Site Arrangement Plan KFR
Site Arrangement Plan KFR
Site Arrangement Plan KFR
6 m
6 .2
K009 CH65 D
K009 CH89
Area 4
K009 CH136
K009 CH155
Area 2
K009 CH210
TTA Stage 2 Road
Road level
Road level
Block Wall
430mm thk Bitumen Pavement CP103
Section A-A
(Typical Section for Area 2 & 3 - K009 CH105 to CH175)
(Excluding CH103 to 110)
Install type III sheet pile Temporary steel
Install 16mm thk steel plate (i.c.e. certified design) portal frame
(approx. 30m x 0.5m
height) (for RW bay 8-10) Min. 1200mm as
Fixed at retaining wall tie Temp. Barrier
bolt hole through tie bar Perm.
@min.2m c/c Road level
Perm. +6.38mPD
Road level
430mm thk Bitumen Pavement
250mm Formation level
150mm thk subbase
Coupler protection
Compacted General Fill +5.0mPD
Filter Layer
+4.4mPD +4.6mPD RW S9 bay11
Filter Layer
RW S4 bay8 Concrete Vertical Blinding
Section B-B
(Typical Section for Area 3 (Under Footbridge) - K009 CH103 to CH110) C-FB2
*Reference is made with HyD Standard Drawing H1101C, where
min. 280mm TK for “all other roads except low-volume roads”.
Temp. Temp.
Road level Road level
+6.28mPD +6.23mPD
+6.00mPD 280mm thk Bitumen Pavement SRT@subbase level +5.95mPD
150mm thk subbase +5.85mPD +5.85mPD
150mm +5.6mPD
300mm Coarse Fill +5.3mPD
+5.2mPD Fill
Filter Layer
300mm +5.0mPD
RW S9 bay9
300mm +4.7mPD
Filter Layer
RW S4 bay6 +4.0mPD
Section C-C
(Typical Section for Area 4 - TR CH 70 to CH 90)
*Reference is made with HyD Standard Drawing H1101C, where
min. 280mm TK for “all other roads except low-volume roads”.
+8.0mPD Temp. Temp.
Road level Road level
+6.35mPD +6.15mPD
+6.07mPD 280mm thk Bitumen Pavement +5.87mPD
SRT@subbase level
+5.92mPD 150mm thk subbase +5.72mPD
300mm +5.6mPD +5.92 to
300mm +5.3mPD +5.2mPD
Filter Layer Permanent
300mm Coarse Fill +5.0mPD Fill
300mm +4.7mPD RW S9 bay6
Filter Layer
RW S4 bay4 +3.9mPD
Section D-D
(Typical Section for Area 5 - TR CH 90 to TR CH 115 & to TR2 CH 0)
Section E-E
Section F-F
Updated on 11 Feb 2022
Programme of Works around Kai Fuk Road Area
Area 1:
complete before 8/3, Erect temporary road lighting system
Area 2:
8-11/2, Break & Remove existing bitumen pavement
12-17/2, Lay & Compact subbase layer + Erect concrete block
18/2, Conduct SRT (Subbase 95%)
19-28/2, Adjust Manhole/Gully cover level
2-4/3, Start for bitumen pavement paving
4-11/3 Pending for test result of pavement
8/3, Erect temporary road lighting system
Area 1
Area 2
Area 3
Area 3:
12-17/2, Lay & Compact subbase layer + Erect concrete block
18/2, Conduct SRT (Subbase 95%)
19-25/2, Adjust Manhole/Gully cover level (*require to coordinate with ASL)
19/2 - 1/3, modification & installation on footbridge, including: -
Erect steelpile on temporary frame of footbridge temporary usage
Modify temporary footbridge portal frame
Erect temporary traffic sign & LCS on footbridge
2-4/3, Start for bitumen pavement paving
4-11/3 Pending for test result of pavement
Updated on 11 Feb 2022
Programme of Works around Kai Fuk Road Area
Area 6
Area 6:
25-31/1, Conduct SRT (Formation 95%) on 25/1 Area 4
& Pending result e
15-17/2, Construct temporary drainage system ra Area 5
14-25/2, Erect 3 nos. TCSS traffic signal sign
3 Pr
7-8/3 Implementation of TTA Stage 1.3 sS
8-11/3 Start for bitumen pavement paving erp
d Area 4:
Un 7 - 14, Remaining works at RW S4 B6
fe 14 - 20/2, Backfilling with coarse material 4 layers (permanent)
Re 21-23/2, Subbase layer (cut slope or concrete block)
Area 5: for 24/2-1/3, Construct temporary drainage system
8-15/2, Construction of RW S9 B4 (and backfill) r ved 2-6/3, Start for bitumen pavement paving
16 - 20/2, Backfilling with coarse material 4 layers (permanent) Res ication 8/3, Erect temporary road lighting system
21-23/2, Subbase layer (cut slope or concrete block) fab for S3 ing
d k
yar ic dec
24/2-1/3, Construct temporary drainage system ff
2-6/3, Start for bitumen pavement paving
8/3, Erect temporary road lighting system
Area D: Works under Stage 1.3
Feb - Preparation Work for Stage 1.3, including road drainage.
7-8/3 - TTA Stage 1.3 Implementation
8-10/3 - Flexible Pavement
11-12/3 - TTA implmentation, especially map type.
12-13/3 - Stage 1.4 & 2
Area A: Works for S3 Pump Sump
7-8/2:Dismantle Working Platform & Erection Side Formwork
9-10/2: Spray Waterproofing for Pump Sump Top Slab
11/2: Concreting for Mass Fill
Area D 12-14/2: Remove Remaining S1 Strut
Area A 15-20/2: Temp. Retaining Structure
Area B 21-25/2: Backfill Coarse Fill (8 layers with 300mm Thk.) & Sheet Pile Cutting
26/2-1/3: Subbase & SRT (Formation 95%)
2-7/3: Construction of Temp. Drainage
7-8/3 Implementation of TTA Stage 1.3
8-10/3 Start for bitumen pavement paving
11-12/3: Preparation work for TTA Stage 2
12-13/3: Stage 1.4 & Stage 2 Road Changeover
Area C