Faculty of Engineering Scit B. Tech It/Cse/Cce VI Semester First Mid Term Examination: 2021-22 Data Mining and Warehousing (IT3240)
Faculty of Engineering Scit B. Tech It/Cse/Cce VI Semester First Mid Term Examination: 2021-22 Data Mining and Warehousing (IT3240)
Faculty of Engineering Scit B. Tech It/Cse/Cce VI Semester First Mid Term Examination: 2021-22 Data Mining and Warehousing (IT3240)
VI Semester
First Mid Term Examination: 2021-22
Data Mining and Warehousing (IT3240)
• Answer all questions
• Missing data, if any, may be assumed suitably.
• Calculator allowed
1. Suppose that a company data warehouse contains twenty number of dimensions. Each 5
has 5 levels of granularity.
i. Customers want 4 dimensions, each having 3 frequently accessed
levels for rolling up and drilling down. How will one design a data
cube structure to efficiently support this priority?
ii. At times, a customer may want to drill through the cube, down to the
raw data for 1 or 2 dimensions. How can one support this
Create a Cube for sales data for five cities with respect to four quarters (Q1 to Q4) 5
for Four Electronic items. Explain the operation with a suitable diagram?
a). Slicetime= ‘Q2’ C[quarter, city, product] = C[city, Product]
b). Dicetime=’Q1’ or ‘Q2’ and location= “Mumbai!” or “Pune” C [quarter, city, product] =
C[quarter’, City’, product].
4. Following case study is given for a supermarket. Data mining expert require help to 1*5=5
identify which processing tool (OLTP or OLAP) is good for given cases:
( Answer should be only OLTP or OLAP or both with specified reason)
a) The supermarket store is deciding on introducing a new product. The key
questions they are debating are: “Which product should they introduce?” and
“Should it be specific to a few customer segments?”
b) The supermarket store is looking at offering some discount on their year-end
sale. The questions here are: “How much discount should they offer?” and
“Should it be different discounts for different customer segments?”
c) The supermarket is looking at rewarding its most consistent salesperson. The
question here is: “How to zero in on its most consistent salesperson (consistent
on several parameters)?All the queries stated above have more to do with
analysis than simple reporting”
d) Let us consider the data of a supermarket store, “AllGoods” store, for the year
“2022”. This data as captured by a system is under the following column
headings: Section, Product-CategoryName, YearQuarter, and SalesAmount.
We have a total of 32 records/rows.
e) A system manages the current data within supermarket. This current data is
far too detailed to be easily used for decision making.