Data Science Project Report

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Introduction to Data Science

A Project Report Submitted at

AKS University, Satna
In partial fulfillment of the degree
Master of Computer Application

RUBI PATHAK [B1892R14300034]

MCA Department
AKS University SATNA-485001
28- APRIL, 2020
A K S University
Panna Road, sherganj , Satna, Madhya Pradesh


This is to certify that

Rubi Pathak [ B1892R14300034 ]

have/has completed their/his/her project entitled ‘DATA SCIENCE’. The project

work is the requirement of Last Semester of the degree of Master of Computer
Application (MCA).


Mr. Vijay vishwakarma Mr. Akhilesh A.Waoo  

The report has been examined and valued by us.

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I hereby declare that the Internship major Project Report entitled ("INTRODUSING DATA
SCIENCE ") is an authentic record of my own work the award of degree of MCA(LE)
6thSemester at AKS UNIVERSITY, SATNA (M.P), under the guidance of (Prof Vijay

Place Student name:- Rubi Pathak

Date Student code:- B1892R14300034


Every project is always a scheduled, guided & coordinated team effort aimed at achieving
common minimum goals. This minimum goal cannot be achieved without the guidance of
I hereby, express our heartily thanks to those persons who helped us and spend their
valuable time and effort to guide us for the project work. Without their guidance and co-
operation the project work would not have been successful.
This is the opportunity for us to express our honest thanks to them we would like to
thanks to our for encouraging us to prepare this project work.

I would like to give special thanks AKS UNIVERSITY SATNA, for giving vigilant

I would like to thank our college, teachers and lab-course teachers. We would like to
give special thanks to our HOD Prof. Akhilesh A.Waoo and Prof. Vijay vishwakarma for
giving vigilant advices.
I have no words to express thanks to our project guide Mr. Deepak Vishwakarma. for
his guidance, co-operation and interest to complete this project work.
Finally, I express our deep gratitude towards our family for their model support,
encouragement. Also we are thankful to our friends for their co-operation and helping nature
during this period.

Student Name
Rubi Pathak
Table of Contents

1. Abstract 4
2. Objective 4
3. Target Audience 4
4. Tools & Technologies 4
5. System Architecture & Design 4 - 5
6. Data Exploration 6
7. Dataset Description 6 7.1. Identifying Missing Values Count 7 7.2. Identifying
Unique Values of Each Feature 8 7.3. Categorical Objects 8
8. Data Cleaning 8 - 9
9. Feature Engineering 9 9.1. Creating Item Visibility Mean Ratio 9
9.2. Create Generalize Item Type 9
9.3. Creating Outlet Store Age 9
9.4. Modifying Item Fat Content 10
9.5. Converting Categorical Features In To Numerical 10 - 11

10. Data Visualization 12 10.1. All Stores Sales Data Visualization 12 - 13

10.2. Analysis Of Sales vs Item Type Using Violin Plot 13 - 17
10.3. Analysis Of Sales vs Item Visibility 18
10.4. Analysis Of All Store Sales vs MRP 18 - 19
10.5. Analysis Of Sales vs Item Type 19 - 20
10.6. Analysis Of Outlet Sales vs MRP 20 - 21
10.7. Analysis Of Outlet Sales vs Item Weight 21 - 22

11. Model Building 23 11.1. Linear Regression 23

11.2. Decision Tree Model 24
11.3. Random Forest Model 25
11.4. Ridge Regression 26
11.5. AdaBoost Model 27

12. Evaluating Metrics 27

13. Conclusion 28
14. References 29
1. Abstract:
The data scientists have collected sales data for around 1500 products across 10
stores in different cities. Also, certain attributes of each product and store have
been defined. The aim of this project is to build a predictive model and find out
the sales of each product at a particular store. Using this machine learning model,
the shopping chain will try to understand the properties of products and stores
which play a key role in increasing sales.

2. Objective:
Build a predictive model to find out the future sales of each product at a particular

3. Target Audience:

Shop Owners and Shopping Chain Management.

4. Tools & Technologies:

Below are the technologies we used and where we used in our project
• • Coding Platform: Python 3 Jupyter Notebook
• • Pandas Library: We used this library to load the CSV data and used for
data munging and preparation.[1]
• • scikit-learn: It’s a machine learning library, we used this library for
regression analysis of sales data.
• • Matplotlib: It’s a 2D plotting library which produces a good quality of
images to download and visualize data. In this project, we used this library to plot
graphs in the data exploration.[2]
• • Seaborn: it is a data visualization library and build on top of matplotlib,
will give a high-level and high-quality interface for plotting attractive statistical
graphs. We used this library in data exploration section. [3]
• • Numpy: it’s a core library for scientific computations in python and also
provides a high-performance of multi-dimensional array objects, we used this
library for finding absolute , mean, standard deviation, etc.,[4]

5. System Architecture & Design:

Train Data: Raw sales data of different stores and is used to train the prediction
Test Data: This Data is used to predict the future sales of the products at different
Pre-processing: To achieve better results from the prediction model, the format
of the data must be in proper manner. This step includes cleaning, removing un-
wanted attributes, replacing missing values with meaning full data and
Feature Extraction: After prep-processing the data, analyze the data and finding
the core feature responsible for prediction model. In this stage includes
combining multiple attributes and extracting the important feature for the
prediction model.
Removing Outliers: After finding core features, remove outliers of the important
features. In this process we will identify the threshold of the features and remove
data while one falls outside of the fence.
Train Prediction Model: In this stage we have a meaning full and clean data. In
this stage we apply a machine algorithm to our training data.
Verify Model: In this stage we will validate and identify the best fit Prediction
model. In this process check the model error rate by changing the feature
selection and choose the best prediction model.
Prediction Process: After identifying the best fit model, pass the test data to the
model. The output of the process is the future sales of each store of each product.

Figure 1.System Architecture

6. Data Exploration:

There are no short cuts Variable Description

for the data exploration
we have to dive deep in
understanding the data
to build an accurate
modal. First step need to
identify predictor
variables, target
variable, data type of
variables and category
of variables. [5]
1 Item_Identifier Unique product ID
2 Item_Weight Weight of product
3 Item_Fat_Content Whether the product is
low fat or not
4 Item_Visibility The % of total display
area of all products in a
store allocated to the
particular product
5 Item_Type The category to which
the product belongs
6 Item_MRP Maximum Retail Price
(list price) of the
7 Outlet_Identifier Unique store ID
8 Outlet_Establishment_Y The year in which store
ear was established
9 Outlet_Size The size of the store in
terms of ground area
10 Outlet_Location_Type The type of city in
which the store is
11 Outlet_Type Whether the outlet is
just a grocery store or
some sort of
12 Item_Outlet_Sales Sales of the product in
the particular store. This
is the outcome variable
to be predicted.

Figure 3. Data description....

Some Observations:
1. Item Visibility: It has a minimum value ZERO value in practical scenarios it
does not make any sense because every product will occupy at least some amount
of space in the store.
2. Outlet Establishment Years: It ranges from 1985 to 2009, find the age of the
store with this column. It should have a reasonable impact on the sales of the
3. Item Outlet Sales: Considering the maximum difference between minimum
value and maximum value, this infers that we have some outliers in this column.

7.1 Identifying Missing Values Count:

Identified which features have the missing values and importance of the feature
using pandas describe.

Figure 4. Each feature missing values count

7.2 Identifying Unique Values of Each Feature:

Each feature has its own importance in our predictive modal,

so Identify each feature unique value in the dataset. In our dataset,
below image will give information about unique values. This will
help us in identifying what are the unique values and of each feature.

Figure 5. Unique Values of Each Feature

This will tell us how many stores, unique items in the whole dataset. Item
visibility and Item MRP have more variation in dataset.
7.3 Categorical Objects:

To find out categorical objects and numerical feature which will helps in data
cleaning. Below are the categorical feature in our dataset.
1. Item_Fat_Content
2. Item_Identifier
3. Outlet_Identifier
4. Item_Type
5. Outlet_Location_Type
6. Outlet_Size
7. Outlet_Type
8. Source

8. Data Cleaning:

This step is more important in building an accurate modal.

“Dirty data is pervasive and prevents people from doing useful
things,” said Eugene Wu [6]. Data analyzed until now, has shown
how the data is spread across with unique and null values. This step
mainly involves imputing missing values and treating with outliers.
Missing values and Outliers will play a major role in misleading the
regression prediction modal.

In the data exploration section, we found two features have missing values
Item_Weight and Outlet_Size. To make the right prediction, we have filled
Item_Weight values with average weight of the particular item and outlet_size by
mode of the outlet_size for the particular object. There are no missing values in
the dataset post this step.
9. Feature Engineering:

We have observed some feature with abnormalities in the variation of data in the
previous section. In this section we will remove that kind of data and create a new
feature with the help of existing features.

9.1. Creating Item Visibility Mean Ratio:

We have observed some of the records in the Item_Visibility
column being ZERO, which is not making sense in real time
situations. Therefore, we will create a new feature
“Item_visibility_mean_ratio”, and fill missing values with average
value of that particular item and calculate the mean ratio of each item
across all stores.

Figure 6. Item_visibility_mean_ratio description

9.2. Create Generalize Item Type:

In the data exploration section we saw there were 16 unique item types present in
the dataset which will help in analyzing data. The first two letters of the item,
mentions a pattern, such as FD or DR or NC, which corresponds to Food, Drink,
Non-consumable. We have created a new category name as
• • Food 10201
• • Non-Consumable 2686
• • Drinks 1317

9.3. Creating Outlet Store Age:

Sales of the items is also depending on the outlet store age, because there may be
a good chance of people going to new store when compared old store, if they are
nearby, so we are creating a new feature “Outlet_year”.

o Low Fat 8485

o Regular 4824
o LF 522
o reg 195
o low fat 178
o Low Fat 9185
o Regular 5019

9.4. Modifying Item Fat Content:

In the earlier section if we observe we have five unique categories, we can

observe that there are only two categories in five ways. Therefore, we will correct
them by mapping everything into “Low Fat” and “Regular Fat”
Before modification:
After modification:
In this section above, we created a Non-consumable product from item identifiers,
and by combining the above change we can create a one more category all non-
consumable products of low fat are non-edible in item fat content. Basically we
are splitting low fat category into another category “Non-Edible”
After splitting:
• • Low Fat 6499
• • Regular 5019
• • Non-Edible 2686

9.5. Converting Categorical Features In To Numerical:

As sklearn library accepts only numerical values for

prediction model, so in this stage it will convert all the categorical
into numerical values and assign some values to it. Above
“Item_Fat_Content”, we obtained three categories “Low Fat”,
“Regular” and “Non-Edible” and will convert it into
“Item_Fat_Content_0”, “Item_Fat_Content_1” and
“Item_Fat_Content_2” respectively.
Figure 7. Converted Categorical items into Numerical Items
10. Data Visualization:

10.1. All Stores Sales Data Visualization:

The above diagram will give gist which outlet exactly have more sales on each
item. In the below plot unique color differentiate different Outlet. By seeing the
plot “OUT027”, “OUT013”, “OUT045” and “OUT017” have more sales in
comparison to other Outlets.

10.2. Analysis Of Sales vs Item Type Using Violin Plot:

In this we are finding the distribution of sales data of every item type on the store.
This will give the broad information how sales are distributed across the item
type. Each violin bar displays the five-number (minimum, first quartile, median,
third quartile, and maximum), which is the summary of the data. Below are the
five-number distribution of each item type for each outlet.
Figure 8. Violin plot of Item type of OUT049 store
figure 9.Violin plot of Item type of OUT018 store.
Figure 10. Violin plot of Item type of OUT010 store.
Figure 11. Violin plot of Item type of OUT013store

Figure 12.Violin plot of Item type of OUT027 store

Figure 13. Violin plot of Item type of OUT045 store
Figure 14. Violin plot of Item type of OUT017 store
Figure 15. Violin plot of Item type of OUT046 store
Figure 16. Violin plot of Item type of OUT035 store

10.3. Analysis Of Sales vs Item Visibility:

Until now, we have a visualization of outlet vs item sales, but now we are
analyzing a sales data with respect to item visibility. This tells how the sales
happening with respect to size of the items on the store. If we see “OUT_27” is
having the highest sales compare to other stores, by plot we can observe few
outliers, above 10,000 sales, and should replace them with mean of that particular
item store value
Figure 17. All store sales data vs Visibility of item
10.4. Analysis Of All Store Sales vs MRP:

This is an analysis plot of sales vs. price; here we can observe how sales are
happening with respect to price. We can infer from this that sales of items are
happening from $150 - $200 range. Here are we can see few outliers only for
certain type of items on certain day and we can observe more sales of specific
item, which we consider as outliers/noise. We can replace those values with mean
to get the accurate model.
10.5. Analysis Of Sales vs Item Type:

In this we are analyzing the sales of a item from all the store with respect to Item
type, which give an information about how sales are happening and which item
type have more sales. Let say Item Type Dairy have sales up to 200 whereas
Fruits and vegetables have more than 400. You can see least sales happening for
sea foods with the visualization. This tells that the sea food items have less
demand on the stores. This will give a good understanding of which item have
more sales on the store.
10.6. Analysis Of Outlet Sales vs MRP:

In this we can visualize the sales with respect to the MRP, we can infer some
valuable information from the below plot. As we discussed above sales of all the
stores with different colors, now we can see all the sales of the different outlet in
single plot. Now we can clearly identify which store is performing more sales and
which store is performing less sales in detailed in the below visualization plot.
Outlet27 is performing more sales, Outlet10 and Outlet19 have vey low sales.
10.7. Analysis Of Outlet Sales vs Item Weight:

In this plot, we are analyzing the sales of the store with respect to the Item weight
in that particular store. Based on these visualizations, we will clearly help in
interpreting how sales are happening in the store and which range of weight have
more sales.
11. Model Building:

11.1. Linear Regression

It is used for predictive analysis. It is a technique which explains the degree of

relationship between two or more variables (multiple regression, in that case)
using a best fit line / plane. Simple Linear Regression is used when we have, one
independent variable and one dependent variable
Regression technique tries to fit a single line through a scatter plot (see below).
The simplest form of regression with one dependent and one independent variable
is defined by the formula:
Y = aX + b
Model Report:
RMSE: 1128
CV Score:
Mean - 1129|STD - 43.88 | Min - 1075| Max - 1210
11.2. Decision Tree Model

It allows us to develop classification systems that predict or classify future

observations based on a set of decision rules. If you have data divided into classes
that interest you (for example, high- versus low-risk loans, subscribers versus
nonsubscribers, voters versus nonvoters, or types of bacteria), you can use your
data to build rules that you can use to classify old or new cases with maximum
accuracy. For example, you might build a tree that classifies credit risk or
purchase intent based on age and other factors.
Decision trees is a machine learning technique that are used for classification and
regression problems. The idea behind this algorithm goes in a top-down approach
where you all the train cases at the node and then you split the tree in to branches
until you the reach the leaf node. Decision tree uses Gini Index/Entropy to split
the nodes. Gini Index measures the impurity of the attributes and choses the
attributes which are the purest. The attribute with Gini score 0 is the purest.
Model Report:
RMSE: 1151
CV Score: Mean - 1250| STD - 43.05| Min - 1184| Max - 1344
11.3. Random Forest Model
It is a popular ensemble learning method. As the name suggests it creates a forest
of decision trees and out of those trees the one which has the highest majority is
chosen as a final model which will be used for prediction. Random forest takes N
attributes form the dataset and then it splits the data into edges, just like decision
trees which uses Gini Index or Entropy to determine the split points Random
Forest also considers those metrics to choose the best split point. It will create N
number of trees with each tree is made on subset of data and in the end it
calculates the votes that each tree has and chooses the one which has the majority
Model Report:
RMSE: 1147
CV Score: Mean - 1247| STD - 45.92 | Min - 1164| Max - 1346
11.4. Ridge Regression

It is a technique for analyzing multiple regression data that suffer from

multicollinearity. When multicollinearity occurs, least squares estimates are
unbiased, but their variances are large so they may be far from the true value. By
adding a degree of bias to the regression estimates, ridge regression reduces the
standard errors. It is hoped that the net effect will be to give estimates that are
more reliable. Another biased regression technique, principal components
regression, is also available in NCSS. Ridge regression is the more popular of the
two methods.
Model Report :
RMSE : 1129
CV Score : Mean - 1130| STD - 44.63| Min - 1076| Max - 1217
11.5. AdaBoost Model

It is used with short decision trees. Further, the first tree is created, the
performance of the tree on each training instance is used. Also, we use it to
weight how much attention the next tree. Thus, it is created should pay attention
to each training instance. Hence, training data that is hard to predict is given more
weight. Although, whereas easy to predict instances are given less weight.
Each instance in the training dataset is weighted. The initial weight is set to:
Weight(xi) = 1/n
Where xi is the i’th training instance and n is the number of training instances
Model Report :
RMSE : 1147
CV Score : Mean - 1159| STD - 40.96| Min - 1085| Max - 1230

12. Evaluating RMSE Cross Validation

Metrics: Model
Mean Std Min Max
Linear 1128 1129 43.88 1075 1210

Ridge 1129 1130 44.63 1076 1217


AdaBoost 1147 1159 40.96 1085 1230


Decision 1151 1250 43.05 1184 1344


Random 1147 1247 45.92 1164 1346

13. Conclusion:

We observed that the Linear Regression algorithm performs better where the
RMSE value is at the lowest compared to other Models.
Model Result:
RMSE: 1128
14. References:
[1] Pandas (2018) Pandas Library. [Online]. URL:

[2] Matplot (2018) Matplotlib Library. [Online]. URL:

[3] Seaborn. (July 2018) statistical data visualization. [Online].


[4] Numpy, Python Numpy Tutorial. [Online].


[5] Kaggle. (2018) Data Exploration and Price Prediction, House Sales. [Online].

[6] Columbia University, A Data-Cleaning Tool for Building Better Prediction Models. [Online].

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