Kaizen Vs QMS

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An Analysis of Relationship between Total Quality Management and Kaizen

Muhammad Saleem1, Nawar Khan2, Shafqat Hameed3, M Abbas Ch4

National University of Sciences and Technology (NUST), Islamabad, Pakistan

ranasaleem096@em.ceme.edu.pk; hameed.shafqat@yahoo.com

Abstract: Total Quality Management (TQM) and Kaizen- a continuous change toward betterment are two
fundamental concepts directly dealing with continuous improvement of quality of processes and performance of an
organization to achieve positive transformation in mindset and action of employees and management. For clear
understanding and to get maximum benefit from both of these concepts, as such it becomes mandatory to precisely
differentiate between TQM and Kaizen. TQM features primarily focus on customer’s satisfaction through
improvement of quality. It is both a top down and bottom up approach whereas kaizen is processes focused and a
bottom up approach of small incremental changes. Implementation of TQM is more costly as compared to Kaizen.
Through kaizen, improvements are made using organization’s available resources. For the effective implementation
of kaizen, the culture of the organization must be supportive and the result of continuous improvement should be
communicated to the whole organization for motivation of all employees and for the success of continuous
improvement program in the organization. This paper focuses on analyzing the minute differences between TQM
and Kaizen. It also discusses the different tools and techniques under the umbrella of kaizen and TQM Philosophy.
This paper will elucidate the differences in both these concepts as far as their inherent characteristics and practical
implementations are concerned. In spite of differences in methodology, focus and scale of operation in both the
concept, it can be simply concluded that Kaizen is one of the Technique of the T QM for continuous improvement of
quality, process and performance of the organization.
[Muhammad Saleem, Nawar Khan, Shafqat Hameed, M Abbas Ch. An Analysis of Relationship between Total
Quality Management and Kaizen. Life Science Journal. 2012;9(3):31-40] (ISSN:1097-8135).
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Key Worlds: Total Quality Management, Kaizen Technique, Continuous Improvement (CI), Tools & Techniques

1. Introduction The ultimate goal of Kaizen is to make a good learning

Continuous Improvement (CI) is one of the organization through small incremental changes toward
important elements of competitive advantage in betterment known as kaizen events. These events are
production system and for the existence of organization performed through cross functional teams. To involve
(Dean and Robinson, 1991). Continuous improvement is the people in kaizen means, go beyond their contracted
an on going process of improvement which involves all role to continually identify and develop better way of
the stakeholders at all level in the organization (Malik doing a routine job and enhance the organizational
and YeZhuang, 2006). TQM and Kaizen are two performance (Brunet & New 2003).
fundamental concepts directly dealing with continuous Kaizen was initially introduced in Toyota Motor
improvement of quality, standard way of Company by Imai in 1986, to improve quality,
accomplishment of a job and performance in an productivity, and competitiveness of its product due to
organization to achieve positive transformation in increasing competition in the world. With the
thoughts and action of employees. Owing to similarity implementation of Kaizen, the manufacturing sector of
in practical application, confusion exists while Japan has earned a lot and become a world class. Since
comprehending the core issues related to both the then Kaizen has become a part and parcel of Japanese’s
concepts. Therefore, before embarking upon the manufacturing system (Ashmore, 2001). On the other
discussion of continual quality improvement, it is hand, Total Quality Management (TQM) refers to the
necessary to be precisely clear about both the concepts management’s approach which focuses on the quality
and to discern the differences between them. and involve all the employees at all levels of an
Kaizen is a Japanese word that indicates small organization. ISO: 8402 defines TQM as “Management
continual improvement as routine functioning of the approach of an organization, centred on quality, based
organization (Chen et al., 2000). Kaizen is a on the participation of all its members and aiming at
combination of two Japanese words, Kai mean change long-term success through customer satisfaction, and
and Zen mean toward betterment (Palmer, 2001). benefits to all members of the organization and to
Kaizen is also known as Gemba Kaizen mean society”.
‘Continuous Improvement’ (CI) at actual work place.

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The focus of this paper will be on analysing of the processes and the way this effort is being made. The
main differences between the two concepts. The main concept of Kaizen can be implemented at every place in
objectives of this research are; the organization which requires improvement. Either it
 To analyse the relationship between TQM and may be an individual department workplaces
Kaizen and hence establish the difference between manufacturing process or whole organization. Bassant
two concepts and Caffyn (1994), define Kaizen as ‘It is a process of
 To identify the differences in tools and techniques focused and sustained innovation through out the
of both the concepts. organization that is in the form of small incremental
The research merits attention as that, the concept of projects known as kaizen events’. It means systematic
TQM and kaizen would be easier to comprehend. The way of small incremental changes toward betterment in
reader would be able to identify the differences between each place and each department. These small changes
the two, besides being guided with the tools and are brought through workers working on their own jobs
techniques identified by different researcher in this field. or by a cross functional team of workers given a special
task of improvement. Similar concept was given by
2. Literature Review Cheser (1998), who believed that Kaizen is based on
2.1. The Kaizen small incremental changes in routine functioning of the
Masaki Imai (1997), in his book Gemba Kaizen organization, which further reduces waste and improve
defines Kaizen as; “KAIZEN means continuous productivity and quality of the product. As a continuous
improvement. The word implies improvement that improvement Kaizen gain popularity when it was
involves everyone—both managers and workers—and considered as an over arching concept for TQM.
entails relatively little expense. The kaizen philosophy (Lillrank & Kano, 1989). In any organization,
assumes that our way of life—is it our working life, our improvement through Kaizen depends upon its
social life, or our home life—should be the focus of employee’s cooperation (Malloch, 1997). Team
constant improvement efforts”. This concept is so importance is a fundamental design of kaizen approach.
natural and obvious to many Japanese that they often do Hyland et al (2004) highlighted prospective benefits of
not even realize that they possess it (Imai, 1997). Kaizen, as organizational performance improvement in
Thus kaizen is a continuous improvement and the form of reduction in waste, breakdowns, lead time,
struggle for betterment in our daily working and setup time, and as human resource development, in the
personal life. Imai gives principles of Kaizen in form of enhancement in skill level attitude, knowledge,
comparison with other continuous improvement empowerment, and quality of life of the worker.
practices and techniques in an organization. Anthony C.
Laraia (1999), in his book Kaizen Blitz defines Kaizen 2.2. Fundamental Elements of Kaizen
as; “The Japanese technique of continuous improvement The foundation elements of Kaizen as given by
involving everyone, managers and workers. In Imai (1986) are appended as follows
manufacturing, kaizen relates to finding and eliminating  Teamwork.
waste in machinery, labour or production methods”.  Self discipline
Everyone involved in manufacturing process is  Improved morale
responsible for the identification of wastes in the  Quality circles
process, and workplaces. The elimination of these waste  Suggestions for improvement
improve the quality and performance of the organization.  Elimination of waste (muda) and inefficiency
Suzaki (1987) considers Kaizen (continuous  The Kaizen 5S framework for good housekeeping.
improvement) as a philosophy which is widely practiced  Standardisation of the processes
in manufacturing processes and quality circles. Kaizen
is based on concept that there is always room for 2.3. Types of Kaizen
improvement of the process. Process can be made better According to Imai (1997), Kaizen may be of
through small incremental changes towards betterment following type
also called Kaizen events. This small improvement
 Individual versus team Kaizen
project consists of many development phases. Kaizen
 Day to day versus special event Kaizen
was originally used for improving manufacturing
processes. Now this concept is widely used and  Process level versus sub process level Kaizen
practised in every sphere of life in Japan and other 
industrially developed countries of the world. Teian 2.3.1. Individual versus Team Kaizen
(1992) considers Kaizen more than just a means of Mostly, in Kaizen a team approach is used
improvement; the reason is that it represents the daily however another method called “Teian Kaizen’ or
effort of the workers at the workplace to improve their personal Kaizen” is also adopted. Kaizen in which the
individual employees reveal improvement areas in their

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daily work activities and give ideas/suggestions about improvement activities takes places as radical change
its improvement is known as Teian Kaizen. This method towards betterment at the value stream or business level.
focuses only on the suggestion for change. Making Basing on the literature review, Kaizen technique can be
change for improvement require approval at appropriate summaries as:
level. However, at Toyota motor company the employee  Kaizen is a small incremental change toward
suggesting the change is the one who always makes the betterment (Cheser, 1998).
change either individually or as team member.  It empowers & involves everyone in the
organization to participate in problem solving
activities (Imai, 1997).
 Cross functional teams are used to achieve these
incremental changes (Imai, 1997).
 Kaizen improve methods or standard way of
working of an organization through identification
and elimination of waste.
 Save money by focusing on small improvements
through organization’s own workers and spend the
saved money on further improvements within the
organization (Imai, 1986)
 Ask suggestions for improvement from all the
employee of the organization.
 Never stop trying to improve as improvement has
no limits.
 Kaizen may be implemented at process or sub
process level as a day to day improvement or as a
special kaizen event to improve the quality, process
and performance of an organization through
Figure: 1 Elements of Kaizen elimination of waste. It also reduces cost of
Source: - 12 manage.com production and develops human resources of the
2.3.2. Day-to-Day Versus Special Event Kaizen
Quality Circles are illustration of a day-to-day 2.4. Kaizen Techniques under Kaizen Umbrella
Kaizen. In this method, a natural work team identify The Kaizen umbrella consists of the collection of
opportunities for improvement by observing work Japanese tools. The Kaizen umbrella includes the
processes. Team meets at the end of the week for following tools and techniques (Imai, 1986).
selection of a problem as a kaizen event. They try to  Customer orientation
identify the sources, (root causes) of the problem and  Total Quality Control
give their suggestions to eliminate these sources,  Robotics
Accepted suggestions or implemented to solve the
 QC Circles
selected problem. Improvements in work process are
 Suggestion systems
made during regular working hours without using over
time. Special event Kaizen plans for future and then  Automation
executes. Improvement process takes two to five days  Discipline at the workplace
and takes place at the work site. Normally workers  Total Productive Maintenance
identify waste in the processes and eliminate this waste  Kanban
as a kaizen event.  Just-in-time
 Zero defects
2.3.3. Process versus Sub process level Kaizen  New product development
Mostly, Kaizen make improvements at the sub  Small group activities
process level that is at component level work process.  Productivity improvement
These sub process may includes the activities acquiring  Statistical Quality Control
material from suppliers, processing them into useful  Cooperative labour /management relations
product and providing these products to the end user.
Gemba Kaizen, referred to as Point Kaizen, is an 2.5. Description of Kaizen Tools & Techniques.
example of sub process level Kaizen. On the other hand, Kaizen practitioners use various tools during
there is Flow Kaizen or Kaikaku Kaizen, in which kaizen implementation relevant to the area of

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application. A brief introduction of these tools is given in S/No Name of Tool with brief description
2.5.1 Single Minute Exchange of Die (SMED):
table below. Technique which refer to significant reductions in set-up times. In
this technique main emphasis is given on reduction in set-up time,
like “changeover of die, clamping and unclamping of work
piece/die on the machine.
2.5.2 Total Productive Maintenance (TPM):
TPM enhance equipment efficiency through establishment of a
preventive maintenance system of equipment throughout its
working life. It involves and empowers every employee, from shop
floor worker to top management to initiate preventive and corrective
maintenance activities.
2.5.3 Kanban: Kanban is a specially designed box/container having a
kanban card in it, which moves from workstation to store on
requirement bases. This Kanban card is a green signal for store to
forward material to workstation for processing. Toyota motor used
Kanban system to reduce the work in process inventory.
2.5.4 5 S Practice: It is a housekeeping technique. 5 S represents five
words in Japanese language (Scotchmer & Andrew, 2008).these
words & their meanings are:-
Seiri (Sort out): It mean that at workplace all the irrelevant items
/things should be sorted out/ removed.
Seiton (Set in order): Items should be arranged properly so that
they can be identified and approached easily.
Seiso (Shine): Shine means cleaning the workplace till it is spic and
span. Seiketsu(Standardise) This mean developing and
maintaining standard work practices. Shitsuke (Sustain):
Sustaining the progress made. To ensure success in 5S, discipline
must be maintained. Progress mad in above four points must be
Figure 2: Kaizen Umbrella
Source: Imai, (1986).

Figure:4 5 S Framework
Source:- 12manage.com
2.5.5 Poka Yoke/Jidoka: It is mechanisms used to make mistake-proof
an entire process Poka-Yokes ensure that proper conditions exist
before actually executing a process step. This prevents defects from
occurring in the first place. Where this is not possible, Poka-Yokes
Figure 3: Kaizen Tools and Techniques detect and eliminate defects in the process. Stop the machine when
Source: - (Singh & Singh, 2009) ever problem occurred. This ensures the reliability of the process.
2.5.6 Standardised Work: A work in which the successive activities
have been properly structured so that it can be done efficiently, is
called standardised work. The aim of standardised work is to bring
the process under control by reducing variation. This in tern
eradicates wastages and increases the productivity.
2.5.7 Value Stream Mapping: A value stream mapping is a flow
diagram of all the activities required to bring a product from raw
materials to delivery to the customer. The objective is to identify
and get rid of the waste in the process.
2.5.8 Takt time: Takt time is time taken from the receipt of order from
customer till the product is hand over to him. It should be minimize
through reduction of waste in the processes.
2.5.9 Standard operating procedure: Means standardise all operating
procedures for comparison and further improvement purpose.
2.5.10 Kaizen blitz/Kaizen Event: Kaizen event or kaizen Blitz is a
focused small incremental improvement projects completed by
cross functional team in a limited time frame (Doolen et al, 2008).
2.5.11 7 W (waste): Seven Ws are 7 commonly accepted wastes out of the
manufacturing operations. They include waste from over-
Figure 5: The 7 Wastes production, waste of waiting time, transportation waste, inventory
Source: - Toyota production system waste, over processing waste, waste of motion and waste from
production defects.

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3. Total Quality Management (TQM) implementation of TQM principle. Oakland (2007),

Johnson (1998), define TQM, as “An ongoing described TQM as an effort to improve the whole
process whereby top management takes whatever steps organisation’s competitiveness, effectiveness and
necessary to enable everyone in the organization in the structure. This is achieved through involvement of all
course of performing all duties to establish and achieve the persons in all quality improvement activities of the
standards which meet or exceed the needs and organization. Continuous process improvement is a
expectation of their customers, both external and natural evaluation of TQM (MacDonald, 1995; Chung,
internal.” Deming prize, describe TQM as: “A set of 1999). Haapasalo (2008) describe TQM as a
systematic activities carried out by the entire Management Philosophy that is collection of quality
organization to effectively and efficiently achieve management methods and techniques. Liu, Wu & Chen,
company objectives so as to provide products and (2010), Describe that TQM pay attention to procedural
services with a level of quality that satisfies customers, and structural elements.
at the appropriate time and price.” American Federal Deming (1986) declared that “in God we trust -
office of Management Budget Circular define TQM as; all others we must use data.” This statement stresses on
“TQM is a total organizational approach for meeting the importance of data management techniques, tools,
customer needs and expectations that involves all and systems. (Goetsch and Davis, 1994), explain the
managers and employees in using quantitative methods management tools as the means of “collecting and
to improve continuously the organisation’s processes, displaying data in a way that help the human brain to
products and services”. grasp and perceive the thoughts and ideas that, when
According to Dale (1999), TQM is the mutual applied to physical processes, cause the processes to
co-operation of everyone (management, workers, produce better results”. The important aspects of TQM
suppliers, customers) in an organisation and associated are identified as TQM principles, concepts, tools and
business processes to produce products and services, techniques. The TQM tools and techniques are known
which meet and, hopefully exceed the needs and as Hard aspects while the principles and concepts are
expectations of customers. TQM is a philosophy and refer to the Soft side of TQM. Both are briefly discussed
guiding principles of management of an organisation. as under:-
Quality experts (Deming, 1986; Juran, 1993; Scholtes
& Crosby, 1992), are of the opinion that organizations 3.1 The “Soft” Side of TQM
must seek quality improvement in a long term The “Soft” side of TQM as identified from literature
perspective. Wilkinson (1998) argued that TQM review are given as under:-
emphasised on empowerment of employees which will  TQM involve all employees at all level of an
enhance an organization's efforts to improve the quality organization.
of their products /services.  It is continuous improvement Philosophy. Continuous
According to Oakland (1998), to meet the process improvement is a natural evaluation of TQM.
challenges of technology and environment continuous  Continuous training of employee is necessary for the
training is the most substantial component in quality successful implementation of TQM in an organization.
improvement. According to Juran (1993), both the Top-management commitment and support is an
external customers (clients, government regulatory essential element of successful implementation of all the
bodies, and the public) and the internal customer principle of TQM.
(employees within different departments) are linked TQM is a customer focused management approach
with the quality of product/service. External as well as TQM is a system approach through a processes
internal customers have their own needs as for as quality management. Processes must be improved to improve
is concerned. TQM give importance to satisfying needs the results of an organization.
of both kinds of customers. In an organization, goal of
 Cultural change is necessary for the successful
TQM is to increase both internal as well as external
implementation of TQM in organization.
customer satisfaction through continuous improvement
 TQM based on actual data that is a factual approach to
(Anderson, Erikson & Torstensson, 2006), Torrington
decision making. TQM develop a mutually beneficial
and Hall, 1998; Dale, 1999; Ahire & O'Shaughnessy,
supplier relationship.
1998), described that Top management has leading role
and provide guidance and direction to the other
3.2 TQM Tools (Hard aspects of TQM)
employees within the organization for the successful
Hard aspect of TQM consists of its different tools,
implementation of TQM. The company in which top
techniques and systems (Hanson, 2003). Different tools
management play leading role, produce high quality
and technique of TQM commonly found in quality
products as compared to those where top management is
management literature (Hyland P W et al, 2004), are
not committed to quality objectives of the organization.
given in table below:-
Supportive organizational culture helps in

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Kaizen, the theoretical perspective was pertinent to be

S/No Name of Tool with brief description employed. Viewpoints of different researcher and
3.2.1 7 Basic QC Tools: proponent about TQM Philosophy and Kaizen have
These are seven basic tools used for data collection, data
presentation and data analyses, for the improvement of been highlighted. Different tools and techniques of both
quality of the products and processes. They include Check TQM and Kaizen are briefly discussed to analyse the
sheets, Pareto Diagram, Histogram, Control Charts, and main difference between the two. The sources used for
Cause & effect diagram. Scatter diagram, Graphs information collection were research papers; Books,
(Ishikawa and Kume, 1985).
3.2.2 Fishbone or Ishakawa Diagram:
online journals and web based links. The analysis is
It is a brain storming method to guess different causes of based on the result of through study of literature on
problems related to each, man, machine, material and these topics.
method, without using statistical methods.
3.2.3 The Matrix Diagram:
This tool is used to grade the relationship among different
5. The Relationship between TQM & Kaizen
variables. It encourages them to think in terms of
relationships, their strengths, and patterns (Bester field- TQM and Kaizen are interdependent. In the
Michna, & Bester field -Sacre, 1999). literature, Kaizen-Continuous improvement has been
3.2.4 Tree diagram: broached as an important element of TQM. Kaizen is
According to Dale (1999), it is a tool Which arranges
targets, problems, or customer’s needs in a specific order. one of the reference points in the Deming’s 14 points
3.2.5 Critical Path Analysis (CPA): regarding TQM. Deming's point "Improve constantly
CPA seeks to establish a sequential order of activities and forever” infer the need for some sort of continuous
including time and their priority for the completion of a improvement methodology such as Kaizen. So this
project, through the use of a network of arrows or nodes.
3.2.6 Statistical Process Control:
makes Kaizen a subset of TQM
This tool is used to reduce; both assignable as well as un
assignable variation in the process e.g. control charts. It
helps the managers to control the production process
3.2.7 Pareto Analysis:
Pareto Analysis helps the management teams to identify
major 20% causes which are giving 80% variation in the
production or service processes. Management team
should concentrate on these 20% causes first to improve
the quality and performance of the system.
3.2.8 ISO 9000 Series:
ISO series is an International standard written by a
worldwide organization known as the ISO/Technical
Committee 176 (Lamprecht, 1992). This set of standards
requirement ensures that a company has a specific quality
improvement policy, which makes it more competitive in Figure 6: Kaizen as a subset of TQM
the market.
3.2.9 Bench marking:
It involves selecting a demonstrated standard of product or Kaizen means continuous process improvement.
process, costs or practices that represent the very best Some researcher considered continuous processes
performance for processes or activities very similar to the improvement is a natural evaluation of TQM and CI
company’s own. perspective. Both can be distinguishing as kaizen
3.2.10 Just In Time (JIT):
It is one of the cost, time and inventory reduction focused on small and gradual improvements where as
techniques. It is designed to produce products or deliver TQM involve radical improvement of important and
services just as and when they are needed crucial process to get large effects (Davenport & short,
3.2.11 Quality Lost Function(QLF): 1990). According to literature both concepts are
It identifies all cost associated with poor quality and show
how these costs increases as the products / services moves
complementary and share same philosophy (Imai, 1986).
away from being exactly what the customer wants The best organization always applies both the concept
3.2.12 Quality Function Deployment (QFD): together to get maximum benefits of continuous
QFD is the process of determining customer’s desires/ improvement. Implementation of only one concept will
requirements and translating those desires into the target
product design. A graphic, yet systematic technique for
not be so fruitful. The difference between continuous
defining the relationship between customer desires and improvement (CI) and Continuous process
the developed product or service is known as House of improvements (CPI) is given in figure below.
6. The Differences between TQM & Kaizen
4. Methodology TQM is a philosophy of what makes up a quality
The methodology adopted for this paper is organization, and Kaizen is a methodology that one can
qualitative and descriptive in nature. As the topic apply to encourage improvements to existing processes.
demands the comparative analysis of the TQM and

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The main differences between the concepts of Kaizen small increment projects are known as kaizen events.
and TQM are highlighted below Kaizen event can be selected for each department of the
organization separately also for each kaizen event
independent cross functional team is selected which
works on the improvement of one project at a time in
focus area for a limited time frame. The workers or the
team should work on one process at a time only.
Consequently, in TQM improvement is to be made on
all the processes in all the business department of the
organization involving all the persons at a time.

Figure 8: The different business department of an

organization where TQM can be implemented at a time.
Figure: 7, Differences between continuous
improvement & Continuous process improvements 6.5 The Approach
Kaizen concept follows bottom-up approach.
6.1 Definitions The suggestions for improvement are put forward by the
TQM is a management approach that aims at long- workers. Whereas TQM concept follows both top-down
term success by focusing on customer satisfaction, and bottom up approach, the need for improvement is
based on the participation of all members of an suggested and introduced by top management as well as
organization through improvement of quality, processes, by the workers of the organization.
services, and the culture in which they work. Whereas,
term Kaizen is "to take apart and put back together in a Top Down
better way". Kaizen is "small incremental but continual
improvement" in order to improve process, quality and Become aware
of course performance of the organization. Act

Gather Gather
6.2 Focal point
Kaizen is a process oriented concept. It focuses Act
on the improvement of the process to get improved Become aware
results in every sphere of life. On the other hand, TQM
is a product oriented and customer focus concept. It Bottom Up
focuses on the quality of the product to satisfy the
Figure 9: The Approaches of TQM and Kaizen
6.3 The Scope
Kaizen can apply to encourage improvements to 6.6 Importance of Resources
the existing processes. The scope of Kaizen is limited to TQM is little more expansive to implement as
selected project however; the scope of TQM is spread compared to Kaizen. Kaizen focuses on the
throughout the organization. It works on every process improvement within the available resources of the
at every department of an organization all the time for organization (Imai, 1986). It doesn’t encourage large
achieving quality product and services. investment from the organizational resources for
improvement. Whereas, in TQM Investment has to be
6.4 Implementation Method made to improve the quality of product or process like
Kaizen is implemented in the form of small investment on new or updated machinery e.g.
incremental projects in a selected area in order to make Automation, Innovation etc.
changes in the work standard towards betterment. These

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6.7 Involvement of People

Kaizen involve all stake holders at all level of the 6.11 Improvement through Innovation
organization when asking suggestions for improvements TQM involves continuous improvement of
of the organization, but it does not necessary that process through kaizen and innovation Whereas Kaizen
everyone in an organization should participate in the philosophy stresses on continual improvements in
improvement project also. The people linked with a existing standards rather than innovation. This process
particular process on which improvement project is leads to better utilization of R & D resources of a
taking place are involved. e g. cross functional Kaizen company and better productivity.
team. Whereas in TQM, Whole organization including
all employees at all levels are responsible and involved 6.12. Decision Making
in improvement of quality of the product at all time. Quality decisions are made based on
measurements in case of TQM. After the decision is
6.8 Implementation Mechanism implemented, the output is compared with the standards,
Kaizen focuses on step by step improvement. but in Kaizen, decisions are made, when an employee
While TQM focuses on simultaneous operations in all makes errors in his job, it is not seen as an occasion to
the processes In TQM sustain and improvement goes blame, but is seen as a chance to find out what went
parallel to each other. Another difference between the wrong with the process. The continuous improvement
two concepts is that, in Total Quality Management there by removing the errors and minimizing the chances of
is no discontinuity in the process of continuous reoccurrence is the baseline to make the decisions in
improvement, the whole organization should always Kaizen
work on the improvement process. On the other hand,
Kaizen focus on small scale improvements in steps. 7. Summary TQM & Kaizen
After every step, their lies a discontinuity for sustaining  To get maximum advantages, knowledge of both
the improvement, afterwards the process continues TQM and Kaizen concepts is necessary for the
toward the second step and so on. This is called workers, middle management and top management
continual improvement of the organization.
 Continuous improvement of quality should be the
Performance concern of every one in an organization. Training
Continuous Improvement should be imparted to every employee regarding
how to continuously improve the quality, process
and performance of the organization using both the
Time  There should be a brainstorming on the level of
problem that occurred in the process, so that the
pertinent improvement mechanism should be
evolved and implemented.
 The effect of Kaizen activities should be circulated
to the whole organization, so that it should work as
Figure.10 Continuous Improvement in TQM a motivator for the top management and employees
to carry out further improvements.
6.9 Improvement Strategy
Kaizen strategy is made for small permanent 8. Conclusion
improvements in processes. However, TQM focuses on There is ample of literature available on the TQM
long term improvements. TQM means organized Kaizen philosophy and Kaizen concept. But very less has been
activities involving everyone in a company, managers talked about the relationship between the two concepts.
and workers in a totally universal and integrated effort So there was need to elaborate the relationship and main
toward improving performance at every level. differences between these two concepts for the purpose
of implementation. Although, in the literature the
6.10. Improvement of Quality philosophers and experts do have differences of opinion
Kaizen and TQM both deal with the quality. regarding the difference between TQM and Kaizen, Yet
TQM focuses on improving quality by value addition, an effort was put in to extract few main differences on
making the product perfect, improving productivity, the basis of the literature and concepts given by the
reducing the variation in measurements, and processes experts. A selected researchers consider both as the tool
while Kaizen focuses on improving quality through of continuous improvement and can be compared while
small incremental changes in processes, and workplace others consider continuous improvement and kaizen as a
result in reduction in different types of wastes.

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