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04-03 08:15:19.

173 20891 26578 E A : at

04-03 08:15:22.383 624 718 I libPowerHal: [PE] MTKPOWER_HINT_APP_TOUCH update
cmd:3408600 param:1
04-03 08:16:19.976 640 28383 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:156772,
04-03 08:17:22.383 640 28867 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:156998,
04-03 08:17:29.383 624 718 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:157008, idx:-1
04-03 08:18:19.383 6255 29393 E _V_VPM : VivoPermissionService is null!
04-03 08:18:19.383 624 718 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:157146, idx:-1
04-03 08:18:52.383 1496 2732 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast
vivo.intent.action.data.saver.apps.removed from system
2531:com.vivo.daemonService/1000 pkg com.vivo.daemonService
04-03 08:19:26.383 624 718 I libPowerHal: [perfNotifyAppState]
foreground:com.google.android.packageinstaller, pid:31484, uid:10064
04-03 08:19:52.100 624 718 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:0 hdl:157383
hint:25 pid:624 duration:10000 => ret_hdl:157383
04-03 08:19:52.100 624 718 I libPowerHal: [PE] scn:0 hdl:157383 hint:25
comm:mtkpower@1.0-se pid:624
04-03 08:19:52.134 624 718 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:157383, idx:0
04-03 08:19:52.134 624 718 I libPowerHal: [PD] scn:0 hdl:157383 hint:25
comm:mtkpower@1.0-se pid:624
04-03 08:20:20.472 624 718 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:5 hdl:157462
hint:1159 pid:640 duration:383 => ret_hdl:157462
04-03 08:20:20.480 624 718 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:11 hdl:157466
hint:1159 pid:640 duration:383 => ret_hdl:157466
04-03 08:21:13.386 640 3830 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:157595,
04-03 08:21:13.506 640 3839 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:157598,
04-03 08:22:16.895 640 5383 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:157829,
04-03 08:22:37.383 991 1120 E android.hardware.sensors@2.0-service-mediatek:
akm_log setv_acc(720/g) -116, 483, 521 ts 246776668715
04-03 08:22:40.431 991 1120 E android.hardware.sensors@2.0-service-mediatek:
akm_log setv_acc(720/g) -37, 383, 611 ts 246779717406
04-03 08:27:01.383 449 455 E android.system.suspend@1.0-service: Error opening
kernel wakelock stats for: wakeup22: Permission denied
04-03 08:27:37.383 1148 1212 E VoLTE IMSM: Interrupt happen Interrupted system
call (4) (module/mdagent/volte_imsm_93/src/imsmmd.c:2952)
04-03 08:27:37.383 1153 1208 E VoLTE IMCB-CM: RECEIVE error code: EINTR, Need to
retry #51
04-03 08:35:16.383 27019 8178 E _V_SensorManager: registerListenerImpl type:1
strType=android.sensor.accelerometer delay:20000 maxLatency:0 by: class
num: 0
04-03 10:34:12.383 1496 1663 E WifiVendorHal:
getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_3_Internal(l.977) failed {.code =
ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED, .description = }
04-03 12:36:34.383 2499 2834 E _V_pem : catNode
error:java.io.FileNotFoundException: /sys/class/fuelsummary/age_amount: open
failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory)
04-03 12:44:12.383 594 901 E netd : QUERY_RESOLV_NETID command.uid:10254,
04-03 16:15:08.135 11329 11383 E flipped : Attach current thread 0
04-03 16:15:08.136 11329 11383 E flipped : Detach current thread 0
04-03 19:40:56.383 624 718 I libPowerHal: [perfUserScnRestoreAll]
04-03 19:40:57.383 1496 1623 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info for
04-03 19:41:09.383 1148 1212 E VoLTE IMSM: Interrupt happen Interrupted system
call (4) (module/mdagent/volte_imsm_93/src/imsmmd.c:2952)
04-03 19:41:09.383 1153 1208 E VoLTE IMCB-CM: RECEIVE error code: EINTR, Need to
retry #51
04-04 02:51:01.258 20891 20944 E ActionUploadBackgndTask: at
04-04 02:51:06.429 1496 1527 E NotiHistoryDatabase: Cannot open
04-04 02:51:06.429 1496 1527 E NotiHistoryDatabase:
/data/system_ce/0/notification_history/history/1648894343839: open failed: ENOENT
(No such file or directory)
04-04 02:51:06.430 1496 1527 E NotiHistoryDatabase: Cannot clean up file on
conversation removal 1648894343839
04-04 02:51:06.430 1496 1527 E NotiHistoryDatabase:
/data/system_ce/0/notification_history/history/1648894343839: open failed: ENOENT
(No such file or directory)
04-04 02:51:06.659 1496 1527 E NotiHistoryDatabase: Cannot open
04-04 02:51:06.659 1496 1527 E NotiHistoryDatabase:
/data/system_ce/0/notification_history/history/1648894343839: open failed: ENOENT
(No such file or directory)
04-04 02:51:06.660 1496 1527 E NotiHistoryDatabase: Cannot clean up file on
conversation removal 1648894343839
04-04 02:51:06.660 1496 1527 E NotiHistoryDatabase:
/data/system_ce/0/notification_history/history/1648894343839: open failed: ENOENT
(No such file or directory)
04-04 02:51:10.043 3826 9383 I MediaProvider: Deleted 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 items on
external due to com.whatsapp
04-04 03:03:39.383 1496 1770 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info for
04-04 03:04:58.591 1496 1623 E _V_VivoVibratorServiceImpl: VCode collect vibrator
Map={start_time=1649016289570, shock=[{intensity=255, times=500,
module=com.android.deskclock, pattern=-1}, {intensity=255, times=500,
module=com.android.deskclock, pattern=-1}, {intensity=255, times=500,
module=com.android.deskclock, pattern=-1}, {intensity=255, times=500,
module=com.android.deskclock, pattern=-1}, {intensity=255, times=500,
module=com.android.deskclock, pattern=-1}, {intensity=255, times=500,
module=com.android.deskclock, pattern=-1}, {intensity=255, times=500,
module=com.android.deskclock, pattern=-1}, {intensity=255, times=500,
module=com.android.deskclock, pattern=-1}, {intensity=255, times=500,
module=com.android.deskclock, pattern=-1}, {intensity=255, times=500,
module=com.android.deskclock, pattern=-1}], end_time=1649016298590, uuid=1e1d0b1a-
04-04 05:03:10.383 20951 20968 E _V_VPM : VivoPermissionService is null!
04-04 05:11:20.383 1148 1212 E VoLTE IMSM: Interrupt happen Interrupted system
call (4) (module/mdagent/volte_imsm_93/src/imsmmd.c:2952)
04-04 06:59:00.383 20891 20985 I chatty :
uid=10182(com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox) EventBus0 identical 1 line
04-04 06:59:00.383 20891 20985 W SearchServiceCore: Abort, client detached.
04-04 08:50:59.383 2531 2899 E _V_SensorManager: unregisterListenerImpl
listener=com.vivo.daemonService.motion.e@5b68a3sensor=NULL num: 1
04-04 16:58:46.383 2522 21514 E VivoPush.PushPackageUtils: (2522)isEnablePush
error: can not find push service.
04-04 17:06:07.492 22383 22383 E cebook.service: Not starting debugger since
process cannot load the jdwp agent.
04-04 17:06:07.726 22383 22383 E ACRA : Initializing ANR detector for process:
04-04 17:06:16.689 20891 22808 E A : at
04-04 17:06:20.548 3837 5144 E BrdcstRcvrMsgr: SvcConn: binder null, could not
send broadcast of action
04-04 17:08:38.526 1496 1526 E _V_VivoVibratorServiceImpl: onProcessDied pid:
22383,uid: 10068
04-04 17:24:21.383 20951 30526 I chatty : uid=10181(com.google.android.gms)
Binder:20951_B identical 4 lines
04-04 19:21:17.075 3837 5183 E BrdcstRcvrMsgr: SvcConn: binder null, could not
send broadcast of action
04-04 19:21:29.449 640 2383 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:158233,
04-05 01:51:04.383 2522 5962 E VivoPush.AbeProcessObserver: (2522)remove pid
error : pids is null
04-05 02:22:55.383 1013 1013 I thermal_src: big tpcb jump! previous/current = -
04-05 02:22:55.383 2499 2870 E _V_FrozenBaseImpl: supportFreezeMultiUser
04-05 02:22:55.639 5827 6135 I Finsky : [28383] nhv.accept(69): Retaining
com.google.android.extservices from pruning.
04-05 02:22:55.640 5827 6135 I Finsky : [28383] nhv.accept(69): Retaining
com.google.android.cellbroadcast from pruning.
04-05 02:22:55.640 5827 6135 I Finsky : [28383] nhv.accept(69): Retaining
com.google.android.trichromelibrary from pruning.
04-05 02:22:55.641 5827 6135 I Finsky : [28383] nhv.accept(69): Retaining
com.google.android.permission from pruning.
04-05 02:22:55.641 5827 6135 I Finsky : [28383] nhv.accept(69): Retaining
com.google.android.tethering from pruning.
04-05 02:22:55.641 5827 6135 I Finsky : [28383] nhv.accept(69): Retaining
mainline_train_primary:311520000 from pruning.
04-05 02:22:55.641 5827 6135 I Finsky : [28383] nhv.accept(69): Retaining
com.google.android.networkstack from pruning.
04-05 02:22:55.642 5827 6135 I Finsky : [28383] nhv.accept(69): Retaining
com.google.android.media from pruning.
04-05 02:22:55.642 5827 6135 I Finsky : [28383] nhv.accept(69): Retaining
com.google.android.media.swcodec from pruning.
04-05 02:22:55.642 5827 6135 I Finsky : [28383] nhv.accept(69): Retaining
com.google.android.modulemetadata from pruning.
04-05 02:22:55.642 5827 6135 I Finsky : [28383] nhv.accept(69): Retaining
com.google.android.sdkext from pruning.
04-05 02:22:55.642 5827 6135 I Finsky : [28383] nhv.accept(69): Retaining
com.google.android.mediaprovider from pruning.
04-05 02:22:55.642 5827 6135 I Finsky : [28383] nhv.accept(69): Retaining
com.google.android.captiveportallogin from pruning.
04-05 02:22:55.642 5827 6135 I Finsky : [28383] nhv.accept(69): Retaining
com.google.android.ipsec from pruning.
04-05 02:22:55.643 5827 6135 I Finsky : [28383] ohw.accept(29): Pruning stale
session for mainline_train_primary:311417000
04-05 02:22:55.677 5827 6135 W Finsky : [28383] ooh.F(5): Unexpected error
abandoning session=1741144660. exception=java.lang.SecurityException: Caller has no
access to session 1741144660
04-05 02:51:03.541 1496 1527 E NotiHistoryDatabase: Cannot open
04-05 02:51:03.541 1496 1527 E NotiHistoryDatabase:
/data/system_ce/0/notification_history/history/1648894343839: open failed: ENOENT
(No such file or directory)
04-05 02:51:03.542 1496 1527 E NotiHistoryDatabase: Cannot clean up file on
conversation removal 1648894343839
04-05 02:51:03.542 1496 1527 E NotiHistoryDatabase:
/data/system_ce/0/notification_history/history/1648894343839: open failed: ENOENT
(No such file or directory)
04-05 02:51:03.743 1496 1527 E NotiHistoryDatabase: Cannot open
04-05 02:51:03.743 1496 1527 E NotiHistoryDatabase:
/data/system_ce/0/notification_history/history/1648894343839: open failed: ENOENT
(No such file or directory)
04-05 02:51:03.743 1496 1527 E NotiHistoryDatabase: Cannot clean up file on
conversation removal 1648894343839
04-05 02:51:03.743 1496 1527 E NotiHistoryDatabase:
/data/system_ce/0/notification_history/history/1648894343839: open failed: ENOENT
(No such file or directory)
04-05 03:00:16.080 1496 1790 E _V_VivoWifiWatchdogStateMachine: Unhandled message
{ id=2383 when=0 what=135228 obj=com.android.launcher3
target=com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler } in state
04-05 03:00:16.383 5803 6141 E Log : Please call init first.
04-05 03:00:16.383 5803 6141 E Log : Please call init first.
04-05 03:00:26.383 1915 28800 E KeyguardViewMediator: resetStateLocked
04-05 03:40:59.675 3837 4579 E BrdcstRcvrMsgr: SvcConn: binder null, could not
send broadcast of action
04-05 03:41:00.277 3837 3837 D AudioManager: dispatching
04-05 03:42:08.088 15390 15451 D SharedPreferencesImpl: Time required to fsync
/data/user/0/com.google.android.gms/shared_prefs/tron_prefs.xml: [<1: 0, <2: 0, <4:
378, <8: 2383, <16: 216, <32: 40, <64: 25, <128: 25, <256: 3, <512: 2, <1024: 0,
<2048: 0, <4096: 0, <8192: 0, <16384: 0, >=16384: 0]
04-05 03:42:36.383 1496 5092 D _V_DisplayPowerControllerImpl: mSettingBrightness
= -1.0 as request 0.04096978
04-05 03:43:24.383 1496 2740 D _V_DisplayPowerControllerImpl: mSettingBrightness
= -1.0 as request 0.04096978
04-05 03:44:29.965 3837 3837 D AudioManager: dispatching
04-05 03:46:08.383 21652 21680 D _V_NightModeController: disable nightmode
04-05 03:46:08.383 21866 22083 I _V_VG_BBK_Gallery2:
VivoGalleryFolderFilterProvider query 0 cursor =
android.database.sqlite.SQLiteCursor@dbd9a64 1365
04-05 03:56:09.938 1496 1624 V _V_AlarmAlign: setLocked to kernel, type = 2, when
= 403830398, curTime = 403595590
04-05 03:57:37.761 1496 1624 V _V_AlarmAlign: setLocked to kernel, type = 2, when
= 403830398, curTime = 403683414
04-05 03:57:37.767 1496 1624 V _V_AlarmAlign: setLocked to kernel, type = 2, when
= 403830398, curTime = 403683420
04-05 03:58:06.383 1852 5996 I _V_RMS-Reclaim: Reclaiming took : 0ms
04-05 03:59:18.098 1496 1624 V _V_AlarmAlign: setLocked to kernel, type = 2, when
= 403830398, curTime = 403783750
04-05 04:00:00.000 1496 1624 V _V_AlarmAlign: setLocked to kernel, type = 2, when
= 403830398, curTime = 403825653
04-05 04:00:04.746 1496 1624 V _V_AlarmAlign: setLocked to kernel, type = 2, when
= 403984375, curTime = 403830399
04-05 04:00:04.746 1496 1624 V _V_AlarmAlign: setLocked to kernel, type = 3, when
= 403878362, curTime = 403830399
04-05 04:00:04.753 1496 1624 V _V_AlarmAlign: setLocked to kernel, type = 2, when
= 403984375, curTime = 403830406
04-05 04:00:04.753 1496 1624 V _V_AlarmAlign: setLocked to kernel, type = 3, when
= 403878362, curTime = 403830406
04-05 04:04:33.257 22618 22631 I .gms.persisten: Background concurrent copying GC
freed 18383(711KB) AllocSpace objects, 110(5720KB) LOS objects, 39% free,
9530KB/15MB, paused 370us total 148.959ms
04-05 04:04:45.383 1915 1915 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: handleBatteryUpdate
04-05 04:08:28.383 1496 2442 D _V_DisplayPowerControllerImpl: mSettingBrightness
= -1.0 as request 0.04096978

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