Khidir Development
Khidir Development
Khidir Development
- Wash your hands
- Great examiner and listen carefully to your task.
- Greet mother, introduce yourself, and take permission to play (not say
examine) with her child.
. اليوم حاألعب مع (على) ابنك, انا دكتور دمحم طبيب أطفال,السالم عليكم ياأم على
- Observations : Stand and look don't disturb , just give look for 30 sec. for
dysmorphic pictures , gait , any abnormal fingers , left handed or right
- Rapport : Go to the child level and try to play with him.
- Demonstrate for him and ask to do.
شوف (على) انا اسوى كده انت تقدر تسوى زى
Prepared by Dr.Mohammed Abdalla Khidir
- Stands supported…………….9months
- Stands unsupported ………….12months.
- Stands tip toe………………… 2-2.5 years
- Stands on one foot for 1 sec…. 3 years
- Stands on one foot for 5 sec…… 4 years
No head lag.
In prone lifts upper chest up.
Sits with support..
In prone lifts chest on extended arms.
Rolls from front (prone) to back (supine)
7month :
Sit without support .
Rolls from back to front.
12 months
Puls to stand
Cruises around furniture.
Walking e hand held
1) Building of tower:
Bangs and casting cubes together………12 month.
Tower of 2-3 cubes …………………. 15 month.
Tower of 3-4 cubes and puts cubes in container and gets it out
…………………………………………18 month.
Tower of 6 cubes ………………………2years
Tower of 9 cubes ………………………3years.
Tower of 12 cubes ……………………..4 years.
Tower of 15 cubes………………………5years.
B)Crayon and paper: (you must observe the way he hold the
crayon … and mention in your presentation)
1) Draw shapes:
To and fro scribbles …………………15 month.
Circular scribbles ………………….18 month.
Vertical line( │ ),write T/V letters .............2 years.
Horizontal line( ▬ )………………………..2.6years.
Copy circle ,write T/V/H letters ……..3 years.
Copy cross ,write X /O letters…………….4years.
Prepared by Dr.Mohammed Abdalla Khidir
Copy square ………………………………4.6 years.
Copy triangle, write C/U/Y/L/A letters …. 5years.
Copy diamond …………………………….6years.
2) Draw-a-man test: 3+ (
n/4) : n=parts of body baby can draw.
E)Book of pictures:
Turns many pages together and points to picture in book
Turns one page ………………….2years.
G) Pincer grip (Hundreds and thousands , or make a small paper):
Palmar grasp…………….6month.
Crude or early pincer grip……9month..
Prepared by Dr.Mohammed Abdalla Khidir
Fine , mature or neat pincer grip……1year.
N.B: in fine motor assessment it is important to ask mother about any concern regarding
D) Dressing ( by examination):
- Takes off shoes and socks………….. 18 m.
- Helps in dressing…………………….. 2 years
- Able to undress………………………. 3 years
- Dress with supervision……………….. 4 years
- dress without supervision…………….5 years
Prepared by Dr.Mohammed Abdalla Khidir
6 weeks :
- Smiles.
3 month :
- Laughs and squeals.()ينتحب
6month :
- Laughs and screams.
- Enjoy mirror.
9month :
- Stranger anxiety.
- Plays peek-a-boo.
- Understand (no ) and bye/bye.
12 month :
- Plays pat-a-cake………….12m
- Waves bye-bye………..12m
- Finger feeds…………12m
A) Ask the child about his name, age, sex, address and ask him to count from 1-
E) commands:
Prepared by Dr.Mohammed Abdalla Khidir
a) A single task: e.g. take the horse ……..18 month.
b) Double task: e.g. take the horse and give it to your mother
c) Triple task: e.g. take the horse, put it behind your back and give it to your mother.
- Cries/coos
- Startles to noise
3 months:
- Quites to parent voice
- Turns to sound.
- Bubling
- Says vowels A E I O U
- Say mama dada non specifically.
12 months:
- Understand simple command
- Says few words.
Thank the mother and turn to the examiner.
Present the case:
- Summarise your finding in four major areas.
- Mention what things child did and what things he cannot did.
- Example: Achild is …….years old
- All these findings are in keeping with developmental delay in areas of
……… the age of ………..
- Iwant to ask the mother some questions:
Any concern about hearing or vision?
What exactly he can say?
Prepared by Dr.Mohammed Abdalla Khidir
Eating and drinking ?
Cleaning and toilet?
How the child play?
Any abnormal behavior?
School type and achievement?
- community pediatrician.
- Physiotherapist………………….for gross motor problem.
- Occupational therapist…………..for fine motor problem.
- Speech and language therapist……..for speech problem.
- Educational psychologist…………for learning problem
- Nursery Teacher
- Play therapist .
- Social worker
- Health visitors
- Pre-school therapist.
Prepared by Dr.Mohammed Abdalla Khidir
Thank the examiner and exit.
- Down syndrome
- Autism.
Prepared by Dr.Mohammed Abdalla Khidir
- Wash your hands
- Great examiner and listen carefully to your task.
- Greet mother, introduce yourself, and take permission to play (not say examine) with her
. اليوم حاألعب مع (على) ابنك, انا دكتور دمحم طبيب أطفال,السالم عليكم ياأم على
- Collect your tools for task. CCS 3B:
Cubes (1-5yrs)
Cryons/paper (1-6yrs)
Scissor (2-3yrs)
Board (2-4yrs)
Beads /thread.(3-4yrs)
Book. (18m-2yrs).
- Observations : Stand and look don't disturb , just give look for 30 sec. for dysmorphic
pictures , gait , any abnormal fingers , left handed or right handed.
- bring child to table and sit in front of child not beside child.
- Rapport : Go to the child level and try to play with him.
- Demonstrate for him and ask to do.
شوف (على) انا اسوى كده انت تقدر تسوى زى
Ask About the age if the examiner did not tell you.
H) Cubes:
3) Building of tower:
Bangs and casting cubes together………12 month.
Tower of 2-3 cubes …………………. 15 month.
Tower of 3-4 cubes and puts cubes in container and gets it out
…………………………………………18 month.
Tower of 6 cubes ………………………2years
Tower of 9 cubes ………………………3years.
Tower of 12 cubes ……………………..4 years.
Tower of 15 cubes………………………5years.
I) Crayon and paper: (you must observe the way he hold the crayon … and mention in your
Prepared by Dr.Mohammed Abdalla Khidir
3) Draw shapes:
To and fro scribbles …………………15 month.
Circular scribbles ………………….18 month.
Vertical line( │ ),write T/V letters .............2 years.
Horizontal line( ▬ )………………………..2.6years.
Copy circle ,write T/V/H letters ……..3 years.
Copy cross ,write X /O letters…………….4years.
Copy square ………………………………4.6 years.
Copy triangle, write C/U/Y/L/A letters …. 5years.
Copy diamond …………………………….6years.
4) Draw-a-man test: 3+ ( n/4) : n=parts of body baby can draw.
Draws 3 parts in draw a man test…..3years.
Draws 4parts(+head) in draw a man test…..4years.
Draws 8parts(+head) in draw a man test….5years.
N.B: observe for pencil holding:
cylindrical grasp (whole hand )………………1-1.6 year.
digital grasp …………………………………….2 - 3year.
Modified tripod grasp (dynamic) …………….. …..31/2 -4 year.
tripod grasp (adult fashion) ………………………..41/2 - 7 year.
good control + paint brush …………………………5 year.
L) Book of pictures:
Turns many pages together and points to picture in book
Turns one page ………………….2years.
M) Board:
Prepared by Dr.Mohammed Abdalla Khidir
Fix 2 simple shapes :circle and square……2years.
Fix 3simple shapes: circle , square and triangle…….3years.
Fix 6 simple shapes and complex shapes …………4years.
6 weeks :
- fix and follow to 90.
- Grasp reflex .
- fix and follows to 180 .
- hold rattles.
- Transfer objects.
- Shaking rattles.
- Mouthing objects.
- Palmar grasp.
- Reaches for small objects.
- Release objects.
- Looks for fallen objects.
- Mature pincer grip.
- Points by index finger.
- Object permanence.
- Bangs and casting cubes together………12 month.
- immature Tripod(cylindrical) grasp (whole hand )…1-1.6 year
N.B: in fine motor assessment it is important to ask mother about any concern regarding
Prepared by Dr.Mohammed Abdalla Khidir
Thank the mother and turn to the examiner.
Present the case:
- Summarise your finding in four major areas.
- Mention what things child did and what things he cannot did.
- Example: today I examined ali 5years old , which having distinct features
consistent with down syndrome . he :
able to build tower of 9 cubes , bulid bridge and train but not able to
make steps .
able to draw circle but could not draw cross., he holding the cryon
in modified tripod fashion.
He cut paper with scissor smoothly.
He insert /lace thread in large bead but not in small one.
He fix 3 shape in simple board
He turn page one by one on the book
- All these findings are in keeping with age of 3 yrs in area of fine motor
- I want to ask the mother some questions:to assess other areas of development
Any concern about hearing or vision?
What exactly he can say?
socially : Eating and drinking ?Dressing? Cleaning and toilet? How the child play?
Any abnormal behavior?
School type and achievement? Normal , special or integrated .
Prepared by Dr.Mohammed Abdalla Khidir
Speech and language therapist……..for speech problem.
Educational psychologist…………for learning and intellicous problem
Others : Nursery Teacher , Pre-school therapist, Play therapist , Social worker , Health
visitors .
Thank the examiner and exit.
Common cases in development station
Down syndrome , William syndrome., Sanjet -sakatti syndrome ., Autism.
Prepared by Dr.Mohammed Abdalla Khidir
jump forward/hopes two foot ….3years
Hops on one foot……… …………4 years
Skips )………………)نط الحبل. ……5 years
Stands supported…………….9months
Stands unsupported ………….12months.
Stands tip toe………………… 2-2.5 years
Stands on one foot for 1 sec…. 3 years
Stands on one foot for 5 sec…… 4 years.
B) Give him a Ball:
- Kicks a ball :
Standing …….. ………………………2 years
Running …….................................. 4 years
- Throws a ball :
From front stretch hand ……………………2 years.
From over head…………………………….4years.
- Catches a ball:
Front out stretched arm………………. 3 years
Up out stretched arm…………………. 4 years
Near to the body (front of the chest)..5 years
- Bounces )………………………………)ينطط الكره. 5 years
- Scoring :
C) Ask him to climb stairs: (climbing stair easier than down stair)
- Climbs and down stairs with assistance……………………. 1.6 years
- in child manner :( 2feet/step)
Climbs stairs unaided ……………………. 2 years
Down stairs unaided …………………… 2.6 years
Prepared by Dr.Mohammed Abdalla Khidir
c) 180 TEST pull baby from lying flat to sit then to stand (to test for tone and power ) then
Head in line with body.
No head lag.
In prone lifts upper chest up.
Sits with support..
In prone lifts chest on extended arms.
Rolls from front (prone) to back (supine)
7month :
Sit without support .
Rolls from back to front.
12 months
Puls to stand
Cruises around furniture.
Walking e hand held
Thank the mother and turn to the examiner.
Present the case:
- Summarise your finding in four major areas.
- Mention what things child did and what things he cannot did.
- Example: Achild is …….years old
- All these findings are in keeping with developmental delay in areas of ……… the age of
- Iwant to ask the mother some questions:
Any concern about hearing or vision?
What exactly he can say?
Eating and drinking ?
Cleaning and toilet?
How the child play?
Any abnormal behavior?
School type and achievement?
- Example of presentation : today I examined ali 5years old , which having distinct
features consistent with down syndrome . he :
able to build tower of 9 cubes , bulid bridge and train but not able to make
steps .
able to draw circle but could not draw cross., he holding the cryon in
modified tripod fashion.
He cut paper with scissor smoothly.
He insert /lace thread in large bead but not in small one.
He fix 3 shape in simple board
He turn page one by one on the book
-All these findings are in keeping with age of 3 yrs in area of fine motor .
Prepared by Dr.Mohammed Abdalla Khidir
- Carefull listening to the examiner questions.
- Answer questions confidently.
Prepared by Dr.Mohammed Abdalla Khidir
- Wash your hands
- Great examiner and listen carefully to your task.
- Greet mother, introduce yourself, and take permission to play (not say examine) with her
. اليوم حاألعب مع (عىل) ابنك, انا دكتور دمحم طبيب أطفال,السالم عليكم ياأم عىل
- Collect the tools :
Objects : Dolls or car or animals .
colored cryons.
Pictures : Pictures book.
- Observations : Stand and look don't disturb , just give look for 30 sec. for dysmorphic
pictures , gait , any abnormal fingers , left handed or right handed.
- Rapport : Go to the child level and try to play with him.
- Demonstrate for him and ask to do.
شوف (عىل) انا اسوى كده انت تقدر تسوى زى
A) Ask the child about his name, age, sex, address and ask him to count from 1-10:
Prepared by Dr.Mohammed Abdalla Khidir
b) Assess concentration and attention:
1. Body parts :
Points / name 3 body parts ………….18 month – 2ys.
5 body parts ………………………………..3yrs.
2. Give him a colored object and ask him to point to an object with the same color.
If know 3 colours……………………..3years.
If know 4 colours……………………..4years.
5 colours ……………………5yrs.
d) commands:
a) A single task: e.g. take the horse ………………………………………18 month.
b) Double task: e.g. take the horse and give it to your mother ……..2 yrs.
c) Triple task: e.g. take the horse, put it behind your back and give it to your mother…….. 3yrs.
Prepared by Dr.Mohammed Abdalla Khidir
- Cries/coos
- Startles to noise
3 months:
- Quites to parent voice
- Turns to sound.
- Bubling
- Says vowels A E I O U
- Say mama dada non specifically.
12 months:
- Understand simple command
- Says few words.
Thank the mother and turn to the examiner.
Present the case:
- Example of presentation : today I examined ali 5years old , which having distinct
features consistent with down syndrome . he :
- .
Prepared by Dr.Mohammed Abdalla Khidir
Discussion of the case
- community pediatrician.
- Physiotherapist………………….for gross motor problem.
- Occupational therapist…………..for fine motor problem.
- Speech and language therapist……..for speech problem.
- Educational psychologist…………for learning problem
- Nursery Teacher
- Play therapist .
- Social worker
- Health visitors
- Pre-school therapist.
Prepared by Dr.Mohammed Abdalla Khidir
- Wash your hands
- Great examiner and listen carefully to your task.
- Greet mother, introduce yourself, and take permission to play (not say examine) with her
. اليوم حاألعب مع (على) ابنك, انا دكتور دمحم طبيب أطفال,السالم عليكم ياأم على
- Collect equipments :
Toy.( for play).
Cup , fork , spoon , knife.(feeding)
jacket and/or shoes.(dressing / undressing).
- Observations : Stand and look don't disturb , just give look for 30 sec. for dysmorphic
pictures , gait , any abnormal fingers , left handed or right handed.
- Rapport : Go to the child level and try to play with him.
- Demonstrate for him and ask to do.
شوف (على) انا اسوى كده انت تقدر تسوى زى
6 weeks :
- Smiles.
3 month :
- Laughs and squeals.()ينتحب
6month :
- Laughs and screams.
- Enjoy mirror.
9month :
- Stranger anxiety.
- Plays peek-a-boo.
- Understand (no ) and bye/bye.
12 month :
- Plays pat-a-cake………….12m
- Waves bye-bye………..12m
- Finger feeds…………12m
Prepared by Dr.Mohammed Abdalla Khidir
Thank the mother and turn to the examiner.
Present the case:
- Summarise your finding in four major areas.
- Mention what things child did and what things he cannot did.
- Example: Achild is …….years old
- All these findings are in keeping with developmental delay in areas of ……… the age of
- Iwant to ask the mother some questions:
Any concern about hearing or vision?
What exactly he can say?
Eating and drinking ?
Cleaning and toilet?
How the child play?
Any abnormal behavior?
School type and achievement?
- community pediatrician.
- Physiotherapist………………….for gross motor problem.
- Occupational therapist…………..for fine motor problem.
- Speech and language therapist……..for speech problem.
- Educational psychologist…………for learning problem
- Nursery Teacher
- Play therapist .
- Social worker
- Health visitors
Prepared by Dr.Mohammed Abdalla Khidir
- Pre-school therapist.
4. Then Ask the mother some questions (after take permission from examiner): to continue
assessing communication( langue –non verbal) , social , and behaviour
ام محب فى اى مشكله فى سمعو وال نظرو؟: الدكتور .1
بس لما اتكلم معاهو مايرد على, ال: االم
Prepared by Dr.Mohammed Abdalla Khidir
Lack of or delay of speech (langue )
كيف يعبر عن حوجته لالشياء زى االكل والشرب؟: الدكتور.2
يسحبنى من مالبسى ويودينى على المطبخ: االم
Find way of meeting their needs other than pointing(social).
يعنى ماياشر باصبعه: الدكتور.3
ال ماياشر ابدا: االم
Not pointing (social ).
ام محب محب يقدر يركب جمل ويفهم لما تامريهو بشى معين؟: الدكتور .4
ال: االم
Limited content of speech (langue )
حاولتى تعلميهو يمشى الحمام؟: الدكتور .5
حا ولت لكن فشلت: االم
Failure of toilet training (social)
تالحظى عليه اى سلوكيات غريبه؟: الدكتور .6
زى انو يفضل يلف حولين نفسو باستمرار, نعم: االم
Repetitive behavior (behavior)
يحب يروح االعراس والمناسبات واالماكن العامه زى المسجد والسوق؟: الدكتور .7
واذا راح يفضل يبكى ويصرخ الين نطلع, ال مايحب يروح: االم
Dislike crowded places (behavior)
بحب تغير الروتين ؟: الدكتور .8
ال مايحب تغير الروتين واذا تغير بيعصب: االم
Upset by minor changes in routine (behavior)
9. Ask the mother Take from him his toy ? see his anger response.
Prepared by Dr.Mohammed Abdalla Khidir
5. Metabolic screening : aminoaciduria , homocystinuria,
6. Serum amino acids for phenylketonuria.
7. Serum lead level for lead toxicity.
8. CBC , iron, thyroid function.
9. EEG if epilepsy.
What is management plan ? Multidisplenary approach: this child will get benefit if I am
refer him to :
1. Behavior therapiest
2. Occupational therapiest.
3. Speech and langue therapiest.
4. Social therapiest
5. Psychiatric therapiest
6. Education consideration.
7. Financial support
8. Trial of many new treatment , like ….
Prepared by Dr.Mohammed Abdalla Khidir
Common case in jeddeha centre
1. My exam in jeddah:11/2016
- Ataxia telenectasia , examine upper limb "o/e : hypotonia , hyporeflexia , dysmetria
and nystagmus " ……. (1/2017).
- 11 yrs old female , reduce iQ , still in nappy , hypotonic , hyporeflexia , and reduce
power . ( Q: difference b/w CP and polymilytis ???) (1/2017)
- Case of shunt in frontal area…….(1/2017).
- DOWN SYNDROME …………………(1/2017-2ND day.)
- Sturge weber syndrome (1/2017 -1st day).
- spina bifida (1/2017-1st day)
- Hemiplegia. (1/2017-1st day).
- operated hydrocephalus (11/2016)
- Lt hemiparesis …. Due to trauma.
- Double hemiplegia : 12 yrs old , SCA WITH double hemiplegia right sided hemiplegic
gait , but having bilaterally spaticity and hypertonia (11/2016)
- Spastic Quadriplegia CP.: causes (11/2016).
- Diplegia.
- Choreoathetoid CP .(3/2016).
- Degenerative disease with mixed upper and lower motor neuron lesion
- Spina pifida(3/2016).
- Spina bifida = bilateral hearing aid and squent + flaccid paraplegia + hydrocephalus
with VP shunt in left side + ugly scar on the back.(course 10/2016)
- SMA type 2.(3/2016, 11/2015).
- Ataxia telengectesia.
2. CVS :
- Medsternotomy scar and latera thoractomy scar , pulmonary murmurm
- Complex congenital heart disease (1/2017)
- Operated fallot (1/2017 – 2nd day).
- 4 yrs old with multivalvular lesions.(1/2017 – 1st day).
- Case of 9 yrs old with dextrocadia and medstentomy scar with situs inversus (1/2017)
- Syndromic pt. e medstentomy scar (11/2016)
- Pulmonary stenosis post operative , TOF?
- 2yrs old with clubbing and cyanosis uncooperative (11/2016) .
- Rheumatic heart disease e mid sternotomy scar and valve replacement with residual
pulmonary stenosis.(11/2016)
- RHEUMATIC with mitral and aortic valve replacement.
- Pace maker in left apical area + 4 scars in the apical , epigastric area , with normal
heart sound
- TOF with middle scar and residual aortic stenosis.
- Metallic valve.
Prepared by Dr.Mohammed Abdalla Khidir
- Marfan e sterntomy scar.
- 8 YRS old girl with median sterntomy and drainage scars with systolic murmur over
apex and pulmonary area…..
- 7yrs old boy not clubbed or cyanosis , with medium sterntomy scar
- Cyanotic congenital heart disease : 7 yrs boy down , with clubbing , cyanosis and
median sternotomy scar , pansystolic murmur , LLSB.-impression eismenger on top of
AVSD. ( 11/2016)
- Bulging percordium , pulsation , pan systolic murmur ? rheumatic heart disease not in
failure + other murmur systolic.(11/2016).
3. RS:
- Chronic supparative lung disease .
- Noonan (1/2017)
- Turner syndrome (1/2017 – 1st day)
- Treacher colins with decrease air entery on the right side (1/2017)
- Symdromic (unknown)patient with elastic skin and stiff joints (1/2017)
- Ataxia telengectasia with chronic lung disease. Dysniec (1/2017……11/2016).
- Treacher Collin syndrome e nasal obstruction (11/2016)
- Chronic supprative lung disease.10 yrs old girls : distress oxygen , clubbing , increase
AP diameter , scar in the back .(11/2016)
- Chronic supparative lung disease (10yrs old girl) : not distress , v.small for her chest ,
clubbing , chest deformity , small cautry marks , crackles all over the chest .( dr.habab
- Kartegner syndrome
- Cystic fibrosis.(11/2016…….3/2016)
4. ABD :
- Sickle cell disease (1/2017)
- Thathamia (1/2017)
- Case of fair hair 10 yrs old girl with distended abdomen 3 tubes : (i.e : gastrostomy
tube , RIF tube , and other long tube from RIF up to the chest) may be glycogen
storage disease (1/2017 ).
- Yamani child , with Chronic renal failure , anaemic and with peritonial dialysis tube ,
scar near umbilicus.(1/2017).
- B.Thalathamia with hepatosplenomegaly (11/2016)
- B-thalathaemia major e splenectomy and e out splenectomy.(3/2016)
- Thalathamia (11/2016) : management and complications.
5. MSS:
- Girl Pt. with alopecia (1/2017)
- Oesteogensis imperfect ( 1/2017).
Prepared by Dr.Mohammed Abdalla Khidir
- Pt. e Multiple scars e sclosis as complication of sickle oesteomylitis ( short , L L
asymmetry , long arms )(1/ 2017 ….11/2015).
- Marfan (11/2016)
- Knee joint swelling with limbing and mild stiffness ? JIA or haemophilia (11/2016).
- 13 yrs old Obese hypotonic position , wheel chair beside the bed , and hummer :
examine the lower limb and relative system , DMD ???.( 11/2016).
- Oesteogensis imperfect = multiple fractures + multiple upper limb deformity + rt. Ll
with plaster and old fractures (course 10/2016)
- JIA ( bilateral knee deformity)….( course 10/2016).
- Hypophosphatimic ricket. (3/2016 – 11/2016).
- Rickets ( bilateral curved legs bones + chest deformity "pigon chest" + ricket rosary +
harisson groove.)…..(course 10/2016.)
- Osteogenesis imperfect(3/2016)
- Goldenhar .
- Mucopoly sacridosis.
7. Development :
- Fine motor and langue of down syndrome. (1/2017)
- Fine motor for " radina" 7 yrs old girl hemiplegic ( did all the tasks e difficulty but no
developmental delay)….(1/2017).
- Fine motor.(3/2016…..11/2015).
- Fine motor /other gross motor– 5yrs old sanjet sakatti (11/2016).
- Fine motor 5 yrs old down syndrome.(1/2017 ….11/2016).
Prepared by Dr.Mohammed Abdalla Khidir
Common case in jeddeha centre
8. My exam in jeddah:11/2016
- Ataxia telenectasia , examine upper limb "o/e : hypotonia , hyporeflexia , dysmetria
and nystagmus " ……. (1/2017).
- 11 yrs old female , reduce iQ , still in nappy , hypotonic , hyporeflexia , and reduce
power . ( Q: difference b/w CP and polymilytis ???) (1/2017)
- Case of shunt in frontal area…….(1/2017).
- DOWN SYNDROME …………………(1/2017-2ND day.)
- Sturge weber syndrome (1/2017 -1st day).
- spina bifida (1/2017-1st day)
- Hemiplegia. (1/2017-1st day).
- operated hydrocephalus (11/2016)
- Lt hemiparesis …. Due to trauma.
- Double hemiplegia : 12 yrs old , SCA WITH double hemiplegia right sided hemiplegic
gait , but having bilaterally spaticity and hypertonia (11/2016)
- Spastic Quadriplegia CP.: causes (11/2016).
- Diplegia.
- Choreoathetoid CP .(3/2016).
- Degenerative disease with mixed upper and lower motor neuron lesion
- Spina pifida(3/2016).
- Spina bifida = bilateral hearing aid and squent + flaccid paraplegia + hydrocephalus
with VP shunt in left side + ugly scar on the back.(course 10/2016)
- SMA type 2.(3/2016, 11/2015).
- Ataxia telengectesia.
9. CVS :
- Medsternotomy scar and latera thoractomy scar , pulmonary murmurm
- Complex congenital heart disease (1/2017)
- Operated fallot (1/2017 – 2nd day).
- 4 yrs old with multivalvular lesions.(1/2017 – 1st day).
- Case of 9 yrs old with dextrocadia and medstentomy scar with situs inversus (1/2017)
- Syndromic pt. e medstentomy scar (11/2016)
- Pulmonary stenosis post operative , TOF?
- 2yrs old with clubbing and cyanosis uncooperative (11/2016) .
- Rheumatic heart disease e mid sternotomy scar and valve replacement with residual
pulmonary stenosis.(11/2016)
- RHEUMATIC with mitral and aortic valve replacement.
- Pace maker in left apical area + 4 scars in the apical , epigastric area , with normal
heart sound
- TOF with middle scar and residual aortic stenosis.
- Metallic valve.
Prepared by Dr.Mohammed Abdalla Khidir
- Marfan e sterntomy scar.
- 8 YRS old girl with median sterntomy and drainage scars with systolic murmur over
apex and pulmonary area…..
- 7yrs old boy not clubbed or cyanosis , with medium sterntomy scar
- Cyanotic congenital heart disease : 7 yrs boy down , with clubbing , cyanosis and
median sternotomy scar , pansystolic murmur , LLSB.-impression eismenger on top of
AVSD. ( 11/2016)
- Bulging percordium , pulsation , pan systolic murmur ? rheumatic heart disease not in
failure + other murmur systolic.(11/2016).
10. RS:
- Chronic supparative lung disease .
- Noonan (1/2017)
- Turner syndrome (1/2017 – 1st day)
- Treacher colins with decrease air entery on the right side (1/2017)
- Symdromic (unknown)patient with elastic skin and stiff joints (1/2017)
- Ataxia telengectasia with chronic lung disease. Dysniec (1/2017……11/2016).
- Treacher Collin syndrome e nasal obstruction (11/2016)
- Chronic supprative lung disease.10 yrs old girls : distress oxygen , clubbing , increase
AP diameter , scar in the back .(11/2016)
- Chronic supparative lung disease (10yrs old girl) : not distress , v.small for her chest ,
clubbing , chest deformity , small cautry marks , crackles all over the chest .( dr.habab
- Kartegner syndrome
- Cystic fibrosis.(11/2016…….3/2016)
11. ABD :
- Sickle cell disease (1/2017)
- Thathamia (1/2017)
- Case of fair hair 10 yrs old girl with distended abdomen 3 tubes : (i.e : gastrostomy
tube , RIF tube , and other long tube from RIF up to the chest) may be glycogen
storage disease (1/2017 ).
- Yamani child , with Chronic renal failure , anaemic and with peritonial dialysis tube ,
scar near umbilicus.(1/2017).
- B.Thalathamia with hepatosplenomegaly (11/2016)
- B-thalathaemia major e splenectomy and e out splenectomy.(3/2016)
- Thalathamia (11/2016) : management and complications.
12. MSS:
- Girl Pt. with alopecia (1/2017)
- Oesteogensis imperfect ( 1/2017).
Prepared by Dr.Mohammed Abdalla Khidir
- Pt. e Multiple scars e sclosis as complication of sickle oesteomylitis ( short , L L
asymmetry , long arms )(1/ 2017 ….11/2015).
- Marfan (11/2016)
- Knee joint swelling with limbing and mild stiffness ? JIA or haemophilia (11/2016).
- 13 yrs old Obese hypotonic position , wheel chair beside the bed , and hummer :
examine the lower limb and relative system , DMD ???.( 11/2016).
- Oesteogensis imperfect = multiple fractures + multiple upper limb deformity + rt. Ll
with plaster and old fractures (course 10/2016)
- JIA ( bilateral knee deformity)….( course 10/2016).
- Hypophosphatimic ricket. (3/2016 – 11/2016).
- Rickets ( bilateral curved legs bones + chest deformity "pigon chest" + ricket rosary +
harisson groove.)…..(course 10/2016.)
- Osteogenesis imperfect(3/2016)
- Goldenhar .
- Mucopoly sacridosis.
14. Development :
- Fine motor and langue of down syndrome. (1/2017)
- Fine motor for " radina" 7 yrs old girl hemiplegic ( did all the tasks e difficulty but no
developmental delay)….(1/2017).
- Fine motor.(3/2016…..11/2015).
- Fine motor /other gross motor– 5yrs old sanjet sakatti (11/2016).
- Fine motor 5 yrs old down syndrome.(1/2017 ….11/2016).
Prepared by Dr.Mohammed Abdalla Khidir
Common case in other centre:
Riyadh - 11-2016
1. Others : noonan syndrome please examine this pt and proceed
2. Others : Graves' disease.Cvs : cardiac TOF or metallic pulmonary artery . wel child with
median sternotomy scar and murmur in pulmonary area.
3. Development : sanget sakatti fine motor.
4. CNS : quadriplegic CP.
5. ABD : glycogen storage disease
1. Development station :
- fine motor spatic diplegia 9 yr old
child went to the bathroom for 5 min then I started my examination cooperative spastic
diplegia child on wheelchair wearing glassess didn't speak we did crayon
,cubes,scissors,book .discussed about causes prenatal perinatal post natal, gave 2.5 to 3 yr
clear pass
CVS : 5 yr old with MPS with systolic murmur in apex
described the detailed feature of MPS in my general exam
gave deferential for sysy murmur MR VSD and innoscent
with each one what go and what against
discussed fully management but the examiner didn't check involvement of family line in
discussion part of mark sheet ! pay attention to that , i was so friendly to the lovely child
he was smiling and laughing and the examiner wrote excellent in conduct of interview
clear pass
8. MSK : rickets
classic but said well grown
in differential i gave diff in rickets and then my case i told nutritional but the examiners
Prepared by Dr.Mohammed Abdalla Khidir
said it can be malaps.
9. CNS : Rt sided facial palsy and Rt side hemiplagia in 4 yr anxious child on the bed
covered . asked to examine face the go from there child wasn't cooperative initially then
with playing and making faces ahe laughed and there was the facial pulsy raised his eye
brows upper motor went for lower limb and the child was wearing tight jenes after undress
he was a little pit upset but consolable and praised his jenes ., didin't want to walk so asked
the father but still refusing and the father said he walked with aid then skipped the gait no
scar with hypertonia and hyperreflexia ,time was up told the examiner i want to complete
my exam doing so and sothen discussed diff.
child has big scar running through his forehead and child stroller beside him . forget to
mention trauma in diff.
Prepared by Dr.Mohammed Abdalla Khidir
Common case in other centre:
Riyadh - 11-2016
6. Others : noonan syndrome please examine this pt and proceed
7. Others : Graves' disease.Cvs : cardiac TOF or metallic pulmonary artery . wel child with
median sternotomy scar and murmur in pulmonary area.
8. Development : sanget sakatti fine motor.
9. CNS : quadriplegic CP.
10. ABD : glycogen storage disease
2. Development station :
- fine motor spatic diplegia 9 yr old
child went to the bathroom for 5 min then I started my examination cooperative spastic
diplegia child on wheelchair wearing glassess didn't speak we did crayon
,cubes,scissors,book .discussed about causes prenatal perinatal post natal, gave 2.5 to 3 yr
clear pass
CVS : 5 yr old with MPS with systolic murmur in apex
described the detailed feature of MPS in my general exam
gave deferential for sysy murmur MR VSD and innoscent
with each one what go and what against
discussed fully management but the examiner didn't check involvement of family line in
discussion part of mark sheet ! pay attention to that , i was so friendly to the lovely child
he was smiling and laughing and the examiner wrote excellent in conduct of interview
clear pass
8. MSK : rickets
classic but said well grown
in differential i gave diff in rickets and then my case i told nutritional but the examiners
Prepared by Dr.Mohammed Abdalla Khidir
said it can be malaps.
9. CNS : Rt sided facial palsy and Rt side hemiplagia in 4 yr anxious child on the bed
covered . asked to examine face the go from there child wasn't cooperative initially then
with playing and making faces ahe laughed and there was the facial pulsy raised his eye
brows upper motor went for lower limb and the child was wearing tight jenes after undress
he was a little pit upset but consolable and praised his jenes ., didin't want to walk so asked
the father but still refusing and the father said he walked with aid then skipped the gait no
scar with hypertonia and hyperreflexia ,time was up told the examiner i want to complete
my exam doing so and sothen discussed diff.
child has big scar running through his forehead and child stroller beside him . forget to
mention trauma in diff.
Prepared by Dr.Mohammed Abdalla Khidir
Common case in other centre:
Egypt exam 12/2016 :
1. CVS : complex cong. Heart disease./ aortic reguire (RHD).
2. Cns : spastic diplegia…..gulian barri
3. Msk : JIA.
4. Abd. : thalathamia e splenoectomy
5. Others : short stature.
6. Development : gross motor in CP./fine motor.
Prepared by Dr.Mohammed Abdalla Khidir
Common case in other centre:
Prepared by Dr.Mohammed Abdalla Khidir
1. OMAN 2017:
Prepared by Dr.Mohammed Abdalla Khidir
Common case in other centre:
2. Abdomen :
- sickle cell disease.:
- jaundice , pale , hepatomegally , no spleen.
3. CVS :cyanotic congenital heart disease ( clubbing + cyanosis + ejection systolic murmur
4. RS : bronchaectasis.
5. CNS :
- sturge weber – cranial nerve examination.
- Hemiplegia " upper limb examination – difficult to write".
6. MSK :
- Raumatoid arthritis : Joint pain 15 yrs old.
7. OTHERS : graves' disease
8. Development : down – fine motor .
Prepared by Dr.Mohammed Abdalla Khidir
Common case in other centre:
Riyadh - 11-2016
11. Others : noonan syndrome please examine this pt and proceed
12. Others : Graves' disease.Cvs : cardiac TOF or metallic pulmonary artery . wel child with
median sternotomy scar and murmur in pulmonary area.
13. Development : sanget sakatti fine motor.
14. CNS : quadriplegic CP.
15. ABD : glycogen storage disease
3. Development station :
- fine motor spatic diplegia 9 yr old
child went to the bathroom for 5 min then I started my examination cooperative spastic
diplegia child on wheelchair wearing glassess didn't speak we did crayon
,cubes,scissors,book .discussed about causes prenatal perinatal post natal, gave 2.5 to 3 yr
clear pass
CVS : 5 yr old with MPS with systolic murmur in apex
described the detailed feature of MPS in my general exam
gave deferential for sysy murmur MR VSD and innoscent
with each one what go and what against
discussed fully management but the examiner didn't check involvement of family line in
discussion part of mark sheet ! pay attention to that , i was so friendly to the lovely child
he was smiling and laughing and the examiner wrote excellent in conduct of interview
clear pass
8. MSK : rickets
classic but said well grown
in differential i gave diff in rickets and then my case i told nutritional but the examiners
Prepared by Dr.Mohammed Abdalla Khidir
said it can be malaps.
9. CNS : Rt sided facial palsy and Rt side hemiplagia in 4 yr anxious child on the bed
covered . asked to examine face the go from there child wasn't cooperative initially then
with playing and making faces ahe laughed and there was the facial pulsy raised his eye
brows upper motor went for lower limb and the child was wearing tight jenes after undress
he was a little pit upset but consolable and praised his jenes ., didin't want to walk so asked
the father but still refusing and the father said he walked with aid then skipped the gait no
scar with hypertonia and hyperreflexia ,time was up told the examiner i want to complete
my exam doing so and sothen discussed diff.
child has big scar running through his forehead and child stroller beside him . forget to
mention trauma in diff.
Prepared by Dr.Mohammed Abdalla Khidir
Common case in other centre:
Egypt exam 12/2016 :
7. CVS : complex cong. Heart disease./ aortic reguire (RHD).
8. Cns : spastic diplegia…..gulian barri
9. Msk : JIA.
10. Abd. : thalathamia e splenoectomy
11. Others : short stature.
12. Development : gross motor in CP./fine motor.
Prepared by Dr.Mohammed Abdalla Khidir
Common case in other centre:
Prepared by Dr.Mohammed Abdalla Khidir
Common case in other centre:
9. Abdomen :
- sickle cell disease.:
- jaundice , pale , hepatomegally , no spleen.
10. CVS :cyanotic congenital heart disease ( clubbing + cyanosis + ejection systolic murmur
11. RS : bronchaectasis.
12. CNS :
- sturge weber – cranial nerve examination.
- Hemiplegia " upper limb examination – difficult to write".
13. MSK :
- Raumatoid arthritis : Joint pain 15 yrs old.
14. OTHERS : graves' disease
15. Development : down – fine motor .
Prepared by Dr.Mohammed Abdalla Khidir
Common case in other centre
1. CVS :
- Aortic stenosis "William syndrome"
- VSD (11/2016)
2. CNS :
- Spina bifida "arachonld chairi" examine lower limb.11/2016)
- Hemiplegia
- RT. Side hemiplegia (11/2016)
3. MSK :
- Rickets with deformity and alopecia "i.e VIT d dependent".
- JIA (11/2016).
4. GIT :
- Hepatomegaly + dilated veins but no spleen no ascites.
- Hepatomegaly with epigastric longitudinal scar"palor + jaundice"
- Abdominal scar – transplanted kidney(11/2016).
- Chronic supprative lung disease. (11/2016)
- CF e scar of meconum ileus(11/2016)
- Girl with goiter.(11/2016).
- NF1 with sclosis.
- Down syndrome for speech and hearing.
- Gross and fine motor in syndromic pt.
Prepared by Dr.Mohammed Abdalla Khidir
Common Videos of previous exams
Prepared by Dr.Mohammed Abdalla Khidir
9. (RS)2yr h/o of TEF repair present with cough , barking cough , stridor , prolong expiration
- what investigation ?
do nothing.
10. (RS)asthmatic patient received 3 nebs of salbutamol and atrovent and oral steroids still
wheezy saturation is around 93
- what to do next ?
Offer oxygen
I.v salbutamol?
Back to back salbutamol
11. (RS) asthmatic pt. just came to ER on neb. tachypnic conscious PR 130 – SPO2 93 on
- what to do next
12. (RS)preterm baby distress admitted for poor feeding brother having URTI no hepatomgaly ,
systolic murmer ?
- what is diagnosis ?
chronic lung disease.
13. (RS) Acute bronchiolitis with moderate distress , with hypoxia and hypercapnia
- What to do next ?
14. (RS)Baby with distress, NG tube insitu, Oxygen Nasal canula and coughing.......
- What is the diagnosis ?
15. (RS)8 months stable child with bronchiolitis.
- What next step ?
per nasal swab .
none of above.
16. (RS)8 year old girl/boy with cough , fever Reduced chest expansion on left side. On
auscultation diminished air entery and Bronchial breathing and dull percussion note on left
scapula area. History of 10 days fever in spite of oral antibiotics.
- What is diagnosis ?
Left pleural effusion.
Left lobar pneumonia
17. (RS)Chest x ray in a child boy with cystic fibrosis and with wheezes , sudden deterionation
not respond to IV antibiotics with esinophelia ...
Prepared by Dr.Mohammed Abdalla Khidir
- What is diagnosis ?
allergic bronchopulmnor aspergollosis ..
- what is the ttt ?
18. (RS)Whooping cough ..
- What is best investigation ?
pre nasal swap
- What is ttt ?
Azithromycine or erythromycin
19. (RS)Girl with cough with sputum persistently received erythromycin for 10 days , without
- What is next step?
no treatment will her .
clarithromycin high dose for 10 days.
20. (RS)Down with resp distress ... bronchilitis or heart failure ... according to history
21. (RS) Small child coughing at night
- what to do next ?
Anti reflux .
22. (ENT) pus from external auditory meatus , in child with OM 3 days back now temp 37.4c
- what to do next ?
iv antibiotic
oral antibiotic.
Urgent CT.
ENT referral after 3 weeks.
swab and Culture
comment : CT scan in perforated tympanic membrane in AOM only indicated if
there is major complication like cavernous sinus or facial nerve palsy.
23. (ENT)18 months old previously well,you have been called in ED,child sitting in mum's lap
with dummy in mouth, inspiratory stridor, and recessions, no indication of fever or drooling,
- What is the diagnosis ?
Foreign body.
croup etc
24. (ENT) A case with sudden onset of stridor and cyanosis 2 years old and chest x Ray showing
coin shadow at the level of C4 ,
Prepared by Dr.Mohammed Abdalla Khidir
- what to do next?
rigid bronchoscopy
Flexible bronchoscpy
25. (ENT)child with retching and coin in CXR in last 10 sec of videos
- what to do next
calling ENT
calling general anesth.
Prepared by Dr.Mohammed Abdalla Khidir
Comment : tranexmic acid is only used in Gum bleeding or idopathic ipistaxis in
haemipohilic patient but any trauma to head for haemophilc A patient it's
mandiatoryto give him factor 8 please take care because there is a voice lecture
uploaded here for one of colleagues insisting on selection of doing nothing
33. (haemtology )4 yr girl drinking milk since birth , Hb 4 gm/dl , no signs of distress , with
feature of iron def anemia ,
- what treatment?
Oral iron
34. (haematology ) 6 weeks Child presented with general fatigue and tiredness (in video recived
bottle feeding) , Hb: 4.1 , mch 58 , normal wbcs and platelets
- What investigation ?
Feritin level.
35. (haematology)11 years girl brought to ER by her stepfather with history of multiple bruises.
normal CBC and Coagulation profile (Video show well girl with multiple bruises in arms
and legs)
- what next action?
Skeletal survey.
Bone marrow .
none of the above
platelet function .(VWF Disease)
36. (haematology)Pt. with tracheostomy , although good care but still have difficulty with
breathing. Face of pt. with infected big haemingioma like sturge weber.
- What will do to help him ?
steroids inhaler
antibiotics ?
37. (haematology)newborn preterm multiple progressive lesions increase in size " capillary
haemgioma" in scalp , upper eyelid abdomen ?
- what is treatment ?
oral propanolol
38. (haematology)A child with ITP and low platelet count but active ...
- What is treatment ?
wait & observe.
Prepared by Dr.Mohammed Abdalla Khidir
Prepared by Dr.Mohammed Abdalla Khidir
46. (endocrine)2 years old child sitting on a chair, trying to look around ( blind) , short
, patient came with hypoglycaemia "Case was septo optic dysplasia "
- what treatment you do ?
increase glucocorticoid and mineralocorticoid
47. (endocrine) Obese child e striae ( cushing syndrome)
- What is Diagnostic test ?
Dexamethazone suppression test.
48. ( ENDOCRINE) girl with chorea and thyroid eyes and very minimal bulging in the neck
- What investigations?
- what treatment ?
49. (endocrine) 8 years old girl with significant acidotic breathing "kaussmal breathing( DKA)"
and history of polyuria and weight loss , with abdominal pain and altered consciouseness .
- What is Initial management ?
normal saline bolus.
- What direct cause of death ?
cerebral oedema.
- what to do next ?
Comment : blood sugar (If you did gas you will confirm acidotic breathing but still cause
is not clear ,while if u did RBS u know at least 2 out of 3 diagnostic criteria for DKA, and
by theway not all machines having glucose in it and also not availabe in lot of facilities.).
Nephrology videos
50. ( renal) Nephrotic girl anasarca ascitis effusion lower limbs edema CRT 4 high blood
pressure tahchy cardic
- what is first treatment ?
bolus NS 10 ml/kg
Prepared by Dr.Mohammed Abdalla Khidir
51. (renal) Girl with URTI and took amoxil for 5 days with no effect, came with B/L periorbital
swelling and Abd distension on video (nephrotic syndrome).
- What immediate investigation ?
Urine anylasis.
52. (renal) Yong girl with buffy face and LL oedema and proteinuria , Vital signs stable ...
capillary refill < 2 sec. Video show +ve shifting dullness.
- What is the ttt ?
60 mg / m2 prednisolone daily.
53. (renal) 6 year old boy with history of atopy and asthma, and family hx. Of hay fever
developed URTI 2 days back , receive antibiotic . present with puffiness of eyes started one
day and LL edema (pitting one)
- What is the diagnosis ?
nephrotic syndrome
C1 estrase inhibitor .
54. ( MSS)2 year old stable child pain on walking .look like irritable hip.
- What is Management ?
Discharge without follow up.
discharge with follow up
55. ( MSS) girl with left knee swelling for one week , she is non toxic , h/o of fever , run normal
after examination
- what is diagnosis ?
Reactive arthritis
56. ( MSS) Video show girl playing , hand showing proximal interpharngeal joints swelling and
redness , high ESR , WBCs count " JIA"
- what treatment?
57. (MSS)URTI in a child with joint pain & normal lab
- What is diagnosis ?
Transient Synovitis
58. (MSS)3 yrs old with antalgic gait mom concerned about limping gait for the last 2 months
- What is diagnosis ?
Perthes disease
DDH ( appear from the start).
Other DD of limbing gait.
Prepared by Dr.Mohammed Abdalla Khidir
59. (MSS)Afagani/ pakastani boy about 3 yrs in age with his father ricket manifestation " bow
leg and swelling wrist "
- what is diagnosis ?
nutritional .
x-linked hypophsophataemic rickets.
- What investigation?
Wrist x-ray.
Dermatology videos
73. (derma)Baby received MMR vaccine before 1 month came with extensive blanching
erythema (in video) . vitally stable , feeding well
- What is next step in management?
74. (derma) 2 weeks old baby referred by health visitor with skin lesion ( Video show just Rt
hand with bustules (boil) and erythema ).
- What is it ?
Epidermolysa Bulosa.
Boils .
herpes .
staph infection
75. (derma ) Small child with peanut allergy. Clinically stable. But hives and itching.
- What is Management ?
oral antihistamine
76. (derma )2 year old baby who developed allergic wheels after ingestion of antibiotic with no
other signs of distress nor haemodynamic instability
- what to do ?
Prepared by Dr.Mohammed Abdalla Khidir
oral chlorophenramine-
oral predisolone.
send home.
77. (derma )Infected eczema …..
- What is the treatment ?
penzile pencilline + flucoxthaline .
78. (derma)Infant with rash around mouth anus and foot "acrodermitis enteropathica"
- What treatment ?
zinc .
79. (derma)10 y old child with a blister/vesicle skin lesion "shingle" on one side "one
dermatomal supply" hypotonia and hyporeflexia
- What is diagnosis ?
herpes zoster
herpes simplex virus .
80. (derma )ataxia with rashes investigation distressed infant with O2 sat 93 %
- What is initial management ?
81. (derma )Child with shingle ,
- what is treatment?
Oral acyclovir .
iv acyclovir .
82. (derma)A well looking boy with couple weeks history of multiple reddish, scared, lesions
suggestive of Bulous impetigo around lips and on rest of feet including feet, child was smiling
and picking up skin in videos.
- What choice of antibiotics ?
IV acyclovir
Oral Flucloxacillin.
IV flucloxacillin.
Co amoxiclav .
Comment : Oral Flucloxacillin as child look well to me though lesions
were extensive.
96. 3 years girl with fever for 3 weeks not responding to one week course of amoxacillin ...
Hb=11.2 WBC=16 PLT=635 with high ESR and CRP
97. (infectious)Infant with lymphadenopathy , hepatosplenomegaly
- What is diagnosis ?
disseminated BCG
98. (infectious)baby who is doing very well with history of low grade fever and diarrhea , flue
symtoms , on video having non blanching rash and active , non-toxic
- what to do next ?
iv acyclovir.
antipyretics and discharge
admission and work up
Prepared by Dr.Mohammed Abdalla Khidir
comment : petechial rash management plan, we often see children with balanchable rashes but
clinically well as GP usually feel undecisive about such rashes, in that case it all depends on clinical
presentation if child looks unwell with high grade temperature and tachycardia we usually do blood
investigations and decide about antibiotics after certain period of observation or blood results.
116. (CNS)child with scoliosis and huff of hair at the cervical region. ex show UMNS
- what investigation ?
MRI spine
117. (CNS) child crying and withhold breath with jerking movement ,
Prepared by Dr.Mohammed Abdalla Khidir
- what is the diagnosis ?
breath holding attack
118. (CNS)Neonate present with floppieness and refuse of feeding
119. (CNS) hypocalemia with carpopedal spasm ..
- What is treatment ?
IV calcium
Name the sign …… Govestick sign on stimulate the face
Trousse sign ….. on inflating the BP cuff on the arm
120. (CNS)newborn birth truma… erbs palsy.
121. (CNS)4th cranial nerve infection
122. (CNS) Child couldn't follow finger outside
- What is diagnosis?
RT. Abducent nerve palsy
- What is investigation ?
MRI brain
123. (CNS )Facial nerve palsy e skin rash " ramsy hunt"
- What is management ?
124. (CNS)boy 9 year old with facial palsy on the right side with maculopaplular rash on the
face " erythema migrans".
- what to do ?
CT scan.
Lyme serology.
start steroids.
125. (CNS )a fair boy 13 yrs old with sudden development of LMN FACIAL PALSY. i noticed a
reddish cheeks n face generally .
- what initial investigations?
CT brain scan.
MRI for acoustic auditory canal.
Screening for HSV.
- What is most important to protect the eye ?
artificial tear
126. (ophthalmology )Conjunctivitis not responding to fluxaciilin with vesicles around eye
- What is diagnosis ?
varicella .
127. (ophthalmology)Neonate 9 days present with eye discharge ,
Prepared by Dr.Mohammed Abdalla Khidir
- what is causative organism ?
Chlamydia tracheomitis
- what is treatment ?
132. (GIT)2yrs old child with FTT and wasted buttocks and distended abdomen
- What is diagnosis ?
celiac disease.
133. (GIT) 3 week old baby with scar in Rt subcostal area with a tinge of jaundice ( look like
- What is diagnosis ?
biliary atresia.
- what complication?
liver abscess .
ascending cholangitis.
wound infection
Prepared by Dr.Mohammed Abdalla Khidir