OSS Related Applications Final 1 16
OSS Related Applications Final 1 16
OSS Related Applications Final 1 16
The company must be registered/accredited f irst
with MARINA Circular No. 181.
1. Letter of application
After approval of the accreditation, the company must
comply with the following:
B. Letter authorization to a classification society for the
issuance of the following statutory certificates
(M.C. No. 2018-01):
1. International Tonnage Certificate
2. International Load Line Certificate
3. International Oil Pollution Prevention Certificate
4. International Ship Security Certificate
5. Cargo Ship Safety Construction Certificate
6. Cargo Ship Safety Equipment Certificate
7. Document of Compliance
8. Safety Management Certificate
9. Other required trading Safety Certificates
G. Application for the issuance of Continuous
Synopsis Record (after the issuance of CPR)
What are the requirements for a domestic
ship to be temporarily used in international
waters (M.C. No. 2013 - 04)?
14. International Sewage Pollution Prevention Certificate
15. International Oil Pollution Prevention Certificate
16. International Load Line Certificate
17. International Ship Security Certificate (500gt and above)
18. Certificate of Fitness (gas carriers only)
19. Cargo Securing Manual (stamped by the Maritime Safety
20. Passenger Insurance (for passenger ships)
21. Passenger Ship Safety Certificate
22. Exemption Certificate (issued by the Maritime Safety
23. International Energy Efficiency Certificate
24. International Air Pollution Prevention Certificate
25. International Ballast Water Management Certificate
26. International Anti-Fouling System Certificate
27. Certificate of Class (full term)
28. For conduction purposes abroad, safety
certificates depending on type and size of ship:
Are foreign officers/crew allowed onboard
Philippine-registered ships plying the
international trade (M.C. No. 182, as amended)?
No, however the Philippines allows foreign officer/crew
onboard the Philippine flag ships as supernumerary for
a specific purpose other than to perform navigation,
operation and management functions. It may be
allowed only for a maximum period of six (6) months.
1. Letter of intent/application
2. Copy of company registration/Articles of Incorporation and By-
Laws issued/ Memorandum and Articles of Partnership issued by
the Securities and Exchange Commission
3. Copy of Quality Assurance Certification issued by a certifying body
acceptable to the Administration
4. Directory of Officers, Auditors, Surveyors, or Officials of
the RO showing their competence and qualifications
5. Copy of the Code of Ethics and Ethical Standards by which the
ROs’ ethical behavior is governed with respect to assurance of
adequate performance on services, confidentiality of information
and independence between the personnel providing consultancy
services and those involved in the statutory certification and
6. Track record or general information that will show the past
achievements or performance of a RO relating to statutory
certification and services from other Flag States
What are the things to be done when a
Philippine-registered ship is detained by Port State
Control officers in a foreign port?
The company must inform the Flag Administration and request the
Class of the ship to rectify the reported deficiencies.
a.) Go to https://ossims.marina.gov.ph.
OF SHIPPING COMPANIES and enter the Company’s Taxpayer
Identification Number (TIN), then click the verify button. Click OK.
c.) After verification in Step 2, you will be redirected to
the Create Email address and Password page. Enter the
company’s email address and password (the password
should be alphanumeric and minimum of 8 characters),
then click submit button. Confirmation window will appear
that you have successfully submitted your email.
d.) Check your email for the Email Confirmation from OSSIMS.
Then click Activate Account.
e.) After you click the Activate Account link in Step 4,
confirmation window will appear, then click OK and proceed
to LOG IN page.
g.) After successful log in, you will be redirected to the Company’s
Profile page.
i.) Click the Choose File button then select the file that you will
upload. Click the Upload button. Only PDF files with less than 2MB size
per document can be uploaded. After all the requirements are
uploaded, click the APPLY button.
j.) Check for status. If all documents are complete, proceed to the
Overseas Shipping Service (OSS) for final evaluation and issuance of
Authority to Accept Payment (ATAP). The application will not be
accepted if the documents are incomplete or not acceptable upon
verification. Notice of deficiency will appear in the Remarks portion
along with why the application is incomplete.
k.) The Overseas Shipping Service has the option to cancel the
application if the submitted documents are not completed
within two (2) months from activation of the account.
• Maritime Industry Authority – Overseas Shipping
Maritime Industry Authority
Maritime Industry
Overseas AuthorityService
8th Floor, MARINA
A. Bonifacio Building
Avenue corner 20th Street
A. Bonifacio AvenuePort
South Harbor, corner 20th
Area, Street
Harbor, Port Area, Manila
Email Address: oss@marina.gov.ph