Booking Details
Booking Details
Booking Details
*Please ref er t o airline websit e f or addit ional COVID- 19 precaut ionary measures f or passeng ers.
1 P7ESMN - P7ESMN - Confirmed
Adult (Jul 16, 1994)
Add - ons
MR MILVEN CAT AY - - 20 .0 kg
Flig ht Inclusions
All Guests, including children and infants, must present valid identification at check-in.
Check-in beg ins 4 hours for international and 3 hours for domestic prior to the flig ht for seat assig nment and closes 75 minutes prior to the scheduled
Carriag e and other services provided by the carrier are subject to conditions of carriag e, which are hereby incorporated by reference. T hese conditions may
be obtained from the issuing carrier.
T ransportation and other services provided by the carrier are subjected to conditions of contract and other important notices. Please ensure that you have
received these notices, and if not, contact the booking partner or issuing carrier to obtain a copy prior to the commencement of your trip.
If the passeng er journey involves an ultimate destination or stop in a country other than the country of departure, the Warsaw Convention may be applicable
and this convention g overns and on most case limits the liability of carriers for death or personal injury and in respect of loss of or damag e to bag g ag e.
Please check the fig ures / timing s as they may chang e time to time without any notice to the passeng er.
For Infants valid birth certificate is required.