Perkins 1103 Valve Install

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34 SENR9779-03

Disassembly and Assembly Section

lnstallation Procedure 101947651

lnlet and Exhaust Valve

Springs - Remove and lnstall

Removal Procedure
Table 1

Required Tools
Part Number Part Description Qty
21825666 Valve Spring Compressor 1
27610235 Setscrew Adapter 1

Start By:
4 3
a. Remove the rocker shaft assembly. Refer to this
Disassembly and Assembly Manual, "Rocker
901135897 Shaft and Pushrod - Remove".
lllustration 67
Typical example
Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
1. Thoroughly clean the exhaust elbow (4) and the
exhaust adapter (5).
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
component lite.
2. lnstall the exhaust elbow (4) onto the exhaust
adapter (5). Position the bracket (2) onto the
cylinder block and install the setscrews (1 ). Note: Toe following procedure should be adopted in
Tighten the setscrews (1) finger tight. Align the order to remove the valve springs when the cylinder
exhaust elbow with the bracket (2). lnstall the head is still installed onto the cylinder block. Refer to
setscrews (3) in order to secure the exhaust this Disassembly and Assembly Manual, "lnlet and
elbow (4) to the bracket (2). Tighten the setscrews Exhaust Valves - Remove and lnstall" for the correct
(1) and tighten the setscrews (3) to a torque of procedure that should be used to remove the valve
44 N·m (33 lb ft). springs from a cylinder head that has been removed
from the cylinder block.

Note: Ensure that the appropriate pistan is at top

End By: dead center before the valve spring is removed.
Failure to ensure that the pistan is at top dead center
a. lnstall the exhaust pipe. Refer to the OEM may allow the valve to drop into the cylinder block.
information for the correct procedure in order to
install the exhaust pipe. 1. Use the following procedure in order to find the
top dead center position for the appropriate pistan.

Personal injury can result from being struck by
parts propelled by a released spring force.

Make sure to wear ali necessary protective equip-


Follow the recommended procedure and use ali

recommended tooling to release the spring force.

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SENR9779-03 35
Disassembly and Assembly Section

Note: lf you are replacing ali of the valve springs,

the procedure can be done on two cylinders at the
same time. The procedure can be done on cylinder
1 and cylinder 4, and on cylinder 2 and cylinder 3.
Remember that the crankshaft must not be turned
while the valve springs are removed. Ensure that all of
the valve springs are installed before changing from
one pair of cylinders to the other pair of cylinders.

lnstallation Procedure
Table 2

Required Tools

g01015085 Part Number Part Description Qty

lllustration 68
21825666 Valve Spring Compressor 1
a. lnstall 21825666 Valve Spring Compressor
27610235 Setscrew 1
(1) and the appropriate 2761 0235 Setscrew
Adapter (2) in position on the cylinder head in
order to compress the appropriate valve spring NOTICE
(5). Keep all parts clean from contaminants.

NOTICE Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened

Ensure that the valve spring is compressed squarely component lite.
or damage to the valve stem may occur.

b. Compress the valve spring (5) sufficiently in
order to open the valve only. Do not compress lmproper assembly of parts that are spring loaded
the valve spring sufficiently so that the valve can cause bodily injury.
keepers (3) could be removed from the recess
in the valve stem. To prevent possible injury, follow the established
assembly procedure and wear protective equip-
c. Turn the crankshaft until the piston touches ment.
the valve.

d. Continue to turn the crankshaft until the valve

stem is at the highest point. The piston is
now at top dead center. Release the applied
pressure of the valve spring compressor (1) at
the top center position.

Do not turn the crankshaft while the valve springs are

2. Use the valve spring compressor ( 1) in order to

compress the valve spring (5). Remove the valve
keepers (3). 901015085
lllustration 69
3. Carefully release the pressure on the valve spring
compressor (1 ). Remove the valve spring retainer 1. Place the new valve spring (5) into position.
(4) and the valve spring (5).
2. lnstall the valve spring retainer (4 ).

Ensure that the valve spring is compressed squarely
or damage to the valve stem may occur.

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36 SENR9779-03
Disassembly and Assembly Section

3. lnstall the valve spring compressor (1) in position Note: Ensure that the machined tace ot the cylinder
on the cylinder head in order to compress the head is kept on a clean, soft surface in order to
appropriate valve spring (5). Compress the valve prevent damage to the machined surface.
spring (5).
4. lnstall the valve keepers (3).
Keep all parts clean from contaminants.

NO TIC E Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened

Do not tum the crankshaft while the valve springs are component lite.
Note: The removal procedure is identical for the
5. Caretully release the pressure on the valve three cylinder and the tour cylinder engines. The
spring compressor (1 ). Remove the valve spring illustrations show the tour cylinder engine.
compressor (1 ). Ensure that all ot the valves are
secured in place by a valve spring and valve
keepers. Rotate the crankshaft through about
45 degrees in order to clear the pistan from the
valve. Lightly strike the top ot the valve with a soft
hammer in order to ensure that the valve keepers
(3) are properly installed.

Note: lt you are replacing all ot the valve springs the

procedure can be done on two cylinders at the same
time. The procedure can be done on cylinder 1 and
cylinder 4, and on cylinder 2 and cylinder 3.

End By:

a. lnstall the rocker shaft assembly. Reter to this

Disassembly and Assembly, "Rocker Shaft and
Pushrod - lnstall".


lnlet and Exhaust Valves - lllustration 70


Remove and lnstall Typical example

1. Use a dial indicator to check the depth ot the

valves below the tace ot the cylinder head befare
the valve springs are removed. Reter to the
Removal Procedure illustration 70 and reter to Specifications, "Cylinder
Table 3
Head Valves" for the correct dimensions.

Required Tools Note: The head ot the inlet valve has a larger
Part Number Part Description Qty diameter than the head ot the exhaust valve.
21825496 Valve Depth Gauge 1 2. Place a numerical index mark on the heads ot
21825666 Valve Spring Compressor 1 the inlet valves and on the exhaust valves so
that each valve can be installed in the correct
27610235 Setscrew Adapter 1 sequence during installation.

Start By:

a. Remove the cylinder head assembly. Reter to this

Disassembly and Assembly Manual, "Cylinder
Head - Remove".

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SENR9779-03 37
Disassembly and Assembly Section

4. Compress the valve spring (5).

5. Remove the valve keepers (3).

6. Carefully release the pressure on the valve

spring compressor (1 ). Remove the valve spring
compressor (1) and the setscrew adapter (2) from
the cylinder head.

2 7. Remove the vafve spring retainer (4).

8. Remove the valve spring (5).

9. Remove the valve stem seal (6). Discard the valve

stem seal (6).
lllustration 71
Typical example 10. Remove the appropriate valve (7 or 8).

11. Repeat Step 3 to Step 10 for each inlet valve (7)

and for each exhaust valve (8).

lnstallation Procedure
Table 4

Required Tools
Part Number Part Description Qty
21825666 Valve Spring Compressor 1
27610235 Setscrew Adapter 1
21825496 Valve Depth Gauge 1

Keep all parts clean from contaminants.

Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened

component lite.
lllustration 72
Typical example
Note: The installation procedure is identical for the
three cylinder and the tour cylinder engines. The
3. lnstall 21825666 Valve Spring Compressor (1) illustrations show the tour cylinder engine.
and the appropriate 27610235 Setscrew Adapter
(2) in position on the cylinder head in order to
compress the appropriate vafve spring (5).

Personal injury can result from being struck by
parts propelled by a released spring force.

Make sure to wear all necessary protective equip-


Follow the recommended procedure and use all

recommended tooling to release the spring force.

Ensure that the valve spring is compressed squarely
or damage to the valve stem may occur.

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38 SENR9779-03
Disassembly and Assembly Section

6. Carefully turn over the cylinder head and ensure

that all of the valves remain in place. Place the
machined surface of the cylinder head onto a
clean, soft surface.

Note: The valve guides must be clean and dry befare

installing the vatve stem seals (6).

7. lnstall a new valve stem seal (6) onto each of the

valve guides.

8. lnspect the valve springs (5) for wear and for the
correct installed length. Refer to the Specifications
Manual, "Cylinder Head Valves " for further
information on the correct installed length of the
valve springs (5). Replace any worn parts.

9. lnstall the valve springs (5) onto the cylinder head.

10. lnstall the valve spring retainers (4).

lllustratíon 73
Typical example

1. Carefully clean the bottom tace of the cylinder

head. Ensure that there is no debris in the inlet
and exhaust ports. Also ensure that there is no
debris in the coolant passages and in lubrication
passages. lnspect the cylinder head. Refer to the
Testing and Adjusting Manual, "Cylinder Head 2
lnspect'' for further information.

2. lnspect all of the valve seats for wear and for

damage. Refer to the Specifications Manual,
"Cylinder Head Valves" for further information. 901015303
lllustratíon 74
Also refer to this Disassembly and Assembly
Manual, "lnlet and Exhaust Valve Seat lnserts Typical example
- Remove and lnstall" and refer to Testing and
Adjusting Manual, "Valve Depth - lnspect " for
further information. Replace any worn parts.
Personal injury can result from being struck by
3. lnspect all of the valve guides for wear and for parts propelled by a released spring force.
damage. Refer to the Specifications Manual,
"Cylinder Head Valves" for further information. Make sure to wear aJI necessary protective equip-
Also refer to this Disassembly and Assembly ment.
Manual, "lnlet and Exhaust Valve Guides -
Remove and lnstall" and refer to Testing and Follow the recommended procedure and use all
Adjusting Manual, "Valve Guide - lnspect" for recommended tooling to release the spring force.
further information. Replace any worn parts.

4. lnspect the valves if the valves are not NOTICE

replacement parts. Refer to the Specifications Ensure that the valve spring is compressed squarely
Manual, "Cylinder Head Valves" for further or damage to the valve stem may occur.

5. Lubricate the stems of all of the inlet valves (7) 11. lnstall 21825666 Valve Spring Compressor ( 1)
and lubricate the stems of all of the exhaust valves and the appropriate 2761 0235 Setscrew Adapter
(2) in position on the cylinder head in order to
(8) with clean engine oil. lnstall the inlet valves
(7) and the exhaust vatves (8) in the appropriate compress the appropriate vatve spring (5).
12. lnstall the valve keepers (3).

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SENR9779-03 39
Disassembly and Assembly Section

13. Carefully release the pressure on the valve

spring compressor (1 ). Remove the valve spring
compressor (1) and the setscrew adapter (2) from
the cylinder head. Gently strike the top of the 6 ---
appropriate valves with a soft hammer in order
to ensure that the valve keepers (3) are properly

14. Repeat Step 11 to Step 13 for all of the valves

(7 and 8).

15. Turn over the cylinder head. Use a dial indicator

to check the depth of the new valves below the
tace of the cylinder head. Refer to lllustration 70

and refer to the Specifications Manual, "Cylinder
Head Valves" for more information on the inlet
valves and the exhaust valves. lf the depth of
the new valves is below the correct depth, the
valve seat inserts must be replaced. Refer to this
Disassembly and Assembly Manual, "lnlet and
Exhaust Valve Seat lnserts - Remove and lnstall".

End By:

a. lnstall the cylinder head assembly. Refer to this

Disassembly and Assembly Manual, "Cylinder
Head - lnstall".

lnlet and Exhaust Valve Guides 5

- Remove and lnstall
lllustration 75

Removal Procedure 1. lnstall the 218254 79 Valve Guide Adapter (1) into
the 218254 78 Valve Guide Remover/Replacer
Table 5 (2).
Required Tools
2. Place the spacer (3) into the appropriate valve
Part Number Part Description Qty sea t.
21825478 Valve Guide Remover/Replacer 1
3. Pass the adapter (1) through the valve guide (4)
21825479 Valve Guide Adapter 1 and install the valve guide remover/replacer (2)
onto the spacer (3).
Start By:
4. lnstall the attachment (5) in order to secure the
a. Remove the cylinder head. Refer to this adapter (1) to the valve guide (4).
Disassembly and Assembly Manual, "Cylinder
Head - Remove". 5. Hold the top handle (6) and turn the bottom handle
(7) counterclockwise in order to push the valve
b. Remove the inlet valves and the exhaust valves. guide (4) from the cylinder head.
Refer to this Disassembly and Assembly Manual,
"lnlet and Exhaust Vatves - Remove and tnstall". 6. Repeat Step 2 to Step 5 in order to extract each
appropriate valve guide (4).
Keep all parts ctean from contaminants. 7. Discard all of the valve guides (4) that were
removed from the cylinder head.
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
Note: When new valve guides are installed, new
component tite.
valves and new valve seat inserts must be installed.

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40 SENR9779-03
Disassembly and Assembly Section

8. Remove the valve seat inserts. Refer to this 2. lnstall the 2761 0234 Valve Guide Adaptar (8) into
Disassembly and Assembly Manual, "lnlet and the 218254 78 Valve Guide Remover/Replacer
Exhaust Valve Seat lnserts - Remove and lnstall". (2).

lnstallation Procedure 3. lnstall the spacer (3) into the appropriate valve
sea t.
Table 6
4. Lubricate the outer surface of a new valve guide
Required Tools (4) with clean engine lubricating oil. Pass the
Part Number Part Description Qty adapter (8) through the parent bore for the
valve guide (4) and position the valve guide
21825478 Valve Guide Remover/Replacer 1 remover/replacer (2) onto the spacer (3).
27610234 Valve Guide Adapter 1
5. lnstall the adapter (1 O) beneath the valve guide
(4 ). lnstall the attachment (5) in order to secure
NOTICE the adapter (10) to the valve guide (4).
Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
Note: Toe valve guide (4) should protrude above the
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened cylinder head. Ensure that the protrusion (9) is within
component lite. limits.

6. Hold the top handle (6) and turn the bottom

handle (7) clockwise in order to pull the valve
6 guide (4) into the cylinder head. Continue to pull
the valve guide (4) into the cylinder head until the
correct amount of protrusion (9) is reached. The
valve guides should protrude 12.35 to 12.65 mm
(0.4862 to 0.4980 inch) above the valve spring

7 7. Repeat the Step 3 to Step 6 in order to install each

appropriate valve guide.

Note: The parent bores of the valve guides must

2 -----·-----· be reamed to the correct size after the valve guides
have been installed into the cylinder head. Also, the
valve inserts must be inserted and the seat faces
must be cut to the correct angle. The same tool is
used to finish both components.

8. lnstall the valve seat inserts and finish both

components. Refer to this Disassembly and
Assembly Manual, "lnlet and Exhaust Valve Seat
lnserts - Remove and lnstall".

End By:

a. lnstall the inlet valves and the exhaust valves.

Refer to this Disassembly and Assembly Manual,
"lnlet and Exhaust Valves - Remove and lnstall".


lllustration 76

1. Clean the parent bores in the cylinder head for all

of the appropriate val ve guides (4 ).

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SENR9779-03 41
Disassembly and Assembly Section

í01947654 Note: lt the cylinder head has been previously

ground then the bottom tace ot vatve seat must be
lnlet and Exhaust Valve Seat ground in order to ensure that the valve seat will be
lnserts - Remove and lnstall installed correctly into the cylinder head. A 30 degree
chamter must be machined to the outer edge ot the
valve seat after the back tace ot the valve insert
has been ground to the correct dimensions. The
30 degree chamter must be within the toterance ot
Removal Procedure 0.91 mm (0.036 inch} to 1.3 mm (0.051 inch). Also,
the chamter must be inclined to the vertical tace ot
Start By: the valve insert.
a. Remove the inlet valves and the exhaust valves. Note: Do not use a hammer in order to install the
Reter to this Disassembty and Assembly Manual, valve insert into the machined recess in the cylinder
"lnlet and Exhaust Valves - Remove and lnstall". head.

NOTICE Note: Do not apply any lubricant before the new

Keep all parts clean from contaminants. valve seat insert is installed into the cylinder head.

Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened 1. Use a suitable tool to install the valve seat insert
component lite. into the machined recess in the cylinder head.

Note: When new valve seat inserts are installed, new

valves and new valve guides must be installed.

1. Remove the appropriate vatve guides. lnstall -
partially finished valve guides. Reter to this 1
Disassembly and Assembly Manual, "lnlet and 11 5
Exhaust Valve Guides - Remove and lnstall". I
i 2�

Note: The inserts tor the inlet vatves are a larger

diameter than the exhaust valve inserts. ¡--- �, 7

2. Use the partially finished bore ot the valve guide 4 31 8

as a pilot bore in order to remove the valve insert

by machining. Also use the partially finished bore
ot the valve guide as a pilot bore in order to
machine a recess for a new valve seat. Reter to
the Specifications Manual, "Cylinder Head Valves"
' 'tj !.-10
for the required dimensions ot the recess for the
valve seat. Remove all debris trom the cylinder
head ports and passages.
lllustration n 901016768

3. Repeat the Step 2 for all ot the appropriate valve

seats. 2. lt necessary, a suitable tool can be manutactured.
Reter to the illustration 77. Also reter to the table 8
and reter to the table 9 for suitable dimensions.
lnstallation Procedure
Table 7

Required Tools
Part Number Part Description Qty
Valve GuideNalve Seat
27610030 1

Keep all parts clean from contaminants.

Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened

component lite.

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42 SENR9779-03
Disassembly and Assembly Section

Table 8 5. After installing the valve guides and valve seat

inserts, the valve guides must be reamed and
Tool for the lnlet Valve Seat lnserts
the valve seat inserts must be cut to the finished
Callout Dimension diameter. The valve guides and valve seat
inserts are cut and reamed in one operation. This
1 1.5 mm (0.06 inch)
procedure ensures the concentricity of the valve
2 20 mm (0.80 inch) seat to the valve guide in order to create a good
seal. Refer to the Specifications Manual, "Cylinder
3 6.8 mm (0.268 inch) to 7 .1 mm (0.279 inch)
Head Valves" for the finished diameter of the valve
4 100 mm (3.94 inch) guides and valve seat inserts.
5 38.1 mm (1.500 inch) to 38.3 mm (1.508 inch)
6 46.25 mm {1.82 inch) to 46.5 mm (1.83 inch)
7 Maximum radius 1.4 mm (0.055 inch)
8 Maximum radius 1.5 mm (0.06 inch)
9 1.5 mm (0.06 inch)
10 8.77 mm (0.345 inch) to 8.80 mm (0.346 inch)

Table 9

Tool for the Exhaust Valve Seat lnserts

Callout Dimension
1 1.5 mm (0.06 inch)
2 20 mm (0.80 inch)
3 7.2 mm (0.283 inch) to 7.5 mm (0.295 inch)
4 100 mm (3.94 inch)
5 34.38 mm (1.353 inch) to 34.58 mm
(1.361 inch)
6 41.75 mm (1.643 inch) to 42.00 mm
(1.653 inch)
7 Maximum radius 1.4 mm (0.055 inch)
8 Maximum radius 1.5 mm (0.06 inch)
9 1.5 mm (0.06 inch)
10 8.77 mm (0.345 inch) to 8.80 mm (0.346 inch)

3. Put the appropriate valve seat insert in position.

lnstall the special tool that was manufactured
previously, through the vatve seat insert and 901017975
lllustration 78
use the pilot bore of the valve guide in order to
center the tool and the insert into the recess. Note: Ensure that the 27610030 Valve GuideNalve
Lightly tap the valve seat insert in order to start Seat Reamer/Cutter is assembled correctly with the
the installation. Press the valve seat insert into correct angle of cutter (3) for the valve seat toward
the recess with a suitable press. Ensure that the the cylinder head.
bottom of the vatve seat insert is against the
bottom of the recess. Note: Ensure that the cutter (3) for the valve seat is
not allowed to contact the valve seat insert until the
4. Repeat Step 3 for the remaining valve seat inserts. valve guide has been reamed to the correct size.

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SENR9779-03 43
Disassembly and Assembly Section

6. Set the diameter of the cutter (3) to the correct

size for the vatve seat to be cut. Refer to the NOTICE
Specifications Manual, "Cylinder Head Valves" for Care must be taken to ensure that fluids are contained
the correct diameter. Position the reamer (2) of the during performance of inspection, maintenance, test-
tool (1) into the appropriate valve guide. Carefully ing, adjusting and repair of the product. Be prepared to
tum the handle in a clockwise direction and collect the fluid with suitable containers before open-
gradually move the reamer (2) into the valve guide ing any compartment or disassembling any compo-
until the valve guide is reamed to the finished size. nent containing fluids.

7. Continue to tum the handle in a clockwise direction Dispose of ali fluids according to local regulations and
in order to cut the valve seat insert. Remove the mandates.
minimum amount of material in order to ensure a
good valve seat. Keep the valve seat as narrow
as possible.
1. Remove all dirt, oil, and grease from the engine
oil filter assembly and from the drain plug of the
8. Remove the tool (1 ). Clean the debris from the engine oil pan. Place a suitable container beneath
valve guide and the valve seat. the drain plug of the engine oil pan.

2. Operate the engine until the engine is warm. Stop

9. Repeat Step 6 to Step 8 in order to cut all of the
the engine.
appropriate valve seats.

End By: 3. Remove the oil drain plug and the 0-ring from
the engine oil pan. Drain the engine oil into the
a. lnstall the inlet valves and the exhaust valves. container for storage or disposal.
Refer to this Disassembly and Assembly Manual,
"lnlet and Exhaust Valves - Remove and lnstall".


Engine Oil Filter Base -

Remove and lnstall

Removal Procedure for an Oil Filter
with a Separate Filter Element
Note: This procedure is for the removal of an oil lllustration 79
filter with an oil filter housing and a separate oíl filter Typical example
Note: The drain plug (1) in the horizontal type of oil
Note: The oil filter can be installed vertically or the oil filter is installed in the filter head (4) instead of the oil
filter can be installed horizontally. filter housing (3). Do not remove the drain plug (1)
from this type of oil filter.
4. Place a suitable container beneath the drain plug
Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
(1) in the oil filter housing (3). Remove the drain
plug (1) from the oil filter housing (3) and remove
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
the 0-ring from the drain plug (1 ). Discard the
component life.
0-ring. Collect any engine oíl that drains from the
oíl filter housing (3).

5. lnstall a ratchet with a 1/2 inch square drive into

the recess (2) in the base of the oil filter housing
(3) in arder to remove the oil filter housing.

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