M. Budownictwo
Leningrad, Leningrad region, Kareha and Esto- mimeographed report) <fil .
Keywords: water pollutton, dom.est~c wastes, waste- Skagerrak, vehicle emissions okretowe i Gospodarka Morska, ISSN 0007-3008
nia pre-feasibility study no. 6 : De~elopment of water treatment, economiC feas1b1ltty, Gulf of Fm- Vol. 36(1991):10.- Pp. 29- 30.- (summary in Eng-
fatmning waste management in the Lemngrad regwn Miljopaverkan fran fritidsb:har, fiske- och ar- lish) (1 fig.) (pl)
_Helsinki: Ministry of the Environment ofFmland, land, Leningrad
betsfartyg = Environmental impact from plea- Keywords: water pollution, environmental protec-
1991.-33 p. (Project supervisior: Timo Markkanen; sure-boats, fishing and work vessels- Solna : Sta-
mimeographed report) (fi)
Part II: 5.2.4 Prevention and control Part II: 5.2.4 Prevention and control
Keywords: air pollution, water pollution, interna- IAWPRCSymposium on Forest Industry Wastewa- Keywords: enviro:uncntal proteclhH_i, lim:-,f?t;Hh'HHtl
tion, oil pollution, man-induced effects, Gulf of
tional cooperation, pollution control, Poland ters, held m Tampere, Finland, 5-8 June 1990: eds. J. agreements: pollution control, conlt\!'H>i'''- ,,1di;""
Gdansk Puhakka,. J. Rmtala, J. Wartiovaara, P. Heinonen live contammation, pesticides, agricnlio ;,,i
Ractdningsplan for ()stersjons miljo = Rescue Water SCience and technology, ISSN 0273-1223 · urban runoff, wastewater treatment
Optimization of activated sludge system working P,lan for the Baltic Sea environment I Svenson, G.
in anaerobic-aerobic conditions I B1onskaja, V. & 24(1991), 314.- Pp. 11-17.- (summary in English)
Ostersjon- ett hav i forandring, ISBN 91-546-0336- (se) ~nvironm.ental situation and pro,lm'!
Molder, H. & Salis, I. Trans. of Tallinn Techn. 6.- Stockholm: Naturvetenskapliga forskningsrMet,
University, 1992, 730. - Pp. 3-8. - (Summary in Keywords: pulp wastes, pollution control, forest in- tron • Lenmgrad and the Leningrad
1992. NaturvetenskapligaforskningsrJdets arsbok; dustry, Sweden : [s.n.], 1990. - 68 p. + app- (summii!V
English) (ee) 1992.- Pp. 125-130 (SE) (Jaakko Poyry, ref. M2019) (fi) ·
Keywords: nitrogen, phosphorus, wastewater treat- Keywords: pollution control, international agree-
ment, biochemical purification, optimum parame- Vatt~nplan =. N~kopings kommun = Water plan : Keywords: environmental pollution,
ments, Baltic Sea Area Nykopmgdrstnct · Nykoping : Nykopings kom- wastes, pollution surveys, intematiOIHil
ters, Estonia mun. Miljokontor~t, 1991.- 225 p. (se) envrronmental protection Lenin<>l"\lt 1.
Skyddet av den marina miljon i Bottenhavet = Keywords: nverdrscharge, water pollution, nitrogen, land ' c•'-·
Pohjanlahden meriymparistiin suojelu, Oulun The protection of the marine environment in the
vesistiitutkimuspaivat 9.-10.4.1991 = Protection phosphorus, heavy metals, pollution control pollu-
Bothnian Sea I Cederlof, M. & Ekholm, P. & Hak- tant load, Baltic Proper ' Study of environmental protection .. Polin HI ,, ; i
of the GulfofBothnia, Seminar in Oulu 9-10 Apr. kila, K. & Storberg, K-E. & Valpasvuo-Jaatinen, P.
1991 I Alasaarela, E. - Helsinki : National Board of : [s.n.], 1990.-40 p. + app.- (sumnwry Iii hui1~.G·""
& Virtanen, T. & Vuoristo, H. - Helsinki : National Vern fOrorenar Ostersjon -vern renar Ostersjon? (fi)
Waters and the Environment, 1991.- 106 p. Vesi- ja Board of Waters and the Environment, 1991.- 121 p.
ympiiristohallituksen monistesarja = Mimeo- = Who ~ollutes the Baltic .sea - who cleans up in K~ywords: en.vironmental pollution,
Vesi- ja ympiiristohallituk.sen monistesarja = Mi- the Baltic Sea? I Enell, M. Ostersjon idag och imor- wastes, mternational cooperation, poilu linn "~Wi'i'H
graphed series of the National Board of Waters and meograph series of the National Board ofWaters and
the Environment, ISSN 0783-3288 ; 295. - ISBN gon:. eds. W. .Engstrom, L. Norrgren. - Uppsala : envrronmental protection, Poland
the Environment, ISSN 0783-3288 ; 320. - ISBN Svenges lantbruksuniversitet, 1992. SLU info rap-
95I-47-4116-1 (fi) 951-47-4683-X.- (summaries in Swedish, Finnish,
Keywords: brackishwater pollution, pollution moni- porter, ISSN 1101-3761; 179.- Pp. 70-72 (se) Suggestions for measures to be taken '"
toring, pollution effects, fishery management, hydro- English) (fi) Keywords: water pollution, pollution control, Baltic reduce polhJtion of the Baltic S<~a 1 h 111 ,t,;hl
Keywords: environmental protection, water pollu- Sea Area Kalmar: Mr!Jo- och halsoskyddskontrll\'1, I'Hl! 1
dynamics, environmental protection, Gulf ofBothnia tion, loading, brackishwater environment, Bothnian leaves Rapport I Miljo och hiil,,·o,,·kvdd.vkniih''"''
Sea Wa~er and wastewater management in the Baltic Kalmar (se)
Priorities for the restoration of the Baltic Sea : a
scientific perspective I Wulff, F. & Niemi, A. re?ron I Hultman, B.-. Uppsala :Uppsala University, Keywords: pollution control, organk
Suomenlahden tilaja sen kehitys =Condition and 1992.-37 p. The Baluc Sea envtronment; session 9. metals, oil pollution, water pollution
Ambia, ISSN 0044-7447 Vol. 21(1992):2.- Pp. 193- development of the Gulf of Finland I Kangas, P. & -ISBN 91-506-0905-X.- (summary in English) (se)
194(sc) Pitkanen, H. Vesi- ja ympiiristijhallituksen moniste- Keywords: sewage disposal, wastewater treatment,
Keywords: Pollution control, International policy Thermal processing of phosphogYJmliu 1 I<
sarja =Mimeograph series of the National Board of mdustnal wastes, water use, water pollution, Estonia, R. & Veidermaa, M. Proceedings 1!{'1/t,·
Waters and the Environment, ISSN 0783-3288, 1991, Poland, Sweden natwnal Symposium on Phosphogyp.,Jmt, tilL'''"'"
Przyburtowy system do usuwania rozlewow ole-
jowych z powierzchni wody = Overboard system 299.- Pp. 27-33 (fi) FL., Vol. 1. -Bartow, FL: Florida Insliluir nl 1'1•"'·'
for removal of oil pollution from the water surface
Keywords: water pollution, nutrients (mineral), tox-
icants, eutrophication, Gulf of Finland, brackish-
Wa~er pollut.h~n control in Poland and Sweden : phate Research, 1990.- Pp. 267-279 . I~''""""'" !u .
I Ma1aczynski, M. Budownictwo okretowe i Gospo- na.tional pohcres and internation cooperation 1 English) (ee) ·
darka Morska, ISSN 0007-3008 Vol. 36(1991):2. - water condition Lowgren, M. & HJorth, R. Environment, energy and Keywords: sulphur dioxide, air polhn ioii.
Pp. 19-22.- (Summary in English) (9 fig.) (pl) natural resource management in the Baltic region control, phosphogypsum, reductive
System of ecological protection of the He! Penin- ISBN 87-7303-644-7: eds. J. Fenger, K. Halsmcs, H: fluidized bed calcium oxide
Keywords: marine pollution, oil pollution, oil remo- sula and the Puck Bay I Jednoral, T. Bulletin of the Larsen,. H. Schroll, V. Vidal.- Copenhagen: Nordic
val, oil spills Maritime Institute in Gdansk Vol. 19(1992): 2.- Pp.
111-130. -(Summary in English) (1 fig.) (pi)
Council of Mrmsters, 1991. Nord, ISSN 0903-7004 ·
48.- Pp. 475-483.- (summary in English) (se) '
Vaaveldioksiidi puudmisest Narva '""*'''*'''''!!
jaamades =The catching of the sulphur •H•''*khi
Reception and treatment facilities for waste oils
Keywords: marine pollution, ecology, report lit- Keywords: pollution control, wastewater treatment, Narva thermal power plants f Kuusih. ll,
and oil-polluted waters from marine and indus-
erature, Puck Bay, Peninsula of He! mdustnal wastes, sewage treatment, policies, Ja Tootmine, 1990,9.- Pp. 21-22,32. iSii<lliiHlJ"" '"'
trial activities in Gothenburg, Sweden I Anders-
Sweden, Poland English) (ee) ' ··
son, K. & Lesen, S.-I. & Hell, M. Industry and Treatment technology of wastewater containing
environment, ISSN 0378-9993 Vol. 15(1992):1-2. · Keywords:. oil shale, fly ash, air poilu I ilm,
phenols and phenolic compounds I Kallas, J. & control, acid ram, desulphurization, dry
Pp. 40-44.- (summary in English) (se) Pikkov, L. & Yiiroja, A. & Kamenev, S. & Joarand,
Keywords: oil wastes, industrial wastes, wastewater Complement to the Bibliography 1986-1990 tom a
H. & Tali, E. & Munter, R. & Poolsaari, S.- Lappeen-
treatment, waste treatment, harbours, hazardous ranta : Lappeenranta University of Technology, Ac~i~i~ies of the Commission 1986 : report of the Ostersj~n ett levande hav : fOrslag 1111 ioliRlili
wastes 1992.-39 p. Research paper I Lappeenranta Univer- actiyities of the Baltic Marine Environment Pro- ~a~der mom Kalmar kommun Tlw II!; I!!% il
sity ofTechnology, 0356-8210; 26.- ISBN 951-763- t~ctron Co.mmission during 1986 including the hvmg sea: proposed measures wilhin!lnt 1\HI!ili'U
Role of international cooperation in Polish eco-
logical policy I Budnikowski, A. Baltic sea region
754-3.- (Summary in English) (ee) eight meetmg of the Commission held in Helsinki a~ea I Engdahl, M. -Kalmar: Kahna1. Mdii\ wJ;
Keywords: ozonation, adsorption, oil shale, indus- 24-27 February 1987 - Helsinki : Baltic Marine halsoskyddskontoret, 1987. - 27 Icaw;,, th""""'
environmental protection : "eastern" perspectives
tries, phenols, waste water, aerobic/anaerobic bio- Envn'Ow:em Protection Commission. Helsinki Miljo och hiilsoskyddskomoret i Kalmar u,c,i
and international cooperation, ISBN 91-22-01507-8: oxydation, hydrogen peroxide oxidation, Estonia
ed. M. Sandberg. - Stockholm : Almqvist & Wiksell Commrssron, 1987.- 48 p. Baltic Sea environment Keywords: pollution control, water rx>liullon.
International, 1992. Goreborg studies of Russia and proc~edtngs, ISSN 0357-2994 ; 23. - (Summary in orgamc compounds, oil pollution
Trends in pollution control in the Swedish pulp Enghsh)(fi)
Eastern Europe, ISSN 1102-8424; 1.- Pp. 119-134
and paper industry I Lagergren, S. & Nystrom, E.
(se) Forest industry wastewaters : proceedings of the 3rd
132 Part II: 5.2.5 Characteristics, behaviour, fate
Part II: 5.2.5 Characteristics, behaviour, fate
trogen, phosphorus, eutrophication, pollution ef- ben_zo(a)pyrene, polycyclic an·IH'h, wiidH Es·
- 73.- (Summary in English) (ISBN 91-620-4031-6)
Gunneriusson, L. & Sjoberg, S. Nordic hydrology, fecL~, models, fish culture, pollutant load tom a
!SSN 0029-1277 Vol. 22(1991): 1.- Pp. 67-80.- (sum- (se)
Keywords: pulp wastes, sediments, degradation,
mary in English) (se) ~ccurrence and dynamics of polychlorinated Present state of the Balik Sen ti'!HW'""'"
chlorine, bromine, iodine, organic halogen, haloge-
Keywords: heavy metals, lead, cadmium, mercury, dr.benzo-p-dioxins and dibenzofurans and polycy- zinski, L. Biuletyn Morskicgofilsf\•!!l!ii 'll'i<ili!,u ''
river water, marshes, organic matter, chemical equili- nated organic matter clic aromatic hydrocarbons in the mixed surface !SSN 0209-0708 Vol. 125(1')'!}!.1
brium, brackish water, models, Gulf of Bothnia laye~ of remote coastal and offshore waters of the (Summary in English) (20 rei., u liil.
Long-term high- and low-volume air sampling of Baltic /Broman, D. & Naf, C. & Rolff c & Zcb .. l Keywords: marine pollution, sea wti!,;,,
polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzo- y E · a1 ' · u rr,
Fasttiresundsftirbindelse: avgasutshipp m m fran . nvtronment science and technology ISSN uon, mtrogen, phosphorus
furans and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons 0013-936X Vol. 25(1991):11. - Pp. 1850-l864 -
vagtrafik = A fixed Oresund link : emissions etc along a transect from urban to remote areas on
from road traffic I Hammarstrom, U. & Karlsson, (summary in English) (se) · Riv~rine loads of nutrients in rdutlim !u
the Swedish Baltic coast I Broman, D. & Naf, C. &
B. - [s.l.] : 6resundskonsmtiet, 1992. - viii, 100 Keywords: aromatic hydrocarbons, chlorine com- basm c~ara~teristics : a comparism• ni
Zebtihr, Y. Environmental science and technology,
leaves in various pat,>ings : ill., graphs, tables Mil- pounds, ,Chlonnated hydrocarbons, water pollution, and Pohsh nver basins I Nicmiryu, L .! ,;;1 1
!SSN 0013-936X Vol. 25(1991): II. - Pp. 1841-1850.
jokonsekvensbeskrivning fiir iiresund.1j(jrbindelsen I suspended partrculate matter, Baltic Proper, Gulf of vall, A. & Stillnacke, P. & Sun<llilad, h 1 i
-(summary in English) (se) Bothma, droxms, furans, polychlorinated dibenzodi- ference of the Baltic Oceanograp/u·r.1 , N.Jft
Underlagsrapport; 23 =Environmental im.pact as- Keywords: air pollution, aromatic hydrocarbons,
sessment for the fixed link across the 0 resund I oxms, polychlorinated dibenzofurans 1990: proceedings.- Norrkoping: Swulir!l!
chlorine compounds, chlorinated hydrocarbons, at-
Sub-report; 23.- (summary in English) (se) mospheric patticulates, Stockholm, Baltic Proper,
ologrcal and Hydrological Institute, I'J'Ji ,,m 11
Keywords: bridges, planning, construction, air pol- ~rganohal?!\ens of natural and industrial origin mary in English) (11 p.) (sc)
dioxins, furans, polychlorinated dibenzodioxins,
1.\]tion, hydrocarbons, carbon monoxide, The Sound, mlarge recrprents of bleach-plant effluents 1Grim- Keywords: rivers, zunoff, phosphurw1 ui!iuu• n
polychlorinated dibenzofurans V<tll, A. & Boren, H. & Jonsson, S. & Karlsson, s. & water pollution, river basins, pollutant 1.,;,<1 ' ·
Oresund, vehicle emissions, emissions, traffic, ni-
trogen oxides Savenhed, R. Forest industry wastewaters ; proceed- Sweden, Vistula River, Odra River, Gi\li•lllvut
Mercury in Baltic and North Sea waters/ Schmidt,
mgs of the 3rd IAWPRC Symposium on Forest In-
D. Water, air and soil pollution, !SSN 0049-6979 Vol.
Heavy metal and radionuclide contamination of dustry Wastewaters, held in Tampere Finland 5-8 Seasonal variations of the tempttraiHI'<' of Hw
62(1992):1-2. - Pp. 43-55. - (summary in English) June 1990·
. . ed s.· J . P uh akka, J. Rmtala,
· J.' Wartiovaara,
sediments from the Skagerrak and northern Kat- upper sea layer polluted with petrohitHH M!IHIHJI
tegat /Dennegftrd, B. & Jensen, A. & Kuijpers, A. & (de) P. Hemonen Water sctence and technology, ISSN ces I Karbowmczek-Gratkowska, G. Suuliri i 111 .,101
Keywords: mercury, water sampling, water sam-
Albinsson, Y. North Sea pollution : technical 0273-1223; 24(1991), 314.- Pp. 373-383.- (sum- aly oceanologrczne. Marine fJhy 1·in /\'"" 1·1 •·;;·
plers, water analysis, pollution detection, marine pol- 421X. Vol . -59 (1991).6.-
<c · . · ...
''"' ···'··'ill
strategies for improvement, ISBN 0-08-041836-8 mary m English) (se) Pp. 55- 77
lution, shipboard analysis, Baltic Sea, Gennan Bight, English) (19 ref, 13 fig., 4 tab!.) (pi) · ·
Water science and technology; vol. 24, no. 10.- Pp. Keywords: pulp wastes, chlorination, chlorine com-
North Sea pounds, pollutants, transport , bleaching, Baltic Keywords: manne pollution, oil JX>illltiuo, "l'P"
301 - 302 (se)
Keywords: heavy metals, radioactive pollutants, Proper, Gulf of Bothnia, chlorinated organic matter ocean, temperature
Miljii]<.onsekvensheskrivning for fast fiirbindebe
sediments, Kattegat, Skagerrak pollutant load, tnchlorophenol, trichloroguaiacol '
over Oresund = Environmental impact assess-
Skogsindustrin.s emissioner till vallen urh lull
ment for the fixed link across the Oresund- [s.l.]
Influence of oil-shale industry to the state of wet- ~~nov? verojatnostnoi modeli nagruzki zagrjazn- 1?89 = Forest mdustry's emissions lo wuiN' lm!l
: 6resundskonsortiet, 1992. - 164 p. : ill., graphs,
land ecosystems in the northeastern Estonia I Ilo- Ja.Justsrh vestsestv v ustevoh usastkah rek =Basis arr 1989 - Solna : Statcns naturvArclsverk, 1<)<JI l)(l
maps, tables (se) f?r a pollutant load probabilistic model in the p. Rapport I Naturvardsverket, ISSN W!U J ..'WI
mets, M. Environmental Toxicology and Health : Keywords: traffic management, air pollution, envi-
report.from meeting in Stockholm, 1991.- Pp. 137- outlet I Lode, E. Tallinna Tehnikaulikooli 3876.- ISBN 91-620-3876-1 (tables) (s<:) ·
ronmental impact, noise (sound), geology, natural
138.- (Summary in English) (ec) Tomreused, 1992.- Pp. 30-34.- (Summary in Eng- Key~ords: forest industry, pulp wastes, wastr Wii!•'l
Keywords: ecological balance, oil shale, wetlands,
resources, bridges, accidents, construction, The
lzsh) (ee) br~ckrshwater pollutioz:, air pollution, ox ygrn tk'
Sound, Baltic Proper Keywords: river discharge, pollutanL~, vmiability mmd, suspended orgamc matter, sulphur, i 11 duc;l!iiti
ecosystems, industries, Northern Estonia
nver outlet, models, Estonia ' productron, mtrogcn, phosphorus, chlorioalrd nr
Miljiikonsekvensbeskrivning fiir Oresundsfiir-
Investigations on the transfer of chemical sub- game matter, pollutant load, Gulf of Botlmi 11 , I! alii.
bindelsen: kapitelll: version 2 =Environmental
stances at the water-sediment interface in the (~utline of ecometric analysis to establish load Proper, Kattcgat, Skagerrak, board industry
impact assessment for the fixed link across the
Puck Bay I Bolalek, J. & Falkowska, L. & Jankow- dzagrams for nutrients/eutrophication 1 HAkan-
Oresund : chapter 11 : version 2- [s.l.) : 6resund-
ska, H. & Vershinin, A. Oceanologia, !SSN 0078- son, L. & Wallzn, M. Environmetrics, ISSN 1180- Skogsindustrin.s emissioner till vatten orh lnfl
skonsortict, 1992. - 21 leaves : graphs, tables
3234, !991, 30. - Pp. 105 - 123. - (summary in ~009 Vol. 2(1991):1. - Pp. 49-68. - (summary in 1?90 = Forest mdustry's emissions to wHIP! alit!
(Changes of Milj_okonsekvensbesktivning fOr fast
English) (19 ref., 9 fig., !tab!.) (pl) English) (se) a•~ t;90- Solna : Statens naturvArdsvcrk, 1'I'll . HI\
fOrbindelsc over Oresund) (se) KeywNds: ~utrients (mineral), coastal zone, models, P· . graphs, tables Rapport I Naturvardvverkt•l 11 ··fi
Keywords: marine pollution, sea water, nitrogen, Keywords: air pollution, bridges, passenger ships,
phosphorus, silicates, sediments, bottom water, Puck cutrophrcatron, ecometncs, pcllutant load, Baltic f}_82-7298; 3925.- ISBN 91-620-39J.5/1 (st:)' '·'
traffic management, The Sound Pzoper, Archrpelago Sea ey~ords: forest industry, pulp wastes, waslc walr- 1
brackishwater pollutio~, air pollution, ox ygro •h·'
Nutrient loading models for coastal waters I Wal-
Long-term degradation test with coastal Baltic P~>l~ts.uklil.i~te areenide dunaamikast Eesti polev- mand, s~spcnded orgamc matter, sulphur, iodwHillll
lin, M. - Uppsala : Uppsala University. Department
Sea sediments contaminated with extractable or- krv•ra.Joom .)ogedes = Polycyclic arenes in the ri- productron, mtrogen, phosphorus, chlorinalt'd 01
of Physical Geograph, 1991. - 38 p. UNG! rapport,
ganic halogens I Granmo, A. & Jonsson, P. & vers of the oil shale region of Estonia 1Veldre I & game matter, .board industry, pollutant load. Ciull ol
!SSN 0375-8109; 80.- ISBN 91-506-0859-2.- (sum-
Brydsten, L. & Ekclund, R. & Magnusson, K. & Sergejev, B. & Trapido, M. Problems ofConter:Zp~r Bothma, Baltrc Proper, Kattegat, Skagerrak
mary in English) (Thesis (PhD), summary, bcund
Berggren, M. Environmental fate and effects of my Ecology : the 5th Estonian Ecological Con-
together with 5 papers; also by the same author:
bleached pulp mill effluents :proceedings of a SEPA ference, Tartu, Apri/24-26, 1991. - Pp. 187i188 _ Skogsindustrins emissioner till vatten orh i.ufl
Ecometric analysis of factors regulating eutrophica-
Conference held at Grand Hotel Saltsjobaden, Stock- (Summary in English) (ee) · 1?91 = Forest industry's emissions to wuh•r and
tion effects in coastal waters : a case study of marine
holm, Sweden 19-21 November 1991: ed. A. SOder- Keywords: rivers, sediments, chlOiinated hydrocar- arr 1991- Solna: Statens naturvArdsvcrk, J<i<!). 1,-1
fish fatms) (se) bons, sedrment pollution, river water, pollution data, P· ·graphs, tables Rapport I Naturvdrdsverkl"l, JSSN
gren.- Solna: Statens naturvArdsverk, 1992. Rapport Keywords: coastal waters, nutrients (mineral), ni-
I Naturvardsverket, !SSN 0282-7298; 4031.- Pp. 68
136 Part II: 5.2.5 Characteristics, behaviour, fate Part II: 5.2.5 Characteristics, behaviour, fate
0282-7298; 4086.- ISBN 91-620-4086-3 (se) management in the Baltic region, ISBN 87-7303- Complement to the Bibliography 1986-1990 tal' naya vodnaja toksikologija, ISSN 0367-0724 Vol.
Keywords: forest industry, pulp wastes, waste water, 644-6: eds. J. Fenger, K. Halsnres, H. Larsen, H. 14(1990).- Pp. 44-50. -(Summary in English) (ee)
brackishwater pollution, air pollution, oxygen de- Schroll, V. Vidal. - Copenhagen : Nordic Council of Eksperimentalnoe issledovanie destruktsii
bens(a)pirena v vodnoi ekosisteme = Experimen- Keywords: water pollutiOn, chlorinaled hydrocar-
mand, suspended organic matter, sulphur, industrial Ministers, 1991. Nord, ISSN 0903-7004 ; 48. - Pp. bons, bcnzo(a)pyrene, destruclion, model system
production, nitrogen, phosphorus, chlorinated or- 333-344.- (summary in English) (se) tal stud1es of benzo(a)pyrene destruction in water Lahepere Bay, Estonia '
ganic matter, board industry, pollutant load, Gulf of Keywords: river discharge, nitrogen, phosphorus, ecosystem I Trapido, M. & Veldre, I. Eksperimen-
Bothnia, Baltic Proper, Kattegat, Skagerrak statistical analysis, Denmark, Finland, Poland,
Sweden, pollutant load
SMHI:s undersokningar utanfiir Forsmark 1990
= Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological In- Vem fiirorenar Ostersjon - vem renar Ostersjon?
stitute's studies at Forsmark 1990 I Andersson, J. = Who pollutes the Baltic Sea - who cleans up in
& Hillgren, R. - Norrkoping : Sveriges meteorolog- the Baltic Sea? I Enell, M. bstersjon idag och imor-
iska och hydrologiska institut, 1991.- 14 p., 12leav. gon: eels. W. Engstrom, L. Norrgren. - Uppsala :
SMH! oceanografi ; 46. - (summary in Swedish) ( Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet, 1992. SLU info rap-
figures, tables) (se) porter, ISSN JIOI-3761; 179.- Pp. 70-72 (se)
Keywords: cooling water, water temperature, nuclear Keywords: water pollution, pollution control, Baltic
power plants, !henna! plumes, Bothnian Sea, For- Sea area
Wplyw oczyszczalni sciek6w typu "Biooxyblok"
Statistical extrapolation of nutrient concentra- w Swarzewie na jakosc w6d odprowadzanych do
tions in the Baltic Sea I Nordgaard, A. & Hjort, U. Zatoki Puckiej =Effect of"Biooxyblok" type sew-
- Linkoping : Linkoping University. Deparuncnt of age treatment units in Swarzewo on quality of
Mathematics, 1992. - 61 p. : graphs, tables Report 1 effiuent discharged into the Puck Bay I Makinia,
Department of Mathematics, Universitet i LinkOping, J. lnzynieria morska, ISSN 0138-0540 VoL
TeknL~ka hi:igskalan; 32 (se) 12(1991):2.- Pp. 44-47.- (summary in English) (5
Keywords: nitrogen, nitrates, phosphorus, silicates, fig., 3 tab!.) (pl)
mathematical models, statistical models, Baltic Keywords: sea water, water pollution, nitrogen,
Proper, Gulf of Bothnia phosphorus, Puck Bay
Synthetic and analytical studies on dimers and Zagrozenie ekologiczne w strefie uj scia Odry ze
oligomers, oxidatively formed from chloro- szczegolnym uwzglednieniem metali ciezkich =
phenolic components of BKME I Carlquist Ar- Ecological problems in the mouth of the Odra
noldsson, K. & Wachtmcister, C. A. Envirorunental River with a special emphasis on heavy metals I
fate and effects of bleached pulp mill effluents : Protasowicki, M. & Niedzwiedzki, E. Pollutants in
proceedings of a SEPA Conference held at Grand Environment. I, 1991.- Olsztyn: Katedra Chemii
Hotel Saltsjobaden, Stockholm, Sweden 19-21 No- Akademii Rolniczo-Technicznej, 1991. - Pp. 3-6. -
vember 1991: ed. A. SOdergren. - Solna: Statens (Summary in English) (14 ref., 1 fig., 3 tab!.) (pl)
naturv~rdsverk, 1992. Rapport I Naturvardsverket, Keywords: marine pollution, river discharge, heavy
ISSN 0282-7298; 4031.- Pp. 18-23.- (Summary in metals, Odra River
English) (ISBN 91-620-4031-6) (se)
Keywords: pulp wastes, chlorine compounds, chemi- Ostersjon - ett annorlunda hav =The Baltic Sea-
cal reactions, chlorophenols, chlorinated phenols, a different sea I Wulff, F. Ostersjon - ett hav i
chlorinated guaiacols fOrlindring, ISBN 91-546-0336-6.- Stockholm: Na-
turvetenskapliga forskningsrMet, 1992. Naturveten-
Toxiska amnen till Vasterhavet 1990 : Oresund - skapligajorskningsradets arsbok; 1992.- Pp. 29-39
Kattegatt - Skagerrak = Toxic substances to the (SE)
Sound- Kattegat- Skagerrak 1990- Solna: Statens Keywords: inflow, salinity, nitrogen, phosphorus,
naturv~rdsverk, 1992. - 100 p. 60 leaves : graphs, nutrient cycles, Baltic Sea area
tables Rapport I Naturvardsverket, ISSN 0282-7298.
-ISBN 91-620-4082-0 (se) Ostersjons miljiihistoria avspeglas i bottnarna =
Keywords: heavy metals, pesticides, chlorine com- The environmental history of the Baltic Sea is
pounds, lead, mercury, cadmium, organic com- reflected by the bottoms I Jonsson. P. Ostersjon - ett
pounds, chlorinated hydrocarbons, pollutant load, hav i fOrandring, ISBN 91-546-0336-6.- Stockholm
The Sound, Kattegat, Skagerrak, Sweden : Naturvetenskapliga forskningsrftdet, 1992. Natur-
vetenskapligajorskningsrddets arsbok; 1992.- Pp.
Trend analysis of nutrient concentrations in Bal- 41-51 (SE)
tic Sea rivers I Grimval1, A. & Silllnacke, P. & Keywords: sediments, eutrophication, 1ong-tenn
Sundblad, K. & Niemirycz, E. J. & Pitkanen, H. & changes, pollutants, Baltic Sea area
Bruhn, A. Environment, energy and natural resource
Author index Author index 139
Falandysz, J. 15, 61, 63, 65, Grahn, 0. 14,56 Helle, E. 17, 18, 61,62 HOglund, J. 39 Neilson, A. H. 47 85,90 Rahm, L. 56, 107
108, I 10, 121 Granberg, H.B. 100 Hellmann, H. 44 Hi.)glund, 0. 60 Nell bring, S. 14, 26, 86,98 Sanden, I' !0/
Falkowsk,,, L. 101. 106, 107, GranCli, E. 27, I03 Hemminki, K. 55, 76 Hokkii, M. 71, 73, 82
Partanen, H. 86, 91 Rahola, T. 125
Netzel, J. 84, 89 S:11Jdlq, I i \0
Partanen, P. 41 Raid, T. 78, 86, 90
134 GranCli, W. 29, 100, 104 Henriksson, J. 129 Hiirnfelclt, E.-L. 98 Neuclecker, T. 22, 87, 88, 90 Salul',Jiiiln_i l H. '-d. \t 1.r 1 :l.
Passow, U. 21,27 Rajalo, G. 105, 127
Feldman, V. 88 Granlid, M. 34, 81 Henriksson, S.-1-L 33, 34, 81 lkonen, E. 19, 20, 83, 86, 88 Neuman, E. 24, 34, 54, 57, Patrikainen, M. 63, 73
Fennel, W. 100, I 0 I Gramno, A. 55, 64, 76, 103, Herbinger, M. 33, 42, 67, 78, Ikoncn, P. 84 62,64 Raotala, L. 72, 74, 86, 88 .),'1111!1'1, It !/_ jj(,
Fenn, R. 70, 129 134 116 Ilomets, M. 49, 134 Pawlak, B. 97, 98, 105, 108, Rantavaara, A. 125
Neumann, G. 46 120, 121 S:11vai:L l H. II Ji. iJ
Fitzmaurice, M. 96 Grassl, H. 43 Hermann, B. 19 llus, E. 72,107, 124 Nicdenneyer, R.-0. 114 Rappe, C. 16, 43, 44, 45, 46, Savihkaj;J, I ';_ ! _-,'
Pawlak, J. 14, 37 47,49,51,53,57,83
Fleischer, S. 67, 68, 73 Grauman, G. B. 14, 23, 66, Hernroth, L. 37, 101, 109 lngri, J. 104 Nicdzwiedzki, E. 110, 136 SawicL1, I 1'1/. 111\, ""
Pedersen, M. 4 Rauste, Y. I 00
Flink man, J. 12, 84 89 Hessen, D. 129 1rha, N. 50, I07 Nielsen, R. 6, 9, 31 Saxl;ll, I{ l1,', 1 /-1
Pehrsson, 0. 15, 36 Rechenberg, V. 44, II 0
Floden,T.IJ3, 114 Greger, M. 52 Heyer, J. 39 lnnisch, A. 39 Niemi, A. 73, 130 Sclwrf, 1:'. 1\1 1,_,~
Pejrup, M. 100, 113, 117 Reclliin, 0. 90
Floderus, S. 112 Grimi\s, U. 46, 62 Hickel, B. 7, 10 Isaksson, I. 57, 66 Niemirycz, E. J. 42, 52, 103, Schinvn. I J \(;_ tH t'J
Pekkarinen, M. 5, 7, 8, 10, Rcclliin, 0. K. W. 64, 77
Flodstriim, E. 116, 133 Grimelius, L. 58 Hiilivirta, P. 84 !tnt, A. 50, 107, 124 132, 135, 136 Schildh:IIH't. j\ !U
11, 35
Flossdorf, J. 5, 8, 37 Grimvall, A. 42, 52, 122, Hilden,M.J5,66,80,84,86, Jacobsson, A 57, 62, 64 Nics, H. 44, 110
Reichardt, W. 29 Schildh;IU('t. V 1\
Peltola, J. 99, 111 Reiland, S. 18
Foberg, M. 30 132, 135, 136 87,88,89,90,91,92 Jacobsson, L. 3, 43, J2J Nilsson, J. 47, 51, 63 Schmid!, D. I 1,> I \-l
Fogelqvist, E. 5, 6, 26, 27, Grip, K. 125 Hilge, V. 53, 77 Janatuinen, J. 87 Nisell, J. 27, 51
Pcmpkowiak, J. 32, 55, 58,
60, 104, 106, 107, 108, 110,
Reimann, A. 133 Schmidt, 1<. '1, N. ,.,
29, 31, 32, 37, 97, 98. 99, G1ygiel, W. 84, 88, 91 Hill, C. 37 Janke, W. 113 Nissling, A 13 Reinhardt, K. H. 125 Schmitz, /'v1. I\
121, 122, 133 Rembcrger, M. 47
101. 109 Grzybowski, W. 55, 58, 104, Hillgren, R. 136 Jankowska, H. 106, 134 Noges, P. 75 Schnack, D. I'J,Wi
Folke, C. 76,91, 120 106 Hjelt, M. 16, 46, 51 Jansen, G. 92 Persson, J. 76, 81, 96, 117 Renk, H. 5, 8, 25, 43, 53, 55,
Nommann, S. 26 Schneider, H. -1 \
Fonsclius, S. 5, 6, 26, 27, 29, Gudelis, V. 113 Hjort, U. 109, 122, 136 Jansson, A.-M. 120 Persson, L.-E. 33, 46, 51, 54, 103
Nordgaarcl, A. I09, 122, 136 63 Schneider, 1~ . .:'.'. ')J
31, 32, 37, 97, 98, 99, 101, Gunneriusson, L. I 05, \33 Hjorth, R. 131 Jansson, B. 45, 51, 53, 83 Norrgren, L 4, 43,62 Rhcinheimer, G. 3.'5, 36, 38,, W. ().\
Persson, R. 48, 82, 96 70, 105
109 Gargul, H. 95, 101, 110 Hobbie,.!. 52 Jansson, M. 109, 129 Norrman, B. 34, 98 Schncsc1, W.•1 X
Petersen, G. 43 Riber, H. 5, 6, 30, 32, 40, 42.
Forsberg, C. 48, 70 Gurwell, B. R. 113 Hoene, M.G. 38 Jednoral, T. 74, 130 Nornnan, J. 0. 97 Schober, B. 92
Petersen, H. M. 59, 65, !OJ, 65, 117, 118
Forsberg, M. 54, 64 Gusar, A. 88 Hoffman, K. 4 Jensen, A. 100, 113, 117, 134 Notter, M, 46 Schober, W. 22, 1} 1
102, 118
Forsgren, G. 109 Gyberski, J. 97, 132 Hoffmann, E. 48, 82, 96 Jensen, J. 100 Nyberg, L. !OJ Richardson, K. 39. 113 Schramm, W. h1
Petcrsson_. L. R. 17, 49 Richter, U. 79, 80
Forsman, L 13, 20 Giitze, E. 84, 87 Hoffmann, G. 78, 80, I 14 Jensen, L. M. 27 Nylund, K. 45 SchrOder, C. :'?{{
Petrausch, G. 8, 11 Ring, M. 39
Fortelius, W. 6, 9, 21 Haapala, J. 102 Holm, G. 52, 58, 62, 125 Jensen, S. 16, 17, 18,44,46, Nystrom, E. 130 Schulz, N. 22, i'N
Petrovskaja, T. 105, 127 Rissancn, J. 67,91
Franck, H. 97, 101, 102 Haglund, P. 44, 45 Holm, K. 49, 106 50, 56,61 Nystrom, K. G. 15, 36 Schulz, S. 3H, J9, ''>.?. ; J
Pettersen, H. 123
Frank, A. 16, 17, 46, 49 HagstrOm, A. 25, 98 Holmberg, R. 40, 70, 72, 86 Joarand, H. 6, 74, 130 N.\f, C. 47, 50, 51, 52, 57,
Rodhe, H. 105 Schumann, R. Jh
Pettcrsson, K. 29, 100 Rodhe, J. I 02, 125
Frenzel, P. 8, 11 Hagstrom, 0. 8, I 1, 23, 84, Holmbom, B. 120 Jochem, F 39 123, 134, 135 SchOnfeld, W. 100
Pickov<t, J. 87 Rolff, C. 52, 123, 135
Friman, H. 77, 87 88 Hohng1w, K. 49, JOG Joffre, S. M. 111 Natke, G. 81 Seed, R. 23
Pihl, L. 34, 57, 66 Roman, J. l 08, 122
Fritsch, M. 4 Hahlbeck, E. 80 Honkasalo, S. 58 Johansson, L. 133 Oclham, G. 46, 104 Seifert, T. 101
Piblaja, K. 111 Roman, S. 104, 133
Fmhlund, K 57,66 Hakaste, T. 59, 71, 85 Hoppe, H-G. 22, 25, 29, 31, Johansson, N. 87 Oeberst, R. 76 SeinU, A. 99, 111
Piiroinen, 0. 14, 59, 71,85 Roos, A. 16, I 7, 18, 44, 46,
Fry, B. 52 Haldin, D. 25, 55 34,36,38,45 Johansson, R. 41 OeJtzcn, J.-A. von 39 SellstrOm, U. 45
Pikkov, L. 5, 6, 70, 74, 130 49
Friise, R. 19 Hallbiick, H. 14, 86 Horbowy, J. 84 Johansson, S. 26, 27, 35, 48, Ohiclag, S. 85 Selmer, J.-S. 105
Pilats, V 18 Rosemarin, A. 6, 9
Funkquist, L. I02 Hallberg, R. 0. 105, 123 Hm"cd, J. 30, 59, 65, 101, 56,58 Ohlson, H. 109 Serg<::jcv, B. 107, 113, 1 h
Pitkanen, H. 42, 52, 74, 130. Rosenberg, R. 29, 58, 66,
Fyrberg, L. A. 5, 6, 26, 27, Hallibunon, D. 96 102, 118 Johansson, T. 102, 111 Ohlson, M. 106, 107, 109 Set ilia, J. 86, 91
136 125
29,31,32,97,98,99 Hallikainen, M. 100 Horstedt, J. 5, 6, 30, 32, 40, Johansson, A. 56 Okolotowicz, G. 28, 120, Shevtsov, S. E. 80
Pliksh, M.A. 80, 90 Rothbart, H. 84, 88
FOr! in, L. 54, 125 HammarstrOm, U. 134 42, 117, I 18 Johnsson, B. 13, 15, 20,87 123 Shirokov, S. V. 21, HH, H9
Plinski, M. 5, 8, 25, 28, 54, Ron sku, T 21, 64
Foyn, L. 37, 101, 109 Hammer, M. 91, 120 Hovancler, L. 17, 50 Jokinen, 0. 41, 70,72 Olsson, I. 37, 101, 109 Shvctsov, F G. 20, 2.1, Li
Gaard, E. 48, 82,96 Hansen,H.J.16, 17,85 Hudd, R. 15, 24, 61, 64, 66, Jonsson, B. 49, 83 Ruchholz, K. 114
Olsson,M.I6, 17, 18,44,46, Pogorzelski, S. 103, 106, Shvctsova, G. i\-'1. 9, 12, )O,
Gabriel, 0. 80 Hansen, V. 6, 20, 51, 113, 79,86,89 Jonsson, G. S. 48, 82, 96 47, 49, 51, 53, 56, 61, 63, 64,
Rudstam, L. G. 26, 35 22.23,25,80
128, 132 Runblom, H. 95
Galgan, V.17,49 I 14, 125 Hultman, B. 131 Jonsson, P. 45, 56, 105, 106, 77, 83 Siebers, D. 8, II
Pokki, J. 102
Ga1vao, H. M. 39 Hansson, H. 60, 100 Hlibel, H. 28 114,134,136 Olsson, P. 27 Ruohonen, K. 72, 83 Sievert, C. 36
Poolsaari, S. 6, 74, 130 Russel, G. 5, 8
Gandrass, J. 43 Hansson, S. 13, 26, 34, 35,85 Hlibel, M. 28 Jonsson, S. 122, 132, 135 Omstedt, A. 99, 101 Simila, M. 100
Posselt, U. 83
Garlson, L. 51 Hantke, E. 2 I Hynning, P. A. 47 Jost, G. 34, 36, 38, 39, 45 Oravainen, P. 75 Rybicka, D. 19, 38, 52 Sjliberg, B. 3, 5, 26, 29, 95,
Postel, A. 21
Gellert,J.F 112 Hantke, H. 76 mkanson, L. 19, 44, 45, 47, Juhlin, B. 97,98 Oravainen, R. 65, 75 Rybinski, J. 103, 132 97
Postel, L. 21 Rydberg, L. 105
Gentzen, R 21, 88 Haraguehi, K. 17, 50, 61, 77 49, 50, 52, 81, 82, 83, 96, Jula, E. A. 9, 12, 22,80 Osmialowski, K. 61, 108 Sjoberg, s. 105,133
Poutunen, E.-L, 111 Rygne, H. 33, 42, 67, 78, 116
Gerlach, S. A. 67 HedCn, M. 77,116 113, 135 Jumppanen, K. 41, 60, 62, Osowiecki, A. 19, 38, 52, 59 Sjoblom, K.-L. 72, 107, 124
Poveda, J. B. 5, 8, 37 Raina, P. 40, 71, 79, 82,85
Getmantsev, V. 88 Heerkloss, R. 38, 39, 63 Hakansson, B. 98 64, 73, 74 Ott,R.105, 113,124 Sjoblis, A. 116, 133
Povlsen, E. 5, 6, 30, 32, 40, Ronnberg, 0. 6, 9, 20, 55
Gibele, J. 5, 8, 37 Heide JOrgensen, M.-P. 5, 8, Hakansson, H. 56. 58 Juterzenka, K. V. 29 Oulasvina, P. 67, 91 Sjolund, C. 60
42,65, 117,118 Saarikari, V, 31, 61,72
Gidhagen, L. 98, 102 16, 17, 36 Hflkansson, N. 84, 88 Jilrplid, B. 17, 37,58 Paananen, T, 86,91 Sjoqvist, A. 3, 95
Prandke, H. 101
Giesen hagen, H. C. 31 Heikkonen, K. 5, 8 Hlikkila, K. 74, 130 Jilrvik, A. 79, 80 Paat, A. A. 22, 88 Saeid Khalifa, S. 103, 132 Sjiisten, A. 26, 36, 48, 5~.
ProtasoWicki, M. 110, 136 Salemaa, H. 6, 8, 9, 11, 12,
Gilek, M. 43, 44, 58 Heinanen, A. P. 35 Hilllfors, G. 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, Jarvinen, A. 66, 89, 90 Palmen, H. 5, 6, 26, 27, 29, 106
Pruuki, V. 87 21,22
Gocke, K. 22, 25, 29, 31, 34, Heinanen, A. 25, 35 25,27 JOnsson, C.-J. 46 31,32,97,98,99 Sjiistrand, B. 12, 87
Puetz, K. 20
36,38,45,70 Heise, R. 82 Hanninen, J. 73, 74, 87, 88 Kaasik, E. 25, 26 Palmen, L.-E. 84 Salis,l.6, 121,130 Skarzee, B. 51, 108
Pulliainen, E. 14, 37, 6o Salli, A.l3, 85
Golchert, H-J. 75 Helander, B. 15, 16, 23 Hilrdig, J. I 4, 56 Kaehler, P. 75 Palosaari, S. 5, 70 Sk6ra, K. 12, 14, 16, 54, xr,
Punning, J. M. 6, 41, 107 Salmi, J. 67, 90
Goroney, I. 44, 110 Helander, E. 17 Harkonen, T. 5, 8, 16, 17, 18, Kahru, M. 25 Pannanne,P. 12,15,84,89 Skwarzec, B. 105, 133
Parnapuu, M. 6, 51 Salminen, M. 88
Gradalev, E. 90 Hell, M. 130 23,36,44 Kaiser, W. 38, 52 Pannanne, R. 13, 14, 23, 67, Sliwinski, A. 103, 132
Piiro, P. 5, 127
Sandbe1g, E. 30, 32, 59, 63 Siobodda, S. 96, I 02, II •I
Keyword index
Author index
Steffensen, E. 89 Thulin, B. 112 55,59 Acm1ia tonsa 35 ammonia37,39, 101,109 47,51,52 I .\, I I I I N 'i-
.-w.' ·
Thulin, J. 14. 37, 39,63 Virta, P. 61, 71,72
Stenman, 0. 17, 61,66 Viltanen, E. 13, 20 Wilandcr, E. 58 accidents 77, 105, 112, 116, anaerobic 44 aquatic communities 9, 25, 21), II I t 'l-i i:f,
Thuren, A. 125
Stibe, L. 67, 68 Yirtanen, T. 74, 130 Willen, E. 6, 9, 6 I 117,118,120,133, !34 anaerobic-aerobic purifica- 27,30,32,63 .\7. ·1·1. ·I '1 ji, I • Hi ~ ';- \l
Stigcbrandt, A. 104, 117 Thurow, F. S4 Willcn,T. 7, 10 accumulation 47 tion 5, 127 aquatic environment 5, 120 5 I :;-... , ';,j \(; qj
Yismann, B. 8, 11,61
Stips, A. 101 Tiberg, N. 96 Wilson, S. 14,37 Acerina cernua 21 anaerobiosis 39 aquatic mammals 8, 16, 17, ()2, ()\, 11''!, Jt'! '•') !~ i n-1
Tikkancn, T. 7, 10 Vogt, H. 76
Stochmal, W. 110 Winkler, 1-1. M. 22, 39, 54, Achnanthcs tacniata 26 analytical techniques 19, 43, 18,23,34,36,37,44,46,47, XX. 1_1:-i, !J',I, !J)< Vi fiWi !iii
Tissari, A. 66 Voss, M. 35
Storbcrg, K-E. 74, 78, 130 Yuorincn, I. 9, 12, 22 76,84,89 acidrain7,68, 107;.131 44, 46, 47, !04, I 22, I 32 49, 50,51' 53, 60,61' 62, 63, I 02. 101. !(I'\ If if, i/i\i ; I
Tobiasson, S. 46, 51, 54,63
Strand, C. 60 Wistbacka, S. 12, 33, 84 acidification 15, 66, 89 Anguilla anguilla 21, 44, 49, 77,83 I 1·1, I II. I li r 111 I ~ i j I
Toivonen, A. L. 61' 79, 86 Vuorincn, M. 14, 60
Wit, C. de 51, 53,83 activated sludge 5, 127 54,58, 76,80,85 122, I} I, I 'd I I ·".i
Sturm, M. 100 Vuorinen, P. J. 14, 60 aquatic plants 9, 10, 29, 30,
Stahr, K-J. 87,90 Torvi,!. 19, 83, 88 Wodarg, D. 125 adsorption 5, 6, 70, 74, 130 Anguillicola 38, 77 34, 36, 52, 56, 65, 77, I 16 131.1\\_l\..l il'',
Trapido, M. 52, 107, 109, Vuoristo, H. 74, 130
Stalnacke, P. 42, 50, 52, 135, Wolska-Pys, M. 19, 38, 52 aeration 5, 81, 127 animal diseases 14, 16, 17, aquifer 5, 123 Ballil.' ~;\';~ -\,;; -l iii l i !'.i
1 JO, 113, 125, 126, 135,137 VHinOHi, R. 9, 12
!36 Viilipakka, P. 8, 9, I I, 12, 20, Wright, J. 77, 87 aerial surveys 18 18,29,34,36,37,45,46,51, Arabian Sea 39 21.:1 '-i,H,\H Hill
Traubcrga, E. F. 91 Wulff, F. 3, 56, 73, 95, 107, aerobic respiration 35 53,55,57,60,63 Archipelago Sea 4, 34, 42, .'U,{).\.( 1\'/!! l Hi ''h
Suckow, R. 39 22. 24
Trokowicz, D. 19, 38, 52
Sukhacheva, L. L 99 130, I 36 aerobic/anaerobic biooxycla- animal metabolism 11, 39, 50,60,77,79,81,82,85,87, lOll, Jill. IIH I !!"< I li, iO
Sundbtick, K. 29, 56, 100
Trzosinska, A. 53, 97, 103, Vtirnhed, B. 42, 125
Wyszynski, M. 13, 19, 79, tion 6, 74, 130
Wachtmeister, C. A. 48, 109, 61 135 I I 1. IJ..l. IIi, I r I I ' i '1i I
Sundblad, K. 42, 50, 52, !35, 12.l, 132 84,88 aerosols 101, 107 animal morphology 11, 12, archipelagoes 12, 15, 30, 33, 131.!.\\,llf.
Tunberg, B. 7, 10, 30,33 136
!36 Wahlberg, B. 87 Wangberg, S.-A. 66 age 83, 88 24,39,91 36,42,49,52,57,67,77,78, Ballp_itlpli>·• ,-;; 1_- i_t
Sundelin, B. 29, 31, 55, 60 Tydcn, M. 95 Yamashita, N 63 age composition 12, 22, 23, animal organs 58 84, 105, I 16, 125 bani·;', {lnj'>i•!H'\jlh\ 1 !i
Walkusz, J. 104, !08, 122.
Sundin, P. 46, 58, !04 Uclcr, J-OF. 22 Yap, H. T. 35 24,64, 79,84,88,89,90 animal physiology II Ark on a Deep I 04, I08, I 22, Bart'llh Snt HI\. f 1
Uder, Y.-0. 88 133
Suomela, M. 125 Walkusz-Miotk, J. 32, I I 0, Yhlen, B. 6, 27, 31, 32, 98, age determination 8, 12, 13, animal reproductive organs 133 bariu1n I il-l
Suuronen, P. 79, 80, 85 Uitto, A. 8, !1, 21,31 16,40,84 60 Ark on a Sea 28, 39 harorlhm Hili
121 99 n11>!i!Hl
U\mestrand, L. 8, II, 23, 79 Yurkovskis, A. I 08, 122 age groups 12, 84
Svanbtick, G. 61, 79, 86 Wallentinus, I. 4, 6, 9, 31 Anisakis 38, 77 aromatic compounds 17, 50 bamiHljll\ iJ''-·LiLilii\ ii~J
Svendsen, E. 37, 101, 109 Ulmestrancl, M. 13, 79 Zabel, 0. I 12 agricultural pollution 4, 75, annual reports 3, 62, 67, 72, aromatic hydrocarbons 44. lbnh 1\o'l' ii,P· , ;\iii,.;
Uotila, J. 60, 82 Waller, U. 19,85
Svenson, G. 73, 130 Zagradkin, D. 5, 6, 26, 27, 95, 131 75, 102, 107, 109, I I I, 121, 47,50,51,57, 103,107,123, b;Jselillc ·dudi,--- I\ i
Urho, L. !4, 15, 23, 66, 86, Wallgren, H. 45
Svensson, B.-M. 17,37 Wallin,M. 19,44,45,47,49, 29,31,32,97,98,99 agricultural runoff 53, 59, 124, 125 124, 134, 135 basin., 1.11
Sy,A.ll2 89 Zander, C. D. 34, 36 69, 76,120, 121, 128,129 annual variations 20, 23, 25, aromatics 16, 47 hcl\:1\•i~HHdl 1i- Jhii;-.; j!
50, 52, 8 I, 82, 83, 96, I 34,
Szaniawska, A. 35 U1tans, E. J. 22 Zeblihr, Y. 50, 52, 57, I 23, agriculture 6, 41, 68 28,34 arsenates 66 20 ..1 1. '\ ".
Ustinova, L. A. 21, 22, 85, !35
Szefer, K. 29, 55, !04 Wallstr6m, K. 26, 55,56 I 34, !35 air pollution 3, 7, 40, 43, 45, anoxia6, 121 arsenic 49, 106 !kl! >ic;l I ! \i\ Hi-l
Szefer, P. 29, 55, 59, 60, 64, 88,89,90 Zmudzinski, L. 19, 38, 52, 51,68,69,95, Ill, 116,117, anoxic conditions 22, 35, 47, arsenic compounds 66 lwn!hi~· ~'11\'ii\Hlill;·:ni 'ii \I
Utin, G. N. 99 Walter, Th. 39
104, !06, !07, 109 wartanian, A. 17, 49 59, 62,108, 135 118,120,121,123,124,125, 76, 97, 104 miificia! aeration 81 32, N, (,J.
Szumi\as, T. 5, 8, 53, 132 Vadstein, 0. 129 Zook, C. 16, 46 127,128,129,130,131,133, anoxic sediments 29 artificial seawater 110 ht'nlhn,, I.' I i_!, -"-'
Wasmund, N. 19, 35, 38, 39,
Savenhcd, R. 122, !32, 135 Vahtera, H. 4 I, 70, 72 Zook, D. R. I 6, 47 134, 135 .\O,.ll.-!o '';'',, \} ·w_f;j_rlt_
anoxic zone 6, 121 Atlantic 8, 103, 112
Vaikmii.e, R. 107 67, 68
Siiarek5nno, J. 5, 120 Weber, H. 43 Zuzarte, F. 88 air transportation Ill Antarctica 26, 44, 47 atmospheric boundary layer 71, n, n. 1.,1. n , ij g" nr;
Soderberg, P. 113 Vainio, J. 100 Aberg, P. 6, 9, 17,36 air-gas analysis 5, 127 anthropogenic factors 46, 60, Ill HH, 10·1, I }0, I/ 1
Valentin, N. 5, 8, 16 Weber, W. 20, 36
Sodergren, A. 3, 47, 56 Wedborg, M. !09, 121 Ac!jers, K. 6, 9, 20, 38, 55,63 air-sea interaction Ill 104, 105, 107, 122 atmospheric chemistry 105 bc!l/r'lw I/'\
SOderholm-Tan a, L. 13, 20 Valpasvuo-Jaatinen, P. 74,
Weigelt, M. 32 Oberg, A. 126 air-water exchanges 104, antibiotics 48, 82, 96 atmospheric fallout 125 h~ll/n{il'!!t'l·lh\i \() \' 10~.
Soderkultalahti, P. 80, 86, 88, 130 bhlenschlliger, J. 91 105, 109, 11 I antifouling substances 52, atmospheric paniculates 134 ]()), ltN. 110, !1 l, 1,-'1 j_.'--i_
Valtonen, T.E. 39 Weile, K. 28
91 Weiss,D.44, 110,116,118 Ostlund, P. 49 Airisto 77, 87 125 atmospheric pollution 102, 12'), 1.~11, I\:'!_ l t'!
SoderstrOm, M. 48 Varis, 0. 86 Ostman, T. 6, 9, 20, 55 alburnus albumus 43 Antonio,Gramsci 66, 89 109, I II, 121 hihlirll-'lilphll Hil'-'li!\idlHJI ··1,
Varvas,M.i05, 113.124 Welsch, W. I 9
SOrensen, K. 27, 51 Wennberg, L. 123 algae 4, 8, 9, 10, 14, 26, 27, Aphanizomenon flos-aquae atmospheric precipitations ·II, 7/
Tali, E. 6, 74, 130 Veer, H. W. van der 34
Wennberg, T. 28 8, 29, 30, 31, 33, 34, 37, 38, 26,55,56 40, 43,45 hihlinvlnJ•lH'.'" \_ 'i, •n, 1 ll
Veidennaa, M. 7, 131
Tana, J. 56 Wennhage, H. 57, 66 43, 46, 48, 49, 50, 52, 55, 56, aphotic zone 35 atomic absorption spectro- Bico•;J;J :-,pli!lh'H-! -.'li
Tanabe, S. 63 Veilens, E. 57 57,60,61,66, 100,107,109, aquaculture 36, 47, 48, 50, metJy 105, 113, 124 bi lc 40
17, 124, 125 59,60,70,73,76,81,82,83, automated recording 112 hiO<l\'l'IHHllli11iUli i_ i.! JO, /0,
algal blooms 13, 25, 26, 27, 96 autotrophy 27 44,,1\·lfl,'i!,--ifi,'\1 \), i_l,
Keyword index
Keyword index
coagulation 110 66, 74, 76, 79,86,88,90 digestion 22, 90, 91 E!lw H1H'l +i
buoyancy 13 chemowxonomy 38
Bornholm Deep 108. 122 coast protection 116 correlation 25 digestive tract 10, 11 ekclrot hr'fni; ,;j ''-,\LL'l.ij;-; 1,
56, 61, 63, 64, 66, !24, 133 Chernobyl 46, 53, 62, 72,
by catch 61, 79,86 coastal engineering 78 116 correlation analysis 20, 22 dimethyl disulpbide 105 !0:). I/!
biochemical composition 20 botany 10 105, !07, 124, !25, 133
cadmium 31, 46, 49, 55, 58, 1!8 ' ' costs 68, 127 dimethyl sulphide 105 elt:clf'O!I i-f''('
biochemical method 5, 127 Bothnian Bay 14, 16, 17, 23, chlordane 17, 44, 47, 49
24, 30,31' 32, 33, 34, 37, 41, 60, !04, !05, 106, 112, 122, coastal erosion 77, 100, 102, Crangon crangon 64, 66, 92 Dinophyta 27 ekt'll'tljlh•-'i'r'<l
biochemical oxygen demand chlorides 11
42, 44, 60,6 I, 63, 64,71' 72, 124, !33, !36 Ill, 112, 113, 116 cromium 49, 106 dioxios 16, 43, 45, 46, 49, 50, l~Jilhl'ytiltl< ,-j, ''l'·h~l;,-;; '" 1 ·.!
53 caesium isotopes 49, 51, 53, chlorinated catechols 48
73,74,82,83,85,86,87,99, coastallandfonns 112, 113 crude oil I 03, II O, !32 51,52,53,57,83, !23, 134, (10, '/X, Wi. 'hi
biochemical purification 6, chlorinated dibcnzodioxins
!08, 122 coastal morphology 45, 50, cruise reports 35, 100, 106, 135 embryo•, ~; i U;
130 125 45,50,51
Bothnian Sea 5, 8, 9, 10, 12, cage culture 66, 70, 81, 82, 81,82,83,96,113 109,113, 117 discriminant function 19 t'!lli;;sinJh ·1 jr, i <' 1 i·~
biochemistry 36, 54 chlorinated clibenzofurans
14, 15, 20, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 83,89,90 coastal structures 118 cruise stations 6, 27, 31, 32, dispersants 21, 64 t'lll'khl!l!'·,?; -lit w
biocoenosis 59, 66, 67 cages 66, 67, 72, 86, 89, 90, 45,50,51
28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 37, coastal waters 1 5 g 9 10 98,99 dispersion 3, 95, 101 cndopiH;P:Ht:·~ <.·~-
biodegradation 12, 38, 47, chlorinated guaiacols 48,
40,41' 42, 46, 47, 49,51' 52, 91 12. 14, I9,24·.27.29.'3o', 3 I: crustacea 39 dissolved inorganic matter t~ll\'1)!)" \Hii!J:>:H i·'' 'q:
51, 54, 103 calcium 106, 109 109, 136
54, 55, 56, 58, 59, 60,61' 62, 32, 34, 40, 41, 42, 44, 46, 47, crustaceans 11, 20,37, 64,74 38, 104 CIH'I)?.)' !Jn··.·i,c i,i
bioenergetics 12 chlorinated hydrocarbons
63, 64, 65, 66, 67,71' 72, 73, Canada 96 48, 49, 50, 5 I, 52, 54, 58, 62, CTD observations 19 dissolved oxygen 5, 6, 14, En('q.<y P"ki <h\
biogenic gas 113 50,5!,52,63,66, !03, 107,
74, 75, 76, 79, 85, 86, 87, 88, canals 78 63, 64, 67, 70, 76, 79, 81, 82, cultural hist01y 4 19, 23, 26, 27, 29,31' 32, 77, 1~llfcl1.lll!!lijdH
biogenous clements 5, 127 cannibalism 20, 35 109,110, I 13,123, !24, 125,
89,90,91,98, 102,109,112, 83, 86, 95, 96, 98, 105, 108, cultmed organisms 19, 66, 85, 89, 97, 98, 99, 104, 106 cnvil'llllJli•'i\HI
biogeochemistry 31 126, 134, 135, !36, 137
114, !23, 124,125,130, !33, carbon 14 26 114, 117, 123, 126, 134 83,84,86,88,89 distribution 10, 25 j . t,/i.i\'i,,H\f
biogeography 12 carbon cycle 27, 36, 37, 38, Chlorinated organic ma\ler
!36 coastal zone 19, 30, 35, 44, current data 111, 132 distribution records 12, 22 C!lVliO!llh()ii'll } ;·;
biographies 4 !20, 121,123,129, !33, !35
bottom 30, 32, 59, 104, !06, 44 50, 59, 68, 96, 102, 113, 114, current measurement99, 101 diurnal variations 21 IS, !H, II}. 'ii '·:l Li ··\ o
biological age \9 carbon dioxide 11, I 07, I09 chlorinated phenols 109, 136
!08, 110, 121, !22, !33 D8, 135 current meters 101 domestic wastes 40, 41, 42. ;.,;
biological collections 33 carbon disulphidc 105 chlorination 28, 47, 56, 65,
bottom currents 98 coastal zone mail.agement currents 99, 102 66,69,70,7!,73,74,86, !2R 'Ill. 1 '· n
biological damage 11, 21 !35
Bottom erosion 119 carbon fixation 38 96, 102, 114 cuticles 20 dominant species 11, 12, 20, ')!l, q I
biological data 3, 43, 123 chlorine 134
bottom topography 96, 113, carbon monoxide 134 coasts 3, 5, 15, 23, 40, 95, Cyanophyta 26, 27, 28, 37, 26, 27, 30,31' 33, 37, 38, 59, \'1\\'IIF:<Hilk·Hkil !iii Hi'·-- f f
biological method 6, 121 carbon/nitrogen ratio 36, 105 chlorine compounds 3, 16,
114 100 56 61,62, 71, 72,83,84,88 .\!. q-;' l)j
biological pollutants 73, 108 17, !8,43,45,46,47,48,49,
bottom trawling 78, 80, 115 carbonates 107, 108, 109 cobalt isotopes 51 Cypricleis torosa 11 drainage areas 113 1'!1\'ll•'lllill''ld -ii )ji'f '+. l
biological production 9, 26, 50,51' 52, 53, 54, 56,57' 58,
bottom trawls 78, 80 carbonic anhydrase II Coccidia I 0, 35 Cyprinus carpio 21, 39, 82, dredge spoil120, 121, 129 \h,·1\ ,j .·H' ';\\
27, 32, 35, 36, 63, 104 60,61,64, 77, 83,104, !06,
boltom water 103, l06, 134 Carcinus maenas J 1 collisions 77, 112, 116, 120 92 dredging 48, 57, 65, 73, 77, tJ'J. I \, /f; ;; ;
biological properties 12, 24 Cardium glaucum 60, 107 !08, 109,123, !25, 133,134,
brackish water I 0, 13, 56, 96, colonization IO, 28, 55, 76 cysts 11 87,106,117,118 iU. 1!!!. '.i! '.if'·: W!i i;fi: ! i
biological stress 13, 15, 20, 135, !36
!02, !05, 107,114, !22, 132, cartography 99 commercial fishing 59, 67, Daphnia 21 drugs 15, 37,83 \1(1, !!! li ·1::ti n
2!,22,37,63,83,91 Catacombas obtusa l 0, 27 chlorophcnols 109, !36
133 71,80,85,88,90,92 Darss-Zingst estuary 22 28 dry method 7, 131 I:IIViiiH!!iV'llh-ii
biological surveys 25 Chlorophyceae 9 35, 39, 63, 89 ' '
brackishwater condition 74, catch rate 13, 20 commercial species 54, 76 dry weight 20 (JE. Fi !.if; 1
biology 3, 95 chlorophylls 3, 8, 25, 26, 27,
catch statistics 80, 88, 90 community composition 1o, data collections 3, 43, 95, dunes J 13 t'll\'IJFHl!fF >intl nu' ''"''' , 11,.
biomass 10, II, 12, 19, 20, 36,37,38,39,42,43,52,53,
brackishwater crustaceans catch/effort 14, 41, 59, 71, II, 12, 18, 23, 24, 25, 27 28 !26 dynamical oceanography 98, h. ! 0, /h
22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 30, 55, 98, 101, 103, !06, !09,
20,24,29,35,38,55 73,84,85,86,89,91 29,30,32,33,34,38,51:54: DDE 46, 61, 66, 77, 92 !OJ 1'/,·ll :i'
31, 32, 33, 35, 37, 38, 39, 44, 113, !23, 125
brackishwater ecology 36, catching methods 23, 79,90 56,58,59,62,63,65, 76,84 DDT 16, 45, 46, 49, 60, 63, dynamics 45, 50, 81, 82,96 'JH,'PJiOi
52, 55, 59,61' 63, 64, 67, 68, catchment area 6, 50, 51, 68 Chlorophyta 9
76,82 comparative studies 12, 20, 66,92 echinorhynchus 39
72, 75, 76, 77, 80, 84, 85, 86, Chorda tomentosa 8
brackishwater environment cell division 26 46 deep currents 111 echo surveys 87, 88, 90
87 cell volumes 25, 35 Chromophyta 9, 14,37
10, 13, 20, 21, 34, 39, 63, 74, competition 39 deep layer 97 ecological associations 10 1'11\'lliHifili',•if[ il f,,,,-;.,.( l.;c;>\
biooxydation 5, 70 Centropagcs hamatus 35 Chrysochromulina polylepis
85, 130 computer programmes 89 clecpwater99, 103,106 ecological balance 49, 134 ·1. {!J. ·lL 1.: :·;
biopolymmvhism 23 25, 27, 51,54
brackishwater fish 19, 82,84 Ceramium 8, 29 condition factor 11, 12, 25, degradation 50, 107, 134 ecological distribution 12, '!d. n ;:qi'
biota 51, 78, 108 cerium isotopes !03, 112 cilia 19, 28, 39
brackishwater molluscs 15, 33,55,67,84,90 denitrification 35, 36, 40, 75, 19,24,80 !..'''· 1 \o 1 11
biotic factors 9, 38, 52, 61 Ciliophora 37
36, 44, 46, 47, 55, 56, 112 Chaetoceros 27 conferences 4, 43, 53, 62, 75, 104, 105, 129 ecological succession 26, 27,
bioturbation 29 check lists 11, 26 cities 123
brackishwater organisms 65 95,101,113,131 Denmark 27, 42, 50, 52, 82, 28,32,37,39
bird eggs 47 chemical analysis 43, 44, 110 Cladophora 8, 9, 29
brackishwatcr pollution 41, constmction 5, 6, 30, 32, 40, 96, 136 ecological zonation 8, 37, 3X,
birds 15, !9,23,45,5!,53, chemical composition 91, Cladophora glomerata 9, 21
43, 53, 72, !30, !35 42, 48, 57, 59, 65, 76, 77, density gradients 101 41' 62, 63,72 c~i!Vl!Hli' ·nlf:;ji;,- )-\ \A,}'·:.'
110, 121 classification systems 19, 35,
breakwaters 28, 116 !07, 133 100, 101, 102, 106, Ill, 112, deposition features 5, 123 ecology 8, 9, 10, 12, 24, 27, l).,'\.1
Black Sea 36, 76, 82 chemical elements 51, 64, 68
breeding 57 116,117,118,119,120,133, desorption 104, 122 29, 32, 37, 63, 74, 96, 102, f<H/\'Hil''" ''iii'
bleaching 47, 55, 76, 133, 101, 105, 107, !08, 109, !33 clastics 75, 114
breeding sites 18 134 destruction 110, 137 114, 130 ept•k-wi;
135 chemical equilibrium 105, cliffs 113
bridges 5, 6, 28, 30, 32, 33, contaminants 13, 34, 85 desulphurization 7, 131 ecometrics 19,44, 47, 50,81, tcpll<Hh·,
Blekinge 33, 125, 126 climatic changes 13, 20, 79,
40,42,48,57,59,65, 76, 77, 109, !21, !33 Contracaecum 38, 77 detoxification 11, 61 135 I'.W.i j \HP
Blicca bjoerkna 22, 89 chemical industries 68, 121, 84, HI!, !02, !II, 112
100, !01, !02, !06, Ill, 112, controlled conditions 9, 21, detritus feeders 36 economic feasibility 68, 6(), I '>1 ;K lu{i;i:- i .{ \.i
blood 54 Clupea harengus 12, 13, 14,
!13, 116,117, !18, 119,120, 127, 129 55, 104 developmental stages 85 70, 127, 128 'H\ ~\if, fd_ q. ,.[,
blood cells 14 chemical kinetics I9 15, 20,21' 22, 23, 36, 37, 38,
133, !34 cooling water 8, 10, 27, 28, diageneSis 114 economics 68, 116, 120 1'-'dllPiil t, iii i i •H \ii
board industry 135 chemical oceanography 5, 6, 44,47,5!,57,60,66,67, 73,
brominated dibenzodioxins 29,37,56,60,65,85, 136 Diatomophyceae 9, 10, 26, economy 68, 91, 116 'ii. '15,rh> 2/i. Hn ni''. rn
boating 42 26,27,29,3!,32,97,98,99 74,77,78,79,80,84,85,86,
45 Copepoda 27, 35 27,29,37,55,56,60,61, 112 ecophysiology 8 10'.1 j !ii l! ,, H l ~q 1 f
boats 33, 67, 78, 116, !21, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 107
brominated dibenzofurans chemical oxygen demand 35 copper49, 52, 105, 106, 122, diatoms9, 10, 27, 61,' 112 ecosystem disturbance 43, l/ ·j ~ ':-j j j I ~ .',\},j
129 chemical pollutants 3, 14, 17, Clupea harengus membras
45 123, 125 dibenzofurans 16, 46, 57 76, 77,78,80,87,115 !W. i'li i-:rt j')
body conditions 13, 20 !8,37,60,6!,62,63,64,95 64,77
bromine 134 Coregonus 51 Dictyocha speculum 39 ecosystems 19, 49, 120, 1.14 l''c;j•iHl!i
body regions 12 clupeoid fisheries 21, 22, 88,
bromine compounds 45 chemical properties 107 Coregonus lavaretus 54, 61, diets 21 Ectocarpus siliculosus 14, :n
Bornholm Basin 19, 88,90 90,91
Buchephalidae 10,35 chemical reactions 109, 136
Bornholm Channel 98
Keyword index
Keyword index
59,82 130 parasites 10, 11, 16, 34, 35, Phragmites australis 77, 116
Mysis relicta ll, 12,21, 22
marine scientists 4 70 Nonsundet 58 oil wastes 130 39 physical properties 95, 101
lipids 58 microcosmos 31. 60 Mytilus 21, 63 North Atlantic 58 olefinic hydrocarbons Ill parasitic diseases 1O, 16, 34, physicochemical properties
literature data 106 man;hcs 105,133 Myti\us edulis 8, 10, 11, 15,
Martyana 10, 27 Microcystis flos~aquac 10 Nonh Sca4, 8, 12, 33, 37, 38, olicies 127 35,36,56,65 35, 36, 105
literature reviews 9, 47, 61, microorganisms 25, 34, 35, 23,29,35,36,44,46,55,58,
mass transport I00 43, 44, 66, 75, 77, 88, 92, oligotrophic lakes 36 parasitism 34 physiology 10, 18, 20, 54,
108 36, 37, 39, 40, 53, 70, 77, !04 60, 64, 66, 77, 81, 87, 92,
mathematical analysis 84 105,112,122,134 Olkiluo\o 41, 60 particle settling 57 56,58,63,64
Lithuania 66, 133 !04, 106, 107, 112
mathematical models 13, 14, microscopy 19 Northeastern Estonia 5 70 Oncorhynchus mykiss 14, particle size 25 phytobenlhos 5, 6, 8, 9, 25,
liver 15, 58, 65, 110, 121 Mytilus galloprovincialis 23 103, 123 ' '
23, 67, 81, 85, 86, 98, 101, midwater trawls 79, 80 60,66,89 particulate organic carbon 28, 29, 30, 31' 32, 33, 35, 40,
Jiving resources 87 migrations J l, 13, 14, \5, 20, Mytilus trossulus 23
104, 112
109, 122, 136 Northern Baltic 12, 13, 14, Opephora schulzii 10,27 42, 46, 48,51 '54, 55, 57, 58,
loading 74, !30 Naantali 88
Malsalu Bay 110, 126 23,67,88,90 15, 18, 23, 32, 33, 34, 37, 38, optical properties 36, 98, 106 particulate organic matter 57 59, 63, 67, 76, 78, 100, 116,
long-tenn changes ll, 16, nannoplankton 25, 26, 27,
Mecklenburg Bight 12, 24, mineral resources 28, 120, 60,62,63,81,82,84,89, 102 optimum parameters 6, 130 passenger ships 77 116 118 117, 118
17' 18, 28, 30, 31' 32, 35, 38, 37,38,39 119, 134 ' ' '
123 No11hern Baltic Proper 12, Organic acids 46, 133 phytoplankton3, 8, 9, JO, 19,
39,47,49,52,59,61,62,63, 81 Narva 68, 127
Mecklenburg- Vorpommern mineralization 36, 38,39 84 organic carbon 53, 76, 109 pathology 14, 17, 18, 37, 60, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 35, 36, 38,
67, 77, 90, 97, 99, 104, 105, national planning 96, 120,
36, 38, 52, 79, 82, 96, 102, mineralogy 4, 113 Northern Estonia 49, 134 organic compounds 40, 45, 62,63 39, 42, 43, 48,51' 52, 54, 55,
106, 107,114,123,136 121, 129
113, 114, 118 mining 121, 129 Northern Hemisphere 58, 106, 124, 131, 133, 136 PCB 16, 17, 44, 45, 46, 49, 56, 57, 58,61' 65, 66, 67, 68,
long-tenn records 12, 16, 25, mixed layer 35, 36, 40, 104, natural mortality 14, 23
M eck\enburg-Vorpommcrn, Oceam23 Organic acids 46, 133 50, 54, 56, 57, 58, 60, 61' 63, 72, 98, 105, 106, 113, 117,
31, 40, 55, 59, 66, 70,71' 72, natural populations 19, 24,
Saaler Bodden 21 105 Northwestern Aland 12 18, organic halogen 122, !32, 64,66, 73,77,92 118, 123, 125
83, 84, 85, 88, 89, 106 64
MED 25,54 mixed layer depth 10 I 24, 33, 34, 84 ' 134 pelagic eggs 13 picoalgae 27
Jonglining 80 model system 110, 137 natural resources 3, 4, 41, 42,
Norway 50, 82 organic matter 39, 104, !05, pelagic environment 19, 20, pigments 35
Lota Iota 14, 37, 39, 51,60 MED, Black Sea 88 117,118,133,134
Mediterranean Sea 25. 54 modelling 5, 67, 81, 102, quclear power plants 28, 41, 106, 133 28, 39, 125 Pilayella littoralis 9, 14, 21,
Lucbeck Bight 34 108, 114, 122, 127 nature cm1servation 4, 42
Meganyctiplumcs norwegica 44, 45, 46, 51, 56;60, 65, 72, organism aggregations 27 pelagic fisheries 79, 85 37
Macoma balthica 10, 1 l, 29, navigational channels 77,
models 6, 45, 47, 50, 52, 81, 85, 105, 107, 124, 126, 133, organism morphology 8, 37 penguins 44, 47 PIPOR 100
31, 32,47, 55,60,61,63, 72, 11, 23
82, 83, 84, 96, 10 l' 105, 129, 116 136 organizations 127 Peninsula of Hel 74, 130 planklon 5, 6, 25, 26, 27, 29,
77, 87, 107 mciobcnthos 31, 60 Nematoda 38, 77
Mclanogrammus acglcfinus 133, 134, 135 nucleic acids 55, 76 organochlorine pesticides Perea fiuviatilis 12, 14, 23, 31' 32, 48, 49, 52, 54, 58, 97,
macrofauna 30 molecular biology 60 neodymium isotopes 103.
numbers 25, 35 50, 107 24, 34, 46, 49, 54, 56, 62, 64, 98, 99, 106
macrophytes 6, 114, 125 87 112
merchant ships 75 mollusc culture 81 numerical analysis 80 organometallic compounds 76, 79, 92, 133 plankton feeders 26, 35
Malacostraca 20 molluscs 29, 55, 60, 104, l 07 neomysis 12, 24
mercury 14, 15, 49, 52, 59, nursery grounds 14, 15, 23, 52,62,125 periphyton 40, 66, 70 plankton surveys 19, 26
mammals 54, 56, 58, 60, 61, Nephrops norvegicus 79, 87
62, 65, 71, 85, 105, 106, 110, monitoring 4, 24, 26, 30, 32, 66,67, 73,87,89,91 Osmerus epcrlanus 14, 22, persistence 47 planning 5, 6, 28, 30, 32, 33,
64 33,36,40,43,45,48,52,58, Nerophis ophidion 90 pesticides 4, 16, 17, 44, 46, 40, 42, 48, 57, 59, 65, 77, 83,
121,122,133,134,136 nutrient cycles44, 49, 78, 80, 23
man-induced effects 3, 4, 5, Neva River 13, 20
mercury compounds !09, 66, 77, 98, 106, 123, 125 136 osmotic adaptations 15 47, 49, 61, 63, 75, 95, 103, 100,101,102,106, Ill, 112,
24, 25, 41, 42, 54, 64, 65, new genera l 0
monitoring systems 5, 124 nutrients 25, 35 Ostracoda 11 108, 131, 132, 136 113,116,117,118,119,120,
107, 118, !23, 129 121 new species 8, 10, 37
meristic counts 15, 89 mooring systems 83 nutrients (mineral) 3, 6, 8, otolith reading 21,22,87 ,88, petroleum hydrocarbons 5, 133, 134
management 70, 82 morphogenesis 66 New Zealand 57
Merlangius merhmgius 87 20,21' 25, 26, 27, 36, 38, 39, 90 6,26,27, 29,31,32,53, 77, plant populations 10
manganese I04 morphology II, 14, 15, 23, nickel49, 106 Oulu 31, 61, 64, 71, 72, 74, 97,98,99, 108,129 Piatichthys flesus 21, 49, 80,
meromictic lakes 78 40,41' 44, 46, 47, 50,51' 52,
manganese isotopes 51 nightsoi\116, 121,129
mesh selectivity 79, 80 89 53, 54, 56, 57, 58, 60,61' 62, 82,83,86 pH 108, 109, 125 84, 87,89
marinas 33, 67, 78, 116 morphometry 22,47, 49, 81 Nitocra spinipes 21,64
Mesodinium rubrum 21, 27, 63, 64, 65, 67, 70, 71, 72, 73, ovaries 60 Phaeophyw 8 Pleuronectes platessa 13, 34,
marine birds 15,36 morlality 8, 14, 17, 23, 28, nitrates 21, 27, 35, 37, 47, 53,
28,39 74,75,76,77,81,82,83,95, overturn 35 phase velocity 101 57,87, 89
marine crustaceans II, 12, 37,60,65,67,73,74,79,87, 97, 104, 109, 122, 136
metabolism 47 96, 102, 103, 105, 113, 114, oxidation 11, 61 phenols 5, 6, 48, 70, 74, 122, Pleuroncctidae 60, 107
20, 22, 23, 35, 39, 43, 49, 57, nitrification 37, 38, 101, 109
metabolites 17, 46, 50, 61,77 88,91 121, 124, 125, 126, 129, 130, oxygen 3, 26, 29, 30, 36, 43, 130, 132, 133 plutonium 51, 105, 108, 133
64,66, 79,80 mortality causes 13, 14,37 nitriles 21, 37, 10 l, 109
metal industries 123 132, 134, 135 97' 98, l 00, l 03, 106, 123, Phocahispida 16, 17, 18,23, plutonium isotopes 49
marine environment 27 MouthofSwina98, !08, 121 nitrogen 5, 6, 9, 26, 27, 28,
metal ions I 03 nutritive value 35 126, 132 37,44,46,47,49,50,61,62 pock marks 113
marine geology 4, 113 29,31' 32, 35, 36, 39, 40, 42,
metallurgical industry J 21, mucilage 10 ocean basins 111 oxygen consumption 35, 38, Phoca vitulina 8, 16, 17, 18, Podocotyle atomon 34
marine mammals 16, 17, 18, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 50, 51' 52,
mud 75, 114 ocean circulation 101, 111 39, 103, 104 23,34,36,37,44,46,49,50, Podon 21
19, 54,63 129 53, 54, 55, 56,61' 62, 63, 65,
metals 9, 16, 17, 20, 40, 46, multispecies fisheries 87 ocean currents I 00 oxygen deficiency 12, 22, 51 poisonous organisms 27, 5 t
marine molluscs 20, 27, 28, 66,67,68,70,73,81,82,91,
49,51' 52, 55, 56, 63, 64, 76, municipal wastes 5, 127 ocean-atmosphere system 43 29,58,66 phosphates 20, 35, 47, 97, PojoBay41, 72
33,52,64 muscles 13, 15, 61, 65, 82, 96,97,98,99, 100,101,103,
104, 105,123,124,125,131 oceanography 3, 4, 62, 95, oxygen demand 123, 135 104, 113 Poland 4, 35, 42, 52, 96, 130,
marine organisms 8, 37, 59, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110,
meteorological data 102, !08, 110, !21 101, 102 oxygen dependence 121,129 phosphogypsum 7, 131 131, 135, 136
60, 64, 65, 101, !02, 107, 111, 118, 121, 122, 123, 125,
Mustela vi son 54, 56, 58, 60, Odra River 67, 95, 97, 103, oxygen depletion 5, 6, 30, phosphorite 5, 133 policies 70, 74, 96, 121, 129,
109, 118, 119 109, 111, 121 126,127,129,130,131,132,
meteorological observations 61,64 110, 123, 132, 135, 136 31,32,39,40,42,59,67, 76, phosphoms 5, 6, 9, 26, 27, 131
marine pollution 8, 12, 15, 134, 135, 136
Mycoplasma 8, 37 oil and gas industry 129 113, 117, 118 28, 29, 31' 32, 35, 36, 39, 42, pollulant load 19, 42, 44, 45,
16, 19, 25, 28, 29, 30, 32, 38, 112 nitrogen cycle 36, l 05
meteorology 13, 40, 107 Mycoplasma phocacerebrale oil pollution 21, 64, 69, 97, oxygen isotopes 107 45,46,47,48,50,51,52,53, 47, 49, 50,52, 67, 81, 82, 83,
43, 45, 46, 48, 49, 51, 52, 53, nitrogen fixation 26, 28, 55
methane 36 8,37 103, 105, 106, 107, 108, 120, oxygenation 81 54, 55, 56, 61' 62, 63, 65, 66, 96, 120, 121, 124, 125, 126,
54, 55, 58, 59, 60, 61' 62, 63, Mycoplasma phocarhinis 8, nitrogen oxides 134
methanogenesis 39 122,128,129,130,131,132, ozonation 5, 6, 70, 74, 130 67,69, 70, 79,81,82,96,97, 129, 131, 134, 135, 136
64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 70, 73, 74, Nodularia spumigena 26, 55,
methodology 8, l 0, 13, 14, 37 135 Pacific 103, 112 98, 99, 100, 101, 103, 104, pollutant persistence 120
75, 81, 95, 96, 97, 98, 101, Myoxocepha\us quadricor- 56
16, !9,22,37,40,43,44,46, oil refineries 123 PAH47,50,5!,52, 103,107, 105,106,107,108,109,110, pollutanls 3, 4, 5, 6, 16, 17,
102, 103, 104,105,106,107, noise(sound) 117,118, !33,
52, 84, 86, 90, l 04, 108, ll 0, nis 46, 55, 56, 133 oil removal 108, 130 123, 124, 125 118,121,122,123,125,126, 18, 30, 32, 40, 42, 43, 45, 46,
108,109,110,111,116,120, 134
112,113,114,122 mysidacea 12, 24 oil shale 5, 6, 7, 49, 70, 74, Pandalus borealis 66, 92 127,128, !30, 131,132,134, 47, 49, 50,51' 52, 53, 56, 57,
121,122,123,124,125,126, non-point pollution 6, 51
methyl mercaptan l 05 mysis 12, 22, 24, 39 130, 131, 134 Pandion haliaetus 45, 51 135, 136 62, 65, 83, 106, 108, 114,
127,129,130,132,133,134, nonylpheno\64, 103
methyl su\phones 61,77 mysis mixta 12, 20, 22, 23, oil spills 21, 64, 66, 89, 108, Pannus spumosus 10 photosynthesis 8, 9, 21 117,118,122,124,125,132,
135, 136 Nordic Council of Ministers
microbiological analysis 39, 25,80
marine resources 3, 91,95
Keyword index
Keyword index
river beds 20, 113 Saroeca attenuata 26 sediment samplers 114 size distribution 13, 20, 23, stagnant Wlltn 9'1. 1011
31, 37 pycnocline 31, 39, 76, 101,
135, !36 riverdischarge6, 15,41,42, satellite sensing 27, 51, 99, sediment sampling 11, 44, 24, Yi, 38, 57, 7'! standanlitali11ll ~', 1,i(l
population characteristics 113
pollution 3, 4, 6, 17, 40, 41, 51,52,53,59,62,66,67, 71, 100 75, 110, 114 size select inn 79 state srand:m! 'l. I /0
18,63,66,89 quantitative distribution 67
43, 46, 49, 95, 112, 120, 124 72,74,75,86,88,89,95,97, saturated hydrocarbons Ill sediment structure 114 Skagerrak 5, 6, H, 1), I 0, II, statistical an:dY'<~'·; I ·I,!.··, {!.
population density 15, 34, Raahe 41, 42, 71, 73, 85, 86,
pollution control 3, 4, 7, 42, 102,103,107,109,110, Ill, scale reading 19, 83, 84, 88 sediment transport 76, 113, 13, 15, 16, 17, 18, 20, 23, 21>, 42, 52, Ht-1, 1)(), 1J/, I 1(,
37,45,83,84 87
43,48,64,67,68,69,70, 71, 121, 123, 124, 125, 126, 131, scales 12 114, 117 27, 29, 30, :li, 32, :n, l•I, 3t>, statistical <li~;tJilnlli<HI lflh,
population dynamics 12, 17, Raahe Steel Works 41, 42,
73, 74, 75, 77, 79, 82, 95, 96, 132, 135, 136 scavengers 35 sediment-water exchanges 3, 37, 39, 43, 44, 46, 49,511,51, 121)
20,21,22,23,24,25,34,35, 73,86
108,116,118,120,121,124, River KyrOnjoki 15, 66, 89 Schaabe spit 112 26, 29, 36, 95, 100, 106 57, 58, 62, 79, 97, 98, 99, statistkal mnd<'l·; !tl1J. I}} .
36,54,66, 76,80,91 Raan 129
126,128,129,130,131,136 river outflow 97, 120, 121, Schlei Fjord 70 sedimental pollution lOS, 101,102,104,105,106,1118, I y,
population genetics 13, 23 radioactive contamination 4,
pollution convention 77 129, 132 Schleswig-Holstein 29, 70, 113, 124 109, 120, 121, 123, 124, 125, statistics .-10. -11. ·l '\. I i. ){I,_
population number 14, 15, 53, 75, 77, 95, 124, !25, 131
pollution data 6, 51, I 07, river outlet 6, 135 113 sedimentation 26, 27, 35, 48, 126, 129, 134, 135,136 99, Ill
16,17,23,85 radioactive labelling 38
113, 135 river water41, 42, 62, 74, 87, Schleswig-Holstein, Grosser 49, 51, 58, 76, 96, 98, 102, skeleton 55, 56, 57,63 steel wmks I)J
population structure 12, 17, radioactive pollutants 46, 49,
pollution detection 25, 52, 103,105,107,108,113,123, Binnensee 19 105, 109, 112, 113,114, 125 Skeletonema costatum 26, Stcnungsurrd :\1
18, 23, 24, 34,61 ,64, 76, 77, 51,53,56,65, 126,134
54, 73, 109, 122, !25, 134 133, 135 Schleswig-Holstein, Schlei sedimentology 4, 78, 80, 39 sterility 1·1, J"/, 1'!0
79,87 radioactive wastes 62, 72,
pollution effects 9, 18, 20, rivers 6, 68, 105, 107, 113, Fjord 10 113, 115 skull16, 17,18,63 Stizostedion 111•.-rnp•'ll d i\1).
pore water 53 107, 124
21, 24, 25, 32, 33,41, 42, 43, 114, 124, 125, 126, 129, 133, Schleswig-Holstein, Schlei sedi,nents 4, 5, 6, 20, 29, 30, sludge 45 84
Pori 31, 59, 61, 63, 65, 66, radioecology 56, 65
44, 50,51, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 135 R36 32, 40, 42, 43, 45, 46, 47, 48, Slupsk Furrow 28, 120, 123 stock :1ssn~·.lllclll 1.', I I. l·l.
67,71, 72, 73, 75, 79, 85, 86, radioisotopes 44, 53, 104,
59, 60, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 72, RNA38 Scomber scombrus 87 49, 50, 51, 52, 55, 56, 59, 60, smelter industries 56 21, 22, ·.U.•ll, (,), 1\-1. ~n. Hl\
89,90,91 110, !22, 133
76, 77, 78, 89, 109, 116, !25, roots 34, 36 Scophthahnus maximus 80, 63, 65, 71, 72, 73, 76, 82, 96, smolts 13, 20, 83, 85, 87, 88 87, HH, 90, ()!,'>)
potassium isotopes 51 railways 77, 116
130, 134 rossby parameter I 01 89 100,103,104,105,106,107, sodium 11 stock idt'lltilkaii1Hl I\, I\
power plants 76 ranching 87
pollution indicators 19, 35, Rostock 19 Scophthalmus rombus 89 108,110, Ill, 112,113,114, soft bottom I 08 19, 24, H•l, HK, Wl. 1Ji
PRAM Ill system I 00 rare earths 103, 112
68,70 Rotifera 63 Scotland 16, 46 117, 118, 121,122,123,124, Solea solea 87 Stockholm l_\.1
praunus 12, 24 rare species 9
pollution legislation 70, 82 Ruegen I 39 sea grass 10 125, 126, 133, 134,135,136 Somatcria rnollissima 15, 36, Stockhol111 :m:hipclili'Ji "'>'/.
predation 20, 21, 24, 26, 35, Rauma 62,73
pollution monitoring 3, 5, 6, runoff 3, 50, 95, !35 sea ice 99, 100, Ill scin nets 79 47 77, IJ:l, Ill>
36,37,38 rearing 83, 84, 86, 87, 88
14, 17, 18, 25, 26, 27, 29, 30, Rli$Sia 99 sea level 102, 113 selective inhibition 50, 107 sonic tags 21 stocking (mgani\Jll';) 1 \, !ll,
prediction 14, 23,85 recording equipment 99, 101
31, 32, 40,41, 42, 43, 46, 51, Rutilus rutilus 10, 34, 36, 62, sea level changes 98, IOO, selfpurification 44 sorption 103 21, 82, 85, Kl>, Ki
Priapulida 29 recruitment 13, 14, 15, 18,
53, 54, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 80,92 101,102, Ill, 112 se-rological taxonomy 8, 37 sound scattering 106, I 29 stocks 1:1, J.·1, Sl. H'l
primary production 3, 9, 21, 23, 24, 62, 64, 66, 84, 85, 86,
63, 64, 65, 67, 70,71, 72, 73, RV Alkor4 sea level variations 97, 100, settling rate 27 sources of water pollution 5, stomach crmlt'lll .-?ll. 1/, \c,,
26, 27, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 87,89
74, 75,79,82,83,85,86,87, RV Heincke 4 101 sewage l\6, 121, 129 123 90,91
43, 48, 52, 57, 58, 60, 62, 63, redox reactions 35
88, 91, 97, 98, 99,124,125, Saaler Bodden 39 seawater8,9, 15, 19,25,26, sewage disposal 118, 129, Southern Baltic 8, 9, 25, 26, storage dTtcts tp
64, 70, 73, 74, 98, 106, 113, reductive decomposition 7,
126, 130 Saduria entomon 11, 24, 35, 28,38,49,51,52,53,54,55, 131 30, 55, 59, 60, 61, 64, 102, Strategy Of' Wilft~l Jl!'Oh'!'lkHI
117, 123 131
pollution surveys 4, 131 37,38,61 58,59,6!,62,64,67,95,97, sewage treatment 5, 44, 68, 104, 106, 107, 108, 109, Ill, 74, 121
processed fishery products regional planning 5, 40, 48,
pollution tolerance 65 saline intrusion 99 98, 101, 103, 104, 105, 106, 105,120, 121, 123,127,129, 114, 121, 122 stratigraphy II J
66, 86, 91, 92 82,96
polybrominated diphcnyl salinity 8, 12, 13, 15, 21, 22, 107,108,109,110, !II, 112, 131 Southern Hemisphere strontium isotopt·:. 10 I, II 2
processing fishery products regional variations 38
ethers 45 26, 29, 36, 58, 59, 63, 65, 60, 120,121,122,123,132,133, sex ratio 23, 79, B7, 90 Oceans 23 sublethal eff'ects :) I, (d
regression analysis 12, 22,80
polychlorinated aromatic hy- 92 97, 98, 101, 102, 103, 106, 134, 135, 136 sexual maturity l :), 14, 23, Southwest Coast of Finland SUbStrate preft'l'Clh'f'S rf. (){)
Propellers 119 relict species 11, 12, 20, 21
drocarbons 5 l 110, Ill, 117,118,119,132, seafloor mapping 114 37,60,89 40,41,57,58,60,64, 70,74 sulphate reduction .\X
Prorocentrum minimum 25, remote control 106, 129
polychlorinated dibenzodi- 136 scaOoor sampling 108 sexual reproduction 14, 23 Southwest Finland 23, 79 sulphatcs 36, .N
35,54 remote sensing 100
oxins 16, 43, 45, 46, 49, 51, salinity data 26, 53, 77, 85, Sealer Bodden 82 shallow water :N spatial variations 12, 22, 26, sulphide deposiJs :1tJ
Prosorchyncus saguamatus report literature 74, 102, 109,
123, 134, 135 99, 101, 102, 106 seals 8, 16, 17, 18, 23, 34, 36, shape 22 32,36,63 sulphides 11. 61, lO.'\ In
10,35 Ill, 121, 123, 130
polychlorinated dibenzofu- salinity effects 8, 14, 23, 26, 37, 44, 46, 47, 49, 50,51, 53, shellfish 53, 77 spawning 11,14 sulphur 68. 6 1J, Ill. IX/,
proteins 13, 82,91 reproduction 9, II, 13, 15,
rans 16, 43, 45, 46, 49, 51, 27,39 60,61,62,63, 77,83 Shewanella 3~ spawning grounds 14, 15, 128, 135
prototypes 83 16, 17, 18, 23, 32,40, 51, 56,
57, !23, !34, 135 salinity gradients 38 seasonal distribution 11, 20 Shewanella putrcfacicns 35, 23, 78,89,90,91 sulphur compounds I 0.\
Protozoa 37 6!,62,63,64,66,89
polychlorinated dioxins 52, salinity profiles 113 seasonal variations 8, 21, 31, 40, 104 spawning migrations 21 109, 121
Pseudomonas 38 research programmes 3, 18,
53,57,83 salinity tolerance 12,20 35,36,39,51,63,65,75,99, ship technology 4 spawning populations 23, sulphur dioxide 7, 131
Pseudoterranova 38, 77 62,63,95, 100,125
polychlorinated furans 52, Salmo gairdneri 15, 37, 83, 101, 113 shipboard analysis 122, 134 87,89,90 summer 27
public health 55, 66, 76, 92 research vessels 4
53,83 92 seasonality 25, 27, 34, 37, shipping 77, 112, 116, 120, spawning seasons 64, 77, 80, supervision 70, H2
Puck Bay 8, 12, 16, 19, 25, resource development 5, 40
polychlorinated napthalenes Salmo salar 13, 15, 19, 20, 39,45 133 90 surface currents 99, I 0 I
28,29,35,38,43,46,52,53, resource management 84,
44,45 44, 45, 47, 58, 61, 68, 79, 80, secondary production 11, 31, ships42, 116,118,121,125, species 9, 10 surface films I 0 I, 107
54, 55, 59, 73, 74, 97, 101, 88,92
polycyclic arencs 107, 113, 82,83,84,85,86,87,88,92 37, 39, 101, 109 129, 133 species composition 34, 81 surface mixed layer 34
103, 104, 105, !06, 107, 108, respiration 39
135 Salmo trutta 68 sediment analysis 40, 44, 71, shore protection 113, 118 species interaction 34, 36 surface water 5, 25, 12•1
I 1(1, 122, !30, 132, 134, !36 resuspended sediments 98,
Pomatoschistus microps 36 Salmonidae 83 76,82,85 shrimp fisheries 87 spectra 101 survival 13, 17, JH, C16, (J7,
pulp wastes 3, 9, 29, 32, 34, 1(10, 113,114,117
Pomatoschistus minutlls 36 Salo 40, 57, 58, 70 sediment chemistry 39 silicates· 5, 6, 9, 26, 27, 29, spectroscopic techniques 79,85,88,89,90,91
41, 43, 46, 47, 48, 49, 51, 54, resuspension 49, I 05, 112
Pomeranian Bay 8, 9, 26, 53, samplers 113, 114 sediment mixing 78, 80 31,32,36,53,61,97,98,99, 105, 113,124 suspended organic mailer
55, 56, 57, 58, 62, 63, 76, 96, Rhabdogloea minuta I0
61, 97, 98, 103, 108, Ill, samples 18, 44 sediment movement 77, 87 100, 103, 104, 106, 107, 108, spenn 11 135
106, !09, 122,123,124,130, Rhodomela confervoides 14,
121, 123, 132 sampling 14, 23, 37, 79, 86, sediment pollution 6, 20, 32, 109, 122, 132, 134, 136 Sporozoa I 0, 35 suspended pat1iculate matter
!33, 134, 135, 136 37
pontoporeia 39 105, 108, 112 42, 44, 50, 53, 60, 73, 82, sinking 27 Sprattus sprattus 20, 21, 22, 50,51, 99, 104, 109, 114, J:l5
Pungitius pungitius 36 Rhodophyta 9
Pontoporeia affinis 11, 21, sand 29, 56, 76, 117 104, 106, 107, 108, 110, I 13, site selection 83 36,66,80,84,85,87,88,89, sustainable developmcll! 76,
Pusa hispida 17, 51, 66 risks 112, 116, 120
29,31,37,55,60 SAR 100 114, 121, 122, 124, !25, 135 size 13, 85, 88 90,91,92 91
river basins 135
Pontoporeia femorata 11, 21,
152 Keyword index
Keyword index
Sustainable society 96 tidal dynamics 100 Uusikaupunki 64, 73, 74, 87, 79, 81, 82, 85, 86, 95, 96, zooplankton 3, 19, 21, 25, Zostera 30 Aland Islands 9, 20, 30, 32,
Sweden 3, 24, 42, 46, 50, 52, tin compounds 9, 32, 52, 62, 88 10!, 103, 105, !07, 108, 1!0, 26,27,28,35,39,43,48,49, 40, 42, 48, 57, 59, 65, 77,
Zostera marina 28, 33 37,38,55,59,62,63
64, 70, 79, 82, 87, 95, 96, 63, 125 vanadium 63, 73 120,121, !22, !23, 124,125, 54, 56, 58, 63, 65, 98, 106, 100,101,102,106, Ill, 112,
Aland, 9, 29, 78 Aland Sea 52, 104
!21, !24, !29, 130,131,135, titanium 63, 73, 104 variability 6, 38, 52, 135 126,127,128,129, !30, 131, 123, 124 113,116,117,118,119,120,
Aland archipelago 32, 56, 65 OrnskOldsvik 123
!36 titanium compounds 31, 42, vegetation 9, 29, 31 133,135,136,137 133, 134
Synchaeta 28 61,72,75 vehicle emissions 120, 121, water properties 103, 132 Oresnnd 5, 6, 28, 30, 32, 33,
Synechococcus 27 Tornio 72, 86 129, 134 water quality 5, 6, 30, 32, 40,
Syncclra tabalata I 0, 27 Tornionjoki River 87 vehicles 77 41, 42, 57, 58, 60, 6!, 62, 64,
synthetic apet1urc radar 100 total mortality 38 vertebrae 55, 56 65, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 77,
Szczecin Lagoon I 03. 132 toxaphene 17, 49 vertical distribution 20, 22, 79, 82, 85, 86, 87, 88, 117,
tagging 13, 15, 20, 67, 82, 86, toxicants 18, 63, 64, 69, 74, 24, 30, 38, 39, 88, 1!3 118, 120, 123, 124, 125
88,89,90 128, 130 vertical migrations 21 water samplers 122, 134
tagging experiments 87 toxicity 21, 57, 58, 60, 62, vertical profiles 35, 53 water sampling 122, 134
Tallinn 5, 68, 69, 127,128 64,66 videotape recordings 19 water supply 5, 123
Tammisaari 41, 72, 86 toxicity tests 43, 44 Vistula Lagoon 63 wmer temperature 97, 99,
tannery wastes 105, 127 trace metals 30, 40, 43, 45, Vistula River67, 95, 97, 102, !OJ, !36
target strength 88 53, 59, 103, 106 103,109, Ill, 121,123,132, water transparency 38, 52
taste tests 72, 86 trade 91 135 water use 131
taxonomy8, 9, 10, 12, 13,27, traffic 68, 77, 116, 134 vitamin A 56 water waves 10 I
29 traffic management 117, 118, vortices 10 l waterbearing rocks 5, 123
teaching material 74, 121 133, 134 vanern 56 wave effects 9, 20, 55, 100,
tectonic structures 113 transition clements 49 varo 49 114
Temora 21 transport 47, 68, 123, 125, Vastra Kyrksundet L 78 wave energy 96, 102, 113,
temperature 5, 6, 24. 26, 27, 135 waste disposal75, 120, 121, 114
29,3!,32,36,38,48,58,97, transport processes 43, 102 129 wave forces 77, 116
98, 99, 106, 108, Ill, 122, trap nets 23, 61, 79,86 waste treatment 68, 69, 127, wave measurement 101
132, 135 trawl nets 79, 85 128, 130 waves on beaches 113
temperature data 77, 85, 89, trawling 67, 90 waste water 5, 6, 14, 30, 31, West-Estonian Archipelago
99, !06 Trematoda I 0, 35 40, 41, 42, 44, 57, 58, 59, 60, 18
temperature effects 8, 12, 14, trichloroguaiacol 135 61' 62, 64, 65, 66, 67' 68, (>9, wetlands 49, 73, 134
20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27, trichlorophcnol 135 70,71,72,73, 74,75, 79,85, wetlands reclamation 73
28,29,34,37,45,60,64, 76, tt·is( 4-chlorophenyl )met ha 86, 87, 88, 89, 91, 124, 127, White Sea 13
80,88,92 no! 16, 47 128, 130, 135 wild fish 83, 84, 86, 88
temperature profiles I01 tris( chlorophenyl )methane wastes 8, 19, 38, 52, 53, 65, wind fields 101
temporal variations 16, 32, 16,47 103, 118, !29, 132 wind pressure 99, 101
49, 53, 63, 106 trophic levels 19, 35, 36, 39, wastewater purification 105, wind wave generation 100
test organisms 43 68 127 wind-driven circulation 100,
tests 43 trophic relations 27 wastewater treatment 4, 5, 6, Ill
Thalassiosira levanderi 26, trophodynamic cycle 37 44,48,58,68,69,70,75,95, winds Ill, 132
27 tunnels 116 !05, 121,123,127,128,130, winter 101
The Sound 5, 6, 26, 27, 28, turbidity 100,113,117 !3! winter navigation 99, Ill
29, 30, 31' 32, 33, 40, 42, 46, turbulence 101 water 107 working environment 124
48, 49, 51' 57, 59, 62, 65, 76, Turku 64, 74, 88 water analysis 122, 134 workshops 73
77, 85, 97, 98, 99, 100, !OJ, Turku Archipelago 47, 81 water circulation 37, 62, 95, yield predictions 64, 77, 84,
!02, 106, Ill, 1!2, 1!3, 116, Tvtt1111inne 8, 11, 20, 21, 27, 99, 101, 109, 113 90
117,118, J19, 120,121,124, 31,37,38 water currents 76, 98, 100, zinc 46, 49, 52, 105, 106,
129, 133, 134, 136 Ulotrichales 9 !02, Ill, 117 112, 122,123
Thcocloxus 21, 63 ultrastructure 10, II, 20 water exchange 45, 50, 59, Zoarces viviparus 13, 22, 34,
thcnnal plumes 136 United States 96 65,8!,82,83,96, 1(11, 102, 36,57,62,64
thennal pollution 41, 56, 60, Unterwarnow Estuary 53 III, 113, 117, 118, !19 zonal distribution 18, 24, 25,
65,76 upper ocean 108,122,135 water masses 102, I 07 31,34,38,55,61,63,72
thennal stratification 27, 37 upwelling I 00, I 02 water mixing 13, 20, 79, 84, zoobenthos3,5,6, IO, 11, 12,
them1ocline 21, 101 uranium 64, 109 102 21' 22, 24, 25, 26, 27' 28, 29,
thermohaline circulation 97, uranium isotopes 64, 109 water motion 100, 102, 117 30,31,32,33, 34,35,39,40,
Ill, 132 urban areas 123 water plants 107, 113, 135 41' 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 48, 49,
Thiobacillus denitrificans urban runoff 4, 75, 95, 131 water pollution 3, 4, 34, 37, 5 I, 52, 54, 55, 56, 58, 59, 60,
35, 40, 104 Uria aalge 51 38,40,4!,42,43,47,48,50, 63, 65, 66, 67, 73, 76, 78, 80,
Thysanoessa 11, 23 USSR 53,96 52, 56, 58, 60, 62, 63, 64, 67, 81, 86, 97, 98, 99,108, 116,
tidal analysis 100 68,69,70,71,73,74,75;77, 117,118,123,125
Appendix 1
The original documents referred to in the Baltic Marine Environment Bibliography are
deposited in officially nominated contact libraries in every Baltic Sea state. The documents
can be ordered as loans or photocopies trough local scientific libraries.
Ms. Helle Rasmussen
Danish Environmental Protection Agency
29 Strandgade
Telephone+ 45-32-660 100, Tclefax + 45-32-660 479, Telex + 31209 miljoe dk
Ms. Marc Parnapuu
Tallinn Technical University
Institute of Environmental Protection Technology
Jarvevana tee 5
Telephone+ 372-2-431 244, Telefax + 372-2-555 294
Finnish Institute of Marine Rcsec'lrch
P.O. Box 33
Telephone+ 358-0-331 044, Telefax + 358-0-331 376, Telex+ 125731 imr fi
National Board of Watcrs and the Environment
P.O.Box 250
Telephone+ 358-0-69511, Telcfax + 358-0-6951 326, Telex+ 126086 vyh fi
Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency
P.O. Box 30 12 20
Telephone+ 49-40-31901, Telefax + 49-40-3190 5150, Telex+ 211138 bsh hh d
National Statements by the l'<lililih Jili!ll'iii!h''' o111he Achievements in
Implementing the Goals or till' f'<>J)Vclii!<H• oiitlic l'rotcction of the Marine
Environment of the Baltic .'k:; Ai\'ll
*out of print
3/2 3/3
TH!Rll STA!iE; PART C. HARMFUL SUBST!\rj( 'I '. li'•i !ill n !\ :\Nt l
CONCLUSIONS (1986) (1988)
(1987) (1988)
-Report of lhe activities of the Baltic Marine Environnwnt Protection . . -A MAl< POL ll/1H SPECIAL AREA
Commission during 1985 including the Seventh Mcetmg of the Commtsston (1989)
held in Helsinki 11-14 February 1986
- HELCOM Recommendations passed during 1986 No. 29 ACl'IVJ'I'IIiS OF Till! COMMISSION 1988
- Rcpon on Ihe- aclivitks of the Baltic Marine Environme111 l'HHr'i:-!liHl { ,_fiiH!i'Jir;idJlli
BALTIC SEA MONITORING SYMPOSIUM during 1988 indnding the Tenth Meeting of the Commissioilltr!d ill l!r·hiilhi !•1 1!
No. 19 February I 'JX9
Tallinn, USSR, 10-15 March 1986 - HELCOM l<ccnmnn:ndations passed dming 1989
(1986) (1989) '
(1987) 6-8 Scptcmha I'JH/, Yisby, Sweden
(1989) .
National Swedish Administration of Shipping and Navigation;
17-18 November 1986, Norrkoping, Sweden
*out of print
*out of print
3/4 3/5
Seminar on Radionuclides in the Baltic Sea
29 May 1989, Rostock-Warnemiinde, German Democratic Republic No. 44 NITROGEN AND AGRIClll TUJO, IN! IHf\1!\ll! lhi;\1 WOI(I\SIIOP
(1989) 9-12 Aprill991, Schleswig, c;"""""Y
(I 989)
- Repmt on the activities of the Baltic Marine Environment Protection No. 46 SUMMARIES OF THE PRE-FEASlllllllY •;11 il Ill 'i
Commission during 1989 including the Eleventh Meeting of the Commission held Prepared for the Baltic Sea Joint Compi<:II<'IJ:iivc l'llviH>tiiiH' ;\c,tionl'rogramme
in Helsinki 13-16 February 1990 (I 993)
- HELCOM Recommendations passed during 1990
(I 990)*
No. 34 STUDY OF THE RISK FOR ACCIDENTS AND THE RELATED Gdansk, Poland, 24-25 March 1993
ENVIRONMENTAL HAZARDS FROM THE TRANSPORTATION OF _Compilation of Presentations and Statements
(I 990)
DOCUMENT Oppmtunitics and Constraints in Programme Implementation
(1990) (I 993)
- Report on the activities of the Baltic Marine Environment Protection
Commission during 1990 including the Twelfth Meeting of the Commission BY SEA IN THE BALTIC SEA AREA AND RELATED ENVIRONMENTAL
held in Helsinki 19-22 Febmary 1991 HAZARDS
- HELCOM Recommendations passed duting 1991 (I 993)
27-31 August1990, Visby, Sweden - Report on the activities or the Baltic Marine Environment Protection Commission
(1991) during 1992 including the 14th meeting of the Commission held in Helsinki 2-5
February 1993
No. 39 AIRBORNE POLLUTION LOAD TO THE BALTIC SEA 1986-1990 - HELCOM Recommendations passed during 1993
(1991) (1993)