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Geography Past Papers

“In order to succeed, your desire for success should be greater than your fear for

Physical Geography
1. Factors controlling landform development; endogenic and Exogenic
forces; origin and evolution of the earth’s crust; physical conditions of the
earth’s interior; geosynclines; continental drift; Isostasy; sea-floor
spreading; plate tectonics; mountain building; Volcanicity; earthquakes;
concepts of geomorphic cycles; landforms associated with fluvial, arid,
glacial, coastal and Karst cycle; groundwater


c. Define tectonic processes. Describe how compressional mountain-
building produces folds, faults, over-thrust faults and thrust-sheets.
d. Describe the role of underground water as a geomorphic agent in
producing erosional and depositional landforms. (2017)
e. Depositional landforms by valley glaciers (2017)
f. Discuss Plate Geography in the light of Plate Tectonics theory and
discuss with examples impact of plate movements on development of
land forms. (2018)
g. What is Isostasy? Discuss differences between Airy’s and Pratt’s
concepts with a critical discussion on Global Isostatic Adjustment.
h. Karst topography (2018)
i. Describe the Conventional ages of the Earth’s crust along with possible
mechanism of crustal growth. (2019)
j. Normal cycle of erosion (2019)
k. Enlist the major fluvial landforms and explain how they are produced.
Also bring out their impact on human activities. (2020)
l. Point out the specific conditions under which karst topography is
developed and also explicate various karst features. (2020)
m. Why the Aeolian land forms are mostly located between 15 to 30
north and south latitudes? Describe the major characteristics of
deserts emphasizing their geographical location and associated land
forms. (2021)
n. What is a glacier? Discuss the action of glacier as an agent of erosion
and deposition and the resulting landforms. (2014)
o. Explain the concept of fluvial cycle, and the sequential development of
Land-forms. (2014)
p. How have earthquake waves helped the scientists to know about the
interior of the earth? Give a detailed description of the earth’s interior
with the help of diagrams. (2013)
q. Describe Landforms and evolution of landscapes of glaciation in the
mid and high latitudes. (2010)
r. Describe the internal structure of the earth in detail giving dimensions,
mineral composition and physical properties. What type of evidence is
used to obtain this information? What temperatures and pressures
may be expected at the earth’s center? (2009)
s. ‘Wind produces a variety of interesting sequential landforms both
erosional and depositional’. Discuss. (2009)
t. What are earthquakes? How closely are they connected with earth
movements? Elaborate their effects and distributions in the main
regions of the world. (2001)
u. Describe the conditions essential for the development of Karst
Topography, List the principal features of Karst region. (2002)
v. Examine the evolution of AEOLIAN Land forms. (2002)
w. What is glaciation? Describe the land forms associated with glaciation
in the highland areas. (2003)
x. How re earthquakes caused? Describe the major earthquake zones.
y. Continental Shelf (2003)
z. Define insulations, discuss the distribution of temperature on the
surface of Earth and reasons for its variation. (2005)

2. Elements and Factors of climate, structure and composition of

atmosphere, insolation, temperature, Pressure belts of the world; Heat
budget of the earth; Atmospheric circulation: planetary, monsoon and
local winds; Air masses and Fronts; Hydrological cycle; Types of
condensation and precipitation; Factors of global distribution of


c) Illustrate the precipitation producing mechanisms. (2016)
d) Give a comprehensive account of Hydrological Cycle and bring out
human induced changes in the process. (2017)
e) Composition of Atmosphere (2017)
f) What are air masses and fronts? How are they classified? Discuss their
impact on world weather. (2018)
g) Discuss and trace the breeding ground of the Monsoon along with
weather associated with summer Monsoon. (2019)
h) Through a diagram locate Torrid Zone and explain its prevailing
weather phenomenon. (2019)
i) Describe the stratification of atmosphere on the basis of its thermal
characteristics. Also discuss why troposphere is the most significant
part of atmosphere with regard to various human activities. (2020)
j) Enlist the various forms of precipitation and describe the
circumstances which cause them (2014)
k) Which prominent areas experience Mediterranean type of climate?
Give the characteristics of this type along with associated economic
activities? (2014)
l) Which prominent areas experience either of the climatic type? Give
the characteristics of the climate type along with the associated
economic activities; Desert type OR Monsoon type. (2011)
m) Discuss the Mediterranean Climatic Region with its dominating
characteristics. (2010)
n) In what way does the wet, monsoon – dominated climate of southern
Asiatic coasts (Am) differ from that close to the equator. Discuss in
detail. (2009)
o) There are certain winds which generated by terrestrial peculiarities
and are named accordingly. Pin point/explain such winds (world-wide)
with their properties and effects in me prevailing areas (2001)
p) What do you known about the distribution of atmospheric pressure
and the resulting wind system on the earth surface? (2002)
q) Discuss Mediterranean climate as under: (2003)
(a) Main characteristics
(b) Regional variations.
r) Cyclonic Storms(2003)
s) Define Cyclones. How are the temperate Cyclones formed? Discuss the
theory regarding their formation. (2004)
t) What are various types of local winds? Discuss in details the formation
and characteristics of the Mountain and Valley winds. (2005)

3. Origin of oceans and seas, Characteristic features of the ocean basins,

temperature, salinity distribution cause and effects, Ocean floor deposits,
their characteristics and classification, Ocean circulation, Waves, currents
and tides, their nature, causes and effects.


DIAGARAM. (2015)
c. Tides, causes, nature and effects? (2016)
d. Explain in detail the topographical characteristics of oceans floor
structure. Briefly explain the process of ocean floor spreading. (2017)
e. Mid Atlantic Ridge (2019)
f. Examine the temperature and salinity distribution of world oceans
along with their impact on marine ecosystem.
g. Discuss the significant movements of ocean water its causes and
impacts on weather and shipping activities. (2021)
h. What are the factors and forces that determine the movement,
direction and nature of ocean currents? Describe in detail the currents
of Atlantic Ocean bringing out their effects on surrounding lands.

i. Ocean currents influence the climate, resources and economies of

many countries. Elaborate this statement and give examples. (2013)
j. Introduce Atlantic Ocean with its floor configuration as a unique
phenomenon. (2012)
k. What are the Ocean’s movements? Discuss the currents of the Pacific
Ocean. (2011)
l. Show with an aid of a sketch map currents of the Indian Ocean. Bring
out the influence of monsoon on currents of the North Indian Ocean.
m. What causes the rise and fall of tides? What celestial bodies are most
important in determining tides? (2007)
n. Give an account of the Indian Ocean Currents and explain their
difference from other Ocean currents. (2004)
o. What do you know about Oceanic depositions? Discuss in detail.
p. What are the Ocean’s movements? Discuss the Currents of the Pacific
Ocean. (2005)
4. Factors of climate and Environmental change. Transformation of nature
by man; environmental degradation and conservation; Nature and Types
of pollution. Problems caused by pollution, Global Warming, Global
Environment Patterns, Environmental Hazards and Risk Management.

a. Discuss human impact on carbon circle. (2016)

b. "For the last two centuries human being is playing a pivotal role in
changing the planet earth". Critically evaluate this statement in the
context of global environmental change. (2017)
c. Give classification of hazards and discuss steps taken in Pakistan to
monitor, mitigate and manage natural disasters. (2018)
d. Bring out Kyoto Protocol – Targets for the first commitment period.
e. Life on the planet earth is mostly because of atmospheric shield.
Highlight this statement and bring out the importance of atmosphere in
sustaining plant, animal and human life on earth surface. (2021)
f. Environmental risks and hazards are becoming very common during the
current century. Discuss the hydro meteorological hazards with special
reference to Pakistan. (2021)

Human Geography

1. Origin and Diffusion of Culture, Geographic patterns of culture,

Classification of Languages, World Distribution of Languages, Indo-
European Languages, Origins of Religions, Diffusion of Religions, Global
Distribution, Regional conflicts, Ethnicities and Nationalities, Ethnic
Conflicts, Ethnic Diversity in the World, Factors of Ethnic Cleansing,
Ethnic Cleansing in the World, Development Indicators, Economic
Indicators, Social Indicators, Health Indicators, Development through
Trade, Impacts of development Indicators.

a. Human Development Index (2015)

b. What is ethnic cleansing? How this phenomenon is happening in the
world? Give examples from the most recent processes of ethnic
cleansing. (2017)
c. What are Development Indicators? How are they related to Social
and Economic Indicators? Discuss with reference to welfare approach
in Human Geography. (2018)
d. Sericulture in Pakistan (2019)
e. Compare and contrast geographic domains and its impact on culture
prevailing in the Andes Mountain and Nile Valley. (2019)
f. Many conflicts in Africa can be contributed to Ethnicity. Enlist major
conflicts and suggest mitigative methods for the peaceful resolutions
of these conflicts in Africa. (2021)
g. What is meant by cultural diffusion? How is the culture of an area
affected by landscape? (2009)

2. Factors effecting Agriculture, Subsistence Agriculture and population

growth, Commercial Agriculture and Market Forces, Sustainable
Agriculture, Types and Distribution of Agriculture, Factors of Industrial
locations, The Industrial Revolution, Industrial Theories, Distribution of
Industries and Industrial Estates, Renewable Resources, Recycling
Resources, Sustainable resources.

a. Highlight the geographical requirements for the cultivation of cotton.

Also identify the major areas of its production and trade in the world.
b. Sustainable Agriculture (2016)
c. North American manufacturing belt (2016)
d. Renewable Energy (2016)
e. Weber’s theory of Industrial Location (2018)

f. Discuss the role of raw materials, labour wages and transport cost in
determining the location of industries with special reference to
Alfred Weber’s theory. (2020)
g. Briefly mention the types of FARMING, and discuss the role of
HUMAN and ECONOMIC factors influencing the agriculture. (2014)
h. “Agriculture is the linchpin of the economy of South Asia”. Discuss
critically with special reference to Pakistan. (2011)
i. Describe industrial revolution. How far it has helped in economic
development as well as in increasing economic disparity in the
world? (2010)
j. How does subsistence farming effect differ from Extensive Herding?
Make a Comparative analysis. (2003)
k. "Development of industries and agriculture depend on each other".
Discuss with reference to Pakistan. (2004)
l. Agriculture sector is the linchpin of the economy of South Asia.’
Discuss in detail with special reference to Pakistan. (2005)

3. Factors of Population Growth, Components of Change, Population

Structure, The Demographic Transition, World distribution of
Population, Over and under Population threats and their consequences,
Models of Internal Structure of Cities, World Urban Patterns, Settlement
Theories, Patterns and Problems within urban areas.

a. Elaborate the causes and consequences of population redistribution

in any ONE mega city of the world. (2015)
b. Demographic Transition Theory (2015)
c. Discuss the sustainable urbanization in bridging green and brown
agendas. (2016)
d. Malthusian theory of Population Growth (2018)

e. Cite out at least three cosmopolitan cities in world mentioning causes

of their growth (2019)
f. Critically examine the application of concentric zone model for the
study of urban land use patterns. (2020)
g. Components of population change (2020)
h. Population of the world is unevenly distributed. Describe the physical
and historical factors to highlight the existing pattern of population
distribution in the world. (2021)
i. Describe the factors that affect the density of population in any
region. In the light of these factors, discuss briefly the density of
population in SOUTH ASIA. (2014)
j. Discuss the major factors responsible for increasing urbanization?
Highlight the main problems from this increase facing by these urban
centers at present. (2014)
k. Which factors affect the ‘Distribution of Population’ in the world?
Elaborate. (2013)
l. A population map of Asia shows that most people live on or near the
river basins and coasts. Give reasons for this distribution. (2012)
m. Present the spatial distribution of population over the globe. (2010)
n. Write down the various kinds of migration and describe the effects of
intra-urban migration. (2009)
o. How did settlements originate in the world? Describe the Central
Place Theory. (2009)
p. What is meant by “population growth”? Compare the pattern of
population growth between the more developed countries (MDC’S)
and less developed countries (LDC’S) since 1950?
q. “An age old phenomenon, forced migration across international
borders has become exceedingly widespread during the recent past”.
Discuss? (2007)
r. Explain urbanization. Give a brief history and present pattern of
world urbanization. (2001)
s. Bring out the salient features of population of South Asia under the
following heading: (2003)
(a) Population Distribution
(b) Population Growth
(c) Employment
t. Classify settlements on the basis of from and size. (2004)
u. The River basins and Coastal Plains of South Asia are reckoned as one
of the densely populated areas of the world. Discuss. (2005)
v. Discuss critically Types of Migration. (2004)

4. Politics, Geography and Political Geography, State as a Politico-

Territorial Phenomenon, State, Nation and the Nation-State, World
Politics and International Relations, Geopolitics of uneven Development
and Globalization of Capital, Geography of Tourism and Recreation, The
demand for tourism and recreation, The supply for tourism and
recreation, The impact of tourism and recreation: (Socio-economic
impacts, Physical-environmental impacts), Global patterns in health and
diseases, Models in medical geography, Recent issues and

a. Discuss in detail the differentiating characteristics of more developed

and less developed countries of the world. (2015)
b. Discuss the state in new world order in changing global political
landscape. (2016)
c. The post 9/11 scenario has totally changed the international tourism
pattern in the world. Give a critical appraisal on the hospitality
industry in the developing countries with particular reference to
Pakistan. (2017)
d. Differentiate between Frontiers and Boundaries (2017)
e. What is the difference between traditional and modern approaches
to planning for Tourism as per opinion of Geographers? Discuss with
reference to the industry in Pakistan. (2018)
f. Major attributes of the states (2020)
g. The Middle East plays a pivotal role in global geopolitics. Currently a
lot of changes have occurred in this region. Write an essay on impact
of these changes on the Muslim world. (2021)

1. Physical Geography
i. P.S
 Erosional and Depositional Landforms
 Landforms produced by wind action
 Compressional Mountain building
 Depositional landforms by valley glaciers
 Plate tectonics theory
 Impact of plate movements on development of landforms
 Isostasy and global isostatic movement
 Kars Topography
 Conventional ages of earth crust
 Torrid Zone
 Fluvial land forms
 Aeolian Land forms
 Internal Structure of Earth
 Glacial landforms
 Fluvial cycle
ii. Climate
 Hydrological Cycle and human induce changes in it
 Atmospheric pressure belt and wind system
 Composition of Atmosphere
 Air masses and fronts
 Moon soon
 Stratification of atmosphere on the basis of temperature
 Precipitation producing mechanism

iii. Ocean
 Ocean floor structure
 Ocean floor spreading
 Distribution of temperature and salinity of ocean water
 Mid Atlantic Ridge
 Movements of ocean water
 Tides: Causes, nature and effects

iv. Environmental Change

 Global environmental change
 Classification of hazards
 Kyoto protocol
 Hydro meteorological hazards
 Human impact on carbon cycle

a. Tropical Cyclone

2. Human Geography
a. Causes and consequences of population redistribution
b. Cultivation of Cotton
c. Characteristics of more developed and less developed areas of the world
d. Demographic Transition Theory
e. Human Development Index
f. State in new world order
g. Sustainable Urbanization
h. Geographic Domain

i.. Culture
 Ethnic Cleansing and recent examples
 Development indicators
 Sericulture in Pakistan

ii. Agriculture
a. Sustainable Agriculture
b. North American manufacturing belt
c. Renewable Energy
d. Factors influencing the agriculture

iii. Population Growth

a. Population Growth theories

b. Concentric zone model
c. Components of population change
d. Spatial distribution of population
e. Density of population

IV. Political Geography

a. Hospitality Industry
b. Differentiate between Frontiers and Boundaries
c. Traditional and modern approaches to planning for tourism
d. Major attributes of the states


 I consulted oxford junior encyclopedia,stahlers physical

geography,human geography by Dblij,besides having strong passion
to study about the world geopolitics such as Mackinder,clauswitz and
Alexander B.Murphy's articles.

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