Control of Inverter Compressors
Control of Inverter Compressors
Control of Inverter Compressors
Abstract: The bill for the cost of electricity production in most countries is very high, and therefore these countries tend to develop ways to save
electricity consumption. Refrigeration and air-conditioning devices are among the highest devices that consume electricity, so the general trend is how to
reduce the consumption of these devices. The main component of electricity consumption is the compressor. This paper deals with the types of fixed-
speed and inverter-operated compressors, as well as the types of electric motors that operate on DC and those that work on variable current, and the
traditional control methods in air conditioning systems and those that use modern methods to save energy.
The phenomenon of high temperatures in most countries,
especially the Arab Gulf states, where the temperature in the
summer months exceeds fifty degrees Celsius, makes the use
of air conditioners very necessary in buildings and cars, so
that it prevents work at noon times due to the intense heat and
this leads to electricity consumption at record levels Where the
electricity consumption of air conditioners in homes represents
about ninety percent of the total electricity consumption. As a
result, most air conditioning companies tended to replace
traditional air conditioners with air conditioners using the
inverter to reduce electricity consumption, saving about fifty
percent of electricity consumption from traditional air
conditioning systems. The air conditioning system is a system
responsible for cooling the air in the specified place. The
compressor is the main element in the refrigeration circuit, Fig1: Refrigeration Circuit
which consumes the most energy. The refrigeration circuit
consists of the compressor, expansion valve, condenser and The electrical circuit of the air conditioner mainly controls the
evaporator. compressor, condenser fan and evaporator fan as shown in
• The compressor works to increase the pressure of the the figure_2 below
refrigerant from low pressure to high pressure, which results
in a high temperature of the refrigerant.
• The condenser is a heat exchanger whose purpose is to
transfer heat from the refrigerant to the atmospheric air to
convert the refrigerant from the vapor state to the liquid
state. The refrigerant is in a liquid state of high pressure and
high temperature.
• Expansion valve reduces the pressure of the condenser to
the evaporator pressure, as well as controls the flow rate of
the refrigerant to the evaporator, and then the refrigerant
turns into a refrigerant in a mixture of low pressure and low
• The evaporator is a heat exchanger whose purpose is to
transfer heat from the space to be cooled to the refrigerant
passing through the evaporator tubes, and the refrigerant
after that is in the form of vapor with low pressure and low
temperature. The figure_1 below shows the components of FIG2: POWER CIRCUIT OF AIR CONDITIONER
the circuit.
The temperature of the place is controlled by the thermostat,
which turns on or off the air conditioner according to the
desired temperature. For example, if we want to cool the place
to a temperature of 20 degrees Celsius, the thermostat is set
to this degree and the air conditioner works until this
__________________________ temperature is reached, then separates and when the
temperature rises above 20 degrees Celsius, the thermostat
• Ahmed A. H. A. Al-Farhan: (Public Authority for Applied Education turns the air conditioner on again and so on. The electrical
and Training) Email: circuit consists of two parts, the first is called the power circuit,
• MAHMOUD A. A. HAMMOUDA: (Public Authority for Applied which is concerned with connecting the high power of the
Education and Training) Email:
compressor, fan and heater, and the other part is called the
control circuit, which is concerned with controlling the start or
2.1.5 inverter Compressors noise levels due to shaft rotation during alternating current
Any compressor of refrigeration compressors consists of two operation especially at full load. But using the twin-rotary
basic parts, the first is the mechanical part, and there is no compressor design, two rotary compressors are operated with
change in this part, whether in fixed-speed compressors or a phase difference of 180 degrees in the timing of mutual
inverter compressors, and this does not negate the continuous compression, resulting in more stable operation. The torque
development of mechanical parts to obtain the highest boost makes it possible for the compressor to operate from
efficiency for these compressors. The second is the electric just 700 rpm to a frequency of 8000 rpm. Therefore, the 1.5
part, which is an electric motor that moves the mechanical part ton alternating current payload with double rotor inverter
to drive the coolant in the circuit. This motor can be a DC technology can be varied from 0.3 tons to 1.8 tons. Air-
motor, or an AC motor. it is controlled by an electronic circuit or conditioning manufacturers compete to develop compressors,
a micro-controller, which is called the inverter. It controls the so you find each company prefers its own compressor and
speed from 0% to 100% according to the cooling requirements uses it in its applications.
and according to the efficiency of the control circuits and the
quality and efficiency of the compressor. When the 3 SPEED CONTROL OF MOTORS
compressor needs more power, the inverter gives more power. The electric current is divided into two types, the first type is
When it needs less power, the inverter gives out less power. the constant current, which is denoted by DC, and it is
With inverter technology, the compressor is always on but characterized as being of constant intensity and uniform
consumes less or more power depending on the temperature direction, meaning that it flows in one direction only. The direct
of the inlet air and the level set in the thermostat. The speed current is generated from batteries, solar energy systems, or
and power of the compressor are adjusted appropriately. This rectifier circuits that convert alternating current into direct
allows for more accurate cooling and most importantly current. It is used in many applications that use electronic
significant energy savings. Most air conditioners that come systems. The other type is alternating current, which is
with inverter technology use rotary compressors instead of symbolized by AC, and it is defined as an electric current that
reciprocating compressors. Rotary inverter compressors have periodically reverses its direction and oscillates back and forth
a shaft with several blades attached to it. This shaft of blades 50 or 60 times per second, depending on the electrical system
rotates inside the cylinder housing to simultaneously push and used. Hence, it is variable in intensity and variable in direction.
compress refrigerant through the cylinder. Although the And alternating current has several types, including sinusoidal
concept of the variable speed compressor remains the same, alternating current, sawtooth alternating current, triangular
different manufacturers use some subtle differences in their alternating current, and square alternating current, and each
inverter. These types of compressors include but not limited to. type has its own characteristics and advantages. The most
The compressor is a Dual/Twin Rotary Inverter type shown used type is sinusoidal alternating current, which is generated
below. from power plants and transmitted through electrical networks
to residential areas and factories, its value is reduced by using
electrical transformers and connected to homes by electric
cables. The alternating current can also be divided into single
phase current used for lighting and electrical appliances with
low capacities such as household appliances. A three-phase
current is used for high-capacity devices such as central air
conditioners, elevators, or machines in factories.
Fig9: DC motor
By comparing the inverter refrigeration and air conditioning
technology with conventional systems, we conclude the
Fig12: Block Diagram of inverter following:
1- The inverter unit gradually increases its capacity based on
The circuit diagram of inverter as in the figure_ 13 below. the required load, while conventional units start operating
with a full load.
2- Inverter technology uses highly intelligent control that
regulates compressor speed according to the required
cooling load. Conventional units meet the cooling need by
using two fixed speeds - zero or maximum speed.
3- The amount of cooling (heating) capacity required
depends on the outside temperature and the temperature
inside the room to be treated. Outside the temperature
varies throughout the year, but also throughout the day,
cooling requirements will also vary throughout the year.
Only an intelligent system - the inverter - is constantly
working to meet specific requirements.
4- Air conditioning units in the Middle East are designed at
an outside temperature of 46 degrees, in the winter
months the temperature is lower than the design
temperature of 46 degrees Celsius, so the cooling load
also decreases with the temperature. Inverter technology
reacts quickly to this change and reduces the speed of the
compressor to save energy. Annual bill with inverter is
Fig13: Circuit Diagram of inverter reduced by 50%.
5- The inverter uses a continuous change of current
One of the control methods used in frequency converters is frequency as the main control variable, allowing the
the Linear Voltage/Frequency method. This method depends acceleration to be adjusted gradually. This reduces the
on the ratio of voltage to frequency, which is a ratio present in effect of bad lubrication during the transition as well as
all motors, knowing that increasing the frequency without mechanical stresses caused by high starting torque.
increasing the voltage will lead to an increase in the 6- When the compressor is started, the starting current is
magnetizing current as well, leading to a decrease in the stator large for only a few milliseconds, which causes
current, which affects the ability of the motor to handle the complications in the electrical network, including voltage
load. The second method is to control the flux current (Flux drops and disruption of sensitive electronic components. It
Current Control). The constant current consists of an effective can also cause the motor to stop immediately, the inverter
capacity and a passive capacity. The passive power is changes the frequency of the voltage feeding into the
required to produce the magnetic field through the coils, and compressor, while all other methods operate exclusively
the effective power is required to produce the work needed for on the voltage value. The inverter makes the starting
the load. In this method, the nominal current of the motor is current zero and thus does not cause any complications to
entered. From the list of its information (Name Plate), the the electrical network.
processor in the inverter performs mathematical calculations 7- The power factor required by the Ministry of Electricity is
to estimate the magnetic field flux, through the measured set at 0.85 to 0.9, which requires a capacitor bank to
effective capacity and the information about the nominal protect the electrical network from the influence of electric
current that has been entered. Thus, through the internal motors. The installation of inverters ensures a power
calculations, an attempt is made to maintain the magnetic flux factor of 0.95 to 0.97. This feature is of greater importance
constant. If the information entered about the nominal current in installations where it is not possible to order increased
is correct and the inverter is set up well, then this method of power supply.
control will be appropriate, because the inverter senses the 8- Control units provide the ability to be easily integrated with
actual current of the load and thus the speed control is better communication units to provide end users with
stable even when the load changes. The third method is vector comprehensive control systems such as building control
control, to control the flux and torque, both the value of the and monitoring systems, which are currently used in most
constant current and its phase must be controlled, and that is large buildings or smart homes. These units provide a
why this method was called vector control. The processor can simple and easy-to-use set of controls that allow
imitate the encoder through mathematical calculations of the programming and monitoring of every aspect of the
circuit speed based on this model, and by calculating the system's operation.
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