Proverbs: Test 8
Proverbs: Test 8
Proverbs: Test 8
1. An Englishman's home is his _____. 11. John was a very lazy pupil. During the school years he didn't learn
his lessons and always played truant. When the examination
A) church B) house
time came he was also to take his exams. But, alas, he didn't pass
C) out doors D) castle
them and he cried bitterly.
E) bank
A) Living dog is better than a dead man.
2. "False friends are _____." B) The rotten apple injures its neighbors.
C) The appetite comes with eating.
A) as clear as day B) out of mind
D) A good beginning makes a good ending.
C) better than riches D) worse than open enemies
E) You have made your bed and you must lie on it.
E) good to be true
12. Promise little _____.
3. A good name is better _____.
A) who laughs last B) but do much
A) than richness B) than never
C) that ends well D) while the sun shines
C) than in bad company D) than promise long
E) never found again
E) than a friend
13. Joe had a very big supper. When he asked for a piece of bread and
4. After the long school holidays, Mrs. Hay went to talk to Betty's
butter at bedtime, his mother said, " I've never seen anyone eat
teacher. "Betty is glad that school has started", she said. "She is as
so much. You are always as hungry as _____."
A) a lark B) a wolf
A) hungry as a wolf B) busy as a bee
C) a bee D) a horse
C) as happy as a lark D) as slow as a tortoise
E) a mouse
E) as clever as an owl
14. The last drop makes _____.
5. So _____ so done.
A) both ends meet B) the cat out of the bag
A) thought B) done
C) a horse laugh D) the cup run over
C) had D) saw
E) a cat laugh
E) said
15. _____ makes the world go round.
6. "While there is _____ there is hope."
A) love B) hatred
A) will B) wish
C) gravity D) money
C) love D) life
E) poor mouse.
E) water
16. _____ repeats itself.
7. "Better face a danger than be always in _____.
A) children B) language
A) favor B) moon
C) everybody D) stories
C) fear D) fire
E) history
E) flight
17. One of our classmates fell ill, and was taken to hospital. In three
8. I have a young sister. From her childhood she dreamt of becoming
months he was out and about, but lagged behind the pupils with
a pianist. When she was seven our mother sent her to the music
his studying. He asked many pupils to help him, nobody came to
school. At first it was difficult for a little girl to spend hours
his rescue, but me. After that we became friends.
playing the piano and she could not achieve much progress; but
my sister didn't give up. Time passed. From year to year she A) Facts are stubborn things
became more skillful and succeeded in her dream. B) Experience is the mother of wisdom
C) Live and learn
A) Practice makes perfect.
D) Everything is good in its season
B) As clear as a day.
E) A friend in need is a friend indeed
C) Everything is good in its season.
D) East of west - home the best.
18. A man's best friend is his _____.
E) There is no place like home.
A) shirt B) bag
9. Mr. Brown was very afraid of dentist. Once he had a terrible C) dog D) house
toothache, and couldn't sleep. The next day, he decided to go to E) money
the dentists and have his tooth extracted.
19. Lost time is _____.
A) While there is life there is hope.
B) Where there is smoke, there is fire. A) known by its tree. B) never found again.
C) Where there is a will, there's a way. C) not so black as he painted. D) never too late to learn.
D) An able sailor hails in stormy weather. E) makes the cup run.
E) Better face a danger than be always in fear.
20. "Out of sight-out of _____.
10. An hour in the morning _____.
A) light B) fight
A) as near as today and tomorrow C) guide D) might
B) is better than richness E) mind
C) has wings
D) is worth two in the evening 21. Everything is _____.
E) as clear as day A) shooting without aim
B) better than saying
C) good in its season
D) better to do well than to say well
E) worth two tomorrow
44. Mr. Smith was rather lazy. He didn't like to work hard and always 52. - I am lucky today, your turn will come later on. Tomorrow our
spared himself. He was sure that his father would support him all positions may be reversed.
his life. But his father died and Mr. Smith had a miserable life. - Yes, _____.
A) Don't trouble trouble until trouble troubles you. A) Deeds not words
B) Speech is silver but silence is gold. B) Every dog has his day
C) No sweet without sweat. C) Scratch my back and I'll scratch yours
D) As the tree so the fruit. D) Everything is good in its season
E) First think then speak. E) All is well that ends well
45. It was raining very hard. A lot of people were standing at the bus- 53. If you _____ to be a friend, never borrow, never _____.
stop and were sorry they had not taken their umbrellas with
them. But one man among them was cheerful and pleased. He A) want / lend B) wanted / lent
always repeated "the harder it rains the better I like it." Asked C) wants / lends D) will want / lend
why he was happy with rain he answered ... E) want / lent
A) Like to like.
B) The fist blow is half the battle.
C) Actions speak louder than words.
D) An idle brain is the devil's workshop.
E) One man's meat is another man's poison.
47. Mr. Brown was the owner of our local newspaper. He was a good
and clever man but he had the habit of talking to himself all the
time. One day my friend came and asked him why he did that.
"Well, there are two reasons," he said. "First I like to hear a wise
man speak, secondly, when I speak it is a pleasure to have an
intelligent audience."
48. Some people use fine words when they talk about what they
have done, but their actions may be quite different and not at all