B.Tech Open Elective I 3rd Year (VI Semester) PDF
B.Tech Open Elective I 3rd Year (VI Semester) PDF
B.Tech Open Elective I 3rd Year (VI Semester) PDF
[Effective from the Session: 2020-21]
Open Elective I AICTE Model Curriculum K series (VI Semester) Syllabus 2020-21 Page 1
B.Tech. VI Semester
1. The Student shall choose an open Elective Subject from the list of open elective courses
in such a manner that he/she has not studied the same course in any form during the
degree programme.
2. The students shall choose an Open Elective course from the prescribed list of open
elective courses available at University website for 3rd year (2020-21) in such a manner
that he/she has not studied the same subject or allied subject in any semester during the
entire degree program.
3. Subject to aforesaid condition, the open Elective courses may be offered from the
department to all students irrespective of branch. There is no restriction related to branch.
The students of any branch (irrespective of department) can select the open elective
subjectsfrom the prescribed list of open elective courses.
4. * It is mandatory that for subjects (KOE069) only trained Faculty (who had done the FDP
for these courses) will teach the courses.
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Course Objectives:
1. This course can motivate students to have an overall idea how to start and sustain a business
2. The students will learn basics of choosing an idea of a business model.
3. The core areas of choosing a business model are encompassed with Entrepreneurship
development, PPC & communication system. The students will thus develop basic
competencies how to run a business enterprise.
Text Books:
1. Entrepreneurship Development- Sangeeta Sharma, Kindle edition
2. Production & operations Management- Kanishka Bedi,
3. Marketing Management- Philip Kotler.
4. The Business Model Book: Design, build and adapt business ideas that drive business growth:
Adam Bock , Gerard George
Course Outcomes: At the end of this course students will demonstrate the ability to:
1. Enhance creative knowledge of students regarding selection of a business idea and it’s
implementation process.
2. Acquire knowledge on entrepreneurship development, its Pro’s and con’s.
3. Acquire basic knowledge on how to become an Entrepreneur.
4. Develop knowledge on Production systems and it’s sustainability through production, planning
and control (PPC)
5. Develop appropriate business model and apply in a better way.
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Unit Topics Lectures
I Introduction 8
Definition, Typical Real Time Applications: Digital Control, High Level
Controls, Signal Processing etc., Release Times, Dead-lines, and Timing
Constraints, Hard Real Time Systems and Soft Real Time Systems,
Reference Models for Real Time Systems: Processors and Resources,
Temporal Parameters of Real Time Workload, Periodic Task Model,
Precedence Constraints and Data Dependency.
II Real Time Scheduling 8
Common Approaches to Real Time Scheduling: Clock Driven Approach,
Weighted Round Robin Approach, Priority Driven Approach, Dynamic
Versus Static Systems, Optimality of Effective-Deadline-First (EDF) and
Least-Slack-Time-First (LST) Algorithms, Rate Monotonic Algorithm,
Offline Versus Online Scheduling, Scheduling Aperiodic and Sporadic jobs
in Priority Driven and Clock Driven Systems.
III Resources Sharing 8
Effect of Resource Contention and Resource Access Control (RAC), Non-
preemptive Critical Sections, Basic Priority-Inheritance and Priority-Ceiling
Protocols, Stack Based Priority- Ceiling Protocol, Use of Priority-Ceiling
Protocol in Dynamic Priority Systems, Preemption Ceiling Protocol, Access
Control in Multiple-Module Resources, Controlling Concurrent Accesses to
Data Objects.
IV Real Time Communication
Basic Concepts in Real time Communication, Soft and Hard RT
Communication systems, Model of Real Time Communication, Priority-
Based Service and Weighted Round-Robin Service Disciplines for Switched
Networks, Medium Access Control Protocols for Broadcast Networks,
Internet and Resource Reservation Protocols.
V Real Time Operating Systems and Databases 8
Features of RTOS, Time Services, UNIX as RTOS, POSIX Issues,
Characteristic of Temporal data, Temporal Consistency, Con-currency
Control, Overview of Commercial Real Time databases.
Text Books:
1. Real Time Systems – Jane W. S. Liu, Pearson Education Publication.
Reference Books:
1. Real Time Systems – Mall Rajib, Pearson Education
2. Real-Time Systems: Scheduling, Analysis, and Verification – Albert M. K. Cheng, Wiley.
Course Outcomes: At the end of this course students will demonstrate the ability to:
1. Describe concepts of Real-Time systems and modeling.
2. Recognize the characteristics of a real-time system in context with real time scheduling.
3. Classify various resource sharing mechanisms and their related protocols.
4. Interpret the basics of real time communication by the knowledge of real time models and
5. Apply the basics of RTOS in interpretation of real time systems.
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COURSE OBJECTIVE: After completion of the course student will be able to:
1. Attain the knowledge of embedded system and its development environment.
2. Gain the knowledge of RTOS based embedded system design and its applications.
COURSE OUTCOME: After completion of the course student will be able to:
CO1: Understand the basics of embedded system and its structural units.
CO3: Analyze the embedded system specification and develop software programs.
CO3: Evaluate the requirements of the programming embedded systems, related software
CO3: Understand the RTOS based embedded system design.
CO3: Understand all the applications of the embedded system and designing issues.
Text Books:
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COURSE OBJECTIVE: After completion of the course student will be able to:
1. Understand the Basic concept of MEMS, Mechanics of Beam and Diaphragm Structures, Air
Damping and Electrostatic Actuation.
2. Know the knowledge of Thermal Effects and the Applications of MEMS in RF.
COURSE OUTCOME: After completion of the course student will be able to:
CO1: Understand the Basic concept of MEMS Fabrication Technologies, Piezoresistance Effect,
Piezoelectricity, Piezoresistive Sensor.
CO2: Explain Mechanics of Beam and Diaphragm Structures.
CO3: Understand the Basic concept of Air Damping and Basic Equations for Slide-film Air
Damping, Couette-flow Model, Stokes-flow Model.
CO4: Know the concept of Electrostatic Actuation.
CO5: Understand the applications of MEMS in RF
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COURSE OBJECTIVE: After completion of the course student will be able to:
1. Understand the Basic concept of Object Orientation, object identity and Encapsulation.
2. Know the knowledge of Basic Structural Modeling, Object Oriented Analysis and C++
COURSE OUTCOME: After completion of the course student will be able to:
CO1: Understand the Basic concept of Object Orientation, object identity and Encapsulation.
CO2: Understand the Basic concept of Basic Structural Modeling.
CO3: Know the knowledge of Object oriented design, Object design.
CO4: Know the knowledge of C++ Basics.
CO5: Understand the Basics of object and class in C++.
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Text Books:
1. James Rumbaugh et. al, “Object Oriented Modeling and Design”, PHI
2. Grady Booch, James Rumbaugh, Ivar Jacobson, “The Unified Modeling Language User
Guide”, Pearson Education
3. Object Oriented Programming with C++, E Balagurusamy, TMH
Reference Books:
1. R. S. Salaria, Mastering Object Oriented Programming with C++, Khanna Publishing House
2. C++ Programming, Black Book, Steven Holzner, dreamtech
3. Object Oriented Programming in Turbo C++, Robert Lafore, Galgotia
4. Object Oriented Programming with ANSI and Turbo C++, Ashok Kamthane, Pearson
5. The Compete Reference C++, Herbert Schlitz, TMH
6. C++ and Object Oriented Programming Paradigm, PHI
7. C++ : How to Program, 9th Edition, Deitel and Deitel, PHI
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Course Objectives:
The objective of this course is to familiarize the graduate engineers with techniques in errors,
approximations, approximates roots, Interpolation, finite differences, numerical differentiation and
integration programming, numerical solution of differential equations and boundary value problems. It
aims to equip the students with standard concepts and tools from previously gained knowledge to an
advanced level that will enable them to tackle more advanced level of Optimization techniques and
applications that they would find useful in their disciplines.
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Text Books:
1. Jain, Iyengar and Jain, “Numerical Methods for Scientific and Engineering Computations”,
New Age International.
2. Grewal B S, “Numerical methods in Engineering and Science”, Khanna Publishers, Delhi.
Reference Books
1. Rajaraman V, Computer Oriented Numerical Methods, Pearson Education
2. T Veerarajan, T Ramachandran, “Theory and Problems in Numerical Methods, McGraw Hill
3. Pradip Niyogi, Numerical Analysis and Algorithms, McGraw Hill.
4. Francis Scheld, Numerical Analysis, McGraw Hill.
5. Sastry S. S, Introductory Methods of Numerical Analysis, Pearson Education.
6. Kiusalaas, J.: Numerical methods in engineering with MATLAB, Cambridge University Press
7. Woodford, C and Phillips, C: Numerical methods with worked examples: MATLAB Edition,
COURSE OUTCOMES: At the end of this course, the students will be able to:
Course Outcome (CO) Bloom’s
Level (KL)
Understand the concept of errors to evaluate approximate roots of
CO 1 K 2 & K5
several types of equations
Analyze the problem and evaluate data by different interpolation
CO 2 K4, K5&K6
methods and creating interpolating graphs
Understand the concept of interpolation to analyze and evaluate the
CO 3 K2 & K5
numerical differentiation and integration
Remember the concept of formula based the solution of ordinary
CO 4 differential equations to evaluate differential equations withy initial K1&K5
Apply the concept of partial differential equation to evaluate the
CO 5 K 3 & K5
partial differential equations
K1 – Remember, K2 – Understand, K3 – Apply, K4 – Analyze, K5 – Evaluate, K6 – Create
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COURSE OBJECTIVE: Students undergoing this course are expected to-
1. Understand about the principles of GIS, Remote Sensing, Spatial Systems, and its
applications to Engineering Problems.
COURSE OUTCOME: After completion of the course student will be able to-
CO1: Understand about the principles of Remote Sensing and its advantages and limitations.
CO2: Retrieve the information content of remotely sensed data.
CO3: Apply problem specific remote sensing data for engineering applications.
CO4: Analyze spatial and attribute data for solving spatial problems.
CO5: Create GIS and cartographic outputs for presentation
Methods of data input into GIS, Data editing, spatial data models and structures, Attribute
5 data management, integrating data (map overlay) in GIS, Application of remote sensing and 8
GIS for the management of land and water resources.
Text & Reference Books:
1. Reddy Anji, M. 2006. Textbook of Remote Sensing and Geographical Information Systems. BS
Publications, Hyderabad.
2. Elangovan, K. 2006. GIS Fundamentals Applications and Implementations. New India
Publication Agency, New Delhi.
3. George Joseph. 2005. Fundamentals of Remote Sensing. 2nd Edition. Universities Press (India)
Private Limited, Hyderabad.
4. Jensen, J.R. 2013. Remote Sensing of the Environment: An Earth Resource Perspective. Pearson
Education Limited, UK.
5. Lillesand, T., R.W. Kiefer and J. Chipman. 2015. Remote Sensing and Image Interpretation. 7th
Edition, John Wiley and Sons Singapore Pvt. Ltd., Singapore.
6. Sabins, F.F. 2007. Remote Sensing: Principles and Interpretation. Third Edition, Waveland
Press Inc., Illinois, USA.
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Course Outcome ( CO) Bloom’s Knowledge Level (KL)
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Database Security – Types of security, system failure, backup & recovery techniques,
authorization & authentication, system policies, levels of security – physical, OS, network &
DBMS, privileges – grant & revoke.
Recent Trends in Database Management Systems: Centralized and Client-Server Architectures,
V Distributed Databases, Object-Oriented Database, Spatial & Temporal Databases, Decision Support 08
Systems, Data Analysis, Data Mining & Warehousing, Data Visualization, Mobile Databases,
OODB & XML Databases, Multimedia & Web Databases, Spatial and Geographical Databases,
Web and Mobile Databases, Active Databases
Text books:
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Course Outcome ( CO) Bloom’s Knowledge
Level (KL)
At the end of course , the student will be able :
CO 5 Configure changes and manage risks using project management tools. K2, K4
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Course Objectives:
1. To help the students having the clarity about human aspirations, goal, activities and purpose of
2. To facilitate the competence to understand the harmony in nature/existence and participation
of human being in the nature/existence.
3. To help the students to develop the understanding of human tradition and its various
Course Methodology:
1. The methodology of this course is exploration and thus universally adaptable. It involves a systematic
and rational study of the human being vis-à-vis the rest of existence.
2. It is free from any dogma or set of do’s and don’ts related to values.
3. It is a process of self-investigation and self-exploration, and not of giving sermons. Whatever is found
as truth or reality is stated as a proposal and the students are facilitated and encouraged to verify it in
their own right, based on their Natural Acceptance and subsequent Experiential Validation.
4. This process of self-exploration takes the form of a dialogue between the teacher and the students to
begin with, and then to continue within the student leading to continuous self-evolution.
5. This self-exploration also enables them to critically evaluate their preconditioning and present beliefs.
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Reference Books:
1. A Foundation Course in Human Values and Profession Ethics (Text Book and Teachers’
Manual), R. R. Gaur, R. Sangal, G. P. Bagaria (2010), Excel Books, New Delhi [ISBN 978-8-
2. Avartansheel Arthshastra, A. Nagraj, Divya Path Sansthan, Amarkantak, India
3. Economy of Permanence – (a quest for social order based on non-violence), J. C. Kumarappa
(2010), Sarva-Seva-Sangh-Prakashan, Varansi, India
4. Energy and Equity, Ivan Illich (1974), The Trinity Press, Worcester & Harper Collins, USA
5. Ishandi Nau Upnishad, Shankaracharya, Geeta press, Gorakhpur,
6. Manav Vyavahar Darshan, A. Nagraj, Divya Path Sansthan, Amarkantak, India
7. Manaviya Sanvidhan, A. Nagraj, Divya Path Sansthan, Amarkantak, India
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