Oocyte Competence Biomarkers Associated With Oocyte Maturation: A Review
Oocyte Competence Biomarkers Associated With Oocyte Maturation: A Review
Oocyte Competence Biomarkers Associated With Oocyte Maturation: A Review
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Sirait et al. Oocyte Competence Biomarkers
(Gallos et al., 2017). While the drug regimens hold paramount Notably, some biomarkers have different or interconnected
importance for IVF and have been established and refined modes of action in regulating oocyte maturation and are hereby
through years of clinical practice and research, the incidence of assorted based on the processes that they associate with during
asynchronous ovarian response persists (Braga et al., 2020). This oocyte maturation.
is evident in the miscellaneous yield of abnormal, immature, and
poor-quality oocytes at retrieval. Furthermore, a portion of the
immature oocytes would not progress to maturity during in vitro OOCYTE NUCLEAR MATURATION
culture and could not be subjected to sperm injections while the
poor-quality oocytes are at risk of forming aneuploid embryos Nuclear maturation that is characterized by germinal vesicle
(Figueira et al., 2010; Bosch et al., 2016). Hence, oocyte quality breakdown denotes the continuation of meiosis I division from
assessment is carried out prior to syngamy as a predictive marker prophase I to metaphase II. The majority of intra-ovarian
of oocyte competence and IVF outcomes. oocytes are arrested at prophase I due to the low activity of
To date, the oocytes quality assessment is mostly based on maturation promoting factors (MFP), which consist of two sub-
morphology (Wang and Sun, 2007). The morphological grading unit proteins namely cyclin-dependent kinase 1 (CDK1) and
system is mainly based on extra-cytoplasmic and cytoplasmic Cyclin B1. Physiologically, low activity of intra-oocyte MPF is
observations, which may give insight into the nuclear and instigated by the presence of adenosine monophosphate (cAMP)
cytoplasmic maturity state (Balaban et al., 2012). A spectrum produced by intra-follicular somatic cells or the oocytes itself
of publications has supported the relevancy of one or more (Edry et al., 2006), and cyclic guanosine monophosphate (cGMP)
of the oocyte morphological characteristics in predicting the produced by follicular somatic cells (Norris et al., 2009). Both
quality of the subsequent stages of embryo development. Tilia of these molecules are transported into the oocyte via gap
et al. (2020) inferred that oocyte meiotic spindle morphology is junctions. cAMP prevents the activation of CDK1 through
correlated to embryo developmental stages and embryo ploidy the protein kinase A (PKA) signaling pathway, while a high
and that the oocyte morphology scoring system could be useful in concentration of cGMP inhibits the degradation of cAMP by
determining embryos competent to achieve successful pregnancy phosphodiesterase PDE3A enzyme. The inhibitory actions of
(Lazzaroni-Tealdi et al., 2015). However, the accuracy of this the signaling molecules altogether ensue the low MPF activity
morphological grading method in predicting IVF outcomes is still that in turn leads to maturation arrest (Adhikari and Liu,
unconvincing due to its subjectivity and the lack of correlation to 2014). Luteinizing hormone (LH) plays a significant role in
the quality or competence of the oocytes (Ruvolo et al., 2013). counteracting the inhibitory signaling molecules by restricting
This has led to the current trend of research which attempts to the translation of Cx-43 protein, which is an essential backbone
utilize more definitive molecular parameters, such as biomarkers, protein for the construction of gap-junction (Kalma et al.,
in outlining the predictive models for IVF outcomes. 2004). Diminished expression of Cx-43 protein alters cell-to-cell
A few studies on the transcriptomes of COC have become communication between intrafollicular somatic cells leading to
prominent over the years due to the ease of deriving cumulus the low levels of intra-oocyte cAMP and cGMP; thus, inducing
cells without jeopardizing the conditions of the oocytes (Wyse the continuation of meiosis prophase I up till the metaphase II
et al., 2020). Through methodologies for genotyping and gene arrest. At this stage, oocyte nuclear maturity is discernible by the
expression analysis mainly DNA microarray, RT-qPCR (Reverse- presence of the first polar body and the emergence of a meiotic
Transcription quantitative Polymerase Chain Reaction), and spindle that is otherwise not observed in immature oocytes.
Next Generation Sequencing (NGS), a large number of vital LH is engaged in regulating the expression of specific genes
biomarkers and their roles were unveiled. Correspondingly, that concern the EGF (Epidermal Growth Network) and gap
complex signal transduction pathways involved in oocyte junction permeability to achieve nuclear maturation and finally
maturation were gradually assembled, heightening our oocyte competency prior to fertilization (Conti et al., 2012).
understanding of the pathophysiology of immature oocytes LH receptor (LHR) plays a central role in the stimulating
obtained during a controlled ovarian stimulation in IVF mechanism of the hormone and the availability of the G-protein
(Chronowska, 2014). The implementation of COC biomarker coupled LH receptors in human granulosa cells make it a
analysis as an effective IVF predictor could ultimately safeguard valuable biomarker for oocytes nuclear maturation. Findings by
patients’ assurance throughout the program as they prepare for Maman et al. (2012) describe that LHR mRNA is expressed
the next step. These biomarkers were not only anticipated to higher in granulosa cells of mature oocytes than granulosa
revolutionize oocyte selection in IVF but also pave attainable cells of immature oocytes, metaphase 1, and germinal vesicle
approaches that could improve in vitro maturation of oocytes, oocytes, but higher expression of LHR mRNA was found to be
thus possibly increasing the success rate of IVF. associated with decreased fertilization rate. Moreover, Wiweko
Findings on a total of eight biomarkers were dissected in this et al. (2019) investigated the expression of LHR mRNA on
study (Table 1). These biomarkers are mainly regulatory RNA, oocyte maturation and fertilization rate of two groups of IVF
proteins, receptors, growth factors, gap junctions, and proteases patients, namely poor responders, and non-poor responders.
that are involved in the complex process of oocyte maturation. The results indicated that the LHR mRNA relative value was
Most prospective studies are selected with subjects of discussion higher but not significant in poor responders compared to non-
being the evidence-based breakthroughs of these biomarkers poor responders. Furthermore, the expression of LHR mRNA
as possible prognostic indicators for an IVF cycle (Figure 1). had a positive correlation with oocyte maturity and fertilization
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TABLE 1 | Summary table of eight cumulus biomarkers and their significance in assessing oocyte development competency and/or IVF outcomes.
Maman et al. (2012) LHR Nuclear RT-PCR Granulosa cells from 70 IVF Expression of LHR is higher in metaphase II oocytes
maturation patients and 20 IVM (in vitro than in metaphase I and germinal vesicle oocytes
Maturation) patients (P < 0.05), but overexpression is associated with low
fertilization capacity (P < 0.05)
Wiweko et al. (2019) LHR RT-PCR Granulosa cells from 10 poor In poor responders: Positive correlation of LHR
responder IVF patients and 20 expression with oocyte maturity (r = 0.267), oocyte
non-poor responder patients morphology (r = 0.267), and fertilization rate (r = 0.430)
In non-poor responders:
Negative correlation of LHR expression with oocyte
maturity (r = −0.552), morphology (r = −0.164), and
fertilization rate (r = −0.340)
Gode et al. (2011) BMP15, GDF9 Western blot 81 individually derived Nuclear maturation of oocytes (P < 0.05) and quality of
cumulus-oocyte complexes (COCs) embryos (P < 0.05) are significantly correlated with the
and follicular fluids collected from level of mature GDF9 in follicular fluid
the first retrieved follicle of 81
IVF/ICSI patients
Li et al. (2014) BMP15, GDF9 qPCR. 2,426 COCs from 196 IVF/ICSI Expression of GDF9 and BMP15 mRNAs in cumulus
patients granulosa cells were highly correlated with oocyte
maturation, fertilization, and embryo quality (P < 0.05).
Pregnancy predicting capacity is evident (GDF9 with
proteins and 100 cumulus cells from 20 PCOS patients. Significant correlation of embryo quality
(Caspase-3, normal IVF patients (control group) with Caspase-3 (P = 0.0016) and Caspase-7
Caspase-7) (P = 0.084) expression in PCOS patients
Sirait et al. Oocyte Competence Biomarkers
differential expression,
pathway analysis,
couples undergoing IVF and the promising clinical use of the OSF
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Sirait et al. Oocyte Competence Biomarkers
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Sirait et al. Oocyte Competence Biomarkers
the immature oocyte cohort (Wyse et al., 2020). Concurrently, dehydrogenase 1 (Järvensivu et al., 2015). The enzyme, in the
Wyse et al. (2020) also identified a higher expression of presence of cofactors, regulates the reversible catalytic reaction
cumulus expansion-associated ADAM-metallopeptidase with of converting estrone to estradiol which possesses a higher
thrombospondin type 1 motifs-1 (ADAMTS-1) in COC of mature estrogenic activity. HSD17B1 has been extensively evaluated in
oocytes. This was previously exhibited in a study that specified animal models and the recent transcriptomic analysis of human
its essential role in the follicular rupture process. ADAMTS-1 COC samples corroborates the significantly reduced expression
expression was found to be correlated with oocyte fertilization of HSD17B1 in mature oocytes (Wyse et al., 2020), commencing
capacity in which oocytes that underwent successful fertilization possible research in the mechanism and roles of the gene in
acquired a threefold higher expression of cumulus ADAMTS-1 promoting the maturation process. Likewise, further research
compared to those that failed to fertilize (Yung et al., 2010). worth investigating would be on the affiliation of PAPPA,
While these studies might have proven the competency and HSD17B1 mRNA expression level in mature oocytes with
of SERPINE2 and ADAMTS-1 as biomarkers for oocyte their respective pregnancy outcomes. Such studies, however,
competency, they are limited to the small immature oocyte encounter inevitable challenges that demand a large sample of
sample sizes within the same cycles (controlled ovarian single embryo transfer procedures while still minimizing the
stimulation in IVF typically produces more mature oocytes) clinical and physiological heterogeneity among the samples.
hence a larger prospective study is still mandatory. A study on
bovine follicles demonstrated the influence of gonadotropins on
SERPINE2 expression in which FSH was found to manifest in the DISCUSSION
increased SERPINE2 expression while LH surge before ovulation
decreased its expression (Bédard et al., 2003). However, further Oocyte maturation is a complex process consisting of inter-
research is still required to unveil the pathology that leads to the and intra-connected signaling pathways that are regulated by
turnarounds in the expression of SERPINE2 and ADAMTS−1 a series of genes traceable within the COC. Gene expression
in the cumulus of immature oocytes so that the appropriate analyses of RNA samples extracted from COC have revealed that
intervention could be formulated to improve in vitro maturation. certain genes were particularly expressed differently in oocytes
of different maturity hence extending their potential purpose
as biomarkers capable of predicting IVF outcomes. The most
OOCYTE STEROID METABOLISM promising biomarkers thus far are GDF-9 and BMP-15 with
proven sensitivity and specificity of predicting pregnancy in
Steroidogenesis in animal models has been shown to directly a study with the largest sample size among others included
impact the meiosis of oocytes and contribute to spontaneous here. Furthermore, addition of these growth factors has shown
mammalian oocyte maturation (Jamnongjit and Hammes, 2005). to increase the efficiency of in vitro maturation, suggesting
While their exact regulatory mechanisms are still rather bleak, their significant roles in promoting oocyte maturation. The
steroids secreted by theca and granulosa cells in response potency of other biomarkers such as SERPINE2 and Cx43 require
to growth factors have been established to act as secondary additional investigations due to the relatively small sample size
messengers in pathways that lead to cumulus expansion and and contradicting results with previously established findings.
thus oocyte maturation. Of utmost interest, studies that explore Meanwhile, recognizing confounding variables are imperative to
the metabolomics of cumulus cells have unveiled pappalysin-1 identify underlying conditions in IVF patients which may affect
(PAPPA) mRNA as a potential predictor of oocyte maturation the expression of these biomarkers such as the significantly higher
status and, to a certain degree, the euploidy status of embryos expression of Caspase proteins in PCOS patients. Although
and pregnancy outcomes in IVF (Kordus et al., 2019). PAPPA substantial in vitro evidence was presented to justify the potential
is responsible for the expression of metalloproteinases which functions of these biomarkers, the clinical practice of examining
actively cleaves insulin-like growth factor binding proteins non-invasive oocyte biomarkers as IVF prognostic measures
(IGFB4) to provide the supply of intrafollicular IGF peptides is still far from achievable. Ideally, such approaches would
that in turn function as co-gonadotropin for the stimulation demand the acquisition of transcriptomic profiles of every oocyte
of steroidogenesis. Kordus et al. (2019) noted higher PAPPA retrieved during ovum pick up, enumerating the expression levels
expression levels in cumulus cells of mature oocytes that of all the genes mentioned above, in addition to many more.
ultimately developed to become euploid embryos compared to A large number of COC biomarkers are regulated by
the group of immature oocytes that culminated in arrested FSH and/or LH stimulation. Poor response toward the
embryos. Findings of the study also suggested a computable gonadotrophins have been shown to downregulate genes
interplay between the expression of PAPPA and other oocyte which, in turn, are associated with the increased p53-
maturation-associated mRNAs such as AREG (amphiregulin) pathway for apoptosis, resulting in a restricted maturation
and LHCGR (luteinizing hormone/choriogonadotropin receptor) process, as observed in immature COCs (Wyse et al., 2020).
which is a valuable steppingstone toward constructing an ideal Contrarily, adequate gonadotrophinresponses characterized by
predictive model that could gauge the prognosis of IVF. the upregulation of genes for the biosynthesis of estrogen and
Another steroidogenesis-associated gene that is also androgen are displayed in mature oocytes (Wyse et al., 2020).
adversely expressed differentially between mature and immature While these findings have collectively added knowledge to the
oocytes is HSD17B1 which encodes Hydroxysteroid (17beta) understanding of oocyte maturation process, correlating the
Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology | www.frontiersin.org 6 August 2021 | Volume 9 | Article 710292
Sirait et al. Oocyte Competence Biomarkers
expression level of these genes with the tracking of individual possibility to boost the competency of oocytes within laboratory
oocyte outcome throughout the IVF program is required before settings.
the genes could be denoted as potential IVF predictors. In that
note, in the transcriptomic profiling of COCs, there are several
novel discoveries on the differential expression of other explored CONCLUSION
genes between the cohorts of mature and immature oocytes such
as genes encoding for Epiregulin (EREG) in cumulus expansion In conclusion, the roles of eight cumulus biomarkers in
and Phosphodiesterase 3A (PDE3A) in cytoplasmic maturation promoting oocyte maturation and their expression profiles
(Wyse et al., 2020). Nonetheless, the exact mechanism and in oocytes of different maturity have been well-established
significance of these genes as indicators for assessing oocyte to possess statistical values in predicting an IVF cycle.
competence and thus the IVF outcomes are still rather bleak. However, the feasibility of assessing these biomarkers as an
While plenty of other biomarkers were not discussed here, add-on prognostic procedure in IVF is still restricted due
this review provides insights on the current progress of studies to sampling challenges. Indispensable investigations on the
pertaining to the evaluation of cumulus biomarkers. Common disputable molecular mechanisms are also still necessary for
challenges such as the difficulty in obtaining homogeneous study the realization of IVF predictive models that are based on the
subjects were highlighted, including the imbalance number of above-mentioned biomarkers.
mature and immature oocytes retrieved during ovum pick-up,
which understandably led to the resultant small sample sizes.
Additionally, in the attempts to correlate these biomarkers with AUTHOR CONTRIBUTIONS
IVF outcomes, a large assortment of confounding variables and
BS drafted the early version of this manuscript. BW, AAJ, DI,
appropriate statistical methodologies need to be recognized to
and RM critically reviewed and revised the content. All authors
provide convincing results and evade contradictory findings.
contributed to the article and approved the submitted version.
It is also imperative to expedite the identification of factors
that culminate to the shift in gene expression levels between
mature and immature oocytes, bringing about another limitation FUNDING
specifically in the selection of the appropriate model organisms.
Other routes of research worth investigating would be to classify This review was funded by an international research publication
metabolite analogs affiliated with the biomarkers and evaluate (PUTI) grant from Universitas Indonesia (contract number:
their effects during in vitro maturation process, with hopes for the NKB-1320/UN2.RST/HKP.05.00/2020).
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