Facade Construction Manual
Facade Construction Manual
Facade Construction Manual
This book was produced at the Institute for Design and Building Specialist articles:
Technology, Faculty of Architecture, Chair of Building Technology,
Munich Technical University Winfried Heusler, Dr.-Ing. (Planning advice for the performance
www.gt.ar.tum.de of the facade)
Director, Objekt-Engineering International, Bielefeld
Michael Volz, Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Architect (Timber)
Thomas Herzog Frankfurt am Main Polytechnic
Prof., Dr. (Rome University), Dipl.-Ing. Architect
Chair of Building Technology, Munich Technical University
Co-authors: Gerhard Hausladen, O. Prof. Dr.-Ing. (Edges, openings)
Institute for Design and Building Technology, Chair of Building
Roland Krippner Climate and Building Services, Munich Technical University
Dr.-Ing. Architect
(Dimensional coordination; Concrete; Solar energy) Stefan Heeß, Dipl.-Ing. (Concrete)
Dyckerhoff Weiss, Wiesbaden
Werner Lang
Dr.-Ing., M.Arch. (UCLA) Architect Reiner Letsch, Dr.-Ing. M.Sc. (Plastics)
(Glass; Plastics; The glass double facade) Chair of Building Materials and Materials Testing,
Munich Technical University
Scientific assistants:
Peter Bonfig, Dipl.-Ing. Architect (The structural principles of surfaces) Volker Wittwer, Dr. (Solar energy)
Jan Cremers, Dipl.-Ing. Architect (Internal and external conditions; Metal) Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems (ISE), Freiburg
András Reith, M.Sc.Arch. (Budapest University), guest scientist
(Stone; Clay)
Annegret Rieger, M.Arch. (Harvard University) Architect A CIP catalogue record for this book is available from the
(organisational coordination; Timber) Library of Congress, Washington, D.C., USA
Daniel Westenberger, Dipl.-Ing. Architect (Edges, openings; Manipulators)
Bibliographic information published by Die Deutsche Bibliothek
Student assistants: Die Deutsche Bibliothek lists this publication in the Deutsche
Tina Baierl, Sebastian Fiedler, Elisabeth Walch, Xaver Wankerl Nationalbibliographie; detailed bibliographic data is available
on the Internet at http://dnb.ddb.de.
Editors This work is subject to copyright. All rights are reserved, whether
the whole or part of the material is concerned, specifically the
Editorial services: right of translation, reprinting, re-use of illustrations, recitation,
Steffi Lenzen, Dipl.-Ing. Architect broadcasting, reproduction on microfilms or in other ways, and
storage in databases. For any kind of use, permission of the
Editorial assistants: copyright owner must be obtained.
Christine Fritzenwallner, Dipl.-Ing.
This book is also available in a German language edition
Susanne Bender-Grotzeck, Dipl.-Ing.; Carola Jacob-Ritz, M.A.; (ISBN 3-7643-7031-9).
Christina Reinhard, Dipl.-Ing.; Friedemann Zeitler, Dipl.-Ing.;
Christos Chantzaras, Manuel Zoller Editor:
Institut für Internationale Architektur-Dokumentation GmbH &
Drawings: Co. KG, Munich
Marion Griese, Dipl.-Ing. http://www.detail.de
Elisabeth Krammer, Dipl.-Ing.
© 2004, English translation of the 1st German edition
Drawing assistants:
Bettina Brecht, Dipl.-Ing.; Norbert Graeser, Dipl.-Ing.; Birkhäuser – Publisher for Architecture, P.O. Box 133, CH-4010
Christiane Haslberger, Dipl.-Ing.; Oliver Klein, Dipl.-Ing.; Basel, Switzerland
Emese Köszegi, Dipl.-Ing.; Andrea Saiko, Dipl.-Ing.; Part of Springer Science+Business Media
Beate Stingl, Dipl.-Ing.; Claudia Toepsch, Dipl.-Ing.
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Translation into English: TCF ∞
Gerd H. Söffker and Philip Thrift, Hannover
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DTP & production:
Peter Gensmantel, Cornelia Kohn, Andrea Linke, Roswitha Siegler ISBN 3-7643-7109-9
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Contents 5
Preface 6
Part A Fundamentals 16
1 Facade materials
2 Special topics
Part C Appendix
This construction manual dealing with facades are presented in pictorial form by way of dia-
comes some 30 years after the publication of grams and schematic graphics showing the
the first construction manual. morphology of surfaces and openings.
Furthermore, there is a direct interaction
For centuries architects focussed their artistic between the building envelope and the other
skills on the creation of a successful external subsystems: loadbearing structure, interior
appearance for their structures. This was often layout and building services. The interrelation-
the subject of intense controversy surrounding ships present or to be defined must be geo-
the style to be chosen, but was also exploited metrically coordinated in three dimensions in
as a medium for conveying new artistic stances. every construction system. The dimensional
and modular conditions and the proportions
The fact that facades are again becoming a must be clarified so that the building can
subject for discussion is no doubt due to the evolve as a unified, overall concept. Once we
growing importance of the building envelope combine the aforementioned aspects, we
with respect to energy consumption and options create the boundary conditions for a practical
for exploiting natural forms of energy. In addi- realisation based on the materials and methods
tion – and usually contrasting with this – there is of construction available to us.
also the search for the self-expression and
“location marketing” of those clients whose If the materials and the technologies required
“packaging” of their often trivial interiors has for their production now become the criteria for
long since become a substitute for good, quality the elaboration of further details, then the para-
architecture. The booming cities of Asia demon- meters in terms of physics, materials, erection
strate this only too clearly. requirements and aesthetics have to be harm-
onised with each other.
The layout of this book and the sequence of the
various chapters are based on a discerning The layout of the second part of the book is
approach to designing and developing a facade based on these interrelationships. Again, there
construction. Those aspects generally relevant are separate chapters covering general
to the building envelope, i.e., the requirements aspects preceding the examples. Each of
they have to satisfy, their principal functions or these chapters begins with a brief history of
their structural form, are treated separately humanity’s use of the respective materials, and
from the special circumstances of individual their properties. The use of the materials is
cases. Accordingly, this is not just a compen- initially not limited to buildings for the simple
dium of different buildings in terms of location reason that as civilisation evolved, so techno-
and context, genre and technology. Instead, logies developed in different ways through the
features are sorted according to the different interplay with the materials, and the first appli-
materials used for the envelope or its cladding. cations were often in totally different fields. The
significance of stone, ceramics and metal, for
The first part of this book deals with the instance, was so great that they gave their
requirements placed on a facade as a result of names to entire cultural epochs. Even today, a
internal needs, depending on the use of the large share of technical innovation in building,
building. Inevitably, these have to face up to and particularly in modern facade design, is
very diverse local climatic conditions, which due to technology transfer from completely
vary from region to region. This juxtaposition unrelated sectors. This is true for many areas,
gives rise to the functional requirements placed such as forming technology, surface treatments,
on the respective envelopes. This collection of robots. A selection of built examples related to
requirements then becomes the architect’s brief the respective material follows each introduct-
and is initially open to a number of solutions. ory chapter. The idea behind this is to provide
Construction details are for this reason not an insight into the scope of possibilities and to
legitimate in this part of the book. The criteria serve as inspiration for further ideas. We have
employed drawings of the principal facade The chapter entitled “Manipulators” takes a new
details ex-plained by way of legends because look at the centuries-old principle of varying
this is the medium normally used by architects and individually regulating the “permeability” of
to convey information. openings in the facade – whether for reasons of
energy economy, the interior climate, lighting or
We have selected new projects that exhibit security – based on new requirements and new
interesting facade configurations and also ideas. In our opinion the widespread use of
“classics” whose architectural qualities still set multiple layers and double-leaf facades over
standards. Furthermore – also in conjunction the last ten years warrants separate treatment
with projects within existing, older buildings – because there is still great uncertainty about
some of the details may well be of great their use among architects and engineers, who
practical value to architects and engineers. often feel the need to follow the fashion instead
of allowing the advantages of these concepts
Each example concentrates on the facade and to be fully and properly utilised. This frequently
not the building as a whole. This is why, apart results in fundamental errors, because the
from the architects, other collaborators on the relationships in terms of construction and
projects are mentioned only rarely, and spe- energy economy as well as the individual vari-
cialist engineers only when they made a partic- ations available for this type of design are not
ular contribution to the facade construction. fully appreciated.
When looking at the construction details the The integration of direct and indirect solar
reader will sometimes notice approaches systems into the building envelope is still new
differing from those normally employed in territory for many in the construction industry.
Germany, or from the German codes and The happy co-existence of serviceability, tech-
standards. The authors consider this to be nical and physical functions, and mastery of
justified in a book containing international architectural and engineering requirements is
examples. still the exception, even though the first pioneer-
ing applications were built many decades ago.
For those readers wishing to find out more
about a particular project, we have included We would like to thank all those persons, insti-
references to other publications, as indicated tutions, architects, photographers and compa-
by the symbol º. nies whose competent assistance has helped
us to produce this book.
It is certainly possible to regard buildings – even
when they are major technical accomplishments Munich, spring 2004
– not as perplexing, possibly even hardly Thomas Herzog
manageable systems comprising many differ-
ent components, but rather, tersely and simply,
as equal measures of powerful and sensitive
design. However, the developments of recent
decades, with the enormous increase in the
requirements placed on the building envelope,
have resulted in multiple layer constructions in
which every single layer has to perform specific
functions. In the meantime, this has become a
common feature of modern building for most
materials. This led us to include special topics
of facade design beyond those related just to
the materials.
Envelope, wall, facade
Envelope, wall, facade
Envelope, wall, facade
7 8
Envelope, wall, facade
Envelope, wall, facade
identity, but also determines the extent of the electronically controlled LEDs and videos have
desired assignment or classification in an long since taken over as the prevailing aesthetic
existing spatial and building context. Generally, factor on the outside of buildings – conveying
the architect is also involved in the further information and architectural import (fig. 13).
development of this “announcement” [4].
When the historical predecessors employed
Numerous examples (e.g., fig. 10) illustrate to materials and their graphical or sculptural form
what extent people during the Renaissance, as to determine wholly the effect of the facade,
humanism flourished and hence the importance they intensified the perception with respect to
of the spiritually independent individual grew, the building itself. Its own, original components
emphasised the effect of the external walls as were the cause of this. It is different when the
an “exhibit”. This effect became more non-physical semantic message is conveyed
pronounced during the Baroque era. As a rule, via a non-self-determining neutral medium such
these facades facing a street or open public as a computer program and projection
space, in contrast to the other elevations, were techniques. The variable software permits
decorated at great expense with precious complete independence with respect to the
materials and expressive artistic means, and contents displayed and, to a large extent, also 12
9 Painted street facade, Trento (I)
became – almost detached as a whole from the with respect to the form of its presentation. 10 San Giorgio Maggiore, Venice (I), 1610,
building itself – exacting, giant backdrops. Andrea Palladio
Facades with extremely intensive effects rely- 11 Piccadilly Circus, London (GB)
Much more than being just a technical or utilita- ing on constant change are the main reason 12 Old – new, detail of transition
13 Times Square, New York (USA)
rian aspect, the facade played a key role as a behind the appeal of such urban spaces. This
vehicle for architectural impact. The external type of constantly fluctuating facade, relying on
wall made use of relief, sculpture, painting, the integration of ever newer technologies, can The facade and building services
mosaics and writing to become a visual medium be seen in Times Square in New York – one of
where all primary functional parts became ob- countless examples. This results in a complete- In the history of European building, building
jects for maximum decorative moulding (fig. 9). ly new intensive cultural reference which em- services have been integrated into the external
ploys other media for its effects. Here, the walls as functionally important elements in
The multimedia facades of the present day, aesthetic significance of the building facade many ways. Examples are Wells in southern
possible worldwide through the integration of itself retreats into the background (fig. 13). England, where the masonry external walls
new forms of design and communications continue upwards to form chimneys, and
technology, and which demonstrate new kinds Europe’s first development of terrace houses
of graphic and colour effects in transparent from a more recent period, which become
and translucent glass and membrane surfaces, characteristic elements in the streetscape
continue this tradition of the building envelope (fig. 14).
as a “hoarding”. Just how much this change
can lead to contrasts, indeed to denaturalisation, The positioning of radiators or convectors
is shown in the example from London (fig. 11), beneath windows on the inside or – in hot
where two originally similar blocks face each climates – decentralised air-conditioning units
other across the street. As soon as the bright- on the outside of the building is commonplace.
ness of the competing daylight diminishes The fact that the support brackets for such
sufficiently and artificial light can dominate, technical equipment can also be elegantly
Envelope, wall, facade
integrated into prefabricated facades is shown vate the thermal storage capacity of the load- Ageing
by the example of the semiconductor assembly bearing components, but at the same time – as
plant in Wasserburg am Inn (see p. 168). is the norm in office buildings – partitions must If we assume that, a certain time after being
remain demountable, then the construction of completed, a structure becomes part of the
Large air ducts are also positioned on the the external wall must include suitable facilities history of building, the issue of ageing behaviour
facade, primarily to keep interior spaces clear for distributing and providing access to high- is intrinsic. This applies especially to the
of all obstacles, as is the case with manufactur- and low-voltage networks plus cooling, heating external appearance, the building envelope,
ing and exhibition buildings. This technical and ventilating systems. More recently, we which is exposed to the weather.
motif was turned into a form of expression on a have seen an increase in the number of small,
large scale at the Centre Georges Pompidou in decentralised ventilation units being fitted to Over the course of time the envelope is sub-
Paris (Renzo Piano, Richard Rogers, 1977), facades. These are designed as counter-flow jected to many strains and stresses. These
becoming the governing architectural element systems to minimise ventilation heat losses and result not only in technical and functional
(fig. 15). In a similar way, the air-conditioning thus guarantee efficient heat recovery during changes, but ultimately in a change in its
systems at the Sainsbury Centre for Visual Arts the heating period. appearance.
(see p. 172) are fitted to the periphery of the
building; but here some parts are only visible This has been achieved in the new ZVK offices There are facades that rot, degrade, become
from the outside through the glass, which pro- in Wiesbaden (see p. 282–83) by means of a “shabby” – in other words age badly due to
tects them from the weather. duct in the spandrel panel, services cabinets, their form of construction and choice of
integral involute lighting units, small convectors materials. And there are others that show
The use of such elements, essentially originat- on all office grid lines and controllable vents hardly any signs of age at all, although the
ing from the realm of mechanical engineering, with baffle plates behind. same, i.e., technical, criteria apply. For in-
as a primary construction subsystem and stance, glass installed many centuries ago
indeed as a programmatic element in the Totally different effects relying on natural, may have suffered superficial damage, but its
“exposed sides” of buildings, represents a key organic systems, like those influencing the substance and aesthetic characteristics will
change [5]. Their importance in the course of microclimate at the facade, can be achieved have changed little.
generating an artificial interior climate with the with the specific, functional use of vegetation
increasing use of energy – and their depend- (fig. 16). In terms of controlling dust, balancing And there are also materials that undergo
ence thereon – must be investigated, particu- humidity and providing shade, plants are very severe changes within a very short period of
larly from the current viewpoint. However, these useful, occasionally – particularly during hot time but age acceptably and possibly even
(large-scale) technical installations could still periods and in more southerly regions – provid- become more beautiful thereby. An example of
be advisable if they can be justified from the ing a considerable natural cooling effect. This is this is patination (fig. 17). Their serviceability is
viewpoint of saving resources, e.g. by using definitely an opportunity for an impressive com- not impaired, nor is their technical appropriate-
renewable energy sources more and more. bination of functionality and aesthetic intent [6]. ness (because, for example, parts have rotted
or sections have been weakened by corrosion).
For reasons of easy accessibility, maintenance
and renewability alone, the de-integration of The architectural and engineering conception
loadbearing structure and protective envelope and construction of a facade also means
is certainly expedient. guaranteeing that ageing does not reduce its
If we refrain from providing service voids in quality, its value. Society’s general readiness to
ceilings and floors in order to be able to acti- accept such aesthetic changes can be seen
14 15
Envelope, wall, facade
16 17
Part A Fundamentals
Outside Facade Inside
physical barriers
Regulatory functions
Supplementary building services Facades with integral services Supplementary building services
A 1.1
Internal and external conditions
A 1 Internal and The facade is the separating and filtering layer What specific, local external conditions
between outside and inside, between nature will be encountered?
external conditions and interior spaces occupied by people. In What requirements will be placed on
the internal conditions?
historical terms, the primary reason for creating
an effective barrier between interior and exterior
is the desire for protection against a hostile
outside world and inclement weather. Diverse
other requirements have been added to these What will the resulting functions and tasks
be for the facade?
protective functions: light in the interior, an
adequate air change rate, a visual relationship
with the surroundings but, at the same time, a
boundary between the private sphere and
public areas. Special measures make it possible Can the requirements be met by supplementary,
to regulate such openings. So this leads to directly effective measures?
control and regulatory functions being added
to the protective functions.
As a rule, the external conditions cannot be demands, such as the desire for high artistic
influenced by the design. They therefore merit, or special security against intruders.
represent a primary criterion even at the stage These conditions and requirements, illustrated
of choosing a plot of land. Specific, unique graphically in fig. A 1.1, mean that the facade
external conditions prevail at every location. has to provide protective and regulatory
These require careful analysis because their functions. The former is essentially protection
nature and intensity varies according to district, against the intensity of external influences,
region, country and continent. In addition, the primarily those of the weather. The latter
direct surroundings and microclimate play a regulates as necessary to achieve an
distinct role. Besides the climate specific to the acceptable interior climate as required, aiming
location, with defined, statistically calculated for “thermal comfort” (see p. 22).
amounts and distribution of precipitation (rain,
snow and hail), other factors (e.g., a neigh- If we see the facade as the human body’s
bouring industrial estate with higher levels of “third skin” (after that of the body itself and our
noise and odour-laden air) call for special clothing), the analogy of the design objective
measures in the design of the facade. becomes clear: the fluctuations of the external
climatic conditions on our bodies have to be
On the other hand, the requirements placed on reduced by each of these functional layers in
the internal conditions are not defined right at turn in order to guarantee a constant body
the start but are instead determined during the temperature of approximately 37°C. However,
design phase by way of a catalogue of the climatic conditions also give rise to require-
requirements which is drawn up bearing in ments that cannot be exclusively allocated to
mind the intended use of the interior. Accurate either side; rather, they are due to the differ-
knowledge of these targets is crucial to the ence between inside and outside. They lead to
success of the design because they directly mechanical loads on the materials of the
influence the construction. They determine the facade and the construction details, and are
amounts of energy and materials required for primarily the result of temperature, moisture
construction and operation in the long term. and pressure differentials. Such loads must be
The requirements placed on the interior climate, accommodated by suitable means such as
which are essentially determined by the term expansion joints and flexible connections.
“comfort” (see p. 22, fig. 1.12), are in certain
circumstances supplemented by far-reaching
measures derived from various other quality
Internal and external conditions
4000 4000
must be dealt with by installing the necessary
3000 3000 lighting levels, air quality, air change rates and
90° humidification/dehumidification. However, such
supplementary technical measures always re-
2000 2000
quire additional energy and call for expensive
1000 1000
0 0
We can incorporate technical facilities for such
J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J requirements directly into the facade (see p. 13).
When the equipment required is not installed in
A 1.4 A 1.5
central plant rooms but rather in the facade
directly where it is required, it is referred to as
“decentralised facade services”.
Summer Spring/Autumn
S Apart from the above influencing factors, we
800 E W 800
Total radiation [W/m2]
Internal and external conditions
Global radiation/year (energy)
on a human scale is inexhaustible, free and 5
environmentally friendly. In order to be able to
Available solar radiation
utilise this source of energy, it is vital to
consider the intensity and duration of radiation direct
in conjunction with the orientation and
inclination of the facade. 3
30 °
Figs A 1.3–1.11 illustrate a selection of the
important relationships. 25 ° 6
For example, in Germany, we can take the 20 °
following values for the available solar radiation
as our starting point: 15 ° Hours of sunshine on
south-west facade
10 °
1400–2000 sunshine hours/year 5° Quantity of heat = 330 cal/cm2
700–800 sunshine hours/heating period
0° 22.06.1963 23.06.1963
Thermal comfort N W
Internal and external conditions
°C 24
24 A 1.13 Comfort zone in relation to air temperature and
average (only slightly differing) surface tempera-
c + 22 ture of enclosing walls (after Reiher and Frank)
d 20 fortable A 1.14 Comfort zone in relation to air temperature and
relative humidity (after Leusden and Freymark)
a b 18 A 1.15 Room temperature/Air movement
d Comfort zone in relation to air temperature and
16 air movement (after Rietschel-Raiß)
c 14
c Applicable ranges for figs. A 1.13–1.15:
12 • relative humidity from 30 to 70%
uncomfortably cold • air movement from 0 to 20 cm/s
• essentially equal temperatures of 19.5 to 23°C
12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28
for all surfaces enclosing the room
Temperature of interior air [°C]
A 1.12 A 1.13
These quantifiable variables – in conjunction
with region, habits, clothing, activities and
individual sensitivity – determine the level of
100 50 thermal comfort. The ranges in which the values
90 of the individual influencing factors should fall
Air movements around the body [cm/s]
Heat flow Radiation transfer Vapour pressure Even psychological factors (e.g. materials,
colours) and cultural aspects play a role here
–K° +K° – + Pascal and should be taken into account.
reflection transmission
Underlying physical principles
A 1.16 To understand the functions of the facade, we
must look at the scientific principles of the
construction, e.g. heat flow, water vapour
pressure, radiation transfer (fig. A 1.16).
Heat transmission
– + Water Heat transfer
1.0 Thermal energy always flows from the hotter
radiation granite (higher-energy) side to the colder side. Three
0.8 basic principles govern the transfer of heat
– + concrete
calcium-silicate brick energy (fig. A 1.17):
0.6 aluminium
conduction screed
• conduction
loose gravel
0.4 • radiation
dry sand • convection.
– +
0.2 concrete
lightweight clay brick
0 The thermal transmittance – U-value (W/m2K) –
0 1000 2000 3000 can be calculated for planar components.
Bulk density [kg/m3]
A 1.17 A 1.18
Internal and external conditions
A 1.16 A selection of the basic scientific principles A 1.19 Hot air is lighter and rises +
affecting the building A 1.20 Positive and negative pressure effects as air flows
A 1.17 The principles of heat transmission around a building –
A 1.18 Volume-related heat capacity of selected A 1.21 Wind speeds increase with height above ground
materials level
A 1.22 A radiation-permeable leaf in a facade allows the
air in the cavity to heat up so that it then rises
(“stack effect”) +
A 1.23 Geometric solutions to improve the air flow –
A 1.24 Wind: regional frequencies and directions taken
as an annual average for the city of Munich.
Wind speed: A 1.19
a up to 3 m/s
b more than 3 m/s
– +
Thermal conductivity and heat capacity based on fundamental thermal principles (figs.
Both of these factors depend on the properties A 1.19–1.23). A 1.20
of the material and generally increase with bulk The aim of the facade design should be to en-
density. However, the heat capacity of water able natural ventilation of the building wherever
represents a clear exception in comparison with possible. This approach can minimise the risks
common building materials (fig. A 1.18). associated with the well-publicised “sick
building syndrome” [1]. In this respect, the
Relative humidity following problems associated with natural
Air can absorb water vapour until it reaches its ventilation should be avoided as far as
saturation point, which depends on the temper- possible:
ature. We therefore speak of the “relative A 1.21
humidity” (of the air). Moist air is fractionally • increased heat requirement
lighter than dry air at the same temperature. • too high interior air temperatures in summer
• draughts in the building
Water vapour pressure • too low interior humidity in winter
Water vapour flows from the side with the higher • inadequate ventilation in calm air
vapour pressure (partial pressure) to the side
with the lower pressure. If there is a The more the air heats up (i.e. absorbs energy),
simultaneous severe temperature gradient, the the faster the gas molecules move (fig. A 1.19).
temperature drops below the dew point and the The air pressure rises, the air becomes less
water condenses out of the air (and hence leads dense and hence lighter per volumetric unit,
to the risk of condensation collecting on and it rises. In an enclosed room, this therefore
A 1.22
surfaces and mould growth). results in different air temperatures, with a layer
of warmer air at the top and cooler air below.
Radiation transfer Objects create an obstacle to the flow of air,
Radiation incident on a component is reflected, splitting up the current of air as it flows past
absorbed or transmitted (fig. A 1.16, p. 22). (fig. A 1.20). Besides creating turbulence, this
The heat radiation behaviour essentially depends also leads to higher air pressure on the wind-
on the properties of the surface of a material, ward side of the building and lower relative
especially its colour (fig. A 1.9, p. 21). pressure (suction) on the leeward side. We
should remember that the direction of the wind
fluctuates considerably (fig. A 1.24) and that
The underlying principles governing wind, such effects can change very quickly. A 1.23
thermal currents and natural ventilation Near the ground, wind speeds are generally
lower due to the interaction with the surface N
Currents of air in the atmosphere (wind), the (roughness) and obstacles (fig. A 1.21). The
interaction via openings linking inside with out- wind speed – and hence wind pressure and 15
side, and thermal effects in the boundary air suction – increases with the height of the
layers are phenomena that affect every building; building. 10
they represent another external condition. Since If radiation energy passes through a trans-
the specific local weather and wind conditions parent or translucent layer before striking a
vary considerably in terms of severity and direc- building component separated from this outer 0
tion (fig. A 1.24), only statistical values can be leaf by an air layer, the component heats up 20 15 10 5 0 5 10 15 20
incorporated in the design. due to the absorption process (fig. A 1.22). It 5
The currents of air that ensue due to the geo- transfers part of this heat energy to the air in
metric properties of bodies in specific wind situ- the cavity, which heats up and rises (similar to
ations can only be investigated in wind tunnel fig. A 1.19); the air starts to circulate. This b
tests and by means of dynamic, highly complex effect is reinforced when the air can escape at
flow simulations. However, basic principles of the top of the cavity and is replaced by air 20
facade design also play a role, as these are flowing in at the bottom. Objects with suitable S
A 1.24
Internal and external conditions
shapes can exploit the available incident air rigid fixings between the two leaves (principle:
flows around a building to generate an addi- mass–spring–mass). Other aspects of sound
tional negative pressure (fig. A 1.23) and there- insulation are dealt with in chapter A 3 “Plan-
fore reinforce the stack effect, or even to accel- ning advice for the performance of the facade”.
erate the dissipation of hot air from rooms at a
lower level.
A 1.25
Practical realisation
The underlying principles of sound The aforementioned internal and external con-
transmission ditions, the resulting functional requirements
and the underlying thermal, acoustic and other
At the facade, sound is both an external scientific principles give rise to a directly re-
condition and an internal requirement (acoustic lated interaction between the building compo-
insulation) because sources of sound can be nents chosen for the facade construction.
on either or both sides of the facade.
A 1.26
Sound insulation calls for especially careful Due to, for example, transmission, a radiation-
design and workmanship because the trans- permeable component leads to an energy gain
mission of sound can take place even across inside the building (fig. A 1.32). When the
minimal acoustic bridges. Sound waves propa- radiation strikes surfaces in the interior, part of
gate in roughly spherical form through the air the energy is transferred to the material by way
from the sound source and into the interior of absorption and from there continues to be
(airborne sound, fig. A 1.25). They are reflected transmitted by way of conduction (fig. A 1.33).
to a greater or lesser extent by all the surfaces Another part is ”stored” in accordance with the
A 1.27
enclosing the room and by all the objects in the heat capacity of the material. The energy is
room. The smoother and harder the surface, returned to the room by way of radiation after a
the less distorted and more complete is the time-lag, the length of which depends on,
reflection. among other parameters, the thermal conduc-
tivity specific to the material (fig. A 1.34). Care-
If a solid material is caused to vibrate, e.g. by ful choice of materials and component sizes
mechanical influences (footsteps on the floor), can help to exploit this effect to even out
A 1.28
sound waves propagate through the building temperature peaks without needing to intro-
components (structure-borne sound, fig. A 1.26). duce further energy in the form of heating or
When a solid body is excited by airborne cooling.
sound, structure-borne sound propagates
within the body (fig. A 1.27). This can in turn Convection processes enable energy to be
excite the layer of air on the other side, which transferred between inside and outside by
then transmits the waves again in the form of regulating or controlling the ventilation (fig.
airborne sound. A 1.35). This can take place in both directions.
Skilful use of thermal effects can render mechan-
Sound waves can travel great distances in the ical ventilation totally unnecessary (e.g. figs.
A 1.29 form of structure-borne sound transmissions A 1.19, 1.22, 1.23).
(fig. A 1.28). If the “solid” components of a
building are joined together, sound may in some Greenhouse effect
circumstances propagate throughout the entire When high-energy short-wave solar radiation
building by this means. We speak then of strikes surfaces in the interior, a major part of
“flanking transmissions”. the energy is released into the interior in the
form of diffuse, long-wave radiation in the
One possible strategy to combat airborne infrared range (fig. A 1.36, p. 25), where it
A 1.30 sound transmission is to increase the mass of contributes to heating up the interior air and
the components (fig. A 1.29). The object is other surfaces. The very low radiation perme-
made as heavy as possible and so given a ability of the building envelope in the long-wave
high inertia, i.e., it consists of a material with a range (in simple greenhouses, for example,
high density and therefore airborne sound glass, but primarily layers of insulation or
waves cause it to vibrate only to a limited thermally insulating double or triple glazing,
extent. Another way of dealing with airborne possibly with additional coatings to enhance
sound transmission is to provide an efficient this effect) prevents the radiation from escap-
A 1.31 seal (fig. A 1.30), which prevents the airborne ing. It is therefore “captured” in the room and
sound propagating directly through “leakage we speak of the “greenhouse effect”.
points” such as joints, gaps and seams. There
A 1.25 Sound source
is also the possibility of attenuating airborne If this effect is desirable, it is possible to in-
A 1.26 Excitation of a mass by mechanical action
A 1.27 Excitation of a mass by airborne sound and trans- sound transmission by using a double-leaf fluence the degree of efficiency by aligning the
mission in the material (structure-borne sound) construction with an insulated cavity (fig. radiation-permeable surface with the source of
A 1.28 Transmission of sound over long distances within A 1.31). This approach is particularly efficient the radiation (i.e. usually the orientation with
building components (“flanking transmissions”) when the two leaves have different thicknesses respect to the Sun) and hence changing the
A 1.29 Strategy 1 to combat transmission of airborne
sound: mass and weights, and hence exhibit unequal natural associated angle of incidence of the radiation
A 1.30 Strategy 2: efficient joint sealing frequencies. However, the success of such (fig. A 1.37).
A 1.31 Strategy 3: mass–spring–mass principle measures should not be put at risk by including
Internal and external conditions
A 1.37
-10°C outside
+ 19 °C
+ 14 to 10 °C
Zone of intermediate
The structural principles of surfaces
• in the plane of the facade, and A 2.1.2 Aspects to be considered in the plane of the
• perpendicular to the plane of the facade. facade:
• type of surface
• allocation of performance profiles
Facades can be assigned certain performance • loadbearing ability
profiles, which can vary across the surface, • design principle
according to the catalogue of functions and • jointing
requirements. The engineering principles and A 2.1.3 Aspects to be considered perpendicular to the
plane of the facade:
materials employed may require several func-
• realisation of performance profiles
tional and constructional “levels” perpendic- • construction in terms of layers and leaves
ular to the plane of the facade. Additional con- • joining of layers and leaves
structional elements, which are not themselves A 2.1.4 Classification according to functional criteria
part of the building envelope (e.g. horizontal A 2.1.5 Classification according to constructional criteria
sunshading systems, daylight redirection sys-
tems, maintenance walkways) may prove to Air permeability closed
be advisable. partly permeable
The structural principles of surfaces
Energy gains
Surfaces permeable to solar radiation allow
direct energy gains to be made due to the
heating-up of components such as floors and polygonal vertical + irregular form rotationally rotationally
surfaces horizontal symmetrical symmetrical
walls within the building. Special technical
facilities (e.g., photovoltaic systems, absorber A 2.1.6
walls with transparent thermal insulation) allow Relationship to loadbearing structure Structure in the plane of the facade
heat or electricity for the operation of the build- “Non-loadbearing” facades do not carry any
ing to be gained directly in the structure of the loads nor assume any loadbearing tasks in- Types of surfaces
facade itself. volving the stability of the building. When establishing the external three-dimen-
sional geometry of the building, it is worth
Variability Structure in terms of “layers” and “leaves” remembering that the enclosing envelope is
The surface of the facade can react to chang- Different materials with different thicknesses governed by its own laws. Every facade is
ing external conditions by modifying the posi- and structures can be optimised to perform made up of several flat or curved surface units
tion or the properties of components, for example: certain tasks or parts thereof and then added which intersect or make contact with each
together according to constructional and other other and with the roof surfaces along certain
• by moving parts of the facade mechanically performance principles to form a functional unit lines (edges or arrises). The shape of the
(position of louvres, degree of opening of – the facade. Numerous different combinations surfaces and their positions in space, whether
shutters, etc.). with matching performance profiles can be they are vertical or inclined or nearly horizontal,
• by triggering reversible changes to material achieved. The design thicknesses of the individ- has a decisive influence on the architectural
properties using electrical, thermo-sensitive ual functional “levels” can vary between and engineering detailing of the facade. Inter-
or photo-sensitive processes, which have an fractions of a millimetre (e.g., low-emissivity secting edges and, in particular, “corners”, at
effect on the light permeability, for instance; coating on double glazing) and several metres which three surfaces coincide, require special
these changes are either of a physical nature (e.g., air cavity in a multi-leaf glass facade). attention. Diverse factors determine the three-
(e.g., changing the state of the element, The sequence of the levels must be correct in dimensional conception of the arrangement of
changing the orientation of crystalline struc- order for the facade to function efficiently, and surfaces. These factors seldom apply singly,
tures) or a chemical nature (changing the to avoid damage. but rather mostly in combinations with differing
chemical bonds) [4]. Functional levels that are unimportant, or at weightings, for example:
best secondary, in terms of load-carrying ability
are classified as “layers”, but those with a struc- • plan and elevational geometry of the building
Control tural function and self-supporting are “leaves” • utilisation aspects (e.g., creation of recesses
Variability calls for control. The following means (see page 36) [5]. for concealed open spaces)
can be used to track changing conditions: • structural concept of the envelope itself (e.g.,
Ventilation folded plate)
• manual or mechanical actuation, direct or Facade structures with integral ventilation have • thermal performance aspects (e.g., mini-
indirect, e.g. “at the touch of a button” one or more layers of air which dissipate con- mising the envelope area/volume ratio A/V)
• “self-regulating”, e.g., the light permeability of densation and/or heat efficiently by means of • constructional aspects (e.g., water run-off)
thermotropic glass is altered by thermo- thermal currents (“stack effect”). Such systems • materials aspects
sensitive processes are always multi-leaf arrangements. • architectural intentions.
• the use of sensors and microprocessor-
controlled stepping motors working with Prefabrication
control circuits. The desired degree of prefabrication has a
major effect on the design principles, the
Fundamental design criteria nature of the elements, the actual size of the
Important, fundamental decisions regarding the individual components and the conditions
design must be clarified to prepare the way for governing the erection of the facade and,
the realisation in terms of structure and materials. possibly, its later dismantling.
The structural principles of surfaces
A 2.1.7 Examples of different junction details based on and bending, or compression and bending and
a vertical, orthogonal facade system hence also buckling (stability problems).
A 2.1.7 A 2.1.8 Schematic diagrams of standing/suspended
The suspended form in which the dead loads
are transferred into the loadbearing structure at
the top of the facade components (e.g., into the
Appraisal of different types of surfaces Every window reveal, every oriel, every loggia, floor slabs) has become established worldwide
Vertical surfaces etc., signifies an offset in the surface both owing to the advantages of this principle:
Water run-off is not hampered, folds and pro- vertically and horizontally. Furthermore, this
jections increase the external surface area, results in internal and external edges and • The component assumes a stable position
and internal edges require proper construc- corners. immediately after being erected (hung) (in
tional and geometric detailing. Acute angles contrast to the imperfect stability of the stand-
between adjoining surfaces may cause pro- Curved surfaces ing component), which is very important in
blems for construction and utilisation. The When they are vertical, the water run-off is not terms of site safety, especially during the
detailing of vertical edges benefits from the hampered. In many cases it is not possible to erection of high-rise buildings.
fact that they run in the flow direction of create a continuous curved surface. Instead, • The self-weight acts as a tensile force along
facade run-off water. Folded surfaces can be the surface is polygonal due to the initial the longitudinal axis of the component. The
designed as structurally effective folded geometry of the materials and semi-finished ensuing pretension has a stabilising effect
plates. products used. (= lower buckling load). This avoids the
Fig. A 2.1.7 shows 37 different geometric unfavourable superimposition of buckling
cases in which facade surfaces intersect with Surfaces in double curvature due to compression and bending.
each other or with floor or roof surfaces at Such surfaces are not necessarily only en-
edges and corners. A unique detail has to be countered with membrane structures. Such In the case of long spans in particular, the
designed and built for each one of these geometries are often created as translational suspended solution has many advantages over
positions. Points at which more than three surfaces which can be built as polygons with the standing solution. However, deformations
different surfaces coincide (e.g., No. 29) are individual flat facets. perpendicular to the plane of the facade are
almost impossible to detail properly in terms not reduced by any significant amount.
of engineering and architecture. And if
different angles or even curvatures are Structural principles Anchor points, sliding supports
involved, the number of geometrical and Actions The facade and the loadbearing structure – at
hence constructional cases multiplies The facade must safely withstand the forces least where these are separate systems – are
considerably. to which it is subjected and transmit these to subjected to different temperature fluctuations
the (primary) loadbearing structure. Every and loads and the resulting geometrical
Inclined surfaces facade design, even a non-loadbearing one, changes. This fact calls for an unrestrained
Additional problems occur with every non- must be conceived and designed as a coupling between the two, with anchor points
vertical surface, especially at projections and secondary loadbearing structure to carry the and sliding supports. Relative movements in
returns within significantly angled surfaces. following loads: both directions must be accommodated
Water run-off is hampered, accumulations of (positive and negative tolerances). The
snow and the formation of ice lead to addi- • Vertical loads: interfaces between the two subsystems usually
tional loads, larger horizontal surfaces have to dead loads, special loads (e.g., sunshading, represent the meeting points between different
be treated like roofs with appropriate drain- plants, temporary scaffolds), imposed trades, methods of construction and tolerance
age, the surface area increases, water- loads (e.g., persons), snow and ice loads ranges. This is why the fixings require ade-
proofing and insulation layers are “cranked”, (e.g., to be calculated in every case for quate adjustment options in all directions.
thus causing weak spots in the construction facade planting) Likewise, connections between facade compo-
where these layers change direction. nents exhibiting different longitudinal expansion
(due to mechanical, thermal and moisture-
The structural principles of surfaces
slab +
gravity wall slab only slab + trussing space frame folded plate shell
related actions) must be designed to eliminate structure (= a loadbearing facade). Masonry When only wind loads are involved, the bend-
any restraint in order to prevent damage. external walls are usually built according to this ing loads are carried in one direction, but this
principle. can be reversed (wind pressure and wind
Loadbearing structures suction). The superimposition of compression
It is the nature of all enclosing envelopes to Slabs and bending exacerbates the stability problem,
include planar components as a key element in A slab is a planar loadbearing element that with a risk of buckling in the direction of the
the facade. Depending on the type of load- carries horizontal forces by way of bending weaker axis of the particular section. Pinned
bearing structure (figs. A 2.1.9 and 2.1.10), stresses (in one or two directions) perpendic- connections enable individual bending mem-
these are subjected to direct forces (tension ular to its plane. The bending strength and stab- bers to be coupled together to form load-
and/or compression) in the plane of the com- ility (with superimposed compressive forces) bearing structures, also curved or polygonal,
ponents, or, in addition, bending perpendicular are essentially defined by the “structural depth” covering large areas (e.g., post-and-beam
to the plane of the components. These planar of the component (i.e., the effective thickness of facades). Manufacture, transportation and
elements can be provided with linear load- the component perpendicular to the plane of erection limit the size of frame constructions.
bearing elements such as trussing systems, the facade). The cross-sectional shape, with However, they can be combined with identical
beams in bending, etc., either in the same or material concentrated at the boundaries of the or other elements to create prefabricated
higher up the structural hierarchy. component, should be chosen to match the facades.
Combinations render possible hierarchical actions. Continuous-span effects are useful for
systems with primary and secondary reducing the bending moments. The simulta- Slab + linear members,
loadbearing members. neous application of horizontal and vertical subjected only to direct forces
loads always results in bending moments and The linear loadbearing structures include:
Planar and linear elements act either as a direct forces being added together. Vertical
constructional unit (e.g., T-beams, trussed forces can also be carried by bending in the • Space trusses: three-dimensional structures
slabs), or separately, which allows planar plane of the planar component, transferring the composed of tension and compression linear
components to be more readily detached and forces horizontally to the sides. members, suitable for large spans
replaced. • Cable trusses, cable nets: pretensioned
Slab + trussing structures subjected only to tension which are
The logic of such structures is not only based Trussing arrangements, forming a construc- advisable when the high tensile forces
on the efficient use of materials to carry the tional unit with the slab by way of structural required for the pretensioning do not require
loads in the finished condition; prefabrication fixings between the two, enable the structural elaborate additional measures in order to be
and erection issues also play a part. depth to be increased in a way which is carried by the loadbearing structure of the
Transportation and erection procedures can economical in terms of materials. Trusses may building; such delicate-looking structures are
lead to different loading cases which must be be fixed to one or both sides. The slab is ideal when a high level of transparency is
accommodated. It is often not the permissible additionally subjected to compressive forces in required
bending stresses but rather the limits placed its plane. The connections of the tension and • Lattice shells.
on deflection – particularly in the case of glass compression members lead to point loads
– that govern the design. which have to be analysed for their punching Folded plates, shells, membranes
effects. Trussing arrangements do not result in Stressed skin structures subjected to tension
Gravity walls any additional support reactions that have to and/or compression in their plane are highly
In walls whose joints cannot transfer any tensile be carried by the primary loadbearing suited to carrying loads uniformly distributed
forces, the resultant vertical and horizontal structure. over a wide area. Alternating distributed and/or
forces must lie in the kern of the plan area of point loads place additional bending stresses
the wall in order to guarantee its stability and Slab + beams in bending on these systems. Appropriate pretensioning
prevent the occurrence of cracks (at the joints). Linear loadbearing members subjected to guarantees that the deformation of membranes
The horizontal forces are cancelled out by the bending, and possibly compression too, subjected exclusively to tension is kept to a
vertical loads. reduce the span of a planar component. The minimum, also for alternating loading cases.
It can be advantageous in such cases to add beams collect the point and/or line loads from
further vertical dead loads from floors and roofs the planar components (slabs) and – via
to the self-weight of the wall itself, i.e., the wall bending – transfer these as single loads to
becomes part of the primary loadbearing components higher up the structural hierarchy.
The structural principles of surfaces
The structural principles of surfaces
Internal structure with high proportion of air or compression-resistant materials, e.g., by Moisture rainwater/facade run-off w.
cavities/voids forming, extruding or casting techniques. capillary water
water vapour/condensation
Various production methods can increase the ice formation, snow
air content in components to achieve the Joining facade components
following objectives: Almost every facade consists of an assembly of Atmospheric/ airtightness
individual components and therefore contains wind pressure
reduce wind press./suction
• to reduce weight and use of material numerous joints. These represent interruptions in air inlets/outlets
• to lower the thermal conductivity (= increase the layers and leaves (e.g., weatherproof leaf)
Sound airborne sound
the thermal insulation effect) and in many case potential weak spots which structure-borne sound
• to create voids for building services. must be sealed in the best possible way. In
other cases joints are of the open drained type: Light lighting
If it is possible to concentrate the material at UV resistance of joint
the boundaries of the element, we can expect • to relieve vapour pressure
only a minor reduction in the bending strength • to allow air to enter or escape (for ventilation) Force transfer element–element
compared to a solid section. A large reduction • to allow drainage of facade run-off water or supporting construction–
in material resolves the section into boundary condensation water element
zones in tension or compression and webs in • to allow relative movements
Compensation for manufacturing tolerances
shear. • to allow the passage of light.
tolerances erection tolerances
movement tolerances
Layered internal structure with friction bond and/ Although the seams of the building may be
or interlocking connections very different, we must pay special attention to Erection adjustability, fixing
The layering of small-format, irregular units them, because these are points where many sequence
aspects relevant to the design are concen- independence from weather
without a binding agent is a traditional method
of building which is still used for facing leaves. trated (fig. A 2.1.12). Besides the functional necessity
Enclosing these units in metal cages section and engineering aspects, joints have an overall options/access
by section (gabion walls) increases the stab- effect on a facade (inside and outside), demar-
ility considerably. cating the individual components and lending Dismantling detachability
Dimensionally coordinated units of regular size order to the geometry and the construction.
and shape can be added together using a
friction bond and/or interlocking connections Joints in external facade surfaces are exposed Pattern of joints overlapping
to form larger components. Adaptability is to the full force of the weather. The wind load highlighted
improved when the modular increments are increases with the height of the building. The undercut
small. currents concentrate at the edges of the change of material
building and hence lead to even higher wind colour
Layered internal structure with material bond speeds, and during rainfall to a concentration
A 2.1.12
Linear, planar or three-dimensional arrange- of facade run-off water, accumulating as it
ments (e.g. honeycomb, mesh) can be joined drains down the building. The position of joints
together by way of a material bond (e.g., an with respect to the direction of precipitation ways (fig. A 2.1.13). When choosing a jointing
adhesive) to form larger, slab-type units. Sand- and run-off water, which is determined by system it is vital to be aware of the calculated
wich construction is a special form of this gravity and wind, is an important factor in joint or anticipated magnitude and direction of
approach. design. Joints nearly parallel to the direction of movement of the components.
flow of run-off water (vertical joints) are gener-
ally less at risk than those primarily transverse to Opendrained jointing systems
Sandwich construction the flow of water. Changes in length or volume Building components are intentionally erected
Bonding thin-walled tension- and compression- of adjoining components due to loading, with spaces in between and their edges are
resistant facings to a shear-resistant core temperature fluctuations and water absorption/ designed to create turbulence and thus hinder
(mostly with a highly open or porous structure) release place extra stresses on any type of the flows in the joint. This principle permits
results in a constructional unit with high bend- joint. This is most obvious with prefabricated large relative movements and is ideal as the
ing strength and economical use of materials. facades, but wet-in-wet methods of construction first stage in a multi-stage jointing system. In a
A core with good thermal insulation properties are also not rigid assemblies. labyrinth joint the line of the joint is additionally
creates a unit generally suitable for use as a joggled to create overlaps.
lightweight, opaque facade panel. Design principles for sealing joints
It is the task of a joint seal [6] to slow down or Butt joints
Planks with ribs or frames stop the air/water mixture (fluid) within the joint. The simple abutting of two edges without any
Ribs/frames and planking or infill panels stab- As sealing elements can never be applied to further sealing (not illustrated in fig. A 2.1.13)
ilise each other and result in planar compo- the mating faces of facade components without is the archetypal joint form. Owing to the
nents with a good load-carrying ability and any gaps whatsoever, the efficiency of the seal unevenness of the mating faces, the gap can
economical use of materials. Voids/cavities is always only relative. Only a material bond only be reduced – even in the case of elastic
can be filled with thermal insulation materials. can achieve a complete seal. If a joint cannot or plastic materials – not closed completely,
be sufficiently filled with a sealing element at even if a force is introduced.
Profiled elements one position with the cross-section, other
This principle results in a high stiffness using strategies are called for. Providing a barrier in
minimal material. Simple U- and Z-shapes can several stages and, if necessary, using
be classed as profiled elements and added different jointing elements is a proven method
together to form larger planar elements. (multi-stage jointing system).
Profiled elements can be fabricated from a Joint design is based on just a few basic prin-
large number of tension- and simultaneously ciples, which can be implemented in many
The structural principles of surfaces
Basic principles Examples of basic principles Combinations Examples
material bond +
overlap rebate tongue + groove cover strip forced overlap scarf finger sealing
with/without into gap compound
material bond +
overlap +
material bond adhesive soldered/brazed welded jointing element baffle H-section sealing compound
overlap +
jointing element(s) groove + l. tongue + porous gasket + cellular gasket
jointing element sealing porous gasket cellular gasket
+ sealing comp.
without external compound
jointing element flat seal preformed gasket preformed gasket other waterstop cover strip brush seals
with external + baffle forming labyrinth
A 2.1.13
Overlaps Preformed porous and cellular gaskets A 2.1.12 Aspects of joint design
This is probably the simplest, earliest and most These are larger than the maximum volume of A 2.1.13 Joint sealing principles, schematic
effective principle, and is used in many jointing the joint prior to being inserted. That means A 2.1.14 Examples of horizontal joints for draining facade
run-off water (left side = outside)
systems. The arrangement of the overlap must they have to be compressed and are therefore
reflect the flow direction of the facade run-off constantly in a state of prestress. They can
water. accommodate small relative movements trans-
Fig. A 2.1.14 shows examples of run-off water verse to the line of the joint, but movements
safely conveyed over horizontal joints employ- parallel to the joint call for precautions to be
ing the overlapping principle. Some variations taken to prevent the gaskets becoming dis-
allow horizontal movements between the com- lodged.
ponents (e.g., at opening lights). Preformed cellular gaskets are more suitable
for frequently alternating loads and larger
Material bond movements owing to their having higher
The use of adhesives, welding, soldering/ internal prestress than porous versions.
brazing or rolling to join the components can
result in a complete seal in some individual Baffles
cases. However, at best, only limited relative These can accommodate large relative move-
movements are possible. ments both perpendicular to and parallel to the
line of the joint. The connection to the adjoining
Sealing compounds components can be achieved in many different
These are particularly suitable for uneven ways, such as a press fit or adhesive.
mating faces. The sealing effect is based on
the adhesive bond between the sealing Lip seals
compound and the sides of the joint. Rigid An elastically deformable element with one or
sealing compounds can create structural more sealing lips which are pressed against
connections if required. Sealing compounds the sides of the joint by means of internal spring
with plastic or elastic deformation behaviour forces. They can accommodate large trans-
can accommodate small relative movements. lational movements parallel to the line of the
Unfortunately, if workmanship is poor, it does joint, but, depending on the exact type of seal,
not become noticeable until some time later. only limited movement transverse to the joint.
A 2.1.14
The structural principles of surfaces
Jointing elements relying on external pressure certain structure allow the performance profile • absorption of heat radiation
The application of an external force achieves of the facade to be matched very accurately to • reflection of electromagnetic radiation
contact between the jointing element and the the requirements. The variability of layers or • absorption of sound
sides of the joint over the entire contact area. leaves enables the properties of the envelope • reflection of sound
The pressure acts on small joint–component to track changing external conditions. • heat storage
interfaces in the case of preformed gaskets. Furthermore, individual layers and leaves can • reducing the heat transmission
Capillary water is stopped in the voids and be added later, or replaced by others, which • carrying and transferring of loads
wind pressure diminished through turbulence. allows the building envelope to be adapted to • dissipation of heat
Relative movements are difficult to accom- other requirements profiles during the course • absorption and release of water vapour
modate. It is important to hold the jointing of its life. For instance, an external weather- • conversion of solar energy into thermal or
element in position. proof leaf applied as a “wearing course” can electrical energy.
be renewed after a certain period of exposure
Combinations without the underlying facade structure having Further layers and leaves arise depending on
The basic principles can be combined to form to be changed. This principle is also useful for the requirements of the construction, for example:
more complex, highly efficient, usually multi- subsequent refurbishment and optimisation of
stage jointing systems. As the barrier effect existing external wall constructions. • removal of water vapour
must always been considered in a relative The allocation of individual functions to layers • drainage of condensation water or infiltrating
sense, supplementary measures (e.g., glass and leaves can also have disadvantages, surface water
rebate ventilation/drainage) should be provided depending on the quality of the materials • compensating for unevenness
to compensate for failure or partial failure of the chosen and the method of construction: • layers for bonded joints (adhesive layers)
jointing system. In a two-stage system the first, • measures for stabilising layers (e.g., pre-
outer barrier prevents the ingress of surface • the creation of many interfaces between venting the “swelling” of thermal insulation)
water and the second, e.g., with a preformed different materials and components carries • supporting constructions for coupling layers
cellular gasket, the passage of air. Turbulence risk of incompatibility between those materials and leaves
in the intermediate gap (in labyrinth form if • an increase in the proportion of joints and • separating layers necessary because of
required) reduces the wind pressure even hence potential weak spots incompatible materials
further and any water that has managed to • the creation of uncontrolled voids and • sliding layers for unrestrained movements.
pass the outer barrier can drain away. cavities
• fixing problems: penetration of water run-off Typical assemblies and how they work
Erection sequence or thermal insulation layers, creation of Fig. A 2.1.15 shows a small selection of assem-
Generally, joints based on the overlapping bending moments when anchoring facing blies in schematic form. They are classified
principle can be divided into two categories in leaves according to functional and constructional
terms of erection and dismantling: • high production costs criteria (see “Classification of design principles”
• increased maintenance costs section at the start of this chapter on p. 27).
• The individual parts can be erected only in a • several trades and responsibilities within one The number and thickness of layers and leaves
certain order and dismantled only in the wall construction, meaning increased varies quite noticeably. We can divide the
reverse order. The replacement of individual coordination work and overlapping liabilities assemblies into solid and lightweight forms,
parts in such a chain is only possible to a • problems with separation and hence suitable for use in temperate climate zones.
limited extent and not without damaging parts disposal of different layers.
(e.g., jointing elements or rebates). Special Protection against driving rain
solutions may be required for joining and We have noted the following trends in the When absorbent materials are used, protection
sealing parts which have been replaced or current economic climate: against frost is necessary and any moisture
refitted (e.g. tongue-and-groove and groove + entering the material must be able to evaporate
loose tongue joints in fig. A 2.1.13). • an increase in the efficiency of functional completely from time to time. Drainage of the
• There is no fixed sequence for the erection layers/leaves facade run-off water is also possible at several
and dismantling of individual components, • a reduction in the space requirements of positions within the cross-section. In a design
and replacement within the system is possible layers (e.g., vacuum insulation), right down to that uses a ventilated weatherproof leaf with
at any time (e.g., open-drained, cover strip, miniaturisation of functional structures (e.g., open drained joints, some of the run-off water
and sealing compound joints in fig. A 2.1.13). prismatic light redirection systems with a drains down the rear face of this leaf. In this
This principle is especially recommended thickness < 0.1 mm) case there is a lower risk of soiling because
when there is a risk of damage (e.g., at the • surface coatings from the field of nanotech- any dust and dirt collecting on horizontal
base) and there is a high likelihood of replace- nology ledges is washed off regularly.
ment. • combining of several functions in one
polyvalent layer. Airtightness
Air barriers – which must be positioned on the
Structure perpendicular to the plane The tasks of layers and leaves outside of layers of thermal insulation – are
of the facade The following functions (singly or in combina- particularly effective when the wind pressure is
tion) can be realised in their own layers or first diminished by means of baffles closer to
From ”monolithic” to multi-layer/multi-leaf leaves, for example: the outside face. Joints must be designed as
A homogeneous envelope construction made overlaps.
from primarily just one material (often called • visual effects, information medium
“monolithic”) is hardly likely to fulfil the stringent • physical protection
thermal performance requirements placed on • protection against driving rain
modern building envelopes. • airtightness
Differentiated assemblies splitting up the • preventing/reducing vapour permeability
individual functions between different layers • redirecting/scattering light
and leaves made from certain materials with a • reflection of light/heat radiation
The structural principles of surfaces
loadbearing or non-loadbearing loadbearing or non-loadbearing loadbearing or non-loadbearing loadbearing or non-loadbearing loadbearing or non-loadbearing
single layer multiple layers multiple layers multiple layers multiple layers
single leaf single leaf two leaves two leaves three leaves
no ventilation cavity no ventilation cavity no ventilation cavity ventilation cavity vent. cavity behind outer leaf
Internal structure of material Improved thermal performance Outer leaf provides robust Replaceable facing leaf, fixings Ventilated leaf of light-redirect-
determines performance, with layer of insulation, wearing physical protection to insulation should not hinder rising air ing louvres, light-permeable
adaptability by way of wall and protective layers/leaves and also protection against currents, condensation water leaf of transparent thermal
thickness only, infiltrating mois- inside and outside, interior driving rain, outer and inner and infiltrating moisture are insulation in front of solid
ture must be able to evaporate benefits from heat storage leaves may be partly coupled reliably removed, air inlet and absorber wall, total assembly
completely from time to time. capacity. together, but do not form a outlet openings required. not light-permeable, energy
single constructional unit. gains are variable and possibly
controlled via control circuit.
Lightweight construction, inner Ventilated protective and Assembly itself does not pro- Low thermal insulation value Functional unit comprising
and outer leaves usually coupled wearing leaf on the outside, vide energy gains even when because air circulates in cavity several light-permeable or light-
together to form a single construc- diffusion resistance decreases permeable to solar energy, (heat losses due to convection), redirecting layers, if necessary
tional unit, barrier on inside pre- towards the outside, separate which is absorbed by com- leaves do not form a single with radiation-reflecting coatings,
vents vapour trap, in the form of a layer for airtightness, interior ponents in the interior, no constructional unit, risk of con- light permeability variable if
timber stud wall also part of the lining as separate layer. thermal insulation. densation water collecting in required.
loadbearing structure, sandwich cavity.
construction in special cases.
Functional unit comprising Good thermal insulation thanks Double-leaf facade, outer and, Pneumatic structure with light- Membranes as two independent
several light-permeable layers/ to two stationary air/inert-gas if required, inner glazing can be permeable layers which, leaves, air cavity and, if re-
leaves, improved thermal layers and, if required, radiation- opened, air cavity between depending on the system, form quired, controlled ventilation to
performance with transparent reflecting (low-emissivity) coat- leaves with controlled ventila- a single constructional unit, remove water vapour and heat,
thermal insulation, light ings, adjustable or rigid louvres tion, louvres and antiglare pro- therefore single-leaf but heat losses due to
permeability variable if required as facing, ventilated leaf. tection on the inside of some construction. convection.
and self-regulating, e.g., by use leaves to regulate light perme-
of thermotropic glass. ability.
A 2.1.15 Structures/assemblies
ventilated cavity airtight barrier vapour barrier reflected scattering of light, perpendicular to the plane of
radiation antiglare protection the facade (left side = outside)
The structural principles of surfaces
construction during the heating period must
be able to evaporate completely during the As a rule, additional constructions link the
warmer months. separate leaves unless each leaf is a stable
unit on its own.
M=F·e Ventilation
An effective ventilation cavity behind a facing A construction (e.g., posts and rails) is either
A 2.1.17
leaf should be at least 20 mm deep and be higher up the structural hierarchy and links
provided with adequate air inlets and outlets together several leaves, or it acts as a support-
Geometry discrete measuring at least 50 cm2 per 1 m of facade ing construction (e.g., brackets) connecting a
linear length [7]. This enables moisture (facade run- constructional component further down the
entire surface area off water and/or condensation) and heat structural hierarchy (e.g., facing leaf) to a more
(summer thermal performance) to be carried important structural element. In the latter case
Detachability detachable away efficiently. Stationary air layers (no the vertical loads on the lower-hierarchy leaf
not detachable ventilation) act as additional thermal insulation. cause bending moments due to the distance e
(= lever arm) which then have to be resisted by
Method interlocking connections Heat storage the supporting construction or the leaf higher up
force-transfer connections Layers on the inside with good heat capacity the structural hierarchy. Fig. A 2.1.17 shows
material bond properties can be activated to regulate the that increasing the distance h between the
interior climate. fixings greatly reduces the tension and com-
Stresses compression pression forces to be transferred. This does not
Sunshading affect the shear load; however, wind suction
shear Sunshading devices are most effective when forces also subject the fixings to tension.
torsion fitted on the outside to reduce the energy gain
via radiation-permeable layers. The ventilation Anchors or fixings for facing leaves often have
Movement non-sliding cavity behind the devices counteracts the to penetrate thick layers of insulation, which
sliding in one direction heating-up of the surfaces that would otherwise leads to a large lever-arm effect. Metal fixings
sliding in two directions radiate heat into the interior. The characteristics with good thermal conductivities represent
of such functional items mean that they can be thermal bridges at which condensation water
Adjustability not adjustable called leaves. can collect. These fixings must therefore be
in one direction made from a rustproof material – even gal-
in two directions Coupling of layers and leaves vanised steel is not permissible [7]. The insu-
in three directions Layers and leaves must be connected together lating material must be packed tightly around
A 2.1.18 to form a constructional unit – the facade. the fixings in order to avoid aggravating this
Functional and performance aspects are more weak spot in the construction even further. It is
important than constructional aspects for advisable to minimise the cross-sectional area
determining the sequence. Different loads are via which the heat can flow. Another possible
effective depending on the position of the approach is to isolate the fixing itself or the
functional layer/leaf within the assembly. Owing connection by means of a thermal break. The
to their material properties and/or thicknesses, fixings must include suitable drips perpendic-
certain planar components cannot fully or even ular to the construction to guarantee that facade
partly withstand and transfer forces (e.g., thin run-off or condensation water is not drawn into
a b c foils/films, soft fibrous insulating materials, the layer of insulation or other layers and leaves
loose fill, air cavities). The load-carrying by way of adhesion.
abilities therefore call for clear hierarchies that
determine which planar component is carried The coupling of layers, in contrast to leaves, is
by which other component. less problematic owing to their closer spacing.
Wherever possible, fixings should not penetrate
The designation of a functional level of a or damage functional layers (e.g., weatherproof
facade assembly as a layer or leaf depends on leaf, waterproofing, airtight barrier, vapour
the degree of structural autonomy. check, thermal insulation), otherwise its perfor-
d e f
mance is reduced, leading to problems and, in
A 2.1.19
The structural principles of surfaces
A 2.1.20
the end, damage to the construction. Uncontrolled leaf higher up the structural hierarchy (e.g., Notes
voids, cavities and continuous joints should can high tension forces be transferred and
always be avoided (e.g., by staggering the resisted?) [1] VDI directive 2221, Düsseldorf, 1993, p. 39
VDI directive 2222, Düsseldorf, 1996, p. 5
joints). Air cavities between leaves should • performance aspects (significance and risks
[2] VDI directive 2221, Düsseldorf, 1993, p. 39: “Effect:
generally be ventilated and, if necessary, of thermal bridges). the never-changing, foreseeable physical, chemical
drained. Horizontal supporting constructions or biological effects governed by the laws of nature”.
must not reduce the ventilation cross-sections. Very heavy facing leaves or other elements [3] The revised classification is based on typological
Air cavities must be permanently protected (balconies, plant trellises, etc.) projecting be- investigations within the scope of a research project
on building envelopes: Herzog, Thomas; Krippner,
against birds, insects and rodents by gratings, yond the thermally isolating envelope should be Roland: Gebäudehülle. Synoptische Darstellung
perforated plates or nets. Direct contact separate constructions with, if necessary, their maßgeblicher baulicher Subsysteme der Gebäude-
between functional layers/leaves or with fixings own foundations to carry vertical loads. The hülle mit Schutz- und Steuerungsfunktionen als
must be avoided when incompatibility between leaves should then only need to be an-chored to Voraussetzung für die experimentelle Arbeit an ihrer
energetischen und baukonstruktiven Optimierung
materials is anticipated. This is also important transfer horizontal forces and, if necessary, to
(final report – unpublished manuscript). Munich
when direct contact is not possible but water prevent buckling. Technical University, 2000. Herzog, Thomas;
could act as a medium promoting incompatibility. Krippner, Roland: Synoptical Description of Decisive
Principles of supporting construction Subsystems of the Building Level. In: Pontenagel, Irm:
Fixing strategies (fig. A 2.1.20): Building a new Century. 5th Conference on Solar
Energy in Architecture and Urban Planning,
There are many ways of fixing of layers together Proceedings; Eurosolar (ed.), Bonn, 1999, pp. 306–10.
or leaves to supporting constructions (and vice a posts [4] See: Themeninfo I / 02 “Schaltbare und regelbare
versa). The following points must be considered b rails Verglasungen”; BINE Information Service (ed.),
in particular: c and d Karlsruhe, 2003.
[5] Leaves have been given different, sometimes contra-
vertical and horizontal loadbearing elements;
dictory, definitions in the literature. The definition
• reliable transfer of all actions ventilated air cavity and, if required, drainage given here seems to be the most plausible one.
• if required, unrestrained support for should not be impaired by horizontal Confusion reigns when the classification refers to only
components, with anchor and sliding points loadbearing members – variation d presents one type of construction (e.g. single-leaf concrete
• clarification of the erection sequence and problems in this respect wall) and not to the complete system of the envelope
(e.g. double-leaf construction with concrete wall plus
subsequent replaceability e supporting construction consisting of tension/ weatherproof leaf of profiled aluminium cladding).
• demarcation of interfaces between different compression members and diagonal hangers See: “Coupling of layers and leaves” in this chapter.
trades and/or companies to carry vertical loads – if necessary in [6] The description and, to a certain extent, the break-
• adjustability when connecting components by combination with further linear loadbearing down of the jointing systems is based on the following
different trades with differing manufacturing members (vertical or horizontal) research report: Scharr, Roland; Sulzer, Peter:
Beiträge zum methodischen Vorgehen in der Bau-
tolerances. f separate brackets cantilevering out from the konstruktion. Außenwanddichtungen; VDI (ed.),
loadbearing leaf – combinations with further Düsseldorf, 1981. The analysis of built construction
Fixing of facing leaves linear loadbearing members (vertical or elements and the composition of jointing systems in
Facing leaves or facings with a ventilated air horizontal) are conceivable the external walls of buildings is investigated and
demonstrated by means of scientific methods.
cavity behind, are fixed to and clear of (space
[7] See: DIN 18516 part 1; Berlin, 1999; does not apply
required for insulation and/or ventilation) planar Adjustment of connections to “small-format slabs” with an area 0.4 m2 and a self-
components higher up the structural hierarchy The following basic strategies enable weight ≤ 5 kg.
by means of supporting constructions. A sus- adjustment:
pended (top-supported) arrangement should
always be preferred to a standing (bottom- • shims, washers, spacers
supported) arrangement. Supporting construc- • threaded spacers
tions can be divided into several basic types • elongated holes or rails (e.g., “Halfen” cast-in
(see fig. A 2.1.20). Which type is the best solu- channels)
tion in any particular case depends on: • oversized pockets, later filled with grout
• unrestricted, adequate positioning options for
• size and weight of individual facing elements attaching fixings to surfaces, e.g. bonded fix-
• facing fixing options (e.g., discrete or linear ings (areas of adhesive, welding plates),
force transfer) accurate positioning of bolts, anchors, etc.
• ventilation requirements during erection
• options for fixing and transferring forces to a
Edges, openings
A 2.2 Edges, openings Edges tection and supply functions result in a need for
the openings to be provided with variable
Up to this point we have considered the permeability because there is a desire to
building envelope as a continuous surface, and create constant internal conditions despite
its structure in terms of its thickness. However, fluctuating external conditions. The openings in
as the surfaces of the building envelope are the building envelope also have the task of
finite, each surface is defined by its edges. creating a link between inside and outside, i.e.,
Whenever the constructional, functional and enabling a controllable exchange between
architectural properties within the building interior and exterior climates. The individual
envelope change, we can speak of definable, parameters such as heat, light, air, sound,
different areas. As a rule, the changes relate to moisture, all fall under the expression “regu-
the permeability. lation of permeability”.
Openings are those parts of the building enve- We use “opening closure elements” [1] to regu-
lope permeable to flows of energy and materials. late the permeability. The best-known form is
This is generally the case for parts that can the window, which, by using suitable materials,
actually be opened completely, such as win- controls the light permeability even when
dows. However, it seems reasonable to extend closed, but enables an exchange of air only
the term “opening” to include the relationship when it is open. Of course, the lighting and
with the respective physical process. For ventilation functions can also be kept separate.
example, a rooflight or skylight is an “opening” The simplest form of this is a fixed window with
in the roof surface through which light enters. a separate (opaque) opening for ventilation [2].
The change in the properties (performance) is The appearance of the first facades with large
also linked with a change in the construction. expanses of glass (e.g., palm houses) in the
The term “edge” as used in this chapter de- 18th century and the erection of structures like
signates not the edge of a component, which the Crystal Palace in London (1851) or the
as an individual part is joined together with Glaspalast in Munich (1854) mark the consum-
many identical parts to form a whole (e.g., a mation of a transition. The window had been
clay brick in a masonry wall), but rather the transformed from a transparent element in an
transition from surface to opening. opaque wall surface to the opening element in
a totally transparent facade. Like the windows in
Reveal a solid wall construction, the opening elements
The depth of the reveal is primarily determined in a (transparent) glass facade are therefore
by the construction of the facade (fig. A 2.2.5). also called windows.
The depth can be increased by the use of
additional elements, but cannot be decreased. Position and geometry
The geometrical form of the reveal has a direct The arrangement and geometrical form of the
influence on the admittance of daylight and the opening is always related to the interior layout
visual relationship between inside and outside. behind. The position and geometry of the open-
Fig. A 2.2.4 illustrates a number of basic ing have a fundamental effect on the admit-
features. The design of the reveal surfaces is tance of daylight, the ventilation and the occu-
related to the (constructional) termination of the pants’ view of the outside world. There is also a
components used at the openings (e.g., relationship between the use of the interior and
windows). For example, the reveal can also be the horizontal and vertical positions of the
used to (re)direct daylight into the interior. openings. A change of use and hence a change
Besides the geometry, the properties of the in the plan layout can alter the horizontal rela-
respective surfaces are also important here. tionship to the openings. On the other hand,
There is also always a direct relationship the relationship to the vertical arrangement of
between the depth of the reveal and the size of the openings cannot normally be changed
the opening, and the latter is always related to because raising or lowering the floor levels is
the surface of the facade itself. The plastic not possible.
effect of the facade within its immediate
surroundings is essentially created by the Dividing up the area of the facade
offsetting of the individual surfaces within the The facade to a storey can be divided into
facade and the resulting shadows. three principal areas (fig. A 2.2.2):
Constructional aspects of reveal design are:
• the transfer of wind loads • high-level windows
• carrying the dead loads of the construction • eye-level windows
• sealing against wind, precipitation, etc. • low-level windows
Edges, openings
a a a
b b b d
c c c e
A 2.2.2 A 2.2.3 A 2.2.4
• threshold area: the area between (glazed) The actual level of illumination within the room regulated ventilation openings. The flow of air
door and top side of floor below is essentially determined by the degree of within the interior is important here because
reflectivity of the inner surfaces, which this form of ventilation takes place over a
Visual relationships depends heavily on the main colours [6]. longer period of time:
The desire for a supply of fresh air is often
coupled with the need to stand directly Ventilation • Single-sided ventilation:
adjacent to the opening (at an open window). Expressed simply, ventilation means the Efficient utilisation of thermal buoyancy
Therefore, when designing an opening, contact ”replacement of interior air by exterior air” [7]. requires two openings spaced as far apart as
with the outside world must also be considered The renewal of the air in the interior fulfils possible vertically; easily adjustable
in addition to the manual operation of fittings to hygiene requirements and also contributes to regulation prevents undesirable cooling
open the window. The opening must make this other performance aspects (e.g., removal of effects and draughts.
possible but, on the other hand, still form a pollutants from the air, removal of moisture). In • Cross-ventilation:
boundary with the outside. In this respect we ventilation we make a fundamental distinction – In order to exploit thermal buoyancy in this
distinguish between visual and physical links. based on the driving forces – between mecha- case, the vertical distance between the air
The average eye heights for different postures nical ventilation (air movement driven by mecha- inlet and air outlet should be as large as
are as follows [3]: nical forces) and natural, i.e., non-mechanical, possible; however, this distance is not
• approx. 1750 mm when standing ventilation. The latter employs pressure differen- important in the case of wind-induced
• approx. 1300 mm when seated and working tials between the interior and exterior to move pressure differentials.
• approx. 800 mm when seated the air. These pressure differentials are a result
• approx. 700 mm when lying down (300 mm of forces caused by natural conditions [8]: Surge ventilation requires openings with the
above floor level). largest possible ventilation cross-section:
• Wind forces:
Both the position and the subdivision of the Pressure differentials between the interior • Single-sided ventilation:
opening must match to the type of utilisation and exterior, induced by the wind adjacent to Owing to the neutral zone in the middle of the
and the position of the occupants. the facade, which bring about an exchange opening, the area can be divided into two
of air. parts horizontally.
Lighting • Thermal buoyancy: • Cross-ventilation:
The amount of daylight entering via the facade Forces caused by different densities due to Owing to the cross-ventilation effect, the air
decreases as we proceed further into the inte- temperature differentials (thermal stratifi- flows in one direction only.
rior (fig. A 2.2.3 [4]). The amount of light is ex- cation); as the wind pressure increases, so
pressed by the daylight factor D as a percent- this is superimposed on the thermal currents. When we consider comfort, the global air change
age. This specifies the ratio of interior to exte- rate is only one factor; the movement of the air
rior illuminance (diffuse light only) under normal Fig. A 2.2.6 [9] illustrates the basic principle of is also relevant [11]:
conditions [5]. The external influencing the exchange of air at an opening in a facade
variables are: due to thermal stratification (ignoring wind • the air velocity at the inlet
influences). There is no movement of air in the • the maximum air velocities occurring in the
• orientation in relation to compass direction region of the theoretical neutral zone N. This room
• time of day zone can be shifted up and down by changing • the average velocity of the air in the room
• local factors influencing the incidence of the vertical position of the opening, or by taking • the average velocity of the air at the level of
solar radiation (climatic conditions, local wind forces into account. the occupants (1 m above floor level).
shading due to vegetation and/or buildings). Besides the shape and arrangement of ventila-
tion openings in the facade, their variability is a An air velocity of 0.2 m/s is regarded as the
In the plane of the facade the position and crucial factor in the context of the physical pro- maximum comfortable level. In offices and
geometry of the openings is crucial. High-level perties of the envelope and the mass of a buildings with a similar usage, papers will be
window openings increase the amount of building [10]. disturbed when the air velocity is higher than
incoming daylight. Continuous ventilation requires small, easily this [12]. A draught is defined as a flow of air
Edges, openings
Height (H)
sides) affects daylight penetration and the
Neutral zone (N)
occupant’s view out
a parallel
b tapering inwards
a c tapering outwards Hot Cold
d parallelogram, sloping inwards
e parallelogram, sloping outwards
A 2.2.5 How the thickness of the wall affects daylight
penetration and the occupant’s view out
a thick wall construction
b thin wall construction
A 2.2.6 Principle of air exchange through a facade open-
ing based on thermal stratification but ignoring
A 2.2.5 A 2.2.6
the effect of wind forces; neutral zone N at 1/2H
that causes an “undesirable local cooling of the can be used with natural ventilation when the components cool down. To maintain the level of
human body” [13, 14]. So a draught is not an inlet openings in the facade enable a regular comfort, window-based ventilation during day-
absolute value. We therefore speak of a entry of fresh air into the interior at floor level. time hot periods is therefore of limited usefulness.
draught risk [15]. To avoid draughts, it is best The “Coanda effect” can be exploited if the in-
to allow the incoming air to be well distributed coming air can penetrate as deep as possible The arrangement of ventilation openings in the
around the interior. into the room. When laminar jets of air are facade and the type of ventilation (single-sided
blown through slits not immediately adjacent to ventilation or cross-ventilation) determines the
One problem with the “comfortable supply of the ceiling but instead at a certain distance depth of the room in which natural ventilation
fresh air” is the ingress of warmer exterior air in below, then the jet of air follows – “sticks to” – via openings in the facade is still effective. This
summer and the draughts which can be expected the surface due to the induced turbulence. This also makes a major contribution to thermal
in winter due to the ingress of colder exterior air effect is occasionally called the turbulent comfort. Without considering more detailed
(exacerbated by the cold air descending down boundary layer effect [16]. This effect, familiar information regarding the arrangement of the
the facade). Local units to preheat/precool the in mechanical ventilation systems, can also be opening light, the rule of thumb that generally
incoming air positioned near the facade transferred to window-based ventilation in applies is that rooms with single-sided venti-
openings can help to combat this problem. certain circumstances. The flow of external air lation options can be ventilated by natural
is guided over smooth surfaces as tangential means when their maximum depth is 2.5 times
As the operation of mechanical ventilation is ventilation. The effectiveness within the depth their clear height (H). When cross-ventilation is
more predictable than the fluctuations of ex- of the room is guaranteed by reducing possible, the maximum depth is 5 times the
ternal conditions, many approaches and studies turbulence to a minimum. The corresponding clear height [18]. Single-sided ventilation and a
consider artificial ventilation as the primary surfaces must be positioned in the immediate high-level opening reduces the maximum room
source of ventilation. It is only in recent years vicinity of the air inlet point. Furthermore, the depth to 2H. When a low-level opening is
that we have seen designers taking into position and geometry of the air inlet (window added, the effectiveness of the ventilation is
account the fluctuating conditions of natural opening) must be taken into account. increased to 3H [19]. These figures are in no
ventilation in models and measurements. As way absolute and can serve only as guidelines,
our understanding of natural ventilation grows The lower the temperature of the incoming air and the type of opening has not been considered.
and the importance of using natural energy compared to the interior air, the greater the risk
sources increases, so ventilation via the of draughts. The external air entering the Small window openings must be accurately
windows will gain in significance. In a similar interior can be preheated by positioning heat positioned and detailed because in an other-
way to mechanical ventilation, where exact sources adjacent to the inlets. The incoming air wise sealed envelope the effect of the incoming
values are available for all the components, should be able to heat up on components by air is like a jet of air being blown from a small
windows also require calculation of aero- means of convection. nozzle! If it is not possible to regulate the
dynamic variables for the air entry points If the guidelines regarding comfort are to be ventilation by means of windows, additional
(window gap, shape of profile). Some of the maintained, window-based ventilation is pos- elements (e.g., flaps) can be incorporated in
effects familiar in air-conditioning systems can sible only above a certain external temperature. the facade.
also be transferred to windows. The literature on this subject gives minimum
external temperatures of 0 to 6°C, depending The tables in DIN 5034 for calculating the
Displacement ventilation, which is charac- on the type of window [17]. minimum window sizes for residential buildings
terised by relatively low air velocities, tries to When the external temperature is close to the are based on daylight requirements; the size of
separate the upward, displacing flow of thermal comfort threshold, the incoming air the opening for ventilation purposes cannot be
incoming fresh air and the polluted exhaust air. should be able to reach the position of the derived from these tables.
The fresh air is introduced at a lower tempera- occupants in the room as directly as possible
ture near the floor. Internal heat sources then without picking up heat from warmer compo-
draw up the incoming air from the floor-level nents. During the hotter months, the incoming
layer, due to thermal buoyancy, and force out air can be cooled down (slightly) by convection
the exhaust air at ceiling level. As a rule, displace- as it passes over cooler components.
ment ventilation is used in conjunction with Thermally effective masses can release absorbed
mechanical ventilation. Displacement ventilation heat energy during night-time ventilation or as
Edges, openings
a b
Changing the permeability various normal features of a window (material, • Partial change of position, movement about a
form of opening, construction of frame, fixing to horizontal axis (rotation):
The property of permeability can be influenced masonry) it is the form of opening (type of - hopper (bottom-hung)
by the construction. Both rigid and variable light), as the facade opening function, that - top-hung
elements are used for this. determines the constructional and architectural - horizontal pivot
properties of a window. • Complete change of position, but without
Rigid elements When distinguishing between different types of changing the element (translation):
As the incidence of solar radiation and hence windows, the form of opening can be cate- - sliding
the climatic conditions change in relation to gorised by specifying one of four aspects - push-out
time of day and season, the effects (shade, with its respective distinguishing criteria (fig. • Complete change of position plus a change
reflection, redirection of light) of non-variable A 2.2.9) [20]: to the element (transformation):
elements also change, depending on the - folding
respective solar altitude angle. • facade surface, distinguished according to - roller
We can make a distinction between the various variability • Combinations of the above.
shading principles (fig. A 2.2.8): • degree of variability
• type of movement The folding windows customarily employed are,
• total, direct shading of the facade surface • other distinguishing features. strictly speaking, side-hung sliding windows
• shading by means of a cantilevering element because the glazed area itself does not fold
• shading by means of the cumulative effect of First aspect: variability of facade surface but instead is made up of several individual
smaller elements (e.g., louvre or grid In terms of variability, facade surfaces can be sashes. This is similar to the folding partitions
structures). divided into fixed and opening areas. The used to subdivide rooms, where –
window opening in turn is subdivided at least in terms of the surface – the entire wall
Louvre structures can be broken down into two according to structural (load-bearing) and surface is “folded”.
categories in terms of their arrangement, constructional (elements for fixed glazing and As part of the building envelope, one of the
resulting from their orientation and hence the opening lights) aspects. fundamental functions of the facade is to form a
associated solar altitude angle: The size of the individual light-permeable areas vertical partition between two areas. The types
depends on the availability of materials (e.g., of movement can therefore be further
• horizontal louvres prevent solar radiation panes of glass) and therefore defines the differentiated with respect to the plane of the
striking a south facade at a steep angle from subdivision. facade – generally outside/inside and above/
penetrating to the interior below – for example:
• vertical louvres prevent solar radiation striking Second aspect: degree of variability
an east or west facade at a shallow angle The degree of variability is determined by the • rotating: opening inwards/outwards
from penetrating to the interior. degree of freedom, which in turn is determined • pivoting: opening inwards/outwards
by the frame, sash construction and type of • sliding: horizontally (to the left/right) or
Despite this shading effect, occupants can still fittings. vertically (upwards/downwards).
enjoy a view of their surroundings (fig. A 2.2.7).
Third aspect: type of movement Other distinguishing features
Variable elements The degree of variability can be further sub- We can also distinguish according to con-
The chapter on manipulators (B 2.3, p. 258) divided. The respective movement is reflected struction principles and the resulting features.
deals with movable and variable elements at in the names of the different windows: Besides distinguishing according to number of
openings, using detailed examples. Here, we lights, which applies to all movable surfaces,
shall consider only the variability of windows. • Partial change of position, movement about a we can also use specific features for the
The primary function of the window is to vertical axis (rotation): respective type of opening.
provide an option for the partial opening and - vertical pivot
closing of the building envelope. Of all the - side-hung (left or right)
Edges, openings
Facade surfaces
Movement about vertical Movement about horizontal No change in position of element With change in position of element
axis (rotation) axis (rotation) (translation) (transformation)
Side-hung Hopper Top-hung Horizontal pivot Sliding Push-out Folding Roller
A 2.2.9
The number of lights (opening lights, lights • push-out light: bottom-hung/push-out, side- materials may be restricted, especially for
opened only for the purpose of cleaning or hung/push-out larger building projects. In addition, climatic
maintenance, fixed lights) clarifies the various conditions have a direct influence on the
opening options. One distinguishing criteria The types of movement have evolved from a progress of the building work. A change in the
that has gained importance in connection with number of steps to a multitude of variations. weather can lead to delays which have an
controlled natural ventilation is whether the Most of the variations that were in use in the effect on all subsequent work. The erection of a
movement is performed manually or mechanically. mid-20th century are no longer produced facade as protection against the weather
today. The reason for this development, enables the fitting-out of the building to take
Specific construction principles describe the besides the problem of joints, is the higher place more or less independent of the weather
various types of opening. We can therefore demands placed on performance, which calls conditions.
differentiate only within a movement principle. for heavier panes and hence places greater
Furthermore, when considering windows, demands on fittings and frames. The problem Prefabricated components made from elements
regardless of any categorisation, there are of sealing joints has resulted in an adequate air So that progress on the building site can con-
features that concern primarily the construction change rate being sacrificed in order to reduce tinue regardless of the weather (as far as
and the opening mechanism only as a second- heat loss (partial optimisation) instead of con- possible), individual parts may be prefabricated
ary aspect. sidering the problem in its full context. off the site under controlled factory conditions.
This can considerably reduce the actual
Performance spectrum for type of movement erection time on site and the associated risks.
The movement mechanisms exhibit different The facade system Prefabrication also results in considerably
properties which are of fundamental importance better accuracy and tighter tolerances.
for function, construction and design [21]. The As the building envelope cannot normally be In fenestrated facades, the windows are fitted
performance spectrum of an opening element produced in one piece, it is necessary to break into openings in the facade construction. In
in the building envelope is primarily determined it down into individual parts. When considering addition, two different construction principles
by functional properties (fig. A 2.2.10). To be this system, the basic scientific terms can be are employed for non-loadbearing external
able to use windows efficiently (in terms of broadened to five steps for the architect. This walls for facades with a high proportion of
energy balance and comfort of occupants) as results in the following sequence (fig. A 2.2.11): glazing. The difference lies in the erection
components in the building envelope, we procedure.
require detailed information about the types of • system
movement and the associated performance • subsystem Prefabricated facade
profiles [22]. • component This term is used for facades that comprise
• element individual, prefabricated elements which are
Combinations • material. then assembled on site to create a complete
The terms used illustrate the many types of facade. This designation is not based on the
movement which result from the combinations The choice of scale, or rather step, may result sequence of terms given above, but instead
possible: in a shift within this system (e.g.. in urban highlights the prefabrication and the erection
planning: town = system, building = element). procedure. In the case of glass facades the
• side-hung with side-hung/sliding fittings prefabricated parts are generally panes of
• side-hung hopper Erection and assembly sequence glass fitted into frames. Prefabricated facades
• top-hung: projecting top-hung The process of building is linked with the are highly suitable for high-rise office blocks.
• folding wall (rotation plus sliding) chronological progression of erection and The prefabricated elements are lifted by crane
• folding: folding/sliding assembly. Besides the final condition, there to the corresponding place; erection takes
• horizontal pivot; horizontal pivot/sliding are various interim states. Depending on the place without scaffolding.
• vertical pivot situation, external conditions can influence the
• sliding: vertical, lifting/sliding, suspended progress of the building work. On inner-city
sliding, drop (window/door), horizontal sites in particular, the supply and removal of
Edges, openings
Comparison of types of movement Side-hung Vertical-pivot Hopper window Top-hung Horizontal-pivot Horizontal Vertical Push-out window
for windows for determining their window opening window window window sliding window sliding window
various performance profiles inwards
Impairment of usable floor width of opening 1/2 width of minimal none 1/2 width of none none none
area related to depth of room opening (when opening (when
opening opening
outwards) outwards)
Options for locating in yes no yes yes only by yes yes opening
circulation areas (when (when limiting outwards
opening opening opening
outwards) outwards)
View through: maximum 100 % 100 % no no 100 % 50 % 50 % no
unobstructed opening with vertical unobstructed unobstructed with horizontal with vertical with horizontal unobstructed
area and subdivisions division opening opening division division division opening
Geometric description of 1 gap at side, 2 gaps at sides, 2 triangular 2 triangular 4 triangular 2 gaps top and peripheral
minimum/small openings triangular 2 triangular openings openings openings at at sides bottom gap
possible openings openings at sides, at sides, sides, gaps
top and bottom top and bottom gap at top gap at bottom top and bottom
Geometric description of complete complete 2 triangular 2 triangular complete 50 % 50 % peripheral
maximum/large openings opening opening area, openings openings opening area, of opening area, of opening area, gap
possible area vertical division at sides, at sides, horizontal divided divided
gap at top gap at bottom division vertically horizontally
Suitability for ventilation limited limited limited limited limited good good good
through gaps
Edges, openings
A 2.2.11
Dimensional coordination
Dimensional coordination
Dimensional coordination
grid lines. The grid dimensions are based on a A 2.3.8 Types of reference
a Axial controlling lines
module or a multiple thereof. In most cases the Here, the component is positioned in such a
basic form of the grid is a rectangle or a square. way that its centre axis coincides with the
The position of every component and its coordinating lines in at least one dimension,
relationship to other components can be i.e., its position is defined.
b Face controlling lines
coordinated with the help of the grid. We also
Here, the component is positioned between a
speak of axial controlling lines, which – based two parallel coordinating lines in such a way
on the building modules – determine the that it is aligned with these in at least one
spacing of the grid lines of the construction and dimension, i.e., its size, position and often also
form the coordination system. its form are defined.
c Combination
When axial and face controlling lines are
Types of reference combined, the component position is defined b
The types of reference are rules for allocating in one dimension, and its size is defined in the
modular and non-modular parts to a second dimension.
A 2.3.9 Geometrical definitions
coordination system. Basically, there are two
ways of relating components to a modular grid:
• axial controlling lines (structural grid, A 2.3.8
centre-to-centre measurements)
• face controlling lines (planning grid, nominal
Axial controlling lines or centre-to-centre
measurements create a relationship between
n3 x M
the component and the reference system by
M co
x line ntro n
parts/wall elements)
(discrete parts/nodes).
es ro
lin ont
different sizes in one or two dimensions, we n
lin troll
es ing
make a further distinction between axial control
A 2.3.9
Dimensional coordination
Primary and secondary grids coinciding Primary and secondary grids offset and facial control. Axial control means the
Structural grid Planning grid Structural grid Planning grid component is arranged in such a way that its
central axis coincides with the central axis of the
modular zone, while with facial control the prim-
Overlapping of
material zones
Geometric definitions
Modular systems are created when the spacing
of the parallel coordination lines alternates with
one or more modules. Modular grids may be
All wall elements identical Cover All bays identical All bays identical based on one or various modules in any one of
Axial controlling lines Face controlling lines Axial controlling lines Face controlling lines
the three dimensions in space.
A 2.3.10
Primary and secondary grids
The coordination of individual components calls
for the superimposition of reference planes and
Primary and secondary grids coinciding Primary and secondary grids offset hence a weighting, i.e., the definition of primary
Structural grid Planning grid Structural grid Planning grid
and secondary grids. Normally, the structural
grid (for loadbearing elements) is taken as the
primary grid and the planning grid (for non-
loadbearing elements) as the secondary grid.
Sizes of components
K K K K As the dimensions established in the modular
coordination are only general, the production of
R=nxM R=nxM specific components calls for coordinating sizes.
The coordinating size (R) is the spacing of the
reference planes defining the position and size
Component Component of a component, and is usually a modular dimen-
sion (R = n x M). The work size (H) can be de-
rived from the coordinating size by taking into
Work size (H) Work size (H) account the joints, the mating faces of a com-
ponent and the dimensional tolerances: H < R.
Depending on the joint design, the work size
a b can extend beyond the modular dimension:
A 2.3.12
Dimensional coordination
1 2 3 4 5
H > R. In this case a joint size has to be taken
into account in order to control the dimensions
between components (figure A 2.3.12) [12].
Planning advice for the performance of the facade
A 3 Planning advice for The conception, design and construction of the zontal internal and external corners (especially
facade are crucial. Not only for the external with offset insulating and sealing layers/leaves),
the performance of appearance of the building, but also for the demand special attention in terms of perfor-
the facade serviceability, durability, costs and energy mance issues.
consumption of the entire building, the pro- The aspects of airtightness, waterproofing,
tection of people and property, and comfort- thermal and acoustic performance, moisture
able interior conditions. and smoke control, protection against solar
The requirements placed on the facade differ radiation, glare and fire, plus the use of solar
according to location and utilisation. Other energy and daylight can generally only be
influencing factors are the shape and height of treated as a whole unit and then optimised by
the building plus the arrangement of areas, taking into account the respective framework
rooms and functions, which create terms of conditions. This is because the corresponding
reference for the horizontal and vertical sub- measures frequently influence each other.
division of the facade and the interior layout. The various potential solutions often result in,
Furthermore, there is legislation covering sound from the functional viewpoint, different merits
insulation, fire protection, smoke control and and demerits in each situation. And from the
interior daylighting levels, depending on the performance point of view they lead to typical
use of the building (e.g., offices with computer weak spots in the details. Many of the problems
workstations, atria, foyers, staircases, escape identified in practical building situations can be
routes). The degree of freedom afforded to the minimised (and the engineering and architec-
designer also depends on whether the project tural design freedom retained) when the plan-
involves a new building, a conversion, or a ning and building work:
In terms of the type of construction of the • is based on task-specific standards (”system
facade, it is vital to know whether the building technology”) whenever possible,
is a “heavyweight” design with loadbearing • based on project-specific standards
external walls, or a concrete, steel or timber (“platform strategy”) only when unavoidable,
frame. In addition, the interior temperature and and
humidity depend on the building services (e.g., • is carried out without working to standards
with or without air conditioning); that also in- only rarely, if at all.
fluences the requirements placed on the
During the design process we have to consider Type of facade
these framework conditions in order to decide
which type of facade, and which type of facade From a construction point of view, we can
structure, is to be chosen for the various areas distinguish between two fundamental types of
of the facade: facade:
Planning advice for the performance of the facade
Planning advice for the performance of the facade
Planning advice for the performance of the facade
Sound level dB [A] Noise Relevant reqd. R’W, res of ext. component properly, achieve a noise level reduction of
Jet engine 140
level external dB [A] 4–8 dB compared to a single-leaf facade
(at 25 m) range noise equivalent to the inner leaf; however, this does
level bed- living -
130 Jet aircraft dB [A] rooms quarters offices1)
depend on the size of the ventilation openings
taking off in the outer glazing, plus the sound absorption
I ≤ 55 35 30 –
(at 100 m) in the ventilation openings and in the cavity
120 II 56 – 60 35 30 30 between the leaves.
III 61– 65 40 35 30
Pop group 110
IV 66 –70 45 40 35
Pneumatic V 71–75 50 45 40 Fire protection and smoke control
100 drill
VI 76 – 80 2)
50 45
The main issues for facades are measures to
Heavy goods 90 VII > 80 2) 2)
traffic prevent fires, to prevent/delay the outbreak/
Average spread of fire, and to allow heat and smoke to
No requirements are specified for the external compo-
80 escape. The fire protection and smoke control
nents of rooms in which, owing to the activities per-
formed in those rooms, the external noise level does not properties of a facade are critical for preventive
70 contribute significantly to the background noise level fire protection measures and hence for the
internally. protection of life and property.
Conver- Office 2)
These requirements are to be specified based on the
60 local circumstances.
There are many rules to be observed, and in
50 A 3.8 Germany these can even vary from state to
state. The federal state building codes, the
Library 40 Living room regulations of the factory inspectorate, the
building authorities, the Technical Monitoring
30 Service (TÜV) and the general DIN and VDE
standards are all involved in regulating fire pro-
tection. Furthermore, the guidelines of the local
Forest A 3.7 Sound levels of various sources fire brigades, the Institute for Building Technology
A 3.8 Noise level ranges and sound reduction indexes (IfBt) and the Association of Property Insurers
10 (R‘) to be maintained
(VdS) all have to be taken into account. The
A 3.9 Fire resistance classes to DIN 4102 part 2
Threshold of fundamental prerequisites of preventive fire
0 A 3.10 Examples of building materials and their
combustibility, plus the German building materials protection are fire detection/alarm options and
A 3.7 and European classes access to the building for the fire brigade. The
basic requirements are given in numerous
external noise depend on the prevailing external • Increasing the weight of the components, statutory instruments, which essentially regulate
noise level and the permissible and actual also filling with sand or a heavy gas, or the following measures/precautions:
noise levels within the building (fig. A 3.7). adding lead planking
DIN 4109 lays down the main requirements for • Increasing the number of successive, sepa- • fire prevention
the acoustic performance of the facade. If, rate leaves, e.g., double leaves, preferably • preventing/delaying the outbreak of fire
compared to the partitions and the junctions with different material thicknesses • preventing/delaying the spread of fire
between parts of the building and between • Increasing the elasticity of the components, • provisions for fire detection/alarms
partitions, there is a disproportionate amount e.g., the “amination” of several thin sheets of • allowing heat and smoke to escape
of sound insulation in the facade to protect metal or panes of glass, and by isolating • fire-fighting
against external noise (or the background noise them (in acoustic terms) at joints and fixings • rescue/safety of occupants and fire-fighters.
level in the building is lower than expected), the by means of soft gaskets, etc.
subjective disturbing effect of internal noises – • Increasing the asymmetry of the assembly in The requirements concerning preventive fire
high frequencies in particular – from neigh- terms of the weight of successive layers protection specified in DIN 4102, the general
bouring rooms can prove problematic. The • Increasing the distance between surfaces building code and the federal state building
sound insulation between adjacent rooms is not forming the boundary to an air layer codes are compulsory. Irrespective of those
only the result of the sound insulation in the • Increasing the degree of absorption of requirements, building authority guidelines
intervening walls and floors, but also of their surfaces forming the boundary to an air layer, regulate the requirements for smoke vents.
junctions with the facade. Flanking trans- e.g., by using porous materials or by creating
missions via the facade itself are also present. a labyrinth. Classification, loading classes
This effect is much more noticeable with post- Fire-resistant glazing is a light-permeable com-
and-rail facades than with prefabricated facades If a facade is to achieve the requirements of ponent comprising a frame, one or more light-
when the joints between the elements are posi- acoustic performance classes 4 to 6 of VDI permeable elements, glazing beads, gaskets
tioned adjacent to the floor and partition junc- Guideline 2719, insulating glass systems with and fixing materials. Such a component can
tions. VDI Guideline 2719 classifies facades very thick panes (especially the outer ones) withstand a fire for 30, 60, 90 or even 120
according to acoustic performance classes 1 to and wide cavities plus a heavy gas filling are minutes, depending on its classification.
6 depending on their airborne sound insulation one way of achieving this. A reduction in the
index to DIN 52210. The design and construc- total glass thickness – resulting in a less DIN 4102 part 13 subdivides such components
tion must ensure that the necessary acoustic expensive facade construction – can be into F and G glazing units (fig. A 3.9). Both
properties of the facade are guaranteed in the achieved by replacing individual panes with types of fire-resistant glazing are light-permeable
long term (fig. A 3.8). The sound insulating laminated glass (with casting resin or PVB components for use in vertical, sloping or
effect of facades, also junctions with floors and interlayer); one laminated pane achieves class horizontal arrangements. They prevent the
partitions, can be improved, mainly by employ- 4, two panes classes 5 and 6. Double-leaf spread of fire and smoke in accordance with
ing the following constructional measures facades, when designed and constructed the duration of their fire resistance rating.
Planning advice for the performance of the facade
Unlike G glazing, F glazing also prevents the Fire Building materials class to DIN 4102 part 1 Desig- Building authority
transmission of high-temperature heat resistance for materials used in components tested nation1) designation1)
radiation. F glazing becomes opaque when class
exposed to fire and forms a heat shield; in main other parts
terms of fire protection, F glazing behaves like parts1) not included in col. 2
a wall. Consequently, F glazing is ideal for use F 30 B B F 30-B fh = fire-retardant
as walls (or parts thereof) enclosing interior A B F 30-AB fh, and the main parts made from
spaces, with no restrictions apart from the incombustible materials
dimensions specified in the building authority A A F 30-A fh, and made from incombustible
approval documents. Fire-resistant glazing of materials
fire resistance class G (G glazing), on the other F 60 B B F 60-B –
hand, remains transparent during a fire. It F 90 B B F 90-B –
reduces the temperature of the escaping heat A B F 90-AB fb = fire-resistant
radiation and is a special component in terms
A A F 90-A fb, and made from incombustible
of fire protection. G glazing may be incorporated materials
only at those points where it would not impair 1)
for explanations see DIN 4102 part 2 A 3.9
fire protection measures, e.g., in windows in
the walls to corridors used as escape routes,
Building material Building materials class European
where the underside of the glazing must be at to DIN 4102 part 1 class
least 1.80 metres above floor level so that
persons using the corridor are still protected in Incombustible material (e.g., steel lattice girder) A1 A1
the event of a fire. Incombustible material with combustible components A2 A2
The local building authority regulates other (e.g. plasterboard as interior finish to timber construction)
uses of G glazing depending on each individ-
ual case, e.g., taking into account the heat Not readily flammable material (e.g., oak parquet flooring on screed) B1 B
radiation and the risk of ignition on the side not Low contribution to fire C
exposed to the fire when combustible materials
are stored or used within the range of the Flammable material (e.g., glued laminated timber joist) B2 D
radiation. G glazing must remain effective as Acceptable behaviour in fire E
an enclosing wall; no flames are allowed to
Highly flammable material (e.g., untreated coconut fibre mat) B3 1)
penetrate to the side not exposed to the fire.
not permitted in buildings A 3.10
When which class of fire resistance is relevant
to the facade is usually decided – for each
individual case – by the building authority Likewise, staircases used as escape and adequate supply of fresh air. In specifying the
responsible. The authority will take into account rescue routes in the event of a fire represent cross-sectional area of the smoke vents, the
the type of building, the storey height, the opportunities to achieve the necessary fire authorities will distinguish between aero-
nature and magnitude of the fire loads, and the protection with a glass facade. When neither dynamically effective smoke venting and a
other measures of the fire protection concept spandrel panels and lintels nor cantilever geometrically calculated opening. The method
specific to the building (fig. A 3.10). The general arrangements can fulfil the spread-of-fire of opening is important here (e.g., lights in a
building code calls for measures to be taken to requirements, the authority responsible for the vertical facade opening outwards at the top
prevent fire spreading from one storey to the fire protection must clarify whether the approx. 60°). At the same time, a correspond-
storey above in high-rise buildings (FFL of top requirements can be fulfilled with the help of a ing cross-sectional area for a fresh air supply
storey > 22 m). This is achieved by providing sprinkler system. must be made available (factor of 1.5 x vent
incombustible materials of class F 90 (or W 90) Furthermore, the needs of fire protection re- opening; with simultaneous opening – e.g.,
in the walls and floors which must extend either quire the designer to check that the connec- automatic – factor of 1.0). Door openings may
1.0 m in the vertical direction or 1.5 m in the tions between facade and structure can reliably also be taken into account. Smoke venting via
horizontal direction (e.g., by means of a fire- prevent the passage of smoke. If joints and a vertical facade is currently not covered by the
resistant overhang). Sheet metal spandrel junctions are not smoke-tight, the smoke and standards and codes; approval case by case
panels require additional mechanical fixings in toxic gases associated with fires can quickly must be obtained.
this case. A number of facades of this type – spread upwards, and thus put occupants at
also without a backing of masonry or concrete risk who would otherwise possibly not be Fire protection and smoke control for weak spots
– have been approved and built in recent years. directly affected by the fire. in the facade
The same applies to the internal corners of Besides the typical thermal bridges within the
multi-storey office blocks. Providing such Constructional measures facade (e.g., gaps between frame and sash, or
details with fire-resistant glazing serves to Smoke vents are either opened automatically in between frame and facade, or edge fixings of
extend the fire wall and hence helps to protect the event of a fire, or opened manually by fire- infill panels and the sealing thereof), all the
against fire spreading horizontally to the facade fighters. Besides the typical smoke and heat inhomogeneities within the facade represent
on a part of the building separate in terms of vents, the size of which is defined in DIN 18230 special risks in terms of fire protection. In
the compartmentation concept. If a low-rise depending on the risk group, the cross-sectional facing leaves, slender, continuous posts and
extension is added to a multi-storey building, area required in each case can also be achieved rails adjacent to partitions/floors and their
the separating wall between the two parts of with openings in the facade (side- or bottom- junctions with the building/partitions have
the building must be built as a fire wall right up hung opening lights), which must vent directly proved to be additional weak spots in terms of
to the roof of the taller building. to the open air. But this must be discussed with spread of fire. Movements and deformations of
a fire protection specialist. the facade, which can increase considerably
The effectiveness of the smoke venting essen- during a fire due to the high temperatures,
tially depends on correctly sized vents and an must be compensated for in the detailing at the
Planning advice for the performance of the facade
connections and joints between facade and Variable daylighting systems Since the early 1990s fully automatic, sensor-
building/partitions. Variable systems are much simpler and ob- regulated and microprocessor-controlled
Specific measures to improve fire protection viously more widespread form of active day- systems have ensured that the louvres are
characteristics include: light control. The advantage of these compared always positioned ideally for the direction and
to rigid measures is that their position and angle of the sun. During periods of lower
• materials that foam up when exposed to heat degree of opening can be varied. The lighting levels, e.g., a completely overcast sky,
and thus form a seal which improves the fire incidence of light and the view out are therefore the louvres are moved so that their outer edges
resistance or the mechanical integrity not impaired when the sky is completely point upwards. In this position they act as light-
• materials that vaporise when exposed to heat overcast. redirecting elements, forcing more daylight into
and thus compensate for the effect of the rise the interior and providing better, more even
in temperature. The desire for visual contact with the outside illumination.
world, even when the sunshading is in opera-
Facades connected with particular risks tion, plus the demand for maximum trans- The majority of glass louvres and active solar-
Double-leaf facades to multi-storey buildings parency in the facade, have led to the develop- control glasses cannot fulfil stricter antiglare
employ fire-resistant glazing primarily to ment of perforated louvre blinds. The surround- requirements. The transmission character of
prevent fire spreading from one storey to the ings can still be perceived through these blinds. these glasses, virtually unaffected by the angle
storey above. Vertical routes for the spread of The proportion of perforations of the products of incidence, generally reduces the luminance
fire must be fitted with class F 30 glazing. The generally available is about 9%. The size of of direct solar radiation only insufficiently.
fire resistance class W 90 required for the each individual perforation depends on the Furthermore, the variability of the degree of
spandrel panels of high-rise buildings can be thickness of the sheet metal and hence on the transmission of active solar-control glasses is
integrated into the inner leaf of a double-leaf dimensions of the louvre. Blinds with perforation still inadequate for antiglare and daylight usage
facade. Fire protection concepts in which the diameters of 0.6 and 1.1 mm are in use. purposes. The comments regarding perforated
venting of the cavity between the leaves is louvres apply here as well.
achieved by means of voids extending like The degree of radiation transmission is 8% for
chimneys over several storeys require special a single louvre with the light striking the louvre
testing. It cannot be ruled out that the pressure at 90°. As the perforations mean that the louvre Sunshading and antiglare provisions
relationships prevailing during a fire could is not opaque, there is also always direct
cause smoke to spread to adjacent floors when transmission in addition to the transmission of The effective intensity of solar radiation at
the windows are open. reflected radiation passing between the openings in the building exhibits a more or less
louvres. On average, considering ambient non-steady-state character. This is due to the
reflections of 20%, the perforations increase variations in the available solar radiation in the
The use of daylight the radiation transmission from 4% to just over open air and the geometrical influencing
6%. What this means is that the use of a per- variables around the openings. The geometry
The daylight availability can be specifically forated louvre system compared to one which, of the building, with projections and returns,
exploited by means of intelligent daylighting in terms of construction and surface charac- plus size, distribution, orientation and inclina-
concepts. Besides the targeted distribution of teristics, is essentially closed increases the tion of transparent facade components are the
the solar radiation entering the interior by radiation transmission by a factor of 1.6, and main elements relevant in this respect. The
means of suitable shading systems, there is a this could mean the cooling load has to be interior illumination by means of daylight, the
second approach which is based on the fact increased by the same amount. Louvre blinds heat load due to solar gains and the visual
that only the visible part of the solar spectrum in which the louvres can be set at different contact with the outside world are also affected
can be utilised for illuminating the interior. As angles over the height of the blind have been by the arrangement and the properties
the infrared component in particular increases available for some years. The angle of the upper (radiation transmission and light transmission)
the thermal load in the interior, systems with louvres is shallower than that of the lower louvres, of the glazing. The same applies to additional
specially coated glasses are desirable. These which enables shading and light-redirecting components for shading, controlling glare and
coatings are selective, that is, they are designed characteristics to be achieved simultaneously. redirecting daylight (fig. A 3.11).
to admit the wavelenghts of visible light within The reflectance of the top sides and undersides
the spectrum. of the louvres can be optimised to suit different Sunshading
requirements. Bright surfaces improve the light The function of rigid components, e.g. over-
One special form of glass for improved daylight redirection, while dark colours will reduce glare hanging components or fixed louvres, is based
usage is insulating glazing with daylight- phenomena in the interior. Louvres with on the solar altitude angle as it varies in a
redirecting components in the cavity: grids of different colours or reflectance values on top defined way over the course of the day and the
mirrors in two and three dimensions and side and underside are now available. year. If it were possible to design a system to
aluminium honeycombs, made of specially screen direct solar radiation (also not re-
shaped metal or plastic structures, sometimes Large louvres directing it into the interior after being reflected
with a highly reflective coating. These re- Variable large louvres are much more robust on a surface) and to admit all the diffuse light
present, as it were, a miniaturisation of rigid than foils, textiles and louvre blinds, and are from the sky (and not partly absorbing or re-
sunshading systems. Prismatic systems to therefore generally wind-resistant. These flecting it to the outside), then such a system
redirect the incoming light can be employed to louvres can be made from opaque materials would exhibit a reduction factor of 21%. How-
improve the illumination of the interior. These (e.g., extruded aluminium sections) or partially ever, this target cannot be fully met by rigid
redirect primarily near-zenith luminance into the transparent materials (mirrored or printed systems because these temporarily allow either
interior. However, prismatic systems interrupt glass, perforated sheet metal) and can be the passage of some direct solar radiation or
the occupants’ view of their surroundings and installed either horizontally or vertically in screen some light from the sky, which impairs
therefore should be restricted to those parts of sliding or pivoting arrangements. They are the interior illumination.
openings above eye level. fixed to the outside of the building parallel with
the facade or cantilevering from it, and hence Variable systems do approach this target.
affect the appearance quite dramatically. These can take into account the effects of the
weather, and in some cases redirect the
Planning advice for the performance of the facade
Preventing glare
Visual performance and visual comfort must not
be impaired by disturbing factors. The
recognition/detection of objects and the
occurrence of glare are dependent on the
absolute level of luminance and its distribution
within the field of vision, and the ensuing
contrast. We distinguish between physiological
glare, which leads directly to a reduction in the
visual performance, and psychological glare,
which results in premature fatigue and a de-
crease in performance, activity and comfort.
Direct glare is caused directly by the light
source, while reflected glare is due to reflec-
tions of light-coloured areas on shiny surfaces.
Part B Case studies in detail
1 Facade materials
1.1 Stone
1.2 Clay
1.3 Concrete
1.4 Timber
1.5 Metal
1.6 Glass
1.7 Plastics
2 Special topics
Natural stone
B 1.1 Natural stone If the “Stone Age” is taken to be the first rele-
vant cultural epoch, then it is because people
used the natural materials at hand to produce
diverse utensils. Throughout history, the use of
natural stone ranges from tools and weapons to
tombs and walls and to precision artefacts,
such as jewellery.
The stone referred to in this chapter is that
obtained directly from the Earth’s crust –
“natural stone”. This natural product can be
divided into three main classes, according to
its origin:
Ashlar stonework
In order to be able to use natural stone in building
projects, it must first be worked and given a
particular form by means of, for example, B 1.1.3
cleaving, sawing or milling. These are the
dimension stones used for ashlar stonework.
Natural stone
Natural stone
Solnhofener plates
tufaceous limest.
shelly limestone
chlorite schist
clayey shale
volcanic tuff
lava stone
mica slate
B 1.1.7
B 1.1.6 “Palazzo dei Diamanti”, Ferrara (I), begin: 1493, B 1.1.9 German Pavilion, Barcelona (E) 1929/1986,
Biagio Rossetti Ludwig Mies van der Rohe
B 1.1.7 Rock classes and rock types B 1.1.10 Use of various natural stone types externally [3]
B 1.1.8 Cathedral of “S. Maria del Fiore”, Florence (I), 1296
B 1.1.6 (–1887), Arnolfo di Cambio, Filippo Brunelleschi et al.
piling up layers of stones. Although these also reduced by the invention of frame and Italy more than anywhere else, were separated
archetypal forms of stone external walls offered layered forms of construction with continuous quite distinctly from the loadbearing wall, not
mainly permanence and safety, later in history bed joints. These construction methods, which only in terms of style, but also in terms of
we see certain cultural groups constructing evolved during the Romanesque period, material (fig. B 1.1.8).
stone facades made from stone cut with continued to be improved, and reached their
maximum precision and satisfying aesthetic zenith in the Gothic facades of the 13th century In one particular technical variation, the outer
demands. and later [2]. layer of thin, cut and worked stone cladding
panels are bedded in mortar on the load-
The quarrying of stone for building purposes As the Renaissance started to spread, the de- bearing external masonry walls – an “incrus-
began around 5000 B.C. However, the sire to express global power by way of architec- tation”. Such incrustation facades, produced
accurate working of stone to produce ture started to grow. The outward appearance by outstanding artistic craftsmanship using
dimension stones only became possible with of major secular buildings such as palaces cladding panels of different types of stone, are
the appearance of bronze (c. 2500 B.C.) and therefore became more and more important – particularly widespread in Tuscany and Umbria.
the availability of correspondingly hard tools. illustrated excellently by the Palazzo dei Diamanti
in Ferrara by Biagio Rossetti (fig. B 1.1.6). Until the arrival of windows with transparent
The techniques for dressing stone and for glass panes, stone cladding panels ground
cutting into this hard material, which had been In many cases the facade became completely thin served as light-permeable protection
practised with great precision by the Egyptians detached from the body of the building itself, against wind and weather. A modern example
– e.g., to produce hieroglyphics and sunken for the first time becoming an independent exploiting the translucent properties of natural
reliefs – were further refined during the height architectural element within the overall struc- stone is St Pius Church in Meggen by Franz
of Greek architecture. The study of entasis and ture. Facades produced at great expense, in Füeg (1966) (pp. 72–73).
curvature of the dado also bear witness to the
desire for visual modulation in the facade with
the highest possible accuracy.
The Romans developed the techniques for
cutting stone even further and this practical
experience was committed to paper for the first
time by Vitruvius in his 10-volume treatise on
architecture De Architectura. So the first
technical rules generally applicable on the
European continent within the boundaries of
the Roman Empire were laid down some
2000 years ago.
Natural stone
conduc- sive bending
tivity strength strength
Individual architects have developed new and The Concert and Congress Hall “Finlandia” (1975) masonry leaf) – but with regular stones – to
unusual applications for stone to suit particular by Alvar Aalto in Helsinki is an example of the finish off the facade of the thermal baths in Vals.
projects. At the vine-growing estate in Yountville, aesthetic potential of this technical solution [5].
California, Herzog & de Meuron used stone In the twentieth century, the Modern Movement
baskets made from woven fabric, normally The construction principle of the facing leaf, took up the idea of a distinct outer layer again,
used in landscaping works, as a facade material. known for many centuries, is today becoming but in the form of a ventilated curtain wall,
This illustrates wonderfully just how the pene- popular again with architects. Compared to the normally secured with metal supports and
trating light can create exciting effects in the ”thin” stone curtain wall, it demonstrates distinct retaining fixings to withstand the vertical and
interior. The great mass of stone in the facade advantages in terms of mechanical resistance to horizontal forces. The technical approach of
acts as a temperature regulator but owing to its horizontal forces. To create the illusion of distinct treating the leaves of a masonry construction
coarse structure it has a high “permeability” (a horizontal layering in a stone facade, using a separately according to their function has once
refuge for reptiles!), which can be compensated facing leaf is the simplest solution. again become a feature of modern facades. In
for by additional constructional measures if these, the natural stonework is detached from
necessary (see also the example of Mortensrud One outstanding example of using a facing leaf the loadbearing wall and serves purely as a
Church by Jensen & Skodvin, p. 75). of natural stone is Kaufmann House (”Falling cladding material.
Water”) by Frank Lloyd Wright. The coarse,
layered structure of the external wall seems to The advantages of such constructions in terms
Quarrying stone reflect the layered structure of the riverbed over of economy and performance have led to this
which the house is built. approach being used almost universally for the
Various methods are used to obtain the rough stone facades of recent years (see p. 33).
stone blocks from the quarries (fig. B 1.1.14), More than six decades later, Peter Zumthor
depending on type, stratification and the abund- chose the same method of construction (facing
ance or scarcity of the material (figs. B 1.1.15
and B 1.1.16). What all these methods have in
common is the aim of obtaining the largest
possible flawless blocks, without wastage. The
dimension stones required for building are cut
to size and shape from the rough blocks by
sawing or gang-sawing. Modern computer-
controlled cutting techniques mean that it is
possible to produce virtually any shape, even
rounded forms.
Construction assembly
B 1.1.12 B 1.1.13
Natural stone
Natural stone
Candle in
mm 2–3 2–5 3–7 5–10 8–15 12–30 darkened room
B 1.1.14 Stone quarry (Fark), 1952 B 1.1.25
B 1.1.15 Prising apart a block of stone with a long iron bar Fastener length
B 1.1.16 Wedges can be driven into a plane of weakness = constant
to split a block of stone
B 1.1.17 Geometrical conditions for positioning fixings Reference face of
B 1.1.18 Cross-sectional forms for cramps and corbels supporting construction
B 1.1.19 Grouted dowel in sleeve to allow movement,
horizontal section
B 1.1.20 Axonometric view of support fastener and
retaining fastener
B 1.1.21 Support fasteners (a-h) and retaining fasteners
B 1.1.22 Dowel with fine adjustment
B 1.1.23 Marble window in the Arsenal at Venice
B 1.1.24 Translucency of light-coloured rocks (light Width of gap varies depending
permeability in equivalent material thickness) [6] Fastener on panel thickness tolerance
B 1.1.25 The use of slots and grooves for fitting support sleeve
and retaining fixings flush
B 1.1.26 Undercut fastener for mounting flush or with with face
clearance of panel
B 1.1.26
Natural stone
B 1.1.27 Hotel, Berlin (D), 1996, Josef Paul Kleihues B 1.1.28 Office building, Berlin (D), 1996, Jürgen
The facade of the ”Four Seasons” Hotel consists
of prefabricated storey-height panels suspended This shiny facade consists of highly polished,
from the intermediate floors. Each panel black granite from Africa. The window ele-
comprises ground Roman travertine, 30 mm ments are fitted flush with the front face of the
thick, in an overlapping ”weatherboarding” stone. The basic grid measures 1.2 x 1.2 m
arrangement fixed with stainless steel pins. The and the stone panels are 30 mm thick. The
aluminium frame also carries the window use of a temporary facade hoist allowed the
surrounds (separated by a thermal break) in facade to be erected without the need for
addition to the natural stone cladding panels and scaffolding; that shortened the erection time
thermal insulation (with ventilated air cavity). considerably.
B 1.1.27
B 1.1.28
Natural stone
B 1.1.29 Office building, Berlin (D), 1997, B 1.1.30 Mixed commercial and residential development,
Klaus Theo Brenner Berlin (D), 1996, Josef Paul Kleihues
This strictly regimented stone facade consists of A traditional fenestrated facade. The aluminium
green dolomite with conspicuous stainless steel windows positioned in the middle of the
fixings, which keep the stone panels from falling thickness of the facade construction and the
away from the facade. The shadows of the projecting stone window surrounds reinforce the
stainless steel fixings change during the day effect of the openings. The frames are made
and over the seasons to add to the buildings its from ground green serpentine, the wall and
individual character. spandrel elements from ground open-pore
yellow travertine.
B 1.1.29
B 1.1.30
Natural stone
B 1.1.37 B 1.1.38
Natural stone
B 1.1.42 B 1.1.43
dark grey
light grey
dark green
light green
light blue
Basalt • ° - ° ° -
Granite - ° ° • • - - -
Marble - ° • • - - °
Slate • - ° - ° • ° -
Sandstone - - - • • • • • ° ° ° -
Limestone ° ° ° - • ° • • • -
- individual forms B 1.1.39 B 1.1.44 B 1.1.45
° some forms
• many forms
Basalt • • • • • •
Granite • • • • • •
Marble • • • • •
Slate • • •
Sandstone • • • • •
Limestone • • • • • •
B 1.1.40 B 1.1.46 B 1.1.47
Basalt • • • •
Granite • • • •
Marble • • • • • • • • • •
Slate •
Sandstone • • • • • • • • • •
Limestone • • • • • • • • • •
B 1.1.41 B 1.1.48 B 1.1.49
Natural stone
St Pius Church
Meggen, CH, 1966
Franz Füeg, Solothurn
with Peter Rudolph and Gerard Staub
º A+U 11/2003
Bauen + Wohnen 5/1966 and 12/1966 17
Casabella 677, 2000
Detail 03/1967 18
Stock, Wolfgang Jean (ed.):
Europäischer Kirchenbau 1950 –2000.
Munich 2002 16
20 7
aa cc
4 4
Natural stone
17 18
1 13
2 5
16 4
12 13
4 3 5
c c
8 9
Natural stone
Private house
Sarzeau, F, 1999
Eric Gouesnard, Nantes
Plan of ground floor, scale 1:200
Vertical section • Horizontal section
scale 1:20
1 Facade construction:
20 mm slate panel 3
supporting framework of steel Z-sections
20 mm cement rendering
200 mm masonry
closed-pore thermal insulation b b
vapour check 3
100 mm composite panel made from
2 Sheet aluminium rainwater gutter, concealed
3 Rainwater downpipe 1
bb aa
Natural stone
Mortensrud Church
Oslo, N, 2002
Jensen & Skodvin, Oslo
• Inside the church, the rock base has been left Section • Plan, scale 1:1000
exposed in some places Vertical section through west facade
scale 1:20 a
• External glass facade and internal frame of
oiled steel
• Dry walling construction – slates laid without
• Rubble filling stabilised by large steel plates
between columns at 1 m spacing b
• Price per square metre corresponds to that of
publicly assisted housing in Oslo
aa a b
13 12
Natural stone
Josef Paul Kleihues, Berlin/Dülmen
with Mirko Baum (project manager)
º Arkitektur 08/1989
Baumeister 06/1989
Casabella 481, 1982
Feldmeyer, Gerhard:
The New German Architecture.
New York 1993
Plan • Section
• Ventilated natural stone curtain wall matching scale 1:1000
the church in terms of material and colour 1 Vertical section scale 1:5
• Exposed fixings appear as ornamentation for
technical reasons 1 Red sandstone
without veining,
and yellow-green sandstone
2 from the Würzburg region
(southern Germany)
5 2 Spacer with special screw,
left exposed externallyr
3 Supporting/retaining bracket,
not visible externally
4 Bracket for exposed
screw retaining fixing
5 Mounting rail
with standard drilling
6 Wall anchor
7 Reinforced concrete
b b
a a
Natural stone
Berlin, D, 1998
Gruber + Kleine-Kraneburg, Frankfurt am Main
º Detail 06/1999
Burg, Annegret; Redecke, Sebastian:
Kanzleramt und Bundespräsidialamt der
Bundesrepublik. Boston / Berlin / Basel 1995
a bb 4 5
7 6
1 Facade construction:
40 mm natural stone
85 mm air cavity
100 mm thermal insulation
300 mm reinforced concrete
25 mm gypsum plaster
2 Spandrel panel construction:
aluminium angle on three sides 4
with plastic wedge below 3
as thermal break
10 11
3 Aluminium window, anthracite stove-enamelling
glazing: b b
ground floor: 16 mm laminated safety glass
(comprising 2 panes of toughened safety glass)
1st–3rd floors: 10 mm toughened safety glass 5
4 Wooden window, oak with dark stain finish
double glazing: 6 mm laminated safety glass +
14 mm cavity + 4 mm toughened safety glass
5 Safety barrier, 20 x 20 mm aluminium sections
6 Parapet construction:
3 mm aluminium capping plate
aluminium fixing, ribbed profile with integral 2
rubber seal, both sides of butt joint
supporting construction: 50 x 3 mm aluminium
channel screwed to 40 x 3 mm aluminium
channel, and screwed to timber plank aa
7 Aluminium angle, 50 x 50 x 2 mm
8 Retaining fixing
9 Support fixing
10 Ventilation grille
11 Sunshade, can be lowered down to max.
100 mm above window board (air circulation)
Natural stone
Arts centre
Würzburg, D, 2002
Brückner & Brückner, Tirschenreuth aa
Norbert Ritzer
1 Facade construction:
100 x 225 mm Udelfanger sandstone louvres
air cavity
insulating render
40 mm thermal insulation
250 mm reinforced concrete parapet
2 Steel column, HEB 300
3 Double glazing: 8 mm toughened safety glass +
16 mm cavity + 10 mm float glass
4 Aluminium square hollow section, 50 x 50 mm
5 Copper heating pipes, Ø 24 mm
6 Ground floor and plinth: 100 x 225 mm “Burenbruch”
shelly limestone louvres
7 Steel flat with lugs, 250 mm
8 Steel flat, 500 x 10 mm, welded to 250 x 10 mm
steel flat
9 External wall (existing): clay bricks with whitewash
finish internally, untreated natural stone externally
Natural stone
3 6
7 2
c c
Natural stone
Vienna, A, 2001
Ortner & Ortner Baukunst, Vienna
with Christian Lichtenwagner
Structural engineers:
Fritsch Chiari & Partner, Vienna
º A+U 01/2002
Materia 39, 2002
Dernie, David:
Neue Steinarchitektur.
Stuttgart 2003 aa bb
1 Heated rainwater gutter 9 Door frame, 100 x 100 x 6 mm steel square hollow
2 Overflow gutter sections
3 Retaining fixing 10 Frame, 60 x 60 x 4 mm steel square hollow sections,
4 Supporting fixing with steel lugs for fixing stonework
5 100 mm Mendiger basalt lava stone 11 Door leaf: 40 mm Mendiger basalt lava stone,
a a hung on grouted dowels fastened with dovetail slot fixing
bed joints filled with permanently 60 mm mineral wool
elastic material 20 mm rigid polystyrene foam
50 mm ventilation cavity 2 mm sheet aluminium
80 mm mineral wool 12 Glazing to double window:
c c 300 mm reinforced concrete inside: laminated safety glass (comprising
50 mm timber battens 2 panes of toughened safety glass) + cavity +
25 mm 3-ply core plywood toughened safety glass
2 No. 12.5 mm plasterboard outside: toughened safety glass + cavity +
6 Insect screen toughened safety glass
7 Limestone, 250 mm 13 Cover plate, 2 mm stainless steel
8 Steel angle, 100 x 100 x 10 mm,
connected to wall via thermal break
Natural stone
1 e
12 13
5 8 9 10 11 e 5
d d
Sections • Plan
scale 1:1000
Vertical section through
facade 5
scale 1:50
Horizontal section through
fire door and window slit
7 scale 1:20
Vertical section through
window slit
scale 1:20
cc ee
B 1.2 Clay Fired materials made from clay, the main com-
ponent of all ceramic building materials, have
been used in building for more than 7000 years.
Although the basic principles of their produc-
tion have hardly changed in that time, ceramic
materials tend to be classed among the “modern”
building materials [1].
movement joint
B 1.2.5 B 1.2.9
pigments (fig. B 1.2.2). Manufactured masonry ularly suitable for protecting thermal insulation
units have therefore been an everyday building materials.
material for many thousands of years. Since
that time, these materials have been used for a
hugely diverse range of structures, depending Ceramic facades
on local, climatic and geological circumstances,
as well as aesthetic requirements and social When masonry is used for the external walls of
contexts. Decisive progress towards mass buildings, the loadbearing walls simultaneously
production of fired bricks was first made by the act as the building envelope. Both these
ancient Romans. Throughout the Roman Empire aspects are reflected in a wide spectrum of
we find brickworks supplying building materials alternatives and methods of construction
for all kinds of building projects [1]. In England developed in different cultural spheres over
and in Germany fired clay material took on the centuries. Innumerable publications deal in
great significance during the Middle Ages, as detail with the corresponding design approaches
shown by the buildings in the impressive and for walls and openings [1, 2].
very simplified style of Gothic, called the
“Backsteingotik” (fig. B 1.2.6). The examples later in this chapter illustrate
The invention of the extruder, the circular kiln essentially non-loadbearing external wall
and, shortly afterwards, the tunnel kiln in the constructions which mainly serve as the
eighteenth century made possible the mass outermost protective mantel for the building
production of clay bricks. Thanks to the firing within. Selected examples also show how to
B 1.2.6 process, the original readily water-soluble clay use “clay brick elements” to create light- and
aquires a high physical and chemical stability. air-permeable wall surfaces that act as privacy
Its high resistance to soiling, flue gases, mould screens and sunshades.
growth and frost make this material ideal for
external use [1]. During the founding years of Design of facades with facing brickwork
the modern German state, towards the end of Owing to their similar appearance, at least at
the nineteenth century, hard-burned facing first glance, there is sometimes a danger of
bricks gradually became the standard weather- confusing faced walls and facing masonry.
proof material for the outer face of masonry This can lead to misunderstandings, in terms
facades in many places; almost without excep- of the construction, when planning a faced
tion – at least on the side facing the street – also wall, which is these days normally a non-load-
with diverse historicising decoration and orna- bearing ventilated facade cladding. This outer
mentation, which in those days could be ordered leaf must therefore be permanently connected
straight out of a catalogue. “Stony Berlin” with its to the loadbearing structure. In contrast to
great blocks of rented apartments was built of other types of facade cladding, in a masonry
B 1.2.7
clay bricks. And the use of clay bricks was a leaf the individual components (facing clay
matter of course for architects of the Modern bricks) are joined together with mortar to form
Movement such as Alvar Aalto, Ludwig Mies van a complete system within a short time. This leaf
der Rohe and others. From the middle of the must satisfy various requirements, which depend
twentieth century onwards, others such as on the orientation, height and colour of the
Eladio Dieste, continued the Iberian tradition of facade. Besides load-carrying characteristics,
magnificent architectural creations in which – the accommodation of movement due to
like the church in Atlantida, Uruguay – fired clay moisture-related and thermal influences is
is an important element in the loadbearing struc- critical.
ture. At the same time, the material conveys the
sensation of a lightweight, undulating envelope Fixings
(fig. B 1.2.14). Today, ceramic cladding with a As with every type of facade cladding, the main
thickness of just a few centimetres is possible, loads to be carried are those due to the self-
and owing to its weather resistance, is partic- weight of the components plus positive and
B 1.2.8
_ ar
c. 1880
B 1.2.9 Brackets for supporting facing brickwork
B 1.2.10 Clay brick production, Pakistan, 1999
B 1.2.11 Brackets for supporting facing brickwork in a
plain area of the facade, at an opening, and
with the floor slab projecting but with a thermal
B 1.2.12 Chile House, Hamburg (D), 1924, Fritz Höger
B 1.2.13 School, Hamburg (D), 1927, Fritz Schumacher
B 1.2.14 Church, Atlantida (ROU), 1959, Eladio Dieste
B 1.2.10
negative wind pressure. Owing to the relative
heaviness of faced walls, the weight issue is of
primary importance in their design. Parts of the
building with structural functions (e.g., columns,
floors and loadbearing walls) are suitable for
carrying the loads. In practice, the loads due to brickwork
self-weight are mainly transferred to the floors,
storey by storey. At openings in the facade,
structurally effective fixings direct the dead >
loads of the respective facade segments via a
extend into the backing masonry provide the elastic sealing
necessary stability to cope with wind loads. But compound
Direction of movement
Vertical movement joint Horizontal movement joint
12–20 mm
We basically distinguish between horizontal
and vertical movement joints. These are 10 to
20 mm wide and are normally sealed with a
permanently elastic material. The maximum
spacing for vertical joints is 15 m for a conti-
nental climate, 25 m for a marine climate [3].
According to Eurocode 6 the distance between
movement joints should not exceed 12 m,
although the colour and orientation of the
facade play a crucial role here.
Horizontal joints also have to take into account
the height of the building. Up to a height of
12 m it may not be necessary to include any
movement joints at all. However, on taller
buildings a horizontal movement joint at least
B 1.2.18 B 1.2.19 every 9 m is a mandatory requirement. In
practice the normal solution is to provide a
movement joint at every storey or every two
storeys, directly below the course where the
structural fixings are positioned. Spandrel
panels below windows, corners, changes in the
facade cladding or places where expansion
within the overall building system is expected
represent special cases which require
additional movement joints. An air cavity within
the facade can be ventilated by means of open
vertical joints between individual elements.
Visual effect
Many factors contribute to the aesthetics of a
clay brick facade. One of the most important of
these is the bond, which in turn is very much
B 1.2.20 B 1.2.21 dependent on the basic module of the masonry
units themselves. Furthermore, the material
(raw materials, firing, pigments, glaze) and the
pattern (combination of different units, layout)
have a major influence on the appearance of
the facade.
Joints are an engineering necessity, but also
have a major effect on the appearance of a
building. The colour, width and depth of joints
are fundamental factors determining the visual
impression of a facade – to the same extent as
the formats and colours of the masonry
materials (figs B 1.2.18 to 1.2.23).
Artistic differentiation through the use of relief is
rarely exploited, although the small sizes of clay
bricks would seem to present a good oppor-
tunity for varying the elements. To animate an
B 1.2.22 B 1.2.23
Supporting construction
Ceramic panel facades require a supporting
construction that can transfer the loads due to
self-weight, wind pressure/suction and thermal
movement to the loadbearing structure without
setting up restraint forces. As these construc-
tions are normally made from stainless steel or
aluminium [4], the connection to the load-
bearing structure also represents a thermal
bridge. Timber supporting constructions are
also permitted provided they are suitably
treated, but only up to a certain height.
Facade panels
B 1.2.28 B 1.2.29
Several methods are suitable for production of
facade panels. Cyclic pressing in negative
moulds requires tapering sides. This method
does not permit any undercuts. In the extrusion
process the shape of the die determines the
cross-sectional form (figs B 1.2.25 and 1.2.30).
Such panels are attached individually, which
permits a limited amount of movement. This
means that only a few additional joints,
matching the requirements of the loadbearing
structure, are necessary. The facade run-off
water can be handled in various ways:
B 1.2.32
B 1.2.37 B 1.2.38
B 1.2.40
20 5
B 1.2.39 B 1.2.41
B 1.2.45 B 1.2.46
Chapel of rest
Batschuns, A, 2001
Marte.Marte, Weiler
Structural engineers:
M+G, Feldkirch
• Tamped loam without chemical additions
• Constructed between formwork in approx. 1 Sheet steel, 3 mm
2 Lamp
120 mm-high courses without joints 3 3 Tamped loam wall,
• Compacted with hand-held plant 450 mm
• Minimal erosion of surfaces during rain is 2 4 Reinforced concrete
easily accommodated by minimal oversizing rail, 205 x 120 mm
of the loam components 5 Squared timber
2 section, oak,
4 80 x 80 mm,
symbolising a cross
with the horizontal
lines of the layers of
6 Tamped concrete,
Plan containing pigment
scale 1:500 to match colour of
Vertical sections loam
scale 1:20 7 Reinforced concrete
300 x 200 mm
7 8 Oak door leaf,
b 5 2 No. 24 mm thick
9 Oak door threshold,
a a on steel rectangular
b hollow section,
200 x 100 x 7 mm
8 10 Sheet stainless
steel, 240 x 10 mm
11 Steel beam made
from steel flats,
380 x 15 mm +
2 No. 180 x 20 mm,
12 Float glass, 8 mm,
bonded to sheet
steel frame
13 Steel angle,
220 x 150 x 10 mm,
and waterproofing
14 Anti-capillary hard-
core to prevent
11 rising damp
9 13 12
aa bb
Private house
4 6
a a
5 12 aa
Hannover, D, 1999
Herzog + Partner, Munich
6 5 7
a a
5 4
Renzo Piano Building Workshop, Paris
with Christoph Kohlbecker
Facade design:
Emmer Pfenninger Partner, Münchenstein
b b
4 Plan • Section
scale 1:2000
Details, scale 1:5
c c
2 3
10 7
bb cc 1 11 12 1 11 12
a b
4 8 b
2 9
10 6
c c
Museum of porcelain
Herend, H, 1999
Turányi + Simon, Budapest
Gábor Turányi
Facade consultant:
Gábor Becker, Budapest
b d
2 3
cc 4 5
11 10
4 2
3 dd
B 1.3 Concrete Concrete, the very first artificial and hetero- Trials with the reinforcement of concrete were
geneous building material, marked an im- carried out in the mid-nineteenth century in
portant stage of development in the history of France and England. The initial aim of these
building. Concrete is extremely durable, easy experiments was to replace timber and natural
to work with, easy to connect and, in conjunc- stone because the new material promised
tion with steel, has a high loadbearing capacity. better protection against moisture penetration.
Reinforced concrete was therefore widely A patent was granted in England in 1854 for a
adopted for structural purposes and, thanks to composite floor slab reinforced with iron. At
its mouldability, opened up new avenues to about the same time, François Coignet developed
(completely) different forms of construction. the tamped concrete method, based on the
idea of tamped loam, the “béton aggloméré”;
There are also diverse opportunities for using he built a three-storey house using this technique.
concrete in the facade which, however, are
distinctly less widely used, mostly because of a These pioneering construction projects were
simplifying pragmatism. As a “monolithic” accompanied around 1900 by numerous
building material which can be worked “as if experimental investigations into the behaviour
from one mould”, seamless transitions between of the material and the further development of
elements are easily produced. Besides in situ methods of analysis towards a general theory
fair-face concrete facades, there is also a huge of reinforced concrete construction. All this
structural and architectural repertoire available, gradually opened up new applications –
ranging from large panels down to small masonry especially for long-span loadbearing structures.
units. In connection with the subject of “concrete
facades” we shall generally restrict our survey
to applications of cement-based and cement- Concrete in the facade
bonded building materials. In doing so, we
shall concentrate mainly on the successful The new material became established around
aesthetic effects which can be obtained; these 1900, primarily for industrial and commercial
can be divided into five categories: buildings such as factories and wholesale
markets. However, it is the linear framework of
• fair-face concrete columns and beams that really distinguishes
• precast concrete these structures. One pioneer was Auguste
• reconstructed stone panels Perret, whose apartment block in the Rue
• facing concrete masonry units Franklin in Paris (1903) demonstrated the use
• cement-bonded sheets of this material in the facade of a residential
building for the first time, at least in principle.
These various options presuppose very different From about 1910 onwards, more structured
production techniques and statutory require- approaches started to influence reinforced
ments. There is also wide scope for material- concrete construction. Concepts from Tony
related adjustments by means of almost limit- Garnier (plans for the ideal city, the “Cité
less colour and surface texture options, such as: Industrielle”, 1901–17), Le Corbusier’s “Dom-
Ino System” (1914), and the reinforced
• lightweight/heavyweight concrete office building (1922) and country
• insulation/thermal mass house (1923) designs of Ludwig Mies van der
• dense microstructure/open pores Rohe illustrate the use of plates, slabs and
continuous spandrel panels.
In 1922 Auguste Perret left the surfaces of the locally and/or the structuring of the green
frame exposed on the church in Raincy near surface opens up further artistic options, even
Paris and transformed the enclosing walls, new socio-cultural relationships with the
essentially resolved into individual members, surroundings, as can be seen on the ESO Hotel
into a light-permeable, tracery-like concrete at Cerro Paranal by Auer + Weber (2001) (see
grid. Karl Moser chose a strict cubic architec- example on p. 123) or at the “Schaulager” art
tural language with an as-struck finish for the storage facility in Basel by Herzog & de
concrete surfaces of the St Antonius Church in Meuron (fig. B 1.3.8).
Basel (1922–27), thereby expressing this
material to the full both on the facade and in More recently, architects have been attempting
the interior. to express this monolithic method of construc-
The Goetheanum in Dornach (1928) by Rudolf tion more comprehensively, right down to the
Steiner is a structure in which concrete is tiniest detail. The avoidance of all forms of
utilised in a virtuoso fashion in the forming of construction joints, concealing the marks left by
the facades. However, the realisation of such formwork ties and extremely minimal com-
plastic-organic forms calls for a high labour ponent cross-sections coupled with the use of
B 1.3.2
input and great manual skills in constructing new visual effects has created enormous
the formwork. building technology challenges for this extremely
versatile material.
During the 1950s concrete evolved into an all-
purpose building material, being used for every Prefabrication
conceivable building task. Le Corbusier pro- As the casting of concrete elements on the
vided much impetus here, striving to show building site proved to have disadvantages in
concrete in its immediate, “raw” quality – the terms of construction and production, attempts
“béton brut”. He used this skilfully as an artistic were made to divide the construction into
medium in the formation of the facade sur- identical, transportable elements which could
faces, making use of reliefs and/or plastic then be produced in series in precasting
forms, for example at the Sainte-Marie-de-la- plants. Once freed from the constraints of the
Tourette monastery (1957–60) in Eveux near weather, better quality, better accuracy and a
Lyon (fig. B 1.3.2). While the Swiss practice better standard of surface finish could be
B 1.3.3
Atelier 5 was also using rough exposed achieved.
concrete forms in (small) domestic properties
at the Halen Estate near Bern (1955–61), Louis The first instance of a temporary precasting
Kahn preferred surfaces finished as smooth as yard for concrete elements was in France in the
possible for the Jonas Salk Institute at La Jolla early 1890s. And in 1896 the French stone-
(1959–65). And it was also Kahn who used mason François Hennebique achieved the first
recessed joints and carefully positioned industrially produced building, comprising
formwork ties to add an orthogonal pattern of transportable room modules of 50 mm thick,
lines to the concrete facade and at the same reinforced concrete panels.
time render visible the production process. From 1920 onwards the industrialisation of
reinforced concrete construction started to gain
In the 1960s and 1970s many architects made significance. Architects like Ernst May, who
increasing use of the options surrounding the used his own system with different sizes of wall
three-dimensional mouldability of the external blocks in a number of housing estates around
B 1.3.4 wall and building envelope as well as the Frankfurt am Main (including Praunheim, 1927),
opportunities for adding artistic expression to or Walter Gropius, who made use of a small-
the surface. Unique structures from this period format system with hollow clinker blocks in
are the pilgrimage church in Neviges (1963– Dessau-Törten (1926–27), worked on concepts
68) and Bensberg town hall (1963–69), both by involving considerable prefabrication. Even
Gottfried Böhm. He sculpts – especially in his though such systematic approaches were not
church structure – a plastic, jagged volume, able to establish themselves, neither in terms of
where the fine textures provided by the technology nor economics, these experiments
formwork result in powerful, opaque surfaces represent an important (preliminary) stage on
without any effect of monotony (fig. B 1.3.3). the way to the industrialisation of building [2].
During the 1950s and 1960s, construction with
While Carlo Scarpa was sounding out the large-format, loadbearing wall panels became
mouldability of concrete in an almost (artistic) very widespread. While these building systems
craftsman-like fashion – particularly at the Brion led to the realisation of masses of very
family cemetery in San Vito d’Altivole near “mechanical” facades, in the course of the
Asolo (1969–75) – Paul Rudolph was using Postmodern era these approaches resulted in
industrial, structured formwork on the Art and almost the opposite situation, in that the pre-
Architecture Building at Yale University in New fabrication and plastic mouldability of concrete
Haven (1958–64) (fig. B 1.3.1). The fluting-like elements was used for an arbitrary play of
profiling on the coloured surfaces yields a shapes and colours.
differentiated play of light and shadow across
the alternating smooth grooves and rough, Architects like Angelo Mangiarotti (see example
broken ribs. The addition of materials found on p. 114), Bernhard Hermkes (Faculty of Archi-
B 1.3.5
B 1.3.6 B 1.3.7
tecture, Berlin technical University, 1965–67, attempt to find an alternative to large-format The Ticino-based architect Mariano Botta has
fig. B 1.3.4), Gottfried Böhm or Eckhard Gerber panel systems. Based on an initial square also used concrete masonry units in a number
formulated architectural answers. Böhm’s office module, he worked with a number of shaped of private houses. Their small formats and
building for Züblin AG in Stuttgart (1982–84) is blocks. Buildings like John Storer House in colouring are a deliberate allusion to the
a formal yet differentiated use of precast Hollywood (1923–24) are examples of richly granite rubble stone walls of the regional
elements. Gerber, on the other hand, attached decorated facade surfaces with alternating building tradition.
orthogonal, planar reinforced concrete facade patterns of smooth and textured blocks (fig.
elements to an office building in Dortmund B 1.3.6) [3]. Cement-bonded sheet materials
(1994) in a structured, clear fashion, as Fibre-cement sheets represent a totally
cladding to the columns and spandrel panels. Egon Eiermann themacised the motif of a light- different way of using mineral-bonded building
Even “heavyweight prefabrication” is an option permeable wall by using concrete grid blocks materials [5]. Around 1900 asbestos-cement –
again today, both from an engineering and an with (coloured) glass infills both on the Matthäus a composite material made from asbestos
architectural viewpoint. Architects like Thomas Church in Pforzheim (1952–56) and on the Kaiser fibres and cement – was the subject of a patent
von Ballmoos and Bruno Krucker (Stöcken- Wilhelm Memorial Church in Berlin (1957–63). application in Austria – and the Eternit com-
acker Estate, Zürich, 2002), or Léon Wohlhage Another use of facing masonry blocks is as pany has been marketing its sheets of the
Wernik (headquarters for a welfare organisation, opaque masonry infill panels on a reinforced same name since 1903.
Berlin, 2003, fig. B 1.3.5) use storey-height, concrete structure, a particular feature of the
multi-leaf precast concrete elements in such a work of Herman Hertzberger. In buildings like By the mid-1970s it had become clear that
way that moderate variations to the dimensions the Centraal Beheer offices in Apeldoorn asbestos fibres are carcinogenic. Sprayed
achieve harmonious results. (1968–72, fig. B 1.3.7), the Vredenburg Music asbestos was banned in 1979, and in 1990
Centre in Utrecht (1973–78) or the Apollo also the use of asbestos-cement sheets (fibre
One form of plain (i.e., unreinforced) facade Schools in Amsterdam (1980–83), the exposed, content approx. 10%). Once asbestos had to
cladding is the small-format reconstructed untreated facing masonry forms an effective be replaced, cement-bonded sheets with safe
stone panel. Panels attached with mortar have contrast – both inside and outside – to the substitutes for the asbestos fibres, such as
been used in building for the past 100 years or smooth fair-face concrete and glass (block) wood chips, started to appear. This material
so. Particularly at the base of the wall , they surfaces thanks to the slightly porous surfaces, exhibits high mechanical strength and good
represent a robust, easily handled building and the different coloured textures [4]. fire resistance despite its minimal thickness,
material. One of the earliest examples in Germany
is the town hall in Trossingen (1904), where
reconstructed stone panels were used to clad
the plinth and splayed door jambs. In particular,
the numerous surface finish options, the mould-
ability and the combination with different aggre-
gates leads to the creation of ornamental ele-
ments such as (demi-)columns, balusters,
gables, and rosettes.
The use of reconstructed stone panels in the
form of a ventilated curtain wall of small-format
cladding units is widespread, as in the red-
pigmented facade of the German Embassy
School in Beijing (2001) by Gerkan Marg +
and can be produced in various sizes and case by means of their main constituents. The
formats. most common type of cement currently in use
Originally developed as a lightweight roofing is CEM II, a Portland composite cement con-
material, small-format slates and large-format taining at least 65% Portland cement clinker by
sheets quickly became popular as facade weight and one other main constituent in each
cladding. Small-corrugation sheets were avail- case.
able starting in 1912 and large-corrugation
versions after 1923. Besides the positive Concrete is made up of about 70% aggregate
material properties and ease of use, this com- by volume. Limestone, quartz, granite or por-
posite material was suitable for large-scale phyry can be obtained in rounded or angular
industrial production right from the outset, form as sand or gravel from rivers or gravel
which turned it into an inexpensive building pits. Crushed rock fine aggregate, chippings or
material. fine chippings in the form of crushed, broken
materials are obtained from stone quarries.
One pioneer of the intentional architectural use Additives like plasticisers, superplasticisers, air
of this material for facades was Marcel Breuer. entrainers or stabilisers affect the material
For instance, in the early 1930s he employed properties by way of chemical or physical B 1.3.9
fibre-cement corrugated sheets for a shop front actions. Additives like pigments – rare stone
in Basel. dusts – are used to add virtually any colour to B 1.3.9 High-level racking warehouse, Laufen (CH),
In Germany millions of asbestos cement sheets the concrete. 1987, Herzog & de Meuron
were used, also in facades, particularly during B 1.3.10 Classification of “concrete in the facade”
the 1950s and 1960s. Renowned architects Concrete has high compressive strength and
such as Ernst Neufert, who published a Well- good durability even at an early stage of harden- • Heavy concrete: > 2600 kg/m3
Eternit manual in 1955, and Egon Eiermann, ing. On the other hand, its tensile strength is Aggregates: e.g., iron ore, iron granulate,
employed fibre-cement sheets for industrial always fairly low. We compensate for this by baryte
structures but also residential and office build- incorporating reinforcement – usually steel Applications: radiation protection etc.
ings; likewise Rolf Gutbrod, on an office and bars. This turns concrete into an excellent • Normal-weight concrete: > 2000–2600 kg/m3
commercial development in Stuttgart (1949–52). composite material whose material properties Sand, gravel, chippings, blast furnace slag;
Newer projects demonstrate that fibre-cement can be determined with great accuracy. These this is the type of concrete used for the
sheets represent a lightweight, robust facade properties govern the use and function of the majority of construction tasks; providing no
cladding material still favoured for many appli- concrete and hence its potential applications. confusion can arise, normal-weight concrete
cations. For example, on the Ricola warehouse Generally, requirements regarding strength, is usually simply called concrete.
in Laufen (1987) by Herzog & de Meuron, with corrosion protection, frost resistance, etc. are • Lightweight concrete: 800–2000 kg/m3
its three-dimensional, graded, band-like arrange- specified, with exposure classes distinguishing The features of this type of concrete are
ment (fig. B 1.3.9), or the technology centre in between the effects on the concrete and on the essentially determined by:
Zürich (1989–92) by Itten and Brechbühl, with reinforcement. External components made from – the properties of the lightweight aggregates,
its two-dimensional design and exposed concrete that, on the one hand, are subjected e.g., expanded shale/clay
fixings [6]. to frost with moderate saturation, but whose – the nature of the concrete microstructure –
reinforcement, on the other hand, has to be no-fines porosity or dense
protected against carbonation with changing – the proportion of pores – aerated or foamed
Concrete technology saturation, are classified as exposure classes concrete
XC4 and XF1. The concrete used must comply No-fines porous lightweight concrete is
Concrete is an artificial stone produced by with the requirements of grade C25/30 at least, primarily used for thermal insulation tasks
hardening of cement-water mixture (cement and must have a water/cement (w/c) ratio of and, compared to normal-weight concrete,
paste) to form hydrated cement. The aggregate 0.60 and a cement content of 280 kg/m3. has a lower load-carrying capacity, which is,
is bonded into this to form a solid matrix. With regard to the properties of wet concrete, however, still adequate for many structural
EN 206 part 1 is the most important standard fair-face concrete has to satisfy requirements purposes.
for the design and construction of concrete ele- regarding ease of workability, i.e., it should be
ments. The individual constituents of concrete stable, non-bleeding and non-segregating, Furthermore, concrete is divided into com-
are: which is specified in consistency class F3. In pressive strength classes designated with the
order to guarantee a constant content and a letter “C” and two figures. These are a result of
• binders consistent granulometric make-up, i.e., grain the standardisation in DIN EN 206 part 1 and
• aggregates sizes and shapes, sufficient numbers of the designate the compressive strengths in N/mm2
• additives finest particles of cement and aggregate re- according to the cylinder and cube tests:
• admixtures present important parameters for the workability. • normal-strength concretes (C8/10 to C50/60)
• high-strength concretes (C55/67 to C100/115)
Cement is used as the binder; this is obtained Types of concrete • lightweight concretes (LC8/9 to LC50/55)
by firing lime and clay or marl and subsequent- The two critical properties of hardened con-
ly grinding the fired material. The most import- crete are density and compressive strength. Lightweight concretes are further subdivided
ant type is Portland cement, with a gypsum or Depending on the production method and the into six density classes from D1.0 to D2.0,
anhydrite content of 3–5%. Cement sets after aggregates, concrete can be given very which must be specified by the designer,
being mixed with water. The resulting hydrated specific properties. For example, good load- depending on the application.
cement is water-resistant and exhibits a high carrying capacity and good sound insulation
strength. require a dense concrete, while porous High-performance and textile-reinforced concretes
EN 197 part 1 divides standard cements into aggregates improve the thermal insulation In the realm of concrete production, numerous
five main classes (CEM I to V), with the twenty- behaviour. We classify concrete according to research activities are currently being under-
seven different products distinguished in each its oven-dry density as follows: taken to improve the performance of concrete.
reinforced plain
Type of reinforcement
fabric fibres
Reinforcing material
Type of concrete
normal-weight lightweight aerated lightweight normal-weight
concrete concrete concrete concrete concrete
Self-compacting and high-strength concretes concrete construction, particularly in precast specialist knowledge about these particular
are just two of the focal points of these research work [7]. requirements – also on the part of the architect.
activities. The objective is to add building
chemicals to produce concretes with high Generally, however, the use of self-compacting The final appearance of the exposed face of
flowability and exactly the toughness required concrete is not yet regulated by standards or the concrete wall can be accomplished in
to compact and bleed, themselves, without the directives. And the use of fabrics or fibres as many ways by:
need for any mechanical plant. This would the reinforcement also generally requires the
improve the production of particularly slender approval of the authorities in one way or another. • adjusting the formwork
components with closely spaced reinforcement • adjusting the concrete mix
that would demand geometrical configurations,
but would at the same time result in high- Construction aspects The concrete surface
quality, dense, fair-face concrete surfaces. One critical boundary condition is the
Further developments include improvements to Despite the diverse types of concrete avail- formwork. The surface of the concrete consists
strength and protection against the ingress of able, the majority of mixes are based on of a layer of mortar made up of cement paste
moisture. normal-weight concrete. Back in the 1970s the and the finest grains of aggregate, and
In the meantime, high-strength concretes with various types of lightweight concrete promised therefore produces a copy of the face of the
compressive strengths > 125 N/mm2 (cylinder to deliver an enormous boost to the use of formwork employed. The absorption properties
test) have been used for structural purposes. concrete in terms of quantity and quality. But of the formwork can affect the finish of the
These concretes have a low w/c ratio, and a the expectations were not fulfilled, and so the exposed face:
very dense microstructure, due to the use of use of (structural) lightweight concrete for
ultra-fine fillers such as microsilica or ultra-fine external walls was restricted almost exclusively • absorbent (e.g., rough-sawn, unplaned
cement, and surfaces with an extremely low to detached and semi-detached houses or boards; unfaced chipboard)
porosity. commercial properties, and apart from a few • low absorbency (e.g., multi-ply boards with
exceptions was rendered over, and joined with improved surface finish)
Besides these construction “superlatives”, the mortar or adhesive in the form of masonry units • non-absorbent or very low absorbency (e.g.,
combination of concrete and corrosion- or precast components. sheet steel, plastic lining, chipboard)
resistant textile fibres as the reinforcement is
growing in significance. The new composite The diverse processing options result, to some The frequency of use and cleanliness of the
material “textile-reinforced concrete” brought extent, in very different boundary conditions for formwork affect the occurrence of pores,
about through the use of aramid, glass or the construction of facades. On the one hand, mottled effects, blushing and discolouration.
carbon fibre fabrics enables the production of there are pure material-specific requirements, Other essential aspects affecting the appear-
relatively thin-walled concrete components but, on the other, there are forms of construc- ance are the position and layout of:
because the concrete cover on the reinforce- tion based on standards and directives that
ment is very much reduced. The results to date also apply to other building materials (fig. • joints
confirm that this new material opens up new B 1.3.10). • formwork joints
applications for concrete and lightweight • formwork ties
construction which go beyond the simple sub- Fair-face concrete
stitution of conventional composite materials When we speak of concrete facades, then we The use of trapezoidal or triangular fillets (e.g.,
and existing constructions. are usually referring to in situ concrete – and 7, 10 mm) can emphasise construction or
In the meantime, it has been shown that cement- we usually mean fair-face concrete. Such dummy joints especially well, or disguise them
bonded materials can achieve extremely high concrete surfaces must comply with certain by relegating them to the shadows. However,
strengths and it is possible to produce extreme- requirements governing their production and adequate concrete cover on reinforcement
ly dense fair-face concrete surfaces. Both these their appearance. Experience shows that the must be ensured at these positions as well.
new developments have given new impetus to specification of architectural features calls for
Joint spacing Recommended Required Thickness of joint sealing compound B 1.3.11 Recommended values for joint design and
joint width b1) minimum joint permissible minimum joint width to DIN 18540
based on width parts 1-3
L [m] +10 °C [mm] min b [mm] tF2) [mm] perm. dev. [mm] B 1.3.12 Formwork tie holes:
a with fibre-cement plug
up to 2 15 10 8 ±2 b plugged with filling compound and finished
c recessed plug of filling compound
> 2 to 3.5 20 15 10 ±2 d recessed plug of filling compound,
chisel-finish concrete
> 3.5 to 5 25 20 12 ±2 B 1.3.13 Minimum thicknesses and lengths of precast
concrete elements
B 1.3.14 Fixing of large-format precast concrete elements:
> 5 to 6.5 30 25 15 ±3
a using cast-in components
b using anchors
> 6.5 to 8 35 30 15 ±3 c using cast-in rails
1) Permissible deviation: 5
2) The figures given here apply to the final condition; the volumetric shrinkage of the joint sealing compound must also
be taken into account.
B 1.3.11
As it is impossible to produce completely On the whole, fair-face concrete facades the transportation and erection options limit the
watertight formwork joints and that means the require detailed preliminary planning with economic use of heavy and large precast
w/c ratio may alter around the joints (which can respect to quality of workmanship, evaluating components. In terms of the thickness, similar
lead to discolouration), special attention should and guaranteeing the quality of the surface, conditions to those for in situ concrete apply.
be paid to such details. Besides the regular and costs. It is therefore advisable to draw up a However, much slimmer dimensions – from
positioning of formwork ties, the form of the formwork specimen schedule showing the 70 mm to 140 or 160 mm – are feasible. Pre-
cones at the surface has an effect on the particular architectural features (e.g., partition- cast components can have a surface area up
overall look of the surface of the facade. ing of the surface, texture, details). The pro- to 14 m2, although the maximum length of fac-
Experience shows that filling the depressions duction of the specimen surfaces – comparable ing leaf components should not exceed 5 m.
flush with the finished surface frequently leads in terms of scale plus position and production
to unsatisfactory results (fig. B 1.3.12). conditions – represents an important control At the precasting works a whole range of
medium for attaining the desired quality. economical methods for finishing the concrete
Sharp edges must be carefully protected In terms of their appearance and their produc- surface are possible. The surface can given a
against damage – a fact that must be taken into tion, in situ fair-face concrete facades are in more three-dimensional form by incorporating
account at the design phase. Spalled concrete fact unique, and can never be reproduced projections and depressions, or the surface
must be patched and that usually results in exactly because the result depends on many can be divided up by means of dummy joints.
colour differences. factors. Further, on-site production limits the
number of options for finishing the surface [8]. There is also the possibility of producing
Another important parameter is the thickness of facings of (frost-resistant) rubble stone, clay
the external wall, which depends on the arrange- Precast concrete components facing bricks, natural stone and ceramic
ment of the reinforcement but also the correct The production of precast concrete components panels. To do this, the materials are positioned
placing and compacting of the concrete. [9] offers a number of advantages over in situ with the face to be exposed on the bottom of
Taking into account the diameter of a poker concrete because the production and proces- the formwork and then bonded to the precast
vibrator (approx. 40 mm) and the necessary sing of the concrete is carried out by one team. components with several layers of concrete.
minimum spacing between reinforcing bars, Horizontal casting beds result in very good Normal-weight concrete is ordinarily used in
this gives us a tried-and-tested thickness of compaction of the concrete, and that in turn precasting plants. However, self-compacting
160 mm, or better still 240 mm, for facing leaves. leads to lower porosity at the surface. However, concrete is being used more and more; the
very soft consistency – and hence good work-
ability – of this concrete is ideal for fair-face
concrete surfaces. The arrangement and form
of the joints represents an important detail in
working with precast concrete components,
where the minimum dimension of 10 mm
depends on the respective panel length.
Dark surfaces, which are particularly sensitive
to temperature changes, will require joints
10–30% wider (fig. B 1.3.13).
16 Facade panel
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Length of element [m] a b c
B 1.3.13 B 1.3.14
Three types of precast concrete elements can [10]. This category includes panel-like build- sional stability and – owing to densities
be considered for building facades: ing materials whose area does not exceed between 1800 and 2200 kg/m3 – also good
0.2-1.0 m2. As a rule, this cladding is fitted in sound insulation and fire protection properties.
• single-leaf curtain walls front of a ventilated air cavity and connected
• double-leaf curtain walls to a supporting construction. One advantage There are a number of coordinated masonry
• sandwich elements of the small-format panels is that they can be unit formats, which allow a facade to be
fixed to masonry as well. The fixing options divided up according to masonry bond, colour
Large-format, single- and double-leaf precast include (figs B 1.3.5 to 1.3.7): and surface finish. External walls are mainly
concrete components are suspended from the constructed as two leaves (with a non-load-
loadbearing construction by means of special • individual fasteners fitted into the mortar bearing facing leaf) in areas with a central
fixings; restraint forces must be avoided. joints European climate. Depending on the height of
Depending on the system, the elements are • individual fasteners fixed with anchors the building and the performance require-
suspended from cast-in loadbearing brackets • a supporting construction of rails. ments, unit thicknesses of 90 or 115 mm are
or screwed/bolted to anchors or cast-in rails employed.
provided on site. In terms of ease of erection The thickness of the panel depends on the
and pattern of joints, cast-in rails offer greater strength of the concrete and is generally There are two systems for masonry unit
scope for adjustment. Adjustable horizontal 40 mm, although 20 mm is possible, depend- formats:
fixings (e.g., compression fasteners, wind load ing on the dimensions. Size and fixing is
fasteners) resist pressure and suction forces, governed by the same requirements as for • modular formats (to DIN 18000)
define the position relative to the loadbearing natural stone panels (see DIN 18516). • “ocametric” formats (to DIN 4172).
leaf and, together with dowels, guarantee
precise integration into the plane of the facade It is true that with such types of facade the The “ocametric” formats are based on 1/8 m
– all during erection. All fasteners must be made costs rise with the number of metal elements (= 125 mm) and essentially reflect the custom-
from stainless steel (figs B 1.3.14 to 1.3.16). in the supporting construction. They gener- ary masonry unit formats. The modular formats
ally offer no economic advantages over are based on 1/10 m (= 100 mm) and allow
Normally, sandwich elements combine load- natural stone facades. greater format variety; wall thicknesses of 90,
bearing and insulating layers in one component, 115, 140, 190 and 240 mm can be produced
together with the exposed concrete face. The A great variety of surface finishes are possible using different unit sizes. The two types of
facing layer should not be less than 70 mm (to with reconstructed stone panels, and a vast formats can be combined.
ensure adequate cover on the reinforcement) range of colours, depending on the aggre-
and not more than 100 mm thick (to avoid gate. In terms of surface finishes there are – in addi-
larger alternating deformations); the longest tion to different colours – four customary
element length (as with wall panels) should not Facing masonry units options: smooth, porous, sand-blasted and
exceed 5 m (fig. B 1.3.13). Facing masonry units [11] are part of the split. White cement is generally used, which
tradition of masonry construction. The combi- emphasises the colour of the units themselves.
Connections between individual elements are nation options, with (no-fines porous) normal- In the case of specific project-related solutions,
achieved by way of support and retaining weight concrete, different aggregates (includ- there is also the option of extending or individ-
fasteners for carrying the vertical and horizontal ing fine chippings) and pigments, provide ually adapting the range of colours.
loads respectively. Cramps and face or con- chances to optimise the material properties
cealed fasteners are used to resist wind loads with respect to durability and appearance. Fibre-cement sheets
and temperature fluctuations. The number of When we talk of cement-bonded sheets these
thermal bridges increases with the number of Basically, we distinguish between facing days we are mostly referring to the combination
fasteners and cramps. bricks and facing blocks, with the height of a of wood fibres (52%) with Portland cement as
Sandwich elements can be used both as load- course being the determining factor ( 125 the binder (38%) plus water (9%) and wood
bearing and as non-loadbearing components. mm = bricks, 250 mm = blocks). But as this mineralisation substances.
distinction is not consistently adhered to
Reconstructed stone panels even in DIN 18513, the designation “facing These sheet-type building materials exhibit a
One form of plain facade cladding is the small- masonry unit” has become established in number of advantages, which are suitable for
format, suspended reconstructed stone panel practice. These units exhibit high dimen- ventilated curtain walls: good moisture resis-
a tance, frost resistance and little swelling. In The concrete surface can be roughened by
addition, fire protection requirements can also acid-etching, sand-blasting or flame-cleaning.
be satisfied, depending on material composition. In these methods the hydrated cement and the
surfaces of the aggregate are exposed to an
Cement-bonded sheets [12] are available in equal extent, which leads to a semi-matt sur-
the most diverse range of formats. The maxi- face finish.
mum standard sheet dimensions are 3100 mm
long x 1250 mm wide; the thickness varies The methods based on traditional stonemason
between 12 and 18 mm normally. techniques (e.g., bush hammering, pointing,
chiselling, splitting) produce new surfaces,
One advantage of these lightweight facade either manually or by machine. The removal of
elements is the ease with which they can be the uppermost layer exposes parts of the
cut to suit – even difficult geometrical shapes. hydrated cement matrix and the aggregate.
b The material can be sawn, drilled and milled. Special effects can be achieved by using white
However, the – usually – untreated edges must cement, coloured aggregates or pigments.
be handled carefully during installation.
There are other mechanical methods for
The sheets are screwed to a supporting con- working the surface, primarily used in the
struction of battens and counter battens, or in production of precast concrete components.
combination with metal spacers. This type of Here, we distinguish between production-
construction can be used for the tallest of related textures (grinding plus sawing and
skyscrapers. splitting of blocks) – without additional
measures – and fine working (fine-grinding,
Joints can be concealed behind battens and polishing), which produces especially smooth
strips, designed as open (drained) joints, or or shiny surfaces.
provided with plastic or metal waterstops or
B 1.3.15
water bars. A width of 10 mm has proved to be The appearance of the worked concrete
suitable for the open joints between large- surface is governed to a very large extent by
format sheets; spacings ≤ 8 mm are not per- the colour of the aggregate(up to 80%). The
mitted and those > 12 mm are not advisable other factors influencing the final overall shade
(fig. B 1.3.18). Fibre-cement sheets are avail- are the colour of the cement or the finest
able with a colour primer and an industrially particles, and any pigments used.
applied colour coating that does not require
any further treatment on site. Treating the surface
Silane, siloxane or acrylate coatings are
applied for the purpose of:
Surface finishes
• waterproofing
Besides the formwork finish options for con- • coating
crete surfaces, the exposed faces can be • sealing
“worked” or “treated” to create other surface • repelling dirt and oil
finishes. There are fundamental differences
B 1.3.16 between these two approaches. Green or The “wet effect” can alter the colour of the
hardened concrete surfaces can be mechanic- finished concrete. Products must be “non-
ally, thermally and/or chemically worked, or we yellowing”, which makes it essential to carry out
can apply a waterproofing, coating or sealing preliminary trials on specimen surfaces.
treatment to the hardened concrete surface. Further, surface treatments generally remain
Furthermore, diverse colour options are also effective for only a limited period of time.
_ 80
Working the surface Apart from coloured sealing products and
We can work the concrete surface to reveal the coatings, which can be applied as glazes or
colour of the aggregate and thus provide the opaque finishes, there are also various ways to
dominant overall colour. DIN 18500 describes add coloured accents during the production of
_ 25
the various techniques, which can also be concrete, for example by using:
applied in combination.
• cements with a particular coloration (white
The most frequent methods are brushing and cement or Portland burnt shale cement)
washing (≥ 2 mm), and light brushing and • aggregates with a particular coloration (red
washing (≥ 2 mm), in which the uppermost granite, Carrara marble, etc.)
_5 >
_ 15 layer of fine mortar is removed. This can also • pigments (including iron oxide yellow, chrome
_ 30
formwork, which can remove the topmost
(max.) 1 mm of the surface. The effect of these Essentially, it is the cement colour that in-
methods is to allow the aggregate and its fluences the appearance: a relatively high iron
Facade screw natural colour to dominate the surface. content leads to a Portland cement with a darker
_ 25 8–10 fixing shade of grey. White cement is obtained by
B 1.3.17
B 1.3.20
Munich, D, 2002
Architect: 8 9
Stephan Braunfels, Berlin/Munich
Structural engineers:
Seeberger Friedl + Partner, Munich
Walther Mory Maier, Munichstein, CH
Facade design: R+R Fuchs, Munich
a a
8 9
c c
“House of Tranquillity” –
“monastery for a time”
Meschede, D, 2001
Peter Kulka, Cologne/Dresden
with Konstantin Pichler
Structural engineer:
Dieter Glöckner, Düsseldorf
Site manager:
Hans Hennecke, Meschede
º Bauwelt 31/2001
domus 849, 2002
Schwarz, Ullrich (ed.): Neue Deutsche
Architektur. Ostfildern, 2002
aa b
a b
4 6
5 7
c c
10 9
8 9 7 6 16
bb cc
Apartment blocks
Monza, I, 1972
Angelo Mangiarotti, Milan
º A+U 12/1978
Bona, Enrico D.: Angelo Mangiarotti.
Il Processo del Construire. Milan 1980
Finessi, Beppe (ed.): Su Mangiarotti,
catalogue of the Milan Triennial for
Architecture and Design. Milan 2002
Herzog, Thomas (ed.): Bausysteme
von Angelo Mangiarotti. Darmstadt 1998
1 2 3
1 5 4
9 8
3 2
2 1
1 2+3
Kassel, D, 1999
Alexander Reichel, Kassel
Structural engineers:
Hochtief, Kassel
º Byggekunst 06/2001
Detail 04/2001
Kind-Barkauskas, Friedbert et al.:
Concrete Construction Manual,
Munich/Düsseldorf, 2001 aa bb
a a
d c
1 2 3 4
d 5 c
cc dd
School of engineering
Ulm, D, 1994
Steidle + Partner, Munich
Project architects:
Otto Steidle, Johann Spengler, Siegwart Geiger,
Alexander Lux, Peter Schmitz, Thomas Standl
º Arkitektur 05/1993 b
GA document 42, 1995
Feldmeyer, Gerhard G.: The New German
Architecture. New York 1993
Sack, Manfred et al.: Steidle + Partner.
Universität Ulm West. Fellbach 1996 a
6 7
6 7 7
bb cc
Lauterach, A, 2000
Elmar Ludescher, Lauterach
b b
2 3
Student accommodation 1
Coimbra, P, 1999
Aires Mateus e Associados, Lisbon
Section • Plan, scale 1:1000
• Plain concrete facade with facing leaf of pre-
Horizontal section • Vertical section, scale 1:20
fabricated matt white hollow blocks
• Autonomous reference to existing concrete
facades on the campus 1 Wall construction:
• Narrow window slits admit light into common hollow concrete blocks,
390 x 140 x 190 mm, white
rooms 15 mm ventilated air cavity
• Small-format blocks, network of joints and sur- 20 mm insulation
face finish resembling split stones give the 110 mm masonry
surface an animated, structured expression 15 mm smooth-finish plaster
2 Special reveal block
3 Special lintel block,
390 x 140 x 190 mm
c c
a a
ESO Hotel
Auer + Weber, Munich
• Hotel complex for employees of the European 1 1 Fair-face concrete parapet, 200 mm,
Southern Observatory (ESO) located on Cerro rust-red colour
2 Aluminium window with fixed glazing
Paranal, Chile, at an altitude of 2600 m 3 Facade construction:
• Concrete facade to hotel rooms provides 100 mm fair-face concrete, rust-red colour
effective protection against sunshine and 2 75 mm insulation
overheating built-in furniture, veneered chipboard
4 Safety barrier rails, steel hollow sections,
• Reinforced concrete as a thermally inert mass
50 x 20 mm, painted, fixed at sides
for buffering the daily temperature fluctuations 3 5 Safety barrier posts, steel hollow sections,
(approx. 20 K) 50 x 20 mm, painted, inserted into steel
• Ventilation via windows, small additional radi- pockets cast into concrete slab
ators for extreme, low temperatures 6 Reinforced concrete, sealed
7 Anti-glare blind
• Fair-face concrete surfaces coloured with iron 8 Aluminium glazed door with
oxide pigments which create an allusion to double glazing
the colours of the Atacama Desert
a bb
B 1.4.6
Rays Pith
Growth ring Bark
Cambium Early wood
Sapwood Late wood
the trunk cross-section. The exceptions are the and shrinkage for every 1% change in the mois- Moisture
rays, whose cells lie in the radial direction. The ture content of the wood is: The living tree contains water in its cell walls
– in evolutionary terms – older coniferous wood (bound moisture) and cell cavities (free mois-
has a simpler structure; it consists mainly of • longitudinally < 0.01% ture). The moisture content of the wood can
one type of cell, which transports water and • transversely in the radial direction 0.15–0.19% amount to around 70% of the mass. At the
nutrients while providing support. In deciduous • transversely in the tangential direction maximum moisture absorption exclusively in
wood the cells are more specialised, and 0.27–0.36% the cell walls we talk of fibre saturation; this lies
vessels form. The position and direction of the in the range 22–35%. Regardless of its use,
cells and vessels with respect to each other, in Density wood remains hygroscopic, i.e., it absorbs
combination with the growth rings, are responsible The density of the pure cell wall substance is water and releases it again, depending on the
for giving the wood its grain structure, that about 1.5 g/cm3 for all species of wood. In ambient humidity conditions. The following
important characterising, distinctive feature of contrast, the thickness of the cell wall and the equilibrium moisture contents tend to become
each species of wood. The elementary struc- size of the cell cavity vary from species to established in timber in use:
ture of the cell walls is instrumental in deter- species, and also within a species.
mining the strength and elasticity of the wood. • heated structures enclosed on all sides
The walls have four layers, which essentially Furthermore, the cells of the early wood gener- 9±3%
consist of lignin for withstanding compressive ally have larger cavities than those of the late • unheated structures enclosed on all sides
forces and microfibrils for withstanding tensile wood. The ratio of cell wall to cell cavity deter- 12±3%
forces. Together, the lignin and the microfibrils mines the density and ranges from over 90% • roofed structures open on all sides 15±3%
form an efficient composite structure. cell cavities in balsa wood with a density of • constructions exposed to the weather on all
0.1 g/cm3 to about 10% in lignum vitae with a sides 18±3%
Anisotropy density exceeding 1.3 g/cm3. The volume of
Wood consists of millions of such cells with cell cavities in spruce is 70%, the average Inside the building, wood’s ability to absorb
their walls and cavities (pores). For simplicity density 0.45 g/cm3; that of oak is less than and release moisture can have a favourable
we can consider wood as a bundle of tubes 60%, its density correspondingly > 0.60 g/cm3. influence on the interior climate. However,
offset from each other in the longitudinal Density has a considerable influence on the during design and construction this moisture
direction. This gives wood its distinctly different load-carrying capacity of the wood. absorption property must be carefully con-
properties in different directions (anisotropy), sidered owing to its possible consequences.
i.e., parallel or perpendicular to the grain. The Thermal aspects The absorption and release of moisture leads
consequence of anisotropy is the completely Owing to its porous structure, Central European to swelling and shrinkage of the wood respec-
different appearance of the various sections building timber with its average density exhibits tively, i.e., to dimensional changes. The load-
(transverse, tangential, radial) and the equally very good thermal insulation properties. The carrying capacity of wood decreases as its
diverse behaviour of the wood parallel or per- change in length of the wood under the action moisture content increases; the risk of damage
pendicular to the grain (figs B 1.4.6 and B 1.4.7). of heat is extremely small and in practice is by fungi and insects increases too. The
This affects, for example, the permissible stres- virtually negligible. The coefficients of thermal disadvantages can be ruled out by in-stalling
ses. The permissible stresses for spruce are: expansion depend on the species of wood. the timber with a moisture content matching
These are: that expected in the long term at a particular
parallel to the grain location. All timber building components in
• up to 11 N/mm2 in compression • parallel to the grain 2.55 to 5 x 10-6 K-1 which an alternating moisture content is to be
• up to 9 N/mm2 in tension • in the radial direction 15 to 45 x 10-6 K-1 expected, e.g., components exposed to the
but perpendicular to the grain only • in the tangential direction 30 to 60 x 10-6 K-1 weather, must allow for the inevitable asso-
• up to 2.5 N/mm2 in compression ciated dimensional changes. This applies, for
• up to 0.05 N/mm2 in tension However, an increase in volume does not usually example, to the timber outer leaves of facades
occur because as the temperature rises the exposed to the changing effects of sunshine
Another consequence of anisotropy is the wood starts to dry out, causing shrinkage and and rain. Rapid changes in moisture content
different swelling and shrinkage in the three hence a decrease in volume. The strength of bring a great risk of splitting and cracking.
planes (parallel to the grain, and perpendicular the wood diminishes as the temperature climbs.
to the grain in the radial or tangential However, this fact can be ignored in buildings
directions). In spruce the degree of swelling with a normal range of ambient temperatures.
product logs shakes/shingles sawn timber sawn timber veneers wood-wool chips fibres
Final plain shakes/ profiled boards II-grain plywood laminated veneer ltwt chipboard w. particleboard soft, porous
product shingles solid boards lumber (LVL) wood-wool facing cal. chipboard fibreboard
ornamental laminboard parallel strand wood-wool slab laminated strand medium board
shakes/shingles blockboard lumber (PSL) lumber (LSL)
B 1.4.8
Other features Logs and round sections twist about the longitudinal axis are also
Depending on the species of wood and the These are trunks or trunk segments. The stages possible. Production sequence:
location of the individual tree, other features of manufacture are as follows: • Kiln drying of softwood boards to attain a
such as knots, slope of grain, pith, width of moisture content of about 12%
annual rings, fissures, bark pockets, resin • Debarking • Visual or machine strength grading, if
pockets, distortion, discoloration, compression • If required, machining the cross-section to necessary with removal of larger defects
wood and insect damage can affect the wood. size over the length of the trunk • Finger jointing of boards to form laminations
These characteristics lead to a wide scatter in • If required, routing of relieving grooves in • Planing the laminations and cutting to length
the grading of solid timber and play a decisive larger cross-sections (to help prevent • Application of adhesive to the wide face of
role in the issue of where and how to use splitting and cracking) the lamination
individual pieces of timber in a building. • Air drying, followed by kiln drying if necessary • Bonding the laminations in a straight or
• Visual strength grading curved press
• Boards of different grades can be arranged
External wall cladding Sawn solid timber made from hardwood (LH) within the depth of the cross-section
and softwood (NH) • Curing under pressure
Besides protecting against moisture (especially Sawn timber is obtained from round sections by • Normally, planing, chamfering and cutting to
driving rain), temperature effects (summer and converting or profiling. The manufacturing length after curing
winter thermal performance), incident solar sequence is as follows:
radiation and wind, external wall cladding has Profiled boards
a very particular influence on the architectural • Conversion, e.g., using frame saws or Planed and profiled sections are sawn from
aspects of the building. Wood can be used to bandsaws round sections, planed and routed. Besides the
produce small-format cladding materials (e.g., • Air and/or kiln drying forms and dimensions given in DIN 4072 and
shingles, boards) but also medium- to large- • Visual strength grading DIN 68126 part 1, numerous modified profiles
format panels. Of course, the choice of external • If required, finger jointing and glueing with different dimensions are possible, depend-
wall cladding affects the outward appearance. sections together ing on the tools available. These profiled
• If required, planing and chamfering boards are manufactured to order in the
Wood and wood-based products • If required, further profiling (e.g., rebates, planing shop and can be purchased from
In recent years we have seen the introduction grooves, tongues) builders’ merchants (fig. B 1.4.17).
of numerous new solid wood and wood-based
products, which has led to the provision of Glued laminated timber (glulam) Shakes and shingles
timber sections with less corruption of the wood Glued laminated timber is an improved form Shakes are usually split by hand from a bolt
but at the same time a more reliable quality (fig. of solid timber in which the growth-related (trunk segment) using a mallet and froe. They
B 1.4.8). The wood-based products have defects in the wood that tend to reduce the have a tapering cross-section and the butt (i.e.,
tended to focus on the optimisation of strength strength have been partly eliminated. Glued bottom) end is often given a 45° chamfer.
and quality of surface finish. Presented below laminated timber consists of at least three dried Shingles sawn from the bolt are also suitable as
is a selection of solid wood and wood-based softwood boards or laminations glued together a wall cladding material. However, in sawn
products suitable for use in timber facades. with the grain parallel. Besides simple, straight shingles all the fibres are cut through and so
components, forms with a variable cross- these shingles are less resistant and are worn
section and/or in single or double curvature or by the weather more rapidly.
Soft- Douglas fir Spruce Scots pine European Pine Fir, Western Western Wood-based products
woods larch silver fir Hemlock red Cedar The timber industry supplies a large number of
wood-based products, mainly in the form of
Colour of yellowish early wood lt yellowish yellowish/ yellowish/ early wood early wood white/
wood, white/red- yellowish white/red- reddish reddish/ nearly white, lt brownish red-brown, boards. They are optimised for their particular
sapwood/ dish brown white, late dish white, brown, yellow to late wood grey, darkening, use in building, exploiting the properties of the
heartwood darkening wood red- turning to darkening reddish pale reddish late wood late wood wood to best advantage. The main optimisation
late wood dish yellow brown, late wood, brown, sapwood darkening, darker approaches are:
dark sapwood / late wood very dark late wood and heart- sapwood &
heartwood darker brown dark wood in- heartwood
indistin- distinguish- indistin- • Size, in terms of length, width and thickness,
guishable able guishable for manufacturing larger components and for
Resistance moderate, low, low to mod. moderate sapwood low, low to very high covering larger areas. Such wood-based
to fungal sapwood vulnerable sapwood to low low, vulnerable moderate products made from boards or veneers
attack vulnerable to blue stain highly heartwood to blue stain usually achieve much higher strengths than a
to blue stain vulnerable moderate
to blue stain solid piece of timber of the same species.
Resistance moderate low low moderate low to low low high
• Strength, with the aim of achieving greater
to insect to high moderate load-carrying capacity.
attack • Surface finish, with the aim of achieving
Growing west coast Europe Europe, central southern/ central and north-west. north-west maximum compatibility, e.g., in terms of
regions of N. Am., north-west Europe south-east southern North Am., North- appearance (surfaces of components) or
cultivated Asia N. America, Europe cultivated America
weathering (facades).
in Europe Central Am. in Europe
veneers (lower densities) with correspond- Solid wood products Logs, round Sawn timber Profiled boards Shakes/shingles
ingly lower load-carrying capacities. The sections (solid hardwood and
softwood sections)
veneers of each ply are generally joined
together by a scarf joint or simple overlap. Species of wood Spruce, fir, Spruce, fir, pine, Spruce, fir, Western red cedar,
pine, larch, larch, Douglas fir, pine, larch, larch, oak
Douglas fir, beech (species Douglas fir
Structural veneer lumber (SVL) is for essentially other species group A), oak
linear-type components and consists of the to DIN 1052 (species group A),
outer plies of LVL laminations glued together. pt 1/A1, tab. 1 ekki (species
group C), teak
The laminations are made from 2.5 mm thick
(species group A)
veneer plies with the direction of grain parallel
Surface finish from debarked rough-sawn, scraped or split,
to the longitudinal direction of the board. Finger
grades to smooth if required plain and planed rough-sawn
joints are employed for the longitudinal joints of chamfered
the laminations (fig. B 1.4.14). B 1.4.10
B 1.4.9 a Properties of softwoods and hardwoods
Particleboards b Wood-based products and their constituents
Particleboards are produced by pressing B 1.4.10 Solid wood products and their constituents
together small timber particles with adhesives
or mineral binders. The particles preferably lie Fasteners wood). The denser and hence also the harder
parallel to the surface of the board and are Of the various timber connectors and fasteners, the wood, the more likely it will be that a pilot
generally arranged in several layers or with a it is primarily nails and screws that are used for hole will be necessary. The same is true for
gradual transition within the structure. facades. In the case of nails, adequate pene- small edge distances. Alternatively, use self-
tration depth is important; the recommended drilling screws.
Wood fibreboards value is 35 mm. The head of the nail should
Medium density fibreboards (MDF) are pressed neither project above the surface of the timber Supporting construction
with binders in the dry process. Medium boards element nor damage it. The supporting construction represents the
are pressed without binders in the wet process. Screws have the advantage that the parts can permanent connection to the loadbearing
Hardboards can be manufactured using either be detached – useful in the case of refurbish- structure. It must also compensate for any
method. The bond is based on the felting (inter- ment work. The minimum penetration depth is unevenness in the wall. Occasionally, the
locking) of the fibres as well as their own adhe- 25 mm. Again, the head of the screw should supporting construction also has to carry the
sive properties. When used for load-sharing neither project above the surface of the timber thermal insulation. Timber facades with and
and bracing purposes, hardboards must ex- element nor sit too deep in the wood. Only without ventilated cavities are possible.
hibit a minimum density of 950 kg/m3, medium cross-head or Torx screws with a shank are
boards and medium density fibreboards a permitted. Those with a drill tip or low-friction In a non-ventilated facade, the rear face of the
minimum density of 650 kg/m3. Hardboards coating reduce the risk of splitting and can timber elements should be coated and a
have virtually identical behaviour in both direc- therefore be fitted closer to the edge. rainproof material open to diffusion should be
tions in the plane of the board. The properties included.
can be altered by changing pressure, tempera- Facade elements can also be installed with
ture and binder. clips or special hooks. The surface should be A continuous ventilated cavity (20–40 mm) is
coated and smeared with resin in such cases advisable owing to the risk of saturation. Air
Cement fibreboards (to increase the pull-out resistance). One hardly inlets and outlets must be properly protected
These calcium silicate boards reinforced with avoidable disadvantage of this type of fixing is with screens to prevent insects gaining access
cellulose consist of Portland cement, silica the squashing of the surface of the wood. and possibly causing damage to the organic
aggregates and cellulose fibres (see chapter Fixing hooks and patent clips can be employed material. With open (drained) joints in the
B 1.3 “Concrete” for applications). for concealed fixings (fig. B 1.4.36). These ele- facade it is necessary to incorporate rain-
ments are nailed or screwed to the supporting proofing measures for the underlying con-
Wood-based materials with new application construction and engage in tongue and groove struction. A structural analysis will be required
options profiles. However, the extra work during erec- for the supporting construction [2].
• oriented strand board (OSB) combined with tion is a disadvantage. Fasteners must be per-
composite materials to form building elements manently protected against corrosion in order Surface finish
• wood, hemp, linen and jute fibres, e.g., in the to prevent surface discoloration caused by rust- Untreated timber will gradually turn grey upon
automotive industry for producing interior ing metal parts or chemical reactions with sub- exposure to the elements and the effects of
components for vehicles stances. Only stainless steel fasteners are per- ultraviolet light. What happens here is that the
• wood/plastic composites (WPC) by means of mitted for heartwood species like oak and larch. lignin in the wood is degraded by photo-
extrusion and injection methods oxidation and washed out by the rain. The
Spacing of fasteners fibres in the outermost layers become
Fixings The number of fixing points within the width of a detached and, depending on the species of
We distinguish between exposed and concealed board depends on its size. One fixing is suffi- wood, fungal growth discolours the wood.
fixings. The main requirement is that these cient up to a width of 120 mm. Boards wider
should fix the facade components securely and than this require two fixings at the third-points Chemical treatment
reliably, and – especially in the case of solid across the width. Along the length of a board, Chemical wood preservatives can be used as
timber cross-sections such as boards – prevent fixings should be spaced no more than 1000 mm a precaution against fungal growth and insect
them from twisting. However, to prevent crack- apart. The edge distance perpendicular to the damage. The preservatives used fall into four
ing and splitting, they must permit the antici- grain should be at least 15 mm, parallel with categories: water-soluble (primarily inorganic
pated swelling and shrinkage [1]. the grain at least 50 mm. salts), oil-based (e.g., coal tar oil), solvent-
based and emulsion concentrates. Chemical
The spacing can be reduced when using self- wood preservatives usually contain active toxic
drilling screws (depending on the species of substances in the form of biocides. The pas-
B 1.4.11 B 1.4.12
sive protection measures should be exhausted
before the use of chemical preservatives is
considered. Basically, such preservatives are
only required when there is a risk of an infesta-
tion by wood-destroying insects. If it can be
guaranteed that the moisture content of the
timber will not exceed 20%, there is generally
no risk of wood-destroying fungi gaining a hold.
And if the moisture content is below 10%,
attack by insects is unlikely. Timber construc-
tions that remain exposed are easy to inspect
and thus render chemical wood preservatives
generally superfluous, apart from loadbearing
Biological treatment
B 1.4.13 B 1.4.14
Impregnation with water-soluble boron salt
(borax mixtures, boric acid), waxes (hard wax,
balsam, solutions), natural resin products
(lacquers, oils, glazes), oils, wood vinegar,
wood tar, pitch, preparations containing citrus
oils or extracts from naturally resistant species
of wood can also be used to treat timber.
However, the problem is that there are currently
no building authority approvals for biological
wood preservative measures. The definite
effectiveness, apart from boron compounds,
has not been altogether proved. Longer drying
times for such preservatives and re-treatment
at intervals are necessary in some cases.
Surface treatments
a) Impregnation
B 1.4.15 B 1.4.16
This form of treatment creates a water-repellent
surface and protects against insects and micro-
organisms by incorporating biocides. The sub-
stances used are porous, do not form a film
and do not penetrate. It is possible to use pig-
ments to indicate the presence of impregnation.
b) Glazes
These represent a compromise between
impregnation and lacquer due to the checked
penetration capacity and the formation of a
relatively thin surface film. Again, the presence
of this form of preservative can be indicated by
the use of pigments. Protection against UV light
can be adjusted with the density of the
pigment. Good vapour diffusion capability.
B 1.4.17 B 1.4.18
B 1.4.19 B 1.4.20
c) Lacquers
These form a closed surface that repels water
and resists abrasion. The vapour permeability
can be very severely reduced so that the take-
up and release of moisture between the wood
and the air is prevented almost completely. We
distinguish between colourless, glaze-like
lacquers (which form a film, exhibit little
penetration, have a gloss to semi-gloss and
smooth surface finish; inadequate UV light
protection, no fungicidal action) and opaque
lacquers (which form a film, exhibit hardly any
penetration, have a usually gloss, smooth
surface finish; good UV light protection).
d) Dispersion paints
These form an opaque coating with water as
B 1.4.21 B 1.4.22
the solvent. The pigmentation can be varied
from a glaze to an opaque coating; forms a
film, does not penetrate, noticeable water-
swelling problems, which leads to the vapour
diffusion being considerably impaired; matt
surface finish, emphasises the texture of the
substrate when applied thin; good UV light
protection, seldom with fungicide.
e) Stains
These add colour to the wood through the
application of pigments (pigment or colour
stains) or through chemical processes (che-
mical stains). The grain of the wood remains
visible and, depending on the method of
application, can even be intensified. Stains do
not provide any protection. Stained surfaces
are therefore very sensitive to moisture and in
B 1.4.23 B 1.4.24
the case of pigment stains also sensitive to
light. In contrast to glazes and lacquers, stains
can only be removed by planing or sanding off.
f) Waxes
Pores and small fissures are filled; the vapour
diffusion capability remains at a high level. In
comparison to lacquers and glazes, this finish
is less scratch-resistant and less resistant to
the effects of heat and water; as a rule, it is
advisable to impregnate prior to waxing.
Especially suitable for smooth, dry surfaces in
areas protected from the weather.
g) Oils
These are the simplest, cheapest and, in
ecological terms, the best way of treating the
surface. However, their resistance is low
(particularly against mechanical damage).
B 1.4.25 B 1.4.26
B 1.4.27 B 1.4.28
B 1.4.35
B 1.4.42 B 1.4.43
B 1.4.36
Sea Ranch
Moore Lyndon Turnbull Whitaker, Berkeley
Structural engineers:
Davis & Morreau, Albany
º A+U 09/1989
DBZ 02/1994
Marrey, Bernard: Des Histoires de Bois.
Paris 1994
MLTW / Moore Lyndon Turnbull and
Whitaker: Sea Ranch. GA No. 3, Tokyo,
3 3 3 3
2 4
a a
c c
Plan • Section
scale 1:500
Vertical section • Horizontal section
scale 1:20
Paris, F, 1983
Roland Schweitzer, Paris
Alexandre Levandowsky, Paris
º AC 110, 1984
Herzog, Thomas et al.:
Timber Construction Manual,
Munich/Basel, 2003
• Vertical boards
• Glaze finish to external boards
• 600 mm grid, prefabricated wall elements
• Very low building costs
2 e e
a a
c c d d
Bordeaux, F, 1998
Richard Rogers Partnership, London
Structural engineers:
OTH Sud-Ouest, Bordeaux
º architecture 01/1999
Bauwelt 27/1998
Lemoine, Bertrand: Frankreich 20.
Jahrhundert. Basel / Berlin / Boston 2000
2 1
Lillehammer, N, 1993
Snøhetta, Oslo
• Extension to existing art gallery dating from 1 2
the 1960s
• Design of external cladding reminiscent of
1 Sheet aluminium-zinc insulation
capping plate vapour barrier
2 Peripheral larch batten, 2 No. 12.5 mm plasterboard
4 23 x 98 mm 48 mm battens
3 Steel square hollow sec- 18 mm wood-based board
tion, 180 x 180 mm with textile covering, white
4 Facade construction: 5 Horizontal timber boards
vertical timber boards with rebate, larch,
with rebate, larch, 40 x 40 mm
28 x 75 mm 6 Timber bracing, 98 x 48 mm
48 mm battens 7 timber frame with 148 mm
c c
23 mm counter battens thermal insulation 2 No.
waterproofing 12.5 mm plasterboard
9 mm plasterboard 8 Aluminium window with
2 No. 198 mm thermal double glazing
a a
Niko Sirola, Woodstudio 2000,
Helsinki University of Technology
Structural engineers:
Nuvo, Espoo
4 9
a 5 6 9
b b
c c
1 Sheet steel, galv., black coating
2 Stainless steel dowel, 12 mm dia.
3 Galvanised steel pin, 10 mm dia.
4 Glulam element, spruce, burned off
externally, impregnated with
creosote, sanded internally, 145 mm
5 Bolt, 10 mm dia.
6 Door leaf, 100 mm glulam element
7 Glulam element, spruce, glued,
145 mm
8 Lighting unit recessed in floor
9 Fixed light, 10 mm toughened
safety glass
10 Sliding door, 10 mm toughened
safety glass
11 Timber packing, 25 x 35 mm,
2 7 8 7 planed
12 Steel flat, 10 x 50 mm, painted
13 Waterproof plywood, 16 mm
aa bb 13
Forestry depot
Burkhalter Sumi, Zürich
º DBZ 07/1996
Detail 03/1995
gta (ed.): Marianne Burkhalter, Christian
Sumi. Die Holzbauten, Zürich, 1996
Herzog, Thomas et al.:
Timber Construction Manual,
Munich/Basel, 2003
1 1
2 2
3 aa bb
b b
Housing project
Regensburg, D, 1996
Fink + Jocher, Munich
º A+U 04/1997
Bauwelt 25/1997
DBZ 03/1999
Detail 01/1997
Pfeifer, Günter et al.: Der neue Holzbau.
Aktuelle Architektur – Alle Holzbausysteme –
Neue Technologien, Munich, 1998
c c
a a
b b
2 3 b 5 dd
d d
6 5
1 40 mm 3-ply core plywood with sheet 8 Load-bearing external wall (gable sides):
metal capping 48 x 24 mm horizontal larch boards
2 Wooden glazed door with double 40 x 20 mm battens
glazing airtight membrane
3 Safety barrier, welded steel flats oriented strand board
4 Wooden interior door 60 x 120 mm timber studs, with
5 As No. 8 but without battens on inside mineral fibre thermal insulation in between
6 Partition, plasterboard on timber stud vapour barrier, plastic film
wall oriented strand board
7 Precast concrete steps on lean 80 x 60 mm battens
concrete 12.5 mm plasterboard
7 7
bb cc
Tsukuba, J, 1995
Naito Architect & Associates, Tokyo
º l'ARCA 12/1995
Bauwelt 38/1997
Detail 04/1996
The Japan Architect 46/2002
b b
a a
8 9
1 2
c c
3 4
b b
Heilbronn, D, 1999
Mahler Günster Fuchs, Stuttgart
º A+U 03/2001
Bauwelt 06–07/2000
Casabella 691, 2001
1 3 7
1 3
10 6
b b
7 17
8 16
Innsbruck, A, 1996 b
Kathan Schranz Strolz, Innsbruck
5 8 9 b
• Oak weatherboarding
• Weatherboarding plus battens, insulation and
windows used as permanent formwork for
concrete containing recycled aggregate
• High degree of prefabrication
3 4 5 6
2 8
a a
a a
Hubert Ospelt, Vaduz
Marcus Freund
b b
Private house
Heinz und Nikolaus Bienefeld, Swisttal-Ollheim
Structural engineer:
Rainer Mertens, Cologne
d d
e e
b b
c c 6
a a
dd ee
5 3
bb cc
Hans Peter Wörndl, Vienna
Student accommodation
Coimbra, P, 1999
Aires Mateus e Associados, Lisbon
• Smooth timber panels, 800 mm wide, in three
different heights 2
• Every apartment has windows of medium
panel height and double panel width with pair
of folding wooden shutters
• Timber facade elevation changes constantly
with the coming and going of the occupants
1 Concrete coping, 50 mm
2 Glass fibre-reinforced render
3 Plywood shutter, 20 mm
4 Facade construction:
8 mm phenolic resin-bonded
20 mm ventilated air cavity
50 mm insulation
200 mm masonry
15 mm smooth-finish plaster
c c
bb cc
B 1.5.5 B 1.5.6
the loadbearing structure. Examples are found carrying only its own weight, which consisted of coated steel, other metals such as stainless
in conjunction with glass at the Sayner Works elements hung in front of the loadbearing steel, aluminium, bronze or weathering steel
by C. L. Althans (1828–30), and in conjunction structure; this became known as a “curtain are also feasible.
with clay bricks at Jules Saulnier’s Menier choco- wall”. This new load-carrying principle in the The Lake Shore Drive apartments (Mies van
late factory in Noisel-sur-Marne (1871–72). facade, rendered possible by the very much der Rohe, 1949/50) and the Chicago Inland
Other typical applications for cast iron in the smaller cross-sectional sizes in conjunction Steel Building by SOM (1954/55, fig. B 1.5.11)
nineteenth century were prefabricated balu- with improved glazing techniques, signified a are regarded as noteworthy examples of the
strading, spandrel panels and complete great step forward on the way to the fully use of stainless steel; the Seagram Building in
systems for balconies or arbours (fig. B 1.5.4), glazed facade, which had been appearing in New York by Mies van der Rohe (1955-57, fig.
some of which still dominate the streetscape of the visionary sketches of Ludwig Mies van der B 1.5.12) for the use of bronze; the Alcoa
New Orleans. Owing to its high strength, this Rohe, Bruno Taut and others since the begin- Building in Pittsburgh by the architects
material made delicate and open designs ning of the twentieth century. Harrison & Abramo (1950-53) for aluminium;
feasible. The method of production (casting) This type of construction is important for the and the Chicago Civic Center (Charles F.
meant that the material was also very economical development of metal facades because it is Murphy with SOM, 1963-66, fig. B 1.5.13) for
and so during this period cast iron was some- often necessary to match the material of the weathering steel. In Europe proper curtain wall
times produced and stocked in large quantities. plain panels beneath windows and across facades started to appear after about 1955.
One early example of an almost completely ends of floors between the exposed metal
opaque metal facade is the office building by loadbearing sections. This leads to facades The contribution of Jean Prouvé
Georges Chédanne in the Rue Réaumur in Paris whose appearance, apart from the extensive Jean Prouvé (1901–84), who trained as an
(1905). Here, the infill panels to the exposed use of glass, is determined primarily by the architectural metalworker, is regarded as a
steel frame are made from riveted metal sheets. unifying effect of one type of metal. Besides prominent designer of metal facades. The main
Steel dominates the appearance of this facade.
B 1.5.11 B 1.5.12
semi-finished products like metal sheet and B 1.5.9 and 1.5.10). Current developments in and the coarse lead outer envelope of the
sections were already available at the start of the field of metal facades are often primarily Auditorio Romano in Rome (Renzo Piano
his career. However, the potential uses of these concerned with the possibility of using these Building Workshop, 2003, fig. B 1.5.15).
products on the facade had hardly been exa- materials to create a cladding over very freely
mined. Prouvé was interested in working metal designed building forms. This is possible due New developments, new metals
with machinery and he focused on industrial to the use of computer-assisted design and The ongoing development of metal alloys
practices, which advanced the shaping of metalworking techniques, and the use of very continues to produce ever more accurately
sheet metal in particular. thin sheet metal on highly elaborate supporting adjusted material properties to suit the most
frameworks. diverse applications. In addition, there are
By planning, experimenting and manufacturing many new techniques which lead to different
in his own workshop, and thus having the main The special surface qualities of metals often material structures, e.g., three-dimensional
operations under his control, he went againsts enhance the highly sculptural effects of these metal foams (fig. B 1.5.17). Their main potential
the general trend towards more and more structures. Examples that fall into this category lies in the construction of lightweight load-
specialisation and division of labour. At the are the smooth, iridescent titanium skin of the bearing structures, which is why these materials
same time, he explored the options given by Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao (Frank Gehry, are currently the subject of experimentation in
new manufacturing techniques, such as gas or 1997, fig. B 1.5.16), the sheet zinc cladding on vehicle design especially.
electric-arc welding. the Jewish Museum in Berlin (Daniel Libeskind, New developments are expected in the use of
1998), the structures of the Thames Barrier composite materials, which amalgamate the
As a designer and manufacturer he worked flood control facility (consulting engineers: specific properties of their individual constit-
with the leading architects of his time and was Rendel Palmer & Tritton, 1982, fig. B 1.5.14), uent materials into an efficient combination.
one of the first to investigate thermally isolated
construction. He developed the first curtain wall
made completely of sheet metal for the Maison
du Peuple in Clichy (1955–39, fig. B 1.5.6).
Other important works were the apartment block
at Mozart Square in Paris (1954, see p. 258)
with vertical sliding and fold-out sunshade
elements and the Citroën showrooms in Lyon
(1930/31). The facade with the large display
windows is characterised by diamond-shaped
sections, produced from bent sheet metal, sur-
rounding the structural members [1].
Prouvé exerted a considerable influence on
later architects who, from the 1960s onwards,
promoted the use of metal for prefabricated
panels and sandwich construction by improv-
ing the manufacturing and jointing techniques
employed. Those architects include Fritz Haller
(see p. 170), Norman Foster (see p. 172) and
Nicholas Grimshaw (figs B 1.5.9 and 1.5.10).
Visual effect
Owing to its durability, metal is the favoured
material for the outside skins of aircraft, vehicles,
trains, ships, etc. This fact has led not only to
engineering accomplishments; the aesthetics
derived from the transport sector have also
played a special role in architecture. The use
of metal for the “outside skins” of buildings is
ideal for conveying a “hightech” image (figs.
B 1.5.13
B 1.5.14 B 1.5.15
Developments in coating technology are also The thermal expansion behaviour is particularly form of pitting, the phenomenon of galvanic
seen as important for the visual appearance of important in construction because this leads to corrosion can also occur when disparate metals
facades. Extremely thin metal coatings designed movements which have to be accommodated are combined directly, or moisture – e.g., rain-
to reflect radiation are being applied to more by appropriate forms of jointing and assembly. water – forms a bridge for transporting ions
and more substrates these days, e.g. glass, Besides the temperature of the air, radiation is (electrolysis) from the surface of one metal to
plastics – including membranes, foils and films. the main factor governing the temperature rise that of another. To avoid this problem, refer to
in the material. This is determined by the colour the electrochemical series, which divides metals
plus the reflection and absorption properties of into base metals (low electric potential, easy to
Material properties the respective metal. Figs B 1.5.18 and 1.5.24 oxidise) and noble metals (high electric potential,
indicate the relationships with regard to metal difficult to oxidise). The potential difference of
Most of the metals used in facades are not em- surfaces. The majority of these materials react the chemical form actually effective (often an
ployed in their pure form, but rather as alloys. to environmental influences and thereby alter oxide) determines the risk of corrosion. A neutral
Fig. B 1.5.19 lists the relevant properties of the their appearance. In some metals these intermediate pad or isolating layer may be
most common metals used in facades, classi- corrosive processes are a great problem with necessary [2].
fied according to their atomic number. Metals respect to their suitability for construction As shown in fig. B 1.5.18, certain metals do not
with a density of max. 4.5 g/cm3 are classed as purposes. Steel, for example, can change its corrode, while others form a regenerative anti-
“light metals”, and although titanium has a dens- volume by a factor of seven when it corrodes. corrosive layer (patina, see fig. B 1.5.24), either
ity of 4.51 g/cm3 it is normally counted among The leaching products of other metals either independently or with outside help. A third group
these. All metals are gas-tight and hence also alter the colour (copper, weathering steel) or (iron and steel) requires special treatment in
vapour-tight. are in some circumstances highly toxic, even in order to resist environmental influences. The
small quantities (lead). Besides corrosion in the corrosion protection measures and, if necessary,
other surface treatments must be compatible.
B 1.5.17
stainless steel steel weathering st. titanium-zinc bronze
Corrosion-resistant Additional corrosion Automatically forms anti-corrosion layer which changes the
(without change of form) protection required appearance (can be accelerated artificially)
Corrosion protection
solid coating
measures required liquid coating electroplating
(powder coating, enamel)
(combinations possible)
Surface finishes
Mechanical surface treatment Chemical surface treatment without coating formation Chemical surface treatment with coating formation
possible) • sandblasting • polishing • cleaning • burnishing • build-up • plating • painting
• shot-peening • water-jetting • chemical deburring • metal spraying welding • anodising • laminating
• brushing • embossing • acid etching • hot dipping • oxidising • printing
• grinding • cambering • pickling • enamelling • electro-
galvanising B 1.5.18
additional corrosion
protection required ° ° • • ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° °
coloured further
development ° ° • • ° • • • • • • • ° •
roll bending
U/V-bending B 1.5.21 and chapter A 2.1). This usually
tensile forming
bending/rolling round involves bonding sheet metal to both sides of a
roll straightening shear-resistant core of insulating material to
bulge form. (hi int. press.) drilling, countersinking, reaming
bending stretching milling form a rigid, constructional unit (resembling the
stretch forming shaping, slotting cross-section of a bone). This effect can be
enhanced by pre-shaping the sheet metal,
displacement which increases the structural capacity in one
filing, rasping
shearing machining with brush-like tools direction (e.g., by folding) or in two directions
wedge-action cutting with cutting scraping, chiselling (e.g., by deep-drawing).
tearing defined geometrically
Such elements, the sizes of which are essen-
machining with cutting not grinding tially limited only by transport requirements and
defined geometrically abrasive blast.
abrasive water-
the widths in which sheet metal can be sup-
honing plied, enable high stiffnesses and long spans –
jet cutting
material thermal blowtorch cutting
and fast erection times – to be achieved with a
removal plasma jet relatively thin, low-weight component. The
laser beam principle of the sandwich element, owing to the
dismantling electron beam insulation properties in conjunction with zero
friction sawing
vapour transmission and mechanical stability,
electric discharge
machining electrochemical is frequently a sensible decision for the flat
acid etching areas of a facade. However, careful detailing of
cleaning chemical pickling joints and edges is necessary. Aluminium, steel
and stainless steel are the metals normally
in clearance holes
screwing, bolting preten. friction-grip fasteners
employed for the outer layers of a sandwich
inserting close-tolerance fasteners cold spot element.
clamping ultrasonic projection
braiding, stranding friction roller seam
detachable splicing stud butt seam
resistance inductive
pressure gas
permanent welding fusion gas
soldering, brazing soft-soldering < 450°C laser
riveting brazing 450–900°C plasma
shrinking hi-temp. brazing > 900°C electro beam
bonding with adhesive pressure welding electric arc manual
fusion welding inert gas tungsten
inert gas metal
dipping active gas metal
liquid spraying
applying with brush or roller
electroless plating homogenising
full annealing
Changing mat. prop.
annealing soft-annealing
thermal hardening stress-relief annealing
tempering recrystallisation annealing
B 1.5.20
B 1.5.21 B 1.5.22
Forming/ casting drawing extruding
casting bar, section, foil sheet wire extruded
or semi- pipe section
for further perforated expanded expanded cable
sheet metal metal
individual parts from planar (2D) product from linear (1D) product from
cyclic production continuous production continuous production
B 1.5.23
B 1.5.24
B 1.5.25
Mixed commercial and
residential block, London
(GB), 1991, Michael
Hopkins & Partners
Panels with open (drained) with sheet metal folded Pans Louvres Plain overlapping Overlapping planar
joints around frame elements (sheet metal) elements with stable form
• peripheral folded edges • linear folds or extruded
• fixings exposed or • difficult to maintain stabilise the form elements • fixings concealed within • formats depend on
concealed tension • detachable joints • louvres spaced so that overlap production
• second, water run-off • second, water run-off no water can penetrate • size of elements is • stability not identical in
layer required layer required • butt joints require limited both directions
backing pieces • risk of corrosion with
steel owing to
• typical materials:
lead, zinc, copper
Welted seam Standing seam Overlapping panels with Concealed fixing Special extruded forms Stable individual elements
additional local fixing fixed with third element
• can also be combined • also possible without element • elements cannot be • ventilation of the cells concealing butt joint
with fixing fixing replaced individually must be ensured
• welt formed in situ • seam formed in situ • risk of galvanic corrosion • it is not possible to • stable form, e.g., by
• detachable • forms very distinct pat- due to unsuitable achieve an adequate joint means of tenso-
tern on surface combination of materials in the other direction compressive forming
• detachable • additional fixing element • supporting construction (deep-drawing)
visible externally only required • elements can be
perpendicular to webs replaced individually
• elements cannot be
replaced individually
Sandwich elements with Sandwich elements fixed Panels with jointing by way Sheet metal backing piece Cover strip over vertical butt Multi-part clamped joint
fixings in joints with third element of additional sealing joint over local fixing element
concealing butt joint element • supplementary peripheral
• concealed fixings folds stabilise the form • cannot be used for hori- • folds in element stabilise
• supporting construction • integrated into post-and- • elements can be • elements can be zontal joints because the form
only required in one rail construction replaced individually if replaced individually water run-off is interrupted • elements can be
direction • elements can be sealing element can be • elements can be replaced replaced individually
• elements cannot be replaced individually opened individually
replaced individually
(erection sequence)
H = horizontal section, V = vertical section
B 1.5.26 Metal facades – basic designs (selection)
B 1.5.27 B 1.5.28
B 1.5.29 B 1.5.30
B 1.5.31 B 1.5.32
B 1.5.33 B 1.5.34
B 1.5.35 B 1.5.36
B 1.5.37 B 1.5.38
B 1.5.39 B 1.5.40
B 1.5.41 B 1.5.42
c d
B 1.5.49 B 1.5.50
B 1.5.51 B 1.5.52
B 1.5.53 B 1.5.54
Von Seidlein, Munich
Peter C. von Seidlein, Horst Fischer
Responsible for facade:
Thomas Herzog
º db 01/2002
Grube, Oswald W.: Industriebauten
international. Stuttgart 1971
Von Seidlein, Peter C.: Zehn Bauten
1957–97, exhibition catalogue,
Munich, 1997
1 13 1
4 11 15
bb cc
7 8 7 8
4 10 10
5 11
3 6
Technical College
Fritz Haller, Solothurn
Facade design:
Hans Diehl, Neuenhof Baden
13 14 15
3 5 16
bb cc
8 9
b b
c c
7 a 9
È 31 6
16 a 5
Norman Foster & Associates, London
Structural engineers:
Anthony Hunt Associates, Cirencester
1 a
b b
6 7 8
aa 3 9 c 12 10 4 11 bb
Private house
Sottrum-Fährhof, D, 1995
Schulitz + Partner, Braunschweig
º Bauzeitung 04/2001
DBZ 12/1997
Schulitz, Helmut C. et al.:
Steel Construction Manual,
Munich/Basel, 1999
7 6
4 8 9 1 2
1 2
a a
b b
a a
4 5
aa 3 bb
Scandinavian embassies
Berlin, D, 1999
Berger + Parkkinen, Vienna
Pysall Ruge, Berlin
Structural engineers:
IGH, Berlin
Facade system (copper strip):
DEWI, Vienna
º AIT 12/1999
l'architecture d'aujourd'hui 07–08/2000
A+U 384, 2002
domus 07–08/2000
a a 4
6 3
8 7 8 7 aa
Kalkriese Museum
Bramsche, D, 2002
a c
b b
Gigon & Guyer, Zürich
with Volker Mencke
º Architecture 09/2002
A+U 10/2000
Casabella 706–707, 2002/2003
DBZ 06/2002
Detail 01–02/2003 a c
El Croquis 102, 2000
e e
1 Air outlet, perforated sheet metal 175 mm precast aerated concrete units
2 Steel beam, IPE 300 sheet steel, hot rolled or pickled
3 Steel beam, HEB 300 (depending on area of building), clear
4 Fixed glazing: lacquer finish,
15 mm toughened safety glass 400 x 120 x 3 mm, 4 mm joints, positioned
steel angle frame, 90 x 60 x 8 mm 100 mm in front of wall
plus steel flat, 90 x 5 mm 7 Handrail, steel tube, 37 mm dia.
5 Wall construction 8 Landing element, sheet steel, 10 mm
double glazing: 2 No. 5 mm laminated 9 Facade plate, weatherproof steel sheet,
safety glass + cavity + 8 mm float glass 15 mm, sandblasted surface finish
65 mm steel frame, welded to sheet steel 10 Horizontal fixing, steel angle, 6 No. per
with foam core plate, connected to loadbearing structure
6 Facade construction: and facade plates via bolts welded on
weatherproof steel sheet, 5900 x 3100 x 11 Vertical fixing with two adjusting screws
15 mm, sandblasted surface finish, hori- per plate
zontal edges with 10° chamfer, 20 mm joints
100 mm mineral fibre insulation
vapour check
3 2
cc ee
Josef Paul Kleihues, Berlin/Dülmen
Local architect:
A. Epstein and Sons, Chicago
2 1
1 Facade panel:
square cast aluminium panels
with textured surface finish, fixed
with specially fabricated stainless
steel screws, left exposed
air cavity
galvanised steel sheet
extruded rigid polystyrene
thermal insulation
mineral fibre thermal insulation
sheet steel
4 2 Supporting framework of steel
square hollow sections,
65 x 65 mm
3 Steel flat for fixing the steel
supporting framework to the
8 primary loadbearing structure
4 Grating over heating pipes,
anodised aluminium in wooden
5 Aluminium window with double
glazing, 16 mm toughened safety
glass + 12 mm cavity + 6 mm
toughened safety glass
6 Electrically operated roller blind
to combat glare
c c 7 Plasterboard suspended ceiling
8 Fire stop
9 EPDM sealing strip in open
(drained) joint
1 10 Plinth area:
calcium silicate panel, fixed with
specially fabricated stainless
steel screws, left exposed
9 11 Plasterboard partition on metal
Sheet glass
By the first century A.D., improved formulations
for glass and the development of the blown
cylinder sheet glass process made possible
the production of the first flat, transparent glass.
The invention of the crown glass method in the
fourth century A.D. resulted in transparent
panes with very smooth surfaces. These two
methods, invented by the Syrians, underwent
further development over the course of time B 1.6.3
and remained the dominant methods of glass
production right up until the end of the nine-
teenth century [1].
Behaviour in fire
Material properties Glass is an incombustible material, but starts to
soften at about 700°C and, owing to its low
Composition thermal stability, is unlikely to withstand a tem-
Glass essentially consists of sand, soda and perature difference exceeding 60 K. Almost
lime, plus other additives that are melted down 100% of the heat radiation that occurs during a
for production at temperatures exceeding fire can pass through the glass.
1000°C (fig. B 1.6.7). The melt gradually soli-
difies without crystallising at temperatures
below about 680°C (float glass), and the trans- Acoustic properties
ition from the liquid to the solid state remains Owing to its low mass, glass is a better conduc-
reversible. The high transparency of glass is tor of sound than other building materials; how-
due to the lack of a crystalline molecular struc- ever, this effect can be countered by using
ture, which allows light to penetrate the material more than one pane. The cavity between the
B 1.6.6 without scattering. Owing to its molecular struc- panes achieves an acoustic decoupling between
Silicon dioxide (SiO2) 69–74% ture, glass is an amorphous, isotropic material, inside and outside, which hampers sound
Calcium oxide (CaO) 5–12%
that is, its physical properties do not depend transmission. Double and triple glazing is
on direction [3]. available in various thicknesses and the cavities
Sodium oxide (Na2O) 12–16%
can also be filled with a heavy gas.
Magnesium oxide (MgO) 0–6% Optical properties
Aluminium oxide (Al2O3) 0–3% The spectral transmittance of glass with re-
This composition has been standardised for Europe spect to solar radiation covers the wavelengths Types of glass for facades
in EN 572, part 1.
from approx. 300 to approx. 2500 nm. Glass is
B 1.6.7 opaque to the long-wave infrared part of the Float glass
Transmittance [%] spectrum above 2500 nm and ultraviolet radia- Float glass is a high-quality, clear sheet glass
100 tion below 315 nm (fig. B 1.6.8). However, the with flat, plane-parallel surfaces. Today, it
80 majority of the short-wave solar radiation passes serves as the basic material for the majority of
through the glass and heats up any objects or single and double glazing systems used for
surfaces behind the glass. These in turn reflect facades. The maximum pane size is 3210 x
40 long-wave heat radiation which can no longer 6000 mm, although longer lengths are available
20 penetrate the glass. This results in a temper- at higher prices. It is available in thicknesses
ature rise in the interior, which we call the between 2 and 19 mm [4].
“greenhouse effect”.
200 1000 2000 2800
Wavelength [nm] Sheet glass
2 mm 4 mm 6 mm 10 mm B 1.6.8 Thermal properties Sheet glass is an industrially manufactured
In building we use primarily soda-lime-silica transparent drawn glass with a quality slightly
Property Symbol Value and unit glass, whose thermal expansion is roughly inferior to that of float glass, which can be
Density at 18 °C r 2500 kg/m3 equivalent to that of steel. However, it lies far attributed to the method of drawing glass.
below the coefficient of thermal expansion of Characteristic of this type of glass are the
Hardness 6 units
on the Mohs scale aluminium, which is something that needs to be corrugations perpendicular to the drawing
considered in facade constructions especially. direction, which are apparent when looking
Modulus of elasticity E 7 ≈ 1010 Pa
The high thermal conductivity of glass results in through the glass and also in the reflections.
Poisson’s ratio m 0.2
a thermal transmittance (U-value) of 5.75 W/m2K
Specific heat capacity c 0.72 ≈ 103 J/(kg ≈ K) for a 4 mm thick pane of float glass. Antique glass
Average coefficient of Antique glass is a hand-blown type of glass in
-6 -1
thermal expansion a 9 ≈ 10 K Mechanical properties and strength which a hollow cylinder is slit open and bent
Thermal conductivity l 1 W/(m ≈ K) The siliceous content of glass provides into a flat pane (blown cylinder sheet glass
Average refractive index for the hardness and strength, but at the same time a process). The dimensions possible are limited,
visible range of wavelengths distinct brittleness. In contrast to elastically but small quantities of coloured glass can be
380–780 nm n 1.5
deformable materials like metal, glass fractures made in this way.
B 1.6.9 immediately once the limit of its elastic deform-
B 1.6.6 Sainsbury Centre, Norwich (GB), 1978, ability has been exceeded. At 1000 N/mm2, the Rolled glass
Norman Foster & Associates compressive strength of glass is comparable to Rolled glass (patterned glass) is produced by
B 1.6.7 Composition of glass that of steel. However, the ultimate bending means of a continuous rolling process. Profiled
B 1.6.8 Spectral transmission curves for various strength of conventional float glass is only rollers are employed to produce panes of glass
thicknesses of float glass having an average
Fe2O3 content of 0.10% Fe2O3
about 30 to (max.) 60 N/mm2. with all manner of textured, profiled surfaces.
B 1.6.9 General physical properties of glass This type of glass is used, for example, when
B 1.6.10 Manufacture of glass products for facades privacy is important, or to achieve an even
3rd stage
bonding with
diffusion of daylight. The maximum sizes glazing units. Hollow glass blocks cannot they also help to reduce glare. Furthermore, the
possible depend on the particular manu- accommodate vertical loads and may only be addition of certain metal compounds to the
facturer. used for non-loadbearing applications. The glass melt enables virtually any colour to be
standard sizes are 150 x 150 mm and 300 x achieved. Besides straightforward body-tinted
Wired glass 300 mm, with thicknesses of 80–100 mm. glass, the casing or flashing method allows the
Like rolled glass, wired glass is produced in a application of a layer of glass over a layer of
continuous rolling process. The difference here Thick pressed glass contrasting colour.
is that a fine wire mesh is incorporated in the Thick pressed glass is a solid glass block
glass in order to improve security and/or fire produced in a pressing process and, in Thermal treatment
resistance. contrast to the hollow glass block, can also be Flat or bent glass can be thermally prestressed
used as a loadbearing component. Thick to improve its ultimate bending strength and
Wired glass can be polished to achieve plane- pressed glass is available in square, thermal stability. The heat treatment results in a
parallel surfaces and to improve its optical rectangular and circular forms. However, the higher characteristic strength.
properties. The maximum width available is number of applications is limited owing to the
1980 mm, the maximum length 3820 mm. low thermal insulation value. Toughened safety glass
The wire does carry a risk of rusting along the Toughened safety glass is manufactured by
edges. These must be specially protected in heating the glass to at least 640°C and then
order to prevent discoloration and breakage of Influencing the properties of glass immediately quenching it in blasts of cold air.
the glass owing to the in-crease in volume This causes the surfaces to cool and solidify
associated with the corrosion of the steel wires. The many options for influencing the properties quicker than the inner core of the glass, which
of glass can be exploited to suit the particular is still hot and soft. As the core cools and
Profiled glass application. This can be done by altering the solidifies, a compressive stress builds up at the
Profiled glass (channel glass) is produced in a composition of the glass, through thermal or surfaces which increases the ultimate bending
second rolling process where the ribbon of chemical treatment, by modifying the surface of strength (approx. 90–120 N/mm2) and the
glass, still hot, is bent into a “U” shape. This the glass, or by manufacturing laminated and thermal stability (float glass 40 K, toughened
cross-sectional form gives the glass a high insulating glass. safety glass 200 K). Thermally toughened glass
load-carrying capacity which renders possible cannot be mechanically worked after the heat
the design of facade areas devoid of glazing Modifying the composition of float glass treatment. When it fails, toughened safety glass
bars. Profiled glass is available in widths of Minor impurities (e.g., iron oxide) in float glass breaks into small, blunt fragments, which
220, 250, 320 and 500 mm, and a maximum give the glass a slight greenish tinge which can considerably decreases any risk of injury.
length of 6000 mm. become noticeable with thicker panes and
multi-pane or multi-layer glazing in particular. Heat-treated glass
Hollow glass blocks Absolute colourless glass, e.g., extra-clear The production of heat-treated (or heat-
These are produced by pressing two half-blocks glass, and also glass with certain physical strengthened) glass likewise requires the glass
together while still hot, whereupon the two properties, can be produced by modifying the to be heated to at least 640°C. However, the
halves fuse together. The cooling of the air in chemical composition of the glass melt. subsequent blasts of cold air are less intensive
the sealed void leads to a partial vacuum, and so the compressive stress at the surfaces
which improves the thermal insulation properties Special metal oxide additives add a hint of is lower. The ultimate bending strength (approx.
and prevents the formation of condensation colour to the glass – from green or blue to 40–75 N/mm2) and thermal stability (float glass
water. Nevertheless, owing to the many thermal bronze and grey. These body-tinted glasses 40 K, heat-treated glass 100 K, toughened
bridges, the thermal insulation values are con- cut down the transmission of radiation and safety glass 200 K) figures are therefore not as
siderably lower than those of modern double hence reduce the heat gains in the interior; impressive as those of toughened safety glass.
The fracture patterned upon failure is different, Surface treatments with metal oxides, which lead to a re-duction
with larger fragments (fig. B 1.6.15). When used in the radiation transmission. Depending on
in the form of laminated safety glass, this leads Besides varying the chemical composition, the the design of the coating, heat gains or heat
to a better residual load-carrying capacity properties of the glass can be modified by losses can be reduced. Reflective coatings
upon failure, which is particularly beneficial for surface treatments. cut down the reflection of radiation at the
facades and overhead glazing. Just like surface of the glass; the reflectance of, for
toughened safety glass, it is not possible to Obscuring process example, a single pane, can be reduced from
work heat-treated glass mechanically after Chemical and mechanical methods are avail- 8% to 1%. Dichroic coatings, on the other
treatment. able to decrease the transparency of a pane of hand, break up the incident light into its
glass. In acid-etching the glass is treated with respective spectrum colours. Transmission or
Bent glass hydrofluoric acid, or its vapours, which enables reflection in the respective different colours
Bent glass (curved glass) is produced by sub- a fine graduation of the effect. The result is a depends on the angle of incidence. The play
jecting float glass to subsequent thermal treat- smooth, matt surface finish with a very consis- of colours results in interesting artistic effects.
ment in a tunnel or muffle furnace. Cylinders or tent appearance. Patterns and motifs can be
spherical forms, also with two panes on top of included by applying wax prior to the acid treat- Online coatings
one another, are also possible. The possible ment. This treatment does not make it more In the online method the coating material is
bending radius depends on the thickness of difficult to keep the glass clean afterwards. applied in the form of a liquid, vapour or
the pane. powder and forms a permanent bond with the
Alternatively, the glass surface can be sand- surface of the glass in a chemical reaction.
Fire-polished glass blasted. The degree to which the surface is The panes treated with this “hard coating” are
Fire-polished glass is produced by heating roughened or removed depends on the size of resistant to abrasion and chemicals, and can
glass to 500–700°C in a furnace. The plastic, the particles used. In contrast to acid-etched be used in single glazing.
viscous glass surface contracts as a result of glass, the surface texture is relatively coarse,
the surface tension and is thus refined. which can create traps for grease or cleaning Offline coatings
agents, which in turn can permanently impair In the offline method the glass is coated in an
the appearance of the glass. immersion or vacuum process. Whereas the
Mechanical treatments immersion process coats both sides of the
Chemical strengthening pane of glass, the vacuum process can be
Various methods are available for cutting and Another surface treatment involves the che- used to treat just one side. The application of
finishing the edges, and these are outlined mical prestressing of the glass. To do this, the different individual coatings in several opera-
briefly below. pane of glass is immersed in a bath of hot mol- tions means it is possible to control the radia-
ten salt. The exchange of ions increases the tion properties of the glass very specifically.
Scoring compressive stress at the surface, thus im- The coatings applied in the offline process
The glass can be scored with a material harder proving the resistance to thermal and mecha- are usually softer and less resistant than the
than glass, such as diamond, and subsequent- nical loads. In contrast to thermally treated hard coatings of the online process. Glass
ly broken along the score line. Various fluids glass, chemically strengthened glass can still treated in this way is therefore used exclu-
(petrol, oil) can be used to reduce the risk of be cut afterwards. sively for insulating and laminated glass.
splintering along the score line.
Surface coatings applied during manufacture
Cutting Such coatings can be applied either directly
Thick panes and security glasses are generally during the production of the glass as “online
cut with cutting discs (e.g., diamond) or lasers. coatings” or, as with magnetron spattering, as
“offline coatings”. These coatings include those
Abrasive water-jet cutting
Glass can be cut or – by reducing the pressure
– notched with a very high-pressure water jet.
In contrast to scoring, any shapes are possible
in glass panes up to 70 mm thick. Laminated
glass can also be cut with this method. The cut
can be started in the solid material and the cut
itself is narrower than that of other methods.
Edge work
The edge of the glass can be finished in such a
way that any risk of injury is reduced. If after
being installed there is no risk of the edge of
the glass causing injuries, the edges can be
left untreated. Grinding and polishing are em-
ployed to improve the edges, and there are
several quality standards. For instance, an
edge cut exactly to size may exhibit blank
spots (i.e. imperfections), but a polished table-
top or the edge of a mirror should have perfect
B 1.6.11
B 1.6.14 B 1.6.15
light filtration
light scattering
light redirection
light transmission
view in
view out
improved breakage behaviour (security/safety)
better breakage resist. (load-carrying capacity)
fire resistance
sound insulation
thermal insulation
permanent sunshading
controllable sunshading
self-regulating sunshading
protection against electromagnetic radiation
B 1.6.18 Build-up of layers in thermotropic glazing
B 1.6.19 Properties of switchable functional
B 1.6.20 Heat transport in insulating glass
B 1.6 21 Coloured glass, Zumtobel Staff exhibition
room, Berlin (D), 1999, Sauerbruch Hutton
B 1.6 22 Glass products and their main
applications and functions
Sheet glass
B 1.6.21
Basic methods of production
float glass • • • Contact
plate glass • • •
Only compressive forces acting perpendicular
to the contact faces may be transmitted in this
antique glass • • •
way. The contact faces must therefore be of
Modified methods of production
such a size that adequate distribution of the
cased glass • •
stress is guaranteed. This fact is especially
metal-coated glass (online) • • • • • important with small contact faces (e.g., “patch”
UV-permeable glass • • • fittings). Hard bearings, such as glass on steel,
radiation protection glass • • • • must be avoided by incorporating intermediate
phototropic glass • • • resilient pads (EPDM or plastic). Panes can be
sheet glass with low expansion • • • • fixed in the plane of the glass but also per-
coloured glass • • • • • • pendicular to the glass, either continuously or
opalescent glass • • • • at individual points (fig. B 1.6.26). The forces
wired glass • • • are transferred by means of patent glazing
Profilglas • • wings/caps, clamping plates, screws/bolts and/
patterned glass • •
or setting blocks.
1st processing stage
toughened safety glass, heat-treated glass • • • • •
In this case the forces are transferred by a
chemically strengthened glass • • • • •
mechanical interlocking of the microscopic
acid-etched glass • • surface imperfections of the contact faces and
sandblasted glass • • by adhesion. To avoid local stress peaks glass
2nd processing stage should not be directly in contact with other hard
enamelled glass • • materials such as steel; the elasticity and
metal-coated glass (offline) • • • • • fatigue strength of an intermediate pad is
broadband anti-reflection glass • • • absolutely crucial to the durability of a friction
Cavity between planes filled with: connection. Soft metals such as pure, annealed
gas • • • • • aluminium, fibre-reinforced plastics or natural
vacuum • • • • • materials (e.g., cork, leather, cardboard) are
hydrogel • • • • • •
suitable as intermediate pads.
thermotropic layer • • •
Adhesives (material bond)
electrochromic materials • • • •
Adhesive joints are very common in modern
Laminated safety glass produced with:
glass engineering, provided the forces to be
plastic interlayer • • • • • transferred are relatively small. In addition,
printed and coloured interlayers • • • • • • great care must be taken to ensure sufficiently
casting resin • • • • large mating faces which can be permanently
joined with an elastic adhesive. Besides the
Moulding resin magnitude of the forces to be transferred,
glass blocks • • • • • temperature and duration of loading are im-
thick pressed glass • • • portant influencing factors. In the event of a
fire, the excessive heat normally leads to failure
Glass fibres
of the adhesive joints. In Germany adhesive
connections in facades are permissible above
membranes • • •
a height of 8 m only when additional mecha-
glass wool • •
nical fixings are provided to prevent glass
components from becoming detached.
Cellular glass
aerogel • • •
foamed glass • •
B 1.6.22
a a a b
b b c d
B 1.6.23 B 1.6.24 B 1.6.25 B 1.6.26
Jointing patent glazing arrangement the various func- place by glazing wings/caps. The other two
The necessary joints between the individual tional elements are combined, in designs with sides are finished flush with an adhesive
glass elements must be designed to allow individual fixings the jointing and load transfer silicone joint. When using laminated safety
mechanical movement (e.g., due to thermal functions are separate, and require separate glass it is particularly important to ensure that
expansion) and to exclude rain and wind installation operations. In other types of glaz- the jointing material is compatible with the
permanently. ing, e.g., structural sealant glazing, the “joint” interlayer. It is advisable to work with two
and “fixing” functions are amalgamated. sealing levels (inside and outside) when using
Contact seals insulating glass and to drain the void between
The seal between the surface of the glass and Leaded glazing the two levels separately.
its supporting member can be achieved by Leaded glazing represents the oldest technique
way of a permanently elastic preformed sealing for producing larger areas of glass. Small indivi- Individual supports at the edge
profile or gasket, which can be designed as a dual pieces of glass are inserted into H-section This form of glazing combines the advantages
solid block or with sealing lips. To guarantee a lead cames and tapped into place. Besides the of patent glazing with those of individual
sealed connection, adequate contact pressure complete enclosure of the edge of the glass, fixings. Small fittings that disturb the appear-
and clean glass surfaces are essential subsequent filling with putty creates an addi- ance only minimally carry the loads in the plane
(fig. B 1.6.27a). tional bond (fig. B 1.6.28a). of the glass pane via narrow setting blocks,
while clamping plates take on this task in the
Putty Rebate with putty fillet case of forces acting perpendicular to the
This traditional method of sealing glass is less In this traditional form of glazing the pane of plane of the glass. Owing to the high mecha-
important these days, because once the putty glass is fitted in an open rebate and held in nical loads at the fixings, heat-treated glass is
cures, the joint is very rigid, and this excludes position with a fillet of putty. The rebate itself is used, which increases the cost of such glazing.
the possibility of movement or other deforma- formed directly in the masonry or timber frame, However, no drilling is required with this type of
tions. Any cracks that do occur usually lead to or forms an integral part of a cast or rolled glazing. The unsupported edges merely have
saturation of the joint (fig. B 1.6.28b). metal section (fig. B 1.6.28b). Owing to the to provide sealing functions.
bond between the glass and the supporting
Adhesive seals member, this simple form of glazing has enabled Individual drilled fixings
Permanently elastic “putty” (silicone) enables the construction of many delicate forms over In this case the supporting and sealing func-
the formation of elastic connections which, the centuries, as the glasshouses of the nine- tions are completely separate. The loads are
owing to the adhesion, are stable even in the teenth century show so well. carried in the plane of the glass via the fixings
presence of tensile forces to a certain extent. fitted into the drilled holes, while the sealing
The width of the joint and the type of adhesive Rebate with glazing bead function is provided at the unsupported edges.
used determine the resilience of the joint (fig. Curtain wall facade systems require the use of Besides its delicate appearance, this approach
B 1.6.27b). special loadbearing constructions onto which results in great design freedom. However,
the panes of glass are fixed by means of glaz- great attention must be given to ensuring high-
Glazing ing wings/caps. These allow two adjoining quality seals around the edges and at the
Window and facade constructions consist of panes to be fixed with one section, which leads individual fixings (especially with insulating
the following functional elements: to simple erection and slim frames (fig. B 1.6.28d). glass) (fig. B 1.6.28e).
Preformed, permanently elastic gaskets seal
• glazing elements (e.g., panes of glass) the glazing bars both inside and outside. When Adhesive fixing (structural sealant glazing)
• supporting construction (e.g., posts, rails, using insulating glass where enhanced thermal In this type of glazing the adhesive bond
frames) performance is desired, the provision of a ther- between glass and supporting construction
• fixings (e.g., glazing bead) mal break between glazing wing/cap and sup- serves the load-carrying and sealing functions.
• joints (e.g., EPDM, silicone) porting construction is particularly important. However, the adhesive is only suitable for
transferring short-term loads, e.g., wind. The
Depending on the jointing and the way the Linear support without glazing bar self-weight of the panes of glass is carried by
forces are transferred, various combination In this variation of patent glazing only two mechanical fixings (fig. B 1.6.28f).
options are possible. Whereas in a traditional opposite sides of the pane of glass are held in
a a b c
b d e f
B 1.6.27 B 1.6.28
B 1.6.29
[1] Staib, Gerald: From the origins to classical moder- B 1.6.25 Insulating glazing with integral elements for
nism; in: Schittich, Christian et al.: Glass Construction controlling incoming daylight:
Manual, Munich/Basel, 1998, pp. 9–33. a acrylic glass elements for redirecting the light
[2] Button, David: Glass in Building. A Guide to Modern b louvres with a highly reflective coating
Architectural Glass Performance; Pye, Brian (ed.), B 1.6.26 Methods of supporting panes of glass and
Oxford, 1993. transferring forces:
[3] Herzog, Thomas: Seminar report “Sonderthemen a supported in the plane of the glass, forces
Baukonstruktion – Materialspezifische Technologie transferred via edge
und Konstruktion – Gläser, Häute und Membranen”, b supported perpendicular to the plane of the
Teil 1 Grundlagen; Munich Technical University, Chair glass, forces transferred via edge
of Building Technology, Munich, 1998 (unpublished c supported in the plane of the glass, forces
manuscript). transferred via surface of drilled hole
[4] Compagno, Andrea: Glass as a building material – d supported perpendicular to the plane of the
Developments and trends; in: Kaltenbach, Frank glass, forces transferred around edge of hole
(ed.): Translucent Materials, Basel/Munich, 2004, B 1.6.27 Jointing options for glass:
pp. 10–25. a contact seal, movement possible through
[5] Saint Gobain Glass (pub.): Memento Glas Handbuch, sliding and deformation of lips
2000 ed., p. 32. b adhesive joint with permanently elastic “putty”
[6] Sobek, Werner et al.: Designing with glass – strength (silicone), movement
and loadbearing behaviour; in: Schittich, Christian et B 1.6.28 a Leaded glass
al.: Glass Construction Manual, Munich/Basel, 1998, b Rebate with putty fillet
pp. 91–92. c Rebate with glazing bead
[7] A detailed overview of different types of glazing d Patent glazing
together with detailed drawings can be found in: e Individual fixing in drilled hole
Schittich, Christian et al.: Glass Construction Manual, f Adhesive (structural seal and glazing)
Munich/Basel, 1998, pp. 152–677. B 1.6.29 Dichroic glass (glass coated with coloured
crystals, the colour of which changes depend-
B 1.6.23 Schematic diagram of vacuum glazing ing on the angle of incidence and the direction
B 1.6.24 Principles for transparent thermal insulation: of oscillation of the light), New York (USA),
a cell-like structure 1999, James Carpenter
b tube-like structure
Foster Associates, London
Structural engineers:
Anthony Hunt Associates, Cirencester
Facade consultant:
Martin Francis, with Jean Prouvé
3 5
Munich, D, 2000
Allmann Sattler Wappner, Munich
Facade design:
R+R Fuchs, Munich
º Bauwelt 47/2000
DBZ 03/2001
Detail 02/2001
GLAS 02/2001
Section • Plan
scale 1:750
Vertical section, scale 1:50
Horizontal section through corner/door
scale 1:20 a
6 5 16
13 14
12 11
Faculty of Law
1 1
Architects: 2 3
Sir Norman Foster and Partners, London
Structural engineers:
Anthony Hunt Associates, Cirencester
Facade design:
Emmer Pfenninger Partner, Munichstein
• Barrel-shaped north elevation with silicone
structural glazing construction to maximise
utilisation of daylight on all floors 3
• Supporting construction comprises a double
layer of curving steel circular hollow sections
in a triangulated arrangement to provide the
necessary stiffness
• Panes of glass can be adjusted in all three
directions at the corners; pane side lengths: 4
2800 or 3800 mm
• Thermal movement accommodated via sliding
• Insulating glass with solar-control and low-e 5
Marktheidenfeld, D, 1999
schneider+schumacher, Frankfurt am Main
º Archithese 04/1999
Baumeister 04/2000
GLAS 05/2000
3 9
1 4
2 1
5 5
6 a 8
1 Existing building
2 New warehouse
3 Thermally insulated panel, 80 mm,
concealed screws
4 Column, HEA 140 4 8
5 Corner trim, aluminium-zinc
6 Flashing, aluminium-zinc
7 Reinforced concrete plinth
8 Profiled glass
9 Flat panels, 250 mm, laid horizontally
10 Sheet metal capping plate, bent to suit and fixed to
11 Retaining bracket for top of profiled glass, bent
sheet metal, d = 3mm
Rodin Museum
Kohn Pedersen Fox Associates, London /
New York
º Architecture 11/1998
Kennon, Kevin et al.: The Rodin Museum,
Seoul. New York 2001
b b
2 3
16 17 cc 1 4
5 7
1 7 1 10 11 12
c c
15 18
Tokyo, J, 2001
Renzo Piano Building Workshop, Paris
Structural engineers: 5 15
Ove Arup & Partners, London/Tokyo 16
º Detail 07/2001
Fassade / Façade 03/2002
GLAS 02/2002
b b
a a
5 14
3 2
9 5
8 6
12 7
Sendai, J, 2001
Toyo Ito, Tokyo
º Detail 07/2001
El Croquis 98/99, 1999
Witte, Ron: CASE: Toyo Ito – Sendai
Mediathèque. Munich / Berlin /
London / New York 2002
a a
3 5
Madrid, E, 1990
Ian Ritchie, London
with José Luiz Iñiguez & Antonio Vazquez
Structural engineers:
Ove Arup & Partners, London a a
b b
º l'ARCA 11/1991 Plan of standard floor •
Roof plan • Section
Architectural Design 11–12/1991 scale 1:500
Architectural Review 12/1991 Isometric views (not to scale)
Baumeister 09/1991 Vertical section, scale 1:20
DBZ 10/1992
Progressive architecture 02/1994
Munich, D, 1994
Murphy/Jahn, Chicago
Structural engineers for cable lattice facade:
Schlaich Bergermann und Partner, Stuttgart
24 24
28 29
1 2 21 3
6 7
23 b 5
24 25
24 24 26
a a
8 29
24 aa
1 Steel section, HEB 220 11 Tensioning plate, 210 x 190 x 20 Bearing plate, 100 x 80 x
2 End plate, 220 x 220 x 15 mm, 40 mm, with 65 dia. x 52 mm 40 mm, with 40 mm dia. hole
100 x 100 x 100 mm angle countersunk hole and 106 x in centre
welded on both sides 2 mm recess 21 Steel circular hollow section,
3 Steel flat, 175 x 200 x 20 mm 12 Steel frame, 240 x 220 x 15 mm, 70 dia. x 10 mm, with EPDM
4 Steel flat, welded to steel circu- 120 mm dia. hole, 127 dia. x ring inside
lar hollow section and web 3.2 mm steel tube welded on 22 Clamping ring, 2-part
16 plates 13 Steel insert, 240 x 220 x 15 mm, 23 Steel transverse member,
11 12 5 Bottom flange, 265 x 20 mm with 120 mm dia. hole in centre, 260 x 40 mm, 120 mm dia.
6 Sheet metal capping, 265 x 127 dia. x 3.2 mm steel tube hole
5 mm welded on, 4 No. M18 holding- 24 Stainless steel cable,
7 Steel channel down bolts 22 mm dia.
8 Laminated safety glass, 10 mm 14 Threaded bars, 4 No. M16 25 M36 threaded fitting,
9 Cable clamp 15 Sheet metal frame, 70 x 15 mm, M36 locknut
10 Steel tube, 101.6 dia. x 71 x 4 No. 17 mm dia. holes 26 M22 threaded bar
17 13
2.6 mm, with plates (160 x 160 x 16 Air nozzles, brushed stainless 27 Steel anchor plate, 300 x 70 x
4 mm) for screw fixings welded steel 20 mm, 2 No. 23 mm dia.
14 on, screwed to tensioning plate 17 Ventilation duct holes, M22 nut both sides
15 with 4 No. M6 x 15 after pre- 18 Top flange, 500 x 200 mm 28 EPDM bearing
bb stressing 19 Steel flat, 560 x 100 x 10 mm 29 M10 x 20 screw
Design Antenna, Richmond
Structural engineers:
Dewhust Macfarlane & Partners, London
º Detail 01/1995
Knaack, Ulrich et al.: Konstruktiver
Glasbau 2. Cologne, 2000
• All-glass construction
• Demonstration of the possibilities offered by
glass technology
• Loadbearing structure made from triple-
glazed, casting resin-bonded, prestressed
• Spacing of beams: 1.10 m, span: 5.70 m
• Bridle joint connection between column and
roof beam
• Use of insulating glazing made from solar-
control glass
• Ceramic coating to underside of roof glazing
acts as sunshading
• Roof construction accessible for cleaning
1 8
bb 6
b b
Tension structures
Besides the development of panels and sheets,
synthetic fabrics and films were used from a
relatively early stage of the history of plastics.
These helped to create lightweight, often light-
permeable tension envelopes.
Pneumatic structures
Walter Bird designed the first pneumatic, air-
supported structure for protecting sensitive
B 1.7.1 Air-inflated cushion structure, Eden Project,
radar installations in 1948. This was used as
St Austell, (GB) 2001, Nicholas Grimshaw & the basis for the further development of air-
Partners inflated and air-supported structures for non-
B 1.7.5
military applications, e.g., coverings for swim- tics are in use, with PVC accounting for the
ming pools and tennis courts. largest share. Most of the others are in the form
of polystyrene foams, polyethylene and poly-
Buckminster Fuller caused an uproar in 1950 propylene.
with his proposal to erect a giant dome over
Manhattan [2] (fig. B 1.7.6). From 1959 on- The great importance of plastics in building is
wards Frei Otto collaborated with Kenzo Tange due to their advantageous properties:
on concepts for roofing over residential develop-
ments in the Arctic [3]. One highlight of this • adequate tensile and compressive strength,
development work was the 1970 World Exposi- stiffness, hardness and abrasion resistance
tion in Osaka, Japan, which could be said to • good transparency, dyeable in every grada-
have been a demonstration of the possibilities tion from “clear as glass” to black
of pneumatic structures at that time [4]. • adequate to outstanding toughness
• high elasticity
B 1.7.6
Tent structures • low density
Frei Otto started intensive development work • adequate thermal stability
on the applications of tension structures in the • good electrical insulation properties and low
early 1950s; up until then they had been built thermal conductivity
using only natural materials (fig. B 1.7.7). He • weather resistance
therefore created the foundations for the use of • low water absorption
plastics in this field. Owing to their outstanding • high resistance to chemicals
material properties, synthetic fabrics and films • ease of working and processing
are today among the most popular materials • very good surface finish qualities
used for tent structures. • paintable surfaces
• flammability
Classification of plastics • ignition temperature
• decomposition temperature
Irrespective of the method of manufacture, the • release of smoke and fumes
macromolecules of plastics are present in the • toxicity of decomposition products
form of long molecular chains – in linear, • corrosion caused by decomposition products
branched or cross-linked forms. Depending on
the degree of cross-linking, we distinguish Besides the release of – sometimes – highly
between the following types of plastics (fig. toxic gases, smoke given off during a fire can
B 1.7.9): severely impair vision for persons trying to
escape or fire-fighters. The choice of a suitable
• thermoplastics (thermosoftening plastics) plastic therefore depends to a large extent on
• elastomers the toxicity and smoke to be expected. Apart
• thermosets (thermosetting plastics) from that, the decomposition products in the
smoke can also have very corrosive effects on
other materials.
Material properties Flammability can be decreased by applying a
flame retardant.
General properties
The modern building industry is the second-
largest user of plastics after the packaging
industry. More than 30 different types of plas-
B 1.7.8
3rd stage
(shaping, further blowing, deep-
weaving laminating
processing) drawing
One of the best-known products is the type of Connections between moulded parts and the
B 1.7.12 moulded part made from glass fibre-reinforced way they are fixed to the supporting construc-
B 1.7.11 Processing methods for the manufacture of plastic (GFRP). The use of reinforcing materials tion usually require the respective interfaces to
plastic products for facades (fibres, knitted or woven fabrics) substantially be individually designed. Depending on the
B 1.7.12 Temporary exhibition pavilion, 1999, improves the mechanical properties of the materials used, the connections and fixings
Bernhard Franken with ABB
B 1.7.13 Private house, Tokyo (J), 1996, FOBA
plastics used to make building components. range from mechanical fasteners and butt
joints to bonded and welded joints.
Synthetic resins are employed for producing
the parts. The components of the resin are Sheet-type semi-finished products, on the other
mixed together and placed in or on the moulds, hand, can make use of the well-known jointing
together with the aforementioned reinforcing and connecting techniques familiar in timber,
materials (laminating materials) for curing. metal and glass facades [7].
B 1.7.13
Sealing washer Sealing compound
B 1.7.14 Sections through a selection of corrugated
sheets available in transparent or translucent
B 1.7.15 Methods of fixing multiple-web sheets by w
means of glazing bars (a), in rebates or with
screws (b–f) h
B 1.7.16 Sections through a selection of sheet-type semi-
finished products made from transparent or
translucent plastic
B 1.7.14
Surface coatings
In contrast to the films, the fabrics used for
membranes very often comprise several layers.
These make use of a “coating” of PVC-P, PTFE
or silicone to protect the fabric itself against a b c
moisture, UV radiation, microbes and fungal
growths. Besides achieving watertightness, the
coating substantially decreases soiling and
lengthens service life. Far better than PVC-P in
terms of ageing behaviour are PTFE and sili-
cone, where no changes have been observed f
over periods of 25–30 years. PVC-P has a
much shorter useful life, owing to its sensitivity
to ultraviolet light. d e
B 1.7.15
Tension facades
In membrane designs, external actions due to
wind and snow loads are usually carried by
creating an – as far as possible – even pre-
stress within the film or fabric. As a rule, this is
achieved by employing either a pneumatic a f
structure or a mechanically prestressed
construction [8].
Pneumatic structures
The development of gastight and flexible but
also loadbearing synthetic materials has en- b g
abled the construction of air-supported and air-
inflated envelopes. Large areas can be covered
with a minimal amount of material, mainly
thanks to the use of translucent, PVC-P-coated
polyester fabrics.
c h
One variation is the foil cushion system made
from UV-permeable fluoropolymer films, which
were developed primarily for greenhouses.
directions for every point on the surface of the needed to cover a large area. However, this is
membrane. Depending on the particular action, also a major disadvantage because the thin,
one direction assumes the loadbearing func- single-layer membrane material has thermal
tion, the other the tensioning function [9]. The insulation and acoustic properties that are
smaller the curvature of the surface, the larger comparatively poor for an external wall. Multi-
the resultant stresses in the membrane. When layer materials, which considerably improve the
using materials with a lower load-carrying capa- acoustic properties, represent one optimisation
city, this aspect should be taken into account route. And multi-leaf materials or the use of
because the area which can be covered will be fabrics with mineral-fibre fillings can achieve
very much smaller. One principal advantage of considerable improvements to the thermal
tension structures is the small amount of material insulation properties [10].
B 1.7.17
Woven fabric Desig- Weight per Min. tensile Elongation Tear propa- Buckling UV- Building Translucency Useful life
(excl. mesh weaves) nation unit area strength of of fabric at gation stability resistance materials [%] expectancy
[g/m2] fabric tear [%] strength class for fire (years)
to DIN 55352 [N/50 mm] warp/weft of fabric [N] classification
warp/weft to DIN 53354 warp/weft to DIN 4102
to DIN 53354 to DIN 53363
cotton fabric 350 1700/1000 35/18 60 very good adequate B2 varies <5
520 2500/2000 38/20 80
PTFE fabric 300 2390/2210 11/10 approx. 500/500 very good very good A2 up to approx. 37 > 25
520 3290/3370 11/10
710 4470/4510 18/9
ETFE fabric, 250 1200/1200 very good very good B1 up to approx. 90 > 25
polyester fabric, type I 800 3000/3000 15/20 350/310 very good good B1 up to approx. 4.0 > 20
PVC-P-coated type II 900 4400/3950 15/20 to
type III 1050 5750/5100 15/25 1800/1600
type IV 1300 7450/6400 15/30 580/520
type V 1450 9800/8300 20/30 800/950
glass fibre fabric, 800 3500/3500 7/10 300/300 adequate very good A2 up to approx. 13 > 25
PTFE-coated 1150 5800/5800 to 2/17 to
1550 7500/6500 500/500
glass fibre fabric, 800 3500/3000 7/10 300 adequate very good A2 up to approx. 25 > 20
silicone-coated 1270 6600/6000 to 2/17 570
aramide fibre fabric, 900 7000/9000 5/6 700 good adequate B1 basically zero > 20
PVC-P-coated 2020 24500/24500 4450
aramide fibre fabric, project-related, limited adjustability good adequate A2 basically zero > 25
Film Desig- Weight per Tensile Elongation Tear propa- Buckling UV- Building Translucency Useful life
nation unit area strength of film gation stability resistance materials [%] expectancy
[g/m2] of film at tear [%] strength class for fire (years)
to DIN 55352 [N/mm2] to DIN 53455 of film [N/mm] classification nach
to DIN 53455 to DIN 53363 to DIN 4102
ETFE-films 50 µm 87.5 64/56 450/500 450/450 adequate very good B1 up to approx. 95 > 25
80 µm 140 58/54 500/600 450/450
100 µm 175 58/57 550/600 430/440
150 µm 262.5 58/57 600/650 450/430
200 µm 350 52/52 600/600 430/430
THV-film 500 µm 980 22/21 540/560 255/250 good good B1 up to approx. 95 > 20
e f g h
B 1.7.21
B 1.7.22
Information pavilion
Bologna, I, 2003 a
Architect: b
Mario Cucinella, Bologna
º Abitare 03/2003
l'ARCA 10/2003
Architectural Review 10/2003
THE PLAN 004/2003
Leisure studio
Kaakko Laine Liimatainen Tirkkonen, Helsinki
º Baumeister 03/1995
Detail 01/1993
UME 04/1997
Riley, Terence: Light Construction.
Barcelona 1996
a a
Institutional building
Grenoble, F, 1995/2001
Anne Lacaton & Jean Philippe Vassal, Paris
º Bauwelt 16/1996
Detail 12/2002
Architekturzentrum Wien (pub.):
Hintergrund 19. Vienna 2003
b b
1 6 2 7
Section • Plan of
ground floor
scale 1:800
Horizontal section •
Vertical section
scale 1:20
c c
1 3 2 4
11 12 13 14 5
Factory building
Bobingen, D, 1999
Florian Nagler, Munich
º db Sonderheft 06/2000
Detail 03/2001
GLAS 05/2000
Schwarz Ulrich: Neue Deutsche
Architektur. Stuttgart 2002
Herzog, Thomas et al.: Timber Construc-
tion Manual, Basel/Boston/Berlin, 2004
16 17 3
a a b b
15 2
Axonometric view (not to scale) 1 Sheet aluminium capping, bent to suit, 2 mm, 9 Door driveshaft
Section scale 1:200 semi-machined finish 10 Door drive gear
Detail of corner scale 1:5 2 Polycarbonate multiple-web sheets, 40 x 500 mm, 11 Counterweight
Vertical section • Horizontal section U-value = 1.65 W/m2K 12 Solid polycarbonate sheet, 8 mm
scale 1:50 3 Glulam rail, spruce, 60 x 280 mm 13 Safety barrier, 27 mm timber boards on galvanised
4 Round steel bar, 12 mm dia. steel frame
5 Column, 4 No. 120 x 400 mm glulam sections in 14 Glulam facade post, 160 x 400 mm
pairs joined by 40 mm 3-ply core plywood webs 15 Polycarbonate angle, 80 x 80 mm, riveted to No. 2
6 External lighting 16 Spacer piece
7 Steel section, IPE 330 17 Aluminium wind suction anchor, semi-machined
8 Motor for vertical lift door finish
14 c
2 3
13 aa 7 c bb
b b
Artist’s studio
Madrid, E, 2002
Abalos & Herreros, Madrid
Facade design:
Jesus Rodriquez
Section • Plan
• Facade, rooflights and external doors made scale 1:500
from double layer of translucent Vertical section •
polycarbonate corrugated sheet Horizontal section
• Even distribution of daylight is important scale 1:20
because building used as artist’s studio
• Opaque facade areas made from insulated 1 6
reinforced concrete walls clad with single
layer of corrugated sheets 2
• Rear of building let into slope
1 Steel section, IPE 80 5 Steel square hollow
2 Steel rectangular hollow section, 100 x 100 mm
section, 100 x 50 mm 6 Planting to wall:
3 Double layer of reinforcing mat
polycarbonate rigid foam, 50 mm
corrugated sheets with 7 8 4 cc
UV-resistant coating, filter mat
fixed with screws 40 mm thermal insulation,
4 Facade construction: rigid extruded
polycarbonate corruga– polystyrene foam
ted sheets with UV- 1.2 mm waterproofing
resistant coating, fixed 250 mm reinforced
with screws concrete
steel rectangular hollow 46 mm ventilated cavity/ 4
section, 100 x 50 mm battens
30 mm thermal 2 No. 13 mm
insulation, rigid extruded plasterboard
polystyrene foam 7 Steel rectangular hollow
waterproofing section, 100 x 50 mm
250 mm reinforced 8 Door opening: steel
concrete frame/double layer of
46 mm ventilated cavity/ polycarbonate
battens corrugated sheets with
2 No. 13 mm UV-resistant coating
c c
a a
Artist’s studio
Ottobrunn, D, 1993
Peter Haimerl, Munich
Ralph Feldmeier, Maria Laurent
• 6 m high studio with walls and roof Isometric view (not to scale) 6
comprising double-layer membrane cushion Plan • Section scale 1:250
Vertical section • Horizontal section
of PTFE film
scale 1:20
• Sunshading provided by aluminium louvre 7
blinds fitted within membrane cushion 1 Steel square hollow section, 90 x 90 x 8 mm,
with steel flats welded on, 25 x 10 mm
2 Aluminium clamping rail
3 PTFE film as air cushion, double layer, 3
permanently inflated
4 Aluminium louvre blind, natural colour, 8
anodised, fitted between membranes
5 Air supply hose, flexible PVC
6 Aluminium angle, 150 x 50 x 8 mm cc
7 Glass louvre vent
8 Fluorescent tube lighting unit
4 3
a a
c c
Diethard Johannes Siegert, Bad Tölz
a a
1 1
2 2
4 9
6 5 5
1 Diagonal, steel circular hollow A Membrane anchor point
section, 160 mm dia. B Membrane tensioning point
2 Steel flat spacer piece, 120 mm
3 Supporting construction, 50 x 12 Plan • Section
100 mm aluminium tube, scale 1:1000
bolted to No. 2 Vertical section, scale 1:20
4 Clamping strip, 20 x 90 mm, Details of fixing
screwed to No. 3, no piping to scale 1:5
edge of membrane
5 ETFE film membrane, printed,
78% transparency, in approx. 13
1500 mm wide sections
6 Aluminium cover strip for No. 4,
70 x 3 mm
7 Threaded bar for adjustment, 11
8 Aluminium tube, 15 x 100 mm
9 Round aluminium bar, 30 mm
dia., membrane re-tensioned by
adjusting No. 7
10 Sheet metal capping, bent to 14
11 Welded seams between
sections of membrane
12 Steel circular hollow section,
160 mm dia.
13 Hydraulic cylinder
14 Steel square hollow section, 40
x 40 x 2 mm
15 Air inlet/outlet, 2 No. 5 mm
laminated safety glass
Grimshaw, London
Facade consultants: 14
Montresor Partnership, Chippenham
b 5
5 1
a a
8 7
Atkins, Epsom
º Bauwelt 44/1998
DBZ 07/2000
Fassade / Façade 01/2001
a a
2 1 2
12 13
6 17
1 Horizontal beam, special channel section, 8 Horizontal steel cable providing support to
500 x 120 mm membrane
9 2 Aluminium clamping rail, fixed with screws 9 Lattice girder of steel rectangular hollow
3 Angle, 60 x 60 x 4 mm sections, 125 x 270 x 12 mm, fixed with
4 Inner and outer leaves: bolts to T-section, 150 x 10 mm
120 mm sandwich panel, comprising 10 Steel circular hollow section, 400 mm dia.
4 mm aluminium 11 Steel angle, 100 x 100 mm
vapour barrier 12 Aluminium panel, 215 mm, with integral
60 mm thermal insulation vapour barrier and thermal insulation
4 mm aluminium 13 Steel channel, 152 x 76 mm
200 mm thermal insulation between panels 14 Brush seal to prevent ingress of dust
5 Steel flat, 150 x 10 mm 15 Movable connection, extruded aluminium
6 Rail for cleaning apparatus, 80 mm dia. steel section with EPDM seal
tube on steel flat bracket 16 Steel channel
7 Membrane element made from PTFE-glass 17 Double glazing
fibre fabric, two layers, 18 Corner trim, special aluminium section
0.6–0.7 mm, white, with fluoropolymer 19 Column, steel circular hollow section,
protective coating both sides, 280 mm dia.
bb UV-resistant, 500 mm air cavity in between
The glass double facade
The glass double facade
1st level Window system in fenestrated Facade added in front Glass double facade systems
(position facades (2nd glass leaf positioned (2nd glass leaf installed in front of (2nd glass leaf extends over entire
of 2nd glass within external wall function) external wall in some areas) external wall)
2nd level Ventilation openings Ventilation openings No ventilation Ventilation openings Ventilation openings Ventilation openings No ventilation
(position of in both leaves in inner leaf openings in both leaves in both leaves in inner leaf openings
storm windows, exhaust-air lean-to conservatory, glass double
secondary glazing exhaust-air facade buffer facade
double windows windows oriel, glazed loggia facade
3rd level Facade cavity Facade cavity subdivided Facade cavity subdivided
(subdivision not subdivided horizontally vertically and/or horizontally
of facade)
B 2.1.6
The glass double facade
(figs. B 2.1.2 to 2.1.5) and secondary glazing. Window systems in fenestrate facades – they are completely protected from the
However, such window systems have played ventilation openings in both leaves: weather. Another major advantage of the
only a minor role in the modern building in- exhaust-air window is the opportunity to
dustry since the introduction of insulating Storm windows minimise the radiation-related cooling loads in
glazing and the associated improvement in In this type of window a second single-glazed the interior because radiation heat gains are
thermal insulation properties. Only a few build- window is placed in front of an existing single- dissipated directly by the flow of exhaust air
ings with air conditioning, e.g., museums, still glazed window during the cold months in order through the cavity. However, these two
make use of exhaust-air windows. to improve the thermal performance. This advantages can only be accomplished by
second window is usually fitted flush with the using mechanical energy to force the exhaust
Second glass leaf positioned in front of outer face of the external wall (fig. B 2.1.3). air through the cavity, and this aspect usually
parts of the external wall leads to an increased capital outlay and higher
Characteristic of these windows is the way the operating costs than in buildings without a
One intrinsic feature of outer leaves is the thermal insulation properties of the window can mechanical ventilation system (fig. B 2.1.7).
positioning of a second glass envelope at a be adapted to suit the season. Daily tempera-
considerable distance from (in front of) the ture fluctuations are, however, not taken into Window systems in fenestrate facades –
actual external wall. This creates a zone with an account [6]. no ventilation openings in the leaves:
intermediate temperature suitable for temporary
uses [5]. A glass envelope in front of just parts Double windows Secondary glazing
of the external wall has a considerable effect These consist of two, usually single-glazed, This consists of two windows, one fitted directly
on the appearance of the facade, although the opening lights, fitted one behind the other. The behind the other, without any true cavity. As the
actual external wall is generally still recognis- gap between the two opening lights is approx. two lights cannot be separated, except for
able as the true building envelope. Outer 100–200 mm. In many instances separate cleaning purposes, in contrast to the double
leaves of this kind include lean-to conservato- opening lights within the frame or integral window there is no chance of adapting the
ries, oriels and glazed loggias. The opport- bottom-hung (hopper) lights at the top of the window to changing external conditions over
unities mentioned above mean that these window provide night-time ventilation. Such an the course of a day or a year.
facade systems are still met with frequently arrangement ensures that protection against
today. rain or intruders is still maintained. The thermal Facade with outer leaf –
and acoustic properties, as well as the air ventilation openings in both leaves:
Second glass leaf extends over the change rate, are easily adapted to changing
entire external wall external conditions over the course of the day. Generally, facades with outer leaves have
ventilation openings in both the inner leaf and
In this facade variation there is a second plane Window systems in fenestrate facades – the outer leaf, thereby guaranteeing a natural
of glazing either in front of or behind the actual ventilation openings in the inner leaf: exchange of air. The following types of facade
glass facade. This multi-leaf glass facade belong to this category:
construction is generally called a “glass double Exhaust-air windows
facade”, but this term is not necessarily linked In the exhaust-air window the conventional Lean-to conservatory
with any particular functional properties. These functions of the window are combined with the A single-glazed glass leaf is built at a large
glass double facades include exhaust-air tasks of interior climate control by allowing the distance from the actual external wall. This
facades and buffer facades. Although the exhaust air from the interior to escape via the creates a zone with an intermediate tempera-
design of these different types of facade can cavity of a double window arrangement. The ture which can be used for a whole range of
be very similar, they differ quite distinctly with outer glazing is generally made of insulating uses (fig. B 2.1.9). This zone can act as a
regard to the natural ventilation options. glass in order to avoid transmission heat losses. thermal buffer, as an “airlock” for preheating
As it flows through the cavity, the warmer the incoming air, but can also make use of the
Arrangement of ventilation openings interior air causes the surface temperature of solar energy directly [7].
in inner and outer leaves the inner pane to rise. This results in a distinct
improvement in the level of comfort near the Oriel, bow or bay window, glazed loggia
The arrangement of the ventilation openings windows, especially during the colder months. Like the lean-to conservatory, these features
governs the type of system, as described At the same time, the cavity can be used to create zones with an intermediate temperature.
below: accommodate sunshading devices, which can The window openings enable the external
even be lowered during strong winds because envelope to be harmonised with the facade
The glass double facade
functions, such as exchange of air, summer Curtain wall facade systems – Curtain wall facade systems –
and winter thermal performance and sound ventilation openings in both leaves: ventilation openings in the inner leaf:
Glass double facade Exhaust-air facade
One important difference from the lean-to The main feature of the glass double facade is Like the exhaust-air window, in the exhaust-air
conservatory is, however, is the positioning with the arrangement of the second leaf in front of facade the warm interior air flows through the
respect to the actual facade. As a rule, oriels, the actual external wall in such a way that facade cavity and back to a central air-
bow/bay windows and glazed loggias are natural ventilation is still possible. Normally, the conditioning plant [9]. Here, the outer leaf
positioned in a direct functional relationship outer leaf is suspended in front of the wall as a ensures not only weather protection, thermal
with the adjoining room, forming a unit in terms non-loadbearing element (fig. B 2.1.12). insulation and adequate daylight, but in its
of heat, ventilation and sound requirements. Compared with single-leaf facades, this function as an air duct should also be con-
arrangement usually improves the sound and sidered a part of the air-conditioning system
The zone of intermediate temperature is thermal insulation properties while also allowing (fig. B 2.1.13).
therefore directly linked to the warmer interior natural ventilation even in locations with high
air, which means that – in contrast to the lean- wind speeds [8]. The glass double facade To reduce transmission heat losses, the outer
to conservatory – permanent (year-round) includes shaft, corridor and double-window leaf usually makes use of insulating glazing.
utilisation is possible (fig. B 2.1.11). facades, likewise facades in which the outer The advantages of this type of facade are very
leaf is positioned at some considerable similar to the aforementioned benefits of the
distance from the external wall (atrium, exhaust-air window.
building-in-building principle).
Curtain wall facade systems –
no ventilation openings in either leaf:
Buffer facade
A buffer facade in the form of a second glass
skin provides additional screening of the
interior against certain external conditions
without impairing the daylight utilisation (fig.
B 2.1.14).
The glass double facade
• uninterrupted glass double facades • Behaviour in fire: In functional terms, these facade variations
• interrupted glass double facades Flames and smoke can spread throughout exhibit similar properties. However, the position
the facade cavity unhindered. of the curtain wall in relation to the actual fabric
Glass double facades with an uninterrupted • Thermal performance: of the building leads to differences in terms of
cavity: A noticeable temperature gradient from the their construction, architecture and utilisation.
highest to the lowest point can ensue within
the facade cavity. The magnitude of this Non-segmented glass double facade
The following types of facade belong to this gradient depends on the vertical dimension In this variation, a second glass skin is built in
group: of the cavity, and the stack effect (thermal front of the actual external wall and the cavity is
buoyancy) can be exploited in summer to not subdivided for ventilation purposes. From
• non-segmented glass double facade improve the flow of air through the cavity. the design point of view, this is one of the
• atrium However, an inadequate flow of air very simplest forms. However, the uninterrupted
• building-in-building principle quickly leads to high air temperatures at the facade cavity calls for more stringent require-
top of the cavity, which affects the adjoining ments to prevent the spread of odours, sound,
An uninterrupted cavity results in the following rooms. The simple controllability of the air flames and smoke internally, especially in multi-
performance characteristics: change rate and the buffer effect of the storey facades.
facade are, however, beneficial effects. The
• Acoustic performance: inclusion of ventilation flaps at the base and Atrium
Sound can propagate unhindered throughout at the eaves is an adequate way of varying Frequently referred to as a climate buffer, this
the facade cavity, which can lead to the cross-sectional area of the ventilation type of glass skin exhibits properties similar to
problems in the adjoining rooms. inlets and outlets. those of the lean-to conservatory, but normally
adjoins the building on at least two sides, and
can even be surrounded by the building com-
pletely. This results in an intensive interaction
between the glass atrium and the surrounding
wall surfaces (figs B 2.1.16 and 2.1.19).
Building-in-building principle
In this type of multi-leaf transparent building
envelope, the glass skin surrounds the building
completely (fig. B 2.1.20). Solar energy can be
used directly to raise the ambient temperature
of parts of the building within the envelope,
whereas transmission and ventilation heat
losses are reduced. Just like the lean-to
conservatory and the atrium, the biggest
advantage is the creation of a multi-purpose
zone with an intermediate temperature. Air can
circulate unhindered within the envelope, and
this internal air circulation raises the
B 2.1.19
The glass double facade
temperature of less sunny areas quite consider- allows the buffer effect of the facade to be regul- in the vertical direction can be minimised by
ably compared to the external air [10]. ated. In comparison to uninterrupted facades, offsetting the ventilation openings diagonally,
however, more work is required because a as with the corridor facade. The most important
Glass double facades with an interrupted cavity: large number of ventilation openings is neces- advantages of this type of facade are the
sary. avoidance of spread-of-fire and sound insula-
We distinguish between the following tion problems because the vertical and hori-
variations: Shaft facade zontal separating elements are normally
In contrast to the corridor facade, the shaft aligned with the interior layout. In contrast to
• corridor facade facade employs vertical separating elements to non-segmented glass double facades and
• shaft facade subdivide the facade cavity. The inner leaf of shaft facades, it is virtually impossible to exploit
• double-window facade the facade alternates between shaft-like facade the stack effect to help move the air through
zones with a closed inner leaf, and sections the facade cavity. Adequately sized ventilation
The common feature of these facade systems designed like double windows with opening openings are therefore essential if overheating
is the way they influence the functional charac- lights. The construction therefore represents a problems are to be avoided (fig. B 2.1.26).
teristics of the facade, although this depends combination of non-segmented glass double
on whether the facade cavity is subdivided facade in the shaft zones and double-window
horizontally, vertically or in both directions. The facade in the areas with opening lights (fig. Costs and benefits
effects are most noticeable in terms of the be- B 2.1.25). The temperature differential that
haviour in fire and the acoustic performance, ensues in the shafts and the resulting stack Glass double facade systems, depending on
but the nature and controllability of the flow of effect are exploited to improve the exchange of their design and construction, exhibit a wide
air through the cavity is also affected. air between the cavity and the rooms behind. range of functional characteristics which would
appear to favour their use over single-leaf
Corridor facade External air enters at the bottom of the double facades. The merits of such facades are:
Here, the facade cavity is subdivided by window, which is also the location of the open-
horizontal walkways alongside the floors of the ing light to the adjoining room. The exhaust-air • natural ventilation options in very windy
adjoining rooms. These form accessible outlets are situated at the top of the elements locations
corridors within the facade in every storey (fig. closing off the shaft section which, due to the • avoidance of sick building syndrome due to
B 2.1.21). The supply air generally flows along thermosiphon effect, is subjected to a marginal better opportunities to realise user-controlled
the bottom part of each storey, while the negative pressure. A suction draft ensues which natural ventilation
exhaust air leaves the facade corridor at the removes the stale air and simultaneously re- • enhanced comfort because of the higher
top. To minimise the risk of the outgoing plenishes with external air. surface temperature of the inside of the
exhaust air and the incoming supply air facade during cold weather
becoming mixed, the ventilation openings must Again, however, this type of facade suffers from • improvements to the energy balance thanks
be offset laterally or an adequate vertical spread-of-fire problems, the risk of supply and to the option of night-time cooling of
spacing guaranteed (fig. B 2.1.24). The extra exhaust air becoming mixed during unfavour- buildings with exposed thermal masses
construction necessitated by this type of able weather conditions, and internal sound • better use of and protection for sunshading
facade is minimal compared to the non- transmission problems. devices
segmented glass double facade, but it does • better sound insulation in noisy locations
allow a series of building performance pro- Double-window facade • the opportunity for storey-height glazing to
blems to be substantially reduced or even In terms of its construction, this type of glass optimise daylight utilisation
avoided altogether. Spread-of-fire requirements double facade is the most complicated
can be met by providing a suitably designed because the cavity is separated horizontally, Owing to the risk of spread of fire in high-rise
corridor floor or ceiling. The segmentation storey by storey, and also vertically, to form buildings, this last benefit can only be achieved
prevents a build-up of heat at the top of the shaft-like sections. Like the conventional double by including horizontal fire barriers in the form
facade. The problem of internal sound trans- window, each individual window element is a of, for example, a cantilevered floor slab.
mission has not been completely solved, but discrete unit, with no ventilation links to the Otherwise, fire-resistant spandrel panels must
with a suitable design, sound transmission in neighbouring elements. Each of these facade be incorporated, which not only limit the
the vertical direction is virtually eliminated. As units has its own supply-air and exhaust-air amount of incoming daylight but are often
with the uninterrupted glass double facades, openings. The risk of short-circuiting the undesirable from the architectural viewpoint.
the inclusion of controllable ventilation flaps incoming and outgoing air flows between units When using insulating glazing for the outer leaf,
The glass double facade
B 2.1.23
the fire barrier can be realised very inexpensive- constructional issues must be matched exactly • Designing the floor of the facade cavity as a
ly by means of a cantilevered floor slab, to the functional profile. Generalisations must non-loadbearing element or for cleaning
because the enhanced thermal insulation therefore always be considered critically with loads only
properties of the external glazing obviate the regard to the respective individual solution. • The use of closed external wall components
need for a complicated thermal break in the to prevent the spread of fire
floor slab. The following aspects may turn out to be • Keeping the number of different types of
especially important when optimising the costs construction to a minimum
On the other hand, feasibility studies that point of a multi-leaf glass facade and should be • The use of prefabricated facade components
out the poor “profitability” of the second leaf are investigated in each individual case to assess to achieve further cost savings on larger
frequently cited. The studies mainly concen- their relevance [11]: projects
trate on the extra cost of the additional glass
leaf, which can amount to between 30 and • The use of standard components or near- One important factor in the cost-benefit analy-
100% of the cost of a single-leaf facade con- standard components sis is the everyday running costs of such a
struction, depending on the size and nature of • The inclusion of simple, manually operated facade. The cost of cleaning, operation,
the project, and where the construction details opening elements maintenance, inspection and upkeep are the
are a major issue. However, such deliberations • Sizing the facade cavity with respect to the main issues here. It should be realised that it is
must be considered in the light of the simplifi- functional requirements in terms of interstitial not necessary to clean the double facade any
cation of the inner glass facade in terms of the sunshading devices and cleaning options more often than a single-leaf design.
construction, thermal, acoustic and fire aspects. • Sizing the facade cavity with respect to the
In order to arrive at a costs-optimised design functional requirements in terms of interstitial
irrespective of the type of construction chosen, sunshading devices and cleaning options
B 2.1.24
B 2.1.25 B 2.1.26
The glass double facade
[1] Staib, Gerald: From the origins to classical moder- In terms of the operating times of an air-conditioning
However, it should be remembered that system, we can assume that it is not necessary to
nism; in: Schittich, Christian et al.: Glass Construction
profitability calculations should not be based Manual, Munich/Basel, 1998, p. 10. use the system at all on days with an outside air
on the level of investment and operating costs [2] The first references to this type of construction are temperature between 5 and 22°C. In the case of
alone, but instead should include user satis- found in a publication on building dating from 1691 Düsseldorf this accounts for 63% of the occupancy
(Davilers: Cours d’Architecture); see: Lietz, Sabine: time of the building; during 29% of the year it is
faction, staff productivity and potential savings
Das Fenster des Barock, Munich/Berlin, 1982, colder than 5°C when the building is occupied, and
in the (much shorter-lived) air-conditioning and p. 123. temperatures exceeding 22°C occur during only 8%
heating systems in order to obtain a complete [3] Kröling, Peter: Das Sick-Building-Syndrom in klima- of the occupancy time over the year; see: Thiel,
picture. The great variety of systems available tisierten Gebäuden: Symptome, Ursachen und Pro- Dieter: Doppelfasssaden – ein Bestandteil energe-
calls for a precise definition of the require- phylaxe; in: Innenraum Belastungen: erkennen, tisch optimierter und emissionsarmer Bürogebäude;
bewerten, sanieren, Wiesbaden/Berlin, 1993, in: proceedings of the workshop “Lichtlenkende
ments profile for the functions of the glass Bauteile” and the International Forum for Innovative
pp. 22–37.
double facade in each case in order to [4] Lang, Werner: Zur Typologie mehrschaliger Gebäude- Facade Technology, Institute of Light and Building
guarantee satisfactory solutions for all areas hüllen aus Glas; in: Detail 7/1998, pp. 1225–32. Technology, Cologne Polytechnic (pub.), Cologne,
when deciding on the design. The glass [5] The intermediate temperature zone and building 1995, p. 30.
envelopes is dealt with at length in: Herzog, [9] First references to the effects and potential appli-
double facade is in a position to achieve
Thomas; Natterer, Julius (ed.): Gebäudehüllen aus cations of multi-leaf glass walls with internal air
notable improvements in the level of comfort Glas und Holz. Maßnahmen zur energiebewussten circulation can be found as early as 1929; in:
and the energy balance in windy, noisy or Erweiterung von Wohnhäusern, Lausanne, 1986. Le Corbusier: Precisions on the Present State of
polluted locations. Nevertheless, the success [6] Zimmermann, Markus: Fenster im Fenster; in: Detail Architecture and City Planning (English translation:
of a glass double facade depends to a not 4/1996, pp. 484–89. E. Schrieber, 1991).
[7] A detailed description of the main interactions [10] An overview of the options for improving the air with
inconsiderable extent on the skills of the internal planting can be found in: Daniels, Klaus:
between energy transmission and energy storage
design team, which should not regard this can be found in: ibid [5], pp. 4–11. Technology of Ecological Building, Basel/Boston/
facade system as just an isolated subsystem [8] Depending on location and building design, we can Berlin, 1997, pp. 194–97.
but rather as a part of the entire structure in assume that in office buildings the operating times [11] An interesting discussion of the economic issues
of mechanical ventilation systems can be reduced with respect to glass double facades can be found
terms of its interaction with users, building
to 35% of the occupancy time of the building when in: Oesterle, et al.: Doppelschalige Fassaden:
services, construction and energy balance. Ganzheitliche Planung, Munich, 1999, pp. 178–98.
natural ventilation is possible; see: Werkbericht 12.
Gebäudetechnik für die Zukunft – “weniger ist mehr”, [12] ibid, p. 187.
pub. by HL-Technik AG, Munich, 1994, pp. 39–53.
The glass double facade
Eisenwerke München, Munich
Richard Steiff, Giengen an der Brenz
Plan of 1st floor • Section, scale 1:500 1 Battened columns, steel channels sections with 8
Horizontal section, scale 1:20 riveted webs (secondary structure) and fixing 9
Details of facade post, scale 1:5 lugs
2 Compound corner column (primary structure)
3 Facade post, IPE 130 x 80 mm steel section,
with fixing lug riveted on
4 Fixing lug, riveted to No. 3 7 6
5 Facade rail, steel channel section, 60 x 140 mm
6 Transverse beam, IPE 140 x 70 mm 10
steel section
7 Clay hollow pot floor with concrete topping and
wooden floorboards on battens
8 Glazing bar, steel T-section,
20 x 30 or 25 x 30 mm
9 Putty
10 Outer glazing to curtain wall extends over all
aa 11 Storey-height inner glazing, 3 mm obscured
6 11
a a
8 9 10 cc
The glass double facade
Rafael Moneo, Madrid
º Detail 03/2000
domus 722, 1990
El Croquis 98, 2000: special edition –
Rafael Moneo, 1995–2000
The glass double facade
3 7
4 12
6 8
1 Curved glass panes, laminated safety glass, 2500 x
600 mm, made from translucent 4-5 mm rolled glass
plus 19 mm sandblasted float glass, vertical joints
sealed with silicone
2 Glazing bar, extruded aluminium, glass bonded with
silicone adhesive
2 Hole for drainage and pressure equalisation,
1 shielded from the wind on the outside
4 Cast aluminium section
5 Translucent silicone sealant
7 6 White silicone sealant
7 Extruded aluminium rail
8 Stainless steel bolt
9 Aluminium bracket, adjustable in three directions
10 Facade post, extruded aluminium section,
9 50 x 140 mm
11 Sandblasted laminated safety glass, made from
2 No. 6 mm float glass, pane size 2500 x 600 mm
11 12 Glazing cap, aluminium with cedar wood cover strip
13 Facade post, extruded aluminium section,
14 50 x 100 mm
12 14 Loadbearing structure made from sheet steel,
10 welded, with fire-resistant coating
15 Roof edge trim, sheet aluminium, bent to suit
13 and insulated
16 Cladding, aluminium profile, 20 x 40 x 500 x 5 mm
17 Cladding cut to match curve of glass
18 Aluminium trim, 30 x 250 x 330 x 10 mm
19 Cedar wood soffit
7 20 Insulating glass, 2 No. 16 mm laminated safety glass
21 Fair-face concrete plinth
The glass double facade
b b
a a
The glass double facade
4 5
8 7
The glass double facade
Gelsenkirchen, D, 1995
Pfeiffer Ellermann und Partner, Lüdinghausen
Andrzej Bleszynski, Axel Rüdiger
Structural engineers:
Spiess Schäfer Keck, Dortmund
Interior climate concept:
Kahlert, Haltern
º Bauwelt 27/1996
Byggekunst 08/1998
GLAS 06/1996
a a 6 7
b b
3 6 4
8 9
Plan of upper floor, scale 1:400
Horizontal section • Vertical section
scale 1:20
Details, scale 1:5
The glass double facade
Lechwiesen, D, 1997
Herzog + Partner, Munich
with Arthur Schankula, Roland Schneider
º db 04/1998
Herzog, Thomas: Architektur +
Technologie. Munich/ London / New York
Herzog, Thomas et al.: Timber Construc-
tion Manual, Basel/Boston/Bonn, 2004,
p. 233
• Multi-purpose, double-leaf glass facade pro-
vides sound insulation and acts as air duct in
• In winter the stale air from the interior is drawn 2
downwards through the facade cavity and fed A 4
to the heat recovery system 5
• This heats up the inner glass surfaces during
cold weather to improve the level of comfort 6 3
• Height-adjustable parapet at top of double-
leaf glass facade enables hot interior air to
escape in summer
• Interior layout and roof pitch optimised to suit
flow requirements 7
9 13
The glass double facade
Stuttgart, D, 1996
Behnisch Sabatke Behnisch, Stuttgart
Project architect:
Carmen Lenz
º Bauwelt 43–44/1996
GLAS Sonderheft 02/1997
Knaack, Ulrich: Konstruktiver Glasbau.
Cologne, 1998
Schittich, Christian et al.: Glass Con-
struction Manual, Munich/Basel, 1998
The glass double facade
7 6 5 4 3
12 13
16 15
The glass double facade
Office building
schneider+schumacher, Frankfurt am Main
a a
The glass double facade
3 9 7
8 4 dd
1 Sheet aluminium capping, 5
c c 3 mm
2 Sheet aluminium, 2 mm
3 Outer pane, 12 mm
toughened safety glass
4 4 Window frame and light: 4 3
extruded aluminium section,
with thermal break
glazing: 6 mm toughened d d
safety glass + 14 mm cavity +
8 mm laminated safety glass
5 Water pipes for heating/
cooling ceiling, 20 mm dia.
6 Grating over air inlet to open-
plan area
7 Slits for equalising differential
air pressures
8 Ventilation flap:
sheet aluminium facing both
sides, with magnetic seal
9 Electric drive
10 Lightweight clay masonry
The glass double facade
Stadttor development
Düsseldorf, D, 1997
Draft design and planning permission:
Overdiek Petzinka und Partner, Düsseldorf
Working drawings and realisation:
Petzinka Pink und Partner, Düsseldorf
Structural engineers:
Ove Arup und Partner, Düsseldorf
Facade consultant:
Erich Mosbacher, Friedrichshafen
A B aa
A Winter
ventilation elements:
closed at night (thermal insulation function) and open
during the day (for preheating external air); preheated
air fed into atrium
B Summer
ventilation elements:
open; temperature of cooling ceiling adjusted by
means of cool air from underground
The glass double facade
3 18
c b 12 13
5 19
a 20
6 2
c c
11 12
13 14
The glass double facade
Hannover, D, 1999
Principle of natural air
flows via corridor facade
Architects: (wind blowing from the
Herzog + Partner, Munich north)
with Roland Schneider A Winter
B Summer
º Detail 03/2000 + Wind pressure
Herzog, Thomas (ed.): – Wind suction
Nachhaltige Höhe – Sustainable Height. ––o Facade opening,
Munich/ London / New York 2000 temperature sensor
controls air flow in
corridor facade
>>> Supply air
$ Exhaust-air duct
The glass double facade
Plans • Section
1 scale 1:1000
2 Vertical sections • Horizontal sections
scale 1:20
The glass double facade
RWE headquarters
• Height of building = 127 m, diameter = 32 m
• Reinforced concrete structure
• Storey-height glazing to optimise daylight
• 8.40 m high facade at ground floor level,
extra-clear glass with countersunk screw
fixings, insulating glazing with toughened
safety glass outside and laminated safety
glass inside, supply air routed via facade
posts made from aluminium tubes
• Centrally controlled sunshades (in facade 21 30
cavity) and anti-glare blinds (in rooms) 31
• Standard floor with prefabricated double-
window facade for natural ventilation,
1970 x 3591 mm
• Alternate fixed and sliding (manually
operated) glazed elements
18 19
• Multi-functional ventilation element at floor bb
level with air inlets and outlets offset laterally
24 23
a Plan of standard floor, scale 1:1000
all facade sections scale 1:20
The glass double facade
10 Multi-functional ceiling element, stove-enamelled 21 Inner facade, storey-height heat-absorbing glass,
sheet metal, partly perforated extra-clear glass in aluminium frame 3
11 Underfloor convector 22 Silicone joint on backer rod
12 Hinged, upward-opening plain sheet aluminium 23 Insulating glazing, 10 mm toughened safety glass +
(perforated in neighbouring bay), 4 mm, anodised, 14 mm cavity +12 mm laminated safety glass
natural colour 24 Stainless steel countersunk screw fixing
13 Walkway for cleaning and inspection 25 Aluminium facade post
14 Butt joint for erection purposes 26 Metal grating
15 Fixing for travelling cradle 27 Adjustable base to post
16 Horizontal ventilation slit with aluminium air flow guide 28 Aluminium glazing bar
louvres, anodised, natural colour 29 Prefabricated office partition, 175 mm, perforated
17 EPDM gasket beech panels, matt finish
18 Outer facade, 10 mm toughened safety glass, extra- 30 Sliding door element in alternate bays, with crank
clear glass handle for opening 5
19 Stainless steel countersunk screw fixing 31 Facade divider, toughened extra-clear safety glass
20 Facade post, aluminium section, 50 x 120 mm
11 10
14 16
b b
7 25
c c
26 28 26
B 2.2 Manipulators This section describes the components of the can adjust the internal climate without any
building by which the nature and magnitude of appreciable inflow of energy from the outside.
internal and external influencing factors – plus This is similar to the way in which we are
their interaction – can be influenced. On the accustomed to using clothing.
one hand, where the external wall is a plain,
unbroken surface, it acts as a divider between In addition, operated correctly, a drastic reduc-
the interior and exterior climates. But on the tion in the other means employed to influence
other hand, its colour, its materials, its dimen- the interior climate is the logical and desirable
sions and its proportions can turn it into a means consequence. As a rule, the “other means” are
of intermediate storage for flows of energy technical systems for heating, cooling, ventil-
between inside and outside, in both directions. ating, lighting, and so on.
When openings are also included, permeable The ongoing development of these systems in
for light, heat, air and views, these are the the building envelope, which are already avail-
criteria that determine the quality of the interior able, is – chiefly for architects – an urgent and
conditions. worthwhile task, owing to the interplay involved
with the entire building–energy balance. The
The interplay between the external climate role of the architect has always been defined
(weather, day/night rhythm, seasons, etc.) and as the person responsible for the overall
the internal variables (heat sources, constant or composition and hence also for the overall
changing moisture levels, etc.) therefore results optimisation of a structure, including the proper
in conditions within the building that are gener- integration of the relevant subsystems.
ally very different to the extreme conditions of
the external climate and come rather closer to Light-permeable components (windows)
the level of comfort desirable in the interior. In the past, besides glass, other materials were
also used as an infill for light-permeable window
Depending on demands and requirements, the areas: alabaster, marble, animal horn and
characteristics of the openings, which are the skins, canvas, paper, and so on.
preferred means of enabling an exchange of It was the Romans who, by using glass, first
air, light, heat and moisture, can be intention- turned the window opening into a technologic-
ally designed to be variable. Increasing or ally developed part of the building. However,
decreasing the permeability hence becomes a up until the eleventh or twelfth century a glazed
control measure. As a result, we are given the window opening was the exception.
opportunity to manipulate the internal climate
through the operation of appropriate, variable The first translucent or transparent windows
components. were generally immovable items. Although
side-hung opening lights have been known
Doors and windows are the simplest and best- from ancient times, they are regarded as an
known forms of such “manipulators” [1]. Their invention of the Middle Ages. Sliding windows
changing degree of openness/closure and the in which the opening light moves horizontally
materials of their construction have had a and parallel to the plane of the window first
fundamental influence on the interior climate appeared in the thirteenth century.
and the appearance of the facade since time
immemorial. Non-light-permeable components
The simplest form of non-light-permeable infill
So it stands to reason that effects like the to a window opening is the shutter. Throughout
greenhouse effect (a temperature rise in the history, shutters of wood, stone and iron have
interior due to solar energy entering via trans- been used as an infill to the window opening,
parent areas in the building envelope, using sometimes to provide additional protection (fig.
the natural solar radiation in temperature B 2.2.3). The different types are distinguished
ranges much higher than the temperature of by the ways they are fitted and used [2]:
the air outside) are just as achievable as they
are avoidable. In the case of an undesirable • loose shutters: panel-type screening arrange-
heat gain, this is can be avoided by operating ments clamped in position as required
the sunshading devices accordingly. At the • folding shutters: fitted above or below the
same time, this temporary protection against window by means of hinges, first used in the
the heat – as with means of darkening the twelfth century
interior – is one way the user can have a direct • hinged shutters: fixed to hinges at the side of
influence on the thermal and lighting conditions the window, used since ancient times
in the building, with the option of regulating the • horizontal sliding shutters: fitted internally or
changes as required at any time. externally in a frame, mostly for smaller win-
Manipulators have become increasingly im- dow openings, first used in classical Greek
portant in conjunction with the conscious use of architecture
environmental energy sources, especially solar • vertical sliding shutters: fitted above or below
energy. Depending on internal requirements the window and usually let into the facade
B 2.2.1 Apartment block, Square Mozart, Paris (F), and the external climatic conditions, manual, cladding, found primarily in eastern Switzer-
1954, Jean Prouvé regulatory corrections to the building envelope land in the fifteenth to eighteenth centuries [3].
1st level
Permeability pro- Wall surface
perties (air, radiation)
Besides horizontal sliding and hinged shutters When classifying types of manipulators, we
(the latter often referred to as folding shutters in need to consider them on three different levels:
colloquial speech), the following types are also
common: • permeability of the elements
• movability of the elements
• roller shutters and louvre blinds: made from • subdivision and “storage” of the elements
B 2.2.3 narrow transverse slats attached in a row to (change in volume/size)
cords or chains, known since the eighteenth
century Permeability
• louvre shutters: hinged shutters with infills of We can distinguish areas according to their
angled (sometimes movable) horizontal slats permeability to air, light, heat and moisture, or
for regulating the amount of light and air their lack (or virtual lack) of permeability.
admitted, known since the early eighteenth The properties with respect to permeability can
century, mainly in France be:
B 2.2.5
unchanged unchanged
perpendicular to
plane of facade
unchanged unchanged unchanged unchanged unchanged
vertical axis
B 2.2.6
Elements with variable properties can be sub-
divided into: reduced reduced reduced reduced
Folding horizontal (pivoting-sliding)
• stationary elements
• non-stationary elements
• no change
• reduced
• substantially reduced
B 2.2.7
B 2.2.8
Normally, the manipulator consists of one or the elements to be accommodated. Efficient ventilation. With a pivoting movement on the
more parts, and each part can be further sub- regulation of the interior conditions is then other hand, the possibilities in this respect are
divided into two or more parts. This fact, possible when the components for controlling more limited (please refer to chapter A 2.2
combined with the type of movement, results in lighting, acoustic and thermal variables can be “Edges, openings”).
the different states, and hence the performance operated independently of each other – as is
profiles of the areas with variable properties. indeed the case with their historical predecessors. Applications
The stored size has a direct influence on the Virtually all the materials employed in the
operation. Besides the functional properties, Control of manipulators construction industry are used in the multitude
the stored size is the other factor responsible Manipulators may be operated manually or of manipulator forms. The infill materials may
for the constructional and architectural aspects. mechanically. Manual operation is carried out be solid (panels, sheets, fabrics with and
by the occupants of the building to suit their without frames, etc.) or semi-solid (vertical/
Further distinguishing features requirements. Depending on the movement horizontal louvres, adjustable or rigid, per-
We can make further distinctions on a fourth mechanisms and the effort needed, it is pos- forated sheet metal, etc.).
level, e.g.: sible to operate several manipulators simultane-
ously. In addition, it is possible to achieve a wealth of
• position in relation to the climate boundary: combinations of individual components and
outside and clear of the opening, outside and When a mechanical drive is provided, manipu- different positions with respect to the climate
integrated into the plane of the window, lators can be controlled automatically, and this boundary:
inside type of operation must be taken into account in
• position in relation to the opening: developing the energy concept of the building. • horizontal sliding shutters
above, central, below, to the side, on one or In such situations, the occupants can usually • vertical sliding shutters
more sides carry out individual adjustments within a certain • external side-hung shutters
range. • internal side-hung shutters
These arrangements have a direct effect on As a result of the combination of various ele- • top- or bottom-hung shutters
functional issues. For example, an anti-glare ments, regulating the permeability of the build- • horizontal shutters folding to top or bottom
device mounted above the opening can pre- ing envelope may also contribute to optimising • vertical shutters folding to side(s) (with or
vent daylight reaching the far corners of a both the comfort of occupants and the consump- without ventilation openings)
room. A sunshading device fitted internally tion of energy. • horizontal shutters folding to middle
can lead to undesirable heat gains. • horizontal louvres
States of manipulators • push-out window
Type and direction of movement Apart from the closed and the open state, • side-hung opening lights
The fundamental types of movement for ele- manipulators are able to assume intermediate • horizontal sliding windows
ments in the facade were classified in chapter states. Depending on the type of movement, it • vertical sliding windows
A 2.2 “Edges, openings” with respect to the is therefore possible to effect a fine control of • folding windows
movement mechanisms for windows. The types the permeability property. To appreciate this • gathered awnings
of movement employed for manipulators are characteristic we need only to think of hinged • roller awnings
often a combination of various movement shutters and louvre blinds; both of these can
principles. Fig. B 2.2.7 illustrates the variety of be used to regulate the amount of incoming Through their movement, the use of manipu-
movement options for manipulators, along with light. In the case of hinged shutters, regulating lators leads to changes in the appearance. The
the direction of movement [6]. This overview is the relationship with the outside world is function of varying the permeability thus has a
based on the types of movement met with in possible only to a limited extent, whereas with crucial effect on the architecture of the facade.
practice, but does not claim to be exhaustive. louvre blinds the amount of incoming light can
be finely controlled and hence the associated
If a system consists of a combination of various view out also controlled by the angle of the
movable elements, the movement mechanisms louvres.
employed is highly significant. The elements Furthermore, it is important to remember that
can then be moved independently only when the window can also be used for ventilation.
they do not hinder each other [7]. The various A sliding movement allows the linear gap
contributory aspects place high demands on a between the shutters to be altered at will and
facade system with respect to the integration of easily adjusted to ensure the right degree of
B 2.2.9 B 2.2.10
B 2.2.13 B 2.2.14
B 2.2.15 B 2.2.16
B 2.2.17 B 2.2.18
B 2.2.19 B 2.2.20
B 2.2.21 B 2.2.22
B 2.2.23 B 2.2.24
B 2.2.25 B 2.2.26
B 2.2.27 B 2.2.28
B 2.2.29 B 2.2.30
B 2.2.31 B 2.2.32
Jean Nouvel, Paris
Gilbert Lezenes, Piere Soria,
Architecture Studio
1 EPDM joint
2 Seals interrupted to allow
ventilation of void
3 Perforated infill
4 Toughened safety glass, 6 mm
5 Vent hole
6 Polyurethane thermal break
7 “Camera shutter” mechanism
8 Insulating glazing, 4 mm +12 mm
cavity + 4 mm
9 Toughened safety glass, 8 mm 10 9 1 4
10 Facade support member cc
c c
3 4
8 9
Fritz Haller, Solothurn
Hans Diehl, Neuenhof Baden
1 Sheet aluminium, 2 mm,
r = 150 mm
5 2 Thermal insulation, 40 mm
6 3 Sheet steel, bent to suit, 3 mm
4 “MAXI” structural steelwork,
IPE 400 or IPE 220
(on short side)
8 5 Facade construction:
structural sandwich panel,
c c
1 mm stove-enamelled sheet
aa 9 aluminium facings, synthetic
11 15
PU foam thermal insulation
10 3 mm stove-enamelled sheet
6 EPDM split gasket, outer part
a a
7 EPDM split gasket, inner part
8 Reflective solar-control glass,
toughened, 8 mm
9 Central glass holder, special
b chromium-plated steel section
10 Chromium-plated steel disc,
b 60 mm dia.
11 Chromium-plated steel handle
12 Steel rectangular hollow
section, 25 x 20 x 2 mm
12 13 Steel angle, 50 x 20 x 3 mm
14 Sheet aluminium
13 15 Steel stanchion, IPE 120
16 Aluminium clip
17 EPDM capping strip
8 7 6 6 11
15 15
A 16 17 B 10 8 C 17 16 cc
Tokyo, J, 1972
Kisho Kurokowa & Associates, Tokyo
Blind open
10 2 1 10
5 Blind closed
11 6
b b
9 8 8
8 13
7 7
Munich, D, 1996
Architect: 1 2
Von Seidlein, Munich
Peter C. von Seidlein, Horst Fischer,
Egon Konrad, Stephan Röhrl
Responsible for facade:Stephan Röhrl
º Detail 03/1998
Von Seidlein, Peter C.: Zehn Bauten
1957–97. exhibition catalogue,
Architekturgalerie Munich, 1997
3 4 cc
6 2
c c
b b
a a
a a
b b
5 4
7 4 2
Museum of Paper
Shizuoka, J, 2002
Shigeru Ban, Tokyo
Opening facade elements:
Bunka Shutter, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo
º Detail 07–08/2003
domus 03/2003
b b
d d
c c
10 17
12 13
14 15 16 18
19 20 21
cc dd
Neuenbürg, D, 1995
Mahler Günster Fuchs, Stuttgart
Structural engineer:
Wolfgang Beck, Dennach
a a
b b
Office building
Unterschleißheim, D, 2002
Baader + Schmid, Munich
Andrea Baader, Hanja Schmid
Maurice Mayne
• Elements consisting of a membrane fitted to Plan, scale 1:1000
a frame form a second leaf and function as Horizontal section • Vertical section
scale 1:20
sunshade and anti-glare screen
• Horizontal, pivoting louvres, with membrane 1 Parapet panel with closed-pore 1
fitted to both sides membrane fitted to both sides
• Fixed louvres in front of spandrel panels fitted 2 Fixed louvre comprising aluminium frame
with membrane fitted to one side only,
with open-pore membrane on one side only to translucent open-pore material in front of 5
allow occupants a view of their surroundings spandrel panels, otherwise with closed 2
pores for sunshading and glare protection
3 Movable louvre comprising aluminium
frame with membrane fitted to both sides,
PTFE-coated glass fibre fabric, 13% light
transmittance, electric drive incorporated
in No. 9, central and individual control
4 Sheet aluminium parapet capping,
bent to suit
5 Hot-dip galvanised open grid flooring,
30 x 11 mm
a a 6 Steel flat, 200 mm
7 Wall finish: insulated aluminium
panel, 120 mm thermal insulation 3 8 13
8 Fixed light, insulating glass
9 Aluminium post, 120 x 55 mm
10 Opening light, insulating glass 9
11 Convector with outlet for displacement
ventilation 10
12 Thermal insulation, 100 mm b b
13 Steel rectangular hollow section,
130 x 50 mm 11
14 Steel square hollow section, 120 x 120 mm
bb aa
Housing complex
Hannover, D, 1999
Fink + Jocher, Munich
Structural engineers:
Bergmann + Partner, Hannover
º A+U 10/2001
db 07/2000
Pfeifer, Günter et al.: Masonry Construction
Manual, Munich/Basel, 2001
b b
Private house
Heren 5, Amsterdam 10 7 2
Project team:
Ed. Bijman, Jan Klomp,
Bas Liesker, Dirk van Gestel
Steel facade:
Limelight, Breda
• Shutters pivot and fold about a horizontal axis 1 Pre-weathered perforated sheet 5 Aluminium grille, 100 x 5 mm
steel, bent to suit, 485 x 30 mm 6 Drive for shutters
• Weathering steel on north and south eleva-
2 Steel T-section, 70 x 70 x 8 mm 7 Insulating glass
tions as a reference to historical industrial 3 Prefabricated facade element: 8 Galvanised steel channel
structures 5 mm fibre-cement sheet 9 Galvanised steel angle,
1 90 mm insulation 50 x 70 x 5 mm
vapour check 10 Calcium silicate masonry,
12.5 mm plasterboard 115 mm
2 4 Interior panel:
18 mm veneer plywood
50 mm insulation
b b
Housing complex
Innsbruck, A, 2000
Baumschlager & Eberle, Lochau
a b
Section • Plan
scale 1:750
Vertical section • Horizontal section
scale 1:20
1 Wall construction:
18 mm pine boarding, with red-brown glaze finish
80 mm rockwool thermal insulation
200 mm rockwool thermal insulation
vapour barrier
180 mm reinforced concrete
15 mm plaster
2 4-part folding shutter, 0.6 mm pre-weathered sheet
copper, glued and riveted to stainless steel tubular
frame, 30 x 20 x 2 mm
3 Clip to lock shutters in position
4 Stainless steel handrail
5 Spandrel panel, 12 mm laminated safety glass,
with matt PVB interlayer
6 Balcony partition, obscured 8 mm toughened
safety glass
7 Glazed door with triple glazing
8 V 100 veneered chipboard
9 Precast concrete balcony floor, 6000 mm long,
with thermal break
2 9
6 3 5
c c
6 5
Private house
Munich, D, 1996
b17, Munich
Martin Kühleis, Tobias de la Ossa,
Klaus Stierhof
Office building
Berlin, D, 1999
Sauerbruch Hutton, Berlin
Facade consultants:
Emmer Pfenniger + Partner, Munichstein
º A+U 09/2002
Architectural Review 12/2000
Intelligente Architektur 21, 2000
Schittich, Christian (ed.):
Building Skins. Munich/ Basel 2001
1 3 4
Part vertical section 1 External leaf, west elevation: profiles, 1800 x 3250 mm
scale 1:20 extruded aluminium sections insulating glazing, 6 mm +
Detail 10 mm toughened safety glass 14 mm cavity + 8 mm
scale 1:5 infill panels, 1800 x 3300 mm Spandrel panel:
2 Steel cantilever arm 2 mm perforated sheet
3 Sunshading shutter, 600 x aluminium
2900 mm perforated sheet 20 mm fleece-laminated
aluminium, 1.5 mm, shutter mineral insulation
pivots and slides to side 18 mm fire-retardant board
4 Internal leaf, west elevation: on steel framing with integral
suspended elements made 100 mm thermal insulation
from extruded aluminium 5 Open grid flooring
Office building
Wiesbaden, D, 2001
Daylight redirection
on the south side on
a sunny day
Daylight redirection on
the south side on an 4
overcast day
Natural ventilation 5
controlled from a 3
central plant
University building
Brixen, I, 2004
Kohlmayer Oberst, Stuttgart
Sunshading element developed with the
help of Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy
Systems (ISE), Freiburg (ISE), Freiburg
a a
3 4 8 10
6 12
c c
8 6
15 17
bb cc
5 4 10 8
Solar energy
B 2.3 Solar energy The building envelope represents the most day or a year, hardly coincides with the actual
important building subsystem in terms of the heating requirement. Short-term changes can be
energy balance of a building. When integrating offset by heat storage media. On the other hand,
solar energy systems as the bridge between the seasonal fluctuations represent a serious
architecture and solar technology, the building problem. In Germany about three-quarters of the
envelope is the primary – also the visually annual irradiant solar energy occurs over the six
effective – point of reference. One fundamental months in the middle of the year. This is energy
feature of the non-passive use of solar energy which currently can be stored only by means of
systems in buildings is their visible integration elaborate, expensive underground storage
into roofs and walls. Such systems have to fulfil systems. These limitations to the availability place
protective functions and must be coordinated technical and economic constraints on the use of
with the construction, but also affect the appear- solar energy.
ance of a building.
Incident energy (orientation and inclination)
In terms of thermal energy systems, since the Two important parameters determine the sen-
early 1990s solar energy facades have become, sible use of solar energy in buildings: the ex-
more and more, those facades in which the posure of the collecting surfaces, i.e., compass
wall, as a shield and buffer against the climate, orientation and angle of inclination, and the
is also required to function as an active supplier freedom from (unwanted) shading.
of heat. What we shall look at here is every form The total solar radiation (global radiation) com-
of building-related solar energy utilisation prises the direct radiation from the sun plus the
connected with the facade, from glass curtain diffuse – indirect – radiation reflected from the
walls to photovoltaic panels. sky and the surroundings (open sky radiation).
In Central Europe more than 50% of the annual
global radiation is diffuse radiation. Within
Direct and indirect use Germany we notice small differences in the
incident energy depending on geographical
Solar energy occurs in various forms, of which location (annual average up to 300 kWh/m2a,
radiation represents the main useful source for max. 25%).
buildings. We distinguish here between direct,
i.e., “passive” use and indirect, i.e., “active” use.
Direct use is the name given to the utilisation of From the shaded entrance hall to the energy
specific constructional measures to collect, facade
store and distribute the incident (i.e., irradiant)
solar energy, as far as possible without using Primary, directly effective principles such as
any technical equipment. These specific build- compact structures, orientation towards the
ing features, especially those of the building south, graded interior layouts and passive
envelope, for regulating the interior climate and sunshading can be traced back to ancient
the energy balance embrace fundamental prin- Greek architecture. The facade has therefore
ciples of solar heating and cooling plus utilisa- been used – intentionally or unintentionally – as
tion of daylight. Indirect use requires additional a source of heat for many centuries. In doing so,
technical measures to collect, distribute and, if the (window) openings in the wall acted as the
required, store the solar energy. Collector tech- first ”collectors”. Steps towards the optimisation
nology is especially important here, to comple- of the external wall as a climate regulator led to
ment the heating and cooling effects, plus photo- the breakdown into and differentiation between
voltaic systems for generating electricity. Numer- different zones. Open intermediate or transitional
ous different systems can be assigned to these zones such as shaded entrance halls and
two forms of solar energy application. This arcades provided the first protection from the
results in a wide range of tools for building-related weather and the sun, thus enabling these areas
solar energy utilisation. to be included in the useful floor space of a
building exposed to a Central European climate.
In order to use solar radiation more effectively,
Climatic parameters and classification but also to reduce the loss of heat from heated
principles rooms to the outside, it is necessary to create a
”thermal break”. These generally transparent,
Available solar radiation multi-leaf constructions (e.g., double windows,
The quantity of solar radiation available oriels, bay/bow windows, glazed loggias, lean-to
fluctuates very considerably over the course of a conservatories) are intentional constructional
year, indeed during the course of a day, and is (i.e., passive) strategies for utilising solar
very heavily influenced by the prevailing local energy. The importance of such zones of
weather conditions. Whereas the irradiant intermediate temperature for heating purposes
energy of two consecutive days can vary by a increased hand in hand with the possibility of
factor of 10, the value on a bright summer’s day producing ever-larger panes of glass. In
can be 50 times as high as that on a dull winter’s addition, research into more efficient systems or
day. completely new utilisation concepts began to
B 2.3.1 Residential complex, Munich (D), 1982, Thomas In addition, in Central Europe the available solar speed up in the second half of the twentieth
Herzog and Bernhard Schilling [1] radiation, whether taken over the course of a century.
Solar energy
Type of use
direct indirect
Transport medium
radiation air water/brine
window/ passive solar transparent (air) flat-plate vacuum-tube
PCMs solar wall solid absorber flat-plate collector
sunspace collector thermal insulation collector collector
opaque translucent
daylight space heating daylight space heating space heating hot water process heat
B 2.3.2
This direct form of solar energy usage was also Direct “passive” systems Passive solar collectors
accompanied by the development of technical One of the first passive solar collector concepts
systems for the indirect use of solar energy. The best-known way of using solar energy [4] was developed by Felix Trombe and
Collectors for hot-water heating and photo- directly is via window openings, which, in Jaques Michel. They used a combination of a
voltaic panels for generating electricity have in conjunction with the immediate rooms they south-facing glazed surface, a solid wall
the meantime become virtually everyday serve, act as simple collection and storage painted matt black and an air layer to create a
features of the building envelope. The range systems. The proportion of usable solar energy thermal mass system. To improve the degree of
of options for designers has been given an depends on the climatic conditions and local efficiency, the collector zone was linked to the
enormous boost by the expansion of funda- circumstances, but also – crucially – on the adjoining room by means of ventilation flaps at
mental passive strategies and technical systems compass orientation, inclination and size of the the top and bottom of the wall. If the
for utilising solar energy. openings. In addition, the construction of the temperature of the absorber, which can reach
internal walls, ceilings and floors affects the 70°C in direct sunlight, is higher than the room
degree of utilisation and has a decisive effect temperature, the air starts to circulate. Due to
The multi-leaf building envelope on the interior climate. Large expanses of glass the thermal buoyancy effect, the rising hot air
without additional sunshading measures lead can be used relatively easily to feed heat
The superimposition of the different functional to overheating during the summer, a fact that directly into the interior. Sunshading measures
requirements to be met by the building envelope must be given serious consideration in most are absolutely essential to avoid overheating in
in terms of the general constructional properties cases, particularly with facades facing east or summer. The yield of such a passive solar
gives rise to various (three-dimensional) zones west. In other words, we must always strive to collector is also heavily dependent on the
between the heated interior and the outside achieve an adequate balance between incident specific capacity of the materials used. As the
world. Such a gradation of functional areas energy, size of opening, heating requirements, specific heat capacity of water is (in terms of
helps to decrease heat losses and increase shading and thermal mass [3]. volume) about 2-4 times higher than that of a
solar gains. Furthermore, these zones of inter- solid wall material, trials with water tanks
mediate temperature allow additional utilisation Sunspaces positioned/stacked in the facade were carried
or recovery of building heat losses and, if Sunspaces are usually unheated rooms and out in the 1970s and 1980s. There have been
necessary, can preheat any incoming external represent simple “air collectors”. These zones attempts to ”regulate” the release of heat more
air; they can also accommodate systems for of intermediate temperature are found in efficiently by including a layer of insulation on
protecting against overheating and glare. numerous forms, as storey-height structures, or the room side so that the heat is released by
extending over more than one storey, or even way of convection through ventilation flaps.
We distinguish between three thermally enclosing the entire building. In Central Europe
effective basic types, which occur in practice in these unheated areas provide usable floor Transparent thermal insulation
many different forms; these are the “airlock”, space for up to two-thirds of the year. The This represents yet another form of direct solar
the air collector and the thermal buffer. This magnitude of the incident energy gains is energy utilisation [5]. The combination of
construction principle extends from the likewise influenced by the exposure, area of suitable thermal insulation and direct solar
formation of narrow air layers, cavities or glass and any shading caused by the building energy gains enables the heating energy
spaces in front of the external wall right up to itself or neighbouring buildings and/or vege- consumption to be lowered even further. The
areas of additional useful floor space which are tation. As with windows, to avoid overheating in concept is based on the use of radiation-
used only temporarily, such as: summer it is usually prudent to include some permeable thermal insulation [6], a principle
form of sunshading, but above all, effective that not only decreases the transmission heat
• entrances, lobbies ventilation options. In order to be able to exploit losses but can also increase the magnitude of
• glazed loggias, balconies some of the “excess” solar heat, specific the solar gains. We distinguish between two
• conservatories, lean-to greenhouses building and technical measures are neces- basic approaches here:
• functional areas that act as thermal buffers sary. The wall surfaces between the glazed
and “airlocks” in addition to their primary area and the adjoining rooms can serve here • solid wall systems (opaque)
function [2] as thermal masses which pass on the stored • direct gain systems (translucent)
heat to the rooms after a time lag. Various
types of passive solar collectors work on this Solid wall systems
principle. Compared to conventional insulating materials,
a transparent thermal insulation system placed
in front of a solid wall provides thermal insulation
Solar energy
B 2.3.3 B 2.3.4
and also brings additional solar gains. This This form of construction provides good ther-
system is based on the principle of raising the mal insulation and still allows the passage of
temperature of an absorbent layer, i.e., a layer daylight, but does severely impede the view
of translucent thermal insulation – generally through the glazing. The exploitation of the
with a structure perpendicular to the absorbent solar irradiation takes place via the thermal
surface – is positioned in front of a solid wall masses within the room. That means that here
with a high thermal mass. The high total again it may be necessary to incorporate
thermal resistance of the transparent thermal measures to prevent overheating in the summer.
insulation means that a large proportion of the Besides the plastics already mentioned, glass
absorbed solar energy is stored in the wall. A and silica aerogels are also suitable materials.
glass outer leaf protects against the weather.
Solar radiation penetrates the layer of trans- Phase change materials
parent thermal insulation and is absorbed by The first trials with PCMs took place way back
the dark wall surface, where up to 95% of the in the 1940s in conjunction with the develop-
radiation is converted into heat. Whereas the ment and construction of passive solar collec-
construction of the transparent thermal insula- tors. The task of temporarily storing excess
tion virtually rules out any heat losses, the solid heat and releasing it into the interior later calls
wall absorbs the heat, stores it and then re- for materials with high admittance (i.e., energy
leases it to the adjoining rooms after a delay of storage capacity). The thermally effective mass
– depending on material and thickness – about can be increased by using materials with a
6–8 hours. This is an efficient short-term measure high specific heat capacity in the primary B 2.3.5
for overcoming the discrepancy between avail- construction. Owing to the usually lower admit-
able solar radiation and heating requirement. tance of building materials and hence their
Even if there is increased reflection at the lower efficiencies, the use of heat storage
panes of glass in the summer, the areas of effects without a change of phase but with
transparent thermal insulation must be pro- noticeable heat requires a higher specific
tected against overheating by means of weight or a large surface area. In this respect,
sunshading devices. When the transparent PCMs are extremely promising new materials
thermal insulation element sizes lie between because of their ability to store relatively large
5% and 15% of the usable floor space, passive quantities of heat in a relatively small temper-
measures such as overhanging eaves, bal- ature range. In one concept dating from the
conies and plantings are usually sufficient. 1970s, glass blocks are filled with Glauber salt
However, manipulators are generally required (melting point 32°C) [7]. In recent years,
for systems covering a large area. experiments with PCMs have been carried out
in an attempt to increase the thermal mass of
It is difficult to compare the different systems in lightweight structures. Furthermore, PCMs can B 2.3.6
terms of the basic materials used and the also be used for direct gain systems – in a way
different forms of construction. The primary similar to the use of transparent thermal
parameters are UV resistance plus mechanical insulation. Placed in “containers” made from
and thermal stability. The typical transparent transparent plastic materials, PCMs guarantee
thermal insulation materials include polymethyl a high thermal mass, passage of daylight and
methacrylate (PMMA), polycarbonate (PC) and limited transparency.
glass. Very recently, cardboard honeycomb
structures and sawn “wooden slats” have Solid absorbers
been used. The solid absorber represents a sort of hybrid
system. By the mid-1990s in Germany the area
Direct gain systems covered by such systems was equal to that of
These are special glazing systems with the solar collectors.
transparent thermal insulation material placed Solid absorbers are planar, solid concrete
between the inner and outer panes of glass. external wall components with internal circulation
B 2.3.7
Solar energy
Inclination of surface (values for April to September) Inclination of surface (values for October to March)
solar radiation
0° 20 ° 40 ° 60 ° 90 ° 0° 20 ° 40 ° 60 ° 90 °
Vacuum-tube collectors
Indirect “active” systems In this type of collector the air between the
absorber and the enclosure is evacuated to
B 2.3.12
Solar collectors reduce the convection and conduction heat
A solar collector is a technical system for losses substantially. A collector module
absorbing radiation, converting it into heat and contains up to 30 vacuum tubes alongside
transferring this to a flowing transport medium each other. These tubes merge in a thermally
(water, air). The element in which the energy insulated manifold before being connected to
conversion and the heat transfer take place is the solar energy circuit. We distinguish
called the absorber. Collectors are employed between two principles:
mainly for hot-water heating and space heating.
However, there are also special systems avail- • the direct connection with a coaxial pipe for
able for generating process heat (e.g., for the separate flow and return of the heat
industrial applications) and for cooling. The transport medium
collector is the heart of a thermal energy system • the indirect, “dry” connection with a “heat-
and together with the traditional building pipe” in which the transport medium and the
services components (pipework, heat exchanger, solar energy circuit are separate
pumps, storage media) forms a total system.
Depending on the type of use, different system In new products the absorber is also made
configurations are possible. In terms of conven- from a glass tube, which with ever slimmer
B 2.3.13
tional collectors, we distinguish between the cross-sections results in an almost transparent
B 2.3.8 The principle of opaque insulation flat-plate and vacuum-tube varieties. appearance. One of the advantages of the high
B 2.3.9 The principle of transparent (translucent) degree of modularity is that it is possible to
insulation Air collector systems replace individual tubes while the system is still
B 2.3.10 Energy gains for different collector orientations
This is a special form of collector in which air in operation. The heat losses of vacuum-tube
and inclinations (April to September)
B 2.3.11 Energy gains for different collector orientations can be used directly as the transport medium, collectors are much lower than those of flat-
and inclinations (October to March) that is, without a heat exchanger, for space plate collectors, which is especially advantage-
B 2.3.12 Vacuum-tube collector facade, “City of heating or drying. There is no risk of problems ous in the case of high operating temperatures
Tomorrow”, Malmö (S), 2001, Månsson + due to frost or corrosion, and the sealing (for process heat).
B 2.3.13 Semi-detached house, Pullach (D), 1989,
requirements for these components are also
Thomas Herzog, Michael Volz and Michael less stringent. However, the specific heat
Streib capacity of air is only a quarter that of water.
Solar energy
Absorber Reflector
B 2.3.14 B 2.3.15
B 2.3.14 Flat-plate collector B 2.3.16 The first application for the vacuum-tube
B 2.3.15 Vacuum-tube collector just a few millimetres collector shown in fig. B 2.3.15, Centre for
thick, with glass absorber pipe (production Environmental Communication, Osnabrück (D),
started in 2003) 2003, Herzog + Partner
B 2.3.16
Applications insulated house this corresponds to collectors In principle, when integrating photovoltaic
Hot-water heating covering an area of about 12 m2 (vacuum-tube panels into the building envelope we disting-
The geographical and climatic conditions that collectors) to 18 m2 (flat-plate collectors). uish between rigid and movable systems. The
prevail in Central Europe mean that solar collec- alternatives to the rigidly mounted unit are the
tors are primarily used for hot-water heating. Photovoltaics one- or two-axis tracking systems. The axis of
The operating temperature lies between 30°C A photovoltaic system is a technical installation rotation can be horizontal or vertical, depending
and 60°C. Typical flat-plate collectors achieve that converts solar radiation directly into elec- on the orientation and the actual installation.
favourable degrees of efficiency in this tempera- tricity. The heart of such a system is the group Theoretically, photovoltaic panels with two-axis
ture range. As the energy demand for hot water of solar cells assembled to form a panel. Such tracking can exploit twice as much solar radia-
remains more or less constant over the whole systems generate d.c. electricity which, for the tion over the year as a properly aligned rigid
year, the high level of solar radiation available majority of household appliances, must be con- array. However, since the yield from a one-axis
in the summer can be used to best effect. verted into a 230 V/50 Hz a.c. supply by means tracking system is only marginally inferior to
The size of a collector system must be matched of an inverter. Photovoltaic installations are that of a two-axis system (owing to the system’s
to the true energy requirement (number of generally operated as mains-coupled systems, energy requirements), it is worth considering
persons, consumption figures, equipment, etc.) i.e., are connected to the public electricity grid, whether the more elaborate engineering and
and the level of coverage required. With an which serves as a storage medium. Stand- the additional integration work is really worth-
optimum south orientation, the hot-water supply alone (autonomous) systems in which the ex- while. On the whole, it is necessary to carry out
for a four-person household can be met by cess electricity is stored in batteries (e.g., a costs-benefits analysis for a tracking system
collectors in the facade covering an area of just rechargeable batteries) are less common. because, taken as an average over the year,
6.0–7.5 m2 (and a 300 l tank). This means that In terms of the available solar radiation, the about 50% of the radiation occurs in the form of
during the summer months normal hot-water degree of exposure and the inclination of the diffuse radiation. Concentrating the radiation on
requirements are essentially met, and taken as panel surface determine the annual yield of a solar cells with holograms achieves a higher
an average over the year the level of coverage photovoltaic system. In contrast to thermal yield with (semi-)transparent panels.
achievable is about 50–60%. collectors, even incident energy < 200 W/m2
can still contribute to generating electricity. Solar cells
Space heating The maximum annual quantity of radiation in The basic material for typical solar cells is the
Looking at the whole year, in Central Europe Central Europe for a south-facing rigid array is semiconductor material silicon. Cells made
the available solar radiation and the space achieved with an inclination of 30° to the hori- from monocrystalline and polycrystalline silicon
heating requirement do not coincide (and of zontal. However, the yield from a vertical are produced in thicknesses of 200–300 µm. In
course are mutually dependent). Whereas facade panel is very much lower. The output of addition, there are also solar cells based on
about 60% of the annual space heating a photovoltaic system is mostly specified in thin-film technology, with copper indium di-
requirement occurs in the core heating period terms of Wp or kWp, where p stands for “peak”. selenide (CIS) and amorphous silicon being
from November to February, the irradiant This specifies the peak output that can be common forms. Solar cells have a relatively low
energy over the same period for an inclined transferred to the electric circuit connected to degree of efficiency, which depends on the
south-facing surface is only 12–15%. This the system. The value is generally based on material of the cell. The theoretical maximum
inescapable fact places greater demands on 1000 W/m2 incident energy with a cell tempera- degree of efficiency of conventional (silicon)
the options for using a system for solar space ture of 25°C. Taken as an average over the cells is about 25%. For simplicity, we can
heating. year (summer/winter, day/night), this figure is distinguish the typical solar cells currently
roughly one-tenth of the peak output. Where available as follows:
In order to be able to transfer usable heat to possible, neighbouring buildings or other parts
the heating circuit, the operating temperature of the building itself should not cast a shadow • monocrystalline silicon cells with a very pure,
of the space heating must lie between < 30°C on the photovoltaic surfaces because even completely consistent crystal lattice structure:
(low-temperature heating) and 90°C, depending small shadows (e.g. aerials, frame profiles, difficult and expensive to produce; degree of
on the method of heat transfer. Flat-plate collec- etc.) can lead to a considerable drop in output. efficiency of industrially manufactured cells
tors with a selective coating and vacuum-tube As all the units in a system connected in series = 15–20%
collectors are suitable for such purposes. A are reduced to the smallest output in the • polycrystalline silicon cells, characterised by
coverage of about 20–25% of the annual heat- system, small areas in the shade can put large the lower purity of the material and the only
ing energy requirement of a detached house panels out of action. Parallel wiring can limit the partly consistent crystal lattice structure:
calls for a collector area equal to about one- decrease in output, but with the disadvantages simpler to produce and hence less expensive;
quarter of the heated floor space. In a very well- of lower voltages and higher currents. degree of efficiency = 12–17%
Solar energy
Cell type
crystalline cell thin-film cell
Panel construction
single-layer multi-layer
Thin-film technology holds great technical and consisting mainly of copper, indium and The appearance of the panels is dominated by
architectural potential. These cells save materials selenium; low material requirement; can also homogeneous areas in which texture is pro-
because layers only a few micrometres thick be applied to large areas with virtually any vided by extremely narrow and transparent
(1–6 µm) are sufficient for light absorption. In shape by means of vapour deposition, dividing lines. These are due to the method of
addition, there is the possibility of greater degree of efficiency = approx. 10% manufacture, i.e., the electrical isolation and
automation during production, which promises wiring of the layers.
enormous cost-savings. Thin-film cells exhibit a The development of multiple layer cells in which
number of advantages in terms of less depen- two (tandem cells) or three (triple cells) layers Varying the width or including additional hori-
dence on incident energy and temperature, are applied one over the other leads to an im- zontal dividing lines enables this effect to be
and they can also tolerate more shading. provement in the degree of efficiency. To used as an intentional architectural feature.
Diffuse and poor light is used (somewhat) better optimise the output of the cells, for example, While the colour range of the crystalline cells
and the decline in output as the temperature each layer of the triple cell is designed for a can be expanded by reflective layers, the
rises is less marked. Furthermore, the long, different spectral range (short-, medium-, long- darker colours, from black to reddish brown or
narrow bands of cells prevent individual cells wave radiation). dark green (still) dominate thin-film technology.
being completely in shadow. We distinguish Another advantage of thin-film technology is its
between: relatively free formability. As these cells, unlike Photovoltaic panels
the crystalline types, are not limited to the As a rule, about 30–40 cells are fitted together
• amorphous silicon cells: thin-film cells in standard wafer sizes, the panels can be to form a large prefabricated unit with an area
which the silicon is applied wafer-thin to a designed with different geometrical shapes of 0.5–1.0 m2. These photovoltaic panels have a
backing material by way of vapour deposi- and sizes, and also fitted to curved or flexible multi-layer construction, i.e., the cells are either
tion; method of manufacture saves costs and backing materials. This type of cell is ideal for embedded in a synthetic resin between two
materials, degree of efficiency = 5–7%, integrating into areas of the building where panes of glass, or placed between glass and a
particularly suitable for coating large areas adequate ventilation is not always guaranteed plastic laminate. The rear face is either opaque,
• CIS thin-film cells: new cell technology, or (partial) shading can occur. translucent (obscured glass/light-scattering
film) or transparent (clear glass/transparent
film) depending on requirements. Amorphous
silicon cells can also be applied to flexible
backing materials like plastic films. In addition,
“sawn”, semi-transparent cells are available
and thin-film cells with printing (but not covering
the whole cell) as well. Many manufacturers
offer panels with various standard dimensions
and designs.
Solar energy
Inclination of surface
0° 30 ° 60 ° 90 °
East 93 % 90 % 78 % < 60 %
South-east 93 % 96 % 88 % 66 %
B 2.3.19 Energy gains for different orientations and
inclinations of photovoltaic panels South 93 % 100 % 91 % 68 %
(100% = 1055 kWh/m2a)
B 2.3.20 Hot-rolled strip slitting plant, Duisburg (D), South-west 93 % 96 % 88 % 66 %
1962/2002, Cerny und Gunia
B 2.3.21 “Technology and Business Start-up Centre”,
Herten (D), 1992, Kramm + Strigl West 93 % 90 % 78 % < 60 %
B 2.3.19 B 2.3.20
type of construction and with other building [4] ibid., pp. 118 & 135ff.
envelope elements. Consequently, a multitude [5] Schild, Kai; Weyers, Michael: Transparente Wärme-
dämmsysteme (TWDS); in: Schild, Kai; Weyers,
of tried-and-tested systems are available for all
Michael: Handbuch Fassadendämmsysteme, Stuttgart,
the more usual types of facade [10]. 2003, pp. 151–68.
[6] Although frequently called transparent thermal
It is essential that collectors and photovoltaic insulation, the adjective “transparent” is misleading
panels be integrated into the building services. because these materials, although permeable (i.e.,
transparent) to radiation, are very limited in terms of
This may require service ducts and additional being able to look through them. Since, in the build-
equipment, depending on the type of use. ing industry, we make a clear distinction between
Owing to the relatively slim assemblies and “translucent” and “transparent”, we should really
flexible cables with small cross-sections, photo- speak of translucent thermal insulation.
[7] Hebgen, Heinrich: Bauen mit der Sonne. Vorschläge
voltaic systems are ideal for integrating into
und Anregungen, pub. by RWE-Anwendungstechnik,
facades. Water collectors, on the other hand, Essen/Heidelberg, 1982, pp. 81 & 88.
require much larger pipes and attention must [8] Von Primus, Illo-Frank (ed.): Massivabsorber. Die
be paid to sealing the units, and such systems Wärmequelle für die Wärmepumpe, Düsseldorf,
are usually filled with an anti-freeze agent. 1995, pp. 34ff.
[9] Krippner, Roland: Holzleichtbeton; in: DBZ 12/2002,
p. 76.
In terms of the criteria governing the architec- [10] Krippner, Roland: Die Gebäudehülle als Wärme-
tural language, solar energy systems can erzeuger und Stromgenerator; in: Schittich, Christian
employ a wide range of design options for their (ed.): Building Skins, Munich/Basel, 2001, pp. 55–58.
[11] Krippner, Roland: Architektonische Aspekte solarer
integration. These days, manufacturers try to
Energietechnik; in: 9th Symposium on Thermal Solar
comply with all the architect’s wishes. The Energy, proceedings, Regensburg, 1999, p. 237.
range of colours for absorber surfaces and the
numerous frame sections available affect the
appearance of the systems just as much as the
junction pieces that connect panels to the roof
covering or the facade. Architects are
frequently told that the wide range of colours is
a special bonus offered by photovoltaics.
However, the use of additional colours, likewise
additional shapes, in the building envelope is a
particularly sensitive area with respect to the
appearance and needs to be handled very
Solar energy
Housing complex
Batschuns, A, 1998
Walter Unterrainer, Feldkirch
º db 10/2000
Detail 03/1999
a b b
bb 9 cc
Solar energy
Wildhaus, CH 1999
Architheke, Brugg
Beat Klaus
9 2 3 cc
• “Lucido” facade, a development from
Giuseppe Fent and Hermann Blumer
• External wall system achieves maximum
efficiency in passive solar energy utilisation
• Special routing in the timber boards results in
good insulation properties but also good
protection against overheating in summer
without the need for additional shading
• Prototype building exclusively in timber
c c
b a
1 Sheet zinc on 3-ply core plywood,
larch outer ply
2 Ventilation flap, 2 No. 6 mm toughened
b safety glass, satin finish, with timber end-
grain “nuggets” in between
3 Facade construction:
6 6 mm low-iron solar-control toughened
safety glass
30 mm ventilated cavity
absorber, timber end-grain “nuggets”
cellulose insulation
3-ply core plywood, larch
4 Thermal insulation, 80 mm
5 Sheet metal, bent to suit
6 Floor duct, 117 x 150 mm
a 7 Gluelam plinth
8 Larch cover strip
bb 9 Larch fascia board
Solar energy
Factory building
Eimbeckhausen, D 1992
Thomas Herzog, Munich
with Bernd Steigerwald, Holger Gestering
b b
Solar energy
Solar house
Dietrich Schwarz, Domat/Ems
Structural engineers:
4 5 6 8
Conzett Bronzini Gartmann, Chur
3 aa
Inside Outside
> 40 °
< 35 ° 9
Winter 10
Prismatic 11
42 12 12 12
Solar energy
Gleißenberg, D, 2001
Florian Nagler, Munich
19 11
Solar energy
Binzen, D, 2003
Pfeifer Roser Kuhn, Freiburg
Project manager:
Wolfgang Stocker
Facade engineer:
Silke Gauthier, Radebeul
8 10 11 bb
º Der Architekt 11/2002
DBZ 01/2003
• Production, logistics and office building 2
• Large thermal mass in external walls and 4 3
ground floor slab, plus building zoning,
regulates the large heat emissions from the
production process
• Wall functions as air collector
• Controlled cavity ventilation helps to cool
concrete wall in summer by means of natural
thermal buoyancy; in winter the air heated by 5
solar gains reduces the heat losses
a 7
Plan scale 1:2000 1 Sheet aluminium capping, 8 Wooden window, larch, with
Vertical section • Horizontal section 1.5 mm insulating glass
scale 1:20 2 Loadbearing steel angle 9 Floor panel:
b b 3 Aluminium channel 13 mm larch
4 Ventilation device with screen to 50 mm sound insulation
protect against weather continuous steel bracket
5 Parapet construction: 13 mm plywood
patterned glass 10 Aluminium flashing
135 mm ventilated cavity 11 Wall construction:
double-leaf edge-glued timber patterned glass
11 element 150 mm ventilated cavity
mineral wool with roofing felt double-leaf edge-glued timber
(open to diffusion), 80 + 40 + element mineral wool with roofing
3 80 mm, in between felt (open to diffusion), 80 + 40 +
12 separating layer 100 mm, in between
13 200 mm reinforced concrete vertical acoustic profiling on inside
14 vapour barrier 12 Insect screen
60 mm PUR rigid foam 13 Aluminium tube
15 synthetic roofing felt 14 Loadbearing steel angle
6 Galvanised steel angle 15 Peripheral insulation, 80 mm
16 7 Aluminium tube, 32 x 25 mm 16 Waterproofing
Solar energy
Hamm, D, 1998
Hegger Hegger Schleiff, Kassel
General contractor:
Hering Bau, Burbach
Building services:
Gerhard Hausladen, Munich
Rempe + Polzer, Giessen
º DBZ 10/1998
Hausladen, Gerhard (ed.): Innovative
Gebäude-, Technik- und Energiekonzepte,
Munich, 2001
Pfeifer, Günter et al.: Masonry Construction
bb 1 Parapet coping, timber 3 Steel section, IPE 120,
Manual, Basel/Boston/Berlin, 2001, plank with sheet zinc with end plate, EPDM pad
pp. 331–33 covering serves as thermal break
4 2 Steel frame construction and compensates for
• Business start-up centre on site of disused 100 x 80 x 4 mm steel tolerances
support for collectors/ 4 Wall construction:
colliery ventilation grille 217 x 100 x 66 mm
• Complex consists of a four-storey office block 110 mm ventilated cavity recycled bricks
plus business units in single-storey wings airtight membrane 50 mm ventilated cavity
• Heavyweight masonry office block with upper 80 mm thermal insulation airtight membrane
floors in timber-concrete composite construc- 240 mm calcium silicate 90 mm thermal insulation
masonry 240 mm calcium silicate
tion (with edge-glued timber elements) 2 15 mm plaster masonry
• Business units heated via ground duct at parapet only: 15 mm plaster
(exploits cooling/heating effect of soil) or via waterproofing
1 80 mm thermal insulation
four-storey-high collector facade (120 m2)
20 mm render
• Winner of architecture prize “Architecture and
Solar Thermal Energy System 2000”
b b
Solar energy
Private house
Peter Dransfeld, Ermatingen
º Detail 03/1999
• Energy concept based on a compact, highly 1 3-ply core plywood, spruce, with
insulated structure with transparent thermal horizontal grooves to accommodate
insulation in front of the south-facing masonry
2 Wooden window frame with aluminium
wall facing
• Central wood-burning night storage stove for 3 Triple glazing
meeting the heating requirement 4 Sunshading louvres, solid wood, for
• Vacuum-tube collectors behind the building screening the upper section of
transparent thermal insulation
• Shading louvres protect top section of trans- 1
5 Transparent thermal insulation in
parent thermal insulation against overheating, aluminium frame:
integral plastic prisms protect lower section 5 mm low-iron solar-control glass
2 12 mm cavity
140 mm plastic tube insulation
5 mm glass
Plan of ground floor
250 mm reinforced concrete, outer
scale 1:200 3 face painted black
Section through south facade •
15 mm plaster
Horizontal section through south-east corner
6 Extruded aluminium section, powder-
scale 1:20
coated, with thermal break
7 Transparent thermal insulation in
aluminium frame:
5 mm low-iron solar-control glass
plastic prism sheet in cavity for
reflecting radiation in summer
100 mm plastic tube insulation
4 5 mm glass
250 mm calcium silicate masonry,
outer face painted black
5 15 mm plaster
8 Transparent thermal insulation as
No. 5 but without shading element
9 Fibre-cement sheet
10 Corner construction:
6 vertical rough-sawn timber boards,
spruce, with 3-coat high-build glaze
finish, red
ventilated cavity
140 mm thermal insulation
b b
aa 8 bb
Solar energy
Technical college
Bitterfeld, D, 2000
scholl, Stuttgart
Building services:
ARGE HLSE, Leipzig/Bitterfeld
Facade consultants:
PBI, Wiesbaden
º AIT 05/2001
Bauwelt 26/2001
Beton Prisma 81, 2002
Intelligente Architektur 30, 2001
L'ARCA 178, 2003
•New complex to complement existing arts 1 Precast concrete parapet, 170 mm,
fair-face finish
centre (1953) and swimming pool
2 Parapet construction:
•Low-energy design 80 mm mineral fibre thermal insulation
•Opaque fair-face concrete surfaces 350 mm reinforced concrete,
•Multi-storey collector wall on south side, 70 m fair-face finish to inside 1
long, integrated into fair-face concrete 3 Collector wall:
4 mm solar-control toughened safety glass
•Further targets: use of ecologically neutral water collectors, copper absorber with
materials, seepage of rainwater on the plot selective coating
multi-ply pine board backing
vertical timber framing
in 80 mm ventilated cavity
horizontal timber framing
between 120 mm thermal insulation
Plan of ground floor 350 mm reinforced concrete,
scale approx. 1:3000 fair-face finish to inside 3
Section scale 1:500 4 Horizontal glazing cap,
Vertical section scale 1:20 anodised aluminium
Vertical section • Horizontal section 5 Fresh-air inlet, aluminium grille on
scale 1:5 steel brackets
6 Gap for drainage
7 Sheet aluminium, bent to suit
8 Splice plate 4
9 Sheet metal side cladding
10 Insect screen
11 Water run-off membrane
12 Butt joint between collector elements
13 Permanently elastic seal
b b
a a 5
Solar energy
8 7 13
3 12 13 14 4
4 7 8 9
c c
7 8 10
Solar energy
Office building
Freiburg, D, 2001
Harter + Kanzler, Freiburg
3 4
Solar energy
Claudine Lorenz + Florian Musso, Sion/Munich
Facade consultants:
Bitz & Savoye, Sion
7 8 9
15 3
9 6
16 5 cc
1 Handrail, steel tube, 33.7 mm dia.
2 Frame, 2 No. steel angles, 109 x 60 mm,
steel flats, 112 x 8 mm at sides, welded to
No. 14
3 Steel angle, 30 x 30 mm
4 Adjacent to stairs: steel tube, 50 mm dia.,
as bracing to facade
5 Photovoltaic panel, 10 mm,
72 No., 1355 x 970 mm
c c
6 Central ”mullion”, steel rectangular hollow
section, 60 x 75 mm, welded to No. 2
11 12 7 Side ”mullion”, steel rectangular hollow
section, 45 x 75 mm, welded to No. 2
8 Insulated panel to avoid overheating:
2 1.5 mm stainless steel
extruded polystyrene
9 Steel rectangular hollow section,
100 x 40 mm, welded to No. 6, bolted to
b concrete wall
10 Wall construction:
b 200 mm reinforced concrete
120 mm thermal insulation
a 100 mm masonry
11 Stainless steel sheet, 1 mm,
for redirecting air flow
12 Insulated make-up piece to avoid thermal
13 Bored pile, 13 m long
14 Steel flat, 112 x 8 mm, welded to No. 2
15 Steel flat, 50 x 7 mm
Plan • section scale 1:600 16 Aluminium glazing cap, 45 x 15 mm,
Vertical section scale 1:20 anodised, with bevelled edges to avoid
Horizontal section scale 1:5 bb casting a shadow
Solar energy
Mataró, E, 1995
Miquel Brullet i Tenas, Barcelona
º Detail 03/1999
Werk, Bauen + Wohnen 09/1998
Herzog, Thomas (ed.): Solar Energy in
Architecture and Urban Planning, Munich/
London/New York, 1996
4 5
c c
b b
a a 1
Solar energy
Training academy 1
Herne, D, 1999
Jourda et Perraudin, Paris
Hegger Hegger Schleiff, Kassel
Structural engineers:
Ove Arup und Partner, Düsseldorf 3
Schlaich Bergermann und Partner, Stuttgart
Solar energy
Solar factory
Freiburg, D, 1999
rolf + hotz, Freiburg
Project architect:
Karin Sinnwell
º AIT 09/1999
Detail 03/1999
1 Open-grid flooring
2 Photovoltaic panel
3 Steel square hollow section,
< 50 x 50 mm
4 Steel angle, 2 No. 55 x 6 mm
5 Handrail, stainless steel tube,
33 mm dia
6 Insulating glazing, with integral
solar cells at ground floor level
7 Steel section, IPE 100
8 Steel circular hollow section,
101.6 mm dia.
9 Facade support member, steel
rectangular hollow section
50 x 280 mm
10 Drainage channel
11 Cable duct
12 Splice in steel beam, IPE 270,
with thermal break
13 Rainwater drip
Solar energy
7 7
4 6
a 8
8 9
Solar energy
Emmerthal, D, 2000
Niederwöhrmeier + Wiese, Darmstadt
Structural engineers:
Bollinger + Grohmann, Frankfurt am Main
º db 10/2000
Fassade / Façade 04/2001
Hagemann, Ingo B.: Gebäudeintegrierte
Photovoltaik. Cologne, 2002
1 Aluminium louvres, 100 mm, fixed (providing altitude angle tracking, steel flat bracket, 50 x 10 mm,
protection against UV radiation and weather) with plastic bearing for tracking
2 Wall construction:, roofing felt 10 Platform construction:
a 27 mm LVL board, colourless impregnation open grid flooring, 30 x 30 x 3 mm, hot-dip galvanised
50 x 80 mm timber, black stain finish/50 mm insulation steel angle frame, 40 x 40 x 5 mm
steel sections, HEB 220, hot-dip galvanised steel circular hollow section spacer, 20 dia. x 4 mm
3 Installation grid, 30 x 30 mm, hot-dip galvanised, with steel channel supporting construction fi 140 mm
steel angle frame, 150 x 100 x 10 mm 11 Post-and-rail construction: steel rectangular hollow
4 Sheet aluminium, 2 mm, coated sections, 60 x 50 x 4 mm
5 Steel sections, HEB 220, hot-dip galvanised 10 mm laminated safety glass, 0.38 mm film
6 Steel beam, HEB 220, as primary loadbearing support aluminium glazing bars
for photovoltaic system 12 Solar paddle construction:
7 Steel flats, 2 No. 150 x 15 mm, hot-dip galvanised, as diagonal bracket, steel flat, 50 x 10 mm, with plastic
vertical support bracket, connected to primary bearing for altitude angle tracking
support via steel flat, 100 x 10 mm, hot-dip galvanised 100 x 60 mm steel section
8 Photovoltaic panel, 1730 x 480 mm, supported at six strut, 60.3 mm dia. steel circular hollow section
points, heat-treated glass, PVB interlayer connection to 168.3 mm dia. torsion tube, with 2 No.
9 Supporting frame to photovoltaic panel: steel channels, 100 x 50 x 6 mm, with screw fixings
steel/EPDM clamp fixing at two points, 6 mm steel 13 Azimuth angle tracking for “solar paddles”, steel
ribs, torsion tube, 42.4 dia. x 2.6 mm, hydraulic torsion tube, 168.3 mm dia., with electric drive
Solar energy
1 2 4 5 6
8 9
b b
Statutory instruments, directives, standards
DIN 18540 Sealing of exterior wall joints in building using DIN EN 673 Glass in building – Determination of thermal
Statutory instruments, joint sealants, Feb 1995 transmittance (U-value) – Calculation method, Jun 2003
DIN 18545 pt 1 Glazing with sealants; rebates; require- DIN EN 12865 Hygrothermal performance of building
directives, standards ments, Feb 1992 components and building elements – Determination of
DIN EN 12365 pt 1 Building hardware – Gaskets and the resistance of external wall systems to driving rain
weatherstripping for doors, windows, shutters and under pulsating air pressure, Jul 2001
curtain walling – pt 1: Performance requirements and DIN EN 13125 Shutters and blinds – Additional thermal
The following compilation represents a selection of statu- classification, Dec 2003 resistance – Allocation of a class of air permeability to a
tory instruments, directives and standards applicable in VDI 2221 Systematic approach to the development and product, Oct 2001
Europe and of special interest to designers and contrac- design of technical systems and products, May 1993 DIN EN 13363 pt 1 Solar protection devices combined
tors involved with facades. The intention is to help ensure VDI 2222 Bl. 1 Methodic development of solution prin- with glazing – Calculation of solar and light transmit-
that the planning is optimised and related to the project. ciples, Jun 1997 tance – pt 1: Simplified method, Oct 2003
However, the list is neither exhaustive nor final. DIN EN 13947 (draft standard) Thermal performance of
The latest edition of a standard always applies. The new 2.2 Edges, openings curtain walling – Calculation of thermal transmittance –
European standards will replace national standards in ASR 7/1 Visual contact with the outside, Apr 1976 Simplified method, Jan 2001
the foreseeable future. We must make a clear distinction DIN 107 Building construction; identification of right and DIN EN ISO 10211 pt 1 Thermal bridges in building
between product, application and testing standards. left side, Apr 1974 construction – Heat flows and surface temperatures –
When comparing materials it is essential to make sure DIN 1946 pt 6 Ventilation and air conditioning – pt 1: General calculation methods, Jun 2001
that the numerical results being compared are based on pt 6: Ventilation for residential buildings; requirements, VDI 2719 Sound isolation of windows and their auxiliary
the same methods of analysis and testing. In the case of performance, acceptance (VDI ventilation code of equipment, Aug 1987
glass this fact is particularly critical for the radiometric practice), Oct 1998
data and the U-values. The German ”Ü” symbol (conform- DIN 33417 Description of position, orientation and direc-
ity verification for building authority standards and direc- tion of movement of objects, Aug 1987 Part B Case studies in detail
tives) specifies that products subject to building authority DIN EN 12464 pt 1 Light and lighting – Lighting of work
requirements or standards included in construction legis- places – pt 1: Indoor work places, Mar 2003 1.1 Stone
lation comply with the directives. In Germany the corres- DIN EN 12519 Windows and pedestrian doors – Termino- DIN 18516 pt 3 Cladding for external walls, ventilated at
ponding standards are listed in the “Construction Products logy, Nov 1996 rear – pt 3: Natural stone; requirements, design,
List”. In the future, the CE symbol will replace the “Ü” DIN EN 13829 Thermal performance of buildings – Deter- Dec 1999
symbol. The intention of technical standards, statutory mination of air permeability of buildings – Fan pressuri- DIN 18332 Contract procedures for building works –
instruments and directives is to create a ”framework” for sation method, Feb 2001 pt C: General technical specifications for building
all design and construction work, and to outline the DIN EN ISO 7730 (draft standard) Ergonomics of the ther- works; ashlar works, Dec 2002
requirements. They are the result of experience and mal environment – Analytical determination and inter- DIN EN 771 pt 6 Specification for masonry units –
should be subject to continuous revision. Standards and pretation of thermal comfort using calculation of the pt 6: Natural stone masonry units, Jan 2001
directives that form part of construction legislation must PMV and PPD indices and local thermal comfort, DIN EN 1341 Slabs of natural stone for external paving –
be adhered to. Deviations are possible when appropriate Oct 2003 Requirements and test methods, Mar 2000
proof of serviceability can be provided. However, the EnEV Energiesparverordnung (Energy Economy Act), DIN EN 1469 (draft standard) Natural stone products –
same level of safety must be achieved. Nov 2001 Slabs for cladding – Requirements, Jan 2003
Sets of technical rules (codes of practice, etc.) provide DIN EN 12059 (draft standard) Natural stone – Finished
the user with advice on methods of design and construc- 2.3 Dimensional coordination products, massive stone work – Specifications,
tion which experience has shown to be advantageous. It DIN 18000 Modular coordination in building, May 1984 Jan 1996
is therefore also possible to achieve the same success DIN 18201 Tolerances in building – terminology, prin- DIN EN 12326 pt 1 (draft standard) Slate and stone
using other methods and materials when the require- ciples, application, testing, Apr 1997 products for discontinuous roofing and cladding –
ments are satisfied. This paves the way for new approa- DIN 18202 Dimensional tolerances in building construc- pt 1: Product specifications, Nov 2003
ches to design and construction. tion – buildings, Apr 1997
Voluntary agreements regarding the strict adherence to DIN 30798 Modular systems; modular coordination 1.2 Clay
standards not called for in construction legislation, plus pt 1 Terminology, Sept 1982 DIN 105 Clay bricks
additional properties and requirements must be stipula- pt 2 Principles, Sept 1982 DIN 398 Granulated slag aggregate concrete blocks;
ted in the contract. A clause in the contract stating that all pt 3 Principles for the application, Sept 1982 solid, perforated, hollow blocks, Jun 1976
standards are to be adhered to is meaningless and can- pt 4 Representation in drawings, Apr 1985 DIN 1053 Masonry
not form part of future contracts. To avoid inconsisten- DIN 18515 pt 1 Cladding for external walls – pt 1: tiles
cies, it is essential to stipulate which standards are rele- 3 Planning advice for the performance of the facade fixed with mortar; principles of design and application,
vant and which elements in the standards shall apply in DIN 4102 Fire behaviour of building materials and build- Aug 1998
the event of different levels of requirements. ing components, Mar 1991 DIN 18516 pt 1 Cladding for external walls, ventilated at
DIN 4108 Thermal protection and energy economy in rear – pt 1: requirements, principles of testing,
buildings, Jul 2001 Dec 1999
DIN 4108 pt 4 Thermal insulation and energy economy in ENV 1996-1-1 Eurocode 6: Design of masonry structures,
Part A Fundamentals buildings – pt 4: characteristic values relating to thermal pt 1-1: General rules for buildings – Rules for reinforced
insulation and protection against moisture, Feb 2002 and unreinforced masonry
1 Internal and external conditions DIN 4109 Sound insulation in buildings; requirements and
DIN 1341 Heat transfer; concepts, dimensionless para- testing, Nov 1989 1.3 Concrete
meters, Oct 1986 DIN V 4701 pt 10, (pre-standard) Energy efficiency of heat- DIN 4226 pt 1 Aggregates for concrete; aggregates of
DIN 18073 Roller shutters, solar shading and black-out ing and ventilation systems in buildings – pt 10: Heat- dense structure (heavy aggregates); terminology,
equipment in building construction; concepts and ing, domestic hot water, ventilation, Feb 2001 designation and requirements, Apr 1983
requirements, Nov 1990 DIN V 4701 pt 12 (pre-standard) Energetic evaluation of DIN 18151 (preliminary standard) Lightweight concrete
DIN 18351 Contract procedures for building works – pt C: heating and ventilation systems in existing buildings – hollow blocks, Oct 2003
General technical specifications for building works; pt 12: Heat generation and domestic hot water genera- DIN 18152 (preliminary standard) Lightweight concrete
facade works, Dec 2002 tion, Feb 2004 solid bricks and blocks, Oct 2003
DIN EN 13363 pt 1 Solar protection devices combined DIN 5034 Daylight in interiors DIN 18153 (preliminary standard) Normal-weight con-
with glazing – Calculation of solar and light transmit- DIN 18073 Roller shutters, solar shading and black-out crete masonry units, Oct 2003
tance – Simplified method, Oct 2003 equipment in building construction; concepts and DIN 18333 Contract procedures for building works –
DIN EN ISO 12569 Thermal performance of buildings – requirements, Nov 1990 pt C: General technical specifications for building
Determination of air change in buildings – Tracer gas DIN 5036 pt 3 Radiometric and photometric properties of works; Cast stone works, Dec 2000
dilution method, Mar 2001 materials; methods of measurement for photometric DIN 18500 Cast stones; terminology, requirements, tes-
and spectral radiometric characteristics, Nov 1990 ting, inspection, Apr 1991
2.1 The structural principles of surfaces DIN 52345 Testing of glass; determination of dew point DIN 18515 pt 1 Cladding for external walls – pt 1: tiles
DIN 3750 Seals; terms, Aug 1957 temperature of insulating glass units; laboratory test, fixed with mortar; principles of design and application,
DIN 18351 Contract procedures for building works – pt C: Dec 1987 Aug 1998
General technical specifications for building works; DIN 52619 pt 3 Testing of thermal insulation; determin- DIN 18516 pt 5 Cladding for external walls, ventilated at
facade works, Dec 2002 ation of the thermal resistance and the thermal trans- rear – pt 5: Manufactured stone; requirements, design,
DIN 18516 pt 1 Cladding for external walls, ventilated at mission coefficient of windows; determination on frames, Dec 1999
rear – pt 1: requirements, principles of testing, Dec 1999 Feb 1985
Statutory instruments, directives, standards
DIN EN 197 pt 1 Cement – pt 1: Composition, specifi- DIN EN 572 pt 1 Glass in building – Basic soda lime sili- DIN EN 12208 Windows and doors – Watertightness –
cations and conformity criteria for common cements, cate glass products – pt 1: Definitions and general phy- Classification, Jun 2000
Feb 2001 sical and mechanical properties, Jan 2004 DIN EN 12210 Windows and doors – Resistance to wind
DIN EN 206 pt 1 Concrete – pt 1: Specification, perfor- DIN EN 1063 Glass in building – Security glazing – Tes- load – Classification, Aug 2003
mance, production and conformity, Jul 2001 ting and classification of resistance against bullet DIN EN 12216 Shutters, external blinds, internal blinds –
DIN EN 12878 (draft standard) Pigments for colouring of attack, Jan 2000 Terminology, glossary and definitions, Nov 2002
building materials based on cement and/or lime – DIN EN 1279 Glass in Building – Insulating glass units DIN EN 12400 Windows and pedestrian doors – Mechani-
Specifications and methods of test, Dec 2003 pt 1 Generalities, dimensional tolerances and rules/ cal durability – Requirements and classification,
guidance for the product/type description, Sept 1995 Jan 2003
1.4 Timber pt 2 Long term test method and requirements for mois- DIN EN 13115 Windows – Classification of mechanical
DIN 18334 Contract procedures for building works – ture penetration, Jun 2003 properties – Racking, torsion and operating forces,
pt C: General technical specifications for building pt 3 Long term test method and requirements for gas Nov 2001
works; carpentry and timber construction works, Dec leakage rate and for gas concentration, May 2003 DIN EN 13120 Internal blinds – Performance require-
2002 pt 4 Methods of test for the physical attributes of the ments including safety, Mar 1998
DIN 68364 Characteristic values for wood species; edge seals, Oct 2002 DIN EN 13125 Shutters and blinds – Additional thermal
strength, elasticity, resistance, May 2003 pt 5 Evaluation of conformity, Oct 2001 resistance – Allocation of a class of air permeability to a
DIN 68800 Protection of timber pt 6 Factory production control and audit tests, Oct 2002 product, Oct 2001
pt 2 preventive constructional measures in buildings, DIN EN 1863 pt 1 Glass in building – Heat strengthened DIN EN 13126 pt 1 Building hardware, fittings for win-
May 1996 soda lime silicate glass – pt 1: Definition and descrip- dows and door height windows – Requirements and
pt 3 Protection of timber; preventive chemical protec- tion, Mar 2000 test methods – pt 1: Requirements common to all types
tion, Apr 1990 of fittings, Apr 1998
pt 4 Wood preservation; measures for the eradication of 1.7 Plastics DIN EN 13561 External blinds – Performance require-
fungi and insects, Nov 1992 DIN 53350 Testing of plastics films and coated textile ments including safety, Jul 1999
pt 5 Protection of timber used in buildings; preventive fabrics, manufactured using plastics; determination of DIN EN 13659 (draft standard) Shutters – Requirements
chemical protection for wood based materials, stiffness in bending, method according to Ohlsen, and classification, Oct 1999
May 1978 Jan 1980 DIN EN 14501 Blinds and shutters – Thermal and visual
DIN 53362 (draft standard) Testing of plastics films and comfort – Assessment of performances, Aug 2002
1.5 Metal textile fabrics (excluding nonwovens), coated or not FensterTürRL Richtlinie über Fenster und Fenstertüren
DIN 18203 pt 2 Tolerances in building; prefabricated coated with plastics – Determination of stiffness in (FenTür), Nov 2002
steel components, May 1986 bending – Method according to Cantilever, Oct 2003 GUV-R 1/494 Richtlinien für kraftbetätigte Fenster, Türen
DIN 18335 Contract procedures for building works – DIN 53363 (draft standard) Testing of plastic films – und Tore, Jul 1990
pt C: General technical specifications for building Tear test using trapezoidal test specimen with incision, Hadamar Technical Directive, Institut des Glaserhand-
works; steel construction works, Dec 2002 Oct 2003 werks für Verglasungstechnik und Fensterbau; pub. 2:
DIN 18339 Contract procedures for building works – DIN 53370 (draft standard) Testing of plastic films – Windlast und Glasdicke; pub. 12: Fensterwände,
pt C: General technical specifications for building Determination of the thickness by mechanical feeling, Bemessung und Ausführung, Erläuterung zur DIN
works; sheet metal works, Dec 2002 Apr 2004 18056; pub. 20: Montage von Fenstern
DIN 18360 Contract procedures for building works – DIN 53386 Testing of plastics and elastomers, exposure VDI 2719 Sound isolation of windows and their auxiliary
pt C: General technical specifications for building to natural weathering, Jun 1982 equipment, Aug 1987
works; metal construction works, Dec 2002 DIN EN ISO 305 Plastics – Determination of thermal
DIN 18364 Contract procedures for building works – stability of polyvinyl chloride, related chlorine-containing 2.3 Solar energy
pt C: General technical specifications for building homopolymers and copolymers and their compounds – DIN 4757 pt 2 Solar heating plants operating on organic
works; corrosion protection of steel and aluminium Discoloration method, Oct 1999 heat transfer media; Requirements relating to safe
structures, Dec 2002 DIN EN ISO 527 pt 1 Plastics – Determination of tensile design and construction, Nov 1980
DIN 18516 pt 1 Cladding for external walls, ventilated at properties – pt 1: General principles DIN 18015 pt 1 Electrical installations in residential
rear – pt 1: requirements, principles of testing, Dec DIN EN ISO 2578 Plastics – Determination of time–tempe- buildings
1999 rature limits after prolonged exposure to heat, Oct 1998 pt 1 Planning principles, Sept 2002
DIN 18807 pt 1 Trapezoidal sheeting in building; trapez- pt 2 Nature and extent of minimum equipment,
oidal steel sheeting – pt 1: General requirements and 2.1 The glass double facade Aug 1996
determination of loadbearing capacity by calculation, Sound insulation pt 3 Wiring and disposition of electrical equipment,
Jun 1987 DIN EN ISO 717 pt 1 Acoustics – Rating of sound insula- Apr 1999
DIN EN ISO 12944 Paints and varnishes – Corrosion pro- tion in buildings and of building elements – DIN 18516 pt 4 Cladding for external walls at rear:
tection of steel structures by protective paint systems pt 1: Airborne sound insulation, Jun 1997 tempered safety glass; requirements, design, testing,
pt 1–7, July 1998 VDI 2058 Bl. 2 Assessment of noise with regard to the risk Feb 1990
VDI 3137 Forming – definitions, terms, characteristic of hearing damage, Jun 1988 DIN EN 410 Glass in building – Determination of luminous
quantities, Jan 1976 VDI 2058 Bl. 3 Assessment of noise in the working area and solar characteristics of glazing, Dec 1998
with regard to specific operations, Feb 1999 DIN EN 674 Determination of thermal transmittance
1.6 Glass VDI 2719 Sound isolation of windows and their auxiliary (U-value) – Guarded hot-plate method, Jan 1999
DIN EN 1051 pt 1 Glass in building – Glass blocks and equipment, Aug 1987 DIN EN 12975 pt 1 Thermal solar systems and compon-
glass pavers Aerophysics ents – Collectors – pt 1: General requirements,
pt 1 Definitions and description, Apr 2003 DIN 1946 pt 2 Ventilation and air conditioning; technical Mar 2001
pt 2 Evaluation of conformity, May 2003 health requirements (VDI ventilation rules), Jan 1994 DIN EN ISO 10077 Thermal performance of windows,
DIN 1249 pt 10 Glass for use in building construction; DIN 33403 pt 3 Climate at the workplace and its environ- doors and shutters: Calculation of thermal transmittance
chemical and physical properties, Aug 1990 ments – pt 3: Assessment of the climate in the warm pt 1 (draft standard) General, Dec 2003
DIN 1249 pt 11 Glass in building; glass edges; concept, and hot working areas based on selected climate pt 2 Numerical method for frames, Dec 2003
characteristics of edge types and finishes, Sept 1986 indices, Apr 2001 DIN EN 61277 Terrestrial photovoltaic (PV) power gener-
DIN 1259 Glass VDI 2083 Bl. 5 Cleanroom technology – Thermal comfort, ating systems – General and guide, Feb 1999
pt 1 Terminology for glass types and groups, Sept 2001 Feb 1996 DIN IEC 60364 pt 1 (draft standard) Erection of low
pt 2 Terminology of glass products, Sept 2001 voltage installations – pt 100: Fundamental principles,
DIN 1286 Insulating glass units 2.2 Manipulators assessment of general characteristics, definitions,
pt 1 air filled, Mar 1994 AGI F 20 Sonnen- und Blendschutzsysteme: Leitfaden Aug 2003
pt 2 gas filled, May 1989 zur Auswahl, Jun 1995 DIN VDE 0100-300 Erection of power installations with
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B 2.3.6 Köster, Arthur / Stiftung Archiv der Akademie der Architect: Ludwig Mies van der Rohe Magnus Müller GmbH, Butzbach (D)
Künste; Berlin Photo: Bonjoch, Eloi; Barcelona Metallbau A. Sauritschnig GmbH, St Veit/Glan (A)
B 2.3.7 Krier, Robert º l'architecture d'aujourd'hui 09/1998 MEW Manfroni Engineering Workshop, Bologna (I)
B 2.3.8–9 TWD. Eigenschaften und Funktionen. de Solà-Morales, Ignasi, et al.: Moeding Keramikfassaden GmbH, Marklkofen (D)
Info-Mappe 2 des Fachverbands TWD. Gundel- Mies van der Rohe. Barcelona Pavilion. nbk Keramik GmbH & Co., Emmerich (D)
fingen 2000, p. 5 GG Barcelona, 5th ed., 2000 NMP Naturstein Montage GmbH & Co. KG, Vienna (A)
B 2.3.10–11 Schittich, Christian (ed.): Building Skins, p. 82 Apartment block, rue des Meaux, Paris (F), 1991 Serge Lochu, Cosylva Paris-Ouest (F)
Munich/Basel, 2001, p. 51 Architects: Renzo Piano Building Workshop Stahlbau Wörsching GmbH & Co. KG, Starnberg (D)
B 2.3.12 Viessmannwerke; Allendorf º Buchanan, Peter: Renzo Piano Building Wortmann Projektbau GmbH, Wenden (D)
B 2.3.13 Leistner, Dieter / artur, Cologne Workshop. vol. 1, London 1993
B 2.3.14–15 Viessmannwerke; Allendorf p. 100 Art and Architecture Building, Yale University
B 2.3.16 Schott Glas; Mainz New Haven (USA) 1964
B 2.3.19 Schittich, Christian (ed.): Building Skins, Architect: Paul Rudolph
Munich/Basel, 2001, p. 54 Photo: Herzog, Thomas; Munich
B 2.3.20 Schneider, Astrid; Berlin º Stoller, Ezra: The Yale Art and Architecture
B 2.3.21 Helle, Jochen; Dortmund Building. Princeton 1999
p. 294 Spiluttini, Margherita; Vienna p. 124 Komyo-Ji Pure Land Temple, Saijo (J) 2000
p. 295 Küng, Toni; Herisau Architect: Tadao Ando
p. 296 Leistner, Dieter / artur; Cologne Photo: Shinkenchiku-sha; Tokyo
p. 297 top, centre: Comtesse, Frederic; Zürich º Casabella 689, 2001
p. 298 Müller-Naumann, Stefan; Munich THE PLAN 004/2003
p. 299 Walti, Ruedi; Basel p. 154 Distribution centre, Chippenham (GB), 1982
p. 300 Willebrand, Jens; Cologne Architects: Nicholas Grimshaw & Partners
p. 310 Brändli, Nick; Zürich Photo: Reid, Jo & Peck, John; Newport
pp. 302, 303 Halbe, Roland / artur; Cologne º Colin, Amery: Architecture, Industry and
p. 304 bottom: Brunner, Arnold; Freiburg Innovation. The Early Work of Grimshaw &
p. 305 Hofer, Robert; Sion Partners. London 1995
p. 306 Miralles, Jordi; Barcelona p. 182 Bauhaus, Dessau (D) 1926/1976
p. 307 top: Richters, Christian; Münster Architect: Walter Gropius
bottom: Entwicklungsgesellschaft Akademie Photo: Gilbert, Dennis / view / artur; Cologne
Mont-Cenis mbH; Herne º Sharp, Dennis: Bauhaus Dessau. Walter
p. 308 Kirsch, Guido; Freiburg Gropius. London 1993
pp. 310, 311 Richters, Christian; Münster Whitford, Frank (ed.): Das Bauhaus. Stuttgart
p. 210 Eden Project, St. Austell (GB) 2001
Architects: Nicholas Grimshaw & Partners
Photo: Burt, Simon / APEX; Exminster
º l'architecture d'aujourd'hui 07–08/2001
Architectural Record 01/2002
p. 232 Posttower, Bonn (D) 2003
Architects: Murphy / Jahn
Photo: Braun, Zooey; Stuttgart / artur
º Architectural Review 08/2003
Architecture today 09/2003
Index of names
Fink + Jocher ∫ 142, 271, 276 Kathan Schranz Strolz ∫ 148 Renzo Piano Building Workshop
Index of names FOBA ∫ 214 Kisho Kurokawa & Associates ∫ 269 with Kohlbecker, Christoph ∫ 94
Sir Norman Foster and Partners ∫ 53, Kleihues, Josef Paul ∫ 68f., 180 Rietschel-Raiß ∫ 23
157, 172, 184, 192, 196 Kleihues, Josef Paul Ritchie, Ian with Iñiguez, José Luiz &
Francis, Martin with Prouvé, Jean ∫ 192 with Baum, Mirko ∫ 76 Vazquez, Antonio ∫ 204
A Franken, Bernhard with ABB ∫ 214 Kluska, Walter ∫ 87 Rodriquez, Jesus ∫ 224
A. Epstein and Sons ∫ 180 Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Kohlmayer Oberst ∫ 284 Rogers, Richard ∫ 14f.
Anthony Hunt Associates ∫ 172, Systems (ISE) ∫ 284 Kohn Pedersen Fox Associates ∫ 198 Rogers, Richard Partnership ∫ 136,
192, 196 Frei, Otto ∫ 112f. Kramm + Strigl ∫ 293 236
Aalto, Alvar ∫ 65, 84, 71 Fritsch Chiari & Partner ∫ 80 Krucker, Bruno ∫ 103 rolf + hotz ∫ 308
Abalos & Hereros ∫ 224 Füeg, Franz ∫ 64 Kulka, Peter with Pichler, Rossetti, Biagio ∫ 64
Aires Mateus e Associados ∫ 122, 153 Füeg, Franz with Rudolph, Peter Konstantin ∫ 112 Rudolph, Paul ∫ 72, 101f.
Allmann Sattler Wappner ∫ 166, 194 and Staub, Gerard ∫ 72 L S
Alsop + Störmer ∫ 187 Fuller, Buckminster ∫ 156, 212, 217 Lacaton, Anne & Vassal, Sauerbruch Hutton ∫ 189, 281
Althans, C. L. ∫ 156 G Jean Philippe ∫ 220 Saulnier, Jules ∫ 187
Ando, Tadao ∫ 125 Garnier, Tony ∫ 101 Le Corbusier ∫ 45, 48, 102f., 183 Sawade, Jürgen ∫ 68
Architheke (Beat Klaus) ∫ 295 Gaudí, Antoni ∫ 10 Léon Wohlhage Wernik ∫ 103 Scarpa, Carlo ∫ 102
Atelier 5 ∫ 102 Gauthier, Silke ∫ 299 Libeskind, Daniel ∫ 157 Schittig ∫ 271
Atkins ∫ 230 Gehry, Frank ∫ 157f. Lichtlabor Bartenbach ∫ 282 Schlaich Bergermann und
Auer + Weber ∫ 102, 123 Gerber, Eckhard ∫ 102f. Limelight ∫ 277 Partner ∫ 206, 307
B von Gerkan Marg und Partner ∫ 103, Ludescher, Elmar ∫ 120 schneider + schumacher ∫ 197, 250
b17 (Martin Kühleis, Tobias de la Ossa, 187, 236 Ludwig + Weiler ∫ 282 scholl ∫ 302
Klaus Stierhof) ∫ 280 Gigon & Guyer with Mencke, M Schulitz + Partner ∫ 174
Baader + Schmid (Andrea Baader, Volker ∫ 178 M + G ∫ 90 Schumacher, Fritz ∫ 85
Hanja Schmid) ∫ 275 Glöckner, Dieter ∫ 112 Mahler Günster Fuchs ∫ 146, 274 Schwarz, Dietrich ∫ 297
von Ballmoos, Thomas ∫ 103 Goody, Marvin ∫ 211 Mangiarotti, Angelo ∫ 102, 114 Schwechten, F. ∫ 85
Ban, Shigeru ∫ 272 Gouesnard, Eric ∫ 74 Månsson + Dahlbäck ∫ 290 Schweitzer, Roland ∫ 135
Baumschlager & Eberle ∫ 278 Grimshaw ∫ 228 Marte.Marte ∫ 90 Seeberger Friedl + Partner ∫ 110
Bear, Steve ∫ 289 Grimshaw, Nicholas ∫ 157 May, Ernst ∫ 102 von Seidlein, Peter C. ∫ 59, 168, 270
Beck, Wolfgang ∫ 274 Grimshaw, Nicholas Meier, Richard ∫ 234 Siegert, Diethard Johannes ∫ 226
Becker, Gábor ∫ 98 & Partners ∫ 155f, 211 Mendelsohn, Erich ∫ 16 Sirola, Niko (Woodstudio 2000, Helsinki
Behnisch Sabatke Behnisch ∫ 248 Gropius, Walter ∫ 102, 183 Mertens, Rainer ∫ 150 University of Technology) ∫ 139
Behnisch, Günter + Partner ∫ 213 Gruber + Kleine-Kraneburg ∫ 77 Michel, Jacques ∫ 288 Snøhetta ∫ 138
Benedict Tonon und Nowotny Mähner Guimard, Hector ∫ 183 Mies van der Rohe, Ludwig ∫ 63f., 101, SOM ∫ 156f.
und Assoziierte ∫ 240 Gutbrod Rolf ∫ 104 156f., 278 Spiess Schäfer Keck ∫ 246
Berger + Parkkinen ∫ 177 H Moneo, Rafael ∫ 242 Steidle + Partner ∫ 118, 236
Bergmann + Partner ∫ 276 Haimerl, Peter ∫ 225 Montresor Partnership ∫ 228 Steiff, Richard ∫ 233, 241
Bienefeld, Heinz ∫ 96 Haller, Fritz ∫ 47, 157, 170, 268 Moore Lyndon Turnbull Steiner, Rudolf ∫ 102
Bienefeld, Heinz Hamilton, Richard ∫ 211 Whitaker (MLTW) ∫ 134 Stirling, James ∫ 211f
und Nikolaus ∫ 109, 150 Hamilton, Richard and Goody, Mosbacher, Erich ∫ 252 Suuronen, Matti ∫ 211
Bird, Walter ∫ 211 Marvin ∫ 211 Moser, Karl ∫ 102 T
Bitz & Savoye ∫ 305 Harter + Kanzler ∫ 304 Muches, Georg ∫ 156 Tange, Kenzo ∫ 212
Blumer, Hermann ∫ 295 Hegger Hegger Schleiff ∫ 239, Murphy and SOM ∫ 157 Taut, Bruno ∫ 156
Bogardus, James ∫ 155 300, 307 Murphy / Jahn ∫ 167, 206, 233 Thallemer, Axel ∫ 217
Böhm, Gottfried ∫ 102f. Hennecke, Hans ∫ 112 Musso, Florian Trombe, Felix ∫ 288f.
Bollinger + Grohmann ∫ 310 Heren 5 ∫ 277 + Lorenz, Claudine ∫ 305 Turányi + Simon ∫ 98
Botta, Mario ∫ 103 Hermkes, Bernhard ∫ 102f. N Turányi, Gábor ∫ 98
BP Studio ∫ 88 Hertzberger, Herman ∫ 103 Nagler, Florian ∫ 222, 298 U
Braunfels, Stephan ∫ 110 Herzog & de Meuron ∫ 65, 102ff., 216f. Naito & Associates ∫ 144 Unterrainer, Walter ∫ 294
Brenner, Klaus Theo ∫ 69 Herzog + Partner ∫ 92, 282, 291 Nardi, Claudio ∫ 88f. V
Breuer, Marcel ∫ 104 Herzog + Partner Neufert, Ernst ∫ 104 Verner Panton ∫ 211
Brückner & Brückner ∫ 78 with Schankula, Arthur and Niederwöhrmeier + Wiese ∫ 310 Vitruv ∫ 47, 64
Brullet i Tenas, Miquel ∫ 306 Schneider, Roland ∫ 247 Nouvel, Jean ∫ 266 W
Brunelleschi, Filippo ∫ 64 Herzog + Partner Nuvo ∫ 139 Wachsmann, Konrad ∫ 48, 51
Brunet & Saulnier ∫ 187 with Schneider, Roland ∫ 254 O Wagner, Martin ∫ 289
Bunka Shutter, Shinjuku-ku ∫ 272 Herzog, Thomas ∫ 27, 37, 39, 135, 168 Ortner & Ortner Baukunst Wagner, Otto ∫ 65
Burd Haward Marston ∫ 91 Herzog, Thomas with Lichtenwagner, Christian ∫ 80 Walther Mory Maier ∫ 110
Burkhalter Sumi ∫ 140 with Steigerwald, Bernd and Ove Arup & Partners ∫ 200, 204, Webler + Geissler ∫ 244
C Gestering, Holger ∫ 296 252, 307 Wolff, Rudi ∫ 244
di Cambio, Arnolfo ∫ 64 Herzog, Thomas Ospelt, Hubert ∫ 149 Wörndl, Hans Peter ∫ 152
Carpenter, James ∫ 191 and Schilling, Bernhard ∫ 287 OTH Sud-Ouest ∫ 136 Wright, Frank Lloyd ∫ 65, 101, 103, 109
Cerny und Gunia ∫ 293 Herzog, Thomas; Volz Michael; Overdiek Petzinka und Partner ∫ 252 Z
Chédanne, Georges ∫ 156 Streib Michael ∫ 290 P Zumthor, Peter ∫ 15, 65, 127, 187
Coignet, Françoi ∫ 101 Hochtief ∫ 116 Palladio, Andrea ∫ 289
Cucinella, Mario ∫ 218 Höger, Fritz ∫ 85 Paxton, Joseph ∫ 183
D Holl, Steven ∫ 176 PBI ∫ 302
Davis + Morreau ∫ 134 Hopkins, Michael and Partner ∫ 162 Perrault, Dominique ∫ 183
Design Antenna ∫ 208 I Perret, Auguste ∫ 101, 183
Dewhust Macfarlane & Partner ∫ 208 IGH ∫ 177 Petzinka Pink und Partner ∫ 252
DEWI ∫ 177 Ingenhoven Overdiek Kahlen Pfeifer Roser Kuhn ∫ 299
Diehl, Hans ∫ 170, 268 and Partner ∫ 239, 256 Pfeiffer Ellermann und Partner ∫ 246
Dieste, Eladio ∫ 84f. Ito, Toyo ∫ 202 Piano, Renzo / Rogers, Richard ∫ 14f.,
Dransfeld, Peter ∫ 301 J 211
E Jensen & Skodvin ∫ 65, 75 Prouvé, Jean ∫ 156f., 166, 192, 259
Eames, Charles and Ray ∫ 47 Jourda et Perraudin ∫ 307 Pysall Ruge ∫ 177
Eiermann, Egon ∫ 103f. Jourda et Perraudin with R
Eisenwerke München ∫ 241 Hegger Hegger Schleiff ∫ 239, 307 R+R Fuchs ∫ 110, 194
Emmer Pfenninger Partner ∫ 94, 196 K Rappange & Partners ∫ 176
F Kaakko Laine Liimatainen Reichel, Alexander ∫ 116
Falconnier ∫ 183 Tirkkonen ∫ 219 Rendel Palmer & Tritton ∫ 157f.
Fent, Giuseppe ∫ 295 Kahlert ∫ 246 Renzo Piano Building Workshop ∫ 83,
Figini & Pollini ∫ 239 Kahn, Louis ∫ 102 88f, 157f., 200
cast-in rail ∫ 106, 107 dimensional coordination ∫ 17, 20, 47– float glass ∫ 78, 90, 178, 182–86, 188,
Index cavity insulation ∫ 86, 110, 113 51, 311 242, 243, 269, 295
cellular glass ∫ 113, 188 displacement ventilation ∫ 41, 274 foil ∫ 36, 58, 111, 132, 151, 157, 160,
cement fibreboard ∫ 127, 129 door 214, 297 ∫
cement-bonded sheet ∫ 101, 103, 107f. glazed door ∫ 40, 96, 123, 142, 278 folded plate ∫ 28–31
A ceramic facade panel/ceramic panel sliding door ∫ 138, 143, 144, 253, folding shutter ∫ 258, 259, 275, 277,
absorber ∫ 28, 35, 287, 288, 290, 292, facade/ceramic panel ∫ 84, 87, 88, 256, 272 278, 280
293, 294, 301 89, 106, double glazing ∫ 28, 75, 77, 78, 91, 96, folding window ∫ 42, 261
acoustic bridge ∫ 24, 51 CIS thin-film cell ∫ 291 99, 111, 113, 115, 123, 136, 137, 142, formwork ∫ 31, 90, 101, 102, 105, 106,
acoustic comfort ∫ 22 cladding ∫ 31, 37, 63–68, 84, 86, 103, 147, 148, 150, 169, 173, 175, 178, 180, 108, 109, 110, 147, 200
acoustic performance ∫ 53, 54, 55, 56, 104, 107, 127, 137, 156, 16, 169, 242, 183, 184, 187, 193, 194, 197, 220, 230 formwork joint ∫ 105, 106
187, 213, 236, 237 248, 258, 273, 301, 311 double window ∫ 80, 111, 232–35, 237, formwork tie ∫ 102, 105, 106
acrylic sheet ∫ 210, 212, 218 cladding panel ∫ 64, 66–68 238, 240, 245, 249, 255, 286 French window ∫ 275
adhesive ∫ 34, 37, 67, 105, 127, 128, clay ∫ 22, 39, 63, 64, 78, 83–89, 91–94, double-leaf facade ∫ 35, 36, 56, 58, 201 frost resistance ∫ 63, 104, 108
129, 159, 188, 189, 190, 218, 242 96–99, 101, 104, 106, 155, 182, 240 double-window facade ∫ 233, 235, 237, G
ageing ∫ 14, 109, 169, 211, 214 clay brick ∫ 63, 64, 78, 83–86, 88, 91, 238, 249, 255 gabion wall ∫ 32
ageing behaviour ∫ 14, 214 93, 98, 155, 311 draught ∫ 23, 40, 41, 45 gasket ∫ 33, 34, 56, 189, 213, 228, 245,
air change rate ∫ 19f., 40, 43, 234, 236 climate buffer ∫ 120, 236 driving rain ∫ 34, 35, 54, 127, 311 256, 267, 268, 311
air collector ∫ 287, 289, 298 Coanda effect ∫ 41 dry walling ∫ 75 gasochromic glazing ∫ 187
air-conditioning ∫ 13,14, 18, 20, 41,45, coating dummy joint ∫ 105, 106 galvanised steel ∫ 96, 138, 146, 221,
53, 169, 234, 235, 239, 311 low-e c. ∫ 195, 293, 296 E 275, 276, 297, 298, 306
air flow ∫ 23, 24, 235, 237, 251, 252, reflective c. ∫ 58, 185, 190 elastomer ∫ 211, 212 GFRP ∫ 210, 212, 213, 271, 272, 296
253, 256, 304 anti-drumming c. ∫ 113, 243 electrochromic glass ∫ 187 glare ∫ 53, 58, 59, 88, 123, 180, 184,
air layer ∫ 23, 25, 53, 287 colour c. ∫ 108, 118 electromagnetic compatibility ∫ 22 187, 274, 277, 282, 287
air permeability ∫ 27, 132, 311 acrylate c. ∫ 108 energy balance ∫ 27, 43, 237, 239, anti-glare ∫ 18, 22, 28, 35, 58, 59,
air temperature ∫ 20, 22, 23, 236, 239 low-friction c. ∫ 129 258, 286 123, 202, 254, 255, 261, 274
airborne sound ∫ 24, 32, 56 opaque c. ∫ 131 energy consumption ∫ 53, 233, 253, glass ∫ 182ff.
air-conditioning system metal c. ∫ 157 259, 287 glass block ∫ 98, 99, 182, 183, 184,
∫ 14, 41, 235, 239 online c. ∫ 185 energy gain ∫ 24, 27, 28, 35, 36, 287, 188, 199, 200, 288
air-inflated structure ∫ 36 offline c. ∫ 185 289, 292 glass brick ∫ 182, 183
airlock ∫ 234, 287 corrosion-resistant c. ∫ 186 EPDM ∫ 147, 171, 173, 180, 188, 189, glass double facade ∫ 232–56, 305
air-supported structure ∫ 234, 287 fire-resistant c. ∫ 200, 242 191, 192, 199, 200, 206, 212, 228, 230, glass fibres ∫ 31, 116, 188, 212
airtight barrier ∫ 35, 36, 140, 151 ceramic c. ∫ 207 256, 266, 267, 282, 293, 309 glass-fibre reinforced concrete
airtightness ∫ 32, 34, 52, 53, 54, 293 protective c. ∫ 230 erection ∫ 116, 117
aluminium ∫ 154ff. UV-resistant c. ∫ 220, 223 erection tolerances ∫ 32, 51 glazed loggia ∫ 232–35, 286, 287
amorphous silicon cell ∫ 291 absorbent c. ∫ 243 erection procedure ∫ 30, 43, 59 glued laminated timber ∫ 57, 127, 138,
anchor points ∫ 29 selective c. ∫ 290 erection sequence ∫ 20, 34, 37, 162 148
angle of incidence ∫ 24, 25, 58, 185, 190 column ETFE ∫ 212–16, 225–28 glulam ∫ 119, 127, 136, 138, 146, 150,
anti-glare ∫ 18, 22, 28, 35, 58, 59 column spacing ∫ 47, 48 exhaust-air facade ∫ 233–35, 280 221, 279, 295
antique glass ∫ 183, 188 column order ∫ 47 exhaust-air window ∫ 232, 234, 235 gravity wall ∫ 30
arch ∫ 11, 96 steel column ∫ 75, 78, 91, 168, 220 expansion joint ∫ 19 greenhouse effect ∫ 24, 25, 183, 258
asbestos-cement (sheet) ∫ 103 comfort zone ∫ 22 exterior climate ∫ 9, 39, 258 grid
ashlar stonework ∫ 63, 64 compressive strength ∫ 63, 83, 104, 105, external wall ∫ 9, 13, 14, 31, 34, 53, 54, basic grid ∫ 68, 72
as-struck finish ∫ 102 154, 183, 211 65, 66, 78, 84, 94, 102, 106, 117, 127, grid line(s) ∫ 14, 49, 119, 255
atrium ∫ 233, 235, 236, 251, 307 concrete ∫ 37, 53, 57, 63, 76, 78, 83, 140, 142, 151, 155, 173, 210, 215, 232– modular grid ∫ 49
axial controlling lines ∫ 49, 50 86, 90, 91, 93, 96, 99, 101–119, 122, 36, 238, 258, 286–88, 294, 311 planning g. ∫ 49, 50
B 123, 129, 139, 140, 142, 147, 150, 152, F primary grid ∫ 50
baffle ∫ 14, 33, 34, 282 176, 178, 182, 192, 196, 200, 219, 220, facade panel ∫ 32, 87, 89, 92, 108. 180, secondary grid ∫ 50
balcony/balconies ∫ 143, 278 223, 225, 227, 240, 242, 245, 247, 248, 267, 290 structural g. ∫ 49, 50
bay window ∫ 234, 235 254, 255, 268, 269, 273, 275, 278, 282, facade run-off water ∫ 29, 32, 33, 34, H
beam ∫ 30, 48, 72, 90, 91, 119, 146, 150, 288, 293, 296, 298, 299, 300, 301, 303, 36, 87, 92 hail ∫ 19, 289
151, 168, 178, 194, 200, 207, 220, 230, 304, 311 face controlling lines ∫ 49, 50 hardwood ∫ 127, 129, 132, 136, 254
240, 246, 272, 279, 296, 306, 307, 309 concrete masonry unit ∫ 101, 103, 109 faced wall ∫ 84, 85 heat capacity ∫ 23, 24, 31, 36, 158,
bending moment ∫ 30, 34, 36 condensation ∫ 23, 32, 34, 35, 36, 55, facing brickwork ∫ 84, 85, 88, 99 183, 287, 288, 289
bending stress ∫ 30 72, 169, 184, 252, 297 facing brickwork masonry ∫ 65, 84, heat energy ∫ 22, 23, 28, 41, 218
bent glass ∫ 184, 85 conservatory ∫ 219, 233–36 103, 105, 107, 111, 300 heat flow ∫ 22, 311
bi-fold shutter ∫ 116, 117 continuous ventilation ∫ 40, 91 facing leaf/leaves ∫ 32, 34–37, 53, 54, heat radiation ∫ 20, 23, 34, 57, 183,
bow window ∫ 286 convection ∫ 22, 24, 25, 35, 41, 55, 57, 63, 65, 66, 106, 107, 122 186, 187, 289
bracing ∫ ∫ 129, 137, 167, 193, 195, 187, 287, 289 fair-face concrete ∫ 101, 103–106, heat requirement ∫ 21, 23
197, 203, 220, 246, 251, 304 copper ∫ 15, 78, 115, 148, 154, 157– 109–113, 123, 219, 242, 301 heat storage ∫ 25, 34, 35, 36, 286, 288
bracket ∫ 14, 36, 37, 54, 76, 85, 86, 95, 60, 162, 166, 175, 176, 277, 278, 289– fastener ∫ 66, 67, 107, 109, 129, 159, heat transfer ∫ 22, 289, 290, 311
107, 136, 146, 194, 196, 204, 207, 230, 91, 301 203, 213 heat-treated glass ∫ 184, 185, 186, 188,
242, 254, 269, 279, 296, 297, 298, 301, corridor facade ∫ 233, 237, 238, 251, 253 fenestrated facade ∫ 39, 43, 69, 233 189, 306, 309
303, 309 corrosion protection ∫ 104, 157, 158 fibre-cement sheet ∫ 103, 104, 105, heavy concrete ∫ 104
brazing ∫ 33, 159 corrugated sheet ∫ 104, 163, 173, 107–109, 118–20, 276, 279, 293, 300 high-rise building ∫ 29, 54, 57, 58, 237
bronze ∫ 15, 64, 154, 155, 156, 158, 212–14, 220, 223, 273 film high-strength concrete ∫ 104, 105
160, 166, 184 coupled window ∫ 232, 233 thin-film cell ∫ 291 hinged shutter ∫ 258, 259, 261, 279
buckling load/buckling ∫ 29, 30, 37, 215 crack ∫ 30, 116, 126, 127, 129, 189 thin-film technology ∫ 290, 291 hollow glass block ∫ 182, 184
buffer façade ∫ 219, 232, 233, 234, cramp ∫ 67, 107, 154 PTFE film ∫ 224 hopper window ∫ 44
235, 240, 241 cross-ventilation ∫ 40, 41, 167, 247 ETFE film ∫ 225, 226, 228 horizontal force ∫ 30, 37, 65
buffer zone ∫ 25 curtain wall ∫ 65, 76, 80, 87, 92, 98, fire protection ∫ 18, 51, 53, 54, 56, 57, horizontal load ∫ 29, 31, 37, 51, 107, 199
building materials class ∫ 57, 212 103, 107, 155, 156, 169, 176, 179, 189, 58, 91, 108, 169 horizontal louvres ∫ 42, 261
building system ∫ 86, 102, 267 191, 199, 233, 235, 236, 240, 286, 311 fire resistance class ∫ 56, 57, 58 horizontal sliding window ∫ 269, 269
building-in-building principle ∫ 233, 235, D fire-polished glass ∫ 185 horizontal pivot window ∫ 42, 43, 44
236, 238 daylight factor ∫ 40 fire-resistant glass/fire-resistant glazing hygiene comfort ∫ 22
butt joint ∫ 32, 77, 162, 213, 216, 256, daylighting/daylight ∫ 28, 53, 58 ∫ 56, 57, 186, 188 I
267, 297, 301 dead load ∫ 9, 29, 30, 39, 66, 85 fixed light ∫ 43, 138, 245, 267, 268, 274 ice ∫ 29, 32
C deformation ∫ 9, 29, 30, 39, 66, 85 fixing imposed load ∫ 29, 54
cable net ∫ 30 dew point ∫ 23, 311 retaining fixing ∫ 76, 77, 80 in situ concrete ∫ 101, 105, 106, 117
cable truss ∫ 30 dichroic glass ∫ 190 supporting fixing ∫ 80 inclined surface ∫ 29
capillary water ∫ 32, 34 diffuse radiation ∫ 21, 286, 290 flanking transmissions ∫ 24 infill element/infill panel ∫ 31, 32, 54, 57,
cast iron ∫ 125, 154, 155 dimension stone ∫ 63, 64, 65 flat-plate collector ∫ 287, 298, 290 103, 155, 280
insulating glass ∫ 45, 56, 184, 187–89, metalworking ∫ 154, 156, 157, 161 psychological factors ∫ 22 smoke vent ∫ 56, 57, 194, 221
195, 234, 242, 243, 245, 249, 252, 269, microclimate ∫ 14, 18, 19 PTFE ∫ 212–16, 224, 229, 230, 274 snow ∫ 19, 29, 32, 214, 289
274, 275, 276, 291, 293, 297, 298, 305, modular coordination ∫ 45–48, 50, 311 push-out window ∫ 44, 261 softwood ∫ 127, 128, 129, 132
311 modular system ∫ 47, 48, 50, 139, 311 PVC ∫ 210–16, 224 solar altitude angle ∫ 21, 25, 42, 58,
insulating glazing ∫ 55, 58, 187, 190, module ∫ 47, 48, 49, 86, 103, 289 R 283
207, 232, 234, 237, 241, 254, 255, 256, moisture content ∫ 126, 127, 130 radiation transfer ∫ 22, 23 solar cell ∫ 187, 290, 303, 305, 307
260, 270, 279, 280, 283, 307 moisture control ∫ 54, 55 radiation transmission ∫ 58, 59, 185 solar collector ∫ 273, 287, 288, 289,
interior climate ∫ 10, 14, 19, 36, 55, monocrystalline silicon cell ∫ 290, 291 reconstructed stone ∫ 63, 101, 103, 296, 297
126, 233, 234, 236, 245, 258, 286, 287 mortar ∫ 64, 75, 84, 98, 101, 103, 105, 105, 107, 109 solar energy ∫ 20, 25, 34, 35, 37, 53, 61,
interior conditions ∫ 9, 53, 233, 258, 261 107, 108, 109, 311 redirecting daylight ∫ 58, 187, 282 187, 232, 234, 236, 243, 258, 286–310
interior layout ∫ 25, 39, 45, 53, 237, moulding resin ∫ 188 redirection of light ∫ 42, 175 solar energy system ∫ 283, 286, 291,
246, 286 movement joint ∫ 84, 86, 87 reinforced concrete ∫ 76, 78, 90, 91, 292
iron ∫ 67, 88, 96, 101, 104, 108, 109, multi-leaf glass facade ∫ 28, 55, 233, 93, 101, 102, 103, 105, 115, 116, 117, solar radiation ∫ 18, 20, 21, 24, 25, 28,
123, 125, 154, 155, 157, 158, 179, 182, 234, 238, 239 123, 176, 182, 192, 196, 200, 220, 223, 40, 42, 45, 53, 58, 59, 127, 132, 183,
184, 232, 258, 270, 275, 294, 300 multiple-web sheet ∫ 212, 214, 221, 225, 227, 245, 247, 254, 255, 269, 273, 258, 286, 288, 289, 290
J 271, 272, 297 275, 293, 296, 300, 301 solar-control glass ∫ 58, 191, 192, 207,
joint design ∫ 32, 33, 50, 87, 106 multi-storey building ∫ 75, 58 relative humidity ∫ 21, 22, 23 267, 300,
joint spacing ∫ 106 N restraint force ∫ 29, 87, 107 soldering ∫ 33, 159
jointing system ∫ 32, 33, 34, 37 natural shelter ∫ 9 retaining fastener ∫ 66, 67, 107 solid absorber ∫ 35, 287, 288, 289
junction ∫ 29, 39, 50–57, 95, 114, 191, natural ventilation ∫ 23, 27, 41, 43, 234, reveal ∫ 11, 29, 39, 41, 108, 122, 136, solid wood product ∫ 129
199, 230, 254, 255, 292, 297 235, 237, 239, 246, 253, 254, 255, 281 268 sound insulation ∫ 24, 53, 54, 55, 56,
L noise level ∫ 22, 56, rolled glass ∫ 183, 184, 242 104, 107, 136, 187, 188, 235, 237, 246,
labyrinth joint ∫ 32 non-loadbearing facing leaf ∫ 53 roller shutter ∫ 259, 271, 311 298, 311
laminated glass ∫ 56, 171, 185–87, 207 normal-weight concrete ∫ 104–107 roof ∫ 28, 29, 39, 45, 57, 72, 74, 80, 96, sound transmission ∫ 24, 51, 183, 237
laminated safety glass ∫ 75, 77, 80, 111, O 114, 115, 125, 48, 169, 171, 192, 196, space truss ∫ 30
136, 147, 178, 184, 185, 186, 188, 189, open (drained) joint ∫ 67, 88, 108, 129, 197, 203, 207, 110, 111, 112, 117, 118, spandrel elements ∫ 69, 118
194, 195, 197, 202, 205, 206, 207, 217, 162, 180 121, 124, 128, 142, 146, 169, 273, 280, spandrel panel ∫ 14, 57, 58, 77, 86, 95,
226, 242, 250, 255, 256, 269, 278, 283, open grid flooring ∫ 220, 243, 246, 252, 292, 293, 295, 297, 304, 306 99, 101, 103, 155, 201, 220, 237, 248,
305, 306, 309 270, 274, 280, 307, 309 round section ∫ 127 269, 274, 278, 280
laminated veneer lumber (LVL) ∫ 127, open drained jointing system ∫ 32 rubble filling ∫ 75 specific heat capacity ∫ 158, 183, 287,
128, 130, 136, 149, 150 opening light ∫ 33, 41, 42, 43, 57, 202, S 288, 289
lattice shell ∫ 30 219, 220, 234, 237, 245, 258, 261, 267, sandstone ∫ 63–65, 70, 71, 76, 78, 194 squared timber section ∫ 90, 145, 146,
lead ∫ 56, 91, 113, 136, 154, 156, 157, 274, 275, 306 sandwich construction ∫ 31, 32, 35, 156 173
158, 160, 161, 162, 189 opus caementitium ∫ 101 sandwich element ∫ 105, 107, 114, 159, stack effect ∫ 23, 24, 28, 236, 237, 253,
leaded glazing ∫ 189 oriel ∫ 15, 29, 232–35, 286 162, 210 280, 303
lean-to conservatory ∫ 233–36 oriented strand board (OSB) ∫ 117, 127, sandwich panel ∫ 160, 230, 267 stainless steel
light permeability ∫ 27, 28, 31, 35, 39, 129, 142, 297 sawn solid timber ∫ 127 s. s. sheet ∫ 163, 169, 176, 197, 228,
43, 67, 229 P sealed (closed) joint ∫ 67 246, 252, 304
lighting environment ∫ 18, 22, 28 particleboard ∫ 127, 128, 129 sealing compound ∫ 33, 34, 85, 86, s. s. screw ∫ 175, 176, 179, 180
light-redirecting louvres ∫ 281 passive solar collector ∫ 287, 296, 297 106, 214 s. s. cable ∫ 143, 205, 206
light-redirecting profile ∫ 281 patent glazing ∫ 113, 188, 189, 190 secondary glazing ∫ 233, 234, 235 s. s. bar ∫ 202, 252
lightweight concrete ∫ 83, 99, 104, 105, patina ∫ 15, 157, 175, 177 secondary grid ∫ 50, 51 standing facade ∫ 29
245, 311 patination ∫ 14, 160, 179, 277 security ∫ 19, 165, 184, 185, 188 steel
limestone ∫ 63–67, 70, 71, 78, 80, 104, patterned glass ∫ 183, 184, 188, 298, seismic action ∫ 54 steel column ∫ 75, 78, 91, 168, 220
109 perceived room temperature ∫ 22 self-compacting concrete ∫ 105, 106 steel circular hollow section ∫ 72, 75,
lintel ∫ 11, 39, 57, 75, 85, 91, 96, 99, phase change materials ∫ 288 services/building services ∫ 13, 18, 19, 146, 147, 150, 169, 171, 195, 200, 206,
122, 207 photovoltaic module ∫ 187 20, 32, 53, 239, 253, 281, 289, 292, 226–28, 230, 272, 279, 37, 309
lip seal ∫ 33, 199 photovoltaic system ∫ 28, 53, 290, 291, 299, 301 steel rectangular section ∫
loadbearing external wall ∫ 43, 53, 54, 305, 309 shading ∫ 25, 40, 42, 58, 59, 179, 281, steel square section ∫
84 planning grid ∫ 49, 50 282, 283, 287, 291, 294, 300, 306, 311 steel flat ∫ 72, 75, 78, 90, 99, 115,
loadbearing structure ∫ 9, 14, 27, 28, plastic ∫ 210ff. shaft facade ∫ 233, 237, 238 136, 138, 142, 143, 146, 168, 171, 175,
29, 30, 35, 45, 47, 48, 50, 51, 84, 87, plywood shakes ∫ 127, 129, 132 178, 180, 192, 194, 206, 217, 224, 226,
129, 155, 178, 180 core plywood ∫ 128, 130, 142, 146, sheet glass ∫ 182, 183, 184, 188 230, 245, 246, 252, 269, 274, 275, 279,
loadbearing wall ∫ 63–65, 84, 85, 102 150, 221, 273, 275, 293, 294, 296, 300 sheet metal ∫ 45, 53, 54, 57, 58, 96, 134, 282, 283, 295, 304, 309
loam ∫ 83, 90, 101 veneer plywood ∫ 127, 248, 254, 276 140, 142, 146, 156, 158, 159, 160, 162, steel channel ∫ 75, 96, 171, 176, 192,
log ∫ 125, 140 PMMA ∫ 212, 288, 296 163, 165, 167, 169, 178, 192, 196, 200, 206, 230, 240, 246, 272, 276, 295, 309
loggia ∫ 29, 232–35, 286, 287 pneumatic structure ∫ 30, 31, 35, 210, 206, 217, 226, 255, 256, 261, 268, 279, steel angle ∫ 80, 90, 113, 115, 146,
loose shutter ∫ 258 211, 214, 216 280, 294, 301 147, 168, 169, 176, 178, 194, 200, 202,
louvre blind ∫ 58, 168, 169, 224, 243, polycarbonate ∫ 187, 210, 212, 220, shell ∫ 30, 31, 64, 78, 182, 183 207, 217, 220, 230, 246, 254, 267, 272,
248, 252, 254, 259, 261, 269, 270, 293 221, 223, 288, 297, shingles ∫ 87, 127, 129, 132, 148, 297 273, 275, 276, 279, 298, 304, 307, 309
louvre shutter ∫ 259 polycrystalline silicon cell ∫ 290, 291 shutter ∫ 115, 152, 258, 265, 266, 271, sheet steel ∫ 72, 90, 105, 138, 160,
louvres ∫ 28, 35, 42, 58, 59, 78, 94, 111, polyester ∫ 212–16 273, 278, 279, 280 169, 173, 178, 180, 202, 220, 242, 267,
161, 162, 171, 176, 190, 193, 194, 243, polyethylene ∫ 211, 212, 223 sick building syndrome ∫ 23, 25, 233, 276, 283
247, 252, 254, 255, 256, 261, 269, 270, polypropylene ∫ 212 237 stone ∫ 62ff.
274, 281, 283, 300, 309 polystyrene foam ∫ 80, 211, 223 side-hung opening light ∫ 258, 261 stone facade ∫ 63, 64, 65, 69, 77, 107
M portland cement ∫ 101, 104, 107, 108, side-hung shutter ∫ 259, 261 storm window ∫ 232, 233, 234, 260
manipulator ∫ 259, 260, 261, 262 128, 129 side-hung window ∫ 249 stressed skin structure ∫ 30
marble ∫ 63–65, 67, 70–72, 96, 108, 258 post-and-rail construction ∫ 162, 173, silicone ∫ 91, 189, 190, 195, 197, 200, structural grid ∫ 49, 50
masonry ∫ 13, 30, 39, 42, 57, 63, 64, 270, 309 202, 207, 212, 214, 215, 242, 256 structural hierarchy ∫ 30, 36, 37
65, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 89, 96, 99, 101, post-and-rail facade ∫ 45, 55, 56 single-leaf facade ∫ 56, 235, 237, 238 structural sealant glazing ∫ 189
103, 105, 107, 109, 111, 189, 250, 275, post-and-rail framework ∫ 193 single-sided ventilation ∫ 40, 41 structural veneer lumber (SVL)
276, 299, 304, 311 precast concrete ∫ 96, 101, 103, 105– single-storey shed ∫ 54, 153 ∫ 128, 129, 130
masonry unit ∫ 83, 84, 86, 101, 103, 108, 114–16, 142, 248, 275, 278, 282, slab ∫ 30, 31, 32, 85, 101, 115, 117, structure-borne sound ∫ 24, 32
105, 107, 109, 311 301, 303 123, 127, 169, 192, 194, 200, 237, 238, suction/wind suction ∫ 29f., 36, 221, 253
mechanical ventilation ∫ 40, 41, 234, prefabricated facade ∫ 14, 30, 32, 43, 254, 289, 298 sunblind ∫ 53, 54
239, 246, 254 45, 54, 55, 56, 118, 225, 238, 276, 283 slate ∫ 64, 65, 70, 71, 74, 75, 99, 104, sunshade/sunshading ∫ 18, 25, 27, 28,
membrane ∫ 13, 29, 30, 31, 142, 143, prefabricated panel ∫ 156, 276 311 29, 36, 42, 58, 59, 165, 187, 188, 207,
165, 213–16, 224, 226, 228, 229, 230, prefabrication ∫ 27f., 30, 31, 43, 48, 64, sliding shutter ∫ 258, 261, 273, 291 224, 234, 237, 238, 239, 243, 258, 261,
274, 301 102, 103, 139, 141, 147, 149, 155, 161 sliding support ∫ 29 274, 279, 280, 283, 286, 287, 288, 300
metal ∫ 154ff. primary grid ∫ 50 sliding window ∫ 42, 44, 91, 254, 258, sunspace ∫ 287
metal alloy ∫ 156 profiled board ∫ 127, 129, 130, 132 261, 269, 275 support fastener ∫ 66, 67
metal fabric ∫ 165, 166 profiled glass ∫ 184, 186, 196 smoke control ∫ 53, 54, 56, 57 surface coating ∫ 34, 55, 185f., 214, 254
surface finish ∫ 59, 70, 88, 102, 103, vapour pressure ∫ 22, 23, 32, 54, 55, 134
105, 107, 108, 109, 122, 127, 128, 129, variable daylighting system ∫ 58
131, 132, 138, 158, 178, 180, 185, 211, ventilated air cavity ∫ 27, 37, 68, 107
292 ventilation
surface temperature ∫ 21, 22, 55, 234, v. cavity ∫ 35, 36, 80, 150
237, 311 v. flap ∫ 218, 236, 237, 243, 246, 249,
surface treatment ∫ 108, 130, 157, 158, 250, 281, 282, 287, 294
185 v. heat loss ∫ 14, 236
surge ventilation ∫ 40 v. opening ∫ 40, 41, 56, 91, 233–35,
suspended facade ∫ 29, 221 237, 239, 245, 247, 251, 261, 281, 297,
T 305
tatami mat ∫ 47 v. system ∫ 41, 45, 233, 234, 239,
tension facade ∫ 214 246, 311
tension structure ∫ 210, 211, 215 mechanical v. ∫ 40f., 234, 239, 246,
tent structure ∫ 211 254
textile-reinforced concrete ∫ 104, 105 natural v. ∫ 23, 27, 41, 43, 234, 235,
thermal bridge ∫ 36, 37, 51, 55, 57, 87, 237, 239, 246, 253, 254, 255, 281
107, 184, 269, 304, 311 vertical force ∫ 30
thermal buffer ∫ 201, 234, 287 vertical load ∫ 29, 30, 36, 37, 184, 205
thermal buoyancy ∫ 40, 41, 236, 253, vertical louvres ∫ 42
287, 298 vertical sliding window ∫ 261, 269
thermal comfort ∫ 19, 21, 22, 41, 311 vertical-pivot window ∫ 248
thermal conductance ∫ 83 visual comfort ∫ 22, 59
thermal conductivity ∫ 23, 31, 32, 63, W
158, 183, 187, 211 water run-off ∫ 28, 29, 34, 162, 295, 301
thermal currents ∫ 23, 28, 40 water vapour diffusion ∫ 36, 132
thermal energy system ∫ 286–89, 299 water vapour pressure ∫ 22, 23
thermal expansion ∫ 70, 126, 157, 183, waterproofing ∫ 27, 36, 53, 54, 78, 90,
189, 213 91, 108, 113, 128, 136, 137, 176, 211,
thermal insulation ∫ 18, 25, 28, 32, 34– 223, 283, 298, 299, 303, 304
36, 54, 55, 66, 68, 74, 77, 78, 84, 91, weatherboarding ∫ 68, 117, 132, 147,
104, 111, 115, 117, 126, 129, 134, 136, 273
137, 140, 142, 143, 150, 169, 171, 175, weathering steel ∫ 155, 156, 157, 160,
180, 184, 187, 188, 190, 197, 210, 215, 177, 276
223, 228, 230, 232, 234, 235, 238, 251, weatherproof leaf ∫ 32, 34, 36, 37
252, 267, 270, 273–75, 278, 280, 287, welding ∫ 33, 37, 156, 158, 159
288, 289, 292–95, 297, 299, 300, 301, white cement ∫ 107, 108, 109
303, 304, 311 wind
thermal mass ∫ 101, 237, 287, 288, 289, w. bracing ∫ 167, 193, 246
298 w. force ∫ 40, 41, 44, 45, 203, 295,
thermal onion ∫ 25 306
thermal performance ∫ 28, 34, 35, 36, w. load ∫ 9, 29, 30, 32, 39, 54, 66,
55, 66, 127, 187, 189, 213, 232, 234, 85, 107, 205, 251
235, 236, 240, 243, 311 w. pressure ∫ 23, 29, 30, 32, 34, 40,
thermal resistance ∫ 125, 288, 311 54, 85, 87, 253
thermal transmittance window ∫ 232ff.
∫ 22, 183, 187, 212, 311 wired glass ∫ 184, 188
thermoplastic ∫ 211, 212 wood ∫ 125ff.
thermoset ∫ 211, 212 wood fibreboard ∫ 91, 130
thermotropic glass ∫ 28, 35, 187 wood preservative ∫ 130
thick pressed glass ∫ 184, 188 wood-based product ∫ 127–29, 132
tilt-and-turn window ∫ 259 wrought iron ∫ 154
timber ∫ 124ff.
titanium ∫ 156, 157, 158, 160, 297
titanium-zinc ∫ 158, 160, 297
tolerances ∫ 20, 29, 32, 37, 43, 48, 50,
51, 54, 161, 299, 311
top-hung window ∫ 42, 43, 44, 245, 275
toughened safety glass ∫ 75, 77, 78,
80, 95, 111, 115, 136, 138, 147, 150,
178, 180, 184–86, 188, 192, 194, 195,
197, 202, 207, 243, 245, 246, 248, 250,
252, 255, 256, 266, 268, 269, 272, 278,
279, 280, 282, 283, 294, 296, 303
transmission heat losses ∫ 234–36, 287
transparent thermal insulation ∫ 28, 35,
187, 190, 287, 288, 292, 295, 300,
transportation ∫ 30, 106
trapezoidal profile sheet ∫ 163
triple glazing ∫ 24, 36, 55, 183, 278,
282, 293, 300
trussing ∫ 30
U-value ∫ 22, 183, 187, 212, 221, 311
UV light protection ∫ 131
UV-resistant coating ∫ 220, 223
vacuum glazing ∫ 190
vacuum-tube collector ∫ 287, 289, 290
vapour barrier ∫ 142, 230
vapour check ∫ 36, 113
vapour permeability ∫ 34, 55, 131