Fatigue and Fracture Mechanics
Fatigue and Fracture Mechanics
Fatigue and Fracture Mechanics
Course Objectives:
1. To teach the fatigue of structures & its characteristics under external load
2. To train the students for fatigue life calculation of structures under external load at variable amplitude loading
3. To instruct the mechanics of fracture to study crack growth in materials and predict the fatigue crack growth of a
component using fracture mechanics
4. To instruct the modern design philosophy
Course Pre-requisites:
Basic course on Strength of Materials
Introduction - Introduction to Fatigue, Definition, Historical overview of fatigue, Phases in fatigue life - crack
initiation, crack growth, final fracture (Micro/macro aspects of fatigue of metals).
Fatigue of Structures I - Stress Life (S-N) approach – Introduction, S-N Curves, Endurance limit, Effect of Mean
stress and Haigh diagrams, Life estimation with the S-N Approach Design of Components - Goodman, Gerber and
Soderberg relations and diagrams. Notches, Stress concentration factors, Notched S-N curves.
Fatigue of Structures II - Strain Life (ε-N) approach – Introduction, Material behaviour - monotonic stress-strain
behaviour, cyclic stress strain behaviour, transient behaviour (cyclic strain hardening and softening), cyclic stress-
strain curve determination, Stress-plastic strain power law relation, Strain life curve (Coffin-Manson relation),
Neuber’s rule.
Statistical Aspects of Fatigue Behaviour - Low cycle and high cycle fatigue, Transition life, Cycle counting
techniques, Definition of fatigue damage, Cumulative damage, Miner’s theory, other theories.
Fracture Mechanics – Introduction, Strength of cracked bodies, Linear Elastic Fracture Mechanics (LEFM),
Griffith’s theory, Irwin extension of Griffith’s theory to ductile materials, Stress intensity factor, Stress analysis of
cracked bodies, Relation between G & K, Crack tip plasticity, Effect of crack tip plasticity on G, Fracture toughness,
Effect of thickness on fracture toughness, Stress intensity factors for typical geometries. Fatigue crack growth curve,
Empirical relation describing crack growth law-life calculations.
Fatigue Design and Testing - Evolution of design philosophies - Safe life, Fail-safe, Damage tolerance,
Introduction to Fatigue & Damage Tolerance evaluation, recommended practices to improve fatigue design.
Text Books:
1. Elementary Engineering Fracture Mechanics, D. Broek, Noordhoff International Publishing Co., London, 1994.
2. Metal fatigue in Engineering, Ralph I Stephens, Ali Fatemi, Robert, A Wiely - Interscience, 2nd Edition, 2001.
3. Fundamentals of Fracture Mechanics, J. F. Knott, Butterworth & Co., (Publishers) Ltd., London, 1983.
Autonomous College under VTU
Reference Books:
1. Fatigue of Aircraft Structures, W. Barrois and L. Ripley, Pergamon Press, Oxford, 1983.
2. Mechanics of Fracture, C. G. Sih, Vol.1, Sijthoff and Noordhoff International Publishing Co., Netherland, 1989
3. Fatigue of structures & materials, Jaap Schijive, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2004
4. Deformation and Fracture Mechanics of Engineering Materials, Richard W. Hertzberg, John Wiely & Sons, 1996
4th Edition
5. Fracture Mechanics – Fundamentals & Applications, T. L. Anderson, Taylor & Francis Group, 3rd Edition 2005
6. Fundamentals of Metal Fatigue Analysis, Julie A Bannantine, Jess J Comer & James, Prentice-Hall, Inc, New
Jersey, 1990
CO1: Analyse fatigue of structures & its characteristics under external load.
CO2: Solve fatigue life of structures undergoing plastic behavior under external load at variable amplitude loading.
CO3: Describe the mechanics of fracture to study crack growth in materials Predict the fatigue crack growth of a component
using fracture mechanics.
CO4: Identifying modern design philosophy.