Sponsor Guide Jan 09
Sponsor Guide Jan 09
Sponsor Guide Jan 09
Sponsors are required to complete the sponsor form for CEng or IEng as appropriate,
then sign and date. The forms are to be returned to IMechE with the applicant’s
completed application. Applications cannot be progressed until all sponsors forms have
been received and accepted.
The application form clearly states that both sponsors must be satisfied that the
applicant should be considered for election to the class indicated and that they are
personally recommending the applicant to the Trustee Board as worthy of consideration
for election to membership. It is implicit that sponsors recognise their role of selecting,
guiding and encouraging sound applications and it will be useful if sponsors check the
application details for accuracy and completeness prior to submission.
For Fellow applications, at least one sponsor should be a Fellow of the IMechE.
Eligibility of applicant
Each sponsor must be confident that the applicant is able to demonstrate the relevant
key competences (outlined below) required for Corporate Membership of IMechE and
registration as a Chartered Engineer or an Incorporated Engineer.
If sponsors have any concerns, they should consider carefully whether to sponsor the
applicant and inform the IMechE if there are any serious concerns. The IMechE may
seek further information from a sponsor at any stage during the application process.
Sponsorship by close family members is not allowed.
Issued January 2009 replacing all previous versions
Competences required for Corporate Membership
Fellowship of the IMechE is the senior class of membership and as such applicants
seeking election to Fellow are expected to demonstrate by the appropriate evidence
their commitment and practice of many the following functions, attributes and qualities.
The application must clearly provide this evidence.
The Trustee Board requires all sponsors to complete the forms relating to each
competence as fully as possible using examples, which meet the criteria. Incomplete
sections may be returned to sponsors for re-submission. Whilst it is not necessary to
score the applicant against each competence, succinct examples detailing where each
competence has been met are required in the appropriate boxes. The comments need
to refer to the generic competence (i.e. A and B) rather than each specific sub
competence (i.e. A1, A2) In the case of application to Fellowship this is particularly
important being a personal recommendation of the applicant’s abilities and qualities at
the highest level.
When completing application forms and assessments, each sponsor is requested to give
a considered and independent judgment of the applicant’s competences and
abilities. Independent assessments provide a sound basis for reviews or referrals to
the Professional Review Committee. It is natural that there will be similarities between
the assessments, although alternative comments are likely from the Sponsors differing
perspectives and knowledge of the applicant. Identical assessments signed by
different sponsors do not engender a sound approach to sponsorship and will result in
the application being withdrawn.
NB: Both IEng and CEng sponsor forms are included in this guide. Please
ensure the appropriate form is completed.
Issued January 2009 replacing all previous versions
Sponsorship for Incorporated Engineer Registration
Sponsor Name:
Signed: 4
Issued January 2009 replacing all previous versions
Sponsorship for Chartered Engineer Registration
Sponsor Name:
Signed: 5
Issued January 2009 replacing all previous versions