Ecrylic KDA 790 - Die Ecronova Polymer GMBH
Ecrylic KDA 790 - Die Ecronova Polymer GMBH
Ecrylic KDA 790 - Die Ecronova Polymer GMBH
11 10:41 Seite 1
Bright future.
Water-based emulsions.
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Specification The data for solid content, viscosity and pH-value are determined by our
quality control department before leaving the plant. The product is speci-
fied with this data.
Note The information given in this brochure is reliable to the best of our
knowledge. It is supposed to serve as a guideline for further pro-
cessing our product. Due to the many influences in processing,
however, no guarantee can be construed.
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Detailed work and following the logical consequences of the results leads us to a product, that gives the
user many opportunities.
That was the hour of birth of Ecrylic KDA 790.
Emulsion paints are classified according to EN 13300 with respect to scrub resistance, gloss and con-
trast-ratio. To be able to react to demands of the market, the paint manufacturer has to rely on raw
materials that guarantee the best possible scrub resistance, contrast ratio and spreadability.
For matt indoor paints solutions are needed that lead to low sheen. It is important for the quality of the
paint that the binder has the performance particularly in the pigment-binding-ratio.
It is well known that a formulation based on conventional binders with an MFFT of about 20°C, has good
mechanical properties. As a result of this, a relatively good scrub resistance according to EN 13300 can
be archived. This allows the use of a relatively small amount of the binder, which leads to a positive con-
trast ratio. Often the amount of pigment in the formulation can be reduced leading to a welcome side
effect concerning the costs.
In recent years several trials have shown that a reduction of the MFFT by internal plastification (the use
of monomers with relatively low TG) in most cases have a negative effect on the mechanical properties,
in particular the scrub resistance.
Ecronova Polymer GmbH has been dealing with these problems since the 1990’s. Products were devel-
oped that have good properties and low MFFT’s. As a result of experience and intensive development
work, we have been able to create a new efficient binder. During the development work we payed atten-
tion to the selection of modern emulsifiers and preservatives. Because the binder is used in silicate sys-
tems with high pH-Value, it was assured that no ammonia releasing substrates where present in the
As a special method of the adjustment of the hydrophilic-lipophilic-balance it comes to a very effective
pigment – binding- ratio.
With Ecrylic KDA 790 a new binder (binding agent) can be offered, which allows for the first time a direct
replacement of conventional, less flexible emulsions, if adequately formulated for the application.
In comparison to the traditional type of binders we have been successful to enhance the pigment-bind-
ing-ratio and also, as a result of process optimization, increase the silicate-compatibility.
Due to the better wetting of pigments and extenders, a new standard in contrast-ratio of indoor paints.
In comparison to traditional silicate paints, emulsion-silicate-paints have the following properties:
• water vapour permeability
• weatherability
• UV- light stability (non yellowing paints)
• non inflammability
• stabilisation ( consolidation) of mineral substrates
• non blistering
• Ecological according to DIN4108
• water impermeability
Especially the hydrophobic properties of the emulsion-silcate paints that make their use in renovation
and building particular advantageous.
Additionally, dispersions of silicon resins may be added, they also increase the climatic protection.
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The focus during the development of Ecrylic KDA 790 was to optimise the scrub resistance as well
as the resistance to hydrolysis. Hence the final Ecrylic KDA 790 is more stable against saponifica-
tion than most of the other binders on the market:
Hydrolytic stability
Competitor A 47,0
Competitor B 47,4
46 47 48
The higher the HCl amount used, the better the hydrolytic stability
The pH-value of the emulsions has been decreased with acetic acid to 7,0. 50mL NaOH (1M) has
been added and the whole flask was stored at 50°C for 24 hours. Back titration took place after a
cool down phase with HCl (1M).
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To verify the above mentioned results of the pure emulsion some more tests in up-to-date
formulations were carried out:
Silicate paints
1 Water 29,15
2 Sapetin D 20 Woellner GmbH & Co.KG 0,20
pos. 1 + 2 let down
3 Betolin V 30 Woellner GmbH & Co.KG 0,10
4 Walocel CRT 10.000 GA Wolff Walsrode AG 0,25
pos. 3 + 4 add successively under stirring
until it is completely dissolved
W₂₄-Value 0,98
Sd-Value 0,05
Viscosity after 1d / rt 6.000 mPas
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Total 100,00
Total 100,00
The development of Ecrylic KDA 790 meets the requirements of our customers: the emulsion can be
used for solvent free silicate paints as well as for highly filled interior paints.
Paints based on Ecrylic KDA 790 can comply with the requirements of the „Blauer Engel“ according
to Ral-UZ 102.
The scrub resistance with Ecrylic KDA 790 is much better than with comparable products from the
These properties gives to the paint manufacturer the opportunity to produce both types of formulati-
on with only one product.
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Bright future.
Water-based emulsions.