AikidoWorld July03
AikidoWorld July03
AikidoWorld July03
Youth Academy 9
• Hey Dad, Grab My
AAA Nationwide 10
• Regional News
• Upcoming Events
• Dan Rank
1016 W. Belmont Ave. this big task. If any of you have stories to
Chicago, IL 60657 USA tell or pictures to submit, please do so. AW will try to get as many of them as possible
Phone: 773/ 525-3141 put into an upcoming publication.
Fax: 773/ 525-5916
e-mail: There will also be themes, specific topics, and other areas directly related to our art in
each edition. Please feel free to offer your ideas and feelings about the way of life we
love so much.
Some of the upcoming issues will cover seminars past and future and also bigger
events such as camps or world tours, like the just ended Japan trip.
Any way you look at it, Aikido World will hopefully bring you enjoyed reading about
Aikido World Staff the topic we all love to do and breath, AIKIDO!!
Publisher: Toyoda Family
Editors: Stephanie Norfleet Lazar So get your pencils (or keyboard) ready and start writing us. We are ready to put in
Ben Zarit print what you all have to say about the great art of Aikido.
2003 First Annual East West Virginia Aikido took on the task of It was good to see familiar faces, espe-
setting everything up. Personally, I do cially Andy Sato Sensei. With a big
Coast Instructors’ Seminar not know exactly what series of events smile, he invited us onto the mat,
by Bill King needs to take place to host an event of (Continued on page 15)
this size, but the logistics must be very
Well, it has been a long time coming. time consuming and difficult to pull off.
For years I have thought that there And West Virginia Aikido did it beauti-
should be additional venues for the In- fully. They had everything set up and
structors' Seminars. Don’t get me wrong; running like clockwork. Hats off to West
the National Instructors' Seminar in Chi- Virginia Aikido!
cago is fantastic. Every time I have at-
tended, I have come away with much Everyone slated to go to the Instructors'
food for thought…. as well as severely Seminar from our dojo was excited
chapped lips from the dry air there! I about attending. Many from our dojo
guess that’s what happens when you are were “first timers” and had heard many
used to working out 30 feet above sea tales of the scope and magnitude of an
level, but I digress… Instructors' Seminar. Excitement and
expectations were high, and with that we
A West Coast and an East Coast Instruc- were off. We drove up from Cape Fear,
tors' Seminar had been in the works for over the Appalachian Mountains, and
quite some time, and in 2003 the First landed in West Virginia on the first night
Annual East Coast Instructors' Seminar of the seminar. And it was, as we had
finally manifested itself in Charleston, expected, very exciting. The event had 2003 East Coast Instructors’ Seminar. Photo
West Virginia. Greg Noble Sensei and already started when we arrived, and courtesy of Bill King.
We laughed when we got on the wrong So much of the trip happened so fast, and Dianne Costanzo is yondan and an in-
train back to the hotel. We laughed at the I know that I will need some time to proc- structor at Tenshinkan Dojo in Chicago,
fact that no matter where we went, we ess my experience. Yet I can say that I am Illinois and is Dojo-cho of the Oak Park
were guaranteed a long walk, which al- so grateful for having gone and for repre- Dojo in Oak Park, Illinois.
Impressions of Japan souvenirs, that was adjacent to a large In the evenings during the week, we trav-
By John Bieszk temple and several surrounding buildings eled to Hatayama Shihan’s dojo and to
and a tall tower. In a city that was so Hiroaki Kobayashi Sensei’s dojo. Both
The Japan Trip 2003 started as a unique crowded (the Greater Tokyo Metropolitan Hatayama Shihan and Hiroaki Kobayashi
training opportunity for me, as a chance Area totals more than 27 million inhabi- Sensei threw great parties for us, with
to be part of an Aikido demonstration at tants) and in which land is so valuable, to plenty of good food and good company.
the Budokan, to take a class from Doshu have such an area for these temples was Their generous hospitality and sincere
M. Ueshiba, and hopefully to go to the very surprising to me. training were much appreciated.
dojos of other Shihan and Sensei who had
come to AAA seminars in the past. In On Wednesday, we went on a tour of A special training seminar at a country
fact, it was all this, plus a much greater Odawara Castle, seeing the building and retreat near Mt. Fuji was held on Satur-
understanding of Japan, its people and many articles from the time period when day and Sunday. There were five classes
culture. it was inhabited. I remember taking a bul- over one and a half days, each running
let train there, with the train looking a lot with three different dojos, with nine shi-
On our arrival at the Narita airport, Hata- like a jet plane cabin; two plane-like seats han teaching. Unfortunately, it was so
yama Shihan had traveled there to meet on one side and three similar seats on the rainy we never did see Mt Fuji while we
us and help us get to our hotel. Later we other. On Thursday, we went to down- were at the resort. Monday came quickly,
met Isao and Teruko Toyoda, who came town Tokyo to shop and to see the sights. and our group split into several parties to
to greet us. Hiroaki Kobayashi Sensei and We saw many very modern and large return by different airlines to various
a number of his students also met us at skyscrapers, rivaling any in Chicago, with parts of the country. The trip was over,
the bus station. a lot of spacious land surrounding the but the memories of the training, the peo-
buildings. We also went to the Tokyu ple we met and their generosity, and the
The first Saturday in Tokyo was the Bu- Hands department store, eight floors of history and culture we saw, will last a
dokan demonstration, followed by a 20th clothes, office supplies, camping equip- very long time.
Anniversary Party for Igarashi Dojo that ment, and other items.
evening. The class from the Doshu at
Hombu Dojo followed on Monday. I am We then went to a shopping area with John Bieszk is godan, a member of the
sure others will describe these in detail, digital cameras, portable CD and DVD AAA Midwest Teaching Committee, and
so I will talk about other occurrences. players, small MP3 players, and digital Vice President of the Chicago area Haka-
TV program recorders that fit in your makai. He teaches at Ryoshinkan Dojo in
Sightseeing was a big part of the next shirt pocket. Friday, some of us went to Palatine IL, at the Lombard, IL and
four days. On Tuesday we traveled to the Kamakura, a very pretty garden area on Wheaton, IL Park Districts, and at the
graves of the 47 Ronin, a lesson in duty the coast that has many small shrines and American Tiger Karate Academy in Elk
and in determination that is still talked a very large, approximately 30 foot tall Grove Village, IL.
about today. We went to a bazaar, an area Buddha statue that was made in 1215 and
of many stores where we picked up a few has survived earthquakes and tidal waves.
Single-weave judo gi, red and white oak training weap- Phone: 773/ 525-3141
ons, weapons bag, gear bag, instructor and student
manuals, baseball caps, t-shirts, and hakama. Fax: 773/ 525-5916
Call or visit us on-line for your free catalog or to place E-Mail:
an order. Internet:
The National Instructor's Seminar at Ryoshinkan Dojo was another excellent opportunity to train and to
review and re-affirm Toyoda Sensei's teaching methodology. Approximately 115 people participated, very
good attendance considering that the following weekend was the East Coast Instructors’ Seminar in
Charleston, WV. The West Coast Instructors’ Seminar took place earlier in the year.
Recent Events
April 24-27: National Instructors’ Seminar hosted by Ryoshinkan Dojo in Palatine, IL. Instructed by AAA Teaching
Committee members.
May 18: 2nd Annual Chicago Area Kids Seminar at Ryoshinkan Dojo in Palatine, IL. Instructed by AAA Chief
Instructor Andrew Sato Shihandai.
Upcoming Events
July 3-6: AAA National Summer Camp and Toyoda Sensei Memorial Training, hosted by Ryoshinkan Dojo in
Palatine, IL. Instruction by AAA Chief Instructor Andrew Sato Shihandai.
Aug. 22-24: Ohio Seminar hosted by Tetsushinkan Dojo in Holland, OH. Instruction by AAA Chief Instructor
Andrew Sato Shihandai.
Sep. 5-7: First AAA Women’s Only Aikido Seminar hosted by Ryoshinkan Dojo in Palatine, IL. Instruction by
senior AAA female instructors.
Sep. 26-28: Toyoda Center Seminar hosted by Yushinkan Dojo in Wyoming, MI. Instruction by Ed Germanov
Sensei, Chief Instructor Bulgarian Aikido Association.
Southern Region News Ned Danieley Sensei, AAA Southern Regional Director
There have been two seminars in the Southern Region so far this year. The first was in March, when
Horikoshi Sensei from the Horikoshi Dojos in Japan instructed in Atlanta. Horikoshi Sensei is affiliated with
the Kobayashi Dojos, so the instruction was familiar, but Horikoshi Sensei brought his own interpretation
and special energy to the weekend. Paul Domanski and his group did their usual excellent job of putting on
the seminar.
Then in May, Sato Sensei taught an East Coast Instructors' Seminar in Charleston, WV. Attendance was
excellent and Sato Sensei spent a lot of time on how to teach techniques from the proper tai sabaki. Greg
Noble hosted what turned out to be a large group and did an excellent job of getting us organized.
Upcoming events include the AAA Summer Camp in Atlanta with Sato Sensei in July and an AAA Teaching
Committee seminar in September.
Recent Events
Mar. 28-30: Guest Instructor Seminar hosted by Kyushinkan in Atlanta, GA. Instructed by Horikoshi Sensei.
Upcoming Events
Jul. 24-27: Southern Region Camp at the Atlanta Area School for the Deaf, Atlanta, GA. Instruction by AAA Chief
Instructor Andrew Sato Shihandai.
Our year started off with a visit from Sato Sensei, January 30 - February 2, at Chushinkan Dojo in Buena
Park, CA, for our annual Western Regional Instructors' Seminar. Sato Sensei later visited Roger Mosconi of
the Aiki Institute of Spokane in April.
Coming up on June 27-29, we are having our annual Toyoda Sensei Memorial Seminar at Chushinkan Dojo.
This will be instructed by Western Region Teaching Committee members James Nakayama, Fred Phillips,
Martin Katz, and Ken Mac Beth Sensei. On July 18 - 20, in Helena, MT, Roque Wardell of Mountain Spirit
Aikido is sponsoring a seminar instructed by James Nakayama Sensei, Western Regional Director.
Our California Western States Camp will be on October 2-5, instructed by AAA Chief Instructor, Andrew
Sato Sensei, and Edward Germanov Sensei, AAI Bulgaria Chief Instructor, at Rossmoor, CA. Later during
the month on October 24-26, Ron Sims Sensei is celebrating Jyushinkan Dojo's 10th anniversary in Logan,
We've added a couple of new dojo here in the West. Mr. Pete Swingle, Dojo-cho of Ai-KO Dojo in Fresno, and
friend of Roque Wardell and Roger Mosconi, has joined our AAA family. Joseph Vaughan and Eric Wegner of
University of Idaho have also decided to affiliate their Aikido class with the AAA.
Recent Events
Jan. 30-Feb. 2: West Coast Instructors’ Seminar hosted by Chushinkan Dojo, Buena Park, CA. Instructed by AAA
Chief Instructor Andrew Sato Shihandai.
Apr. 11-13: Spokane Seminar hosted by Aiki Institute of Spokane in Spokane, WA. Instructed by AAA Chief
Instructor Andrew Sato Shihandai.
Upcoming Events
Jun. 27-29: Toyoda Sensei Memorial Seminar hosted by Chushinkan Dojo, Buena Park, CA. Instruction by
Western Region Teaching Committee Members.
Jul. 18-20: Montana Seminar hosted by Mountain Spirit Aikido, Helena, MT. Instruction by James Nakayama
Sensei, AAA Western Regional Director.
Oct. 2-5: Western States Camp hosted by Aikido of Rossmoor, Seal Beach, CA. Instruction by AAA Chief
Instructor Andrew Sato Shihandai and Ed Germanov Sensei, Chief Instructor Bulgarian Aikido
Oct. 24-26: Jyushinkan Dojo 10th Anniversary hosted by Jyushinkan Dojo in Logan, UT.
Eastern Regional News Glen Matsuda Sensei, AAA Eastern Regional Director
Recent Events
May 1-4: East Coast Instructors’ Seminar hosted by Kushinkan Dojo in Charleston, WV. Instructed by AAA
Chief Instructor Andrew Sato Shihandai.
Jun. 27-29: Worcester Seminar hosted by Zenshinkan Dojo in Worcester, MA. Instructed by AAA Chief Instructor
Andrew Sato Shihandai.
Upcoming Events
Sep. 25-28: Eastern Region Camp held at the Green Meadow Waldorf School, Chestnut Hill, NY. Instruction by
AAA Chief Instructor Andrew Sato Shihandai and Hiroaki Kobayashi Sensei, Kobayashi Dojos.
Dimitrina Dimitrova shodan test. Photo courtesy of Michele Boge Glenn Iwaoka sandan test. Photo courtesy of Michele Boge
Jul. 24-27: Southern Region Camp, Atlanta, GA. Atlanta Area School for the Deaf
Sep. 25-28: Eastern Region Camp, Chestnut Hill, NY. Green Meadow Waldorf School
Also instructing, Hiroaki Kobayashi Sensei, Kobayashi Dojos.
Oct. 2-5: Western States Camp, Seal Beach, CA. Aikido of Rossmoor.
Also instructing, Ed Germanov Sensei, Chief Instructor Bulgarian Aikido Association.
Page 12 Volume 15,World
Aikido No.1
(Continued from page 4)
ties, the rest of us combined cultural ex-
posure, tourism and training. Some of our
group decided to take a side trip to Kyoto
and its surrounding areas, while Sato
Sensei took matters in hand and led the
rest of us on a tour of some of the most
important and interesting historical sights
in and around Tokyo. We were able to
visit the famous tomb of the 47 Ronin
Samurai warriors, tour the Ginza district,
visit one of the most important traditional
temples in Tokyo, travel to Odawara on
the bullet train to see Odawara castle, and
travel to Kamakura to see the giant Bud-
dha and visit Hasedera, one of the most
famous temples in Japan dedicated to
Hase Kannon. On Friday, Stephen To- AAA/AAI Group with Hatayama Shihan at Sayamadai Dojo. Photo courtesy of Laura DeGraff.
yoda led us on a tour of the electronics
district, the downtown area, and Takashi- Overall the trip was intense, and a won- Toyoda Sensei left us. It also impressed
yama square. derful experience of the diversity and the upon me the importance of our working
solidarity that exists in the Aikido world. hard and constantly to ensure that we do
On Saturday morning, the 31st of May, In spite of the fact that so many people not lose what he gave us.
we traveled by bus to Lake Yamanaka to came from differing national and cultural
backgrounds, language groups and styles Japan is a country that has been able to
of Aikido practice, we were all able to combine extremely modern technology
Overall the trip was intense, and a join together in celebrating what we have with very traditional values in its every-
wonderful experience of the diver- in common: our love for Aikido and our day way of living, and this was also
sity and the solidarity that exists in dedication to both living and teaching the clearly the case in our experience of Ai-
the Aikido world. “Way of Harmony.” kido as it is practiced there. Aikido is a
modern martial art, but very deeply
Having the opportunity to train side by rooted in a long and fascinating cultural
begin a two day special camp, joining side with other groups and in another history. At the Budokan we were able to
with nearly 200 other Aikidoda from country also brought home to us the rich- see Shihan 80 years old and older demon-
around the world to train with such re- ness of what we ourselves have. Our av- strating Aikido technique, and while their
nowned teachers as Kobayashi, Arai, erage dojo in the USA is two to three technical ability and expertise may not
Kubo, Sugawara, Miyamoto, Hatayama, times larger than even a large dojo in Ja- have been what they were 20 or 30 years
Inaba, and Igarashi Senseis. In spite of pan. Having seen this, we begin to realize earlier, they were received and appreci-
the fact that we experienced the first May the enormity of Toyoda Sensei’s vision in
typhoon in Japan in over thirty years, and building Ryoshinkan, the headquarters In spite of the sore muscles, the
it poured rain for the entire two days, dojo for AAI. There is nothing like it in
Japan, where 80 to 100 people regularly
pain in the knees, the muscular fa-
spirits were not dampened. There were
three hours of training on Saturday after- train in a space a quarter of its size. This tigue, we were able to experience
noon and two hours on Sunday morning. luxury of space of course gives us the a profound inner joy as we threw
The camp lodge had three enormous ta- advantage of being able to extend fully in and were thrown.
tami areas where classes were being held our technique when we practice. As a
simultaneously, and participants were result, the quality of our instruction and ated with tremendous respect for what
able to choose which Sensei they wanted practice can stand up to anything we saw they had contributed and continue to con-
to train with for each one hour session. during these twelve days. tribute to the development of the art of
Aikido throughout the world. And they
The return trip on Sunday afternoon was At both the Budokan demonstration at the were admired for the fact that they were
equally memorable as we stopped at a beginning of our trip, and the closing still training and willing to share with
resort famous for its hot mineral springs, demonstration at the end of the Lake Ya- others what they had learned from a life-
where we were able to rest and recover manaka camp, the AAI distinguished it- time of practice. Rather than just being
with traditional “furo” hot baths and a self through the quality and strength of its appreciated for what they were able to
wonderful “all you can eat and drink” technique. Sato Sensei’s demonstration at produce now, as is so often the case in
dinner. camp was formidable, and brought home the West, they were appreciated for who
to me clearly the tremendous legacy that (Continued on page 16)
Aikido World
1016 West Belmont Avenue
Chicago, Illinois 60657 USA