Geography Past Papers Css
Geography Past Papers Css
Geography Past Papers Css
“In order to succeed, your desire for success should be greater than your fear for
Physical Geography
1. Factors controlling landform development; endogenic and Exogenic
forces; origin and evolution of the earth’s crust; physical conditions of the
earth’s interior; geosynclines; continental drift; Isostasy; sea-floor
spreading; plate tectonics; mountain building; Volcanicity; earthquakes;
concepts of geomorphic cycles; landforms associated with fluvial, arid,
glacial, coastal and Karst cycle; groundwater
Human Geography
f. Discuss the role of raw materials, labour wages and transport cost in
determining the location of industries with special reference to
Alfred Weber’s theory. (2020)
g. Briefly mention the types of FARMING, and discuss the role of
HUMAN and ECONOMIC factors influencing the agriculture. (2014)
h. “Agriculture is the linchpin of the economy of South Asia”. Discuss
critically with special reference to Pakistan. (2011)
i. Describe industrial revolution. How far it has helped in economic
development as well as in increasing economic disparity in the
world? (2010)
j. How does subsistence farming effect differ from Extensive Herding?
Make a Comparative analysis. (2003)
k. "Development of industries and agriculture depend on each other".
Discuss with reference to Pakistan. (2004)
l. Agriculture sector is the linchpin of the economy of South Asia.’
Discuss in detail with special reference to Pakistan. (2005)
1. Physical Geography
i. P.S
Erosional and Depositional Landforms
Landforms produced by wind action
Compressional Mountain building
Depositional landforms by valley glaciers
Plate tectonics theory
Impact of plate movements on development of landforms
Isostasy and global isostatic movement
Kars Topography
Conventional ages of earth crust
Torrid Zone
Fluvial land forms
Aeolian Land forms
Internal Structure of Earth
Glacial landforms
Fluvial cycle
ii. Climate
Hydrological Cycle and human induce changes in it
Atmospheric pressure belt and wind system
Composition of Atmosphere
Air masses and fronts
Moon soon
Stratification of atmosphere on the basis of temperature
Precipitation producing mechanism
iii. Ocean
Ocean floor structure
Ocean floor spreading
Distribution of temperature and salinity of ocean water
Mid Atlantic Ridge
Movements of ocean water
Tides: Causes, nature and effects
2. Human Geography
a. Causes and consequences of population redistribution
b. Cultivation of Cotton
c. Characteristics of more developed and less developed areas of the world
d. Demographic Transition Theory
e. Human Development Index
f. State in new world order
g. Sustainable Urbanization
h. Geographic Domain
i.. Culture
Ethnic Cleansing and recent examples
Development indicators
Sericulture in Pakistan
ii. Agriculture
a. Sustainable Agriculture
b. North American manufacturing belt
c. Renewable Energy
d. Factors influencing the agriculture