Computer Shop Management System

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Table of Contents

Table of Contents……………………………………………………………………………….4



Operating environment…………………………………………………………………………6

1) Harware requirement…………..…………………………………………………………6

2) Sowtware requirement……………………………………………………………………6

 Front end tool……………………………………………………………………………6

 Back end tool…………….………………………………………………………………5

 Platform used……………………………………………………………………………5

Purpose ………………….………………………………………………………………………5

Project Scope …………...………………………………………………………………………5


Product Features ………………….……………………………………………………………5

Process logic....................................................................................................................2

Logic diagram……………….…………………………………………………………………..7

Data flow diagram………….……………………………………………………………………8

ER diagram…...……………..…………………………………………………………………11

Data structure…………………………………………………………………………………..12

Sreenshots ………………………………………………………………………………….. 3

1) Login form……………………………………………………………………………….3
Computer Shop Management System

2) Main form….…………………………………………………………………………….4

3) Sell computer part form………………………………………………………………….5

4)make quotation form….………………………………………………………………….3

5) Update customer balance……………………………………………………………….4

6) Sell computer system form……………………..……………………………………….5

7) Change password………………………….…………………………………………….5

8) Create user account….………………………………………………………………….3

9) Add company form……………………………………………………………………….4

10) Add new product form …………………………………………………………….5

11) Add computer system………………………………………………………………….

12) Update shop information form….…………………………….……………………….3


Coding …………………………………………………………….5

Future Scope…………………………………………………………

Bibliography …………………………………………………………………………………

Vikrant Singh Baghel Page 1

Computer Shop Management System

Computer-shop management System is a project which assist in keeping the
Record of what ever the sales from shop (whole seller), also it keep track of remaining
balance which due after selling the product. Through this project we maintain the
warranty given on particular products along with complete information related to that
Computer-shop management System is software for store billing
management. Sell hardware systems components and accessories (keep track of sold
configurations, create system configuration, sell accessories and computer
components, supplying company’s administration, and many more...). Computer-shop
management System is a windows based billing software designed for uses in computer

The objective of my project to provides management facility to
computer-shop. We have given many facilities for users in this project.
1) Welcome screen (Formsplash)
2) Login screen
3) Main form
4) Sell Computer System form
5) Sell Computer Parts form
6) Update customer Balance form
7) Product Price Report form
8) Change password form
9) Make quotation form
10) Add computer part form
11) Add computer system form
12) Create user account form
13) Update shop information form
14) Report of sold computer part
15) Report of sold computer system

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Computer Shop Management System

Operating Environment
1) Hardware Requirement

1) 20 GB HDD Free Space

2) 128 MB RAM
3) P IV or above Processor
4) Monitor
5) Keyboard: Standard
6) Mouse: Optional

2) Software Requirement
1) MS-office-2003
2) MS Visual Basic6.0

 Front End Tool: MS Visual Basic6.0

 Back End Tool: MS Access

 PLATFORM USED: Windows XP, Windows 2000.


It is the project about Computer-shop management System. It automates the

Systems records, their Selling and Maintenance, Balance evaluation, due to calculation
other functions. In other words you can say it a complete computer-shop management
In this project we can easily maintain systems sales details. It gives
information’s of Annual Transaction of products, its services, daily sales, daily Receipt &
Balance. We can see the Systems details before selling the particular items & view for
our requirement-satisfying item detail.

Project Scope

The scope of project ‘Computer-shop management system’ is to Develop

Visual Basic based software to support for daily sale, receipt & Balance of products and
maintain the all information of System related items.
This software will be very useful for the Big Computer Shop as well as the
customer. It will perform as the required task of Automation of product by itself in a
systematic way.

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Computer Shop Management System

It will also save lots of time, as system will perform all tasks in quick time
profiting customer and shop owner as well, so it will prove very economical in every

Product Perspective
The Computer-shop Management System is the new, self-contained product.
The Computer-shop management system is using vb6.0 platform. All components follow
Model-View-Controller pattern. The user can retrieve information of their shop progress.
All pages of the system are following a consistent theme and clear structure.
The occurrence of errors should be minimized through the use of checkboxes and scroll
down in order to reduce the amount of text input from user. Error message should be
located beside the error input which clearly highlight and tell user how to solve it. If
system error, it should provide the contact methods. The page should display the
project process in different color to clearly reflect the various states. Each level of user
will have its own interface and privilege to mange and modify the project information.
User interface elements are easy to understand. Part of user interface is well-
organized on screen and the parts are concatenated right. When users look at the
interface, they understand which pane is used for which purpose. Each task of an
interface is specified clearly and users use them correctly. For example, when users
press to any button on interface, they can know which operations are done by pressing
this button.
The user interface is easy to learn. When users use the user interface, they
can know which element is used to which operations. The interface actions and
elements is consistent. When users press any button, required actions is done by the
The screen layout and color of the user interface is appealing. When users
look at the screen, it will have a nice vision. Colors will be selected clearly, thus eyes of
users won’t be tired.To inhance the graphical user interface I use xp button, lv button
and vk frame.
Since the application must run on the PC, all the hardware shall require to
connect the PC will be hardware interface for the system.The main interface would be
the monitor, Keyboard and mouse.

Product Features

• NETWORK SUPPORT. You can use more than one computer to work with Computer-
shop Maintenance System.
• Support for VAT tax system. Also you can -

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Computer Shop Management System

• make system configuration

• Create System configuration and use it later for selling purposes!
• Quickly create database backup!
• Enter and print (optionally) component serial numbers when you selling systems!
• Customize bills that you print!
• Create estimates and latter convert it into bills!
• Reports to make comparisons between months (total sum, or sum by employees)!
• User can see profit of a sold computer system during bill creating!
• Manufacturers administration.
• Print bills with currency sign.
• See number of available components (for selected component in group) when you
selling system configuration!
• Different kind of reports.
• Keep track of you suppliers!
• Check out earnings and get information about charged items!
• Each sold system is registered in database with date of sale and notification if
customer has paid!
• Computer- shop management software provides full billing and income control and
Supports different password protected employee accounts!
• Server database is protected from unauthorized modifications!
• Process payments quickly and efficiently!
• Unique design with very functional user interface!
• Improve your store business with various reports and statistics!
And many more...

Process Logic

1. Login Form
In this form, existing user/administrator enters the user-name and password
and access the main form. If user forgets his password then he can click on button
forget password and then entering his e-mail id can get user name and password. This
form contains user name and password as sub module.
2. Main Form
If administrator accesses this form using authentic login-name and password
then the administrator has administrative power as add the product, create user
account, add new branded computer system, add company, change the shop record .
Administrator have full power But user have some restricted power only which is
provided by administrator.
In this main form user can sell computer part/assemble computer
system/branded computer system, update customer record, change the password,
make quotation. Using this form the user/administrator can see the report of sold
computer part, branded computer system in any time duration. In this form, there is
option to exit & log-off

3. Sell Computer System Module

There are two sub modules:

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Computer Shop Management System

1) Sell branded computer system

2) Sell assembled computer system/computer part
In sell branded computer system module, user/administrator can sell available
branded computer system. In this form, the user/administrator enters the customer
name, address & phone number and chooses any branded computer system to sell.
This form also so the all information of chosen branded computer system as category,
model number, monitor type, hard-disk range, ram, processor, price etc. After selling,
the user/administrator can print and save the receipt.
In sell assembled computer system/computer part module, user/administrator
can sell available computer part and assembled computer system. In this form, the
user/administrator enters the customer name, address & phone number and chooses all
computer part to sell according to request of customer. The user/administrator can
chose any product, its type, range, its serial number using combo-box. After choosing
the serial number of product the price of the product and total price (including vat, tax)
automatically generate. After selling, the user/administrator can print and save the
receipt. The invoice number and customer number automatically generate by this
software when this form is loaded.

4. Update Customer Balance Module

In this module, there is information related to balance of customer, customer
name and address. In future if any customer paid the balance amount then it can be

5. Make Quotation Module

In this module, the user/administrator makes quotation according to request of
the customer. This quotation provide information about the price, range, type &
company name of all product to customer before purchasing the computer
parts/assembled computer system. This quotation also provides total price (including
vat) assembled computer system.

6. Change Password Module

In this module, the user/administrator can change his/her password by
entering login-name and old password and new password. So this provide security from
unauthorized access.

7. Create user account Module

In this module, the administrator can create new user by providing him login-
name and password. In this module, the administrator can update user information as
name, address and phone number of exiting user. He can delete exiting user account.
The administrator can see the entire exiting user. The administrator can also give
administrator power to any user. In this module, there is information related to the entire
user working in the computer-shop as name, address, e-mail id, phone number etc.
Here admin can take information related to user.

8. Add Product Module

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Computer Shop Management System

In this module, the administrator can add new product by entering its name,
company name, range, type, serial number, and its price. Here administrator can also
see the available product and its information. And the administrator can also delete any

9. Add computer system Module

In this module, the administrator can add new branded computer system by
entering its category, model number, company name, ram capacity and its speed,
monitor type, Hard-disk capacity and its interface, processor clock speed and its
L2cach, motherboard company-name and its chipset, its selling and buying price and
other description. Here administrator can also see the available computer system and
its information. And the administrator can also delete any computer system.

10. Add company Module

In this module, the administrator can add any company information whose
product are available at the computer shop. This module contains the name of
company, contact person, address, phone number, website, and fax number.

11. Change Shop information Module

In this module, the administrator save/update the information related to his
computer-shop as name of computer-shop, address, phone-number, and registration

12. Product Price Report:

This report shows the price of all available products and its detail as item-
name, company-name, type, range, and serial-number.

13. Sold computer part Report:

This report show the sold computer part in any time duration. The
administrator/user can see the detail of sold computer part in specified time duration.
This report show the name of customer, item-name, company-name, type, range, serial-
number, and price of sold product.

14. Sold computer system Report:

This report shows the sold computer system in any time duration. The
administrator/user can see the detail of sold computer system in specified time duration.
This report shows the name of customer, category, company-name, model-number, ram
capacity and its speed, monitor type, Hard-disk capacity and its interface, processor
clock speed and its L2cach, motherboard company-name and its chipset, its price and
other description.

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Computer Shop Management System




Sell computer Change Make Change REPORT Administrator

system password quotation password

Update customer
Branded Assemble Balance
computer system computer/Computer

Price Report Sold Computer Sold computer

part report system report

Add Add Create user Add Computer Add computer

company company account part system

Change shop

Vikrant Singh Baghel Page 8

Computer Shop Management System

Data Flow Diagram:

Zero Level DFD:

Req. Resp. Customer

First Level DFD:

Sold computer part History sold computer system history

Sold sold computer system detail
r part
Item Compute
User/admin r system

Login Issue detail

Login Detail Rep. Detail

Update Report

Search criteria Update History

Add Search
r system
compute Search detail
r part
Vikrant Singh Baghel Page 9
Computer Shop Management System

Customer detail
Compter Compter
system Part
Detail Detail

Computer part Record

Computer Part Detail

Second Level DFD:

1. Sell computer part/system

Computer part/system Record

Issue detail

Computer Customer detail

Comp.part/system detail part/system

Verify sold detail

Sell computer part/system

Sold History


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Computer Shop Management System

2.Update customer balance:

Sold computer part/system History

Issue detail

Balance detail

Verify balance detail

Balance Record of customer

3. Search The Item:

Sold History

Sold detail

Balance History

Search Detail Balance Detail

Search Customer Detail

Vikrant Singh Baghel Page 11

Computer Shop Management System

Customer & Item Info.

Customer Record

Customer Item Detail

Computer part/system Record

ER Diagram:- Brand_name

system_name Warranty_period

e Warranty_period

s Item_pric
user_name sword Item_nam





Vikrant Singh Baghel Page 12

Computer Shop Management System

User computer Computer
system/pa part_DETAIL



Invoiceno Invoice
. Paid_amoun no.
Tot.amount c_address


1. Balance Table
Key Column Name Data Type Width
Primary key InvoiceNo. Alphanumeric 5
Customername Alphanumeric 25
Customer address Alphanumeric 6
Customer phone no. Numeric 6
Paidamount Numeric 8
Totalamount Numeric
Date Date

2. Computer part Detail

Column Name Data Type Width
Itemname Alphanumeric 15

Vikrant Singh Baghel Page 13

Computer Shop Management System

Brandname Alphanumeric 25
Type Alphanumeric 5
Price Numeric 6
Primary key Serialno. Alphanumeric 5
warranty Numeric 1

3. Customer
key Column Name Data Type Width
Customer_name Alphanumeric 25
Customer_Address Alphanumeric 30
Primary key Numeric 10
Customer_Balance Numeric 8

4. Computer system detail 

key Column Name Data Type Width
Systemname Alphanumeric 15
Brandname Alphanumeric 25
Categary Alphanumeric 5
Price Numeric 6
Primary key Model no. Alphanumeric 5
warranty Numeric 1
Ram Alphanumeric 8
Mother-board Alphanumeric 10
Monitor Alphanumeric 10
Processor Alphanumeric 10
Other description Alphanumeric 45

key Column Name Data Type Width
Primary key Invoice no Alphanumeric 5
Customer_name Alphanumeric 25
Customer_Address Alphanumeric 30
Customer_phoneno. Numeric 10
Problem Alphanumeric 25
Service_date Date 8
Charge Numeric 10

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Computer Shop Management System

6.Employee Table
Key Column Name Data Type Width
Primary key Employee-id Alphanumeric 12
Employee_name Alphanumeric 15
Employee_address Alphanumeric 45
Employee_phoneno Numeric 10
Email_id Alphanumeric 20

Key Column Name Data Type Width
Invoice_no. Alphanumeric 8
Primary key Serial_no. Alphanumeric 20
Bill_no. Alphanumeric 10
New_Serial no Alphanumeric 15
Problem Alphanumeric 25
Service_date Date 8
Delivery_date Date 8


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Computer Shop Management System

Main form

Sold computer Parts

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Computer Shop Management System

Make quotation

Update customer balance

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Computer Shop Management System

Change password form

Create user account

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Computer Shop Management System

Add company Form

Add New Product form

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Computer Shop Management System

Add computer system form

Update shop-information form

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Computer Shop Management System

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Computer Shop Management System

Test case

If connection of database is not closed at unload of this form then this error
needs to close connection of database as
Private Sub Form_Unload(Cancel As Integer)
End Sub

In database setsold table has p2 field, this field have to allow zero lenth.

Vikrant Singh Baghel Page 22

Computer Shop Management System

I the database there is field name “login name’ have no value so this error occurred.
So insert login name and password.

This error occure when in database the data type is not matching. So need to give
correct data type.

Vikrant Singh Baghel Page 23

Computer Shop Management System

There is not any item in the database in the requested field. So need to insert a item or
generate a message.

The insert into command have syntax error. So need to write correct syntax.

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Computer Shop Management System

When execute the insert into statement, there is any extra parameter.

In database customeaddressfield not found because I have write wrong table name.

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Computer Shop Management System

Conection to database should be open when we execute any database statment.

I dcrease the size of all text field and labels to correct this error

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Computer Shop Management System

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Computer Shop Management System

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Computer Shop Management System

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Computer Shop Management System

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Computer Shop Management System

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Computer Shop Management System

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Computer Shop Management System

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Computer Shop Management System

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Computer Shop Management System

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Computer Shop Management System

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Computer Shop Management System

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Computer Shop Management System

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Computer Shop Management System

Login form

Private Sub Form_Load()

Call connectdatabase
rs.ActiveConnection = con
rs.CursorLocation = adUseClient
rs.CursorType = adOpenDynamic
rs.Source = "select *from usertable"
Frame1.Left = -8000
End Sub

Private Sub lvButtons_H1_Click()

a = MsgBox("Do you really want to quit?", vbYesNo, "Endnow")
If a = 6 Then
End If
End Sub

Private Sub lvButtons_H2_Click()

If Text1.Text = "" And Text2.Text = "" Then
MsgBox "Please enter the Login name & password!"
Exit Sub
End If
If Text2.Text = "" And Text1.Text <> "" Then
MsgBox "Enter Your Password"
Exit Sub
End If
If Text2.Text <> "" And Text1.Text = "" Then
MsgBox "Enter Your Username"
Exit Sub
End If

For i = 1 To rs.RecordCount
If rs.Fields(2) = Text1.Text And rs.Fields(3) = Text2.Text Then
If rs.Fields(6) = ("admin") Then
Unload Me
Exit Sub
End If
If rs.Fields(6) = ("employee") Then
mainfrm.admin.Visible = False
Vikrant Singh Baghel Page 40
Computer Shop Management System

Unload Me
Exit Sub
End If
End If

Next i
If rs.EOF = True Then
MsgBox "Invalid login name & password!"
Text2.Text = ""
End If
End Sub

Private Sub Text1_Change()

Text1.BackColor = &HC0FFC0
End Sub
Private Sub Text1_Click()
Text1.BackColor = &H80000009
Text2.BackColor = &HC0FFC0
End Sub

Private Sub Text1_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)

If KeyAscii = 13 Then
End If
End Sub

Private Sub Text2_Change()

Text2.BackColor = &HC0FFC0
End Sub
Private Sub Text2_Click()
Text2.BackColor = &H80000009
Text1.BackColor = &HC0FFC0
End Sub
Private Sub Text2_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)
If KeyAscii = 13 Then
Call lvButtons_H2_Click
End If
End Sub

Private Sub Timer2_Timer()

Frame1.Left = Frame1.Left + 200
If Frame1.Left = 3000 Then
Timer2.Enabled = False

Vikrant Singh Baghel Page 41

Computer Shop Management System

End If
End Sub

Main form

Private Sub about_Click()

End Sub

Private Sub asssembled_Click()

End Sub

Private Sub bronded_Click()

End Sub

Private Sub brondedreport_Click()

End Sub

Private Sub company_Click()

End Sub

Private Sub component_Click()

End Sub

Private Sub computersystem_Click()

End Sub

Private Sub customer_Click()

End Sub

Private Sub emloyee_Click()

End Sub
Private Sub Exit_Click()
b = MsgBox("Do you really want to quit?", vbYesNo, "Conformation")
If b = 6 Then

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Computer Shop Management System

End If
End Sub

Private Sub Form_MouseMove(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, x As Single,

Y As Single)
Frame1.BackColor = &H404040
End Sub

Private Sub group_Click()

End Sub

Private Sub logo_Click()

End Sub

Private Sub logoff_Click()

Unload Me
End Sub

Private Sub part_Click()

End Sub

Private Sub monthly_Click()

End Sub

Private Sub pass_Click()

End Sub

Private Sub payment_Click()

End Sub

Private Sub Picture1_MouseMove(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, x As

Single, Y As Single)
Frame1.BackColor = &H40&
End Sub

Private Sub product_Click()

End Sub

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Computer Shop Management System

Private Sub quatation_Click()

End Sub

Private Sub soldcom_Click()

End Sub

Private Sub Timer1_Timer()

ibldate.Caption = Format(Date, "dd-mmm-yyyy")
iblday.Caption = Format(Date, "dddd")
ibltime.Caption = Time
End Sub

Private Sub Toolbar1_ButtonClick(ByVal Button As MSComctlLib.Button)

Select Case Button.Index
Case 1:

Case 2:
Case 3:
Case 4:
Case 5:
End Select
End Sub

Sell computer part

Dim price As Double
Dim temp As String
Dim bool As Boolean
Dim p1, p2 As Double
Dim w1, w2 As Integer

Private Sub Clearall_Click()

End Sub

Private Sub Combo19_Click()

temp = "RAM"
If rs3.State = adStateOpen Then rs3.Close

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Computer Shop Management System

rs3.Open "select Range from itemdetail where Itemname='" & temp & "' and
Company='" & Comboram.Text & "' and Type='" & Combo19.Text & "'"
While rs3.EOF = False
Combo27.AddItem rs3(0)
End Sub

Private Sub Combo20_Click()

temp = "Processor"
If rs3.State = adStateOpen Then rs3.Close
rs3.Open "select Range from itemdetail where Itemname='" & temp & "' and
Company='" & ComboProcessor.Text & "' and Type='" & Combo20.Text & "'"
While rs3.EOF = False
Combo28.AddItem rs3(0)
End Sub
Private Sub Combo21_Click()
temp = "MotherBoard"
If rs3.State = adStateOpen Then rs3.Close
rs3.Open "select Range from itemdetail where Itemname='" & temp & "' and
Company='" & Combomotherboard.Text & "' and Type='" & Combo21.Text & "'"
While rs3.EOF = False
Combo29.AddItem rs3(0)
End Sub

Private Sub Combo22_Click()

temp = "Mouse"
If rs3.State = adStateOpen Then rs3.Close
rs3.Open "select Serialno from itemdetail where Itemname='" & temp & "' and
Company='" & Combomouse.Text & "' and Type='" & Combo22.Text & "'"
While rs3.EOF = False
Combo45.AddItem rs3(0)
End Sub

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Computer Shop Management System

Private Sub Combo23_Click()

temp = "Speaker"
If rs3.State = adStateOpen Then rs3.Close
rs3.Open "select Range from itemdetail where Itemname='" & temp & "' and
Company='" & Combospeaker.Text & "' and Type='" & Combo23.Text & "'"
While rs3.EOF = False
Combo30.AddItem rs3(0)
End Sub

Private Sub Combo24_Click()

temp = "Monitor"
If rs3.State = adStateOpen Then rs3.Close
rs3.Open "select Range from itemdetail where Itemname='" & temp & "' and
Company='" & Combomonitor.Text & "' and Type='" & Combo24.Text & "'"
While rs3.EOF = False
Combo31.AddItem rs3(0)
End Sub
Private Sub Combo25_Click()
temp = "Modem"
If rs3.State = adStateOpen Then rs3.Close
rs3.Open "select Serialno from itemdetail where Itemname='" & temp & "' and
Company='" & Combomodem.Text & "' and Type='" & Combo25.Text & "'"
While rs3.EOF = False
Combo49.AddItem rs3(0)
End Sub

Private Sub Combo27_Click()

temp = "RAM"
If rs3.State = adStateOpen Then rs3.Close
rs3.Open "select Serialno from itemdetail where Itemname='" & temp & "' and
Company='" & Comboram.Text & "' and Type='" & Combo19.Text & "' and
Range='" & Combo27.Text & "'"
While rs3.EOF = False
Combo38.AddItem rs3(0)

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Computer Shop Management System

End Sub
Private Sub Combo28_Click()
temp = "Processor"
If rs3.State = adStateOpen Then rs3.Close
rs3.Open "select Serialno from itemdetail where Itemname='" & temp & "' and
Company='" & ComboProcessor.Text & "' and Type='" & Combo20.Text & "' and
Range='" & Combo28.Text & "'"
While rs3.EOF = False
Combo39.AddItem rs3(0)
End Sub
Private Sub Combo29_Click()
temp = "MotherBoard"
If rs3.State = adStateOpen Then rs3.Close
rs3.Open "select Serialno from itemdetail where Itemname='" & temp & "' and
Company='" & Combomotherboard.Text & "' and Type='" & Combo21.Text & "'
and Range='" & Combo29.Text & "'"
While rs3.EOF = False
Combo40.AddItem rs3(0)
End Sub
Private Sub Combo30_Click()
temp = "Speaker"
If rs3.State = adStateOpen Then rs3.Close
rs3.Open "select Serialno from itemdetail where Itemname='" & temp & "' and
Company='" & Combospeaker.Text & "' and Type='" & Combo23.Text & "' and
Range='" & Combo30.Text & "'"
While rs3.EOF = False
Combo46.AddItem rs3(0)
End Sub
Private Sub Combo31_Click()
temp = "Monitor"
If rs3.State = adStateOpen Then rs3.Close
rs3.Open "select Serialno from itemdetail where Itemname='" & temp & "' and
Company='" & Combomonitor.Text & "' and Type='" & Combo24.Text & "' and
Range='" & Combo31.Text & "'"
While rs3.EOF = False
Combo47.AddItem rs3(0)

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Computer Shop Management System

End Sub
Private Sub Combo34_Click()
temp = "Printer"
If rs3.State = adStateOpen Then rs3.Close
rs3.Open "select Serialno from itemdetail where Itemname='" & temp & "' and
Company='" & Comboprinter.Text & "' and Type='" & Combo34.Text & "'"
While rs3.EOF = False
Combo51.AddItem rs3(0)
End Sub

Private Sub Combo35_Click()

Static i As Integer
Static hdprice As Double
If rs3.State = adStateOpen Then rs3.Close
rs3.Open "select Price from itemdetail where Serialno='" & Combo35.Text & "'"
text4.Text = rs3(0)
If i = 0 Then
hdprice = Val(text4)
price = price + hdprice
price = price - hdprice
hdprice = Val(text4)
price = price + hdprice
End If
Text21 = price
Text22 = price * 4 / 100
Text23 = price + Val(Text22)

End Sub

Private Sub Combo36_Click()

Static cdrprice As Double
Static i As Integer
If rs3.State = adStateOpen Then rs3.Close
rs3.Open "select Price from itemdetail where Serialno='" & Combo36.Text & "'"
Text5.Text = rs3(0)
If i = 0 Then
cdrprice = Val(Text5)
price = price + cdrprice
price = price - cdrprice
cdrprice = Val(Text5)

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Computer Shop Management System

price = price + cdrprice

End If
Text21 = price
Text22 = price * 4 / 100
Text23 = price + Val(Text22)

End Sub
Private Sub Combo37_Click()
Static cdwprice As Double
Static i As Integer
If rs3.State = adStateOpen Then rs3.Close
rs3.Open "select Price from itemdetail where Serialno='" & Combo37.Text & "'"
Text6.Text = rs3(0)
If i = 0 Then
cdwprice = Val(Text6)
price = price + cdwprice
price = price - cdwprice
cdwprice = Val(Text6)
price = price + cdwprice
End If
Text21 = price
Text22 = price * 4 / 100
Text23 = price + Val(Text22)
End Sub
Private Sub Combo38_Click()
Static ramprice As Double
Static i As Integer
If rs3.State = adStateOpen Then rs3.Close
rs3.Open "select Price from itemdetail where Serialno='" & Combo38.Text & "'"
Text7.Text = rs3(0)
If i = 0 Then
ramprice = Val(Text7)
price = price + ramprice
price = price - ramprice
ramprice = Val(Text7)
price = price + ramprice
End If
Text21 = price
Text22 = price * 4 / 100
Text23 = price + Val(Text22)
End Sub

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Computer Shop Management System

Private Sub Combo39_Click()

Static proprice As Double
Static i As Integer
If rs3.State = adStateOpen Then rs3.Close
rs3.Open "select Price from itemdetail where Serialno='" & Combo39.Text & "'"
Text8.Text = rs3(0)
If i = 0 Then
proprice = Val(Text8)
price = price + proprice
price = price - proprice
proprice = Val(Text8)
price = price + proprice
End If
Text21 = price
Text22 = price * 4 / 100
Text23 = price + Val(Text22)
End Sub
Private Sub Combo40_Click()
Static mbprice As Double
Static i As Integer
If rs3.State = adStateOpen Then rs3.Close
rs3.Open "select Price from itemdetail where Serialno='" & Combo40.Text & "'"
Text9.Text = rs3(0)
If i = 0 Then
mbprice = Val(Text9)
price = price + mbprice
price = price - mbprice
mbprice = Val(Text9)
price = price + mbprice
End If
Text21 = price
Text22 = price * 4 / 100
Text23 = price + Val(Text22)
End Sub
Private Sub Combo41_Click()
Static fdprice As Double
Static i As Integer
If rs3.State = adStateOpen Then rs3.Close
rs3.Open "select Price from itemdetail where Serialno='" & Combo41.Text & "'"
Text10 = rs3(0)

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Computer Shop Management System

If i = 0 Then
fdprice = Val(Text10)
price = price + fdprice
price = price - fdprice
fdprice = Val(Text10)
price = price + fdprice
End If
Text21 = price
Text22 = price * 4 / 100
Text23 = price + Val(Text22)
End Sub
Private Sub Combo42_Click()
Static dvdrprice As Double
Static i As Integer
If rs3.State = adStateOpen Then rs3.Close
rs3.Open "select Price from itemdetail where Serialno='" & Combo42.Text & "'"
Text11.Text = rs3(0)
If i = 0 Then
dvdrprice = Val(Text11)
price = price + dvdrprice
price = price - dvdrprice
dvdrprice = Val(Text11)
price = price + dvdrprice
End If
Text21 = price
Text22 = price * 4 / 100
Text23 = price + Val(Text22)
End Sub
Private Sub Combo43_Click()
Static dvdwprice As Double
Static i As Integer
If rs3.State = adStateOpen Then rs3.Close
rs3.Open "select Price from itemdetail where Serialno='" & Combo43.Text & "'"
Text12.Text = rs3(0)
If i = 0 Then
dvdwprice = Val(Text12)
price = price + dvdwprice
price = price - dvdwprice
dvdwprice = Val(Text12)
price = price + dvdwprice
End If

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Computer Shop Management System

Text21 = price
Text22 = price * 4 / 100
Text23 = price + Val(Text22)
End Sub

Private Sub Combo44_Click()

Static kbdprice As Double
Static i As Integer
If rs3.State = adStateOpen Then rs3.Close
rs3.Open "select Price from itemdetail where Serialno='" & Combo44.Text & "'"
Text13.Text = rs3(0)
If i = 0 Then
kbdprice = Val(Text13)
price = price + kbdprice
price = price - kbdprice
kbdprice = Val(Text13)
price = price + kbdprice
End If
Text21 = price
Text22 = price * 4 / 100
Text23 = price + Val(Text22)

End Sub

Private Sub Combo45_Click()

Static msprice As Double
Static i As Integer
If rs3.State = adStateOpen Then rs3.Close
rs3.Open "select Price from itemdetail where Serialno='" & Combo45.Text & "'"
Text14.Text = rs3(0)
If i = 0 Then
msprice = Val(Text14)
price = price + msprice
price = price - msprice
msprice = Val(Text14)
price = price + msprice
End If
Text21 = price
Text22 = price * 4 / 100
Text23 = price + Val(Text22)

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Computer Shop Management System

End Sub

Private Sub Combo46_Click()

Static spkprice As Double
Static i As Integer
'temp = "Speaker"
If rs3.State = adStateOpen Then rs3.Close
rs3.Open "select Price from itemdetail where Serialno='" & Combo46.Text & "'"
Text15.Text = rs3(0)
If i = 0 Then
spkprice = Val(Text15)
price = price + spkprice
price = price - spkprice
spkprice = Val(Text15)
price = price + spkprice
End If
Text21 = price
Text22 = price * 4 / 100
Text23 = price + Val(Text22)

End Sub

Private Sub Combo47_Click()

Static monprice As Double
Static i As Integer
'temp = "Monitor"
If rs3.State = adStateOpen Then rs3.Close
rs3.Open "select Price from itemdetail where Serialno='" & Combo47.Text & "'"
Text16.Text = rs3(0)
If i = 0 Then
monprice = Val(Text16)
price = price + monprice
price = price - monprice
monprice = Val(Text16)
price = price + monprice
End If
Text21 = price
Text22 = price * 4 / 100
Text23 = price + Val(Text22)
End Sub

Private Sub Combo48_Click()

Vikrant Singh Baghel Page 53

Computer Shop Management System

Static upsprice As Double

Static i As Integer
'temp = "UPS"
If rs3.State = adStateOpen Then rs3.Close
rs3.Open "select Price from itemdetail where Serialno='" & Combo48.Text & "'"
Text17.Text = rs3(0)
If i = 0 Then
upsprice = Val(Text17)
price = price + upsprice
price = price - upsprice
upsprice = Val(Text17)
price = price + upsprice
End If
Text21 = price
Text22 = price * 4 / 100
Text23 = price + Val(Text22)
End Sub

Private Sub Combo49_Click()

Static modprice As Double
Static i As Integer
'temp = "Modem"
If rs3.State = adStateOpen Then rs3.Close
rs3.Open "select Price from itemdetail where Serialno='" & Combo49.Text & "'"
Text18.Text = rs3(0)
If i = 0 Then
modprice = Val(Text18)
price = price + modprice
price = price - modprice
modprice = Val(Text18)
price = price + modprice
End If
Text21 = price
Text22 = price * 4 / 100
Text23 = price + Val(Text22)

End Sub

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Computer Shop Management System

Private Sub Combo50_Click()

Static lcardprice As Double
Static i As Integer
'temp = "LAN Card"
If rs3.State = adStateOpen Then rs3.Close
rs3.Open "select Price from itemdetail where Serialno='" & Combo50.Text & "'"
Text19.Text = rs3(0)
If i = 0 Then
lcardprice = Val(Text19)
price = price + lcardprice
price = price - lcarddprice
lcardprice = Val(Text19)
price = price + lcardprice
End If
Text21 = price
Text22 = price * 4 / 100
Text23 = price + Val(Text22)

End Sub

Private Sub Combo51_Click()

Static prprice As Double
Static i As Integer

If rs3.State = adStateOpen Then rs3.Close

rs3.Open "select Price from itemdetail where Serialno='" & Combo51.Text & "'"
Text20.Text = rs3(0)
If i = 0 Then
prprice = Val(Text20)
price = price + prprice
price = price - prprice
prprice = Val(Text20)
price = price + prprice
End If
Text21 = price
Text22 = price * 4 / 100
Text23 = price + Val(Text22)

End Sub

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Computer Shop Management System

Private Sub Combo52_Click()

Static scnprice As Double
Static i As Integer
'temp = "Scanner"
If rs3.State = adStateOpen Then rs3.Close
rs3.Open "select Price from itemdetail where Serialno='" & Combo52.Text & "'"
Text27.Text = rs3(0)
If i = 0 Then
scnprice = Val(Text27)
price = price + scnprice
price = price - scnprice
scnprice = Val(Text27)
price = price + scnprice
End If
Text21 = price
Text22 = price * 4 / 100
Text23 = price + Val(Text22)

End Sub

Private Sub Combo53_Click()

Static cabprice As Double
Static i As Integer
If rs3.State = adStateOpen Then rs3.Close
rs3.Open "select Price from itemdetail where Serialno='" & Combo53.Text & "'"
Text28.Text = rs3(0)
If i = 0 Then
cabprice = Val(Text28)
price = price + cabprice
price = price - cabprice
cabprice = Val(Text28)
price = price + cabprice
End If
Text21 = price
Text22 = price * 4 / 100
Text23 = price + Val(Text22)
End Sub

Private Sub Combocabinet_Click()

temp = "Cabinet"
If rs3.State = adStateOpen Then rs3.Close

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rs3.Open "select Serialno from itemdetail where Itemname='" & temp & "' and
Company='" & Combocabinet.Text & "'"
While rs3.EOF = False
Combo53.AddItem rs3(0)
End Sub

Private Sub Combocdrom_Click()

temp = "CD ROM"
If rs3.State = adStateOpen Then rs3.Close
rs3.Open "select Serialno from itemdetail where Itemname='" & temp & "' and
Company='" & Combocdrom.Text & "'"
While rs3.EOF = False
Combo36.AddItem rs3(0)
End Sub

Private Sub Combocdwriter_Click()

temp = "CD Writer"
If rs3.State = adStateOpen Then rs3.Close
rs3.Open "select Serialno from itemdetail where Itemname='" & temp & "' and
Company='" & Combocdwriter.Text & "'"
While rs3.EOF = False
Combo37.AddItem rs3(0)
End Sub

Private Sub Combodvdrom_Click()

temp = "DVD ROM"
If rs3.State = adStateOpen Then rs3.Close
rs3.Open "select Serialno from itemdetail where Itemname='" & temp & "' and
Company='" & Combodvdrom.Text & "'"
While rs3.EOF = False
Combo42.AddItem rs3(0)
End Sub

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Private Sub Combodvdwriter_Click()

temp = "DVD Writer"
If rs3.State = adStateOpen Then rs3.Close
rs3.Open "select Serialno from itemdetail where Itemname='" & temp & "' and
Company='" & Combodvdwriter.Text & "'"
While rs3.EOF = False
Combo43.AddItem rs3(0)
End Sub

Private Sub Combofloppy_Click()

temp = "Floppy Drive"
If rs3.State = adStateOpen Then rs3.Close
rs3.Open "select Serialno from itemdetail where Itemname='" & temp & "' and
Company='" & Combofloppy.Text & "'"
While rs3.EOF = False
Combo41.AddItem rs3(0)
End Sub

Private Sub Comboharddisk_Click()

temp = "Hard Disk"
If rs3.State = adStateOpen Then rs3.Close
rs3.Open "select Company,Type from itemdetail where Itemname='" & temp & "'
and Company='" & Comboharddisk.Text & "'"
While rs3.EOF = False
If rs3.Fields(0).Value = Comboharddisk.Text Then bool = True
For i = 0 To Comboharddisktype.ListCount
If Comboharddisktype.List(i) = rs3(1) Then bool = False
If bool = True Then
Comboharddisktype.AddItem rs3(1)
bool = True
End If
End Sub

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Private Sub Comboharddiskrange_Click()

temp = "Hard Disk"
If rs3.State = adStateOpen Then rs3.Close
rs3.Open "select Serialno from itemdetail where Itemname='" & temp & "' and
Company='" & Comboharddisk.Text & "' and Type='" & Comboharddisktype.Text
& "' and Range='" & Comboharddiskrange.Text & "'"
While rs3.EOF = False
Combo35.AddItem rs3(0)
End Sub

Private Sub Comboharddisktype_Click()

harddiskprice = ""
temp = "Hard Disk"
If rs3.State = adStateOpen Then rs3.Close
rs3.Open "select Range from itemdetail where Itemname='" & temp & "' and
Company='" & Comboharddisk.Text & "' and Type='" & Comboharddisktype.Text
& "'"
While rs3.EOF = False
Comboharddiskrange.AddItem rs3(0)
End Sub

Private Sub Combokeyboard_Click()

temp = "Keyboad"
If rs3.State = adStateOpen Then rs3.Close
rs3.Open "select Serialno from itemdetail where Itemname='" & temp & "' and
Company='" & Combokeyboard.Text & "'"
While rs3.EOF = False
Combo44.AddItem rs3(0)
End Sub

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Computer Shop Management System

The future scope of this software is given below.
• Bar code support.
• make rebates on system configuration
• make rebates on group of components
• make system configuration with rebates
• make tribute on system configuration
• Export data filters /employees, payments, companies, sold items, components-
- XLS /Excel/ file format
- XML file format
- HTML file format
and later change/print that files.
• Quickly create database backup!
• Debts/Demand customer management.
• Customize bills that you print!
• Create estimates and latter convert it into bills!
• Reports to make comparisons between months (total sum, or sum by
• Sell computer system by instalments!
• Print bills with currency sign.
• Different kind of reports.
• Pay - roll administration for your employees!
• Keep track of you suppliers!
• Server database is protected from unauthorized modifications!
• Process payments quickly and efficiently!
• Unique design with very functional user interface!
• Improve your store business with various reports and statistics.

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Computer Shop Management System

1) Programing Microsoft visual basic 6.0
2) Mastering visual basic 6
3) Black book visual basic
4) Complete reference in visual basic 6
5) System analysis and design by elias m. awad





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