USG Risk Assessment Checklist
USG Risk Assessment Checklist
USG Risk Assessment Checklist
Information security is an important issue for the University System of Georgia (USG). Increased
access to University System information and services has been realized as the USG Institutions
increasingly moves a number of its core activities to the Internet. However, as more information
and services become available and dependent on Internet-based technology the risk of potential
liability, cost, and State and national repercussions increases as well. USG Institutions play a
unique role as the managers and caretakers of some of the largest collections of sensitive
systems, applications, and databases. These systems, applications, and databases often house
information which is subject to strict controls and protections by law, including the data collected,
stored, shared, and transmitted that was once very difficult to obtain. Risk assessment tools, like
this one, can assist a USG Institution in determining the gaps in its information security program
and provide guidance and direction for improvement.
USG Policy and the USG Information Security Manual (ISM) require that USG Institutions conduct
periodic risk assessments, and require institutions to submit an annual Information Security
Program Report (ISPR). Use of this simple Checklist is not required, nor is it intended to cover all
of the steps that institution will need for its annual report, but its use will provide a high-level view
of an institution's security posture when measured against general information security practices.
1. This Checklist should be completed by the institution’s Information Security Officer (ISO) or
designee, in cooperation with the Chief Information Officer. A response to the items in each
section should be prepared to accurately reflect the “point in time” picture of the institution’s
security posture.
2. Identify the levels of risk associated with any of the items that result in a “no” response.
3. Develop an appropriate action plan to mitigate the identified risk.
4. Assign roles and responsibilities for implementing and monitoring timely completion of the
action plan. Plan-of-Action & Milestones.
This Checklist was first released in 2003 and was developed by a workgroup of volunteer Chief
Information Security Officers (CISO) and other security professionals from various higher
education institutions. It was based upon the Risk Management categories outlined in ISO 17799,
and NIST Risk Guideline. In 2007, this Checklist was updated with more current and relevant
information based upon the International Institution for Standardization/International
Electrotechnical Commission (ISO/IEC) 17799:2005(E) standards.