Wrought Nickel-Titanium Shape Memory Alloys For Medical Devices and Surgical Implants
Wrought Nickel-Titanium Shape Memory Alloys For Medical Devices and Surgical Implants
Wrought Nickel-Titanium Shape Memory Alloys For Medical Devices and Surgical Implants
for the
Development of International Standards, Guides and Recommendations issued by the World Trade Organization Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) Committee.
Designation: F2063 − 18
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University Of Strathclyde (University Of Strathclyde) pursuant to License Agreement. No further reproductions authorized.
F2063 − 18
TABLE 2 Product Analysis ToleranceA 8.3 Section size, location, evaluation method, and results
Element Tolerance Under the Minimum Limit shall be reported on the product certification report provided to
or Over the Maximum Limit,
% (mass/mass)B
the purchaser.
Carbon 0.002
Cobalt 0.001 9. Metallurgical Structure
Copper 0.001
Chromium 0.001 9.1 Microstructure:
Hydrogen 0.0005 9.1.1 Microstructure shall be evaluated only in the hot-
Iron 0.01
Nickel 0.2 under min; 0.2 over max
worked or annealed condition. Such evaluations shall take
Niobium 0.004 place at a section size not larger than 94.0 mm [3.70 in.] and
Nitrogen 0.001 not smaller than 5.50 mm [0.218 in.] in diameter, thickness,
Oxygen 0.004
width, height, wall thickness, or other maximum dimension.
Product analysis tolerance limits are based on analytical capabilities that have
been demonstrated for this composition.
Evaluation may take place on in-process product that will be
Under minimum limit not applicable for elements where only a maximum utilized to create the final product form. Condition, section
percentage is indicated. size, location, and evaluation method shall be reported on the
product certification report provided to the purchaser.
9.1.2 For all product evaluated as stated in 9.1.1, the product
shall have an average grain size number (G) of 4 or larger as
7.2.5 The titanium content of these alloys shall be deter- measured by Test Method E112. Results shall be reported on
mined by difference and need not be analyzed. the product certification report provided to the purchaser.
9.2 Microcleanliness:
8. Transformation Temperature 9.2.1 Porosity and nonmetallic inclusions shall be evaluated
8.1 The nickel and titanium contents of nickel-titanium only in the hot-worked, or for cold-worked mill product in the
shape memory alloys cannot be measured to a precision annealed condition, or as agreed between the supplier and
required to guarantee shape memory or superelastic properties. purchaser. Such evaluations shall take place at a section size
Calorimetry or an equivalent thermomechanical test method not larger than 94.0 mm [3.70 in.] and not smaller than 5.50
shall be used to ensure the alloy formulation in terms of mm [0.218 in.] in diameter, thickness, width, height, wall
transformation temperature. Testing shall be performed on thickness, or other maximum dimension. Evaluation may take
material in the fully annealed condition. place on in-process product that will be utilized to create the
final product form. Condition, section size, location, and
8.2 Product alloy formulation shall be specified in terms of evaluation method shall be reported on the product certification
the transformation temperature parameter(s) required by the report provided to the purchaser.
purchase order. This parameter shall be one of the following: 9.2.2 For product with As less than or equal to 30°C, the
Mf, Mp, Ms, As, Ap, Af as defined in Terminology F2005 and as maximum allowable dimension of porosity and nonmetallic
measured on the product in accordance with Test Method inclusions such as Ti4Ni2Ox and TiC particles shall be 39.0 µm
F2004, or as measured in accordance with another appropriate [0.0015 in.]. The maximum dimension shall be the maximum
thermomechanical test method, such as Test Method F2082. length of all contiguous particles and voids, including particles
Test Method F2004 shall be used to determine transformation separated by voids. Furthermore, porosity and nonmetallic
temperatures unless otherwise agreed between the supplier and inclusions shall not constitute more than 2.8 % (area percent)
purchaser. of the structure as viewed at 400× to 500× in any field of view.
8.2.1 When measured in accordance with Test Method 9.2.3 For product with As greater than 30°C, the maximum
F2004 for transformation temperature by thermal analysis, the allowable dimensions of porosity and nonmetallic inclusions
As shall be uniform on the purchased product to within the such as Ti4Ni2Ox and TiC particles shall be agreed upon by the
ranges in Table 3 or as agreed upon by the purchaser and purchaser and supplier
supplier. 9.2.4 Measurements shall be made in accordance with
8.2.2 Table 3 tolerances are for As only. Tolerances for Mf, Practice E1245 or an equivalent method with longitudinal
Mp, Ms, Ap, and Af are as agreed upon by the purchaser and samples parallel to the working direction. The supplier and
supplier. purchaser shall agree upon the size of the product when
8.2.3 Transformation temperature parameters are normally sampled, the number and location of samples in the product,
specified in the wrought product as defined in Terminology the sample preparation, the number of fields of view, and the
F2005. Other conditions for the certification of alloy transfor- measurement technique. These shall be reported on the product
mation temperature shall be considered a special requirement. certification report provided to the purchaser.
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F2063 − 18
of 800°C [1470°F] for a minimum time of 15 min followed by significant digits should be observed when performing this
rapid cooling by water quenching, gas quenching, or air conversion. IEEE/ASTM SI 10 provides guidelines for the use
cooling. of SI units. Annex A provides conversion tables and Annex B
10.1.2 Tensile properties shall be determined using a strain provides rules for conversion and significant digits.
rate of 0.003 to 0.1 mm/mm/min [in./in./min]. Tensile proper-
ties shall meet the requirements listed in Table 4 using the 12. Significance of Numerical Limits
appropriate gauge length for the product size being tested. 12.1 The following applies to all specified numerical limits
NOTE 1—Annealed product should be tested at 5 to 10°C above Af.
in this specification. To determine conformance to these limits,
an observed or calculated value shall be rounded to the nearest
10.1.3 Specimens for tension tests from product above 50.0 unit in the last right-hand digit used in expressing the specifi-
mm [1.97 in.] in diameter or thickness may be taken from plate cation limit, in accordance with the rounding method of
or strip rolled from the product. For product 50.0 mm [1.97 in.] Practice E29.
or less in diameter or thickness, specimens shall be made from
the product. 13. Special Requirements
10.1.4 Tensile properties shall be measured in the longitu- 13.1 Size variation and out-of-round tolerance shall be
dinal direction with respect to the final fabrication of the specified in the purchase order.
sample. Transverse tensile properties for wide flat products
shall be as agreed upon between the customer and the supplier. 13.2 Special transformation temperature requirements in
Specimen size and condition shall be reported on the product terms of product form, test location or heat treatment shall be
certification report provided to the purchaser. specified on the purchase order.
10.2 Other special mechanical tests shall be as specified on 13.3 Surface roughness shall be specified on the purchase
the purchase order. order.
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University Of Strathclyde (University Of Strathclyde) pursuant to License Agreement. No further reproductions authorized.
F2063 − 18
(Nonmandatory Information)
X1.1 The purpose of this specification is to characterize the X1.6 Transformation temperature uniformity refers to the
chemical, physical, thermomechanical and metallurgical prop- range of As measured on an alloy formulation tested by a single
erties of wrought nominally 54.5 to 57.0 % nickel-titanium laboratory working to Test Method F2004.
alloys to be used in the manufacture of medical devices and
surgical implants. X1.7 The elements carbon, cobalt, copper, hydrogen, iron,
niobium, and oxygen are residual elements in these alloys (see
X1.2 The purchaser’s choice of shape memory alloy trans- Table 1). They are controlled to special limits in order to ensure
formation temperature and mechanical properties is dependent good shape memory, physical and mechanical properties. The
upon the design and application of the medical device. product analysis tolerance limits are based upon the analytical
X1.3 Thermo-mechanical process history, particularly cold capabilities that have been demonstrated for these composi-
work and heat treatment, affects the transformation tempera- tions.
ture and other physical and mechanical properties of nickel-
titanium shape memory alloys. The annealed condition stipu- X1.8 Units of Measure:
lated in Sections 8.2.3 and 10.1 are for the test samples only. X1.8.1 ASTM Policy—ASTM is promoting the use of ratio-
Final product may be purchased in the hot-worked, hot-worked nalized IEEE/ASTM SI 10 (metric) units in their standards.
and cold-finished, or hot-worked and cold-worked, with or The F12.04 Committee has modified this specification to
without a final heat treatment. facilitate the transition by the medical materials industry to SI
between now and 2018. In the first phase of this transition,
X1.4 Ingot chemical analysis can be affected by subsequent
thermo-mechanical and chemical processing. For example, running to 2013, the specifications will be structured to allow
pickling can result in hydrogen pick up. Therefore, hydrogen is the use of either SI or inch-pound units. The choice of primary
specified for the finished mill product (see Section 7.2). units in each specification will be determined by the industry
using the specification. The change to SI units during this
X1.5 The nickel-titanium alloys covered by this standard period may be initiated by the purchaser through his purchase
are commonly called nitinol alloys. Nitinol is not a single documentation. In the second phase of this transition the
alloy; it is a family of alloys each designated by a transforma- specifications will be written with SI as the primary units.
tion temperature measured under controlled conditions and Harmonization with corresponding ISO documents should be
after a specified thermo-mechanical history. considered when assigning the SI values.
X2.1 Biocompatibility can be influenced by the intended SMST-97 Proceedings of the Second International Conference
use, design, and fabrication of the device. on Shape Memory and Superelastic Technologies, Pelton, A et
al., (eds.), SMST, Santa Clara, CA, 1997, pp. 383–388.
X2.2 The material compositions covered by this specifica- Wever, D.J., et al., “Cytotoxic, Allergic and Genotoxic
tion have been employed successfully in human implants, Activity of a Nickel-Titanium Alloy,” Biomaterials, Vol. 18,
exhibiting a well-characterized level of local biological re- No. 16, 1997, pp. 1115–1120.
sponse since 1972. References are as follows: Trepanier, C. et al., “Effect of the Modification of the Oxide
Castleman, L. S., et al., “Biocompatability of Nitinol Alloy Layer on NiTi Stent Corrosion Resistance,” J. Biomedical
as an Implant Material,” J. Biomedical Materials Research, Vol Materials Research, Vol. 43, 1998, pp. 433–440.
10, 1976, pp. 695–731. Ryhanen, J., “Biocompatibility of Nitinol,” Minimally Inva-
Ryhanen, J., et al., “Biocompatability of Nickel Titanium sive Therapy and Allied Technology, Vol. 9, No. 2, 2000, pp.
Shape Memory Metal and its Corrosion Behavior in Human 99-105.
Cell Cultures,” J. Biomedical Materials Research, Vol. 35, Venugopalan, R. and Trepanier, C., “Assessing the Corro-
1997, pp. 451–457. sion Behavior of Nitinol for Minimally Invasive Device
Trigwell, S. and Selvaduray, G., “Effects of Surface Finish Design,” Minimally Invasive Therapy and Allied Technology,
on the Corrosion of NiTi Alloy for Biomedical Applications,” Vol. 9, No. 2, 2000, pp. 67-73.
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University Of Strathclyde (University Of Strathclyde) pursuant to License Agreement. No further reproductions authorized.
F2063 − 18
Thierry, B., et al., “Nitinol versus Stainless Steel Stents: X2.3 No known surgical implant has ever been shown to be
Acute Thrombogenicity Study in an Ex-Vivo Porcine Model,” completely free of adverse reaction in the human body. Long
Biomaterials, Vol. 23, 2002, pp. 2997-3005. term clinical experience in the use of the materials referred to
Zhu, L., et al., “Oxidation of Nitinol and its Effect on in this specification, however, has shown that an acceptable
Corrosion Resistance,” S. Shrivastava, Proceedings from the level of biological response can be expected, if the material is
Materials & Processes for Medical Devices Conference, 8-10 used in an appropriate application.
Sept. 2003, Anaheim, CA, ASM International, 2004, pp.
The following is a summary of selected changes to this standard since the last issue (F2063 – 12) that may
impact the use of this standard. (Approved Aug. 1, 2018.)
(1) Defined the term ingot. (5) Restricted microstructure and inclusion assessment to hot-
(2) Standardized use of the term ingot in place of heat and/or worked product, prior to any cold processing or fully annealed
ingot. condition on cold-worked product.
(3) Updated chemistry requirements of C, N, and O. Split (6) Added additional certification reporting requirements
oxygen and nitrogen (see Table 1). throughout.
(4) Added references to Test Methods E2465 and F2082 to
Section 2.1, and 7.2.4 and 8.2, respectively.
ASTM International takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection with any item mentioned
in this standard. Users of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such patent rights, and the risk
of infringement of such rights, are entirely their own responsibility.
This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five years and
if not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards
and should be addressed to ASTM International Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the
responsible technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should
make your views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, at the address shown below.
This standard is copyrighted by ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959,
United States. Individual reprints (single or multiple copies) of this standard may be obtained by contacting ASTM at the above
address or at 610-832-9585 (phone), 610-832-9555 (fax), or service@astm.org (e-mail); or through the ASTM website
(www.astm.org). Permission rights to photocopy the standard may also be secured from the Copyright Clearance Center, 222
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