Application For A Canadian Endorsement: Privacy Coordinator

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Application for a Canadian Endorsement

Before completing this form, please ensure you have read the incorporated guidance notes.
To be filled in by the foreign seafarer who intends to work onboard a Canadian-flagged vessel

Collection and use of personal information is in accordance with the Privacy Act. This information is collected to issue, to the holder of a valid foreign certificate,
a Canadian Endorsement that permits this certificate to be accepted in lieu of a certificate issued under Part 3 of the Canada Shipping Act, 2001. The information
is collected under the authority of section 16 of the Canada Shipping Act, 2001. The information collected is described in personal information bank entitled
Seafarers' Certificates and Documents (TC PPU-030). In some cases, information may be disclosed without your consent pursuant to subsection 8(2) of the
Privacy Act. All personal information collected in relation to the issuance of a Canadian Endorsement is to be retained for two (2) years following the expiry of the
Canadian Endorsement. The Privacy Act states that you have the right to access your personal information and to request changes to incorrect information. For
more information, please contact your Privacy Coordinator.

Initial application Application for renewal

Surname Given name(s) CDN (if any)

Date of birth (dd-mm-yyyy) Place of birth (city & country) Nationality Authorized representative

Address of the Authorized Representative

Contact Permanent address of the foreign seafarer
(Where the Canadian endorsement will be sent)





Postal code

Telephone number



Capacity/STCW regulation Certificate number Issuing State Date of expiry (dd-mm-yyyy)

Part 3. OTHER QUALIFICATIONS (if applicable)

Date of expiry
Qualifications Certificate number Issuing State Capacity and limitations (if any)

Oil tankers

Chemical tankers

Liquefied gas tankers

Passenger ship

Vessels subject to
the IGF Code
Vessels operating
in polar waters
Vessels with high
voltage systems
Vessels with
steam propulsion


82-0786E (2211-04)
Page 1 of 2
Training Date of expiry Evidence

STCW basic safety (STCW A-VI/1)

Survival craft and rescue boats other than fast rescue boats (STCW A-VI/2-1)

Advanced firefighting (STCW A-VI/3)

Part 5. KNOWLEDGE OF ENGLISH OR FRENCH (Only for initial application)

Do you hold a STCW certificate for which the examination, training and education were conducted in either English or French?

Do you have any formal English or French qualifications (see 2.5 in the attached Guidance Notes for Applying for a Canadian Endorsement)?


A medical certificate issued by another Maritime Administration valid until .

Date (dd-mm-yyyy)
Note: The foreign seafarer may be required to undergo examination by Transport Canada approved marine medical examiner, if there is uncertainty that the
foreign seafarer's fitness meets Canadian requirements.


A copy of your passport (Only for initial application)
An unaltered passport-sized photo, taken within the last six (6) months (the name and the complete address of the photographer and the date the photo was
taken must be included on the back of the photo)
A copy of your valid Certificate of Competency and if required the STCW endorsement (all pages)
A copy of your valid Certificates of Proficiency, if required
A copy of any training certificates, if required
A copy of your medical certificate
Evidentiary proof of sufficient knowledge of one of the official languages (English or French) (Only for initial application)
Evidentiary proof of sufficient knowledge of Canadian maritime laws (Only for initial application)
A completed and signed Declaration of the Authorized Representative


I solemnly declare that all of the information, documents, and photos provided in this application are authentic and unaltered.

Sign within border

Signature of foreign seafarer Date (dd-mm-yyyy)

Please sign with your usual signature. Ensure that the whole signature is contained within the box. This will be affixed to your new Canadian endorsement.

82-0786E (2211-04)
Page 2 of 2
Guidance Notes for Applying for a Canadian Endorsement

1. Introduction
1.1. The Government of Canada has entered into reciprocal arrangements with certain foreign States, as per subsection 89(1) of the Canada
Shipping Act, 2001 and Regulation I/10 of the STCW, for the purposes of each Administration recognizing, by endorsement, a certificate
issued by or under the authority of the other Administration.The foreign Certificates of Competency (CoC) and the foreign Certificates of Proficiency
(CoP) issued in accordance with the provision of Regulations V/1-1 or V/1-2 of the STCW (hereinafter referred to as “foreign certificate”) can be
recognized by Canada, subject to any conditions that Transport Canada specifies.

1.2. A CoP issued, or a CoC duly endorsed, by a State with which Canada has entered into a reciprocal arrangement, except for those issued in
accordance with the provision of Regulations VI/5, V/1-1 and V/1-2 of the STCW, can be accepted as being equivalent to a CoP issued by Transport
Canada for the application of the Marine Personnel Regulations, the Marine Transportation Security Regulations and the Canada Shipping Act, 2001.
1.3. If a foreign seafarer intends to work onboard a Canadian flagged vessel as a Master or an officer and does not hold a Canadian CoC, the
Authorized Representative of the Canadian flagged vessel (hereinafter referred to as “AR”) must apply for recognition of the foreign certificate before
the foreign seafarer joins the vessel.
1.4. Foreign seafarers can apply for recognition of their certificates themselves directly from Transport Canada. However, no Canadian endorsements will
be issued until all the documents to be submitted by the AR of the Canadian flagged vessel who intends to employ the seafarer are received.
1.5. In accordance with Regulation I/10, paragraph 6 of the STCW, the certificates and endorsements issued by any Administration under the provisions of
Regulation I/10 of the STCW shall not be used as the basis for further recognition by Canada.
1.6. A Canadian endorsement is issued for the same validity period as the one of the foreign certificate it recognizes. If the foreign certificate is due for
renewal within 6 months from the application to obtain a Canadian endorsement, the foreign seafarer must have it renewed by their Administration
before applying for a Canadian endorsement.
1.7. For the purposes of this document, a foreign seafarer must carry the foreign certificate and the Canadian endorsement attesting the recognition of it,
when working on board a Canadian flagged vessel. Both documents must be available for inspection by authorized persons.

1.8. A Canadian Endorsement reflects the contents of the foreign certificate, including any limitations of the foreign CoC.

1.9. An AR and a Master of a Canadian flagged vessel can consider a valid Canadian endorsement used in conjunction with a valid foreign certificate as
meeting the requirements of the Marine Personnel Regulations and the Canada Shipping Act, 2001.

1.10. A foreign seafarer must meet the requirements from Immigration, Refugee and Citizenship Canada and Employment and Social Development Canada
to work in Canada, including obtaining a valid work permit.
2. Requirements
2.1. Competency
To be eligible for a Canadian Endorsement, a foreign seafarer must hold a valid STCW compliant foreign certificate issued by a foreign State with
which Canada has entered into a reciprocal arrangement.
The Canadian endorsement may be issued to a Master or an officer for a CoC issued in accordance with the provisions of the following Regulations of
STCW: II/1, II/2, II/3, III/1, III/2, III/3, IV/2 and VII/1 and for a CoP, or a CoC duly endorsed, issued in accordance with the provision of Regulations V/1-1
and V/1-2 of the STCW.
The foreign certificate must be authentic and valid when the foreign seafarer and the AR apply for a Canadian endorsement. A verification of the
authenticity and validity of the foreign certificates will be made by Transport Canada with the issuing authority.
2.2. Special training requirements for certain types of Canadian flagged vessels
Unless the foreign seafarer can submit the required training certificate according to the capacity sought, the Canadian endorsement attesting the
recognition of a foreign CoC issued in accordance with the provisions of Regulations III/1, III/2 or III/3 of the STCW will not be valid for service on board:
• Vessels with high voltage systems (more than 1000V); and
• Vessels with steam propulsion.
A foreign seafarer working on oil tankers, chemical tankers or liquefied tankers must hold the required Canadian CoP or the foreign CoP, or a CoC duly
endorsed, accompanied by a Canadian endorsement attesting the recognition of it:
• CoP in oil tanker cargo operations, basic or advanced level;
• CoP in chemical tanker cargo operation, basic or advanced level; or
• CoP in liquefied gas tanker cargo operations basic or advanced level.
Furthermore, a foreign seafarer working on vessels subject to the IGF code or vessels operating in polar waters must hold the CoP, or a CoC duly
endorsed, issued in accordance with the provisions of Regulations V/3 or V/4 of the STCW by Canada or a State with which Canada has entered into a
reciprocal arrangement.
A foreign seafarer working on passenger vessels, including ro-ro passenger vessels, must hold the appropriate training certificate issued by
Canada or the appropriate CoP, or a CoC duly endorsed, issued in accordance with the provisions of Regulation V/2 of the STCW by a State with
which Canada has entered into a reciprocal arrangement.

2.3. Deck Officers and Master

A copy of a Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS) certificate issued by a foreign State with which Canada has entered
into a reciprocal arrangement should be included with the Application for a Canadian Endorsement attesting the recognition of a foreign CoC.
2.4. Standards regarding emergency, occupational safety, medical care and survival functions
A foreign seafarer applying for a Canadian endorsement must submit evidence, issued by Canada or a State with which Canada has entered into a
reciprocal arrangement, of having completed, within the five (5) years preceding the date of making the application:
• a STCW Basic Safety training (STCW A-VI/1) or refresher (STCW A-VI/1-1 and AVI/1-2);
• a Survival Craft and Rescue Boats other than Fast Rescue Boats training or refresher (STCW A-VI/2-1); and
• an Advanced firefighting training or refresher (STCW A-VI/3).
The foreign seafarer is not required to submit his training certificates if they submit the equivalent CoPs.
A foreign seafarer working on a Canadian flagged vessel making a voyage that is outside of the limits specified in the Ship Safety Bulletin (SSB)
09/2017 is required to carry on board a CoP, issued by Canada or a State with which Canada has entered into a reciprocal arrangement, as a proof
of having maintained, within the last five (5) years, the required standard of competence to undertake the tasks, duties and responsibilities listed in
column 1 of table A-VI/1-1, A-VI/1-2, A-VI/2-1 and A-VI/3.
A foreign seafarer designated to provide medical first aid or to be in charge of medical care on board Canadian flagged vessels must hold the
appropriate CoP issued in accordance with the provisions of the Regulation VI/4 of the STCW by Canada or a State with which Canada has
entered into a reciprocal arrangement. This CoP is valid for a five-year period from the date of issue or for the period of time
prescribed on it, whichever comes first.

2.5. Sufficient knowledge of one of the official languages

All masters and officers working on board Canadian flagged vessels are required to be able to understand, speak, read and write in either English or
French at a level allowing for the safe operation of the vessel and to enable clear ship-to-ship and ship-to-shore communications.
2.5.1. A Canadian endorsement will not be issued unless a foreign seafarer submits one of the following as evidentiary proof of proficiency in either the
English or French language:

a. A foreign STCW certificate for which the examination, instruction and education were conducted by or on behalf of their Administration
in either English or French; or
b. A completed and signed Declaration of the Authorized Representative, the Criteria Checklist and the assessment attesting that the
foreign seafarer can listen, speak, read and write in English or French at a level that allows them to carry out their duties; or
c. Any of these approved language assessments according to the level of responsibility sought:
• Canadian English Language Proficiency Index Program (CELPIP) - General, or
• International English Language Testing System (IELTS) - General, or
• Berlitz Test
• Test d'évaluation de français (TEF Canada) including:
. Compréhension de l'écrit
. Compréhension de l'oral
. Expression écrite
. Expression orale, or

• Test de connaissance du français (TCF Canada), including:

. Compréhension de l'écrit
. Compréhension de l'oral
. Expression écrite
. Expression orale, or

• Test Berlitz
2.5.2. Language level requirements
a. Applicants at the operational level of responsibility shall meet, at a minimum:
. the Canadian Language Benchmark (CLB) level 4, or
. the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEF) level A2.1; or
. Berlitz level 2.

b. Applicants at the management level of responsibility shall meet, at a minimum:

. the CLB level 5, or
. the CEF level A2.2; or
. the Berlitz level 3.

2.6. Medical standards

To obtain a Canadian endorsement, a foreign seafarer must submit a valid medical certificate issued by a State with which Canada has entered into a
reciprocal arrangement, in accordance with the provisions of section A-I/9 of the STCW Code, as amended, and the International Labour Organization
(ILO) / World Health Organization (WHO) publication Guidelines on the medical examination of Seafarers, including any subsequent versions. The
Canadian endorsement must always be accompanied by the valid Medical Certificate on board Canadian flagged vessels.
2.7. Knowledge of Canadian maritime laws
All foreign seafarers who apply for a Canadian Endorsement attesting the recognition of a foreign certificate of competency issued in accordance with
the provisions of the Regulation II/2, III/2, III/3 or VII/1 at the management level, as defined in the STCW Code, must have an appropriate knowledge of
the applicable Canadian laws to enable safe and efficient vessel operation on board Canadian flagged vessels. The AR is responsible for ensuring that
the foreign seafarers have this knowledge by conducting the assessment as defined in the Declaration of the Authorized Representative form (82-0787).
The AR must complete and send the Declaration of the Authorized Representative form, the Criteria Checklist and the assessment.
2.8. Proficiency in security awareness
Transport Canada will accept, as meeting the obligations under Part 2 of the Marine Transportation Security Regulations, for service on Canadian
flagged vessels, a foreign CoP, or a CoC duly endorsed, issued in accordance with the provisions of Regulation VI/6 of the STCW by a State with
which Canada has entered into a reciprocal arrangement.

2.9. Proficiency as a Ship Security Officer (SSO)

Transport Canada will not accept as ship security officer on Canadian flagged vessels, a foreign seafarer holding a CoP as SSO, which was not
issued by Transport Canada.

However, a foreign seafarer holding a valid CoP as SSO, or a CoC duly endorsed, issued in accordance with the provisions of the Regulation VI/5 of
the STCW by a State with which Canada has entered into a reciprocal arrangement, is not required to hold a CoP as Ship personnel with or without
designated security duties.

3. Application procedures
3.1. To apply for a Canadian endorsement, the following documents must be submitted:
(a) An Application for a Canadian Endorsement form completed and signed by the foreign seafarer;
(b) A Declaration of the Authorized Representative form completed and signed by the AR of a Canadian-flagged vessel who intends to employ
the seafarer;
(c) Evidence of sufficient knowledge of one of the official languages as set out in 2.5 above;
(d) A medical certificate described in 2.6 above;
(e) Evidence of sufficient knowledge of Canadian maritime laws, as set out in 2.7 above;
(f) The CoC, and if applicable the STCW endorsement (all pages);
(g) Valid CoPs, if required (all pages);
(h) Valid certificates of training, if the corresponding certificates of proficiencies were not obtained;
(i) A valid passport; and
(j) An unaltered passport-sized photo, taken within the last six (6) months (the name and the complete address of the photographer and
the date the photo was taken must be included on the back of the photos). For more information, visit
Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada.
Transport Canada will accept paper or digital copies of the required documents and evidence, without requiring the original. Copies of the documents and
evidence must be clear and legible. If needed, Transport Canada may require the original documents or certified true copies by one of the following
I. A Transport Canada Marine Safety and Security Exam Center;
II. The issuing Maritime Administration;
III. The authorized representative responsible for the day to day operation of the vessel; or
IV. An attorney or notary.
3.2. Where to send the complete application
The application and all supporting documents must be sent to Transport Canada by mail or email. The AR or the foreign seafarer will be notified by
email if any further information, evidence or training is required.

Transport Canada
Seafarer Certification (AMSP)
330 Sparks Street
Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 0N5
4. Confirmation of Receipt of Application
In accordance with Regulation I/10, paragraph 5 of the STCW, the Confirmation of Receipt of Application (CRA) permits a foreign seafarer to
serve on board a specific Canadian flagged vessel for a period of not more than three (3) months from the date of when Transport
Canada issues the CRA, waiting that the Canadian Endorsement attesting the recognition of the foreign certificate(s) is issued.

Providing that all of the required documents have been submitted by the AR and the foreign seafarer to the satisfaction of Transport Canada and
that those documents are authentic and valid, Transport Canada will strive to issue the completed and signed CRA within ten (10) working days
from the date the application is received.

Transport Canada will verify the authenticity of all foreign certificates with the issuing authority before issuing the CRA.

Before the expiry date of the CRA, Transport Canada will conduct a verification of the assessment submitted by the AR, if any. The objectives of the
verification are:
a) to ensure that the assessment conducted by the AR meets the criterias defined in the Declaration of the Authorized Representative form;
b) to assess the effectiveness of the assessment conducted by the AR; and
c) to ensure continous improvement of the assessment conducted by the AR.

If Transport Canada finds the assessments satisfactory, the Canadian Endorsement will be issued. However, if non-compliances or weaknesses are
found, Transport Canada will inform the AR and may require corrective actions before proceeding with the issuance of the Canadian Endorsement. If
needed, Transport Canada may also request a copy of the record of training referred to in section 206 of the MPR.

5. Renewal of a Canadian Endorsement

When the Canadian Endorsement and the foreign certificate it recognizes expires, the foreign seafarer must make the arrangements with the certificate
issuing authority in order to proceed to its renewal and the AR, or the foreign seafarer, will thereafter apply for the renewal of the Canadian
Endorsement, by submitting the following documents to Transport Canada by mail or email as specified in section 3.2 above:
a) An Application for a Canadian Endorsement form completed and signed by the foreign seafarer;
b) A Declaration of the Authorized Representative form (82-0787) completed and signed by the AR of the Canadian-flagged vessel who employs
or intends to employ the seafarer (Page 1 only);
c) A copy of a valid medical certificate as described in 2.6 above;
d) A copy of the valid certificate, and if applicable the STCW endorsement, for which renewal of the Canadian Endorsement is seeking;
e) A copy of a CoP issued by Canada or a CoP, or a CoC duly endorsed, issued by a State with which Canada has entered into a reciprocal
arrangement, attesting the completion of the following training, within the five (5) years preceding the date of making the application:
(i) a STCW Basic Safety training (STCW A-VI/1) or refresher (STCW A-VI/1-1 and AVI/1-2);
(ii) a Survival Craft and Rescue Boats other than Fast Rescue Boats training or refresher (STCW A-VI/2-1); and
(iii) an Advanced firefighting training or refresher (STCW A-VI/3).
f) An unaltered passport-sized photo, taken within the last six (6) months.

6. Contact information
If you need more information about the requirements for your application, please send an email to

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