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Energy-Efficient Air Conditioning Systems

Utilizing Pneumatic Variable Compressors

Mingyu Wang, Mark J. Zima and Prasad S. Kadle

Delphi Corporation

Copyright © 2009 SAE International

ABSTRACT which is installed in the refrigerant line and sensitive to

the low side refrigerant pressure of the AC system.
Air Conditioning systems with reheat reduction based for When the air temperature is close to freezing and the
energy efficiency have generally been implemented with low side refrigerant pressure decreases to a trigger
either electronic variable compressors through active point, the switch disconnects the power supply to the
stroke control or with fixed displacement compressors compressor clutch to stop the compressor. When the air
through modifying the cycling set point. The present stream temperature subsequently increases and the
work demonstrates a unique concept of achieving refrigerant pressure rises to a second pressure setting,
energy efficiency via cycling a pneumatic variable the compressor switch reconnects the clutch to a power
compressor at elevated set points. The energy efficiency supply and the compressor resumes operation. This
of such a system approaches that of an electronic method of operation continues to be used today due to
variable but significantly higher than that of a fixed the simplicity and low cost.
displacement compressor system. The cost of the
system, on the other hand, is substantially lower than With the introduction of the microprocessor into the
that of an electronic compressor. Secondary benefits automotive industry, capacity control for the fixed
include a softer start than with a fixed compressor and a displacement compressor gained a more precise and
considerably simpler control scheme than that required direct method. The temperature of the exit air from the
by an electronic variable compressor. evaporator is measured with a thermistor directly and
communicated to a microprocessor either in the engine
INTRODUCTION control module or in the air conditioning control head.
The microprocessor compares the measured
As a capacity control method, cycling of fixed temperature with a pre-set control band, similar to a
displacement compressors has been used since the thermostat in the home air conditioning system, and
beginning of mobile air conditioning systems. Under makes the decision whether to turn on or off the
moderate or low thermal load conditions, excess compressor. For this compressor cycling scheme,
capacity of the air conditioning system designed for soak typically there is a temperature set point and a
and cool-down now poses a problem of excess: the air hysteresis band. The temperature set point determines
cooled by the evaporator of the air conditioning system the level of temperature control, which is typically 1 to 2
is so low in temperature that the condensate from the air degrees Celsius above the water freeze point. The
stream becomes iced and blocks further airflow to be hysteresis band typically is 1.5 degrees Celsius, and is
discharged to the passenger compartment. The designed to limit the frequency of the compressor
preferred method for controlling the excess capacity is to cycling and the temperature variations at the discharge
turn the compressor momentarily off by using a switch outlets.

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The concepts of set point and hysteresis band also exist protection. As a result, there are two fixed air
in the cycling pressure switch in the form of a low temperature levels available to an air conditioning
pressure set point for compressor disengagement and a system: one temperature is provided by the refrigeration
second, higher pressure set point for compressor re- system which is maintained at slightly above the water
engagement. The difference between the two pressure freeze point and the second temperature is provided by
set points is equivalent to the hysteresis band in the the engine coolant. By taking a portion of the cooled air
thermistor control scheme. from the evaporator of the refrigeration system and
feeding it through the heater supplied with engine
The considerations for designing the hysteresis band coolant, the air temperature can be increased and
include the protection of the compressor clutch and the subsequently remixed with the remaining stream of air
thermal comfort variation as perceived by the from the evaporator to achieve any temperature
passengers. Too narrow of a hysteresis band causes bracketed by the water freeze temperature and the
the compressor to cycle at a higher frequency which engine coolant temperature. The proportioning of air
may cause the clutch to wear out prematurely. Too wide through the heater is accomplished by a device in the
a hysteresis band can lead to excessive temperature HVAC module known as the “mix door”.
variations at the discharge outlets which can be an
annoyance to the passengers in the car. This method of temperature control through the mixing
of cooled air and reheated air provides a system that is
Recently, the cycling of the compressor gained a new precise and responsive. The inefficiency of such a
application beyond the simple capacity control for freeze system in energy use is only highlighted recently as
protection. With rising gasoline price and increased energy conservation and environmental protection
environmental concerns, more energy efficient air became a new priority.
conditioning systems are being demanded by the vehicle
manufacturers to help increase the overall fuel economy To reduce the reheat and, therefore, compressor energy
of vehicles. One popular method of increasing the consumption, the compressor is cycled to an elevated
energy efficiency of an AC system is to reduce the set point above that of the water freeze point. The
reheating of cooled air to a higher temperature to meet general principle is to cool the air only as low as needed
the discharge temperature requirement in the passenger to meet the discharge temperature requirement. If the
compartment, either directly commanded by the discharge temperature target is 10 degrees Celsius,
passenger, which is the case with manually controlled there is no need to cool the air down to 2 degrees
air conditioning systems, or indirectly through the use of Celsius only to reheat it back up to 10 degrees Celsius.
an automatic climate system. The compressor can be operated to the elevated
temperature set point of 10 degrees Celsius with the air
directly discharged to the passenger compartment
without reheating. Of course, there is an upper limit as to
how high one can raise the set point. Considerations
must be given to humidity comfort in the passenger
Air Temperature

compartment and fogging risk at the windshield. A fixed

Breath Temperature
level of dehumidification must be maintained to provide
Discharge Target
a comfortable and safe driving environment in the
Evaporator Air Out
Temperature vehicle. Typically, energy efficiency AC systems limit the
elevated temperature set point to around 10 degrees


An alternative to cycling the fixed displacement

Set Point for Freeze Protection
compressors at an elevated set point for reheat
reduction is to use the more sophisticated electronic
variable compressors, whose control valve is capable of
operating at any set point through varying the command
Fig. 1 Fixed Displacement Compressor Cycling
current to the valve. Just as before, the compressor
operates at a reduced displacement to meet an elevated
The reheat of air conditioned air to a higher discharge
temperature set point that is determined by the
temperature (Figure 1) is typical in the automotive
discharge temperature target, humidity comfort, and
industry and has a long history - practically since the
fogging risk at the windshield.
introduction of the air conditioning systems into
automobiles. The main reason is that advanced
compressor control method was not available beyond
the simple pressure switch cycling control for freeze
Air Temperature

Breath Temperature

Compressor Control Set Point Is

Equal to Discharge Target

Discharge Target

Freeze Control Set Point


Fig. 3 Pneumatic Variable Displacement Compressor

Fig. 2 Series Reheat Reduction with Electronic Variable

Figure 2 shows a typical discharge temperature history

when the reheat reduction is achieved with an electronic
variable compressor. As the discharge temperature

Air Temperature
change is achieved through active displacement control Breath Temperature

without cycling the compressor, the discharge

Evaporator Air Out
temperature is distinctly smooth and lack of variation. Temperature
Discharge Target


Set Point for Freeze Protection

The pneumatic variable compressors (Figure 3) are

designed to control the capacity of the compressor Time
through varying the stroke of the compressor pistons [1].
Within a pneumatic variable compressor, the case Fig. 4 Discharge Temperature by Mixing With Pneumatic
pressure is varied between the suction pressure and the Variable Compressor under Freeze Control
discharge pressure of the compressor by way of a 3-port
valve. The case pressure works against the discharge By design, a pneumatic variable compressor intrinsically
pressure to modulate the stroke of the piston, thereby controls to prevent evaporator freeze. The air
controlling the capacity of the compressor. Through the temperature coming out of the evaporator is maintained
regulation of the compressor displacement, the suction slightly above the freeze point of water. The discharge
pressure of the compressor is controlled to a near temperature control is achieved using the same method
constant under various operating conditions which of series reheating and mix door operation. Figure 4
keeps the condensate on the evaporator from freezing. shows a typical temperature control profile for an air
conditioning system with a pneumatic compressor.

The pneumatic variable compressor is effective in that it

eliminates the needs to cycle the compressor in order to
prevent evaporator freeze. Higher energy efficiency than
cycling fixed displacement compressor is achieved due
to the steadier and continuous operation of the
compressor [2]. However, under the new context of
energy efficiency, the pneumatic compressor’s internal
control is incapable of regulating to a different control set
point to allow series reheat reduction. The additional
system efficiency associated with series reheat
reduction appears to be out of reach for pneumatic
variable compressors.
It is in this context that the Cycling Pneumatic Compressor ready to discharge into the passenger compartment to
concept was proposed. With this unconventional and maintain comfort.
counter-intuitive method of operating the pneumatic
variable compressors [1, 2], higher energy efficiency AC OSA
Temp Door
operation can be achieved in several regards. First of all, Blower Evaporator

for AC operations requiring freeze point control, either due

to defogging or defrosting, continuous operation of the
pneumatic compressor can be maintained under reduced
compressor displacement, which delivers higher energy
AI Door
efficiency than the cycling fixed displacement
compressors. As the discharge temperature target
increases for reheat reduction, the compressor will still
operate continuously for certain ambient conditions due to Heater

the control properties of the pneumatic valve. For other

ambient conditions, it is possible that a combination of
Fig. 5 Temperature Control in HVAC Module
stroke reduction and lower frequency cycling work
together to provide the elevated discharge temperature. It
is commonly understood that cycling reduces the COP of
the AC system [2, 3, 4, 5]. Consequently, higher energy
efficiency operation is achieved than cycling the fixed
Assuming that the coolant temperature is known through
displacement compressor alone.
the vehicle communication bus, and the evaporator air
outflow temperature is measured by a thermistor, the
Not intrinsic to cycling the pneumatic compressor, the
outflow air temperature from the heater can be
cycling characteristics can be managed to decrease the
determined by the heater effectiveness map.
cycling frequency so as not to affect compressor
reliability on the one hand, and to achieve higher energy
The heater effectiveness is the ratio of the air
efficiency on the other.
temperature rise through the heater over the maximum
temperature difference available to the heater, as given
Thtr − Tevp
Whereas it is straight forward to cycle the pneumatic ε= (1)
variable compressor for reheat reduction and higher Tclt − Tevp
energy efficiency, the management of the cycling
characteristics to achieve enhanced energy efficiency
For a particular heater, the effectiveness is a function of
and compressor reliability is a bit more intricate. Herein
the air flow rate and the coolant flow rate. Equation (2)
we present a method that is based on understanding the
describes this relationship:
human comfort impact of the discharge temperature
ε = F (m& air , m& clt )
variations and the physical mechanism of the discharge
temperature variations.

Figure 5 shows the working of the HVAC module. The From Equations (1) and (2), the outflow air temperature
blower draws either fresh air from the outside of the from the heater can be determined by way of equation
vehicle or recirculated air from the inside of the (3),
passenger compartment depending on the position of
the air inlet door. Regardless of the source, the blower Thtr = ε (Tclt − Tevp ) + Tevp (3)
sends the air through the evaporator of the refrigeration
system to be cooled to a lower temperature, typically
slightly above the freeze point of water for basic
systems, or elevated temperature for energy efficient
The bulk discharge temperature from the HVAC module
can be determined by mixing the two streams of air, that
which goes through the heater and that which bypasses
The air coming out of the evaporator is split into two
the heater. The percentage of the heater airflow is
streams. One part of the airflow goes through a heater
where it is warmed up by the engine coolant. The designated by a fractional flow function f (ω ) , where ω
second part bypasses the heater. After the heater, the is the mixing door position spanning the range of Full
two streams of air are combined in a mixing chamber Cold (0%) to Full Hot (100%). The formula for
calculating the bulk discharge temperature is given in
Equation (4),

Tdis = [1 − f (ω )]Tevp + f (ω )Thtr (4)

Simplification of Equation (4) gives,

Air Temperature

Tdis = [1 − f (ω )ε ]Tevp + f (ω )εTclt (5) Temperature

Evaporator Air Out

Set Point for Freeze Protection Discharge Target
During cycling of the compressor, the air temperature
out of the evaporator varies cyclically according to the
cycling of the compressor. With the AC running in freeze
control mode, the temperature variation of the outflow air
from the evaporator is suppressed by passing through
the heater. In the energy efficient mode of operation Fig. 6 Discharge Temperature Variation Is At Maximum
When Mix Door Is At Full Cold
where the compressor cycles at an elevated set point,
the air is often directly discharged to the passenger
compartment, thus the air temperature variation at the
evaporator is directly passed into the passenger
compartment which is perceivable by the passengers.
Air Temperature

Temperature δ T dis
The relationship between the air temperature variation at
the evaporator outflow and the variation of the bulk
Discharge Target
discharge can be obtained by the differential analysis of

Equation (5). Taking the difference of both sides of Evaporator Air Out
Equation (5), we derive, Temperature δ T evp

δTdis = [1 − f (ω )ε ]δTevp (6) Set Point for Freeze Protection

From Equation (6), it can be seen that the bulk Time

discharge temperature variation is greatest when the
temperature door position is at Full Cold where the Fig. 7 Discharge Temperature Variation Is At Minimum
heater fractional flow is zero,
At this position, the temperature variation of the bulk
discharge is directly equal to the temperature variation at Based on the prior analysis of the relationship between
the evaporator caused by compressor cycling: the temperature variation of the outflow of the
evaporator and of the bulk discharge temperature, the
δTdis = δTevp (8) first method of cycling optimization attempts to maintain
a constant discharge temperature variation at the
discharge outlets through a prescribed schedule of
This equality of temperature variations is shown in Figure temperature hysteresis band at the evaporator for the
6. cycling of compressors as is given in Equation (10),

On the other hand, when the entire air stream goes

through the heater, the discharge temperature variation δTevp ,hys =
will be at a minimum, as is shown in Figure 7. Equation [1 − f (ω )ε ] (10 )

(9) represents this minimum analytically.

As is shown in Figure 8, under this hysteresis band
δTdis = [1 − ε ]δTevp (9 ) schedule, the band is at its narrowest when the air mix
door is at the Full Cold position, where the temperature
band for the cycling of the compressor is identical to the Celsius. As the conditioned air is discharged at a much
temperature variation allowed at the discharge outlets. higher or much lower temperature, the ability to discern
When the air mix door is at any other position, the temperature variations decreases. The essence of the
hysteresis band will be allowed to widen according to present method is the maintenance of a constant human
Equation (10), resulting in more cycle-off time for the comfort in the presence of discharge temperature
compressor with the associated benefit of increased variations.
energy efficiency for operating the compressor.
Equation (11) takes the specification of discharge
By definition, the perceived temperature variation at the temperature variation from Figure 9 and translates it into
discharge outlet is constant across the entire operating a schedule for the evaporator air out temperature
range of the mix door positions. hysteresis band for the cycling of the compressor. Figure
10 demonstrates the hysteresis band as a function of the
discharge temperature and air mix door position.
Evap Air Out Temp Hysteresis Band

δTdis (Tdis )
δTevp, hys =
[1 − f (ω )ε ] (11)

δ T dis

Evap Air Out Temp Hysteresis Band

0 100%
Mix Door Position

Fig. 8 Evaporator Air-Out Hysteresis Band

δ T dis (T dis = 2C or 60C)
Allowed Discharge Variation δTdis

δ T dis (T dis =25C)

0 100%
Mix Door Position

Fig. 10 Hysteresis Band Defined by Human Thermal

Comfort Sensitivity

The present method of cycling control allows higher

energy efficiency operation by allowing greater
0 25 C Discharge Temperature temperature variations in the insensitive zone of human
thermal comfort to the discharge temperatures, such as
Fig. 9 Discharge Temperature Variation Allowed To close to the Full Cold or Full Hot range of the discharge
Change temperatures. For discharge temperature zones where
human thermal comfort is sensitive, the discharge
OPTIMIZED CYCLING FOR CONSTANT CABIN temperature variation is restricted properly.
The second optimization method allows the bulk CONDITIONING SYSTEMS WITH CYCLING
discharge temperature variation at the outlets to be PNEUMATIC COMPRESSOR
scheduled according to the discharge temperature itself,
as is showed in Figure 9. This discharge temperature To properly define Series Reheat Reduction
variation schedule is based on the fundamental methodology for the manual air conditioning systems, let
understanding of human thermal comfort sensitivity to us first define the envelope of the upper limit of the
temperature variations. It is well known through human Evaporator Air Out Temperature (EOAT) at various
comfort engineering that passengers are sensitive to ambient temperatures that will meet the cooling,
discharge temperature variations when the air is humidity and safety requirements.
discharged at a temperature that is close to 25 degrees
The target EOAT temperature is determined as a temperature will be slightly warmer by the duct
function of the current ambient temperature. Figure 11 temperature rise. If, on the other hand, the knob is set at
shows one such definition. The top flat portion of the the EOAT discharge temperature, which varies
curve is determined by the humidity comfort requirement according to the ambient temperature and is defined in
of 45% relative humidity for a comfortable cabin at 24 Figure 11, the compressor cycling point will be set to the
degrees Celsius. The part of the curve to the right is EOAT temperature and the air passing through the
defined by the cooling capacity requirement to maintain evaporator will be directly discharged to the outlets. The
the cabin at a comfortable temperature when the air mix door will be positioned at the full cold position
ambient temperature is high. The part to the left is inside the HVAC module.
determined by windshield fogging when the ambient
temperature is low leading to reduced windshield glass For the temperature knob positions between the FC and
temperature. The lowest evaporator air out temperature EOAT, the compressor cycling set point is obtained by
is obtained when the compressor is operating to freeze interpolating between Tfrz and the EOAT temperature,
control. This is the case either when the air conditioning with the knob position as the independent variable. In
system is working to provide full cooling capacity at high this range of operation, the air mix door will be
ambient temperature, or to provide full dehumidification maintained at the full cold position throughout.
capacity at mid to low ambient temperatures.
Designating the knob position with the variable P, which
Acceptable Elevated Evaporator Out Air Temperature takes the value of 0~100%, with 0% being FC and 100%
being FH, and assuming ideal (straight-line) linearity, the

requested discharge temperature corresponding to any
Evaporator Air Out Temperature (Deg. C)

10 knob position can be given as,

Tdis = FC + P(FH − FC )
EOAT (12)

Ignoring the duct temperature rise for the moment, the
frz knob position requesting a discharge temperature equal
to the highest allowable Evaporator Out target
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
temperature EOAT given an ambient temperature is
Ambient Temperature (Deg. C) given by,

Fig. 11 Target EOAT Temperature for Series Reheat EOAT − FC

Reduction PEAOT = 100 (13)

For the following range of the temperature knob


PEOAT > P > 0 (14)

the compressor cycling set point is given by,

Tset = ⋅ P + FC (15)
For the temperature knob positions between EOAT and
FH, the air mix door position is moved away from the
Full Cold position (0%) to get a warmer discharge
temperature than EOAT. For the same range of
Fig. 12 Manual Temperature Knob with Integrated temperature knob positions, the compressor cycling set
Series Reheat Reduction
point is maintained at the maximum elevation of EOAT,
as depicted in Figure 11. With the air mix door away
The manual AC system with Series Reheat Reduction
from the 0% position, a stream of air will be passed
relies on how the compressor operates at two key points
through the heater and remixed with the remaining
of the manual temperature control knob as highlighted in
bypassing stream. Depending on the temperature knob
Figure 12. At the FC point, the compressor will operate
position, the air mix door will be correspondingly
to freeze control set point, i.e., Tfrz, and the discharge
positioned to provide the requested discharge established for each ambient conditions and vehicle
temperature. speed. Similarly, the compressor RPM and vehicle
speed correlation were easily obtained from the road trip
For the range of knob positions given by, data.

100% >= P > PEAOT (16) With the supporting data from the modeled vehicle,
complete operating conditions were established for the
test stand to simulate the above listed ambient
the expected air mix door position in the module with
conditions and for the vehicle speeds of Idle, 48.3kph,
perfect linearity can be calculated by the following
80.5kph, and 112.6kph (originally 30mph, 50mph, and
70mph in English Units).

P − PEOAT Four configurations of compressor and control were

Ψ = 100 (17)
100 − PEOAT evaluated. Starting with the baseline fixed displacement
compressor in freeze control, the fixed compressor with
Series Reheat Reduction, pneumatic variable
where Ψ denotes the air mix door position with a range
compressor under freeze control, and pneumatic
of 0~100%.
variable compressor cycled for Series Reheat
Reduction, were all tested on the bench with the testing
It is to be noted that near the FH end on the temperature
matrix of ambient conditions and vehicle speeds.
knob, which can be further delineated with a calibratible
variable, the requested discharge temperature is very
The fixed displacement compressor and the pneumatic
high. For comfort heating purpose, the compressor can
variable compressor were selected to be close to each
be safely turned off to gain further energy efficiency.
other in refrigeration capacity. The fixed displacement
Care should be taken to turn the compressor back on
compressor has 155cc displacement with a slightly
when Defrost or Defog mode of air discharge is
better volumetric efficiency, which makes it a close
match to the variable displacement compressor with a
160cc displacement.
The tested compressor is mounted on a torque bench
The Cycling Pneumatic Compressor methodology whereby an electrical motor is used to drive the
outlined above has been implemented and tested on an compressor. The compressor power is obtained by
Air Conditioning System test stand to evaluate the monitoring the torque and the compressor RPM.
energy saving potential of such a methodology. The
refrigeration system components were set up identically Figure 13 summarizes the compressor power
to an existing vehicle AC conditioning system so that consumption of the four configurations. For each
operating conditions can be established realistically. ambient condition in the chart, the compressor power is
averaged across the tested vehicle speeds: Idle,
On the system stand, the ambient conditions of 48.3kph, 80.5kph, and 112.6kph (Idle, 30mph, 50mph,
10Cx90%, 15.6Cx80%, 21.1Cx70%, 26.7Cx60%, and 70mph in English Units). Needless to mention, the
32.2Cx50%, and 40.6x35% (originally defined in English compressor power of all four configurations increases
Units as 50Fx90%, 60Fx80%, 70Fx70%, 80Fx60%, with increasing ambient thermal load. With minor
90Fx50%, 105Fx35%) were simulated by controlling the exception at the low ambient, where absolute
inlet air conditions to the condenser and the evaporator compressor power is low and relative variations in
of the refrigeration system. Other controlled parameters testing data increases, there is a clear trend that the
such as the air flow rate through the condenser and the fixed displacement compressor under freeze control
compressor RPM are obtained on the modeled vehicle requires the highest amount of compressor power.
for each vehicle speed. The condenser airflow rate as a Under the same freeze control condition, the pneumatic
function of the vehicle speed was directly taken from the variable compressor provides the same cooling but
air conditioning development process of the vehicle. requires less shaft power. The fixed displacement
compressor with Series Reheat Reduction ranks third in
The modeled vehicle has an Automatic Climate Control terms of saving compressor power. The best saving is
System which automatically adjusts the HVAC module achieved with the cycling pneumatic variable
air flow rate and the discharge temperature request. By compressor executing Series Reheat Reduction.
correlating data from road trips, the steady state blower
voltage and the associated evaporator air flow rate were
Energy Efficiency of Cycling Pneumatic Variable Compressor
and Fixed Displacement Compressor
Compressor power is obtained by averaging over
Idle, 48.3, 80.5, 112.6 kph (idle, 30, 50,70 mph)

6CVC160 AC
Compressor Power (KW)



10CX90% 15.6Cx80% 21.1Cx70% 26.7Cx60% 32.2Cx50% 40.6Cx35%
Ambient Conditions

Fig. 13 Energy Efficiency of Compressors on the Bench


% Improvement During FTP Highway
% Improvement During SC03
Fuel Economy Improvement (%)









Compressor and Control

Fig. 14 Vehicle Fuel Economy Improvement due to Compressors and Controls with Fixed
Displacement Compressor in Freeze Control as Baseline
After the concept was successfully validated on the test Reheat Reduction, based on both the ambient
stand, further evaluation was carried out on a compact temperature and the temperature knob position.
production car with a small engine. The fuel economy
impact of the Cycling Pneumatic Compressor was tested, A key point of evaluation on the mid-sized sedan is the
along with the fixed displacement compressors and drivability impact of cycling the pneumatic variable
electronic variable compressors, in a certified Emission compressor. Road trip tests of the vehicle indicate that
Test Chamber. Evaluation of the compressor and controls the cycling of the pneumatic variable compressor is
were carried out using the EPA FTP and SC03 driving completely imperceptible to the driver of the vehicle. The
cycles with the compressor turned on for both. low torque impact on the powertrain is attributed to the
stroke control characteristics of the pneumatic variable
Figure 14 shows the vehicle fuel economy impact of the compressors. When declutched, the pneumatic variable
compressors and controls under the SC03 driving cycle compressor’s internal mechanisms return the resting
when the ambient temperature is at 24 degrees Celsius stroke position to a default value that can be custom-
(75 degrees Fahrenheit). With the fixed compressor designed. Presently, the default resting stroke is either
performing freeze control as the baseline, the vehicle at 10% or 40%. When the compressor is re-engaged,
Fuel Economy improvement due to compressor upgrade the compressor stroke will move from the resting stroke
or control methodology change is summarized. What is to a stroke dynamically determined by the AC system
clearly indicated by these tests is that the electronic operation. This re-engagement property of the
variable compressor executing Series Reheat Reduction pneumatic variable compressor provides the low impact
is the most effective in helping increasing the vehicle on the powertrain.
fuel economy. This is achieved, of course, at some cost
penalty for the electronic variable compressor. What is The other factor that imparts low impact engagement is
to be highlighted here is that immediately next to the that the Series Reheat Reduction via cycling of the
electronic variable compressor, the most energy efficient pneumatic compressor occurs mostly at mid to low
air conditioning system operation is achieved by the ambient temperatures. As such, the compressor torque
pneumatic variable compressor performing Series is low or moderate to begin with, which ensures
Reheat Reduction. As expected, the fixed displacement minimum powertrain interference when cycled. At higher
compressor under freeze control is ranked the lowest ambient conditions, the application of the Series Reheat
and consumes the highest amount of fuel. A slight Reduction is scaled back to provide sufficient cooling
surprise is that the fixed displacement compressor with capacity. The control of the compressor is governed by
Series Reheat Reduction did not outperform the freeze control. As a result, capacity control at higher
pneumatic variable compressor under freeze control, as ambient is returned to internal pneumatic control and
is the case in the system stand testing. The discrepancy there is no cycling occurring with high torque value.
may be explained by the fact the two classes of
compressors are used: the bench testing used The low torque cycling of the compressor is beneficial
compressors in the 155~160cc displacement range and externally to the powertrain in terms of low torque
the vehicle testing here used compressors in the interference. It is also beneficial to the clutch reliability. It
125~130cc displacement range. Additionally, Powertrain may be expected that the clutches designed to cycle the
Control Module’s anticipation routine may bias the tests fixed displacement compressor should last beyond its
result slightly. standard design life when used in the context of
pneumatic compressor.
In the same figure, the FTP Highway driving cycle test
results for the same vehicle and compressors are CONCLUSION
shown. The FTP driving cycle tests do reconfirm what
has been learned from the bench testing and the SC03 The pneumatic variable compressor was designed to
cycle testing, that the cycling pneumatic compressor eliminate the cycling forced by the application of the
provides energy efficiency benefits surpassing those fixed displacement compressor so as to achieve
possible with the cycling fixed displacement compressor, capacity control to prevent freeze. In the two decades
and often very close to those from the electronic variable after the pneumatic variable compressor was introduced,
compressors. it has proven superior in its high energy efficiency
operation and low powertrain impact. It is interesting to
Additional validation of the present Cycling Pneumatic see that the application of the cycling methodology to a
Compressor methodology was carried out on a mid- compressor designed to eliminate it yields such a
sized sedan with a V-6 engine. Integration of the control beneficial result in achieving Series Reheat Reduction.
head interface as outlined in earlier sections was
implemented. This vehicle implementation allows Through bench testing, small vehicle testing in Emission
seamless phasing-in and phasing-out of the Series Chamber, and finally on a mid-sized sedan on the road,
it has been demonstrated that cycling the pneumatic CONTACT
variable compressor provides a reliable method to
execute Series Reheat Reduction for enhanced energy Mingyu Wang is a Staff Research Engineer with 14
efficiency operation of the air conditioning system. It years of experience in the area of advanced PTC and
offers energy efficiency better than what is possible with HVAC systems development. He holds a Ph.D. in
the cycling fixed compressors under Series Reheat Mechanical Engineering from Duke University and is a
Reduction. It provides energy efficiency benefit close to member of SAE. He can be reached at (716) 439-2493
that offered by the electronic variable compressor or
executing Series Reheat Reduction and does it at a

It has been observed through on-road vehicle operation AC Air Conditioning

that cycling of the pneumatic variable compressor is AI Air Inlet
superior to cycling of the fixed displacement compressor COP Coefficient Of Performance
because of the low, resting stroke of the pneumatic Econ Economy
variable compressor and the associated low starting EOAT Evaporator Out Air Temperature, also
torque. This is especially important for small cars with position on temperature knob
low displacement engine. It frees the powertrain of FC Full Cold
engagement torque interference from the compressor FH Full Hot
and allows for smooth powertrain operation. HVAC Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning
OSA Outside Air
REFERENCES P Temperature knob percentage position
RPM Revolutions Per Minute
1. Skinner, T. J. and Swadner, R. L., V-5 Automotive T Temperature
Variable Displacement Air Conditioning
Compressor, SAE Transactions, Section 1, Vol. 94, Greek Symbols
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Analysis Of Cycling In An Automotive Air ε Heat Exchanger Effectiveness
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Volume 20, Issue 11, Pages 1039-1058, August 1, Ψ Mixed door position
3. Nadamoto, H. and Kubota, A., Power Saving with
the Use of Variable Displacement Compressors, htr Heater
SAE1999-01-0875, SAE International Congress and evp Evaporator
Exposition, Detroit, Michigan, USA, March 1-4, clt Coolant
1999. dis Discharge
4. Park, Y. C., McEnaney, R., Boewe, D., Yin, J. M. frz freeze
and Hrnjak, P. S., Steady State and Cycling hys Hysteresis
Performance of a Typical R134a Mobile A/C set Cycling set point
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5. Rasmussen, B., Uribe, T., Alleyne, A. and Bullard,
C., Evaluation of Control Strategies for Compressor
Rapid Cycling, SAE2004-01-0913, 2004 SAE World
Congress, Detroit, Michigan, USA, March 8-11,

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