Biology Investigatory Project
Biology Investigatory Project
Biology Investigatory Project
3(9): 71-77
Pollen grains are prerequisite for pollination, fertilization as well as fruit and seed set and play a vital role in plant reproduction as
it transmit the male genetic materials. Germination is the first critical morphogenetic event in the pollen towards fulfilling its
ultimate function of discharge of male gametes in the embryo sac. The present investigation has been undertaken to find out the
effect of different nutrients like sucrose, boric acid and some salts like calcium nitrate, potassium nitrate and magnesium sulphate
on in vitro pollen germination of Jacquinia ruscifolia Jacq. belonging to the family Theophrastaceae. Maximum 92% pollen
germination along with 455 m pollen tube development was observed in 20 % sucrose solution supplemented with 100 ppm
boric acid and among the salts; maximum 12% pollen germination along with 182m pollen tube development was observed in
100 ppm calcium nitrate solution. Flowers collected during anthesis (08:00 hrs.-09:30 hrs.) showed best germination.
Pollen transmits the male genetic material during possible to germinate pollen grains of a number of
sexual reproduction of angiosperms. Pollen grains are taxa using rather a simple nutrient medium and to
highly reduced male gametophyte consisting of two or achieve a reasonable length of tube growth. The pollen
three numbers of cells during the time of release from tubes are considered as the most rapidly growing cells
anthers (Borg et al., 2009). In nature, pollen grains in the plant world since they are capable of attaining
germinate on the stigma and develop pollen tubes. For considerable length in a short duration under optimum
growth and development of a cell, tissues, organs and conditions (Malik, 1977). Thus, pollen germination
systems of organism, nutrition are required. Some are and growth of pollen tubes are important research
needed as respiratory substrates; some are needed for materials for morphological, physiological,
ion transportation while some for regulation of biotechnological, ecological, evolutional, biochemical
different biosynthetic pathways. Successful and molecular biological studies (Ottavio et al., 1992).
fertilization as well as fruit formation depends on the In recent years, to determine the importance of
fertility and viability of the pollen grains. To discharge cytoskeleton in cell growth and differentiation, pollen
the male gametes in the embryo sac, germination of germination along with pollen tube development are
pollen takes place over the receptive stigmas but used as research material (Ma et al., 2000). So, the
studies on in vivo are cumbersome due to the pollen grains, being single celled structure provide a
complications involving in the pistillate tissues. It is unique system for in vitro studies (Katara, 2013).
Int. J. Adv. Res. Biol. Sci. (2016). 3(9): 71-77
The present work is aimed to find out the role of (1993) .A pollen grain was considered as germinated,
sucrose, boric acid, salts like calcium nitrate, if the pollen tube length atleast becomes twice greater
potassium nitrate and magnesium sulphate on in vitro than the diameter of the pollen grains (Gupta et al.,
pollen germination of Jacquinia ruscifolia.Jacq. of 1989).
Theophrastaceae, which is a medicinally important
plant having broad spectrum antifungal activity
(Shorma et al., 2008). Pollen grains start to germinate at 2% sucrose solution
showing 2% germination along with 52 µm tube
Materials and Methods length, while maximum 80% pollen germination along
Fresh flowers were collected during anthesis in the with 312 µm long pollen tube development occurred
evening (08:00 hrs.-09:30 hrs.) and transferred to in 20% sucrose solution (Table 1). Individually,
polythene bags. Solution of different concentrations of 100ppm boric acid showed 60% germination along
sucrose (1-50%), boric acid (25-500 ppm), calcium with 234 µm long pollen tubes (Table 2). But the
nitrate, potassium nitrate and magnesium sulphate (50- highest germinating pollen (92%) along with 455µm
500 ppm) were prepared. Then the fresh pollen long pollen tube developed in 20% sucrose solution
samples were sown on several grooved slides supplemented with 100 ppm boric acid (Table 3;
containing sucrose and boric acid solution at different Figure1). Among the salts, maximum 12% pollen
concentrations individually as well as in combinations germination along with 182 µm pollen tube
and salts of calcium, potassium, and magnesium. development was recorded in 100 ppm calcium nitrate
Slides were then kept in Petridishes lined with moist solution following 10% pollen germination along with
filter paper at room temperature (25°C) and examined 130 µm pollen tube in 200 ppm magnesium sulphate
under a Olympus microscope at low magnification solution and 8% pollen germination along with 130µm
(10x X 15x) at different time intervals to know the long pollen tube in 100 ppm potassium nitrate solution
germination percentage and pollen tube length (Table 4). Among the salts, calcium nitrate was the
following the method of Shivanna and Rangaswamy most effective one.
Table 1: Effect of sucrose on in vitro pollen germination of Jacquinia ruscifolia .
After 1 hr. After 2 hrs. After 3 hrs.
Conc. of
Germination Pollen tube Germination Pollen tube Germination Pollen tube
sucrose (%)
(%) length (µm) (%) length (µm) (%) length (µm)
-- -- -- -- -- --
2 2 52 5 78 8 130
5 12 78 15 104 20 156
10 14 104 18 130 35 169
15 35 156 52 156 60 195
20 40 156 60 234 80 312
25 25 130 42 156 55 182
30 18 104 25 130 42 156
40 16 78 22 104 30 130
45 8 52 12 78 14 91
Table 2: Effect of boric acid on in vitro pollen germination of Jacquinia ruscifolia.
After 1 hr. After 2 hrs. After 3 hrs.
Conc. of boric
Germination Pollen tube Germination Pollen tube Germination Pollen tube
acid (ppm)
(%) length (µm) (%) length (µm) (%) length (µm)
25 4 65 6 104 10 130
50 8 104 10 130 15 156
100 35 156 45 182 60 234
200 8 78 12 130 20 156
300 6 52 8 104 12 130
400 4 26 6 78 10 104
500 -- -- 2 26 4 65
Int. J. Adv. Res. Biol. Sci. (2016). 3(9): 71-77
Table 3: Effect of sucrose and boric acid on in vitro pollen germination of Jacquinia ruscifolia
Table 4: Effect of calcium nitrate, potassium nitrate and magnesium sulphate on in vitro
pollen germination of Jacquinia ruscifolia
Int. J. Adv. Res. Biol. Sci. (2016). 3(9): 71-77
Int. J. Adv. Res. Biol. Sci. (2016). 3(9): 71-77
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Quick Response Sciences