Three Level Password Authentication System Mechanism
Three Level Password Authentication System Mechanism
Three Level Password Authentication System Mechanism
International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET)
ISSN: 2321-9653; IC Value: 45.98; SJ Impact Factor: 7.538
Volume 10 Issue IV Apr 2022- Available at
Abstract: A protection breach may be a hazard to countrywide private records or the non-public records of a business enterprise
or a person. The maximum famous sort of password used for protection functions is text-based. However, those passwords may
be without difficulty breached and one may also lose his/her non-public records to the incorrect hands. With the upward thrust
in cyber-crime, protection threats associated with logins & accesses have grown to be a prime concern. Also, using unmarried
protection authentication isn't enough sufficient to maintain you blanketed from cyber threats. In spite of severe endeavour’s
taken nowadays nonetheless protection risks may be visible all around the place. Also, from the start, we're using simply
unmarried degree mystery key validation factors, which is not good enough to offer more protection. To be more secure we will
believe in Three Level Password Authentication. In these studies paintings, three-degree password authentication is proposed
and suggested experimental results. From the end result evaluation, its miles discovered that the three-degree authentication
offers a dependable protection degree in assessment to the present mechanisms.
The project is an authentication system that only allows users to access the system if they have entered the correct password. The
project includes three levels of user authentication. There are a variety of password systems, many of which have failed due to bot
attacks. while some have pushed them to their limits. In short, almost all passwords available today can be cracked to some extent.
Therefore, this project aims to achieve maximum security in user authentication.
Contains three logins that have three different types of password systems. The difficulty of the password increases with each level.
Users must enter the correct password to log in successfully. Users have the right to set passwords as they wish. The project
includes text passwords, i.e., passphrase, an image-based password, and a graphic-based password. for all three levels. That way
there would be negligible chances of the bot or anyone else cracking the passwords, even if they crack the first or second level it
would be impossible to crack the third. Therefore, when developing the technology, the emphasis was on the use of innovative and
non-traditional methods. Most of the widely used text-based password systems are unfriendly for many users, so in the case of
three-level passwords, we try to create a simple user interface and provide users with as much convenience as possible in password
A. Registration
User need to login first and need to fill details in registration form.
B. Password Set-up
1) While registering, the user needs to fill all three-level password as per their requirements.
2) Following are the three levels for password set-up.
a) First Level: The first level is a normal text-based password system.
b) Second Level: The second level is an image-based password.
c) Third Level: The third level is a graphical-based password method.
©IJRASET: All Rights are Reserved | SJ Impact Factor 7.538 | ISRA Journal Impact Factor 7.894 | 215
International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET)
ISSN: 2321-9653; IC Value: 45.98; SJ Impact Factor: 7.538
Volume 10 Issue IV Apr 2022- Available at
C. Login
After registrations, users can login and check all the three security levels and need to remember all three security levels for login in
D. Authentication
As the users will start entering the password for first level then after verification of first level it goes to second level and similarly,
the second level and third level.
1) Textual Authentication: The first phase is normal Text-based Authentication where the user needs to log in by giving it UserID
and Password. Password can be any form of a combination of Alphanumeric and symbols minimum of 11 characters. If a user
forgets a password or invalid password then the user can choose the option called Email where the user needs to confirm its
username with an Email ID after confirmation user can reset it whole three-levels password authentication procedure.
2) Image Authentication: This Authentication system uses colour selection combination where the User needs to choose a
combination and remember the combination while logging in if by default user forgets its colour combination and could not
remember then the user can reset it from email while he/she needs to reset it all three-levels password Authentication.
3) Graphical Authentication: In this level, the user can upload any image related to itself or its own image and that image will be
cropped into 9 small images while logging into the final level User needs to arrange all 9 combinations of images by selecting
each image or can drag and drop it, after arranging user can finally login into the system.
It includes three logins with three different types of password systems. The difficulty of the password increases with each level
passes. Users should enter the correct password to log in successfully. Users have the privilege to set passwords as they wish.
Any programmer who exceptionally assumes (albeit problematically) to violate more than two security levels mentioned, has no
chance of violating the third security level since in third level user need to correct the puzzles or unless he/she approaches the
identifier of messaging of the first customers.
©IJRASET: All Rights are Reserved | SJ Impact Factor 7.538 | ISRA Journal Impact Factor 7.894 | 216
International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET)
ISSN: 2321-9653; IC Value: 45.98; SJ Impact Factor: 7.538
Volume 10 Issue IV Apr 2022- Available at
This paper proposes three level authentications where the user need to Register itself with all three levels if it is a new user and after
registration the user can login, if the user enters invalid password, then the user cannot login and for recovery of password there is
an option where user can verify its Username with Email ID then user can change the password. All the data of User is stored into
Database this can be seen below diagram.
The three-level authentication system had been applied to the above system which makes it highly secure along with more user-
friendly. This system will help with Man-in-the-middle attacks and Brute-force attacks on the user’s side. A three-level security
system is a time-consuming approach since the user needs to enter details carefully for all three security levels and at last, the user
can add any image for its final level Authentications. Therefore, this system is not suitable for the general purpose of security since
it takes time to fill in all three security level details. But it will definitely be helpful in high-security levels where the security of data
is a primary concern and time complexity is secondary. In the future, we can add more features like OTP (One Time Password)
Authentication and Captcha Authentication where if the user uses VPN (Virtual Private Network) to browse then multiple Captcha
can stop the user to use the particular software. The main objective of this project is to improve the security level of the systems for
many survey papers where researched. It is found that a three-level authentication system helps to provide more security compared
to one-level and two-level authentication systems. Three levels are more important because the user needs to enter critical details
and log in with three different levels of authentication.
©IJRASET: All Rights are Reserved | SJ Impact Factor 7.538 | ISRA Journal Impact Factor 7.894 | 217