Aviation Thumb Rules by Right Source Aviation
Aviation Thumb Rules by Right Source Aviation
Aviation Thumb Rules by Right Source Aviation
Convergence East True Least
@rightsourceaviation 9833380320
Convergence = d Long from Datum
Longitude West GMT Best
Longitude East GMT Least PRP = 1/PRF
Grivation = Variation + Convergence Min Radar Range = (C * PW)/2
Coeff C = (Deviation N - Deviation S)/2 DALR = 3˚C/1000 ft SALR = 1.98˚C/1000 ft Max Radar Range = C/2PRF
Coeff B = (Deviation E - Deviation W)/2 Cloud height above/below aircraft (ft) =
Height of Cloud Base = (T - Dew Point T) * 400
Coeff A = Range (Nm) * (tilt – ½ beam width) * 100
Dev (N+NE+E+SE+S+SW+W+NW)/8 Temp Rise Fohn = (Lee Cloud Base - Windward Cloud Base) * 1.2
SSR Range = Proportional to √Power
Deviation on Any Heading =
True Altitude = PA + [4/100 * PA * ∆T/10] Radar Range = Proportional to 4√Power
A + B Sin Hdg + C Cos Hdg
NDB Range = 3 * √Power
Scale = Chart Length / Earth Distance Density Altitude= PA + (120 x ∆T), ∆T= T actual - T ISA
Scale Factor = Chart Length / INSTRUMENTS
Equivalent Reduced Earth Distance MASS & BALANCE
TAS = RAS +(RAS * 1.75% per 1000’)
Scale = Stated Scale * Scale Factor
1kg = 2.2 lbs, 1USG = 3.8 l, 1 Imp G = 4.5l IAS
Mercator Mass Change/Old Mass = CG Change/Dist Mass to New Position
→ (position/instrument error) → RAS/CAS →
Scale Latitude = Scale Equator / Cos Lat (compressibility)
Traffic Load = Lowest of
→ EAS → (density) → TAS
Lambert Convergency = MTOM - (DOM + FOB) OR MLM - (DOM + Remaining Fuel) OR
LSS = 661 kt ISA Sea Level
d Long x Sin Parallel of Origin or MZFM - DOM
Mach No= TAS/LSS LSS= 39√Temp ˚K
d Long x ’n’ constant of cone Running Load = Mass/Length UDL = Mass/Area
ANDS - Accelerate North Decelerate South
Polar Stereographic Convergency =
SONU - South Over-read North Under-read
d Long
Mercator Convergency = NIL RADI O
Rate One Turn AOB = 10% of IAS (Knots) + 7
Tan Dip = Z/H C = f λ f= frequency, C= 300,000,000 m/s, Radius of turn= V2/ g* tan bank angle
Transport Wander = VHF Range (nm) = 1.25√Hr + 1.25√Ht TAT= SAT[1+{0.2KM2}] (T in ˚Kelvin)
E/W GS (Kt) * Tan Lat / 60 QTE - Aircraft's true bearing from the station TAT= SAT+ (TAS/100)2 (T in ˚C)
Radius of Turn = V2 * g * Tan Bank QUJ - Aircraft's true track to the station Pressure Altitude = Elevation + 30(1013-QNH)
Angle QDR - Aircraft's magnetic bearing from the station
Pressure Altitude = 30(1013 - QFE)
Rate of Turn = (TAS/10) + 7 for Rate 1 QDM - Aircraft's mag hdg to steer in NIL wind to reach station.
True Alt = PA * (1 + ∆T/OAT ˚K)