TASK NUMBER 1: Case Analysis.: Jacinto, Shey Pia A. Bsba-Fm1
TASK NUMBER 1: Case Analysis.: Jacinto, Shey Pia A. Bsba-Fm1
TASK NUMBER 1: Case Analysis.: Jacinto, Shey Pia A. Bsba-Fm1
- Yes, because they differ in their physical and psychological development, children in
conflict with the law deserve to be treated differently compared to adults in the criminal
justice system. Setting the minimum age of criminal responsibility at too low an age is
not compatible with the evolving capacities of children. Further modifications will only
help to stifle the system for preventing and rehabilitating juvenile offenders. Syndicate
groups that exploit children to commit crimes for them will instead utilize and abuse even
younger children to commit their wrongdoings if the minimum age of criminal
accountability is lowered.
Task number 5: answer in essay form (6 sentences minimum)
What is the value of ethics FOR YOU?
Ethics contributes to the understanding of human morals by defining notions such as right
and wrong, good and evil, vice and virtue, and so on. When in doubt, we recall the moral and
ethical ideals we've been taught from childhood, and our ideas almost immediately become clear.
While the ethics have been established for the benefit of society and the overall well-being
of the individuals who live there, they can also be a source of dissatisfaction for some. This is
due to the fact that some people have gone too far with them. Women in Indian society, for
example, were once considered to be homemakers. They were not permitted to labor outside the
home or to dispute the family's male members' decisions. While women are now granted the
opportunity to go out and work and make their own decisions, many individuals still adhere to
the ethics and customs established centuries ago. They still feel that a woman's place in the world
is in the kitchen, and that it is unethical for her to work outside of the home.
While ethics and moral principles must be instilled in people in order for society to work
smoothly, they must also be redefined from time to time in order for individuals and society to
grow and develop properly.